HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1644 ,�y 042MYROM AIR 1,110H MIMI- 90) M "I FOR TER A29002MOMYCr 20 1036 WHI , Noboe" 7 of Obaptar 21 of iiµ°4e Oharbmr of Its DA of Yart Waa.aath °µnraa+n denµi aµaanµY "µtlasan 0111,1, Counai l wair grata 1,77 to the mwn1*, n,,w na he daa xrrt'Naait, of ;POIJos iaeilµ Laid in µb va,," anaaa~aaa:0,11' aiaaaµar an" a�M , Uµ tO ,z'aaaa1aµaa °a';a"nl amuse a W$UM uaUOU OM4 O aaIT- waation of as pear,;I= fund, bw taPnnat nn of same, Waaµa'µed a"aaarµ. Affirm as µnames of aµ'aaa Police faaavaq amd Wµµµ 'aMAS, µsaaanµ'asaaan 6 a,ar a bsyt nr 12' of aaawa"a Chartar prov14ea that µµ"He Dt y-00un µ.l aaµa"a.µl We Gn"rarya pomwvrt V410,110vezr In `µbra "aaasaµaaaaaaaµ µrho f1mancial eaudition of the ity Q13, wv-r ^ uµv saaah via t a ; , "xa Ipwr b, II V' aNinanas for tho oxganlzatlon aab"µ, of a µ>eyaa rm of a µr uaa- Aan,g �a'laaaaiaWO of the Ma DepaAmmato: Who zrt,n to ratire Txii un as rr"aive Be Jam'ce an aers=nt of IMMMMIly of 'a'!ngo or Injury; an uµµµ µa ZnN S; it to a.a'arav g d ari,aac and and a ilv as tagpotv"a tuna. to the "beat „taaraw sts of °4nµoe sera " of waaa T :'haar'uPµa in"a "Pft IC vain * rift"" avaa and a:0anoalaaal aOminiotration of the Are and a ollopan araµa tiie aaaaan aaaaanaa Qs"' those 6sparimexxts, aaµva a have dedlawled their i "uses in ua service to the a011ara for the ;iµn,aaaateaa"s'µaaaa eat 11ro assess" pro"panr"ty, a �aaxiu, aaaa in sr=, measure rewarded ed a"µk µ,µre, expirxtdoz of a°a definito Asa rlod ant honest an „ faithful vorv'µaa a^aa shs iaaaa, W,,iaas f)!,m adequate ftua be aaaaa"aasaaaas for ,1,,fka µ IA; aeaaµs a"aµso µNhmr the bcxneilvt aaf"' "naµneir ;^aaaacdwo aanaad, a aa;aaaa aaa"a' ab1,L4x a a "MONW 4,41!, "µ^canna ° cam Of 4170,0 ham hocam ;-, ; s. ~ as A out f amd"'i- cipated,rovexuos µ'env the emmulmg Aa'oa;a. . year for Ou,,t pus,y",Twoi w of as aaaaa fi.a a INU 'for the benefit t ar rrauµr,,°nsaaaro of the Sire a rd Poll** Dw aart- aaaaaa,nts, Mir as ,'µn anaa aamd aaµaµ a'µ a"ana and It is u°j=Y,naggpla aaaaas 's"e"al, a Dearµ"" an aan aaa°nd IMU019 -naaaha,aaa a^ws;µ, ' o a'avlogaaaaaa�sai oaaa ;;;µ out "µn�aaa µa aasaa�anaaa sots'µ Rxbv sNµaara- az aana aaaµeaµaaam µ^aaa as anti created shall µ°Naze s"anfaaµuaaa'Saµ!vs In yµµrw"n 144pt °µsay aaaaaaµra ""µs- Taint s�,anf tlxx su iYv ; "ss w, Tiaa bra '"oun, µ',aµ IT (Aµµ)AU I ND aria" '"aSM 0; "'" M011", (i,Y MR o"rr µ131 Z µµµa f"M01fi n; i f%/�rr , 71,,wra is 1,jcreby eimt,&ted as pwonision Dxndi srul it akall 'tae 1wald end, adAniatered wider Vzo ecmitn)l of as as e1 of tame e nombers Mob, S 000,91,st of tkm ObArman A the Civil Servioe Board, and tvo counall- ,w4a to I*,,, m,mued 'by the cd i"he city of Fort W"CA"'X1110 On tlw,a Mmt day ot :nmxtry-, 1000; the Secratary-Treawnzeau alm&II ttztn'l, oar to taw,' JHMA Gemadasion the sun of 017"Eao, oddoh ax%,aUt" tcq;6f,1xM wit7h intexaps"t, as it may aeonza, elvall f".oln"A"J"ttits a Nopla"ato, jaeA 41"atinol" 'Auld gmei 51-411 not lwu iiwod for any purpose axQ1,7jpt IN"Wr prixaluinfas and" suel), pla"Usions 51U411 My 1 a id utter eart1gicatian or eliglblea by at least two =ambers of tbo Board of Control of the Paunion System, 110 'clan pr iv 1jages of tlle IN,aneaKl.aaaa 1a1r ataam' f ca- old,rh prowl ic n lexx bersinafter been nade, shell h000mm offootlya from a after Me Pivot day of jamunry, ov, -an 01;nOal exAmnd tz), tuiabe an,,lo"Yad, at that timn h,y V,;41,014 psxsa MA as Iffay, alfazl t1kxtt tklqsd CLIO* 811pVtffle 1"or thamo ZROMON 1110 MY member of the Me or Poll ca De, to tbe 01 y. r"'d hart Worth" who shall bave Dot less tham, t)"f2'1x,*t r to his al,mid1t 1z, alt"har, c,"r 1),014,11 4:xf Staim 1futTe, tba W of 05 yo e=, a rKs applioatirams to the Bcard, of Conopol of t1m Pension ache as lot as pensica ana be AM be retirad Awn, the marvies paid a ati,'pulatat5, imnatrat oaah =,xnth, as kvs,%'edumftar met lowth, prams lAed, It etall ap,'pmir to V.'a amid Board, of Control, that the applioamt in Olt a a result of age, montal ox picyadvaI disgitfdlt4„a�”, Unr otliar in- MIUMMUr wevvice 'in law departnex"tt 01, 111"'t le"'h 1"a 11a it, N"Milm"cro jr tae pa6le in, mritAg either by the aipgMicant Q, M';r1rW',x%,t or tho AMA ar , applice"It"44"')U, If 1"l,"m"l, fawl's von rj%m za# -sart Arth worrAmt amal WOW, P1100 a Zen 0012, �0 7 d6— NO/ Axq namber of eitAuix t1,mi"Y 171,7,* ar Po"I"Ice of ilhe city of Art Worth,' Who sha3l bave at loast Me years oontinuous SO%=- vloo In either or both of vald, dayarmaKs to his aredIt next procadIX1114111 the f of b4z applIcatiou, and Ah"o, 61,m",U, ajuott se,,sqrU#,), aoll 'in line A duty suffarany vantal or physioal disabUlty or disabilities eon" as parmxwent obaracter, 5%,zcb, aa,, extent so to incepaeltate UM t1raqu, the fd(�Illtio,,�s 140 tds a;ply to the Board, of fG=tY.v3, of 1;1ijo Pension Systan for a roltrament mad a pension darlung, t1,19 Of ff"fl"5,0wa0,,,,l'll"t,""f�r S,';Ijot apt lIcation aball be made It vAtUg by t,)W/ tfhF,�, haixid cf,,411 tho dopgrrUnext ar the cit�j 1Ahonjr,4,;%r; or the 4,rrt r of Control w 1KPcfi,3 Its own notion without amy L,)T Vlx�,i tacta, an StaWd vuurrcnih much v1naa a Vzoom DU 4=15rl u 'T. In oaca any mabber of the Fire ar dia a, w1f,dow Who Is INS f""d t"I'a atff, 1),hf, ti cy'r his 410a,tla r',4nfl, 01,1414io, rescUroea r tot SUTT101ant to Proper# provide try her MIA, Suet�IMxvjibar IMa onavred In nald departmeat, 4c,,, d,,,f,�vp=,-I'y,Jr,&,F,,Jlts can-tizakimm- ly for, *t laafato "T""ve rotor;,ezu next Vl&of ditte of tus, disjuit".1, ta,uYr v0sy XMIS appli ant ion In writing to the lf`kswrd, of pgfYmz1cjn, to be Puld to lher, rata tine TurtYr PaInants Sball acase. ,lu 00018 MY V 1AV Ce, the Fiz% m,, Eko,U= die leaving a child cir dJ)d]dr*M t"he irqpa ol", 16 rat s P A w1hich 013A or ab fit, ram, are depeadwat jpraja kda'a 11"Wr arffid su(ch iox-Oar JuAll surved in sald elop",rbseint ar tor at low rte"', years VON PrO004411 tlt?, tl%e dsi;,ffi, of his def,%tib," M(Act", i7d W' '= eatery Y0,111Vs 0f",fjrpU Cam, Son to the Board at coulval Nor a �panz,'icak, azr "th's P"llwo my be* AppliamUkawn, =(,y 'be r4tds,a to tbo MaN or Control by the next frifecali"i of smak fmizu'r Or mislo"foa fur a, ;pcaiz,!cYz or as tkym aao,�m x %*, and to Sao puld"to ea doh 01"o, of "t"biam thrit cuoll rac'ufl"A n's 1',I q,�(gq cdf' I'd Years, at 'Isfwrleh ttft% z11,141, Paymeat shall 00*00* . ........... No yaw prxqk'ts 81,14M. bu m&,� frout tlw,,, p(amsion A'Md, Until I= ev, %x,d Nis undo by at least Jwo, of t2we,, Dmird of 4`1,ontavl anfl no aaah award stall eV naij,,5A, 11"'I"otil "art"or", "a on Ina Ikeeft made as to % norKs of the appliont lan, as fxxiy Oaa t4o msmote for aQoh award shall be raliqed ttiv,,m 1my lblma, 35okird iu d, to with the SIMMg ymod COMMIaHap lj=, sbta-13, Owwtitmte a part of the per- iwmaat mass loxvdis of the 0 of Fort Worth* In the event the appliv*14agwrt O"r an'y, "ii",ar porrested pparty disawtistled AS the aotion of t1thm 304V4 of control," am appeal,Muir tltj 1;,WA,*,1:i to tka City Cavao U by re Was at- Us TEk)azN,1 in writing to mead all papers in eonnsotlon with the qpyLiaa- Reato the said City Oamnail and stich body shall aet promptly upon said a7poxi'l and action 'thereon Iq maid City 0a=all shiAll bo 'in, all thll gv MUBIV SIGMUN V111. as %4,osa waaea, In AM,propor rivianaNdlo 'Ifevo boifxm�OA U aaovxd1,- stop with the provlaloiva „am a'aa Gaaumaa qa� Sol; T(,°,Irth for 11ntslon 'Jpavr, t"I'le ratup of aura& ';wvy 1"Ife Me r h member aT tlwa Fire or Polio* DepaAments who bless been retired fl, aexvia* lu„ Vne 11),fi",d of for ax , areas all of the falunflog, 04favoo: Mhuntal m,a,am p sieal disability or dis011itfiest soot bodily Injury xu,1T&md in, of duty suss, Seepooitated, for further son. vie* In his deVarinemb kyy rDa&orffL af ativ Ot1,'u,'�,r ,roll Baal aball be 4gr1irall e4eh ma nth, sane-balf irxr blus, t'qr au la a a ar ax uw 1,01113a 1,11 Service Oxcept 'tkAat In no event shall suah ozaead $75w,00 por ingynth* A, wl,ftv of as decwwad Momwer of Sither the, 110M re, ar ft' "yperhmantso Sluill VOODOO 040h nanttb r,nf i"I'm amoluxt of ?W,! nVhiV' salfrrnr 11o"A'ag, PaM to alma laWbund at tba Me of Liz death azzapt that A no evvnt ball vach per exosed #4040 per maa$bo A"Ma aw dh1)14!ftxf1',' Umder the age of 16 70ars, of a deceased maGer of either the Piro or Pollee Deipext,=�,muts', oball. reecive as poosiou of 6&mlf'd, as Month, provid,01, larx,)wre�r' 'that US camblMed, Payments to the HOW," 1J.' cuq, txndw the eM42d6rou An miy ff,,niq landly shall not ezveed 475*00 pwr soutt, Paymamts of ;mnsioxis to w,140wof and obildran of doesawasa ralM,)Ors OT eitl�lax, Vh�o 'F-Sra ofx.,�, !"V1 10a .......... are tarthar 00WIttionsd tbat suoh palyxiints Ow','Ll not be made for as period V;f -�""Ivv lanapor tlan that aptnaLLy saxwed by, the decoated amplaV000, SHOT= IX0 Would any parb; owen', SOOROU or part of a seetlan of this oWunnoe be doelarea waud or Szo;own,tIve or vaid fay urgy, veasix, by, a wurt all awp%tremt sdiation; such dooislan' 0j"fild"fou ur MaSaa sball in, no way atfant the ranaftlAg, pux,,t loan, pexts; asonvas ar Parvway (4, Na"OtIona of thIz 'wrILIMnos, wbi a h provis Ian sKII be, remalu and own-I Uvw tv lie, In as ltwmw atid effeet. SZOTION-0 Main, or'dislaux 81611 tAI'&'v' efl"Qvt qx�fi' bo 1z Au"11, fr.ixvx'a vad offeat tram and after t1w, IJx�,wt dg,,v of Tam,azwny' IOW)* ,AM, vM, l AMII IPG "IMMO ....................