HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015/01/06-Agenda-AllianceAirport Authority (AAA) ALLIANCEAIRPORT AUTHORITY, INC.
Tuesday,January 6,2015
Immediately Following the Fort Worth Housing Finance Corporation Meeting
Scheduled to Begin Immediately Following the Fort Worth Housing and Economic Development
Committee Meeting Scheduled to Begin at 1:00 P.M.
Pre-Council Chamber, Second Floor,City Hall
1000 Throckmorton Street,Fort Worth,Texas 76102
Board of Directors
Jungus Jordan,President Kelly Allen Gray,Director Dennis Shingleton,Director
Salvador Espino,Vice President Gyna M.Bivens,Director Danny Scarth,Director
Ann Zadeh,Director Betsy Price,Director Zim Zimmerman,Director
I. Call to Order
II. Approve Minutes of December 9,2014 Meeting
III. Executive Session—The Board of Directors of A1lianceAirport Authority,Inc.will conduct a closed
meeting to:
A. Seek the advice of its attorneys concerning the following items that are exempt from
public disclosure under Article X, Section 9 of the Texas State Bar Rules, as
authorized by section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code:
I. In re AMR Corporation, et al., United States Bankruptcy Court for the
Southern District of New York,Case Number 11-15463;
2. Legal issues related to the operation of the American Airlines Maintenance
Facility at Alliance Airport; and
3. Legal issues related to any current agenda items;
B. Discuss the purchase, sale, lease or value of real property, as authorized by Section
551.072 of the Texas Government Code. Deliberation in an open meeting would have
a detrimental effect on the position of the Corporation in negotiations with a third
C. Discuss or deliberate negotiations relating to any economic development negotiations,
as authorized by Section 551.087 of the Texas Government Code.
IV. Authorize Execution of a Property Management Agreement with Hillwood Alliance Services LLC
for Property Management Services of the Alliance Fort Worth Airport Maintenance Base Located at
2000 Eagle Pkwy.
V. Authorize Execution of a Leasing Agreement with Hillwood Realty Services LLC for Exclusive
Representation Related to the Leasing of Facilities on the Alliance Fort Worth Airport Maintenance
Base Located at 2000 Eagle Pkwy.
VL Adopt Resolution Authorizing Expenditures of up to $50,000 for Appraisal Services Required to
Obtain a Valuation of the Alliance Fort Worth Airport Maintenance Base Located at 2000 Eagle
VIL Adjourn
Fort Worth City Hall and the Pre-Council Chamber are wheelchair accessible. Persons with
disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary
aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are requested to contact the
City's ADA Coordinator at (817) 392-8552 or e-mail ADA(a,FortWorthTexas.gov at least 48
hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does
not receive notification at least 48 hours prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable
attempt to provide the necessary accommodations.
DECEMBER 9, 2014
President Jungus Jordan
Director Betsy Price
Director W.B. "Zim"Zimmerman
Director Danny Scarth
Director Gyna Bivens
Director Dennis Shingleton
Director Kelly Allen Gray
Director Ann Zadeh
Vice President Salvador Espino
City Staff:
Peter Vaky, Deputy City Attorney
Jay Chapa, Director, Housing & Economic Development Department
Mary J. Kayser, City Secretary
Leann Guzman, Senior Assistant City Attorney
I. Call to Order
With a quorum of the directors present, President Jordan called the meeting to order for the
Board of Directors of the AllianceAirport Authority, Inc., at 1:56 p.m. on Tuesday,
December 9, 2014, in the Pre-Council Chamber of the Fort Worth Municipal Building, 1000
Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas,with Vice President Espino absent.
II. Approve Minutes of November 11,2014 Meeting
Motion was made by Director Price and seconded by Director Shingleton to approve the minutes
of the November 11, 2014, AllianceAirport Authority, Inc., meeting. Motion carried
unanimously 8 ayes 0 nays,with Vice President Espino absent.
III. Executive Session
President Jordan stated that he had been advised that an Executive Session was not
necessary on the following items:
A. Seek the advice of its attorneys concerning the following items that are
exempt from public disclosure under Article X, Section 9 of the Texas State
Bar Rules, as authorized by section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code:
1. In re AMR Corporation, et al., United States Bankruptcy Court for
the Southern District of New York, Case Number 11-15463;
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2. Legal issues related to the operation of the American Airlines
Maintenance Facility at Alliance Airport; and
3. Legal issues related to any current agenda items;
B. Discuss the purchase, sale, lease or value of real property, as authorized by
Section 551.072 of the Texas Government Code. Deliberation in an open
meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the Corporation
in negotiations with a third party; and
C. Discuss or deliberate negotiations relating to any economic development
negotiations, as authorized by Section 551.087 of the Texas Government
IV. Authorize Execution of Lease Agreement with Texas Aero Engine Services, L.L.C.
(TAESL) for Approximately 444,000 Square Feet of Hangar Space on American Airlines
Maintenance Facility Site
Mr. Jay Chapa, Director, Housing and Economic Development Department, presented a
PowerPoint briefing titled, "Proposed TAESL Lease Agreement"which provided background on
the lease agreement.
President Jordan directed staff to come back to the Board with recommendations to rename the
former American Airlines Maintenance Facility site.
Motion was made by Director Shingleton and seconded by Director Bivens to approve the
Resolution No. AAA-2014-08 authorizing execution of a lease agreement by and between
AllianceAirport Authority, Inc., and Texas Aero Engine Services L.L.C. (TAESL) or an affiliate
and any other necessary related documents. Motion carried unanimously 8 ayes 0 nays, with
Vice President Espino absent.
V. Adjourn
With no further business before the Corporation Board, President Jordan adjourned the meeting
of the AllianceAirport Authority, Inc., at 2:10 p.m. on Tuesday, December 10, 2014.
These minutes approved by the AllianceAirport Authority, Inc., on the day of ,
Jungus Jordan, President
Minutes Prepared by and Attest:
Mary J. Kayser, TRMC/MMC
Secretary to the Corporation Board