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ONS 1111110 TTS .13/0V "m
1�41UZt OWN i%RT S T, 1 0aa » r m w
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v its
ttx,i, ,ti orvd kwww"r In operation ww saitLtary rsYwet�aml, xlt rrr °
ao�w e ib ae r, wrw��I e ayib e ° spo lint, cm the urpose off" ol-
ieo i ganitary sewage &rid couveying tb°e same away from, two pro%-
lz,as, to a pieee, of dit,,4 awe sal, and,, In eox,,xmrotion with such,
lines two r /1,x t,,o it is mei, wtrUing and wipe swtAixi P inte Leo wtl
s w e e, pw wtw �""p ' 't ;till,,, and a d4sposal worka for the troatm t
Qpp� ,r lm of Said, Sewer`jilt tt w wwwwt e wkge tre tmewwt wo/vI r i„ti
r"et to &val,laable from the wrrwrre,r,,A o p rati tw r voulae of the alt y"';
°pMPMEAS, tkta Cltwow Cirmumell, ;in t1he wzeraise of the i,,,,-
evetion roppow w In it by law, In orde r t/o tp te the, pvw,biio wel-
fare, f t„ ew,4 coriw enlegoe, ewe decitled, ttlomt it Is "net-
e at' `, in ox * to ;'A ` tlle C t li' 'thia e , n e of the
, all"ar e or r(ou"U41 twaa^ w w rwwe t ue"lw .il e^ , Syste ol rrw i/W
36 mA t ,1 wwawa e in tw.e e">y defired as , w "
From water ol000ts, um-la "ie, laliwt rleww, r ;i w"tww, !'twwt/htlbf ; Lwow i 4' "
owetiwai� it",ow� rwr, wwo °ier t; r"i,ararw,w ;r " t OPT,
i� �riw a
for w w ww,e, apja trww w w ," (ax api err r `ri,,Or 0 '
a t
Ing tountains amend 1 bla floor dra .mmmm.
("b) lndvLaLrJAIJ0 wastes arum horeby defined as boing, 1t
lIqiAd, or other aharaa m r of 'mmmmsto raammwl, lmmg from any mwwmm ralal
mabufacturing or Industrial trial pera i a or lmrmmca aaml.
;1 '1"1 (1 11.
deparmIned and deolaro4 to I)e Ilooeso4ry
1' r the City of Fart Wort to harry and w mml"lea t etmrges from all
parat lea, firma azl corporrat long that are ibaing "lma Sanitary, , , Men mm.
a alrmmmmm and llm"mm" of 11ma a11r„l. llama em r as to be mrm en J , be,
bw aamui mxpozm the ammant r water used mad t1m, a bamlmm a of sueb,
oliarges alall I m as follows:
(1) All persons, firma and oorporatIons Uning 500 aub a
foot of matey per month or less aI l;l prq a minmaum obmmgo, of
t.24 per month,
(2) All er'sons, Irmwwmm and mmmm poratlomma vs,'Ing 500, a blo
ft 0t,, 8114 leas tban,, 1101 ammbim feat of water, per mmm 41*11
X Fri a'i
�. for the f1ral 600 mwablr, w al l" awalar and f,.04 pcir 100 aab e
of of ater for the :zext 500 ammb^(wa lest used per mmwontt.
( ) all marmmmmma, firms and corporations using 1000 ou-
bio feat of 'water and lmmam than WOO amlbl.a of per month maball
y 6.25 for the ; rat 5,00 mm mlmm feat, J.,04 l abje, feat
for lima next 500 ammblo feet, and 1P.Oz T*v, loo mmmb b feet for the
nOxt 20 0() Clibl e foot of water tuied per vmmmmv t .
amllmla feet of water ammml l,mmaa ° roman 40blr. Vaal» liar manth iball
Pay ,$-26 for time, first 5,0 amen lnr fee ,,. '.ml m r 100 camwlale fett
,for a - ;S,)O wmabla fast, 4.03 ,xm� lm ) rem r " lam r,, ii
AOxt 11000 mmmmllmm feet, and 4402 per 10-0 rvabla feat for, the next"
000 00 14 feet of water usled lmmr mammmmth,
aabla 1*00t of Imam aaml 1"aaa 1 1mmm 60,'(300 clitile, feet lmar jWA lm
shall pay `;x.26 for ttv first SCO Oubla feet,, *0 % ,"fir 100, Cubic
raft f0l" tIWUWxt 5DO mmmM"mm feet, t?,#OZ
per of amt la foot for
,the next 20,00 omtbie feet, 6.agl, Pel". 100 Oubic, feet for the next,
5000 e �O 0
to reetp and $.Ql jpmr 100 euble feet for th t 42'sOO
Oubia feet of water ue ed per mouth.
(6) All pepsoyag, ftrgjs and a or,;�orat ions ustog, 50#000
than f80t f t ' POr Month
Astd 103a 100pOOO (32171.0 0 Wa er
sh411 'PAY '$025 for th he first 500 OublA feet, $.04 per 100 oublo
foot for the next 'bioo oulale feet, X16403 per 100 00,10 feet for
the next 2000 oublo feet, 4.o2 jyar 100 ouble feet for 'the mxt
5000 oubic feet, 4.01 per 100 cutdio toot fox, tlie next 42,000
entio feet, and X0.005 Per 100 eublO f8,Ot for" tklo next 50,000
e feet of water uaed Imr moyith,.
(7), A,11 pors,ons, Mama and eorpprations using over
100,000 oubie feet of water per month sliall paj �t,•26 for the
firat $00 vabie faet,, $.04 per 100 eubio, feet for tims next 500,
elfhio feet, 4'.OZ per II X) cublo feet for tbe next 2000 Cubic feet,
.02 per 100 cmbie foe for the next 5000 edt4o root, , 001 Pa"r
100 cublo feet for the next 42,00() mibie feeV, 'x.005 Por 100 ou-
,bie feet for the next 50,000 euble feet." aml O.W25 for 1,00 ou-
bio, feet for all ever 10 ,(X qiblo foot of water used jv3r mo , ,,
'The sabedule of obargios and rentals set forth in tho
prooedIng section a1vill he nmintained eme,11 month,$ provided, bow-
ever, that no charga or rental Am t'17 months of June, Ju1,7 and
''Ugwt, 1r 11 Oxcood tk.ia average charge and, rental tade for the
preeedlng months C)f W,,Ihreh, April and, WMAy.
111 hat for 9,11 new eahneetIons, mad6 to tlUmt, $aid SAvteul
ar jins,; gfter the first, dAy of Marob and befbre the first day
of Sep tam'em- of any yea r$ the Of tho ftte'j� D
ment shall adopt some metbod of ftxIng a, fair and Just of "rye to,
be made again
-at, the Patrons tZakirid Such err leotione for tlIo month
of JIMO, July Jwzar Atqr
gust of tbat ye"Ar, taking tnto comideratiou
the, exIstitg oanditions and the attendant
The above charges sba,11 be dus and monthly as
water bills are, ;aid to tr°w Gity of Fort lhlortho rind, said charges
shall be paid ��tenden of° turd "p,rater e part -t.
MW f°f dd V1.
In tho avert tart an; per rrrr, f Irsr or oorporation using
the sevver aystem and, aaer ��� � / ° �
�it t, /N'A� r"/l"WZAi a v&ah,f r n i„,�1 to 6r; t q
user ocater spf tai ” a �staaeat seed city
J" u
trmgg I� �,,�amm�t; '4 �
and the r 4§34 V �" ' �� ' �� � �� � � �� r ks r c�
water water or by a 'meter acceptable to the Superintendent of
the Water Depart at, t1ten aoml. In st ob. oase, the,,,irao b't or eater
se sed,,,shall be othexvise ., marasarrd; or detercill-n1ad by ttaa super-
intendent of the Water Department in order to r etorsrine the fair,
,ormd reasonable chary to be ivde for sewer ser rise pr r i dsd, In
this ordinance, or thre said, user may, instsll and rmraidtsira a Crater
aeee/ ta,'ble to t)* a upe rinter°rde mt of the "Nata'r o, m* at ernt/,f ar's"sf ,,,
1n the event arq peraori# flan or eorpora fnn using the
sower system or saurtr lines, of tfsr City of Po'rt lNort ar, /eithor
direetly or indirreotly, dish,1,f,,sxrgerr industrial. wastes Into the
said system amid lixur s ara . it is not practloal to attr"rrspt to m asp
ure such wastes by water*, tare Supol."intOx'40,nt of the 1144ter Depart-
ment shall measure swrdtr wastes isa such man nor and by sugh method
as he na.7 find err:°actleab e in t1be, light of tiie c ol',%d rions aril
attendant cfrctaomstanoes of tho case,; arm Order to dat mrrsfr°t the .
s °se X toe
OhArgo or r ntal acoc")vding to se edwr to ,s r
hereinbefore set forth.
Any person, "agcy Or Oorporre.tion who aslrall fa,, 1 fo
the sewer chaxge as 134reln 'tented and raar rrsoed ,within ten 4ay ;
from the, data as a 4,1—,tall `beoaror due and payatjl a,,1-jall ra s,%r"boot
to 118,ve their 30r er discontioct d fr'"4 p'r the clt " sewer systecM, and
maw '
lines, and it they use vrater In said serviee ling, that is Supplied
by the 'Wator Department, this servilee stall also to disconnected
and no eonmetion tb� ea;rter shall 'be made with either the, sewer
system. and lines or the water lins until sued person, firm or eor-
have paid all amoux),ta dvie and a charge of-$1*00
for reconneatIrg the said syatevi#
'ibis ordAnatioe shall become affecti",,3 and be in full,
force snd effect tkx,� first day of 39ovenOxav, A. D. 1962,
O'l.ty At