HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 58316� � �'��"i�'�f� �? � :i 4+�' ��■7.� T [ � �� PR[IJECT MANUAL �v� THE C�NSTIt[]CT�UN UF LAKE VL�ORTH WATER AND S A�ITARY SEW ER IMPR�VEME1tiIT5 PART � ctx� ��o���t ��. ioo�a � �vlattie I'arker 1Vlayor Chr�s }'. Hardcr, P.E. BVaier I)irectar Davi d Coo� �xty M�,nager Prepared for Thc City af Fart War�h WATER DEPARTMENT �422 Surgess & Nip�e 39�0 Focsil Creek Blvd. Ste #�� 10 Fort Worth, T� 7(i137 ($17) 306-�44� TBPELS �'�rnt Registration �' F-ld$34 I ��-��- . ��- ���. ti� z � �"� � �� `�� � � •�'� .� r � �..� , �_�� �c.�,G[.�*�► � , 7/2QI �D�� ':�._ _ _ Riv i i � � II`.r�uti,���71.a �r�r s�c��a�r I �� ►�p � � r�� �� �� x �,� � {_ �i �f F�rt�T�rth Standard Con�tructi�n Specificat�an Dacuments Adapted Septeniber 2411 00 DQ 00 STANDARD COTiSTRUCTION $PEGIFICATIQT{ T?QC[]MEI�fiS Page 1 0#$ secTio� o� aa �o TABLE OF C�NTF,NTS �}iVi�iOn 8$ - Genera] C�rtditinns Laat Re�*iaed �0 aS 14 Ma OY' � COtiriCi� Gpt]�riWUG�tion �7101f2�11 �lD �5 1S Addenda 071�1f2011 QQ 11 I3 Invitatian i� Bis�ders 0711912D21 OU 21 13 I�}structians to Bidders 11J0212�2t Ofl 35 13 C'anfli�t af Interest Statemeni QZl241�020 �0 41 00 Bid Fa� Og13D1�.U21 4D 42 43 Pro osal Form Unit Priee a1 iaa��a i a 4Q 43 13 Sid Band �9I1 Il2D 17 fla 43 37 Vcnd�r �m tiat�ce tu State Law Rlonresident Siddcx Cf612712b 11 QO 4S I� Bidders Pre ualii"icalions OSII 31201 ] QO 45 1� Pre ualificatitm Statemettt 49130l2a21 QO �5 13 Pre ualifiGatian A licatian 48l1312�Z1 4� 45 26 COIL�Lr7Gt�i CC?T7S47�1�7'IG� �T1�1�1 WUI�ff.'�'Sr Cumpcnsation Law Q71a112D11 0[] 4S 40 I3usin�ss E uit Goal 1DC2712A21 Oa 52 43 A eement ] 11�31�D�1 �l�] 61 T 3 P erfartr�ar►cc; Sand 07l4112� 11 0� � 1 l4 Pa txaen� Bonci t�71� 11�411 4i3 G1 � 9 Mair►tenance Hond [371(� I12011 �0 61 25 Certificate af Ins�►rance U71U]12D11 4� 72 d0 General C.onditians D$12312�21 QO 73 �t} Su ]ementa Cunditions Y U310912�2Q a111�� ot zs �o �t �i i� �131�.� �1 3Z 16 �1 32 33 Oi 33 LH} oi��1� 01 45 23 O 1 54 44 01552b 41 57 13 O1 58 ]3 U 1 60 00 �� CG QQ Q 1 70 DO U 1 71 23 � 1 74 23 Q 1 77 19 Q 1 78 23 Q I 78 39 Summary of Work _ S�hstitutivn P1uCedu�es Precnnstructian Nieetin� Pro' ect Meetirt �ons[ruc#ion S�hedule Precor�stn�ctian Vi�c� Suhmittals Spccial Project Prnccdures Testing and Inspection Servi�es Temporarp �'acilities and Cc�ntrals St�t Use Pcrmit and Madificat�ans t� Traffic Cc�Nrol StarAn 1�Tater Pollution Fretrention Plan � �roducL Requircmenic Prndeict Stara e�and I�andlin RF Mn�iili�ation and Remobilizatian Ganstru�tion Stakin� a�d Sur�ev Record Docut�icnts La�st Rcyised 1212{]I�� 12 fl71U11�U11 asii7�zaiz n7ia i�za i i q$f 1312[i21 071�1 �12� 1 l ] 212412Q 12 il3f 1 112022 U3fU�l�.[?2U d7f01l241 I 43f2212Q2 ] 071D 11201 l �7f d 112011 �31Q9I2020 071� 11�,411 l I f 2�1201 � 02f l 4�'2U 1 � d7,FO 1120 f 1 �31221�U21 1�I��QI2 07Ifl 1,12011 CI'I'1' 4F FaRT Vil01tT13 I.alce Worth Waterand SaniTary Sewer fmprovainen� Part 2 5TAIYI7ARU CQ1dSTRiICTI�hi SPECIFICATIDN �Ci1i4�idT9 City Project �1U0962-2 rc��;�a 1�� io, �azz oa fln o0 STANl7ARi} C41V5'1'RL]["I'I{?N 3PkC�FICP.T'I01+1 DQC'LTMENT5 Page Z af S Technical Speciffcatiar�s which have becn mudiCicd hy the Engineer specifically for this Prnject; h�rd capies are included in the Project's Contract DoCurnents N�WE Technical Spccificattons listed beluw are iucluded for this Project by ref�rence and ca» he viewedldownlaaded frorn the �iiy's w+ebsite at; http:lliortworthtexas.�ovltn�+lcontrsctnrsl or � a:ii S.�v �,�t'�l:E��� 4� ys�i�Lr�ul'!1'CCG,� Iliv'tsion 17� - Existi� Conditinns 0� 41 13 Selec€�ve Site llemolition 02 4l l4 Utili Remo�allAhandcynrnent Q� 41 ] 5 Pavir�g Removal Ilivic9nn {l:� - ['nncre�e Last Revised o��i 1fzo�z� zz�an��a� � 02J02.�2�16 a3 30 QO C+ast-In-Place Concrete 03f1 II�022 d3 34 13 Cvntrolled Lnw Str�n th Material C�LSM 12rzal2a 12 4;3 34 ] fi Cvncrete Base 1vlaterial for Tr�n�h Re air 12f2[112[] ] 2 03 $� QQ ]Viodifications ta Existin Con�rete Structures 1212012U12 Division �6 - Electric�I ��--�� r��.. ��=�.._L a e.-..y... r,- rzo,.�..:...,i �l�� '7,4 RC 72 nv-v�� �-$�-�3 ��-$S-�� 1]ivisinn3l -Farthwnrk �� ���� i -� ra�i� n�m�� ���� 31 Dd 04 5ite Glearin q3�221242I 31 23 lb Unclassif'tcr� F.xcavation O1J28I2013 31 �,3 23 Sorraw D 112 8�2013 31 24 U(} Errshankments 011281ZU13 31 Z5 �[} Ea•asion and Sediment Cantt�ol i14J29I2�1�1 x t�� � 1 a t��r�n t�_ z t� �-�8-� I)i�+isian 3� - Ex#erior Im rvverns:nts 32 �1 I7 Aennanent As half Pavin Re 32 O] l S Tern nra As halt Pavin I�e 32 fl1 �9 Cuncrete Pa�in R air 32 I 1 23 Flexible Bas� Courses �� r : a -����ti� nnna_r�,,...e., 32 11 33 C;cment Treated Base Courses �� 32 12 l�S As�rhalt Pa�ing i a��a�z� i� 1212Q120 ] 2 1 �l2012� 12 iz�2a12oiz � � r�zzrcorx�.-v i� 0611 b12�22 nei�io���ni� i ��zr�i2r�1 z CITY OE� F(}RT }►�[}]�'�] Luke Wprth Water az�d Sanitary Scwcr Irnpmyements Pgtk 2 3'1'AIV17A1t13 C�N3TRUG"I'1�N SP�CI�ICA'FIC}N DOCLTMt�NTS Clty Projcct � 1U49S2-2 Revised June 1Q.2Q22 �1Vt81011 �� - �tJ�li1C9 3 3 U 1 3D 5ewe�r and Manhole T�sti: 33 Ul 31 Closed Circuit Television �--�-�� 33 U3 10 B ass P in nfExisli 3 �-9A--�� Sewer a, _ 33Q�3Q 33 44 �0 33 04 5U 33 OS 1Q 33 U5 12 33 �5 l3 33 a5 14 33 �5 16 33 05 17 33 05 Z� �� 3 3 05 22 33 45 �3 33 D5 �4 nn nc �� �o 33 t�S 3� 33 11 4S 33 11 1D 33]lll 33 11 l� 33 I1 1� —S�nitary Sewer TsmpQrs�ry Wa�r Ser�ices Cleaning and A�ceptance Testing of Water Mains Clcanin of ' es Utili Trench Excavation, Embec�uent and Backfiil Water Line Lowerin Frame, Ca+�er and Grade Rin s Adjusting ll+Ianhole�, Inlcts, Vaive Boxes, and [�ther Structures to Grade Cc�nGrete Water Vaults Cc�nc-�ete Gc�llars Au er Botin Slccl C.asin Pi e Htrz�d Tunnelin� of Carrier Pine in Casin� or Tunnci Lincr Plate Lv�ation �f Existin Utilities Bc�lts, Nuts, and Gaskets Ductilo Irvn Pipe Ductile Tr�n Fitti�� Poivvinv� �f�loride {pVC) Pressure � Burie� Stee1 Pit�e and �ID7�2QS S 03f1112[�2� n��i� 12r.'2Ul�. a 1 �. �� �� t�r�nr�nti� -c zrrvrz-v-r� ��1�0 ��2.� � � az�a ��2a i 3 0311112022 44102l��21 121i0l2412 121[}9l2021 4311112[f22 1a�za�zaia a311112Q�2 12J26l201� �� l 2J2412f� 12 i 2r�t�rz« � � Q�rl�r��}1� 1-��91�.� 1212U1201� 12.12b12�12 i��a��or z o���a�zoi� 11 J} 61241 S '��#� 1�.i2(}12�I2 C]TY �P FORT WDRTH Lake Wotth Water and 5anitury Sewer Improvements Part 2 3's'ANL�1�R13 CQh'$TRUC'1'�Ol'13PEQPICATfON DOCl1hiENTS City Project #1OQ962-2 Re�isrd ]une 1Q, 7A�2 a� flo uo STANDARD C{7IV3TliUCTI�N S�CIFICATiQN 17C]CL1A�'J1:NT5 Aage 3 oF S aa aa a� STAiVDARD C�N�'iItUCTIQN SPECIFICATION D�CiJhSSNT3 Paga � af 8 33 12 10 Z �� rr�r 33 iz aa 33 12 25 �� 33 1� 40 33 1� �4 �9 �� 12�Z 1 1�„4a 33 31 20 33 31 �1 3Nafer Sexvices 1-inch to 2-inch Re�i�ient Seated Csate Valve Cannection ta Existin Water Mtiitis ViTater Sarnt�le Stations F�1 in 1 C.hloridc PVL` Grrawil Sanita 5ewer Pi e Pvly�inyl Chlaride (PV�} Closed Prc�filc Gravity Sanitary Sewer 4�JI�12�D1'7 , n ���.�.�;i osro�r�ais �� 021Db12U13 ��� 01103f20I4 121�Of�012 �9 �°�? �-�..�BF�!-� � ��r''� s nn n� ��o ��1���1� 12J24f2U12 �J--��� 33 31 �3 �� �t so �-1-�e 3� �4 ia 33 39 24 z'� 7z__�Q �� �� �a � �� 3'!� 71� �3-4�-�? �A 33 �49 �a �-49�4� D�visinn 3� - 7A A�,7 YAr � A A�� � n n�� 1A A�Lv73� � n�n�T � "�3 ?A� 2A A�� �� � 'u�� ' S anitary S�wer Pipe Enlargement __ SAnitary 5�wer Service Cannections ax�d 5ervi�e iins Cast-in-Place �Cancretc Manhales Precast Cpncre#e Manholes I.ine�s fnr �'anitary Se�=er S#tuctures .. � n � ri r� i rV 1-a' !!1 Y .i �� G�rb axzd Dron Inlc�s xtatian �� ��f�o�2ai2 04f2�1201 � ���� �� i zra�rzo � z 1 z�2a�2o�2 i � �y,�n�-,zl�n � � 1.��� n1��n i � [�4129120� 1 �� ti�i�% r�r��s ndlY�� 1 9 1'T1'm'av ��iT n^t�ni t�ni y v-�rvzrco-aT 9��47'1 i� ��� a�n i r2o2a ,-,� �n�T . �_ � F _ -� . 4 + _ ac:r�a:rs' d � � � i. 1 a 1 � � 1 � ! CITY CJI+ N'flli'� VVORTf� Lake Warili Water a�d Sanitary Sewer Cmprovcmen[� Par[ 2 STAIVDARD C4NSTRUCTION �EC�iCA1'!dN bOCilh{EA7'I'S CSty Projecl #1U0962,� Redlsed lunc 10, 2D22 aa aa oa 5TAiVDARU ��NSTRUCTfiDA} BPECiFICATION T]OCU�ENi'S Psga 5 af8 3� 71 l3 Trafft� Contxo] U312212021 Appendix GC-4_[ii �t�ailabilify nf Lands GC�i,U2 Subsurface and PhysicaI Comditsons ,r�� .� nn �n�.���Fs�5�3�ie$ GC�.Qf.D Minc�rity and 3Nomen �wned Busirness En#erprise Crnnpliance GC-6 A7 Wage Rates r�.r� � nn �e...,..:40 .,..,t rT�;t;c;o•' �. . GR-Q 1 6� �0 Pradu�t �.equi.rements E1tiiD aF SECTIUN CITY OF Pd[�T WORTH Lake Wor� Water aad Sanitary 8ewp' Irnproremenffi Part 2 STAAtAARD C�Ai�T`�UCTiON $P�CI�'[CATfON D(1L`Lf1VIENT5 City Projed #1U49G2-2 Acvised lune 10, 2G�2 Ci�y �f Far�' fl�or#�r, Texas IlJlayor �nd ��unc�l ��mmunication �AT�: Tuesday, Septemher �7, 2�22 L�G NAM�: 6DLYVINS5P2-WO�DY REFER�NCE N�.: ""h�l&C 22-0753 SllBJ�C7: {Cp 2 and C❑ i} Autharize �xecutian afi a Cantract wlth Waody Cantractors, !nc_, in �ha ArnauRt of $6,232,406.��, for t1�e �ake Vllorih Water Line Sanitar� Sewer Improvemer►ts Proaect and Adapt Apprapriatian �rdinan�es to Effect a Portion of Water's Gontribukion to the Fiscai Y�ars Z�22-��26 Capifai Imprnvement f�rogram RE�t�M�n��vnAsio�a: It is recvmme�ded #hat the City �ouncil: 1. Auth�ri�e execuf�on vf a conkract with Waod�l Coniractors, lnc., in fhe amount �f $6,232,4Q6.5d, iQr the L.ake V►1Qr#h 1Nater Line Sanitary 5ewer lmproWem�nfs proJect; 2. Adopt the attached apprapriatior� o�di�ance in�r�asing a�prapriatEans in the Water and Sew�r Capital Proje�ts Fund in tf�e amaunt of $6,348,752.DD, transi�rred from availah�e fu�ds within the Wata� and Sew�r Fund, for the purpose o.f funding tF�e Lake Wortn Water Lina 5anitary 5ewer Irnprouements pr❑j�ct (C�ty Praject hla. 10D96�) ia effect a par#ion of 1Natsr's cantributior� #v #he Fisc�l YeaEs 2022-2�26 Capital Impro�ement Pro�ram; 3. Adopt the atfached apprapriatinn ❑rdin�r�ce adjustir�g estimatad r�ceipts and appropriations in th� General CapitaV ProJects Fund by �nGreasin� reo�ipts a�d ��propriafiohs in fhe Lake Vllorth Water Line Sanitary Sewer Irr�pro�+�menfs projecf {City Proj�ct No, 1��962) in the amount of $765,i88.00, and decreasiRg receip#s and appiopriatians in the Cor�tract 5treet Maintenance pmgrammable project (City Projecf h1a. PaQ�2�j 6y the same amount; and �4. Amend the Tr'ansportation a�d Fubfic INorks FY2022-��26 Capital �mpravement Prograrn, AlSC1J551� : This Mayor and Council Communicafion �MB�C} is to authoriza a constructian oontract far the replacement of deterivrated ►�vat�r and sanitary sew�r m�ins an the faflpwing streets; 5treet ,7ohns V1fay Hun#d�le Ct�ur� Rushwaod Caurt JaElay Caurt Circle Ridge Driv� 1N Crawn Road Frvm hlarris VaHey �rive Jahns 1Nay Johns UVay Jnhns Way 5kyline Dri�e 5lc�line ❑rive Tn II Drive SGope vf Wark faterl5ew� faterlSew� la#erfSew laterf5ew IaterfSew taterlSew daterlSew V1later Sewer Sewer Gircle R�dge �Circle Ridge �riv� � rive W JaGk5b0?o H ig hv�ray Easement east af Circle Ridge D ri�e le Ridge Drive 5�� feet east vf the �irG{� Ridge 1 H�Ilside ❑riv� lnte�rsectian Cul-de-sa� Jahns Vlray J4hns Way � Circle Ridge ❑rive Cul-De-Sac �ro Highway D ri�e IVorfheasterly 8GQ feet ent �5D fiee# sauth ai IlNesterfy �OU feet n Montrose i]rive 1 kyline rive ! raokhvliaw �aseme�t between Monfra�� �rive and 5oufhbroa�C ement erman enue and as Street Braokhallow Drive ! nters�ctian 2�� feet saUth of th� Montrose DriWe ! 5kyline lntersectior� 3DQ feet A point located Sauthwesterly 8�0 �U� faet north and fee#, westerly 2Da 45a feet east af feet, soutf�westerly the Sherman ��� feaf, then Avenue � 3dth westerly zd� feet, Street intersection t��� �outhwesterly SQO feet Sewer Sewer Additianally, asphalt pavement rehabilitation will be canduC#�d an al1 street� subsequent to the water and sanitary sewer main rep�acem�r+t. The 1Natar oeparkment's s[�are of fhis r,�ntracE is $5,597,2�7.75 and the Transportation 8� Puhlic Works �Je�artment's st�are of the eantract is $715,128.7a. The projecf wa� ad�ertised for bids on ,lu1y �'1, 2�22, and July �8, 2022, in th� Forf Warfh Star-Telegram. On August 18, 20�2, the foildwing bids were received: Bi�ider �►mount Tlme of Campletion y Ca�tra�tors, Inc. $6,232,�4d�.5� 5QQ Calendar Days In additian ta the canfra�f amaunt, $53�E,4d2,�0 �Vllater, $182,222.�D; 5�wer: $352,18U.04) is required far prajeGt m�nag�meE�t, material testing and inspectian, and $345,131.5fl jWater: $115,245.5�; Sevrrer: $�379,826.7'S; F'aving�; $54,D59,25} is provid�d for praject contingenoies. The sanifary sewer comQonent of t{�is prajec[ is part af the Wat�r Departman�s Sanitary 5ewer Overflav,r InitiatiWe Pr�gram. Appraximately �,6Q4 li�ear feet of cast iron pipe wili be reqla�ed as pari af this �roj�ct. This praject will have n� im�act an the Water ar Transpar�ation & Public Works �epartment's apera#ing budget wh�n campleted. The autian in this M&C w9ll amend TPVIJ's con#ribution to the �iscaf Years 2d22-2D26 Capi#al lrnprovemenf Progratr� as a�{�rove�d in �onnection with Ordin�nce 25D73-a9-2D21, Sectian 6_ Capitai Improvemen�s, page 23, as fallaws: Capltal prp�ect Fund Name Mar�e 3�'I Da - PD40�� - Gen�ra! Gvntract Capital Street �'rojects Maint�nar �und FY�a�� C1P pprapriafiorts ��a,aa�,aa�.�o Buciget Rewised �hority Adjustm�nt Bud�et Nl&C 2i- o�zz MB�C 22- OQ36 M&� 2�- 0127 �� M&C 22- 0323 M&� 22- a��� �,a�o,o��.ao7il�� g,��o,gs� $�311, � �$.00i�j$1 �,Q79,818.D $ �6a3, 254.aD �i� $18,4�6,584,0 1,403,324.dQj �9 ,OQ�,D T,073,2��.QQ $'16,��3,2�p.OQ C�pital Rer�ised Fund PraJect FY�I��� CIP Au4harity 6udget FY�Q22 Name ; Nam� Apprapriatior�s Adjustment gu���t ����02 �(�oo,aao.Qoy �� s,s7�,�ao.o� -- --- M&C �2- ��539,���,�0} $'f5,3�3,56$.QQ 0650 -- This M&C �{765,188.OD] ��14,5�8,38�.OD f# is the practice of the Water Department td a}�propriste its CIP plan throughout the fiseal year, instead af within the annual �ud�et ordinance, as projects comm�nce, additior�al funding needs are id�r�tiii�d, and ta comply uv�th band caUenanfs. Tha ectipns in the M&C will appropriate funds in su�park af the Waier's portion of fhe City ai Fart Worth's Fiscal Years �Q�2-�026 Capital Im�rovement Pragrar�, a5 fQIIpWS: 60LWWS5P�-WaODY Capi#al -- - - --- .���w Revised Praject FY2U22 CIP Budget Chan�e �und ���� Appropriatians Authority ��ncr$asefDecreasej ����Z Nam� 8udge# IN&S N 100962 - Capital �ake 1Narth Praj�cts WL S5 $D.OD This M&� $6,346,75�.00 $5,346,�5�.00 — Fund Improvemen#s 564�2 Genera� � ��9�2 - ; Capi#al Lake Worth Projects W� 55 $O.OQ This MB�C $765,188.�� $7�5,188.Op — Furrd �mpravements �. 3D � 04 ____ .. . .. .- -� _ Fwnding is qudgeted in the Contract 5tre�t Maintenance Pragrarnmable project wi#hirs fhe General Gapitai Proj�cks Fund and in the Trans#er ta VllaterfSewer account nf the Water and 5�uuer operating hudgef far the purpose of funding khe Lak� Wo�h INater Line Sanitary Sewer Improvemenfs �roject within the Water & S�wer Capita! Pra�ects Fund. Apprapriations far the Lake Worth ��nitary 5ewer Improvements prajeut are as depicted belnw: Fund �Existing Additianal Pra�ectTatai* Appraprtati�ns Apprapriatians Water & S�wer Capital Proj�cts �3,'T0�-,82�1.00 $fi,3d��,7��.�� $1d,d51,�73.a0 F�tnd 56a0� General Gapital Praj�cts Fund $4.�0 $765,188.Q� $165,�$5.�0 30140 Projeet Tatal 1�_ $3,7�4,829.OQ $�,'119,944.�0 $10,8'[�,76�i.D� �Num�ers rounded far presentation puepos�s, MIVIIB� OFFIC�: Woody Contra�tars, lnc„ is in Gornpliance with the City's 8usinsss Ec{u�ty Ordinan�e by rornmitting fo 16 �ercenf NIWeE �arti�ipatian ❑n this project. The City's MWBE goal ❑n this project is 17 percent, The project is la�ated in C�IJNCIL DISTRICTS � and 7. F15CAL INFORMATION ! CERTIFIGATION: The Qirector of �inanee certifies that funds are availahle in the Gurrent �perating budget of fh� 1Nater & Sew�r Fund and the Confra�t �treat Maintenanae progrsmmable project within the General Capital Pmjects Fund, and upon approval nf t�e a�o�e recommendatiQns and advption of the attaehed appropriation ordinances, funds wilf �e avaijable in the VII&S Capita! Projects Fund and th� �er��ral Capital Prajects Fund for the Lake Warth SS proje�t ta support fhe ak�ave re�ammendations and exe�ution af �he contract. Prior ta any expendifure being tncurred, fhe Water and Transportation & Public Warks Departments ha�e t�e respansibiiity af verifying the availability af funds. Fl]Na IDENTIFIER� �F1Qs}: ❑ep�rtment ccoun �roject ragrart� ctivityF Budget Reference # Arnnu Ip 1D � Year {�hartfield �] FR4M F�nd Department Gcount Praject Pra�ram ctivi Budget Refer�nce # Amount ID {�� ID � Year Chartfield 2 CERTfF[GAT1�N5: Suhmitted for Gity Manager�Offl� by_ �riainaiing Departrnent Head: dditivnal In armation Contact: Dana Burghdoff (8018') Chris Harder {502pj Waiter Mar`wo�d {5�26) ATTACHMENTS �l. fi4L1NV11SSP�l[110ODY 1295.p�# (CFW IMemal} 2. S- ralfanCe Memo.� (GFW Internal) 3. GOL111f11V8SP�-WQQDY FIA 2��1� ��'��� xlsx �CFW Internalj �. Bd- - l�WW�-$A2-WO�DY 5AM-� (CFW Intemal) 5. 6 L 5 2-W�QDY.dncx (GFW lnternal] 6. i►II &�C I I�,R�i),�r �F'ulaliCj 7. ,��$P������.�P� (Pu�lic) 8. ��R� {�ubli�) 9. �,.AP OLVIiWSSP2-WOQDY 301Q��4D�,2��].dOr.�c (Pu61io7 ��. OR!].APPB� SSP2-WOODY�5600� A02���}�ij d. a�x (Pu�li�) 11. PB N 9 2 (CFW lnterna�) � 1^ F R w :- C C C3 V p. � U• 'tr a � O � O' O O J � 4 O O O 4 O 4 ao oQ ,� � ca � x 'a .� cn m � ao- nl N u:� u1 ra rl U�d � � N I.NO l�0 [y nl � � h r. r. N C'V d' d' -- ?/} ., ?li � th y1Y t�1 � , N N1 ln�i�n�'I I.N Nln�i�N �o w �Ic�n � w p � oi rn ai rn o cn � m 0 0 0 o a a o n p p Q O � O� 4 r-I H O O O O � 4 o a � .� cn �n o 0 V � � V d' p Q O C] r-I �--1 r-1 �--I m m r+7 m m rn m rn p q O O 4 O U O o a o 0 o Ga o 0 o a a o olo o a nl N n1 ry O O O d � o a ca o 0 0 0 u�t u'1 � u'7 m�� 4 ���� 0�00� � O � Q b � C o d �-�i � � ^�n w o�c N r � �1 i .-I � GO N 0.^ �17 �+.. ,i �� `� � n n � � � � � m � � ff�i c o � o d m ra r n � t7 C�i a U N � N O N �o �n ry w � � o rn 0 o a a rl H 0. ri H ri r-i r-f � O C7 � q p o v 0 0 0 � .� .� 1s7 LO [fl ll7 � O Ir7 �? 1f] u7 H H Vl d' u`F � � � d d o b r-1 rl rd m r.� m m m o� a v v r fl o 0 0 0 0 p OI� o a�o a a o a �olo fl � � � aV� �h u3 ��r7 I m � m �mmr�i�r..�r� i � � �� � � ��� � Y a � •� � � a � d w � D 4 � � � � v � � o V `� .� �" � o F-.� �a�`�j� w � � ++ � � � '� Y � � Q � �i .�-L � � r P, U V} t!a E� tr � � p o 0 o a o � o u� i o �n in a a a o ry i o o��� o m o n�e i � I"�� N � N W M C �l3 ' N N r-i d' � O Y�1 L.rS 07 � VF m r1 tR V} s-i .-� ih u7 , � i/} � �.fF ^�"} m m m rn � rn a�i rn m m� Q� Q] ff] Q1 Q1 6] al V1 Q� V1 Q1 I 01 61 OS 61 �5 �1 Ql 4� 6l a olo ola �o a�a ala � I fl �G �h �A lb i8 Cfl l0 l� rn m rn rn rn rn rn rn m� o a a o 0 0 0 o'a o � � .� .� � � �--i � a ,� rl .--I O O C O O r-1 ra O d O rl ri o Lf1 � d O+-[ o,� a o us m rrr o,-+ a � [] O O � b ❑ � 4 fl v� � v � m ,� -� u� � � � LR Lf5 U5 �f1 u�] U} � ui I u'7 o O O'� O O C} 6 O p m m m r, m m m r+� m m tt d a st � c a� �� c [�'� p "�.� d O O O O O q co m i.n �a �� tn t� r� n p o o Q�7 p o 0 o n CW N N h N N N N N I'4 o� o o a o r.� a o q i°n i°n u�i �� �� � u�i vi � ra N r1 N I N I N N I N rV .-I � 1 � � U � � � � � � ��� ����� � � V � U E�-� � � � � � � :� � � U G� �4'. � � �!5 O O a O n n�i !� O O C7 Q � � m 4 u�'� � m rL O 6i � Lfl t;J � H th {h � 1 y � VF iI7 Ol al O5 G5 GS !7] 67 01 Oi 01 41 � � �+ m vl � 01 61 Cl �l o Q d� � � � G °r.° m � n n H �--I �l .-1 r1 SW M � C t7 O G O O N N N N N N N rn rn rn a�s rn m vt o� o o a g c� a a o a a � ri � � � r, � � c a � o � a c� `-' a a o � o � � m m � 1� n �n ui w� �n �n �n u� m pm rQr, m m c�r� rn a�� o o fl a Q a� a o o q Nn O � O O P O O O � � ryp O p O O o O C7 C! .--I .-1 i7n] +�rl ��n N V�1 M� N N nl nl N s� M aaas�n-i MAYUR A�fI] COi7NCIL, COMi1riUNli:ATION {M&C) i'age l af 1 1 SECTION DU �5 1U 2 MAYQR AND CQT]NC:IL C(3MMUNIGATI�N (M�.C"} 3 4 5 5 �' �4�/�G •� � �'f'. l •/�' ��llC:f ..r�� n - --'1. � . '1LV'!i .... J� � :� � �11lI � r� 1�' _ i�r� " ri � 7 Mdc�' t�. c�� :z ��..; v�t�s =�. ��rE a. n��r ��� G� �t �� dr br U;: ��� -�-� � 1 S 9 14 � 11 12 ]3 IR 15 � 16 ]7 18 1� �0 21 22 �3 24 ENO OF 5ECTIUN [:]`FY ilN H(�it'f {'�dRT] I Lska Worth �Vsttr and Sanitary 5cwer Impro�cments Part 2 S'i'Al�llAltU CONSTRV�;'TIbN SP�C-IFICRT[4N DQCUMSNTS t�ity Frojeet #1i144G2-� l�e�ised Jwiy 1, 2011 A�DEN�UM N�, 1 7� THE CaNTRAGF ��Cl1MENTS FOR LAKE WAItiH WAT�R AND SANITARY 5E1A1£R IMPR�V�MENTS, PAR7 2 UA[f'TS 1� 2, & 3 CITY QF ��Ri WORTH wnt�� o�P►arrn�nEwr ��T� p�oiEcr �o. 3on�c�t-� ISSUE flAT�; AuguSt 11, �022 Blp RECE1Pi DATE: August 18� 2�22 The time for the submission af bids is ur�changed, The locatior� for the submission of bids is unchanged_ This Addendum forms part �f the Specifications and Contract Documents and madifi�s the ariginal 5pecifications and �nntract Doeuments. Bidder� shai! acknowled�e receipt ofthis Addendum in the space provided below and acknawledge reeeipt nn the auter envelope in your bid. �ailure ta acknowledge receipt ofthis addendum r.auld su�ject the hidc�ertn d€5qualification. The Pre-Bid Nteet'tng was held on August �"' at 9:00 AM, The sign-ir+ sheet Is attached. 3. A brief vweruiew nf the project was given hy Walter Norwoad. �. Contractar will n�ed ta get a Tx��T access permit f4r driving off the site anto the highway. Tx�OT requires cantractors t� get a�cess permit5 thernselves. 3. Project is a 5��5� project with TPW. 4. �n the streets with cur� and gutter repl�eemer�C, unless Mary Hanna, frvm 7JPW Departmeni, says otherwise during construc#inn, the �xisting top-of-curk� ele�ations will be put ba�k ta rnat�h existi�g. 5, Circie Rid�e brive W has a complicated curb situation, Engineer wil) add existing top-of-curb elevatlons to the prafile views. Questivns were taken frarn the atter�dees. Question5 are in hold, answers or statements made at th� m�eting are in ►�vNcs and clarifications are underlined. 1. 34� calendar �lays fs tno shor#; wuuld prefer 504 calendar days. 4Ne w1!! modrfy the cantrac� tirr�� fa 5�0 dcrys. 2. Trafflc control blcf item toa low; an�y 1 month �n water and 1 manth in sewer. Can this 6e upped through the duration of �ontract tirne? TPdfjfFC L'Oi�t1'OI f?!C� f��Il7 W1II �� lllOiflf e[{ t0 Ri[��C�l CPI1tl'i�Cf �II�7p 5D0 da s. 3. Goes the W$e1NW #emp pavement qua�tity include services� l9id it�em doesn't seem ro include waier s�rv�ces; we will ddd this ir�. 8ld ltem will be checked far the sewer services. Bid uantit for 3�(]1.0�0(] Ter� ❑ra ►4s halt Pa�in Re air with As�qhalt and Flex Base] has been U�dated to reflect the quantities Includin� water services and sewer services. 4. There is a lot �f CSS backfill an this projeet. Can a bid item ta import CSS by cuhi� yard be added? 1Ne wil�cvr+5lder this. A bid iterrE will nat �e added because C5S hackfill asso��ated with the installatian of an undersround utilitv ar excav�tien is cansidered suk�sidi�to the Addendum Nv, 7. A1- i iaa9sz-z —�ke h Wate anc� 5anita 5ewer lrn uvements Part 2 ADdEN�UM N0. x TO THE CAMTRAC7 4aCUM�NTS �d R LA�CE WORTH WATER AWQ SANIiARY SEW�i� #MPR�V�M�NTS, PART 2 UN�'f51, 2, & 3 installation ofthe utilit i e line asdesi r�ated inthe Drawin s er he Ci stand�rd con�truction s ecification do�uments. 5. Sanitary Sewer perrnanent par►�merrt repairs don't have a 6id item for pavement nutside of standard 5' wtidth, 1Ne �t�t�ced th�t and wlll address rt hy addend�m. A bid '+tem has been added for 320� A�01 As halt Pvmt Re air Be nd aefined Width Residentiai . �. The sail might have a lot of rock; can we get a select �II quantity� We willloak into crddirag Q bc�ckfrJl qucr�tity ta irr�part select fi1L A bid item has �e�n added for 33D5.O�D7 (Irriported EmbedmentlBa�kfill, 5eiect Filll for uses where �x�a�rat�d soil is unsuitable fer us� e in bac�#illin�, The Aua�tity is 1750 CY of back�ibl based on the as5umption �f row�l�lv 1Q�6 of the existin� sa�l bein� unsuitable, and includln� areas b�rand or belovu the limits uf the nld trench. �he owne�'s ro�ect re resentative wiEl make f�nal determinatian if excavated sail is un5uitable and hacicfill must be imparted. Measurement and pavment will �i��sC�ty 5pec 33 05 1�, 7, Sheet 19 has a noRe for rernova! and installatfon of a tee at th� tie-in, where is th�s� ThJs was a lr�st-minute cf�ange; rt shauld ►+ot be in the rrote. 1Ne'II remove the referente !n the note and the quantit}+ ira the adder�dum. S. Un sheet 22 there are svme tirnbers and wire� need a�aid item tn restare m�dian ta existing canditions sinc� #hey are so old. We`ll check into thut. A lump sur� �id iiem 9999.UQ07 �Timber and Wire Guardrail remvvai and re�la«ment� has been added to account for the removal and recanstruction of the timher and wi�e traffic stru�ture in the m�dian, 9. On shee# Z�. ean a bid itern I�e added far #he d-hale par�ement reslaratian in TxaD�'s pavernen#? TxD07' pro6ably wan't Ifke thr�r. We wif� remave that d�hole in che o�ddendum. and durir�g conscructior� h�ve the telecam Jvcate the llr�e. Bid item 3305.�1�3 for Expinratary Excavation of Existin Utilities has he�n u dated ta reffect this chan e in uantlt . i0. On sheet 3G, there appears to be a k�uikding on the �pstream sewer line. We'JI checklnta t'hat Lookin dawnstream afthe manhale in alle near S7A.13+28.G5 a ears tu match what is sf�own in ians with a close �ut not conflictin meta! buildin . No la�n chan �s ar� neces5sr . 11. �r� sheets 44 tlhrough �6, tM�re seems to b� limlted access to the site. How should we access and what are we aflowed ta da� I�ynu remove arry trees autxrde ihe e�rsemer�t you wiil need tv get a permit. We will check lnra access issues. There is a se arate easement runnin on the Qther side afthe ro er ali�win access t� back of#he site the manhale cannected to M-21�R . 12, �n sheet 43, there are !ow vverhead eleCtric wires maicing it difficult tv get an excavatar back there. We wil� check if �ny cr�igrrment sh�}ts ore doable ta avv+d the overhecrd. No other easements exist on the property to place sewer ali�nment. Over�ead ele�tric ar��ears ta be approximatelv 7.8' ak��v� r�round at the pale; ther� is a hill that #he sewer line rrrust cross, a d th� cahle lines e# low 7'-9' at the mir�imum abo�e the rpund _ However there is a lar e amount �f slack inthe cal�les and the sontractor shouid wark with the utilit vwner5 to veri if t� can raise and su ort them far con�truction activities. Addendurn No, 1 A1- 2 1d09fi2-2 — Ldlce Warkh INater and *.►a�itary 5ewer Impro�ements, Par# x AUQENdUM Na. l SOTHE CONTRACT QOCUM�NTS F�R LAKE W�RTH WATER AND SANITARY SEW�R IMPR�V�MENTS, PART x UNIT51, �, & 3 13. Qn s}�eet 43 and alang M-2zQ, thQre are trees called for remn�al with no quantities. and ahere is fencing In the way with na c�uarrtity. Bid items have been added for 311Q.�1�2 6"-12" Tree Remar�al 31�.�.4]1Q3 12"-18" Tree Removall. �nd 3�.�R.�].flA.�18"-2�" Tree Remo►rai�. Per Cit standard s ecs urhen crossin fen�es e endicularl the fencin Is subsidia to the tren�h and na ati�er com ensation is allowed. The lans have 6een u dated ta show existin� fencin�. Sid items have been added for 3�3x.�121 �4' Chain Link. Aluminum�,. 3231.Q124 8' Chain Link Aluminum and 3231.U41� 5' Fences INaad to a�cauntfarthe rev�acement vf parall�f fenGin� shnwn in plans. �4. �n sh�e#�41 there i5 a guard rail, we need a bid item to remove and cvns#ruct a new rail. The ralf probahly carr't be put Isack after remo►�al due t� it's age. We wlll check �r�t� fuN repla�emeRt or jusr Irmits a�replacement. A bid iter� far 9999.�D08 Metal G.uardrail Removal and Re lacement has been added tn acaount for t� emaval and recanstruction of one ar hath uard r�ils alon Cirsle Rid e{�ri�e an sh�et �i. S5. Gan a gene�al waterline-lawerir� bid item be added to account for poterrtlal issue spots with utflities7 Y�s� w� cdn dd�f that. A bid iterrr far 33�S.IX]04 6-1a' Wat�rline Lawerin has �een ad�ed bv thi5 addendum ta aecount far Avte�tial locativt�� where wateriine conflicts and re uires 1❑werl to accnmmadate the sani#a sewer, 1fi. T�ere is nv I�id item to rem�ve gate valves and fire hydrants. Bid items for E]2�1.1302 emove 6" and smaller Water Valve 07.�1.13�3 Remaae 8" Water Valve anci �241.1,51� 5a1va e Fire H drant ave been add�d to accaunt for the removal of �xlstin ate v lves and fire � dra ts. dditianali the hid i�em uantit for �312.Qfl�1 �Fire HVdrant) has heen in�reased from $ to 9. 17. �iow Is Fort Warth handling prioe increases� Th�re iSn't a section in the sp�tifrtatiarrs for price incr�ases. Contractor is required to honnr his p�cin� for the �vntract duration, 18. The prvjec# calls for mR-14 PVC; thls Is difficu{t ta saurce from Mant�factur�rs wltJ� h�gh lead times. Can we swaq aut DR-14 far QR-�8. �Ev. l�a chan�es xvill be made to Citv standard PVC specifications that reauire �R-14 an small diameter water lines, The following questions �n bafd were received and answers are posted in itu�ics with additional �larification underlin�d. 1. Could ynt� pleas� veri�fy the tatal amount af Vertical Feet �1�F1 on Unit 2- Bid Item No. 8 Epoxy Manhole Liner? Accarding ta plan sheets 29 thru A6, there are 25 manhvles calling fvr epvxy liner with an approx. total of 2�� VF, a significant difference af the bid item tntal of ��DVF. a. Look�r�g thtaugh this, there are �G rn�nhn�es called outfar epaxy caating}ora surn iaiar of z�S.S VF af epoxy csoatrng. This has been u dated in the bid uantities. Addendum No. 1 �� - � 1�9�-2 — Lake Worth Water and 5anitanr Sewer Irnaro�►ere�ents, Part 2 �ao��uau� �o. � T�THE C4�ITRAG'1' I]�CUM�NTS ��R LAKE W�RTH WATER AND SANIiARY SEWEIt 4MRR�VERAENTS� PART 2 I�NIT51, Z, & 3 2. Could you add a bid itern iar bypass pumping? 1f�1e91 need it for the tunn�lling � baring and pipe enlargement on this praJect. a. Four bid items for 3303.4�01 g as� Purri in have been added one for each �f the faur ra'ect loeations M-220 L-5306 L-497U an L-�z1� that call far installation bv-other-'than-o�en-cut. BIODING RE4UIREM�NTS: DO 4100 — Sid Form IVlodifi�ativn; paragraph R�.1 change Can�ra�f Time frorr� 3�0 days to 500 days. �q 4� 43 — Pr�asa! Fnrm Madification: Delete this �ection an�3 re}�lace it with tt�e Proposal Farm inckuded with this Addendurn. It is ta he attachecf to the eorrtraGt dacuments and suhmitted with the 8icl. The entire form must be cnrnpieted. The new Excei spreadshee# ha5 been uploaded to BIM36D. �0 5� 4� — A�reernent Madificatian: Arti�le 4.�. �hangethe time #o com�iet� the wark tn final acceptance fram 30❑ days to 5Qo days. GEl�ERAf. REQL7IREME�ITS: There are N� chan es to Ch enEral Re ufrements. T ECH N I CAL. 5FEC I I CATI�A15: 99 99 �Q — Non-5ta� ard 8�d Ikems Mndificatiar�: inserted n�w bir� item fvr 9999.00fl7 {Timber and Wire Guardrail Remaval and Repiacement}. The n�w bid Item shal! read; 9999.�0�7 Timl�er and Wire ��ardrail Removal and R�placement 6id item shall c�ver the remaval and repi�cement of the timher and wire median traffic control deviGes designated an the ptan5. Tne remo�al and repiacement of timber and wire guardrails shall be paid vn the basis of lurrrp sum. IVladificatian: inserted new bid item for 9999.UU�8 �Metal Guardrail Removal and Repfaeement�. The new bid item shall read: 999�.Q�08 Metal Guardrail Remaval and Replacement Bid item shail coUer the rema�al and replacemerrt of ane or both metal guardrail traffic r.antrol devlces designated on the plans vr as directe�d by t#�e City of Fart Wort�t at the directian af the Rr�je�t En�ineer fnr the T/PW partion af the projert. Rernaval of the guardrai I shall be perFarmed per �� 4113 af the City 5tandard Construction 5peeifications. The remor�al and replacement af timber and wire guardrails shall be paid an #h� basis of linear fnat remaved and replaced. QRAININGS: Plan Sheet 12; Acid ane new meter, meter #43, fnr Lot 71, Block 8R. Addendum N�. 1 A�-� 10�Jfr2-� —Lake Worth Water and Sanftary 5ewer lmqruvements, Part 2 AQ13�NDUM P�0.1 TO 7H E CONTRACT dOCU M�NTS FOR LAKE WOf��H WATER AND SAIVITARY SEWER IMPR�VEMENTS, PART 2 LJfVIT5 1, Z, & 3 Plan Sheets 12 thrv�h 22: Wh�re the proposed water meter is greater than 5' frorn tihe existing water meter add private service iines fram the �arQposed meter location to the served building. Plan Sheet 13: Add twa new rneters� m�ters #44 an�i #45, far l.at B6, Blo�k $R and Lot 63, Blo�lc 8R� respectively. Plan 5h�et 14: Add twa new meters, rneters #46 and #47, for Lo# 57, Bln�k SR and Lot 55, Slack 8R, re$p�ectively. Plan She�t �9; Edit the nate at Sta. O+UU.fl� to rema�e refer�nc� to removal of the existing 1D" tee as- well as for the insta4lation of a 7,D" by 8" tee. The new nn#e shaH read: STA. ��0.0(l B�GIM1I pROPQSED S" DfA. WATER �.INE IN53ALL: 1�"}�S" RET]UC�R COP�NECTTQ ExISTIN� 10"' WA7�R LIN� N : 5974376.4 a E: 23Q7371.49 Plan 5heet 2Z: Add the existing timbers and wire guardrail inta the medfan and add a note for their rem�val and reconstruction. Plan 5heet �3; Rema�e the explor�tflry �xcavation of existing utilities at 5TA. ��+1�.50. Plan 5heet 41: Add a nate for the remo�al and reconstruction of the two m�tal guardrails. R{an Sheet �43; Revise the prafile r�iew title, L-4974, ro properly rnatch the sanitary sewer'� designatian of L-531a. Acid an existing �4' high chain l�nk fence in the plans r�nning paralle) with th� LQt 17-C-R's property line approximately 5' after the nverhead eleEtric pole's guy wire. Add an existing 8' high chain iink fence alcng L�ots 15 &�.7-A-R property Une. Add an existing 6' high wooden fence along Lot 1a-A-R's prop�rty lin� with 17-C-R. Plaln 5heet 4S: Add new nate: CDNTRACT�R SHALL PRESERV� ANd PRaTEGT EJCIS7ING CHA4VMEL WH1LE MAiMTRIN ING E7i1STiNG S�CTIdN, SL�PES, AND STABILITY OF CHAlVNE�. SIpES. Pl�n 5heets 49 throu�h 52: At�d new note: CONI'RACTOR SHAI.L MATCH E3LISTING PAVEidiENf �L.EVATIONS WHI�.E MAI�iTING IXISTING ��AIAIAGE PATTERNS ANp PREVENTIMG WATER PON[]IIVG. Plan Sheefis 49 throu h 5�: Add a data band for existing left anci existing right fi4p-af-curb/pav�ement elevations at 5D' increments ta the pavement profile ►►iews. All other praWisioros of the p{ans, specifications, and contract documents for the praject which are not expressly amended herein shall remain in full farce and effect. The Carrtractor shalf acknawledge rece}�t of this Addendum �l� in the space �rovided below� j2} i n 5ecttvn aU 410fl Bid Farm and �31 on the nuter envelope vf the Contractor's bid in upper case letters "R�CEIVED & ACICN�WLE�GED ADQENQUM Na. 1." Failure to return a signed �opy �f the addendum with the Pr�posaf sha11 i�e graunds fvr render+ng the �id nnn-re$ponsive. A signed capy of this addendum shalY �e piaced inta the Propasal at the time af submittal. Addendum h1a. 1 +�1-$ 10�62-Z — Lake Worth Water and r 5ewer Im r ments Par� x AdDEhEQUM N�, i TD TH� CON7RACT DOCUf1AENTS F�R LIA�CE WORTN WATER AN� 5ANITARY S�WER !MP!lDVEMENTS, PART � UNITS 1, 2, & 3 PRESf� MEETING BURG�$.�f �e, ille�� 51GN-IN 5N�ET aer���r; w.,�, ,,�vr�r���r�ra�rer� 7nu�azaa�rzana� !RIl.fECr: ulu rrorch WMa Nld BenH�ry �wu RRleW C4NRER�k: 6J4110tx � g:oo nh1 kn PfC��immHll� l�el i cmr efo.mo�+w. �ov:rxa ei� oveK�a: a�ie�zo�z � x�o�� ersr R!1 r rr.ra nonwac. A� auKw�uo�re�woaxr,�r: wwrnswndrAa.rr� NAfiqE COMPANV TEL�PNDNE Ed�AAILAQD11E5S E �twin ih1���t r�n�r+��jwi nz. S S�� �75� �;rwth �►{�'6�r�sa;i.Gon, i---- � - —a -- I�-�-y ��-~ --• ��-�,�,1__ ._ -?_± , . � � ���,_. ,�'�;� • ,_ '�. ��al• d �d __ kJ !s%t �p r 1- p ��r� ' � ARY� � l."� re�a ; l�dw �'}—J�' ��" ffy��Ny�F �ar _��.t I � � �►'l !�. _= �1`�r� �� � � ! � �. ^j�1'if "� �'#A�. i�k��rw� ��v �r� i��. . .._._. _� � 5ign-In - Pre9id - Lake Worth W&WW Improvements Part Z Addendurn No. 1 +�1' � �OQ962-2 —Lake Worth Water and Sanitar►r 5ewer Im�ravemer�ts, Part 2 RCT��NDUM NQ.1 TQ 1'HE CaWTRACT Q�CUMENTS F�R 1AI[E WQRYH WATER AND 5AAlITARY SEWER IMPi��1iEM�NTS, PART � UNITS 1� �, & � ,,.,,��; � ��crox or tia u TRqP(1AAL F'JHIA .��. A:xm ��, «.M� ,.>.,..,,...�.,.., ����.������ A�dendurn Na, Z A1- 7 7�OQ9BZ-Z -- Lake Worth Water and �nitary 5ewer I urmraments, Part Z !lHIT PRICE Blo Bidder's Applicatfon AOaEHpUM MQ.1 TD'�HE COAITRACF DOCUMENTS �D R LAICE W�RTH WATER ANb SAMITARY 5EWER IMpR�11EMENTS, PAfiT 2 UN1TS1,2,&3 accnaM�o�s+� rttanoHni. ruati Addendum No, 1 A1-8 1�0962-2 — Laks Wortfi Water and Sanitary 5ewer Im�ra�rements. Part � U�fIT PRICE �ID Blddels Applicatlpn AQDENDUM �1Q.1 7'� 7N� CO�ITRACT DOC�JMEEUTS FOR LAICE WORTH 1NA7ER AND SANITARY SEWER IMPRaVEMENTS, PART 2 IINITS 1, �, 8l3 Kci►�o�aya PFIUi'[�!:�L �Ulii1 �� ��;«„�� v�.I�A�N��F�I� ai�Nw, �w �i � i��n�� u1 •�m�.��... i.. i��i- ia [. i ial � ii� � �i i N.�iur.....Y..i-.11iu.�Gw.ii.irYiiii..ti.iil.n•i..i.il..lrii.._y,.�.�..i Addettdum Nu, 1 A1- 9 1�9fi2-Z — Lake Warth Water and 5anlWry �wer Imqrouee�ten�. Pa�t 2 urorr �ics sEa Biddera Appllcation �ooENDUM N0. �. TD 7NE CONTRACT UQCUM�NT5 F�R LA10E W�RYF! WATER A9VD 5ANCiARY SEWER IMPR�VEMENT5, pART � UNfTS 1, 2, & 3 This Ad�lendurn issued: BURGES� & N[PL�, INC. TBPELS �IRNi R�GISTRATEQN Na. F-�.0834 , r �� � Dfi�� T��9 � � �� � � d � ,t �u�n ....................i . �nLu�� ❑. w��aQt�No ..,_..���.,.....»�............ -� : 6795ti '�-, �. ��t" ■ �; 1i�oiVAL��� ��►+w�• 1/til , � �. ��� A ust 17. 2022 sI �o��o�,�. Williarn D. Mfendland, P.E. RECEIPTACKf�O �r � 1NA��R dEPARTMENT �� ���� B�: By: �� ���g; Tony 5hafola, P.�., Assistant Rire�tar ENp OF AdD�NDUM N0. 1 Add�ndum Na, 1 ��'-1� 1QD962-� — Lake Wortfi Water and Sanitary 5ewer Imnrnvement5. Part � ODQ515-1 ADIJ�SI+�UA Fage l aF 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 � 9 la li 12 13 14 l5 15 17 18 19 SEGT�UIY 40 �515 AdDENDA Errn aF sECTio�v CITY OF F�RT WORTH STA�IIIARD C4N5TRUCTION SPECIFIGATIC}N DUCIIA+IEI�i'fS Revised iuly 1, 2�l L i�� Worth Water and 5anitary 5ewer ImEuavemcntc Per[ 2 City project #1a0A62-2 fl� 11 13 WVI'CAT'I4N'1'a 81[)1}1:R5 Pagc 1 af 3 SF,GTIDN D011 13 IltiTVITATI�N TU �3II7I]F?RS RECEIPT OF BIDS Sealeci bids for the const�uctivn of I,ak� Warth �Va�er and Sanitary 5ewer Irnpro�+ernent� Part iI, City Project #1049b2-2 �"Prajccl°') will be recezved by the City of Fart Worth Purchasing [�ffice until 1:3b F.N�. GST, Thursclay, Augus� 1 S, ��22, as furt�er descrihed balaw: City af Frn�t V+Iorth Purchasing Di�ision 200 Texas Sircct Fnrt Warth, Texas 761�2 Sids will be acc�epted by: US P�ai1, Cnurier, FedEx nr haod delivcry at the address at2o�e; H��ls will be vpen�d publicly and read aloud at 2:{Hl PM GST in khe City Cr�uncil Chambers. In l�eu af delivering coinpleted Busin�ss Equity (11�JWBE} farms fUr tlse praject tv thc Purchasing �fficc, bidders shall e-mail �he Gnmpleted Bt�siness �quily forms to the City Pr4jeat Manager no later than �:DO FM on the third City Business day after the t�id apc:ning date, exclusi�e afthe bid vpenin� date. G�'NERAL DESCRIPT�UN OF WORK The majar work will �onsi�t of t�-ie {appxoxunate] fallowing: 6,Q52 LF S" Water I.ine by Open Cwt 150 LF 8" RTater Linc by Other than C}�ren G�t 5,42] LF 8" Sanitary Sewar by Open Cut ].,798 LP 8" 5anitary Scwcr l�y (]ther tlzan Dnen Cut 17,750 5Y Asphalt Pavement Pul�eri�alion and �verlay 3,0�[l LF 6" Cancrete C�rh � Ciutter �,530 SF Cnncrete I3riveway Rcztwval �nd Replaeemen# PREQilAL[FICATIOAI ' Certain irnpro�emcnis included in t�is proje�t must be p�rformed by a cantract�r ox� designated subcontractnr who is pre-qualiiied by the City �t the time of bid opening. Th� proc�duz'es for c�ualificatiott and pre-qnalifi�atian a�e outlined in the 5ectinn 3 of QO 2l 13 —1NSTRUCTIQNS T() BIa��;RS. a�CUMENT EXAIIZI�ATI�N AND PR�L'[JRE�7E�iTS The $iddiu� and Contract L�ocuxnenis rnay be examincd or oblaincd an-line hy visiting the City ofFort �orth's Puri;hasing Divisian �v��site at : = and �1'raking an thc link to the adverti�ed project folders on the C;ity's elcctro�iic dnoument rnanagement and �allaboraiion systenn siie, The Contract �n4um�nts may be dawnload�d, �riewed, and printed by interested contractvr� andlor suppli�ts. 13id Dacum�nt Pa��Cage �t', M 1 0� t�kr 11��r+5k.7'Z���i mP•�dC'11 P3� �frr�_.l� h_� ���a�r 1'4's9f Addenda PaIder C1TY OF F�1tT WC]RTl-I l.aka ifrol•tl� H�af�r mnd &rrflitQl}+ Sewer Iinpruw�emen]a Pat'! II 5TANC]AR17 COI�STRU{:Tl(]N S]'tiCIPIC:AT7QN DOC:UM�ti1T CiryPr'ojecl #140962-2 Revised 71]912�21 D411 13 INYTi'A'I'IUi+i'CO BIDDER9 ['dge 2 of 3 hr�z .,,, dt;:s 3 ,� _. :�tsi� �rr' ' 4�' «& ��`z�+w �_F31f '�5d�f►��n8��p 1 � P�an Hnlders RegislratiQ� Foru� and Plan HQ�ders List M�. ��y+,+� i.�rJ�t �'�t4� O ���a4 w�� ..13 ��ai'��"��FJ�� x�'r Y ir�i ����fe�r Cppies of the $iddin� and Contra�t Documents may bG purchased fr�m William Wendland, P.E., Bur�ess & Niple, Inc., &17-��G-1444xG105, which is locat�d at 39�0 Fossil L'reek Blvd, Suite #21 Q. The cost of Ridding and Contract Dacuments is; Sot of �idding and Contxact Dacuinents with full si�e drawings: � Zd4 Set af Bidding and �antra�t I?oeumcnts with half si�e (i�available} drawu►g�: $100 E�PRL+"SSIQN C)F T�ITGR5E5T Ta ensure pvtential bidders axe kept up tv aate of any new infUrmatian pertinunt to ihis proja�k, sll interes#ed �arties are requested to email Expressinns of Interest in this praourement tt� the Ciiy Prajcct Manager and thc I)e�ign Engineer. The ernail shaulc� include the campany's narne, conta�t p�rr�r�n and that individua�'a email addresa and phnnc nuinher. All l4ddenda �rill be distribute�l dircct]y tn thase wha have expressed an interest in the pracur.einerit and �rill aiso �e posted in ine City �f rort Worth's pur�}.�sing we�sitc at i_.�, �� u�. PREBIU COIVFERENCE — Iu persan A nan�mandaic�ry prehid eonferen�e will be h�ld as ciis�ussed in Section 0� 21 13 - INSTRLJCTIDNS Ta BIDDEI�S at the fo]lavtFing date, tim�, and �lace: bAT-E: August 4, 2�22 TIME: 9:�0 AM PLAC'.�: Watcr I]e�artrne�xt 311 VW, 10`�' St. Fort Warth, Texas, 7d1U2 If a prebid confercnce is held, the pr�sentatf4R1 �i7d 8�y t]uestions �i]d ansWers pravid�d At the prebi d c�uference will be issued as an Addendum to the ca]I far bids_ If a prebicl cnnfere�ce i� not bein� hcld, pz'[�speotiue bidders c�n e-mail questions or comrncnts in accordance ��+ith Section 6 nf the It�sh-uctions to Bidders refcrenced above to the prnj ect znana�er(s} at thc e-rnail addresscs listcd below. Emailed c}uest�rnis will suf�i�e as "q�cstions in writin�." If n�cessary, Addenda wi]] he issued pur5uant to the L�7sGructions to Biddera. CITY'S RIGHT T4 ACCEPT 4H 1�EJFCT ajIlS C�ty reserves the right ta waive irre��larities and to ac�ept or reje�t any nr all l�ids. The Fngineers Estimate nf Probablc Construc�ivn Coat i$ $3,�M �WARIl City will award a �onf��act tn tl�e �idder presenting the lowcst pri�ce, qualificati�ns and cainpetencres �nnsidcred. C:IT'i' OF F�RT' WDRTH Lake 6Part�h Waler� ar�dSaultmy 5�wer� frrtpmvenaRnGs f'ar[ II 5TAN?]�IRi7 COR15TAiIC`Ti{]h SPEL'1t�IC'ATIOh; I]U�UMENP Clty Pr�n�er•t #rf7l1962-� Revised 711912f3� l ooli t3 �rrvrrnnorr ro ��uo�t� Page 3 af 3 II�i�UIRIES All inquiries relative to this procuxement should he addresscd to the f�llnwing: Attn: Walter Not�vood, P,B., City af �'ort Worth Email: vuatte�',norwaod[a�fottworthtexas.g�ov Phvna: 817-392-5 026 ANDlO�t Attu: William Wendland, P.E., F3urgess & Niple Email� �il�y.wendland(a7burgessniple.com Phvne; $17-3Db-14�xG1 �S ADVERTISEMENT DATES .Tuiy 2181, 2Q22 a�iy 2s��, zoz� END OF �ECTI[]M CI�'Y OF FaRT WORTH Lake i��rMk FY��� rnx! Ss�r[fary �ewer hxplrovar�ents ParF iI S�AAiD�4I�] CQTISI'RUCTI4N SPE��'ICATIQN DQCLIM�SNT GYIy Projec� #100462-2 Reviacd 711$12aa1 60 2f 13 INSTRUCT3[]�k S '1'O RIF7T}RRS i'age 1 of 10 SE�TION �� �1 I3 INSTRUCTIQNS TU 13II]DFRS 1. I}effned Term� 1.I . Capitali�ed tcrms used in thesc INSTRU�TI�NS TO I3IDDEItS are defined in Secti�n fl0 72 OQ - GF.NFRAL C�M7I'fiC}N5. 1.2.Certain additional terrr�s used in the�e Il�ISTRUCT1�h1S Tfl BiDD�RS have the r�eanings in�iicxte�i bclow which az�e applicabLe to both the sin�ular and plurat the�vf. 1.2.1. Sidder: Any pctson, firm, p�ztuership, company, assn�iation, or cnrpoxaiinn auting directly thmu�h a duly authorized representati�+e, sul�mitting a hid for perforrning the w�rk contemplated undex �ihe Contract Da�uments. 1.2.2. Nonresident Bidder: Any persan, �rm, paxmer�hip, company, association, ar ea�rparation a�ting directl}+ through a du]y auth�rizcd represe�tative, submitting a hid Fnr pexforming the �vvorl� contempiated under the Contract D4cumezats whos� principa] place of business is nut in the State ofTexas. 1.2.3. Successfili Bidder: The lawest responsible and resposisive Bidder ta wham City {un the basis af City's evaluation as hereinafter prr�vidcd� makes an award. �. Copfe$ af Bidding Document� 2.1.Neither City nor Fa�gineer shall assume any respansihility for crrars ar misinterpretations resulting fi'om tl,e I3idd�rs use of incamplctc sets of Bidding Dacuments. Z,2, City and �ngineer in inaking copies of Hidding Da��ements avail�ble do sn oniy f�r the purpose of Qbtaining Bids far the V�To�-k and do nat authoru� ar confer a license ar grant far any other use. 3. Prequalifieation �f B�dders (Prime Cvnt�Cto�'s and Subeuntra�tnrs) 3,1. Hidders ar their designated subcQntractars are required to be prequali�ied for the work iypes requiring prequalif"tcation as per Sections 00 45 11$1D�EItS FR�,�ilALTFICATIONS and UU 45 12 PRE(�UALIFICATION STATEMENT. Firrns seeking pre-qualificatian, xnust submit the dacurrt�ntatian identified in Sectinn Od 45 1 1 on SectiQn DU �1S 13 PRLQUALIFICATIC7N APPLICATION at l�ast seven [7] calendar days prinr to Liid apcning for re�iew and, if qualiiicd, acceptai�ce, The subGontractars listed by a Biddex on fl� �5 12 muct he prequa�i�ed fc�r thc apprapriate wark iypes. Subcontractors mu5t foll❑w ihe samc timclines as ]3idders for ohtaining pre�ualification review. Bidders or Suhcoutractars wha are nnt praqualified at the time bids are �pened and rev'tewed may cause the bid to bc re�ected. Pr�quali�xoation requirernent wcar�C typss and doct,unentati�n are available by aceessing all required files through the C`Lty's websiie at: iiit� ir i � _��tF : . _ � �- _��F tt :Z`---= — 3.1.1. Fa�ri�g — Requirements dac�ment located a�: C't7'Y []� kOR'1' WORTH Lake Worth Waterand 5enitary SewerAmprni�e�uenks Part 2 STAAid�U COhST�t[ICTffIN 5P8CIFICr1.T]Uh] DOCi1l4lFsI+dT City Pr�ject#IOU962-2 Rcvisedli;pdafed \'avember 2, 2�Z1 no�t i3 IIV5T�L17C7'JCJ\TS T�) f31I]I]r:1tS Yagc 2 oi 16 :�� $ � 4 �a � �- °t�2UCon trucbi /a2 1 r°�oz lif' ' �i'PW �Pav' :�rn�4Contractor°�a OPr ualific�ivn'�aa0 � carnl�'RE ICA gN°�a�RE � TIF�IIv�ENTS°Io2��F'CJ R°�o2al'A VINC`r°�o2�CONTI�ACT�RS.pdf 3.1.2. Rnadviray and Pedest�an Lig�tin� �- Requirements dacument lacated at: i1�L� 1 ry?xdG: lQ1 CS�t �� --+tb. � v. 1 l l) �.4� dLl L:�, J 1R aV:- .�..■ JL ... � r _ °Ie2�Coastructior►°/o2ii�c�r �C�mtra�o?APre�3�.ific�tio�l'T'PW°�p20Roed�a ��Q24and°�o2QPe�estrian°�s�4Li�;h�n ��Pr�gu�iific�fio�°/n2. D�lS! T E1"n ��}T.l�i3_l -%nLVritL'�U.tS.i.n1�4i14�1ri1`I LU�UQt 3,1.3. Watcr and Sanitary Scwer — Requiremcnts documcnt lncated at: �.. � Fr'_.L�L•i�ltl�' i. � ...�. 1�1! •fl1E: � -I�f".al . 'ra� bp/l4LV" � °�r�OC:o��tructiuneia2� t C�ntractox�io24 e i trac�t�L���d'"��- 4S.�a�y�1-"j�w�'�OF�'actc�°ln,�P_ie t�al� c'at�oi}4� QF'r �5°/8 " -- vc� - ZIl� a}�. 7��r��11Ti [Il LI 7l� 3,2, Ea�h Bidder, unless �urrently prequali�ed, must submit to City at least Revert ("i) caleud�r days priar to Sid npening, the dacumentati�n identifi�d in Seciion 4U 45 l 1, BII�D�RS PR��UALIFIC:ATI(3�5. 3.Z.1, Suhmission of andlox qu�stions r�lated tv p�equalification ahvuld be address0d tn the City cantact as provided in Paragr�ph 5.1. 3.3. The City reserves the right ta requirs any pre-quaiificd contractnr wh� is the appareni low bidder fo� a project to submil such �dditiotta� infarmatic�n as the �ity, in its sole discrciion may rcquire, includyng hut not limitcd to �nanpower and equipmcnt recvrds, inforrnatinfl about key perso�mel to be assigned ta the project, and �anstxuction schedul� to assist thc City in evaluating and asses�g thc abiliry af the appar�nt low bicider #o deli�er a quaiity pruduct aud succcssfully campletc pro�e�fs for th� anioUni bid within the stipulaied time irame. B�sed upan �he City's assessment af t#�e subr�ittod infarm�ation, a reCvmmcndation rcgarding the azvard afa coiitract wxll he made ta the �iCy Council. Failure ta suhmi� the additiona] uifannatinn, if requested, may be grounds f�r rejecting the apparent low bidder as nna�-retiponsi�e. E1f�ecled �ontractars vvill he notiftcd in writilag of a recnmmer�datian ia the City Cauncil. 3.4. Ts� addition to prequalification, additional requircmcnis fvr qualiiication may be required within various seCtians of lhe Cnntract Dc�cuments. 4. L+'xaminatinn af'Bid.dit►g aud Contract Dncument�, �ther Kelated Dats, and 5ite 4, l. F3efc�re submitting � Bid, e,�ch Bidder: C�T°Y OF FDRT 1§'{31t'1'F�I I.x1tG Wo[#h WAtcr snd San�t9ry SeweC 1mpIOVcmcnta Fart 2 STANL7AIill COI+iBTItI�L"TIOh' SPECIE'iCA7Y{SN�Dfl�LI1vIF7+FI' C'.ity Projecl ti1UD96Z-2 Ret'isedlLlpdated Novemher2, zoa7 d0 21 13 INSTRLJCTI�NS TO BII]I}E[t5 Yage 3 af 10 4.1,1. 5hali exarnine and carefully siudy the Gontra�t Dacumenfs and ather retated data iden�ified in thc Hidding I7Qcuments (including "#echnical data" ref�rred to in Paragraph 4.2. t�elow). Nn informatian gi�en hy City ar ar►y r�presentati�e af thc City ather t�an that Gontained in the Coniract Uocurnents and s�fficially promulgated adder�da ther�#o, sha11 be binding up�n the City. 4.1_2, Should visit the site to 4�e�om� familiar with and sat�sfy Bidder as to the general, 1oca1 and site r,an�itions that mPty affect cost, progress, perfarmance or furnishing of Fhe Work. 4, i.3. Shall cnnsider federal, state and laCal Laws and R�gulations that m�y affect cost, pTagress, perfortnance or furni�hing of the Work. 4.f .�4. 5ha11 stuci� all: (i) reporfs nf explarations and tests ofsubsurface conditians at ar contiguaus t� th� Site and all drawings of phyaical canditions relating to �nisting surface ar subsurface struc�res at the Site [excep# Undergro�xnci Facilitiesj that �ave been sdentif'�ed in the Con.tras:t D❑cuments as c�ntaining reliable "technical data" and (ii) reparts and drawings of Hazardous E�vixonmental Canditic�s, i£any, at the Sit� that have been identified iz� the Contract Dn�uments as containing reliable "technical data." �.1.5. Is adyi�ed that the Canixaet Dacu�ts on fi1e �r+ith the City shall canstitute aIl af the infarmation which the City will fiunssh. A11 additic��xal infortnation and data which th� City wil.[ �upply after �ramulgation of the formal Cantract Documeuts slaall be issued in t1�4 ferna of written addenda and shall become part af the Contract Dacuments just as though such addenda were actual.ly written into the ariginai Cvntract Uacuments. Na inforrsiatic�n given by the City other than that contained in the Cantract Documents aru� officially promulgated adcienda theret�, shall i�e hinding upon the City. 4.1.6. Should perfarm tttciependant research, investigatiar�s, te�ts} borings, and snch other meaz�s as may bc nece�sary to gain a oornpl�ie knawledge of the canditians which will be encountered during the �nnstruction af the proj ect. Far �roje�ts with restrictad ac�ess, upvr� rcc�uest, City may pro�ide each Bidder access ta the site to �onduct such examinations, in�e�tigatiana, explarations, tests and studies as eac�a Sidder deexns nece�sary �nr submissivn of a Bid. Bidder must �ll a11 t��,les �nd cleau up and restore the site to its former conditians upan oampletian af such explorations, investigativns, tests and studies. 4.1.7. 5�a11 detem�ine the difficulties of the Work and all atter�ding circumstancea �f'fecting the cast of doi�g the Wnrk, tirn� xequired for its �oYnpletion, and uhtain all inforu�ation required to make a propasal. Bidders shall rely exclusi�ely and solely upon tbeix awn �stimates, investiga#ion, z�esearch, tests, explorations, and other r�ata which are necessary for full and complete infarmation upon �hich the pmpasal is ta be based. It is understoad that the suhmi�sion of a propos�l or hid is pt�ma-facie evidence th�t the Bidder has made th� investi�ativns, exaxn.in�tions and tests nerein t�quired. iITi OF FdRT WdRTH Lake Wor[h Water and $anitaiy Sewer Imprave�xtents Part 2 sT,a►vnwxn ��atvS'�'RUcr[�rr SPECt�CA'r��rr nOCt1MBhlT City Project#1fl�962-2 Revi�edf[]pdxted A3avember 2, 20Q1 UO 21 13 I1 STRLIC'I'1OR15 Td 6II]DER3 Page 4 of 19 �.1.8. Shall promptiy n�otify City nf all cantlicts, �rrors, aznbiguities or discrepancies in ar between the Contra�t Dos�uments and such other related doGuments, The Cantractnr shall r�ot take advantage of any gross error ar omissivn in #he Cont�act Documents, and the Ci#y shall �a� permitted tv make such �arrections or interpretaiions as may he dexmed necessary far fulfillment of th� intent af the Contract i]ocuments. �4.2, Reference is made ta Section {lfl 73 [?U — 5upplementary Cnnditions far identi�ication nf: A�.2.1, tliase re�arts af ex�laratians and bes�s �a#'subsiufa�e oonditioz�s at or cnntiguaus tv the site which have been utiliz.�d lry City in preparatior� of ti�e Cvntract Documents. The ln�s �f 5vi1 Bnrin�s, if any, on the plans are for general inforrnatian anly. Neit}►er tlte City nax` the Er�ineer guarantee that the tiata shown is representativ� nf conditians which actually exist. 4.�.2. thase drawing� of phpsical conditians in or relating ta existing surface and su}�sur�ac� structures (exce�f CFndergro�sr►d Fa�ilities} whie�► are af vr cnntigunus to the site that have been util�zed by� Gity in �reparatian of the Contract Dacumeuts. 4.2.3. copies of sucb. reports and drawings wil� be made availa�l� Uy Cityto any Bidder on request. Those reports and drawings m ay not he part of the Coniract tioGumex�ts, but the "technical rla#a" �:onta'tned tlierein upan which Birider is entitled tu rety as provid�d in Paragrap� 4.0�. of the General Gonditions has heen identi�ied and established in Paragraph SC �,d2 of the �upplem�ntary C�nditinns. Sidder is resp�nsible far any inierpretatio� or cnnclusion d�rawn �rarn any "t�cluucal du�ta" ar any ather data, interpretations, apinions or s,nformation. 4.2.4.Standard insurance requirements, r�v�rag�s and. lirni#s. 4.3. The submissian uf a Bid will canstitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder� �i) that Bidder has cnmplieci with every requirement of this Paragraph �, {ii} that without exception the Bid is prerniscd upon per�flrming and �urnisbing the Wark requixed by the Caniract Do�uments and applying the speci�i� �eans, mcthods, te�hniques, sequenc�s or procedures of constructipn (if any) that may be shawn ar indicated �r expr�ssly required by the Contract Dacuments, �111� t11Rt B1f�d�' Z185 �1VP,I1 Cli� W!'1ftCI3 IlOF1C0 Df � conflicts, �rrars, ambiguiti�s and discrepancies in the Ca�traot Dacuments and the written resolutions tkxereofby Ci#y are acceptable to Sidder, and rvhen said conflicts, etc., have not been resal�ed thraugh the interpretativns by City as desiribed yn Paragraph G., and �i�v) tha# the Cvntract I]ocuments are generally suffici�nt ta indicate and eonvcy understand�ng af alI terms and conditians for perFarming and furnishing the Work. 4.4, The pr��isinns of this Paragraph 4, in�iusi�e, da na# apply to Asbestos, Polyc�i�orinated i�iphenyls (PCBs), Yetroleum, I�a�ardaus W�ste nr Radi�acti�e Material covered by Par�graph �.06. of the Gener�l Canditians, unless specifically identified in the Contract l�o[�unents. CITY OF FO�tT WORTH I,akc Worth Wate� eud S�itary 5ewer Imprnvoments �art 2 STAIdDARD C4N9TRiICT10N SPECIF'1CATI�HI DQCiIRiEN'P Gity Project # 1DaJ62 2 RevisedlLJpdated November 2, 2021 aa 2t i3 INSTRuc'Fin�v s �rca s�[�nrxs Page 5 af ] 6 5. A�ailability nf Laads far Work, Etc. �.1. The ]dnds upo�i which the Work is to �ae �erfornled, rights-of-way and caseinents fQr aGc�ss thereto and �ther lands designated for use by Contractar in p�rforming the Work are identified in the Cantraci Dncuments. All adc�itior�al lands and ac�ess il�exa4o rcquired far ternporary constntctian facililies, constructiai� equipment ar storage af materials and equipmcnt to he incarporated in the Wflrk arc to be nbtaEncd and p�id for by Contraotnr. Easeinents for permanent stsucLures ar permanen# changcs in existing facilities arc ta be obtaincd aud paid for by City unless otherwise providcd in the Cantract I]ncuments. 5.2. [3utstat]d1n� righf-a%way, eascments, andlvr permits to be acquired by the City are listed in Paragraph SC 4,a] of the 5upp3ementary Conditians. In the e�+cnt the necessary right- of-way, easemenfs, andlor perrnifs are nnt aht�ined, the City reserves thc right to canccl the award of contract at ar�y time befare the Didc��;r bcgins any c�nstru�tion work vn the l�rajcct. 5.3. Thc Ridder shall he prepared to cornmcncc cnnstructi arr without all executcd xight-af- way, easetner�ts, andlor permits, and shall sui�mit a schedule to the C:it^y of haw constructiQn will praceed in the other areas of thc �raject that da not r�uire permits andlvr casemerst�. 6. Interpretatiuns and Addenda 6. ]. Al1 questions about the rneaning or intent af the Biddi.ng Dacumcnts are ko be diax;ctcc3 tv City in writing on or bef�re 2 p.in,, ihe Mozxday prior ts} ihe Bid opening. Questions rec;cived after this da� may nat be respondsd to, Int4rpre#ations ar clarif oatians cons�dered ne�essary by City in respanse tv su�h questis�ns will be iss�ed by Adde�nda delivered ta a:ll parties recorded by City as huving re�eivcd ti�e Bidding Docum�n.ts. Qnly questions answcred by fvt�nal written Addenda wiI] be binsling. Or�I and alher interprclatians ar cla�7fications will he withaut legal ef�ec�. Address quesfions ta, Cit� Q�Fart �nrt,h 20Q TexaS Street For� j1►Tarth, TX 7G1 []2 Ati�ti: �V'alter Norwood, P.E_, City vf Fort 1'Vorth Water I}epaprtment F.maiL walter.norwoad�a�,fortworthtexas.��� Phonc: 817-392-5426 G,2, Addenda r7tay alsp be issucd ta modify t�e i3idding I}a�uments as deemcd advisable by City. Addenda ox �larificatinns �nay he pr�sted via the Ciiy's clectronic dacu��ent management and collabaxahan system at _h'� �' • =�-.#adesk_cc: ' - Cl]'Y OF F{3RT 4Vt)R1'H Lake wVarlh �'aler Aiid Sauitary Se�ver Improv�nlents Part 2 STANI7A,RL] [:UNSTRiIC:'1'CUN SPBCIFICATIaN D6CUMEPi'[' City Proje�t # 14U962-2 Aevisedl[Ipdated 1Va�em6er 2, 2421 46 2l l3 1NSTR[7CTIDNS Tt] 13Jll]]}?�g Pa�e fi nf l [] 6, 3. � greirid conferen�ce may he held at the time and place indicated in the i�d�ertisement or IN�II`I'A�'ID1� TD T3fDDERS. Representatives af C:ity will be present to dis�uss ihe Frc�ject. Biddecs are e�couraged ta attend and participate in Ehe confercnce. C`.ity witl transmit ta all prasp�cii�r� Bidders Qf re�orr[i such Addenda as �ity considers nc�ssary in respons� to questions arising at #he canfexence. iDral statements xnay nnt be relied upar� and will nat be binding or legally ef�ecti�e. 7. Eid Security 7.1, Eac� Bid rnust he a�campanied by a Bid Bonci madc payable to City in an amvunt o� �ve (5) percent af �3idder's maxinlurn Rid price, on lhe form attached ar equivalent, issued ' by a surety r�eeting the requixements of Paragraph 5.01 af the General Cvnditions, 7.2.'�1�� Bid Sands pri�vided by � Bidder �7i11 be retained t�n.til the enndition�s of t1�e h7otice of Award ha�c bccn satisficd. If the Successful I3iddor fails ta exccute an� return t}�e Contract Da�uments within 14 ciays after the Notiee o£ Award �onveying same, �ity may cpn5irler Bidder to be in default, rescind the 1Votic�: Qf Av�ard and act an the 13id F3oi�d. 5u�h actinn shall be Gity's �xclu�i�e reniedy in the event Sidder is dccmed to ha�e dcfaulted. $. Cnntract "[Ymeg The number Qf days within whicli, ar ihe da#cs hy which, Mile�tones arc to be acl�ievcd xt� accQrdat�ce with thc C�eneral Requirements and �e'Work is to �e comp]cted and ready far Final Ac�e�tan�e is set fs�r#h in the A�;rccmc�t ar u�cflrporated therein by refcrcncc to the attached T3id FQrn�. 9. Liquidated I)amages � �'ro�isiaiis for liquFddted ciamages are set fnrth in dfe Agreetnent. 10. Subs#itute �nd "��Equal" Items The Cantract, if award�d, will ioe on the hatiis oC materials and equipment desGribed in the Bidding Dvcuments with�t�t r.onsidcration afpnssihle sul�stitute or "or-cqual" items, V4rheucvex it is indicatcd or spe�ified in t�c Sidding lloc�imcnts that a"suhstitute" ar "or- eyual" item �£material ar cquipment may bc furnished or used by Cantractor if acceptahle to City, appli�ation foz' �ch acceptance w•ill not he cansidered by City until at��r #he Effective Date afthe �greernent, The procedure fox submission af any such applicai'tvn by t�antractor and Cansideratian by City is set f�rth in Pxragra�phs 6.OSA_, G.05B. anci G.(l5C_ oithe Gener�l Canditians and is supplezn��ted in Seci.ian O 1 25 �Q af the General Requiremcnta. 11. Suhcantractors, Suppl�ers and Others 1 1,1, In accr�rdance with titc City's Business L�quity Ordinancc No.�51GS-1p-2�Z1 the Lity has g�als for th� participation of �ninoxity business ancilar women business enterprises in C:ity contracts $IOQ,D6� or �reater. See �ectian UQ 45 40 for the M/WBF. Project Goals and additional requii�ement�. Failure to cc�mply shall render the Bielder 8� ilOt7-r�SpansL��e. $usiness Equity Ordirianc� Nn.25165-14-2021, as amended (rcplacing Qrdinanc� No, 24534-1 ] -2QZ0), cadified at: r • ;� ��1ti . - ' - .-'-r.r�- • i .,i �a;. •+; _ ---f;• --� ��1���- ., - . CITY OF CQRT li'�1ZTF� Lake i�V�rLh Water and Sttnifary Sewer Impravenients Part 2 STAiVQAH17 C{JhSTItLfC�riarr srsc�rc�.T�arr nc�u�su� City Pmject fk1�09G2,2 Revi52d1Updatcd i+Invernhrs 2, 2d2] 00�1 13 Il45TRUCTIpNS Td SIC]bS[@$ Page 7 af lti l 1.2. Na Cantractox shalj be raquired to emplay any Subco�tractor, Supplier, other gersnn ar ar�i�ation against whorn Contractor or City has reasonable objection, 12. Bid Faxm 12.1. The Bid Form is is��luded with tlie Bidding Documents; additional capies rnay be obCained from ihe City. 12.2. Ail blanks an the Bid Form must be comp�etcd and fhe Sid Parm signed in ink. Eraaures or �3teratians shall be initialed in ink by the pers4n signing the Hid Form. A Sid pxice shall he indicated for ��ch Bid item, �ltiernative�, and unit pxice it�m listed t�texein, Yn the ease vf ogtiottia.l altematit+es, the wni'ds "No gid," "No Change," or "Not �ppliaable" may be entered. Sidder shall state the �rices far t�vhi�h the Bidder p�ropases to da the wark crnntemplated r,r furnisU materials required. All entries shall be le�ible, 12.3. $ids b� corporatii�ns s�al1 �e ex�cu#ed in the corporai�e nam�e by the �Sresident �r a vice-president ox ather corpvrake o�'icer accompan3ed by e�idence ai,autl�orit}� ta sign. The corparate seal sha11 be affixed. The corparate address and state of incorporetion s1�11 be shawn be1�w the signature. 12.�#. Bids by partnerships shall be exe�utsd in the partnership name and signed by a partr�er, whnse title must �ppear undex the signaturs a�campauied lqy e�ridence of �utharity to sign. The nf�icial a.ddress af the partuership sha111ae ahown below the signature. 12.5. Bids by limited liability r,nrnp�ics sha1l be exeuvt�d i.n the name of the firrn �y a rnember arad a��am�anied hy evidcnce of aut�oiity to sign. The stats oi farmatio� o� the fi�rn and the official address flfthe fixm sh�ll b� shawn. 12.6. Bids by indirriduals shall show the Bidder's name and off�cial address. 1�.7. Bi�s hy joint ventures shall be e�ecuted by e�oh joint venture in fhe xnanner indicated an the Bid Form. Z°he ai�icial address of the jvint rren�ture shall be shnrrm. 12.8 12.9 All r�nes shall be typed or printad i� ink below the signatnre. The Bid Sha]] cantain � acknow�edgerilBnt of receipt of sll Ad�#ends, tlie numbers of whieh shall bc �illed in on the Bid Form. 1�.10. PostaL and e-msil addresses and telephone numher for cammunicatians regarding #he $id shall be shown. 12.11, E�+idenee of authority to conduct husiness as a Nonresident Eidder in the state af Texxs shall �ee prov�ded in accardanve with Sectian 00 43 �7 — Vendor Compliance ta State Law 1+Ian Resic�r►i Sidder, Cl'1 Y OF F�RT W�RTH i.ske Warth Water and Sanitary 3ew�r fmprovements Pa�i Z STANAARU CO1dSTRUCi'iOIV 3PECIFICAT1�Tf I7OClIME1VT City ProjeGt#1049fi2-2 RevisedllJpc}ated Navember 2� ?A21 Q62! l3 IN5TRUCTIf�NS T� SIII]DERS Page S of lfl i3. S�bmi��ian uf 8ids Bids �hall be submitted on the pres�ribed Bid Forrn, pro�ided �vith the Bidding Da�uments, at the tim� and place indicated in the At�verkisernent Qr Il�IVITATIQN Tt? SIF]DERS, adclresseri to Pur�h�sing Manager of the Ciiy, and sha11 t�e cnol�sed in an apaque sealed en�elops, marked wuiih the G�ty Project Number, Praject title, ths name �nd adclress af Bidd�r, and accompanied by the Bid secuxity and other xequired docurMer�ts. If the Sid is sent t�raugh the mail ox other delivery system, the s�aled envelape shall be enclosed in a separate en�elope �ith the natsEtinn "BID ENCLOSED" �n the faae of it. 14. Withdrawal af Sid� 14.1. Sids acidressed �o the Purc3�asing Mana�er and fzled with the Pur�hasing Qffi�e �y l�e withdrawn �riar to the time set fnr bid opening. A request for w-ithdrawal must 6e naade in writir�g and delivere� ta t}ie Purchasing �f`ice to eeceive a timc skamp prior tv the opening of Sids. A timely withdrawn hid �rill be xeturned to the Bidder or, if th� request is withzn one hnur af bid o�aning, wi1l nnt be read alaud and wiil thereafter 6� relluned unapened. 14.�. in the eveut zu�y Bid FQr wt,i�h a withdrawal xequesf has been timel� filed l�as been inadvertently apened, said Bid and any rscard fhereof wil! suhseque�tly be marked "V�ithdr�vv�" and will be gi�en no fi�her can�idezation %r tihe award of ca�nlract. 15, Upen��ng af $ida I3ids witl be opeued and read aloud publiGly. An �bstxact af th� aronounts of the l�atae Bids and ma�ar altarnate� (if axry} will b� made available tU Bidders after the operuing ai Bids. ib. Bids ba Reroain 5ubjeet t� Accep#ance �lli B ids will remain subj ect tn acceptance for a minimurn af 90 days or th� iime period specified far Natice af Awa� and execution and d�livery af a cvmplete Agreement by Successful Bidder. City ma}r, at City's snle dis�r�tion, release any $id and nullify the Bid aecurity prior to t�at datc. 17. E�aluat�un af Sids and Award oi C�ntract 17.1, City rGsar�es the right ta reje,ct any or a11 Bids, including withaut limitataon ths right� to 1�jeCt any ar aIl nonconfnrming, nc»respvnsive, unbalanced or canditianal Bids and tu reject the Sid af any Bidder if City beliet+es that it would nvt be in the best inberest of the Pxoject ta make an award tQ that Biddex. City reserrres the r'rght to waiye infarmalities nof inwal�ing price, euntract time ar changes in the Work and award a eantract ta such Sidd�r. Discrepancics between the multiplication of units �f Work and unit �rices wi11 be resolved in fa�or af the unit prices. Dises�epancies hetween th� indicated sum af atty colurnn of figures aud the corr�ct sum therenf will be resalved in fa�vrn af fhe correct sum. I)iscrepancies het►�een woxris and �gures will be resal�recl in favor o�'#he werds. CITY 4F F�RT WQR'TI-I l,afre Worth YVater and 5�nitnry Sewar Impxar�ements Part 2 STA,�DARD GpN�!'RUG'I'lDN SPECIFlCATiOI+i iiO�L1MFNT CHy Ftaject #10096Z-2 Revise�JUpdated Novembet 2, 2a21 Oa 21 13 11V 5'1�UCTlf]NS 7'C} BIDDERS Page 9 uf 1D 17,1. Z, An� ar all hid� will be rejevte�i if Cit}z has reason ta belicve that cgllusion exists amQng the IIicidcrs, Bidder is an intexeGted party to any litigati�n agains[ Gity, Ciiy ar Bidder may have a clai7u against t�zc other vr be cn�aged in 3itigation, Bidder is in arrears an ar►y existing oontract or has defaulted an a previaus contract, Bidder ]�as perfnrmed a prior contra�t it� an unsatisfactory manner, aQ' Bi��ier has uncotnpletcd wnrk which i« tl�� judgment of the City will prev�ent ar hinder the prnmpt completivn of additional wQrk if awarded. 17,2. In additinn to Biddcr's rele�ant prequaliCicatioa cec�uircments, City may cnnsider the qualifications and experience of SubContractors, Suppliers, and ath�r persans and organizations praposed far those p�rlions of the Work where the id�ntity af such Subcontractars, Suppliers, at� athev �ersQns and organiaatzans must hc submitted as prQ�idcd in the Contract Doc�fmcnts nr upan ttic request af the City. City alsv rnay cansider thc operating Costs, mainte»ance requiremcnis, performancc daka and �;uar�ntee� nf �najvr itezns af materials and cquipm�nt praposed for in�arporaljan in thc Work whcn su�� data i� rcquired tn be suhmittcd priar to thc Natice �f Awar�. 17.3. Gity may con[h�ct suCh invc5tigatic�ns as Ci#y deems necessary ta as5ist it1 t11e c�aluation of any I3id and to esta6lish tlie zespo�sibility, c�ualifi�atit}ns, at�d fiu�at�ial ability af �3idders, prapased Subc�ntractors, �uppliers and oiher persor�s and arganizatiuns ta perf4rm and fi�rnish lhe Work in aor.ardance with the Cantra�t Do�ur�onts to Cit3�'� satisfacfian within the prescribed tiine. 17.4. Can�ractor ahall perfarm v�rith his o��m arg�nnizaiion, wvrk ofa value nat less than 35°lo nf th� �alue emhraccd on thc C:t�niract, unless aifierwi�e approued by the Gity. 1�,5. Tf th� Contract is to be awarded, it wi11 b� awarded to lotivest responsib�e an�i responsive I3idder whose evaivation hy City inciicates that the �ward will be in the bcst interests af the City.. 17.6. Pur�uantto Texas Gor�ernment Cod� C'haptor Z�S2.0�1, the City wi11 not award �antra�t ta a I�ronresidcnt Bidder iu�iess the Nonresident Sidder'S bid is lo�ver than the l�west bid submiited l�y a respansiblc Tcxas ]3idder hy the same ainouni that a Texas xcsident hiddcr would he requir�d ta underbid a Nonresidcnt ]3idder #o �btain a cam�arable contract in the state in which the nonr�esident's pr�ncipal place bf husiness is loCated. 17.7, A cantract is not a��arded until Forrnal City Councii authoriz�tinn. If the Contract is to l�e awaided, City will award the Contract witl�in 9D days after thc day of the 13id apening unless extend�d in wr�titig_ Na ather act of City or nthers will canst�tut� acceptance nf a Bid. Upon the contxact award, a Nat1�e of Award wi11 be issu�d by the C`iiy. 17.7.1.The cvntr$ctar i� required t�x fill out and sign the Certiiicate uf Interested Parties Fnrm 1Z95 and t�e farm must be submitted ta the 1'rojeci Manager befnre t�c cvntract will he presented to the City CounciL The iarm can be �htained at �tt�s:ifr-x"y--thi��.st�t�.ts.uP+d�t��iFt•rmeJl2g��f�_ ;;��'. 17,8. Failure 0�' refusal Co �amply vVitks the requirem ents tnay resuit in rcjcctian of Sid. CIT`Y �P P(3ItT WORTH Luke WoAh WaLerand 3anitary Sew'er lmnravemcn[s Par[ � �TAiVllAlt13 {;DN�7'1tUGT7ON SPECIF[C=A3'[U� u4Ct➢�IENT C.3� a a �ECt NrIOO�� 1�evisetWpdutcd Nove�nber 2, 20Z 1 6az� is ]NSTRIlCTIOI+I� T'D BIIiAERS Page 10 of 10 i'S. Slgning of Agreem�nt ] S, l, VVhen City issues a N�ice of Award to the Succesafuf gidder, it wi11 be acco�npanied by the required number of unsigned caur�terpa��Es af the Project Manuai. Within 1�4 days thereafter, Cantraetor shall gign and deli�ver the required number af c�unterparts af the Praje� Manual tn City witta th�e required Bonds, Cer�iheates ailnsuranee, and all other requ�red documet�tatio�t. 1$.2. L`ity shall thereafter deli�er ana full� si�ned cnunterpart to CQnt�aator. END []F SECTIDAI Ci'Y'1' OF FORT WORTH Leke l�arfh Water and Sanitary Sewer Impra�^emenfs Pa�t Z STAAII7f1RD CQNS'fRLlCTIUN $FEGIFECAT"1�1 Ilp]Ci1MHNT City Pmject# IU09b2-2 Revis�dl[7pdeted ]�avemUer 2, ?.((12f D03513 CQAI�LIC70F INTEREST 5TA7ENiENT Page 1 af 1 S�CTS+ON 00 35 13 C�NFL.lC7 �F INTEf�EST STATEM�NT �ach bidder, �fferor ar �espondent t� a City of Fart Vllvrth pracuremen# is requir�d tQ complete a Gonflict of Interest Qu�stionnaire nr certi�y thai one is �urr�nt and �on fif� with the Gity S��retas�y's ��fice pursuant to state law. If a member of fhe Fort 11�1arkh �ity Cauncil, any ane a� mvre af the City Manager or Assistant City Managers, ar an agent of the C'ify who exercise dis�r�tion in fhe �lanning, re�ammending, selecting ar cantracting with a bidder, offerar or respandent is affilia#ed with your campany, then a L�cal Government O�ficer Confiicts Disclasure Statement (CiSj may be required. You are urged to consult with cvunsel regarding th� applicability Qf thes� farms and Local Gavernment Cade Chapter '�76 to yotar company, The referenced lfarrr�s rnay be dov+►nlo�ded f�am the I+nks provided halaw. Form G}Q [Canflict Inteeest [luestiannair st�gt .bc.y� i��i,- -i.� --. �, a �- � n �.• L� Clfl. �arrn daes not apply G CIQ Form is on file with City Secretary ❑ �IQ Form is �eing pravided to the City Secretary �i Cl5 Fort� does nat apply ❑ C15 �orm is ar►-File with City SeGretary ❑ Cl5 Form is being pravided t� the City Secretary 61DD�R: Waady Gontracfors, Inc. B5� Tower Dr Kennedale, T?C 7GD6fl 817-�483-�4T$l EIdO ❑F S�C7i01� � Sig n atur�: Titls: GITY OF FORT WQRTH STANDARD C�NSTRUCTIdN SP�GlFI'CA�IQN []OCLJIUIENTS F2evised Feb�f�IRy ���a Sid Praposal UVorkb❑ak�Lake UVarth Water and 5anitary 5ewer Part 2 Praject No iQ�9fi2-2 - Addendum 1 1NaQaY ao a� vn B1D FOHM paga i of 3 sEc�riaw av a� o0 SfD F�RM T�: The Purohasing Manager cJo: "Fhe Purchasing �ivision 20� Texas Streai Gity of Fort W vrth, �"exas 78102 F�R; Lake Warkh Water and Sanitary Sewer Impravernents Part 11 City Prvject No.: 10b9B2-2 Unitsl5ectiong: lJnit 9 Water Improvemerrts Unit � Sanitary Sev+rer lmpravements Unit 3 Paving Improv�rr►ents 1. EM�r Irito Agreement Th� undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, If fhis Bid Is sccepted, tD errter into an Agresrnent with Ciiy in the form included in the �idding DocumettRs ta perfarrn and furnish a!1 Wark as specifiecl vr indicat�ed in th� Contract f]oc�rnents for the 6id I'rice and with9n the Confract Time indicated in this Bid and in ac�ardance with hY�e other t�rms and canditions af the Contrack �acuments. 2. BIaDER Acknowledgem�nts and Certification �.1. In subm�kting this Bid, Bidder accepfs al1 af the terms �nd canditians af tha INVITATI�N T� BIiJE]ER5 and INSTFtUGTIQNS Ta BIDa�RS, Encluding withaut limitation those dea4ing with t�e dispvsltinn of 6id Bond. 2.2. �idder is aware af a!1 oasts to pravide the required ir�suranoe, wTl1 do so pendin9 c�rrtract awarx�, and will prvuids a walid insuranoe certiflca#e meeting all requfremer�ts within 1� days of notlficativn of award. 2,3. Biddar certifies that this �id is genuine anc3 not made in ths irrteras# of or nn behalf of any undisciosed indlvlduai or entity and is not su�mitted in carifarmity with any colluslve agreamerri or ru4es af ar�y group, assoc�aTdon, organir�tion, nr corporation, 2.4. Bidder has nat directly �r indirectty induced ar salici#ed any oth�r Bidder to subrrri# a faisa or sh�m Bid. 2,5. Bidder has nvt solirated or indu��d any individual or entity to refrain fram pidding. 2.6. Sfdder has nnt engeged in catrupt, fraudulenf, �Ilusive, or cvarcive practi�es in cflmpeting far the CQntrect. Fvr the purpases af t�tis Paragraph: a. "corrupt practice" ms�ns the nffering, giving, receiving, or saliciting of any #hing of �alue likely to ir�luenes the action of a public �flclal in the hidding process. b. "fraudulerrf practice" means an intentianal miarepreser�tetivn af facts rnade (a] to influenoe the bidding process to the de#rFment af City �b} ta estahlish 6id priaas at �rtif'tcial non-campetit�e leve�s, or {c] to deprirrve City cyf the benetitts of free and open c:ompetition. c. "callusive practice" means a scheme or arrangement batwaan two or mure Bidders, with ur without the kn�wledge af Gity, a purpose of whlch is to establish 8id prices at artiiiclsl, non�ompetitive levals. G1TY �F FOFtT WORTH 3TANOARO CDNSTRUETIC3N SPEGIFICATIDN �OGUMENTS Poevised 913UJ2021 00 41 00 6id Pmpoa�l Workbaok_Lake V+►wth Water $nd Sanitary Sewer Part 2 Project Mo 106982-� Ci�7 47 40 �l� FORM �ayc � of 3 3, prequalif9cation d. "co�rcive praEtice" means harming or threatening ta harm, direcfly or indirectly, parsons �r their property to in{luence their participatian in the bidding process vr affect the execution of the Contract. The Bidder acknow4ed9es that the fnikawing wQrk fypes must be pe�formed anly by prequali�ied cantractors and su h contracfors: a. Wat�� Dis#ribuflon, [Jrban and Renewal, 8-inch diameter and amaller b. Sewar Col�ectian Sys#em, LlrbanlRenewal, 8-inches and srnaller ❑, Asphalt Paving Construct[on ! Rec�structian {great�r than 15,040 square yards} d. Boring 1Tunneiing, up fo 2�4" diamet� e. �poxy Caating f, - g. - h. - 4. Time of C�mpketion 4.1. The Work will he compleke for Final Ac�epta��e within 500 days after the �ate tivhen t�te fhe Contract Tims commences to rurr as pr'ovided in Paragraph 2,�3 of khe �eneral Canditions. A-.2, Bldder a�cepfs fhe provisions of #h� Agreement as t� liquidafed damag�s fr� the event of f�ilure to complete the Wark �andlar achievem�Rt af Milestanes} wiinin the kimes sp�ecifed in the Agreement. 5. Rttached ta fh�s Bid The foqawing �ocumerrts are attached to and made a part nf thls eid; � a. Tk�is 8id Farm, S.ection a0 41 00 �+r � b. Required Bid Bpnd, 5ection Da �+3 'I3 Issued by a surafy mesting the requiFernents of Paragraph f►f 5.�1 af the Gen�ral Canditions. � � � � � c. ProP���� �arm, Section �£1 +�2 43 f� d_ Ver�dor Compliance ta 5tate i�aw Nan Residenk BiddeC, Se�tion �0 43 3i � J �. MW�� Farrns [opt+ona{ at time af bid) f. Prequa[if�cation Statemer�t, Sectian b0 �45'l� f� g. Conflict af Interes# Affidavit, SeGtian d0 35 13 '� "`If neeessary, CIC,� ar CIS farms a�e to be �rovided directly to Cfty Secratary h, Any additional documents thaf may be required by 5ectian 12 ❑f fhe Instru�tions t� gidders � CITY OF F�RT WQRTH STAiV[]ARD CDN5THl1�T1QN SPECIFICATI4N ��CUMEyTS Revised 9f3C17�27 GopY of 0� 41 00 61d Pmposa', Warki�oolt_L�ke V�Jorth V�'ate, and Sanitary 5ewsr Pa� 2 ProJe�t Na 10a�JB2-2 -Addendum 1 WdDDY (►[S 49 6p BIL} FORh", Page 3 oi 3 �. 7otal Sid Am�unt 6.1. Bidder w�ll complete th� Work in ac�ordance wifh th� Cantract Documents for the following bid amaunt. In the space provided 4�elaw, pleasa enter the tatal 4�it� amoun# fa� this prajscf, Only this figure vtiriil be f�ad pub�icly hy the Ciky at the bid opaning, 6.2, It is understaod and agreed by the Bidder in signin� t�t9s prop❑sal that the to#al bid amaunt er�tered below is subje�t to varifi�atian andlor modi#iGation by multipfying the unit bid pri�es far each pay item by the resp�tive estimated quanfities shown in this prppasal and th�n tataling all of the ext�nded amourrts. fi.3. Tatal 8ase Bid: Tata1 � id 7, �i� Suk�miftal $�,232,�4�6.5{� 7nis Sid is submitted br� P,ugust 1 S, 2a2� by th� eniit]+ n�med below. Re! By: 71t1e: Presidenf Carnpany: �1aQdy Contra�#ars, In�. Address: E5� Tower Dr Kennedafe, Tx 76060 State of lncorporation' Y�exas Email: twoqd]���a@aol.com phvne: 8�T-483-�78'T ��{p pF SECTION Carpvrate Seal: CI'�'�F FOF2T WORT'ri 571�NDA�2DCgN51'FiU::710NSPECIFIGAI'141� �7dCiJI1r1EIV78 Reuised 913�12q21 Gapyr af Cea 4� a4 E31d f roposal Wo�kbook Lake Warlh Watar 811d Sanitary Saw1�C Part � Prajeol 1Vd 1��gG2-3 -Addarldurll 1 WOOUY �Printed Ivamej pp 4Z 43 HII7 PROPQ3AL Page l oi5 �N1T �RIGE BID S�CT[aN �� � �3 PFt4P�5AL F4RM 1'mject licm �nformaCion Bidd�r"s Appli�a�ion 8iddei's Propos�l rnit 1 - Bidlist 34seciRcatian [Tnitaf $ic3 Descrip�ion ���tionNv. A�asure �uRn[ity Itetn No. 3 3311.02€il $"PVCWatcrPi.eb a enCut 33111� LF 5U52 � 33l 1,Q45� iS" Itestraineri Jaint Tnlcordl Scll Water PVC 3� 1 i l2 LF 150 Pi e F� OtheC than en Cut 3 3305.1103 �U" Casi B Oth� Than C] Cut 33 05 2� LF 159 4 3311,4161 5" FVC WaterPi eh en L�t 33 11 12 LF lSb 5 33 L l.ailfl 1 Ductile Imt� Wate�r kittin s wl Restraint 33 11 11 TUN 4 & 3 312.0401 Fire H t 33 12 �D EA 9 7 3312.9117 Conncction tu Existin d"-1�" Water Main 33 12 25 EA 6 $ 3312,U1�G C:onne�ion ko �xsstin = 95" Water Main 33 12 2S EA 1 9 3305.�OU� b" - 10" 1`�Jatar�ine i�owerin 33 QS 12 E.4 6 10 331�.20�1 3" Wa6�x Service, Metiex Recannecfian 33 12 1p E�i 35 1 I 3312.20f13 1" Wat�er Ser�ice 33 12 10 EA 87 l2 3312.20Q4 1'' Private 1'Vater Service 33 12 10 I.F 235 13 3312.3�(}3 8" Gat� Val�e 33 12 2U EA 16 14 3312.3�Z 6" Gate Valve 33 1� 2�� EA 3 15 33��F,Ol�1 Tem 4 W2Lt�rSeCViCCB 33 D4 1� LS 1 l6 3305.D143 larat�� Exca�atia�n ofExist�sn iRiliti�s 33 05 3D EA 1 l,� 3201.0�dU Temporflr3+AsphaltFa�ing R�air (with 32 fll 18 I� 7,1Q4 As haltandFl�tSase 18 9999,0041 {'navel �'c�r Driv s& Ali s 9� $� 40 4�( 1 S 14 Q 17 LO I d 1 L"ons4r�ction 5 Of 17 23 �,S 1 24 qI71.0IU2 C�nstruction Survey (CrPS Itad Linc SuL-��ey� O1 17 23 I.S 1 21 U241.1302 Rert►ovc fi" �nd sma�ier i�Vater �x1ve 02 �41 14 E:s°1 y 22 0241.1303 R�ernn�e 8" Water 5�al�e �1� 41 l4 �4 3 23 4241, l 510 Salvage Fixe Hydrant Q2 �41 14 �A 9 �4 33p5.D108 CJtili Ad'us�t iiri 'on 33 45 14 I,S l 25 0241.13U0 Rernove E7sisting Ct�ncrete L'�ub and Gutter 02 $1 15 I.F ],500 50154 2G 3216 0102 fi" Cancrete Curh and Cnztter .59f54 3215 13 L� 1 SOp [►n�� p�;pe � ]3id Value � ��D.00 d5,6�fl.Q� $6,UaD.O� $3fi,s�Q0.00 $7, 60Q.fl0 ..____. �T,60d. aD 12�000.ao �72��Ofl.Q(i $50�_�0 $1i,SQ0.4D �z,�ao,00 �� ��oo,laa.�a $4b.d0 _��I1�.�0 $2,3�fl.�U . 3fi.8�6_flC ��,�oo.oa s �ao_oc 5�.6Q0.�4 $'154,D0i1.aC 27AQ �� o� 27 fl241.�4{]l Rcmu4'e�xistin Cqacx�eDri�e�ua SOfSQ 424113 SI' 7.,725 28 3213,Q4U1 Tnsiall New 6" Can�r�e Drivewa 5�15Q 3213 24 SF Y 7�S __-- 2� �2�1.�1 QQ Rcmc>ve Cn�Ct'ete Sidcw�lk 5[7J56 Q2 4I l3 5l� S�� •- 3Q 32� 3,i]3l] 1 4'' C4ncrehe 5ictewrilk SU150 32 13 Z� SF $�74 31 0241.U3�0 RemaveExistin AF]A Itarn S[1fSU U2 Al 13 Er� 2 32 3213.C]Sfl 1 Barrier Tree ltam , T e lt-1 �QI5d 32 l3 20 EA ��9 33 4241.14�U Reannue �x. Cvncretc �'K�1� Gutter 50l50 02 �1 lS �Y 2� __........_ 3� 321C�.�30i 7" Conr.xete Vall Gutter 5UISU 32 lfs 13 SY 25 3S 02d3.170f1 11•Inch Pavement Pu��erization 50J50 02 41 15 SY 4 450 __� 36 32i 1.Q5�.� 2G iWs CementMUdif�caticm 5(]ISd 32 11 33 'TN �8 37 3123.a1f11 Utulassified 5treet Bxcava4ion SO15D 31 23 16 C'Y 5� ------. 38 3212.Q303 3�Irzch Surfaee Courae Asphalt, Type" i]" 32 12 15 SY �},45� sa�s� - 39 9�99.4p02 i�ema4e.Speed Gushion wl Stri iu SU150 99 99 OD F A ��_ �z.oa '�-2,44 $8.06 .._ oo�an aa.aa _ $9.D0 y_ �s.ao �u9,2g � SO.UD � ea:ao -- 21.4i� Bi,7Ufl.Q� $63b,fl0 18.ba0.aD 5,Oa0.OQ 3�000.00 9 ��40.Oa 3,450.�� o roa,oa �,a�a�oa +1�6.00.Dd 1 A�Q.00 44dAa �ov,an 230.00 ��na. a4 CITY OP i�.T WORTH StANDARI] COh18tA1SL'fION SPFL'.ri�ICAT[flFF �OCUM6N'!S ��Q� 1 Capy a f 04 41 �9 Sid Praposa� W�k Ls1ce wa�th Weter md s enitery Sax�r Put 2 Prajxr No LU696 2-2 - Addimduoi l LVpOBY . , 0o dz aa H1D PItOP45AL Pe�e 2 cf 5 5�C71�3� �0 42 43 PRDP�SAL F�Rh� U'NlT PR�CE BID 40 3217.U30� St� 13ars I'avoment hTarki�� 5 5QJS0 32 17 23 41 33QS,�l 1 l 1�atex Valv� BUx Adjuslxnent a`ith Concr�t� 3� � l4 ColLar $al'S0 �x 3305A I 07 1�'ianholc?ldjustment �V'ith Concrete Coilar 33 U5 1� 50ISQ 43 3�17.500] paintin r Curh Addresses 5UISD 32 1T 25 Q4 3291.!]1(3{] `fn snil 5QI5Q 32 91 1�3 45 32J2.41OQ F31��uk Sod R� lacement SU154 32 92 13 46 ;i 1� 0.01 �3 f-lnch - I8-I.�ch 'I'ree Retnbwal 5 0!5 U 31 1 Q i10 47 3�#7L.UQDI �'rafficC[mlrol 5015U 347i I3 48 3125.Qi{ll S�JPFF }.1 acre 54�50 31 25 []Q �9 3212.04�1 kIMAC;7'ransition 5015(� 32 12 ]G sn �n�� �(][i'i �TYater Cc�x�struetian A1lawan� 9� 99 0� Bidder's Application _ _. _._—.._. --- r� i f ��o.ao $4ao:oo B� 5 S75d.aa $3,754,Q0 �';A � 1 a00 04 $4,40_4,�0 --.. � �_._...� ..r._ - FA lU �5fl.pD ��a�.oa .._.__...�... -. - CY 2� _� $75.Qa ..�_._$1�500.00 SY 875 $15.00 _ $'k3,�25.aQ EA 1 �1,50�.�� . . �1,5fl0,Od lri[] 4 $3,3QQ.00 T $13,200_OU L5 l � $�,goo.oa __�z,oaa.qo '�'h( 3 . $1A�A� $420.a4 i,g � �6U,OOQ.�d �fiQ,6�0.Od Sub-I'otal T1nit 1- �r.�ifl.75�;.� [:rrY nr• r•OL�7' lYORT'[3 5 � nuotuiU CONSTRUG�lu.� s��c�cn'[taaa nOCUtuffi+rTs Rev�sed 9![Or2721 Copyef 00 4l 00 Nid E�ropuaal Workhcok Lake Wo�th Weier and Saalary Seaet Pat 2 ProjectNa 100AB�2 -�tdcioiduuL 111^OOAY 0o ax s3 6[� YROP08AL Page 3 of S S�CTION 0� d2 +#3 PRUP05qLFORM UNIT PRI�E BID Prajecr Item in£ouuatiau t39dlist �e�criplian Itcm No. 1 3331.4115 8" 5ar�rer Pi � b U� Cut � 331 i.�4b4 8" �estrained JQint Integt�.l Hell PVC 5xni Sewer Pi e b G}ther than 0 en Cut � 33 [ 1.Q�64 $" Resirained Joiilt I50 PSI Pressure Rt�bed �vc s��: s�� ��.e v. o� c�t d 3331.11Q2 S" P� e Fni<<r ement 5 3339.I001 s�' Manhnle 6 3339.1{](12 4' Drtf Nf�nhale 7 3339.1043 �' Extra Y] th Manliale 8 3339.QO.Oi E ax ManhoieLiner 9 3305.U112 ConcrelcCollar ic� 330 �_n iai lvlanhole Vacuum `frsii 11 3303.0001 II Pum in M�226 12 3343.�001 B ass Puiu ' Ir5306 13 3303.U{}Dl I3 s Pum iza �.-49'7Q i4 33U3.0001 B ass Pum in L-4211 LS 3305.b1U� Trench 5af� 1 b 33 [15.D207 irn artcd EmhedmenUT3ao1�i2 5elect ki�l 17 33Q5.i1113 Trench Water St 18 333 i.120i Service Rei nstate�nent Pi e Ln1ar cment 19 3331.331�F 4" �u�wer Service Reinstaterncnt 20 4ZAl .21 iY2 6" Sew�' Ahandanment Ptu 21 0241.�1D3 8" SewerAbandnrRx�e�tPlu r 22 3301.{3t]i] 1, Pr�GCiV e�ti[�n 23 3301.U0�2 Post-CCI"t7 Tn tivn �t 33�5.DI03 Ex lo�'ako �xaavat'snncrfExistin Uti�iti 25 3201.04QQ 'Tern orar halt 1'avin * It �air with � 25 3201.011� 5' �Vide As a1t Pvmt Re air Residentiai 27 32b�..U�D� A�phalE P�mt �air 8eyozxd 17t:fned Wid#h ltesidential zs 9999.Dan 1 Gra��ei fo� Dz���rs &�.11eyway� - �9 30 31 32 33 34 35 3C 37 38 39 40 41 4� 43 �� 32U1.C36I4 Canc Pi�nt kt r Hesidennai 4171,C1141 Constru�tion 5 Q171.0102 Go�tx-uetian 5uiv� GPS Recl �,ine Sury 330a.�1U$ Zltili A�l'�stmer�t Irri iar� 0241.13fl0 Remo�+eExi�t' Cvncret� G�arh and t'ruttet 3� 16 01�1 6" �nncre�e Curb anci Guttar {5Ql5[}) U241.6�Q 1 Remv�e Existin Cancrctc I]river��a SQlSi 3213.{3401 Inst�ll New G" Con�retcI}rivewa 5Cil5a Q241,[�lda �emOve Cancrefe �idcwalk SOI50 3213.03(}1 4" Concrctc 5idew�lk 5015Q 0241.03flf1 ktCitl4fVe L�xiStin = AQA R�n S015U 3�13.q�UI Barrier Frce Rarn , e R-1 SDISD U2�1.14D(} RemQV�Ex. {:oncC�i��alle Crukter 54V5i 3216.03UJ. 7" Concr�ece Vslla Gutter 5015f} �241.17U0 I I-In�h Faveane�nt Pu}�eri:catian 50�50 32I 1.D��� 26 lblsy Ca�nenl 14lodificatior� 5�l5U �idd�r's Appl'r�ation L3iddefs Praposal 5peeitcatian [7nit Uf Bt� t)nit Pricc Sec�ian AFo. Me�ure �usutity 33 3I 2� LF 4,7`�0 �5144A� 331112 1-N 1.a64 $722.flU 39 11 12 l.k 691 __ �� 55 0d 33 31 23 LR 33� ^ $152.i]U 33 ?l9 10 33 �.4 44 $7�600.Ofl 33 39 1�, 33 FA 4. $�7,040.�0 33 �91� 33 VF 94 -�-• $225,�fl 33 39 fi0 VF 200 ,_ $400.0� 33 a5 17 �A 45 � $1 OQ�.�O 33 0l 3.4 '�A 45 aoo.ao 33 U3 l0 LS � ti�Qq 33 [33 IO LS 1 $i6D.00 33 03 1� LS 1 5_ � 8yd00.00 33 d3 1D T.S 1 __$�'�_ +-���•9� 33 OS 10 T.P 5 42i -._ $1.4t 33 b5 1Q C'Y ],?54 $35.�[ 33 D5 i3 P,tl zS . 1 SaO.�( 33 3l �3 �:A 2 � �fl�•�{ 33 31 5Q E�4 95 _.. $2,100.fl1 fl2 4l 14 Etl lA� 50.�1 02 4t lq� �,A 4 ,_ ��5t7_01 33 D1 :i l L� 334 �8_41 33 Ql. 31 i,N 7 219 __ $8.U� 33 05 30 �A 1 _ $2�500.�i 32 � 1 18 LF �,7U0 • $34.0 s2 ai i� 3�O129 OI 1723 bl 1723 33 b5 14 �2 4I 15. 321613 02 41 I3 ;i2 13 �9 02 41 I3 321.320 U2�1 13 32 Z:� ZO U241 IS 321613 OZ 41 � 5 32 l 1 33 LF SY �,S LS LF � EA SY S� SY '� 140 �1UU.Q0 2as -- a�.00 �� ��a�.oa 1 1_ � 9,OOa-�4 1 $6,DOO,flO 1 � 5 040,00 i S�� �a.ao ] SUD _ 53.�0 1725 $�.�� 1725 �i12.46 5tf0 � � 04 54� $8.00 1 ....__.... �50a.00 1 �$�k,�dO,Qa 25 � _ � $9 :�9 25 $S2B.00 � �25 _.�._. �9.2� 5$ �1�.O.Q� 8id Value �a� ,� za.ofl I ,057,408A0 �� a�,r a�.ofl ��o,�sa.av $334 40�].QO $68 OflQ_fl� 2'I ,'i 50.00 �aa,aaa.00 45 �Qfl.04 ��.oaa.00 $17 Sqfl.Uq ��flo,oa $58,400.44 $13 50D: a� $5,421.Ofl $64 250.Da $z� saa.afl $S,Qfla.(]0 $1 B9 5�0,�4 3; 5a0.0� $1 O�O.aO 2 672.Od $57 752.d0 �2.5UO,fla $19�3 8UD•QO �,e4Q.aa $� o,oaa.00 $7,875.00 $2,9fi0.fl� �19.OD4.40 50a.0(1 4,Do�.o� $225.a� $3,1 ��.Dfl �Q�93� .25 10,44fl.{10 CITY OF FOHT WORTH STAND�ILiD ��7PFSTBSfCC[Di4 SPECSFiCA'fIOHIDOCV�TS B,e�ised 4f3�l�AZI C-opy af 0� 41 06 S'id Prap�al WorkboalLl�ee Wcu[Ih Wetei a�d Se�ary Sd� p"rt a pT°1�ti`b 10a4fi2-Y - Addcudum 1 WOOnY 4D 4� 11 EfD PROPL)5AL Fage 4 oPs s�c7ion� oa a� � PR�POSAt �OftM L1NIT PRICE BID 45 31�3.p I q 1 UnclassiCc3 Street �cc��atian 5.Or5fl 3 L 23 16 46 3212.d3�3 3-In�h Surfaae Co�rse Asphalt, Typ�" D" 32 ] 2 l6 5 fl!_i0 ¢? g999,pp(12 R��riia�e S ced t�shivn w! Stri in 5�I54 99 99 QO 48 3217.�365 5to 13ars Pav�erit Markin ys SD150 32 l7 23 �� �305.Q111 �VaterValveBoxAdjustmentwiEhConcrete 33�514 C;ollar 5qf5Q $� 33U5.U1U7 Manha�eAdjustmentWithCancretaCo�l�r 334g1� sar3a 5 i 3217',SqU1 Pas,n ' L�rh Atldress SOI50 32 k7 25 5� 3291A100 T il 5Q15(} 32 91 I9 53 32g2.[]1[}� 13lockSodR ]accrnent 5a15U 329213 54 311Q.U102 6"-12° 'I�ee Removal 3i 10 0� 55 311d,Q1Q3 l2"-1�" Tree Remova3 31 10 (Jb 56 31 � D_q 1 D+� 1$"-2�" Trc� Remavai 3] 1[] DD 57 311U,4103 6-�nch- 1$-InchTreeRrmvval 5[}150 31 10 �a 5$ 323I.i]A1�. G' Tences 1�Vood �2 3� �� S9 3231.U12i 4'C'h�inLi�e Aiu�ninum 3231 ]3 5D 3231.[} l24 8' Chain I.ink �1luminum 32 31 13 61 3471.[}U91 Traffi� C��iitml 5[]f50 34 71 13 d2 3I25.�141 SV�PP ? 1 acre 50JS0 31 25 Otl 63 3212.fl4U6 �iflvfAC'Ii�ansition 5Qf50 32 �Z lb �a 9999.00d7 TimF�ex and Wire Guardrai] Removal & 9$ 9� � }acement 65 9949�D�08 Metal Gu:u�drail �na�+al & R� lgcemcnt 99 99 t10 66 9999.DOil4 Sani€aiy Se�v�r Cana�ioti�n A,llouan�c 99 94 0[1 Bidder's Appyi�a��on c�r SY EA l,F� � �� SY �A E�s �� EA I.�r �F �,F MO L5 L5 LF �o �so,aa �1,�}25 �21.�� I � $5U4.f7a 11 --....---�a,Q4 S $750.�D � ..��ooa.oc i n �a.oc 2U � V $75,4L $75 � -_ _ $15,UC a $�,oa0,ot 3 $'1,500.9L � ,�__ �z ooa.ac 1 _.. 15DO.fl( 2� $65.4( 12Q _.__.�- $�5.0[ 30 $55.fl{ 5 $.3,3��.0� 1 4'OflQ.01 2 $14U.OI 1 $8,170.Oi 5ub� $�ao.00 1 5�00^�0 3.125.00 1.540.0[7 �S,'170.�d 18.004.fl� .25 rrrr oF Fvsr woxrx szaxvaxn cmasrx.vcr�onr seect�c��arr naarns�vrs Rev�d 9A3BIZ02l Co[ry of�0 41 00 9id Propusal W�6na�c 1.ake Wonh ►Ya�erand Senitary SowcrPana Projtc[ i�io 1a0462-a - Addendum ! WC10llY d7 d2 43 HSD PRUPDSAL PagcS uF5 SEGTION � � �� PFtC7PdSAL �OFiM un�r� �R�c� s�� B�dder`s App�icatiQn Fnit 3 - ����,y� 5pecificatinn TJnikoF Bid Dcaeripttnn $ectionDk�. Mcasurc Quantity 1[�n l�lo. 1 330S.�iE}� Utili Ad'usimerit Irri at[on 33 QS 14 LS � � 0�4 4,! 344 Remav� Existin� C�n�rete Curb and Crutfer �� 4� 15 LF 3,QOU SDISQ 3 �216.41U1 6° Cvncrcte Curb ttnd (xutter SOI5fl 32 Z6 i3 ��� 3 �� i3nitP[ice Hid Valis� ��a,o�a.00 $io,aoo,a � 0241.{]�U1 R�nave Exjst�ng Concr�:trThiveu�ay 024I 13 SF 3,450 SOISO -- --..........��2. � 3213,04f11 install Neu+ �-inch ConcreteDriveway 32 13 20 5F 3,450 5Ul50 •---.•_$1 � 6 0241.Q10� Remave Concreke �idewalk S{1150 Q2 41 13 SF 1 00� u�, �2 7 32l3.�:3[71 4" Can�rctL 5idcw�lk 5�150 32 13 2Q Sl� i DDO � � 8 U24Lb300 Remove Existin ADA Ram 50I5Q 02 4l 13 EA 3�� 9 3213.�Sf]1 Barrier Pree l�;am T e R-1 5t}15p 32 l 3 2U �A �,_„ $d,�fl 1� 0�41.1A�00 R�roovc Existin C'oncrete Val1 �utter tYZ �k 1 15 SY SQ __ .� ll 3216,43Q1 7" L:4ncreteVailc Gutter 50150 32 1G ] 3 SY �d ____._�12 12 �241.t70a 1�-Ir�ch Pavem�tit 1�ul�erixation 5t�J50 D2 41 15 SY g$75 ___.__.? i3 32ik.Q506 �G Ibls Cement Madifi�atian 54150 32 1 L 33 TN 115 $1& 14 3123,�141 UnclassifiedStr�eetExcavation �{Jl5a 3I2316 G"3� l�� �__.. $� LS 3212.D303 3-In�h S.ut�ce (:flursG Asphalt, Type" D" 32 12 16 SY 8,875 _^ S015t7 -� � 15 99�J9.000� �mnve S eed C�sktioz� wl SEri � 54154 99 94 UO F.A 1---_..._.$�t 17 321?.03�5 5to Bars Pa�c�ant ]ulxrkin 5E]15 a 32 17 23 LI' 22 ----- $e 18 �305.01 l� �Fater Val�e Bax Adjusttr�ent with �nnere4e 33 D5 14 k,tL lU Collar SU/5b --� �� 33�5.a1 OT Man3w3e Adjustmea�t With Cancrete Collar 33 DS ] 4 LA 8 5UI5� 1 Of ZQ 32] 7.5U� i P�intin Ci�rts Addres�es 5a15� 32 I7 2S FiA 19 __ �! 21 3291,41 DO 'Co sc�il 50151] 32 91 19 CY 4� �.�, $ �� 3292.OI0a 131nck 5od C� lacement SOiSa 3292 L3 SY 1,730 T $' 23 31 ](1_U 103 b-Tzat:h -] 8-inch '1'ree Reruowal 30l50 � 1 1� 04 EA. � _$�, �� Z� 9994.�bd5 Remnve and R iaca Inlet To 5(115U 94 44 04 EA 7_ ��,fl� 2S 3471.(1{l(11 Traf�ic C�ritrnl 54,�5� 34 71 I3 M� 8 _$3,3i 2fi 3125.�1�1 S9J�PPP ? l acre SOi50 3I 25 00 'L5 � �.W $2,�� 27 321�.f1A01 HME�� T'x'ansition 50J5� 32 12 l�i TN 5 �.: 2$ 9999.ODUb Pa[+i�tR ConstruatiQsi ALlowanCe 99 99 00 I.S 1 $5a,0 Bid �'1�[I) Ok' $�CI`IflN 3,�0 $B,�QQ.D�6 �.OD �'i 5Q0.06 �.aa 1�,aoo.00 3.OQ $�50.Ui1 5_fl0 $,3D�.QQ 8.25 5��093.75 �.44 $24 88�.0� O��t] 6 000.60 9 .40 $189 925.�� Q��O $v��.{�6 �.DO 5880.OR 4.OD �i 50a.t1� i{l.Of} $8 Q�i].�0 �6.00 $95[�.DO '5.DD $3 OOQ.OQ ���0 �fi 250.fl0 r���o ��,�ao.uo f�.OQ $35.OE}0.4Q )0.0� $26 40{].OD ia.ao �z,00a.o4 Ea.da $7a0.40 i�.00 $SQ,abd.Dd Sul�-Total �nit 3 - ub-Totai Un�t 1- ��,sza,7�o.�a ub-Total Unit 2 - $3,598,527.25 u[}�1'atal U�it 3 - 71512$.7a 7otaLBid $8.231' �4U4i.5fl CI'CY OF POHT WpR'fFl gL'ANDAR� Cq1dSTRGSCT[OH SPECIF{CATION UDC[fA[EHi3 Rw�sed 9/3413011 Copyofp0 d 1 a0 8id Rnpoaal Workhook_Lake Ws� We�e' and Sa�y Sewcr Pu�f 2 Project Hu 1049d2-2 - Addeidu� 1 P/aObY �xn �oN� '1'he AmeriGatt Instihrtc ofr Architects, AlA llocurnent�Fa, �310 {F�;�ruary�, 197� �ciition) KNO� AY.x. MEN BY't'�IESE PR�SEN'iS, ti�at vue C ntr ct rs In as Prineipa� hereinaftcr called tha Princzpal, e�nd Vi$i7a�� XnSu��]CP Cflm�,an_y_, _ —. — as Surety, hereinai�er aalled the SureCy, axe he[d and fr�nly baund unta ['ik�,of Fnrt Worth, i'K _ _ as abizge�, herein�fier c�.11ed the �bli�ee, in t]�e �um of �ive PerCezlt o� �31C1 A?-t-tount 5°I I]ollars �$ _____________________ ), far the payment af whis�h sum wcll and trufy to bc made, thc �aid Yrinaipal anr3 the said Surcty, hind ❑urse]ve�, aur heirs, executvr�, adnnxnistratvrs, �uccessars and assigna, jaintly and sevcra[Ip, firmly by thesa presents. WIIF..�SAS, the Principal has submztt�d a b�d far Lake Vtirorth W�tcr and S�nitar SeWer Im rE�vernent5 l�ar# 2, �:i Proje�t No, ifl0462-� NDVd, �1'H.ERE���RE, if the Obligee sLiail accept the bid �tf thc Yrincipal anci t}�e Pri.ncipal shall ent�r inta a Contra�t r�vitl� the Ohl'xgee in a.�cordance with the ierrns o� 4ti�h hid, and gi�v�e such bond ac bonc�s as may be specified 'sn the hiddin� ar Cantract Docum�nts with gaad and sufticient stirety for thc fait4-zfui perfortnance of such Cvntract az��f £or the prampt pa�ment �f labor 2txui material fu�islied in tne �rns�cutian therevf, t�r in the event ❑f the faalure o£th� Principal to enter sueh CQntract and �irre such ht�nd Ar bartds, 1f thc Principal sf7�I1 pay ta �ho �bligue the differcrace not t� excced the penalty hercof l�etwecn the amount speci�iod it� said bid a.ni� suci� larger x�mount Enr which the Obli�ee itna�+ in good f�ith contraet ►�+ith anothcr party ta perform the Work covered by saicl bid, th�t� this abli�;atian shall �e nul.l eitd va'td, ot3ic:rwisc to remain a�a. fu11 far�� and ef%�t. Signed and s�aleci this i�� ����, �g Att�u5t � ' Z02Z �O�iJY CON'1'RP.[s'I'�RS, I�IC. PriltGipa� r -- (gettl} By. �iame;l"itle VIC�ILAN �SUR L�3MPAI�IY I , ' rety (Ses1] i� �y: ���,� �Pi�. �'GYCeil�j+ Attvr�iey�in-Pact � 6�`➢ � � � r Powex of Attorney Fed�ral Insurance fi�amQar�y 1 V���'� Insur�nce C.�mp�ny � Pac�fic Indeninity Company 1CnQw All by TLese Present�� That FBLI�RAL SNSilR�l'1C$ CAMPAlIP. an [ndia�ra carporatlon, V1Gii..4NT IL�65URflTIC� �4MPp w en YQrKyle W� 5W eney�anci INDBMPI[TY Cp'Ai[��'l, a Wisconsin oorporatlon, do ea�h hereby cnns�itute and appnint Eliaa6eth Giay, el+, Michael A. 5weeney af Fort Worth, Texas -------�w.,---...^-,..---_.�-------------------� ••_•�_--_-�-_---•__.._._---------..----�..,._--------_------ eaeh as their ttue and lawful Aworney-ln•Pact to execute under suc� designat fon in their names and Sn aRlx [helr co�'porate scaYs tn and deliver for and. nn [hefr hehalf as swety therevn or okherwlse, hunds and undertak7ngs and othe�' writir�s dbll�atary in the �ture thereof (ather than }aall bonds} glven or exea+[ed in the cowse oftrusiness, and any 1nsh7lmenis amCntlhlg oi alLetingChe satR2, a17d CQnseAts tg the [[u7dlfi�a[feis Ql' 2lf�ratlQn af any Lns[rumen[ referred [a fnsatd iaands pr ahllg3tlOnS. Tn Witness tHheren� said �+BDF,RIIL IPISIIRA1SQi C4MPe�1+1'Y� VLGq.ANT ]N5[1RANGR COAdPANY, and PAL'Il►[C Il9F}BLaNITY CO�PAIrIY have each exectteefl and attasoeA these presenis and a[lixed their mrporate Seals on this i6�' daY oF 5e�pt�nbei. 2019. �,_�. �� �11"'_ Ikavrn �F. (,hlc�r¢�s. Ar�t�.mtScrrcts�ry � �['�� �*� '18th day af August 2022. '��,�.,'-f� 3 ° ,- L.'�� STATE 1]P i�6W ] 61i5Fs1' _ CountydFHtutterdvn �'S" pn thi� l6�' dsy pf Septe�nlrer, a�19, befom me. a�otary Pnhlic nF n ew �crsey, personally came 7]avm M. Chlvros, W me known m he P�sslsiant 5e¢retaryafFSI1�1tAL 1NSLIRANGtS (X]Mp�1AlY, ViG1LAlvT 1NSl1f�Al+TCE C�A4PANY. and FACIFIG iWUEh'iNi1'Y CUMPAi�Y, the cvrn�nie�s whl�h executed the Fote�olrtg Powe�' of Attnmey, and the saEd riawn M. G7ilvros, heh� hy me dvly sworn, dld depose and say that she is Asslstant Seer�etary of F8I1S[tAL IN5i1RANC8 C4MPANY, VIGILMf'I' f�1RAT[CE GaMpA1VY, and PACIFIC INDC+d4IfViilr CE114iFAflY and ktww& Ihe eurp�rate seals theren:, that the s�ls afihcad to t}ue For�olr� Power dF AKm'iiey �re such corpnra[e Seals and were therero afl7xed by authari�y af'sald Cam�panies; atui that srie sigsied said Power oF Atmrney as Assiatant Searepry oF sakl Gvmganies by ilke authartty; and tha[ she is arqualnted wlth Ste�ahen iri. Saaey. an d knaws hlm ta be Vipe Presldent aP satd Companlese and that the s�ature af Stephen M. Haney, suhscribed [a sa[d I'owes o�Attarney is 4n [he �enulne hand writ$+g af Steghen M. Han�, andwas thereW subacribed hy authori[y of 9a id Companle� and in deponent's pre�ence. Nota�ial5eal ���r faa.+e llBLi {fi. IiA7k�RiN� J. �R NOT,4RY P116LIC OF NEW ,1�RI8C�1' tav_ x345EB3 Qprninlse6oe� E�lrea.hdy 1d� �A'�d �.'i.��� '{�1�Q� . ..._ �� .�; � Resnlutlon,q adpptedby Ihe Soards nf Dlrectnrs oFFHd7BRAL 1N5[7&ANCB O[�iriPA3'[Y�yliGlLAI�l1' trl5UltANC6 C�MPArIY, and PACIFIG INOPdiNITY ['AMPANY on August30. ZOifi: "RF54LVeQ, th2t thC PolbtYill6 aL�tu�lsmtlone relaFe ta thC G�lian,lbr and on Liehalf oFthe Campany.pF bands, undeRakingR f�ikSTlces, eon[�dc[s 2nA o[lMrHuSUen camm�[nents nf Ik10 Ca4tP�Y eYstern'1 inSo in dk 07dlnary0011rreoFEius�nae6 (eacha'WlitteR Co�runiunent }; [i} �choff the Cladm�an, t�e Presidentand [he Vice Pr�ldenre at'theCompanyishereby authorised roexea�t@angWNtien�omrnlsmeirtforandanhehalfuftheCornpany�under�he AealoFthB �r�Yarod�errNee. (2� ead� du� appoirned spumeyandact oEthe Carnpacq+ 1s herehY au[hwiaed to execu�e any W+1� �mmame�u Ihr antl an behalf of Ihe CamgarW, u�der rhe ar�l of the ComFany or otf��nw�e, m tt�e Nxreln [hat sudi actian 1s au[harEced 6y rhe grant af powe�s muvlTle�l i�r In such peraon's wrfuen appolntment as such attamoy-In�facr. (� � �aFthe Chairman, thc f'r�den[ and nie Vke Pmaldents �'theCampgnyisheret�ysuthofl�l.ISeandm hehal(uFthe Gom�ny.otrapPofRt inxrtitlng anY Persan the attorncy- In-fact nF che Campany vrtth iuN power andautktarl[y mexccute, Par and an 6ehalFaPthe Cumpsny. �nder ilie sealo(rhe Ca�npanyurdherv�s-�nch W�H�n�:a�nitm�lsafthc pompahy ��, bp�ec}ped {r such wHtten ipppm�mcrrt, whirh apedlkation m�y hehySet�cral Eype arcla� uF Wrlt9�n Curnmitmema or 6y �p�iFa�lan o� one or more paYticid8r Wrt[tenCrntudtmtnts. �91 8ach nF fhe Gttalr'man. the {'[eslde�n and die Vke I�tr�dents oF theCampanyisherchyotuthoHned.Far�ndon6e1w1FqftheCampeoy.wdel�Ge lnwrltingro anyuflierailkero[Ehe Cvrt�pa� the wtharky m execut�. far and on hehalf aF the CampanY� �der thn CumPan7� �°r o�h�+�' ���n i�ummitmemsaf the pxr+penYasare sped4ed in such wrltarn del�[mh. W911chapeci�iratloa R�y l70 1ry HenEral typeor c1a�0i iYdttGi ti7inmiirneols w Ey spCC3fI�atWn aTaneor inom particulu Vhl[u[ri�mmilmenls (�1 7tie s�a[ure ofany 091Ce1' or otk�er peraon �ecutlrip8rty Writt� Cammi[mentflr �ppL�kl[men[v[ [leleBdElon ptliBUGnt [a th� i�ilEitlon. a+� Eha&es10f1hE G�Ri�nY� maY hea!Axedhy fatsGnile4n sslch Wfktell Com�mentnrwritren appdntment ordele�tian i=URTHBR R�s4LYso� tha[ the foo+eaals�g Itesaluilan ahall irat 6e deemeA ry he an exdusive�xtemem of[h epnweis and authoriU' al'aCikers. em��and athdr persons ta aatbrand an behalfof the CorttpanY�andaudf li�nluSlup �tl�Pot limicar mherwiHe al$CC the exereiaed'any �1x17 PmveC OaSwthoriryothawFse vS11U�8�ah[Cr1 Urvc�ed." I, aSWn id. Ch1arU8, A88istant Secretary of FSI}BRAL IidSlIR�1NGS G�MnA1V4'. V1GlLANi' 1N5[�RANCS C�MPAfdY. and PACIFIC 1ND8P�tN!'CY COMPAt�Y tfh� "Campaf�les'1 do heTeby [ertify �hat p1 the FUiego[n� R�so] utfons adopteclby the Sa3rd oFi11T2e[oP& oFthe Campan[es are tru� eorrect and in Itrll Fot+Ce attd eftect, (iiy the Fvre�ing Power nf Altorncy �s true. Cars'ece and ift lbll foree and et'Fect- Gfven under my handand se�ls af said t;ompanies at whi�et�ouse Stadon. N[, thls � � .� iN TH6 �VF,N1' YO;J WiSN'fD V ERi PY' CH E Al fiFi 6�'�'1 C!'I'!' '�Irnhn:ie h3C18S.963•3493 '�J�' � ��J S�C'�j[N!Il �. �:1f1L�]F, U'�S.Z'�` {�1'C};IiILl7l � � .� I�nr+n �i.E:lalrut�, rl�:i+t.irtl tict-rcy�� t10IV13 QR NO'TIFS' llS OF ANY �Yii6R hIA'IT6R� l'l,CshS� ED7V'I'AC7' L75 A'I`. FEO• 41Crpl trev. 0$-1B] �a n;s ��7 VENDQR G❑MPLIANGE i O STATE LAW Page i of 1 s�cr�o� o� a3 3� 1/�AID�R ��MPLIANGE 'TD STATE lAW NQN R�SI�Eh1T BI�DEI� Texas Gavernment Code Chap#�r 2252 was adapted for tha award �f canfracts io n4nresideni bidders. This law provides that, in ard�r to he awarded a oontract as I�w bi�der, nnnresident bi�ders (aut-of-sta�e contract�rs wh�se �arporaie offices ❑r principal place of �us9ness are outside the 5tate vf Texasj bid pro}ecfs for construction, imprQ��menks, supplies or services in �exas at an amount lower than the lowest Texas resident bidder by the sarne amount thaf a Texas.resident bidder would be re�uired tv underbid a nonresi�ent bidder in arder to ❑btain a cornparahle cantrac� in fhe State which tf�e nonresident's principal place of business is locat�d. The ap�ropriaE� blank� in 5e�kion A rnust be iilled aut by all nonnesident �3dd�rs in �rder for your �id to meet s�ecificatians. ThB faNure af nonresident �idde�s fo da sa wi11 autvmafiCally disqualify fhat bidder. Resident bidders must che�k the box i� Section B. A. Rlonresident hidders in the State pf , our principal pla�e �f business, are r�quired ta b� percent I�wer than resident �idders by 5tate L.aw. A�opy of tha sfatute is aftached. �lonresident bidders i� the State af , aur principal place of husiness, are not required to und�rbid rasident hid�iers. B. T�e principal place af busin�ss vf our company or aur parent campany or majority owner is in the Stafe nf �exas. LI BEDQER: Waody Contractars, Inc. 650 Tower Dr Kenned�ile, TX 76q6(� 817-483-�787 Qate: � � � � F,'rIFI OT� SECT��N � CI7'Y pF F4RT W QRTH Sl'AN�ARd CQh'STRLJCTION SPECIFICRTlflh4 S]UCLJME�475 Revsed @!3�l7471 Capy pt OQ d1 b0 Bld Prapcsal Warkhovl�Lake Worih Waterartd 5an[tary 5ewer P2rt 2 Praject No 16fl96�-� - Addandum 1 W04pY i itie: rres�aent oa as �x pREQlJALIFiCAiIpiV STATEMENT Page 1 of 1 5E�TI��I 4� 45 12 pR�QUALiFICATIQN STATEMEhIi �a�h BEdderfor a Cfty pr�curement is requlred ka complet� #he infarmation �elow by identifying the prequalifi�ed r,,onfeactars andlof subcantractnrs whom they intend to utilize for the majar �vork type{s} list�l. Major Work iype ContractorlSuboon#ractor C�m�any hlame Prequalificatian Expiratian ❑ate Water Distrihutian, Llrl�an and Renewal, 8-inch diameter and Woody Contsactors, lnc. �1�df2Q�3 smal�er � 5ewer Colle�tian S�stem, LlrbanlRenewak, 8-in�hes and Woody Con�racto�s� Inc. �130120�3 smaller Asphalt paving Consfruction ! Recanstruction (great�r than Rey�olds P,sphalt �nd Consiruction 12J311�022 15,�fl0 squar� yards� Baring ! Tunneling, up to 2A�" Skaggs Road �aring, inc, 413QI20�3 diarneter Epaxy Coating BCAC Und�rground, LLC �4f3012a23 The undersigned hereby cer�ifies that the contractors andloe sUbcon#ractors described In iYre tak�le abav� are curr�nfly� preq�alified far the work types listed. 610DER: Wo�dy Contra�tars, Inc. 650 Tower �r Ket�n�dale, Tx 76�6� � By, Troy W �Signat Title; P�sident a � �- = • � r i �NO QF 5�CT#ON �ITY�F �DRT WOf2TH STANQARO C4NSTRUCTI�N 5P�C1�lCRTI�IV DOCUM�hlTS f2evisad a9l301�02: Copy of 00 �F1 OQ Rld Propasal Workhook Lake WvRh Water and Sanitary Sewer Part 2 P�]ect Ala 100962-2 - Addendui'r� 1 W0�[]Y ���� ������� 5EL"TION UO �� 13 PRE¢UALIFICATION AFPI,TCATIOAi dat� of Salanee Sheet Narne under ��hichyau wish to qua3ify Post �ffice Box City Mark auly one: T�dividual Limited Partnership Ge�neral Partnexship Crnparation Lirnited Liability �omp�ny 5tate Zip Code St�cet Address �requireci� Cit3r 5tate Zip �od� [ ) �- '� T'eicpl�one Fax Email Texas Taxpayer ItlentifiGa#ion Na. Federal �mploy�rs Identification Nn. �L'NS Na. (if applicab 1�) Etnaillinail this qucstiionnaire along with ftnancial statemenfs tc� th� apprapriate group below. A separate submittal is required for watcrlsewer, pa�ing, and lighiing: Wark L:ategory — Watcr Ilegt - WaterPsewcr Wazk Category— TPW Pa�ing Wnrk Category - TPW Fort Worth Waisr Dcpatiment Iingineering at�d Ciiy of I.�od W�rth �anspartation and Puhiis City of' For# �Varth 'PPW Tre►nspartation Fiscal Services Divisiou 240 Texas St. Fart Warks [)opc. 8851 Camp Bowie 4T�esf 131�vd. Fnrt �ianagement Attn: Clint Hoover, Y.E. S�U1 Wo�t11, TX 76102 Worth, Tcxas 74] 1G Attn: Alicia Garesa dame� 1�Lve. ForE Wortb, TX 76 315 '�r ina�scial Stateinent� mus� be mailed. Mark the �nvelope: "I3idder Preyuali�ca#ion Application" p(1 d5 l3 - 2 E1I7pBYt PREQUALIFLCA'I'I�N APPLICATTON Page 2 of 8 H[1SINESS CLASSIF[CATI4N TI�e following sl�►ould l�� campl�ted in order that we rnay pmperly classify your firm: (Check the black(s} which are applicable -- Blo�k 3 is to be left bla�k if Hlock 1 andlvr Slack 2 is checked) � Has fewer than 10{l emplayees andlor � Has less than $�,OaO,a��.DU in annual gross receipts �R � Does not mec# tbe �ritcria fnr beang designa.ted a amall businass as provided in 5�ctinn 20a6.401 o�f the Texas Ga��rx�nent Code. The classi�ication nf your firm as � small or large business is not a fa�tor in rleterir�n�g eligibility to bec�me prequalified Select majvr w�rk cai�egaries f�r �nvhich yau wnulci like ta be prequaliii�d (City may deQm yau are not qual'�"ied �'Qr selected categvey or may �pprave yau at a lesser sixel�eng#h �nnd maximnm a�e m�ay nat be listed ��ecifi�ally unde� a major wnrk categury): MAJOR WORK GAT�GQRIE5 Water Department Augur Sori�g -�4-inch diameter casing and less Augur I3aring - C'�reaber than �4-in� diameter casing and greater Tunneling - 36-Inches - G4 �hes, and 35� LF az Iess Tunneling - 36-Inches - 6Q -inches, and greater than 350 LF Tunneling - d6" anci greai�r, 35D LF and greatea Tunnaling - 66" and greater, 350 LF or Less Cat�o�,ic Protection Water Distribudvn, Development, S-inch d-i�r►eter and smallex Water �istribution, Lhban and Renewal, $-inch diameter atid smaller �Riater D�istribution, Develapment, 12-imch diameter and smaller Waber Distributinn, Urban and Renewal, 12-iinch diameter an�d �maller Water Transmissian, Development, 24 inches atul smallc►' �iTat� Tran.$missian, UrbanlRex�ewal, 24-inches �nci smaller Water Transmis�i�n, Development, �#Z-inGh� and sma�ler Watt�r Tranamissian, UrhanlRenewal, 42-inches and srr�aller �V�t�r Transmi�siQn, ��velapment, All Size� WaterTransmission, CTrbanlRenewal, All Si�es Sewer Bypass Purnping, 18-inches and smaIler S�wer Bypass Pumping, 18 inches - 3�-in�hes Sew�r Bypass P�mping 42-inches and t�rger �CTV, 8-in�hes and smaller CC'f�, 12-inches and �mallsr CGTV, 18-inches axid sm�ller CCTV, 24inches and sm�]Ier C1TY OF F�RT WflRTI-� Laloc ]'�urth We6erand Sanhay Sen�cr Imrtnvemeni� Pact 2 S'PAHDAkI) CON5TRUCTI�AI5PEGIFECATInld DOC[FMENTS City i+nojccr#14D963-Z Re�ised August 13, 2�21 oaas �� -� B1I3DER PREQUALiFICA'I°iUN AFPLTCATIQN P�ge � af 8 tVIAJQR WURK CATEG�RLE�, C�NTINLTED CCT�i, 42-inches �nd smaller CC.'�'V, 48-inchrs and smaller Sewer CIPP, 12-inch� and sm�ller Scwer CIPP, 2A-inches and sm�llex Se�cr GIPF, �4Z-iiacl��s and smallar Sewer CIPP, AlI Sizes Sewer C�llectian Systern, Developm�nt, 8-ir�hes and s�nall�r �ewear Collection Systcm, �lrhanlRenewal, 8-inches a�d smaller 5�wea C�1lectian �ystern, I]e��l�m�nt, L2-inches and smaller Sewer Collection Syste�, Urbanll�cnewal, 12-inches and sr►�alker Sewex Inierccptoz�s, Devetoprnent, �4-insc�es and smaller Sevve� Intereaptnrs, UrbanllL�newal, 2�L-inches and small�- 5�wer Intea�ceptors, Developxraen�, 4Z-inches and small�r Sewer Inte�c�turs, i7rbanlRencwal, �2-inc�es and smaller Sewer Interceptars, Develapme�t, 48-inches �i �rna1�e� S�wer Interceptars, UrbarilRen�wal, �8-inches and smaller Sewer Pipe �nlargemant 12-inc�es and �maller Sewex Pi}ae Enlargem�nt 24-inches and �maller Sew� Pipe Enlargement, All Sizes S�wer Cleaning , 2�-inches and s�rfaller Sewer Cleaning , �42-inches and s�naller 5ewer Cleaning , All S�zes ��V4�r G]�ni�g, 8—inC�►e� � si1�811CC Sewer Cleaning, 12-inches and sxnalle� 5ewer Siphons 12-inch� ar less 5ewcr Siphans 24-inches or less Sewer 5iphvns 42-inches or less Sewer Sip]tor�s All 5izes Tran�partatlan Publie Worl� Asphalt Paving Constru�tionllteconstructivn (LESB TF3AN a S,aU(} square yards} Aspha,lt Pavi�g CanstructianlReounstructivn {15,(�OU square yard� and GREATER} Asphalt Pavixig Hea�y 1Vlaimenance (iII�TDfi�t $1,00�,[)0�) Asphalt Paving Heavy 1Vlaintenanca ($1,04U,4Q4 and �V�I�.} Cor�refe Paving ConstructionlR�canshtix�tion (LE�S THAIMI 15,�OD square yards}* Concr�e Pa�ring ConstruationlReconstrucfion (15,000 aquare yards and GREATER)� Roadway and Pedestrian Lightirig NOT� �Thera is not a prequali�cation requirement for i�sfallation of concrete side�alk, curb & gut��', driveways, �nd panel replacern�nt, anly concr�te pa�tng CTI'Y OF F[]R'1' W6RTH Lnke Laforih VR�tor nnd 5eni�ary 5c�vcr ImptnvemcMs P8rt 2 $TANAARD COi+I3TRUCTION SPHCIFICATIbTI bOCUMENT5 _ �'�' P`°��'������ Revised August 13,2U�1 UD4513-d SIDDSR PRE�UAL.LF�CATLON APFLICATI[ll1Q Page d of 6 List enui�mer►� vou do not uwn but which is �vailahle by renting T�ist pr�viaus business names: 3. Hnw many y�az� vf experience in had: constnietivn w�rk has your arganizatiot► (a} As a General Cvntractor: (b} A.s a Sub-Contractor: � �`What nmteCts hes v0elli �T�tillZ"dt10II CDIAXi�E��CI in Texa5 and elsewhere7 CL►�5S LQGATION NAME AND DETAIL.�D GONTRACT QF DAT� CITY-�aUNTY- I�IIDRESS ��' �FF�ClA1. TD AMQZFrIT W�RK COh+IPLE'rED STAT� 'WH�M YC]ll REFER *If requalifyi�ng ozily s3�ow wark pertorrned slnce iast statemem. S.Ha�e yau evex failed to cnmpl�te any woric awarded I:u yauY_ If sn, where and why? _ - 6.Has axiy officer or owner of yvur arganization ever b�en an affic� af anothear �rganizatian t1�at failed tn �omplete a comra�t? Tf so, s#ate the nar�ne of the individual, other ar.garn�atian and reasvn. 7.Has any aff'u.er �r owner u�ynur organizatian ever faited to oampl�e � coniract executeci in hisl�er If so, state the name of the individual, narr�e of owner and ree�son. CITY OF PISRT WaRTH Lakc Worih Waicraf�d 3an9[ary Scivcr Impiovcn�enfs Pur� 2 STANDAICi? CAhISTRL7[_'i'IdN 3PECIFICATl[3M DbCZfM�1�1TS Cily P[ujec! #100962-2 Re�ised Aagust 13, 2D'1,1 Z. Hnw many years has your oxganizatian veen in busincss �ts a general �ontractor under yvur pr�s�t ns�rne7 UG 45 ! 3 - 5 61DDER FRSQ[IALIFI+CATY�YN APPLICAFI�Id Psge 5 of 8 8_ Ir� what oth� Iines of husiness are you financi�lly iuterested?. 4, Have yau ever perfarmed any work fnr the City7. Ii sa, when and ta wham do you refa�� 10, State names and d�etailed addresses �f all �roducers from whom you have purcl�a�ed prEnEipal materials durin� tl�e last three years. 12. What is the cQnstruction experience af'the princi}tal individuals iz� ya�ur organia�tion7 PRESENT MA[�1►IITLTDE PDSITTON OR YEARS.QN AND TYPFs �F llwi WI3AT �p�� �FFICE EXPERIENCE INDRK CAPACTI"Y� 13. if any owner, officer, d�reciur, or stockhalder r�f y�ur frrna as an employee of tha City, or stsaras #he same housah�ld wit� a City emplayee, please list the naane of the C'tty employ�ae and the relationship. In a�lditia�, list any City employee whn is the spouse, ck�ild, or pares�t of an owner, affioer, stockhold�ar, or direckar whn dnes not live Yr► tke sa�n�a hausEhvld hut who receivcs care and assistan�� frvm that person as a direct resulk of a dacumented medica� conditian_ This inchides fnst�' children ar t�ose related by adoption or marr'sage. CI'FY U1' F[)RT WdRTH La1cc War� Watcr and senitery Scwer Ln�ovanfcnffi Purl � STAIVDARD L9DN3'I'RLTCTiQI�f SPSCIFICATlON DOGUMEN'f5 City T'mjcrA#YD0962-x Rcrised August 13; 2021 11. Gi�� the nam�� af`any af�iliates ar relati�es �urren#1y debarred bY the City. Indicatc your r�lati�nsbip to this person ar firm. DtidS i3-6 BIDBSR PREQi]e4L1FICATl�Id APPi-JCA'fIQN Page 8 oF8 CURPDRATI4Ai BLOCK PARTNERSHIP BL4C.� I� a oo�aration: If a partnersbip: Date vf Incarporation State of �rganiza�inn CharteariFile No. Date af argani�tion President I5 p�rm�shi� gen��a�, lim�ted, �r registe�red limited liability partnership? Wice Pre.�idents � File 1�To. tif Limited Partnership) C�en�ral PartnersJOfficer� ���a�, Limited Pariners (if applicable} Treasurer LIM1��D T�iA�ILITY CUMPANY BIaQC1C Lf a corpaxatioa: State uf Ir�carporatian Date af arganiza�ion File Na. Individuals authorixed ta sign far Partncrship Qf�tcexs ar IVlat�age�'s �with ritics, i.f any} -- - - -- � • -- - . . . -------� �_ ��__ a__�z Ea�ce�ri inr iimited partner� ine �naivwna�s ��s�ea �n �ne u,�rcxe auy■� �.• � r, �..�....0 �.., ....... .,.s. �igxta�ure authnrity fnr your f9rm nnless otherwi�e adr�i�ed. Shauld you wish to grant �ign�ture nntharity foX sdditinnal i�df�+iduals, ple��e atta�h a certifi�d eopy di the co�'porate resaluYiou, corp4rate rndnutes, partr�r�hip agreement, paw�r of attnrney nr other legal ducurnent.�tion which grart� thi6 aut]�arity. C['I'Y OF POAT WaRTI3 L�1cc WmtR WNCt mld 3enilary 3eivcr irn�mVcmcnts Pel't � 5T�h1DARB CdN3TRLFCT[QN 5PECIFICATiUN I]dCUM�N7'S fiiry 1'rajccl i! IoaBbZ-2 Revised August ] 3, 2025 Qp4513-7 BIDIiE[t pREQL1ALIFICATYC]3Y APPLFCATI�id Page 7 nf S 1�. Equipme� � TUTAL Similar types oi equipment may �e Lump�d tvgether. If yaur firm has more than 30 typ os of equipment, you may show these 3q types �nd shaw the remainder as "various". The City, by allawing yau ta show only 30 typfes of equipment, r�sserves the xighf ta request a oomplete, detailed list �f all y�rr equipm�'►t. The equipmcnt li�t is a representa#ion af cquipment ux�� the co�xtrol of the firm snd wl�ich is related to the type of wark for w�hich the firm� is seeking qualifi,�atian. in the descriptivn inelude, the manufacturer, m�det, an,d general �flrnmon description of e�ch. BALANC� SHF.ET ITEM QU�hT'�I'TY ITEM DBS CRIPT'IOl►1 ��� 1 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 ll l2 13 14 15 16 17 1S 19 2U a� �z 23 2� 25 26 27 28 29 3� Vaxiaus- TDTA1, CITk' OF FQRT WORTI3 LAka WoRh Watcr aed SaniNry S.civcr impEuuarnc�us Par1 i STAhiDARD �[9NSTRUCT'lON 5PR{.[F1i:A'1'I(iP3I30CUMENTS i'�ty l>rejact#lDQ962-2 Revieed Auguat 13, 2fl21 4D4S i3-S $IDDSR PRBQUALIFIaC!#'f'I�1�T APPLICAT1Dld Page S of S BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION AFFIDAVIT STAT� oF CQ[]NTY �F Tha undersigned herehy declares th�t the foreg�oing is a true state�nent of tk�a financial cau�dition nf the entity herein first narned, a� of the date herein first given; that this statement is faa' t�e express purp�se of inducing the p�arty to whcarn it is submittcd ta award the a�bznitter a c��►tract; and tbak the accountaut who I�repar� the l�alance sheet accnr�panying this report as wel� as at�y de�aository, vend�r ar an�+ other agcnoy herein narned is hereby authorized to supPtY � PartY With any inforir�atian, while this statement is in frnce, t1�e�essary tv ve�iPy said staternen�. , being duly swvrn, deposes and says that helshe is the of , the entity de�cribed in and whi�h ex$cut�d th� fQr�going statcment t�at helshe is famil'zar with the hn�1�s of tl�e said entity showing its �inanciai condition; that the foxegving �nancial staternent taken fzom the }aaoks of the said cnrity as of the date there�f and that the answers ta t.�e quesiions of �e fo+regving Sidder Prequalification Applicati�n are carre�t and truc as vf the date nf this affida3rit. Firxn Narn�: Signature: Swon'n bo befor� tne this day af _ Notary Put�lic Noiary Publie must nat be an of$ccr, directar, nr �tackhold�' or r�latir�e t�erea� CI'i'Y' AF k�RT WOiRTFI Lakc Wail� FVatcraud saui�ory Sciiva ]m�uvvmnema Part 2 STANLIAItD C�NSTRIJ{:1'IQltf SPECii'IGATLONI7qCLiMSNTS Ci1y Pranjcet #1009ri2-2 Re�ised August 13, 2U�1 qoas z�- i QQAlTRAC'1'i]H COMPLIANCr WITH VL"OHKTR'S COMPEI�TSAT3�N LAW Page ] aF 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 �i �� !3 14 15 16 1? �� 1� 20 2] 22 23 24 25 2� 2? 28 �9 3Q 3] 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4D sECTror� a[� �5 x� CC]NTRAC'TOR C�MPLIANCE VV1TH WaRKER'S C�IiIPE�ISATIC7N L�'4�J Pursual}t ta Texas Labvr Cnde S�ctian 4�]C.09b(a], as amended, Contractor certifies thak it pravidcs worker's coznpensatian insuxanco ca�erage for a11 nf ifs emp�oyccs emplaycd an City Praje�t 1�Ta. l OU962-2• C�ntraetnr further c�rtifies that, pursuant to Texas Lahor Code, Section 4D6.U96(b), as ai��ended, it will provido to Cziy its subcontractc�r's certi�icatcs Qf coinplianc� �vith warker's cnmp�:nsaiion coverage. �:DNTRdCTaL�: �.- Ry: r� G� Gornpany lea� _�+���W(,� �j Signatur� Address �4� �" �� C� �r�e: ` � � � CitylStat�iZip (Please Print} THE S'1'AT� O�` TEKAS CDi3NTY �F 'TARR�1hiT � � B��(}RE ME, the und�;rs�gned auLhnrity, nzi this day personally appcared ��� �,,,�'���e.} , ttx�awn to me to l�e the person wbose namc is 5ubscrihed to t e foregoit�g instrumei�t, and acknawle�ged to mc ihat lielshe e�ecuted the sarne a� th� act and decd of _�i/�Q %r the purpqses and consideration therein expressed 'u� the �apa�ity thercinstated. GI V�N BR MY I-IANa AN�� �EAL OF aFFICE this _. r(J �� day o� �� .��f -� � �� t .�..�. ,,,�.,ti, Mo �ry u�li in and far the State af Texas ��;oti�R* Pp��� LIJ� A F1r4V�L� _ hlotery Ru3���c, stafe nr r.x9s '_.'� �"� ARy Cvmmi�sian Expir� �,",;,,..,,....4;� �qpril 29, 2023 �h���;�� `�°` NotA�r �0 7��C-o ND U� SECT1aN CITY OF FDRT 1VaRTIf Lake V�orti� l'ti'�ter and 5anitar}• Scwcc 1mprQverssentsP�ri Z STtINDARD CS)NS'1'1ZUCT[U� SYEC].EICA'f[4N i)[7['[1141ETITS C'ity Praject #140962-2 Revised 3uly ], 2411 pU 45 aD - I �118i�IC�R4 Nquity Ci��E] Page t of 2 z � S b ? S 9 1 [1 11 1� 13 l4 15 i6 17 18 SECTI(3N UO 45 4U I3usiness �quity C�oa] APPLICATrdN OF P�LICY If the total datlar �value of tlte contract is $1QD,OUO or more, fhen a I�usiness Equity gaal is appli�al�le. A Ru�iness Equity Firm xefers to cc�rtified Minority-, andlor Warrten-, a4�ned Business Enferprises (1vI11�BEs). P�L1CY STAT�ME]1TT It is the p�Iicy vt the �ity af Fort V�7orth to ensure the full and equitab�e pariicipation af Business Equity Fimzs when applicable, in the procuzement of al l gaads and scrvices. All requirements and reguiations stated in the City's Bu�incss Equaty (]rdinan�e No.251�5-14-2021, �re�lacing Drdinance 1�To. 2�534-11- �{�LV �CQdj�i�d `eti�� � ���n - ...... � fi 'fi •• _ _� ' •U���` ~r_�7 apply to this bid. BiJSINESS EQCIITY Plt(l3E�T G(}AL The City's �usiness Faquity goal on this �roject is 17% of the tota] bid value �f the contr�ct {Ea.re bid applEes to Parks anr� Cn�a�munify �'ervices�. 19 :V�liTHODS TD C�MPLSC WIT� THE G�AY. ZO Dn City c�niracts v,+here a Business Equity Gaal i� applied, ofFernrs are requireci to cornply with the City's 21 Susiness Equity �rdinance by mccting or exceeding th� a�ove slatcd goal or otherwise comply with the 22 ordinance t.hrongh nne af the fa]]nwing methads; 1. �o[nn�ercially usetul services perforrned by a 23 Susiuess Eqnit�• prime c�n�raetor, 2. Business Eguity subeontraeting parircipatlon, 3. CombinatioR 24 0� Susiness Equity pritne ser►�ices and Bnsiness �quity su6evntracting par#�eipativn, A. Rusin�ss 25 Equity Jaint VenturelMentor-Prnt�g� participation, 5. Gaod Faith F,ffori dacumentakion, ar G. 2C Arime eontr�efax WaiYer dacumentation. 27 28 SUBMITTAL []F RF. IIIHEU DOCLIIVIENTATI�N 2.9 Applicable d�cuments �lisicd belaw} must be r�ceiwed by the PUr�ha�fng Divisian, C7R thc offerar s1�ak1 3p EMAn� tts� Susinc:ss Equity d�cumentatian #n thc assigned City of �'ort V�nrth ProjeGt Mana��r nr 31 I]cpartnient Designee. I)ocuc�ents are ta be receiyed no latcr than 2:�0 p.m., on the third City 32 business day hft�r ihe �id opening date, exGlusive o�the bxd npenin� date. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 � 41 42 43 �4 45 46 47 48 The Off'erar musi subsnit one nr mar� of the iallowing docuinents: 1. Utiliaatinn Farrn and Letter�s) nf Zntent, if the gval is met ar ex�eeded; 2. Gnod F�ith EfFort Form and Util�i�ation Form, including supparting dncumeniation, if participation is les5 than st�ted go�l, ar na Business Equiiy parlicipation is accamplishcd; 3. Prim� Contractaar Waivcr �'orm, includi�ig suppnrting docurnentat�on, if'the []ifer�r r�ill perfnrm all subcontra�tingfsupplier apparh►ttities; nr 4. Jain� VenhireflVTentor-Frntege Farm, if goal is met ar excccded with a.loint �Ter►ture or M�ntor- �'rotcge participa�inn. `L'hese fnrrns can be f�und at: Rusiness Equity [Jtijization Farm and Letter af Intent �'. .� , • R� �ri� t3u �� _ � u�`; � y _ ._._� Leiter af Iilticut cIT� c�� �nxT w�r��°x S'fAi`37AR� C[]IVSTRUCi7�N SPECIFIC'A7'iORT DOCUME.°VT5 1LevisedClctobcr 27, 2421 Lake W07Mi Wete[ aad SuuEary 3ewer ]napmvamcnta Part 2 L`.iiy 1'mjeclll1G0962-2 a0 a5 a4 - 2 Busuzess Equity Gnal Pag� 2 aF2 I �]L�S.r, �'^,�r�- yi„yrt,}rtc•'ae rrr��, Arni�. aR� ;7� _'�7 f nn� g} 'fi{1 �A WF3�JI .eHe:Y pt Jrif�hi i��ll_I 2 ''Q2 i .�r� — 3 4 Business �quity Good Faith Effart F`oz�n 5 htt�•��'��i��T.;.# �rk:. __ t _ ��. „cR�. ,u - s �a �. P:#�U - Elir'c�vd F Ei�ott 5 h-rn n� DVI�1 ��,. :.r i� � - - � Husiness Equity Pr�m� Cnntractor Wai�er Fnrm � g .,, � �.-. :.w:, �F �' _ �� v :' � z�i�r.t K � -:C=:. � �-.�5 S� - E�1+1WBE Pi'lri1C CDati'�CtQT i 0 `� - "`*. �'r :' �Y a � 1t 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 ts �o 21 22 23 24 25 26 �7 28 29 30 Susiness Equity �oint �entuxe Form f3nr` � ro� ti�� ` ��;•.PruE• ciF�_c;. : '-_..._ .. 7 -., •,,(�rr�� ��i�%�1 J� - rleEltilrP _ ldU��.��Cl� FAILUR� TO ACHIEV� THFr GOAL QR Q'TIi��1�I5� CdMPLY W TH TIIE URDINAI4CE WII.[, RESi1I,T IN TI�E BIDDERIUN'FER�R B G v� LARED NaN-RFSFC]1VSLYE AND T E m a�a�cr�n. RAILZIR� TO SUBMIT THE RE llIRED �115[i+1�;5� E UTY DOCU 11TATI�N []R �THFR�VI�E CC}iNPL�' WTTF[ THF �)1Ll7INA1\CL ��L RESULT YN 'I`HE �3�1] BEii�G DLCLARED 1��31V- R�SPD1tiiSI►'� 7'HE BIII REJ'�CT�D ANI] MAY SURJECT THF �I�DERfOFF�NDR TU SAl�'CTIDNS A5 I}E�CRISI��ll Il�r SEC. 2U-3 3 OF TFIE OADINANCE. For �nestinna� Ple��e Cantact The Business E[�uity Di�isioi� nF the Department af Iii�er:i� a�d IncluRian at �SI'7� 392-2G7�. E1VD DP' SECTIDIIT CITY C}F F{}RT LT�'4RTI I Leke Wa9'tb Watcr and Suni [ary 5ewar 7mpraveulents Pas[ 2 STA�II]ARD Cf]NSti RlJ C'1'l4N SPECIFTCA'I ION ➢OC'[JVII:NTS City Pm}ect #� f1p9G2-2 Rc� ised C]ctcsber 37, 2G21 OQ52A3-1 ¢,grc�m�t Pag� 1 af G sEc�o�r aa s� �3 AG���Mi'NT TH�.S A.�REEN�NT, authorixed on �eptemher 27, �0��, is nn.�3�e l�y and between the City ❑f ForC Wvxth, a Texas hozne ruie zx�ur�icip�lity, act�n.g hy �z�d thraugh its duly authori�ed CiLy 11�Sanagex, ("City"}, and �'Paociry Contractors, Yna authori�ed ta da busiwess in Texas, acting by� aud t1�n'oug1� zts t�uly a�thori�ed rapresBntatitr�, ("Contra.ctor"). City and Cantraetar rnay j�intly ba xeferred to as Parties. City and Cantraetar, in cQnsidexation af the z�nutual caven�nts hexeianafter s�t fortl-►, agree as follows: Article 1. wa� Contractra�r stzall cannp.iete s�l �9Vaxk as specitied or indicated in the Cv�ract DoGumeffts far the P,roje�t identified herein. A�rt�.eie 2. PRDJECT '�'he proje�t for whicla the Work un�er fihe C�n�kract D�cuments may be the whole or oniy a part is gen�xally describecl as fol.�ows; X1a�Ce Worth Water Linc Sani#a� S�wer T�t,n�t_ox�etnents Citv Pro_jec# No. 1i��196� Arlicle 3. CDl�'I'RACT PRxCE City agrees ta pa� Goniracf.ar for p�rfarina,n.�e a�the Vl�ork in accardance with ihe C�tra.ct Dncu�aents an arnaunt, in c�ur�nt �'ur�ds, afSix Miliian T'wv Hundred 'Thirty-Tv�o_Thousand Fc�ur F��undred Si� aud sona.0 �oll�rs f� G, �32, M16.54�. Ccmtraet prac� nti�.y be adju.�ted by Ghange orc�s�rs duly authvxized by the Pax�ies. �icle 4. CONTR�iGT �`I.ME !�I 4.2 �inal Acceptance. The Work sb.all be cozxaplete far Final Aoce�tance within 50� da�s a�t�r the datie wh�n the Co�zt�ract Time corru�tence,s ta rur�, as pxo�►ided in Paragraph 2.D2 ofthe Ge�aexal Conditions, plus an� ext�ansi�n i3�ereaf allowed in a�cord�.mce with �rticle 1� af thc General �andi�ons. Liquidafed ]�amages Cantractvr reco�,xaizes �hat t�me rs of t�ie essar�ce for campleYian o£�ilestanes, if any, and to a�hie�re F'inal Acceptance of the V�ork and City and the p�ubl�c will suf�er fron� Ioss of use if tl�e V�ork is not �ampleted within the time{s) sp�aified in �aragraph �.1 above. 'The Contractor also recogaizea the delays, e�.pense and diff'iculties invalved in p�'oving in a le�al p�aceeding, th�e �ctual [ass suffexed 6y the �ity if the 'P�Ifark is not caynpleter� on f�me. Ac�o��ngly, in�tead of requiring �y such pxoof, Coatractor agrees that as Iiquidated damages fos- d�lay (Yaut not as a penalt�'), Contrac#ar sha�Il pa� Cxty �xae Tl�ousand 'I`vvn Fiu�dred Til'�y 1lol��rs_(� X„ZS4.4�1) far each da�r that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 4.1 for Final Acc�n�ce uYzta] the City iss�zes the Pinal Lei�er �f Acc�eptance. CTTY DP k'�RT W6RTH iake Wodh Water I.ine Saaztury 5ewer Iznprovemenis Part2 5T?41+IDARD COIVSTR[3CTIOid SPECIFFCA'I`[DI� I]OC[7MENt5 Cl�'Y' PROIECTNO. 100452-2 Revised 1 �l�,31�q.21 ans�a3-a 1�gre e�nen# Paga � af G Ariicle 5. C�NT�iACT �OCUMENTS S.1 C�NTEN`I'S: A. The Cant�•aot T]acuxnents which camprise the entire sgreement betwe�n City and Contractar cnt'►cer�ning the �axk �onsiat a�Fi�e f�llowzng: 1. Th.is Agre�men#. Attachments tv �li%s Agreement: a, �id Fonn 1] �'roppsal �o�rr� �) 'L�ex�d�r Cornpliaz�ce tn State �aw NQn-Resident Bidder 3} Preqa�li�ea�tian Statement 4) Stat� and l��deral dacurr�en�ts {���ojec� s,�ec�cj b. GS�rrant Pxe�ailing VVage Rate Tabla c, lnsurance ACORI] l�brm�s} d. I'aymenf Band �. Perform�nce Bond f Maintenance Bond g. 1'awer of A.ttorney fux tkae Boads h, V1rar�Cer'aCnm�ensationAfficiaviC i. MB� andlo�• �BL-� Utili�atian �ozxrx 3. Genaz•al Canditions. 4, Supplennentary Canditians, S. Spe�i�cations specifie�ll}r rnade a�art ai #he Cantract Doeurnenf� by attachment or, if nof attac�ed, as incorp�ra#ed hy ref�rence anui desc�-zbed in the Table af Contenfs of ttae Project's Caafract Bociu�etzfs. 5. I)rawings. � 7, �dde�da, $, Documentstion submitted hy Canttactor pxiar ta N�tice af Award. 9. The following whioh rxaay be delivered c�r issued aftcr the F£�ct�ve L7ate o£ it�e Agreement and, if issuad, k�ecoma an incorporated pa�t of �he Co�trac# l7ocuzra�nts; a. N�tice to Proceed, b. rield flrders. c. Chattge �zders. d. L�Cter nf Fi�al Ac�eptai�e. dr�cle G.INDEMNIRICATiON 6.1 ['ontractoar cor�enants and agrees to indemni�y, hald harxnless �nd de�'eud, a� iis ow� expense, the �ity, its afficera, ser�api� and emplp�yees, from and aga�n�t any and alI �l�ima arising nut nf, or alle�ed ta ar-�se vat nf, thc ►vark and servlces to be perfurmed by t�e �ontractar, �tx ai#ic�rs, agents, exr�pl4yees, sui�evntra�tor�, licenses or in�itee� u�nder #hfs confracl. This indexnnificafion pro+v[slnn i� st�e�iflcal] i�ed to aperate �nd lae ef#'ect[�e e�en if it is alle ad or raven �hat a�l oz- soxne u�' the dann es ei�n svu�i�t }v��re c��tsed, in wlsale or i�i part, �y any act, nmissin�n r�r r�e�li�enc� _uf the CI�Y. 'X'�is indennnity pravision fs i.ntended Ea inelude, withau# limifatian, ir�demnity far eosts, expenses and legal #'ee� incurred hy the city in d�fending ag�inst �ue� claims and eauses vf action�. CiTY nF Fdlt'F'WC]RTH I.nke Warfh Waker and Sanilary 3e►ver Tmprovtrmenls Patt 2 �TANl7ARIl CQAISTRUCTIOi+I 5P&CIF«A.T[C}i'! DQCUMENTS Cily Proja�t #10U9G2-2 Revisad 11123l202] � a4 Sz 43 - 3 A�een�eut Paga 3 oF6 b�2 Contractar caven�nfs and �gree� fo �indemni#'y and ht►ld ha�ml�ss, at tts otivn e�petuae, the cfty, its a�iieexs, s�ervants and ernployees, frnxn anrT against any ant� all 1oss, damage n� destruciion a� prop�e��y n�' the cfiy, arisin� aut o�, ar alleged io arise nut af, �he v�ork and servsees to be perfflrmed by t�e cnrttr�ctar, its ofticcrs, agent�, empi�yees, �uhcvntractors, �YC�AIBCCS or zn�ite.�s �nd�r i�i8 cont�•act. Thi�s indem�i�"ic�tiar� proviston �S_suec��ic��y intended �� at�ex•��e and be e��t'ec�ive evcn if it is a[Ie�cd or Uror�en fhat a1L or Same_of the d�n�a�es �cin�$ought Wexe ca►ised. tn w�xalr� Qr ln na.rt, b� aqY a.ct,�ami��.on nr n�egli�e.uce af the r1tv, Arti�le ?. MGSC�LLANE4�1S 7,1 Terms, 'rerms used in thi� Agreezneni �ahF.oh are de�ned in Artiole I af #he Cr�ners�•Condiiiana will hav� th� meanin�s indicabed iu ti�e General Cnndatio�ns. 7.2 Assignment nf Ca�xtract, This Agnecem�,nt, i�cludix�g a11 a� fb.e �antract I]ocumer�ts may nat �e assigned by the Cont��xctarwithautthe ad��nced expxess wri�fen coz�senY offhe Ci.ty. 7,3 �uco�ssa� and Assigras. City and Cor�tractax e:ach binds itsel€, its partn.ers, suocessors, assigr�s and lcgal r�presentatives to the a�hex paxry taereto, i� x�esp�u�t to ali cavenar�ts, agxeements and o6ligati�ns oontained in tkae Contt�act Aacurnents, 7.4 Se�era�zlityfNon-'Wai�er of Clsims. 7, 5 7.6 7,7 A.zxy pzo�isaan ar pa�rt af the Contract Dacurx�ents �eld to I7� i1�C41]5�1'�R�1011�1, void ar unenfarceable �y a aaurt of crnnpetent jurisdi�tion shall be deemed stri��C�n, and all r�mainiilg provisions shall continue to i�� valid and bizuling upan City and Co�aixactox. The failure af City or Cantraetor �o insist upor� the perf'arrriance af any tarrn ar pro�i.sian of f�ti� Agre�n�en.f ox to exerczse any rigl�# graz�fed hex�in s1ie1l not r,�anstitute a waiver af C�f�r's or Cantractnr's toespecti�ve raght to insist upan appropriate perfrnma�ice or to assert any �uch r[ghE �t� any �utu.re �ca�si�on. Gorrerning T�au+ and Venue, This A,gree�nent, Lt1CIT1CI117$ SII 0� f�l� COI1tYflCf D�GiU71CIll"5 1S pSY�0Y7X1S�]IE IYl t�l� ,St&b�i D� Te�as, Venue shall be Tarrant County, Texas, or the �(.Inited States Dis�rict Court for the Nor�he�x� District of Texas, �axt i�Jarth Divisin�. Autb.oxity ta Si�n.. Contr��tor shall attach e�vi�e�.ce af authority ta sign Agx�eme�nt if signed by suxxaoane otkter than fhe duly auth�xi�ed signatary of th� C�nix'aa#ar, N�n-apprapriation of �`unds. In tlte event no funds or insuFficient funds are appx�opriated by C:ity in atzy fiscal period f�r ai�y payment� due h�reunder, City will nolify Vendor of aucl� nccurrance and this Agreeinent aha11 te�zninate oii the las# day af the fiscal period �or which apprvpriations were received witf�out pez�alty or �xpense to City of any kind what�aever, e�cept as ta fhe �ortint�s of the paymer�ts herein agr�ed upon for which tuz�ds have been apprapriated. CITY 0�' FOi;T WOI�1'H Lalte Wur�h Water a�d Sae�[tery Sewer im�rvve�nents Par# a STANaAItp COI�ISTRUCTfOAI SPBCIFICATIaN DOCUMENTS City Prujectf�lU0962-� ReYlsed 11IZ312flZk p05��F3�4 Agree,��enl Page d of 6 7.$ �rnhibition �n Cantrac#� l�ith C�mpanies Boyc�tting Tsrael. Co�h�ctor, u�less a sole praprieta��, ackndrvleNdges that ir� accordance witl� Chapter 227I o£ t1�e Texas Crove�ximeta# Cnde, if �or�tractor hes 1(} ar mo� full tixr�c-e�npla�ees and the c�ntrset value is $100,d00 ox more, the Ciky �s prahibi#ed from en�eritxg into a cnn�Eract with a catnpany for goads vr services unless the Ga�tatract cantai�ls a�vritten �eri�cation iraxx� the campax�y t}aat it: (1} does nat �aycott Israel; and (�) will r�af kaoyr.,ott Isr�al duriu�g th� terna a� the contras�t. Th� terms "i�vycatt Israel" �nd GBCOII1�3�1I7.',�'„ �hall k�ave the meanin.gs ascribed ta those terms in Sectian $�S,OD1 �f'the Taxas Governmer�f Cvde, Sy ��gning this cnntrac#, Cnntr�ctar certi£ies fhat �Q�tractor'� sigr��tare pxovid�� wrifteu verifi�ativn #o th� �if.y that if Cha�ier �27I, T�xas Gavcrnmeni �ode apglics, Cantractnr: (1} daes nnt hayca�t Israel; a�nd {�) will nat hnycatt isra�[ darin� tti� ter� a£ the confra�t. 7.9 Prohibi#ian an Sayc�#ting Energy Campanies. Confracto� a�k.nowlcdges that in accordance with C�apbe� 227� nf ihe 'I'exas Go�ern��rrf Code-(as added by Acfs 2021, 87fh Lcg., R.S., 5.�, I3, § 2}, #hc City is pzohibited fraxxz�„ antering i�ta a aontracC for goods or servi�es that haa a��lue of $1a0,00b ar naore, wt�ah will be paid t7,+hally ar partly �z'arn publi� �'unds of the Cit3r, with a cnm�any {with I� a� tnnre full�titne ernpinyeesj utale�s the �nn�raat conta.i.ns a Writteix ve�'if'tcafi�n from the cam�an�+ that zt: (1) d�es nat boycott ener�y companies;� and (2} wif� nat �oycott energy �omp�nies during �ie terixz o� the cvt�traaf. The terms "ho�rcott energy com,pat�y" and "oampany„ hat+e tha naea�aix�g ascril�ad to thoae terms �y Chapter Z27� af the Texas Gavernment Cade (a� added by Aots 202I, 87k1� Leg., R.S., S.B. 13, § 2}. Ta the exfent that Ch�pt�r 227d af tlte Governm�t Cod� is applic�bie fio thi� A�r�emet�i�, b� signing f�is Ag��ement, Con#ractor certl#�ies that e�n�ractor's sfgnafure pro►rides wrii-ten ver��Gafian ta the Cit� tE�at �outxa�toz; (X} c�oea 1�Qf bayeott eue�rgy cornpanies; a�d (2} will no# �ayco�t energy campanies during the term of this Agxeemen#. 7,i 0 Pxahibitivn vn I]iscrirninatiaz� Againat Fu�earm and A�n�u:nitioz� Industries. Cfln�racta�- aaknowledges tlist exr.�pt as othexwi�e pra�+ided by Chapter 2274 af the Texa� Governmant Cade (as added by Acts 2�Z1, $7ttt Le�., R�., S.B, 19, §�), the �ity is prahibited fxvm enterxng inta a can�xact far �aads ar services t�at has a�+alue af $I ��,QflQ ar more wtiich ws11 be paid wholly or pai�tly from pu�lic �unds af the Ciiy, with a companp (�vith I U or more £u�i�time ernnplay�c:s} un]ess tf�e Gontract contain� a written verzfication from the �orc�pany t�at �t; (],j does nof hat�e a�ra�tice, paXic�+, guidance, ar dir�ck��re ihat discrirninates agains� a firearm entity ar �.rearm txacle associatidn; �nd (2� vuiil not dzscrirninate deu�in� #he terrn of the aon#ract �gains# a firearm e�tity vr fir�aim h•ad� associstinn. Tha #erms "dis�riminate," "���earrn entity" and "firearm txade assaciation" k►av� th� me�ni,ng ascribed ta those t��-nn� hy Lhapter �74 af the Texas Govet�nrc�ent Cnde (�s acided b3� Act� 2021, 87th L�g,, R.S., S.B. 19, § 1). To t1�8 ext�nt that� Chapter 2Z74 a� tl�e Government Cade is upp��cah[� to ttns Agreement, try signing this Agreemenf, Contracinr certi�ies fhaE Contr�ctox'� signature ��o�idcs �rii�en verification tn tlae City thaf Cnntrac�or: (1} dnes not have a pxa�tfce, policy, gnid�nce, nr dfrecti�c th�t discriminate� again�t a�irearm �ntity ar fIrearrr� trad� aaaociaffan; and (�j will not discr�minate again�t a f�r�s�rm eniity ar firearm trade a�sacietion dari�g thc term �i thi� Agreetq�nt. CiTi' OF F'CJ1ZT WLi1ZPH Lake Wnr�li Weter and 3anitary Sewer impraveFnents Par[2 S�AiVAARD GQ�iS'!'�iLfCf1�N S3'ECTFICAT[�.N bQCiJiv[ENT3 City P►►}jecliFl �U462-2 Rcvised l kr1.312�21 oa�¢3-s ngreemc�t Page 5 nf fi 7.1 I Xn�rnig�ation Nationality Act, Cantr�ctor shal� werify tlae identity and eznpiayzn�n.t eligihility a� its ernployees w�o perfaxxn wark under tfiis Agreernent, including cornpleEing the �mplayment ��igibi�ity Verifica#ian l�orcn �I-9), LTpon requ�sf by Ci'ty, Contraator shall prn�ide City wit�i oopze� of a[1 I-9 foxxn� and auppartzng eligibiliiy docuznez�tatian for each em�loyee wk�o �SerForms wark und�r this Agr�eznezat, CQntracrar s�a11 adhere ta all Fed�F�I and Stat� ]�.ws as �vel� as establish apprapriate pro�edures and coz�trols so that r�a aervices wz11 �e �re�ormed �y a�x� Contractar ern�layee who is not legally eligiblc ta perforxia such servic�s, G�NTRACT4Jt SHALL 1N�EMI�IFY CITY AAID HQLU CiT'�' HARMLE�S FRUlN Al�l' PENAL'I'IES, LIABIL�7'IES, UR LUSSES l]UL TU VIU�AT�.QNS Ol� THiS PARAGRAPH Bl� COI�i'�'RA.CT�R, CONTRACT�R'� �:.IVI�LQYEE�, SUSCONTRACTDi�S, AGEiVTS, UR LICENSEl+'S, City, upc�n wrilten natice to Contractar, shall have the rig�t t� i�ediately terminate this Agreement �'ar vivia�ions a� t.k�is� pro�ision by Contractox. 7.1 � RTo Third-Party Ser�ficiari�s, 'I`his Agr�eax�e�nt giv�s no rigLits ox 6ex�e�€ts ko a�ane otlaer than the City and the Cont�actnr and thexe �re no third�Part�' heza��icza�ies, 7.13 Nn Cau�e Qf Actian Against E�p,gitae�r, Coniract�a-, its subcont�•ac#nrs and �yuigzaaent and ma�erials suppli�rs on tfo� PROIE�T ox t�i�ir sureties, s3�aI1 rnai�tain na dir@ct acticm against the Et�g-ineex, its afficers, employees, and subcanh•actor�, for any claixn ai7sing out af, in co�ruaeotion with, ar resulting from the ert�ineering servi�s p�rfiarmed, C}n�y the Gity will be the be�a�ficiaty of any underi�aking b� the Engin�r. The presence ar duf�c� nf the Engineer'� personnel R� � COI]Sfi'LiGL1031 6I�B! wheth�r as on�site repxesentatives ox otherwise, do r�vt make the Sngineer ar its �erso�nel ir� a�n.y way res�sonszhle for those duties that belong tu tha City andlvr tk�c City's �onstcuc�zon contractors ar other cndties, and do nv� relieve the constru�tion aontxactors rnr any oi-�er e�tiiy vf �e�r abliga#ions, duties, and z•espansibilities, incl�ding, but nat litnited to, aII constzuatian �n�Ehads, mea�s, techniqUes, sequenr.es, and pracadures �eceasary for cavrdinafing anc� campleting a[1 portians of the constxuction work in ac�ord�nce v�ith t�� Confract Dncumanfs and any health ar saf�ty precautiot�s re�uir�e�i b�r sucft cansttuct�on w�rk. The En�ineer ataci xts perscmnel have nn authority ta ex�r�ise any coniral aver atxy coaxstz�ctian contractar �r ot�her �ntity ar th�ir �mployees 3n ca�nco#ian with their wark or any h�alth ar safety prec�u�i.ons. C]TY OF FpRT WORTH Lake Yifurth Water a�ul Sanitary+se►ver �rnpro�ercunrs part � 3'T'AM�AItD�DN$T�IdCTTQI+! SPECIPICATiO� �pCUME1VTS Ci1y Pmjest#1b09G2-� R�Yiscd 1 ]l2312fl21 ao s� a3 . � A�,reemcn� Page G oPG �f ih�FTN�SS 17�IiLI�flF, City and Cot�iraotor liave eaoli e�ecuted this Agreemcnt to be efFeotiv� as of tl�e date �ubscri�ed l�y tl3e City°s designa�t8d A�ststant Cify Man2tger �"Effcctive D�te"). Caiit��a��nr: } f�ii:.�, �1j �-� : �f ' r • � - � l► . � Gify af l�ot�t �Vartl� 4r B� � f� .re f1e�r�Hdd,FG _ """wV'. � �...: --T i Dana Burghd�ff Assistar�t City Managet Oc� �'f, 2�2� Da�e At4est: �'�w �Y��;,'� �=,���;�. .�^ �, �; :. �;y-= c �, '� . .� . ��.. � °•�'�'�: J r � � .I` "� ' "°�- �� "� ":t � �..a�' ��..; I� �;. ',} � s ��' � � ���..' � �°�i'��: : �p_ �S D ���K� �rf , Ad ress J eite GoodaIl, Cit�r Secret�ry ,� , I �c �����. CiiylStabel�ip �Sea�) � 7— �- n�&c: ��-n�rs3 Date Da�f.e;. �cntcrrAbex• �7, 2a�� Fortn 1295 No.: �[1�22-9�8Q87 Gontraci Compl:i�ance Manaber: Ly signing, l� acicnowledge tltat T�m tlie pc�son resp�tasiUle for the rnonit�ring and administrat�crn o�'this co�it�acl, including ensuriiig all performan�e and reparting requix'�zneaits. .�� 'S'+�altet'NOl'W44�, P.E. Pt•oject Mau�zger Ap�iroved �s to Form and Legality: � i ...Y �YF Douglas W. Bl�ck �i•. As�isiant CiE�+ At�ar�i�y APPR�VAL RECOMMENDEI�; t;ITY C31' E�Qit'�' W�RTf-). srn�r��r�n co�s�rr�uc rrnN s�,ct�tcn�-�flrt nvctlr�r;raTs Rcuised I ll231��21 Cliristapher Harder, P, E, ' Dircctor �Vater �Qepat-tanent �' � +„��'$� - �a������ l.Ake Wortl� Wnker L[ne 5anifar� Sewcr [ui�F�sr�zhc��G4ai'�rt� Cf1�P:��]6F.�1'?�_ 1 i}�9t�_� , �i� �il��li► rt �' Tit1e ~� �7[161 13 - 1 nHRi'aRhiA�C'E E3nNn 1'��c 1 nF 2 Band N�. K.4U2U 1 �68 i 2 3 � 5 b 7 7'H1; ST�ITP �FTE�AS CUIIIYTY �F TARAANT SE�TION Ill� bl 13 P�RPORI�IARdCE BdltiiD § § KNO�V ALL BY'I'HES� PR�SEI�TS: § 8 �liat �re, _ Woady Cantractors, Inc. � knvwn as "Principal" herein and 9 Vi ilant Insur nee Com an , a cpxporate sw•etp(sur�ti�s, iFmare than ane) lU duiy authori2ed la do business in the State of Texas, lcnawn as "Surety" 1lerein (whether on� ar 11 �nvre), are held and �rmly hound nntv the Citu of Fort Worth, a�nunicipa] cnrparatinn created 12 pursuant to d1e laws of Texas, knawR as "L'ity" herein, in the penal sum af, Six Millian, Two 13 Hundred Thi -Two Thousand Fow• Mu�dred Six DQllars &�i Cents � 23B 40b.5� lawf�l la mone� ofthe []�ited States, to be paid in Fort itlorth, Tarrant Caunty, Texas far the payment of ]5 whiGh su�n well $nd truly to be made, we hind oursal�es, aur heirs, execubors, administratnrs, 16 su�ces�ors and assigns, j ointly and se�erally, f rmly by these pres�rrts. 17 WHEREAS, the Principal has enterad inta a certain written carrtract with the Gity I8 awarded the 2'1"' day af Septern�er , 20 22 , whicl� Contract is hereby referred 14 to and made a part he��eof for all purpo�es as if fully set �arth hei�ein, ta iurnist� all mafeiial5, 20 equiprnent labor and ather aecessnries defined hy law, in the prasecutinn di tha �Vdrk, innluding 21 any Cl�ange Orders, as provided for in said Canh'act dasignated as Lake Warti� L�ater and 22 5anitary 5ewer Isnpro�eancnts Pa�'k 2�ty Froject Nn. ] da962-�. 23 NOW, TH1+�K�:kURE, the condition of'this ahligatian is such that if the said Prin�ipal 24 sI7a11 f�ithi��lly perform it obiigations under the Contract and shaI] in al� respeGts duly and 25 faifhfi,�lly perfvrm the Worl�, in�ludin� Change 4t�derti, under the Con�rac#, a�nurding to the plans, 2� specificatiorzs, and �vntract d�a�uments th�rein refenetl to, and as �ell during any }�eriad af 27 extension of�the �ontract th�t rrray be granted on the part of the City, then this vbligati�n sha11 �e 28 azxd become null and void, �fherruise t� re�nain in iull farce and effect. 29 3d PROVIDED FLTRTHER, that if any Iegal action be fiied on this �ond, venue sha]] lie in Tarrant Gounty, Texas ar the United States IJistri ct Caui�t for the Narthern Disti•ict Qf Tex.as, Fort 3l �rortF� Division. CTTY DF FORT WO�RTH Lake Warlh Wateraod 5anit�ry Sevrcr ]mpro�e�nenls Pari 2 STANI]ARD CpNSTRC+CripN SPrC1FfCAT10N DOG'[1A��NT5 City Prajecl ido. 1fl6952-2 Revised ]uly l, 20 ] 1 {N](�1 ]3-2 1'Llil`C?RMAi�C'L 13QN[] 1'u�c 2 c� C 2 aand No, ���02�! 968 ] This bond is ir�ade ar�d ex�cuted in campliar�ce witYi the provisions af Chap#er 22�3 af the � Texas Ga�erruner�t Code, as ainended, and al] liabilities on this hnnd shall be deter�nined in 3 acc�i�ianc� w'ith tl��: p3n�•isinn5 «FSaid statue. 4 IN WI'l'��I H;SS WHk:It�,UF, the P»ncipal and the SLuety have SiGI�IET� and S�ALED 5 tiais inst���€ine��t by duly �uttiUr�zed 2g�:nts and nffiaers ori ihis the 2?f'' , day of� 5eptember., 2�22 . 6 7 8 9 lU 11 1� �� �� l5 lfi ['7 i$ 19 24 z1 a� �3 2A 25 �6 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3b 37 ,�x��w : � � � . (Princip�l] 5c�rctary 1' � E � If �-� � _ �Ir1i17��S+i�,tQ Nl'1t7C1}la� ��� ► � ��r a �riln�ss o 5uret}' F.li��hcth C_�r�y ARl'I� C�I �'.� L: 41�0[]i7Y C..C7A'TRACTC].RS. TNC. �� 13Y: - �- - - c[tt7ra � — � (�-��� ` E s�.s�� I�a►r►e an tl' I'itl e Address� G54'L'nwer Liri�e I�enn�dale, Texas 7t,C]�D SUF2ETY ; VIGIi_ANT IN5[1RANCE C(�MPANY � �� BY: r �igr�ature �lo �'V. S��eeney, A�4Urney-in-i��41 � Aiamc aitd '1'itle �ddress: 2{)dl Bryan 5treet, Suite 3400 � ll211as.'L'ex2s 752[}1 Te]ephnne�Iumber:21�1-75�-0 77 38 3� 44 �Nate: if si�ned by an affi�er �f the Surety Cninpan}�, the��e must �e on fife a�ertifed ext.racf 4I fi�nt�i tl�e by-l�i�vs show�[>>g f�at th�s }�crs��n has �:�Llil�c�rity �o si�;n such Ubli�ation. If 4� Su�•ety's physic�l address i� dif%rent from its �naili�lg �ddress, both inust he �arovicled. 43 The date nf the l3nnd sl�al l iint be �riar to the date ttle Conts�act is aw�r�led. CITY �F FO�tT �1'�RTN Lt�ke Wurl{t Water and 4ar�ilary Sewer ]r�r�rruveme�tirs Part 2 STANDARiI CONSTRLJCZ70N $PECIF[CA'Tlp�l l]QCL?MrNT5 CiLy Pr�jecl Nu. 100t.CiZ-2 Rc.wised Jiily ],?4! 1 []0(ak 14-1 PAYAAEhIT SO�+ID Yage 1 0£2 I3orid AIo.1�40�i]196$ ] 2 3 � 5 � 7 8 9 10 THE S'I'ATE UF "TL�XAS C�UIYTY DF TARRANT ��CTT{fM �0 61 14 PAYMENT B�N� � § KNt]W ALL BY T'�iES� PR,�S.ENTS; § 7'hat we, Wo�[iy Coniractvi�s, Inc. n known as "Principal" herein, and �igilant Insurance Campany , a cvrporate sui�ty [s►.ireties), duly authorized to do husiness in the SEa#e of Tcxas, known as "Surety" herein (wh�ther one pr 11 more), are held and firmly baund unto the City of Fart VVorth, a municipal carporatian created 12 pvrsuant tQ th�. laws c�f the 5tatc nf "l�e�as, knnw�n as ``City" l�erein, in the pet�al swn of Six 13 Million, Twa Hunc�red Thirty-Tw� T'l�ausand. Fo�ar Hundred Six Dollai's &. Fifty Cer�1s 14 �$6�232.��6.5�) lawfuf money of tl�c: ZJr�itcd 5tates, ta be paid in Fort V+larth, Tarrant Gc�unty, I5 Texas, fvr the payment vf which sutn well and truly tae inacie, we hi.nd ourselves, our h�irs, lG EH�CLl2OY5, �Il1i7115t1'at4CS, successors and assi�ns, j�intly and sevarally, firmLy by these pl�esents: 17 18 WHI;REAS, Principal has entered ir�ta a certain written Con�raot �vith City, awaxded the �?''' day of September ,�[l 22 ,, whieh Contra.ct is hei�eby referred to and rnade a l9 part hereof fc�r all purpvses as if fiil�y se# fbith herein, ta f�rnish all inaterials, equipmet�t, labor Z� and ather acoessories as defined by law, in the prnsectttion nf the �ork as prnvided for in said 21 Cas�tract �nd designated as Lak� Worth Water arid Sanitary Server Impin�etnerrts Part Z, City 22 Prnje�t Na. 1 D0962�2. z3 NqW, THEREF�RE, THF CO1�IDITION OF THIS QBLIGATION is such that if 24 Principal shall pay all inonies awing ta any {anti all} payrne�t hand heneficiary �as dafined in 25 Ch�pber 2�5� af the Texas Gavertunent Code, as ainended) in the prasecufion afthe Worl� under 2� tl�e Contract, then this obligatiot� 5h�11 be and becai�e null s�nd void; athervwise to reznain ii� full �7 force and effect. as 29 3Q 31 Shis band is made and executed in campliance witl� the p�bvisions af Chapter Z253 af the Te�as C�avernment Code, as a�nendcd, afid all liat�iliti�s on this band shall 6e detennined in ac�ordance wifh #he prvv�lsions af �aid statute. C]TY �F F'ORT WOR'PH Luke Warth Waterand 3aiulary 5eH•cr [mpmverr�ents 1'art 2 3TANDARD CdNSTftL1CT[�N 5PEC1F1CATf03� ADCUMENTS CityProjectNa. 1Qa9S2-2 Rcviaed dvly l, 2D11 9D61 !•i-2 PAVMENT ]3C]ti❑ r��,e z �r a ]3ond Na. K4a'�[)15�6$ 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 ia 11 [l� Wl'['NL�SS V4'HF:RI��OIs', th� Pri�tcipal aru] 5urety have each SIGI�lEU and S�:�C:�D this instnu�eni by duly atrthoi-ized agents and aificet's on this ti�e� day af_5e�te�c3•, 2D 2Z . A' 1"1'E. . �. ��� Prin4ipal} Seeretary � � � i7Vitness as �c� �incipd] ATT'RST: �cs.�.s�i'� . �..�� �Surety) Secretary Dawn M. Chlol'vs ` �'_���,� WitneS tc� St�rety Eli�abeflS Gray PRTf�1CIFAT.; 1�OU r)Y t:(]N" l'� A CTC]R S„ INC. F — } . I3Y: " � ■� t� [,���►`�� [, - l�f a�nd Title • Ad�Lress: CS{) To��•er Dri�e Kcnnedale�'i'exas 760�Q ST JR�']"Y: V1UlLA.It`�' I\ISi]RANC:�. C[��1PANY B�': �, Sig re KYle V�. S��e_e.ney, Attarney-in-�'act Name and 'I'itle Aadre�s: 2001 I3rvan Street, Suit�3�4� l3allas. Texas 752Q 1 Telepi3�}rte Number: 214-754-D777 t�lote: If'si�ned by an officer of th� Surety, lhcre must be an Iile a ecrtified extract from the hylaws sho���in�; ihat ihis persan �lei5 autharity to sign such nhligation. If' Surety's physical address is clifFerent f���i7� its mttiliri� acJdress, b�th must iae provided. The date af the 6U�cl sha11 not be prior ta t11e date t�ie C'ontract is ati�arded. EN17 OI' SECTIUl�( C1TY OP FORT V+'QRTI ] Lake 1;'ai�h Watera�id 5aniiary 5eYtie3 [mp�nvemenrs I�art 2 STAitiT7AR17 C:01�5TRIICTI(}i� �l�i:{:II T['.4'1'ICIN L]()C1:1�1EN'I'S City Prale�t fi�o. ]Df7962-2 Revised .l �Ely 1, 2 U': 1 OU4tl9-1 MAINTL•NANCE BOND Page 1 af 3 Bond AEa. K.4�241968 1 2 3 � � G 7 8 9 IU 1] 12 13 l4 1S lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 � �4 25 2G 27 28 24 3Q 31 32 33 3� THE S']'ATE OF TE7�AS C�[7NTY UF TARR,r�NT SECTIUN OQ G1 19 MAINT�NANCE SOI�[� § § KNQW ALL SY 1'HESE PR�SENTS: § Ti�at we Wnod Contra�tors Inc. , krtown as "Principal" �erein an�d Vi ilant Insurance Cam an , a corporate sux�ety (sureties, if mflre than ane) duly a�.ithorized ta do business in the 5tate of Texas, knawn as "Starety" herein {whether one or rnore), are held an� firmly bound untQ the City af Fort Worth, a municipai corporation created pursuant to the lar�rs of the Stat� ofTexas, knnw�n as "City" herein, in th� suxn of Six Millian Twa Hundred 7'lii -Two. Tl�ous�nd Fv�.u' Hundx•ed Six I]ollars &. Fift�Cet�fs (�6,232,4(1�.544 iawful maney afthe Unii�d Stat�s, to be paid in Fart �7Vorth, Tarrarrt County, Texas, for payrnent of which sum well and i�•uly be made unto tkre City and its successors, we bind oursel�es, our heirs, e�eGutors, adrninistrators,. suc�essors and assigc�, jointly and se�erally, fiimly by these p�esents. WHERE�4S, the I]rincipal has �nter�d into a oertain written carrtract witn the G�ty awarded the 27�' day vf _ September , 2� 2� . which Cantract is hereby refen�ed tc� and a made part hereoffar a11 purposes a� if fu�11y set fortl� h�a�in, tQ furnis� ali rnaterials, equipme�lt labor and other accessaries as defi ned by 1aw, in tl�e p�bsecL�tion of the Waz�k, including a�y Vi�ork i�esulting �rorn a duly authori�ed Change Qrder �colleeti�ely lierein, the "Work") as provided fnr in said cvntract and designated as Lake Worth 1�►�atei� an $anita� �ewer I�n rowem�nts Part 2 Ci Pro'ect N�_ l OD962-2• and WHERE�S; Principal binds itself to use such matez-ials and to sa construct the Wark in accordanc� �vith t�re plans, spe�ifications and Contract Dncuments tl-iat the i�ark is and will r�lnain free fi�om defects in materials �r wnrkmanship fnr and d��ring the periatl of two {2) years after the daCe Qf Final AcceptanGe vf the Vdork by the �ity ("Maintenancc F'eriod"}; and WHEREAS, Principal binds itse] i'to repair or reconstnict fh�e Wot•k in whpl� ar in part upon receivirrg notiCe fi'om th� City af ti�e need thereaf at any time wSthin tl�e Maint�nance Period. ClTY flF FORT �'JC]RTI E Lakc Wortli Water and 5aiaitary 5ewcr Impravamcrng Part 2 3TATIDARD CUNS fRUGi'3iJ�l SPECIFICATIO�N DOCUMEI4"fS City Prajes! Nn. 1[}[}9G2-2 Reyised ]u!y k, 2fl I l b0 Gl l9 - 2 MAiI+]TENANCE Bi71�li] Nage 2 01�3 Bond ]�o, K402� 1968 1 2 3 4 5 � 7 8 9 ]4 N�yV T�EREFUIZ�, t1�e condition of this oi�ligation is such th�t if Principal shal! remady as�y def�cti�e W�rk, for whi�h timely notice was provided by City, to a crampletian s2�tisfact�ry to tlle Ciky, then fhis obligation sha�ll be�came null and �oid; otherwise tn re��ain in fu11 farce ar�d effect, PRUVIQ�D, HQWCVFR, if Principa� shall fail sa to repa�r or reconstruet any timely noticed defeciive WQrk, it is agreed that t�ie City may cause any and a11 such defective W�rk to ba repaired andJor reconstrueted witl� al� associated �asts thereof b�ing l�arne hy the Principal and the 5uxety under this Maintenance 6nnd; and ll 12 PRO'V'IDEI] F[1RTHER, thaf if any legal a�tion be fil�d on this Band, venu� shall lie in 13 Tarta�t Cnutify, T�xas c�r tht; Lniled States Distriet Cotu'k for the Northern 1]istrict of Texas, Fort 14 Worth Divesion; and l5 lb �ROVIDED FURTHEI7, that this obligation shall be cantinuc�u� in nature and 17 successive r�caVeries may hc had h�t�ear� for suc�essive brea�he:�. 18 14 24 C1TY DF rf3R I' Vs+ORTEI Lak� Wartii Water and 5anitary 5ewcr ]rnpro�emer3ts Pad 2 STATlDARD CONST[��IC7'l�1'I SNECIFICATIOh' 17[7Ci3MF•.N7S Csry Yroyect Aio. 10�962-� Revised]uly 4,��i1 [][St�1 I9-3 ARAl>> 1-I:�lAhlC'}- fi(7tilD I'z�c 3 �J'3 �017C� ��, �'�Q��1��� 2 � 5 6 7 8 9 ia ii 12 13 14 15 16 1? 18 ]9 20 2� Z2 23 2� 25 2�5 �7 2� 29 3� 31 32 33 3� I1V VVITNESS WI3ERLClF. the 1'rinci��a1 and the 5ure�y l�ave eaeh SICi�1 F 1] and STAL�D lhis in5truzment by duly authnrized agents and officers an this #he 27''' day of 5E emt�er .120 22 . i� � AT�ST: � Principal} 5ecretary rI Lf � lAlitnes� P�n�ipal A'I"1'�: S'1'; ��� � ��.�� [Surety) 5ecretary Dawi� M. Chloros �� ��.� E�itness tck Surety E:liza6eth Gray l'RIhCIPAI ,: Wt)(}L)Y LUN'I I�ACTORS, ItiIC, . ,� � �.�;! . ��. � ro f _ f r,� i �'J. � Nazn� aud "ti Adclress: 650 Tn.rvcr T�ri�e Kennedal Texas76D6f1 , 5[JR FTY: VI{�lLAN`C 1N5LTRANCE COMF�ANY BY: �� . Si�nature �le Wi�. ��,°eezyev Atiori�e -in-Pact __ Vame ar�c� Titic Address: 2��1 Br�an 5trcet, Suitc=3�10(} Dall�s,'1'cxas 752U1 Telcphn��e l�rni�i�er: 214-75�-0777 35 36 ��+ote: If sigt�cd l�y ati afficer of the Su��ty Company, there rnust be on fle a Certified extra�:t 37 f�om the hy-la�vs sho��ing tl�at tl�is person lia:s authnrity ta si�n such obli�;atian. If 38 Surety's ph}�sica.l add��ess is difierent� fi�arn i�� ir�aslin� address, I�nth must Y�e pr�vi�lcd. 39 The d�te of Ghe �vnd shaiI not be �ariaC� tci the clatc: ihc C�t�t���icl i� �iwarded. 4Q C:I'f'Y C}f� f�C]ItTl�iORTH Lake Worth Waterand 5anitary Scv���r lmprs�vniii4n[s ]'art 2 S'1'ANU�RD COh'3TItLiCTiOi� SPEL'1i�ItA7'ION D[7C[3MkN75 C ilv 1'��.icc[ h�o. i�D9G2-i Ticv ised ]udy 1, 20l I Pvlicyholder lnfvrmatron Illv�ice IM��RTAN7 N�rrGE Ta ohtain informa�ian or make a complaint: �au may caIl Chuhb's t�ll-free telepY�4ne nurnber ��r informatio� or to m�ke a camplaiiit at S-BOD-36 CF[UB8 Yau may ca.ntact the Texas Depaximent of Insurance to ol�tain anf�rmation on cornpanies, coverages, rights or complain�.� at �--8aa 25��439 You may write the Texas L)epaxtme�t of LYsurance P.D. B�x t4910� Austin, TX 78714-91[k� FAX # (5 J. �} 475-1771 Vi�'eh: http:llwww.tdi.state.#.x.us �mai1: CansumerPratectinn C�tdi.state.tx.us PREM�LIM �R Ci�fM Dl5PU7E5: Sh�tilt� yau h�ve a dispuic �an.cerning your pr��-na urn �r about a claim yau shauld �on�ct the a�ent first. If the dispiite is r�at rc.�o]ved, you may coz�kact the Tcxas Deparmaent ��f Insurance. A?TACH TNl� N4TlC� TD Y�L1R PQLlCY `I'his notice is far ir�armati��a anly and does nat become a part ar condition of tk�e attached document. RV15a lMP�RTAlVT� Para obtener informacxon r� para someter L�na queja: Usted puede ll�mar al numero d� iel�ft�n[� gratis de ��a�bh's para informaci6n o pa�ra someter una queja al i -���1-36-GNUBB Puede camLlnicarse can ei Depaxt�ment� d� Seguras de T�xas paxa obtener informaci�n acerca de campanias, �oberturas, der�ch4s c� �uejas al 7 8��-2v�3�39 Puede escribir al T}��artarnento de Seguros de T�xa� P.O. Box 1491a4 A�stin, TX ?871.4-9104 FAX # {512} �75-1771 Web: http:llwww.tdi.state.tx.us E-xnail: Cn�rsum�rPz'�tect�onC�tdi,SiSL�.tX.L1S DISPUTAS S�BRE Pl�x11�AS U RECLANIQS: Si �iene una disputa concerzuente a su prima t} a un reelamo, debe �omuniGarse con el agente prin��o. Si n� se resueve Ia dis�uta, pu�de cntances �omunicarse can el depatt�tnc�.to �Tlll}. unr� FsrF av�so A su pa�rz►a: Este avisa es sal� par� proposit� de informacion y na se convierte en parte a candicz5n deI da�umentQ adjuz�C�. Fnrm 99-10-4799 (�ev, 1-OB] �.� ��'� ��.� E� � � ` Power of Attarney �ederal Insui�nce CvmPanY 1 Vigilant Insuxance CamPanY I Paciftc Indemnity Campany �p,� g� bq �'hese preaents. Tr,ac trBU�ht 3N5l1RAl�10E Cai�dPA�1Y, an In�ana eorpo�atfan. NG�t,RNT INS[3RANC�i Cvi�dpANY, a IVew York carporatio�, and PACIF[C i�g�� �p1�p,Atvy, a w�con,i„ �orpara�lan, do eaCh hcreby c�r�stin�ce and appols,� Elizaloeth Gray� Charies D. 5weerieY, KYIe W. 5weeney and Michael A. 5weeney vf Fort Worth, Texas --•-------__._ -------------------------- _-__.�----------------------------•--------•--------_......_ each as t#�eir rpste aitd law{'�! Allonreyin-Faet to exeCUfe under such d�ignatlnn Ya thefr names arxl tv Bfllx thelr mrporate s�ls ta and deli�er fQr and an Iheir 6ehalf as sur�ty thereun aT atrerwfse. boncLs �snd wdena� and oth� wriHnSs ob]igaWry in the nature the��vf Iother than Uall hon� �ven or executed in [he course oF business, and any }qs�n7ments �di� or ai�ering the same. and�nr�sems m[he madlt[catiom or akeratian ofany instrument reFerred ta in saSdbonds or ohligatlQns_ Jn {�GLtne� V9hereof, said !�}RAAL II9SLIRAIITG'6 CUl4IPAAiY� VIGIi11N'J' I�'�S[IRAI'[�R �oMPAWY, ana pACiA1C �D6Adi�[I'l'Y p�MMPANY ha�e e�ch execurnd and attes[ed [l�ese preaentsand afFlxed their coryorate seafs nn this 16'A day [ziSeptemher, 2019• �'1 .. 11 �.� Y 11t�+Nn �i.C,l�ltrrrrc. rl�ixt:mr�x�tii:iry �. � ��� ' 2��,.'� �E: r ��' "• 4 ��/ �(��hi:ii �1. Il,an��}, 4'iE�c ih'czv�lcn� ��� �' �rA� Q� �v¢w ��a�s�r CountyvPHur►terdon S�- On t{�is lfi'" d�y of5egUember, �D19, k�ePore me, a Na[ary Pul�lfe oF 1�ery Jeisey, per�onally can�e Ilawn M, Chlatn.s, ta me known [o he A&sis[an[ 5ecretary of ITBA�RAL 1NSiIRANC6 CCiA�PA14Y. Y1GUr4NI' fN5URANCE COA'SPANY. and PAC[FIG INDPsM1i�l'Y COMPAfV1', the cvmpanies which exew[ed the ferep�6iY� I�ower oF' ftittarney, and the s�id Dawn M. GhbxOs� bein6 hY me dtily swnrn, d1d de�se and saY that she ks R�iasant Sec3etary af PFn�RAL INSl1RANC6 CDMPAP[Y� V]GI1,AIVT SN�t!ftANCE CC7MPANY, and f+ACAFIC fNUsMN1TY G03r1nANV and kno�vs t11e eo�ra[e seals [hereof, that the seals al�lxed ia �i�e Forepoir� Pawer af AttarneY are such eorp�rase se�]s and were rherem aFl9xed bY aathority oP said qompanlesc and that ahA slgned said Pnwer a�i Attom ey ss Assis[ant Secrerary oF safd Cum panies 1xy lilce autharSry; and that she is �cq�aim�d with Stephe� M. iianey, and knows him m be Viat P��esfdent af`sa[d Companiesc and that the �ignatum of Stephen 141. Haney, suUscrihed [o said Fowee �E' P�ttomey is in ihe $�emiine lwadwr�ing ag Sbephen ]�f. Haney, and waa ti�erem suhscrlbed by authar[ty oFsaid companies and in depunenYs }xre�nr�. ' (,�•`°� `, �'1 ?l� � '��� Itl►THERiNE d. AC]�.AAR NCTMiY Pk1BLIC Qt' FiGW JERSEY 1de. 231S68A l�nrrd�ahon �xp�raa Juty 1@.9[124 f . ����. ! �TLFiCA1`IDN Resolu[lnns adoptedhl+ d3e Boards of Aireewrs oFF6i}ERA41id5URANCB �P�i'nNY, VIGIt.AN'I' WSURANCBC(]MI?r�NY, and PAGFIC INU6h1N 17'1� pdI1�1l�ANY on August 30, 2Ql& 'lil!9��VEf], that il�e fdlowing au�horirattkag re7ate m�e execunan� far and o n b�alf of [he Comnany. oihnmds undertal6n�, i'�cagnir�nc+es, ao�traaa arKl uthcr tvritten wmmitmept� G'dse CainpaRy enreredlma in che onifrnrycaurseol'huainess [each a"Wriuen Commitmen4 J° (�} Eadi af the C1�airnmn� tj�e Preslclent •rnd me vice Prr+rldems ai thc6orrmanyishereby atahoN�ud fuexeciiot+any Wrltcen4omaysmrnc 6urundaat�eharoitheCompanY� w��t�� seal of the Cuafiparq ur othmvlse, � �herwlse, �d e ertaais[h�n s�xhadlan is u[horfue�l by [f�e EgGm of {xiwe[s ptivlded �1�r�a ch PerKun�writlen a�pufqGnxnt ��ith att+xney-tn fac•r� o nelhr S1re seal nf the Campqny ur � EaCh uF the Rialm�arx � kh�+eaSdent and nda�u�loe f�rwidexeou�, �r� �ourbeV�alp�oCtherComp�a�y.rw�der �he azal aF he ComPany ur�othe�tnlae xuch�N'ri¢en CwnanLmentsCithe h�•ket ofthe C�mlb+nY fxi�"�r y Urby neral orck�ssaf 1Yrlmen Curmti�men[s or hy6pociiEcxilunuT one nCmorepardtu�r Cornpany asm�be �adtfed In such w�]tten appalnrmem, whlch speclfkatlon muy tS� t}'P@ Written ComptitmenEs. (n� w��t, ofd�e tk�a[rma� �he Presl�ten� and thc wce Preddems �[ [heC�mqany�sherehyau�horlxed,RuandonhehalPvi[heCompany�toA2�0trfn.wrliingtaaayIXheradiEoeroitl�c pnmpa�yy tklCuluho�lcy Go ex�U�. for and 9n beF�AIF oi the [7ampaqy. uncler the Camµury� dea! ar .C1 �� � on�eor�mmt'� p�rti CulaT Weipen Canrnilme�� ��� Itl 8u�1 yP1�Gp1�de1Cga1�[�whlchapCClflCallan may 1�� hY 8enernl typeOY i�esOF Wrluen Cummihiiem6 br byap �} 7'I�ea�aSure CF'rny o�iceruc mher peraon exExmin�any Wdnen Cnr3tns�m�tarapp+finmKms nr dele�llwi puis�ns w[his Resofuricx�.and the seal oPthe rQm�ny, may 6e aEked LY €acalmlle onsudi 1Nrkcen Cammilmrn[ or wrl[[en appaintinen[ ardele�tlon. YL1ktYH8RBli5d7LV1sR� that [hefusegui�xesaiutlun shall nu� k�e+�eemed�odeansxclus�+r�s�uc�xnemnFthepcnversandau�►+or1W°�°I€�rs.c"�1"Y�%��whe�p�sonsroac�ftirandonisetm�e�r the �aompang. and such ICesdumm ahall not limf[ w atl�er+vLse alFect the exeeclae af airy.wch po�ver �r authorlty utherwiae w�lkily �-antr�l ar vcs[ex1,.' 1, pawn M. Ch]nrns. Assistam SecretaYy of FF.I]BRAL fA1SURANCE G'OMPAIVY, VIGILA3Y1' IN51JRfLNGB GOhIPAI�Y,1r�d PACIFIG fIN�A7IYR`Y CU1Nf'AhiY (d'ie "Compe�nie�7 dn hc�'ebY rertlFy [hat (r� the fotw�ni� Res�lu[��s a dapted by the Da�sd �i3iret[vrs oPthe C�mpanies are true, corrett and in Full%rce and efl�[, (ii} the ForegaingFower afAttarney Es true, mrrea and in fi�ll Forcc and eit'ect. ��y��derrnyhandanda�ls.ofs�idCvmpariiesa[Whitetinuse9[aflan,�l,�n� �7th day of 5eptembsr �02�. ��� _ w + '��'i�.�l. � s,�. ',.,w SknsEt I1.i:I�IRs+.x,, lti�i,cirn �Ea rc��my Wl5}11'0 V�RIFI' �l l� hVl'N BMIGIIY OP THiS npNll OR NPTIFY L[5 0l� A7� FFD- ViGPI {rer. OB-iB] OOfi125-1 CER'i'[�1CA'CtS DP 1N�1]RAI+ICE 1'agc l of i 1 SECTIUiwi UU 6125 2 CEI�TIFICATE �F ]NSURANCE 3 4 5 �} +� ...'-`'iK+ : U• ��-�nl! n IIClc• nct- . �_-.. . x:�v��, �4'�'rcuVt f�t'° �1C`S;e �lhii � G;��LL L4.:�/1 cinraw'r;�„� 7 _ .���rlr.._ F._.�_ :;�►:.__._:- r�• �---r 8 � 1Q 11 12. 13 14 15 ' lfi 17 l8 I9 2D 21 22 �3 2�} END UF SECTIDIV CITY aF F�RT 41'�1�T11 Lakc Wasih Water and S�ilary Server Impmvements Par! Z S'TANDARD CdNSTR[]C'"1'IaN 5FEC1HiCATIOTF 1]flCU11�lF,��S Cily l'rnject #la[19Ci2-2 R��•iaed July 1, ��11 STA�TDARD GEIVERAL C�NI)ITI�NS �F TF.�E �Q�TSTRUCTIQN �UNT`I�ACT CITY QF' F'QRT W�RTH STIRNllAR�L�h18TRi]CTIDN SPSCif]CA710N DC]Ci1MENT3 ltevisinn; 82'��1 STANDARY7 GENER.AI� C�NDITI�NS �F THE C�NSTRLI�TI�N CONTRACT TASLE OF CONTENTS Pa�e ArtialeI —De£'mi� an�d Terrnir�ol��y .............. ......................................................................,........,...._.....1 I.Q1 De�e� Temis ............................................................................................................................... l 1.�2 Terminology ..................................................................................................................................6 Article�.—Prelimiaary Matters......................... ......................_.........................................................,...............7 2.01 Copies ofDocuments......---• ..........................................................................................................7 2.Q2 Gamna�encement of Cantraet T�e; Notice ta �'roceed ........................................................... 7 2.0� Startin� the Wc�rk .................................................................................................. ....................... 8 �.D4 Before Startmg Constructian ..._.....................,....................,...............,............,..,......................... 8 Z.DS Precans�ruction Conf�rence .......................................................................................................... 8 2,�6 Public Meet�g .... ................... . ..................................................................,.................,,...........8 2.07 Tx�ia1 Ae�eptauceafSchedules..............,...,........,...........,...........,.. ..............,...,.,..,...,.,.,.........,,...8 Artic:I� 3— Coniraot DocUmen#s ; Intent, Amen�ng, Reuse ..................................... ...... ............. .................... $ 3.�1 Intent .............................................................................................................................................. S 3.� Referexic� S�xd� ... .................................................................................................................. 9 3.�3 Reporting andResalving Di�crepancies...,....., . ..., .,. .,, ,............. ..........................................�9 . ... .. . .. 3.(�4 Amencling and ��ementiong Ca�ntractDocunaents .................................................................14 3.OS ReuseafDocu�xze�s ...................................................................................................................1� 3.a6 Blectronic Data,.,...,..., ,. ............_. ....................................,.,......................,................................ 11 Article �— Availah�ity of Lands; �ubsurface a�ad Physical Conditions; HazardaFus Enviranmerrtal Conditions; Referenee Points ........................................................................................................ „ l l �.Dl A�ra�ability of Lauds .....................,................................,..........,................,........, ......................11 4.4'l Suh�urface a�d Physical Ccynditions ..........................................................................................12 4.03 Differi�g Subsurface �r Physical Condrtions ............................................................................. �Z 4.tf4 LTx�dergraund Fa�iiities .......................................,......,.,...,.,.,......,.......,,..., ..............-----.............13 �.DS Reference Painrs .............................................................................,..�,............,........,..............,..14 �_ U� Ha.�ardaus Env�r�nanental Condit�a� at Site .................................. ....... ..... . ........... .. ............. .....14 ArtiGle� —Bnnd� and Insurar�cc ................. ...........................................................................�......,..............lb S.QI Licensed Sureties andInsurers .............................................. .. ................................................16 S.a2 Perforn�ance,Paxment, and Mamtenan�e �cyr�ds........,...,.,.,...................,.,.,..................,...........16 S.D3 Certifxcat+es af Insurance ... ........ .... . ....................... .... .. .. ........... ............. ... .......... ......................... l6 5.i]4 �onir�ctar's I�surance ...............................................,................................................................18 5.�5 Accept�nce ofBans� andTnsurance; �ion ta Replac� ....... .................................................19 Article 6—�antraetar'sR.esponsUilities ............................................................................ . ........................lg 5.U1 Supervisi�ta and Super�tendence ...............................................................................................19 C11'Y 4g FORT V1R71iTH STANDAR�(�TRi]CT1DN SPECIF]GATIQH D�CUMEI+ITB Revision: 8�3�1 6,Q2 I.abar; Wa�rking Hours .................. ....... . . .........................................,..................._..................24 6.03 Services, MateriaLs, andF�u�pment ,...,......................,...................,.,... ....... .............................2t1 6.(14 Froject Schedula .....................,....._..........................,.,...,.............,..........................................,..,,21 6.05 �uh�titutea ax►d "Dr-Equals" .......................................................................................................21 6, D6 Conc ex�img Sul�c Q�tractars, 5upplaexs, �nd �t�ers .. ..............., ., .... ,....., ...... ....... .... ,........, .. , .. ..... ?A �.07 WageRates.....�.....,,..,,.� ...............................................................................................................25 6.Q8 Pate�tFees andRoya.ftaes . ...............................................,.................,....,...,...,....,...................,..2b 6.09 Pet7mils an�i LTtil�fes ....................................................................................................................27 C.1Q Laws andRegula�ioris ....� ............................................................................................................�7 G.11 Taxes .................. ............. ... ........ .......... ..... ................. ....... ...... ................. ....... ........... ........... .... 2$ 6,1.2 Use ofSite and OthcrAreas.....,.......,.,......... .................,.......................................................,..,.2$ 6.13 RecordD�cuments ......................................................................................................................�9 6.14 5afet�+and Pr�tectio�n.. ................................................................................................,.,.............29 G.IS Safetyl��pres�nta#ive.,............,......,,.......,.,........................................... ...................................3� 6.1� Ha�ard Camt�nwucatn�n 'P�rograrns ............................................... .................................,....,.,..... 30 �.17 Emer�encies aiidlor Rectificati�n ...............................................................................................3� 5.18 Su6mi�tals ... ...... ......................................................................................................................31 6.19 C�ntinun�g the Work ......................................... . .....................................................................32 6.2� Gcmtractor's Geaa�ral Warrantyand C�arantee ..........................................................................32 6.�1 Tndemnificatian ....................................................................................................................,...,33 6.22 Dele�aation uf Pra�es�innal Design 5exvices ..............................................................................34 �.23 Right ta Atadi� ................................................ ............................................................................34 6.24 1� oxad i s crifni �nation. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .... . .. . . . .. . .. . .. ... .. . . , .. . , , . .. .. . .. . . , ... ,. . .. .. . . . . .. .. . .. , . , ., . .. . .. .. . . . . .. .. . .. 3 5 Articl� 7-�therV�orkatt�e �i�............... ........................,........................._..._.....,.............,................,...,...,35 '�.�1 Rel�.ted Wark at Site .,. ...........................,...............,.................,.....,............................................35 'i.42 Carnrdionatia�n .................................... ..........................................................................................3� Ariicl� 8 -�ity's Respa�s�ilitias .................................................... . ...........................................................3� �.U1 Cotr�autii,cations ta Contraotal' ...................................................................................................35 S.D2 Furnish Data ................................................................................................................................3b 8.43 PayWhenDue ...................... ....................................................................................................36 8.44 �ands anclEasernents; Reports and Tests ......................... .......................... ...........................3� H.�S Chan�ce Drd�ers .............. ...................................,...............,.........................................,.,....,.... .36 S.(}G lnspections, T�sts,and A�pra�ra� , .............................................................................................36 8.07 Limitations on �ity's R.espons��ies ......... .....................,.....................,.............,...,...........,,...37 $.Q8 �Jn�d.i�sclased Hax�atod�us Environmental Con�dit�on ......., .................................................,......., 37 8.09 Ca�np�nce w� Safety �rogram. .....................................................,.....,........,.,........,.,.,..,.......37 Arti�le 9 - ��ty's �bs ervation Status T3uring Constru�t�on . .. .. .......... .. ... ........ ..... .. ...... .. _.. ............., ....... ,....... 37 9.01 CiEy's Project Manager ..........................................................................,....,............................37 9.02 'disits to Si� .. ............ ........... ........... ................... ....................................................................... 37 9.U3 Authori�ed Vari�t�ans in �iark ..................................................................................................38 9.04 Rejectmg Defeci�t+�e �T►�ark ..........................................................................................................38 9.05 Determinatians for WarkPerft�rnr�d ..........................................................................................3$ 9.06 Decisions nn Requiremet�ts of Cantra.atDocutnents and Acc�gtah�ty afS�L�ark .....................38 CI1'Y pF FOiET WOI�TH STANDARF]C�]3TRUCTION SPECIFICATION C3DCi.]7VIBNTB Revisiu�►: 8ri�liQTl Arti�le 10 - Chaysges in the War� Claims; Extra Wark .....................................,....................,.....................38 1�.01 Authori�ed Gl�anges vY the Work ..................... .....................................................................38 . ... . 1 �.02 Unauthot-�ed Ghan�es i�. the 17►�ark . . .. ......................... ............. ............................. . ............ . ......39 10.U3 Execution af Change drders .......................................................................................................39 i�.[�4 �tra Work .................. ...... ....................................................................................................... 39 14.a5 Noti�atioti ta Surety .......................................... . ...................................................................39 14.Q� COriI�Gt��'d111�,9 Pri4CC85 .....................................�,�,.,...............,....,...,...,...........� .........._.....,......� Artncle 11 - Coat of th� VS7ork; AllawanC�s; Unit Price Worlc; Plans �uantity Nleasurement ......................�1 11.Q1 Cost af tlae Work.., ...................................................................................................................... 41 1�.02 Allowanaes ......................,..............,....... ................,............,....................................,...............43 11.�3 Unit PriceVlTark ....................................................................................... .................................44 11.�4 Plar� Quartt�y Measuc�rnenf ......................................................................................................45 Article l2 - Change of C�ntractPrice; Ch�nge of Cc�ntxact Tim� ................................................................. 46 12.D1 Ghavge of ContractPrice ............................................................................................................4fi 12.02 C:hange ofContr�ctTime ............................................ . ..........................................................4'� 12.03 Delays .........................,...........................................................................,...,............,., , ..........._47 Article 13 -Tests andlnspections; Cor�ctian, R�mo�al ar Acceptance aFDefective Wark ..................... 48 13.01 Notice of Defects ,.....,................... ..................................,.,,,.....................................,,...........,.,,.�i8 13.�2 AccesstaWark ............................................... ..........................................................................�8 .. 13.�3 Tests an�Inspectivn� ..................................................................................................................48 13.(}4 LTnc�vering Vltvrk .......................................................................................................................49 13.0� C iitiyy 1VIay St�p the VV�rk . . . ....................... ........ ..... ............. ................. ........... .. ........................ ...49 13.46 Correcti�an ar Rer�oval of De£ect,ive Wor1c.................. ..............................................................5� 13.fl'1 Ccsrreetion Pe�ryod ........................................................................................................................50 13.U8 Acce�rtance nfDefeetiv� Work..........._...................................................... .................................51 13.�9 City iVlay CQrtectDefective �L�'o�'k .............................................................................................51 Arcic le 14 - Payme� to Contra�tox and Cornpletion ............................. .. ........... ............. ....., ............, .......... 52 14.D1 Schedule afValues ..............�...,........,.,...............,............,........,,. ..........................,.....,...........,..�� 14.OZ Prog�ressPay�r�n#s ......................................................................................................... ...........52 1 �.03 Cvntracto�r's Warranty af Tit1e ...... , .. ....... ............. ...... ............. ...........................................,....... S4 1�.U4 ParbalUtili�tion ................ .......................................................................................................SS 1�.U5 Final Inspection ........................................... ..............................................................................�5 14.UG �'�nal Acceptan�e .................................................................................................................. . ..55 14.D7 Fit�l Payrx�nt ..............................................................................................................................56 1�.4H Fina1 �c�rnpletian BelayedandPartiali�etainage Releass ...................,....................................5b lA�.[l9 Waiver of Claims ........................................ ............................................................................... 5'7 Arti�le 15 - Sua�pe�sian of Vltork and TPrmina�ion . . , ......... ............................. , ,, ,.......... ,..,......,., .............. ...... 57 15.QI City May Suspend W'ork.. ........................................................................,....,.......,............,.,,.....57 15.02 C�ty May Terminate far Cause ....... ................,....,.,..........,.........,............................................._. S8 15.U3 City 11+lay Te�ninate Frn' Convexaience......,.......................................,....... ..............,...,............,. 6� Article16 - Di�pute Resohrtion ............................................. ....................................................................... 61 16. a 1 1Vlef.lwds and Proced�ues ............. ... ............. .................. ................................... ..................... ...... C� CITY O�F F�RT WaRTH STANL3ARU��NSTRLICTIQN 5PEC1FfCAT10H DflCUM�I+iTS Revision: �U�l Article17 —McsceUan�ous .., ..................... .......... . .......................................................................................6Z 17.�1 Giving 3�otice .......................................................................... ..................................................62 17.02 Coxnputatinn ofTimes ................................................................................................................62 17.03 CuYa�ulative 1�emed�es.. ..............................................,..,...................................................,...,.....G2 17.44 Sut�ival vf�laligations ,.......,.,.,,.... .................,..............................................,.......................,.,..63 Y7.os x����.....,........ ......................,......,.,..,...,.......,.,.,.�.......,..,,,.. .. , .........................,.,...............�� CCTY OF F�RT WORTH STAND�[RDC4IV3TRVCTI�N SPECIF[GATIQH DOCU11+tErYTS Revision: �YL0Z1 0o az oa- � GENERAI. COIVa lTIOH 5 Page 1 af 63 ARTICLE 1— DEFIN�TI�NS AND'1'LRNnNDLLIGY I.U1 D�ftned 7'erms A. �aerever us�d �n tt�ese General Canditio�.s or m��r Contract Dacurnenuts, the tenr�s list�d below have the rneani�gs i�idicat�ed whiah are applicable to bath the singul�r and ph�ral therenf, ancl wards denatir�g gender shall include � rnasculine, ferniriin� and neuter. Said tern�s are generally �apitabzed ar wrtlxen in itah'tcs, but n�f always. When used 'm a cot�text cansistent with t�e defm�iti�n of a listed-defined term, t�Ze term shall have a meaning as de�in.ed below wh�ether capita�ed ar it�icized or otherwise. Tn adda�ion to terms speci�'�cal�y tle�'med, ternas with initial Gapital l�tters � the Contrac� I]ocuments inc�de references ta identihed artic�es and paragraphs, atul khe tit�es of ot�er documetrts vr form�. 1. Adder�da—Written or g�raphiic instr.'uments issued prinr to the c�penyug af Sicls which clarify, correct, or change the Bidding Reqw�rernents ar�e proposcd Contract Dv�umen%. 2. Agr�eerner�i The wri[t#ten mst�rurn�nt whic}� � evidEnc� af the agreement betvcreen �ity and Corttractar c�'v�ring the Work 3. Applieativra,fo�Puy�ent The form accep�table fo Crty which i� ta he used by C�ractor d�g the coturse of the Worlt in requ�ating pragress or fmal payments and va�isch is ta he acc�an�ed b� such supportmg documentatum as is requir�d by the �on#xact Documents. �4. ,4sbestas Any rnaterial that �arrtains more than �ne percent asbestas and is friable ar i� r�lea�ing asbestas f�ers intra the a� abowe cwrrent act�an levels esta.blished by the Uniked States Dccupatia�al Safety andHealthAdmi�istraiaon. S. �4ward — Autlaa�izatian by the City Caunc� far fhe City ta erner into an Agreement. 6. Bid T�ie affer or praposal af a Bidder submibted nn the pr�scr�ed £orm settitsg forth the prices for the Work tn be perfcrrmed_ ?. �idder�The iz�dividual ox entxty vvhQ submii� a Bid dir�ctly to City. 8, Bidding Dvc�ume�t� The Bidding Reqt�iremetrts an�d the proposed C�ntract Documen�s (including all Adden,da}. g. 8iddingReq�ire�aentr—The advertisement ar In�tation tn B�id, Instructions tQ Bidders, Bid security of acceptabl� forrn, � any, and ti�e Bid Fwm with any supplements. 1[}. �a�siness Day � A lausiness day is de�ined as a day t}�at the City conduets norm�l busi�ss, generally Mancia�+ through Friday, except far fed�xal or ��s►te }xoli�ays obser�ed by the Cidy. 1 i. Cuter�dar� ��y — A day c�i�tin� of 2� h�ur� rn�asuxed fi�m rnidnight ta the u�xt rr�ia�i�i��. CITY QF �'ORT W�RTH SThHI3ARflC3DN91'RllCT10N SPECIFICAT[DN D�C[IlIdE1+�7'S Rcvisivn; S�Vi(Al a� �x oo- i �ENEFta� Can�o iriot� s Pa�e z oe 63 12. C�ar�ge Or�er—A doctmaent, which is prepared and apprv►�ed hy the City, w}�ich � sigmed hy G�ntractar and Cit�y and authoriDes an addition, d��etion, or revisian in the �axk ar an adjustment in t�e Contract Priae ar the Cdntract Time, issued �n ar ai�er the Effec�ar+e Ua�e af the Agreemenf. 13. City— The City u�f Fort Wcarth, Texa�, a home-rule muni�ipal oo�rparatioon, autlior�ed and ciaarbered under the Tex�s State Statutes, acting by �s go�erning bndy thraugh its City M�ger, hi� desigz�ee, ar agents authori�ed under his behalf, each of which i� required by Charter to perfr�rm s�ecif"�c du�ies wikh responsa�ility for f"vial enf'arcement c�f the contracis inya�r�g the City of Fort Worth � l�y Gharter vested � the City IVlanager a-nd is the enMy with whorn Coralxa�tar h�s exate�red mtn the Agreerner�t and for wham the VLia�k is to be perforrned. 14. �'it}� Attnrn�y —�"he affici�ly appointed City Attaxney af the City af Fart Wvr#h, Texas, or his �iuly authnrized representa.tive. 15. Ci1y Caacncil - The duly° eiected and qua '�'red g�averni�g body of the City of Fart �orih, T�xas. 1 G. �'aty �Lfar�agsr — The offa.cially appainte[i and authcrri�ed City Mat�ager �f the Cidy of Fnrt Warth, Tex�s, or his duly aut�xor�ed representmti�Fe. 17. Co�atract CIai�A demand or assertion by Ciry or Gor►�r'actvr s�eking at� adjusi�nt of Coaatract Price or Contract Time, vr bo+th, or o�ther relief with respect t�o the tem�s of #�e Contract. A demanri for m�ney or services Uy a tha�d party is nQt a ContraGt Claitn. 18. Contrc�ct The en�ire and 'mtegrated written dacurnerrt laetween the �ify and Cort�ractor �onc�rning ih� �Tar�c. The CAntract contain�s the Agxeerne�zt and aIl Canlxact Docurrrer►ts and su�ersedes priar negotiatians, representatsa�ns, or agreerr�ents, rvhether written nr aral. 19. Car�tr�act �acunaeM�s—Tha�e ite� so desi�gaated in the Agreent►ces�t. All i�ems }iste�i in the Agreement are Coxttract Dacuinents. Appxoved Submiita�s, atiher Contractor �u$mittals, and tb.e �reports and drawings of subsurface and physical eond�i.on� arc not Contract Bocuments. 2�. C�t�tr�act Pt�ic�—The rrt�eYs �Yab�e by C�ty to Caa�hactar far completion of the Wark in accQrdance wrth the Contract Document� as atated i� the Agreement (subje�t tv the provisi� of Paragraph l 1.03 in the aase af CTnit Price Wark). 21. Cvr�t►��et T'rrne�--Tl�e nu�nber of days nr the d�tes stated i� the Agreement to: (� achie�e Milestnnes, if a� and (ii) com�pl�te the V►�nrk so t�at it is ready far Final Accepta�ace. �2. Coratra�tvr—T'1� inc�ual ar entrty with whom City has er�ered into the Agreem�ni. 23. ��st of �he ��rk�ce Paragraph 1�.01 of #1�ese General Candition� far defirut�n. C1T Y �F FORT WOR'�i STAI@TIARDCdRdSTRIIGTt�N &PECIFICATION I]UUCiIM�N7'S Iiev i s i o n: 8�23J'c'�Z l 0472U4-! GENERAI. CON�ITIQN S Page 3 of 63 Z�. Da�rrage Clai�s —� demand for tnoney �' services arisi�g firnm t�e Project ar Site frQm � � 3�rtYa City or CQntractor exclus�c af a Cam�ract �laim. 25. Day ar day— A day, unless atherwise defm�d, s�all mean a Cal�ndar Day. 26. Direct�r of Aviatian -� The afficisl,ly ap�nted DtrecUar af the A�iation Department af t� Cily of Fort �Varth, Texas, or hrs duly appainted rep�esentativ�e, assistant, nr ag��s. 27. �zt'eclar o�J'Parks a�d Cpr�rt�untty ,Services -- Tbe offtci�lly appointed I7�ector of the Faxls and C�mnrnm�ty Services Department af the City af Fort �Vorth, Texas, nr hi� c�uly a�pninbe d reprexentative, assistan�, or agen�s. �8. Di�ector af P1r�nr�ing ar�d Devedaprne�t-- The u�fi.cimlly a�inted Director of the Fl�nniug and Developmerxt Depar�ment �f the City af Fnrk ViTa�, Texas, or his duly appainted repzesentative, assista�rt, or agents. 29. Directvr a,f �r'an�spat�iatian Pu61ic FYnrks — The v�ic�lly �ppox�ted Directos of the Transpa�tatian Pulstic �Vo�ks Depatl�nent of the G`i�ty of l�art WnrtYj, Texas, or his duly appv�ted representative, assistant, or agents. 3�. �irec�Qr of �aler �epartmenC - Th� of�ecial�y appointed D�rector of the Water Department of the �it� nfFort �Wnrth, Texas, or his duly appainted repros�titative, assistant, ar agents. 31. �rawi�gs—'Ihat part of t�e Cantract I�a�uments prepared ar a�p�rnved lyy En�ineer which graphicall�+ show� th� acope, ea�ter�t, and character of the �aark #o be pexfo�rned by Contractor. Subrnittals are na� Drswings as so def�►ed. 32. �ffecttve Date of t�Ze �4greeme�t The date indicated in t�e A.greenle��t on which it becnmes �ffecti�e, but if na such date is indic�ted, it means the date �n which the Agreena�nt is signed and �eli►aered by th� ]ast uf Lhe twa part�s to sign and de�v9er. 33. Engf�eer--The licensed pmfessi�na.l engineer or en�ine�rmg fmm registered 'm the St�ate af Texas perf.onxung prvfessional servic�s far the City. 3�. Extra tYark -- Additi�n�� work rnad� necessary hy changes or alterati�ans of the Countract Doc�nts or of quantities or fom nther re�saris far which na pri�es az�e provided 'm the Carntract Docurnents. Extr� wark shall be part �f the i�ark. 35. Field ��der—A written arder issued by City which r�quires changes in the V'►rork�ut which daes not i�vfllve a ch�nge in the Coniract Pric�, Cantract Tim�, or the urtent of the Engineer. F�eld �rders are paid frorn �'ield Order Al�owances incarporat�d i¢atv t1� Gontcact �y ftmd�d wnrk type at th� time of av�►ard. 36. Fina! Ac�epta��tce - The written notice giv�e� by the Crty to the Conixactor that the W�rk speoif'�ed 'm the Caniract Documents }a�as been crnr�pleted to �.e satisfaction nf the Ciry. C1T'C OF F (3RT W�RTH STANI]E;ItDCON3?$UCTIpN 3FEC1F1CAT10N DUCZIMSNTS Re�ision: �202] ao�2aa-i GENERA� CON61T IUN 3 Page $ nF53 37. Fir��l Inspectdor� — Inspection carried out by the �ity to �erify that the Con�taractor bss campiebed the Wo�k, and eachand e�very part ar appwtenance thc�ea�f, fully, e�tirely, ax�d in caEnfortrtanee with the Contract Dacutnents. 3$. Geraera! Req�tar�etnent.�Sections af Divisivn 1 af the Contract Doc�nts. ��. Hazurdor�s Envii'anm��tfal Cot�difiot�—The presendc� at the S�e of Asbestus, �G`Bs, Petroleum, Hazardous V�aste, Radiaac� Material, o� �her materials in such qua�ities vr circ►a�nstances tl�at may �resent a sz��stantial cl�nger ta persons nr prop�rty exposed thereto. 44. Hrxzapdaus Wa�te—�Ia�rdous vvaste i� �efined as any soticl waste listed as ha�ardous vr possesses an� or ma�e hazardo►as characteristics �s defined 'm the federal vvaste regulatuvns, as amended f�m tittye tv kime. 41. Laws c�d Reg�alatto�rs Any and all app�able ]�ws, rules, regula.�ions, nrdirfauces, codes, and orders af azay and all gavernrnental bodies, ageuci�s, B.Ll�7Uflti�5� arid cou�ts having 111i1Sf�1C�lOII. ��. Li�iz.r-�harges, sec�'ity interests, nr encumbrances upon Prcx�ect funds, raeal prapert5', or persanal praperry. 43. �a}o� Item— �1n Item �f wark incl�ed in thc Cvntract Dvcuments ttlat t�s a iGatal cast equal #o oar g�ea.ter than 5°�0 of the a�ginak Coirtract Price Qr $25,��0 whiche�r is les�. 44. Milestone A prinai�l event apec�'�ed in the Gontract Daeuume�ts relatir�g to an mtermediake C�ntra�t Tune p�iar tcz Fimal Acce�tance �Fth� Work. �5. N�tice of �iward—Tla� written natice 6y Ci1y to the Su�cessful Bidder stating that upvn timel� com�pliance by the Successfu!$idder vcrith the conditions preGedentbsted therein, Ciky w�l sign and d�eli�er tlxe Agreement. 46. Nv#ice tn Pt�oceer� A written notice given by City ta �antractor fixiug t�ve date on w�h the Corn�ract Time wili_ corn�t�ence to run and on wbich Contractar sh�ll start ta perfcmn the Worl� speci�ed in Gantract Documents. ' 47. PC&�---Potychlorinated biphe�. �8. Pet.r��de�rr�Petroleum, �huiing �rude o� or any tractian th�reaf �v�ich is l�quid at �tandard candida�ns o� ternperature and pressure (60 degre�s Fahrenhert and 14.7 pounds per square inc� absolute}, such as ai� petrvleUm, fuel oii, oi� s�udge, o�l r'efuse, gasaline, kerosene, and aiI mixed with other non-Hazardaus i�Lfaste and crude ail�. 49. P�ans — See definition vf Drawings, CiTY QF FQRT W4I�TH 5'FANDARI]CDIVSTRUCT10itl SPECIFICATTQN ❑OCCTMENTS Aeviaiun: 8�121 UD 72 00 • l GENERAI.00NOITIQNS Page 5 af fi3 5�. Project Scher�r�de A schedul�, Arelaa�'�d �nd x�aintained by Caniractor, in accordance wrth the General Aequirernents, descr�bing th� sequen�e and duration. af the a�tivrties CalilpTJ31Il� the Co�ntractor's plan to accampl�ish the Warl� within the Contract Tirne. S 1, �roject The �ark ta �e perfvrmed �nder the Contra�t Documents. 52. P�ojectManager—'iha authc�ri�ed representative of th� City wh,� will be assi�ed to the Site. 53. Paehdic 11�eefing — An annaun�ed meeting conducted by the City to faci�tate public Far�icipati�n a.nd to assist the pubhc in gaming an infarmecf view af the Project, 54. R�dio�rctive �Ylr�teria��o�arce, special uuclear, ar byprcaduct m�terial as defu�ed by t�� A.tomic Energy Act of 195� �42 U5C 5ectian 2D11 et seq.) as amenc�ed from tinne to tirr►e. S5. Regudar� Warki�g Haa�,S —Hvurs beg�nning at 7:Q0 a.m, a�td ending at 6�U p.m., Monda.y tlu'u k'riday (e�ch�diri� legal holidays). S6. S'amp�es—Phy�ical exar�les af materials, equipment, or warlananshq� thaf are representative of some portian af the FVork and which estahl�sh the standurds �+ vvhi�h su�h partion nf the Work will b� judged. 57, Schedar�'e of 5ubrnattaLs —A schedul�, Pr�pared and rnairrtavmed 1ay Contractor, of requir�d sub�fa� and the time requirements to support scheduled �er��rrnance of r�lated constructian ac�ivities. 58. Sched�tle o}'�ahae,s--A schedule, pr�pared anrd maintain�ed by C�tractar, allocating portions vf th� Cantract Frice tn various portia�s oi the Work �xd used as Y1�.e basi� for re�icw�g Cantractor's Applicatians fa� Payinent. 5�. Sate—Lands or are�s indicated m the �ontract Documents as being furnished by Cnty upon which the �ork�s to be pezforrned, including rights-of-way, permits, a.t� easements for access theretv, and such otkter lands furn�hed by City which are designated f�r the use af Cnntra�ctar. 60. Spe�t�cattuias That part af the Contract DnGuments consisting af wr�lte� requirem�nts for rnater�als, equipment, systems, standaxds and work�nsHip as applied to the Wa�k, and cer�ain adrn�istrative requirements a�xi �rocedural matters a�licahle thereto. Speci#ications may be specif'�calty mad� a part af tY►� Contract Dacuments hy attachment or, if n�t attached, may be u�corpaxated by reference as mdicated in �e Table af Cvntents (D�wig� O(i Ua OU} of �ach Pmj�ct bl. �xcbco�tractv�---An individusl nr entity having a direct contract �rtf� �ontractor or with a� ather Suhcnntractar for th� perfornaance af a part of the Wnrk at the �ite. C1TY OF F�RT 1i�QRTH STANL1AfiDL'0�"5TR[1CT10N SPEC[FICATION UDCUMENr5 itevisian; ��il naraaa-s GENERAL C�P1D IT I D h1 S Pagc 6 pF fi3 52. �'t�bmittals—A�1 drawings, diagraana, �71�stratians, schedules, and �ther clata �or information which a� spec�cally p�repared nr assemb�ed by Qr for Ct�ntractar and su�niited by Contractar to �llustrate some portian of the Wark. 63. Sa�$sta�tial Completao� — The stag� in the pr❑gress aF tb�e Proje�t when ki�e Wark is suffic�e�nt�y �omplete m a�cardancc witli the Ca�tract Dacuments far Final Inspectivn. (�. �ucce„�s,fud Bidder—T'he Bidder suhY�rtting the lowest and mast responsrve Hid #v vvhorn Crty makes an Ar�+ard. �5, 5u�e��terzdent— The representata�e vf the Cotrttractnr wha is available at all i�mes and able to receive iustructions fram the City and to act far �e Contractar. GG. 5t�ppd�rn�n#a�r Corrditian.�—That part of the Contract Dvcumet� wtuch �mends oi supp�ements these General Conditians. 67. 5�pplier A manufact�er, fab�ri�atnr, sugplier, dis#xx�iutor, ma.terialman, or �+endor havit� a d�rect co�►tract vc�tia C�ntractor or with arry Su�con�ract�r t,a fu�nish rnaterials or equipment tu be in�alporated 'm the Wark by Contractor or Subcon�racto�, 68. �Ir�dergr�a�ad Fa�ijities—All undergrauud pipeliries, Gondui�s, duct�, vabl�s, wir�s, m�nhol�s, �vaults, tan�rs, tiannels, or other such faci�ies ar atka�lanaents, a�nd sny enca�enae�is �an#aining swcb f�ciliti�s, including but nat ]imni�ted to, those that con�ey electriciiy, gases, st�eam, liquid petro�eurn produets, telepho�ne or ather cotnrna�nicatiams, cable television, wafer, wastewater, starm water, ath�r liquids ar chemicals, ar traffi� or other contral sysberus, 69 Unit Frice Wnrk—See Paragraph 11.43 of these Genera� �rnidiCians f�r►' c�fmition. 7�. �eeke�ad Wa�ki�agHaurs—Hours hegin�g at 9:0[3 a.an. and �nding at 5{14 p.rn., Saturday, Sunday ar legal lva�y, as appraved in ad�ance hy tl�e Ci�y. 7i. Wo�k—The errt3re canstruGtion ar the variaus separately ic�enti�'�able parts thereo�req�zired ta Ue provided wrder the Crn�.tract Dflcuments. �ark mclades a�nd is the result �f perfarrning or pnovidu�g all labor, s�rvices, and docurn�ntation nccessary to pradu.ce such camstruction uichtidst�g any Change �rder a�' l�ield Qrder, a�d furnishukg, instal�ng, ax� incoiporatm� all rnaterial� and equipment imto such c�nstructian, all as required by the Cantract Documen�s. 72. i�i'o�ki.r�g �ay — A warking day � defined as a �day, nat in�tuding Sa#urdays, Sundays, or legal holidays authorizcd by th� �rty for contract purpos�s, u� whiah weather or otl�er canditions nat un�ier fhe �antral of t�e Cantra�tar will pentnit the �erfort�nce of the principaI unrt of wrnk �nderway £vr a cor�inuous periad of ncrt �ss than 7 haurs hetween 7 a.m. and G p.m. 1.02 T��rrtinolag}� A. The words and tern�s discussed im� �'aragraph 1.02.5 throu�h E are nat defiaed bu�, when u$�ed in the Siddmg Requirements vr Cormact Dacuments, ha�e th� �dicated meanin� B. Intev�t of Certcrin �'e�rras� or�Idjec.iives, crrx a� naRT woRrx 3'I'ANDARDCOPiSTRI]CTI�OA] 3FBCIFICA7IflN DOCZTMSNTB Revisioa; &n3l,�qtl D43300-1 GENEI�AL C01401TION S Pagc ? of 83 1. Ti16 C�I1�I'aCt DOGuti1�11tS IRGXu(� �le t�i'i]]S °0�S �dWE't]�" "d5 R�}�T[]VPr(�" "&S OL�re[�" "'d5 �ected" or terms �f l�ce effe�t ar inapnrt tn au�h.arize an �xercise af jud�aent by Crt�+. In iIC�C�ICIOI7� � ��C�1V�5 "T%�5Q118t3��" ••Sillt$�7��r� "BCGE��7�'i,'v cr�„,,Q����+ u8dt1S�ACtOI'jFy" OT X� adjectives of lr7�e effect ar import are used to descrbe an a�tion or determinatiun of City as to the 'L�nrk It �s i�atsncied that such exerc�e c+f prafessional judgrnent, activn, ar determn�ation w�l be sa�ely to e�aL�ate, in general, the i�4�nrk fo�r campliance witkh #he infarmation in the Cantract Da�cu�ents and wit� the design ca�cept of the Project as a functio�,g whale as sh+own ar iadica�d in the CantraetI]ocu�aeuts (unl�ss tliere i� a specifi� statementiaadicating oth�zwise}. C. Defective: 1, The wonrl "defective," when msodifying th� word "Wark,,' refers to �ork that is unsatisfactory, faulty, or defi�ient in that it: a, does na# canfarnn ta the Cantract Do�u�ents; or b. does no� meet the req•uirements vf any app�cal�le inspectron, referexvice stai�dard, t�st, ar approval referredtv iu� t�e Canh'act Dacuments; or c. h�s been damaged prior ta L"ity's w�r�ten acGeptance. D. Facrrrish, Install, Perfornt F►'Qvide: �1i WUra "�''11fI11RT7�� ar the vward `iil3td��' OT � WQi(� "p�01717" QC �l� WUI1C� i`PTQVI�," 4i' the word "Su�P1Y," or any combinatian or snn�ar clirective ar usage ther�of, shaIl mean furnish'sng and anca7porating in th� Work including all necessary }abor, mat�exials, equipment, and e�ry�thing �t�ecessar� ta perform the Wark inciicateci, unless specif'xaAy lu�niked in fhe conte�t used. � �. Unle�s stated vtherw�e ia� the Con�a.ct Documents, words or phrases that ha�e a�vel�kn�ws� technical or constniction mdustry� ur trade meaning are used � the Contract Docurn�nts in aGcordance with s�h recagn�eed meaning. ART'ICLE � — PItELIMIIVAI�YMATTERS 2.oi 2.0� Capaes �f Daclamer�ts C�ty shall furnisl� io Confractor ane (1} ar�n.al executed cnpy and ane (1� el�ctranic �opy af th.e C�ntract Dvcum�nts, �nd four [4) adc�ianal cop�s of flae Drawinga. Addit�onal cupies �►ill be furnished upoii request at ti�e cnst af repraluction. Car�zer�cer�renE a,�Caxt�ac� �'i�; Notice tv Psoceed Th� Contract Tim� will eammance ta rim on the day indicated m th� Not�ce tu �'roceed. ANatice bn Prviceed may la� given no earli�r than 14 days af�er the Effective Date nf the A�,reenaent, unless agreed t� by both parties in v�rriiing. crrr aF �oxr wox� $TANI]ARDC�6TA1]CT[4N SPE�IPICATI�H DC]CUME1+TfS Rcvisian; S�1 ooaxao-t GENERAL Cpk � IT 10 N S P�gs: 8 nf b3 2.� ►�tG�P'txii� tjde �QT7� C;orxtraator shall start to per�or�n the Wvrk cm the date when the C�ntract Time �ommences ta t�un. Nn Work shall be dane at th� Si�e prior ta the date an which the Contract Time cornmences �a z-u�„ �,Q4 B�far� Starifr�gCoxstructior� Bczsedi�e 5chedr�r�s: Submit in accordance with the C�ntract Documents, and prior tQ �tartiing the �ark. Z.O� �'recarastpuction Confer�e�ce Befare any �ork at the Srte is started, the Ca�ractar shal� atteud a Pt�ecat�struC�ior► Conferenca as specified in the CaratractDacuna.ents. Z.flb Paablic �eeting Gvnlra�tox m�y not rnob�li�e any equ�eni, maferiai� ar resources tv the Site prior tv C�ntxactar attending the Pul�tic Meetu�g as �cheduled by the City. 2.47 �n i�ia� Accepta�ce a, f�chedt�T�s No progress payment shall he �de to Contractnr Lmtil acceptable schedules are suhmitted to City in acaardance withthe Sch�d�le Speai�icaiion as �rovided 'an the ContractDocum.enta. ARTICLE 3—�CQNTRACT DDCUN�ENTS. INTENT, AMEI�TDING, RE[]SE 3.�1 lrttenf A. The Cantract Dncuments �re cornplementary; wk�at is required by nne � as binding as if required l� all. B. It is the �teut of the Co�tra�ct Dacurnents ta descr�e a funeti�ally complete proyect [ar part th�re�f] ta be cons�cted in aeca�dancc withthe Can�tract Documents. Any labar, dvcamentati�an, serv�i�es, matez�ls, ar�quipment that reasvnably may be inferreti from the Cantract Dacuments or frnm prevaiiing custom or trade usage as being requa ed to produce t� mdicated result w�l be pc��ided vvhether ar nat spec�cally called fa�, at no additi[�n�al cost ta City. C. Clarifica�ns ar�d interpr�tati� of the Cvntract Documents shal] be issued by Ciit�y. D. The Specifscati�ns tnay �ary in form, fornaat an[i siyle. �me Spec'�'icatioPri secti� may be written in vaiying d�egrees af streamiined ar declarative �tyle a�xd sarn�e sect� znay he relatively narrativc h� ca�aaparison. �rnissiQn of �uc�a wnrds anci phrases as `°the Contractor shaD," "in confarrn� with,,, "�s shown,'> o�. "as specif'r��" axe i�steriti�nal in streamlu�ed aections. Onaittcd wards and phrases shall be supplied by int'erence. 5imilar types afpravisian� m�ay appear irt variou� parts af a sectian �r articles within a p�rt deper�ding an the far�nat of the CITY QF FO[CT W�ItT13 S'fATIDARDCD'J&TRUCTIaH SPECIF]CATION E]OCUMEN7'S Itevision: &2.'3/�12.I UU720q-1 GEN�RA L C�M110 IT I�N S Page 9 of 63 sectian. The Caa�tractor shaIl not ta,k,e �dvar�#age a�f any vat�ation af farxr� farmat ar style in �nalciung Cantract Cla�r�. E. T1Le crass rcfere�cing of specif"�cat�m �ect�oais uradcr the subpaxag�-apk� heading "Rel�ted Seetions i�cl�ude l�ut are nnt necessarily li�anitad ta:" and elsewhere within each Spec�ati�n section is provided as an aid a�d c�rrc�cnience ta the Comtra�tor. The Contractor shall riat rely on the c�oss referencing provided and shall �e respons�xl� ta caQrdinat� the entire 4�ork undc;r the Conitract D�acuments and grovide a cQmplete Project whether or not the cross refarencing is pro�vided in e�ch sectiun ar whether or not the cross refer�ttcing �s complete. 3.02 Refere�ce S�andardr A. Standards, �pecifi�catiions, Codes, Laws, and Reg;ulatiotys 1. R.eference to standards, specificatians, r�uals� or codes of auy tec]uucal society, argamaatios�, or associ�tiau, ar to L,aws or Regulatians, whether sucb xeferenc� be specif"rc or by irnplication, sh.all me�n the standard, s�aeci�oation, mam�I, c�d�e, ar Laws Qr R�gulations in effect at tlxe t� of ope�uaag af Si�ls (�t on th� Effectitre Date of the Agreernent if there were zvn Bids�, ex�ep# as may lae ntherwise s�ciftcaily stated 'm the �a�ttrr�ct Dacuxn�nts. �.. l�ia pravisi�an a�f any such st�ndard, specif'�cat�an, manual, ar code, or any mstruc�ivn of a 5upplier, shall be effect'rve ba change the duties ar respvns�nties of City, Cnntractor, ar any Qf kheir sul�contxactors, cansuitants, agents, ar empby�es, frrnn th�se �et forth in the Contract DoGurr�nfs. No suchprovisio� or instruction shall be effe�i7►�e to assigm to Crty, or any of rts of#"a�ers, r�rectars, members, partnera, ernplayees, agents, consultants, ar su6Gontractors, anY d►aty or autharity ta superv�e or direct the perfo�mancc nf tl�e Wax�C ar any duty ar authoriky to un�lertake respan��biiit�y inconsistent with th� provisions of t�ae Contract Dacuments. 3.�'3 Reparti�ag and ResalvingDi,sc�e�an�ies A. RepartingDascr�epartcies: Carrtractvr's Review af Conir�aci Dr�ctcr�errss Befare Startirrg �or�c; Bef�.'� wndertaking eaci� part of the Work, Contractor sha11 careful�y stt�dy and compare the Cantraet Do�uta�nts and check and W�rify pertir�at figures therein against all app�icak�te �ieid m�eas►�ments and cnr�d�ions. Coritractor shall pro�nptly report in writi�g ta L'.�.y any oonflict, errcFr, am}�iguity, or discrepan�y wtr�cf� Cuntract�r dis�vvers, ar has actual l�mowl�dge of, and shall Qbtain a written mterpretatian ar c1�xi�ati�on from City befane prnce�dit�g with any Wa�rl� affect�d tt�ereby. Z. Contractors Review af Co�t�act�oct�r�aerats £3ta�i�tgF�r�forr�uance nf iYor�k: If, dw-�g the performance af the RVork, �onixac#er discouers any �onf�ct, error, ambigui�ty, vr discrepancy w�n th� Corrtract Dacuments, or betw�e�a the Contract Docuznents and (a) any appliGa�le Law or l�egulation ,�b) a� atandard, speciticatisan, �nanual, ar code, ar �c} any inslructicxn �f any Sup�alier, �n Contractur slxall �sraanp�ty report rt to City in wxi�ing. Cantxactar sha,Il not proceed wi�i #he WQrk affeGted thereby (ex,ce�rt in an erner�ency as required l�y P�ragraph crrr aF FoRx wa�Tx STANL3Ai[IJC4N3TAUCTIUH 5PT'.C1FICATIUA! I]OCUMF�VTS Revision: 8'�ir�l no �z oQ- i �3ENERAL OQNQ ITIOH 5 Pagc I b nf b3 �.17.Aj und�`L an axnen�n�nt ur s�applem�r� to the Cotrtract I3acume�ts has been issued l�y ai�e of the met.�w�ls indicated 'm Paragraph 3,D�4. 3. Contracto�- s�ll not be liable to City far fai�ure ta r�port any conflicf, enor, ambiguity, vr discrepancy in the Ca�stract Dacuments un�ss Contractor bad actuall�taowledge ther�of. B. ResQ[va�gl7�scr�e�aaracies: Except as may be a�erwise spe�ifically stated in the Contract Dacurnents, the pravisi�ns vf the Gantract Dv�uments shaIl take precedence in resoh�ing any canflict, error, atnbiguity, o�' disar�pancy b�tween the pra�isians of the Contract Documex�ts and the pravisio�ns nf a�y st�ndard, speci�icati,oPn, nnanual, or the instructian af any Su�plier (whether ar not sp�cificalty incorparated by referetic� im� the Con�tact I�ocum�trts�. 2. In cas� of discrepancies, figured dimens7ions sl�ll gavem aver �caled �nsiom�s, Plans shall gavern a�er �pecificatioms, Supplert�ntary Caaxaditiorns sh�all govem over �eneral Conditi�ns and Specif'�cat�ans, and quant�t�s sha�vn on the Plans shall gov�rn a�+er ttwse shawn in the proposal. 3.D4 �e�tdirtg a�d Sr�p�l�rnen�ir�g Cvratra�t.Docu�aer�ts A. The Cflniract Dvcuments may h� amended t� pravxde for addi�ians, deleti�ns, and re��ans in the Wnrk a� to madify the terms and �onditions therec�f by a Change 4rder, B, T�e requiremerrts of the Caa�tract Ddcumerrts rr�ay he �uppl�mented, and mmor variations and devia�ions in the 4Vaxk x�ot irrvalvin� a�hange � Contract Price ar�onlracf Tirr►�, may be authorized, by ane ar mare of the following ways: 1. A Fi�ld t]rder; 2. City's xew�ew of a Submittal (subject to the pra�isions of Parag,t�aph 6.18. C); or 3. C�ty's written irYterpret�tion nr ��x�"xcation. 3.45 Re�se of �ocr.�me�rt� A. C�ntractor and any Suhcanixactor or Supplier shall ndt: ha� o�z acqu�re any tit�e iv �r owuership rights in any �f the Drawi�gs, �pe�ificatians, or otl�r documents �UT C�}I�5 of any therea� prepared by or bear�ng the sea! �f Engineer, Il]C�lli� ��EC#7'OTl1dC 1�(� 0�1QIlS; aT 2, reuse aizy suc� I]rawxngs, 5p�ci�icatio�ns, ather dacuments, ar capies there�f on extensiaris of the Pro�ct ar any other pr�,j��t w�hQut wri�tten �a�n.��nt of Ciityy and specif�c �vritten �eri�ication or adaptat�on b}� E�ineer. CITY OF FOHT WOF1tTH 5TANDARE�C[�H5T�i1CT[0�1 SPECIFICATI(]N DOCUM6NTS Revi�iqn: 8r�ft�1 OL172 i10 - l GEiJEfiA L CDr10 IT 10 N 8 Pe$e 11 oC 63 B. 'The proku'biteans of t�is Paragxaph 3.D5 w�l surv�ve �'in�l �aymetrt, ar termir�ation nF t�e Caa�.tract, Nothing here�in shall prechid� �ontr�ctor from reta�ing copies vf the CantraGt D�ciunents far reco�d purpases. 3.�6 Edect�on�cData A. LTnless �therwis� stated irL �he Supplementa�y Coadrtians, � data furr�ished byF City ar Engineer ta Cantractor, or �ay Cantra�tor ta City ar Engineer, that rnay be relied up�n are }imited tn the printed �apics inGhuled in the Contract Doeuments (also knnwn as hard cvpies) and oth�r Specif"�cati�ns referenced and �ocated an the City'� on-line electranic dacument naa�nag�ment and coIlabvratian sy�tem szfe. Fi�es in �lectra�ic media farr3nat Qf text, data, graphics, or �ther types are fi�ished anly far th� cunv�nience of the rccei�g party. Any conchasiaor► �r infarrnatian obtained ar deriived fram su�h electKvanic files w�l be aithe us�r's sole risk. Ifthere is a c�iscrepar�cy laetv�een the electranic �iles ancl the hard capies, the hard copies go�ern. B, VVhen t�ansferring doeuments in electronic media format, the transferring paY'tY rr�a.kes no representations as ta la�g term casmp��b�y, �ab�ity, or readab�ity of dacurrtents resulting fmrn the use of sof�ware application paekages, aper�ting systems, or �amputer hardware di�e�ing from tiaase used �'y the data's creator. ARTICLE 4— AVAILABT%.��TY OF LAND�; SUBSURFACE Al�D PHYSICAL CUNDITIUNS; T�AZARDOUS E1�VXR411TMEi1TTAL C4NDITi�NS; REFERENCE PDINTS �.Ol �4vailahidity Qf Lands A. C�.y shall fuiz�ist� the Sike, City shall natify Gontra�tar af any �ncumbrances or restrici�s nat �f general application hut speoif�cally related to use of th� Site with which Cvrrtractar rnust comply i� perfoxzl�g the Work Cid.y will obtain in a timely ma.nnet and pay far easernen�s for perxnanent structures ar pern�nent changes in existing #'acilities. Tl�e C�ty has obtained or anticipates acquisitian of andlor accesa to right vf-way, andlvr easemes�. A�y outstancimg t�ht-of-way axadlar easements ar� arzt�ci�ated to be acqwred in accard�nce w�th tl�e schedule set fourt� m the Supplementary C'.cmc�itir�,s. The Praject Schedule suhmit�ed lay the Cantrac�ox in accord�ce with t�t� C�ntract Docurnents must consiu3er arry autstanding right�f-way, andlar eas��nts. 2. The City has or anticipates rer�ving andlarr r�locating ut�ities, and ahstructivns to tt�e Site. Any autstanding rernoval or rek�catian af util�ikies or abstructians is antici�ted in accarc�ancae �vith the sche�le set fo�h in the Supplemer►tary Canditians. The Project �chedule submitted by the Canixact�+r m accordance wi�h the Car�ira�t Dacum�nts must conaider any nutstanding u�ikies ar abstructions to be renaoved, adjusted, andlar relocated by others. 8. Upon reasonable writ�en request, Cityy shall furnish Contractar with a current statement af recrnrd �egal eitle an.d �egal descriq�don af the ]ands upan wh�ch the Wark is t� b� }�er%rmed. crrY aF FvxT wox� STANDARDCUNSTRVCTIflN SPE�IFICATI�A! AC]CL�MENTS Revisian: 8�`L3�] oA�xov-� GENERA L C�1a lT IO IV 8 Page 12 of G3 G, Cosrtractar shall prnvide far all additzorsal lanc#s ax�d ac�ess thereto that may he requu�ed for c�struction fac�it�es ar storage of materials and �quipment.' �.U2 S`ubst�rface and Phy.�acal Cor�ditivr�s A. Reparts a�dDrawin�s: The Supp�ementary Conditians i�de�tify, 1. those repa�Cs 1cno�wn to C�y of exploratians and tests of subsurface caa�ci� at ar carit�guous #o the Site; and �. those drawings known tv City of physical aonditzans relating ta exi�ting surface or subsurface structures at the Srte (except Undergr�nd Faci�iti�s], S. Li�it�d Re1�an�e by C'o�atractar o�t Tech�ieal Daia Aast�tarized: Crantractar may rely upv�u the aGcuracy of the "teehni�al data" c�rrtained � such reports and dravni�ngs, but such reports aurl dravc�ings are not Contract Dacuments. �uch "technical data" is irle�aif'�ed in the Suppl�rxuen�ry Canditions. Coa�tractoa� may nat make any Ca�ract Claam against C�y, �r any of their off�cers, direcbor�, mem6ers, partners, employees, agei�ta, cansultants, �r subcantractors with respect to; t. the campi�teness of such reparks a.nd draw�gs for �ordract�r's purposes, �lud�g, but not lttnitcd to, an}r aspects of �e means, methads, �echniques, sequencesr and procedures af c�nstructian to be errqsloyed by Contractor, and safety preGautians and pro�,rams in�ident thereto; or �. ather data, inberpretatior�s, �pin�ons, and �formation contamed in such reports or shown ar mclica#ed in such drawings; ar 3. any Cantractor iuterpr�tatian o#' or canclusivn drawn firam �y "technical data" or any such ather data, interpretatians, api�ons, rn� irifQm�ation. 4.�3 D�e��ngSr�h,s�r�fuce orPlry�ical Corulition.s A. Nntace: If Contractor be&et+es t�aa# any suhsurface or ph�sical �onditio� t�at is tmcavered ar re�ealed either: L� of such a n,ature as tn establ�sl� that any "f,echnical �ata" on which C'.�ntractar is entitled #o rely as prQ�ided m Yaragraph 4.42 is materi�ally inaccurate; ar 2, is of such a nature as ta require a change m the CaMracf Dvcument�; rnr 3. c�iffers mai��rially fro�n that shawn ar indicated 'm th� Cantra�t L�acwnents; ar 4. is of an unusual nature, an�cl dif�ers mate�ially from c�ditions ord'mar�y enc�untered and generally reco�i�ed a� inh�rent in wa�k of the character pxn�ed for in t,�xe Contraet Docwnnents; G1TY 4F FORT WORTH STANDARDCDNSTRUCT[ON SPECIFICATION DQCUMF.IdTS R,CVisipn: 8�lilTl ao a� ua- i GENERAL CON� 17i0N 5 Page l3 af �3 then �ontractar shall, pramptly afber �aecamiq� aware thereof and beF�re further disturhing the suiasurface or physical conditions or perforining any Wark in connecticm t�with (e�cept in an emergenoy as required by P aragraph 6.17.A}, natify City in �vrrting about sueh co�drt.ion. S. Possibl� Pri�e a�td Tarire Adj arsf»pe�ats Cofntractor sha�l nat be en� ta ariy adju��ment in tlse Contrac# Pri�e ar Con#ract Tian� i� 1. �vntractor lrnew �f the exi�tence aF such cnnditions at the time Ca�ractor made a final co�nrr�stmex�# ta Ciry with respect to Conirar.t �rice and Gan�tract Tirne by the subtnissian af a Bid ar be�omion�g batuid �nd�r a negotiat�d contract; ar 2. thc existence af such canditian ca�uld reasu�ahty ha�e heen discv�+ered nr r�evealed as a result of the examinatio� of the Coatiract Documents ar the Sit�; ar 3. ContxactQr failed ta g�re the writt�n n�tice as req�ired by Paragrapkx �,03.A. 4.{}4 �I�rlergrour�dFacilitte� A. Shoum or I�adicated, The infvrmation and [�ata shnwn ar indicated �a the Con1x'act Docur�nts with respectto axisting Under�raund Facil�ies at or c�ntiguous tu the Srte is �ased �n infomiation and data furn�hed ta Ciky or F� P�r by the nwners �f such Undergr��.�i Fac�ies, �cluding �iiy, ar hy athsers. Us�less it is otherwise expr�ssly provided in the Supplementary CO114�ItlC]I75: 1. City and Er�gmeer shall not be respons�hle for th� accvracy ar comp�et�iaiess of any suGh infrnmation or data provid�d hy a#hers; and 2. the cost of ali �f tlae following wiIl 6e included in t�� CQt�tract Pric�, and Caa�teactor shal� ha�e full respQnsib�ity far: a. revievving and checking all such infarmation and data; b. lacat�ng all iTnder�rvund Facilities shown ar indicated in the Cont�a�t l]ocuments; c, coardinatinn and adjustrnetrt af the Work with tlie owners of such CTndexgra�uxi Fac�ities, inciud'mg Gity, c�uring eonstruction; and d tk� safety and protect�n vf all such Utiderground Facilikies and repairing any damage thereta resuhir�g from tiie 'Vl�o�rk, $. Nr�tShawno�Indietxtec�� 1. TF an LTndsr�-�ur� �'acility whic� c�nt7icts with the �Nark is unc�vered ar re�vealed at or c�ni�i�ous ta th� Site which was nat sliown ar indicated, ar not shavc�t� or mdi�at�d with reasonabie accuracy in th.e Canttact ba�ur�ent5, �ontr�ctor �h�ll, pz'oxuPtlS' a$er Uecnxnui� a�trare ther�of and befoz� further disturbing coa�ditiQns aff�cted thereby a�r perforxt�ing anj" C1TY OF FORT WORTH STAldi]ARDi�[3NSTRUCT103� SPECGFICA�[OH DOC1JhrIENi'S Iteviaion: R'L.'�l2ff21 aa�soa-� GENERAL �Ol�d ITI�N 8 Page 1 � vf 63 Wor�c �n cannectio� therewithh (except i� an emergency as �equirec� by Paragraph 5.17.A}„ identify t�e owner af such Undergr�und Faci7ity and. give ncrtice t� that nwner and bv Crt.y. City w�1 revvi�w the di�ca��red [lndergrout�d Facility and determine the extetrt, if any, Ya which a cl�nge may bc requi�red in the Crn�ract Dncwxier�� ta reil�ci and docrunent the �onsequences af the existence or bca�ia�n of t�ie Undergrouttd Facility. C�ntractor s�all 1�e respons�le for thse safety and protecti4n af suc� discavered Lindexgraurid �a�ility Z. If Ciiy evnchides that a change � ths Contract Documents is requireti, a Chaztge �rder rnay be issued ta re#lect �nd doeument such consequen��s. 3. Weri�catidon of existing util�ties, struct�$s, and ser�►ice lines shall mchide noti�"�ation of all uii�ty cam�aauies a mini�wn of �S haurs u� acivau�� of can�ixucti�n including explaratary exca�ti�n if nec�ssary. �{.�5 �eferen�e Pnints A. Crty shall pravide �ering sur►�eys tn estabbsh ref�rence poinrs far co�stru�ti�n, which in Crty's �udgment are necessaryto �nable Cnnir�actQr ta groceed w�h th� Wark. City w�l provide �a+nsmzcticm titalc�s ar Qfher aus�ry rriethad �f rnarking tn establisk� line and gra�les for roadw�y and utiliEy cvnstruetiar�, centerlines and benchmarks far bridgewnrk. Cotxtrac#or s€�ail prote.�t and preserve the establisbed reference poinis at�d property monuments, and sha� �nak� na changes ar relo�atians. Contractor sk�all repori ta City� whene�er any reference paurt nr praperty manument is last or destrn}�ed or xequ�es rela�ati4n i�cause of nec�ssary change� m gxades or �vcat�,ans. '�he City shaIl be resp�ns�ble far t�e replace�nent ar relacatian af referer�ce poirrts or property m�n�nnerrt.� not carelessly or w�liully destroyed by t11e Ganttactar, The Coritr�ctor shall notify City in advance and with su£ficierrt i�tne f� av�id delays. S. V�laene��r, i�. the opini�on of tt�e Git�, any reference poi�st or monu�e�t has been c�relessl� ar vva�lfully destroyed, disturbed, or remo�ed by the �antractor or any of his employe�s, tr�e fx►ll cost for replacing such points ptus Z5°/a wil! be charged ags�st the CarYGractor, and the fi� arnnunt w ill be deducted fir�m payment due t�e Gontractar. �.06 �Iaza�daus Eizvfranrneradal Co�zditi�rt ai Si�e A. ReFarisa�d�rawirag�; Th� Sup��ementary Gon,ditioi�s identify #hase x�ports and drawings know� to Ciiy rehting ta Hazardvus Enviror�mental Canditians th�t ha�e heen identifeed at th� Sibe, B. Lir�ited Relia�a�ce b,� Condraetor on Techr�icaiData r�ut�oriaed.� �on�act�r may rely upon the accuracy of the "��c}mical data" cantaine�i in such repa�ts and drawings, but su�h reparts and L�I'&WICI�'8 aI� I14t CQI]'�TBGt DQCWI1�rIlt$. Such "technic�l data" is identif�d in i�he Suppl��rientary Condztions. Co�ntractor �nay not make any Cnntract Glaim aga.iaast City, or a� of �heir officers, ditectors, nnernbers, parhsers, en�plvy�es, agents, cansuhants, or subcornractora wi�fi �respect tn: 1. �he cample�tee�aess of sueh r�ports and drawings far C�ctor's purposes, inchxdu�g, but nvt limited ta, any aspects af t&e rneans, �ueth,ads, techniques, seque�es and pxoced�ur�s uf CITY DF FURT W�iTH STANF))ARD CD¢+15T BU CT Ifl N SPECIF [CAT EU N I]OCLIMENTS ACvi�inn: KrL72U21 DU 3� OU- i GENERA L CflM1�O IT ION 3 Page 15 af 63 constructiaa ta b� emplo}ied by C�zxtractor and safety precautians and pr�g�xns incident ther�to; or Z. other da#a, interpretatiQns, apuiions an�d infarmataou contained 'm such reports ar sb�vwn nr indi�at�d in such drawmgs; ar 3. aaxy C�ntractar interpretatian of ar conclusi�n dra�n frorn arry °`technical data" ar any such �ther data,.interpretatiars�s, opinio� Qr mfo�tnatinn. G, Cantra�tar sha� nat be responsbl� for amy �I�rdaus Environmentai Condi�ion ur►cavered �sr rer�eaied atthe Sibe whieh wasnat shown or indicated in Drawu�gs a� Sp�cifi�ations or identified in the Can�tract Dncuments to be wi�thin the scope af the '4[�o�rk. Contractor shall b� �tcspons�le frnr a Hazardaeis EnWirc�nrr�ntal Candition cteated with any ziaa.terials braught ta the Sit� l�y Cant�actar, Subc�ntracta�s, Supp�ers, or any�nne el�e far who�n Contra��tar is respar►s�b�e, D. If CQntract�vr encounters a Haxardous Environmental Cnndit�on rnr if �a�tractnr ar anyone fnr whom Contx�ctor is responsrhl� creates a Hazardous Emrir�r�mental Condition, Contractar shall i[niliCC��eIy: {iJ 5�Cure [�' athez�Wi5e f5�l�.te 511C�1 COt]i�ifiiQri; �ii� S�Dp STI Wd�'� 1[1 Gt]IU1�Ct1QI1 WI��1 su�h condrtivn and 'm a�y area affected thereby �except in azx cmergency as re�uired by Paragraph 5.17.A}; and �rii} ncst�y City {and pramptly thereafter conf"irm such notice m rwritingj. �ity �y consider the neceasity ta retain a qual�ed expert to e�valuate such caz�c#�ion ar take carrectir�� action, if any. E. Confractgr shal� not. be required to resume �Tl�ork in cannectiar� with such con� or in any affected area until after City has nbtained any r�quired perrx�s re�ate�1 tfi�reto and delivered yvz�tten natice to Contractor: (i} specifyuig that such condit� and any affected area is or has be�n rendered sui�b�e for the resurnption ofVL�ork; or�ii� specify�ig any sp�eial cr�nditions wulerwt�ch such Work nnay �e resumed P_ If afterr�cc�pt of such writt�n noti�e Contractor does nQt agree ta resu�ae sucb �Qrk bas�don a reasrn�able i�elief � is unsafe, ar d�es nat a�g�ree ta �esume such'Workunder suchspecial �ondi�ions, then City may ordsr the p�rtio�n af the �ork �t is in the area affected b}r such cond�an to l�e deleted from the Work City rnay have such del�ted gortian af t�e Work perfornaed by C�ty's awn farces or others. G. 7'a the fr�dles� extent permitted by Laws and I�egulatr`or�.r, Cantracto� sha�l irrdemn� und hold h�ax�rnless City, fram a�td against a�I cluirr�s� �asis, dr�sses, cx�d cicamage.r (ancd�ding &ui t�ot ri�aated to c�ld f��� [2iEL�CjLCdYg�S'O�EYl�Tl�EYB, a�chitec�c, attn�rae}�c. and ntherprofe� sda�sals arad ul�caurt nr ar�b�tru#on or ot)aer dispute resol��aon cnsts} arasing oaat ��' or� reiuting to a Huzar�oz�,s Et� vir�ont�errfr�d Coradxt�on creaied �ay Contract�r�nr by anyor�eforwharn �vntr�actor is respa�tsihle. No thing in fh is F�ragr'a,�h �. 06.G sha11 obtrgate Cortiracto� tn irrdernn � dr�y indivzdual a� eratit� from and ttgaiprst th.e cor�ser��eraces o, f'tiz�d indivadttal's ar etsi�ty �s aw� raegligetace. H. Th� prov�sions of Paragcaphs 4.0�, 4, �3, and 4. (�4 do not apply ta a Ha�rdous Environrnental CQn,di(ion uncavered ar revwealed at the 5��. �rrY oF FaRr wa�Tx STAN�AItDCON3TRUCTIOP� SPECIF1CAilQN DOCiIMENT5 Revisi nn: �fL3f�[121 9U72QQ-I GENERAI. CUWD 1T 10H 5 Page l�i 4F&3 A1�.TICLE 5— B Ul�ibS AND TiV�URANCE S.�l Licensed Suretiesandlr�sur�s All h�nds and 'msurance required 1�y the Contract Docu�►ents t� be purchased and maintaiixed hy Cantractar s�all be ohtained from surety or insurance cornpanies that xre duly ficense�d ar authaFrized in the State af 'Taxas to i�sue honds or insurance pali�ies far the limits and co�+eragcs so required. Such surety and 'msurance �vmp�ies sh�ll also meet such additional requirements and �ualificatians �s rnay he pro3rided ir� the Supplerx�eritary Canditians. 5.02 Perfar�aun c�e, �'cty►�aen t, a n d Mr�ir� teraattce �or�ds A. Cantractar sha�l fnu�nish performar�ce and paymerat bands, in ac�ordance with Texas Gov�rnrment ��de Cbapioer 2253 ar successa�r statute, �ach in an aYnount equal t� the Coniract Pri�e as securny far the fa�hful per�arnnance and payrnera� af all of Con�ract�'s vbligati�rss under th� Canixact Bo�um�nts. B. Cotrtractor shall furnish maintet�a.nce bands an an amount e.qual to th� Contract Price as secw� to p�ratect the City against at�y defects in any portiou af the Wark de�cribed in the Cvntract Docu¢nents. Maitatenance bands shall rema� in effect for twv (2} years after t�e date of �i�al �f.cceptanee hy the Crty. C. All bon�ds shall be in the farm prescr�ed �y tkae Contract DvGumeu#s except as pr�d otherwise by Laws o� R�gulatinnsr an�l shall be e�cuted by such sweties as are name� in the list af "�c�m�aani�s Halcling Gertificates �f Aukhariry as Ac�eptable Sureties vn F�deral Bonds and as AcceptaUle Reinsuring Campanies" as publish�ed in Gircular 574 [amended) hy the Fu�tn�cial Mana�ernerrt Service, Surety Ban�d �ranch�, U. �. �epartment af t1�� Treasury. All bonds sygned by aa� agent or attnrney-in-iact must he accom�anied by a sealed and dated povver �f attorney whi�Y� shail show that it is effective on the date t�i� agent rn attoa�y-in fact sigped each bond D. If the suret}{ on a� bond finnished by Contractor � declare�l banlu��t or beeames inasolverit a� its right to do business is terminated 'm the Stata � Texas or it ceases to meet the r�quirer�nts af 1'aragragh 5.02.C, Co�mra�tor shall promptly natYfy City and shal� within. 3D days after the e�ent giving xise tQ such natification, provide �noPtl�erlann�d and surety, bo#h vf vs+hi�h slaall camply with the requffementa ofParagra�hs S.UI and S.a�.C. 5. D3 Cert fcates of Ir�.rui aric�e Con�ctnr shall dcliver ta Cit�►, with cQpies to each addi�ional �sured and io�s payee i�enti�ied �n the Supplernentary Candit�arjs, �ertifi�ates of insurance (nther e�+iden�e of ir�uran�e requesbed i�y Ci�ty or a�rry other add�ioz�a� i��sur�ci� in at �east the minimum a.rnount as spe�i�d in tk�e Supple�mentary Camdidams which �ontraator is required ta purcha�e and maintain. The cert�cate af insurance shal� d�vcuir�ent the �ity, and all �cieni�'ied etrtit�es narr�ed in the Supglemerrtary C:anditi�ns as "Additional In�sured" o�a all liab�ity paliGi�s. CTfY DF FORT VNORTH 3TANDARDCONSTRUCT[OH SPECf1�ICATIdN AOCL]MB1�T5 Rcvision; 8r1'.V�fiZ� aA7204-1. GEIdERAL Cdl�lQ ITIOH 5 page 1? af 63 2. The Gontractor's general liability insurance shall rn.clude a, `�er proje�t" orr `�er lacatia�n„ endar�sement,which shall be identifi�d in the ce�cate of insu�ance pravided to the City_ 3. �he certi�icate skaall be sig�d by axi agenk aut�orized i�o �ind co�erage vn l�hat� of t�e insure d, be c�znglete in �s ent�ety, arid shaw camplet�e �surance carrierna�nes as listed m th� current A.M. Best Property & Casuariy C�.ide 4. T}� insurers fox all �o�icies must be licensed ancklor appr�►red ta do busu�ess in the State �f Texas. Excegt %n' workers' ctampensat�on, all insur�rs must have � miniinwn rating of A-: �Li in the current A. M, B�st .[�ey Ratmg Grude ar ha�e reasanaahty equival�rrt fin�ncial strength an� snl�ency to the satas�a.cti�an of Risk iVianag�rnent If the rat�ng i� below that �equ�d, wri�ten approval of �ity is requaed. S. AIl applicable po�'icies shall 'mclude a Waiv+er of Subi'ogatia�n (Rights of Recovery} ir► fa��r of the G`ity. In addid�on, th.e Contractor agrees fo waive all rights af �ubragatioxa aga�inst th� E�gineer (if appii��bke), and each add�nal insured identifi�d 'ui the Supplementa�ry Condit�ons G, Failu�re of the eity tv demand sucb certif'�cates or oth�r evadence af full comgluancc witli the iaasurance require�nants ar faihzre of the City to identify a defic�ncy frvrn evidence that is pmvid�d shall not be cons�d as a waiver of Canirac�ar's ol�ligation to ma�tain suGh lit�es Of insurance Ct�ver2lge. If in�urance pokcies are not written fnr specified coverage lunits, an Umhxei� ar Excess Liahility insurance fox any drfferences � rec�aixed. Exeess L�ab�ity shall ��s�c5w form af tlae prirriary cav�rage. S. �Tnless atherwise stated, all required insurance shall be written on the siUCS�JUTIL11�4+V V�.�S1lH. If caverage is u�derwrit.ten on a claims-made t�asis, tl�e retroact�ive date �hall be coiac��t with or pr�ior to t�.e date vf the effectiv� dat� of the agreem�� an�d t�e c�rtif'�cate af �surance �hall state that the coveraga is clanr�a-rnad� and the retraactive date, Th� itusw�ance cnverage shall be ma.int�ined for th� du�atiran of the Cozmract and for three (3j years folla�vmg Final �,cceptance p�avided under th� Crnatract Dacuzn�nts ar for tl�e w�rrar�ty period, whi�he�er is langar. An annual certiF'�cate of itxsurance submitted to the C�.y shail evidence suck� insurance caverage. 9. Polici�s shal! ha�e no e�c,c�usions by e�dorsernents, wh�ch, ne�ith�r nu�lify or amend, t�.e rec�u�ed �ines nf coverage, uor decrease the lBnrts of said c�verrs�ge unl�ss �u�h endorsements ar� approved 'm wr�ting by th� City. In the event a Cantxaci has been �id ar executed and the exc�ision.s are det�rrnir�ed in be una��ept�ble ar the �ity desires additio�al insurance caverage, anci the Crty d�sires the contractarJengineer tn o�in such eaverage, tlas cantr�ct price sha�3 be adjusted by the cost of the premium fn� such aclditiaEnal caverage plus 1i]'dlo. 14. Any self-insured retentian (�II�}, in excess af $25,0�0.4(1, aff'ectmg requ�-ed insw•ance coverage shall be appror+ed by the City in regards to as�set vah�e $nd sta�khalders' equity. In CITY 4F FOFiT W4RTH 3TAI�[DARDCOHSTHUCi'lON 6PECIFICATIflN n((]CLIMSI+IT3 Aevi�ion; �'�312U21 aa �s oo- � GENERAL CD�Ia IT 14 N S Page lSof$3 lieu af trad�anal i�su�'an��, alternati�e c��rerage mair�tained t}arou�h insurar�ce poo� or r�sk rebention graups, must alsa be approved by �ity, 11. Any dec#uci�le in excess of $S,�Da.DO, for any �Y fhat does not pro�ide eoverage on a iast-dollar basis, musl �e acc�ptabl� ta and approved � fiae Crty. 1�. City, at its sole disc�etian, reserves th.e ri�trt � review the insurance requirements and ta ma�e reasQnabl�e adjusf�rtts to insurance cov�rage's and their �►a���n de.emed necessary and pruderrt by the City based upon �hanges nn statuto�y �vv, cauri deci�ion or the clairns histar� nf#he industry as well as of the contractmg party ta the C�.y. Th� City shall be required to pro�ide pr�r notice nf 90 days, and the �sur�n�e adjustrnerrts s�all be imcorp�rated 'mto the V`ivrk by Change �rder, 13. Cityy sh�ll be ertt�kled,, ►ipnn written request ax�d without expense, ta receive capies �f pnlicies and endvrsements thexeta and may m�ake ar�y reasanabl� requests for deletiu�a vr revision vr tnadi�catior�s of particular policy t�rrns, condiiions, lit�ai.tatians, or �xclusions necessary ta conform the polieq �.nd endarsem�nts ta the z�equirem�nts ofthe Can�rac� Delei�, revisions, or modif icatia�s shall not be rec�ired vs�here policy prar�isians are estahlished hy law or reguhti�o�s bindin� upon either pa.rty or the unc�rwriter on any such pa�caes. 14. City shall nat be responszble fo� tlae direct paym�art of insuarance prernium CDS�S fQr Cnntractor's msurar�ce. 5,{34 Co�arac#at•'s Insurance A. Wark�rs Cornpensutian ar�d E»a�layers'Liabidity, Contr�i�r Sh�ll purch�se �nd mainfain �ueh insuran�ce Goverage wiih lunits consistent wi�h statutrny b�nefds autlined 'nn the Te�s Workers' �ornpensation Act [Texas Lab�r Cade, Ch. 446, as an�ended), aud �u1n limit� for Employer�' Liabiiity as is ap�ropriate �ar the Wo�k beirmg perforrned an�i as will provide �r�tectyon fram c}aims set forth below �hich rnay arise vut of ar result fx�m C�ntractar'sperformanee ofthe i�4lork and Contractor's ather oirligatia�ns undar the Cantract Do�urnents, �vhet,�er il is tv be perfa�,aed tiry Contractox, aay Subc�nntractor vr Supplier, ar by an�y�nse d'u•�ectly ar m�rcctly enaplayed by any of them to perfrn�rn arry of the V4�nrk, ar by anyone for whase acts am� of them rnay he liable: 1. cla�irnns un�er workers° cornpensatvan, disab�7ity henefits, and other similar employee benef� acts; 2. claims far �a�nages because af bodily injurys OGClI�flQti211 51C1Q1e35 OI' {�5�78�, ar death a� Cp111�'�CtO�'S EL11p1dj+£��. B. Ca�rura�r�ciai G�raeral �iabi��ty. Coverage shall inelude but nat be limited t� corr+ering Uab�iity (��Y �.1�'Y � �'���Y ��g�� arising �rom; premis�sloperat�ons, i�►dependendt camtractars, groductslcc�mp�eted aperations, persaa�al u�ju�y, and liahil�y under �n insur�d con�ack Ir�surat�ce shall be prov�ed on an a�ciurence bas�s, an�d as comprehensive as the current �nsuran� Servi�es dff�ce (ISDy pali�y. 'Tlvs msurance shall apply as prima.ry msurance vvit� respec# ta any vther CTTYtiF FpRT WURTH STAAIDARI]COWSTxUCTfON SPECIFTCATI��1 DOCiIMENT� Rcviaian; 8�L3�'�] 0072PD-1 GENERALCDHI31TIaNS Page 19aF63 ir�urance or self-insurance prograu� affarded to tbe Ci�y. The Commer�ial General L�hility paliscy, shall have no exclusian,s try endarsements that would alier ai nul�fy premiseslaperatiom�s, prvductsleompleted aperations, camttactual, personal injury, or ad�erbsing injurY, which are z�ormally c�rtained with the polbcy, imless th� City appraves such exclusian� in writ�ng. For constructi�n projects that present a se�bstantial complet�d aperation expasu�e, tl�e C�ty r�nnay require the co�tracta� ta mai�tain camplet�d c�ratians ' ca�+erage fo� a rnmnrn�m af na ]�ss than �hree (3) years follnwing the aampletian o�f the praject (if identi�'ued in the Supplementary� Conditions). C. Autornabile Liabrjaty. A c�mmerc�l i�uusi�ess aut� paliay shall provid� aoverage on "any auta", defined as autas awned, hnr�d and zaan owned and pra�ide indemtyiety for clairns far �a:rnages �ecause badily injury �r death nf a�}r person and or prnperty damage arising aut of the v�rork, m�ir�tc�e or use af an� motor v�hicle by the ContraGtar, any Subcontractor ar Supplicr, or by anyone directiy ot indirectly emp&�yed by any af them to perfarm any of the Wark, ar by anyone for whvse ac�s any of them may be 1i�ble. ' I�. Ruilrnad P�cat�ctiwe �aabilaty, If any of the work oPr dny warranty work is within the l�nrts of raih�ad right-af-vcray, the Cot�tractor sha1� comply with � requirements idenix�.ed in t3�� �upplerneni�xy Gouditiar.�. E, Not�acati�n af Policy Cat�cellaiion: Gontractvr sI� inamed�ately nvti£y City upon caa�cellation ar other lass of insuranee �overage, C�tractar' sh2�ll sbop work uritil rep�cement insurance has l�een prac�ed. There ahall � no tm�e credit for days not worked pursuant to this sect�. S.�S Acceptar�ce afBot�ds andl�s� a�ce,� �ptaor� ta Re�1a�e If City bas any ohjectian ta tlae c��rage af�ard�ed by o� athar provisions of the �onds or insuranca required to be purcha�ed and mai�kair,�d by the Contractor in accordance with Article 5 vn the basi� ❑f nvn-cnnfarrnance urith the Cantra�t Documents, the C�y slaall so notify the Contxactar in wriring wrthin 10 Busm�ss Days af�erreceapt of the certif'�ca�es (ax other �vidence r�quest�d). Coum��tor sl�all prov� ta the City such additi�nal informatian m respeat of insurancs praviaed as t1�� City may reasa�ably requesi. If Contractar daes �at purc�ase or maintain all af tke h�nds and i�suran�e r�quir�d by fihse Cantract Dacumcnts, the Ciry shaII notify the Contrac#a�r in writmg af such fa�e prior ta tbe st�rt nf the �or%, or of such fa�uxe to rnaiintain priar bo any change m Ehe requ�'ecl c�verage. ARTICLE G — CUN'TRACTDR'� RESPONSTSILiTIES �.�1 Super�vi�ian a�td Superinterrdence A. CUritrBCtdT 5� s�pervi�e, inspect, and direct th� Viiaark c�mpeten�y and eff�ci�srtly, deUoting such atteiitia�.a theretu and applymg such skiils and e�pertise as may be necessary to p�rfor�n the �ark in accordance r�rith the Cr�n#�act Documents. Coniractos shalf be salely r�spons��e fQr the uu�ea�s, methods, techn�quas, sequences, and proced�es of consmzction. C1TY �F F�RT WORTH STANflAfil}COrfSTRUC710N $PEC1F[CAT10N DOCUMENTS Revision; &rL3flU21 Of172 90 - ] GENE RAL CON A IT IO N S Page 20 aF fi3 B. A,t all tina�es during the prngress of the V�ark, Contracta�r shall assign a carrrpete�t, Er�glish. speaking, Superint�ndent who sh,all uat be �placed without written notice bo City. The Supermtendent wi� be Contrac�or's rcpresenta�rve at the Si1�e and shaII have au�oxity �a a�t on behalf of Cnnr�actar. AII camm�micatyan given ta or recen+ed frarn the Super�ntend�rYt sha1� � binding on Co�tractar. C. Caniractor sbaIl no#£y the City 24 ha�rs prior to maving a�reas during t1�e sequence of con.structivm. 6.02 La�ior; �orking�Inur� A. Cnntractar shall provide campetent, suitab�y qualified persannel to perfarm canstructaon �s requixed lyy the Cornract Documents. Corrtractar shall at a11 times m�intaijn good disoi�line anci arcter at the Siie. H. Excep� as otherwisa requir�d fnr the wafety ur pzotection of persons ar the V+To�k ar property at the �rt� ar adjacent thereta, and exe�pt as othenvise stated in tbe Contract Doctm�erits, all 'i)�rark at the Srt� shall b� p�rformed duri�g R.egular V�o�rking Haurs. Contractar will. not pez�nn�t the perform�ance af ViTark heyond R�gular Y�Torking I��s ar for �eel�enci Working Hours without C�y's writ�en �onsent (which wili not be unreasonab?y w�hheld). �rntten request (by lett�r ar ��ectrani� c�znmunicatian} to perfarm Wark: far beyo�d Rcgular �arkang Hrnus request must be rnade by naon a# �east twa (2} Business L}ay�s �ior 2. for Weekend W�kin� Hours request rnust be mad� b}� noon af the �receding Thursday 3. for legal h�li�iays request xxn�st be made by noax� two Business Days priar ta th� logal haliday. b.�3 Ser-►aices. �Iatet�ials, artd Eqtaap�rae�t A. Unless atlserwjse speeif"�ed 'm the Contract I3acurnents, Contracta�r s�all px�vide and assume ful� resprnrs�ility £ar all �arvices, rriate�ls, equ�pm�nt, labar, transport�tnon, construc#ia� equipm�ent and machinery, taa]s, applian�ces, fuel, paw�x, 6ght, heat, telephc�e, �uvater, sanitary iac�ies, temparary facikti�s, an�d all other fac�itie� ar�d incidentals necessary for �e perforn�a.nee, Cantractar required test�mg, start �p, and complet�on of th� �Nork B. A.A �nnaterial� and equi�rnent incarpvrated inta the �Vork shall be as sp�cified �, af' not speci%ed, shag be of gaad quality and uew, except as atherwise pro�ided in ttve Contract Dacuments. Ai] special warrarrties and guara�ttees re�quired by the Spec�'�cali�ns shall �xpressly nan ta the henafrt of City. -Tf req�aired by City, Gontractor sl�all funtish satisfactnr�+ evidence (i�cluding r�arts of requared tests} as ta the so�u�e, kmd, and quality of rr�t�ria� and �quipment. crr� oF Fox'r waRz�x STANDAFtbCC1P�1,5TQi]CT14N �CIF[CdTIUN DOCEJMENCS �CY1814R: $���� U0 32 Oq - 7 G�N�RAL CONO 1tI�N 3 Page xi of G3 C7�i� 6.�5 G, All material� and equipment t� be �ccarpaxafied inta the Work shall be stor��i, app�ed, i�si�.11ed, connected, ereeted, p�rat�ected, used, clean�ed, ancl conditi�on�d m accordance with instructio� �f � appli�able Su�pli�er, except as vtherw�e may tae prvvid�d � the GontraGt Dacun�aents. D, All itema of standard eqrxipment tn be inco�rporat�d intn the Work shall �e �hse la.iest madel at the tirne of bid, unless other�ise �peci��d 1'rojeci Sc�edr�l� �4. Cantractvr shall adhere ta f.he Pro,pact SGhedule estahlished in accordanee vcrith Paragaph 2.07 and th�c General Requir�rn�nt� as rt may be adjusted fram tane tv time as provi�ded below. 1. Cantractor sha.Il submit to C� for acceptan�e �to the extent indicatcd in Paragraph Z.�'7 and the General Requiremeuts) p�ropased adjuat�nen�s in th� Fraject Schedu�e that,►�vill nvt result in cl�angin� th� Contract �'ime. Such adjuxlments will �ora�ply w�h any provis�ons af the General �ec�winernents appli�able thereta, 2. Conira�tar shav submit bo City a monthly Project �vhedule with a mauthly gro�ess paym��nt for the duratian of the Contract ia accardance with tlie scheduk spe�ificatian Q1 32 16. 3. Praposed adjus�nts in tla� Pro�ect S�hed�le tha# will subrnitted in acca+rdance �vitti the requ��nQer►ts of Articic may anly be made by a Change Order. S�cbstitu�e,s and "�r-Egu�.�r'• change the Contract T�e shal� be 12. Adjustrr�ms in Cvntz^act Tirne A, Whenev�r an it�m af matexial ar eq�aipment i� specified rs� c�escr�aed in the Crnat3ract Documen� b�r using the nam� of a prnprietaxy item or the narna af a particular Supp�ier, the spea�"�cation vr description is intended tu estabbsh #he type, funct�ion, a�aran�ce, and quality requ�red. Unle�s the specificati�n ar descriptian o�nzains or is fnll�awed by words xeading that na lr�ce, equivalent, or :`�r-equal" item �r na suhst�tutio� ��aernut�ed, ather ileYns af rnaterial or eq��ment af Qther Su�aliers may be subrnitted to C�ity far r�view under the circumstan�e� des�r�bed b�lo�v. .`��-Eq�ua�"Itenps: Tf in Crty's so�e dis�r��ion �n it�rn ofmaterial vr equi�ment propased hy Cantractor i� functionally equal to that named and sufficietxtky sm�ilax s� that no chang� in related Work will be required, it may �e cansid�red by City as an "or-equal" rt�m, in whi�h ca�e re�w and apprv�al of the propQsed ikem 1nay, u� City's sale discretion, l�e accninplished withaut campliance with some or all of th� requ�rements far approval af prc�pased substitute i�erns. For tlie purposes vf thi� Paragraph 6.OS.A.1, a gra�aosed iihcena of material a� equiprnent w�l be considexed functionally equal ta an it�m sa narn�d if a. the Cit� deterrrur�s that: 1j i� is at �east equal in makex�isls af construction� quahh', durabilitY, apl�earance, si�eength, and design characteristiGs; CTY'Y OF F�RT WQRTH 5TA7�IDAItDCONSTRU[CTION 3PSCIBICATI�N DOCl1MElVTB Revisian: 8rL3'�C�l a[17Z �0 - i GENERALCOHRITI�N$ Page 22 nf 63 2) it w�11 reliab�y perfarm at teast equally well the function and achi��e the resu�s irnposed h� the d�sign c�ncept af the coanp�eted Px�ject as a fiutictios�ing whal�; and 3) it has a proven recard of �erform�nce and aua�abil�y af respa�ive service; �nci b. Contractar certif'ies that, �' appro�ed and iracorpor�ted 'mta thse Wnrk: 1} there will he no increase m cost ta the City or increase in Caz�tract Time; and 2} it w�ll c�form sul�stantially ta the detailed requirements of the at�m named in the C�ntract D�cuments. 2. Sub�titr�teltems; a. If in City's sale discretian an item af maierial or equipmerrt p�oposed }�y Co�atra�tar does not qualify as an `°ar-equal" itern undder Faragraph 6.65.A. Z, it may be subnaiited as a proposed substytute �m. ta. Cantract�r shall subrnit sufficient info�ativn as �x'vvided below to allovv City to determu�e if the item of material ar ec�uiprneni propased is essentialiy equivalent to thaf named and an acceptable substztute tlierefrn. R�c�uests for review of praposed substitute it�ms af material or equipme�t �1 not be acc�pted b� Ci[y frorn arryone oiher than Cantractar. c. Cvntract.�r shall make rvrit6en applicati� ta City fnr rev��v vf � propased substitute �em �f material or �quipnaent that Contractor seeks to fim�h ar u�e. The applicat�an s1�al] camply w�h Seciion O1 25 UO and: 1] sla�ll �ertify that t�e propused substitute it�m will: a} pezform adeyuately the fir�ctians and achi��� the resu�s ealled for by t�e �e�aeral desigr►; b) be sim�ar in substance to #hat specified; c) be sunted to the satne use as that specified; and 2� will st�te: a) the extent, if any, t� w�l� t�e use flf the praposed substitute item wiI[ grcjudi�ce Cnntractar'� a�bievernent of fm,al cornpl�tian on titxve; b� whether use of the proposed subst�ute ztem m the Wor� will req�.ire a change in any af tl2e Cantract Docr�er�ts (ar � the provisiazis af any other dir�ct cantract with Ciry fcxr other wark on the Praject) �a adapt the dcsigu to t�e prnposed substitute item; C1TY OF FpItT WURTH 3T1kl+IDRRI3C0AP5TRUCTII0IV SPECIFIGATI6H DOC1fMEi�PrS RGvisinn: 52�1. �v7zvo-� GENERAL OON� ITIDN 5 Pxge 23 of 63 c) whether incc�rparatia� or use af the pr�posed s�l�titute it�em in con�ect�an wikh #he VVaak is su%je�t to p�yment of any �icense %e ar rvyalty; and 3) will identify: a) all variati�ns of the prapascd sub�tikute itern from that specified; h) �yai�ble enkgi�►eermg, sa�es,maintenan�e, repair, an�.repla��ment servi�es; and 4} shall contairt a� atemi�ed estimate af all costs or eredits that will reault directly o�r indirectly from use of �uch substitube rtetn, in,ch�d'mg casts of redesign and Dama� Cl�m�s of ather conRra�ctars affect�d l�y any resulting change. B, 5'�abstitute Go�c.st�acelta�,2l�ethnds arPro�edures: If a specific rneans, methai, tech�ique, seguerice, ar pracedure of constructaox� is expressly r�quired 1ry the Corrtract Ao�cutrnerits, Ca�ra�ctor nnay furn�h or uiili�e a subst�fute m�eans, rnetl�ad, technique, sequenc�, or procedure of cvnstruction appraved by City. Conlractar shall s�xtnrrit si�ffici�zt informatxon ta aI[aw City, in City's sole discretian, to deter�wae that tbe substitute pro�oscd � equivaler�t ta that expressly called f�r by the Contr�ct Dacuinents. Cantractar shall rna�e written appficataon ta City far re�w m the sam� manner as those provuiecl itm Paragraph 6.��.A.2. C. City's �valuatic�n: City will be allawed a reasonabl� t�me w�in which to e�aluate each Propasal ar submi�t�l made pursuar►t to Paxagraphs �.45.A and 6.45.B. Cit�+ rnrayrequire Cant�ractar #o fi�rnish additianal ciata about the proposed substitute. City will be th� sale judge of acceptai��rty. No "ar-eqt�l" or substitute vs+ill he ordered, �nstalled or ui�d untii Cnty's re�ew is �omplete, which w�l be e�idenced by a Change 4rder � the case o£ a sExbs�tute and � accepted Subrnrttal fo� an "or-eq�al." Ciiy will ad�se C�ntractor in wri�ing of its det�rminai�n. D. Sp�ciu2 Guarante� City rnay reyu've C�xrtcactar to furn�h �t Caniractnr's expersse a special perf�rrmance guarantee, warra�y, or atiier surety with respe�tta any su�st�ttute. Ca�tt-aci�r shall z�tderr�r�y cx�� �aald harr�aless Cdty a�d an,yar�e di�ectdy at� i�adirectly emplayeal by themfrom ar�d agairsst arzya�.d all c2af�, damages} 1as�e� a�zdexpe�rses �irrcludingattar�eys fees� r�x�i�ngou#a�' the �.re o,f st�bstiir�ted rnaierials or eqraipme�r B. G'ity :� CastReimb�rser�aerat: City will record City's costs in et�aluating a suh.�titute propos�d ar su�mm�ted by Gontractor p►u�suant to Paragraphs 6.05.A.� and bAS.S. �4lhseth�r or nat City appra�ves a substitute so praposed or submitied b� Cant�'actax, Cantractar may be requiQed to rci�hurse City for evatuating each such praposed substitute. Gontra�tar may alsa he required to reimhurse Ciiy for the charges for ma1�g c�an�es in the C�nlxact i7ncuments (or in the proFvisians af arry ot�er direet cc�ntract with City] resulting frorn the acceptar�ce af each prvpnsed substitute. F, Contract�r'.r �pe�rse: Contractor s�►all provide alI data in s�upport af any proposed substitut.e or °`ax-equal" at Contractur's expense. crrY oF �oxx waarx STANDARDCOHSTRUCTION �ECIFICATIflN D�CLT3v3E�ITS I3evisiost: �4'23,��1 0471U4-i GEMERAL CONb ITIOH 5 Page 24 af 43 G, Czty Subst�tut� Rei�n��rsement:Costs �savinga or chaxges) attrhutable ta acccptanae of a substitute 5}]a� �E 1l'1COL�701"At�C� t4 t,}1e ��1]�I'�Ct iry G�l�il� �rder, H. �'zme Exte�siorts: Na additian�l tune will be grartted far substitutioris. 6.46 Cnitcer�ing.Sr�ca�:t�ctors, S�liers, ar�d 4thef-s A. Cnntractor sha�l perfarm with his own organi�at�on, work of a va�ue not less fban 35% af the vahie ernbraced an the Cor�tract, wiless ntherw�e appravad by the C:iry. B. Contractor sh�ll not ernploy any 5ub�nntracbo�, Su�lier, ar other indi�id�al or eirt�tj+, wh�her iiaitially a� as a zeplacement, against whom Gity may have re�sonab�e a�ijection. Cnntractar shall not be requior�d to emplay any Subcantractor, Supp�r, ar other individual ar e�fiy ta furivsh �r perfarrn a�xy af ihe '�ork against wh�m Cantractar t�as reasanabl� ahjectinn �exchuTing thase acceptable t.� L�ty as �dicated 'ui Paragrapk� �.OG.C}, C. The City �y f�orn ti�ne to time requiure the use of cex�ain 5ulxadatra�ciors, Suppliers, ar a�her ira�d�v�duals ar entrt:ies an the �oject, and will p�vide such requirernents m the �uppl�rn�ntary Cond.iiions. D. �finnrity Bust�e�s E�terp�ise Car�lia��e: It is �Cit� p�licy ta ensurE the full and eyuitabl� partici�ativn l�Y Minnrity Bu�mess Enterprises �E} in tl�: procurement nf goods and services on a cantractu�] basis. If the Contr�t Document� p�avide far a MBE gval, CantraGtar is reqused to cr►rnply w�th the inteaxt of the C`it�r's NIDE Qrdinance (as an�endedj by the faibw�g: C:amtractar shall, upvn request hy Cit�r, Provide cormp�te and accurate ir�fa�matian regard'mg actual woxk performe�i by a 1NBE an the Contract a.nd pa�ent ther�far. 2. Contractor w�71 nat make ad�ians, deletian�, ar subs�tuiio�s af ac�epted MBE without w�r�ten consexrt of the Cityr. Any� ►u�just�ed ch�nge �r deletion sha.11 be a mater�al ba�each af C:onLxact and rt�ay �es�1C in debarnient m accvrda.nce with the procedures autlined m the Drdmance. 3. C;nntractar shall, uposn requestby Gity, allaw an audik andlnr exan�nnation af �my books, rec�rds, ar files in the possession �'tbe Conixactar that will substaz�iate the �etual work perform�d b}� an MBE, Material xnisrepresentation of any natur� will be gxowu3s for tern�imatian of the Canfract �m accordanee �ith P�ragraph I5.02.A. Anp such m�represe�tion may be �rounds for disqualif"�atiaz� of Con�tractrn� to bid an �'uture cnntracts with the Cit� for a periad of tiot less than three y�ars. E. Contractor shall be fully a�espansib�e ta City for all acts �nd o�nissicros �f ti�e Suhcontractars, Suppliers, and airl�er individuals ar entit�s per%rmmg ar f�miishing any of the Work just as Canf�actar is respw�s�le for Can�ractcrr's nwn acts and omissinna. Nnt.hing in the ContxaCt Documents; C17Y �F F�RT W�RTH STA1�A]ARDC(�TRUCTIUN SPflCIF1CAT16H DOCI]MEldf$ RGVI�IOri: ���1 Gq 72 4D - i ��nf��a� cowo iT i o n� s Pagc25af63 shail create foz the bene�ik of axiy suah Subc�nxtractor, Supp�er, ar other ind�dual o�r entity any can�ractual r�latianship between Ciry and any suoh Sukscontra�tor, Supplier ar other iadividual or eutnty; nor � ' Z. shaIl create any ob�gation �n the part flf City to pay ar ta see to tha payment �f any mvneys due arry such Sulxonixactor, Supplier, or other inciividual ar entity ex�ept as may otherwise be required by Laws and Regu�atinns- F. Contractor shall be sal�ly xespanslble �ar scheduling an,d cc�ord'n3ating the Wark af Sul�cnrrtractars, Suppliers, and �tl�r itmd�viduaL� ox entit�es perfarmmg ar £tm�hmg a� Qf thc Workunder a cia�c�t or �dinect contract with Ca�tractor, G, All Sul�cot�tractors, Supphers, and such o#her ia�diviuivals ar e�ities pErfortxung rn' �u�shnng any nf the Wark shall caQmnunicate with �ity tln'ough Coni�ractoi'. H. l�ll V�Tork perfornYed far Cantractor by a Subcontractor ar �upplier wili b� �nu'suant �u an aFrprc�priabe agreement between �or►tractar at�d fhe Sul�cantractar or Supplier wluch specifZcaliy biuds the Subcontractor ar Suppli�r ta the �pp�icabl�: bexrns and cvndit�ns af the Ccrntract Do�ctu�a.ents far the bene�t �f Ciiy, f.a7 kYageR�aaes A. Duty t.� pay �evaili�g Wage Raies. Th� Contractar shall camply w¢h all requirements of Clsapter 2258, Texas Ga�ernrnent Cod� (as amendeci}, includ�g the payrr�nt a#' nat less than the rates detenr�vned by the City Caune� af the Gity� of Fort Worth ta b� tlie pre�a.il�g wage rates in accordan�e with �hapter 2258. Sueh preva�i,�g wage rates are included 'm these Gontract Docume�ts. B. Pera�lty, f'op Yia�ariio�. A Contractor �r any Subca�ntractor who daes nait pay the preva�ing wa�e sball, upon d�mand made by the Cit3'� P�Y �o the City $GU f� �a�h worker employed far each cal�nd�r day or part of the day that tlae warker is paid less than the preva�ing wage rate s stipulat� d in t�ese ca�tract �o�iunents. '�is pen�lty shall be re#ained by the C� to affset it� �ani�istrati�ve �osts, pursuant ia Texas Croverntr�ent Code 225$.423. C. Corrr�laints of Yiolataoras and City Determar�aiion o�'Gr�ad Cause. bn receipt vf it�armation, iu�cluding a ca��aint by a wor�r, cnncerning an al�eged v�ulati�n of 2258.❑23, Texa� Go�emment �ode, by a CarYtractar ar �bcan�ractor, th� City sh:�ll make an initial d�ternunataan, before thc 31st day aftex ihe date the Ci�y rec�ives the infor�mation, as #.� whether good cause ex�ts to belie�ve that the violation ac�urred. Th,e City shall notify in writing th� �ar�#raGt�+r or Suhcontractor arui any affected warker af �� initial deterrnination. ilpan the Crty's determnnatian that t�re i� good cause ta believ� the Contractor or Suhcnntractor has Wialated Chapter Z�SB, the City �ha�l retain the -full amou�s cla�ned tay the clai�t ar c�imants as the di�ference hetweenwagespaid and wages c�ue uarcier the pre�+aibing v�age rates, such amounts being subtracted frorn successive pragxess paYmetrts pendi�g a fmal d�eterminati�n af the �iolatiaon. ClTY DP r��T WDRTH 57'AI�IDAADCQNSTBIlCT1QN S�C1F]CATION dOCLIDriENT3 Reviaian: $�i�tl UD7�00-1 GEIJERAL CaF! a IT ION S P�g,e 2b af 63 6.08 D. Ax�ba#ration R�quir�rl df Yiolatinn 1VotResolved. An issue relati�g to an alleged t�i.olation of Section 225$.{Y13, Te�cas Governrnent C�xle, nt�hzding a penalty owed to the City ax an affec�ted v�rorker, shall he sut�mit�ed ta hincling arbrtr��ian in ac�ordanGe with the Texas �eneral Arbitration Act (Article 2Z4 et seq., Revised Statutes} if �e C�ntractar ar 5ubcontractor and any a�fe�ted wvrker does not resol�e k��e issue by a�rec�neutbefare the 1Sth day af�erthe ciatethe Ciiy nnal�s its initial dete��nsnatian pursua�t to Paragrsph C above. If the �aers�ns re��ired to arbitrate under t�is secti�ori du not agree on an axlaitrator befare the 11th day after ihe dabc fhat atk��xxa[�n is reyuired, a dist�rrict cAurt shall a�pvint an arbitratar on the petA�n of axry of the persvns. The City is x�at a P�T�Y � the arbitrat�an. The �ecisio� and award af the arbi�ratnr i� fmal and binding on all parties and may b� enforced in any caurt of camp�te� ju�isdict�x. E. Rec�rds to beMaintaaned. The �nntractor and each Su�contracior shal� for a p�ri�d af fhre� [3) years foilowi�g the date of acceptance of the wnrk, maintain reern�s t�at shaw (i} the name aaad a�oupation of each warker empl�yed by the Cantr�ctor i� the constructio� af tke Work providsd far in thi� Contract; and (n�} �he actual per diem wages paid ta aachv+rorker. The recards shall be open at all reasanable hours f�r inspectian by �he G�iy. '1he pravisi�ns af Paragraph 6.�3, Right t� Audit, shall pertaiu to �ais inspectian. F. �rogress Pa�r�e�ats. With each prr�gress payrnent or payroll periad, vvhichever is less, the Co�ntractar shau su�mmrt anaffidavit stating thattt�e Contract�r ]aas e�nplied wtxh the r�quirernents raf Claapt�r �25�, Texas C"iowez'nment Co�e. G. Pasiirzg af Wage Rat�s. The Ca�tractQr shall pvst prevailing wag� rates in a conspicuous place at all t�es. H. Sa�bcantractor Ca�Iia�ce. T'he Contractvr shall incl�de in i�s subco�aracts andfor shall otherwBe require all of zts Sub�antract�rs m camply with Paragraphs A throu� G aha��. �ate�t Fe�s r�nd itoyalti�s A. Cv�.tractar slsall pay all license fe�s and �oyah�ies antd assutn� all custs incid�nt to tl�e use in tlae performar�e of the �Tark or th� inc�.poratior� in the Work of any in�ention, design> proccss, pmduct, ar devi�e which is fhe sul�ject af pat�nt rights aar ovpyrights held b�r others• Ifa particular iaxventian, desigi�, pracess, produ�t, rn device is spec'rfied in the Contract Doeumenis for vse in the p�rfoxmance ❑f t�e Vf�ork annd if, �+a the a�tual knawledge of City, its uae ic subject tQ patent rights or copyrights eal� %3r tbe payment of any li�er�se fee or rnyalty io uthers, the exist��e of sucb rig�its shall be di�closed l�y Ciiy in the Comr�act Docurnents. I�ai�ure of the City ta digclQse sueh in#'ormation does nat re�ieve the Gontract�r trnxn its o�Iigaiiaa�s fo p�y faur the use of said Fees Qr roya�ies to others. B, 7'v the fuliest exte�at pe�mitted by Laws un� �gulatiarr�, �v�r�raetor s�radr ir�d��m� r�nd lavdd h�rmless Ciiy, fram a�t1 �gai�si al1 �la�rrs, casts. dosses, arad damages �an�Iuding laut not lamited #o rald fees arzd charges af e�agineeNs, architects. utior�aey.s. ar�dnther�ra�essronals arad all caur� ar arb itr�tian �r athe� d i.�pute r�esolu�iort cos#sj arisi�tg O�et oj�o� r��utlY�g t+a aFt� t�tfr'�ngEPti�t pf patent rights v� capyrXghts aracide�tt ta the use is� the per�a�mance o�the Wo�k ar r�esatlti�gf'rom CTi'Y �F F4I�T WQRTH S'TANI7ARDC0�6iRUCTE4N SPCsC1FICATiON D[]CUMENTS �evision: 8�1I�1 noT�oo-� GEh1ERAL CANi11T14H 5 Page 27 aF G3 tlte ��corpora�iora in t�e YYork vf ar�y iazve�t#ion. design, proc�rs. �rora�a�� or device nots�ec�d in the �a�fractDacumer�ts. b.o9 Perrr�its a�d �airrties A. Ca�tt�ac#or obtmin�d pe�rnits ar�d li�enses. Contractar shall obtait� and pay for all cot3struction perrnits and �cet�ses except those pr�vided far in the S�xpplerneritary C��ons or Coz�tract Dacumen�ts. C�y shaIl �ssist Cantractar, when necessary, m obtain�ng such pemuts and Iicenses. Gantractor sha31 pay all gv�rnanental �har�s and inspectian fe�s aecessary fnr tne praseau� of the Wark wh'rdch are app�cahle at the #irr�e of apeniryg �i Sids, ar, if there �re no Bids, nn the Effecti�►e Date af the Agreement, except �or petrn�ts prnvided by the Cid�y as speci#"�ed 'm �.�9.B. City shall pay a11 charg�s of ►ztility a�vners far camnections for provi�ing perra�anerrt servii:e ta the ��rk S. City obt�xinedper�rr�it�ar�d dicenses, City will vbta� andpay for all pexnnits a�d licenses asprovided for u� thc Suppl�rnentary Con�itions or Car►tract Documents, It will be �he Contractor's respons�il�t�y to carry aut the prc�vi�io�ns vf the pennit. If the Contracf�ot' initiates cbanges to the Contract and f.h� Gity approves the �hanges, the Cor�tra�ta�r is resperos�ble for obtaiu�ir►g clearances and coard�atmg with the app�opriate regulatary agency. The City �uv�71 not reimburse the Carntractor for any c�st associated with thesa requir�m�nts nf auy �itY acquired permit. '�'he failnwing are permitss the City will obtain if required: 1. Texas D�partrnent af Transportation Permits �. U,S. Army ��s af F�eerg Permits 3. Texas Cornmissi�n an En�nonmental Qualiky Pez�s 4. fta�7road Company Pernaits C. Qu�standing pe�mm�[s r�nd dicenses The Ci�ky anti�ipates acqui�itian af andlor access tn pern�its aud licenses. �ny outstanciing permits and licens�s are anticipated ta be acquired in aa�arclanoe with the schedule sat farth i�, the Supplementary Condiiions. Th� Proje�t Scheciule submitted by the Ca�ctor m accc�rdance withh dae Contract Documen#a naust cansader any nutstanding permits arnl lieenses. 6,10 �aws arad Reg�latiaras A. �ontrac�r shall �i►�e all notic�s raguired hy and sh�all aflmply with all Laws and Regulatians applicable tQ the perfvrmance of the V4�ark. F�cept wl�re o�ierwis� express�y req�red by a�l�cable Laws and Regulatia�s, the City shall nat be �resp�nsble far m�aaitaring Cont�actax's crnn�liance with any La►a+s ar Reguiati�. S. If Ca�tractar perform4 any �Tork i�iawing or har�mg reasan to lu�aw �ttt it is contrary to Laws vr Regulations, �antractor sl��l lyear all clanns, costs, losses, and damag�s �inchui�� but nat Wnited ta all fees and charges af engineers, aach�ects, attomeys, and odaer professionaLs and all crrY o� FORr wa�'r�-� STA,I�ARI]C�TR�iCT[dN SPECIFICAT[ON DOCiIMSNT� licvisi6tt; $�31�,�.�1 on��ao-i GEMERAL GDI�d IT I0M S Pagc 28 0£ 63 co�rt ar arbitrataan ar ather dispute resa�utian cast�) arising vu�t af ar relati�g ta such Wark. However, it sliall n�t be Contractox's resp�aa�bility tn make certain that t1�e Specifications and I�xawings are itz a�cardance with Laws and Re��ai;ions, l�ut lhis sl7all n�at reIie�e Coz��ractor of C�nt�actor's c�l�gati�ns under F�ragxapli 3.02. . C, Changes in Laws or Regulations n�t knowu at the t�Ye of opening af �ids having an effect �n t�e cast rn' tunc of perforxriatxce af fhe Wor� may be the sul�ject nf an adj�ast�ent in Contract Frice or Co�tract Time. G,11 3'axes A. Qn a �ontract awaxded by the Ci�y, aa organiaatiQn which qualifies for exernption pursu�nt to Texas Tax Cod�, Subc}�pter H, Sectians 151.3D1-335 �as arnend�d}, tkae Contractar may purchase, xent ar lease all materials, supplies and equipz��nt used or consumed in th� p�rfartx�ance af tiv�s contr�ci hy ��� to hi.s supp]�er an excm�tian. Gertificate in lieu oF the tax, said exernptian certificafe to Gamply with State C�mpfroller's Ruling .Od7. Any such �xernption certift�ate issued t� tk�e Contractor in lieu af the tax shall }3c subj�ct ta and shall camply w�h the pra�i�ian �f 5tate Gflmptral�er's Ru1mg ,011, and any other applicablc ruling� pertairaing ta the T�.xas Tax Cnde, Su�chapter H. B. Texas Tax permits atud info�'usatian may l�e obtamed frorn: �ompiroller nf FubTc Ac��t�nts Sales Tax Di�si�n Gapitol 5tatian Ausiin, T�C 78711; or 2. ht�tp-�I www,w �udov+� , staie . t�c. usltaxinfaltaxf ,irrnsl93-��rnrr� hixfn� C�.12 i]se o�,5it� arad Other� �4reas A. Limi�atr�rr o�a F]se of Sitearad�t�ier�A�ea:c: Contraetor �hall cnnfine constz-uctian equiprr�nt, the starage of mai.erials and cquipment, and the operatiax�s t�f workers to the Sitc and other ar�as p.ernutted by Laws and Regulati�ms, and shall not unreasonabty cncumber the Site and other areas with �onstruction equiprn�t ar other matcrials nr equipment. Contractor shall assurne full res�ons�ility ��ar any damagc t� any such land �r area, ar to the awner or a�cupant thcreo% or af any adja�eni l�nd ar areas resuhing fronr+the perfQrmance of the �Iark. 2, At a�y #irr�e when, in the judgrnent af tl�e CzGy, the �oniractor has ahstructed or clased or is cartying on operations in a�ortion of a str�et, right-�i=way, Q�r easen�ent geater thatt �s necessary far proper execution of the V+lork, the City may require the Cs�nLractar to fitush #he secti�n on which nperatia�ns are i� progress befar� wark is commenced an any adc�itzonal area of the Site. G17�Yt7F r�UA7` WaR'TI� STANDAHUCONSI'RUCTLON SPRGIFICAT[QN DOCi]MEhTTS Hcvisian, 8�i0Z1 00 72 Q� - ] CsENERAL CdNDITIUN 8 Page 24 of 63 3. Shauld a� Darnage Claim be mat�e 1�y any such owner ur accupant because af the perfozrnance of tlie Warl�, C�tractor sl�li �npt�y atternpt to rasol�e th� Damage Clairn. 4. P�rs�a�tto Paragraph b.21, Co�str�a�ctors�all aridemnifyar�d hold ha�mless G'�t�, from a�d ugairzst aIl cirarmr, earts, lasses, a�d dmnag�s ar�si�g aut of ar� relating ta ar� c2ai»a o� ��'an, legad ar eq�atable, brought by any such owner or accupunt aguinst ��ty. S. Rera�avad a, f' D�bris �u�ang. Performar�ce af the Wo�k: Duriug 'the pragress of the VLTark Cvntractor sh�ll keep the Site and c�her areas free fram ac�umulatians ofwaste rna#er�als, ruhbi��h, and ather debris. Removai and disposal af such waste materials, ruk�bish, and atl�' debris shall c�nfarm t� a�licable Laws and Regulatian�. C. Site Muint�rtarac� Cdeanang: 24 hours after wrxtten natice is given to the Ca�tractor that the clean-up ar► tlxe jab site �s proceed'mg � a maz�er unsatisfactary to the City, if the Coz�tractar �ails tR GQiT�Ct t1]� UriSat]Sf&Ctflt'y pTpG�{�L7CB, � Clty rilay �ake 5uc�l C�II'eGt aG�l�ii �S � Citj� d��iXlS apprapriat� to carrect the clean�up defic�encies cited t� the Cantractor in the writben natice (by letter ar e�ectmn�c eosxununication}, and the costs af such direct action, pIu.� �5 °�o af su�h casts, shall be dedueted fra�n the monies due or to I�ecaume du� ta �e Contractor. D. Far�a1 SitQ �deanir�g: Friar �o Final Aeceptatxce of the V�ark Cantractar shall clean the 5ite and ihe Wark and taaake it z�eady far ut�lia�ation by C�y ar adjac�nt grc,p�rty owner. Af #he caxnpletian of th� Work Contractor shall remove from the Srte a11 boals, ap�bances, cvr�slru+ction �quipn�nt and nnachmery, and surptus materia�s and shall restore to original conditi�n vr better afl Pro�ert'Y distur�ed lay the W ork. E. Loadi�g Sarr�ctur�s= Cantractor shail not laad nar permit arry park of any structure ta be loaded in any manner tha# w�l �ndanger the stru�ture, nor shall Cantractor subject any part nf the VVork ar adjacent pa�perty ta stresses ar pressures that w�l endange�r it. 5.13 Record Do�ur�tents A. �o�atra.ciar shall maintain in ��afe place at the S�e rn ia a place designated i�y t�e Contractvr and approved by the City, an� (1� recorrd capy af all Dra�vings, SpeGificatian�, Add�enctia, �ar�ge �rdexs, FieId Orders, asld wrntten interpretatiflns and c�ri�"�catia�ss m gocad arder and annvtat,ed ia slaow c�an�es rnade dUrimg canstruction. These rec�rd cfa�uments together with all apprvved Sanaple� and a�o�rpart of aU accepted Subrnittals will he aya�hle to City far ref�rence. Upa� carnQ2etion vf the Work, theae record tio�uments, atrY operatian and maintenancc r�anuals, and Sulamitta� wil� be deli�ered to Cit� prior ta Fina1 Inspecti�. Contractor shall in�lude aGc�uat� lacataans f�r burze�I and ymbedded items. 6.1�F ,5c�fet,� rarad ProEection A. Contractor shall b� sa1e1� resp�ns�le for ini#�ating, maintainin.� and supervising aIl safe�y preca�rti� and prvgrams ir� connectian with the Work. Suah respons��y does not rel�e�+e Subcon.tractors of theix r�spons�b�ty for the safety o� persqns �r praparty in th� perforntiance af theaar wark, nor f�r cc�r�li.ance with applicable safety Lavvs and Regulatians. Coniractor shall CITY�F FbItT WURTH $TADII}ARi]CON3TRllCT14N 3PE�[F1CAT10H UDCY]MENTS Re�i�ion: 81�3120¢t oo��oo-i �ENewa� car+o iriaw s P�ge 34 ot' d3 take all necessary precautians for the safet� of, and s�all pravide the nec�ssary pratec�aan to prevent damage, in.lux'Y or loss ta: 1. a11 persons on the Site ar who may be afFected lry the Wnrl� 2. all the 1�Vark and rna�ri�als and equipmerrt ta 1�e inc�rparabed therein, whether in storage an or v�'the Site; and 3. other properEy at the Site o�r adjac�nt theretv, including trees, ahrubs, ]awns, waAzs, p�.v�rnents, roadways, struc�es, utilitics, and Underground Fa.cilities nat designated far remo�al, r�locatia�, or replacement in th� c�urse af c�nstructi�n. B. Comi�actor shall com�ly w�h all applicable Laws �nd Regulat�ans relating to the safety of per��ns or praperty, or to the protiectio� of persans �r �roperty fi-om iiarnag�, injury, or 1��s; and shal� erect and tnaintain a11 n�cessar� safeguards for swcl� s�fety and pratectian. Coratractor slaall notify owners �f �djacent praperty and af Under�aund Fa�i1i4��s and ather u�il�y owners wh�n prosecutian of the �'�xk may affcct thet�a, and shaIl caoperate with �em in the protcctian, r�maval, re�acatian, aYid re�alacement �f th�� properxy. C. Cont�actvr shaU Gomply w�th the applicable requirexuents of Gity's safeky pragrams, if ar��. D. Contract�r sha� inf'orm City af the specif'r� requireme�ts of �ontractar's safetY pmgraxn, if ar►Y= with w�ich C:ity�5 C[T1�7��8 � i�]]C�5811�'��VBS II]Ll$t GOil1�7�i Wlll� A.t � 51�. E. A1I darnage, injury, or lass tn any praperty referred to in �aragraph 5.1�.A.2 or G.14,A.3 caus�d, directly ar indirectiy, � whale ar ir� part, by C�ntractor, any Sub�cantrac#�r, 5u�plier, �r any other individual or entity d�ctly or indirectly employed by any of thern ta pexform any af the VSlork, oa� amyone for wh�se acts any af thern m�y be liable, s�all tae re�edied by Contractar. F. Cor�tractar's duti�s and respons�ili�i�s for safety and far protection af tkae Work shall ooxat�rue unt� such 7�me as aU the Work is compl�ted and City has a��epted the V�ark. 6.15 Saj��ty Rep�e.serzt�tive Contractor s�ll infor�m �ity in wrii�g af Coa�rac�r's des�gnated safety representative at t�e Srte. 6.16 Hazard Cam�rau�acatio�Pragr�arr�s Caniractor shall be re�pQns�l� for caardinating any exchange af material safety data sh�et-s or atl�r hazard communication �£arrnation required to he made ava�b�e to ar excha�ged beiween or amuong emplvyexs in accardauce rnrith Laws ar R�gulations. 6.17 Eme�geraciesar�drarReci��Gatian A. In exnergex�ci�s affecimg �e sa%ty oer protection a£peraot�s ar the Wark ar property at the Site or adjacent theretc�x CQntractor is nb�ted to act to pre�ent ihreatensed da�.nage, iujury, ar la�s. Coniractar s11a11 give City prompt written notics � Cnntracfor be�ev�s that ar►y s�'ica�t CITY OF FDIZ7' WbRTH 3Te4N�AELDCDNSTAUETION SPECIF]CATl01� D�CiQv1ENTS Aeviaion: 8f�.il�l ao�zou-t ��Ne��coa�airia�rs Pag� 31 aF63 cha�nges in the VL�ark ar variatians fro�n. the Coritract Documents ha�+e been caused therehy ar are required as a resuit thereof. Tf Gity determines that a change � the Contract Do�uments is required because af tb.e aGtion taken by Cantractor in respor�se to such an einergency, a�hax�ge Drder may be i�sued. B. Sh,aukl the Contractar Fail bo respond to a request firom the Gity to rectify any discrepancies, a�.nissiozas, a� cornectian necessaryto co�f'arrn with the r�quirements of the Cant�act Dvcuments, the City sha31 giv� the Ganl�a�tar �vritten no�ice th�at such work or cha�ge� are ta be performed. The vvrilten notice shall dire�t att�ntion t� the discrepant �ondtiti�n and request � Cva�h'actor to take remedial acticm to correct the candi�avn. In the event the Cantractor daes not ta�Ce pasitive steps �a f�il�ll thj.a wriCten requ�st, or d�ea nat sh�ow just cause fnr not talaaig the pro�er a�t�on, vvithu� 24 hours, the City �ay take such xeruedial actian with C�y farces ar by co�ract. The City stia]1 d�duct an arnount equal ta the entire costs for such rerned�a� actian, glus 25°�'fl, fxvm any fiinds due or becoxr�e due th� Gontxactar on the Pr�ject. �.1� Sr�brrri#�uls A. �antra��tor shall subzaoi� rec�ud�ed Sub�nittals to Ci�y for re�riew and acceptance in accorc�ar�e wilh the a�ce�ted Schet�ule of Submittals (as required �y Paragraph 2.07}. Each submittal �vill he iden�d as City x�y require. 1. �}m� nuxnber of capies spec'�i�d in the Gezaeral Requirem�gts 2. Datashown on the Submittals will he cornplete with respeattv quarrti�es, dimensions, speci�d perfar�r�rnce and design criteria, rnai�rials, and simjla� data ta shaw City the services, materials, and equi�pmerrt C�ntractc3r propases ta p�rovide and #a �nable City to review thc inforniatiQn for the lirruted purposes required by Paragraph 5.18.C. 5ubrnrtta3s suhtn�ted as hereirl pravided �an%xmance vvi�h the desig� concept shall Documen�s unbess atherw�se required by City. by Contractor and xevdewed by Cit�r for be exeauted in ca�nforrnityi with the Contr.'act 4. SNhen 5ubmittals are submitbed far the gwpase of showing the installatioia in greater detail, their re�ew shaIl not excuse Cantrac#or �rrnau req�uternents shown � the Drawings and �pec�"zcations. 5. For-Infonnat�-Only suU�ttals upon whict� ihe Gily � nat �xpect�d ta conduct review or take nesponai�e actionmay be sa ident�ed in the �vntxaat Dacum�nts. 6. 5ubrnit required numl�er a� �amples specif"�ed in thc Specif"ications. 7. �karly iden#if� �ach Sar�ple as to mater�al, 5upplier, pertine�nt data such as catabg numhers, the use far vuhi�h inte�►ded and ather data as City may req�nre to enable C� ta re�iew the sul�nittal for the Wnited p�es rcquired by Paragiap� G.18.C. CTI'Y dF FaR1' WQItTH S�Al`Q7AlZdC�TRl1CTE0N 3P&C�F1CA7[ON DL7CLR++IBNfS Rcvisian; �l 00 ?2 Ra -1 G�NERAL C�NDITI4N 8 Page 33 of 63 B. Wher� a Suhrnittal i� required by the C`�on�tract D�ocuments or the Schedule of Submittals, any related �ark perfox�ned p�ri�x tn City's review and a.cceptance afthe pertin�nt submrtial will be at tlae sale expense and respans�ili,ty af Car�tractnr. C. Ci�y's Rewtew: 1. Gary w�i pr�vide timely review �f rec�uired Subnutt�� i�. accQrdance with the Schedule nf Subn�iitals a��epta�le to Ciky. City's xevi�w and acceptan�e wi�i be only to detertnine 3f f.he items covereri by th� suhr►�rttals w�l, a#�ex instal�tian Qr inc�rparation in the Wark, cor�tarm to the snfornLaia� gi��en ir� the Cc�utra�t I]ocuments and be com�ati�le with the degigia Gc�nc��pt of t�e cornpi�ted Project as a functivning whole as indicated by tl�e Cam�ract Documents. 2. City's review arui aeceptanc� will nvt extend to m�ans, methads, techn�nques, sequence�, ar p�oeedures af �vnstructi�an (except where � pa�rticular means, rnct�vri, tec}�nique, sequence, ar pracec�xs of construction is speci�cally and expressly Galied for hy the Cantract Dacumer�fs) ar to s�fetyprecautions �r pragrams incid�nt thereto. The review and a�ceptar�c� af a sepaxate it�m as �uch wili nnt iucii��te ap�xaval of the assembly in whi�h the item fivactions. �rty's reviaevsr and ac�eptance shall nat relie� Carl�ractar fram respons�ility for any t�ariati� froxn the requirements of the Cautract Docurnents imless Co�tractor lsa.s comp}ied wrth the requirernents of Sectivn �1 33 �0 �nd C�ty has given �vr�t6en �cceptance of each 5UC11 variation by specif"�c wrilten notation thereaf ir�orporated m vt' acc4mpanying the Submrtfal. Cit�s rev�ew ar�d a�ceptance s}�11 r�t re�ieve Contractor from res�aansbili�ty f�r �otnplying with the reqr��rements af the Co�th'act Docurnents, 6. ]9 Con�i��ing the War� Except as otherc�vise pro�vided, Cantractor shall carr�+ vn the �Nork and adhere t�a the Praject Schedule during all disputes ar disagseernents wi#hh City. Nv V4�ark shal� l�e delayed or pastponed pe�ding xesalution af any dispubes or disagreement�, exaept as City and Ccmtractor ma�+ �therwise agree rn writa�g. ' 6.20 �ontr�ctnr's Ge�er�ad �Yar^rr��tyand Guuraniee A, Conira�tor warrants and guarantees tn CiLy that all �ork �v�l be in acccxrdance with th� Contract T�ocuments and w�l not he de�ecti�e, City and i�s offi�ers, directors, me�nbers, pariners, etnplayee�, agents, cflnsultauts, and sub�ontractors shall %e entitled to reiy on represe�iior� of �rrh,actar's warr�nty and guarantee. B. C�ntractar's warranty and guarantee hereUnd�r excludes defects ar da�age caused }�y: abuse, modific�tion, or �per rnaintenance or aperati�n by persans other t�n C�ntractor, 5ubcontractors, Su�pliers, c�r �ny other indin�al or �ntiry frn whom Caantract�r is respnnsible; or cre�oF Fo�rr wa��x 5TA'i�IDARDCONSTRUCTI[�H SPECIFICAT]flN DOCLIIvI6NT8 �4wisinn: $I�21 oo7ao�-i GE�IE RAL CON 0 IT 10 N S Page 33 af b3 2, nQrmal �w�ar and bear und�r nnrmal usa�e. C. Contraat�r'� obl�ga�i tn perfarm and c�rnp�ete �)a.e VLtarl� idx accordanc� with the Canixact Dacuments shall be a�so�te. No�e nf the faik�wia� w�l cvnstiiute an acceptaa�e af Worl� tha� is not in accu�rdance with the Co�tractDocwnents or a release af Caaiatractor's ohligation ta perfartx� the V4fork m accordance with the Co�tract Dacume�ts: 1. abservations 6y City, 2. recammendation ar paylnent by Gi�y of any progress ar final paSm�xt; 3, t�e issuance of a certif"�c�te oi Final A�cept�r►ce lay C�.y ar airy paymerrt r�lated thereto by ��a 4. use o� occupancy af the �Va�rk ar any partthereaf hy Gi4y; 5, any review and ac ceptance nf a SubmiRtall�y Cit} , �. any insp�ction, t�st, or appr��al �iy athers; or 7. arry cnrrection� af defeative W�rk by City. D. TI�e Can�ract�rr shall remedy any d�fects ox darnages � the �Ti�ark and pay far any damage to other work o�r pra�erty resulcirig therefmr� which sha11 appear within a pexi�d of two (2) years from i�he date of F�.1 Acce�atance di t]ve Vitoi'1� unl�ss a longer periad is spe�ifi�d and shan f�vsh � g�od and suff'�ier� inaintetsance hond, camplying with the re�uirerr�exats of Artic�e 5,�2.5. The C�.y w�l give notice of a�serve�i defects with reasanal�le prarn�tness, �,21 Indemnifieation A. Gontr�ctar �o�venant� and agrees to indemnify, hald h�rn�less and de�end� at If5 ov�n exper��e, the City, its officers, sen'�ut9 �r�d e m�vye es, from �nd �g�inst �y �nd �Il C]a� aris ing aut o� or alle ged ta arls e out Q� the wo rk �d s e rvices ta be ge rFornte d by th� Contract�r, fts a�ccr�? agentsa emplayees, �ubcantractnr�, licenses ar invitees u�nd�r th� Contr�ct. , . Th�s in�demnit� provision ia iwtended to include, withant 1im�itation, in�emnity for casts, expense� and legal fee� ineurred lay the �lty in defending against sucb� claims and caase� of act�ona. B, Cantractar cav�nants and agre es to indernnii'yand holt� har�tiless, atits own expe�n��, th� Cxty, its nff'ice r�, aervant� and ernplayees, from �nc� ag�insst any and all los s, damage or desxruclann oi property of the City, ari�ing out o� �r aUege d to arise out n� the wark �nd �er�ices tu be p�rfor�ned hy #.�e Contraetar, its afficer�, agents, en�playees, subcontractnr�, li�e�seex 4r in�itees under t�is Contract. '�� �1�inT.11+1'NiATC'ATi{7N PROVIkSIDN I� CTTYQF FOAT W�RTH $TANpARI]COAESTRllCTI�N SPECIFICATION DQCLIl4�NT5 l�evisiun: 8�2312QQi 4a 7a oa- i GENERAL i�NOlTIQM S Page 3d of 63 ' : 4 ►i 1 i 1' :_ :►II : I ► i . : � ► . � � 1 1 . 1 ►► : � � ll.� / i � 1► ' - : : � � � � � � . ■1 k ► E r ` k ► i .1 M 6,2Z De�egatdo� vf'Pxafessiaraal Desigrt Services A. Cantractar will not lae required tv prov�i� professi�nal dea�a g4'TVICGS UT1�5S SliC�l SCTVIC�3 $lE speci�cally required by the Contract Documerrts fax a portion of the Work ax unless such ser�rcea are requax'ed fa ca.nryout Contract�r's responst��it�e� far constructuan �ne�ns, meth�ds, techni�c�es, sequences and procec#utes. �. If professioria� design services or certifi�atia�ns by a design prax'essi�naal rel�ted ta 5y5t�R75a znaterials ar equipmeni are specifs�ally xequir�d of C�ntractar by the Ca�r�►ct Documents, City wilI specify all perfarrmance and design cx�eria f�at such services r�ust sa�fy. Cantract�r sh�ll aause such services ar cer�ifications to be pro�ded hy a properly licex►sed prafessional, whose sig�aature and seal shall appear on all drawYngs, calculati�ons, spe�i#'zcati�ns, ce�ations, and Submitta� prepared by such pr�fesszonal Suk�mittals related to the Vi7ark designed or ��erti6ed %y such prafessiv�ai, if prepared hy others, sh�ll he�r such prQfessinr�a�'s writtes� appro�al when submi�ted ta City. C. L"ity shall be entitled t� rely upon the adequacy, accuracy and completeness af the servic�s, certif'�catiops or appr�aLs perfarmed by sucl� des�n professi�nal�, prayided CiEty has speci£'�ed to �ontractor perfortnance a�nd design crrteria that such services must satisfy. D. Pursua.ant tn this Paragxaph 6.2�, City's review and ac�eptan�e of desig�n ca�culatyans anii desigz� drawiu� will be a�ily f�r tl� lim�ed purpose of clae�king for conforn�ance wixh performance and desi�n c�iteria given and the design �eoncept ez�pre�sed in the �ontract Documients. City°s r��+iew and acceptance of Submittal� (exc�pt des�gn Gakulatia�s and desi� draw�nga} w�71 be nnl� for th.e pur�aase stated 'm Paragraph G.18.C. 6.23 Rtght ta Aacdii A- The Coniractor agrees that tive City shali, timtil the expir�tian of three (3} years a�ier fmal paYment �tr►dex this Cantract, �ave access to and the rig}�t to examine and photvcopy any directly pertinerrt books, �n�urnenis, PaPers, and re�ords af the Contract�r rnvorvmg transactions relating to this Contract. �antractor agrees that the �ity SY�all have access during I�e�ulat' Wvrkiug Ho�rg t� al� nece�sary C�nEracto�r fac�s and shall b� pro�+i�ied adequate an� apprupriate wark space in Qrder ta co�nd�ct audi#s in cflrnpliance 'avith t�,e prnvisia�s of this Para.�a�h. Tfte City shall gve Cantractor reasonable ac�va�e noti�e of intended auc�its. B. Cvntr�ct�r furthe� agrees to mclude in all its subcantract� hereunder a pro.+ision to the effect that the auhc�n�ractar agrees that the City sha.11, until the ex�iratian af three {3} years aft�r fmal paYment under tkus Contract, have access to and the right to examin� and phvtocopy arry directly pertine�lt books, dacuments, paPers, and recards of �ueh �bcor�traeto�, ai�vohrn�g trsnsactions to the subcantract, and furthex, that City shall have a�c�sa during R.egular Worlcimg Hours � alI CIT Y QF FUR'7' WbR'TI-� S'�At�AR�C�NSTRI:�CT10H SFECIFiCATl�A1 DOCU�aiEN3'S Rcvisian: &r23r�{r�I DQ 32 i�0 -1 GENERA L CON a ITIO N S P�e 35 af 63 SuUcontractor facifities, and sha� �e prvvided ad�quate and apprnpriate vvark space in oxder to �nnduct audits in cnrnpliance with the �r�visions �f this Paragraph. �`he Cily shall gi�re Subcontractor reasona�l� aclvasic� nati�e �f intended au[�its. C. Cantractar and 5ubcontractar agree ta photocQpy such do�utzaents as may be request�d by t1�e City. Tk�e City agxe�s to reuxt�urse Coimactar frnr the cast of the cagies a� falla�ws at th� rate pub�shed in the Texas Administrative Cad� in e£�'ect as af th� timme copying is performed. 6.� Naradr�crimzr�a�#ion A. The City is �respa��ble fvr ap�ratmg Puh�c Transpartation Prngrams and irnplement-aig traufiit- relatcd prajects, which are fimded in part wrth Fecieral financial assistance awar�ed by the U.S. Deparament of Transpartation and the Fed�ral Transi� AdYxunistrati�r� (FTA), v►r�hout discruninatiz�g aga�st any perso� in the LTnited �tates an tl� basis af xace,c�lar, ar nation�l �rigin. B. 3ai1e VI. Civid Rights �ict of 19��1 as amenrled: Contractor sha11 c�,aly with the re�uir�ments of the Act an�d the R�gulations as further defitred in the Supp�:mentary Can,ditio�s far anY I�roject receiving Federal assist�ance. AR,TICLE 7— OTH�R W�RI� AT THE SITE 7.01 Relrxted Wa�k at Si[e A. City may perfarm nther work nelated ta the Project at the �ite with Gity's ernp�Oyees, or ather City confxactars, or through other direct contracts #hereFor, nr have Qther wark per�armed by utility awners, If such other wark is not noted in the Coirtract Documerr�s, th�n w�t.ten natice thereof ' will 1�e givan to Contractar privr tfl starting am3r such vther w�r� ax�d H. Co�►tractar shaIi affard �ach a�her cvntractar wh� is a party to such a dvr�ct caniract, ea�hu�.ity owner, and Crty, if' City is pexfarming ather wark with �ity's emplayees or other City conCractors, prop�r and safe access tathe Site, provide a rea�anahle opportunity far thc introductiam and staxag� of znaterials and e�uipa�?cnt and the execution o£ su�h other wo�k, and properly cavndiaa#e th�e Work with theirs. Coas�ract�r ��all da all cuttnng, f�.tir�g, and �atc�mg of ihe Work that may be requ�ed to praper� connect or atherw�se rnake its se�v�ral parts carne tagether and pr'vperly' integrate with seicl� ather wark. Carmractar s�ll n�t endange� a� woxk of othexs by ci.3tting, excavating, or �therwise altering such wark; prv�ided, hnvvever, that �ntractor may cut or alter others' work vvrth th� written cansent vf Gity an�d the oth�rs whose work will be affecte�. C. Ifth� prt��rer executio+n or resulrs �f any p�rt af Car►tractor's Work depends upcm work perfo�rned hy Qthers under this Arti��e '7, Contractor shall mspect suoh other wnrk and promp+tly repnrt t� �tity m writi�g �y de�ays, defe�t�, �r defici�ncies iu such ather work that render rt ur�a�ailable nr u�suitable for the pro�er executian and results af Ca�ra�to�r's Wo�k. Co�ractar's £aihme to sa r�part will can�titute an acceptance af suc� vther work as fit and praper for integrat�ian w�t}� �otrtra.ctor's �ark ex�e�t for latent defects in the work pravided by others. C1TY � FORT W�iiTH $'Tp1SD}ARpp�N5TRi1CT1dN SPECIF]CAT10N I7C7CLU�[ENT'5 Rcvisian: �] Qo 3a oa- i GENERAL COI�q IT10H $ � Page 36 uf 63 7.02 Coardirratiora A. Tf City infends to cc�ntract with at)�ers for � perE"�rtnance af ather work on the Prnj�ct �t the Sike, the fanawmg w�l be set forth in Supplementary CondiLians: i. the individu.al Qr entirny who w�l ha� aut�rity and respons��ity for coardination af i�he activities among the varinus contraGtars wi� be identif'�ec�; 2. the specific matters to }5e cnvered by such authority and respa�s�bihty will he iterni�ed; and 3. t�he �xtetlt of �uCh authority and resppYtsibiliti�S will be provided. S. U�ss ath�rwise prvvided m the Suppl�rnentary Canditians, G�ty s}Lall ha�e autho� f�r such ca�rdi�at�. ARTICLE 8 — ��TY'S RESPONSISILITIES 5.01 Commesnica�aans t� Contra'ctor �cept as vih�rwise prm+ided in the S�p�lerne�tary Conditian�, City� shall issue all communicatioris to Con�ractar. $.0� Furnish D�fa CiLy shaIl timel}r fu�xiish the data reo�u�red un�er the Contract D�cu.tx�ents. $.U3 Pay Y�en D�ae C�ity sl�all ma��Ce }�ay�n�nts to Cor�tractar in �ccardance wrth Arti��e 14. 8,Q4 LandsandEa�semerz�; Re,�artsand�'�sts CiLy's duties wi�h respect io pray.6d�ug lancis and easernents and providing engineettim�g s�m+eys to estalalish reference pamts are set fort� in Paragraphs 4.U1 and 4.05. Para�raph 4.42 refers t� �ity°s i�enti£yua� and xnal�r,g available ta Contractar copies �f reparts of explaratiouas �nd tests af subsurfaoe conditi,a�as and drawangs ofphysi�aI candirions relatmg to existing surfac� ar subsurfaae structures at ar coa�iguous ta the 5ite that have been ut�iaed �y City m prep�rmg the �o�ract Documerrts. 8.05 Cha�age Order s City shall e�ecvA� Change arder� in accordance with Paragraph 1�.03. B.Ub Inspectiarrs, ?"ests, arrd A�apmvals C�y's respans�bility w� respect t� ��rtain inspectiams, tests, and approvals is set fa�rth in Paragt'aph 13.03. C1TY OF FO1tT WdCt'1'[•I STAhIT3A1ZI7C!}N&THUCTiQN SPECIFICATl�N DQCL{ivfEiVTS Revisian: 82a�1D21 vo�zan-� GENERAL t)Oi�D ITIUN S Psge 37 0£ G3 $.D? $.Q8 $.l]�} Lirrsitatians vrz City's Respv�si�fliii�s A. The City shaII nat supe�-vise, �ect, 4r k►ave co�ntxol or auF�a.rn�ity a►�er, nor be respons�ble for, Cantractor's rn�ans, methads, techniques, s�quenoes, or pr'ocedures of construction, or tl�e safety pxec�utio4ns and pragrarns incident thereta, nr for airy fa�ure vf Contractor to compty� with La.ws ar�d Regu�tians appl�cable ta the perforn3a�xce of the Work. City will not l�e respoa�s�le far Cot�ractor's faihu�e to �rfor�n the Work i� accrnrd�nce witkh the CbxLtract I�acurn�ents, B. C� will notiFy khe Cantractar �f app�cable safety plans pursuant t4 �'aragraph 6.14, Undisclvsed �laa�ardaus Envirnrtment�� Candatin� City's responsib�Tity wit� reapectta au �mdisclosed Ha�ardous Envirat�naental Candition is s�t farth in Paragraph 4.06. Complaa�t�e with Sa,i'ety F�agrctm Whi`le �i the Site, City's emp�ayees amti r�presentatrves shall aoYxnply w#th the speci�c app�icable requirre�ents af Contractar's safety i�rag'ams c�i which �ily has �een inf�d pursuant to �aragaph 6,14. ARTICLE 9— CIT'�'S 4�SERVdTIDN STATLT� DURI�G CUIITSTRUCTIUI�T 9,�1 C1ty's�"ro,jectl4�dcr�ager City w�l prnvide one or mor� Projeat Manager(s) during the �onshuctaon periaci. 'I°he duii.es and zespons�b�ities and die ]nni�ations of autlwz-ity of G`ity's Project Manager during �onstruGfion are set forth in the Corafract Dnc►m�er�ts. The City's Project ivianager for this ContraGt is i�ntified an the Supple�x�ent�ry Conditions, �.0�, �sits t� Sit� A, City's Project Manager w�i m�rke �isits ta the Site at interval� at�'npriat� ta the vaz�us sffiges af canstt�uGtio� as City de�ms necessary in arder to ahsexve the progress that has been made and the qualiiy a#: the �+arious �Sg�CtS of Cozztxactor's execu�e�i Work Sased an infvrn3atior� a�auxed during such �its and vhserva�iot�, Ciiy's Proj�ct ll�ianager w�ill detern�in�, na general, if tl�e U►tork is prnceeding um a�cardance with the Con�tract Docu�ents. Gity's Praject Manager w�ll n�t be requi�ed to �ake exhaustive ar �ontinwous inspe�ti�ns on the Sit�e to checic the quality or �ua.ntity af the VVork. Cily's Project 1Vlanager's ef£orts w�l lae directed toward pro�g Ci1y a greatex degree nf cnnf'idence that the cnrn�let�d Wark will confarm generally ta the Co�ra�t Docuuaerrts. B. City's Project Man�ger's �its and �hservatians ara sub,ject ta all t�ie limitati�n�c Qn authaa'ity and respo�t��bility in th� CantraCt Docutnents inchzding th,ose set farf,l� m Paragraph 8.U7. CITY QF F4RT W4RTH 5'('AI�IDARD[�A6T&UCTION SFECIP[CATItlH D()C[IMENTS R�vision, P�IJA21 007�OU-i GENEFtAL CAH� ITIaN S Pag�e 38 af 63 9,43 Authorazed Yariuti�an� t� Wark City's Project 1Vlanager may audt�z`iae mmor �ariati�s in tlae Work frorn irhe require�ents of t� Com�act Docurnents which do not uyvalve an �djust�nent m the �Qntract Pri�e or the Co�tra�t Tirne and are compati�le rx+ith the design c�cept of t�e completed Pr�ject as a funGtioning wha�e as indicai�d by the Contract Documents. These may t�e accomplished hy a Field Qxder and wi11 �e laiaiding on City and als� on Co�ctor, who sha� perf�rm the Work i�valved prnmptly. 9.U4 RejectiregDefective �ork Cily will ha�e au#.hrn'it}� to reject �ork which City's Proje�t Manager Uelieves io be defec�e, �r' will n�t produee a co�let�eed Prnject that cvnfo�ms to the Gontract Documents ar that w�l p�ejudi�c� the mtegrity of t�l�e design concept af the corr�pleted Praject as a fur�ctionmg whole as indicated by the Coxitract Docur►�en#s. City wilL have authority to canduct special inspeatian our tes�ing of the 1�ark as pro�d 3n Arti�te 13, whether or rrot ttte Wark is iabricated, installed, ar complef�d. 9.U5 Deaermirar�tions fo� �Pork Per�}�ormed Cantractar wi�l determ�e the actual [�uantities and �l�ssif�cations of Fitork perfarmed City's Prajeot Manager w�.l zevnew w�h Coxatract�r the pre�vnary deternuuati�ns on suchmatters Uefare rend�ring a wrilten recommendatian. City's written de�i�ian vvill be fm�al �exoept as madi�ied ta reflect changed factual cand�itians or more a�curate c�a.#aj, 9.dS �ecxsiar�s �r� Requi�er�ts vf CnntraciDoca�ent� and�icceptubrl�ty of i'i'ark A. City w�l be the �ial interpreter of the requiremerrts of the Cantract �acuments and jud�e of the acceptability of the Wark theretirnder. S. City w�l ren�r a wr�n deoa�ic�n vn any �ssue referred. C. City's wr�ten d��ision an ti�� rssue referred w�l be iinal and bin�ding on the Con�ractar, subject to die provi5inms ofPara�aph 1�.�GG. ARTICLE 14 — CHANGES l�T THE WORK; CLAIMS; EXTRA �DI�K 10.�1 �4utharized cha�ges z�a rhe wr��lc A. Wrthaut invalidating the Contract arai withaut nota�e to any surety, City rr�Y, at any t�rie ar from � tune ta t�ne, order Extra VSiark. TJpaax riotice t�f such Extra ltitark, Cnntra�tar shall pra�zaptly praceed with the Wnrk urvaYved which will he perfarmed un�er the appli�cable condrt�ns af the Contract Documents (exeept as atherv�i�e �pecifiGally pro�id�d}, Extra W'�k shall be mernaria�ed l�y a Change Qrder �w}xich rnay or tnay not precede an arder af Extra wark. B. Far rninor changes of Work not requirmg chax�ges #o Contract T[rne or Coaxtract Pi`ice, a Field OrdeY' may be issued by the CiLy. C1TY [7F FORT V�DRTH 3TANDARDCQHPSTRUC3'IUN �EC1ElCAT1flN DOCLIMENTS ReYisiurr �23�U�1 OU 72 4U - l GENERAL CdHO IT 1�7 h1 S Pag�a 39 af &3 1o,a� �r���t����ac��g�� i� ��� w�� Cantractar shalt not lae entrtled to an ln�rease in the G�sntr�ct �ti�e or an extension af the Cantract Time with respect ta any war� perFazrried th�t is ruvt rec�ui�red hy th� Cami�ract Dacume�ts as amended, m�odified, ox suppl�men�ec! as prn�ided 'm Paragraph 3.i1�, excepi in the case of an emsergency as pzovidecl in Parag�aph 6.17. 10.63 Execa�ti�n of C'havage �rrle�s A. City and Cantractar shall executs aPPY'opria►te Chang� Qrders co�ering: changes iam the Work which are: {�'} orderedby Ciiy pursuant to Paragraph 1D.Ol.A, (ii} re�uired b�cause of accepta,uce ❑f defective �7L�ark und�r Paragraph 13.�8 ar City's correctic�nm of defectiv� Wark uncler Paragraph 13.09, rn[vi} agreed ta by �he parties; 2. changes in t1�e Cvnk°act Price ar�antrack Tirne r�rhich �e �g�eed ta �y the parties, iuchtding any und�puted sum ar am�unt of tiane for'qVark actually perfa�ed. 1�.{l4 Exl�a R'ark A. Shoukl a diFference arise as to what does or does no� canstrtute Extra �1'ork, ar as ta the pa�nent �here�f, andthe City insists upon i#s perf�rma�nce, the Contractor shal! proc�ed with the wvr1� af�er making written request for written orders and shall k�ep accurate acca�znt nf the a�tual reasnnable cust theret�f Contract Clairns rega�ing F.xtra �c�'k shall be �xaade gu�szaant to Paragxap� 10.06. B. The Ccmtraetor shall furnish the City such inst�lla�zan reaordg of a1l deviations fmm the oxiginal Comatract L)ocuments as may be necessaryt� enable the City to grepa�re �or permax�ent record a Gorrected set of p�lans shot�ving the aeh�al mstallatio�a. C. The co�ensatinn agr�ed upo2a fo�' Exixa'V�Tark wheti�er or not �ted by a Chang� �r�ier shall he a fu�, aorr►p�ete aned fmal payrnent for all cvsts CoxitractQr incurs as a xeault �x relating to the chang� or Extra Work, whether sa�ci eagts are known, unlrn�wn, fureseen ar unforeseen at that t�n�, includitig w�idsaut ]irni�tation, any c�sts fnr delay, ext�nded ��erhead, ripple or irn�.ct cast, ar any vther ef�ect Qn changed ar unahanged waxl� as a result af the char�ge or Extra Vi�ork. 1�.a5 Not��catior� ia �`ur�ty Iftk�e prwisians af any bond requi��ree notice to he gi�en tn a surety afany cha�ge affecting the general sc�pe of the Wnrl� ar the pi'ovisions vf the Contract Dacuments �ic►chiding, ]�ut nnt bmited tQ, Coniract Price ar Co�a'act Time), t�e givaig af az�y such not�ce will be Contractor's respansrbility. Tke amoumt of eaGh applicahl� bond will be adjusted lsy the Contra�tor ta reflect the ef�ect of amy $ilCl1 G�Ht1�C. CITY QF FORx WORTH $TF4NI]A[ZDC�]+18TRi]CT10N 5�'ECIFIGA7i�H D�CLiM8A1TS Rcvisiun, 8�1Q21 Oil 72 �fl - i GEN�RAL [�I�Q ITIdM S Pagc 90af 63 l Q.[H6 Cvntr��ct �Iaims Proc�s�r A. City's Decisiara Reqa�ire�: All Coniract Clain�s, except thos� waiv�d puxsuant t� Paragraph 14.09, �hall he referred to the City fo� decision. A decisiGm �y Crty sb�ll be required as a�ondition pre�edent ta airy ex�rcise by Contractor af any rights or remse�s he may atherwise have under th� Ccmtract Docum�nt� � hy Laws and R�gulation� in respect of such Contract Clainns. B. Natace: Written notiee statirtg the general nature Qf each Cnntract Gl�im shall be deli�rexed by the Cnntxactnr t� City no later t�n 15 days after the start af the e�ent �vmg rase thereta. The respons�ilrty ta substantiate a Contract Glaim shall rest with the pariy rn�bng the Cornract Clairn. �, N�tice af the amrnu�t ar extent of the C�ntracc� Claim, with supporting data shall be de�red tn the Cixy on ar hefare 45 days from th�e start v�'the e�ent giv��g rise theretn �unless the �ity aIlvws additi�nal tim� far Cantractax to submit additional or nr�ore accurate data in suppaxt af such Cnntract �laim). A Cnntract �`}aina for an adjustm��at in Cantract Pri,ce shall be p�epared in aaoardanae with the prn�isians of Paragzaph 1�.�1. 4. A Corttract C�ann far an adjustment i� Cantract Time s}�ll he prepared 'm accord�r►�e with t� provisiot�s of Par�graph 1�.02. 5. Each Cor►�ract Glai�u shail be aceoxrupanied b� Caniractor's wr�tan staternent tl�at the adjustrnent claimed is the e�tire adjust�nent to w�h tha Cantraetar believes it �s arrti�led as a result o� said �vent. 6. The Cityy sloall subx�ii any r�sponse to th� Cantractdr w� 3U days af�er receipt af the clairnaa�t's last submittal (unless �ont�act aIlaws additional time}. C, City's �ct�nr�: City ►nrill �review each Canrirract Claiaa� and, witha� 30 days after reoeipt vf tlx� �st submittal of tlae Contractor, 'ff any, take one of th� fallow�g actians in w��g: 1. de�y the Ca�xtract Claim in �whole or in� �art; 2. apprave the Cantxact Claim; ar 3. not�'y the Caritraetar that the C�y � wnable ta resotve the Coa�tract Claim if, � the City's sole discretion, � wvuld b� inappr�priate for the City to da s�. For purpases of fiarther reso�ition of the Contract Claim, su�h na�i�e sl�.n be deemed a de�l. C1TY OF F�RT WaHTH 3TANDART3CONSTRUC�ION �'ECIF1CATlDN DOC[J14iENT5 F�evieiun: �'2t'"Ll�tl po 7x on - � C,�NERAL G4Na ITION S Pagcdl oF83 D. City's wrrtten act�a� und�r Paragraph IQ.06.0 will be £�mal and binding, unkess City ar Cantractar mvoke the dispute resoWtioz� proceduze set �arth m Arti�cle 16 w�thin 30 days of such a.ctian or cieniaL E. No Contract Claim fnr an ad,Nstment m Contract Price ar Cantract Tirne will be valid if not submitted in accc�rdance witla thi� Paragraph 1D.�6. ARTICLE 11— C�ST dF THE VVURK; ALL(7WANCES; [)1WIT PRICE WORK; PLANS QUANTi'Tl� MEASUREM�'�NT ix.o1 c���a��� ���� A. Cnsts I�eltstl�d: The terna Coat vf the Worlc mea�s the sum af all costs, except t�.ose excluded m Paragraph 11.O1.B, necessarity incxirred and pa�ri by Contracbor � the proper perfonnance �i the Wark. �hen the vah�e of any Wnrk �ave�edb�+ a Ghange �rder, the casts to b� reimbursed to Cont�actar w�l be on�y thase additional nr incremental cas�s requi�ed because cafthe char►ge in the L�ark. Such c�uts shall t�at iachtde any of the c4s1� it�mi�d in Paragraph 11.�1,B, and shall inchide but �ot be lirnited to the follsaw�ng itetzw: 1. Payi-all costs far ernplvyces � the d�ect em�loy of Cantractor m th� pert'orman�e of the Work under �cheduies nf jah cl�s�if"�atians agreed up� by City and C�ntractor. Such exnpl�yees shall inchid�, withnut lir�at�on, su�p�rintend�nts, foreman, an€1 oiher perso�nel emp�O+yed full. time on the Wo�k. PayroIl �osts ft�r ernployees not employed full tum� an the �]LFark sh�� he a�aportione�i on the basi� of their time spent � ihe Wc�rk. Fayrall casts sha11 mchtde; a, xalaries with a�5% markup, vr b. salaries and wag�s plus tk�e cost of fr�ge bene�ts, which s17a11 include social ssc�zty cat�tx'�bt�ians, unemPla�ymerrt, excise, and payrall taxes, wvarkers' compensation, lzealth and retirerncnt b�nefit�, }�anuses, sick l�a�c, wacat.isaia and haliday I�ay appti�abi� th�reto. The expenses af perfortxung Wark outside of R�guJar 'L�i�arking Hours, Weekezxd Worlci� Hours, o�r legal holidays, shall be inc �uded in the above to the extent aufharize d �5' ��'• 2. �ost of ail matersals anci equipment �u�ished and in�orparated in the W4rk, inch�du�g casts af transportatian and starage therevf, and Suppliers' fi�ki servi�cs required in cnnnectian th�rewi�h. 3. Rentals af a� constructian equi�nae�t atad mach�ery, and the parts thereof whekher rented from C�nt�ac�r or othexs � accurdance with i�ental agreernents appro�►ed by Cit�y, and the casts of tcanspartation, loading, unioading, assembly, di�mantling, and rema�+a1 thereof. All such costs shaik be in accordanc� with the terms of said r�ntal agreer�o,��ts.'I'h� rental of a�.y such ec��ipment, rnachinery, or �rts sl�all �ease when the use thereaf �s no lotiger ne�essaxy for the �LTvrk, �ITI� QF F�RT W4RTH �1'AIdDARDC�V3TRilCTiUN 3QECiFICATION I1C]Ci3Lu�ENTS Revision: li2�l 60i200-1 ��n��a�. �No �raa� s Pag� +�Z v£63 4, Fayments mad�e by Can�ractnr to 5uhcontractors far VVrnk performed by Subcontractars. If required by City, ��nfractar stfall abtain campetitive bids from subcontract�ors acceptable to City ax�d Cantxactor and shall deliver su�h bids ta C�+, wh� will the� detern.��, which bi�is, if any, w�l be acceptabl�. If a-ny suhcontract praPvides that t�►e Su6can#ract�nr � to be paid on the }aasi� ef Cast of th� Wnr1c p�us a E�e, the Subcantractor's Cast of the W�rk and fee shall be determined in the sam� manner as Cor�tt�c#ar's Cast of the Work and fee as p�nvided in thi�s F aragraph 11.01. 5. Costs of special cansultant� (i�cluding bui not Iirnited ta en�ine�rs, archit�ct�, testmg laborataries, sur►+eyars, attarneys, and a�aauntants} empkryed for seYwisces spe�ifically related ta the Wark. 5. Supplemental �osts inchid'mg the %ltowiug: a. 'Tve pro�portion of necessary transportat��, travel, and subsistenc� expenses of Comtractor'� err►plo�ees inc�arred 'm discharge af duties canne�ted with the Vi�ark. b. Cost, imcl►�ding transportatnar► and maintenance, of all materi�ls, supplies, equipment, m�chinery, appliances, ot%ce, and ten�porary facilities at the Site, and h�nd too�s �ot owned by the wnrkers, which a�e consumed m i,k� perfar�ance af t�e Work, and cnst, less market yalue, af such rtems used but nat cansumed wluch r�main the property of Contractrn�. c. Sales, co�aswner, use, aned other sir�ilar taxea related #n the iTi�ar�r, and Far which �mx�tractar � lia�le nvt ca�+ered under Pa�ragxaph 6.i1, as imposed by Laws and Regulatians, d. Deposit� lnst far causes other than negiigence of Cantra�ctar, any Subca�nhactor, or any4ne d�'ectly or indi�e�c#ly emplo}ted by any of them nr fo�r whase a�ts any �f them may be liable, and royalty payments and fees fox perr�s and licen�es• �. Lasses a�d damages (and related e�penses) caus�d by damagc to tbie Warkr not compensat�d by insurance ar vtherwise, sustained by Contractor in oonsiectio�n� wikli tl�,e pez�£orrnan�ce of the Wark, pxavided such losses arxi dam�ges ha�� resul�ed frnrn cau��s Qth�r than the negli�gence of Cantractnr, any �ubeox►track�x, au' anyane directly oz' inc�rectly employed by any of thern ar far whc�se acts auy Qf tla�em rnay be liable. Su�h }��ses shall includ� settlem�rYts made with the written ca�exrt and appro�al nf City, Nn suoh losses, damages, atad exp�enses s�all be inctuded in the Cast of the Work fot' the purpase of d�t�t7ni�iuig Cox��actor's f�e. f, The c�st afuti77ities, fue1, aned sanitary facili�ies at the ��te. g. Min�r expenses such as te�egrams, la�ng distan�ee #�lep�one caDs, telepb�one and eomm�ication services at the Siie, express and cQurier service�, antl sirru'laz petry cash items in conneCtion with the Work. crr�r aF Fa�r wox�x STANI]ARDC[US'fRUCTf�3d 3PEClFICATION D�CLiiuTEl+YI'S Revi sion: 8�1�R1 op 72 ou. i GEN�RAI. CaN�IT14N 5 Paga 43 of 63 h. The costs o£premi.ums fnr aIl tionds and ir�surance Contra�tor is required hy the C�tract L]ncurnents to piuchas� and z�naintain. B. Casts Ex�Iudec�: 'T�ie berm Cos� of th� Warl� sha�l not in��ude any of #h� fol�ow�g it�ms: Pay�rvll c�sts and other ccrmpensatian of Contr�ctn�'s o�f'icers, execuCi�es, In-incipals (of partnership� and sole prapri�etorshi�s), �neral rnanagers, safety man�gers? et�ineers, �rchiteGts, es#imators, attorneys, aud'ztors, accountants, purchasa�g and contracting agents, e�editers, t�ekeepers, clerks, and other persoa�nel errAployed by Coa�tractar, whether at tbe Sibe nr in Contractor's principal ar branch office for general admmistration qf the Work and nat spec�ically iach�cled in the agreed uport schedule nf job classif'�catians r�ferred to in Paragraph 11.OI.A,� or speciftcally ca�ered�y Paragiaph 11.d1.A.4, all of which axe to be cansidered ad�tratrve costs co�ered k�y th� Cantractor's fee. �,. F.�cpenses af Cantractar's princi�al and branch ot�["aces other d�ar� �ontractor'� of%e at the Sii�. 3. A,r�y paxt af �o�xtrac#or's capital expenses, iucluding itxterest an Contr�ctar°s capital employed For t1�e W�a'k an�i char�es against Contractar for delinquent payments. �. Casts due to t1�e negligence af Contra�t�r, any 5ubcon#xactor, nr anyone diorect.�y ar indireetly emp]�yed by a�y of the�n or far �rvh�se �cts a�ay of them may be �able? including lrut n,�t limited ta, the corr�ctiun vf defec#ive VlTark, disposa3 of materials or equ�nent wra+nglY supplied, and xna�ng good any d�mage t� prapez't�'- 5. Other averheacl ar general expens� costs of any k�d. C. Car�trac�ar's Fee: When alI the 'V►�ar'k is perforrned vn #i�e basi� of �ast-plus, Contractar's fee shall be deter�irted as set forth in ihe Agareement. Vdhen the vahje of any Wark caVered by a Chatsge Ord�r for an a�just�nent in Contract PriGe is deterniined an the basis vf Cast af the VJar�, C�ntractor's fee shallbe deter�uined as set forth � Pazagraph I�.D1.G. D. l3ocumer�tataora: Wl�enever the Cost of the Wvrk fnr any purpose i� to b� deternuned pursuant bo paragr�phs 11.a1.1� anr� 11,Q1.B, �otrit'actnr wil1 establish and tnaintain records thet�o#� in accardance with g�en�rally accepted acco�unting practices aud suhnnit in a form a�ceptable to City an itern�ed cnst bxea,kdar,vz� together w�ith su�partin� data. 11.�2 Aidowa�Eces A. Spec�ed A�1owa�rce: It i� ua�d�rstood t�a# Corrtra�tvr has inChuied in the Cantr�ct Price all alkywance� sn narned � the Contract Dacuments a,nd shaIl G�use die Work s� c�v�red to be performed far such swms and hy suah persaz� ar ent�ies as may bc acceptable ta C�,y. S. P�e�bid �.dlawances: 1, Contractaragrees �hat; CITY D� FORT WOltTH STRNDARDLUNSTRi1CTIflN 5P�ClFICAl'i�;l I5C3CiIMEN7'S Rcvisiaa: 8rl3�Q3I 00 3z oo- i �En�E�a� aawo irio� s Page -04 of 53 a. the pr� bzd allawanees include the cost�a Cantrac#ar af materiaLs and equ�m�nt required by f.he alk3wances #o be de�vered at tk�e Sit�e, and a1l appl�cahl� ta�es; and b. Conxractar's casts far unlaadin� and hanc�g on th� S�e, ]abor, inst�Uatian, averhead, �rofit, and other expenses cantemplated for the p�e-bi�d allowances hav� be�n inchxded in f.h.e allawance�, and na dematkl for additional payrzxent on accaunt of any nf the faregoir� will be valid. C. Cnr�tingenc}�Allow�nee: Contractor a�rees that a contingenc� albwance, if any, is fnr the sole use nf [ :ity. D. Prior t� fim�al payment, �n appropriat� Change Drd�r will be issued to reflect actual amo�ants due Contractor an accaw�t. of Wark Go�+er�d hy allovs+ances, and the Co�ract Price shall he correspQn�ingly adj�sted. ll.��s �IfdII�YECe �YUYJC A. Where the Gontract D�curnents provide that all ar part of the Work i� to be LTrc�t Price Warlc, initia�ly the Co�c# Price will be deemed �o include for all ilnit priae Work an arna�unt equal ta the su�nn vf the unit price far ea�h�eparately i.dentiCed item af Unit Prnce Warl� t�mes thc est�naated qu�zttity nf each item as 'vrriidzc�t�d 'm the Agreetnent B. The esti�ua�ted qua�tities nf rterns of Unit Price �4�'orl� are not �uaranteed ar►d are salely far tl�e purpas� of comparison af Bids �nd determirring an. Ynitial Contract Price. Det�ations of the actu�l t�uantities and olassif'�cations af 1.�r�it Priice �ork �erformed hy Contracto� wi�l be made �y Crty subject to the pravis�i�nns of Paragraph 9,�5. �. Each unit pr�ice w�71 he deeuied to include an amount co�+sidered by Co+ntractor ta be adequate to cover Cant�actax's over�ead and profit for each sepaxabely identified item. Wark descnbed in the Gant�act Dacument�, or reaso�xhly inferre�d as required far a functionally connplete i�nstallation, but not identif'�ed in the listuag af w�t price iterns slaall be considered incidental to unit pr�ce wark listed and the co�t of mcidentaT work inch�ded as part gf the ur�t price. D. City may tnake an adjusttrient �n the Co�atracC Price in accordance vvith �aragraph 12.41 �: 1_ the quar�tity of any iiem af Un�t Price 1�Vor1� perfarmed by Gantractox diFFers materially and significa�tly from the est�tn�ted quant�y af such it�m in,�icated in the A�eernent; and 2. there is no correspandia�g adjustrnent with respect to any other item af Work. E. Increased o� �ecrea�ed ��caniittes• The City reserves the right to order Extra War�s i� ac��urdance with Paragraph 10.�31, 1. If the cl�anges in quan�ities ar the alterations da nat signif'�antly chang� the chara�tei' o� work under f.�e Contract Dncumerds, the attered work will be paid fax at the Contract unit price. crrY vF r•oxz' waR�rx 3'i'ANDARDCONSTAUCT14Ai SPEC[FICATIQN DOC[7MENTS Revisian: 8�t1 oa 7a Ds - � GENERAL GOH� IT 14N $ Pagc 45 of 63 2, If the chang�s in quantities ar alterati�ns si.gnif"�cantly change i�e chara�ter af wark, the C�tract will be amended �y a Change Order. 3. If na unit pric�s e�#, th�s w�I be car�idered Extxa Wark and th� Cvntract will be amended by a�hange ard�ez m arccnrdance wi� Arti�le 12. 4. A significant change m the character of w�rk accur5 when: a. t]�e character of work far any Item a� altered d�ffers materia.11y in l�nd or nature fram that 1C1 t�l� �4T1�1'�Gt OI b, a Ma,yor Itcrn afwark vari�s by rn�re than 25°/o fram t�e ariginal Cor,t�act c�uantity. 5. RfT4�en �e quantrty of wark ta be done under any Majar Item nf the �vntr�ct �s m�re t��n 12�°�a af tlae arigin�l quantity stated in the Co�ract, then either party ta the Cnniract rnay requ�st an adjuslment to the wzit price on the portion nf the work t#�at is at�re 1?5°Ja. b. When tlLe quanti�y af work ta be dane under auy Major IUem oi the Contract is �ss the�n 75% nf the ariginal quarrtity stated in the Contr�ct, then either party #v the Coniract �a�ay request au ad,�ustment to the u�.it price. 11.04 Prans �ua�tity Measure►nent A. Plans qezantiti�s may os may not r�ptesent the exact quar►tity ofwork perfo�d or material mrn�ed, hand�ed, or placed �urin� the exee�n of #he �ozltract. The estimate� bid quantities are designated as final payn�ent qua�atrties, unless revised by the governing �ectron �r fhis At�cle, B. If the c�uantity rr�eas�red as outl�nect w�cler "Price and Paymer�t �ro�ede�es" �araes by m�re than 25°!0 (or as �tipul�ted und�r "Pri�e and Payment Frocedures" fqr speci�c Items) from the tatal estimated quant�,y far an indivicival Itena originally shown in the Cantract Documents, an adjustrnent may be madc ta t�e quantity oPauthorized wrn-k done faa� paymexrt purposes. The �arty to th� Cantract requesting the adjustme�rt vvill proyide fieid �neasurements azid cakulati�ns shnwing tk�e fnal c�uant�.y far whieh payment vv�I be Ynade. Pay�ent fo� rer+ised quantity w�l he rrr�de at t�e �nik pric� b�d fvx t�at It�m, except as provid�d far in Art�cle lU. C, V[ihen quantrties are revisedb� a change in design appro�ed by the City, b'S' G'hange �rder, or t� �arrectsn error, ar tn correctancirc�r oa� kl�e plans, the plans q�ax�tity wi� 6e increas�dat' deGrcase� by the am.otwt imralved in th� change, an�l fhe 25% �ariance w�l apply ta the new glans qraantrt.y. D. If the #�tal Cantxa.ct quantity xnult�plicd by rhe unit price bid for an individua} Item is less than $�50 and the Item is not ariginally a plas� quantily Itetn, then th� Item rnay be paid as a plans quanttityy �te� sf the Crt,y and Con�ct�r agree in writing ta fix the fusal quantity as a p1�ns quantity. CiTY OF FORT'N�RTH STANDART3C[11�iRL�CT]ON &P�GIFICATTf]N DDCUM$Nl'S Rcvrisian: 81.�1 na �2 00- i �Er�er� ca�a iT ��N s rag� aU �f r,� E. �'or cal�out workar nan-s�e spec�'� Contracts,the plans quantity naeasurementrequirements are not app�icable. A1�TICLE 12 — CHAN�E OF �ONTR�i►CT PRICE; CI3ANGE DF Ca1�iTRAGT TIA�E 12.01 Cha�age afCorslractFr�ce A. The �ontract Price may anly he changed by a Ct�nge arder. B, The �vahre of ar�y Work coveredby a Change Qrder will be dete�ned as fnllows: 1. where the Wari� invalved is covered b�+ unit �rice� cnntained in the Contract Documents, b3' applicati�n of such unii pr�ces to the quant3�ies of tlae ite�ns in�alved (subje�t to ike prnvisions �f Paragraph 11.Q3); or 2. wk►cre the Waric mvotved �s nat covered by urrit priGes contauaec� in the C�ntract Dac�ents, by a mut�ally a�ecl hunp surn ar unit ptice (which may inchide an allarwance far o�erhead and profrt not neceasarily in �ccordance with Paragraph 1Z.n1.�.2), axtd shall inchzde ibe ca�t af any secandary impttcts that ar� �'oreseeable at the time af pricing the cost of Extra Worl� � 3. where the Wor1� inval�e�l is not covered by �n�t prices cantained � the Co�tract Dacume�s and agreeme�t to a hunp sum ar unit price �s n�t reached un�er Paragralah 12.D1.B.2, on the #�sis of the Cost af the 'Wark (deternvned as provided in Paragr�ph 11.OI) plus a Co�'raetnr's fe� inr awerhead and pra�it {detercnined as provided rn� Paragraph 1�.�1.C}, C. G'o�tractQr'� Fee� T'he Cvntracbvr's additianaT Fee far overhead and pxoFrt shall be determi�ed as £allaws: 1. a mutually acceptable %ed fee; or 2. if a f�ed %e is not agrecd u�on, then a fee based an the %llavving perccntages of the �ari�s pa�ons af the Cast at the Vi�ark; a, for C05t5 rr►curr�d ur�der Para�phs 11.O1.A.1, 11.d1.A.2. and 11.Q1.A.3, the Cor�ractnr's additi�nal fee shall be 15 percent except for: 1) rental fces far �o�iractor's own equipment using standard renial rates; �) bonds and insuraruce; 1�. fnr costs mcurred under Paragraph l 1.U1.11.4 and 11.4I.A.5, the Cantractor's fee sb�all 6e ftve percent �5°�o}a 1� wh,ere one or mare ta�ier� af subcontarracts are vn th� basis of C�st of the Wvrk plus a fiee and na fixed fee is agreed upon, the intQ�t of Paragraphs 12.�1.C.2.a and 12.ot.c.�.b is that fhe "�ub�uartractar t�vho ac.twally perf�rms the VElrnrk, at w�ate�rer C]TYOF FORT WOR'1'�i STANI]ARDCONSTRilCT14N $PECIF]CATIQh! DOCiA4AENT5 Revisian; 81�Z1�1 oo-raoa-� GEMERAL {'AI�� ITIQN 5 Page 47 af 63 tier, w�l. be paid a fee vf 15 percent c�f the cQsts mcurred by such Su�antractor ut�der Paragraphs 11.�1.A..1 and �1.�1.A.2 and that axiy higher tier Subcozr.ir�ctor and �an�ractor win each be paid a fee af five perc�nt �S°�4} of the amour�t gaid to the next lower ti�r 5ubco�ntt'actor, bo�wever in no case shall t�e cwnuhti�e toial of fees paid be in excess c7f 2S%; c. n� f�� sk�all �e payable an the �aasis af c�sts itamized under Paragraphs 11.O1.A.6, and 11.41.$; d. the amount of �redit to be aIlowed by �oz�tractor to City far arry change r�v�ich results in a net decrease in cast w�l lae the amaunt of th� aatual net dec�ase m cnst plus a deductaan in Co�rtractot's fee by an amount equal t� five pereent �S°/a} of such net decrease. 1'�.�� L'�lIIY[gE D�COT�t'�C� Tdli4� A. The Contra.at Tinte meay only be changed by a Chan�e Oxrder_ B. Nv extex�si�vn af th�e Coniract Timc w�7i he aIlowed for Extr�. War� a� f.or clairn�ed del�y uuless t�e Extra Warl� coniernplated or ��a�ed delay is shaw�a ta be aa� thh� oritical path �f the Fra,�ect Schedule or C�tractar ean show by Gritical Path 1Vlethod anatys�s how th� Extra �Vark or clain�e d dela� ack�vexse�y afFects the criiical path. 12.03 �eiays A. Where C�ritract�r � reasnna.bly delaye� m the perforn�ance ar completian uf any part of tk�e ��rk within the Contract Time due ta delay beyand the cantrol of Corrtractor, th� Cornract Time may be �xtended iu� an annaunt equal ta the t�rne kx�t due ta su�}� del��r if a Contract Cl�im is made iherefor. De�ays beyand the corriral of �vntractar shall inc�ude, b�ut not be lirnaited to, aGts or negleot by City, acts or negleci nf utilit�+ owner� �r other contractors perFaxm�t�g ot�er work as cantemplated by Article 7, f�res, fbods, ep�iernies, al�m�1 weather canditions, or act� af �od. Su�� an adjus#menf shall be Gcmtxactar's sole ar�d exclusnr� remeciy for the dclays. descn`hed in t�is Paragraph. S. If �oniractar � d�l�.yecl, City shall not be liabl� to Cantra�t�r far any cla�s, casts, loss�s, or dama�es 4inc�ud'mg but nat ]i►n�bed to all fees and c�arges o� engineers, architects, attorneys, anci ather professinnals and a11 caurt ar ar�itrat�on ar other dispute res�hi�on costs) susta�ined try Carmactar on or in aonnection with arry other pra�ect or arrti�ipated project. C. Contra.cta+r shall not be ent�tled to a.n adjustmern in C�n�ract Price or Gontract Tirn� for d�lays within the cantrol of Ca�ractor. Delays atbr�but�hle ta and with� the c�ntrol of a Subcontractar ar Suppl�er s�a�l be deemed ta be delays with�n the car�t:'ol of Cantractor. D. The Contractor shall recerve no c�mpensatian far delays or bindrances ta th�e Vil�rk, exccpt when direct and unavaidable extra c�st to the Cantractor is caused by the fa�lure of the Ciiyr t� pr�vide iniarrnati�n or material, if any, which is to be furnishe� by the City. �IT Y pF FQRT Wi�RTH STANDARDC�f'�T�UCTIflH 5PECIFICATIOH DC}CUh�ENTS Revision: B?3�r�I U47z��-1 GEAIERAL ODN� IT IOh! 5 Pagc 48 af G3 ARTICLE �3 — TEST"� AN� il�iSPE�TI�NS; CURRECTIUN, RE�D�AG OR AGCEPTANCE DF DEFECTIVE VVORK 13.�1 Natace �f DefecLr Nntice af aIl defe�tive Wvrk vf which Ci�y has ac�ual kna�wledg� w� 1ae gir�en to C�ntractor. Defect�v+e Work may be rejected, currected, ox aecepted as provided m t}� Artacle 13. 13.d2 Acce�s to Y�'a�k City, mdependent testing ]abarataries, and gnvernmental agencies with �u'isdictional interest�s v�ill ha�e access to the Siie and the Work at reasanable tinnes f� their obs�rvation, �pectian, and testing. Cam�ractar shan prnvide them prapez and safe condrtiar�s fvr such access and advi�e #hem of CQntr�ct�or's Sa�ety prace�tres arid programs sv that tlxey may �omply therew�h ss a�Iicabl�. 13.U3 Test,r a�d Ira.s��etio�ts A. CQYrtractnr sball give C�ty tirn�ly nc�ti�e vf readiness af the Work far all �cyuir.-ed inspections, tests, ar apprnvals and sha�l cooperate with inspection anrl te�ting persoav�el to fac�i#ate ret�uired inspectiaais �r tests. H, �f Cantract D�cuments, Laws or Regulatians of any public body havi� juriscliction reqttire any af the �%rk �oz part th�reafj to i�c �speat�d, tested, ar apprnved, Cnn�ractax s}Lall assuir� full respons�a�rty for a.rranging and abtairnng such independ�nt in�,spectiar�s, te�is, retes#s vr ap�r��vals, pay all costs m carmectian therev�ith, and furnish City the r�quired certif'�cates af inspection or appx-caval; excepting, however, those fees speci�ally iderrti�ed 'm the S�alernentary C�atulitions ar any Tex,as Department of Licensure and Regulat�on (TALR} inspections, v�+hich shall �e paui �s descr�ed in the Supplerr�entary Canditions. �. Cu�ctor shall �e respo�ib�e far arra�ging and obtaini�ag and sha11 g�y all costs in coru�ection wikh any 'vnspeet�oms, tasts, r�-tasts, ar approvals requged f�r C�.j+'s acceptancc of rna�erials ar equipment to ba in�Qrpo�at�d in �e �]Vark; or acceptance af mat�eria�, m� designs, ar equiprnent sub�ii�ed far appra�al prinr to Contractar's purchase thereaf f�r incorparat�on in the Wark. SUC�i 1118�GtlQI]S, tests, re-tests, a� appro�al� shall be perf�rn�ed by rn�gani��.tions acceptahle to City. D. C�,y may arran�,e iar the s�tvices af an mdependent tes#ing �rbora.tory (`°Testing Lab"} ta perform any inspect�ans ar tests ("Test�g") fvr ��y part af the Work, as c�termined solely by City. 1. City will coardinate such Testmg to thc extent poss�l�, wiCh Gontractor; 2. Shnuld any Tasting wacier this Sectian 13.03 D re�uli u� a"fa�", "(� IHI� pA55'� or •athex snnil�r negative result, i% Con�ractor shall be respans�ble fox pay�ng far any and a� retest�. �ontraot�r's cancellation withrnrt ca�ase of C�ty �il�ated Testing shall be de�med a r�gat[ve re�uIt and reyu�ir� a retest. CI7'Y�F FORT WOATH STAIdD,ARDCQNSTRIICT10iQ SPECiPfCATION DUCUMSN'f8 ltcvisivn &7�I�1 ao�zao-i �E��wat callo ir ior� s Page A9 of 63 3, Any amou�nts owed far any retest und�r th� Sectinn 13.03 D shall be paid directly ta the Testmg Lab by Con#ractor. Gi�y wil� fQtwardall invaices far retests ta C�ntraeta�'. 4. IfCantra.ctar �a�s t� pay the Test�g L,�b, Ci�ty w�l nat issue Final Payrne� ur►ti� tl� T�stmg Lab is pai�1. E. IF a�ay �+Vork (ar the work of nth�rs} tnat i� to he inspe�ted, tested, or appro�ed i� cavered by Contractvx without r�vxitten co�curxence nf City, Cantra.ct�r shall, i#' requested by Gily, uncover �►�h i�Vork far abserUatian. F: LJncovering Vitark as pravided in P aragxaph 1.3, D3. E shall be at Crnmactor's exp�rs�e. G, Ccantractor slnall ha�� t�e right to mralce a Cantract Ciaim regarding any retest or invai�e issued under Se�tioti 13.�3 D. 13.04 U�cav��ing 6Yark A. If any Work is co�exed cc�ntrary ta the Ca�ract Dacu�i►ents oat spec� instructi�ns hy the �ity, it mus�, if requested }�r City, be uncovered for Crt.y's abssrvation a�d replaced at Cantractor's �,..�:Y� B. If City cc�nsiders �t neeessary ar advisable thai �overed Wark be observed by City or inspected ar test�dhy o#hers, Cont�aGtar, atCi�y's request, shall uncovoer, expose, nr otherwise n�aake avai�ble far t�bser�ation, inspectiari, vr testing as �`ity rr�y require, thatpoa�ion ofthe Wark in questian, furn�shing all necess�ry labor, mater�l, and equipm�rrt. If it is found that the uncavered i�ark is def�ctive, Contra�#ar sha�l pay alI claims, cos�s, ic�ses, and daxa��es {mch�d'mg �iut not limited ta all fees and charges af eng�neers, archibects, attorneys, and other prof�ssinna�s an� a11 court or aiher dispute res�lution casts� arisi� out of or rela'tizxg t� such �co�verimg, expns�ue, observati[�n, ipspectaan, and testia�g, and of satisfactary z�pkcement ox recanstructi� (mclud�g but nsot ]imiGed ta al� costs of repa� ar replac�ernent Qf war�k nf others}; �r City shal� be entitled ta accept �lefective V4�o� in accnrdancae wi�h Paragrapla 13,�8 in vt+i�uch cas� C�ntractor sha13 still be respaus�ble frn a11 Costs associated with expasing, ohservitig, atul festing t�ie defective Wark. �, If t�e uncovered Wark � nvt found ta be defeciive, Cantractor sha.11 be allQwed an incr�ase in tbe Car►tract Frice or ari extension af the Contra�tT�e, or bath, dire�tkY ath�+utable t� such unc�vering, exposuxe, abserr�ation, inspectian, test�g, replacemen�, and reean�tructian. 13.Q5 Cit� ll�fcay,�top the Work Tf the �Tit�rk i� defective, or Contractor fails to su�ply sufficient skiUed workers ar suita6l� materials or equiprnent, ar fails to perfvrm the �ark ir� such a way that the completed Work w�l conf�rm ta the Contract Doeurnents, City may order Contractflr ta stop the �l'vr1�, or a� �artir�n thereaf, unt� the cause far such ord�r has be�n elm.tii�nated; howe�er, this r�ght of City to stap the Wor�C shal� not g�e rise to any duty on the part af City to exercise tivs xight for the benef�t af Contracta�, any CITYOFFOA"I' Vi�DRTH STANDARDC.OP'68TRUCTI9N SPECIFICATEON Di3CLIMENTS Revisinn: 6�2311APf ov �a oo- i GENERAL CUNQ ITIOH 5 Page 5� nf 63 Suhcontrackrnr, any Suppl�er, any ather individuat or e�nti�y, ar any surety far, or ern�laye� or ag�ent of any Qf them. 13.��i Correc#inr� arRen�avr��of Defeci�ve �ork A. Promptly afterreceipt of vvritten notice, Contractor �hall caxrect all defeGtive Work pursuant to an acceptabf� schedul�, wheth�r ar not Fabxicated, install�d, ar' co�pleted, or, if the Wark has been rejected �ay Gity, rema�r+e �k fram the Project and replace rt with VSiork that is not d�f�ctive. ca���� st�n �ay �u ���, costs, add�ianal testing, losses, and darnag�s (inch�ding but nQt l�nit�r! to all fees and chargea n� �ng�r�eers, archiiec#s, attarnseys, atvd other prvtessionals aned a21 � cour� ar arbitrati�on or other �p�ute resalution cosfs� atising out of ar relatang ta such correctivn or remo�l �includ�g hut not ]��ited to all costs of repair ar replacament of wark af �thers). Failure t� requ�-� the removal of arry defective �Tark shaIl not cvmstitut� acceptance �fsuch i?Ltaark. S. When correcting defective Work �nd�r the terms af th� Paxa�aph 13.flG or Paragraph 13,q�, Cantractor shaIl take na action t�at vu�uld t+oid nr ntherwise i�ir City's special warranty and guarante�, �' any, on said Wark, 13.U7 Car�ectin►a �erzo� A. Ifwithin two �2) years aft�rthe date af Final Acceptance (o� su��. lo�g�r periad oft�ne as rnay be prescnbed by the ternis a� a�r appl�cal�le special guarante� required lry the C�ntra�t Docuxr�ents�, any Worl� is faund tn be defectxve, or if the repair of any �arxLages to the ]and or areas rnade avai�abl� far �niractor's use by Cioty n� pertnitted �y Laws at�d Regulations as contemplated i� Paragraph6.l0.A �s found bo be defective, C�ractor shal! pzo�ptly, �x'ithout eostta City and in accordance wit� Citj�'s writte� instructions: 1. repair such d�fectir� ]and or ar�as; ar 2. carrect su�h defective Worl� ar 3. if" the defecti�e �►iork has been r�jected l�y City, rernave it frvm the Froject and r�p}�ce �t wiRh V�1ork that is not defeci�+ey a1lC� 4, satisfactarily carrect or repa� ar remo�e and replace any damage tv other Work, to tbe work of otb�rs rn�her land ar areas resulting thErefrom. H. If Cantractor daes not promptfy curnply with th� terms of Cit�+'s written instructiv�s, ar m an emergency where delay would cause seriaus risk of bss or da�mage, City ma.Y ha�e the defeciiye VVork carrect�d ar repaired or may have the rejected Wark remav�d and replac�d All claims, cost�, losses, and datnages (inch�diug but nat lBnited ta all fee� and charges oF et�gin�ers, arck�ects, attorneys, and other professi�onals and all cnurt or other dispute �esohxti�n costs� arising out af vr relating to s��h carrectioa� or re�ir ar such remava� and replac�ment �including �ut not limited ta �.11 costs af repair Qr rep�acemsent af ^�vark of others) will bc paid lyy Contract�r. CITY OF FORT VilOATli STANI]AADC9CIN5TRUCTI04� 3PECIPICATIOH DOC[f1viEN'1'S Revlsion: ESrL�10�1 D4T2ofl-! CaEIVE RAL COiV D IT 10 N 5 P�ge 51 of G3 C, In special circumstances �here a parti��ular it�n nf equipmeaxt is placed 'm cantmuous sen�ce before Fina1 Acceptance af all the `T+Iork, the c�rrectior� period far tk�t �em �y siart t� run fxom an earl�r date if sa pz'[rvided iil� the C�ntract I]a�uments. ❑, Where defective �T►�ork �ax�d damage tv other Work result�n.g therefram) has been cotxected or z�emo�ed and replaced under this Para�rapk� 13.47, the correctian period hereund�r with r�spsc� ta suck� Wark may be required to be extet�� far an add�ianal periad �f am� year after the end v£ the vvtial coirection period. City shall provide 3� days written notice #o Cantr��tar shaukl such additianal warranty c�overage be required. Caa�.tra�tor may di4pute this requir�mern by flling a Cor►tract Claim, prxrsuant ta Par�agraph 10.�6, E. Cantractor's ob�gations v�rarranty. The pravi�i�ns waiv�r of, the pravisions und�r i�his Paragraph 13.07 ar� us additiaxa ta arry a�ther ah�i�atian or af tivs Paragraph 13.�'l shall n�t ta� aanshued as a substitut� for, or a of azry appli�able statute of vmitation or repase. 13.0$ Acc��ata�ac� nfDefecti►�e i3'�pk If, in�r.stead of requiring carrectian or r�moval a�d replacement af defective �Vork, City prefexs to accept it, Ciky may do so. Cantractor shall pay aI� clairns, casts, Iosses, and dar�ges (including hut nak limited to all fees and charges af erigineei5, architects, attarn�ys, and other professiaa�als and ali court ar vth�r dispute resolurion ct�sts) a#rtbu�ble ta City's evaluation af and determit�t�an tn a�Gept such defective VSTork and fo�r the dim�sish�d value af the �1Va�rk ta the ex#ezrt na� otherwise paid b}+ Cflntxacta�. If any such accept�ce accurs prior to Final Acceptance, a Change Qrder w�l 1�e issu�d incarpoaating the necessary revisrans in the Coritract Documents v►rith respect to the Wark, and City shal� be entitLed ta an apprap�iate decrease in tlie Cantra�t Pru:e, reflectmg the dinuinish�d value af Wark sv accepted. 13.0� G�iy hfay Cat'rectDefect��se F1��rk A. I� �o�ractar ��7s wi�hiaa a reasonable iat� after �ri�ksn natice from City ta �urrect defective Wark, ar to rema3re and replace �ejected Wark as required by City in acc�rdan�e with Paxagraph 13.�6.1�,., ar if Gontractor farls to perform the Vflork in accordancc with the Contract Doauments, or if Ca�ractvr fa�7s to camply with any a�r pra�isia� 0� �'1� CUi7ll'�C� D4CLlIll�lit`S, City may, a�ter se�en (7) days written n�ti�e to Contracbor, catre�t, or remedy any such deficiency. B. Tn exercising the z�igh#s and rernedi.es under #�is Paragragh 13.Q9, City shall p�roceed expedit�iousty. In connectio�► with su�h cnrrective ar rernedial action, C�ty may exatude Cflntractor from aIl ar part of the �ita, take possessxm af a� ar part af the Wark and suspend Catitractor's services z'elafed thereta, and incorporate in the Wark al� mat�rials and equipmerit incarpvr�ted in the �Qrk, stored at the Site �r far which Gity has paid Coa�bractar but which are stored a�sew�ere. C�ntractor shal[ a�law �ity, Cit�+'s repr�sentatives, agents, cansultants, emplay�es, and City's ather c�ntractars, access ta the S� ta enable Ciry ta exercise the rights and r�medie� under tkis Para�aph. C. All c�aims, costs, lasses, and damages [includiz� but nat limited #a all fe�s and charges af eng�nccrs, arclaibects, attarneys, and other pmfessianals and ali cnuri or atixer cl�spute resolutiQn CTf Y OF FURT WO�TH ��ANpARDQ0INS1'RllGTI�N 8PECIFICATIUN IIOCUMEN7'S Rcviaion; 8�23r�1 0��700-� C'aENERALCflNp ITIpN 5 Pagc 52 oE�3 cosks� incu�red ar sustained by City ir� exercisiaag the rights aixd r�medies undex this Paragraph I3.f�I w�l be charged agair�t Contractor, and a Change �r�er w�l be i�sued in�orparaxing th� necessaryrevisians in the Cnntract Documents wzth re�pect to tt�e Wark; and Ciry s}�all be emitle d to an appxvpriate decrease in the Contract Price. D. Cvn#ractor shall not }� aIlowed an extensi�n of the Contract Tunc �ecause af any delay m the -perf�ac� of the Wark �ttributable ta the exercise of City'� rights and remedi�s under this Paragragh 13.�9. ARTICLE 14 — PAYMEI�TTS TO ��NTRACT�R AND C�MPLETIUri1 14.�1 �clteduleof �ulr��s The Schedule of Vah�es fc�r lun�p sum cantra�ts estab�is�ed as pra�ided in Para�raph �. �7 wilI serve as the basis far pmgress payrnents and will be incarporated into a form of Appli�aiion %r Payment acceptable to City. Pro�ress paylnents on accaunt af U�it Price Work will be bas�ct an tbe muazber of urrits ca�leted. 14.�2 �'rogress Paya�nts A. Applacc��iartsforPa}�rtaerats: 1. Cnntractor is responslble for providyng all infarmat�n as requ'tred f�a becorne a v�ndar nf the City. 2. �At �ea$� 2D c�ays befare i�ae date established in the [�eneral R�c�uirernents for �ach pz�gress paY�'�nt, Gan�actor aha11 s�bmit to City f�r revi�r� an A�1i�atian for Pa}*naent f�71ed out axid si�ed by �oaitracto�r co�ering t� VVark completed as af the date af the Application and �ecompanaed by such support�ag docum�ntation as is zequired by the C�ntraet Docurnents. 3. If p�ymenR is requested an the hasis of materials and e�n� nat imcorp�rated in t� V�ark l�ut delivered and suitably stored at �h� Sibe ar at another l�catian agreed ta m wx�ing, the Applicatian f�r Paymenl shall also be accompani.ed by a�ill of sale, invoic�, ux nther c��talian �arrar�tioag that Gity has receiv�dthe materials and equipznent free a�d c�eax of al1 Laer�s a�d evid�nce that the mat�arials and equipnnent are �av��'ed l�y appropriate it�ur�nce ar oth�r arrangeme� to p�otect City's mter�st therein, aIl af which must be satisfactnry to Ci�ty. 4. Beginning with the secaazdApplicatinn far Payment, each Application shall in�h�d� �n affidavit of Ccmtractar stat�g that previous prog�'ess paymex►�s re�eived an ac�aunt Qf the Wark ha�e been appked o�n account tp dis�hargs Cantractor's legi€�nate obligations associated vvi�h prior Applications for 1Payment. 5. 'I'�e amoimt af retamage with respaet to progress payments vc�ill he as d�scnbed in subsect�r► �. unless �thezwise sfi�aulated in the Cv�tract 17oc►zments. C1TY OF FQRT VI+QItTH STANI]�1RDCpNSTRIICT1bN &PBC[RICATIQN Df]CiIMENTB Rrnrision: 8r2312UZ1 av �z oo - � GEIV�RAL GQH41T10H $ Page S3 of d3 B. Review n,fA�plicutdo�ts: C�y virill, after re�eipt �f cach App�icatian far Paym�nt, eitb�ex mdicate in writiin� a recammen�iati�a of payment ar r�turn the Appliaatian to Conlra�tar �ac�icatit� reasnns far refusing payiment. In the latter case, Cantractor may n�ake the necessary crnr�ctions and res7u}�mit the Applicatian. 2. Crty's pra�esai�g of any paN�rnt requested m an .Applicatian fclr P ayment w�l be based on Cfty's �bservations af the executedV►lQrk, and vn Cily's review of �he Applicatian for Payment and the accvmpany�ing data and schedules, that ta the best af' �ity's �anowled.ge: a. the �Tvrk ha� pragressed ta the point indicated; h. ihe qua!liEyy of the Work is generally �n accnrdanee vaith the Cornract Docurnents (suUject t,� an evaluatnon af tl�e 1�ork as a fur�ctaouiug vvhol+e p�iar to ar upon Final Acceptan,Ce, tlae results of arry subs�c�ent tests called far in the �ont�ract Documer�ts, a final detcrmin�tion of quanti�es and classif`�catio�ns for �orkperfo�rined under Paragraph 9.�5, and any ather qualif'icati�ns st�.ted in th� recommendati�au�. 3. P�acessing arry su�h �yment w�l nat there�y be deemed #o ]aarFe repre�sented that: a, inspectavns rr�de to check the quality or the quantity �f the VVork as it has been performed have been exhaustive, ex�ended to e�wery aspe�t vf the Work ��a-ngress, or mval�red deta�ed �pecti�ns af the Work beyond tk�e r�spons�b�ties specificaIly assigned #o City in the Cor�tract Dacuments; or b. there rr�ay not be �ther rr�t�zs nr iss►�es bet�eentlie p�ies that might enti�le Cantractvr to �e paid additianally by Ci�yy or entitle Cily tt� withhold payment to Contraetnr; nr c. Cantractor l�as campl�ed wit}� Laws andRegul�tians applicable ta Cantraci�rr's perf�rn�ac af th� �Vark. ,�. City xn�y r�fus� tQ �r�c�ss the �bo�e or any part o� an3' I�Y�nt hecau�e 4f subsequently [��COV�Y'�[L �Vldence Ut � ieSU�S 4f 5111�sequent �s�CYLQris or tests, and revise ar revnke any such payt�n�nt previously rnade, to such extent as may be neaessary ta protect Ciry fram bss be�ause: a. the �ork is �ef�ctive or completed Work has h�en darr�ged by �h� Ca�ntr�actor or suhcontractars requiring co�recti�n or replacement; b, d�cre�ar►�i�s in quantz�ies aontained in pre�ious app�ications for payinent; c. the Co�tract Pri�e has been reduced by Change �rders; d. C�ly �as been requ�'ed ta cvrrect defect�ve Work o� �omplete Vl�ark �n accordance �� Paragrapth 13.09; ar CPTIf 4F P4RT WOR'!'ri STAI�iI]ARDC�VSTRUCTlDN SPEC[F]CAT]�H DOCLtME�VTS Raviaion, 8�32�1 407244-1 GENERA L CANp IT IO li 5 P�ga 54 uf G3 e, C�ty has a�tual knowl��ge af the occu�rence �f any of the e�ents enumcrated in Paxagraph 15.02A. C. 12�dair�ag� 1. For �on�racts l�s� than �4UQ,Q00 at #he time ni execution, retainage shaIl be ten percent (1Q%}. 2. Far cor�aracts greater than $400,QUD at thc tirne of e�ecutian, retainage �hall be fi�ne per�en�t (5°�0�. D, �.iqz�idaied Da�rrag�s. For each �al�ndar day t1�at any w�rrk shall rer�ain uncornpl�ted after the time spec�'�ed in t� Coz�txact Documents, #he sum per day spec�"�ed 'm th� Agrecment w71 �e assessed aga.mst tl-►� rnanies due �e Contractar, not as a pen�lty, buk as damages suffer�d by th� C�. L. Payment: Co�actur will kye paid puxsuant to di� requ�em�nts of this Article 14 and payment w�l became dwe in accordancs with the Contract Documents. F. Redatc�aon in Paymertt.• 1. City rnay refiise ta make payme�rt of t�►e amaunt requested beca►ase: a. Lier� ��e �een fil�d in conn�eti�rna with th� Wark, excepf where Contractor has deliyered a speci�xc bond satisfac#nry �a C�.y t� secure the satrsfactIlan and disch�arge nf such Liens; b, there are athex item� e�g G`i�.y to a set-off aga�st the amount recamm�nded; or c. City has actual l�twwledge Q�' the accurrence af ax�r of the everrts �t�mer�ted 'm Paragraphs 14,Q2.B.�4.a through 1�4_02.B.4.e ar Paxa.gr�ph 15.D2.A. �. If City refuses to tnake paymernt af the amo+�mt requested, City w�l give Contractar v►rriCten n,vtice stating the reasons for such actian and pay Cnn�actor arry arna�nt rexn�ining afte� deduction of t11e amount s� vvithhek#. Ciky sh�ll pay Co�tra.ctor �he ar��unt sa wit�hheki, ar any adjustment thereto agreed to by City and Ca�ntractar, when Con�ac�r remedi�s fh� zeasons for su�h actio�n. 14.0� Cantr'r�ctar�'s Yi'art�ctnty af Tiil� Contra�tvr wa�rar�ts and guaran#ees that tiE� ta aI1 W�rk, rnaterials, and eq�aipment �overed hy any Applicatian for Pay�aent, whether mcvzporated iu the Praject or not, will pass tc� Cit�+ na lai:er than the time af paynvent free and clear af all Liens. CTi'Y �?1' FQRT WOit'1'FI STRIVI]ARQCONSTRUCTION SPECIPECATIOH DL3CCFMEN'P5 Rcvisiutt; 8r13R(121 a9 7x 00 - t GEI�FRAL C€lN� IT14N 5 �age 55 af 63 14.(}� Parttal FJlilizatiata A. Prior to Fina.l Ac�e.ptance �f all the Worl�, Cit�+ may use c�r vccupy atry part of t�� ViTark which has specifically heen identif"ied in the �e►ntract Documents, ar vvhich �ity dete�rnir�s constrtutes a separately fi�nct�or�ing and �able part of the Work that can he �ased for its i�ended purpuse without sig�f'icant interference wrth Ca�ntractar's performan�e ofthe remainei�r oft1� Work City at auy titne tnay notify Cantractor m writiug ta permit City to use ar occupy atry such part af the �V'r�rk which Cit�r determines to be xeady far its in�tended use, subject to the follawing conditi�ns: Gantt�a�tor at a�y t�nne may nofify City ir► writing that Cantractor con�iders ar�y such paxt of the �Nork ready for �s nntteaded use. 2. VL�ithir� a re�sor�.ble time after natificat�m as en�erated m Paragraph �[�.DS.A.1, Ciry and Contract�r shall make an inspectia� o� th�t part af the Work tn determine i�s �tatus of camplerian. I� City do�s not cvnsi�r that gaxt of the Work ta be su�istaniaally cot�l�te, Ciiy v�riIl no�ify Conxractar in writin� gi►�mg the reasons therefor, 3. Part.�lLT�atir� vw�ill not canstitute Fi�al A�ceptance hy Cnty. 14.�5 Farxcslfns�ectiatt A. U�aon wriiten notnee fmm Contractvr that ti� entite VL�ark � S u� s t a n t ia lIy CompJete in accordat�e wrt� t}ie Contract Docurn�nts: 1. Withn-� 10 days, CiE.y w�l scliedule a Rinal Inspection with Cc�tractor. 2, City w�71 notify Cantractar in writing of all particulars in which th� inspectian revea�s that the VVork is incompl�te ar defective (`�u�p.Gh List �teams"). Com�ractor shall irnrnediately take such measures as are neceasary ta complete such Work or remedy such deficiencie$. B. No time c�rg� w�ll be made against the Contxactor beiween said dat� of riat�'�cation tu t�e City o� Sulastantial Grnnpleti,on and t�e date Qf Final Inspectio¢i. 1. Should the City deternvne that ir�e Woork is not ready for Final Inspec�m, City vvill nQtify the Caniracbor in writir�g aFthe reasans and CanRract Tim� w�I. resurnse. �. Should the City aoncur tt�t Substard�l Ciyrnpletinn has been. achiev�d vvith the exceptian af any Punch Li�t Iterns, C:a�,tract Tnne will resume fmr the d�arafion �t talces far Coi�tractar bo achieve Fina1 Ac�e}atian�e. 14.46 �'ir�adl4cceptarace Upon campletion l�y Cant�actor to City's �atisfaction, af any additional Wvrk ides�tif'ied in the Firral Inspeation, City vvi11 issue ta Cot�tractar a lett�r �fFinal Accepfance. CI7'YOF FO]tT Wi]RTH 5TANDARDCQh1STRUCTIUN SAECIF[CATIOh DOC[1M8NT3 Rtvision: 8��1 00 �2 aa- i C,ENERAL C4Na IT ION 5 Pagc 56 �F 63 14.07 Fa�.ad Payment A. A�placadionfarP�yme�tt: 1. Upon F`inal A��eptance, and in the apinian of City, Contract�r may mak� an application for f�nai payment falbwing the puraGedure far progress paym�nts in accardauce �c+ith the Cantract Daclmaents. �. The fin�l Appli�atian for Payment shall be accoi�anied (e�cept as pre�iously deliveredj by: a, a1l docume�1tativn called foc in the C�ntract DQcutnen�, �chading l�ut nat l'united to the evidenr� of ins►�rance required by Paragraph 5.03; b, consent af the surety, if airy, to �'�aal payn�nt, c. a list of alI pend'mg vr released Damage Cl�uns a�gainst City that �v�ptra�tor be�ves are unsettled; and d. a#fidav�s �f payraen�s and crnnplet�e and ]�gally effecti�re zeleas�s ar w�ivers {satisfactary tn City} of all Lie� rights axising out af nr L'ner►s filed in conneotion wit�. tlle Wvrk. B. Fayr�tentBec[��r�e,� Dr�e: 1. Ai�er Ci�ty's acceptanc� of the Application far Payment and accamp�n�g doc�tmerYtation, reque�bed by Gontractar, less previous paytnents rr�de and ar�y sum City is entitled, im�c�ud'mg �ut n�t Iinuted to �quid�.ted dama,ges, w�71 becQme due and p�yable. �, After all I]atn.age C1a.im� ha�e beenresolved: a. directiy by the �vntractor or; b. Ca�tractar prQ�s e�idence that the Damage �1aim has b�en reparl:ed i�u Cat�aractar's insw-ance provid�r for resvh�tion. 3. The making of the fmal payrnent by th� City sha�l r�ot relieve th� Cantrasctor of any guara.zrtees vr otber re�quirennents oF the C�ntract Docwnents which spe�i�icatly �vntirnxe thereafter. 1�4.�?8 Final �Qm�l�tin�t Detay�d aPadPa�ffalRetainage R�lease A. If �mal c�rnpletion a�'t�►e �ark is sigiif'xaxatly delayeci� and if City so camf"�ms, ��iY m,aY, upon receipt of Contractar's fn�al Ap�slicatian far P ayrnerit, an�l without �exz�a�ating the C�ntract, make payment nf the bal�aw�e due for thal partion of' tl�e Work fully ca�rnp�eted and accegted. If the remasnmg bal�nce ta l� held hy City far �ork not fi�.11y �arnpleb�d or corr�c�eti is �ess thar� the retamage stipu.kated in Pa�.graph 1�.02.C, and if bonds t�ve beeza fun�hed as r�quire�i in Paragraph 5.02, t�te written cansent crf the surety t❑ the paynaent of khe ba�nce due for that Ci7'YOF FQRT WDRTH $7'ANDI1RDCpN5TR[ICT14N SPECIFICATION I]OCY]MEN'f5 l�evisian: R"2°l�l onaxoo-i ��NE�� coHo ir i4 �r s Pagc 53 of 63 par�'ro� of the itVark fully comple�ed and a�ce�d ahal! he su}�ted by Contractor to City with the App�icati�n for such payment. 5uch payment sYxall be made under tbe tern�s and conditi�ns gaverning finral p�ym�ent, excep�t that � shall n�t constitut� a waiv�r nf Carxtract Clam�s. H. �axtial Ret�inage Redeas�. Far a�;omtract that provides £or a separat� �egetative establisbanent and mamtenanae, and test and perfam�ance peri�ds iallarving the carnpletian Qf all other ca�nstruction in the G�airtract Documents for aIl Vi�ork locati�ons, the City may r�lease a portion aF the amount ret�ined provided that all other w�xic is completed as deterntined by the City. Befoure #}ae release, alI suhmitta�ls and fmal quandties mu�t be �.vr�pl�ted and aecepted foz �A oth�r worl�. An amount suf�"�cient ta enswe Contract camplian�e w�l tae retained. 1�.09 Waiv�r vf �laims The ac�eptancc �ffin.al payment wi� constidrte a re�ease af the City �ram all �l�ims ar ]iahilities under the Cantract far anything done v�r fiu•nigt�ed or relating to the wark under the Contract �ocumer►ts ar any act or neglect vf City r�lated to or conneoted w�h th�e Cantract. ARTICLE 15 — SUSPENSIUN �F WaRK AND TERMIlVATI�N 15.41 City Nla� Susper�d &���k A. At any time and without ca�se, Cnty �nnay suspend the �ark ar any porti�n thereaf hy writtez� natice to Con�ractor and which may fix the aabe on w�ch Work will be r�s�d Cox�tractor sha.11 resume the iNork an the date sa f�xe�, Durn.� temporary su$pensi�za of the Waz�k cav�red�y these C�r�tract Docume�ts, for any reasan, the City will rnalce no ��ctra paymc�rt for stand h�y time of canstruction equtprnent andlar construction crews. B. Shauld tfae Can�actor not be abl� bo coa�leie a�ortia� of #F�e Pr�ect due to causes bey�nd the cc�aa.trol of and witt�ut the fautt or negligence of the CQntraGt�r, and shouki it lae detern�in�d 6p mutual cansent of th� Cantractar and City tbat a solut�an to allaw canstarrucction ta proceed is �ot a�ailable wit�.ua a reasanat�le periad af iime, Co�tract�r r�ay requ�st an extension in �ontra�t Time, directly attnbutable t� any such suspensio�. C. Tfit shv� be��m�e necessaryto suspend fhe VLrark far an indefmite period, the Caa�tractor shall stQae aTl materials in such a manner tl�at they will riot obsiruct or irnpede the publi� unneces$arily nor become dama�ed m any way, and he sh�ll �ake every precaution to prevent darnage ar deberioratian of the w�rk petforr��nned; l�e shall pr��vide surta�le dra�age about the worlc, and erect temp�azy structures where necessau�y. D. �antr�ct�r may be reirnburse�i for the cost af rnaving his eq�ipm��t aflf' the jdb and returning the neeessary equiprnent to the job w}aen it is det�rmi�ned by the City that c4nstructiom may be res�uned. Such zeimhursement shall be �ased an actual cast to the Coniractvx of mov�ng the equipment and no prof� w� bc aIlvwed. �eirnl��r�ern�nt n�ay z�ot be allowed if the equipme�xt is moved ta another �onstructinn praject far the Cify. C1TY �F FORT WORTH 5�'ANDt1RD�Ofl+PSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCL114iBNT5 I�evision: 82'�OZI 4072fl0-f C,�NERAL CQNO VT 14H S Page S8 of 63 15.�2 Ci#yll�ay �err�rindt� fa�Cause A. Th� �cc urrer�e afany or�e �r �aaore of th� fallowm� ewents by way of example, but uat af liimiitation , �Y.Ns�Y t�rmniatiori far cause: Ca�tract�r's persistent faih.u'e tn perfanm �e Work ita a�cordancewitl� t�e Contract D��cum�ents (in�luding, but not limi.ted ta, fai�ure to sup�ly suf�ici�nt skiIled worl��rs Qr suitabt� materials ar equi�tn�nt, fa�ue to adhere to the Project Schedule estah�hed under Paragraph 2.Q7 as adjusted from time ba tame pursuant to Par�grapl� 6.(?�� OT �A1h11'� to adhere to the City's Susiness Di�ers�y Enterpr�e Qrdinance #�20020-1��011esta�lished �nder Paragraplx 6.(lfi.I]); 2. Catitractar's disregard af Laws or Regulatio�ns af any pul�lic bady l�r�ing jurisdictian; 3. Gvntractor's repeateddisregardnf the authorrty of Cify; ar 4. Cnntractor's vivlation in aity substantial way Qf any pxavisio�s of tlte Crmtraci Do�uments; ar 5. Coiatractar'� failure to promptly �ake good a� defect in materials or woxlapaanship, or defacts of any nature, the correc#ion vf which has been dir¢eected 'm writing by th� �ity; vr G. Srabstantial inci�catinn that th� Cor�tractnr has made an un�uthari�eci �551'�I1II1C� of the Contract or any fund� due ther�from £ar the benefit af any c�redi�or ar fnr a�ny ather purpose; a�r 7. Sula�ta�l erridence that the Contractor hss becom� insalvent ar�ankrupt, or atherw�se fiaaancially unable ta camy vn the Wark satisfactrnr�y; ar 8. Gontra�t�r cornnxences l�g,al �ctian in a court of eampetent j�risdictian aguinst th� City. H. If ane or m�are nf the evenCs ident�ed in Farag�aph 1S,��A. vccr�, City w�i pravide written nvtice tn Contra�tar and 5urety to arrange a caunference with Contractflr and Surety to adciress Cantractor's fa�ure to perform Y�ae Work. C�anferen�e shall l�e held not later than 15 days, �fter r�C�lp� of 17Dt1Ce, If th� Gity, #he Canlrac�or, and t�e �uretx do not agree to allow the Cax►tract�r to proceed to perfarrn the canstruction C�n#ract, t�e C�ity may, to th� extsecn# pern�itted by Laws ax�d Regulativns, declare a�ontractor default a.nd farrnally texmmate the Contracta�'s rigYr� to co�lete the C�rrixact. Contractor default shall not be dec�ired eazlier than 20 day� aiit�r #he �antractor and �urety have receiwed n�ti�e of cnn�erenc� to addreas Contractor's failure to penForm the �Vork. 2. If Contractor's servisc�s are terznma�d, Surety shall be oi�figated to take a�er and perforrn the Wark If Surety does not commence perf�nanc� thereaf withm 1� co�secc�e �alcn,dar days after date of ar� �dditianal written zioti�e deman�iing Surety's perf'a�xnanc� nf its C1TY L�F FORT WORTH STANDARDCON3TRi�CT3UH 3PECIFICAT[4N DOCUMSI+E7'S Revisiarn &'2312C¢1 Ok7�40-[ GEN�RAL GON� iT 14N S Fagc 59 af �3 obligations, then C�ty, witl3out process nr act�on at lawr may take a�er a� poriia�a di the �or1C and cotrtplek� i# as descrUed helav�. a. If Cnty compl�tes the Work, City may exchu� Cani�actcr� and Suxety from the site and take passessi�an of the Wark, and all materia�s and cquipmendt incorparated 'mto the �Qrk stored at ihe Site ar fa�r which City has pa�d Contractor ar Surety but which are stored elsewh,�re, and fusish the Wo�k as City may deem expedi�nt. 3. Whethcr Cily or Surety �ouipleies �lae V►tork, �nntractnr sl�all not be entitled to receive any further payme�t until the V►�Qrk ��'mished. If iha unpaid balar�cc 4f fhe Contract Price �xceec�s all �]aims, costs, ]osses and damages su�tamed by City arismg �ut af or resulting from earng�e#in� the VVark, sueh excess wi� he paid to C�ntractor. If such clairns, cos#s, loss�s a�nd daz�ges e�c�edsuch �id laal�nce, �antract�r shall �y ttie difference to City. Sucts claims, G�5�,5, �osses and damages incurred bp City will he �arpvrat�d in a Change Qrcler, pravided t}aat when e�serci�ing any rights ar renaedies �r th� P�ra�raph, City sh�ll n�t be required to obtain the lowest pria� for the '9LTor� perfarmed. 4. Ne�ther City, nor any of its respective eonsultants, �ge�tsa o#f'�cers, directors or empb�yees shall be in any way liabl� or accvuntal��e to Contractnr ar Surety far the m�ethod by wluch �lic completio� af the said Work, ar arry portian thereof, may be acG�o�np�shed Qr for tlie price �aaid therefor. 5. City, rzdtwit�standing the rnethod used in cor�pletmg the Cc�ntract, shall nat fnrf'eit the right to recorr�r c�nages from CQntractor or Suxety fc�r Contractar's fa�.ue to tirnety compl�te the �rrtire Cantrac� Ccantractar shall not be ertf�led ta any clairn an accaun# u� the method used by City in completing the Contract. S. Maintena�ice of the Wvrk shall continue tn be Car�tracto�'s and 5urety's respams��7ities as pra�ided for m the bQnd �eq�iremen,ts af t1�e Contract Ilacuments ar �ny special guaraxitees pravzded for uneler the Contraet Do�cumenfs or any ather o�ligation5 Qther►�vi�e prescribed by law. C. Notwithstantiing Paragraphs IS.QZ.S, Contractar's seivices w�11 nat be teru�abcd �' Cnn�ractor �acgins withiu ser�en days af xeceipt af natice of intex�t to tenninate ta �arrect �s faih�re ta p�zform and praceeds c�igetrt�y tio cure siach fa�hu-e �wi�hin no rnoxe than 30 days nf re�eipt af said natice , D. �aere Cantractor's services ha�e been sv term�nated b� City, the termmatiox� w�l i3ot a�fi'�Ci a�y xights or remedies oi City a.gainst Co�tor then existing or wh�ch rr�y thereafter accrue. Any retention �r payrnent nf rnaneys due C�on�actor �ry G�y w�l nat release Contracta� fram Iia�7ity. E. If and ta the e�tent t�at Contractor has pr�vid�d a performance bond under the pra�isians of Paragraph 5.�2, the bermit�atian proeedures vf that bond shall not supersede the pnor�isions of tbis Arkicle. CiTI' �F FORT WOR'I'I3 ST'ANUARI� CG1N3T RU CT IU N SPECIF [CA TIa H DOC�[IMBNTS Reuisiun; F2�lO�l oo�zoa-t ��N�w�� cawo ir i o w s Page 64 nf 83 15.03 C'iiy �I�lay T�rnt��Zate Fv� Cnrtvenaen�e A. Gily may, without caus� and withaut prejudice ta any �ther rig�t ar remedy af �ity, terminate the Cantract. Any terminatian shall be effected�ry zx�ailitig a notice af the tercnination ta the CantractQr spec�yimg the extent io wh�ch performance af Wark wider #he cat�ract is t�finina#ed, and the dat� upQn whick such terminatison becom�s �ffective. Receipt of the notiee shall l�e deerned canchiaively pres�ed and estal�lished whan tt�e letter is p�aced in tha CT�n9ted States Postal Service Mail by th� �ity. Furthet, i� s1�a11 be deemed cvnclusivel�+ presumed and establislaed #hat such termination i� made witt► just cause a� therein stated; anXi no proaf in any claan, d�ma�ad ar suit shaIl tae rec�uired of the City regarding such disaretionary action. B. After recei�t oi a notice vf ternainatian, and ex�ept as atherwise directe� by the City, the Gvrr�racirn' shall: 1, �p warkunder the Contracta� the c�ate and to the ext�nt speci�xed ir� the nnti�e aftertninai�on; �. place na fiu�h�r Qrders or subco�tracts far materials, s�rvi��s Qr facil�iies ex�ept as may he necessary for �vmpletior� of such portion of th� Wbrk under the Crnmact as is nat termuiated; 3. ter�ate aIl orders and subcr�ntracts 6o the extent that they relate to tl�e pert'orn�ance of the Work termn�ated by notice af t�++n�cian; �, trarisfer lrtle to #he City and delrver in the manner, at th�e tirnes, ar�d to thc e�tent, if any, directed by the Cily: a. �lie fal�ated or unf'abx�cated parts, Wo�rk in progress, cvmp�eted R�oxk, �up�lies and otl1er material praduced as a part of, ar acquffed 'm ovnnectiatt with the perforrnance of, the Wark tenninated by the not�e �f the tenninatior�; �,nd b. the �amp�ted, ar partially compl�ted p1au�, drawiaigs, infornraation and ather I�'���Y which, if the Contract had beex� campl�teci, woul�l ha�e heen required to be furn�hed to the C�y+. �. cnmplete pexformaxece of such Work as sh�ll nvt la,ave been terininated by th� notice af #ern�it�ti�n; and 6. take $uch actiaa� as may be necessary, Qr as the �ity xnay direct, fox t�ie prc�t�cti�n and preservation �` the Pt'opert� related tv its cox�tract which is in the possession of the C�ntractar and in which the vwner has or ma.y acc�ui�re the res[. C, At a time not later tlaan 30 days after the ternvnation �ate specif�ed in ti�e notice af be��xnination, the Con#'actor rnay suhm� to the Czty a l�st, certifie,d as t� quanxity and oPaa�ty, af any or all iiems of texmi�ation inveYttt�y not pa�evi�usly d.isposeci of, exclusive af �ems the d�osi�.ian af which has l�een d�rected or authar�ed by City. CI'I'Y {]F F�RT WORTIi STp,NI]ARDCOhBTRUC�iOM 5PECIFICAT16k i]OCIIMk:N['S Itevisioa: $23�{�1 UU 72 04 - I GENERAL COHD fT IC]N 5 Page 6i of 63 D. Not l�ter than 1S days thereafter, the City sl�all accept tit�e to such aterns p�Qwided, that the list su�mitted shall be subject ta v�xtificatian by the City upon remaval af the items ar, if the items are sfiored, witllm 4S days from t1�e clate of subx�ission a£ the l�t, and any necessar� adjustments to crnrect the list as submitted, shall t�e made pxiar ta final settlement. E. Nvt later than 5a days after the natic� of te�tt�atio+n, the Cantractor sha41 submit his tern�in�tic�n clarm to the Gity in the farrn and ►vith the certif"�catian prescr�d by the City. Unless anextensian is m�de in writing with� such 6(} clay peric� by tbe Contractor, and grante�l hy the City, any and all su�h alavns shall be conc�usively �emed waived F. In su�h ca.se, Cantractar �hall b� paid �ar [withrnrt duplication af ar�y rtemsj: 1. completed and acceptable Work ex�cuted 'm accordar►�e with the Contract Dacumer� prior to the �fif'ect�ive date of termination, including fair and reasonable surns For averhead and pro�it a� such V�ark; �, expenses sustained prior to the effective date of ternvnatian um petform�ng sexvice� and fuznishuig ]abar, r�terials, or er�ui�ment as required by the Cantract Doeu�nents in comaevtion yvith tl�xcoxnp�ted Work, plus fair an� reasanah�e st�rns fo+r o�erhead and profit on such expenses; and 3. reasvnable exper.ases directly attrib�table to terr�ir►ation. G. In the event af the fa�e of the Contractor and City ta agrea upQn the whn�e amount to Ue paid to the Contractar by reasan of the texm�nation of the Work, the City shaIl d�termine, vn the �asis ofinform�ti�an available ta rt, the amount, if any, due ta the Coniractor by reas�nof the terminat�aa and. shaIl pay ta f.he Contractor the amounts determia�ed. C�nt�ac�ta� shal� nat be paid on acca�urt af loss of a�i�aated prn�s or revenu� or uther econ�n�uc loss arising out of ar resuliu�g fza�n such tern�inatio�. ARTICLE 15 — DISPUTE RESOLi3TIUN 16,�1 Meihads a�d Pxocedu,•es A. Either Crty ar Cvntractaa� rrmy requ�st med�tion of any Cantract C�.im subrnit#ed far a decision tander Paragraph 10.�6 b�fare suGh decision $�ca�rnes �inal atul binding. The request far rnediataon shaIl be sul�rnitted ta the other party to the Contt�a�ct. Timely submiss�on a� the request sha11 stay the e ff'ect af P�r�graph 1 d.UG.E. B, City and Contractar s�all partici�te � the mediatian process in gvod faith. The process shall be co�nmenced within GO days af �'iling of the request. C. Iftl�e Car�tract Glann is not reso�ved by mediatian, �iiy's acfion under Paragra�ph 10.�6.0 ar a t�nis.l pursuant to Paragraphs 1�.�]6,C.3 or 10.�fi.D sha�l he,�amse fmal and binding 3a days after termi�atian af fhe mediation Yml�ss, within tI�at time per.6vd, City ur Contractor: C1TY dF FORT W4RTH STANDARFCO�+PSTRIICTIQN SPECIFICATI4H DQGUMBNT3 R�rtcion: 5��1 ao n oo- � GEAfERAL CDN�ITI4N S Page 52 nF 63 1. elects in wr�ting to in�oke any vt�er dispute xesohrtian process pro�rided far in t}�e Suppleme�ary Canditions; or 2. agrees wikla the ot�er party to submit the Ca�tract �Iaina to another dispute reaohztic�n praces�; or 3. gz�e� written n�ice to the at�er patty of th� irrternt ta submit the Coontract C�ann t� a court of catnp�tent juutisdiction. ARTICLE 1'7 — 11�ISCELLANEO�JS 1'7.01 GiUarag �ITotice A. VVhenerrer any �rnvision of the Cami�act Dvcuments requires the giving nf writtcz� noti�ce, it w�l be deemed to ha►�e been val�dly given if: l. de�ered in perso�n to the indi►�idual or ta a mernber af t.�e �rm ar to an o�cer af the corgvxation fot' whom i� is intended; rn 2. cielivered at or sent l�y regis�tered or ��rtifi�d mail, p�stage preI�aid, to fhe last b�,siness addr�s� ia1�n to tbe giver of Che n�rtice. B. Business ad�5s changes must be promptly made fr► writing to tlle nther pariy. C. Whene�er tlae Cantract Dacurnerrts sgecifies giv�tig n�otice by electronic means such electromic notice sl3all be deerned su.fficient upon conf'mrration of rece�rtt�y the receiving party. 17.U2 C¢mputatiarr of �mes V�hen ariy periad af t�nc �s referred ta an the Contract Doau.ments by days, i� w�71 be camputed tn exch�de the first and �clude the last day af s�h periad. Yf the la�t day nf any su�h period fall� un a Saturday ar Sunday or on a day made a lega� �ol�day the next VVvr�ttg Day shall become the last day nf the perind. 17.d3 C�ur�elative�te�nedaes The duties andobbga�tians imposed by these Genexal Canditions and t�e rights axad rernedies ava�abie herewvder ta the parties her�to are in additi�an to, and are nat to be construed i� any way as a limntati�n vf, arry tights and remedies ava�7ahle ta atry oa• aIl af tt�em which are atherwise irnpased a� ar+ailal�le by Laws or Regulations, �Jy �pCCI� W�Pt�kty Qr guarari#��, ur by nther pro�isians of the CaMract Dacuments. The prnvisions of th� Paragraph wr�.� l�e as eff�tive as i� repeated speci�'�cal�yy in the Contra�t x]ucwncnts in �annect�on wrth each pa�cular �iuty, ��ligation, right, and remedy ta which they apply. CiTI' QF FpRT WOItTH STAI+IDARIJC�THUCTION �E£!F[CATIQN DOCCIM�AITS T�evisian: 81?�I ao az aa- � ���r�� cor�o izioM s Aage d3 af 63 17.(14 Survival a.f'Qblzgatiorar All represes�#ati�n,s, inder�ni�ications, warran�s, and gua.rar�t�es tnade �, required 6y, ar given in ac�ordance vvith the Cantra�t Dacurr�nts, a� well a� all c�auing obIigatioz4s indiaated in the Contract Dncuments, w�l stuv�ive fmal payment, cnmpletivn, and acceptance of �ac Wark o� terminati�m or completi� �f the Contr��t vr tex�ninati�n of the serwices of Contractar. 17.US Headings Arti��e and paragraph headir,gs are inserted for convenience only arLd da not canstitute parts of th�se General CondiCi�ns. CITY �F FORT WDRTI� STAM2]A[�D[�+15TRiICT[ON SPEC[F1GATlQN D�CUMENTS Reti•isian: 82�1 oa�3ao-i 5L]PFI,B144B1ti1TARY CflNDITIQIVS Pagc l of 5 4 5 � 7 S 9 Yp ll I2 13 1+� 15 I6 17 is 19 2Q 21 22 23 24 25 �$ 27 28 �9 3� 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4� 41 42 43 44 45 Ad 47 SECT�ON DD 73 OU SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITI:ONS TD CrENERAL GQNDTTIfl1VS Suppismeutary �ondi�ions These 5upplementary Cvnditions mvdi£y and supple3nent Sectifln UD 72 d4 - General Cpnditivns, and vther pravisions af the Cantr�et Dacurnecats as indicated below. All provi�ians of the General �andi'�ans tbat are nu7dified ar supplement�d rernain in fu[i f�rce �nd ef%ct as so mvdified or suppl,emented. All pmvisions of thc General �onditions which are not �o modified ar supplemente� rcrnain in full farce and effect. De�ined Terms 'I`he tern�s uscd in these Supplersaen,tary Cundition� which are dc�ned in the General Canditxons ha�e the meaning assigned ta thexn in the Gen�ral Conditions, usaless speci�ically not�d hercin. MaditicAtlons and Supplements Th$ following are instructions that modify ar su�pleinent specifi� par�graphs in the General Canditivns and nther Contract Dacum�nts. SC�.03B.2, "Re�alvingllissirepancie�" PIans gvvern o�er Specifications. SC�9.UlA E�sement limits shawn an ihe Dzawin� are aprprrrximate and were pro�ided to establish a basis f❑r bidding. Upon receiving the �nal easements descrip�tions, �antra�ctar shau compare them to the lines shnwn an the Cpntract �rawing8. S�-0.OIA.l.,'{A�railahtli#y aiLands" The Follawing is a list af known autstanding xiglrt-of-way, andior easernents tv 6e acquiired, if an}r as pf �19f21. Uutstanding RightA%Way, andlnr Easemeni�s to Be Acc�uired P�RCBL OWNER TARGET DAT�S Ni]MBBR �F P�SSESSIDN Ne�ae Thc Co�ttractor underst�nds and agre�s that the dates listed abvve are estimates dnly, are not guaranteed, anCi dn not 6ind th� City. If Contractor cQnsiders the fmal ea�ements provided to dif%r mat�rially from the representations an the Contract Drawiags, Contractar sh�ll with�n fiwe [Sj Business Days and bef�re proceedi�ng with the Wark, notify City in wri�ing assoaiated with the differiug �ase�ne�st line locations. 3C�.DIA.2, itlA�ail�6ilily of L�ndg" CTTY DF FC1RT WORTH Lake Warlh Watcr and San'ttary 5cwer Inlprovementa Par[ 2 STANAARD CDIdSTRr3CT10M 3PTiClFICA7`ION DdCiIMENT3 City Psoject #10D9ba-2 Aevised January�2, 2QlG 00 �� na - a su�P�.raasrrr�x� can�nirio+rrs Page 2 pf S 1 a 3 4 5 6 Utilifies or obstrucfivns to he remo�ed, adjusted, ancUor relncated The fullowing is list of utilities sndlnr ohsiructiana that ha�c nat been removed, adjuated, audfor reiocated as of 61912 ] EXP�C1'F� QWN�R UTILITY AN.D LUCATION TARGSi DATE Qx ADNSTMENT None 7 $ 9 io �� iz 13 14 15 16 1� ]8 19 �D 21 22 23 2� 25 25 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 3� 35 3G 37 38 39 44 41 42 43 4� 4S 4G 47 48 49 1'h,e Confrractor understands and agz�ees that the dates lisbe�i a6o�e �re estixnates oniy, are not guaranteed, and do uot bind the City, SC-4.OZA., "Suhsurface and Phy�ical Cnndi�tons°' 'I'be failnwing are repvrt� nf expinrstiun� and tests nf subsurfac�e c�nditinn� at the aite of the YVark, found in the appendix: B&N 1941.4� - Su�nm�ry nf Test Hole Infoxmation and Caordinates TILe foilawing are drawings nf ghysical cc�nditians in ar relating tn existuig �urFace �nd subsurface structuxes {exaept [ �ndergrQurui l�acilitiesj which are at ar cantiguc�s to the site af the Work; l�iane SC-�.�1,} "Y3�ardous Enr�ronmental Cenditiona at Stte" The fallnwing �rre r�ports and dravvings nf existing hazardnus environmental eonditiQns kn�wn to tlie City: Nnne SC-S.03A., "Certi�'ieates of 1nSaC�dlCe" The er�#ities listed below are "additional insureds as the�r interest mxy appeax" including their respecti�+e a�cers, directars, agents ttnd employees. {�) City {2) Cnnsultant: Burgess � Niplc, Ine, (3) �thei`: Nune $C-.�r+.l�4A., "Co�tractar's Insur�nce" The limits af IiabElity for tha i�suraa�e required by Paragiapt� GC-5.U4 shall p�ovide the follnwing c�verages f�r �ivt lexs than �he fallnwing amounts ar greater where required �y l�ws attd regulatiQns: 5,D4A. Wark�rs' Campensatinn, under Para�aph GC-S.tWA, Statukory limits Employer'a l�ability $IOQ,QaO eaah ac�idenUo�currenc� �10�,QQ0 Uisease - each employee $500,04D 17isease - policy limit 5C-5.04B., °L�ontractor's Izl�ural�ee" CITY DF FURT WflRTH Lake Worth Watcr ar�d 3anitary S ewer lrupiovoments Part 2 STAI+�AARD COid517tUCTI�N 3PHCIFICATION L�QCUMkHT3 City Praject #1009G2-2 Revised Jenuary 34, 2U16 Q07300-3 SUPPLBI57BNTARY CflNDlTI0Ai5 Page 3 uf 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 �o �� 12 13 14 15 lfi 17 18 19 �D 21 22 23 24 25 Zb �7 28 29 30 31 3Z 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 4� 43 44 45 4$ 47 4$ 4� S{3 sr s2 53 54 55 �.D�B. Cornmercial General �.iahilit�, under Paragraph CrC-5.�45. �ozitractarrs L.iability Ir�xarance under Paragraph C�G5.04B., which shall t�e an a per proj eet baais co�ering the �antraetar with �ini�um limits of: $],U(1Q,4{]� each acc�arrenae $2,U0{},O(i0 aggregate Iimit The pnjicy must ha�a an er�dorseinea�t (Amendmebt — Aggregate Lirnits af Tnsu�ar�ee} making the Creneral Aggregate Limit� apgly separat�ty to ea�h joh site. The Commereial Gcneral Liability iusurance policiea shall p�o�+ide "Ii", "C", and "U" caverage's. 'Lrcrification atf such caverage rinust he shawn in the Remarks Article af the Certi�icate ❑FInsurancc. SC S.��C.;'�Confractar's Inaurance" 5,U4C, Auwrnabile Lia6ility, under Fmragraph GG5.Q4C. Cnntractor's Liahility insur�nce uude� Paragraph C�CC-S.i14C., whieh skall be in an amount not less than the fnliowing amuunts: (1) Automnhile Liabitity - a cvmmercial businesa p�olic}� sk�a11 providc eoverage nn "�►ny Auta", def'mad as autos awnad, hired and non-own�d. $ L,a00,IH1Q ea�h accident on a aombined single limit basis. Split Limite are acoeptable iF limits are at least: $2�O,ti[]Q Sodily Injury }aer person 1 $SUQ,�O� Badily Injury per acaident 1 �100,UUU I'roperty ]]�mage SC�-5.04D., ��Contractor's Iasurance" The Contractor's oanskuctian acii�ities will require its ernplayees, agents, subconlractars, equipmen#, and rnaterial deliveri�s to crosa railmad properlies and tra�ks Nnne Th� Cnmracbor sliafl car�duct its vp�ratianx on razlroad properties in such a manner as nnt to interfere witi�, hinder, ar vbstruct the railraad �vmpan� in any rrianner wt►etsnever in the use vr operatian af itsltheir trains or ather property. 5uch operatians on raiiraad prope�rties may reyuire that �ontractor tn execube a"Right ❑f Eniry Agreement" widi the garticular xaiiraad company or cornpanies in�olved, �d t� this end the {;oatractoz should satisf� ifself as ta the requitements af each tailraad cvmpan}+ and be preparetl to execute the righf-of-entry Eif �n}') r�quired by a railro�d c�mpany. The requic�ements specified heraix� likewise r�Iate tn the Coxrtractnr's use af pxivaie andlar consiructian �caess raads cr�ssiug sai�i railroad cofnpany's properties. The Cantractual Lia�ility ooverage reqnired by paragraph 5.44D of the Genaral �ondition� shall pravide coverage for nat l�s than the fallowing arnou�ts, issued hy cornganic� �ati�factory to tlie City and to the Rsilmad Company for a ferm that oontinues £ar so long as the Contractnr's operatians and urork crass, �ccupy, or tauch railrn�►d p�'a�erty: t 1 j Gen�ral Aggregate: (2) Each �ccurrence: _ Requ;red fox this CotltYsct CITY UP F4RT {NORTH 3T`A1�bARI1 Cd#dSTAUCTIOH 3PECIF[CATIaAiDbCilhdF.N'1'S Rcviscd ]anvary 2i, 2fl16 None r�on� � Not required far this Cantract L.nke Warth Wator and S�niiary Scwq' imprvvc�cnta Part Z City Prqjeet #10496�-2 UU734Q-4 $l!p'pI,BM�NTARY Cd7V�17YUNS Page4af5 1 2 3 4 5 b T 8 4 1� 11 l2 13 14 15 16 17 18 I9 2Q Z1 22 23 24 25 �G 27 28 29 3d 3j 32 33 3�l 3S 36 3? 38 39 40 �1 �� �3 Q� 45 46 4'1 48 49 50 51 52 53 5� 55 With respect ta the abc�ve outlined insurarrc� requirem�nts, the fvllawing �ha11 guvcrn: 1. Where a single railroad campany ia irivalved, the Cantxactor shall pravidc flne inauranca policy in thc name af the railraad campany, Hawever, i� more than one grade separation ar ak grade �rossing ia affected by khe �rojr.cf at entirely separate loc�tions on the ]�x�e ar lines of the �ame railroad campany, segarate ev�erage may be requirecl, each in th�e asnaunt stated ah�+va. �. Where. mnre than one railmad cnrnpany is aperat�ng an the same right-nf-wa� or where severa] rail�rt�ad comganies are imcaived and operated an their own separate righf��f-way, tt�e Cnntractur nuuy he required t� pmvide separate ir�surance puli�ies in the n�me af each railroad o4mpany. 3. If, in ac�dat�a�n to a grade separation or an at-grade crossing, nther w�❑rk ar actir+ity is praposed an a railroad campany's rrg}it-af-way at a locati�nn entircl� separate from th� grade separation nr at- grade eroasing, insuranee caverage for khis work inust be in�iuded in the pvlicy cnvcring the gr�de separatinn. 4. If nn grado s�paratian is mvnl�ed but ather wark is propnsed aa a railraad coznpany's right-of- wey, al1 sueh nther work may Fse covered in a single pvlicy �ar that i�iiroad, even though the work rnay be at twn or mare separate locatiaps. Nn wQrk ar activi�ies nn a railroad vampany'a prope�ly to be perPormed by the Cvntraciar shall be commenced uniil the Gontraetor haa fiunished the City with an original �roiicy nr policies vf the insuran�e far each ra�lroad c�rnpauy named, as reyuired abn�e. Ai1 such insurance must he apprvved by kh� City and ea�b afi'ected Itailroad Carnpany priar ta the Conh�sator's beginuing work, Tb.e insurance speci�ied aba❑e must he cairied until all Work ta he perfnrmed an the railroad right-of-way has been completed and the grade crassing, if �ny, is na longer used by tha Contractus. In additivn, insurance must be earried during all maintenanee andlor repair wv�zk performcd in the railnoad right-of-way. �uoh insuranoe must nutne the railraad campap.y as thc insured, tagether with any tenant or lesaee af the railroad company aperating ov�r fracks involved in the Prajeet, SC-G.�4., "Project Scl�edule" Pruject sahedule shall be tier 3 far the project, sc�.a�., «wa$� aat�s� � The fol3vwing is the prevailing wage rate table{s) applioahl� ta this project and is pravided in the Appat�d'axes: C`,ommercial Construel3on PrajeCfs SC�.D9., "pexmits and Utilities" SC�.6�A., "�untra�mr obtalned permiks and llcense�" Ti�e iallnwing arc la�own p��xnits ansllar �icenscs required hy the Contract to be aaquired by the Cantractor; None �C�.09B. "City o6tained perFnits �nd lice�es" The follawing are knawn permits andfar licenses rcquired hy the Contrsct to be acquired by the City; None SC-G.U9C. "Ontstanding permlts aad Eicense�" Cl'1'Y OF FORT WOATFI I�k� 1�Vorth WalCr and Ssni�ary Scwer imprvvements Part 2 5TANDARD C�I3TRUC`I'[O�f 3PrCi�ICATIOAi DC7C:[ 1WiRNTS City Fmject #1 U�982-2 Revised ]an►�ery 22,2DTG 067309-5 SiIFPLEMSNTAitY �QNAITlUNS P�ge 5 af 5 The £�llowing is a lisf of lce�awn outstanding perr►�its andlnr licenses tn be aoquired, if auy as af 51311I9 Nane Out�t�nding Fermits �r�dlor License� to Be Acqnired aWNER PERMTT �R LIC�AISE AN� LOCATI�N lYane 5 & 7 8 � 1Q 11 1� 13 14 1S 16 17 18 19 a4 21 22 �.3 24 25 25 27 28 29 SG7.4�., "Cuurdinaflan" TARGET DATE OF PC�SSESSI�N SC-S.�i, "L`ommunit�tinns #a Conlraciar" Nanc SC'a9.01., "City°s Project Manager" The (:ity's Prvje�t Manager far this Contract is Walter Norwo�d , or hisTher successflr gursu�nt to written natlficatioo frum t�c l3irector of the Water llepartment. SC-13.�3C., "Tests and �naPe�tian�" None SG16.O1C.1, "h+Iethods and Procedures" I�one EI�TD �F SECTIOIV Revisiart L�g �AT� NAIU�E 5UAlIMARY �� CHAIdGE 11�21�b16 F�. �riffin 5�-�.�t_, "Ciry's Project �epresentative" wording c�sange� to City's Project M�n�ger. C1TY OF FQRT WQRTH Lake Warth Water and Sanitary Sawer Impmvements Part T 3TAMI7AIL17 CdNSTRllCT[ON SPECIFICATI�N DL7CilA,iSNTS City PrajeCl#14D9G�-2 Re�iserl7�ubry 22, 2fl16 T'he individuals or entitics listed below har�e contrac.k� with the Ci#y for #he perfarmance of ather wark at ths Site: ai ��ao-i 5[]MNFARY �F WDRR PBgC 1 9� � sECT�o�v or �� �a s�n���Y ox waRx FART 1 - GFNE1tAL 1.1 SI]MMAitY A. Seclifln lncludes: 1. Summary af VL�ork #a be perfarmed in accordance wi�l� the Cvniract Documents B. De�viatinns fmm �tius City of Fori VVvrth Standar�i Speci�ication 1. Aione. C. Related Sgecification Se�tions include, but are not necessarily iimited ta: 1. Di�isian 4- Bidding Requirement�, C�ntract Forms, and Cflnditions of the Contract 2. Division 1- G�naral Raquirements 1.2 PI�CE AND PAY11�11iT PRO�EDllRES A, Measurernent and F�yment 1, WoT�C �SSOGiat£� With �LiS �iCII] I5 COriS1d�i'� St16siC�laCy �O the vaCioug itei378 bld. �ia s�pazate payment will be allowed for this It�m. 1.3 RERERENC� [N�T LT�ED] 1.4 ADMIN[STRATIVF., REQCJ]REMENT"� A. Work Cavered by C:antract Dacuments W�rk is to include fitrnishing al1 labvr, materialsy and equipm�nt, and �erforming a]1 �Vork necessa►y for this cnnstraction project as detailed in the �rawi�tgs and �pecificadans, S. Sul�sid.iaty Wark Any and a11 Wvrk specifically govern�d by dacumentary requirements far kl�e pro�ect, such as candi�tons impased by the Orawings or �untract Documents in which na speaific ite�►a for bid has bee�. provided far i�. the Propasai and fhe item is no# a typical unit hid itern inctuded nn tbe �tandard bid i#em ki�t, then the item shall be c�nsidered as a subsidiacy iterra af Work, the cast of which shall be included in the pr�ce bid is� ihe Praposal f or �ariaus bi� items. C. Use of Prerni�ses 1. Caardinate uses of premises under directian oftlzc City. 2, Assume full responsihility far prabection and safckeeping of rnaterials and equipment stared on the Site. 3. Use amd Qccupy anly pmrtiox� of the �nblic streets and alleys, or o#lier put�lic places or ather rights-of-way as provided fvr in the ardinances of the Gity, as shown ut the Contract Dvcuments, ar as may b� specifically at�thoriaed in writing by the City. a, A reasonable amouni af tools, m�terials, and equzpment for r,�nst�uetian purposes� may 6e st4red in such sp�ce, but no rnore than is necesaxry tv a�oid tie�ay in the construction vperations, CCTY OF FL]Ri W�RTki Lske Worth Wute,�' Rmd Ssnitaiy 3ewer Impro�ementa Aart 2 STANpARI] CQA19TRiIC'TION SPECIFICATIa1V DpCLTMENTS City Project #10U4bZ-Z Revi sed Ilecem6er 20, 2012 41I1U4-2 sv�ran�rnx� or woRx Page2af3 b. F.xcavated and waste materials shall be stored iaa suah a way as not to interf'ere with the use af spaces that rnay be designatcd to be ]eft free and uxiobstructed and so a� nat to ineonv�nicnoe oc�upants af adjacent pmperty, c. If the straet is oocupied by railroad traeks, the Wark slEa]1 he carried on in such manner as nvt ta intezfere with the operataon nf tbe railruad. Ij All W�k shall be in accordancewith railroad re�qu�ixem�nts set farth in �ivisign Q as well as the railroad permit, U. 'VVork within Easernents 1. Da nut entex upon pxivate pmpett� far any purpnse withaut ha�ing previously ohtained permissic�n fram the own�r of such property. 2. da not stare equipment or rnaberia� vn private praperty unless aned until the specified approval oF the propQrty own�r has becn secured in writing by the Contractor and a cupy f�rniahed to the City. 3. Unless speci�ically pro�ici�d atherwise, clear alI rights-of-way ar eas�rnsnts of ❑hs#ruoti�ns which must be removed to make passiblc �roper prose�ution of the Work as a part af t�e praj ect cnnstrucYinn �peratians. 4. Preserve and use e�v�ery precaution tn prevent dd�na�e to, all trees, sltrubbe�7+, Flants, Iawns, fenaes, �ulvexts, curhing, and all other t�pes ai structures ar iwaprovements, to all w�ter, sevver, and gas lines, to alI canduits, ovexhead pale tines, or appcuEenances therevf, in�leuting the c�nstruction Qf temporaryr fences and ta ail other public or privat� prap�rty adjacent ta the Wark. 5. Notify the prflper x�p�'�senta#ive& �f t�� owners or c�Gcu,psnt8 of the �ub1iG nr private ]ands nfinterest in lands whi�h might be affected by the Warlc. a. Suc� notice shall be made at least 48 haurs in �d�ance af the beginning nf the Work. b. Notices shall be applicable t� bath pu��ic and private utility coxnpanies and any cdrporation, comp�ny, individual, or athcr, eithex as aw�ers ar oocupmnts, whase land or interest in Iand might be affeu�tec� �y the �Qrk. c. Be responsible For all damage or injury to property nf any ch�ractcr resulting from a�y a�t, amissinn, neglect, ar rniscanduet in the rnanner or me#hod ur execution of the i�Vork, or at any time due to defcctive wark, m�terial, or equipme.�t. G, Fence a, RestRre all feuces encountcred and remawad during ca�nstcuciion of i�he Prvj ect #o the arigitaal Qr a better than original conditian. b. Erect te�arary fen�in� in placo of the f�ncing rexn,o�ed when�+er the Werk is not in progess and when the site is �acated overnight, andlar at all t�xnes to pravide site security. c. The cost �For all fence work within easements, inaluding remaval, t�mpvrary closures and repla�ement, st►all �e su}�sidiary to #he �ariuus items bid in the prn��ct pmpcssal, unless a bid iCem is specifica]Iy provided in the prap�sal. CTI'Y OF FaRT VWO�RTH Lake V1n�fh Y�ater auci Sanirary 3ewer Impmvdnents Part 2 3TAIdDAR[3 C4i�STRi!CTIDIW �P�CINICATION Di?CUA3ENT9 City Proje�t #10dt3�2 Revised Deeemiser 2[l, 2UI2 Ql 11 00-3 5[]14fi4fARY UF W(]RK Page 3 n£3 i.� suemiTTai,s ��vaT u�En� 1.G ACTI4N SUSNIITTAL�IIIVFURMA'i`I[INAL SUBMITTALS [1170T USED� 1.7 CLQSEOUT Si]BM1T°I'ALS [NOT [�SED� 1,$ MAINTENANCE MATERi�4L SUBtVIITTALS [IYQT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE j1+�tOT IISED] 1.1� I�ELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [N�T USED] i.ii �n is�� co�mrt�o�vs [No'r usEDI �.r� ►��Y �Ncrr usEn� PART 2 - PRflD[IC°I`S �NOT USED] PART 3 � EX�CUTIUIV �NDT CISE�] END �]�' SE�C'1'��N �evisian Lng DATE iUAAQE SUMMARY �]I� CH�LNGI's C]'l'Y Ur Y131�'1' VVDkZ'H Lak� Woat1� }�ater and Sanitary SeWer I=nprovemanr� Psrt 2 STANIiARD COIdSTRTICTIpN SPECIFICATION DpCUM&N'1'i3 Cit}r Prnject #1 D09G2-2 itevised Fecember 20, 2p12 O12i40-1 stias�zar� rxnc�nvx�s �ge I aF4 sEc�a�v oi �� �a SiTBSTTT[TTIaN PROCEI3URES PART1- GENERAL l.1 SC]MMARY A. Sectian TnGludes: 1. The procedure for requesting the �prc��al of suhstitutton of a pr�duct that is not equivalent to a praduct which is specified by des�ipti�e ar perfarmanee cribegia ar defined by refer�nce to 1�r more af the fallowing: a. Ivame af manufacturer b. Name of vendor c. Txacie �a�n� d. �at�ldg number �, Suhs�i[utions are niat "ar-equals", S. I]eviatinns fmm this �`ity vf Fart VVv�th Standard Spec��a#ion 1. Nane. C. Rslated Specifica�ian �eyctions in�lude, b�lt are not necess�tiIy limited to: 1. Dir+isian �-- Sidding R�quirernents, Cc�ntract Forms and Cnnditions of the Confract 2. Diwisian 1— Geaa�x�al Requirements 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PR�CEDURE� A. Measurerrient and Pay�rient 1. Wark assc�ciatcd with this Item is considered subsidiary to the �variaus items bid. Na separate payme�t will be allowed for this item. 1.3 REF�tEkVG"E� [NOT USEI�� 1.,4 ADNIINISTRATIVE RE�L]IREMENT� A. Request for Substitutinn - �'reneral 1. Within 3� days after award of Cantract (unless noted othexwise), tlte City will consi�ier fom�al re�►xests fxom C:ont�actar for substitutivn of produet�'in pl�ce af thase spec3�aed. 2. Certain types of equiptnent and kinds vf material are described in 5pecifications by means of r�fcrences t�o names af manufacturers and �endars, trade narnes, vr catalag numbers. a. When t�tis methad of specifying is used, it is nat in�ended to exclude £rarn cnnsidex�tion vth�r pz'oduc� be.a�'i�ug other �nufaGt�u�''s or �endax's names, trade narnes, or catalo� nuna�bers, pravided sa�d products are "or�quals," as determined hy G`ity, 3. Otber types of equipment and kinds nf matcrial may be acceptable subst�tutians under ti�e falla�n+ing conditi�n�: a. Dr-equals are unavailable due to st�ike, daseQntinued praductiQn ofgroducts me�ting specified require�neaaats, ar other facbars l�yond control of Contractor; ❑r, CITY �F FQILT YV�RTH i.ake Worth Water and 5anirary 5ewcr lmpravernents Part 2 STANL]ARD CpNS'TRUCT`CC7N SPE�IFICR.T[4t+I �UCi1MEN'TS City Projeot.#100963-2 Revi�ad 7uly l, 2011 aixsQv-a S[1B3TIT[�`fIUI�I PRDCEDTJR�S Page 2 af q b, Contract�r proposes a cos� andlar �ime reduction incentive to the G`ity. 1.5 S[]SMTTTALS A. See Request for Substitutian Form (attached} S. Pmcedure for Requesting Substitution 1. Subst�tution shall be consid�x'ed ozzly. a. After award Qf Contxact b. Und�r the condi#ons stated herein 2. 5ubmit 3 copias of each written request for substitution, including: a. Ducumentativn 1} Camplete data subsi�ntiating caxnplia.n�ce af proposed substitution with Cnntract DocvmeMts 2� Data relating to otnang�s in construction �chedule, when a reduction is proposea 3} ❑at� relating tv charages in cast h. l�c�r prnducts 1} Product ide,�fificaEion a� Manufacturer's name !s) Telephone uumber a�+d represe�tative contaet name c} S�ecifi�ation� Section ar Drawing reference of oPriginally specified proctu�t, inclnding �iiserete name a�• tag numl�er assigned to arig,inal pT�ciuot in the Can�t�act Dacuments 2} Manufacturer's literature clearly nnarked tu show ca�liance of pmposed product with Contract Docume� 3) Xtemixed com�axisnn af origin�l and propased praduct ad�kessing praduct characteris�ics inGluding, but nat necessarity lunited ta; a) 5ize b) Campnsition ar material� of constr�ction cj Weigb�t d) Electri�al or mechanical requir�ments �) Product experience a) Lacation of past projects utilizing product b� Name and telephone number of persans as�ociated with refelrencer# projecfs knawledgeable �oncerning prap�s�d pmduct c} Availa�le �cld dat� aud reparts associated with prnposed product 5} Samp�es a} Pravide at request af City. h) Samples became the praperty af the City. c. Far ccrostructian methods: r3 Detailsd description af prapased mefhod �� n�,���� ��W�ri�s C. ApprovaZ ar R.eje�tirnt 1. Writtett apprv��l or rejection of substitutian given �y the City 2. Giky reserues the right to require prnposed produet ta camply wids �alor and pxttern of specified praduct if nec.�ssary to secure design intent, 3. In the ovent the substitution is approved, the resulting eost andlos tirsfe r�ductivn will be da�umen�ed by Change arder in accardance with thc G�tteral Cc�t�ditioz�s. CITY OF F(]RT WORTii Lake Worth W�fes and S�artltiary Sewer Improvemsenfs Patt 2 �TANI]ARA CO�$T[tLfCTION SPECIFICA'ITON L704RfM�1TS City Praject #10U98�-2 Revised Ju1y 1, 2Di 1 fl 12S flik - 3 SLIBSTITUTION PitDCBDLIRES Page 3 of 4 4. No additivnal Gantract tirne wi.Il be given far substitution. 5. Suhstitution will he tejected if: a. Submittal is not through the Cantractor with his stamp af appraval b. Rec�ueat is nat rna.de in accardance with this Specificatian SeGtion c. In t}ye City's apinivn, acceptance will rcquire subslantial re�ision af the nriginai design d. In th�e City's apinitm, substituti�n will not perfQrm adequat�:ly the func#ion cos�siste�at wit� the design intent 1.G ACTIQN SUBIVIITTALSI[N�'ORMATIONAL SUBMITTAIS [M�T USED] 1.7 CLDSEpUT SLIBTVIITTAL� [N�T U�ED] l.8 MAiNTENAIVCE MATERIAL SUBIVLITT�I.S [NQT LTSED] i,9 QUALITY AS�URAIVCE A. In making r�quest for sc�bstitution ox in using an approved praduct, the Cvntra�tor represents tha# the Cantractvr: 1_ Has investigated proposed praduct, and has determined that it is adequate or superi�r in all respects tn that spe�ified, �nd that it will perfnrm function for whieh it is intended 2. Will pxov�ide same guarantee for substitute itena as for produ�t specified 3. Will �aordinate ins#allatian o� ac�ep#ed su�stitution iutn Wor�, M inc�ude huildisig xnvdifications i£nec�ssary, rnaking such changes as mag b� requi_red for Wark to be cc�mplete in all respects 4. Yl�aives all claiux�s for ac�ditianal costs related to substitutiota w}�ic�► aubsequently arise 1.10 DELIWERY, STU�AGE, AND HAN�DLiNG [iYDT USLD� 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CCi14DITIQNS [NOT UiSEp] 1.1x VVARRANTY [1VOT USED] PART � - PRODUCTS jN�`I' USED] PART 3 - EXECUTI�IV [NUT i1�ED� L1wID QF SECTIQIV Rcvision i.og DATE I NA.ME CITY OF FDRT W[]RT7I STANDARI] C�lVSTAUCT701'i SPkt1F1C:AT1Qi+i b0[;UMEI+ITS Itevieed luly 1, 2d11 5iilvfMARY UF CHANGE E ake �71 orth Water a�nd 5anitary 5ew cr Lnprc�vemextts Pari 2 L'ity Praject #] 004ti�-2 oi zs aa -a SL185T1TLITION PA�CEdi]RE3 Page 4 of4 EXHIBIT �i RCQiJEST FUR SYTB.'�'!'IT[TTION F�RM: TO: PR.0IECT: DATE: We hereby s�hx�it for yaur consid�ratian #he follvwing produci instead of the speei�ed item far the above prc�ject; SECTION P.4RAGItAPH SPECIF'IFD IT�M Prapose� Substitutian: _ Reas�nn f��� Suhstitutinn: Include car�plet� infnrmatian on cha�ges to Drawin�s andl�r Specifi�ati�ns whicb proposed substiturion wiii require for its pz�per installa#ian. Fill in Blanks Belo►u: A. Wi11 fhe undersigmed cantr�ct�r pay fnx chang�s ta the building design, ineludiz�g engineeri�ng and d�kailing costs caused by the requested substitukion7 B. VVhat ef"fect does suUstitutinn have an �ther t�rades? C, Di�'erences batween pr�ased substi#uiion and specifi�d item7 D. Differen�es in pzc�ducl cc�st ar praduct delivery tim�c'? E. M�nufacturer's �uarant��s of the pr�posed and speci�ed items are: � �.quai Setter (expiain an attachment) TI�e undersigned states that the functian, appearance and quality are equi�alent or superior ta the speci�ied itezz�. Submitted By: Fur llse by City Signature as. noted Firm Address Date Telephonc �ar Usc hy C:ity: Appraved City _ xecammended _ Recnmmendcd Not �recairrrr►ended Received late By _ - Date Rerraa�rks Date Cl'�'i! QF P�RT V�iORTF3 STAAiDA,RD CON5TRUCTION 3FSCIFICA710N UDCUMENTS Revisad duly l, 2011 Rejecicd Lake Worth Water nnd SaniYarS+ 8errer Irnprovements Part Z Clty Project #104952-2 a13114-1 PRLCOIVSTRi3CT�pN MSETIMQ Pego 1 v£3 s��TTor� o� s1 ig �RECaNSTRUCTIDN MEETING PART1- GENERAL 1.] SUMMAItY A. S��tion Includes: 1. Fm�i�ons for the preoonstructi,nn meeting to be ha3d priar to th� start of Work ta clarify canstructi�n cantract administration prucc.�ures B. ��viations fram t�is City af For� Worth Standard Speciffcaiion 1. None. C. Related Speci�ca�tion Seotions include, but are n.at neoessarily limited to: 1. Di�isian Q— Bidding Requir�nents, Cantract �'arms and Canditions crf the Contract �. ]7i�isioa� I — Geaeral Requireinents 1.2 PRICE AND PAYII'�NT PROGEDURE� A. Measuretnent arzd Payrnent 1. Warl� assoaiated vuith this lte�. is cansidered suhsidiary� ta the �ariou� itezx� bid. Na separate payment will be allvwed for this Item. 1.3 REFERENGES [1VUT LJSED] ].4 AD11+IIl�ISTI�ATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Cc�ordina#ion 1. Atkend precvnstruction meeting. 2, Itepr�sentatives nf Cantra�tor, subcontra�tars and suppliers atter�ding meetings shall be qualified and authorized ta ac�t an behalf af the entity each represents. 3. Meeti$g �dministered by City may be tape recard�. a. If reGard�d, tapes will be used to prepare miriutes and retain� by City far futus'e re�erence. B. Freoonstructian Meeting 1, � A preeonstruction meeting wiil be kzcld within l4 days after th� execution nf the Agreement and l�afore Work is started. a. The meeting will be scheduled an�d administered 1ay the City, The Prcrje:c� Repreaentati�e wi11 preside at the meeting, pr�pare the nates of the meedng and distribute capies �fsame to all pazticapanta wha so request by Fuliy completing the attenclance form tn he circulated at the begi.zaning af the mceting. 3. Atteaadance shall include: a. Proje�tRepresentati�e b, Cnntractar's prnject manager c. Contrac#vr's superinbendent d. Any subconiractar or snpplier representatives whvm �e CaMr�c#or may desire to invite ar' the Ciry rnay re�uest CITY OF FORT WQRTH Lake Worth Water and Senifary Sewsr [mproveenen7s Part 2 STANI7ARti CONSTRiIC'I'ION SPECIFICATYOIV DOCi7MENT5 City Pr�jecf #1U0952-2 Itevissd Augeiet 17, 2I112 ai 3� is . z rxacorrst��crrora n���rnac Page 2 af 3 e. Other City representatives f. Others as appr�p�iate d. Construatron Schedule a, Prepare baselin� r�anstruction scl�edul� u� accarciat�ce with S�ction 41 32 i� and provide at Preconstructian. Mee�ing, b. City w�.l nv#ify �onkractor af a��y schedule changes upan Rlotice af Precc►nstruction Meeting, 3. Preliminary Agenda may inclucie: a. Infroductian of Pr�jeci Personnel b. General Descriptiarz af Project c, St�tus af right-of-way, utility clearancas, easements or oth�,r pe�inent pe�nits d. Co�traetor'� wor� plan and schedule e. Cantr�ct Timc f. Ndtice ta Praceed g. Gnn$trucCidn Staking h. Pxngz'ess Payments i, Extra Wark an� Change Order Fracedures j. Fi�ld Qnders k, pi�posal �ite Letter for �aste Materia] 1. �.nsurance Ren�s m. Payrall �ertification n. Mat�rial Ccrtificativns �rid Quality Contral Testing o. Public Safety and Conv�nie�ace p. I?o�umentation of Pre-Canstxuction Conditicros y. Vil'eekend Work Nati�icatian r. Lega1 Halidays s. Trench Safety Plans t. Canfined Sgace Entry S#andards u. Coordination with tl�e City's representakive f4r opera�ion� �f existing water syste3ns �v. Stnrm Water Pollution Pr��entian Plan w. Coordination with nther Contr��tars x. Early'4�larning System y, Contra�tor Evaluaiian z. Special Condi#ions applicable to the project aa. T]amages t�laims b�_ Subrnittal Pro�edures CC. Substitutinr� Procedures dd. Ca�rrespondence R�uting ee. F�ecvrd Drawings ff. Temporary canstruc#ion facilities gg. MIWBE vr MBEISBE procetiures hh. Final Acceptance ii. Final P�ytn�nt jj . Questi�ns or Carnments CITY OP FC1RT PVORTEI Lake W arth Wgter and 5&nii8ry SCWea' Tm]�'dver[lents Par[ 2 STANDARD C01�iS'�RiICTIOhI 3PSCIFTCAT[ON L7QCLFMEN'I'S City Prajoct #1 OD9fi2-Z I�evised August 17, �f�12 Ol3q 19-3 PItEC�l�STRl7C7'[OAF MEE�'ING Page 3 of 7 1.5 S[]BMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.� ACTION SUB�7TALSIINFaRMATIQIVAL �UBMITTALS [iVDT i7SED] 1.7 CLDSEOilT SC]BMITTALS [N�T []SED] ].8 MAiNTENAN�� MATERYAL SLTSMITTALS jNUT U�ED� 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT U�ED] 1.1Q APLI[�ERY, STDRAGE, AND HANI3LING [NUT U5F'D] 1.11 TIELD rSTTE� C�NDITIOA[� �PI�T USED� I.i2 WARRAI�!'1'Y [NaT USE�] PAItT Z - PRflDI]CTS �N�T LISEb] PART 3 - EXECU'CIQN jiriOT [JBED] i �ltil �I+] 4f-�.�L����1 Revi�ion I.ag DA'CE N?�M� S[IMIVfA1tY Ol� CHANG� C1TY UN T�'OAT W4I[TH Lalca Wwfh Wst� a�� 3enitary 5ewer ]rnpmvcments Part 2 STANi7A1tD QONSTAUCTTOI�F SP&CIFICATIOT3 DC]CITMENTB City Frojecs #10U462-2 Reviged August 17, ��12 oi�iza-� PROIE4"P MT•.RTlNCiS Pagc 1 af3 s�cTrorr �1 si zo PRD]ECT MEETI�IGS jSp�cif er: 7 his SpEzircaiton [s intended fo: i��r or� �iFajeL�rs de„i�tat�� � Tier j or 97et' 4.] PART l - GI+:N�RAL 1.1 SL]MMAR7� A. Sectian Includes: 1. Fro�isians far projcct meetings thr�ughout the cans#ruction period ta enable arder}y re�iew of thc pro�ress of thc W ork and la pmvid� for syste�natic discussion, nf poten#ial p�oblems S. Ile�iat�on� this Lity vFF�rt Worth Standard Specifcati4n 1. None. C, Related Specificatinn Sectiuns ineludc, but are not necessarily limitad tn: , 1. Divisian 0— }3idding Rcquircrnents, Contract Forms and Conditions of t�ie Contract 2. Ilivisian 1— General Rcquixernents 1.2 PI�iCE AND PAYMENT PR�CE�}iJRES A. Il�easurement �nd Pa�+ment 1. Wark associated with this Ttem is c�nsidered subsidiary tc� the �arious items hisi. No se�arate payment will be z�llawcd fnr lhis Itern. I.3 REFERENC�S [NOT [75ED] 1.�1 A,�}�N1NI�TRATIVE ItEQUlREMEATTS A. Coardinatinn 1. Schedule, atiend and aciministcr as sp�cifi�d, periodic progress �neetings, and specialLy called meetings thrnughout progress of the Work, 2, Representa#ivcs af Cantractor, suhcontract�rs and suppliers attending mectings shall he qua]_iiied and authori�cd to act nn behalf of the entity each represe.nts. 3, liieefings adzpi.n_istered by City may be tape recarded. a. If recorded, tapes will he used tv prepare i�inutes and retain.ed by City far future referenc�. 4. Meclings, in addition tn thase speeifi�d in ihis Section, may he held when requested b� the �ity, Engincer ar Contractar. 8. Pre-Constru�tion Neighbarhaad NTeeiit�g ]., After the exc�utinn of the Agreen�ent, �ut hefnre wnstru�tian is allowed tu begin, attend 1 Public Meeting with affected residents ta: �t. Present �rojected schedule, including cQnstruction s#art date b, Answer any constru�tion related qucs.tions 2. Meeting Lacation a. Location af ineeting t� be det�rnaineci by the City. 3. Attendaes [�]TY C7F EORT LVbRTEi Iske Worth Wafer and Sanitary Sewer Impxavcments Psrt 2 51'Ah'DARU CQN5TAUG"f [�AE 3FTsCIFICATfON D�L'l1MHNT'3 City Prnject # l U{]9CiZ-2 Reviscd Iuly 1, 2d 11 013124-2 PRAIECT MEETING3 Rage2of3 R. CAi1Ct'SCtOi }J� PTO}� RCp,TC8CI1tAt1VC c, dther Cit�+ representatives 4. Meeting S�hedule a. In general, tlie n�ighborhaad meeting will occur within #h� � weeks fallowing the pne�onstr�ction Gonference. h. In na case wi11 �nnstxuction be allawed to begin until this rneeting ia h�ld, C. prvgress Meet'tngs 1. Fornial pr�ject aovrdinai�on z�eetin�s will be held periodically. Meeting�s rvill be scheduled and administered by �raject Representative. 2. Additional progress meetin�s to discuss specif c tapics wili be cunducted on an as- needed basis. Such additinnal rneetings shail include, but ncrt hc limited to; a_ Cnardinating �hutdnwns b. Installatian of piping and equipmex�t c. C�aordinatioaa hetween other constru�tion prajccts d. Resalution af cansiruc�on �is�ues e. Equipment appmval 3, The Project Representati�e will presid� at progress tr►cctings, prepare tl�e nates af th� meetang �nd distri�u#e capies o£the same t4 alI participants who so request hy fully completi�g the aktendance fvr� to �e carcu�ated at ti�e begiz�ing af cach meeting. 4. Attendance shall include: a. Contractor's prnject manager h. Ct7ntractar's superintendent c. Any subcontractor or supplier represeritati�es wh�m the Contractor znay desire ta invite rn the City tx�ay retluest d. Faxgineer's representatives e. Gity's representati�ves f. Qthers, as requested by the Project Representati�e S. Preliminary Agenda may includ�: a. Aevicvv nf Work progress �ince previous m�ting h. Field ahservations, prohlems, canf�cts c. Items which irnpedc c,�snstructaon schedule d. Review af off-si�e fabrication, deli�ery schedules e. Review oi constructaon inberfacing �nd sequencuag requirements with other canstruction cantra�ts f. Correvtive m�a�ures and pracec�ures to regain projected sohedule g, Itevisions ta c4nstruction sehedule h, I'ioagress, schedul�, during succeeding Work perind i. Coordinatian af schedules j. Review submittal schec�ules k. 1Vlaintenance afquality standards 1. Pending changes and subxtiiutia�s m. Review proposed ch�ges for: 1} E#�ect on canstructivn s�hedule and on c�mpletian date 2j Effect on ather contt~�tcts aithc Pra�ect n. Reviaw Record I]acurnents a. Review mar,thly pay request CTTY OF FOAT i'�4RTI-I Lake Warth VPater and Sawfary 5ew�r Imprdvements Part 2 5'I'ANDARI7 C:4NSTRUCT[�N SPECIE'ICATION D�CLiMEl+rl'S City Projact #lpp9G2-2 aeviscd July �, 2a1 i f1] 3] 20 - 3 PItOIF?L; C lI+IEHTII+fCrS Pege 3 a f 3 6. 7. p. Review status af Requests for ]nformat�an Meeting Schedule a. Progress meetings will be held pu�riodioally as determined by the Project Representati��. 1) Additional meetings may be held at #he req,uest of th�: �) City b} Engine�r c) Co�tractor Meeting Locatipn a, 'The City will e�mblis4� a meeting location. 1} To the extent praGticahle, meefings will he held �,t the Site. 1.5 SUBMITTAL� [NOT [TSED] l.b ACTIUN S[TBMITTALSlINFURMATX�NAL SUBMITTALS INDT USED] 1.7 CL4SEU[JT 3[IBM[TTALS [N�T USED] 1.8 11+IAIIVTENANCE iVIATLRjAL SUSII+IITTAi„S �NUT USED] 1.9 �I�ALITY ASSURANG� [NQT iT�EDj I.i� T]ELIVERY, STURAGE, AND H�l1YDLING �lYUT iISED] 1.11 FIELD [S�TE] COI�ITIOIYS [111�T llSED� 1.1� WARR�AITY [NOT USED] PART 2 - PRUDUCTS [1��T USED] PART 3 - EXECIITIUPV [NOT T�SEll] E1tiiD UF SECTION Revisinn Lag DATE 1�IAME SUMMA�Y OF CHANGE C I"F"Y �F FaRT WORTH Leke'C�lorth �atsr and Sanitary Sowe+' Irnprovcmcnts Part 2 STA'NISARD CL5NS7'RUCTIUN 3PECIPICATION D�CLTMENT$ City Project #1409G2-2 Rcvised 7uly 1, 2011 Dl 32 l6 -1 GdItiSTR[iC:TIQN PROGRESS SCHEDULE p�elaf5 s�cTTON ax s� i� C�N�TRUCTLaN FR�GRESS SCHEDULE PART1- GENERAL i.Y summ�►xx� A. Section Includes: 1. General requirements f�r the preparation, sub�nittal, upd�t�ng, status reporting and msnagement of the CQnstructian Pragtesg Schedule �. SpecifiG requixexnents are preser�ted in th� City o£ Fart Worth Sehedule Guidance Doc�unent B. D�.wiatians frnm this City of Fo�t Warth Standard Speci�icatio�a 1. Norie. C. Related Spe�cificatian 5ectians include, but are na�t necessarily limited to: 1. Divisian 0— Biddixig Require�nents, Cantrnct Forms and Cvnditions ofthe Cantr�ct 2. Ilivisivn 1— Ge,neral Rec�uire°ments 1.2 PItYCE ANfl PAYMENT FRd�EDURES A. Measuremcnt and Payrnent VV�rk assaaiated wii#t this Item is considered subsidiaxy to the variaus items bid. 1Va separat�e payment will be aliawed far tlus Item. 1.3 REFERENCES A. Definitivns 1, ScheduleTiexs a. 'IYer i- Na schedule submit#a1 required by contract. Sn�ll, bxief duration b, E. d. pra}cets T'ier 2- No schedule subznittal required by �oniract, but will r�quire some milestane dates. Small, brief dura#ian pra,�acts Tler 3- Sche�iule submittal require� by cantract as described in the Specificatian and herein. Majority of Cit�+ prajects, including alt band pmgram projects Tier 4- S�hedule submit#al requsred by cnntract as described in the Spccifi�ati�n and herein_ Large andlor complcx projects with long duratio2ls 1} �xamplea: large w�tex pump stati��n prnject and assaciated pipeiine with intercannecti.on to anather goaer�ental entity Tier S- Sck�ed�le sul�rnittal x�equired by contract as described in #he Specification and b.erein. Large aTadlor �ery cotnplex prajects with long d►arations, higl� publ�c �isibility l] Examples mighf include a water or wastewater treatrneat pl�nt 2. Ba�el3ne Schedule - Initial schedule submitted before work begins that wr1l serve as the baseline far rneasuring progress ati�d deparkures from the schedule. 3, Progress �chedule - Monthly submiltal of a pmgress schedule docum�nting prvgress on the pr.oje�ct and any ohanges anticipat�d. crr�r aF FoxT wax� Lake Worth 17Uatcr and Senitary Sewer lmprovem�ts Part 2 3TAI�IDARC] CONSTRUCTiON SPfiCIFICATIUlti! DflCIIMEFdTS Gtity Praject #1UU962-2 Rcvised July i, 2D11 41321b-2 CQN5TRUCTIaN PAOGR�'SS $CF[L'DULE Page � af 5 �. Sehedule Narrati�+e - Cancise narrati�e of the schedule including schedule changes, expected delays, keX schedule issu�s, critioal pa#h items, etc B. Ref�rence Standar�ds ]. City of Fart Wnrth Schedule Cruidanc� Document l.4 AQNL�11iISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Saseline Sehedule General a, Prep�re a cast lnaded baseline 5chedule using approved svftKraxe and the Critical Path 1Vlethod (C�M) a� r�yuire�i in the City of Fort Warth Schedule Guidance Dooument. b. Re�iew the drafi cost-laaded txaseline Schedule with th� City to demonstrate understanding of the wprk to he perfarmed and knawn issues �d cvnstraints related to the sch�dnle. c. Designate an authori�+ed r�preseritative (Pr�ject �cheduler} responsible fflr deuelQping and updating t�e scheclule a�d pre�aring �eparts. B. Progress 5ch�dule 1_ idgdatc the grogress �c4�edule mont�Iy as required in the City ofFork VVorth Schedule Crvidance Da�unent. 2, Pr�gare the Schedule Alarratxve tn accampany the monthly progres� Scbedul�. 3. Change �rders a. Incor�nrate approved ahange vrders, resulting in a chang� of �onixaet time, in t]ie baseline Schedule in accordance with Citp af Fort Warth Schedulc Guidance Uocurx�cnt. C, Responsihility far Schedule Compliancc: 1. Whene�+er it b�comes apparent from the aurrent progress Schedule ar�d �CPM Status Repurt that delays t€� the critic�l path ha�e re�ult�e� and tbe Gantract campl�dios� date will nat be m�.et, ar when so directed 6y the City, make som� �r alI of tiQe fc►llawing actians at na additional cast W the Gity a. 5ubmit a Recavery Pl�n ta the City for appra�al re�ised h�seline Schedule outli�ing: �} A written statement af the steps intended ba take ta rema�e vr arrest the �i�lay t� the critical path in the apprnved sahedule 2) Increase const,ruction manpo►�r�r in such quantities and cratt,s as will substantialt�� eliminate the'�acklag of work and relurn cunent S�hedule to T17PFt praje�tcd bas�eline c�mpletion dates 3) Increase khe number of worki,ng hours per shift, shifts per day, working �iays pez� week, the �matrixt o£ canstruction equiptnent, ar any camhinativn of the foregoing, suf�ciently to substantially eliminate the l�a�klog of wark �) Rescheciule activities ta achieve rnaximum practical cvnciu�ency of acGo�n,plisiiment �f aciivities, and cvmpIy with the re�ised schedule 2. If n4 wlitten statement af the steps intended to take is submitted when sv requcsted 6y the �ity, th� City may dinect #he Cvntractor ta increa�e the le�el af'effort ir� ma�owex {tradea}, equipznent and wnrk sahedute (a�ertime, u+eekend and haliday wnrk, etc.} to be employoed by the Contractar in order to remo�ve nx srrest the dalay to the criti�al path in the apprnved scftedule. a. Nn additianal cost fn-r su�h work wi.11 be considered. ��y �� gpgT p�rpg� Leke Warth Water and Sanitar,� Sewer Impro�ements Part 2 STANI]ARD C�NSTRZI�TION SPECIFICATI�IV T]OCUh'EL'Pi'A"S �h' �]ect#10.U968-,Z Rov9aed laiy l, 201 ] Oi 32 14 - 3 CflNSTIZi7C'fIDN PROGRB55 SCHBDULE Page 3 af s D, The Cnrrtract eompletion time wiI] b� adjusted anly fox causes apecified in this Contrac� a. Requests far ar� extensian af any �oniract completian date rnus# he supplemented with the foilawing: 1} �rnish justi�catian and supparting esridence as the City may deem necessary to determine whetl�er the request�d exGension of tim$ is entitled under th� �rovisions of this Contract. a) 'The Gify will, ai�er receipt of such justi�cation and sugparting �iden�e, maice findixags of fact and rNill advise #he Cantractor, in vvriting thereaf. 2] If the Gity finds that the z�equested extcn�ian of time is ex�titled, the City's determination �s to the tatal numb�r of days alIowed fnt ihe extcresi�na sha�l be based upon th� appr��ed tatal6a�elinc schednle at�d an alI data relev�nt to thae ext�sion. a} Sueh �ata shall b� included in #he next updating of tk�e Pragress schedule, b) AcCuaJ. �ielays in a�tivities whicf�, aGCqrCling �o tla� Baselane sChedule, do not affact ariy Contract campletion da�e shown by the crzti�al path in the netrvork will nat be the ba�is fvr a chan�e therein. 2. Subrnit each requ�st far change in Contract eornp�etion d�e ta the City within 34 days at�er the k�eginning of the delay £�r whic� a tirne extension is requested hut be�Qre the date of �ina1 paywent vnder this Confxaet. a. Na time extension z�ili be granted for t�eque�ts. which are nat suhmit�ed within the fvregQing titnc iimit. b. From tune ta time, it nxay be neGessary fnr fhc Co�aixact schcdule or comple#i�n time to be adju�ated by the Cit� to reflect the eff�cts af job conditi�ms, weather, technical difficultie:, strikes, uz�avvidable delays an the part of the �ity ar its representativcs, and other unfureseeahle conditions which xr�ay i,ndi�ate schedule adjustments ar cQmpletian tiine cxtcnsions, 1) Under s�ch oondi#ions, �lle City will �It�Ct fb� G4ril�Gt4r tv resche(�u1� t�le work or Cox�tract cflrnpletion ti�e tc� reflect ihe changed Gonditions and the �ntr�ctor shall revise his schedule accs�rciingly. a� No additional cnmpensation will be made to the Contractor %r such schedule changes exc�pt for unavoic�ablc vverall contra�t time �xtsnsians bey�n�d the actuar cvmpletion of unaffected worlc, in which case the Contr�tar sha11 take all possible action to minimize any time extensian and any addi#ios�al cost tv the City, b} Availahle floa# time in the Ssseline s�hedule may be used by the City as well as l�y the Can[ractQr. 3. FLoat ar slacl� time is d�fined as the am�uxat of t'sme between the earli�st start date an�. the latest start dat� or hetween the earliest finish date xnd the latest finish t3ate of a chain af activitiea an t�e Baseline 5c}�adule. a. Float ar sl�ck time is not for the ex�lusi�e use or benefik o£ eitber the Contractor or the L�ty. �. Proceed with work accot�ciing to early start da#es, and the City shall have the right to xeserve and appnrtian float time a�enrding #o the needs nf �e proj ec#. CPl'1' QF FQRT R'ORTH Lake VTorth Watar and Ssnitary $ewer Impro�cments Part 2 STANAARD CONSTRIIGTIC]N SPECIF[CATIQN I]OCLiME1VTS c��y rro��r�ioo�sa-� Rcviscd 3uly 1, ZO11 ni 3a i�-a CaNSTRiJCTI{71+I YItOGRE58 5CH�DULE i'ags�of5 c. Acknowledge and a�ree that actua� delsys, �fFectixag paths of acrivities eon#aining fLu�t time, will nat �a�v+e any ef�'eet upan cvnfra�t �omplet�vn tirnes, praviding that the actuai delay doe� not exce�d the flnat time associatecl with th�ose acti�vities. E. Car�rdinating Sc�ule with dther Cor�tsa�t Schedules 1. VVh�re wark is ta be perfa�rned under this Cont�act cvncurrentl.y with or cvntingent upon wor�c perfarmed on the same facili�ies or area under other contxacts, the Baseliae Schedule shal] be coardinat�d with tk�e sch�dulcs af the nrher canfra�ts. a. Ohtain the schedules vf the other appropriate cantracts from the City for tk�e preparatian and updating o� Baselir�e seheadule and znake the requirsd char�ges in his schedule wheri indicated by changes in eorrespand�ng schedules. 2. In case of interferen�e l�etween the operations of d�ff�rent contractors, the City will debermine the wax�C priarity of each c�tra��or and ti�e sequen�e af vvork necessary ta expedite the coz�pletion of the entire P�vject. a. In such cas�s, #h� decision af #1�e City shall l�e accepted as �nal. b. The �orary delay of any wark due io sucb cucumstances ahall not be considered as jusdficafiion far clai.ms for additional compensatian. 1,5 S[]BMITTALS A. Basetine 5chedule 1, Submit Schedule in nativ� file Format and pdf fomnat as r�quired in tYae City af Fflrt Worth Schedute Guidance Docum�nt. a. Native �SIe format includes: S ) Prsmavera (PG or Prirria�era �ontracta� 2. 5ubmit draft baseline Schedule tv City pri�r ta the pre-canstruction me�iing aud bring in hard cnpy to 1he na�eting for review and discussian. B. Pf'ogress Schedule I. Subrx�t progress Sc�ed�xle in taatir�e fiie format and pdf farmat as required in t�e City af Fart Worth Schedule Guidance T]ocurne�t, 2. Sul�rrmit pnogres� Schedufe rnonthly no l�ter than the last day of the rnnnth. C. Schedule I�Farra�arre i. �ubmit fhe schedule �arratirre in pdf fa�nat as reyuired in the Gity vf Fnrt Wortlt Suliec�ule Cuidanee 17ocumeni. 2, Subrnif schedule nerra�ive manthly r►� Iater than the last dsy of the naonth. I). Submittal Proc�ss 1. The City admvlisters and manages schedules thraugh Bur.�saw. 2, Contractar shall sub�t dc�ouments as required in t�e City of Fart Vifiorth Schedule Guic�az�,Ge Docutnent. 3. Dn�e the prnject has becn completed and Final Acceptance has been issued by the City, no furt�er progress schedules are required. crr3t aF raxT wa�z�x t��e wfl�n w�z� �►a s�;� s�� rm�ro��� � z STANI]ARD CONS'['[ll1CTION SPECI[�ICATIQN DOCLTMENTS City ProjecY#lUU9Gl-a x���:�d �uLy s, aoii 81321b-5 OONSTRIIC'IipN PROGRES� SCHSDULE Page 5 of 5 l.6 ACTIUN BUBMITTALSIINFURMATIQN�II. S[7BMITTALS {NUT USEU] 1.7 CL�SEdUT �USMITTALS [MOT USED] 1.8 MAII�TEI►lA1VCE MATLRIAL �SUBMITI'ALS [NUT USED] 1.9 QUALIT� AS�UFtANCE A. The persnn pre.�aring and revising the canstruc#ian Prngress 5chedule shall be exp�rienc�d it� the preparation of achedules af si�ilar complexity. B. Schedule and supporting dnc�nents addressed in this S`pecifica�ion shall be prcpared, upda�+ed and re�i�ed to a�curatcly refleGt tbe perForn�ance of �he canstructinn. C. Ccmtractor is resp�nsibl� for the quality of all submittala in this sectinn m�eting the standard af care fur the constructian industry €or samilar pzvjects, 1.1U D�LIVLRY, ST'i)HAGE, AN� HA1�iDLING [N�T USEDX i.1� �x� �si�� cormx�orrs �NaT vs��� 1.1� V�TARRANTY [NDT IISED� PAR7` � - PRaDiICTS [IYDT USED] PART 3 - EXECIJTIUAI [N�0►T USED] E11TD OF SECTIOIV CITY 4F FORT WQI��'H Lake Wortfi Watcr and Sanitary 5ewrx hnprnvemenis Part 2 STAM�ARll CaNSTRUCTION SPEGFICAT1dN DdCiIMSNTS City Project#30i1962-2 Revised ]uly 1, 2611 [il 32 33 -1 PRECOI+ISTRUCT'IaIV 'YIGEQ Page 1 af 2 s�cTTax oi s� � PRLCOIVSTRiJCTION VIDEa P,,�RT 1- GENERAL 1.1 S[]II+Il1�iAR�' A, Sectian In�ludes: 1, Administratir�e and prue�edurai r�quirements for: a, Prer,�nstru�tion V ideos B. De►Fiations fc�nxn #his L`ity af Fnrt VVorth Sfandard Specificatian 1. No�e. C. Related Speci�ication Sectiflns include, but are n.ot necessarily limited tu: 1, Di�risiou 0— Sidding Requizements, Contract Frnm� and Candif.ic�ns af the Contra�t 2. Divisivn� 1— Gen�ral Requiretnents 1.� PRICE AND PAYMENT PRdCEDURES A, NTeasurement and Payrxaent l. Wvrk assvciated witb this Item is considered suhsidiary to the �arious ikems bid. No separate payment will tae allowed fvr this Item. 1.3 REFEI�ENCES jNflT USED] 1.4 ADI4IINI�TRATIVE RE�[TiRE11�iENTS 1�. YrecoBstruction Video 1, Prvduce a preconstruction vxdeo of the sitelalignment, in,cluding all �r�s in the vicinity of and ta 6e affected by constructian. � Providc dagital capy of videa upQn requcst by the City. �. Retain a copy of the precanstru�tion video un#il the end nf the m�intenancc surety period. 1.5 SUBMITTAi�S [NUT USED� L6 ACTION SZTBMTTTAL�Ia+IFURM�iTIONAL �UBNIITTALS �1�IQT USED] 1.� ci,os�vuT su��rrT�.s �roT Us�n� 1.8 IV�IAYHTENAI►iCE MATEW�►L S[IEMiTTALS [N4T USEU] 1.9 �i7ALITY ASS[rRANCE [NOT USED] L] 4 I)Ei.�VERY, STURAGE,, ANA �ANALINC [AIDT USCD] I,11 FILLD [SITE] CaNDIT'IONS [1tiiOT USED] 1,12 WAIZ.RANTY [N4'1' USEQ] PART � - P1�DDL]CTS [Ai�T USED] crrY oF �o[c� woRrx z�� warrn war� �,a s��r��y s� r�.��s �, x Si'ANIDARD COTi57�ti]G"CI�N 3P�[CAT[OM �aCiIMSNT6 City Project #10a96a-2 Revised July �, �U11 fll 32 33 - � PRSODIV5TRUCTIUN 171U� rage a ofz PART 3 - EXECi]TI�N [AIOT LISED� END OF SEGTIaItii ue��sion Lag L7AT�. NAME SIIMMARY OF CHAN4E crrY oF ra�T wc�R�x �� wortu w��� �a s�� s� r���� ra� x 3TAiYI}ARI3 C{3Ti5TRC1C'CIaN SPEC�ICATION D4CUMENTS City Pro�ec[ #14Q962-2 R�vised duly 1, 2Q1 ] oiaaao-i s�s�rrrar.s Page l nf 8 3EGTION 47 33 �0 SUBMI`I"I'ALS PARTI- GENERAL 1.1 ST]1�IMARY A. 5ectiaz� �n,cludes: General methods �nd requiremerits of submi�sivns applic��le to the follawing 1�ork�elatad submittals: a. 5hop Drawings h. Prvduct Data {includ�ng Standard Product List suhmittals} c. S�mples d. Mock Ll'ps g. De�iatians from this City af Fort �Vvrth Standard Specificatian 1. None. C, Relatcd Specific�tion Sections include, �U� aT� i]Rf neceS3aTiIy 1i.[mtOC� t8� 1_ Divisina� 0— Bidding l��quirementx, Cantract Fnrnis and Cnnditions af the Cantract 2. bivision 1— General Requ�rements l.2 PRICE A1�TYi PAYMENT P1tUCE�URES A. 1Vleasurement and Payuient �4Tor1� assaciatcd wit� this Item is considered subsidiary to the �arinus items bid. No separate payment will be allowed far this It�rn, 1.3 REFER�N'CES [N4T LTSk:D] 1.�1 A�IVIIMSTRATIVE REQ�JIR�MENTS A. Coordinaiion i. Notif�+ the City in wriiing, at the time of sulmnittal, af any deviatiQns in the su6rnittals frorn the rec�uir�naemts afthe Contxac# Dncurnents. 2. Coardinataon of �ubmittal Timea a. Prepare, priarit'tae a�d transm�it each sub�nit�l sufficaently in ad�vance af perfomaing the xelated Wark ar vther applicable aciivities, or vvithin th,e time apecifed in the individual �Vark SeGtaons, of the Specifications, b. Cant�-aotar is respo�ible such that the instaliation will x�at be deiaye�d by pracessing timcs including, but nnt limited ta: a) Disapproval and resubmittal �ifrequired) b] CoordinatiQn with oth�r submittals �} Tast�.ng d} Pxu�chasing e) l�a�ri�a.tion tj De�i�ery g} Sixnilar sequenced activities c. No extension of tim� wi1l be autla�arized because of the Cautractor's failure ta transrnit sub�nit�als suff'ieiently in ad�ance af the 1�Tark. C1TY �F FdILT 1YORTH Lake Worlh W�ter and Senitsry S�wer irnptuvensents Psrt 2 STAIYE3ARi] CON$TRUCTI�PISPSCIFICATION I}OCLIi1�tENTB Ltity Prcjjeet #lOQ9G2-2 Reriscd Deopnaer 2D, 2412 a� 33 vo-a 5USM1TTAL8 Page 14i 8 d. N[ake submitta�s prnmptly in aecardance with ap�roved schedul�, and in such sequence as ta cause no delay in the Work or in tlie vv�ark of any ather cantractor. B. Swbmittal Numhering W]�en submitting s]�np drawings or samples, utilize a 9-character submi�tal cross- referencs iclentif'�catian numhering syst.�m it� tkte fnllowing m�nnec: a. Use tlze first 6 digit5 c�f the applicable �pecif�catian Se�tion Number. b, �vr the next 2 digits nuzxaUcr use num.bers 01-�4 to sequentiaily number each initi�l aeparate i#em or drawin� submitted under each spacific Section num6er. c. Last use a letter, A-�, �ndicating the resubix�ission c�f the same drawing �i.e. A=2nd suhmis4ion, �=3rd submissian, �—�th suhmission, etc.). � typical sul�m�ittal nurnher wvuld b� as follnws: 03 34 4�-Q$-S 1� D3 30 �Q is khc Sgecificatian S�ctxon for Concrete 2} Q8 is the eighth i�itia] submiital untler this Speci�ication S�ctian 3j B is the third submission (secand resul�mission) of tlaatparticular shop drawing C. Cantractnr Certi�catian Review shnp drawings, pnoduct data and samples, including ihase �oy subeanttactars, priar ta submissian ta det�rmine and verify ihe following: a. Field measurernants b. Field canslructiari �rite�i� c. Ca#alog numb�rs attd simiLar data d. Cvnformance with the Coatract Docutn�ents �. Pro��de each shnp drawing, sample azad product data submitted by the Cantrackor with a Cer�ificatian Statement at�ixed in�luding: a. 'fhe Contrac#or's C�mpany naxne b. �ignature af submittat rewievver c. Certi�ication 5tstement 1) "By this submittal, I hereby represent that I hx�e deternnined and ��rified field measurem�nts, �e1C� cgn5kruC�inn Ciiteria, materials, dimensivns, catalag numbcrs and similar data and I ba�� �hccked and caorciinater� each item with nther applicable �ppro�ed shop drawings." D. Submittal Format 1. F�ld s�ap drawings �arger than 8 l!� inahes x S 1 inches ta 8'lx inches x l linci�es. 2. Bind shop drawings and product data sheets #agether. 3. �rder a. C��er Sheet 1� Description of Pecket Z) Cor►tractor �erti�ication b. Li�t of �tems 1 Table of Contents c. ' Produc# �ata 15hop Drawings�Sarnple$1CalGulations E, Suhmitta.l Con#�nt ]. The date of suhmissian and the dates of a�y pre�+iaus submissians ��, �g �R� ��� Lake Warth W ater and 3anitsry $ewer Imprevemente Part 2 S7'ANDARri C�IVSTRUCTIdhi SPECIFICIITION DQC[I�41SNT5 City Projeet #] 00462 2 IEevised IlecembL-r �p� iAl2 Oi 33 {10 - 3 S[JSMITTAL3 Pege # vf 8 2. The Project title and niunh�r 3. ContraGtor identifi�atian �}. The names of; a. Contractor �. Supplisr c. Manufacturer 5. Identif aatian af the praduct, v�ith the 5pecificatiat� SeG#ion nwxaber, page �nd P��'a��(�) 6. Field dimensirnas, clearly identi�ied as such 7. Relafion ta adjacent nr crit��al features af the Work or materials S. Applicahle stand�ds, such as ASTM ar Fet3eral Spacifieation numhers 9. Identificatian 6y highlighting of deviatioEns fram Caniract I3acume�.ts l.a. Identifi�ation hy highlighti�ag nf revisions on resubmittals 1 i. An S-inch x 3-inch blanlc space f�ax �antractor and City stamps F. Shop Drawings 1, A,s �peci�ed in individual V[�oric Se�tions includes, but is nat necessarily limit�d to: a. Custom-prepared data such a� fa�ricetson and erectionlinstall.ation {vvvrlcing) tl�ra�wings b. S�heduied infQrmation c. Setti�►g diagrams d. Actual shapwork manufacturing instructians e. Custam templates f, Special wiring diagrams g. Coar�ination drawings h. Iridivi�ual system or eq�ipment i�zspeotian and test reports including: 1} Performancc curves and certi�tcations i. As applicahl� to t$e RVvrk 2. Details a. Relaiion of the r�arivus parts to the main members and lines af the atructure b, Where c.��xect fabricatian af t%e Work depends upon �eld rneasuremants 1} Pro�ide sach measurernents and note nn the dr�wings pr�ar tv submitting for approval. G. Product Data 1. Fvr xuhmittals af pradu�t data fc�r produ�ts ir�lud�d an tl�e Ci�y's Standard Praduct List, �learly identif3� each item selected f�r use on the PrQject. 2. For submittals �f produat ciata for products not included �n the City's Sfa�dard PraciuGt List, submittal data may include, but is nnt nec�ssarily limi#ed to: a, 5tandard prepaxed data For manufactured products (sometimes referred ta as eatalog data) t} Such as the ma�x�ufactur�r's prodrxct spc�ificatian and installatian instructivns 2} AvailahiT;ty of cdlars an�i pattenas 3} Manufacturer's printed staxements of complianc�s and applicability 4} Roughingin di.agrams and tem�plate,s 5} Catalog cuts 6) Praduct phato�raphs CITY �F FbitT WORTI-� Lakc Worth Water amd S�sutary �eurer lmpraNemOets ParE 2 $TANDARD CQNSTRL]CTIUN SPSCIFIC]�TIDN DflCUIvIEA1TS City Prajest �10�462-� Revised �eoomber 24, 2012 D133�p-4 SLrBM1'I"PAL5 Fage � of 8 7) Standa�rd wiring diagrams 8) Printad �erfarmance curves and operatian�l-raaige diagrarns 9] Produ�tion or quality cnnt�ol inspectiun and test zeparts and certi�catians 10} Mill reports 11) Fxariuct aperating and maintenance instr�xctiaus and recomrn�nded spar�parts lzsting and printed product warrant�es 12} As applic�.ble to the VVark H. Samples 1. As specified in individual Sectians, include, hut ar� nnt necessarily limited to: a. P�ysi�al exampl�s af the Wnrk such $s; I) Sectinna of manufactured ar faUricated Wark 2j �mall auts or c�niainers of materials 3} Complate units of repetiri�ely used products ca]orltexturelpattern swatches ar�d ra�r►ge scta �) �pecirr�ens fnr cvordir�ation af visual �ffect S] Graphic s�+mbals a�d unii� of Wark to b� used by the City for independent inspectkox� and te5ting, as �pglicable to the Wvrk I. Do nat starr Work requirir� a shop draw�iin.g, sample vr product data nar any material ta be fabrieaked or in�taIled priar tc� the appro�al nz qualified appraval of such item. I, Fabricatiun performed, materials purchascd or an site construct�an accornplished ��}uch dQes tant aonforrn to appro►�e{i shop drarx�i_ugs and data is at the �antra�tor's xisk. 2. The Gity will n�t be liahle for any �xpense or delay d�ue ta corrections or remedies require�d to acoornp4fah canf�rn►ity. 3. Co�nplete project Wark, materials, fabrication, and ins#allatio�s in confox�uace with appraved shap draw�inga, applicable samples, and pr4duct data. J. Suhmittall]istributivn I . Electranic Distribution a. Can�irm dev�Iapment oiProjt�t directnry for electronic submittals to be uplaaded to City°s Bn�saw sii�e, or another externa� FTP site ap�rat�ed by i#�e �ity- b. Shop Drawi�gs i} U�pload submittal to d�signatcd prn,�e�t directory and natify appropriate Ci#y xepresentatir�cs uia email of suhmitta] posting. �} T�ard. �opies a) 3 capies for sIl submitt�ls b} If Cantract�r requires mQre than 1 hard copy of Shn� Drar�vings returned, Gnnfxactor shall su6mit xnvre than the nurnbex of capi� listed abo��, c. Product Da#a 1) Upload submitt�l ta deeignated pxoject directary and notify appxopriate Ci�y representatives via email af submittal �sting, 2} Hard Cvpies aj 3 eapics far al� submittals d. Samples 1] Distributed to the Project �epresen#ative 2. Hard Copy Distr�bu�ian (if required in lieu of electronic distributinn) CITY 4F FORT WOR'FH Lakc Worth fiJater ond Sanitery 5ewer Improvemeiits Part 2 STANDARD COlVSTRilCTI�N SPBGIPICATI4N DQCLA4[EIdT9 City Proje�t #1Da462-2 Revised Decarn6er 24, 2Q12 nr 3a ofl-s SUBMITTALS Fago 5 af S S. �ii��] DYAiN111�S 1 j Distributed ta ihe City 2) Copies a) S aopies �ar mechanie�l suhmittals h} 7 ccypies for all c�th�r subxnittals c) Tf Cantractor requires mare tha.n. 3 capi�s oi Shop Drawings reh�rned, C�ntractor shall submit more than the number af copies listed ahovc. b. Pmduct Data X} Distrihuted to the City 2} C.upies a} 4 copies c. Saxnples 1j T3i�trt'buted ta tkte Project I�epre�ent�tive 2} Capies a} Submit t�e number stated in the respective Specification �ectians. Distribute repraductions of �ppm�ed shap drawings and capies af appr�ved pz�nduct data and samples, where required, to the job site file and elsewhere as directed by the City. a, Prnvide numher of copi�s as direeted by the C�ity but nat exceeding tha numl�er previvusly s�seci�ed. K. S�6mittal Review 2. � 4. � The review of shap drawings, data and samp�es will be Fnr gen�era] canfnrmance with the design c�ncept and Cuntract I)o�uments, This is nflt to be canstru�d as: a, Pernv:tting �ny departure frorn the Contraot requirements b. Relicvi.ng the Cantractor of xespansibility €ar any crrors, inclu�in� details, diimension5, and mat�ri�ls c. A�prUving departures frorn details furnixhed by the City, except as otherwise p��avidetl �erein The review and appraval of shap drawings, samples ax product data by the City does not relieve the Coz�traci�r from hislher responsibility wi�h re�ard to Y.�e fulfitlment af the te� af tl�e Co�ract, a. Al.l xisks of errar and amissivn are assumed by tb�e Gontractar, and the Gity will have no r�spansibility therefare. The Cnntractar rexnains responsible for detail� and accura�.y, �or covrd"rnating thc Wor1c with al1 ot�►er associated wark and trades, fo�r seleeting fabricati�n process�s, far techniques vf a�sernbly ax�d for performing Virork in a safe rnanner. 1f fhe shop drawit�gs, data or safx�les as submitted de�'ihe wariations and shaw a departure from the Contract requirenaents w'hich City finds to be in the uaterest of fhe G'ity and to be sn minar as nnt to inrrolve a change in Cantract Price ur tirne far per£ormance, the City may r�turn the reviewed drawings witl�out noting an exception, Submitfals will be r�turt�ed to the Contractor under � af the following codes: a. Cocle 1 1} "%1� EXCEPTTflNS TA�EN" is assigned when there are na notatians t�r GOITLtL��I1t$ �t] t}l� SlI�7TI7itt81, a) When returned under this code th� Cnntract�r rnay release the equipment andlor material for manufaciure. b. Code 2 C�TY OF FpAT W�RT[i L,�ake Worth Water �nd Sanitary 3ewer Im�novements Part 2 STANDAAD CbNBTRUCTIQN 3PECIPICATION I]DC[IMENTS City P:roject #If1a962-2 �CVlBC� r,7CG�1bCC�fl, Zi1]� oi �s oo - 6 SUSA+F1TTAl.3 Paga 6 aF 8 C. d. 1) "EXCEPTI�NS NOTED". This code is as�igned whe�n a confirrnafian of the nntatians and cc�mments IS NQT required by the Cvnira�tvr. a} Tk�e Contractar may release the equi�ment nr m�teriaI fnr maa�ufaatur�; hawever, all natations and camments mnst be incar�nrated into fhe final pxaduct. Cade 3 1} °Fs3�CEP"I'IaNS Ni]TEDIRESiJBMIT". 1'his cam�ination o€codes is �ssigued when nv#atians and �omments are extensive enaugh ta raquire � resnbmi##al �f the �aackage. a) The Contractor may reiease the aquiprn�nt or mate�rial for manufactune; hawe�er, a!1 notationa and cvmrnentt must be incorporated inta th� �na� produsct. b) 'T'his resubxnitta3 is ta address all c�alnments, omissions and nan�anfa�ning iterns that wera note>d. c) Resubmittal is to be received hX the Gity within 15 Calendar Days af the dat� of the City's transmitf�al requzring t1�e resubmittal. Code 4 1) "NDT APPROVED" is assigned when the submittal dU�s not �a.eet tbe intent af the ��ntraet Documents. a) The Contractar must r�submit ths entu� pa�kage revised to bring the subrn�ital into canformanGe. b) It may be meeessary ta resu�mit using a different manu�acturerlvendar to meeet the Contraet I]ocutnents. 6. Resubmitta]G a. Handled in �ae satne mianner as frst submittals Ij CoireG#ions Qther than reyues�d by the City 2} M�rked with revision lriangle v� other similar �ethod a) At Cantract�r's riak if not �nnarked b, Submittals fQr each item wil! be reviewed na mare than twioe at the City's expense. 1} A11 subsequent r�views will be per£arrned at tirnex c�nwenient to the Ciiy and at thc C�ntractar's expense, based on th� City's or Gity Representativs'�s th�nprevaili�g rates� 2) 1*mvide C.�ntra�tor reimbursement to the G'ity within 3U Calendar Days �'or all suci� fees invniced by the City. c. The need for rnvre than 1 resuhmission or any other delay in obtaining City's re�iew of subxnittals, will nat entitle the Contractor to an extensi�n �f Coutract Tirne. 7, Partial Submittals a. City reserves the r��t tv nvk review submittals deemed partial, at the Gity's discr�tian. b. Submittals d�erued by thc �ity ta lae nvt cornplete vvill be retumed to the Con#ractnr, and will be Gomsidered "Not A�proved" wutal resul�mi�ted c. The City may at its aptian gro�ide a�i�t vr mark the submittal directing the Cantractvr to the areas that are incomgl�e, 8. If l�e Cantr�ctor eonsiders any c�rrection iudi�ated nn the shvp drawsngs to ❑onstitute a change to th� �ontraot Docurnents, ihen writien natice must be provi�ded thereof tn the City at least 7�aler�ddar I3ays priar tn ralease far tnannf�ctui+e. C17Y 4F FaRT �Vfl�TH Y..a4oe Wurth Watcr and S�nitary Sewcr Improvements Part 2 9TAlriDAR13 C�NSTA.LICTiDN SPECIF'ICATION DOCLfMENTS City frojecl #AlU09G2.2 Revised Decembcr 20, 2D12 f7133 �D - 7 5T.i8Mi`I"TALS Page 7 of 8 9. VVhen the shop drawings h��e he� curnpletcd to the a�tis£actaan of th� City, the Contractar rnay carry aut the crnisixuctinn in accordanoe tharewith and no fuitlier c�anges therein ex�ept upan written instructions frr�m the City. � 10. Ea,ch submittal, apprapriatcly coded, will be retumed within 34 Calendar Days follawing receipt of suhmittal by the Ciiy. L. Mocl� ups 1. Mocl� Up unita as specified fn individual Sections, include, but are not necessaril.y limited to, cc�mglete units uf the standard Qf ac�eptance Far that type �f Wnrk to be usccl on the Project. Remowe �t the cnxnpletian of the Work ar when direGt�d. M. Qualificatians If spe�ifically required in othcr Sections of these �upeaifications, submak a P.E. CertificaGian for each itern required. N. R�quest fiot� infarmatian (RPl) 1. Contracto� Request for addikional infvrmation a. Clarificativn ar int�expretation of the contra�ct dacuments b. When the Contractor bclieves �tnere is a conflict between Cantract Documents c, Y�ihen the Gontractor beli�ves there is e confli�t betwcen t�e Ihawings and Speci�ca�ia.ns 1) Identiiy the conflict and request clarification 2, Use the Request for Information (RPI) fvrm prvvided By the �iry. 3. Numbering of RF[ a. Frefix with "RFI'° follv�vved by series number, "_xxx,', beginning wiih "O 1" and increasing sequentially with each additianal trar�smittal. 4. Sufficient infortnakion shall ioe attached to permit a writt�n respanx� withvut fiu�kher inf�t'mation. 5. T�e City will log each request and will re�iew the request, a. If revicw of the project informatioai reqt�est indicates ihat a cl�ange ta the Contract �ncuments is required, the Gity will issue a Field arder ar Change Order, as apptnpri�te. 1.5 SUgNiITTALS [N�T USED] I.G ACI'IQN SUBMITTALSIINF�RMATIOYVAL �UBMI'i'TALS �1�iOT []SED� 1.T CLUSEUi3T SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 11�IAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBA�IITTALS [1tiIU7' iISTD] 19 QUAI�i7'Y ASSURANCE [11iOT [:T�`uED] l.lU DELiVERY, 5T{]I�A�E, AND HANDLING �l�TUT U�ED] 1.11 FIELI] [SITE] COlYDIT�ONS [IV[}T U5EDj 1.12 WARRANTY rN�T i]S�Dj C1TY OP FDAT W(7R'f H Lake Wor[h Water amd 5anitary Sewer Tmpmvements Psrt 2 '3TANbAR[3 CON�TRIIC:TION SPECif'ICATIQN 17QCL]MEtITS Eity Prajec[ #] 90R62-a Revised llecetttbGl' �4� 2912 01330R-8 SUBMITi'ALS Page 8 af e PART � - PRDDUCTS [1VOT iISED] PART 3 - LXECUTION [A��'I` USED] �ND �F SE�TIQN �rrY aF FaRT woxTx Lake V�Foath Wasp' and 5anitaryr Se�rrer impravernenta Part 2 STAt+Ii7ARD COA�STRIICTION SPECIFICA'I'ION DOCI]MENTS City Projcct #lOW6a-� Reviscd Lkrember Z0, 2013 Q13513-1 SPECIAL PR�71'sCl' PROCEDURES Page 1 af 8 � 2 3 PART1- GENERAL 4 i.1 s�mn��R� S 6 7 8 9 la 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 I8 sECTTox oi ss � SP'TCIAL PROJEGT PRO�EDUR.�'S A. 5e�tian Includes: 1. The proccdures for apecial prajact oircucnstances that includes, but is not limited ta: a. Caordinatian witl� the Texas Ueparfinent of Tranaportation h. Vyiork near High Va�tage Lines c. �anfir►ead Space F.aitry I'ragrarn d. Use ofExplasives, Drop'L�eight, St�. e. WaCer D�partment Natificatiaa f Publi�c Noti�ication Prinr ta �eginning Constructi�n g, C�ordination witla Unit�d States �ay Ca�s al' �ugineers h, Coordination within Railrngd permits areas i. Dust Cantrol j. Empiayee Parlting H. I]eviations �ram this City of Fort Warih Stan�iard �pecification 1. Nane_ 1� C. Related Spcci�icatinn Sections inclucle, but are nvt ne�es�arily lix�ited ta: 2� 1. Di�vision D- Bidding Requirements, Contract Farms and Conditions af the Contract 21 Z. Di�risian 1-� Genexal Requiresnents 22 3. Sectior� 33 12 25 - Connection m Existing 'Rtater Mair� 23 �.,2 PRICE A1VD PAYh'ILNT PRUCEIlUREB 24 2S 2� 27 28 29 30 s1 32 33 3� 35 3b 37 38 39 40 41 42 A. Measurement and Payment I. Cnvrdin�tian within Railroad permii areas a. Measuxement 1) Measurenient far this Item will be by lump surn. b. Payx►aen� 1) The w�rk perfnrmed and materials fumished in acootdance w�th this Item will be paid ��r at #he lump sum pxice bid faPr Railr�ad Coordination. c, The price 6id slzall include: I} M�rbilization 2} Inspectinn 3} Sa�ty #r�ining 4} A�ditiozlallttsurance 5} Insurance Certi�cates 6} [3ther r�quirernents associated with generral cvordinatioiz with Railmad, in�luding additianal employees required to pmtect the right-of way and property af tbe Railraa�d. fmm damage ari�ing out af andlar from tize ovnsiruction of the ProjecE. 2. Railroad Fl�gmen a. Measurement CTTY OF FQRT WO1tTIi Lake Warth Water �t1d 5&11'ltary Sewer impmKemern� Part � Si'AHDARD CdT+1ST'RUi.'1'ION SFEC[FICATIQh1 DOC[1MEATfS City Prajact #I OU96�-i Rcviscd 14�arch 1 ],-20Z2 al 35 13-2 SPBCL�L PROISCT PRDCSDURE5 Page Z af 8 l 1} Measurernent for this Ite�m wi.I] be per wvrking day. 2 b. Payrnerrt 3 1) T'he wark performed and mateiia�s furnisi�ed in accordance with this Item 4 wi11 �e paid for each vcmrking day Chat Raikaad Flagmen are p�esent at the 5 Sitc_ 6 c. The price hid sh�Il inetude: 7 1} Coarrlinatiar� for achedu3irig flagmen 8 �) Flagmen 9 3} 4ther requireanents associated with Railroad 1Q 3_ All otl�er items 1 i a. VVnrk �ssaoiated with these Items is considercd su$sidiary to the r�arious Items 12 bid. No s�p�ratc payment will be allawed for this Itetn. I3 1.3 REFERENCES l4 A. R�feret�ce Standards 15 1. Reference standard$ cited in this Specification refer to the �urrenE ref�rence 1.6 standard puhlished at the time vf the lat�st t�visian date logged at the end nf this 17 Specification, uniess a date is specifical�y �i#ed. 18 2. He�ltk� and Safety �ad�e, Title 9. Safety, Subtitle A. Public Safety, Chapter 75Z. 19 High Voltagc averhead Lines, 20 1.4 AnMrNISTit�►TIVE RE��71RENIEI�TS 21 A. C:oordinatian with the Texas Depamn�nt of Tran$pvrtatian 22 23 24 �.5 26 27 �8 29 1, When work in the nght-af way w}�iGh is under the jurisdictian of the Texas Department nfTransportati�n (TxQOT}; a, 1�Tatify t�e Texas �epartiment of"�ransportati�r► prior t� cammenc�g any work therein in accardance w�ith th� prc�visions af the permi# b. AI] wark perfarmed in the Txl]QT right�f way shall be performed in compliance with and subje�ct ta ap�ro�al fmm the Texas Departnnent o� 'I4'ansportatinn B. Wc�rk near High Valt�ge Lines 3U l. R�gulatory Requirernents 31 � a. AII Vi�ark near High Vultage Lin�a (more than 646 �alts lneasured between 32 �onductors or b�tween a conductor and the ground) shall he in �ccardance with 33 Health and Safety Cod�, Ti�lc 9, Subtitle A, Chapter 75�. 34 35 35 37 3� 39 �Ll 41 2. R�arning aign a_ Prnwide sign oi sufficient s�ize meetin� all OSHA requirements. 3, Equipmer�t o�erating within 1 a feet nf high ��ltage lines will reqxure the fvllowing safely features a, Insulating cage-type of guard about the bo4m nr arm b. Insulator links a� th� li�C hoQk Gvnneciivns for back hbes ar dippers c. Equiptnent m�st meet the sa£ety x�uirements as set farth by �SHA and ihe safety requirernents af the owner of the high voltage lines �� 4. V[rork within 6 feet of high woltage electr�c lines �L3 a. Notiiicatian shall be gi►�en io, d4 1} The pn�ver cnmpany (example: ONCOR) CTTY QF F4RT WORTH Lake Wort3� YYf�ler �nd sanitary SB►ver lmpro�@ments part a STANDI�RI] CA1�I$TRUCi'I�N SPECIFICATION �O{;LTMSIVTS City Projact #1 �a9G2-2 Revised MarcE� j l. 2422 o� �s �a-3 SP�C'IAL PROJECT PRqC'EL7LlRE5 Page 3 of S � ? 8 a} Mamtain an accurate lag af all such calls to power campany and r+ecord action mke� zn each case. b. Coordir�atian with pou�er company l) After �oti�icatioxi coardinate witt� th� pawer cornpany to: a) Erect temporary+ mechanieal �arriers, de-enexgiz� t�e lines, pr raise or lower the lines c, Na personne� rnay wark within 6 f�et of a high ►+oltage line bef�re the above requireme�tts havc beexa met, C. Confined Space Entry Frogracn 1� 1. Frovide and follow appxnvcd Confined Space Entry Pragrara in acoordance with 11 DBHA requirem�ts. l2 Z. COTI�in�� SpaC�S 111GItild�: l3 a. Mat�.h�les 14 b. AIl ather confined spaces in �cca�d��ce with DSHA's Permit Required fox ls �onfined Spa.ces Ib 1� 1S 19 zo 21 22 D. LTse vf Explasi�es, Drop Weigkt, Etc. 1. When Cantract Docu�enCs pexmit on the prnject the fvlIowi.ng will apply: a. Puhlic N.otificatian 1 j Submit rtatice to City and praaf of adequate ittsurance r.v�erage, 241naurs prior ta commencing. 2� Minirx�urn 24 hour }ru�lic n�ofificat�an in �ccardana;e r�vith SeGtion O1 31 13 E. W�tex I�partment �aordinafann 23 1. T]uring the �o�s�u�ti�n of thia project, it will be �e�essax�y to deactivate, fvr a 24 periad of tim�, existing lines. 'The Co�ntractor shall hc r�qu"sred to eoordir�ate with 25 the Water Departrrient fa determine tke b�sfi tiines for deactivating and activating 26 those lines. 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 3� 3� 3fi 37 38 39 � 41 2, Gnardir�at� any event that wiil rcquire con�ecting to or the aperation af an �xisting City wa#ex �ine syatem with th� City's representative. a. Coordina�ion skaall be in accordancs with 5ectton 33 1��5. b, If needed, obtain a hydrant water meter fram �c Water Depa.ttmenf fot use during the lif� of nar�ned project. c. In the evant that a water �alye on. an �xisting live system be turned off and an tcr accorninada�e th� construc#ion of the praject is require.ci, caordinate this aotivity thxaugh #he appro�riat� �ity represeaztati�e. 1) T?a noi oper�te wa#er Iine ��tives of existing wat�' system. a� Failure ta comply will t�endex the Cv�tra�tor in r+i€�latia�n of Texas Penal Code Title ?, Ch�pter 28A3 (�riminal Mis�hief� and the Contractor w�i1l be pras�uted tv the full extent af the law. h} In addition, the �antraetar will ass�um� all iiabilities �d respansi�ilities as a result af these �ctions. F. Pubiic Notificatian Pri4r ta B�ginning Constructinn 4� 1. Prior to beginning constxuctian on any ��o�k in the pra,�ect, on a block by blv�k 43 basis, prepare and deliver a notice ar flyer of the pending cunsir�atian ta the front 4q dovr of eaGh r�siden�ce ar husiness that will be impacted by �onstructinn. The notice 45 shall b� prepared as fallows: 4b a. Post notice or fiy�r and City �f Fart Wprth Daar Hangers, 7 days prior tn 47 beginniMg any conshuctiun a�ii�ity vn e�ch black in the project �re�. Cf7'Y OF FORT 1NbRTH Lake Wvxth Water and 5al7it�ly $ewer ]mpro�ement� Pad 2 �TAI+TI]AIiIS CONSTRi7C'CI4N SPEC[FICATION DUCETMENTS CI[y Paajoct €�LUa962-2 Revisad hiareh 11. 2�2� 03 35 l3 - R SPECTAL PROJECT PROC'l"sD[1RF4 Paga4af8 1 1} Prepare flyer on the Gantractor's lekterh�.tl and include the fvllvwing � infor�nation: 3 aj Narr►e of Pro3ect � b) City Praject Na (CP1�1) 5 c) Scape of Proje�t (i.c, type oi canstzuction acti�+ity] 6 d} Actual evnstrucfion duratinn within the block T e) �1ame of the cantxactor's fareman and phane number s f} l�ame of the Cxty's inspcctar aud phane nurnber 4 g} City'S after-hours ph�ne nu�nber 10 2) A sample QFthe `pre�onstruc�ian notification' fly�r is attache� as Exhihit. lI A. l2 3) City af Fart Worth I�aor Hangers will be pravided tc� the Con�ct�r for I3 distribution with th�ir notice. 14 �� Submit schedule showing the co�stxuc�ian atart and finish tiunae for each 15 binck afthe praject ta th� insp�tar. 16 5) D�liver flyer to the City Iuspectar for review prior tv distribution, 17 b. 1Vo constniction vs�i11 be allnw�d tv begin an any blovk until the flyer and doar 18 hangers are d�livered ta a1l residents vf the block. 19 G. Puhlic Natificati�n of Tempa�ry Water Serv��ce Tnt�rruption during Gonstruc#ian 20 21 22 x3 Z4 25 2b x� 28 a9 3a 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 44 41 4� i, in #k�e e�ent it be�omes necessary to tempaxarily shut down water service to restd�nt8 Oi' businesses t�Lil'lAg CanStruCt]Q�1, prepare and deli��er a natice or flyer �f thhc pertding intertupti�n ta the fm7tt doar of eac�i affected resident. i, Frepgred notiee as fallaws: a. The noti#'i�atian or flyer shall be posted 2�# hours prior ta the �emporary interruption. b, Prepare fly�r an the �vntract�r's lebterhead and include the fol�awing information: 1) Name of the praject 2) City Project �iumber 3) Date of the interruption of service 4} Perind the it�terruptian wiI] taice gl�e 5) Name of thc contractor's f�reman and ph�ne number b) ATame of i�e City's insp�ctar and phonc r�umber c, A s�mpl� nf the temparary watier. service interruptavn noti�Ficataon is attached as Exhibit B. d. I3eliver a o�py af the temporary interruptian notificati4n to the Gity inspector far revievu p�iar to bcing distributed. e. No interruptian of w�ter s�vic� can occur nntil the �lyer hae been deii►+�red to all a�ec#ed resid�nts and businesses.. f. Elea#ronie versiana af the sample flyers can be obtained irvm the Froject Cnnstructi4n �aspeotar. H, Goor�inatian with Ux�ated States Anmy Corps af E�agineers (U5ACE) 43 l. �t Locatians in khe Prnject where constntetion activities oecur in areas where 4� USACE permi� are required, meet all rcqu�rernenta set forth in eac� designated 45 p�rt�ait, 46 �. Coordination within Railraad Permit A.reas CITY dF FOTtT W08'CH Lakn Worth Yi+at« and 5amitary 5ewcr Ymprovemema Part 2 5TAN�ARD �ONS'T'YtUCT[fl�f SP�ICATibt+T DnCL7h�tENTS Gtity Fro}ect t! 1U0962-2 RCVLSBd MBTC}] I I, �� [11 33 13 - 5 SPECIe'lL PROJCCT PRdCBDURES PagaSofg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 � � �a li ia 13 14 15 lb 17 Q 2. 3. At lnc:ations in the project w�ere eox�stru�tian a�ti�i�ies �ccur in areas where railroad permits are required, m� ail requuements set forth in each desigx�at�ed rai[raad permit. Tt�is includ�s, but is nat limited to, gr�vi�inns fnr: a. �lagrnen b. �nspectors c. Safety fraiuing d. Addifional insuranee e. �nsurance �ertificates f, �]ther ernplay�es required ta protect the right�f-v�ay and property of �e Railivad �onnpany trorn damage arising out of at�dlar frc�m #he cvnstructian nf the project, Pra�er utility �l�aran�e pra�ed�res shall be used in accordance with the permit guideixnes. �btain any suppl�tnental inform�iian needed to cornply with the railraad's requirements. Railrvad Flagmen a Subt�it reeeipts to G`ity for �erification �f vvorking daps tha# railroad flagmen were present an Site, is 19 �Q ZI Use aceeptahle measures to cantrol dust at tb�e Site. a. If watex is used to contrQl d►ast, capture and pr+operly dispnse vf waste water. b. If wet saw cutti�t�g is perfrnmed, capture and properly dispose of sl►�rry. 22 I� Empinyee Parking 23 1, Provide park�ng fox cmplqyees at laeatiaoas approved b}r the �ity. 24 1.5 SiIBMITTALS [I�OT USED] 25 1.6 ACT��N SUgMITTAL51Il�'FORMATIa?�TAL SUSMITTALS [NUT [ISE�] 2� i.� cr,osEOLrr suBn�rrr,�.s [r�oT USEn) 27 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SLTBMITTALS [NQT iTSED] 28 1.9 QUALITY ASSL]RANCE [NflT IISEI�] 2g 1.1U DELI�'tRY, STORAGE, AND HAl►IDLING [NOT IISEli] 30 31 32 J. n�� c�ntrQi 1.11 F��D [STTE� CUNDITZ�NS [1�i�T USF.I�] 1.1� V4�ARRANTY [NUT U�ED] FART 2 - PRODIICTS [NUT USED] 33 P�tT 3 - �c�rTior� �z�oT �sEn� 3�{ 35 END OF SEC'TTQM Ae�ision Lag CITY OF FORT WORTH Lake Worth W�ter sttd Stqlitaxy Se�ver ImpcoHements Part � 3TANDAIiD CQN5TRi7CTIQIV SPEC�ICATI(31�i DqCU3�+IL'.NlTS City PtojeCt #1U0�6��2 ]Zevised ARatch 11, 2Q22 bi 35 l3 -b SPECIAL PRO]F,CT PR�CSi]URSS Page 6 of S I7A'I'L: I NAME 8131/2412 31i1f2�22 SUh4MAR'Y� i]F CNANGE 1.A.� —.Addcsi requirement of ennip�iance with I�ealth and 5afety C;adc, Title 9. D. ,lahnson Safety, Subtitle A, Publie 5af�ty, �hupt�cr 752, T-�igh V91t�gE O�erheo-ul Lines. 1,4,5 — Added Con#ractvr respons il�il'sty fat nt�tsining a TCEQ Air Peimit Remvve �refezenccs to Air Polhrtiou watcl� Days and I�lCTCbCr Clean oonstru�iion M C�w�en Spe❑ifccation requireinents. Clarify nced f�r Dnar Hartigcrs under in addition to canfracYor noti�ication of public_ CI'FY OP F(7RT W�RTH Lake Worth'Water �aid Ssnitary.Sewo� [mprovements Part 2 STANOAItD C�NSTRUCT'ION SP�CIF[CAT[p�! DOCUMHN'F5 City Fraject #1 a09fi2-2 R�viaed M�r�h 11, 200.2, al 35 13 -7 $PEC7AL Pi�OJECT PR�Cfi�i1RFi.S Pagc 7 of 8 2 3 4 � 5 7 s � 1U 11 t2 13 ]4 15 16 ]7 18 19 20 zr 22 23 2q 25 26 27 28 29 3U 31 32 33 3� 3S 3b 37 EXffiBIT A tTa be printed on Contractor's Le#terhead) �ate: �CPN No.: Project Name: Mapsca Lacatinn: I.irnits of Constru��on: � THIS IS 70 INFORM YDU THAT UNI��R A COMT6�tACT WITH THE CiTY O� FDRT W�R7'H, �UR C4MPANY WILL WQRK �N LITILITY LINES C3N �R AitDUN� Y�I1R PRDPERTl�. G4NSTRUCTI�N WILL BEGIN APPRa�IMATELY SEVEM DAY5 FRQM TH� �ATE OF iHiS N�TICE. IF YQ13 HAV� QUESTI�NS AB�UT �1CCESS, SECllRi7Y, SAFEi1� OR ANY OTIiER l55lJE, PLEA5E CALL: Mt'. �CONTRACT�R'S SUPERINi�1+iDENT� AT �T�LL�PHONE lJO.� �� Mr. �CITY INSP�CTDR� AT �'i1ELEPH�N� N�.? AFTER 4:30 PM QR qN 1NEEKENbS, PLEASE CIqLL (8'llj 3�� $30B PLEASE EEP �F1�S FL FR NANDY WNE1V Y��J CALL CITY aF FORT W4RTI-� Lake Worth Water �nd 5anitmry Set��r kn}�rovements Fart 2 STAI�DARI] C4NSTRUCTI�TI3PECIFICATIdN I3QC1JMB1�iT5 City Prajwt #1009GZ-2 R,eviscd March 11, 2f3�2 U13513-8 SPECIAL PRd1ECT PRQCEI]liHES Page 8 �f 8 1 E E]CHIBIT S ��R�T��3RTH� �._ ��.� � �.: �o�C� �� T�po�►RY warBR s�Rv�c� I�Y�L1P'�`1QM nur To v�rau.3�rx �r�ov���vz^� n� �rau�t �v�a��v�e�oan, vn�� ►'I�ATER �EA'4►ICE 1'VII.L� HE IIVTEk�R.UPT�l7 01� H�1'FVE�N 'fglE �t]UR$ �F �� .,. fF' YQU �A VE Qi)ES'[3flNS ASOUT '!`%1I8 SHti TAiiT, PLi�AB� CA[,L: �iR. �'I' (CUHiTRA�"l'OR� 9iJP�tIriNT3�:IflifENTj {TEI.�Xt.PiI�I� AiiIh�FBBR) � dR ��, Ax [cr[°�r rrrs�c��) ��orl� tv��B�l I7iIl3 INC�NYFIVIENC� W iLL B� A6 SHULtT A8 PilS81�LF�. TiiANI[ YfliJ, CD3q'CRAC'EoUx! a a G7TY OP F[?RT W4RTH Lake Worth Water and 5anitary Sewer lmpmveme�ta Part 2 STAiV 13ARD OpNSTIEUCFiD1� SP�CIFICATIQN D�Ci[MF�TS Ciiy Praject #119U96Z-2 ttevised [V�arch ll� Z� 01+�5?3-1 TE577NG AND Ii+i$P�CTTON S�RVICSS Psge 1 of 2 SLCTI�N D145 ?.3 TE5'TII�TG AND IlY9PE�TI�hT SERVICES PART1- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. �ectian Includes; 1. Te�ting and ix�speation services prvicedures ar�d coordination B. De�iatians frnm this Csty of Fort Wurth Stand�rd 5pecificati�n 1. None. C. Related Specification 5e�taons include, but are not necessarily lixnited ta: 1. Divisian 0— Bidding Requir�n�nts, Contract Forms and Condationa of tt�� Conlract 2. Division 1— General Requirernents 1.2 PItI�E A.ND FAYMENT PRO�EDURES A, Measurement and Payrnent Wark associated with tfus Itern is �onsidered subxidiary to the t�arious Iterns riid. No separate payment will be a1low�d for this Item. a. C ontraetor is responsibl� far perForrniz�g, ca�rdinating, and payment nf aIl ��ality Cc»atra� testing, 1�. City is responsible fvr perFarming and p�ayment for f�rst set of �uality Assurance testing, 1} If the ftrst Quality Assurance test per#'nrmad hy th� City fails, the CaxAtractor is r�spansible far payment of subsequent Quality �4ssurance testing until a passing tes# acaurs. a} Fin�l acceptance will not be issued by City until all required payxnents for testing by Cvntractor have been paid in ful1. 1.3 REFERENCES [IKUT i7SEIl] 1.� AP�V1INiSTRATIVE REQU[REMENTS A. Testing 1. Cvmpl�te testing in ac�axclancc with the Cvntract Dacuments. � 3. C�ardinati�n a. When testing is required ia be perfarmed �y th� City, noti�+ Cityr suf�t�ie�ltly in advance, when iesting is needed. b. VV}aen testing is r9equired to be comgleted by thc Cantra�tar, notif� City, suf�iGiently in ad�ance, that testing wi11 he perfnnned. Disiributiot� of Testing Reparts a. Electronic Dzstribution 1} Confinn devel�pment af Project directory for electronic submittals tn be uplva,ded to City's 8uzzsaw site, or another external FTP siie approved by the City. C1TY U]� FORT W�RTH I.ake Wort�'GTatar end S�nitary $ewer Impra�e.�nents Part 2 STANI�Ak� COAfSTRUCI'IQN SPEC�ICRT[pN DbCUMSNTB City Praject#1U04G�2 Revi.sed Iufy i, 2� 11 014523-� TE5�IN(3 A3�fA IN3P�CTIQM SERVICSS PagE Z of Z 2} Uplaad test reports ta desigsiated project directory �nd notify ap¢rapriate City representatives via ecnail of subrnittal pasting. 3� Hard Capies a] 1 cap�+ for all suhznittals �nbtriitted ta the Project I�apxes�nta�ive h. Aard Capy Distributinn (if required in lieu of electronic �disiributiort} 1} Test$ perfuxmed hy City a) Distrihute 1 hard capy to the Con#ract�r ' 2� Tests perform�d by t�e Cantractar a) Distribute 3 hard copies to C�ty's Praject Representati�e 4. lirn�ide City's Praject Representatir�e with trip ticke�s �or each deli�ered laad of C�nrsete nr I.izne materisl incluriing the fallou�in� informatiian: a. Name af pit b. Dat� aideli�ery �. Ma�rial delivered 6. InspeCtion 1_ Inspec:tion or lack af inspectiun daes no# relieve the Contractor fxom vhligati�n tv perfnrm wark in accardance with the Cantract Documents, 1.S SiTBMITTA�,S [IY�T [ISED] 1.6 ACTION SUSNIITTALSIIIYR[�1�1VIATIUNAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CL�SEUi]T SLTBMITTALS [NUT L15ED] ].S MAII�ITENANCE MATERIAL SUB�!'II'1TAL5 [Ai�T i3SED] �,9 QUALITY A�SURANCE [A10T U�ED] 1.10 DELI�ERY, 3TURAGE, ANll HAN�LII�IG [NUT []SED] 1.1 � F[ELd [SITE] CONDl7 YUNS fNOT u S En] 1.1 z WARRAIYTY �NUT USED] PART 2 - F�QDUGTS [N�T USED] �'ART 3 - E�iECUTIQl�I [NOT USED] END UF SECTIUI�[ Revision L,og DA'I'L I NAM� CITY UF ADRT W�RTH S'�ANDARi] CQNSTRi7CTi�hi SPECIFICATTUN D[]CUA+IHNfS Rvviaes3 ,ftily 1, 2all SUM1viAitY UF CI3AN�'rE i.e3ce Wv�th Waur and Sanitwy 3ewer [mprovcmcnfs Part 2 City Projact #1409G2-2 oi sa oa • i 7TsAdPdRARY FACILITIES AND CONT[{DLS Page ] af 4 SECTION 015U 00 TEMPQRARY FAC:ILITI�S AND CdN"�'1tOLS PART1- GENERAL 1.1 8C]IYIMARY A. Ser:tiqn ln�cludes: 1. Pror►ide bcmparary facilities and enntrols needed for the Wark including, but not necessarily limited tv; a. Ter�parazy ukilities b. Sani#ary facilities c. Storage Sheds and Huildings d. Dust �antrol e. �ennpnr�ry fen�ing af the r.anstruction site B. De�iati�ns fram this City ufFort'V�arih 5tandard 5gecification 1, �inne. C. ��lated 5pecification S�ctions inc]ude, but are nat necessarily limited to: l. Division �— gidding Raquirement�, Conttact I�nrms and Conditi�ns vf the CQnixa�t 2. bivision 1-- General Requir�ments 1.� PRICE AN'D PAYIVIE�IT PRDCED[IRES A. Measurement and Payment VVork associated with this Item is �onsidered subsidiary tv the variaus Item$ bid. No separate payment wiil he aliowed for this Itexe�. 1.3 LZEFERENCES [riTUT USED] 1.4 ADNIINI�TRATIVE REQllIREMENTS �. T��Q� u��ti� 1. Obtaining Ternporary Servi.ce a. Make arrangements wikh utility servi�e cornpanies £ar t�mporary s�rvi�as. b. Abid� by rule�s �nd regulatians of uti��ty s�rvice cvmpanies flr authorities hasring juriscliction. c. B� respons�ble for vtility ser�ice c.�sts until Work is apprn�ed for Final Ace�ptance. I} Included axe fu�l, pvwer, light, heat atld Dt�ex utillty sei�uiCes rieC68S�jt �Ox' execution, campl��ian, testing and initia� operadan af Wv�k. 2. VVater a. Cvntraatvr to pxovide water requixed for and in connection with Work ta be performed and for specified te�ts vf piping, equip�neut, de�zces ar �ther use as r�quired fox the completion of the Work. b. Fro�ide and maint�in adequate suppfy of potable water far domestic cansum�ptian by Contraetor persQru�el and City's Project Represen�atives. c. C�ardina#ian 1) Cnntact City 1 week before water for constrac�ian is des�rcd GITY aF FOItT WQRTH Lake Wvrth 1�Jater and Sanitary 5ewer Ia�pro�ernents Part 2 STAi�iDARd �ai�iSTRUCTION SPSCIFICAT'lON DOCi1MBNT5 Ciiy FrnjeEt #1Ofl962•Z Iievised ]u1y t, 2�l L ai so 00 - 2 TEMP�RARY FACILITIE3 AND CUNTRQLS Page 2 cf 4 d. Co�tr�ctQr Paymant for Cnnstruetian Water 1) Ohtain constreiction water meter frorn City fnr payment as billed by City's established rates. 3, Elec�ricity and Light'tng a. Pro�ide and pay fox electri� pc�wered servic� as required for Work, �n�cludiug testiug of Wark. 1) �ro�ide pvwer far iighting, aperation af eqvipt��nnt, or other use. b. Electric pawer service include� tez�xparary pnwcr service ar generatox ta maintain operations during schec�aled shutd�wn. 4. Telephone a. Pro�ide emergen�y tele�ho�ne $ervice at Site F�r use by C:antt�ctor persat�ael and others performing work or fuznishi�xg ser�ices at Si�c. 5. Tempnrary Heat and Ventilatian a. Provsde tempnrary heat as necessary for pratectian or cvrnpletion v£ Vltark b. Fmvide t�mporary heat and �entilatian to assure safe warking conditions. B. Sanitary Facilities 1. Pra�+ide and mairYta�in sanitary facilikies fnr persons nn 5ite. a. Comply with regulatiotis af State and Local depa�nt� af he�ltk�. 2. Enforcc use �f sanitary facilities by r.�nstructinn persarinel at job site. �. Enclnse and anchor sanitary faoilities. b. No di�c3�arge wil! be allawed from these facilifi�s. c. Callect and store sewage and tvaste sa as not ta cau�e rruisance �r health problem. d. I�UI sewage and �vaste aff-eite at na lcss than week�y interva.ls and pmperly dispose in accardance witt� applicable regt�lation. 3. Lo�aate facilities near Wark Site and lceep clea� �nd maintain�d throughout Pr�ject, 4, Re�nave faciliti�s at campletion of Pro�ect G. Stoz�age 5keds and Suildit�gs 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pro�ide ad�quately ventilated, watertight, w�athez�proof storagc facilities v�rith f1o�r a}�o�+e graund le�e� fnr xnaterials and equipment susr.eptible ia weather damage. Stvrag� of materials r�ot susceptible to weather darnage tnay be on bincks aff grQund, Stare materials in a neat and arderly� manner. a. Place matexials and e�uipment ta permit easy access �or idenfificat.ion, inspectian and inventvey. Equip building with lvckable dooxs and lighting, and provide electri�al service for e�uipment space he�ters and heating oz ventilatio� as necessary ta provide starage environments acceptabl� to specified manufac#urers. F'ill atid grade site for te�rap�rary structures to pz�vide drainage away frvxn. teznparary and existing buildings. Remave building from site priar to Final Acceptance. D. Temporary F'encing 1. Pmvide and ma�ntain for the duration or cansiruetian when raquired in co�tract ducument� E. I]ust Contral CI'CY c7F FURT WaRTH Lake worth wacer end Sanitary s�vucr tmpr�veme� Part 2 3TA14'DARC] CSDNSTRUCTIQN SPECIF�A'E'I�1�E I]bCiIMENl'� Cit}r PrnjeCt #lOD9fi2� Revesed 7uiy 1, 2U11 ot soao-3 TEMPDRAt�Y FACILTI7E8 AND C�PJ1'Y�4L5 Yage 3 af 4 1. Contractor is re�ponsil�]e for maintaining dust aor�tro] through the duratian af the project. �. Cvntractor rerr�ains on-ca11 �t all times h. Musk re�pond in a Cirnely manner F, Tem�xaxary Protectian of Constn�ction 1. Contractor or suhcvntractars axe responsihle for protecting Work fr�xi damage due to weather. ].5 SZ7BMITTALS [NUT USED] 1.6 ACTIOIV SIJEMITT�I,SIINFURMATI�NAL SUSMITTALS [NUT LTSED] 1,7 CLUSEOUT SUBMITTALS jN�T iJSED] 1,8 MAINTEhTANCE R+IA'l`ERiAL SLT6MITTALS [NOT USEU] Y.9 QUALI'I'Y ASSLTRANCE [NUT USED] 1.IU DELIVERY, ST�RAGE, AND HANDLIN�G [N�T USEII� 1,11 FIELD jSITE] COl�TDITIONS [NOT U�F.D� 1.1 � WARRANTY [NUT USED] PART � � PROIiUCTS [N�'I' Z75E1?] PART 3 - EXECU'1�UN [1�T�T [T�ED� 3.1 INSTALLERS [NDT USEDj 3.� EXANfINATIQPT [NUT LTSED] 3,3 PREPARATI4N [1tii4T USED] 3.4 INSTALLATTON A. Temparary Faoilities 1. Ma.intain all temporary fa�ilities for duratian �f canstruction a�tivities as needed. 3.5 �REFAIR] 1 [RESTORATIUN] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATIDiv 3.7 FIELQ [aaJ SITE QiIALITY CONTRUL [N�T iJ�LD] 3,8 SYS'I'ENi STARTllP [N�T iJSED] 3.9 �IDdiTSTIl►i� [NOT USED] 3.1U CLEANING �NOT iISED] 3.11 CLUSEDUT ACTIVITIES A. TempQrau`y Facilities CI'F5C �F Pd12T WO1tTH I,ake Worth Water and 3anhsry Se�ver Improvcmcota Part 2 STAIti*DARi] C(]I�'S'I'RUCTI�N SPEGIFICA77ON D�CUMENT3 City Project#1009G2-2 itevised.iu3y 1, 2[]l l ni so ofl - a TEIHP�RARY FACILlTIBS RND CONTROIS Pag¢9 aF4 1. Remave all temporar}+ facilities and restor� �rea after �ampletion of the Wnrk, to a conditian equal to or hetter than prior to start of Work. 3.12 P1tOTECT1diV [i�10T i]SED� �,13 1VIAINTENANC� �1�1'OT �[iSED] 3,14 ATTACHN�EI�TTS [11TaT [�SED] E1VD OF SECTION Revisian C,vg DATE i�IAME SZJMMARY Or C:HANC�E ��y pF gp�� y�qg�{ Lake'LRaxfh Waber �nd 5anitary 5ew�r Improvements Psrt 2 STANDARD CflN�PRi14'7'IaN 3I+ECIFICATTON DOCCIhiENTS Ciry Project#]UD9G2-2 Reviaed Juiy 1, 2011 Dl 55 26 - l STRFsBT iISE PERIVIIT AHD MQI]IFICATION3 TO TRA�F"�C f:OhITR�L Pagc 1 of 3 �Ec�v�v aY ss �� STREET iISE �ERA�[T AND MQI]IFICATI�NS TQ TRAFFIC CDNTRUL PART 1- GENERAi� 1.1 �UIVIMARY A. �ecraan Includes; 1. Admitti�trative procedures fvr: a. 5treet [1se Pernnit h. Modi�cat�on of ap�raved �affic control a. Removal of �tre�t 5igns S. Deviatinns frozaa this City aFFort Warth Standard Speci�cation 1. None. C, Related Specificatian Sectio�� inciude, but are nvt necessaxily limited t�: 1. Division q— Bidding Requirements, Contrsct Fnrms and Canciitioaas af the C�ntract 2. Division 1-- GeaeraI Requirements 3. Sectian 34 71 13 — Traffic Cantt�I 1.Z PRICE A1YD PAYT4'IENT PROCEDC]RES A. Measuremant and Pa�r�nent V�ark assnciated witl� this Itern is Gonsidered s�tbsid'sery tv khe v�aus If.ems bid. lwisy s�p�rate payment will he alluwed fnr this Item. 1.3 REk'ERENCE� A. Reference Standar�s 1. Reference st�ndards cited in this specificatian refer ta the curreut reference standard puhlished at the time of tlze latest revisian date l,ogged at #he end of this speciticatioq unless a date is speci�c�lly citted. 2. Texaa Manual an Uniform'�4affic Control Devices (TMU'TCD}. i,4 ADIVIYI�[S7`RATIVE R�QUIREMENTS A. Traffic C�ntrol i . General a. When traffic cuntrc�l g1�ns ace inciuded in the Drawings, pra�+ido Trafi'ic Cnntral in accnrdattce with Qrawings and �ection �4 71 13. b. When tr�ffic control plans are not incEu�ed in the Dra,wi�lgs, prepare trafFc contro� plans in acc�rdance with 5eciion 34 71 � 3 and submit ta City fot review. 1) Allaw mirsimum 10 wvrDcing days far r�view of prnposed Traffic Cantxol. S. �treet i.Tse Fezmit 1, Prior to installation of Tx$ffic Cantxvl, a City Street Use Pern�i.t is required. �. Ta obtain Street CTse Permit, suhmit Tra�"ic Contr�l Plans to Cit�+ TranSgvrta#i�n alid Publi� W4rks Deparlxnent, CfTY QF FORT W(}RT{ 1 Lake i�o�th Wster and Sanitary 5ervcr lmpravements Pait 2 4TATdDARI] CONS'I'itl1C."T[�N 9PECIFiCA'i'IUN DdC[lMENi'S City Project #1 UR962-2 Revised July 1, 2411 p1552Cs-2 STRSBT L15E PSRMF[' A�'IR MUTSIFICI4TIDN5 TO TRAFFIC CONCA�L Paga 2 of 3 1} Allaw a rninimum of 5 working days far pemnit xe�iew. 2} Cantractor's respvnsibility ta cnnrdinate re�iew of Tzaf�'ic Cantrol plans for Street Use Perrnit, such fhat cdnstr��ctian is not delayed C. Madificaticm to Approved Traffic Cantro] 1. Priar tu installatio�► traffic contral: a. Suhmit xevi�cd traffi� control plans � City Dcparkment Tza�portat�.on and Public �Norlcs DeparCment. 1} Revis� Trafiic Cantrol plans in accnrdance with Sectiu�n 34 71 13. 2} Allnw minimu�r► 5 worlcing d�ys fox z�eyiew of rer+ised Traffi� Control, 3j It is fhe Conlrac�ar's respanaihility ta caordinate review af Txaf�iG Comxcal plans far Street [Ise P�mit, su�h that constructian is not delay�rl. O. Removal of Street Sign 1. If it is de�terxni�ied that a street sigcx must be removed far canstructian, tb.en cnirtact Gity Transpartatian and Pui�lic Ydarks Depas�t�x�entr Sl�ll� 9I](� M871C171�5 I}IVi510I1 t4 i'eCCiOYB �1� Slg[Y� E. Temporary Signage 1. In the case afregulatoxy signs, replace perrnanent sign �vith teinporary sigi meeting requirements of #he Iate�t ex�itian o�f the T�xas M�nu�l an llniform Traifi� C:antrn� D0V1C.e3 �MVTCD}, 2. insta4l temporary s�gn befc� tl�e removal of perrnax�ent sign. 3. When cons#ruction is camplete, to the exten# that th� permaz�ent sign can be reinstalled, cnntact tfte City Transpartation and Public YVor}cs I3epartment, Signs and M�rkin�s Divisian, to zeins#all the pernaanent sign, F. Traffic Cantrol Standards 1. Txaf�ic Can�zal Sta�da�d� can be found an the �ity'$ BLiZZ5�W W�b5ILC. 1.5 SUBMITTAI�S [NDT iISED] X,6 ACTIDN SUSMITTALSIIlyF�RMATIaPIAL STJBMiTTALS [N4T [ISED1 1.7 CI.QSEDiTT S[TSMITTALS [N�'I` USED] 1.8 MAINTENAI►iCE MATERIAL S[7SMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 Qi7AL�T1' ASSURAN'CE jN�T USED] 1.1p DELlVER4', ST�RA�E, ANI] HANDLING [NDT (]SED] 1.11 FIELD (SITEj C�ND�"CIQNS L1�FUT U�ED} 1.12 WARRt�NTY [NOT USEII� PA1tT � - PRUDUGT� [1V�T USED] PART 3- E�ECUTIU� jNUT llSID] END 4F SE�'TIUN CITY OF �URT WOR'FH Lake Wwtf� Wetcr arai 9�vtary Sewer Improvernents Park 2 STAA'I]ARI] C�IV'S'1"RUC1'ION SP�CII'ICATI4N pOCLIhdSIVTS City Praject#7UR96a � Revised ]u�y� 1, 2�11 a15526-3 STREST U3E PERMI3' Ah1D MODIIjICATI�+IS TQ TftAFF1C COIrITR4L Paga 3 of 3 RCViSiail I.Dg DATE IV1'�ME SUMMARY OF C�3AI�iCiF C.TTY dF F4RT Vfr4RTH T.ake Warth W atar and Senitary Scw� lmprovemcnts Part 2 STAPlbA17D CUN9TRLFC'TIbld 3P$CIFICATION D�CUitirEENTS CityProjeet#iQQ9G2-2 Revised .Tuiy �, ZUl l D15i13-1 5'PQRM WA'1'�R P�]LLi7T[dN FR�VE�h1TI41+I Page l of 3 SECTIUN Ol 5713 STORI�[ WATER POT�LUTI�N PREVENTIaN PART 1- CENER.AL 1.1 SUM�VIARY A. Seclivn Lncludes; 1. Frocedures for Starm Water Pollui�vn Pxe�ention Plans B. Der�iatians i'ramthis City aF�ort Wa�rth 9tai�dard Speci�icataon 1. None. C. Related �pe�if'icatian Sectians include, buk �re not necessa�ily lirnited ta: 1_ Division U— Bidding Requirements, Contraet F�rn�s and Candition� nf the Contract 2. Divi�ian. l— Gea�c�a1 Requirernents 3. Secfian 3125 DU — Era�ion and 5ediment Control 1.2 PRICE ANI) PAYMENT Pk[]CEDURES A, 11�Ieasuaement and Payment 1. Construction �cdi�itie�s resulting in less �.ian 1 a�e af disburbance a. Work associated wii� tlus Itern is conxidered subsidiary to the various Items bid. Na separate payment will be �llowed far this Ifem, �, Construotian Activities resulting in gr�ater than 1 acxre af di�turbance a. Measurement and P�yment sha11 ba in accorda�nce with Sectian 3125 W. 1.3 REFERENCES A. Abbreviations and Acrax�yrns 1. Notice af Intenf:lVOI 2. Notice of Terininatian:l�OT 3. StQrm ��ter PQllutian i'revendvn Plan: SVL�PPP �4. Texas Commission an Envirann�ental Quality: TCEQ 5. Notice of Chaxige: NOC A. Ref�rence Standards 1. Reference sta�3ards cited in this S�Seeificataan refar to the �uirent reference stanciard published at thc tFme of the latest re�isirnn date lagged at the end of this Specificatian, unl�ss a date is specifically cited. 2. Int�grabed Storm Man.agement �iSY�M) Technical Manual fQr Canstrucrion Conirols 1.4 dDMI1YISTRATIVE REQi1IREMENT5 �, General 1. Contxactor is respansi6le for resalutian and payment vf any finas issued associated with cv�nplian�e to Stonaawater Pallution Prev�ntion Plan. CITY OF F'QRT W4RTfl J.�ke �orth Water end S anitery 3ewer Imprakements Part 2 STr1N�AR.i] C[iN9TRi1�C'F'1ON 3P8CIFICATIflN b�CLIMENTS Gtity Prajeet #7009G2 � RGViSCd ILI7�1 L, id13 D15713-Z STORM WATER P'qLLilTIQN PREVENTIOl+I Pagc 2 of 3 S. Canstructian Activities re�uiting in: 1. L,�s� than 1 acre of disturhance a. Pca�ide erasia�a and sedirnent cantrol in accordance with Sac�ian 3I 25 D4 and Drawrings. 2. ] ta less thst► 5 acres af disturbance a. Texas Pollutant Discherge Elirnination Sys#em {TPI]ES} �eneral �anstruciion �'�rmit is required 6. Campl�te SWP�P in aGcordanee �x+iti� TCE� requircrner�ts 1} TCEQ 5ma11 �az�st�uctron Site Natice Itequired wnder g�neral pertnit T�R] SU�OQ a} Sigai and post ai jQb site b} Prior tu PreGanstructian Meeting, send 1 cv�y f.a City Departm�nt of Transpartativn and Public V�ar�Cs, Enviranrnental Dir+ision, t817} 392- 6U88. �) Provide erosion and sediment control in accordance with: a} Sect'ton 31 25 04 h) The Drawings c) TXR15aonn Generai Permit d) S�VPPp e} TCEQ requir�menL� 3. 5 acres or rnore o� l�isturbarec� a. T�xxas Polluiant llischarge Elimsnanon 5ystcm {TPDFS} C'reneral Cunstructi�n Permit is rec{uired a. Complete SWPPP in. accardance with TCEQ req�irements 1) Pre}aar� a TCEQ NDI farm and subtnit to TCEQ alang w�ith required fee a] Si$n and post a� j ob site bj Send copy tv City I3eparhnent of Traxaspartation and Public RTarks, �nvironxnental Division, {817) 392-60$ 8. 2} TCEQ NoiiC� Qf Change required if rnaking changes ar updates to N�I 3} Pro�ide ernsion and setiim�nt contrvl in a�cvrdance with: aj SecriQn 3125 00 b] Tbe I)rawings c) TXRl50�(�� Geiaeral Permit dj �WPPP e} TCBQ �'equirement� 4} Once the proj�t has been cample#ed and all the clo�eout �quirements af TCLQ ha�e been rnet a TCEQ Nntice ofTermina�an ean be submitted. a) Send capy tv City Dep�rtment of Txanspattation and Public �orks, Enviranmental Di�vision, �817� 392-6b8$. 1.5 Si�BMITTALS A. SWPP� I. Submit in accvrdance with Sectio�a O1 33 44,. �x�epc as siated ]�erein. a. F�iur to the Prec�nstruction 1VIeering, sutmnit a draft �opy of S WPPp to the City as fnl�vws: 1) ] copy ia the City Praject Manager a} City Project Manager wi11 forward ta th� City Departrnent of Transportation �nd Public V4�arks, F.ra�vironmental Division for review CTTY �F �C]RT WQBTfi i81[e Wort1� ll�atcr aod Senitarq Sewer Impravamems Part Z b"'i'AI� FlARi] CiiNST1tT]CfI(3iV 3P8CIFI�ATION DOCUMEPdT3 City Projec! #109962� Revised 7uly 1, 2a11 815713-3 SPQRHi W�TTER POLLU7'[DN PREVk��I'l'IQIV Psge 3 ef 3 B. Modified SWPPP 1. If the SWPPP is re�►ised during canstxucdon, resubrnit modified SVV€'PP to tke City in accordance with Se�ction Ol 33 [10. 1.b ACTIQN �UBMiTT�iSJI11�FURMATI�NAL SUB➢1'IIT'['AY15 [N�T [lSED] 1.7 CLOSE�UT 6UBMITTALS [NOT iTSED] 1.$ MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBIVIITTALS [1�TOT USEDj 1.9 QUALITY AS�URANCE [AT�T IISED] 1.I0 DELNERY, STURAGE, AND HAl\IDLING [N�T iTSEl�?] 1.11 FiELD [SITEj CO1�I]I7TONS [NUT USED] 1.1� WARRAiVTY [NUT U�ED] PART 2 - PRODUCTS [PI�T iJSED] PART 3 - EI�ECi�T1DN [N�T USED] E1�10 DF SE[:TIDN Re�isiQn Lvg DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE CiTY QF FORT WORTH l.�ke Worth 1�Vater and Ssnitary Sewer Imprahemants Part.2 STAN�ARD CDt+fS'I'iZUGTIQN 5P8ClFZCAT[�h! DO�UIl1�NTS City Prvject #1p0962-2 Revised July 1, �U11 015813-i TEMP�RARY PROIECT SIGNAG& Pag�e ] of 3 sECT�a�r a � �s i� TEMPORAR'Y PR�]EGT SI�r1�TAGE PART1- GENERAL I.l SUMMARI' A. �eotiqn Includes; 1. Tempora,ry Pr�j ect Signage R.equiretnents S. Deviations from this City of Fort Warth Staixdard Specifcation 1. 1Vane. C. Related �pecificatian S�tions include, but �re not necess�rily limited ta: 1. T3ivision 0— Bidding I�equirements, Gantract Forms and Conditians of the Contract 2. Divisivu 1— General Requirements 1.2 �RICE ANY} PA�i'MENT PROCEDURES A, Measuremenf �nd Fayrnent 1, Wark associated with this Item is �onsidercd subsi�iary to t�re variiaus Iterns hid. No separate pay►nent will be allowed far this Ttem. 1.3 REFER�N�ES [NpT USED] 7,4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQllIREMENTS [NOT USE�] � .5 SllBM1TTALS �NUT �]�EIl] 1.6 ACTIDN S[igNIITTALSIINF�RMATjO1tiiAL SUBMITTALS [NOT U�Ell] 1.7 CL�SEOI]T SU�MIT'I'ALS C��T USED] 1.8 MAIN'I`ENAI►�CE MATERIAL �iiBA'IITTALS INUT USED] I.� Q[TAL�TY ASSiTRAIVCE ��TQT USED] 1.10 DELIVERY, �TORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT "C.TSED] 1.11 FIELD [SI'1'E] CUNI}I'IT4NS [NOT i]SL�D] 1.1Z WARRANTY [NUT U�ED] P�iRT � - �RQDi,]CTS �.1 DWNER-FURNI�HED [oa] �VVI�IL+'R-SUPPLIEDPRODIICTS �1�l4T USED] 2.2 EQi1IPMENT, PRQD[TCT TYPE�, AND 11+iAT'�RIALS �i. D�sign Criteria 1. Frov�de fxee standing Pxaject Designation Sign in accaxdan�e with City`s Standard Details far p�nject si�ns. CTTY DI� F�RT WORTI� Lake Worth Water and 3enitary Sewer impm�.cmcnts P�rt 2 91'AIVI]ARfl CQVSTRUCTI�N 5PECIFICATI[3N DC}CUhi�NTS City Prvjact #10696Z-2 Revised ]uly 1, 2D11 ai sai3-z z�e�oR.Srcr exoa�c�' s��rrA� Page 2 pf 3 �. ��tBFI&�S 1. 5ign a. Canstructed vf s�q-inch �ir plywood, �de A� [extersor) or �etter �,.3 ACCESSDRIE� CNOT i]SED] x.4 SUiTR�E QUALITY CUNTI��L [NUT USED] PART 3 - E3�CUTIp�I 3.1 INSTALLCRS rN'aT U�] 3.Z EXAMINATION [NDT USED] 33 PREPAIiATION [N�T [ISEI]] 3.d INSTALLATIUIV A. General 1. Fra�id� �erti cal installatian at extents of pmjecf. 2_ Relocate sign as ne>eded, upon request af the City, B. lYlounting vgdons a. S�ids b. Pasts c. Barricade 3,s x�a�� 1 x�.sToxATioN [NDT us�nj 3.6 RGINSTALItATIC]1�1 [PiOT Y]SED] 3.7 FIEL� �arc] SITE QUAI.ITY CQNTRUL [NOT U�ED] 3.8 SYSTEM START[TF �NOT []SEQ] 3.9 �3JUSTING [NDT [1SED] 3.1Q CLEANING [NOT U�ED] 3.11 CLOSEUUT AC'TIVITIFS [N�T U�ED] 3.1� PRUTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 1VIAINT�IVANCE A. General 1, lUlaintenat�ce will include painting a�nd repairs as needed or directed by th� City. �.1� ATT�c��S �No�r t1SEDj E�wn aF sEcrr�rr CIT'Sf DF FflRT 1�QRTH 1.�ke Worth R'ater and Sen itary Sewer Improvesnent� Part 2 5TAIVDAItD CaDNSTRIICTTt}'!U 3PfiC�P1CAT[QN DOCUMENTS City Froject #10�3962-2 ltevisad luly S, 2411 fll 58 ]3-3 1'EMY4RARIr PRd]SGT SiGNE1C.B Page 3 of 3 Rcvisi�n �.ng L7��g ]��; 5[]MMAR�' i)I' CHANCiE L`I i'Y �F FORT WORTFi Lake Worth Water and Sauiffiry 5ewcr Impro�ementa �t 2 STANBARD CON$TRUCTI�N SPECIFICATI�I+2 DOCUMEAf171 Cit}r Praject #100962-i Revised 7uly l, 2011 41 60 00 • 1 1'RODLTCT RL@UDiBMENT5 Pagc 1 af 2 s�eTraN ai so 00 P�anuc� xE�v��Err�rs PART1- GENERAL 1,1 5[]MMARY A, �ectian Incluc�es: 1. References far I'r�luct Requirements snd City Smntlard Produc�s List B. Devia�ions fxnm this City of Fort Wocth St�uudard Speci�ioation 1. 1Vone. C, Related 5pecific�tioz1 Sectinns �nclude, but are not necessarily limitec3 to: 1. Division 0— Bidding Requiremen�s, CQntract Faxm� and Conditinns of the C�rntract 2. Divisaon 1— G�ueral Require��nts 1.� PRICE A14D PAYMENT PR��EY}URES [N�T USED] 1.3 IiETEREIITCES [NOT USEII] 1.� ADMII�ISZ'RATIVE �tE�U�EMENTS A, A list nf Ci�y appxo�ed proclucts for use is lacated on B�zzsaw as follows: 1, Resources102 - C�ttstntcticm DocumentslStandard Products List B. �nly products s�e�i�cally i�cluded on City's Standard Prvduct Liat in these Cantract Doauments shall bc allorv�d fvr use on the Project. ]. Any subsequently appr�ved products will only be allowed for us� upon spe�ific a�sProval �Sy fhe City. C. Any sp��ific �raduct requirernents in thc �antract Documents supersede similar pr4ducts in,��uded on the City's Standard Praducfi Lis� 1. The Gi'ty reserves the right to nat allow produats to be used far certain prnjects even though fhc product is Iisted on the City's Staiadard Praduct List. D. Althaugh a specific gxoduct is included nn City's Standard FroduGt List, not all prnducts from that manufacturer are appro�ed for use, including but n�ot limited to, that manufact�ur�r's standard product. E. See �ectian 01 33 �� fvr subinittal reguirements of Prvdu�t Data included an City's Standard Product List. 1.� SLi�MITTALS [N�T USED] 1.S t�CTI�N SUSIVIITTALSIIAiF�RMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] X.7 CLUSEOLTT SCI�MITTALS [1�i�T USF.il] l,S MAIN'�'ENAI�TC� MATERIAL SUBMITTALS t1�I0T USEU] 1.9 QIIALI7'Y ASSiJRANCE [1�IQT USED� C.TI'Y flF Ff3RT WURTH Lake R�oc[h Water and a�snitary 5ewer Impravements Pert 2 STAi+I�ARD WidS'IRUGT[flN SPECIFICATiDN T]pCL1MENT5 C�ty Project#1[IG9G7�i lte+rEscd Deccmher ZU, �012 ai 600u-a rxnnuc� ns�u��r�� Paga 2 of 2 1.14 DELI�EIZY, STURAGE, A1Vll HANDLINC [NDT U�ED] 1.1 i FILLD [Si�} cvl�IniTIO1�S [N�T US�DJ ].12 WARRAI�ITY LNOT uSEd] PART 2 - PR�D[1L"I'S [NOT [1��EIA] PART 3 - E�CECUTI4N [NQT LIBED] END ��' SECTIQN CITY 01� FORT WDRTH Leke Worth tiVater and Sanifery Sawer Irnprnvemcnls Part 2 STANDARD C41�S1RUCTION SPEC[�'1CAT[aN Di]CUM4�i9'I'9 City Pmjact #10Q962-2 Revised Dceember 20, 2012 a3 s� oa - t �xon��r sro��s ,arrn x�rmuxo ��r��s page 1 of a �ECTI(�N U] fiG Il� FRDI?iJC7' STORAGE AND H�NDLING REQUIREMENTS PART1- GENERAL 1.1 5[7MMARY A. Sectivn Includes: 1. Schedvling of praduct deliv�ry 2_ Packagang of produats for delivery 3_ Pratection of praducts against damage fram; �, Handling b. ExpUsu�e to elements �r harsh enviranments B. I]eviatinns Trann this (,`ity �f Fort VVarth Standard Specificatic�n 1. Nvne. C. Related 5pecifi�atinn Sections in�lude, but are nat necessaxily limited bo: 1. �ivision 0— Bidding fiequirements, Contraot Forms and Cond.itians of the Contract 2. Divisi�n i— General Requireinents l,2 PR10E AND PAYTVIENT PRO�EDLJRES A, Measurement and Payment I. Work associated with this ltem is cansidered suhsidiary to t]se �aria►a� It�ms bid. N� separate payrr►ent v�ill be ailowed fnr this Item. 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT CTSED] 1.4 AI]MINiSTRATTVE REQLTIREMENTS [NUT USED] 1.5 SUSNIITTALS f A1dT �SEI1] 1.6 ACTI�N S[TSMITTALSIIl�TFURMATI4IVAL SiISNIITTALS [NOT []SEU] 1.7 CL(lSEO[7T SI7BMITTALS [NOT QS�D] I.S MAiNTE1tiTA1VCE MATERIAL �[]BMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALIT'Y ASSiIRANCL [NOT USLI]] 1.14 DELNERY A1V'b i3ANDLING A_ Deliv�ry Requirern�nts 1, Schedule delitrery of pmdu�ts ar equipment as cequired ta allow tim�ly installativn and to a�+flid pralanged storage. �. Provide apprapriat� persannel and equi�ment ta reeei�e delitreries. 3, Delivery huclss will not ba permitted tu wait extended periods of tinne on the �ite far perscaaruiel nr equipment to re�eive the delivery, CTTY UE� �fli�T W�RTH I,.�ko Warth l7Vater and.3anitary 5ewct Impruvem�nts Pmrt 2 STANi?ARD CO1V5I'RVCTION 5P8CiF1CATIQN DQCUA+IEN'F'9 City Ptaject #lUU9d2-2 Ret�ised duly I, ZU11 Ql 66 00 - 2 PROI]UC'i' 31iDRAGE AIVDHANI][�iNG RFd,Zi1�t1:�uIENTS Page 2 qF 4 4. Deli�er produota or equipment in m�anufacture�s ariginal unbrokea� �artpns ar ather canta[iners designed and canstructed fn pr�tect the �ontents from physical or envirvnmcntal damage. 5. Clearly and fiilly mark and identify as to rr�anufacturex, item and installatian lacation. 6, Provide m�nufacturer's instructians far storage antl ha�dl�ng. 8, �andling R�quirements Handle p�raduct� ar equiprrzent i.n acco�ndance witta these Contract Docutnents and manufachuer's recvmmenaatians and instructions. C. Storage Requirements 1. Store makeria�s in accnrdance with rnanufacturer's recvmmendations and requirem�nts vfthese Specificatiox�s. 2_ Make necessary prv�isians for safe starage of rnakerials and equipment_ a. Plaee loose s�il materials and materials tn be incarporated inta Work ta pr�vent darnag� to an}r part af Work ar existing facilitics and to maintain �ree �cess at all times ta all parts af Work anc� w utility service campany installations in �icinity vf V�ork. 3. 4. Keep matcrials and �quipment neaily �n.d compac�ly atvred in locations thai will cause naiaai�nuzn inconVenience to othex contractQrs, pu�Iic travel, adjoining owners, tena�ts and occupants. a. Arrange st.�rage to pro�ide easy aocess far inspection. Restrict storage tn areas availahle on constf�ctio� site fvr storage af material and cquapm�n# as shawn on Drawings, ur approved hy City's Pmject Repr�sentative. Pro�ide aff site s#arage and protectinn when on-sits storage is not adequate. a. Pm�ride add�resses af and access to v��ite starage locations for in�pectian 6y Gity's Project Representative. I]a not us� lawns, grass plats or nther private property for sturage pwp�es without �ritten perinission of owner ar oth�r per�on in pnssession �r cantral af pr�mises. Store in ma�uufaciurers' unaopener� cnntai�ers. S, N�atly, safely and compactly sta,�k rnaterials deli�ered and stared along line of Wark to avoid incanveni�enr.e and darr�age tv prape�ty awners �nd genexal public and maintain at leasi 3 feet £roa-n �ire hydrant. 9. �eep public a�d pri�ate dri�+eways ans� stree# cxasaings �pen. 14. Repair or re�Iace damaged Iawrxs, sidewalks, streets or other imprQvcme�ats to satisfaciic�n af City's Project Representative. a. Total �ength which materi�is may be distxibuted a1mYg route of cvnstruction at ane titne is 1,�D0 linear fe�#, unless otherwise appra�ed ir� �vritis�g �y �ity's �roject R�presentative, CI'CY OF FdRT WQRTH Lake Wmth W�ter and 5anitarp Sawer Irnprovements Pert � STAIVDAF.D COIdSTRUCTION SP�C[F1CATi�N DOCUMEA]T3 City Projact �k1Q6962-2 Itevisod lu]y I, 2i111 pl 66 40 - 3 PRdDl3CT ST�RAGE ANi3 FIANI}LfN4 REQUIREMHiVTS Page 3 af 4 1,11 F�EL�D �SITL] �DA(llITI�NS �NUT i]SE!)f ].12 'WARRANTlC [NUT USED] PART 2 - PRdDUCTS [A1QT []SED] PAR�' 3 - E�[:UTI�N 3.1 II►iSTALLEILS [N�T USED] 3.� EXAMINATIDN [NOT YFSED] 3,3 PRFPARATIQN [N�T USED� 3,4 ERECTIUN [NUT iTSED] 3.5 REPAIR 1 RESTURATI�N [l�IOT [lSED] 3.G RE-IlVSTALLATIUN jNUT USED] 3.7 FIELO [oa] �I7'L� 4UALiTY CDNTR�L A. Teats �d Inspectians i. Tnspect all praducts ur equipment de�iver�l to th� site priar ta unlaading. B. Nan-Canfanning Work L. Iteject all produG#s or equspment th�t are damaged, used �r in any otl�er way unsatisfactDry fQr use on �he pxoj�ct. 3.$ SYSTEM STARTLiP [NUT iISED] 3.9 ADJUSTIl�iG [NUT USED] 3,10 CLEANIlVG �N�T T]�ED] 3,11 CLflSEQi1T ACTIVITIES jN�T USED] 3.1Z 1'R4TE(,"i'iOa►T A. Protect all pmd��ts or equipment in accordance with manufa�fw'er's written dixectians. B. Stor� products ar equipment in 3o�atian ta avoid ghysical damage to items while in st�rage. C. Protect equipment from �xposune ta elements and keep thomughly dry if requir� by t1�e manufacturer, 3.13 MAINTENANCE � 1VOT LiSED] 3.1� �TTAC�IMEiVTS INUT �7SEl]] END UF SECTIDIY CITY �F FOAT WQRTH Lake VdWih 4Vater end S anitary Sewer Impro�Fementa Part 2 sTA1�nARp CON37Ri1�T[ON $PBCIRiCATi�N DOCUM�IV7'S City Prvjact #1009G2-2 Revised July 1, 2fl11 O16660-4 PR[3I?UGT STDRAGE ANI3 I3ANDi1:INC RF.QU1K73MENi5 !'agc 4 af' 4 ]�eVl$lph Y.O� a��rE I r�n�vt� SUMMAItY nF CHAN(:E CLTY dR FL]RT W�RTH Lake Waorth Water �nd 5anitary Sewcr Imprrnements Part 2 ��'Aiti'bARn CflN37'RIiCTIdhf SPECIR[CATION DOCII1k16NTS City Praject #1fl0962.2 Revised duly 1, 2E}ll oi�aoo-i 14IOBILIZATION AN�] REMOBILI'I.ATiON Pagc l aF4 I SECTIQI�I U1 7011U 2 MOSILI7,ATIQN AND RBMOBILI�ATION 3 PAATI- GENERAL 4 1.1 SiJMMARY 5 A. S��tion Includes: 6 7 1Q 11 I2 13 lA 15 15 i "� 1.8 19 zo 21 22 z� 24 Mobili�at�an and Dernnbilixati�n a. Mc�bili�ation 1} Transpartatian af Contra�to�r's persannel, equiprnent, and op�rating supplies ta the Site z) Est�hlishm�nt of necessary general facilities fnr the Contractrn-'s operation at the Site 3) Pr�nuutxxs paid far performance and payment honds 4] Transporta�inn of Ca�tractor's personnel, equipment, and opera#ing supplies tn anfltl�►�r locati�n within the designat�t! �ite 5� R�lo�atinn af necessary get�eral facilities for the Contractor's vperation fmm 1 Iacatinn ta anather locaiinn �n the Site. b.. Demvbilization 1} Transporta.tion Qf C�ntractor's p�onnel, e.cNipYnent, anr� c�perating supplies away �rozn the Sitc including disassembly 2} Sit� �lean-up 3] R�mo�al af a11 buildings andlar other faGyliiies assernbled at the Site fvr this Cantract c. Mabilization and l�emobilization da not include activaties for specific items of work that ate far which payment zs pro�icicd elsewhere in the contract. 25 2, Remohili2ation 26 a. Remobilizati�nn for �spensiot► afVLtork specifxaally r�cXuired in t�he C�ontract �'7 1-]�y�umcixts or as required }ry City inciudes: 28 1� Ders�obilization �g a) Transport�tian o�'C;n�tractor's personnel, equipment, and operating 3a supplies �ram the 5ite including di�assem�iy �r tempar�rily securing 3i equipment, supplies, and oth�r facilities as d�signated by the Contract 32 DoGuments necessary fo suspend the 1�Iloxk. 33 b) Site Gleau-up as designeted in the �ontract Documes�ts 3q 2) Remohilization 35 aj TranSpQrtation af Cvntractor's persannel, ec�uipment, and operating 3d supplies to the Site necessary tn xesume ti�e Wcn'k. 3? b) F�stahlishment of necessary ganeral facilities for the Confra�tor's 38 op�ratian� at the Site ne�essary to re�ux�e the Waxk, 39 3) Nv Payments will be made fnr. �U a) tNabilization and Demobilizadon frora qne locatian t� �nother on tkxe 41 Site in the nanval pmgr+ess of performing tha �Vark. A2 bj Stand by or itile tiane �3 c} Lnst pro�its �� 3. Mobiliaatiions and D�tnobilization for Miscellaneaus Projects �5 a. Mahilization and D�rnnhifization CITY OF FOAT WORT[3 L�ake Wa�th Waior and Sanitary 5ewer lmptvovamea►ts Part 2 SZ`ANT3AI[i] CQI+TST3tl1CTION SPeCiFtICATYUN DOCUI4+IENTS Ciry Frojcct #1�0962-2 Re�iaed Howem6er 22, 241 G b17U�0-2 1v10B1I,IZAT1DhI Ahil] ii�.'ivIQBILI"LAT10N pag�e 2 of 4 b 7 8 io 11 12 13 14 I5 1� 17 1s i� 20 2Z 1} Mabilization shall �ansist of the acti�ities anci cost an a VV'arl� Otder basis necassary far: a} Txa�asportation af Cantractor's persannel, equipment, and aperatin� supplies to the 5ite for the issued Work C)rder. b} Esiablishme�at �£necessary g�neral faciiities far the Contractar's operatinr� at the Site for the issned Wnrk Order 2j Dcm�obxlf.z�tion shall cansist of the acti�ities and cost necessary for: a} Tr�nsp�rtataan of Con�ractar's pers�nnel, eyuipme:at, and operating �upplies fro�n the Site including disassernbIy tar each issu�d Work �rder bj Site Clean-up far each issued Work Drder c) Reina�al of all. buildings ar other �ac�lities assembled at the Site far each Wark �der b, h�Iohili�atian and Demobili�ation da n.ot include activities for specifi� itezx�s of vc�vrk �ar which paymesit is pivvided elsewberc in tl�e cvn#ract, 4. Emergency MobilizatiQns and Demobilization for Misr.�llanenus Pr�jeecs a. A Mvbiliza#ian fur Miscelian�ous Projects when diracted by the City and the mobili zatian nccurs withia � hauxs of tha i�suance af the Work Order. B. Deviataans fr�m this City ofFort V4�a�rth Standard Speci�cation 1, Nane. C. Related Speeif�cad.on Seativns include, but are tmt necessarily limited to: �2 1. Lli�+ision �-- gidding Requirements, Coritxact Fnrms and Condition� of the �ontract 23 Z, Di�ision 1—General Requirements a4 1.2 PRIiCE AND PAYMENT PROCEDUL�ES 25 A. Measurement an�d Payment [Consult Gity DepartmentlDivi�ion for directiun an if 26 Mobilixatian pay item to hc ir�cluded ar the item should �e suhsidiary. Inciu�e the 27 apprapriate �ectinn 1.� A. 1.] Z8 �9 3U 31 3� 33 34 35 1. Mvbili�atia�x and Demnbilization a. M�asure 1) This item is cansic3�ered subsidiary tv the variaus Items bid. b. Payment 1} Tl�e work perfornved and rnaterials furnished in accardanee with this Itiem are subsidiary ta the r+ariaus �tems bid and na athex �umpensation will he alf owed. 2, Remabilizatioa for sus�ensian af Work as specx�.cally required in the Contraet 3fi Dpcuments 37 a. 1VIeasaremenk 38 l} Me�surement for this Itern sltall ba per ea�h r�mvhili�tivn per£4rmed. 39 b. Paymet�t 40 1) 7'he work perfarn�ed an�i m�terials furnished in accard�nce with t�is Ibem �1 and measured �s prawided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit �2 price per eacl� "Speci�ied Remabilizakian" in �cc�rdanae with Cantract 43 Documents. 44 c. T°he price shali include: �S 1) Demnbilixatian as descrihed in Se�tion 1.1.A.�.a.1) �� 2) F.emdbili�ation as desc�ibed in Sectio� 1.1.�.2,a.2) CI7'Y aF FORT' WORI7i I,ake Warih �ater arad Sanitazy 5ewcr Improvements Part � 3TANDAR7] CONBTIt�ICTl�f11 SPECIFIGATIDN DOCUMEN'C3 City Pmject �1D0h8�2 Revise�d NavemUcr Z2, 2018 os �aau-3 MOBILIZATIi]N AI+ID it�MUB1I.I2ATI�P1 Yag�e 3 uf 4 1 d. Na payments will be made for standby, idle time, ar last profits associ�t�d this 2 Item. 3 3. Remobili�tion for suspensian afV�ark as required by City 4 a. Meaaurement �nd Payment 5 1) Tl��s shall be sui�rnitted as a�ontract C1aim in acca�dance with Article 1� 6 aF Scctian �4 72 a0. 7 2) No paymenis will be rnade fvr standhy, idle time, nr lost pro�ts a.�saciated g with tbis Item. � 10 11 12 13 14 15 1s j7 18 19 ao �1 2� 23 4. Mabilizatians and I]cm.obilizations i-ar Mis�ellaneous Projects a. 1Vleasurement 1} Measurem�nt for this Item shala be far each Mobalization and Demobilization required by the Con�ra�t I]acuments b. c. d. Payment 1} '1°he Work perfnrmed and materials furnished in accardaxace with this Ir�:m and measured as providcd under "Mcasurcrs�ent" will lae paid for a# the unit price per each "Vi��rk �rder Mobilizatio�u" in accardatt�e with Gontract Docurnents. Demobiliza#ion shal] be cansidered subsidiary to mobili�ation and ahall not he paid for separately. The price shall inolude: 1� Mvhilizativn as described in Sectinn ].1..A.3.a.1) 2) Demobilizatian as descr�bed in Sect�on 1.1.A.3.a.2� Na pa�ments will �e rr�ade for :�tandby, id�e time, ar luat prQ�ita associated this I#em. 24 S. Emergenay 1Vlohilisations a»d Derrtobili�ations for Miscellanevus �oj�cts 2S a. R+Ieasurement 2b 1) Mease�cement fvx t}�is Iterxz shall be far eaeh Mahilization and 27 I]emolaili2ation required by the Contract Documents Z8 29 3d 3l 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 f'*7 G. d. Payment 1� Tke Work perforrned and xnaterials furrsislzed in aGcordance with this Item and measured as provided und�r °`MeasuremenY' will be paid frar xt the unit price p�r each "�ork �rder Emergency Mobilization" in a�coxda�xce with Cc�ntract bocument�, Dema�ili�ation shau be Gansidered subsidiary to mabilizatian and shall nnt be paid for separately. Tbc price s]��,11 include 1) Mobili�ation ds deacribed ir� Section 1.1.A.4.�) 2) Demobilizatian as described in Section 1.1.�4.3.a.2} No paymer►ts will be m�de far sta�dby, id�e time, or lost profits associated this Itern. �g 1,3 R.�'F�1�CES [NUT [ISED] � 1,4 ADNIIlYIS3'i�ATIVE REQ[3IREA'IENTS [NOT USEI)] 4l 1.S �UBMITTAI,.S [NOT USED] 4�, L6 INk�QRMATIflNAL SiIBMITTALS [N�T [7SED] �3 1,7 CL�SEC3i1T SUBMITTAL�S [NOT iISEDJ 44 i.S MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SC]S14[�TTALS [NOT iISED] CIT'Y DE FORT 1'�Q1ZTH I,ake Wartb Watcr and Sanitary Sewer Im�nvwements Parl Z $TAPIDARD C[]N�TR1fCTI�IV SPECIFICATi4NI DOCLIMENT3 City Fr4j ect #1Dd962-� l�evised Movemher Z2. 201G oi �u aa - � MQBIL12Ai'IOltii AND RE14fOBIGIZATIUI� Page 4 of 4 1 1.9 QI�ALITY ASSURAMCE [N(]T USED] 2 ].1� DELIVEI7.Y, STQRAGF, A1tiFIi I-TAI�IDLING [NUT USEa] 3 1.1� FIEI.D [SITE] �aIYUITI(lN5 [NUT []SLD] 4 l.l� WARRANTY [I�i�TUSED] S PA12T 2- PRUDUCTS [AlOT U�ED] G PAR.T 3 - EXECUTIQIIT [ItiIOT [7�ED] 7 8 � EP1D OF SECTIUN iilrliTo��r I1122116 � lviichnelOwe� Reaisi�n Log BUMMARY �� �HAI+dG� .2 Price and PaysnantPros�dures - Revised specificatian, inctuding blu� tcxt, td �ake spec�ficatinn f�exihle fnr either subsidiary or paid bid item for Mobili�atinn, L7TY p� FpRT WOAT"f[ Lake WorEh Water end Saaitaiy Sewer Lnpravementa Part 2 STANI]ARD C�NSTRU�T[ON SPSCIFICATION I]�GUIvIEN'CS L�ty Pmjeet#1tl0962-2 Revised lZove�Uar 2Z, 201fi ai�3z�-� eorrs�u�oN sTAYcn��nian sr.�v�� r�imes SECT�OIY 017123 C�NSTA�llC'I`IQN STAKING AND Si3RV�Y PART 1 - GEiVER�1L 1.1 �UMMAI�Y A. aection Includes: 1. RequiremGnts for Gonstru�tion �taking an� constructioa� survey B. Deviatians from this �ity of Fort V�Tozkh Standard �pecification 1. Nane. C. Related Speei�icatinn 5ectinns inelude, hut are not necessaxi�y limit�d ta: 1. I7ivision 0— Bidding Requirements, Cqntra�t F4rrns �nd Con�itions af the Cax�tract 2. Divisiaa 1— Gen�ral Requsnements 1,2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PRUCEDURES A, M�easurement and Payment 1. Cnnstructian �takin� a, lUleasuretnent 1) Mcasurernent for tYus Ttezn sh�ll he by luxnp surn_ b. Payment 1) The work per£armed and the materials furniahed in aa�ordanae with this Item shall be psid far st the lump cum price �id fnr "Cansfruaiion 5takin�". 2) Pay�nent for "Canstruotian Staiting„ shall be made in paztial payments prorated by wark completed compared to total wvrk included ir� the lump s�m item. c. T}xe price bid a#a�all inalude, but not be limit�d ta the follovwing: 1) �ierification o�' contrvl data proi►ided by City. 2} Placenten#, maintenar�ce and replacement of rec�uiretT stakes and markings in the �e1d. 3} Preparation and subnnittal nf consiruction staking documentation in th� fnr�pa a� "cat sheets" using the Gity's s#andard tervpla�e. 2. Construction Survey a, Measurement 1) This Item is c.�nsidered subsidiary to the variaus Items bid. b. P�ytnent 1} Th� work perfarmed and the materials f.izrnished in accordanoe with this Item are suhsidiary ta tlae �arious Iterns bid �nd no other campensation will he all�wed. �. As-Built Su�`v�y a. Measuremcnt I) M�asurement frn this Item shall be by lum� sum. i�. Pay7nent l} The wdr�C performed and the materials furnished in accnrdance with this Item shail be pai,d fasr at the lump sum pric� bid for "As-Huilt Sur�ey". CfFY OF FORT WQRTfI Lske Wotih We�tor end 5anitary 3ewer Impranements Part 2 5YANDAR� CON3'i'RllCl'ION 3PECIFIGATION D[3C[]MSNT9 City Project #1 �fl962-2 Revised Pehruary 14, 2�18 O19123-2 CUN9TRUCTiQN 5TAKING Altiiq SURVEY �B�C i 8�g �) Payment far "Construction Stakir�g" shall be made in partial payments prvrated by work complet�eci cornpar�d to total work included in the lump sum ibem. c. 'Iiie price bid sh�ll include, t�t nnt be ii�nited to the following:: 1} Fi�ld measu�ments and s�rvey shats to identify location af compieted facilitics. 2) Dacum�niation snd submittal of as-bwiLt survey data nnta oontractor redline pla�ns and ciigital survey files. ]..3 REFER.ENCES A. De�nitions 1. Construotion S�rv�Y - The survey measuraments made prior to ar while canstrwction is in pra�ess #u canfral el�vatian, hQri�orital pasitinn, dimenaions and configuratian af structureslimpro�e�nents in�luded in the Praject Urawings. 2. As l�uilt Survev T�e measurcments nua�de �fter the canstruction af thc imp�ovement f�ature$ are complete to providc position coordinates far th� features of a praj�t, 3. Canstructian Staldng —'The ��aaem,ent nf stakes and markings tv provide o££sets and elevations tn eut and fill in order to lacate an the ground the designed stru�tvreslimprovements included in the Pxoject I?rawings, C�nstruction �taking sriall include staldng easemertts ancilar right of rvay if indicated nn the �Ians. 4. S�-v�y "Field Chec�Cs" — Meas»��� made after �onstructi�n st�king is completed and b�Eare constructian work begins tQ ensure tha# structures marked 4n the graund a�ne accurate�y Iacated p�r Pmject Drawings. B. 'Fechnieal R.eferences 2. 3. �4. �ity nf Fart Warth — Cat�slr�uctinn �taking Standands �available an City's Buz7saw website) — O1 7 i 23.I6.U1_ Atta�hrnent A_Survey Stalring 3tanr�ards City af Fort VVorth - Standard Survey D�ta Callec�r Library (fxl) files (availa�le vnCity'x Buzzsa�w websitej. Texas Ue}�attment of Tracn,sportation �'I4�DQ`I� Swrvey Manual, latest re�+iyion Taxas S�ciety vf Pt'v�essional Land �urve}rors (TSPS}, Manual �f Practice for L�nd Surveying in the State of Texas, �ategvey 5 1.4 ADNIIAiISTR�iTIVE REQ[]IREMENTS t�l. Tl�e �ontr�cfor'� �eYectinn of a�urveyor mnst camply v�it6 Texas Gavcrnment Code ��5� (qualificatians ���d �elec#i�n) For tbiis prajec�. �.5 SU$MITTAi � A. 5ubmittals, iirequired, shall �e in aceordance with Secti�n Q1 33 40. B, All su4�mittals sha�l be m:ceived and reviewed by #�he City priar to deli�ery af w�ek. 1.5 ACTIDN SiJRMI7"I'ALSIINRURMATIUNAL SLTBMITTALS A. Field Quality Cantrol Submittals CITY 0� FC1RT VIfORTFI Lake W4�th 11�ater aod �anitary 3e�rer Impro�Fements Part 2 5TANhA3lD CaNSTItUGTitIld 3PECIFICATI�IV DQCUh1ENTS City Yrojeet #18�962-2 i�evtsed Fehrnary t4, iD18 aia��-3 C4itii5TRi7CTIaN SCAKiNG AND SURVSY Page 3 af S 1. Documeritation �erifying a�uraey of #ield engineering wnrk, including caordinate conversivns ifplpn5 do not indicafe grid or gtouilc� CAUr�inates. 2. Submit "Cut�Sheeta" confoxrnirxg ta t�e standard tcm�late provided by the City (r�fer to O l 71 23.16,U 1— Atf�hment A— Snrvey 5taking 5#andards). 1.7 CLaSEiIUT 5[7BMITTALS B, .As-built Redline Drawing Subrnitial 1. Submit As-Built Survey Redline I3r�wit�gs doGurnenting the locaCinnslelevatians a� oanstructed impror�ements signed and sealed by Regis#ered Fr�fesaional Land 5urveyar (RPLS) responsihle for the work (refer ta � 1 71 �3,15.01 — Atkachment A — Sur�e� St�king Standards} . 2. Cnntractor shall submit the pmposecl as-built arsd compfebed redlin,e drawing su}�xniital one �i) weck prior to acheduling fhe pro,�e�t iinal inspectinn far City review and carnmeni. Revisions, if necessary, shall be n�a�de to the as-buiSt redline drawings anci resul�mitt�d tv the City priar to echeduling the canstruciion final inspectinn. 1,8 MAIIVTENANCE MA'I'L�RYAL �iJSI�IITTALS [N�T U3EDj 1.9 QUAI.IT`Y A3SiTRAIVCE A. Car�struction 5ta�ein� 1. Cansiructi�n staking will be performed by the Cflr►tract�ar. 2. �oordinatlan a. Contact City's Pmject Representatiye at least onc week in ad�vance notifying the City of when Canstructian Staking is scheduled. �. It ia tiie Corrtractor's responsihility tv eoordinatc staking such that construction aGtivit'ses are not del��red or negatively impactcd. 3. Ge�neral a. Cantraetnr is responsiblc %r pxeserving and maintaining stakes. If City �urveyar� �re requir�d ta re-stake far any reason, the Cantraciox will be responsible f«r costs tv perfvrm �taking. If in the opinion of #he Ci�ty, a sufficie�t nunaher vf stakes �r markings ha�e becn lost, destrnyetl disturbed ar amitted t�at the contra�cted �ark caruiot takc pluce tY�en the C�utractar will l�e required to stake or re.stal�e the dei�cient areas. E. Canstructivn Suzvey Construction Survey will be perFarrn�i hy the Cnntxactar. 2. Coordinatian a. Cnntractar ta verif� th�t harizontal and vectiea] control c�ata established in Yhe design survey and required for cansh�uctian suivey is a�railable and in pia�e. 3. �eneral a, Cor�s#ructian sur��y will be perfarmed in order ta cnns�truct the wark shawn an the �:onstruction Azarvings an,d speci�ied in the CvMract Documen�. b. Far constr�iction xnethods athcr tf�an vpen cn� #he Cantractor shall perfarm cQnstruction sucvey and verify cantrol data including, but nat limited t�, f�e �ollowing; 1) Verifir.atian that established benchmaxks and con#rol axe accurate. CITY OF PORT WDRTH Laka Wvrth Water and San itaxy Sctiver Impmvem�nls Part 2 5T,4NT}AIt17 CQNuP'I'RUCTI4N SPECIFYCA'[7DN DOCi]MEN'I'S City Prajest #.1009fi2-2 Eievised Febru�ry 14, Z438 fl17123-4 GOAfSiRiICTIQN STAKING AIYA 5URVBY Page 4 af H 2} Use �f Benchmarks ta furnish and maintain all refer�nce lines and �ades for tunz�eling. 3} Use of line a�►d gradas to establish the location oft�e pipe. �) Submit ta the Cit�+ �a�pies o� field natesused to establish all Iines and grades, if requ�sted, and allow the Gity ta chec�C guidanc� system setup prior to beginning each tunneling dri�e, 5) Prnvide access for the Ciry, if requcsted, tn vexify the gtsidance system and the line and grade a�the carrier gipe. G} Tkie Cantractor remaina fu]ly respnnsible far the �curacy o� the work and carrection of it, as xequired. 7} Monitar line and grade candnuously during �o�structian. S} Recard de�ia#ion �vith respect to design line and grade oncc �t ea�h pipe joint and submit daaly reca�ds ta the City. 9) Tf th� irfstal,latian d�oes not meet the specified tolerax�ces [as autlin�d in 5ectiuns 33 05 23 andlor 33 OS i4}, immediately notify thc City and cvrrect the mstallation in accardanee with the Cgn�ract Daeuments. C. As Built Survcy 1. Requixed As-HuiIt S�ey will be performed by the ContraGtar. 2, Coar+dinatian a. Go�tractvr is to c�4rdin�te with �ity to cnn�rm which features r�quire as� bui�t surveying. h. It is the Guntractar's responsibility ta coordinate the as-huilt survey and requircd measurements far items that are tr� be buried such tb�at canstruction aeti�ities are nat delayed or negati�vely impgat�d. c. Far sewer rxaains and water rnains 12" and under in diaaleter, it is acceptable to p�ysically z�easure depih an�1 i�aark the IQcatinn duri�ag the pmgress af construction and take as-buiit surney �er the facility has heen buried. The Contractor is respvnsible far the guality eox,irol needed to ensure accuraey. 3. Generai a. The Camtractor shall pxavide as-buiit survey including the elevation and' locativn {and pro�ide wrifxen dacumentatian to the City} of constructic�n features during tLe pragre$s ofthe eanstructipn including the foIlowing: 1) Water Linc� a) Top of pipe elevatinn� and cooxdinates fvr waterlines ai �the fnllowing lacatinns: ( I) IVliniir►um e�e�y 25� Iinear feet, including (2) Hnriwnial and vertiGal pain.ts af inflectian, eurvature, etc. (3) Fire line tee [4) Plugs, stub�uts, c�e�d-end lines (5] Casing pip� {each end� and all buried fittings 2� Sanitary Sewer a} Top of pipe elevations and coardinates for force xuains an�i siphon sanitary sewex lines �non-gravity faciliiies) at tl�e f�llawing locatians: (1} Minimum e�ery 2501inear feet and �ny buried �tting� (2} Hari�ani.al and �ertical points of inflectiost, ou�rcraltue, e#c. 3j Stvnn�atex — Nat Applicahle crrx aF r�axT wo�n� I.alae Worrh Water and Sam#ary Scwer ImpivvernenEs Part 2 STANDARI] CC]Rr3TRC1G"CI�ONN SPECIFICATfOP! DbCUI1+fENT5 iatp Prnje.�t#1a09Ci•i Revlsed F�6ru�xy ld, ZIFiB oi �t a�-s CC71+iSTRUCTI4hi $TAKATG ANA 5URVEY Page5af8 b, The Con(xactor sl�aii provide as-built sur��y inoludixxg the eleyation �nd lvcation (and provic�e wnitteti docsun�ntation fo t�he Cit�) of constructivn features a�ter tbe coustructina is r�umpieted iwcluding the follovvixtg: 1) M.�n�ioles a} Rirn and flowline elevatians an�d coordinates for each manhol.� 2) Wa6er T.inP.R PI] �1t}]OC�1G pl'CftEGtI�ri tC�t 8tat1�II8 b} Sarn�lin� stafivns c] Meter boxeslvaulLs (Al! six�s� d} Fire hydrant� e} Vai�es (gate, butterfly, etc.} fj Air Rel�ase v�l�es (Manhale rim and vent pipe} g) Blaw off valv�s (Manhale riui and val�+c lid) h} Pressure plane �+�lves i) Undergrvund Vaults {1) Rirn and fl�wline ele�ations and coardinates far each Underground Vault. 3) Sanitary Sewer a) Cleanauts �lj Rim and #�owline eie�ativns and cvordinates for each �) 1Vlanhales and Junction 5iruckures (1) Rirn and flawline elevatians and caordinates for each manhale a�d junction sixuciurc. �) StarrnR+ater — hiat Applicablc 1.1fl DELIVERY, ST�IRAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT U�EU] 1.11 �'IELD [SiTE] C�NDT1'XQ1�iS [N�T USLI�� I.IZ VfFARRANT'Y PAItT 2 - �RUDTICTS A. A r.onskruction survey will produce, Uut wiil nat be limited to; ]. I�ecavery ofrelevanf oontral paints, p�ints aFcurvature and paints af itrt�rsecti�n. 2, Es#ablish t�arary horizantal and vertical contral eleva#sons (6enchm�xks} suffieict�tly permanent and lacafed in a manner to �e used tl3roughout canstructipn, 3. The loeati on af planned facilities, easerr�et� and impra�ements. a. Lstablislaing final ]ine and grade stakes for piers, flaors, grade beams, parking areas, utilities, streets, }�ighways, tunnels, 2aad other canstrueti�n. l�, A record ��revisinns or correctinns nQted in an nrderly manner forreference, c. A drawving, when required hy t�e client, indicaEing the hvriz,�nta1 �nc� �verticaI locataon af faciliti�ss, aasements �nd irnpronremerrfs, as �uilt. 4. G�t aheets shatl Ue provided to the City inspectar and 5urvey 5�.�perintendent for aIl canstructiv� staking prajects. Thcse cut sheets sha�i he on the standmrd city template which can be ohtained from the Survey Superintenclent (817-392�7425). 5, �igital sur�ey files �n 4he fc}[lowing forn�ats shall be acceptabl�: a. AutoG,AD (.dwg} h. ESR.I Shapefile (.shp) CITY OF FaAT iV�RTH Lake Worih Water end 3anitsry 5eaver Imprrnomwrts Part 2 STAIdDARU COPV5TRCICfIL)1�1 SPECIFICAT'I�N L7DCUMETIT3 City Prvjecl #1OG962,2 Hev[eed Febra�ry 14, aD13 O17123-G CC]NSZ"fZiICT7Ut+I STAIGII� 4 A�TD SiJRYIsY Page fi of $ c. CSV �lc (,cs��, farmatted with � and Y 000rdi�ates in �eparat� cvluinns (use ..i�ndard templute�, ifa��ilablt� b. Sur�ey �les shall include �ertical and harizantal data tied ta oniginal prUject coiitrol and benchmarks, and sha�ll includc fcalure d�scriptions PART 3 - EXECUTI�N 3.1 7NSTALLERS A. Talerancece; The stalccd location nf any imapravernent or facility should t�e as aacurate as practical and neceGsar}�. Thc dcgrce af precisian rcquired is dependent on rnany factors all af which must rcmain judgrnental. The tolerances listed hereaf�cr are based an generalities and, under certain circumstances, shall yield tn spsci�c requirem.ents. The survcyor shall assess any situation by review of the avcra�l plans xnd thmugh cansuLtation with responsible parties as to #h� rseed for spe�i�C tol�ranc�s, a. Farthwr�rk: Grades far earthrwvrk or rpugh �ut 5�7ould isat exceed �_1 f�. �ertical tolerance, HarizQz�tal alignment far earthwork and rough cut shouid nat exceed ]..[� ft. lalerance. b. HUt'[LDntal �lignrtlent on a structure shall �e within .O.lfi tolGxanCa, c. Pavin� ar cQncrete far s�rcots, curbs, gu�Ccrs, parking areas, drives, alleys and ws�llcways sha11 be laaated within the �onfines ofthe siie boundaries and, occasinnally, along a boundazy or any oiher restrictive line. Awa� fi'om eny restri�t9�e line, these facilities shauld be s4alced with an accuraGy produeing no rnare than �.05ft. tolerance from their specified loGatior�s. d. Llndcrground and ovcxl�ead utilities, su�h as sew�rs, gas, water, telephoaxe and eieci�-zG lincs, shall he lucat�d hot7annfally within the�ir prescribed area5 �r casements. Within assigned areas, these utalitics should be staked with ati a�curacy prndu�ing no marc tha�� 0.1 ft talerance from a specified location, e. The accuracy required for the verti�al lncatios� of utilities varies widely, IvIany undergrnund utilities requix•e only a rninimum cover and a taleranoa nf �.1 fL. shvuld be maintained i7nderg�vund anc] n�erhead utilities an pianned p�'ofile, �ut not depending vn gra�vily flaw for perfo�rn�ance, shaul� nnt exceed �. ] f�. toici•ance. S. Surveying instruments sh�ll be kept in Glase adjushnen# accQrdiug ta manttfacturcr's specifi�ations or in com�liancc ta standards. The Ciry z9eserves the r�ght to request a calibration rcport at any time and recommends regular maintcnaace schedulc bc performed hy a �ertificd iechuician e�ery 6 rs�onths, 1. Ficld measurements of angles and distans;es s1ial1 be dorie in �uGh fashion as t� satisfy the closures and tolearanves expressed in Part 3.1,A. 2. �ertical Iocations shall he estahlished from a pre�gtablished benchmsrk and checked by clvsing to a differeat b�n�h mark an fi.he sarnc datum. 3. Construction SurVey fi�1d wark shail Garrespnnd ta the olient's plans. Irr�gularities or catiflicis found shall bc rcported prnmptly ta the City. 4. Revisiot�s, crn7ections and ather pertincnt data shal[ he Inggcd far future reference. CITY f7P FC}RT WOiiTi l Lskc W4� ��t�r and $aui�ary $ewer Impro��eme�its Part 2 STA�T�.+1RI7 �'�h1�TRi.]L'TIi7N rPECIFICATION DCICLIMENT$ 4�ty Frojeck#IlU09G2�2 x�riS�a ���rtie�y 1a, zvls U17123-7 C�NSTRUCTTUi�I STAKfNG AlVI] Si]RVEY Page 7 of R �.� �x�mnvATr�o�r C�vo� usEa] 3.3 PRLPARATi�N [N�T llSED] 3.4 APPLICATIUN 3.S RLFAIR 1 RESTURA170N A. Tf the Cot�ira�tor's work darnages or destrays one Ur xxa�xe af the con�rol manu�mentslpvints set by the �ity, the manuments s'hali be adequately ref�ren�c� far e�padierxt restaratian. 1. Natify Ciry if any contral data needs to he restored or replaced due tv damage ca�secl during canslru�Saon a�ratians. a. Cantractar shall petfarm replacements andl�r restaratians, b. The City may require at �ny time a survey "Field Chack" of any mdnutn�nt or bencbana,rks that are s�t be verified iay the CiCy suruayurs before further assaoiated wbrl� ca�z rn�ave fQrward. 3.6 RE-INSTALLATI�N [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD �os� SITE QUALiTY COhITRQL �. It is the Cnrrtractor's respansihility to maintain �ll s�alces and confrUl data placed by the City in accorda�Ee wath this Sp�cification This includas easernants ana right ofway, if noted an the plans. B. I7a not change ar relocar.e stakes ar cantrol data withaut apprn�ai from. the City. 3.$ SYSTEh+�.�TAI3TUP �i. Survey Checks J. The City reserwes the right to p�r�orm a Surwey Gheck �t auy time deemed necessazY- 2, Ghecks k�y City persvnnel or 3'� party contracted suiveyor are nnt intended to retieve the contractar ofhislher responsihility for a�curacy. 3.9 AIlJUSTING jNUT USEll] �.10 CLEANINC �NUT US�D� 3.11 CLOSEaUT �A�TIVITIES [1VOT U�uEI]] 3.12 PRQTECTiDN [I�IOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [N�T USED] 3,�4 A�'TA�HMENTS [1�I�T [T�FD] Favn oF sEC"�oN Re�ision Lag CITY �F FOItT F►�iCTH Lelue Worth i�I►ater snd $anitary Sewer Improveme� Part 2 9TANaRRD GONSTRUCTI�N SPECIFYCAT[QN DOCUMENT'S City Project #106962-2 Reriaed February 14, 2�U1$ oi�ix�-x CilN3TRL7C71C1H STAKING t1ND SiJRYEY Page8of8 DATE N1�11�L� SLTMMARY dF CHANGI� 8131l2012 b.7nhnson dcd '+ns�ructi�n �nd randified me�urenient & pay�nent uncier 1.2; added �'31I2017 �, p� ���ri�ns and refezeur.�s under 1.3; mudified 1,6; added 1.7 closeout submitta� equirelucttls; m4difyBi� 1.9 (]Ualiiy Assurance; added PAItT 2— PR�DUCTS ; Added 3.1 Is��ttaller�; added 3.5 ItepairlRestasation; and adrled 3.$ Syatem Startup. emaved "bluc Deact"; revised measurement and payment seeiinns for Cnnstruction Stakii�g and As-Built Surve�, added ref�ettce tv selection oomplianee with TGC 211412a18 M C]wcn 225d; re�ised aetian and Cloaeout submittal requinarnanta; added acceptabfe depth measus�tnent criteria; ravised lisf of item:c rcquiring as-buiil survey "during" and "After" cnnsiructinn; and re�ised accepLa�lo di�ital survey file forsiiat C11'Y OF FORT 1WOICTH Lal�e W anh Wa#er and Sanitary Se��er Impra�ements Pari 2 STANDAR[3 CDNS'I'RL3C1'TON $PECIFICATJi7N DOCi1hiBNTS i:i ty Rnject # 10U9G�2 Rerlaed PehrusvY 14, 2D18 � Sectian �171 ��.�1- Attach m�nt A Survey Staking 5tandards February �D37 p:�Specs-Stds Gvuernan�e Pro�ess�Tempnrary Spec Files�Capital Qelivery�C�p �elivery Di�fl1`41 71 23.1fi.01_AttachmentA 5urveyStaking5t�ndards.da�x Page � of 22 These procedures are intended to pr�vide a standard method far construction staking services associated with the City of Fart Worth prvjects.7hese are not ta !�e �ansidered all inclusive, but only as a general guideline. Farprajects on 7XDOTrigh#-n� way or through joirit TXDOTparticigaNan, e�dherence to t�e iXDQT Survey Nianuai shuA be fo!lawed and if a discYeppr�C,y arises. fhe TXDaT rnar��srl shall prevsriL I. iif ��, ��. �, _ ."� Ifyau have a unique circumstance, please eonsult with the project m�nager, inspector� orsurv�y department at 8�7-392-7925. Tab�e nf �nntents I. City of Fort Worth Cantact I niformativn ll. Canstruetian Cvlars III. 5tandar� Staking 5upplies IV, Suruey Equipment, Cvntrol, and patum 5tan�ards V, VMlater 5taking VI. Sar�itary5ewer5taking VlI. Storrn 5taking Vlll. Curb and GutterStaking I?t. Cut Sheets x. As-built Survey � O;jSpecs-5tds Gnvernance Pro�essjTemparary Spec Files�Capital �eliuery��ap �elivery DIv01�0171 23,].�.01 Attachment A_5urvey Staking 5tandards.dvcx Page 2 of 22 l. Sur�ev De�artment [ontact Infarmation Physical and mailing address: 8851 Gamp Bowie West Boule�ars� 5�ite 30� Fort worth� Texas 76116 �ffice: [817j 392-7925 Survey Superintendent, direct line; (817} 392-8971 I�. �QC15�1't1C�1011 �Q�DI"5 The fQllowing colars shall be used ��r sta[cing or identifying features in kh� field. 7his in�ludes flagging, paint of laths/stakes, paint af h�bs, and any identifieation su�h as pin flags if necessary. IJtlllty �olor PR�PQSE❑ E}CCAVATIO�J WHITE R11 ELECTRIC AND CONDUITS � POTA6LE WAj�R GA5 OR �IL YE LLOW TELEPH�I�E/FIBER OPTIC aRANGE SUEiVEY C��lTROL POINTS, BENCFfMARI{S, QROPERTY C�RNERS, RI�HT-OF-WAYS, AND PiNK ALL PAVINC� IAI�LUC�ING CUR6, 51�E1NALIC, BUILDIN� C�R�iERS SAh11TA}iY 5EW E I{ IRRIGATIQN AIVD RECLAIMEDVI�ATER Ill. 5tandard 5ta��Cin Su lies Item Minimurn size LathfStake 3�" Call Wo�den Hub ��"x2" min. square preferredj G" tall Pin FIagS [�.S" x 3.5" preferred� 21° lang Guard 5takes Ndt required PK �r Mag nails 1" lang Iron Ro�s {1J2" vr greate�r diameter] 1$p Ivng Sur�ey Marking Paint Wat�r-based Fl�gging 1" wi�e Nlarking Whiskers (feathers} 5" long Tacks (for marking hufasj 3 j4" long D:�Specs-Stcis Governance Prncess�Temparary Spec FflesjCapital �eliveryjCap Delivery iliv 01�0� 71 23,1€s.ii� AttachrnerttA_5urvey5takingStandards,dacx Page 3 uf 22 IV. 5�rve f ui ment Con#rol and Datum Standards A. City Benchmarks All city benchmarks can be faund here: ��tn�(Ltartrw�rtht�x.v.�.gori�rolutr�.r�s,�151 Look far 7ar+ing Maps'_ Und�r'Lay�rs' , expand `Basernap Layers', and check an 'Ser�chmarks'. B. Cvnventianal or RobvtieTatal Sta�ion Equiprnent I. A rninimum of a 1n arc-s�cand instrument is required, A copy of the latest calipratian repart may �e requested qy the City at anY time. It is recommended that an instrument be calibrated by certified tec�nician at least 1 occurrence every fs manths. C. NetwarkJV.R.S. and static GRS Equipment l. It is critical that the surueyor verify the cvrrec# horizantal and vertical �aturn priar commencing work. A site �alibratian may be� requ ir�d a nd �hall �flnsist of at ieast 4 contrvl p�ints spa�ed evenly apart and in varying quadrant5, Additional field ehecks af �he horizontal and �ertical accuracies shall he compEeted and the City may �sk for a copy o�the calibration repart at any time. II, Netwark GPS such as the Wes#ern aata Systems or Smartl�et systems may he use� far staking af prapertyJR.0.1N, for�ed-main water lines, and ra�gh-grade ❑nly. Na GP5 stalci for concrete sanita sewer storin drafn final rade or an thin that needs wertical radin with a ialerance of fl.�5' ar less is allawed. 0. Contral Poin#s Set I. All �ontro! points set shall be accnmpanied by a lat� with the appropriate Mlarthing, Easting, and Efe�atian [if applicableJ of the point set. Control pvints can be set rebar, 'x' in concrete, ar any other apprapriate item wlth a stah�� base and �f a semi-perm�nent nature. A rebar eap is aptinnal, but preferred if tF�e cap is marked 'tantrol point' or similar wording, IL �}�ta5heets are re�quired for all cantral pnfnts sek. Datasheet should include: A. Harizontal and Vertical Datum used, �xample: IV.A.�.83, �fvrth Central zane 4�a2, NAVD 88 Elevations B. Grid arground distance. — If ground, pr❑vide scale factar used and hase point caardinate, Exarnple: C.S.F.-�.999iz5. Base point=North: 0, East=O C. Geoid madel used, �x�rl'�ple: GEQIa1ZA a:�5pecs-5tds Gvvernanee Process�Temparary 5pe� Files�Capital Delivery�Cap Delivery Qiv Olj�1?1 23.16,01 Attachmend A 5urvey Staking Standards.dacx Page 4 of Z2 E. f�refetred Grid �atum Rlthough many p�an sets can be in surface caordinates, the C1ty's preferred grid datum is listed belaw. Careful cnnsiderativn must be t�lCen to verkfy what datum each project is in �ridr#o �aeginning wark. It is essential the surveyor be farniliar with conrdinate transfarmations ar�d hoiry a grid jsurf�ce�assumed coardirrat� system affect a praje�t. Rroiected Caardinate 5ystem: NAU_1983 StatePlane_Tex�s Honh Cerrtraf FlPS 4Z� Feet Proj�ctian: Larrzbert_Canfarmal Con�c Fa1se_EaSting: 19685a�. DO�OOOQ4 False_Nvrthing; 65fa1fi6fi.�6G6G657 Central Meridian; -98.500QQOd0 5tandard Farallel 1: 32,13333333 Standard Parailei 2� 33.96666667 tatltude Of�Origin: 31,G666�667 Linear Llnit: Foot U5 Geagraphic Canrdinate 5ystem: GC5_Nor�h_American_1983 Datum: D hivrth Arnerican �.983 Prime iNeri�ian: Greenwich Angular Llnit: D�egree Nv e. Ftegardless of what datum eaCh p�rtf��,4ar pra}e�t is in, deli�erablEs te the Gity must k�e conaertedltrarniated inta thls preferre� grid datutn. 1 copy o#the de�iverable shvufd be ia► t�he praject datum (+�erhattwer v� may bej ancf 1 copy sfsoul�f be in th� NAD83, Tll �Q� �`pntral 4�U� ?O^�. !PQ Pi��Ir��% ��r9 Naming Cnn��nFlnn below F. Preferred pe{i►rera6le Farrnat .txt .cs� .dwg .job G. Preferre� 13ata Fnrmat p,1V�E,�,�,111 paint Nurnber� Narthing, Easting, Elevati�n, aescriptfon, Notes [if appli�abley H. Preferreci File tVamfrtg Conrrentian This is the pref�erred format: �iry Project NumberDescription_Datum.c5v �xam le #or a ra'ect that has surface caordinates wh9ch must be translated; File 1: C1234 As-built of Water on Main 5#r'eet_Grld IVAD83 T}€5P 4242.csv �;�Specs-Stds Governance Processj�emporary 5pee Files�Capital Deliveryl�ap �iefi�ery aiv Ol`0! 71 23.16.41 Attachment A_5ur�ey 5taking 5tandards.docx F Page 5 0�2� ' Fi�e �: C123� As-built of Water a� IVlain Street_Prvje�ct 5pecific aatum,csv Example C�rrtra! Stalces 0:�5pecs-Stds Guvernance pro�e551Tempr�rary 5pec Files�Capital Delivery�Cap Delivery Dfv 01`0171 23,16.D�_Attaehment A�Survey 5taking 5tandards.dacx Page 6 Qf 22 � W m � � � � '�r. � � � � � � , � 4 � � N � � � �i � m � � r--- � �� � I. � II � I�� � -� � m � w� iu EL.= 1 ��. ��r (, � � � I: �� � _ I �- � , i� � a � '�' i � � E' � � L�i J � " � �. � 1 � �' - :.� . . �P �1 � � � n►=�aaa.a� E—�aaa.oa � 1-" � � � �r � � � � �' Q � � � � __ � � �., L ] • �J m � I�J [�[ � � �� V. Wa�er Stakir� Standards Q;�5pecs-Stds Goyernance Pracess1Temporary 5pec FIIes�Capital Delit+en/�Cap belivery ❑iv 41`�171 �3.I6.D1_At#a�hment A_Sunrey Staking Standards.docx Page 7 of �� A. Centerline Staking — 5ira�ght Line Tangents I. Offset lathjstakes every 206' an even statinns II. Painte� blue lathfstake flnly, no hub is required Ilk. Crade is ta top of pipe (TjP] for 1Z" dlameter pipes nr smaller IV. Grade to ffu�nr iine (FJL) far 16" and iarger diarneter pipes V, Grad� sho�id be 3S4' belaw t�e proposed tvp vf curb line for 1b"' and smaller diameter pipes VI. crade sho�ld be 4.�0' below the propased tfl� af curb line fvr 12" and larger dfameter pipe5 Vll. Gut Sheets are required on all staking and a capy �an be received from the survey superintendent Optivnal; �Ictual stakes shall conslst af a fi0� r�rr!! on c��6 set wlth a whisker B. Centerline Staking - Curves I. If arc length is gre�ter than 10[3', P�C (Point of Curvature� afhet siakes shauid 6e set at a 25' irrt�rval II, 5ame grading guidelines as above iil. Staking of radius paints af greater than 1Da' may 1a� omi#ted C. Water Meter �axes I. 7.�' �erpendic�alar vfFset is pre�erred to the center of the box II. Center af the rneter shauld be 3.�' behlnd the proposed faee flf curb III. Meter shauld be staked a minirnum of 4.5' away from t4�e edge nf a dr"nreway IV. Grade is ta top af 6�x and shauld be +�,UG' higher than the praposed tap of curfa uni�ss shawn vtherwise on the plans Q. Fire Hy�irants I. Cerrter o# hEydrant 5hauld be 3.d behin� proposed face of Gurb ll. Survey offset stake shaul� he 7.0' from the center and perpendicular ta the curb line ar water main III. Grade af hydrants shvuld be �-0.3� high�r than the adjacent t�p af curb E. Water Yalve� 8� Vaults I. �ffsets should k�e perpendicular to the praposed water main ll. RIM grades shauld only be pra�ided if ori plans Example Water 5takes O;jSpecs-Stds �a4�ernarwce PrflcesstiTempQrary Spec Files�Capital belivery�Cap Delfvery DIa01`D171 23.16.01 AttathmeniA 5urvey Staking Standards.docx Pag� S af 22 �� � �� � �� 4 4� � � ' � i�' �I � I! � � � � � - '- - � � � �' o�s � w/��sra=�+oo � � c--3.�z � � � �� � v, * � --- � wa � -��� 1 � � ���� � �� �_ � -� ,.� (� � .� �F ��� � ,��� � sTa.-,+�a.e� �c--a.�+ � � � • -- � w � Q ��a � `•� � � I xn7 ¢� 7m.te' _ � �� � F" � � � �� � � � �� � � � � �, � a � � � Y W � i mr U. � � ~ 4 � � / r � � \ I � � � . r1 L ,. ,' � - �� � � � -! l � _�' { �� �. � ��' � � . ` � ��' � � -�' oI� � �f�l.� srn�a��� I `a o-a,�� _ � � � � � � ��� �n � � �.a� � L' � � � � ,a�e �i _ �aao _ ��� m � � � ���i � . i. a � � ��� VI. 5anitar SewerStakin� O:jSpecs-Stds GovernanCe Pracess�Temporary 5pec Fiies�Capital Delit+ery�Cap delivery Div ii1�ff171 23.15_d1�Atta�hmenk A_Survey Staking 5tar►dards.docx Pa�e 9 of 22 R, Centerli ne 5taking — 5traigh# l.ine 7angents I. ln�erts shall be field verified and campared agair�st the plans befnre staking !I. Painted green I�th�stake WIiH hub an� tack or marker t4at, no flagging required III. 1 offset stake between �nanholes i� rnanhales are ��0' ar less apart IU. Offset stak�s should he lacat�d at even distanr.es and perpendicular ta the centerline V. Grad�s will he per plan and the date of the plans used should be nated VI. !f rnultiple 4ines are at one manhale, each line shatl have a cutJfill and directian nnted VII. 5takes at everygrade hreak VIII. �ut sheet5 are required on all staking Dptinrral: Actudl st'akes shafl cor�sist of a fi�D na1! ar hub set wr#h a whfsker B. Cer�terline Staking — Cur��s I. if arc length is greater than 10�', PaC �Pnint of Curvaturej offset stakes shauld be set at a 25` interval Il. 5takin� af radius paints �f great�r than 1Ufl' ma� be omitted C. 5anitary Sewer Manhales I. � ofFs�t stakes per manhale for the purpose of pro►►iding alignment tn the cantracror EI. fivwline grade shauld be an the latitijstake far �ach flowline and direction nnt�d III. RIM grade shvul� vnly be Qn the stake when pxovide�# ir� the �lans Q;�5pecs-5tds Governane� Process�Tempnrarjl Spee FilesjCapita! I]elivery�Cap Delivery Oiv �1�01 71 23.1fi,d1_Atra�hmentA_Sunrey 5taking 5tandards.docx Page 10 of �� Exampye Sanitary 5ewer Stake� r ���� � �� ��� � � �,�� �-- �' _ �� � � � - ^� � � Q� 7' OJ3 � S� ����s�ra.IIa+�t°°��m c-�.� I� �� c-du�� c-�m . � � � � w � � � �`� � ,a � a'° •� � ��--y � �F'' � � �' s� � �J � � 12' d f 5 � 55� �" GCA-3+71°Q��m G-3� II �� C-S�'� II � �4� _ � � � � uf + � w � � � � � . ���� � s � � � ' .,�� ' � � �� � �' ��S � $S �'_§TA=1t45� I`��4� � 1L � � � � � � � � � G �I �1 � � �,� � 1 � � �e': � � � :� � �� � � r 4 �, � � �� �� � �, f � � � .�' . � �t � �'; ��' �+ �- � t �- I� 2�� �� � � �_ _ ~ � � �4 � ���i �� -- - - � � 7' �Or� � �S�.srr�a+oa��t��:a-B� ��,] a-s4ip� F�-o ���� � ti . �� �� � � �} `� �G�� ��� � � �� �� � � _ � . �� � � i � � d s ss x .�rn-�+ao] � a-a� �� ��� � C-om _ � � � � ' � � ��� �� � � � � + }�� � � w � `�� � u �� �� �� �� . �� �� O:j5pees-Stds Governanee Prn�ess�i"emporary5pec Files�Capital �eli�erq�Cap Delivery Qivp�`�1 71 23.16.D1 Attachment A 5urve�y S�aking 5tandards_dacx Page 11 of 22 VII. 5torm Sew�r & Inlet 5takir� �4. Centerline 5taking — Str2�ight line T�ngents I. 1 offset stake �verY 20�' on even s#ations II. Grades are to flowline nf pipe unless otherwise sha.wn on plans III, 5takes at every grade break IV. Cut sh�ets are required on all staking Optiondl: Actuul stakes shafl cvnsist o�a 60D naN ar h�b set with d x►hisker 8. Centerline Staking — Curves I. If arc length �s great�rthan 1�0'� POC (Paint of Curuaturej afFset sta�es should �e set at a 25' interval Il. 5taking of radius points of gr�ater than �.UD' may be omitted C. St+nrm Drain Inlets I. 5taking distances shauld be rneas�re� from end of wing II. 5tandard ��' lnl�t =16.00'tatal iength III. �tecessed 1�' Inlet = 20.4b' �ataf length IV. 5ta�dard daub{e 10' in6et= Z6.67't4ta! len�xh V, Recessed dauble 14' inlet = 30.67't�tal length D. 5torm Orain IMa�holes I. 2 offset stakes per mar�hvle fnr tF�e purpase af prc+viding alignrnent to the c8ntractor II. Flnwline grad� shauld he on the lath�stake for e�ch fl�wline and direction noted iil. R!M gtade shauld only be vn the stake when provided in the planS O;jSpecs-StdS �flveman�e Pracess/Temparary Spe� FileslCap+tal i]�Ifv�ry�Cap Delivery ai� 01�0171 2�.16.O1�t#achmen#A 5urvey Staking 5tandards.docx Page 7 2 af 2Z Example Storm fnlet Stak�s FR�I�T �s��� F�cir� � �) 8�4Cl� '�49E FAqi�lt F:AW.I �+nn; * � Hli �.E�k�iR�i I� E� 4 ��._.L_J.___�� 1 � Q � � � n m 0 � � � z � � � � E � V� �ri� 4�R�:�i � E INB STA16E! � I ��+�I SfY131C11 � e��a vM ��l � 17�P1I� �ll�hflL" rje. .r� GF C�11t�. � � '�[ J �{ ��� � C7 ] � � FR��1T (si �E ��►�� � � � 0 � � � � � � � � � ��I � ,`� di I � Il 4� � T/C � � � I � �' BA�K {SGE �i1dHG A,0.YRJ �' ' � XV� �L'1W1�7M i � �Igf�ANCE$ FOR 1hLEI$ "� 57AH�Aka 7� pF�55EU 1 d — 2C1 57ANpNi6 �Ol}BL.E 7�' �+ xe.97' ,`.. I FECE65E6 AIOIJBLE 10' � 38.67 ��.r..^��_,�_���.._._. �--�_.,-- � � eacsti o� ¢uu�r � ti�•3 'n�„'! a " �a' �I ti � i. �' .s� hfANHQIE � I RIM � s� • BAC;i4 OF CUfiB � FLSYIILIN6 ^ � mr� UF PAYD.sEN7 ; s `•.:� ,. -- FACE S1F iNLEi mGE 9F PAYE3�11E?JT FAGE � INLET -----� �� � ' • t• � �� . { e� .`' Y � �f � f. ..�i� . � , �•4[lliv�'.':�. QF P�,+1EI�.ENT � ~ 9�uCH oF CLiRB � F!1?'�1L1lE R ^�a�e oF Pa�vei�eNr O;�Specs-Stds Gffvernance process�Temporary 5pec FifesjCapital fleli�ery�Cap CJefi►�ery a#v 01�0171 23,7,6.f31,�Attachment A_5urvey 5taking 5tandards.doex Page 13 of 22 Vill. C�r� and Gutter 5takin� A. Centerline 5taking — Straight Line Tangents V, 1 offset stake every 50' on ewen stations VI, Grades are to tap of curb unless otherwise shawn on plans VI I. S#akes at every grade break VIII. Cut sheet� are required an all staking Q�rt�fanal; Ac#uaf stakes sha11 consis# of a 6pp nail �r hu6 set w+th a u►hisker Q, Centerline 5taking— Curves II I, If arc I�ngth is greater than lU0', P�C {Foint af Curvature} offset stakes should be set at a 25' interval 1V, Staking of radius points vf greater than 10a' may be omitted D:�Specs-Stds GD�ernance Process�Ternparary Sp�c FilesjCapital Dell�eryjCap Delluery aiv 41`�� 71 23.16.D1 Attachment �1_Survey 5taking 5tandards.dotx Page 14 of 22 �xarn le Cur� & Gutter Stakes F� ��1 T (51Q� FACIMG �] FR �N T (S1C]E FACIf�� �] � a ��' FRDNT .. , . PC {�p� FACIN� �'} � � � - � }' rf� � FR�NT �..�., �_ (�pi FaciNo �J �� � . � ,g f � P1 � rp � Ys fl � �e L�£1Lff1 {��ry i: (51D� FACIHfi R.p.Yl.� ��� �� +.e�oH i• r�r�r - � �� � v � N r � � � � t� � � � � I I i I i III I �,. �- -� III� ` �°" - =��ll 1 T� �e►�oi,ra rcwr� — • - — '�i a i � y �y 1 .�,, i i � � , �----�. � �� � i �� j � �� 1 t � � �_ � ,.�'�� if r r �� - •-, I �.Q� f �� r� � j . � � � ��f �r �t � �� r / � / � ''r � x ''' r � " y ,, TOP 4F CU R8 x' _•^-'� �,` � �� ��ry �rr � f ��! f f �� �• rr� J�� � �yrx� � X�� �� �� ��.��wy �� �{s }' r��,�+r� fr �i�{� �r �r�� ,� �� ,_,. r r f y y F � w' `� y'� "' � � � xXr ��r �Ai•��r� '� F�r.�r J '- l 1�i� I ��.r-� -^~' �_�-�' t-�x�IJ�. � Il FA�E QF CLfRB� � I � �,..�--���f ���� � __.__�F ��� FLb YhLI h[E EDGE aF PAVEIAEhI Exam i� Curh 8a Gutter Stakes at Inter�ecti�n d;�Specs-5t�is Governance Pracess�Temparary 5pec Flles`Capital Delivery�Cap delivery Di� 01`�171 23.16.a1_Attachment A 5urvey Staking 5tand�rds.docx Page 15 nf 2Z � � � � � � �— Q� 1 d U�S� �� srn=x+sa� � F+O� � � � � � � � �' • ,o�- a` m � ¢ - `-- � + - - -- e� . —�. �r ^ i �a� �� y� � _, �k$ -- � � � �a6 —.. , �i ���/ r + �� f �f II f � _ I �f 3��� � �.. I_ �p w�� � , ,� ' 9�1�16 d0 }I�'vg � � -- --= - � c� `'- � � Y a S \ - � � � � � '�,3�' �`a� , , �-��, `P�' � '��... . ��: ���� � � � � '' . . ,o� , �� :[ii�'� ��� � � � 4:j5pecs-5tds �v�ernan�e Process�Temporary 5pec Ffles�Capital f�efi�ery�Cap Q�elivety Qiv a1j(1171 23,16.�1,�At�achrnent A_5urvey Staking 5tandards.docx Page ].� af �2 lx. Cut 5heets A, ❑ate of field work B, Staking Method jGPS, total station} C. Project Name D. City Project Nurriloer {�xample: C01�34} �. Lacation jAddress, cross streets, GPS coardinate} F. SurVey company name G, Crew ehief name �1 p bi�r�E: tt:�tYi�t� t�r. I� �taMe�l from thti sun►�r supenntendent �_�� 'rkem I..bovej Standard Ci#y Cut Sheet Date: ❑ TOTAL Staking Methad: C] GPS STAT'IOAI L�CATION: Gity Proj�ct I�umber: praject Name: ❑ QTHER GqNSU LTAN71CON71iACTOR SURV�If CREW INITU4tS ei � r_oan�c nv� rn �i nwi ur1� ea T[]P []F Ct1Rg UN�E3� �THERWISE HQTED. ..__ _. ---�FFS�T- - -- ------- - - PROP. STAKE[J PT # STATIC�N _�Tf�RT ��SCRIPTION ��p� E��� - CIJT + FILL O:�Spess-5tds G.avernanee Rracess�Ternparary 5pe� FilesjCapital Delivery`Cap fl�e4i�+ery Div �1j01 71 23,1fi.01 Aktachment A_5ur�ey 5taking Startdarcls.do�c Page 17 af 2� 7C. As-bc�ilt Surve A. Deiinition and Purpase The Rurpvse of an as-huilt survey is tv verify the asset was installed in the prnper Incation and grade. Furthermare, the in#vrmation gathered wf1! be used ta suppl�ment the Gty's �15 data and must be in the praperfarmat when suhmitted. s� s�ctiara fV. As-6uilt survey shauld include the following �ad�litianal it�ms may be requested): Manholes 7ap of AFpe elevations every 250 fieet �I�rizonral arrd verticaf points af inflectian, curv�ture, ere. (All Fit�t+ngs) Co�#hodic protectian iest sta#ior�s S�mpirng statia►rs Met�r bQxe�ua�lts {All siaesJ Fire firres F�re hydrdnts Gate vafves (rim crnd tnp af nutj Plugs, stcr6�ovts, deo�d�end ITnes Arr Release va�lves [Manhole rirn o�r�d vent pipe} Blow off varwes (Manh�le rtm and walve Irdj Pressure pkrne valves Cleanrng wyes Clean o�rs Casing pllne (each endj Inverts af �aipes Turbo Meters g.j5pecs-Stds Gove�nance Process�7amparary 5pec FIIes�Capital oeliveryjCap Delivery �iv 01`�171 23.26.01 Attachment A Survey Staking 5tandards.dacx Page 18 of 22 B. Example Deliverable A hand writt�n red line by the field surveyar is acceptable in mas# cases, This shauld h� a �opy of the plans with the paint nurnhe� na#ed by each asset. If the a���t is missing, then the surv�eyor $hvuld write "Na F�UNd" to n�tify tl,e City. �;�5pecs-5tds GvWernance Pracess�Temparary Spec Files�Capital 4elivery�Cap Deliv�ry �iv 01jfl171 23.1fi.Q1_Attachrnent A_Sur�ey Staking 5tandards,docx Page 19 of ZZ � 9diw•r srou• xx ��• f.x:a ix R �� �,r,x �� s s �- �� $ � � 4 �: �. ��p�I_� � b�i �# � � l+ �� 3a�;S��a"��s 3Er3'° � �� � �� . 43 �� � lfli�X at �j �� [� ��. t !� rI �' � Cg� � ?di���o LJ �1 � � WS�S� � Y �i � � * �� � Ega ��6g3r���!��:t .k � F� �tq� � ��pS e �. °a'i i � �� `] � � Ep ' gi �.Ldi �� � . �( i°i� "g�'1 � g l � � "q � � bs ��55�� [ma �.� i d i 4��-.��';I ��,�I $ F �f �! �s �j ��p! � I g • ���#��� �$ �1^-�l. ���?. � � J� � � � �1� 2 � . � 4; �� F � E �� �.. � 1 e a � €8 H $ Q €�:�5 al � i # � �i. 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D:�Specs-Stds Gouernance �rvsess�Temparary Spec Files�Capital Oelivery�Cap Rellvery biv 01j01 71 23.16.01_Attachment A 5urvey 5taking 5tandards.docx Page 2� o$ 22 �-�rt►�. nKawrar nre srA a�m - �rrr. r�eora aoy T,vno - xxwv. rr�,arn nw r�uov,� �, s�w,� exrsr. �c, . rr�ru�r+ �r� u�.vE r �c�cr�v aa�a�r �v Exrs�: a w�rt 1CYEE EIl41'AtJ. fiR'9YfA iVF�YE 57'A�IV- PIA'NfZ.BF.1D ' l�fgX RAELXICE�! � AYSPrVIr �,qrpg 11�i t4*&VE YAtYE ' 4 F,d�BVFAY:lIElD M�97n85l�# Ai4WON�5 ��a9�i,sP E*�r.77l79F . . E42�Sfft.SliO � +�ati,� w. �1 �.� Xwr� 7FCrii $� � � !!fT 2 }{�ir.l�YM+Hsr�wae �• ��.eS`" ��� ��-� ��� �� [ 1� � SIAPAi75 -lIIN. 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F'61NTNQ. NQR7fiENG FA4TING ELEV ] 69+i6257.i89 229bQ74.155 2 69462G0.893 229fib62.1dJ, 3 G3463[17,399 2296438.996 4 f�4G220.582 ��95�1I.025 5 fi34&i95.23 2286015.1I6 G 69d6190,528 2295�22.721 7 594613fi.012 2295992.115 8 B9dGp02.�67 2295999.333 9 C�4Ei0�3.056 2295�93,418 16 69+I558A.677 229568d.52 3.1 69A5985.473 2�95869.892 � 6945$95•477 2295860.962 13 b94589fi.591 2295862.188 14 G9d593G,P96 �Z758�}1,925 15 69k593fi.727 ?Z95830.hA1 16 6945835.57$ 2�9579g�7C17 17 6945$17.d88 2245827.011 18 E945759.77G 2295758.5A3 �9 E9�57fiS.5fi3 2295778,R24 2(1 69957A3.318 2295788.392 21 6945723•219 2295754.390. 22 69456R2.�1 Z295744.22 2� s�as�zz,9oz a2�ss6s.a�� 24 6545fi43.�167 2295736.tl3 �S 5945571.059 iZ95G55.195 26 6945539,495 2295657.903 Z7 6945519.834 Z�95619,47 �S 6945417.A79 2295580_27 19 69R545b.557 2295fiR3.i45 30 5945387.356 2245597.10i 31 G�J4537U.G88 2295G06.793 32 69453$3�53 2295614.559 33 5945321.228 �295551.1D5 34 6945319.3fi5 �295539.728 35 69A52A2.189 Y29557�.715 36 fi945Z33.&2A 22955A4.G2E 37 69�i5246,4g3 2295529.3[}5 38 C,9A5142.�15 2295557.686 39 69A5173,445 2Z9552p.335 Atl G945d49.�� 2295527.3A5 A] 69450A].��4 2245552.575 +12 64A5038.87A 229555�.147 43 6945flD6.39] 229551$.135 A4 694+79R4.782 2295520.635 45 fi9hnJ43.432 2�95555.R79 46 694�SGO,HlS �29553�.397 pESCRIf'TI�N 72fi.a9 SSMH RIh1{ 725.fi59 GV RIM 7z6.85 GV RIM 723358 SSMN RiM 722..17.3 GV AIM 722.3Z5 FH 719.�49 WM RIM 713.331 WM RiM 713,652 Cd RIM 7i 7.662 55MH RIM 7I0.046 WM R€M 7o�.tz wM n�M 708.2p5 WM RIM 709-457 wM KIh9 710A&1 L� R1M 707,774 SSMHRIM 708.392 SSMH RIM 7]1.2Y8 SSMH RiM 7i[}.(}A6 GV RII�A 710.6�1 GVRII�A 712. Sq9 G V RI M 7iG.fi85 WM EiIM 72�.]F WM RIM 719.��� ca aiM 727.514 SSMN RIM 72A.Si3 WM iilM 732.689 WNl RiM 74D.52] Wh7 RIM 736_451 CO FiIM 740_75fi GV RIM 740.976 GV RIAA 74Q.4U8 f}i 7A5.34 WM R1M 74fi.777 CO R1A+E 7A8.454 WM HIM 7�I9.59 SSMN RlM 751,p58 WM RIM 75U.$53 WN1 RIM 751.&71 IYf43 RIM 752,757 SSMH RIM 7S1.7J WM HkM 751.88 WM RIM 752.615 WW Rlfvl 752.�n1 1aJhh RiM 752.155 WM RIM 752.985 55MH R1M � _ ..r .+'. - ' . � � . f� .I . - �-�� � � � � • , � y �. S _ Sn i • � _ 5 n 1 . r • , a:lSpecs-Stds Gov�rnance Process�7em�orary Spec FflesjCapital Delivery�Cap Delit+ery �iv01��1 7T 23_15.01 Attachment A 5u rvey 5#aking 5t�nd�1'ds.docx ^ Page 24 af 24 C, oth�r pr�ferre�d as-bui{t deliverable 5omevendors have indicated that it Is easier to deliver this lnfarrrsation in a dl�Ferent forrnat. Belaw is an example spreadsheet t�at !s also acceptable and can be obtained hy request f�om the survey superint�ndent. 0,�5pecs-5tds Gavernanee Pror�essjTemp�rary SpQ� Files�Capitai DeliveryjCap Qelivery biv �1�a171 23,15.41 AttaciimentA_5urvey 5#akfng S#andards.docx Page Z5 of 25 :�_, o . i � � � m � �= � ,,.,� � , � � . _, � -- � ::� �� � � ; ��� �II � ���� i� � ��� ��` � � � '� � _ �- � � � � � _ � �� �� � �-- � � $ w _ ��� � � � � � ��;"� ��� ��� - ����� � � � � � � $ � � � � E � i � � � � � ,= � � � ,�ti � � � � V o � �f $ a � ���� I w � � - � � ' 4'. x �' u � � � I � � i � � � � A� � . � � 114� ill � i •._ Y Y ' iyi :.' � _ � 1§ N � � R � I � r �I B � .I � � I � ~ � � _ � � � �� . "' I�l�' � -- � � p I , � �� � � • � ��� � � � � � � � � � ti : �:�. � � � �"��' I „ . .. h _ � � � � i � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � g ��� ��� �s � � � q � � �' � w � � � � v g � r• A � � � � � -� - S , 3 ][ Jl --I .7� C� ❑.�5pecs-Stds Governan�e ProcesslTempvrary 5per Files�Ca�rital Defivery�Cap �el9very Ri�Cf1�p171 23.15.41_Attac h me nt A_5 u ruey 5taking Stand ards.docx Page 26 of 26 O17d23-1 CLEANINf3 Pagc 1 vf 4 srcTrnN a1 �� � CLEANING PART 1- GEAIERAL 1,i stn►r�m�t� A. Section Includes: 1. Intermedia#e and final cleaning for Work not incl�ding �pecia3 cleaning af �losed systema specified elsewh�re S. Ue�iatians fram tlus City af ��rt �+�Vorth 8tax�dard S�ecifieatian 1 _ Nane. C. Reiated Spe�ification Sectinns include, but are nat necessarily limited ta: 1. Division p— Bidding Requirements, Contract Form� and Conditions vf the Cantra�t 2. Di�i�ion 1— Generai Requitern�nts 3. 5ectian 32 92 13 — Hydro-Mulching, Seeding and Sodding 1.2 PRICE A1�TD P1�YI17[EATT �'RO�EDURES A. P►+Ie�aurexnent and Payment 1. Work assQciated with thia ltem is �ansiderecl au�sidiary ta the �arivus Itexns bid. Nv segarate payment will � allowed fnr this Item. 1.� REFGRENCES [NOT [JSED] 1.4 AllMIN1STR�ITIVE REQUIREMENTS A. S�heduling 1. Sehedule cleaning operatiuns sn that dust and other centaminan�s disturb�d by cleaning pracess will not fa11 an newly painted surfaces. �. S�hedule final cleaning upon compleiian nf V�Tnrk and iinmed�ately prior to �nal inspection. 1.S SI7BMITTAI.S [NOT USED] 1.5 ACT�(�N SUSMITTALSIINF'ORMATIUNAL SUBMITTALS [I�T�T TJSED] 1.7 CLU�EUUT SUSMITTAIS [l�l'(3T LTSED] 1.S MA1N7'�MAI�TCE MA'I°ERiAL SIJSMITTAI.S [1VbT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURrLNCE jNOT USED] 1.1U STdRAGE, AND HANDLING �. Stor�ge and Handling Requinements ]. S#are cleaning praducts and. �leaning w�stes in �ontainers spccifically designed far thnae materials. CITY OF FdRT iW6RTH Lake Waxth Water aad Sanitary Sewer Im�aro►�ctnents Psrt Z START'�ART] Cf]IyIS'['[iUCY'1flN SPEC�F'ICATION I70CfJMENT3 CiRS+ Project #1009GZ-� Reviaed jul}� 1, 2flf 1 al 7d 23 -2 CI.�ANII�TCi Pagc � of 4 1.11 FIELD [S�TE] CONDIT[ON5 [NOT U5ED1 1.11 WARRAIYTY [NOT iISLD] PART 2 - PR(IDUCT� 2.1 D►3VNER Fi]Rl�IISHED [ox] UWNER-Si]PFLIEDPRa�LTCTB [NQT USED� 2.2 MATERIALS A. C7eaning �igents 1. Camgatible wrth surface being cl�aned 2. N�w sr►d un.car►taminated 3. For rnanufactured surfaces a. Material recanvnended by manufactuter 2.3 ACCE�S�RXES [N�T [rSE�) Z,4 SOURCE QI]�II.ITY CONTROL [NUT USED� PART 3 - E7CECLTTIUN 3.1 Y�T�TALLERS �NOT uSED] 3,2 EX.4NIINATIDI�i [NUT U�EDj 3.3 P'REPARATION [NaT USED] 3.4 APPLICATI4N [NO�T i]SED] �.5 REPAIIt 1 RESTflR�I►TI4N [NOT USED] 3.6 RE INSTALLATYUI�i [1HUT USED] 3.7 RIELD {ox� .��ITE �[7ALIT'Y �UNTROL [NUT []SED] 3.8 SYSTEM �TARTUP [NdT USED] 3.9 AD.iUSTING [NDT USEIs] 3.14 CLEANING A. Genera] 1. Pre�+ent a�cumulatian af wastes that create haz�rdau� eanditions. 2, Conduct cleaning and dis�asal operaiaons to comply vvith laws and safety orders of ga��rning auth�rities. 3. D� nat dispase of �alatile w*astes such a� �.ineral spirits, oil c� paint thinner in starm oz- sanitary drains or sewers. �4. Di�pose af degradable delxxis at an approved solid waste dispasal site. 5. Dispoae of nundegradable debris at an appror�ed sulid vvast� disposal sitc ar m an alt�rnate rnanner apprvved by City and regulatory agenci�s. CYTY OF FORT WORTH Lake Worth Water and Sani[a]y S�wer Imp�orements Part 2 STA�dDe1RD GONSTRIICT'i�i�i $PFCIFICATION I]bCUMENTS [�ty Prajec[ #1DQ362_2 Rer•iscd ]uly 1, 3Q11 01 74 23 - 3 CLSANiI14G pagc 3 nF 4 G. Hatydle materials in a controlled manner with as few hancllings as p�ssible. 7. Thoaougbly claan, sweep, wash and pvlish all Work anci eyuipment assnciated with thix proj ect. S. Rem�ve aIl sig�s of tempr�rary construc�iom m�d activities incidental ta construction a� requircd permanent Work. 9. �f project is not cleancd to the satisfacf�an nfthe City, the G`ity reservca the right tu have the cleaning completad at #he expense of the Contractor. 14. I?o not b� on-si6e. B. Intermediate Cleaning during ConstzuGtion i. I�eep Work sreas elean sv as ns�t tv hinder health, safety ar convenienGe of personael in existing facility �eratians. 2. At maximurn weekly inter►+a�s, dispose af waste materials, dehris and rubbish. 3. Con�ine r.aristructivn debris daily in atxat�gicaiiy tocat�d contaix�r(s}; a. Cor�r tn pre�ent bl�wing by wind b. Store dshris away from oonstructinn ar aperational aeti�ities c. Haul frarn site at a rninimum of once per weck 4. V�cuum cl�an interinr areas when ready tv reveive finish painting. a. Continue vacuum cleaning on an as-needed basis, unti] Fina� Ac�eptance, 5, Privr tn sborrn events, tharaughly cl�an site of alI lvose �r unsec�red items, r�hich may became airborne ar tiansported by flowing water during the starm. C. Int��r FirYal Cleanitag Remuv� grease, m�stic, adtiesi�es, dust, dixC, stains, fingerprints, labels and other foreign rnaterials frorn sight-expased surf�ces. 2, l�Vipe ail lighting fixture refiectors, lenses, iamps and trims clean. 3. VVash and shine gla�ing and mirrors. 4. Pvlish glossy sutfaces to a clear shine_ 5. �c ntilatiag systems a. Clean pennaaent filters ax�d replaae disposable �Zltets ifunits were nperated during constructian. h, Clean ducts, blawers a�d r.nils ifunits were operated wittiout fiiters during can�tructfnn. 6. Replar,e a11 �urncd out larnps, 7. Bravm cl�an prvc�ss area flaors. 8. Map of�iee and con(rol roat�► flaors. D. Exteri�nr (Sile ar Right of Way) Final Cl�aning 1. Remo�+e trash and debris containers froir}. site. a. Re-�seed areaa disburbed by locatian o£ trasts and debxis cantainers in accordan�e with Sectian 32 92 13. 2. Sw�ep Xoadway kn remave all rocks, pieces of asplaalt, concrete ar any ather abject tliat rna�y hinder ar disr�pt the flow af h�ef�'ic along the rQadway. 3. C�ean ae� interior areas including, but nat Iimited to, vaults, manholes, stru�tures„ junction �uxes snd inlets. CITY DP FDRT WUEtTH Lske Wonh ��ter and 5 an'stary Sewer Impmuemen�s Part 2 STANi]Aitl] CON3i1tL1C'FIDN SP8CIFICATIflN DOCU14fENT5 City Prn]ect #1U09G2-2 Revised luiy 1, 2411 ot7a�a-a CLEANI9�f4 Page 4 a.F 4 4. If no lang�r required for maintenance of emsion facilities, and upon a�aproaal by City, remove crasion conf.r�l fro�m s�te. Cl.ean �igns, lights, signals, et�. 3.11 GLUSEUL]T AC�'IVITIES [NOT USEll] 3.12 1'1.tOTEC"I'IQN [NUT USEDJ 3.13 M�IN�ENANCE [11FDT iTSED] 3,14 ATTACHMENTS [NDT USEb� �x� v� sE�TTv�v Re�isiun I,ng I]ATE 1tiIRME SUMMARY OF CHANGE CITY OF FORT WORTH Lake Wo�th Watcr aod $�ttitary $ewer lmprovements Part 2 3TAIV�ARD C'C1iV5TRTJCT[ON SP$CTF'ICA'I°I4]Y+I bflCIIME'➢dTS �Y �]ec[ #140�-2 Revi�ed luly 1, 20] 1 �17719-1 CI,()SS�U'I' REQUi[tEhiE1V7'S Pa�e 1 of 3 SECTIDi�[ UI 771� CL�SEOUT REQUIREMENTS YARTi- GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. 5ection In�ludes: 3. The p�vaedure for c�osing aut a r:c�nlract B. Deviatians frc+m this City of Fort VflQrth �tandard Specifi�ation I. None, C. Ii.ela�ied Specificatian Sections include, �ut ai�e X1Ut rieGessarily lim1�� to: 1. Divisicm fl-- Biddin� Requirements, Contract Farms and Conditiv�s of the Contra�t �. Divisian 1-- Cenera! Requirements 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMEIVT PIt�CEI]U1tE5 A. 1VIeasurement and Payment I. �ark assvciated with this Item is considered subsidiary tv the �arious Items bid. Na separate payment will he allawed for this Item. 1.3 REFERENCES [l►IOT �SED] 1.4 ADMIIVISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Guarantees, Bvnds and Affidavits � 1. No application far flnal payment will he acr,epted until all guar�ntees, honds, certificates, licenses and affidavits required for Wo+rk or equi�m�nt as spe�ified are satisfactorily �iled with #he City. S. Release of Liens ar Claims 1. I�n application f�rr f�nal p�yment will be accepted iantil satisfactory� e�idence of releasc ofliens has been submitted to the City, I.S SUBMITTALS A. Submit all required dacurne�tation ta City's Projeet Representati�e. C1TY dF FQ[ZT �RTH Lake WUtiki V�s[eC attd $anitary Seµ�r improvernemts Part 2 STANnA[tD CONSTitUCPIdN �PBCIFiCA'f'30N D�CUMENTS CitY Frajecc #106962� Be��sed July 1, 2Q11 017714-2 Ci,pSE(]i)T REQLFTR�l4iEiQTS Pagc 2 of 3 1.6 rnlgo��Tio1v� s[rgm�TT�S �1vo� �s�n� 1.7 CL05E0[1T S[JSMITTALS [1VUT ZTS��3] PART 2 - PR�D[ICTS [N�T [ISED] AART 3 - C+ XFCU'ITUI� 3.1 INSTALLERS [NDT iTSED] 3.2 EXAMINATIDN [�TUT USEA] 3.3 3.4 PREPARATION [NOT LISEDI GLUSEUUT PRO�EI�irR� A. Privr to requesting Final Inspectian, submit: 1, Proje�t Record pocuments in accoxdance with Se�tioss 01 7$ 39 2, Operation and Maiz�enance Dafa, ifrequire[i, in aceordanc� with Seckion 01 7� 23 g. Friar to requesting Final Ins�ectian, perform final cleanir►� ia accvrdance with Seotion O1 74 23. �. FinalInapactinn 1, A$er final �leaning, provide natice ta the City Project Represe�r.tative that the Wark is G�rnpleted. a. The City wifl �ake an initial Fina1 �anspeotion with the Contractor pres�nt. h. Upon completivn of tliis inspaction, the �ity �vill notify the Cantractor, in writing �lthin 14 bu�iness days, of any partic°ulars in which this inspev#i4n re��eals that the'Wc�rk is defective ar incornp�ete. � 3. C� Upan recei�ving written natice froxn the City, imme diately undertake th� �Vvrk required t8 remedy* de�iciencies and complete the Work #o the satisfacfian af the City. Upon completion of Worl� associated with the items listed in the City's written notic�, infvrm the City, tl�at the requixed Work has been cnmplet�d. Upon zeceipt vf this notice, the Ciiy, in thc presence ofthe Cantrac#or, wiil mak� a subsequent Final Inspection af �e pra�ect. Provide a1l special accessaries r�uired ta placa each itern of equipmetrt �n full operatian :'i1CSC SpeC1�I SCCSSSQly i��#]'19 117C1LYd£, }aut �re not limiied ta: a. Speci�ed spare parts b. Adequate oil and gxease as required far the first lubrication of the equipment c, Initial f"�ll up af all chemical tanas� and iuel tanks d. Light bulb� e. Fuses f. Vault keys g. I--Iandwheels h. atber exp�ndable items as required f�r initial start up and operatinn of all equiprnent D. Notice afPrnject Complclian CPI'Y DF FQRTVf1[iRTH I.�lt6 Wolth WRtei' snd 5a�sitary Sewer Impra�cments Part 2 sTA�an�n cous�ravc�riort sr�c�cA�i�rr nocvn�rri-s c�ty �o�� �ioo��-a Revi�ed ]uly 1, 2411 a����9-3 cws$auT �un3��ayss Page 3 a#' 3 1, QnQe the �ity Project Representative fin�s the Wvrk suhsequent ta Fin�l Inspe�don to b� satisfaciary, the City will issue a Notice af Project �ompletian {Crreen Sheet). E. SuppvrtingDocumenfation 1. Caordinate with the �ily Prajec# l�epresentati�e tv c�raplete the follawi�ng additinnal farms: a. Final Payment Request b. Statement of C��tract Time c, Affidavit o£ Payment and Release of Liens d. Cansent of Surety ta Final Payrneut e. Pipe Report (if required) f. Cnntractar''s Eva�uation of City g. Perforn�anoe E�aluatian of Con�ractar F. Letter r�f Rinal A�ceptanc� i. [Jpon review and aceeptance af ATotice of Praject Cnm�aietiqn and Supporting Documentatian, in accurdaa�ce with Gen�ral CQnditions, City will issue Leticr oi Final Acce.�tance and rel�ase t�e Fcnal Payment Raq�est for payrnent. 3.5 REPAIH 1 RE�TURATIUN [NOT USID] 3.1i RE�-INSTALLATION [NOT iISED] 3.7 FiELD �vx] SIT� �IIALITY Ci]NTRUL �1ri�T i7SED] 3.8 SYSTEIV� STARTLTP [NOT USEa] 3,9 A�.T[7STING [NQT [TSED] 3,iQ CLEA3�iIitiTG [NOT USED] 3.11 CIASEO[I'1' �CTIVITIES [�iUT [J'S�U] 3.12 PRUTECTIUIV [NOT USEU] 3.�3 MAINTEN'ANCE [NDT tJSED] �.ld ATTACHMEI�I'�'S �N�T USED] END 4F SECTI�N Revisivn Lag DAT� NANIE SUIvIMARY C]F f;HANGE CITY �F i�RT WO1tI'H Iske Worth Water and Sanitary Svw�r [mprm,emcnts Psrt 2 S'TANDARD CUNSSRl7CTLON SF$C1�'ICATIDN T.K]CLIMP�1'I'3 City Praj�� H100962r2 Re��ised ]uly l, 2q11 oi�az�•i QPERATIDN AND A4AINTENANCE �ATA Page l nf S SE�TION i�178 23 OPfiRATION AND MAINT�NANCE DATA PART 1- GENE�tAY" 1.1 SUNiMARY A, Section In�lud�s: ]. Product data an€i related infarmatian appropriate for City's rnaintenance and apexat�nn of products fu.rnis�ed under Cantract 2. 5uch products may inclUde, but ar� not limited to: a. Traff'�c Cantro]lers b. Trxigatian [:antrollers (to he operated by the City} a. BuiterIly Valves B. D�viadons frrnn this City af Fvrt SNorth Sfandard Speci�ca�ian 1. Nune, C. Related Specificati� Sections include, but are not necessarily Limited tn: 1. Division 0— Biddtng Requirements, Contract Forms and Canditians of the Contract �. Di�ision 1-- General Requircxnents 1�2 PRICE A11T� PAYMENT PRQCED[71�ES A. lVleasurement and Payment 1. Work associat�d with this Iten� is cansidered subsidi�ry to the r+aria�s Items bid. �io separat� payrncnt will be allowed for #his Item. i.3 R�gERE�I'CES [N�IT uSED] 1.� AI]NQNI5TR.ATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Sct�edule 1. Submit manuals in final farm ta the City within 3Q calenclax days nf produ�t shipment ia the project site. 1.5 SUSMITTALS A. Submittals sh�il be in accordance with Sectio�a �l 33 00 , All su�mittals shall be appraved by the Cify �-ior tv delivery. 1.G INFORIVIAT��NAL SUSMITTAL� A. 5ul]rnittal Farm �. Prepare data in form of an instructi�nal ma.nual far use by City persannel. 2, Forrnat a. Size: 8�z inches x 11 inch�s h. Paper 1� 4a pound minirct�um, white, for typed p�ges �� Holes �►�einfarced with plastic, cloth or metal c. Text: Manufaciuxer's printed data, ar neatly typewritten crrY aF Fo�t� woa•rkr r.� w�rn war� �a s� s�w� ��� r� � sT►wo►yxo cor�sT�ucriota s�er�rca�a�v nocu��7�s c��y rro�e�:t �iao9�� Reviscd Deoember 20, 2012 �� 7sa:� -2 ❑PEAA'CIQhI AND l�AINT�I*fANCE DATA Ps� 2 oi'S {�. Z}iRVV]IigS 1] Pzvovide reis�€arced punched bin�er tab, bind in with text 2} Reduce larger dra�vings and fold to size aftext pages. e. Frovide fly-leaf For each �eparate praduct, ar each piece of ap�erating equipment. 1) Provide typed description a�'product, and rr�jnr companen# parts nf equipment, 2} Provide iridcxed tahs. f. Cn�er 1) Identify each vohame v�ith typed ar printed title "�PERATIl�IG AND MAINTENAN�E INSTR.UC`I'IONS". 2) List: a} Title of Pra1ect b} J.�entiry af separate structure as �pplicable c) Idex�tity of general subj�ct xnatt� co�ered in the inanual 3 , �inders a. Canamercial qu�lity 3-ring binders with durable and cleanable plastic co�ers b. VVhen multiple laimders are used, correlate �kxe data i.nto related cnnsist�nnt grouptnga. 4. If �vaiia�ile, pravide an electr4nic frnrn of #he O&M IVlanual. 8. Manual Content 2. 4. 1. Neatly typewritten table af cnntents for each �olunae, atranged in syst�x�aatic order a. Gontractar, name of respansible principal, address and telephone number !�, A list of eaah product reqr�ired to b� include.�i, indexcd to content af the �olume c. List, with eacf� praduct: 1) The naz�, address and belephone number vf th� subcontractor or i�taller 2) A list aF each p�oduct required to F�e included, indexed ta Gantent of the valurne 3) Identi£y area af respansihility. af each 4) Loeal sauroe of snpply for p�rts and replar,enr�nt d. Identify ea�h produa# �y produc# name and ather identifyi�g syxnhnl� as set farth jn Contrac# Dacuments. Prasluot Data a. Ync�ud� anly thase sheets whGi�h are pertinent to the speci�c prnduct. b. Annatate each aheet to; 1) Clearly id�ntify spacific prvduct nr part installed 2) Clearly idenfif�r data applicable ta ins#�llation 3) Delete r�ferences to inapplicable infarmatian I3rawings a. Supplement product data with dr�wings as necessary ta cleariy illustraie: 1} Rel�tions af catnpnnent parts of equipn�ent and systems 2} Control and flow diagratns h. CQardinate dxawirrgs with infa�rmation in PrajeGt R�card Documenks ta assure correct illustratian af compl�ted installation, c. Uo nvt use Prvject Recnrd Drawi� as maintenance drawiz��s. y�ritten tex�, as requirad to sapplemcnt product data far the parti�ular installatiun; a. Org�nize in oansistent farxnat under separate headings for different proc�dures. b. Pro�ide logical sequenee af instructions of each procedure. CPCY pF FL]RT Y�ORTH I.ake Wo�Eh Wate�' and $anitery 3ewer Improvementa Fart 2 S'I'AN�ART] CONSTRL7C1`IQld 5PSCIFICA"flbiPl I]QCCIMSNTB City Pra,ject#14U$b2•2 Re�ised I7ecem6er 2U, 2�112 • O1 7823-3 4PERATIUN l�lri� MAINTSI+IANCE DATA Fagc 3 of 5 5, �vpy af each warra�ty, band and service �onix�ct sssued a, Provide inforn�a.tion sheet for Gity persn�arnel giwing: �} PY4pCi piOC�[�L1r�6 in CV�rit Of iailur� �} instamces which might affect validity of warrar►ties or bor�ds C. Manua] far Materials and Finishes Subrnii S capies af complete rnanual in final £orrn. �. Cnntent, far axchitectural praducts, appl[ed msterials aud fit�ishes: a. Manufactur�r's data, givirig full infornn�atiou un praduc� L) Catalog number, siae, c.Qxnpasitinn 2) Cnlar and texture designations 3) Infarmadon required far r�ard�ring special r�anufacturecl products b, Instru�tions far car� and maint�r�an�e 1} Manufaaturer's recommendation far types af oleaniang agents and met}�ods 2} Caut��ns a�inst cleaning agex�ts and methods which are detrirnental to pnadu�t • 3) Recornmended schedule fo� cicaning �nd maintenanr.� 3, Conteut, far maistuxe prateetian an,d weath�r exposure prodncts: a. 1Vlanufacturez's data, giving full Rnfnrmat�on vn �roduc�s 3 } App1 icable standartis 2} Chemi�al cvmgasi�ion 3) 17etails of installation b. Instxuctians for inspection, maintenance and repair D. Manual for Eq►�ipment aud Systems 1. Suhmi# S c,npies of earrtplete manual, in �nal farm. 2. Con�ent, for each unit nf equipmnent and system, as appropriate: e. Descriptian ofunit and cempaneat �arts 1) ]�ncd�n, nacmal opera�ing characteristics �nd litniting canditians �) Perf❑ru�ance curves, engineexing data and tests 3} Ca�pleLe namenclature and commercial number of replaceab�e parts b. dperating procer}.ures 1) Start �p, t�eak in, mutine and narmal operating instructiuns Z) Rcgulafion, cantrnl, stopping, shui�lt�wa and emergency imstructions 3) Surr3rner and winbcr �perafin� instn�cti�ns �4} Special operating ;nstruclinns c. Maintenance prvicedures 1) Rautine apera#inns �) Cuide to "trauble shvafing" 3} T]isassetr�bly, repair a.nd reassemb]y 4) Alignment, adjusting an� checldng d Scrvicing �nd lubrication schedule l} List af lubricants required e. A�fan�ufactur+er's printed aperuting and mainter�ance instruckians £ Descriptivn of seque��ce af vperatian by contr�rl naanufacturer 1} Prediet�d 1i�e ofparts suhject ta wear 2) Items recvmmended to he staaked as spare parts g. As installed control di�grams by cairtrol� matiufacturer h. Each contractor's coordir�tion drawings 1} As ins#alled r,olar coded piping di�grat� C'.1T'Y OF P4RT WQRT�1 Lake i�orth Water and 8anitary 5cwcr Imprav¢ments Part � STAN�ARD CQNSTRUCFtaN $PECI�ICATIC]N �OCL7MSN'TS City Projsct #1DU4G2-2 Raviaed D.ecemher 20, 20 �z 4l 78 23 - 4 �PERATIO�T ATID �+IAINTE7�3A3�ICE I]ATA Page4of5 1. �• k. Charts of valrre tag numhers, with loeation and £ur►ction of each valy� Lsst af ariginal m�nufacturer's spare parts, mapufacture�'s currer�t prices, and recommended quantities to be maintainsed ix� star-�ge �#her data as required undex pertinent �ectians of Specificatinns �. Content, for each elactric and electronic system, as appropriate: a, Descri�tion af syst�m and cvin.ponent pa1�s 1} Function, nunmal nperating characteristios, and limiting canditions 2) Perfarman,ce curves, engineerin.g data and t�sts 3) Gomplebe nornenclature and cemmexaial nurnber of replaceah]e parts �. Circuit d�re�tories of panelboards 1) Ele�irical selvice 2} �antrals 3} Communi�atxans c. A,s installed color cad�d n+�iring diagrams d. �perating pracedures 1} YtauY.ine and nnx�rn�i 4per�ting instruciions 2) Sequence�required 3) Special operat�n� instructians e. Maiatenance prQcedures 1) RautiHe aperations 2) Guide to "trnubic shaoting" 3] I3isassemhly, zepair and reassembly �4) Adjustment and checicing f. Manufacture�'s p�inted aperating an� maintenan�ce inatructions g. List of original manufacturer's spare parts, rnanufacturer's �urrent prices, and recornmended quantiti�s tv be maintain,ed in starage h. Qther data as required under perqnenf Sectians af Specificatians 4. Prepar� and include additional data when the r�eed for such data h�ecamas apparent during instru�t�an �f �it�'s personnel. 1.7 CLo�EOUT S[TBMITTALS [N�T US�n] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS jNOT IISED] 1.9 �YTALITY AS�iJRANCE A. Pravide operatian and maintena�ce daka by personnel with the fQl�awiag criteria: 1. Train�d and c�perienoed in u�aintenan�e and aperarian ef described �raducts 2. Skilled a� tecivucal writex to the extent requir�d to �arx�rnunicate essential data 3, Skilled as dxaftsmax� competent tn pre�aare requirccl dr�wings CTC� DF EORT W�RTH Lake Worth Wa[�r and Sanitady 5ewr.t Impmadnaats Peit Z STAN�ARD CCINSTRUCTIQAI SPECIFICATLONDaCUMENTS Gily ProjecL#1009G2 2 Rcvised Aecem�er 2U, 2Q12 U17621-5 OPERATLaN AND hdAINTENANCS DATA Page 5 uf 5 1,1� �ELIYT�RY, ST�ItAGE, AND HAItiI�LING [NQT USED� 1.1I FIELD [SITE] CUNDITI�N� [NOT [FSE�] 1.1� i�i'ARRAN7'Y [N�T U�ED] P ART �- PR�DUCTS f N�T [ISED] PART 3 - L7CEC[JTION [NUT ►]SED] END Ol� 5ECTION Rer+ision I.og DATE 1�1AIVIE 8131I2,p1� ]]. yahnson 5UMMl�IZY OF GIiANCiF 1.5..� 1— title af sccison rernoved CPI'Y �F FflRT Wfl[tTH 5TAIdI]ARI3 CQAiSTRLTCTI�N SPECIFIL'.A'i'1�P1 DOCUA�NTS Revised i7ecember 20, 2D] 2 Lakc Wa� Weter and �auitarY 5ewcr h»pravamonts Part 2 City Project #1 �0962-2 Qt 7$ 39 - 1 r��r�cr rc��oxn noc�m�rsiars Pag�e 1 of 4 SECT�UN Ol. 78 39 PROJECT RECaRD D�CUMENTS PART1- GENERAL 1.1 S[TMMAI�Y A. Sectian Includes: 1. Wark assvciaEed wit� the docuxnenting the praject and recording �hauges to groject do�uments, in�Iuding: a. Record Drawiaags b. Water Meter 5ervice Reporta �. Sani#ary Sewer 5ervice R�pnrts d. Large Water Meter Reports B. De►+iati�ns from this City of Fvrt V�ortk► Standar�i Sp�cification 1, None. C. Related Specification Sectic�s ineiude, but are not necassarily limxted to: 1. Di�+ision �— Bi�iding Requir�rnents, �Qntract Forms and Conditions af the Contract 2. T]ivision 1— General Requixemetrts 1.2 PRICE AN13 PAYMENT PROCL<"DI]RES A. Mcasurement and Paymeut �Tork associabed with fhis Item is conszdered subsidiary to th� variaus Iterns �id. No separate payn�nt wi]Y be allawed for this Item 1.3 RERERENCES [NDT USED] 1.4 ADNIINISTRATIVE IiEQ�EMENTS [N�T USED� 1.5 SUBMi`I'TALS A. PriQr to sub�.ittin� a request far FinaI Inspeotic�n, delitrer Pro,�ect Recnrd I]acuments to City's Proje�t Representativ�. 1.6 ACTIDN SiJBMITTALSIINF�RMAT�UNAL SUBMITT�ILS [N�T USED] 1,7 CLQSEOUT �UBIVIiTTALS [NUT USED] 1.8 MAIN'f'�1�TANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTAI� [NOT 1,.15ED] I,9 Q[TALIT'Y AS�URANCE A. Accuxacy ofRecords �, Til0i�11��'iljt 4'Oatf�II]PLtE C}lStl��5 WItt11Yk tli� RG�iC1 DQGI1t17Cl1[S, making adcquate and pmper entries on each page of Speci�ics�tior�s and eac�i she�t af Drawings and ather Dacumenta where such entry is required to show the change properly. 2. Ac,�uracy oFrecnrds shall be sueh that �'uture searcl� far itenns shnwn in the Cantra�t Documents may rely re��on�ahly nn information ob#ained fram the ap�srnved Project Rea�rd Dncuments, CTTY OF FQRT WURTH Lake I�orth 53�ater aad Sanitary Scwcr Imprn�emcnt� Part Z $TANT3ARU C�P15'Ii�UC'l7aN 3P�IF[CATI�N �QCUMEiVTS City Pra}ect #1009fi2-2 Revised luly 1, 2U11 al 7B 39 - 2 PR�3]BC'f RECC]RI7 F7pC[]14QEIVTS Page 2 af 4 3. Ta fa�3}itate accuracy af records, make entries withiu 24 haurs after receipt af informa�inn that the change has occurred 4. Provide factual infarnzation regarding all aspects vf th� Work, bath concealed and �isil�le, ta enahle future modificatian af the WQrk to proceed wit}�ut leng�tay a�d expensi�e site measurexnent, inveatigatior� a�d examination. 1.1U STORAGE AND HANDI,ING A. Storage and Hat�dling Requir�m�n�ts 1. Maintait� the jab set af l�ecord Dncuments completely pmtect�ed fram deteriaration and &�m losa an,d damage until compled�n of tkae �ark and trans��r af all recorded dsta to the final Froj ect Recnrd I}�curnents. 2. In the event of loss o£ recarded dsta, use means necessary to again secure th� data tn the City's appro�+a3. a. In auc� ca�e, pF'Qvide repla�rrients tv the �tandards originally r�,ttired by the Cantract Da�uments. 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDIT[UNS [NQT IISED] 1.1Z WARR.ANTY [N�T USED] ��T a - �xonucTs �.1 4WNER FURN[SHED [oa] U�'VI�iER-SiTPPY.IEI) PROI)U�TS [N�T USED] 2.2. �E�ORD DUCUMENTS A. ]�b set 1. Fromp#ly fallor�ving receipt of the Nodce ta Fraceed, sec�re from the City, at na c�►arge to the Co�tractor, 1 camplete set n£all Dacuxnents camprising the Cont�rract. S. Fina1 Recvrd I]acuments At a time ne�ring the canapletion of the Wvzk and prior to Final Inspectivn, prov�de the City 1 �arr�plete sct of all Final Recard Drawings in ihe Cvntract. 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT []5ED] �.4 S�URCE QUALITI' CONTRQL lNOT USEll] PART 3 - E�CECi]TiUN 3.l IN�TALLERS [NOT USC+ D] 3.Z EYAMINATI�IV [NOT []5ED] 3.3 PREPARATIDN [NUT LTSCDj 3.4 MAINTENANCE DDCUMEPITS A. Maintenance �f �o�a Set 1. Lmmediat�ly upan recc�pt of the job set, identify each �f tlie Doeumenfs with the t itle., "1�ECORI? DC]CLTMENTS - ]DB SET". CITY OR Ff3AT WQRTH I,ake Warth Watcr altd Sanitary 5e►ver Improvaments Part 2 STANDARD CO1+I3TRi:]CTIDN SPECI�ICATI4N DCiCUMENTS Cily Prflject #1 OD9bZ-2 Re+riaed ]uly 1, 2011 017$34-3 PRQTECT liSL7p�iT] Ii�CUMLN'['S Paga 3 af 4 2 3. 4. 5. Preservation a. Ccansidering tl�e Contract campfetivn time, the probabie number oi occ�sio�s upon which the jab set must be taken out for new eratries and for examina�ion, and the conditions under which these acti�zities will he �erfarmed, devise � suitable rnethad far protecting th� job set, �r. Do not u�e th� j ah set fnr a�Y p�.�rpose except entxy of new data �nid far review hy the City, until start af traiasfer of data to final ProjeGt Record Docume�ats., c. Maintain the job s�t at the site af wotk. Covrdiriation rvith Cortstructian Surve�+ a. At a minimum, in accordance with the intervals s�t forth in S�ctian fl171 23, �leariy rs�ark any d�viatians fiorr� �on�uxct Documents assncia�ed with installation af the infras�i-+Iature, Making entries on Drawings a. Recc�rd azry de�iaiions fram Contract Documents. b. �Tse an er$sable �olo�ed peneil (nat snk ar indelible pexicil), clearly describe the ehange by graphic line and nobe as required. o. Da#e a]I entries. d. Call attention ta the er�try by a"'elaud" dxawn around the area ar areas af%cted. e, In the e�+ent �f averlapping changes, use different cvlvrs far the overlapping chat�ges. C.onv�rsivn of sehematic layouts a, It� some ca�es on the Drawings, arrangementa af �onduits, c�rcuits, piping, ducts, and similax items, are shown schanatically and are not inte�dcd #a portray precise physiaal l�yout. 1� �in�l physioal arrang�m,er�t i� determined by tb.e Cantractor, suk�ject to the Ciiy's appra�al. 2} However, design of future modi�cations of the facility may require accurate infarmatiion as ta the final physical layaut af itcros which are shvwn vnly schemat'te�lly an the Ihawings. b, Shaw on the j ab set af Record Drawings, by dimensinn accurate to u+i�hin 1 inch, the centerline af each run of items. 1} Final physica� arrangement is det�rmined by the Co�tractor, subjcct to the City's approval. 2} Shovv, by sy�nbal ar note, tha ��rtical l�cation af ihe Item ("under slab��, ��in �ei]ing plenum��,'�exposed", and the like). 3} 11+Iake all identificafion �ufficsently des.cr�ptave that it may be related reliably tv t11e Spe�ificatian�. �, The City may wa��+e t�e requirements for conversinn of schematic layouts wher�, in the Cit�'s judginen#, canver�ion serves no usefiil purpose. However, dv nat rely ugvn waTvers being issued excep# �s speci.fically issued in r�riting by the City, B. Fina1 Pmject R�oo�rd Dncuments Transfer vf d�ts to Dra°wings a. Carefully transfer change data shvwn, o� the job ��t ofRecord Drawings to the carresponding fsnal d�ocuments, 000rdinating the changea as required. 1�. Clearly indicate at e�ch affeated detail and ather Drawing a fu11 descriptina of changes made durin� constxuction, and the actual Iocation of items. CY1'Y �F �+QRT WORT�i Lake Wanb Water end 5anitsry Sewer Impravements Part 2 STANr]ARI] CON5TRi1CTIdN SPFiCIFICATI4N DOC[11H�NTS C=!y Frujact #140962-2 Revised Iuly l, 24] 1 61 78 34 - 4 PRdIECT RECORD DOC[IhdENf5 Page 4 of A c. Call attention to each entry by drawing a"�iouci" around the area ar areas af�ected. d, Make changes neatly, c�nsistently and with the proper media #o assure lnngevity and clear reproducrinn. 2. �ansfer o�'da�a to other pocum�ents �, I� th0 DOC1�3eni&, a�ilCx t�ai] DYBWtngS, ha�� �een kept clean during progress of t�e iNvrk, and if entries thereon have �een arderly ta the approyal af th� City, the jab set af thvse Uocuments, ather than I�rawings, will be accepted as final Recor� T7acurnents. b. If any such Dacument is not so appro�ed by the City, secure a new cupy af that Dacument £rum t3i� City at the �ity's usual charge for repraduction and handling, and careftilly trausfEr the change data tn the new cnpy ta the appzuval af #�e City. 3.5 REP�R ! RESTQRATI0IV [NQT USEDX 3.b RE-IN�TALLAT'I�N �N�T []SED] 3.7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALI�'Y CdNTRUL {NOT �]�EU] 3,S SYSTElI� STARTUF [NOT USED] 3.9 AD.T[7ST�iG [��T USED] 3.IU CLEANYPIG �iUT [TSED] 3.11 CL�SE�LTT ACTIVIT�ES [NUT USED� 3,1� I'1tUTECTIUN 1N�T USED] 3.13 141AINTEIYANCE [N�T USED] 3.1�1 ATTACHMENTS [NUT C]SEI]} END OF �aEGTIDIV CiTY OF POItT IiTDR'fH Lake Wo�th Wasar and Sanitary �ewcr Improvements Peat 2 ST'AIVDARU COAiST[tUCTIt]N SPBCIFICA'I'lON T7C]C[tMBN'!'S City Pm1�t #]0�9b2-2 Re�ised July 1, 2411 A.PPEN�IX GC-4.U1 Availak�ility af Lands GC-4.Q� 5ubsurface and Physical Canditions GG4.�4 []nderground FaGilities GC-6.U6.D Minority and �ornen Qwned Business Lnt�xprise Complian�e GC-6,07 Wage Rates CrC-b.Cl� Permits anci Utilities GR U1 6Q 4Q Praduct Requirernents CITY �F FDRT WOItTH Lake Warth Weter and Senitary 5ewer irnpra�ements Part 2 STAAlIIARD CONSTRUCTI4N SPSCIPICATIQI+i D{7CLiAdENT3 G`ity P�vject#1U04S^z-2 Revised 7uly l, �Ol l G��4,�1 Availabilit� of Lands TI�IS PAGE LEFT INTEN�`I�i�ALL� BLAl�TI�. CPPY �F F�RT WpRTH Lake Wodh Water and Sanitary 5ewer Imprevements Pan 2 5TAhidARD CUI�IS'CRL1C'i"ION SPF'sC:l FICATION 1JOCifME1V"T'S City Proja�t #]U09b2-2 ReVised dlily 1, 2011 GC-4,�2 Subsurfac� and Physi�al �onditions THIS PA�E LEFT INTENT"I�I�ALL3� BLANK GI'CY OF FDRT W�RTH Lake WartU Water and 5anitary Sewer Improvcments Part 2 5TANf]ARD COI�STRUCT[Ol+[ 5PECIIrICATION DDCUMENTS Cily Project #1UG962-2 Re�ise+d ]nlY 1, 201 l ��D�T��RTH� . City nf Fart Worth �a�atal I]eli�ery DavisianlSoil Lab 5�OU Maxtin Luther I�ing Fr�vy Pori 1�orth, TX 76I 19 Laboratflxy Test Result� fnr ,�i Street Caring Proj ect Q6l1512U1 S Project: Lake VVazth V� & a Impro�eruent Ph�se I CPN# 140962 Date T�sted: 4��2�12018 phane: 81?-392-7920 This rcpart presents tlie results afa street c�ring praject for T,ake Warth W& S Improt�em�nt Phase I. Mx. [Jt�ay $angale performed the c�res, and subgrade lab tests. Mx. Zelalem Arega reviewed and appraved th� results. — - Crn»+n Rd From SkylinG Dr. to Cui-De-S�� _ _ ���— -�. - - H�LE # 1 LOCATIOI�C: SDOD Crown Rd �N14) 7.��" HM,A.0 7.�0" �rownish Gray Sax�dy �Clay wlGravel Z.UO" Fale Brown 5andy Clay wl�'xravel ATTER.�LIRG LJMITS: LL: PL: PJ: SIIRKC'r: HULE # 2 L.UCATIaN: 5009 Crown Rd (514) 7.25" HMAC 5.?5" Dark �rawuish Clray Clay wlGra�e1 �.50" Brawnish Gray Cl�y wlGravel ATTERB�JR.G LIMITS: ]sL: 3S`.54 PL� lfi.$Q PI: 21.70 SHRKG:1�°�0 H�L� # 3 LOCATIC7N: 513� Crawn Rd {Nl�} 8.U0" HMAC 9.�4" Brnwn Sandy Clay wlGravel B.flQ" R�ddish Brawn Sandy Clay ,A,'Z'TERBURG LIMITS: LL: 50.34 PL: 23.3U FI: 25.50 SHRI�G: 16°/v Page i of 9 ����T W�RTH� City af Fart Wnrth Capital Delivery �ivisionlSoil Lab S�a4 Martin Luthcr King Fwy Fort Wnrila, TX 7d 114 Phone: 817-39Z-79�� Jr�t�ns VV��+ � F'ram Norris �aflev tn �1�ad�vdeli_ _ _ _ HOLE # 4 I,DC�ITI�N: G301 Jahns Way (1�i14) 2.50" �HMAC 4.00" Br�wn Sandy Glay wl�ravel 3.50" pale Srnwn Sandy Clay w!�'rx'avcl 5,4�" Gray C1aywlGra�e1 ATTERBURG LLMITS: LL: 40.50 FL: 17.�Q PI: 23.50 SHRi�G: I2°�o H�LE # � L�C�iTIaN: 6316 ]ol3ns W�� (Sl�j 3.50" HIVIAC 1�_S�" Brawn Sandy Clay wlgravel +�,Q�" BrQ��nxsh Gray Sandy Ctay wlGrave� AT7'ERBC]ItCr LIMITS: LL: 3D.9Q PL: 1�.�� PI: 16.�3� SHRI�G: 9°/0 HaLE # b LaGATION: b327 J�hns Wa� (1*1!�} 2.��" IIMAC ] 1.75" �3rown Sandy Clay wlgravel 4.p�" Srownish Gray Cl�y wlGravel ATTERSURG LIMITS: LL: �'L: PI: SHA�G: HOLE # 7 L()GATI�N: G4U5 Johns Way [S14) 4A0" HVIAC 14.5�" Bmwn Sandy Clay wlgtavel 6.��°' Gray Clay wlGravcl ATTERRURG LIMITS: LL: PL: PI: SI��K�'r: _ H�LF # 8 L�CATI��T: 64I3 Johns Way {Nl4} 3,2$" HMAL 7.75" I3rown Sazxdy Clay wlgravel 8.D0" Bz'�►�vnish Crray Clay wlGra�el Page 3 of 9 F�������rx� City of Fort Worth Capilal Dcli�cxy DivisionlSail Lab 50001VIartin Luther King Fwy Fort W�rth, TX 76119 Phnne: SI7w392-79�4 ATTER.�URG LIMITS: LL: 38.70 PL: 1�,70 PI: �3.�0 5H1tK�'r. IZ°Io ��t�ntdale CT � From Jolttiis Wa►{ la C'ul-ile-S�c _� _ - - HOLE # 9 L�CATION: 46Dz Hnntdale Ct (E14} 4.5�" HMAC 14.5�" Yc�lowish Brown San.dy Clay wlgravel 5.50" Pale Brov�nish Gray C1aywlGravel ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 3(i.G� FL: 15.$U PI: 2.0.8Q SHRKG; ld°�q R►�shwoud Ct ���m Johns V4'ay ta_��l-De-��c Hf}LE # 1 Q L�CATZOl�: 46p1 l�ushwoad Ct (W'14} 2.75" HMAG 11.�5" 5�ellowish Br�wn Sandy Clay wlgravel �,00" l�rownish Gray GlaywlGravel ATTERBT.7RG LIMITS: LL: 37.1Q PL: 1 S.UQ PI: 22.10 SHRI�G: 1D°lo .lailey Ct F�rt�m Jaltns V4`a�� ta Cu�-De-Sac HUI�E # 1 ] LCICATION: �fi�2 J olley Ct (EI�) 3.0�" HMAG },D�" Srown Sandy Clay wlgX'avel a�d �Isphalt Picces S.OU" Brov;+nish Gray Sandy L'lay wlGrar�e] ATTERBURG LIMITS: LL: 33.0� PL: 13.84 PI: 19.2a s���c: a�ra Circle Risige 1)r. V1� From 5k line D�•. tU.IeCI(S�[li�o I�iw HOLE # l 2 LDCA���N: 5112 Circl� Rid�e I7r. W(Sf4} 2.75" HMAC 7.2�" ]-3rnwnish Gray Sandy Clay wJGra�el and Asphalt Piece� 5.00" Srawnish Gray C�lay wlGravcl ATTERBURCr LIMZTS: LL: 3�,40 PL: 14,9� PI: i8.S0 SHIiKG: 8°Io Page 3 0�: 9 ��i��" ���TH� City of Fnrt W�rtit Capital D�li�ery Divisian�Soi] Lah SUOQ Martitt Luthex King Fwy Fort Worth, 'f� 76119 l�hone: 81?-392-792� ��oL� � i� L�CATI(7I�T: 5432 Circle Riage Lir. W(NI�) 2.Q4*' HMAC 9.40" Brown Sandy Clay wlGravel and Asphalt Picces 6,Q�" Gray Cla� wlGravel ATTEI�3LJRG LllNTI'S: LL: 38.b� PL: ]7.80 PI: 20.5� SHRKG: 11°�0 H�LE # 1�4 L�CATIDN: SOUB Circle Ridge Dr. R� (SIQ) 2.5 D" HMAC 1�.54" Srownish Cxray �andy C1a�wlGraV$1 and Asphali Picces 3.50" Gra� Cl�y wlGravel ATTERI3URG LIMiTS: LL: PII: PI: SHRi��; HQI,E # 15 LDCATIDN: 48a8 Circle Ridge Dr. �TV tN14} 1.75" HMAC 9.�5" Brown Sand w1Gra�e1 a�d Asphalt Pieces 3.5�" Crray �lay v;+lGravel ,A'�`TERBLTRG LIMITS: LL: PL: PI: SHRKG: II�LE # 16 L�GATIDItI: 52' E oflntcrsectian af Cir�le l�.id�e Dr, and Gircle Ridge Dr. W(Sl�� 2.25" HMAC ' 8,75" I3rnwn �andy Clay wlGravel and A�phalt Pieces S.OD" ]3rownish Gray Clay wlGravel ATTERBi1RG LIMITS: L,L: 35.9� PL. 1�.64 PI; 19.36 SHRKG: 9°ld HOLE �# 17 L�CATIaN: 150' W af Jacksbaro Hwy (N14] 2.C}U" HM�C 8.C74" Brvwn San.dy Clay wlGravel and Asphalt Pieces S.OU" Srar�nish Gray Clay 6.OU Brown S andy Glay ATTERBURG LINiITS: LL: 43.3U PL: 19.70 PI; 23.6D SHRKG: 12°�0 Page 4 of 9 �'o��r'����r�� City af Fort Worth Capital Delivcry Divisian15oi1 Lat� SQaU Martin Luther I�ing Fwy Fort Worth, TX 76119 Phone. 8I7-392-792Q Sumn}ervillc Flace Rd #� rc�m Surfside Il�•. tc� �91s Yc�un Ilr. H4LE # 18 �� L�CA�I�N: 7632 Sur�erville Place R�i [Sl4} 2.�0" HMAC 7.50" Brnwrxish Gray Clay wlGravel 7,Sa" Broumish�'ellQw Sandy C1aywJGravcl AT�TERBURG LIMITS: LL: 24.20 PL: 11.SU PT: 1�.�4 SHRKG: �°�a H�LE # l 9 LC���4TI�N: 7G04 Summerville P1a�e �d �5.1�) �..��" HMAC �.�0" Browmish �iray Sand Cla�+ wlGra�el 12.50" Reddish Brown L'laycy Sand ATTEREURG LIMITS: LL; PL: P�; SHRI�G: .Tarvis V+'ay Fram Ella Youn Dr. �o Gu� De-�ac HDLE � 24 TACATI�I�i: 7��5 ]arvis Way i .75" I IMAC 4.25" Grayish E�rawn Sandy Clay wPCrravel 5,p0" Braw�ish i'ellow Sai�dy �la� wlGravel 6,00" Ycllowish Brown Sandy �l�y 1hTTERB[1RC'r LIMITS: LL: fi3.7� FL: ��.92 PI: 3.6.78 SHRKG. 19°la I�(3LE # 21 L�CATION: 7852 7arvis'�Iay r.oa�� x�A� i 1.oa�� B�a� s�a� c���.���v�1 7.D�]" I3rown Sandy Clay ATT�F.�3iIRG LIMITS: LL: PL: PI; SHRI�G: Lupine �ii•cic Fro3r� Niidlaud Dr. ta Ucad End HQL�. # 22 L4�ATI[�N: 8321 Lupine Circle , � Page S vf 9 ����"��RTH� city nf Fnrt worth Capital Deli�ery Di�ision.rSoil Lab 5Q�6 IVlartin Luther T�ing Fwy N ort Warth, T� 7{ � 19 �.04" �MAC 7,d�" Gxay Sand wlGravel and Asphalt Pieces 3.0�" R�d 5andy Clay wlGravel C.��" Red Sandy Ciay ATT'ERBURG LIMITS: LL: 30.94 PL; 14.�� PI. 1�i,50 SNR��: HOLE # �3 Lq�ATION: 8269 Lupine Circle 3.��" HN[AC �,0�" $rawnish Gray Sandy Clay wlGravel �.a0" �ed �rawn Clay wJGravel 2.50" Red Brown Clay wJGrav�l ATTERSLTR.G LIMITS: LL: PL: PI: SHR�G: H�LF # 2� LOCATI�N: $� i 7 Lupir�e Ct Lupi�te Ct Frant Lunine Circ�le ta M)cad E�id 1 _00" HM�C 7,00" Yellowish l�rown Sandy Clay wlGxavel a.nd Asphalf Fieaes $.00" Brnuvnxsh Gray 5andy Clay ATTERBL]RG LIMITS: L�,: 30.4� PL; 15,�a PI; 15.20 SHRKG: 8°l0 Peni�sul� C[uh Fra�n �'atcrcrcKs Dr. to V��trrcrc�s Dr. H�LE # 25 LOCATI�N: 4f178 Peninsula Club (E14} 1 _oo°° xn�.c 11,00" Pale Br�wn Sand wlGravel ATTERBURG LIl1+1ITS: LL: T�T�' PL: NP PI; NP S�IRKG: NP HUL�. # ZG LOCATI()N: 40�� Pcninsula Clu� �Wl�} 6.25°' HMA� 3.25" Pale Srown Sand wlGra�el 6.50" Rcddish $ro�vn Sandy Clay ATTEI�BLTRG LIlWIITS: LL: 34.1� PL� 15.1� FI: 19.40 5I-�1�G: 12°% I'h�ne. 817-392-7g2a Page 6 oi 9 ���� ��� 1 �� City of Fort Warth Capital D�livery T]i�i�ionfSail Lah 5a4Q 1Vlartin Luther King Fwy rorc Warth, TX 7G 119 Phone: 817-392-79�4 HOLE # �7 LOCATIdN: 130' N of S�nset Ct �E14j � .75" HMA� 6.25" Pale Brawn Sand wl�irawel 2.50" Reddish Brown Sandy Clay AT'TERSi�RG LIMiTS: LL: PL, FI: SHRKG: H�LL� # 2� 8 LOCATI�N� hd57 Peninsula Clut� (Wf4) Z.50" �IMAC 5.�0" Ycllowis� Brawn Clayey Sand vv�Gravel 3.00" Reddish Brawn C;layey San�i ATTERBURG Li1VIITS: LL: �L: PI: SHRI�G: HQLE # 29 LflCAT1�N: 4�57 Peninsula Clu� (W14} a.aa°° xMAc 6.40" �ellowish Bxown Saz�dy C'lay wlGravel fi.5a" Reddish I3rawn Clayey Sand w�Gravel ATTERBL3RG LI[�IITS: LL: 22.30 FL: 15.3Q PL 7,0� SHRICG: �4°�0 5ri�arisc �'oi�t Ct Frum Pes�i��sula �'luty tci Dead l�;r�d H4L� # :�U I.00ATI�N: 5�04 Sunrise Point Ct 1.00" HMAC 1].(]0" Pale Brown 5and wlGra�el and Asphalt Piece� 3.0�" Reddish F3rawn Clayey S�nd ATTE�BLIRG LIMIT�: LL: PL: PI: SHRKC3: HOLE # 3 ] LO�ATI�N: 8913 Sunnise Pait�t Ct 1.5�" HMAC �,5a" Pale Brown Sand wl�'rra�el 5.00" Reddish Brawn Sand wlGrave� 8.�0" Reddi�h Srovun Saz�dy Clay Page 7 of 9 �'��T �� ��r x� City of Fart Worth Capital TJeIivery Divisia�lSai1 I,ab 5U00 Martin Luther I�ing �wy Fort Warth, TX 76114 Phone: 817-3�2-792U ATTER}3URG LIMITS: LL: 33.�]0 PL: 1A,80 PI: 1$.�a SHRKCX: 9°/n Narf� LKke Dr. Tram 1�Vaterrress Tir. tu Watercress Dr. H�LE # 32 L�CATI�]N: �913 Sunrise Point Ct 2.5�" HMA� 5.5�1" Br�v�n Sand wfGra�el 1 D.DO" dark Gray �layey Sand wlGravel ATTER�3URG LIMITS� LL: Z��H� PI..: 15.3d PI: 11.�d SHRI�.G: 6% IIDLE # 33 L�C`ATION: 862 � North Lake Dr. � 3.44" FIMA� 3.4U" Brawn C�ayey Sand I 0.00" Reddisl� $rown Sand ATTERI3UR{� LTMITS: LL: PL; PI: SHRKG: H�LE # 34 LOCATION: 10iT S of�atereress Dr. 2.75" IIMA.� 4.�5" Srown Clayey Sandwl�rravel fi.5�'° Gray Sand ATTERSURG LIMITS, LL: 2a.5U PL: 1Z.50 PI; 8.�� SHR�G: D�/� - - Iql�nci ti'iei� �7r. l+rotn Wate�•eress [3r, to Watercress Dr. HDLE # 3 S LO�ATION: $401 Island View I3r. 4.U0" 7-3MAC B.�U" Brnw� Glayey 5and A`TT�,ItBCrRG LIIvIITS: LL: PL: PI: SH�G: HDLE # 3 G LD�ATIQN: �S' S of Watercress Dr. (V►�1�} �.�60" HMAC 12.�0" I3r�wn Claycy Sand Page B ❑f 9 F�RT��RTH� C�ty oi Fort 1�arth Capita� Delivery Divisianl�oil La.b SQDU Martin Lufher King ��wy Fort �orth, TX TG119 ATTERHiTAG LIIVIlTS: LL: PL: Pi: 5H1�G: 1I[lLE # 37 LQ�ATIQN, 8429 Island �Tiew Dr. 3.25" HMA� 4,75" Brownish Yellaw Sand wlGravel �,0�" Gray C.laycy Sand 8.b0'" Brownish Yellow Sand ATTERBUAG LIIVIl'I'S: LL: 2CJ.9� PL: 1�.2� IsI: $.76 �IXRKG: 0°�0 Pl�nne: 817-392-7�20 Page 9 of 9 ��-4.�4 Underground Facilities THIS P�GE LEFT Il�TENTIONALLY �LANI� C1TY OF POAT WdRTIi I.FIkC Warth Water and $xn itary 5ewcr Impraren� Part Z STAAfDA[tD C�NSTRUCTrnr� 51�EC��rCAC1oN D[3CL1M8NTS City Pnaject #1009b2 2 [Lcvisod7uly l, 7.{�l l ��-6,a6.D Minvrit� and �Varnen Uvvnecl �usiness �nterpri.se Compliance THIS PA�E LEFT IN'TEN'TIUI�ALLY SLANI� CI`TY aF F�RT V�4RTH Lake Wor� Water andd 3anitary Sevrer Impravemenia Part 2 $TAlVDARD CONST[iUGTION SPECI�ICATfON 1?�C UM�:NTS Ciiy Ftoject �l1009S2-2 Re�ise&]uly 1, 2Q11 Q � Z � _� Q 4 � � � � � � � � Q � 0 � � � � � � _ � ti y � � � � � � � �� 7 � � N d m N � � �i 1�1 �. � � �w �� W � � W � 0. �� Q � � � L � � Q ll,l N N � C �� �A � � � m � M ❑ � m �67 � ❑ � tli Q � � � L? m .� �i^ _ ❑ u� m ❑ � � .. r� � � w �� C � � � ❑ yM 'a � � .� � � � � � � � ❑ :.i ❑ � a � � m � Z � Ci W � � � � � z ❑ a� Cyi G .� � r'a �dl �� � � N � � �� � � = � � � � d � � �.. 47 � �L � i: � � � C tlf � � � � � � � tl0 U m � ❑ � r � � 0 � � � � � U � � S.7 � ❑ � � d � � � � c L9 � ❑ G .� C�� G.7 � � �C � _ ❑ � � Q � !� � W � � .� � C � � � C} C .y � � � � i� N ❑ � m/�y 4.E m N .� d] w C ll-1 N N � c .� � m � � u� � ❑ Gi � .� d C u� � .� � m .� � W � � n� � c� � � � � � H a1 _ � 3 m � � 0 � � C � r � 4) � � a ai } m � G � � � C ,� � � z � � � � � � � d7 � N � U7 � 3 � C �� a � � � m C N � 00 � N � � C � � � v N 2 m � � a � � � � � i] � � W � 0 w � � � � � � � � � � � � � � I�LI � N � � L!i � � J J 4 � U � m� �_ C � o v v � � m N� } � � Q � � xa � � („? 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Camplianc� wit#� each if�m, 1#hru 1� befaw, shall sat�sfy the Gvvd Faith Effv�f. requir�m�r�t al�sent pro�f af fraud, in�Eent'ronal andJor kna�wing misrepre�entatian af t�e facts or in#entic�nal discrimination by fhe PrimelDff�r�r. Fa ure to complete #hls arm, In its entirety wit� suppork ng dacumer�t8tior�, and recelved by t e Purchasfng Dl�ision �0 4ater thar� 2:�� p.m, ars th� third City buslness clay at#er hid opening, exc(usiv� of k��ci op�ning date, wili res�l! in th� bid being considered nan-respos►slve ta bid specificatlons. Excep4.lor�: �FA, ICA, ar�d GD6G prv]ects, documenta wiil h� subrnitte� to #h� City Project Manager if nu6llcl� bld nr to the Derielaaer �F u�ivotelY k�id. 1.] Please list each and e�+e!'y 5uhcontracting anc#!ar supplier opportunity for the eompletivn af this projecf, r�gardless nf whether it is to be pro�ided by a Business Equiiy firm �fi nan-Business Eq�ity firm. [0o N�T LJST LVAMES DF �'IRMS). Dn all projects, the Prpmel�fferor me�st list eaeh �uhcantractin� and or supplier opp�rtunity rag�rdless of tier. (tJse addltianaJ shee#s, tf nec.essary) List nf 5ubcontracting Oppartunities List Df S�ppEier �ppqrtunities E�HsCtlYe 4317 5IEa2Z lf the a#Fervr did nvt meet ar extesd t�e 8usineas Equlty Gval iar thia grvject, 11re Primef�Tt�eror mus! compl�ete this form. ATTA��IM ENT 1 C Pag� 2 af 4 2.j ,�btain a current tnot mare than t�nra (�) months old from th� k�id open d�te� I{st af Business Equity su6aantr�ctors $ndlnr suppfiers from ths �Git'y"s Business �qulty �ivisian. � Y� � Ha �ate of Listing 3.] T�id y�u sal�cit �ids from 6usiness Equity firms, wi#hin the subcantracling and�ar supplier are�s pr�viausly Ilsted, at least ten calar�dar day� prior to bid opening hy telephvne, BXCILISIY@ Rfi �F19 Cf�]/ tF1A blds are apened? � YBS (If ]I�. attach fis4 to inelude name of Buslneas Equ�ty iirm, pgrson cantacted, tto�der and data and tim� of aontaet.� � Nv �.j C3id you snlicit bids from Buslr��ss Equlty firms� withln the subcantracting andlnr supplier areas pre�iaus�y listed, at least ten calendar days prioi tv bid vp�ning �y fax, exclusn►e of the day the hida are npen�d? �IFyas, ak�a�h li�! to includa name of Buslness �quity flmti, fax numpar' and date and time af �or�taei. In addit[en, if ths isx is � Y� ralurned as undeliverable, then th�k °'ur�deliverabla canfirrnatiDri" recei�ed mus4 6a prfn#ed diractly from the facaEmile for propQr dntumenkatian. Failure to suhn►it �aniirmakian andfor "undaliv�rai�le aanfirmation" documerrtatian may render the � Np {iFE nan�reapanaiva.j 5.} �ir� y4u so4�cit bid� from Business Equity ilrms, wlthin th� sul�cantra�ting and]'or suppl�ar ar�as �revinusly list�d, at least tan caf�endar days prior ta bi� apenirrg by arnall, excluslve af the day ths bids are opened� � ygg �If yea, attach �mail con�rmail�t to include name of Business Equily 1irm, date and tl^e. In adtliRion, if en amail is returned as undal�veralole, th�n that "undallu�rabke rr►essage" receipi must ha prf�tt�d diractly from the ❑ N� email syatsm far praper documerRatian. Failure to suhmit con[irmaiian andlQr "undeliverabEe message" dacumentatlon msy rendsr the G FE non-resgonslve.j M�7�. The three rnethods ideritfiied abor►� �re a�ceptable fat s�lfciting k�ids, a�d each se�ect�d methad must be ap��ied to thv appl�cafo�� Cantract. 7he Pr{m�14ff�ror musl document tt�at either �t least twa atterr�pts were made usireg two of the thr�e methods ar that at ieast orie suCc��s�ul cantact wa� made using �ne c# the thr�e methods in order ta t�eem�d responsi�►e to the Good Faith Effort requirem�nt. NOT�: Yhe Prfinelaffe�cr must �ca�ta�t the �ntir� �e�siness Equity IisE specifie td each subcantraating and supplier opportunity tm �e in c�rnplfan� with questfons 3 thru 5. 6.� Did yau provide plans and specification$ to pofsntial Busln�ss Equity frrms? � Ye� � I�c 7.j Qid you prar►Ide the tr�formatian r�garciing the loc$tifln v# plans and sp�ciflcatiflns {n order ta assist tha Business �quity firsns? � Yes � Ha Effisc4fu8 U317512022 A17ACHMENT iC Page 3 �f 4 8.} D�d you prepare a quatation Far tha Business Equity flrms to bid on �QodsJservices specific ta iheir skill set7 ❑ Y8� (N ]►es, attach ali eoptea o3 quataflons.} ❑ Ido 9.j Was the con#act infarmatinn an any af th� li�tings not �alld? ❑ Y� �Ft yes, attach iha infarmstion tklat was not valid in orderfar the Busir�ss Equlty �Ivlslan � address �Fte aorreCtions naedad.] � No i4.j Submft doaumentation if Buslness �qult�l firms quobes were rejected. The docum�ntatl�n suhrnifted shvuld be in the finrns farms of an affid�vit, in�lude a detalled �xp�anati�n of why the �usines� �t�uity flirms was r�Jected and any sup�orfing doaumenta�ion the Primelflffetor wlshes tti be cansidered py the Ci�, ln the event of a I�ona fide disput� concerning quvtes, the Primel�ff�rar will provide for confiderrtlal in�camera acr.ess to an inspactian at any rQle►iant do�umenfiatian by City personnel. Please pro►ride addltlonal lnfarmation you fael wlll furkher explain your gnod and honest efforts ta nbtain Busin�ss Equity firm particlpation on tF�is proje�t. The PrimelOffer4r further agrees ta �aro►►ide, directiy tn th� �ity upon r�qu�st, �cnmplete� and accurate Nnfarm�ti�n regarding actual work per�orm�d �n this cgntr�ciz the payment thereo# and any propased ch�nge� t� th� origir�al arrang�ments submitted wi#h this bid. The Prim�1�H`�ror alsv agrees ta ail�w an audit andlor ex�rnin�iian aF any lsa�ks, recvrds and fil�s held b� their campany ihat will suhstantiate the actual work p�rformed on this contract� by an authoriz�d vfficer or emplayee vf the �ity. A Rrim��Orfferor wl�o intentionally andlQr knvwingly misre�r�osents material facts shall be Deharred fvr a p�ri�d af time vf nvt less t�an thre� (3j y�ars� �flectiva oa��srsoaz AQ� �UNAL lNFORMATI�N: A77ACliMENT 1 G page 4 of 4 The undersigned cerfifies #hat the infarmation provided ar�d th� Business Equity firms listed v�va�lwer� cflntacted in good faith. lt `s und�rstovd that any 6usiness Equi'�y firrns 1lsted in At#achment �iC wi�i b� contacted and the r�asans f�r no� using them will �e �erified by the City's Business Eq�ity Di►►isian. Authariaad Slgnature � Printed Signature iitle Cornlp�ny N�me Address �itylStatef�ip — Business Equily C3ivision �mail: OVi1V BEOffice�fortworthtexas.gav Fhone: [$17y 392-2B7�4 Contact Nama and Tltle {if dlfferentj Qhone hlumber Emaif Address pa#e EfFactl►re U3175f2��2 ��t��r'���rx� �IT'� OF FO�RT V4�flRTH MlWSE Joint V�nture Eli�i�ility Form A!1 quest�a►es mre,st h� aasweread; �r.r�e `;'1'�A" tf +em ap�lical�le. JoiM Verrture Pege 1 vf $ Name of C�ty project: A joint venture form must bc sompleted an each praje�t RFPfBid1l'urchaaing N►un]�er: 1. �oint venturc infarmatian: Joint V�nture 1Vame: 7oint'[��nturc Address, �.iappr���brE� Telephvne: F'ac5imile: �-mail address: Ccllular: Identify ihe firms that camprise the joint �cnture: Plsase atfa�h axtra sheets l��oidffierral spaca Fs req�rad fa pravide detailed axpla�afFans af work tu be perfamred by each �rm Gamprlsirrg the 'alnt venfur� ]YIlW�E firitt Nun-MIV4'Bl� firm narne: r�ame• Busine�s Address: Business Address: City, Stute, Zip: City, Slute, Zip: 'fcleplion� Facsimilc E-niail Teleph�e Pacsimile C.�lluiaT Cc[lu�ar CertiScaiion Sta�tus: �maiL address Name of Certifying Agen�y: Rev. 2f13f19 Joint Venture Page2nf3 3. What is the per�ent�gc af MIVVRE participati�on on this jnint rrenture that you wis� to be counted tuward me�ting the project goal? 4. Attach a c��y of ihe jaint �en#ure ag�teem�ant. f, Identify �� name, x'aee, seg and firm thase individuals (with titles} wha ax'e respvnsible for the day tv-t3ay management and decision making af the joint veriture; NO'I'E: �ram and after the dste af project awarcl, If any of the pa�ticipants, the individually defined s�opes �f wark or the dollar amauritslpercentages change fram the originally approved infarmativn, #han the participants must inform the City's gusiness Equity Divisian imrn�diately for approval. Any unjustified �hange ar deletion shall b� a material breach� af contract and may result in deharment in acGord with #he prflcedures autlined in the City's Bus'sness Equity �rdinance :; • *�a I. Rev. 2113119 S. Li�t enmponQnt� of ownersbip u� joint �enture: �IJn nvtcarnplete rfthis r»}'ormation iz des�ribed i�a jni�ii vei�[ure The City's Business �quity aivision will reviev� your jaint venture s��mission and will have final apprvval of #he MIWBE percentage applied tnv�rard the goal ior the project listed on this torm, Jvint Uernure P e3of3 AFFIDA�T 'C'Yse und�rsig�ed affirms th�t the faregQing statements are true and carrect and inc�ude all m.aterial information ne�essary ta identify and explai� the tertt�s �nd operation af the join# ventute, Furthermure, the undersig�►ed shall agree ta provide ta ti�e joint venture the stated scape of �ork, d�cisiorr-makit�g respa�ssibii�ties and payments h�rein. T�ae City also reservea the right to request any additional infam�atian deemed fiecessar}+ t� d3etermine if the jniu�t Wenture is eligible. Failure tn cooperabe andlar pra�ide re�qu�sted information within the tirne specified is gr�ua�ds far ternaivation afthe eligi}�ility process_ The undersigned agree to permit audits, interviews with ownexs and e�aznination of the banks, rccords �nd files of tl�e joirrt venture by any autharized representatives vf th� Ci#y of Fort Worth. Failure tQ camply with this pro,visian sha11 res�lt in th� terminati�n �f any cantract, which may be awarded ur�der �e pmvisians �f thi.e� jaint venture's eligibility and ma� initiate acti�n under Federal, St�te andlar Loca1 lawslordinances con�erning false statemenls ar willful misrepreaentation of t'acts. .._----- ��_.._._..�_� ---------- -- -�. ._---------------------------------.___----------_..--------�---------------�------- Nnma ofMT3Fi firm �anicafnon-Mf3F, firm Prin[cd Name of �wner Prinlecl 3tiame nf Ocwner �igitaturc �f �wner Sibmature of Owner Printccl ]+1 ame of Ox�ner Priirted Name flf dwner Si��aturc of �wi�er Signature ❑f4w�scr Title Title Date I3ate NotaY-1Eatian State af Cvunty of ❑n this day af , 2d , befor4 me appeared and to rne perso�lly knawn aad who, being duly sworn, did execute the foregoing af�ida�it and did state th�t they rvere pr�perly authariaad to execute this a�"itlavit and did sa as their free �ct and deed. Not�ty+ Public Print ATsme Natary Pubiic Si�+ature �`Oillll]LSS1011 �flitiS O�ce of Business Diversity Email: mwbeoffiee�cr7fartvuorthtexas.gn�+ Phone: (817] 342-267� (scrrl} Rev, 2113118 F��� �vRTx City of Fort lAforth Business Equity �MIWBE� Specifi�at�ons Prim� Contractor Vliair►er Form ArracHM�wT � s Rage � of 1 �aiiure to cvmplete this fvrm in ita enkErety and be received by th� Rurc�as�n�l Division na later than 2.�Q .m. on t e scou�d Git bu ss da aHe bid o en�n , exclusive af the bit# apen{ng date, Will r�suit in the bid being considered nan•respor�sive to bid �p�cilicatkons. Will ydu perfarm this entire �c�ntracf w�thout suhcantractars? If yes, please pr�vide a de#ailed explanation that proves based on the size and scope af this oroiect, thls is uour �nrmal business practice and prouide an operational pro%�e vf yaur businass_ yau p�rform this �ntire confract with�ut suppliers? If yss, please pravide a detailsd explanatian that praves based an the size and scape of this praject, #his is your narmal business prac#ic� and pravide an inventary prvfile af y�ur �usiness, � YE� � N❑ �� � YE3 �� �v The Df�erar further .agrees to provide, direc#ly ta the City u�on requ�st, com�lete and �ccurate infarmation regard�ng actual work perfarrro�d by afl sub�antrac#ars, including certified MfWBE[s} on this aontract, the payment thereof and any proposed changes ta the ❑riginal MlVIIB�(sy arrangements submitted with this hid_ The OfFeror also agrees ta a11aw an eudit andlor sxamination of any books, records and fles held by the9r corrlpany that uv�ll substantiate the actual work performeri by #he MIWBEs pn this contract, hy an aukhoriaed 4fficer or employee of tha Ci[y. Any intentianal andlar kn�wing rnisrepresentation of facts will bs grounds iar terminating the contra�t or de�arment from City wark fur a periad of noi less than three (3j years and far initiating actian under Faderal, State ar Locai laws �an�erning false statements, Any faifure ta c:amply with this vrdinan�e cxeates a mat�rial breach of contract and may rasuit in a determinatfon af an irrespansible Offeror and barred from artici atin ir� Cit wark f�r a eriod of iime not less than one 1 ear. Aufhorixed Signature TitEe Carnparry IVame Address C�tylStaEelZip Printed 5lgnature Gontac# N�me (if differenf� Phana Number Email Address Date Fao� Numbar Re�. 3l131z02� Businass Equity Rivisian Emall: tiVIN BEDf�ce[r�fnrtwarlhtexas.gov Phone: [617} 392-28��1 If both answers to this farm are YES, do n�t complete ATTACHMEI�T �IC j�nod Faith �ffort Formy. All quastiona an this farm must be completed and a detailed explanation pravided, if app{icable. If the answer to either question is Na, than yau musi compiefe ATTACHf�EN7 1 C. This farrn is anly applicat�ke ii bath answers are yes_ ��-d.�7 �ag� Rates THIS PA�E LEFT INTENTIQNALLY BLAI�TI� C1TY OF FORT WORTH Lake Warth Wator and 5attitary Sewer Imprm�emeirts Part 2 �'i`At�iDARD CON$'I'RUGTION $PECIF'LCA'i'I�N D(]t:ilMgAfTS CiRy Projeot #1009G2-i kevssed ]uly 1, 2411 Z013 PR�VAILIRIG WACE RATES [Commerciai Cvnstruetion Proj�ctsi CLASSIFlCAT10N �ESCRIPTI�H AC MeefiBnic AC Meehanit Melper Acnustical Ceilin$ Installer Acoustical Ceiling Installer H�Iper 6rieklayer/Stane Mason 9r'rcklayer�5tone Masnn Trainee BrieklayerjStane Masan �ielper �arpenter Carpenter Helper Cvncrete Cu#terjSawer Con�rete CutterJSauver Helper Cancrete Finisher Cancre�te Finisher Helper Cancrete Form Builder Cancrete Form Builder N21p2r �rywall Mc�hanlc t}rywafl Helper brywall �aper Drywali Taper Helper �lectrician [Jaurneym�n� E�ectrician Apprentiee tHelp2rj Electronic Technician Floor Layer Flaor Layer Helper Glazier Glaxier Helper Insulatar Insulator Helper Laborer Cemrnon La6orer Skilled Lather Metal Building Assembler Metal Building Rsser�nbler Helper Metal Installer (Nliscellaneous� Metal Installar Helper (Miscelianeousj pUfetal5tud Framer Meta1 Stud Fram�r H�Ip�r pai nter Pafnter Helper Pipefitter Plpefitter Helper Plasterer Plasterer Helper Plum6er Plumb�r Helper Reinforcing 5teel5�tter Wag� Rate $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5 $ $ $ $ $ $ � $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ � $ $ $ $ � $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 25.Z4 13.57 16.83 1�.7a 19.45 13.31 10.91 17.75 �n.�z 17.00 11.fl0 15.7i 11.0� 15.�7 11.�U 15.36 7.2.54 15.OQ 1i,5� 19.63 15.fi4 20.0Q 18.�D 10.00 21.03 12.51 15.59 �i.�s 1Q,89 1�.15 12,�9 15.U0 12,00 13.Q0 11.OD 16.12 12.5� 16.4d 9.95 z�,�z 15.39 16.17 12.85 21.�8 15.85 �a.s� Page 1 of 2 Reinfarcing 5tee! 3etter lielper Roofer Raofer Fielper Shee# M2tal Warker Sheet Metal Warker Helper 5prir�klerSy�tem InStalier 5prinklerSystem installer Helper 5tee! Work�r5iructural 5teQl Warker 5tructur�l Helper Waterpronfer Equ[prn�nt Dperators Cnnerete Pur�p Crane, Clamsheel, Backhoe, Qe�'rick, p'Line SMavel ForkIIR Four�dation DriH Qperator Frvnt End Laader Truek Rriver Welder Welder Helper $ � $ $ $ $ $ $ � $ $ $ $ � $ $ $ $ sz.oa 16.90 11.15 16.35 13.11 19,17 14.�5 17.U0 13.74 15.00 i8,�0 19.31 lfi.45 2Z.5� 1fi.97 1fs.�7 19.96 13,Od The prevailing wage rates shown !nr Commerclal canstruction pro]ects were based on a salary survey conducted an[i publlshed by the hlorth Texes Construction Industry (Fall 2�13j Independently campiled by the Lane Garman Trubit[, PLLC Construcfion Group. The descriptians for the elassificatio�,s listed are provided on theTEXfl's [7F�e Canstru�tianAssociat[onjwe�site. www.texuassoctation.�rgfChapterJwagerates,asp Rage a �f 2 G�-6.09 Permi�s and Utilitie� THIS PA�E LEFT II�TTE�TIUl�TALL� $LANI� CTCY 4F �'ORT WflRTH Lake Wwlh Wafer md Sa�sitary 5eqrer ]mpsovemcYrt� RS1t � STAN�AILiS CONSTRUCt10N SPECIFICATI�N IIUC[IMF.�F'CS Csty Project #1BD962-Z Re�+ised 7uly ], 2Ul 1 APp�'ovai Furm ApP��E �� APPR�VAL Online waresan 171�006 �age � nf 2 7n Wai6ar ldarwapd Qata 3J812020 Ciry of Fart Worth Appllc�tior� No. FTW2�191 �26��304i � �DQTexasStreat _ �fstrictApp.Ain.2�ON-V�..-SH799-20 ��,^. Fort W��th� T74 76902 � 4�lghW�y 5fi 0989 Contrnl S�ctfon 04�105 Mair�enance Sectlah Nnrtfi� T�rr�nf Cv�rrky Tarrant Ty€D�T offers na ohjec�ior� to the Ivcaiion fln th� right-of-way oi y�aur prnposed uh11ily Installatlan, �s dssaribed hy NQt1C� of Propaa�d l�tiiify lnet�llati�rt No. FT1qI20797?.�61434�42 (D�trict AppliC#flvh N4. �2�N-WL•SN199�24) deted 31312{��R and �ccnmpanying dacument�tion, �xcept as nated beEvw. • A C4PY GF TH�S AERM17 Ih1 ITS ENTIRETY MUST B� dH Si7E AF ALL TIME$f Coretractor Fs raqulred tv �ontact ix�DT Traffic �pera#lans group at 817-37fhi��4 priar to b�eglnning and excarratlon wark in the srea of ex[si�n� utllities, ihe Utilitbr Gwnar is ta send g Conduat In$pectiar� action wlth the On��He Cantractar's cvr��t irlformatPon #��gh #h� 171R wa4site 4B F�aurs }�r€or 4o carnm$naing wor9c. CO�ITRACT�R is to corrtact InspecEnr Ga�lno Tslamarrtaz at Caf18'E7-7,�E��99 S4 ar 817-37�-B�B$ wlth hls 4�-haa�r Noticra ar�d i�CP submissfan from th� m�at recen# eriitinn rsf the TCPs Star�darda' 46 h�lll^s prlar to �nmm�naind work. IJtllity Owner Shall hiot �ut into pavernerrt or rlp r�p withnut W6tITTEAI APPltAVAL �rom TxCpi. •�inic � tt[e mosi r��enk TCPs Standards: httpJlwww.da#,state.tx.uslinsdtdatlargcharticmdlGaervalstandardlGec.P�lm When ir�stalfing utllify lines dn controlfed acc�ss highw�ys, your attentlnn �S dire�ted ia go�rerning laws, espeaially to '�axas T'ransport�fion Cod�, "�ffis 6, Chaptar 2�3, pertaining tv M�dernlzetfnn o# State Hlghways; Contrc�lled A�cess Highways. Access for s�rvir+g thls installatian shall be limEted ta ao�ess ►�a (ay frantag� raads where praWfded, {fo) nearhy or adjae�ent'publl� raads or streets, [cy tralis alnng or ne�r ihe highway �ght-af-�nray lines, cannecting anly ta an intersectfng roads; �rom any ane ot all of whlch entry may 6e made to the out�er pnrtlan of the highway right-of-way fcr nnrmal sarvlce and �nai�tenaC�oa �peraiions. Tl�e Ir�st�ll�ti�n {J�wr�e�s tlghfs of �t.��ss to the thrt�ugP�-trafff� r8�dw�ye and ramps shali be aub�ect ta ths �amd rules ar�d regufatiorts �8 a�ply tv 1he gen�ral public ex�ep#, however, if an err�ergency situation oca.irs and usual means of access fQr nosmsl servlae operetiartis will nvt parmit the immedi�te ackiar� raquirQci by the IJklli#y Insf�ilatian Own�r In tnakEng emel'gency repalrs as roequireci #or the sa#ety ana[ weEfare nf th� publlc, the Utll[ty Owners sh�l� have a temparary ri�h'E af access to and irom the through-traffio roadways and rarnps as �tec�ssary ta a�camplish ihe raquired emargency repairs, pravided 7irCJOT is irnmedfately no4i�ed b�+ ihe Llt�llty fnstakfa#ion Owner wh�n such repairs ar� in�ia#ed and adaqus�e pruvisipn is made �y tha Utility lnstallatlon Owner far ccnvenienc� �rxi Sa€e!y �t highwEry traitic. The installatian sF►a11 nak da�m�ge �ny pert ai the highwsy end adequete pm►�sions muat he rnade ta cause minlmuEn Ir�ornrenle�css to treffic and adfacen# praperty owners, fn �h� even# the insta�ation Owner falfs ta cornp�y with any Qr a�l a+F #h� requlrements �s set iorth herein, th� 5t�te may tak� such aciion a� it deems appropriate to oompel campliance. ft is �xpressly understaod th2�t the 7xI3�T does not purport, hare6y, to grant any right, cla�m, i9tfe, or easement In or upon thls highuvay; �nd if is further un��rstoad that th� TxD�T may requir� ihe Inatailatian Owner fia reivaate lhls line, sub�ect 4a pravlsEans o�fgaveming laws, by givir�g thirty �3D) da�s writien �►vtice. If constructi�n has nat starte.d within six �6) montlts of the date af t�is approvel; #he a�proval wiil automalEnally expfre and yau wlll 6� requlred'� su�mlt a new applicafion. Yau are alsn re��aestad fo �satifj►this nffl�e prior M cnmmena�m�t ai 2�ny i'outine ar pe�iodfC mairrtBrF�nCe wh1Ch ►equires pruning vf treas 1Nlt�in the highWay right-�ot way, sa ihat vve rrlay provide specfiicati�ns fsar the extent and methada ta govem !n trimming, topping, tr�ee helanae, typs of cuts, painting cufs and clsan up. Thas� spec'rf'icatian� are int�nd�d #a pr�serve �ur cansiderable investm�rrt in hl�hway plantsng and bsauti�aEion, by recluaing damage dua ta trlmming, $pscial Pto�lsfor�s: Ynu are re�uired ta nntify 7xDOT �8 haurs {2 buslnass days) Defare you start constructl�n fo allow for proper anspecflvn and Coordin�tfan of wark days end trsi#io cat�#,��a} plans. Use the UiR webslte f4r fhe �8-haur notificatian. 0o N�T star# canstruckion until yQu hav� �oardins#ed the constructlon start date and irssp�ctlon with 1�a'T'. Ypu ar�s alsQ required #� keep a cop�r of thl� Ap�ravai, the i�ntice af Prop�sed Ine��tlla#ian, and any apprnved amendrner�ts at fhe jnb s�te at al� tinn�s. Texas g�epartrnent af Transpor�Ban �y C3�vina Talamantez http:llapps.dot.state.tx.uslappalL]IltPR�vZ1liblf�ioticeAppro�al.as�?.A�ppro�erll�7aDT�0l 91 I 151.D� 809&P... 3f312420 Appnoval �arm Page 2 uf � Title R�W Uti�it� Inspeotar aistr�ct �ortwortn ___._. _ http:llapps.dot,state.tx.uslapps/CJIAFRO�+ZlliblNati�eAppro�ai.asp?ApprcrverII�DflT�OS 9 i] i 51 D4849&P... 3f3l2420 � ' � . . ' �, .: . . ; . i � i i I i�1� .-ag;;� �;� ;_��'_� '�� , � in } .- - I T ___.' 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Area �ngin�er Edrean Cheng, P.�, - krea �ngineer Oscar Chavez, fi,E.- Asst� Area Er�ginesr �g2j NC?RTH TARRAN7 COLlNTY AR�A DFFICE [N, OF IW-3a] : 81T-399-d3�� Minh Tran, P,�. •- Ar�a �nglne�r Aureliana {Flt�rea, P.C. - Asst, Area �n�ineer {54� SDUTW TARR10.Ni CaUNTY A�tEA QFFlCE �S. QF 1 H�34] : 817�T0�64� Randy E3nwera, P-E, - Area �ngineer Ram Cupta, P,�. - Asst. Area �ngineer �S8 �RATH, HOOa 8� 5DMER1�� L C�UNT1FA�tEA DFFICES : 254�6�•3517 D�vid �ovulerr P,�. �rea Englneer 8arah Harner, P.�. Assi�tant Area �nglneer. aavid NeeEe�+, P.E. Area �ngln�er Janet Crarvtard, P.�. Assisiant �lrea �ngineer. 8'� 7-202-�9A4 817-20���839 940-fi2fi-34D0 944-62�-34D0 817-39�-43�2 89 7-399�13�2 87 z-3�Q�BB40 $��-37ti-6�4Q ���-985-3511 ��1-986-�59 � 682-�29-2800 682-�29-�8�p DRI1fE1NAYSlSTQRAA DRAfNSlT�MP�RARV AsCCESSI�VERSI�E l�V�RWEIGHT RERMITS Matt �vans, P.�. - Disfrict Main#enanc� Directt]f B17»37�-6529 JanniferGiava�do - affice Mgr. Vac�nt- Orivew�ys, Ac�ess anci Storm �rain Permits ��'�-87'D-S52A� TBR Page 1 Page 2 Irene Darninguez - D�ersizeJC]verweight Perrrii#s 8� Adapt a H+g#�way �TRAI�FIC SIGNALS, iRA�FIC MANAti�MENT� M�S$A4E BQARDB- �t7-3?O�BB'� Vaca�# Su��nr�sar Lir�� l,v��l�one: Cvntaot CantrQl R�am Qffice for Farm Ett�ergency Contact Numbar: Cnntral �iaam - 24 Hours Si 1-37��Bz� 8� 7-3a�-B94z 81T-37�-368'� $17-370-368�t i FDRT WOR'�H DI$TR1CT M►41HTENANCE OFFI�E$ JOHNBflN CDIJNTY MAIHT��#ANCE V�can# I�iaintenancs Supervisvr sryan Ariders�t� Utility I�ermits Insgectvr Cody K�rcheval Llfility P�rmits inspec°tor 'WfSE 8 JACK CQIJHTY MAIN'i'�NAN�E Ca1t Wright Maint�nan�� 5up�n►isvr 4{eif[� Pr�achnaw Uti�ity P�rmit Ins�ector - Wism Jana R�binsan Utility Permit Inspector - Jaodt Wesley f-�arri5on Cltiilty permit Inspectar iNORy"H TARRAN'i C�l1Nt1f MA[IYT�NA�IC� Mike SBpeda Ma3nt�nance Supervisor �avino Talamantez �Vnrth '1'arrant �Qunty Utilitfes lnspector Gel�-817-291-0794 Celf-8'I7-6fi6-819� �f 7'-�02-�9q0 89'i-2U2-29Dd $97��U2-29D� Cell; 8"17-296-19�8 Gell: �4�567-6�� 1 Cell: 817-T49-6B84 �e1k�97 240-8134 3�UTH TARRANT CDUNTY MAlNT�NANCE Ralph �ar�a MaintenanGe super►�isor Ben Trevina South Tarrant Gaunty Utllftfes lr�spector C�If�-�17'-3�7-1Aii EltATH. MaO�� S�MER1fEl.L C[�UNTY MAIN7ENANC� Jared �3rowder Maintenance 5upervis❑r MiGhael P1►lills�p Utility Fermit Inspectvr �PARKER B PALO pINTQ C�UHTY MAINTENANCE Tarr� �rnwn N1air�ienar�ce Supervisor Charlie ldeal Utility Perrni#s Inspector Gell-�a4-4� 3-5D58 94D-826�4Q0 940-��6-34QQ 9�0-626-3A� 9�4•626�44n 89 7-399-�43�4 817-3T0-6668 897-37D-F9�3 811�7�-F��3 25�4-965-3511 �54-965 361'f �8�-22�-�$U4 68�-258�85� �M�R�ENGY UTlLfT�f CDN7ACT: Tr�fiie Cantrnl RoorrE - 2d-Ffaurs 817-3iQ-3561 nca�rs M�ssio�a sr�r�M�N� Yhe ml�slon af the Tex�s Rapartrnent af Transpartation f5 to pravida saf�, oifoctive and aificient movament a1 paople and gaads. $AIFE7'Y P�ear� refer ba the Texas Manual on Uniform Tra�c Cantra! Devices..(TM11'iCaj for q�estians canceming trafffc Qantrol plans_ .' �� _ WH1LE WORKII�G-ON TH�T�[QaT i3iGHT �F HfAY; IHAR� He475,�LASS-3SAF�TY VF�S-T�S AN� S7�Ek 7aFJ] Bg41'� AF�E RE�}LlIREG A7 AL� �'�MES. A COPY OF TFIE UTILITY aYVNER'S P�RMET MIIST 6E OH 5l7E AT ALL 71111ES� Page � , GR-�1 6� �� Produ�t Requirement� THIS FAGE LEFT INTENTIUNALLY �LANI� CITY QF FORT W�R7'H F.ake Wanh Water and 5anitary 5ewer lmpro�emet�ts Pan 2 5TA1�II}ARU CQNSTRIICTIDN SPECfFICATI�Pi DOCCIP�ENTS ��tY �� #�d��-� kevised luly i, 2041 ' F.fOnl4flgirtal5tandard PradoNlht ci� o� �a�r wo�zTx ��RT �dR�'H. wax�� n�rnR�rn�Err�' STA�►DAAD PRUIILJC'L' L.1�T �Ra.tea:a�!is�ie�xa ' Frem Ori�n�18t9nderd Pra�WcEs Llst CTTY �F FORT WDRTH �Ri ���3'Ha l'VATN;R DFPARTMENT STANI?eLRD FRObUCT LIS'1' upae�ee� o�sr�anaa ' FromOrl�n�l SWndafd Praduch Llst g,,. C1TY UF FURT W[?RTH �'VRT �RTH� WATEA riFPATZTMFNT STANDhRD PRDI111CT LIST u���ee: asr�aa�uxs ' From o.�lainal Stmntk+�dPr7duels lht CTTI' OF F4RT WORTH RT VYORTH. wAT'ER l]C� pARTMEIVT s-ra.�vnxv rRonUc�r ��rsT u���:.�� +Rein071(Inal standard P1pdu[ts lht �,,�h ��r CITY QR Ft}RT 1'V�1�3'13 i'V�T 1�DkRTH. WATER DEPARTNIENT 5TA1VI]A1tU �'T�{)DUCTLI$T uP�aea: n3n91xeax