HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016/09/20-Agenda-AllianceAirport Authority (AAA) ALLIANCEAIRPORT AUTHORITY,INC.
Tuesday, September 20,2016
Immediately Following the Fort Worth Local Development Corporation
Meeting Scheduled to begin at 2:00 P.M.
Pre-Council Chamber, Second Floor,City Hall
1000 Throckmorton Street,Fort Worth,Texas 76102
Board of Directors
Jungus Jordan,President Kelly Allen Gray,Director Dennis Shingleton,Director
Salvador Espino,Vice President Gyna M.Bivens,Director Cary Moon,Director
Ann Zadeh, Director Betsy Price,Director Zim Zimmerman,Director
I. Call to Order—Jungus Jordan,President
IL Approve of May 3,2016 Meeting Minutes—Jungus Jordan,President
III. Action Item
A. Discussion and Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing Execution of an Agreement with Weaver and
Tidwell,LLP for the 2016 Outside Audit of the AllianceAirport Authority, Inc.'s Financial Accounts. —
Robert Sturns,Economic Development Director
B. Adopt Resolution Authorizing the Transfer of $400,000.00 of Excess Funds to the City's Capital
Maintenance Fund of the Alliance Fort Worth Facility—Jesus Chapa,Assistant City Manager
IV. Executive Session—The Board of Directors of AllianceAirport Authority,Inc.will conduct a closed meeting to:
A. Seek the advice of its attorneys concerning legal issues related to any current agenda item,which are
exempt from public disclosure under Article X, Section 9 of the Texas State Bar Rules,as authorized by
section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code;
B. Discuss the purchase, sale,lease or value of real property,as authorized by Section 551.072 of the Texas
Government Code. Deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the
Corporation in negotiations with a third party; and
C. Discuss or deliberate negotiations relating to any economic development negotiations,as authorized by
Section 551.087 of the Texas Government Code.
V. Request for Future Agenda Items—Jungus Jordan,President
VI. Adjourn—Jungus Jordan,President
The Pre-Council Chamber is wheelchair accessible.Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations,
auxiliary aids,or services such as interpreters,readers,or large print are requested to contact the City's ADA Coordinator at(817)392-8552 or
email ADA@FortWorthTexas.gov at least 48 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive
notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting,the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations.
MAY 3,2016
President Jungus Jordan
Director W.B. "Zim"Zimmerman
Director Gyna Bivens (Arrived at 2:47 p.m.)
Director Dennis Shingleton
Director Kelly Allen Gray
Director Ann Zadeh
Vice President Salvador Espino
Director Betsy Price
Director Cary Moon
City Staff:
Peter Vaky, Deputy City Attorney
Jay Chapa,Assistant City Manager
Mary Kayser, City Secretary
L Call to Order
With a quorum of the directors present, President Jordan called the meeting to order for the
Board of Directors of the AllianceAirport Authority, Inc., at 2:46 p.m. on Tuesday,
May 3, 2016, in the Pre-Council Chamber of the Fort Worth Municipal Building, 1000
Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas.
IL Approve Minutes of August 18,2015, Meeting
Motion was made by Director Shingleton and seconded by Director Zadeh to approve the
minutes of the August 18, 2015, AllianceAirport Authority, Inc., meeting. Motion carried
unanimously 5 ayes to 0 nays,with Directors Espino, Price, Moon and Bivens absent.
III. Adopt Resolution Authorizing Execution of Documents Relating to Assignment of
Oil and Gas Lease from Quicksilver Resources,Inc. to B1ueStone Natural Resources
Mr. Peter Vaky, Deputy City Attorney, provided information on this resolution and requested the
Board adopt the resolution approving the transfer.
MAY 3,2016
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Motion was made by Director Shingleton and seconded by Director Zimmerman to approve
Resolution No. AAA-2016-01, Authorizing Execution of Documents Relating to Assignment of
Oil and Gas Lease from Quicksilver Resources, Inc. to B1ueStone Natural Resources II, LLC.
Motion carried unanimously 6 ayes to 0 nays,with Directors Espino, Price and Moon absent.
IV. Executive Session
President Jordan stated that had been advised that an Executive Session was not necessary on the
following items:
A. Seek the advice of its attorneys concerning legal issues related to any current agenda
item, which are exempt from public disclosure under Article X, Section 9 of the Texas
State Bar Rules, as authorized by Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code;
B. Discuss the purchase, sale, lease or value of real property, as authorized by Section
551.072 of the Texas Government Code. Deliberation in an open meeting would have a
detrimental effect on the position of the Corporation in negotiations with a third party;
C. Discuss or deliberate negotiations relating to any economic development negotiations, as
authorized by Section 551.087 of the Texas Government Code.
V. Adiourn
With no further business before the Corporation Board, President Jordan adjourned the meeting
of the AllianceAirport Authority, Inc., at 2:49 p.m. on Tuesday,May 3, 2016.
These minutes approved by the AllianceAirport Authority, Inc., on the
day of 2016.
MAY 3,2016
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Jungus Jordan, President
Minutes Prepared by and Attest:
Mary J. Kayser, TRMC/MMC
Secretary to the Corporation Board
Authorizing Execution of Agreement with Weaver and Tidwell, LLP for Independent Auditing Services
Related to the Corporation's Financial Accounts at a Cost Not to Exceed$12,000.00
WHEREAS, AllianceAirport Authority, Inc. (the "Corporation") is an industrial
development corporation created in 1989 to benefit the City of Fort Worth ("City"), to promote and
develop new and expanded business enterprises in the City, to promote and encourage employment,
and otherwise to benefit the public welfare in accordance with the Development Corporation Act of
1979,as amended; and
WHEREAS, the Corporation and its assets are deemed to be component units of the City; and
WHEREAS, The Corporation and the City wish for an independent auditor to audit the
Corporations' financial accounts;
WHEREAS, members of the Board of Directors wish to allow for the expenditure of up to
$12,000.00 to pay for outside audit of the Corporation's financial accounts by Weaver& Tidwell, LLP
or an affiliate and authorize the execution of any related agreements.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Corporation's Board of Directors that:
1. The Board of Directors hereby authorizes President of the Corporation to execute on behalf
of the Corporation an agreement with Weaver and Tidwell, LLP for independent auditing
services related to the Corporation's financial accounts and any related agreements or other
contracts necessary to secure such outside auditing services, all at a cost not to exceed
$12,000.00; and
2. The Corporation's Secretary is authorized and directed to certify adoption of this
Adopted this 20t' day of September 2016.
Ronald P. Gonzales, Corporate Secretary
Authorizing the Transfer of$400,000.00 in Excess Funds
to the City of Fort Worth for Capital Maintenance and Improvement Costs at
the Alliance Fort Worth Maintenance Facility
WHEREAS, AllianceAirport Authority, Inc. (the "Corporation") is an industrial
development corporation created in 1989 to benefit the City of Fort Worth (the "City") and to,
among other things, issue bonds to promote and develop new and expanded business enterprises
in the City, to promote and encourage employment, and otherwise to benefit the public welfare
in accordance with the Development Corporation Act of 1979, as amended; and
WHEREAS, the Corporation previously owned the former American Airlines, Inc.
("American") maintenance facility adjacent to Fort Worth Alliance Airport (the "Maintenance
Facility"), which was leased to American until February 5, 2015, on which date the Corporation
took full control and occupancy rights of the Maintenance Facility and then conveyed all right,
title and interest in the Maintenance Facility to the City; and
WHEREAS, Article Eleven of the Corporation's Articles of Incorporation provides that
any net earnings of the Corporation that are not otherwise obligated by the Corporation shall be
paid to the City; and
WHEREAS, as owner of the Maintenance Facility, the City wishes to establish or has
established a capital maintenance fund to cover the City's costs for maintenance and
improvements at the Maintenance Facility; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with the Corporation's lawful authority and in accordance
with the Corporation's stated purpose and obligations, as set forth in its Articles of Incorporation,
the Board of Directors wishes to transfer $400,000.00 of the Corporation's excess funds to the
City solely for use by the City in covering such costs;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors hereby
authorizes the transfer of$400,000.00 of excess Corporation funds to the City for use by the City
in covering costs of maintenance and improvements at the Maintenance Facility;
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Secretary of the Corporation is hereby authorized and
directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution.
Adopted this 20th day of September, 2016.
Ronald P. Gonzales