HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2200 ORDINANS NO* 0 JAUX ORDINXNCZ WI D110 SECTION 111 07 ORDIVAN= W. 19000 FISSOMBING THZ R&TES W S10 WARGED, ZT THE CITY OF FORT WORTO TO FZRS0V#'P' MRS AND CORPORATIONS USING ITS SAUSTITAU1 SMU, L1323 ANIZ SIMM OR PARTS 2=00 DURING VEX XZZ00 Pa., I WDS BEGINNING XAr 10 1544 A0 3=,14 ZZMMM 3a,th, ig,44; 'KAriso suck Ran Avwu= onr TO ISSIVENTIAL CONSUMERS USIMIWAMS VVRMWW= M)d THE 0.111 OF YMT W YOR Rral=TIAL AND IRRIOATIONAL PVRPOSZS; AND PROVIZINq TEE ZFFZ0- TIVE ZATZ OF TSIS ORMTKA14to BE IT ORDAIN3D Sr TRE CITY CUUNOIL 07 TKE CITY OF YORT WORTIt WAS? SECTION 1. THAT SIB ION III of Ordinance No. 1908 be and, is berobby mez4ad, and,, after beta so amendedo sball read as follows; The sabodale of eh and rentals set forth iu the preoW section aball be maintained each mouth* provided, howevero (1) that no charge or riamtocl dnritug,, the billing periods besinning MW Is, 1944 and ending September 30tho 1944, shall exceea, 'the s6verage charge or rental made for the preeeding montbs of, Deoember, January,, February and M,arch; and (2) that persons, firms and borporatious using water pmrohased from the It of Vort Worth, and, being residential con.- sumars using water Wr resideuttra aud, irrigational purposes abluall par tbo charges or rent ali set forth In the preceding section, Wt A0 charge or rental daring t billing jvriods begi v 1944 and *a4ing September "nth, 1944 WE szoeed the avoraWg , oh and rental made for the precedimg months of Welm ber, ;wineaT TeMAry bruar anA Mardh. 'Urider the tams of this ordinanze, "residential, cousamers of water for residential anzd, Irrigational yarjoses" Is meant tbose msing water in or a1 vu We promisee of a resi4enco or dwolling fort purpose of sprirklizg lwns# sbrub.- berg, flavors, gam done wad any ir,,wtber tokprovemente to the proplowty exterior to the dwelling, and does not include and shall not be applAcalle to botels, to meats conmercial establiebments# Indastries and g9artment houses haring more tban two separate spartmonts, or boardine houses having more than three room,e for oam—panoy by teal; and be it furtber provided that In case of apartments and subdivided dwallIngs for which mire than, one motor is placedo that the rodaced smaxer rate aball, apply only to the motor of the consumers wbo mod.ntains eAd waters the azterior promises of the proporty. INOTION 20 This ordinance Wall tecome effective anrA, "be in ft13. force md offoict from,