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711DU1UP3R, AND 1',"ITE RESPECTITI 000011-1 11"Qu"E"T"I A PART UP THE COS'],"'
lzl, 711
73E IT ORDAINED BY T141E :31,) OF �o.1)"""O",,1l",-"ZI�D7�,-�ER,,.'�", Ot,' F CITY 01�
SECTION 1. The 2aid city harcto0ra duly entered
into a contract with alp he
and all of
the official proceedines prescribed by the charter and ordinanc-
es of saja city havn her atafor- duly- ,'uid regi,,dIarly t,�',kan
and enacted by the nuid city to anable it La levy, assess ana
charge the part of the cost of the nali improvertv,�'nits roqu-ired
by said. contract to be , aid, by tlte property abiitting there-
on and its owners, and eaah and every notice and hearing provid-
ed for by the charter and ardiaances of ,,,,aid c it r in that re-
spect has been given and had..
SECTION 2. The Board of Commissioners of said
City adopted in making the apportionments and assessments
- 2 -
lorainaftor stated 8uch rule of a s
effect eubst,,ntial equality and Ivatins between the sever-,
al property Owserz effected, 'r.a',,rirj; in the b, refits,
received and Curio imposed 3n such owners respectively for
the rEas�,on that in th,',,', op7'nion 0"', the B"""'ILd T(""ard <�"ff'
inQnt of the co ,'`t of the ] „1,y
7.'o'2 4; 4y ° ?,.4:; 1., the P'ro-
party nbulting upoL snia imprwament and its tmmors in the
proportion of the frontage of the property of each owner to
the whole frontage of property to be imp rovcd, and in ac-
cordance with the front foot mile of plan t,;ould in the,
opinion of the Doard operate unIvetly in particular casea;
,Ln,d in the asF, eeps,,ents herre,,inaf ter recitrsd on part of such
cost assenzed against any owner of his Droperty is in excess
of the special WOOS thf'."a"etc,”, in onbanced value thereof
arising from ittq
SECTIOINI 3. The sai d Bloard.
ha in k,;iven the notioe a
for in the charter of aai
f Oorizaissionors after
the hearing provided.
of to sucla assess-,
iiv nts , d:uly 'into, detefrm!?,aed adjudged all ques -
tions relatii:_,,g to t1ae ssfid goA to the regularity
of the Said iynprovcrt'�ent s, and the amount -and validi-
ty of ',i.e 'as"."c' simont aofad chargr,�e, t,)f pen soral liability against
the persor,,,o and property here inaftez, recited, and e�etermined
that the said asseasment 4nd charges of parsozial liability
hereinafter recited are laZA_I, equitable and valid.
SECTIOTT 4. Thdre is htreey assessed, charged and
le"Tiard agai:'I.st the Several of property hereinafter
named, and against the respective Tots, tracts or parcels
of property owned by them res''I,,,,octively described opposite
their names, abutting on that, parti of the said highway to be
improved as aforesaid,, the airmunt yet opposite the names of
- 3 -
the property owner4, and I; he -p
.,.rorer-ty owmed by thom respec-
tively, to pay their justu share of the cast of Ithe said
impro,temert as the sftm8 has been and 4"o Iute'rminecl and. ad ,,?Lstu-
ed by said I
- 4 -
SECTION 5. A lien lo, heraby crertc.d and fixed
against each and every lot, t,,,act f�)r p.,?,,rc,;1 of land abovo
described, anperior to all the liens, �lnJ_zm or titles excep'
I R '7,7 f U 1 t P_ X e S 3 i "0 3 e C'Q, r ow I "h e P a y Tne " " I t Q f t�l e a In o I, 1, 2 1 . t a o S '�o s' e, d
and ci'�qrged Mg7'in""t the saune ")'-s fAfith
intereet and costo of collection iT 71iading a reasonuble
attorney's fc,� wh,,:n incurr-,d.. n.n.]. t -.rcspof�,ti,7o oi,,iners of
the said tracts of land are hereloy do cl ,ed. to bs personally
ilable for the , aynnnrt of the arnoont -_,`,neaeod again st-, them,
and the respective lots, tract�',,,, or of Tand owned
by tivann ond, bereinbefore doscrib�;d, ss aforesaid; and the
clxlollnt so ,-ind cbargeJ ;Ina ,l be *,',';,,',.yablP as follor�';s:
enf,i-th'ird ,,,,,,1t1An th',"_rty dayo� after the conapletion and accep-
tance cf t'
he. city; f, ne-third in one ycar, and onE
third tn yeRr? All d+r;fprrod
if no default is mate in 1-�,as pn,;prnaent of all installments
when due, shall bear interest at the Me of six per cent
per annum; but if def coal t nvide, 1-n tlae_ pay.,rent, of any in-
stallment whon W, then t& 3ar,I u. Jristallments shall. baar
interest from ante nt tho rats of Aght per cent per annum,
luiy o,=
z ar shall havo t a S .;h-t 1-,o d,isoharEe. any inr.;tallment
before maturity by paying same ,,,,,iith interost to the
date of payment, Such deferred payojents to be e-videnced by
1. mpro7e431 ent certificates to be toeUtrad by the said city pay-
.1 M�.'P Unv f
able to the said Roach-Vaniguo'consti'''Lting a penzonal
liability against the reapective -.pro party own3re, whose lands
are azzaReed am aforsaid, and, be semi' ..d by the lien here-
in created and fixed againnt the rnapmtive lots or tracts
of land; and the said improvement cartifipates shall be issue,
and be collectible in the manner and form prescribed by the
- 5 -
and ordinances of the City of Fort IrVorth.
SECTION 6. This ordinance shall take effect
and after its passage.
previented, nn r! J lwlmsva, rvw%l
ndnpted hr a the 'Roaril of Commip"sioners of the City of 7ort earth
at a session of saiO 71,omrO held Voverlll�fwr,