HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1045 p ORDINANCE AN ORDINAICE EEC 1111a3 T1` w R D G11T �(' 'US, THE PUBLIC STRE T3, Jf"JLL7S w Cff " � ��Pc, b �� iw� ✓.,�. T, 5 �q PASSuFNGS03' UNLESS T HI PUu.1W I�,.�� . 1 CERTIFICATE 01 . h V � ��� 1 000 ' : 7^ ,m COUNCIL J t ,1 Y T , a �, / r li"7 / l�>�VI�tiCuy4�Y.�"o �����r r.r�r�� '�1. ,v.� wIlC � .7�w,�k' 4,�t„�a ly, �I�,�y A PERMIT. �d.Ji S�,k E,l,,.� ,a.N �O,J,�'�a m.;A��'.�d,„��,w^.r4ro �1 ,” ;'�,�li N,u�,d'4 BY BY THE CITY CARRYING 1�„rr t C�.AS.3 3 S, �.ti��,M)� /�J!.n .p 1ti4 1 N k y{�, �1'�E :,,„w 4'k�'t r�,'p p (,�i,,` „P V,L DING FOR I J,.YH2 LP I!.aICs„�T V"',«VVJN FOR Y� ,��,t,�D zl„��..E C,ti'.kl�.ki.,i .pISTI �.�Pp:4 ,.,s��,y�„p�G, 022,a d..�,� i C �4�8 F. 4 rrp�,,M�; �EE- 1 �,�E, D.� 1. ��,r. �,G s ,b,�'` q9 lta�µ4a�!z.d.°,✓P.a.,S FOR H"Im OF TO p� ( y B a[3// .du yn ,l 4n.r.��Lf,,.�.�,�„A.(4�!rt 1".v2/"1�II/ �! «xp'ry„,,J"�a�p.War II�b� ���,Ymq Ipr ,.y,S,Il,d,r��,f,�,u a re' ./k&.!„ ✓ n,d„I',�y h Nrc ',+� „ J1,.h.1..Y..e '014a I k r 5 ,a G,1,..,,_�,'J� (J�QD 1503; SECTION 1 The right to use any of �,,he p�iblia streets, Digh,tv`a s, alley s and �:��D�aPu'xD„DGidyyul"ares of this city for the operation; of a ny v l",ili ,7. , carrying passe {Dt;,,aras' de- clared to b, e ,a pr1 vi 1 e&,,.,, ,aub ec to thr? t1te camliaga of passengers any stich Vulblir tr at, highws,y, alley or tlliiorotii,k?,bfare of the city of Fort ` rth shall ntit '11,)e granted to e y �,y, rsrr„ pravideB, and not thou tinless the public, nices, Ity and convenience AM in fact excist, aafl, require the granting such priAlr,�ge to such applicant A accordance with the terms and', PI`IDViSiOIXS of this ordinatce. ACTION 11 Vehicles cappying passengers for hire as use,t i n t j,,,,xrec as dIng 'SectJLon, a,re hereb,,,r 1.7,3 t o two classes ; (a) A motwta tar us, vithio'h is hsreby f,`efine, Io 'be a-i,,y nutomobile, or tracl:less motor vehicle engaged A the buskiesf3 of carrying passengers for hire within, the city limits of the City of Fort AM ov9p, Gong., ,,pan or any stpeat thereof, bighway ar alley, or t1ioroui hS are, which is hold out or announced by sign, voice, or writing or advertisement, to operate or ran. or which is intended to be operate,`I or rurk rx',,rer, par- ticular street ot� roulto, or to part',Lcular or designated point, or between, particular poirts, or within any designated tar vl t or,,,,, 6istrIct, or or from within. the city limits bf the city of Fort 5orth to any point, aistact, ZOIM, W. territory, of place, without said clt,7, or from arry, one city, point. place, or territG„j,ry Ihe sa!$,`], city to within said city of Fort Torth; (b ) Taxicaboi, which are hevaby Wined, Ix lie at,)y vehio',Io carrying passengers for hire not coming Athin t,h c.leql, mf�itio:i of the term "motor bus” as 'Iieretufortp "A' 0ECTION ill it shall hereaf"Ler, bN,''r unlaurful for any per- son to persons. IMM, corporation, assocktio' partnership, or society. to run or operat,,,'-r, or cause "to Iie run or operated, any vehicle fu the Wanspor- tatiran of passengers fat, I'iire, or on, the ,',"',k,�nati.on plan, over any public strest,highway. alley. or thoroughfare of the city of Fort Worth without a certificate of public necessity aw"J, •llovra'- t o f u r a g r a n t e a b y a n o r di n n c a,s s b y a, t v 0--t h i r,,I S vote of the city council, of the li,Ay of 12ort 7orth, and a permit issued A pourawanoo tbe,'xec'f Iq the City anc,`, no such ardinanoe shall " pasaad or oartificate of public necesslt,,,�, grantea for the operatio'n of an.,',y suob the purpose of wrr"krryin, trr,rur rrd urr ru f,or `),,,ij.r,,i over any publio alley, or tl,,�orouL�ILfare of the city of Fort wrtl.i, t,r,ntil anfzt unles,,-, t%�q tez-;3073-- fir"r"I' Pa'I'ttlarshilI, or aorporation so ae - siring to operate any suali velliic] e w,,, tiehiolez shall, first apply to the oity oouncil."f ULO City Of FOU Arth tlerefor by filing a, written application witli tha City dearetary, YOUch applicaticni shall state: (a) The number, typa, anrl 0apacitY of the M I M S for ii',v'ltich a certificate an.d, permit is .1asirefE1 . (b ) I-A"" a motor 'vishiclei, ajyplication shall also stats (1 ) the type of c„irjp, (2) liorse (8) factory mw,iber, (4) state license number, (5) the aeating capacity thereof according Q its trade WHO (6 ) the nsimr,,, cz,!,�,,e of �eaah of the Persons to 'be in iiame!Uate Amrge of each =Q MOO as Jriver, (7 ) the kin,,'I of pezin,,it desired,; that Is, whether for a motor bUS Dr taxicab. and if f or a motor bus, designating the route or r"outea over which the same is to be operated, arvi hether for the car- Wage cd pa ssenM,,.,pfd rs wholly witli.in the or frorn idt tot n the city "to witlaou.,tt the city, or from. without the City to 'WiMain tIm" city. No a ppli a at i an .tor a t t,,o dz more than, one class of service shall be granted, aa,,I it shall be unlawful for a notor bus to be a taxicab, ani­I, for a taxicab to be operated as a motor bus, allf.1 for a motor bus authorizet] to carry passe,ogers from withUn the city mf Fort �'orth to wIAbout saio-a city, or from without to within ana ai-ty, to carry passeng- ers between points or places whol.17 within such city. The City Secretary shall refer such applica- Uon to the city oouncil oJ! the city of 'JiYort ',,oi-th at its next regular me-Aing not, less than thirtysix hours after sucl filing, anirl the ci.ty coun- coil_ shall thereupon make such Wavestigation of the public necessity and convanionce for the ope3,ation of winch motor vehicle as it mqa,,,,,T r."Iefoij; ne.,ceasary, hav- ing the right Im postpone aotion on such applioation to any later date. and if sucl,"t po,;Ibliu neoeasity and convedence,jri fact WOO exist, Ma,7 grant such catimi either as applied fDr. or, vii, tl:i, such mor,311-fi - cations Unt in conflict with hereof) as it may deem beat. but shall refuse ti],,te aa.me if 001, 0,00" O 0 rl), 0, ............................. the public, necesslAq, aa� convemienot� in fac �, does not require the op'raralcic)n cif sl.tc"Th vohicle' or Vehicles. if such application be gran'te,,E'a, the eAt,-,,,T council Shall cause the city secretary to I!zuSue a perrtit in aocor�'Iaynce witli such ord.inanoe upon t'lie applicant, all t1te ter'u,e',m atv',"! provisions Ikerei0f, boat no such p��r- Toit or certificate shall be granted for tt periocl, of time than one year, and shall., be revocable 'b,,,c the city council for, a vielation of tl-,,Is ozdinanee'l or axly other ordAnanoes or tianicipal regulatic)nzq applicable thereto, arid, sball fnx,',,ther be raVrC�Oa'ble )Y tb.e City council at aDy time that the public; necessity—aY couvenienoo no longer exists. ACTI a1i 1 V N'O sucIa pernilt sliall issue fatitil t,hP ap, , pli a an't shall file vith the city secroP:,ary receipt from flie city ;assessor and collector payment to such ass-essor and. oollector Of a license fee of eac.I't and every vehicle for w1ilc�h stic"t, praj,,njjt uuu iT 15e granted. MEOW V The operation of any vehicle oarryi'zig passeag- ers lor ILlrer othervise than as bere provided is hereby declared, a ivixisance,,, 8, iiienace tiD public safety ank,:� unlawful. GECTION VI Aiiy person ,Arho shall ololats any provision of this ord.1nance shall be guilty of a masdeewanor, ant-, upo n c onvi a K on then e of, shal I be 1�uni shed 1,q 8, fine not exasel,"11iig $200.00. SECTM,,,`,f V11 Each r.,mZ every aay's violation of this or�,]Jnance shall constitute a separate offense. a E"l,1 0 P1 V I J(.I T1,Lis ordinanve shall '1)e wntl, is hereb,),, ,`3,,q- olazed to be cumulative Of E-01 Dt.hOr Ordinances of the City of For Torth not in alLreat conflict, here- and shall not ograte to repeal or affect any, such ordinance or ordAnances except to 1,he extent which it may 'be in (31reot confliot harevitIA. SECTION IX The term "City Council" liprein used shall Faean anil include City Council, Bo=f! of Comniisslojversp or other governing bodLy of the City of b7 whatever name it may be properly known or aesir.,,mated. 3ECTION X The holUng oi,,, adjud1catioij art a,r y section, �,brf,,,Lon or part, hereof to be invalid. sh4,11 not aff`eot tY iaAdity, of any other portion, ol, part of" thio' Or Ai but all muVh ot,,',her 'sections, por- AM ratw4hown SECTION X1 b ,, - This orainance is hereb,/:,,,, uclared to e aa�,- wrgerxy measure pa on two groutes of urgent pub- Ito need for the pvosehvatioz� of the, peace, health and safety of the inhabitants of this oitq and shall be in force aa,(,31, Weot fro,',rR 8,na after its passage atd qixre, asqs j,,mjuaatian. t',b,at every vahine c an'ryi as 1:ms 9stpos, f or MA 4%00i nth# Gt Q AM' "Orth at the time it shall bef"'Ome effsot'ive' under any license Dr permit theretofore granted by or under these authori �y of the City Council, S'liall have Tive Visas after it becomes effective, aithlu Alich to make application and otherywise comply, herewitil. jy OVED TO FOMM'; Corporation G'ounsel. 00�