HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 4700 OFFICIAL RECORD SECRETARY ORDINANCE 14C). �-IiL X AN ORDINANCE EX E,°'k°1 IPM G°W`dll GgCiElp^d'DA I LIMITS AND ANNEXING CEREAIN TERRIlTeJk't""Y LYING AD A.C'EaElg'"'T TO T h:E CITY OF C'C'daT WORTH; PROVIDING THAT THE CD11faENANCTE BE ADVERTISED IN A DA3:1'I NEWSPAPER E'Yllll.IS EGEll IN SAID CITY IN AC.ORDAN T V,a'J H THE "RCYLalCN OF' SECTION 40, CI.dAEP.EC•R sV.d4.V.I.II OF uTIT E CITY CHART. 'dj 1dld"limAl.1ffrx ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HMRI?WI°i."'H; PRESCR:C:d?aNG A SAVINGS GS CLAidu:E glM3 1nlw"ECl:FZING AR EFF R-4:;°TIVE DATE. BE IT ORDA,:Ili'kill BY THE CITY e"1Ck:NC"IL C°:W "dl'dYWE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS- Section 1. That the hereinafter described territory lying adjacent to the City of Fort Qrth is hereby annexed and brought within the corporate limits and made an integral part of said City of :orb Worth, said territory being situated in Tarrant County, Texas, and being described by metes a. d bounds as follows: BEING a tract of land about 5 miles tsaart frawra -the Count, House of Tarrant County, Texas, and lying in and including all or part of the A.S. Taad,glle, G. B. Stanley, W. Norris, H. P. Largent, W. R. Reeder, J. H. Conner, H. Robinson, firs. of J. F. ReddirW, aril J. Brockzwn Surveys and being more fully described as follows- BEGINNING at a point in the present city, limit l.irm of the City of Fort Worth in the south right-of-way live of It=wr of Mill Read (County Rnad No. 2021), said point beiry 50 feet west of the east line of the W. F. '4d,te Survey produced north; TRENCE northerly along a line parallel to aA, 50 feet west of the east liras of tlna W. F. White Survey produced north to its intersection with th* north right-of-way line of Hands], 9'0101 Road (County Road No. 2021); THENCE in an easterly direction along the northerly right-of-way lime of Randol Mill Road (County Road No. 2021) to as point 100 feet west of the east line of the W. R. Reeder Survey produced south; THENCE northerly along a line 100 feet west of and parallel to the east line of thf, W. R. Reeder `innr.Tey produced south anal along; a line 100 facet west of and parallel to the east line of the W. R. Reeder Survey to its intersection with the south right-of-way '.line of "aa;J.liot Reeder Road (County Road No. 3114); 'TLENCE westerly a.'d..onag* the south right-of-way. l:Lne of Elliot Reeder Road (County Road No. 311h) to its intersection with the west line of Carson Street produced south, the present city limit 'l.inrw: of li'altoraa City, Td1ENC'"E north 1200.0 feet cal.onngl the wrest right-of-way line of said Carson Street, the present city limit line of the City of Haltom City to its intersec- tion with the south line of Block 2, Carden of JE en Addition, produced west; THENCE east 1970.3 feat along the south line of said block produced west and the south line of said block, than pro sent city limit lira of the City of Haltom City, to a point,; THENCE north 1192.0 feet along the present city limit line of the City of Haltcm City to the most southerly southwest corner of a 100.0 acre tract of land described in deed records in Volume 466, Page 455, (Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas); TIFENCE east 1,805.5 feet along the present city limit line of the City of Haltoin City to the southeast., corner of said 100.0 acre tract; TIffiNCE north 222.2 feet along the present city limit line of ti City of Haltom City to as point in the south line of a tract owned by Altom City and recorded in Volume 2483, Page 185, Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; THENA east 417.2 feet along the present city limit line of the City of Haltom City, to the southeast corner of said Altom City tract; THENCE north 1279.h feet along the east line of anid Haltom City tract, the present city limit line of the City of Haltom City, to its northeast corner, said northeast corner being in the south right-of-way line of the WAS & G. Railroad, Tffl,'0109 south 62 degrees 16 minutes west 150 feet along the south right-of-way line of the G.R.I. & G. Railroad, the present city lizrdt line of the Olty of Haltom City, to Its intersection with the east liras of a 50.0 foot street,; TBENGE north 26 degrees 59 minutes west 140 feet alone; the east line of said 50.0 foot street, the present cily limit line of the City ol, Haltom City, to the boginnirg of a aruve to the right, which has a radius of 160.45 feet; THENCE along said ci'Lrve to the right, the present city limit line of the City of Haltom City, 213.5 feet to a point of tangency; THENCE north 49 degrees 15 milrites east 70.0 feet along the present city limit line of the City of Haltom City to the beginning of a curve to the left, W)dch has a radius of 13.6 feet; THENCE along said curve to the left, t1m present city limit lime of the City of Haltom City, 170-4 feet to the southeast corner or a 26.0 foot strip owned by Haltom City and recorded in Voltune 483, Page 185, :Deed Records, Tarrant County, Texas; TBENCE north 18 degrees 45 minutes vast Gong the east line of said 26 foot strip, the present city limit lirm of the City of Haltom City, 525 feet; THENCS north 10 degrees west along the present city limit line of the City of Haltom City to its intersection with the south right-of-way line of Midway Road (County Road (County Road No. 3007); TUNG.7, easterly along the south right-of-way lirm of Midway Road (County Road No. 3007) to its intersection with the center line of Big Fossil Creek; TIENGE southerly, al,or4z, the center line of Big Fossil Creek, with its meanders, to its intersection with the center line of Use Trinity River; THEP,TGET, southerly along We center lirm of the Trin:ity- River to its intersection with the south right-cf-way line of Elliot Reeder Road (County Road No. 3114) produced easterly from the eavt line of the W. R. Reeder Survey; THIDICE westerly along the south right-of-way line of Elliot Reeder Road (County Road No. 3114) produced easterly, and along the south right- of-msy line of Elliot Reeder Road (County Road No. 3111) to its Intersection with dahe east 1.1me af the A A Reeder Survey; THENCE southerly along the east line of the W. R. Reeder Survey and along the east line of the N. R. Reeder Survey produced south to its intersection vith the southerly right-of-way line of Randol All Road (County Road No. 2021); THENTE westerly alor4,r the southerly right-of-way line of Hardol Mill Road (County Road No. 2021) to and along the -,present city limit line of the City of Fort Worth to the place of beginniqz, and containing, approximately -783 sTiare miles. Section 2. That this ordinance shall and does 1icreby repeal every prior ordim3alce in conflict herewith, and more particularly this ordinance expressly repeals Ordinance Nos. 4423, Q24 and 3561 heretofore adopted and passed an January 6, 1961, but as to all other ordInances or section of ordinances not in direct conflict hereirLth this ordinance shall be and is hereby, made cumulative. Section 3. That this ordinance shall be published one time in a daily newspaper plblisbed in the City of Fort Worth, in accordance with the provisions of Section 40, Chapter XXVIII of the f0ity (31-iccrtar. Section 4. If any section, subsection, clause, sentence, phrase, or word of this ordinance is for any reason held void or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity stall not affect the validity of the remaining sections, sibsections, clauses, sentences, phrases or words, except as the same are inseparable fran and indispensable to the remaining portions of the ordinance. SeaUan A That this ordinance shall bec(aie effective and be in full. force and effect upon its final passage, which in no event shall be loss than thirty (30) days from the date of its pAbliumbions, as aforesaid, and it Is so ordained. PHESAKI) AND US= on first reading Nk)nday, t.4% A. D., 1962. APPROV131) AS TO FORH AN'D :L1EGPLb17Y: t to r no y