HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 53181-CO4 F_ORT Wt)R-r 1 City of Fort Worth CSC No. 53181-004 Change Order Request Project Name: Watercress Low Pressure Sewer Extension City Sec No.: 53181 Project No.(s): 56016-0700430-CO1783 I DOE No, N/A City Proj.No. 101002 Project Description: Extend low pressure in Watercress Drive and connecting Streets.Install grinder pumps at each home. Contractor: William J.Schultz,Inc.dba Circle C Construction,Co. Change Order# ® Date: 9/1512022 City Project Mgr.1 Walter Norwood City Inspector; I Shane Behn Phone Number:1 817-392-5026 Phone Number:1 (817)392-2190 Dept. Sewer Paving Water Totals Contract Time (Calender days) Original Contract Amount $4,905,476.50 $510,107.50 $0.00 5,415,594.00 730 Extras to Date $93,596.50 $0.00 $0.00 $93,596.50 Credits to Date Pending Change Orders(in M&C Process) Contract Cost to Date $4,999,073.00 $510,107.50 $0.00 $5,509,180.50 730 Amount of Proposed Change Order 0.00 $0.00 $59,400.00 $59,400.00 350 Revised Contract Amount ,999,073.00 $510,107.50 $59,400.00 $5,568,580.50 1,080 Original Funds Available for Change Orders $147,164.00 $25,505.00 $0.00 $172,669.00 Remaining Funds Available for this CO $53,567.50 $25,505.00 $0.00 $79,072.50 Additional Funding(if necessary) CHANGE ORDERS to DATE(INCLUDING THIS ONE)AS%OF ORIGINAL CONTRACT 1 2.83% MAX ALLOWABLE CONTRACT AMOUNT(ORIGINAL CONTRACT COST+25%) $6,769,480.00 JUSTIFICATION (REASONS)FOR CHANGE ORDER Change Order No.4 will allowfor the installation of 33 water services meter boxes to the existing water mains 1 I on Ella Young Drive,Sommerville Place Road,and Jarvis Way.The 33 Fort Worth locations are currently provided water by Lakeside but must be converted to Fort Worth Water per the terms of a transfer agreement with Lakeside. Additionally,staff recommends that the contract time be extended by 350 calendar days to complete the work for this change order and for delays on the original work scope due to supply chain issues related to the delivery of grinder pumps and coordination delays with affected private property owners. i It is understood and agreed that the acceptance of this Change Order by the contractor constitutes an accord and satisfaction and represents payment in full(both time and money)for all costs arising out of,or incidental to,the above Change Order. Contractor's Company Name Contractor Name Contractor Signature Date William J.Schultz,Inc.dba Circle C Construction,Co. Terri Skelly I Spector Date Project Manager Dale Director(Water Dept) Date Construction Supervisor(Water Dept) Date 771L°.dE.sep 1,I'll N—I "� Sep 23, 20222-- Senior Assistant City Attorney Date Assistant City Manager Date I,ck[1ep15,111x 1—coi] Sep 26, 2022 a s�ykdayf Sep 26, 2022 Council Action(If Required) OFFICIAL RECORD M&C Number 22-0720 M&C Date Approved CITY SECRETARY FT.WORTH,TX ®Pur Wc.)R-F i City of Fort Worth Change Order Additions Project Name Watercress Low Pressure Sewer Extension City Sec No.: 53181 Project No.(s): 56016-0700430-CO1783 DOE No,E= City Proj,No.: 101002 Project Extend low pressure in Watercress Drive and connecting Streets. Install grinder pumps at each home. Description Contractor William J.Schultz, Inc,dba Circle C Construction,Co. Change Order:® Date: 9/15/202 City Project Mgr, Walter Norwood City Inspector F Shane Behn ADDITIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION DEPT Qty Unit Unit Cost Total 1 Thermal Expansion Tank Water 33.00 EA $550.00 $18,150.00 2 Pressure Reducing Valve Water 33.00 EA $725.00 $23,925,00 3 install Meter/Provide and Install Meter Box Water 33.00 EA $525.00 $17,325.00 Sewer Paving Water $59,400.00 Page 1 of 1 Additions Sub Total $59,400.00 Pon-r WORTH City Of Fort Worth Change Order Deletions Project Name Watercress Low Pressure Sewer Extension City Sec No.: 53181 Project No.(s): 56016-0700430-CO1783 DOE No. =1 City Proj,No.: 101002 Project Description Extend low pressure in Watercress Drive and connecting Streets.Install grinder pumps at each home. Contractor William J.Schultz,Inc.dba Circle C Construction,Co. Change Order: ® Date 9/15/2022 City Project Mgr. Walter Norwood City Inspector: Shane Behn DELETIONS ITEM DESCRIPTION DEPT Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Sewer Paving Water Page 1 of 1 Deletions Sub Total MIWBE Breakdown for this Change Order MWBE Sub Type of Service Amount for this CO Total $0.00 Previous Change Orders CO# DATE AMOUNT Total $0.00 Page 1 of 1 9/15/2022 CPN 101002 Watercress Low Pressure Sewer Extension Change Order 4 Notes Staff has reviewed the requested prices and considers them to be fair and reasonable. .Contract Compliance Manager By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract,including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. Signature Walter Norwood Name of Employee Project Manager Title ATTEST: aq' cORrI2� ��- 000000� J O O C J ette S.Goodall(Sep 28,2o22 as GOT P_o O�� Jannette Goodall �0 o° �d O Oo00 � 0 0000000 ICY City Secretary ��zl T*Xo'zoa" OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT.WORTH, TX City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication DATE: Tuesday, September 13, 2022 REFERENCE NO.: **M&C 22-0720 LOG NAME: 60WCRESSLPSSC04-CIRCLEC SUBJECT: (CD 7)Authorize Execution of Change Order No.4 in the Amount of$59,400.00 and the Addition of 350 Calendar Days to the Contract with William J. Schultz, Inc. dba Circle C Construction Company for the Watercress Low Pressure Sanitary Sewer Extension Located in the Scenic Shores Neighborhood Association; for a Revised Contract Amount of$5,568,580.50, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water's Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1.Authorize execution of Change Order No.4 in the amount of$59,400.00 and the addition of 350 calendar days to City Secretary Contract No. 53181 with William J. Schultz, Inc. dba Circle C Construction Company, for the Watercress Low Pressure Sanitary Sewer Improvements for a revised contract amount of$5,568,580,50; and 2.Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriation in the Lake Worth Gas Lease Capital Project Fund in the amount of$59,400.00, from available funds,for the purpose of funding the Watercress Low Pressure Sanitary Sewer Extension project(City Project No. 101002)to effect a portion of Water's contribution to the Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program. DISCUSSION: On November 19, 2019, Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) 19-0331, the City Council authorized a contract with William J. Schultz, Inc, d/b/a Circle C Construction Company, in the amount of $5,415,584.00 for Watercress Low Pressure Sanitary Sewer Improvements. The contract was subsequently revised by Change Order No. 1 with a net zero total amount administratively authorized July 23, 2020 that provided for thicker wall pipe substitution on the project approved, Change Order No.2 in the amount of$93,596.50 administratively authorized September 1, 2020 that allowed for the realignment of a portion of Peninsula Club Drive and the abandonment of an 8- inch water main on Watercress Drive, and Change Order No. 3 with a net zero total amount administratively authorized May 7,2021 that provided for directional drilling of a low pressure sewer service. Change Order No. 4 will allow for the installation of 33 water services meter boxes to the existing water mains on Ella Young Drive, Sommerville Place Road, and Jarvis Way.The 33 Fort Worth locations are currently provided water by Lakeside but must be converted to Fort Worth Water per the terms of a transfer agreement with Lakeside. The staff has reviewed and verified the quantities for the additional work under this Change Order No.4. Additionally, staff recommends that the contract time be extended by 350 calendar days to complete the work for this change order and for delays on the original work scope due to supply chain issues related to the delivery of grinder pumps and coordination delays with affected private property owners. It is the practice of the Water Department to appropriate its CIP plan throughout the fiscal year, instead of within the annual budget ordinance, as projects commence, additional funding needs are identified, and to comply with bond covenants.The actions in the M&C will appropriate funds in support of the Water's portion of the City of Fort Worth's Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program, as follows: 60WCRESSLPSSC04-CIRCLEC Capital project FY2022 CIP Budget Revised Fund Authority FY2022 Name Name Appropriations Change (Increase/Decrease) Budget Capital Project FY2022 CIP Budget Revised Fund Name AppropriationsRuthority Change (Increase/Decrease) FY2022 Name Budget Lake Worth Gas 101002- Lse Watercress Cap LP SS $0.00 This M&C $59,400.00 $59,400.00 Project Extention - Fund 33001 Funding is currently available in the Unspecified-All Funds project within the Lake Worth Gas Lse Cap Project fund for the purpose of funding the Watercress LP SS Extension project. Appropriations for Watercress LP SS Extension project are as depicted below: Existing Additional Fund Project Total* Appropriations Appropriations General Capital Projects- Fund $610,600.00 $0.00 $610,600.00 30100 Lake Worth Gas Lse Cap Project- $6,125,576.00 $59,400.00 $6,184,976.001 Fund 33001 _ _ Project Total j $6,736,176.00 $59,400.00 $6,795,576.00j *Numbers rounded for presentation purposes. The project is located in Council District 7. FISCAL INFORMATION !CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are currently available in the Lake Worth Gas Lse Cap Project Fund, and upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinance, funds will be available in the Lake Worth Gas Lse Cap Project Fund for the Watercress LP SS Extension project. Prior to any expenditure being incurred, the Water Department has the responsibility of verifying the availability of funds. FUND IDENTIFIERS (FIDs): TO cco ' Project Program�ctivity Budget Reference# !Amount JFun�department ID --- --unt l ID --I (Chartfield 2) FROM Fund Department ccounti Project Program ctivity Budget Reference# Amount: ID ID Year (Chartfield 2) CERTIFICATIONS: Submitted for City Manager's Office by_ Dana Burghdoff (8018) Originating Department Head: Chris Harder (5020) Additional Information Contact: Walter Norwood (5026) ATTACHMENTS 1. 60WCRESSLPSSC04-CIRCLEC.docx (CFW Intemal) 2. 60WCRESSLPSSC04-CIRCLEC FID Table 08.01.22.xlsx (CFW Intemal) 3. 60WCRESSLPSSC04-CIRCLEC MAP.pdf (Public) 4. 60WCRESSLPSSC04-CIRCLEC PBS.pdf (Public) 5. 60WCRESSLPSSC04-CIRCLEC SAM.pdf (CFW Internal) 6. ORD.APP.60WCRESSLPSSC04-CIRCLEC 33001 (r2).docx (Public) ew wcw ujc aw LU w 0 CLn m to LC) o o o cC) Cl c c .�► .fir .3r O ` 0 0 ` n N v v v Pi - o < rn < t .. rn .. c < to to w W NJ z C w rn W -c w a a a Z r m o o o c c c Z �. ,�. _ a _ a c c c � � a o m ro