HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4500 UFFICIAL RECORD ORDINA1,ME NO. CITY SECRETARY AN 01',W.-[1.,,fANCE APPROVIN(i A.1'4D A1.')0PTI1.,,1G, ES111I3,,1A711,,,S OF rl. WORP T OF 11.11,IPF",()IVLIIMII"Il�,T'S AIM OF 2',1v4Jb'N?,r3 T(D r3E ASSESSED FOR IMPROMMINTS M A MATIM OF I" E. 37TH STMXT AND POI�I`ICU�S (A'? SUN[)!�' STREE'TS Al,M YLACES IN THE CITY 01? FORT WO',.Z'111, TEXAS, FIXI1.4(-, kND PL AWE I"0(:' TMAIZIUG TO 7111E OV'fl,41.'RS QE' ABUMING PR(DPERIY ANY) TO ALL OMT,',RS INTERESTED, DI1U,,✓CT11,,"fG T.UE CIM SECRETZkRY TO GIVE NOTICE', OF SUCH HE2UU.14(3, 7 D1T,,U.,,CTJ[1,TG THE' CITY SECRETARY TO ENG1',CS,'3 7110 11NFIOLL 1111,11S ORDINANCE BY COPYIM3 TME CAPTIM4 OF SME T.Dr THE D,11NUIIIE BOAK GL'4' THE (.,"1'1Y COUNCL(, A11D BY FILING TELE, COMPLE'VE IN TI-113 APPI"aOPRIAT1"' (Xt'"'DIL'I"ANCE R'EICORDS OP THIS CIU"Y. WHEREAS, the City Clz)uncr l. of the City of Fort Wox'th, Tmms, has heretafowe ordered that each of the hereinafter des- cribed portions of streets and laaces, save and except the portion Of HOrne Street hereineftie.r descxibed, in- the City of Fort Worth, Texas, be improved by zaising, gradin(j amr."J. filling samir,-."n and by constructing thiexeon as 6 inch Hot fMix AsF4ia,ltic Concrete Pavement laid on an 1,.arepare�l s-ubbase With cod-.)ir10d concrete curbs and gutters an proper gradf.., and line where same axe not so constructed, and the portion of Horne street herein- after desc:rLbe�l shall, be imj,'aroved by raising, g.rading and ft,Lling and by e:-onstructing thcareon an 6 il"'Ch criasher, run limestone base, ct'..)urse with a 2 inch asphalt binder m.>urse with, an 1�': inch fIot mix Asphaltic Concrete surEace witli coml)ined c,,oncrete curbs and gutters on proper grade and line where same aare not alz,ear.ly so constructed. All of the foregoing improvements are to be constructed together with storm sewers and drains and oth(ar neicessa'ry ijacidentals and appurtenarices, as and Mere shown on tj,ie Plans and in strict acco,rdanc,,e with the Plans and Specifiecations therefo'r; and con trae..,t therefor has Imen made and entered into with Texas Bi tart ithic Company; and, MILT,( AS, thc City of the City of F'02z"t Worth, Texas, has caused, trine Public Works dirvctor to pref,;�are and f-ile estimates of the cost of such improvements aad. estinvites of the amounts per front foot, proposec"I to be assessed. against. abutting property and the owners thereof, and suah estbmtes have been exaan:Lned, NOW, 1131.3 IT 0.00,ATNED 11Yr 121113, CJ d.' COULICIL OF THE C11112, of FoRa, wonm, J.'11AT: Section 1. Sudi estimates be and tf a.pr aze,,, hereby, a(Jopted and, approved. Section 2. it is hereby found and determir[ed that the cost of iinp.i:ov--miunts an each pu:rt.ion (xf street and place herei-nafter des- cribed, with Une amount ar zuno�xats per fa'.)ct p"(.-0:'K ERV ISECRETARY Ff. VIORTH, M assessed for Such imP-X'OVEMtCQI"ts ag d_nst alnattinq propert,.y and tile awimrs thereof, az:e as fojj()ej�3, to at, on N. E. 371E STREEM '70M the west. line of E)e sautur Avenue to the west line of Te,u�.ry Stii:ee�t, 1Lncwr� and, designated, as Unit 1,40. 8: the estWatedi rcwst of tj,E� im�p:>rovernc Ilt s is $ 77702,; the estimated amount per front foot -to be assessed against abuttilig proi,>erty aiicid the p'nnter4i therecaf for cuirb and gutter is tare a�stjsnato.d amoa .,knt por fa,,Djj,t fo,,­)j: t,,) j),an assessed against dbUting property and the cxnwin thereof for inirn.ovements e�e,!clusive of curb and guUzer fs total estimated muount per front Hot to be a,�,,�Sessed against zi!DuLting property and the owners is S ['REBT: frmn Me w0st Unc! of `,41eville Stzeet to the west line of [,jsL.n:ick s,treel:, '3,;ncrvvn, and desigriz-0;ed, as Urd t NO- 9. estbnated cost of the immmmmnts is 175 as- 'the estimated amctuiit per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and tl :Arners tlnereof for curb &�,,Ad, qi1tter is the estimated amount per KIM MO to be amsessed against abutting property and We owners thereof for irq,>rovernents exclus,ive o± acjcj, , iS t(,)t�,J. stJ ated �,I t t e 27 e m amount pier ±ront foot to be assessed i-k,, jainst property anU the ounmrs thereof is jjjTI ___ ­. 01') STEMM Man the SOUM Mrs; of Sunslane Street t to the SO= linv of Fitzhugh Streut, frrv1 reran &nd, desiqruatr,.-.,d as Unit Mcn. 11 - i-he ostim,,,,cted e:.ost c,,)f the imprc�ven c.rrt.s ,Ls $ P the estimated amount per front foot to b: ,IBsessed against abutting property and thcj, owners dic,,.mreaf for curb and gutter is `r A 741P , = esthmted waount per front fout to be assesi,.,,,,,?d aq_a il­ihng prqpmty and Me owners thereof for im�provements exclusive of curb awl gutter is 'total, estimated amomit per irunt foot to be asse ,,sec�l against abutting property and Uxe owners th&r.ecf. is $ On t". TKICKY"''R, S'Pi'EE,9,: from t'he." west line DE Illincis 2%venue t-.) the west lino of Tennessee Ave., known and designated, as 1wit No. 12: the osti mat ed ci(rst ca t` tiae iinprovements is the est_imated aniount �,�er f.ront foot to be asse.,;,,sed. ........... Yp­- -_ -1 against abutting property and ths miners thereof curb, and gutter is the estintated ainourO.. per, front-_ fc":)t to be assossod against abutting prcperty and the owners thezeof Mr, improvu,,ments exclusive of cut) and gutter is total. estbated amount p�.,�er fra�nit icxjt t.o be assessed agai.nst abuLting propc,rty and, tho axwnu�.'s thereof is $., _ _�n s��g ("Al frum the east line of Stalcup Roan l to the west line of Farrell Lane, known, and designate(,I as Unit no. 13: the estimated, cost of Uic improvements is $113s7­07 the estimated aino-ant 1,,)c�r freant foot t(.,) h. e assessed aga.inst abutting property and for cnar].,a arid gutter is $._h.Y!571__ the estimated amount per frorO Eoot to be asseSSE d aga.irist abutting *1,;c,raperty and the awners th(,�rei,,)f Eor improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is "jQYj__j total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed. against al)utting pr,.,operty and Ure cnPners thexxxk it, 2 STIPUTET: fran the noray lim! Of F"MMOex Mve to the rwrUl 1j,11c d-)f .tjjs, C,]cR. Stove Foundry 'Roa,d (W. YJ.cR.ery) , knomi and desig naafi:.reed a�� UriJ,t M. 14: the estimated cost of the improvenents is S R9 SM *19 ; the estimated mnount per front foot to be assessed agailst abutting Property and, the ai�,niers,, tlf reof lor (,ujfi,-> and qL,-itte.r is lqa A 7e'>_ ......._s the estimal:ed anocnat per fr-unt foot to be assessied ag�!T�s . - utting property rind the runer's thereof FOr i.mP!-'.0VMwnts ex,clusive of cuib and gutter is $ 4 total erCrt:ins atad amount per Eriunt foot to be assessaci against abutting property and the mmars thm• of A SECTION 3. A bearing be given an ii] held by and befc�re the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, to all owning or claiming any property ainatting upon the hereinabove descrih)eci portions of streets and places, as well. as to all. owning or claiming any interost in any such prr."perty. S%u.:h licaring sha] ), be given and held on the /If_ __ day of Awyawyeor 1961, at o'clock, ,I, M., in the ii-,.'hamber in the City Hall In the City of Fort Worth, THxas, and -the (:.'ity Seczetary is hereby directed to give notice of tbe, and place of such hearing and of other matters and facts in accordance with the terms and provisions of an Act Exassed at', the asirst Called Session of the Partieth Legislature of the State of Texas, arlid luiown as Chaj.,kter 1(3 of the Picts of said Session, now being shoon as Article 1105b of Vernon's Texas CivJ.1. Statutes. Such notice shal-I be by advertisement inserted at least three times in a nmwspaper pUllshad in the city of Fcrt, C,Iorth, Irexas, 'the fir'st publication to be�: rna(Je at least te),"a days the date of saRl lvearbG. Said Iotar , shaa.d l caiiq-,dly with anid be in accordance 'with the terms and provisions of said. lo:t. The City Secretary is furt-he • directed to giv( personal noL.J..ce of tilne and plac(a of said hearing to all olaning or ciaimin,g any propc.n:ty abut-ting an said ImAdons of streets and places, as wc-.,�11 as to, all Owning or clahning any interest in any sucli prolierty'. such personal, notice skaall �be given by the City Seizretary mai.ling said notice, postage prepaid, to the respective owners of rcc.,ord, of the pcoperties to be assessed, and to any person owning or, claiming any interest in any such property, to the last Icnawn address off said cwner o-r .t,,peysons. it shall not be necessary 1.or the City Secretary to mail said notice to any owner or other -erso claiRdrTIq zin iriterest. in the to Ike assessed wherl the a6lress of such cnnier other yoerson is anhricwn to the City Secretaxy and camwt be datermined by the City Secretary after reasonable investigation. In this connectix.,,ai, the City Secretary shall prepare and file with these proceedingn a list of thie ,operties to be assessed, trine names of those persons owning ot claiming any intei,.est in said properties tc) vih,osii the not J.,ce was mailed, together Mth the din:. t. 'known aaJdress of the r-espective owners and those jursons owning or <:IaJs4d.ng &ny i:ntcrest in Said pwoperty. The City Secretary shall certify that each of tile parties named in said list whose address was knowi to him, was mailed as copq of the notice of hearing and, shall further certJA.y the date or dater-; on which said notice w�,,is mailed. at (-,L�)py c')f the notice shall be attached to StJC�Ej Certril icate. The certif- icate of the City Secretary shall M (�!cncluzive evidence of the 3 fac-ts therein recited. FaijljXe C)f the City Secretary to give notice of Iiearirig ],,Py mail. as herein provideAl for, or faijure of the owners ar of-,her L'�>ersons irLtex-ested t.'o receive, said, ncti .^e, shall in ncnvise imralidate said I)earing or any asses sments levied pursuant to said hearing, tnxt notice of hearing shzill- be sufficient-, %Falid arid biriding upon all OWrrrjAjg or c'.Jaiming such abuttinq prop- erty or ztny j,!atercs�.�. therein wlien same shall ha,ve been given -by newspaper advertiswu-nit as fix'st 1-iiereiriabove Provided, sec,tion 4- The City Sec.zetaxy is her(aby directe(:1 to engross and enrall. tbis ordinance by copying the caq.rtion oi.' same in the Minute Boole, of the Citly Council land by filing the compl( to lot rIinar.ice in the appropriate or�iinance I'(2(.'O,I:'dS of this City. secLi�nl 5. 13.1his ordinance slia-1-1, talke effe<2t and be in full, force arild effect from and after tlie ci�tte lof its, passage. APPROVEI.) AS TO 170IRM AND LEGAIXOY- glil:5 ,All, -toril,icy. 1-Y At" 4 CITY OF FORT WORT' for 10 TEXAS esw a crtY r.XAGIM 1w Mw MO A st 4, 1261 Ax warsb I* Wyor and 116im ers of tho C I ty C*nc I I firs i AssessMnt Pav I ng on Clay of fart Worth Various Streets at 14 Locat i ons (AP40-23) Project 24m-1l - .,. Islas ,�Ifwsr l�1wrt irnd wheat i N�ealn t 0o As st 3, MG. a contract sae emrda4 for the paving at 14 1 acat i ms. "w acatrwtar M&A carp iats d the essesswrsnt cr x* 'on 12 of the 14 l ocst l eas said r+sgw*Jfs "ot a date bre set for the baric f It hear Ing, Un It 1 T Rsce Street sod Un1 t 2 - lboolker 7 Stmt require addi t I one 1 r I ght-rt-wrlr srnd st" I of and tr1 I I be swo I"ad at a 1 iter dote. 1 t 1 s reccmeadsd tlsrt tlwbrl following ordinances bre sdvptod In "0 segaetwe i n+dlcatedt 1. Ordl nonce emandl ng Ordinance No. 4310 and Ordi nsnco No. 4340 correcting tto descriptions prow4 ous lY lli,ioa for the pavlog of Shiloh $trach.' No change in the limits of the project Is 1 Fr"01 ved. 2. Orth Mao- spprrv►i n g and ~Ing estimates of coot of Impro e- mants and maw"s to be assessed os sire Of the the lve lecertl+ees errd se"Ing August 25, 1361, as the date for the l►~Irq. 3. Ore l nsocs approving and asww oppt l rq estimates of cost 6# Improve- menta mprove- ments iwatl amounts to bre assessed on the rests i ni ng six locations and "t-flag Septen"r 1, 1961, as tlia dete for the hoortnq. • 01 t,y, r eFFI I L RECORD CITY SECRETARY •..' C� `.r� � ."��,`-, `� �- ''"mac' �-./---� f ' N O T I C E TO ALL OWNING OR CLAIMING ANY PROPERTY ABUTTING UPON THE HEREIN- AFTER DESCRIBED PORTION OF N. E. 37TH STREET AND PORTIONS OF SUNDRY OTHER STREETS AND PLACES IN THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS, AND TO ALL OWNING OR CLAIMING ANY INTEREST IN ANY SUCH PROPERTY: The City Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, has heretofore ordered that each of the hereinafter described portions of streets and places, save and except the portion of Horne Street hereinafter described, in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, be improved by raising, grading and filling same and by constructing thereon a 6 inch Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Pavement laid on a prepared subbase with combined concrete curbs and gutters on proper grade and line where same are not already so constructed, and the portion of Horne Street hereinafter described shall be improved by raising, grading and filling same and by constructing thereon an 8 inch crusher run limestone base course with a 2 inch Asphalt Binder Course with a 1"2 inch Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Surface, with combined concrete curbs and gutters on proper grade and line-.here same are not already so constructed. All of the foregoing improvements are to be constructed together with storm sewers and drains and other necessary incidentals and appurtenances, as and where shown on the Plans and in strict accordance with the Plans and Specifications therefor; and contract therefor has been made and entered into with Texas Bitulithic Company. The portions of streets and places so to be improved, together with the estimated cost of the improvements for each such portion, and the amount per front foot proposed to be assessed against the abutting property and the owners thereof on each such portion of street and place, are as follows, to wit: On N. E. 37TH STREET: from the west line of Decatur Avenue to the west line of Terry Street, known and designated as Unit No. o: the estimated cost of the improvements is $ ,ZZ�0 ]?7 00 ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for curb and gutter is $ /. 70 ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is $ y,'.72 ; total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof is $ On CURZON STREET: from the west line of Neville Street to the west line of Merrick Street, known and designated as Unit No. 9: the estimated cost of the improvements is $ Z f 9d Zs` ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for curb and gutter is $ /.70 ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for improvements e.:clusive of curb and gutter is $ 5. 79 ; total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof is $ 7•f9 OFFICIAL RECORD My SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TEX. On LA14GSTON S'i"LET: £x the south line of Sunshine Street to the south line of Fitzhugh Street, :mown and designated as Unit !do. 11: the esti,.Latedof the ir,rovements is the estimated .x.vunt per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for curb and gutter is $ /. 70 ; th_ estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against a3utting property and the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is $ f/pZ ; total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof is On E. TUCP.ER STREET: from the west line of Illinois Avenue to the west line of Tennessee Ave., }mown and designated as Unit i1o. 12: the estimated cost of the improvements is $ p a9-ZO the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and tli��: owners thereof for curl, and gutter is $ /,7D ; the estimated i-,,,_)unt per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is $ x:70 ; total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof is $ On BONG DRIVE: from the east line of Stalcup Road to the west line of Farrell Lane, known and designated as Unit No. 13: the estimated cost of the improvements is 3s'7 O 9 the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for curb and gutter is $ .1,7t9 ; the estimated amount -.j2-r front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is r 11,7z_ ; total estimated amount per front foot to be asses^ed against abutting prop_:: _ and the owners thereof is $ 6, /0 On H; U. E STREET: from the north line of Fernander Drive to the north line of the Old Stove Foundry -,cad (':;. Vickery) , known and designated as Unit ;1cs. '.K: the estimated cost of the improvements is $ 2,S77. 1�0; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for curb and gutter is $ 1. 7t9 ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is Y /P. 7/ total estimated amount per front foot to ;e assessed against abutting property and the owner 's thereof is $ e %Y A hearing will be given and held by and before the City Council of the City of Fort Wi th, Texas, on the / sr day of SEPlEyBEiP 1961, at 9: 00 o'clock, 4 . M., in the Council Chamber in the City Hall i_, the City of Fort north, Texas, to all owning or claiming any property abutting upon said portions of streets and . '_aces, and to all owning or claiming any interest in any such property. At said time and .lace, all owning or claiming any such <::utting property or any interest therein shall be and a )ear and will be fully heard concerning said improvements, the cost tl-:ereof, the amounts to be assessed therefor, the benefits to the respective parcels of abutting property by means of the improvements on said portions of streets and places upon which tie pr_,,� erty abuts i=aid concerning the regularity, validity anc sufficic_ricy of the contract for, and all proceedings relating to such im_•rovements and proposed assessments - 2 - therefor, and conce :king --ny matter as to wh:;.ch they are entitled to hearing under the law in force in the City of Fort Worth, Tcxa�:, and under which these proceedings are taken and had and under the proceedings of the City with reference to said matters. Follm,iing suc , heari,.g, assessments will be levied against abutting operties and th. owners thereof and such assessments, when 1' ',ied, shall be a persona: liability of the owners of such property and a first and prior lien u;;: >n t..e property as provided by the law under which these proceedings are ta;;en and had, being the Act passed at the First Called Session of the Fortieth Legislature of the State of Texas, known as Chapter 106 of the Acts of said Session, now shown as Article 11O5b of Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, which Act has been adopted as an amendment to and made a part of the Charter Of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. :,, e improvements on each said portion of street and place constitutes an entirely separate and distinct unit of improvement, all to the same extent as if entirely separate and distinct proceedings had been taken and had with reference to the improve- ments and assessments therefor in connection with the improvements on each such portion of street and place, and the assessments against the property abutting upon any one unit shall be and are in nowise affected by any fact or circumstance relating to or connected with the improvements in any of the other units. Of all said matters and things, all owning or claiming any such property or any interest therein, as well as all others _1 an­_ ,ise interested or affected, will take notice. DONE BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS, This day of , 1961. City Secretary, City of Fort Worth, Texas. APPROVED AS TO FOPM AND LEGALITY: City Attorney. 3 -