HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1738 ki owwwWas ; wrz n RM Tim lai,diaiiap or Ram ttiii
0,00 Or TEM OX "US CITY a I, 'Z w'�' �, VMS,
rvk "ata "Iuo ' ra 11"AL Bxj fur" 1D(MIZ '�' . AND w AP
Pia A$0 PURPOSZ,af ZAA111= 115% 19AI=E Dull , d ai`
.�,�,% , ;O LAND, 0H AWAD TTONAiA °i i d
Of 0 1WTT
Or POUT W ,w = twit 34z nom,W is l" a = DA-
NOWINVIOR 0V 011,1�i Tuidis , x3i'd ihi WIM tom" ;. i 40AOO
wilaw (I "go 0dai�, Ai D mwr 6, i;i, Am i'licurz or
SAN A7 Sri " " oxor MY C 4%ditaidr y rdA,2112 a" (hUAa ;
PAL ON 441b KOTS AS 111 S NATUBPA ; Nh% "IMPI '10 TIM'
MIMS, an advastageous otapartww"rrtty In Igeseraidad:to ties iw"srl�
Board e lend for on, rrddi tlota , ,pa* to the t;tty of Fort %aaorth,,
, Adx e ' Is aa, ar,'i.7wable In the fark ,ltd to make a sash;
tM)#,rt p itrdstt n west a art to tho iwrrrr hepariaawent for the
ptooent fiscal dear;;enr ;
WNERSAS, the Park Board ida rwpp,^'uprirate resolution, a s re-
wended that s oontrsot be made .ti the anai.ty"°of Puri; 71orttw with 11m. T.
Bailey to pay the tolen o of the purchase price for said land to ten (10)
squad annual installments; Wad",
WHOZAS1 it to deemed rise and expsdiawaa t by "taws Gibe Counall
cc the City 0 d"ert wrrth; Texas, in the rrxrre,ise of the diuderetton imposed
in it `b ' lA,e', that aa)nsteon Tho sw a"d, and tae eiaty-fouV & No/200 .dopers
lwd,4'dw ; 'worth or W Wad Uses be Isawd at 'ttaie 'tivle to secure
tbo„ nt of tits Wance dire Per a4i.d lava; OW; n , S ' ,
zm crm 00ah40I1, or l iii = or'ON h
d &Ilg outed and ,ist ied by iwawn Cit y of _ wit W orth
hate �d#07j, 10S Z, bearing irat(met at the ;rs to of six
Ter 0e01 gents lovomtaer Sri, 1932, und annually t1wete-
f 'i tlon cai firm Vm,arwsaaawd., Air* 1,un fired
the 5th day otl`MV, 1933 and ovo ou the bath day of oa4h SuacOadiag month
thereafter until all have been paid-
The principal and interest at said notes stall
the Saorotary-Treasarer of the City of Fort "Worth in the GitY of ",Fort Werth,
Texas, and all of said notes stall to oz;souted for and in behalf of the
City of Fort Worth by ths Mayor thoroof, attested by the
with the seal, of the City therson duly UWAssed, ez&4 each of said notes
aVal be negotiable and, payable to bearer*
That the= sold notoo so to to ipsued, 'by the City of 'Port Worths
Texas, amounting to the prinolpal sun of Nineteen Thousand, ana Seventy-
four &VV/100 Dollars J419,07Q00), sball be 0=4 for the purpose of as-
curing the balance of the purchase mAzey one traot at land purchased from
10 Bailey out of ties j# wo Gojanez, X. Pa Room, P. Soboonoverlh U.
00 Qwee 0QTVYS and said notes oball beer interest at the veto of a1z
per cent (6%) per uum, pavable nani-aQuallF as 4foVV0Ui4#
The forn of sa% Pa* bard 35e aliall be substantially as fold�
$1907*40 No. S, Fortlorth, Tdzos, May 5, losz.
ON (12 BVIMIZ FIV3 74ARS AFTSH dato, than CITY or 1WZT 10=0
t1ao $ua, of
VWOMA a to pay to VXUL X. 11"Al=, or, or4or,' I
tUPV0ARa, XZMM UMXVU00V 00VZO A& 40/100 DOILARS, with interest
th6roor fr0a date until taArity at the rate of six par oent=m
per anpum, tbo) Interest'PWYAW 0 artualIr as it ahorgas, both,
prinotpol and 106roat jayaih at Art 10th, 50e gas, for wayma
IUMT,W, tote is /Saran in part paywkl for a oartbala
lot at parcel or land, silaited to Tarrawt 0ounty, T%z bola
a 1910 a0ro-traot of laud' out of a U44P acre tract of land,
out Of, the Z. W" Otmzor, 1, P. %1,1 0; ;* S boozovor, ami R. 0.
R0#760 a' oVa; 14,Tarroit OoTwty, toua, wMehl lad was this day,
00 0yod to tea City at Art W041 i7; V1111 4m, X00allay by a
Wrohy,Pa*4 of even date box 4itth, ro far dnoa to whiAl dead is
barely We for a more aomplote dosorlption of said ;]and;; Auk to
oazuro the pa peal of tbia tote aoeor4fug to the tomor bsroof;
a1epAor,°,b lien is rotaUnd in o"d onvoymoo; aa4 is have it ao-
All past dao principal and tatoreat, an thip Note oball, bear
intoroot from the otturrity ba"Wof at the rate of PU per cautum
ter wonwa. 'Wls, iijo is ono of a sdrtoa or T$R 0, lax Was
14ia:day�4;vo'4�,3k,Or Vamo. O*d ab tort,at 14,xi VOodb 'I
lot Said tmovt,moationow,P"'r, -0 400y; 164" it 10 Whotoo 1 4 and agroad
V a f4lUgo,to Pay this"AW",or' ivy ido to 11mont at interest
horeon Cuban due, 211411, at option of tine lwldor of all of
said aeries of Notes, or of Oy ulna of t x,, suture all the
said Notes,, and they shall at once born (We and payable and
the Ve dorlo lion herein vwntioned stall boopoo subject to fore-
closuxa proceedings at the option of Ise, iaoU r.
,zd it is hereby spooial,l`y wead that if V)is lioto Is
placed in the b=ds of an attorney for collectton, or if collect-
ed by suit or other txdici ul,,,prCaeeed , t e , ""W
to pay toes per cant 4 ditlonal on -Wxo p"iuo,;p uul ia2ters t oxs
due hereon as attorney's fees.
Wl"1CaN V.
That for the purpose of area tUr, a sinking fund for the pa-pant
and o; fete oz:tInVAiabmwLt, of the fore oiiW notes, principal and interest
and all anW'evory part of same, there is herety levied, and tyre shall be
asses; ed and collected as provided by law, set apart and appropriated for
the said purpose, an annual direct spoeial ail valorem tax for the year, 19ya
and ovary successive year thereafter du zing the life of said notes or any
part tboreof of oOO162 cents (or such an mount as may be necaaaary and
adequate, be it more or Leas) of ovory `�100.00 of property valuation, real,
personal and shad, subject to taxation =d not exmpt
Constitution and JAwa of the State of (eras, situated and owned in the Olt,
of Fart `Worth, Texas, on the lot day of Ta y, fu,„ D. 1932, and on the
lat day of ,7anaaary* of saeh year tbareafter until asisi debt represented by
said notes and interest shall have bean fully paid, and if, at any time such
tau;, should, be insu.fficieuut thoaa It shall be tho duty of the City Council
or any other governing body of tjw City of Fart Wortb to set apart and apr.
propriate such addl tional amount of goray, out of tba goneral revenues of
said dity as sway be requisite to supply the deficiency and all interest
shatl;have been paid and UA si inri fund established as required by the
Constitution of the tate of Texas and the Charter of the City of Fort iorth.
CJi� CYh 'yl
That it shall be the duty of tie City Wounci,1 of the City of Fort
earth* Toms, and its successors and of th,e jpvoxMnnt of.the ait*y of Vora
Worth, by le^vy,In taxes for gm,apal, purposes for the eai.d,City of Fort 'Worth
for the year 1952, and for every succeasi a year during the life of said notes
or any part tboreof, to iu els14e in sucks levy ttss special
tax of ,00162 ,cents
on the $100*00 valuation (or so uoh thoreof as y be requisite and necessary)
provided for in the next preceding seetloa of gain ordinance and such special
�1WiPWlNwwupwNViMWiiwW�iwiuuuuuum.ry umuuwuwowwo'fomr��o�wo�o�Nmecdlnrsaar,„u.wi,�,,,,, ,,
is stall on no account whatever be diqlaced tberefrqm.
That the spoeial tax heralubefore providod for whon collected Shall
be placed awl kept in a ooparate= fund and stall be devoted to the paymoal of
the int4robt Ana the OxtAguAloont of the principal of all Ana OW&UPI UM'
notes belveizaboove, mentioned as Sam$ matures from time to time and shall not ble,
used, applied or devoted to any other purpooe or ob,jest, Motsoevert end the
funds derixed Pram said tax stall be bold and: listed as a separate aoco,40 an
the books of said city mod the prooseds held and kept by the City Secretary-
Twoesurer as a separate and distinct acoonat and so specified as such on his
That this ordinanoer aball take Offoot anal bo In T411 force and
effect from; oad after the date of its passage and It is so ordained.