HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4400 0,`RJ)liNAK,CE QIDINANCE ACCEPTIi M, CA A PE)RTION OF C6IkP114AN AND PUBIdC 1'LACE5 IN VIE CITY OF FORT %E)fVPH, DECLARING 711E CORTPACT &TH GE':r+;RAT, CONNT­NR TION COMPANY FOq DIE CONSTRUCTION OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS FULLY AN',D F'7' RF0RI,!""D, DIRECTING THE ISSUAMCE, EXEC010n AND DMLtVXMY OF GERTTPICATES IN EVIDENCE OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED AFTER GIVING EFFECT .1'0 SU,0D1,1,,'y C E',)ITS AUTHORIZED AND ALL00D AGAINST 5097 OF SAID ASSESS- MENTS, AND DIRNCTING THE CITT SECRETARY TO ENGROSS AND ENRO11 THIS OINANCE BY COPYING THE CAPTION OF SAME IN THE MI RDNUTE ROOF OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS, AND BY FI1,TNG THE C01I.P1,7,TE ORDTNo'00 IN TDE APPROPRIATE ORDINANCE R,720rE)S OF VIE CITY. WIEREAS, the City of Fart 7,T'o0h, Texas, has heretofore entered into a contract with General Construction Cornpan-y for the making and construc- tion of certain improvements on the her dBscribed portions of streets, avenues and public places in said City, to-wit: CIMPMAN AVENUE: From t,he� e,-s�terly line of JUmnnda. Street to the uesterly line of Walter Wil3i Addition, which is 168 feet enst of the easterly line of Liberty Street, known and da si�,,nated as Unit No. 3- and, ERF,A,'3, by stuviry proceedings heretofore passed by thn City Council of the City of Fort hArth, Texas, including Ordinance No- 39"8 & 4108, a por- tion of the cost of said improvemeras was levied and assessed against the respective pi,opertles abutting an each of the above described portions of streets, avenues and pdblic places and against the real and true owners there- of; and, VIERKS, the City CaunK3 of the City of Fort Warih, Texas, has upon review, found and determined that, in some instRnces, in order to effect substantial justice and equality it is desirable and necessary to grant and. issue certain credits against some one or more of thfa assezmnents levied by Ordinince No. 4108, and, WHERJEAS, the street Improvements hereinabove mentioned have been completed upon each oC the nortions of streets, avenues and public places hereinabove described, and have been inspected and found to be in complete accordance with the contract therefor; THEMIFORE, BE IT OMMVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTE, TEXAS, TqAT- 1. The iinproverv,3nts on eaoh of the portions of streets, avenues and, public places here5nahave described be, and they are hereby accepted; and the contract with refeiance thereto be, and it is hereby, found and declared fully completed and perfonned. IS. The Mayor be, and he is hereby, directed to issue and execute in tho name of the City, certificates in evidence of the special assessments levied against abutting nroperty and the owners thereof for such improvements, mad the City Secretary is directed to attost same and hapress thereon the enrporate seal of the City, all in accordance with the proceedings relating to such improve- ments and assessments. The certificates shall be numbered, shall "escribe the property against vNich the asnessmant has been, lov:!.erl, shall, rhere knovrn, state the name or names of the tru(,'a (xrner,,,r of the _rf.rspective narcels of pro- perty assessed and shall be issued in can amount equal:. qual to the difference between the principal amount of the assessment and the mnounts of any credit issued thereon. The nuribers of the certificates, with the property description to be shown on the respective certificates, together with the names of the owners of said Pronerty, the principal anount of the assessment, the respective credits, if any, which are herehy authorized, granted and allowed against the principal amount of some one or more of the assessments heretofore levied, and the princi- pal amount for which east certificate is to be issued at giving effect to such credit, if any, are hereby enuma rated and itemized as follows: III. Wben each of the certiricrtes have been My executed as herein- above provided, swim ,ball be delivered to General Construction Company as part parnent n the contract price. IV. The City Sec-etarT is hereby directed to engross and enroll this ordinance by copying, the caption of same in the MiTuite Book of the City Council of Fort Worth, Mao, and by filing the comnlete ordinance in the appropriate Ordinance Records of the City. V. This ordinance shall take Mect And be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage. PASSED AIND &F'P'GVET) This day of APPRUED 0 Tr FOM AND TEGALITY: ao, City Attornmy ENGINEER'S FINAL ROLLS OR STAT&IMT FOR FAVlNG ON CHAI'MIJI AV2RJE: MOM,THE EASTERLY LIlM OF AMjUMA STM TO THE KESTERLY LIJU; OF r�ITLI ADDITION, AfICH IS 168 F&ET EAST OF TIES 7,PkSTLRLY Lilq OF LIB(IRTY KNOWN AND DESIMINFED AS Will NO. 3 .Apparent Apparmt Credits Cost ASSLSiXENT RAT-13 PER FRulTT KUT FUR CURB& GUTTER ------------------------------a 2.15 258.65 8,270-140 ASS23Sl,YNT R–TL YER FRONT FOOT FOR LJHOV •,MS EXCLUSIVE OF CURB & CUTTER-——---------—------------—----------------------------a 5.20 7,474.69 13,153-71 TOTAL AliOUNT A33T6SED eGAIDTST PUTTING f-ROFERTY OWNER ----------------- 29,157. 5 7,733.3& 21 P,21,11 TOTAL 2STIliAT3D AKOUNT & CITY'S PART -------------------------------- 11,576.89 TOTAL CONTR,XT COST OF Ii d-,ROVAi-LTTS ----------------------------------- 33,001.00 ENGMEERTS FINAL ROLL FAVING ASSESSMENT UAlT 110- 3 I,IDTH A FbET UNIT DESCRIPTION: CHAIVAN AV1101M FRUN TIM Ek,",TERLY LM, OF VANDA '-,TR1;,&T TO SHEET NO. I OF IIRS 'WK3PIMLY 1,11T& OF WALT.E'R ADDru COJTR-CTOH:GLM,?RAL CONSTRUTJD,j GOJir,1Hy CONTRACT D1,TE: DECEMMR 5, 1958 TYP11,' OF li" H.IW.A.C. on 7.111 FISXILIL BASE KITH 811CURB & 21 GUTTER CERT. DESCRIPTION OF PRUPERlY ASSESSMENT 114T NO. PROPERTY OWNER LOT BLOCK ADDITION FRONT IIAPHOV�,!NT3 CURB PROPFRTY FOOT EXCLUT)IVI OF ND OIAH-2s FINAL CB.&GUT.PER GUTTER 008T ADJUSIiF);TS CREDlT3 ko�OUNT FRONT FCOT PER LIN. B=,FORB OF $5.20 FT. Chc,LITS ASSESSMENT $ 2.15 $7.35 AMOUNT Au,'CUVT I Roger Tmitt, Deceased s.69T of 2 J.B. Gray 176.o 915.20 378.1,0 1,293.60 15' for R.O.W. TFA 7.35 110.25 Catherine Truitt Widow Iot 1 Addition :1.61'Yarrow Fave.5,0.79 30.59 11,0.814, 1,152.-b 2 Xa,Jor Elgin 2 & 3 2 it 168.0 873.60 361.x 1,234.80 1681 Res. (N 1.85 - 31.01-80 921-.00 3 ,Jilliam -Bible, Claimmt: 214 1 F.W. ',.urphy 1,8.0 27,9.6o 103.2o 352.80 1,.81 Res. 1.85 - 88.80 261,.00 Clinton )k. 13,.ott Addition Rober L. 7,'enefee, Claimant: 23 2 11 18.0 21,9.60 103.20 352.80 1,81 Res. A 1.8" - 88.X 261,o0 Henry F. Porter 5 Clifford D. rjrown 22 1 1,8.0 21,9.60 103.20 352.80 1488 Res. 4 1.85 - 88.80 261-co 6 Hatley pierce 21 1 11,8.0 219.60 103.20 352.80 1,81 Res. ,A 1.85 - 88.80 264.00 7 Robert Norris, Jr. 20 1 148.0 21,,9.60 103.20 352.80 1-8' Res. 1 1.85 - 88.80 266,.00 8. 1,11ton ";dung 19 1 it 148.0 2149.60 103.20 352.80 1,81 Res. a 1.85 - 88.80 261.00 ENGINEER'S FINAL ROLL PAVING ASSZ331-ENT U-41T NO. 3 t,IDTH F17M UNIT DESCRIPTION: CRAI-11AN, AVENUE SHEET iqo. 2 OF 6 CON-,:?ACTOR: CONTRACT Df,TE: TYPE OF CnRT, XSCRIFTICE OF P-1,0PEPUY ASSE6104T NO. PROPERTY OI,JVER LOT BLOCK ADDITION FRONT D'LPROVIa,,ENTS CUkB PROPERTY FOOT EXCLU5IVZ OF AD C411N LIeRs FINAL OB.&GUT.PER GUTTER COJT A1)JJS,'kF',T3 CREDITS Aii()-jNT FRONT FOOT PER L2. B 1 FORE OF $ 5.20 FT. MuZITS ASSESSY04T AMOUNT $ 2.15 $ 7.35 AnOUNT iTIiCTJEIT 9 Cas Clenuons, Deceased 18 1 F.J. Nurjhy 1,8.0 27,9.60 103.20 352-80 7,81 Res. Q 1.85 - 98.80 2611.00 RwIlrie Ad-lition 10 kollia L"As 17 1 It 1-.8.0 219.60 1C3.20 352.80 8' Res- 1.85 - 88.80 261,00 11 Lillie Mae DagrgLett 16 1 11 1,8.0 27,9.60 103.20 35P.80 1481 Res. iR 1.85 - 88.W 261,00 12 11arlie B. Bax..s 11, F,,, 15 1 if 96.0 1x99.20 206.w 705-60 96, Res. ,o 1.85 - 177-60 528.00 133 Golden Davis 13 1 1,8.o 21,9.60 103-20 352.80 1,$' Res. 4 1.85 - 88.80 261..00 14 Farrar Lumber Co.-.Claimant: 36 2 48.0 21..9.60 103.20 352.80 G81 Res. @ 1,85 9 86.80 261;x0 Cobert martin 15 Essie D. Blackmon 35 2 1 1k8.0 21,9.60 103.20 352.80 481 Res. @ 1.85 - 88.8D 261-00 16 Farrar Lumber Co: Claimant- 3!i 2 11 1,8.0 2$9.60 103.20 352.80 4Sf Res. 27 1.85 - 88.80 264.00 Cobert 1r,-,Lrtin 17 Tatie 1'iae Edvards 33 2 it 1,8.0 21,9.60 103.20 352.80 1,81 Res. a 1-85 - 88.80 26100 ENGINEERis FINAL ROLL FAVING ASSZSSILENT UAIT NO. 3 h IDTH F,,BT UNIT M3MIPMUN: CHAIVAN AVENUE NUE SHEET 110. 3 OF 6 CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT D1,TE: TYPE OF B1"RCV",-f"75: CERT. Dj,',I.CltIPTION OF PROPERTY A,35E3'SfU,1T NO. PROPERTY 014NER LOT LT,OCK AUDITION FRO19T IMPROVa'!LN IS CUi1i PROPEIRTY FOOT EXCLUSIVE OF ND (AIMERS FRTAL CB.&GUT.PLR GUTTER G 0U T /DJJ i',,Fi TS CREMT3 kiiu-'Tt,T FRONT FOOT PER LIN. B,FORE OF 5.20 FT. ChEDITS ASSESSEENT AkOUJT $ 2.25 $ 7.35 la,,OUNT ki40UMT I$ Albert Locke 32 2 F.W. Murphy L8.0 21,9.60 103.20 352.80 1,81 Res- "D 1.85 - 88.80 261,.00 Addition 19 E my Gentry 31 2 b8.0 21,9.60 103.20 352.80 1,81 Res. , 1.85 - 88.80 264.00 20 Ft. 46rth-Arlin6ton 29 Nye 30 2 96.0 1{99.210 206.1,0 705-60 961 Res. h 1.85 - 177.60 528.00 Investment Croup, Inc. 21 Kermie Reed 28 2 1181.0 26,9.60 103.20 352.80 f,81 Res. 1.85 - 88.90 266.00 22 Ralmadge Ross 27 2 118.0 21,9.60 103.20 352.80 1,8' 1 s. 1.85 88.80 261,.00 23 Milton 'Walton 26 2 1,8.0 21,9.60 103-20 352.80 Of Res. tj 1-85 88.80 26�,.00 21i John Murphy 25 2 1,8.0 2),9.60 103-20 352.80 1,81 Res. II 1.85 88.80 261-00 25 Steve iowell 21, 2 k8.0 2b9.60 107,20 352.80 1+8f Res. 1.85 88.80 26t.00 26 Thomas Stein, Jr. 23 2 n 48.0 249.60 103.20 352.80 1,81 Res. 1.85 88.80 261,.00 FNGIWEER15 FINAL ROLL FAVING ASSESSUENT MIT NO. 3 �%IDTH FIST UNIT DE3CRIPTlON: CHAPluol A1S1C6 m SHEET 190.14 OF 6 CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT DATE: TYPE OF P'iPRO`ZE,-01TS: CzRT. Df--.MIPTI(,iV OF PROPERTY ASSESMS E1dT NO. PROPERTY OPn ER LOT BLOCK ADDI'T'ION FRONT If4PROVB TENTS CU`tiB PROPERTY FOOT EXCLCSSIV' OF :ND O°rv1'VFILS FJ3ML CB.&GUT.PER GUTTER COST ADJUS'TL)l..STS CREDITS AhiO N'T FRONT FOOT PER LIN. B YORE OF $ 5.20 FT. CfuDITS ASSESSkENT ANUOUNT $ 2.15 $ 7.35 A140UNT Al!CUNIT 27 Ben Kard 21& 22 2 F.W. ILurphy 96.0 1,99.20 2D6.w 705.60 96, Res. 1.85 - 177.60 528.6:' Addition 28 George W. Harris 20 2 " 48.0 249. 103.20 352.80 1a8' Res. 1.85 - 88.80 261,.0o 29 Ida flee Anderson 19 2 It 11.8.0 21,9.60 .6.03.20 352.60 l,R' Res. s 1.85 - 88.80 261x..00 30 fSlla ,"uae WinaLon: Claimant: 22 & 23 - W.H. 14Y nn 168.0 873.60 361.20 1,23!e.80 1.0.3 t Narrow Lot -D7.35 296.21 Lee E. Newton Addition 127.7 Res, mf 1.85 236.21, 532.45 702.35 11 Hayfield Baptist Church 114-R 2 Jvios fayfield Addition 165.0 858.00 351.75 1,212.75 651 !Side lot # 7.35 1477.75 1001 Iles. !1 1.85 11885.00- b62.75 550.00 32 Mayfield Baptist Church 12-R 2 it 50.0 260.00 107.50 367.50 561 Res. 3 1.85 92.50 275.00 33 Effie Mayfield 11 2 " 50.0 26oxo 107.50 367.50 59? Res. 2 1.85 -92=x50 P75-00 34 Bert Wear, Deceased 9 & 10 2 100.0 520.00 215.00 735.00 1001 Res. -„Ya 1.85 185.00 550.00 Lela, 'Widow ENGINEER'S FINAL ROLL FAVING ASSESSIENT U41T NO. 3 tk IDTH FiZp UNIT DESCRIPTION: CHMINAN AVENUE SHEET NO. 5 OF 6 CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT DATE: TYPE OF I%PRCV�,L1.0,jTS: CURT. D''CRlt"PIOid Cr PROPERTY ASSESSL ENT NO. PROPERTY OWNER LOT BLOCK ADDITION FRONT 11,PHOVFI-iDNTS CURB PRCp 11HTY FOOT EXCLUSIVE OF AND 0 AqERS FINAL CB.&GUT.FER GUTTER COST ADJU_'­'�IE';TS CREDITS A1110UNT FRONT FOOT PER LIN. B YORE or $5.20 FT. CFJIDITS ASSESSMENT Al'i.01UNT $ 2.15 s 7.35 Pd,OUNT A_GLINT 35 Mamie Henderson 8 2 James Mayfield Addition 50.0 260.00 107.50 367.50 501 Res. 1), 1.85 i4 92.50 275-00 36 Alexander tynn 7 2 50-0 260.00 107-50 367.50 50t Res 1.85 - 92-50 275-00 37 11,1rs. Bishchp Ward 5 & 6 2 100.0 520-00 215-00 735-00 100' Res. 0 1.85 - 185-00 550-00 38 Narion H. 4,02s !1 2 50-0 260.00 107-50 367.50 501 Res. , 1.85 - 92-50 275.00 39 Novella Batie 2 & 3 2 100.0 520-00 215-00 735.00 100'Res. 9 1.85 - 185-00 550-00 1,0 jklbort Z11ison 1 2 50.0 2,60.0o 107-50 367.50 50t Res. P 1.85 - 92.50 275.00 41 Artes Ydtchell 25 1 50.0 260.00 107.50 367.50 501 Res- 1.85- 92.50 275-00 112 Lige Ellison 23 & 24 1 100.0 520.00 215.00 735-00 1001 Res. 9 1.85 - 185-00 550.00 16 J,,umes hayfield: Claimant: 22 1 50.0 260.00 107-50 367-50 50t Res- , 1.85 - 92-50 275-00 Lige Ellison igJGINEERIS FINAL ROLL FAVlNG ASSZ3,31'9NT MIT vo. 3 IkIDTH ,E UNIT DL3CqIPT1CN: CHAMIAN AVENUE SHEET N0. 6 OF 6 CONTRACTOR: CONTRACT M,TE: TYPE OF' PiPROIT7, CERT. DF,��,RIPTIGNT OF FROPERlY NO. PROPERTY 01%FNER LOT BLOCK ADDITION FRONT III-1phova"U'ITS CURB PROPF.'PTY FOOT EXCLU,3317T� OF AND VIIIIERS FINAL GB.&GUT.PER GUTTER COST ADJUS,iif,,`;TS CREDITS kiO14T FRONT FOOT PER UK. B;FORL Ow $ 5.20 FT. Chu^DITS ASSESSHHNT ANUUNT $ 2.15 $ 7.35 LP.CUAT ArXIUNIT It 1. Tarry Dennis 21 1 James Mayfield Addition 50.0 26c.00 107-50 367.50 50v Res. 1.85 92.50 275-00 45 Alfred Huard, Deceased 20 1 11 50.0 260.00 107-50 367-50 501 Res. 1.85 92-50 275-00 Utallia Heard, Arldow 1.6 James Y'Nidison 19 1 50-C 260.00 107.50 367.50 501 Res. iF 1.85 92.50 275-00 17 Alford P,arly 18 1 50.0 260.00 107.50 367-50 501 Ties. 4 1.85 92-50 275-00 1,8 S. Brent 9 thru 1 1.50-0 2,31.x0.00 967.50 3,307-50 1501 Res. ti 1.85 832.50 2,1•75.00 y/ 49 Ft. Borth independent 1 thru 1 1.00.00 2,080.00 860.00 2,91,0.CO &OOt Res. a 1.8$ 71,0.00 2,200.00 School District 8 Totals 3,967.0 20,628.40 8,529-05 29,157.15 7,733.34 21,1,24.11