HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1740 ORDINAKE NO. Ali ORDINANCE AIWEADING S 0T,IO N1 15-a, 25, 26, 39, 74 OF ORDINAMA TJO. 1692, '000 AS THE RE— PRO- V11104 RUIBS AND RR ULATI,ON OW 11 T R,1 all,TM is 41, PROVID I ' r FOR THE HES' X11104 I'OK OF A'RX1 o 'or ' CIS ON, I , d`b Pan ddlwl"Od`, VIo " 'Ts S B,.. 'WAYS TM ° )vI TING TIC �'�� O LL V4MICUS ON CITY, PROVIDING I01,7 TI T'JkO " illiq O IT , tl om d I , A lvYYGdR,1 [I0AI,, ZIMOR Ili, V Am 01AZZ'S 0V SA1,111)" ORDINIA"I'licic go. 16,92, vs- 'Tilt VI tATI N HSHEOP.' BE IT ORDAINED BY THE' CITY COUNCIL OF T"HE CITY OF FORT Oj� z RTIM&I I. SBdTION I. That Spotion 15-a of Ordinramoe: Vic. 1692 be ai,ndnded so as to read, as follows: SECTION RIGIEV Or WAY. (a) At any croasivAlk not controlled by signal or palioe effl car.- ce'pt at intor-sectioris where, the Move- ment of, traffic is bel'tig regulated 'b­,y police officers or tr fie control 8Ignals, or at an ;of t where a ' edes�triat tun �l car overlaeacl cr sain as beari provided, Whenever aty o4aatrlan shall cress any roadway lt)'nln aq marked Baas,. � or within any immarked, craa ^ alb at the end of a ' loc , no dvito.'r of a 'v hi,old ap"Proae"I'l.ing tram, the pa4eotrlan's left shall pass in f� ont of said padcs,;s;tri4n u bo pedastrlan shall have re c e the ld ,l of t o ye a , no driver of vehicle a p roac l .g from the ed.estrianij of, ,,a t mall as in f c of said,, pedest °laa . d I ON II. 19bst Upotion 25 of Ord nee ltb. 1692 be &iazdad so as 'to read, as f nr",t lows: (a) It a1lall 'be unlawful f or any driver to-stop.. stand or park kty vehicle upon,, a atre t ,tn, such a ftmnar or �indsr sa6h conditions as to leave aval`lablwe leas than ten (10) feet of the wilt of tjo rcad a r for frae Move- 6nt of vslhiotilaV tra 'fl.c, oxcart fat dry Ver y stap tomporari d ur tug'ad ) c we, of, Vaasa< n er or ede <aar 1n lc c a Ii+ �ro datictis a tra>fI"kc e,1 sr sl ale, l" a ,.tae, cffl,ca . (b) It shall be urzla' ful for any, driver or crone tai,pavk, any wehiole or permit tlw satwte to be parked, stand, or remain adjacent to any parkwa , neutral strip or ;aubma , approch situated or being in any roadwwy in this eit,,y. (e) It shall be unlawful for any driver or Owner to °; par1c any vektiole or perm, it tba saris to be par ed,, atand or �rez ai on the roadway of any bride, viaduct or of bway or on the road,4ay of the ;approae?w to any "orid e, viaduct or 'subway in t' i„a city. (d) It shall be unlawful for tie driver or owner of any vehiele' to permit the saute to be perked, stand or re- ,main at and time ;upon any of the foll0wing deocribed streets within the limits set out 6ldw; - 1. Bluff Street Frotz Houston Street to Commeree Street. . Se enth Stioeet From, Burnett Street to Pecan Street,; excepting only the north side of said street betTo&en Hous- ton Stre"t and Co ' roe Street be- tween the hours of 8:'30 A.U. and 3:38 B. M. Wera 10 minute pa,rkii stall be werazitted as set out here- inafter in 3eetijdn R6, paragraph (a). 3. 'Eighth Street The south aide between Thro"akmorto "t#60t and Houston Street. 4. Xinth Street From Throekmorton Street to NUousto , Street and t south side from Roua- ton Street to Comineroe, Street. B. Tenth, Street The Month side between Cherry .Stree-t an'd Burnett Meet. The norti, aid; between Taylor street and the first alley east of Taylor Street. The north ,side between Monroe Street and Jennings "Avenue. The south side bat OOn '. .rOekmOrton Street az 1 "Dins» t can Stree t. 5. Eaeverith Street Between J"enn in s Avenue and Throe-.k- morton Street. 7. Texas Street. Between 'Monroe Street anA, ienni°u a' Avenue,, and the south aide from b oon Street to Monroe Street. 8. Thirteenth The song side between Nouroe Street Sheet az i, tbo first alley' west of Thro"ck-- zartatt Street. 9. Taylor Street 'The wire t aide between Sixth street and S640 11th Street. lei. Monroe Street The Oast side between Tbroa zitartart Street and a taint 200 feet aeu;,t�i of said l t r�ia6*at on; and they past aide bet ", t :"Ie with Street and Te a, Streit« Il. hrooknorton The crest aide b"etit en Monroe and a, Street ,point 200 test ,south, of said—in"wr,_ seetioll. '.the' most side botwaan, 3lemonth 8t,reot ard Twelfth Street. The east side bet,waee . ,Tenth Street ae;rad, a point 1210 feet south of said Teaoth Street. . 12. Jexani.ngs Between T1,.rt.?ocdM.rDrton Street and, Avenue Eleventh Street. 13. Lamar Street The viest side between Sixth Street and Seventh Street. 14. Weatherford 71`ae north side between Corzaerce Street Streert axrd 1,,,uoaaston Street. 1;15. Lancaster Ave- tirk d„ south. side between ddain Street aaue ar,,)jal Boaz Street. SkCTIO d III. That Section 6 of Ordinance dda. 1692 be amended so as to read was follmgs SECTIOIT 26..--THARE,ITNG TIME UIMITLim IN D!I"SIONATm "PLACES (a) It shall be unlawful for the driver or owwner of any vehicle to park said vehicle or to permit the same to be parked, stand or nerrrw;wi.n for ad ]aoriod in excess of 10 minutes between'`the hours of 8:30 A. V. axO 3:30 P. ad on, the north side of Seventh Street 'between d auston Street anti Convo,rce Street. ` (b) It sha 1 be aanlaww,Tf l for thO,- driver or owner of any vehicle to park said v l.11cle or to permit the saraae to_ be parked,, stand, or remain, fox, a period in excess of 29 minutes between t ve hours taf 8:00 and 6:30 P, di e,aa- cedat on Sunday, or an', of td-ae folloyaing, described streetaa Pwxithin the limits set, out below:: 1. Lamar Street The east side, between Sixth Street, arm,3. Seve,w.ath. Street. 2. Monroe Street The east side between 'Tenth Street ,,%nl a point 200 feet south of 1hrockrr orteaa^1 Street. 3. Thrc ollarwort on T,1<<a(: West side between Jennings Street tovenue and, point 200 feet south of kdond`oe Street, and the east side: from EJe vonth Street to a point 120 fwost south of Te nth Street.' 4. Jennings, Between Eleventh Street and Texas Avenue,_ C,T °rwaee,t.; 5. Taylor Street °d"bewe east side; between Tenth Street . and a laoi.nt 100, fret north of Tenth (e) It shall be aarl.w ed,fww.l for the driver or oiNnerr of any vehicle to dwaark said ve),1i.cle or to dFearmi.t the same to be parktad., stand or rolm%Ai,wa 'for a ; ri.od in excess of one h,cur ,between the ho airs ewf kleCddk . M. and 6:30 S. dtd. , ex- cept on Smacda„wa, on any Of tILle d'°011cxwwinS, described streets within the lirrritRs sot out belois: 1. Co=erced Street Fkwltazeenn, Belknap Street axid Jar,cas ter Ave'daaao. 2;. ddka ini Streeo t Between ,; wa herford Street and i an.. ca"astsr Avenue. 3;. d=douston Street'' BetlwP-Ola,' Be,,ldnwap Street and Laraoas_ ter Averiao.. 4. Throokmorton Between Belknap Street and Baneaster Street Avenue, except as nereinbefore limit- ed or prohibited under Section 25, paragraph (d) and under Seotion "2'6, paragraph ('b). . Jennings, Between Texas Street and Thirteenth Avenue Street 6. q' roe Street m en �' rcapxmotan" t"r'e t,e:nl 'B ir- teerth *street, except as hero nbefore lixAi,ted or prohibited under Section 5, para rs(ph (d), and under 'Section 6, paragraph (b)• 7. Taylor Street Between Fifth Street and Tenth Street, except as hereinbofore prohibited or limited under Section, 25, par „Srap (d), and under Section 26, paragraph (t,) S. Burnett Street Between Seventh Street and Tenth Street. . Cherry Street Between; Seventh ,street and Tenth Street. 10. Weatherford Between Throckmorten Street and Co - Street mleroe Street, exoe t as hereiubefore pr'ohihi.ted under Section 3, para- 11. First Street,;, Betwo,ea',111irookmorton street and Commerce Street. 12. Second Street Between Throokmarton Street and Coerce Street. 13. Third Street Setr een `hroalcuorton Sheet and Coanerce Street. 14. Fourth. Street Between Tbroekmortcn Street and Commerce, Street. 18. Fifth Street, Between Taylor Street and Copmeroe kit+real t. 16. Sixth Street Between Taylor Street and Commieroe,. Street. 17. Eighth Street Between rIhrockmortpn Street and Go%. roe x*eet, except as; prohibited under Section 28, Paragraph ("'d). 18. Iinth Street The north side hetwee 1�sta�n Sweet" and Comerce Street. 19. Tenth Street Between Coan oxce Street and t� ',irst alley' west of lionroe Street, Okoepit as herein" efore prohibited cinder Section Spa, paragraph (d) 0. eleventh Between Monroe Street and Jennings Street AVOZIUs and 'dot een Thro morten Street and Commerda Street. 21. Twelfth, Street Betseen Jennings venue and Goo erce Street. (d) it shall be, aarl naf 1 for the d f,awr or 0,417ner Of aaauafal to 4.�a4aRa, said a✓r na�l.a era he awronti tea be 1par,'a d,, stand or rwaaawwin fo,,r a pez,,104 Im, a aawfaa of two ow"s baat vvef°aww the haa"aa1* fa f 8:CY0 ji ff, aaara4 1:30 P. M., e xcept ^a'wa swand's"Y' on, the followl,ag doaeribed street, within the limits a e t waat baw 1 ow:; strwaiat wawaaf LaMar Street tke d Lataavir ,t ta! ° ;f0afI IV; aa'E „ waa t aaa na` '?;.�,1 aaaw.axa 4www. 1692 be amwafaaa�tt so as to read as follows (a) It sbaall be xw,lwwanr a�,i thane driver of any at)la°ta1a y- to ttim m,ac,17 lvaba,tole saw as to proaaaw,"d trt ojjj`baas1,t direr— , t,fawa to make a I," a de,,ree txrm oi,, zzy - f,et L � wr o strtoot ' �:""aaataa" aa�tl��aw . _ (b) It shall be a l.,a°a`fual for tj,aaf driver of any vehi- cle to turn .aa,6b: v hlolaw so am to 4"lraee�ad in t;1awa u.uaaf°awwal ,"taw direction or make aa, f.&'D fuegm.e tt�zq a wit" wau Where, traffic is o traallw 11q sifg°wal U8,11ta, pix awalat at' t1ae Int r— s atl" wa of 1i'lorth IlAlw°a atreoi and, cie.,r%t a L nun; and at, w me t can be aaatifaw in safpty n?ataaf without baa f1,aagf or interfering with otWa r trawf4°la. V. Mawr t, f¢aa 4bf aaaa 'ar aaawa as �,o., 169 'fie a-monded so rts to read as follows: Any, person waawro zhalJ"" vjoiate, avrq, of tkae yrw v-lsioxis of this a�rwfixmta e or any rule or rwa�4walAtla�aaa amaaar,aa kwf t4aa of 41011ce 4wwasus"tti'm N,aioretwa fflwal„l be gfaal.2ty of a .aaisdealea or, ,al tf. c�w14 o a ,, w�1 , apt to exceed 0.00. &EX I N VI TJlaaWt ww11 crag dina;'I"3aaa'a or '"aw. ta, oa"d„i'mazo s SE'CfION 'III» as °t'4 � AtlY, faeraa,a,4a, firm or corporation Violating, arl',T Of the P1*01wfaf.,awawa ID,4r tgX,.1,3 ordinance ahall, aa4wwar, con. victfawaw thereof, be ffwaaad f,aw orj�y )rwaww, aaat raaaaeawalfwr "1,00.00. SEXTION VIII;'. '1:",ka.is ordli,,mnee ajj° j�j . tak_VP SfPeat and be in fall force and effolot from ra id,, aa:ete7w, the date of Its, Pq"asag e anal publication, as ,a°egtU taf by law.