HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1437 ORDINANCE NO* � All O=.,,TMTT0'E ESTABLISHING BUILUEG LINEo 0 VIC BOULEV I Y BSTMi� B CIE STMT .01I) AVNIS ST MOT 01) BRO;CIB ITI%I0 TIM EtREOT IOII CC ST-RUCTIM, RECOI "fRBCTIOB' OR PLAOrG Off' UTY BUILDIN,GS OR ST:E OTt,TMO BETWEETI MID BUILDING LINES AND PTOVIDI11G A FIT L ?OR T113 VIOLATIOE MEMO. I iEREAS, it is considered by the City Council of the City of Fort 'forth, that the safety, convenience and general welfare of the public mate it necessary that the erection, construction, reconstruction or placing of any building, obstruction or structure of any kind or charac- ter be prohibited nearer to the property line on either side of Vic dry Boulevard between Bessie Street and,°,;pis Street , than is hereafter set out. 'Osf, THEREFORE) ORE) BE IT O RDA I M BY THE CITY COUT IL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORM RiB�T IOI� I;. It sba I be unlawf til for any person, firs, corpora- tion or association of persons in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, to build, construct, place, erect, or reconstruct any building or structure of any ,find or nature vl,tsoever along Viokery Boulevard, from Besse Street to Aunis Otreet, between the following described building, lines., to-wit 1. A building line ten feet northeasterly or northerly from the norlheacsterly or northerl pro- rty line of Viclery oulevard from Bessie treet 0 Ahnis Street; end . A building line ten feet souttwesterly or lout t rly from the southwesterly or southerl pro- ?erty l ne of Vickery Boulevard fr Bessie treet o Annis Street. SECTION II. That any person, firm, corporation or association of persons who shall violate any of the prov3.zions of this ordinance shall be subject to a fine not to exceed One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). SECTION III. That each and every day any such building, erection or structure shall remain in violation of this ordinance shall be deemed and constitute a separate and distinct of- fense. SECTION IV. The holding or adjudication of any section, portion, clause or part hereof to be invalid shall not affect the validity of any other section, portion, clause or part here- of but ali such sections, portions, clauses and parts hereof shall be and remain valid. SECT ION V. This ordinance shall become effective and shall be in full force and effect from and after the date published as required by law. AP?RO'U,D P TO :E OW Morn,ey.