HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1945 0RVDLa0Z PROVIDING YOR TS"TSZ SUSWISSION TO Tal 1'AQ -
PIS VOTERS IN TUB Cay OF yore og"I , mus, gym, lu . al-
A M.MUFF101 3.C6YIV. TO ='Y'IDS KFICZ61' TO LAY SUZ 4T',lDl 444
04NiTIMI 1.
T a % a special election be held in the QQ of dart Worth, Texas,
on Tusarkyr, the h rdswy of Apr,11, A. D. 1937, at t1w poll r47, places lwrel u-
after described between the hours of seven sa"alook a. = and maven asa:laak'
Vim. ma., at which a aaatiaa the following proposition shall be asuY"aa,.Y,`ted to the,
qnslif led, later
Sball "flmia City of Fort Worth, Mammas, through its City Gounall,pass
and a , t the 'fasloapY'a; proposed. aaYiumaYhaa»
Y m , "''K Y4 3 1 Y1M'VIDTI I FOR RSSTO)ia"d+1rriC2K Ulf " Z Z' C
T MADE IN YEAR 1231, AKD 0111 0'=1f040 2 rROVIDING
Section 1. That the m0 aammsm monthly wilu!xy of the il-
lowing officers and ssaployaas of tl3A§ 'ftmµa Dep&rtmant shall biq as
of l ows ;
ml ,G,af of the Fire Mepartment
Battalion Chief, Aoting as `Yamarsta"lY, � m
Assist amt chleft 0640-11 E20,00.
Assistant Chief, Acting as iaa Marshall 220000
Battalion Guiefs 042 195.00
Sallelion Gh e , Acting as .Gnstra,Lator 195.00
a04 lZm°aa i aat(alyl 145000
laaveetoaMs aadl% 00.00
pa s ' sa a 0011h 145.00
Gupta ina eau'll 155000
Lioaa et ° Mara as m 14500,
Pai°mm"a as SamAd ail as aaeli 2 5.m a
Privates Third 01ass M011 115,00
Vrtr 0Maa Fotwlh Close aas 5.0
Master WWaaharmla 20000
lat AaoistmP,G t Usehanio 175.
2N aaiaUat 4Waa;fimania 155*00
Wdamm�Wdniaa 'WWalper. 145.00
By privates, First Chas, is imant privates Who dare
'4044 la, serVies 47C the Gity of Fart Worth, for d lam~ ad Of dWdaty
damrm WWm serriea of the City" of Yort °WWar Wa tar a Wmariod, of tboo w3t
lose than one yea.
By Priv a ama, "Third Clm,aa, is 'nwwlt Wa lVWt,aa r1am halve
been In service of the City of Wmamrt Worth for a period of time as°
lose than a1. ;'mmmaa ha.
By Privates,, Fourth Glass, is mount privates who are
as )cim »bra 'tbe employ of Ow City of Fort Worth for the probation-
ary period of ala amottba.
Prov°dd1ng further that the pay of Wmr' am°ates of aaoaad,
third and ' url , alaaaa shall be pmoportionately raised upon their
serving t1m respaallra time above sal forth* Any officer ar
employee, 1araa al, or future, of the Fire Department, for Kau
compensation is not Isrein grm.mrldad for, a a,ll receive a monthly
salary at not leas than $105.00 per south. Men an the extra
am rd shall be laid droporllamaalal"; at Via, minjA= rate of $105.00
parmonth for the time he nark.
"W:'iWd'W 11.
Raid aleatloa ma&'mall be hold at the folLowing places with the fol-
lowing named persons appointed PresidIng ludge of said election, to wit:
1 1 fire Hial.1
sad & Commerce uT. . Wood
33 2-td First Christian Oburah
h & Thra almmmar as A. G. Ohm'aaon
2 2-N 00urthouse Baaamawt
'West a""a!d Mrs. blary° L. Utter
56, 3_4 Fire Hall
1d01 WW 'sad' ' S. X. 'WV'Ullar
3-W Fire S41
loth & eases Wes. E. Hood
4 4-E Fire Hall
tame & (many R. G. Faller
S7 a-d detain+ Party 24 "B. Randle
58 5-2 lid. aaa lummd Stara
1001 Bessie St. Mro. A. D laWcard
M91222 SAM& 'N�41011 ma
5 5-W Missouri Am Metbodist Oharoh
520 Vas our l Ave. E. R. ZLOWMIUmm
54 6-W Lige Greso Floral Gompaul
611 V1 b Ame. RO T. Lee
43 6-0 Fire HaIll
pateramith & palton T. L. Bogle
6 8-3 Fire Hall
Tucker & So. Bwyan Miss Aala Bidiker
7 7-UW Barger Furn.
1111 So. Main X. P. Wear
EA NOW Phillips Barber Shqp
401 Z. Riehmond Mrs. San Dennis
79 7-M Worth g Store
2300 Imans Eye. Mrs. 0. Z. Onkins
59 7-411E lee
p"U-Neat 019anere
0151 as Are. R. D. WilliaMm
74 11"re Bell
Now York & Uaddox W. C. 11surraw's
89 71.8 Residence, Mrs. F. L. Bass
92D Z. Vulkqy Kra. F. L. Bass
8-112 Taylors Hdme Made lee Cream
911 V. masmaolla Z. So Hat eliff
71 803 Brova, & UwUnney Cleaners & Dys.,,U'v
1730 college Ave. Mrs. J. L. Rayso:r
96 8-8 Golleige Ave. 101,armacy
2363 College Ave. 1,11,80 RUL41 Slo*m
60 8•W Park Plaas Fire Hall
1616 Park Place Mrs. R. W. whall(Owl!
TD w4m--Will Poster's Gleaners
1560 W. Uagmolia
it as Firs E&I 1
1010 Peach St. Lflia Walker
9 901 Gourthouse Basement
Bw,xt nand, Mrs. 01wistine Lwinean
07 10-60 Yelder Grocery
1623 Barry alma at
78 10-SE Ronfro Drag Store
3040 Bamphill St. aefflmgton
117 11'.0 Fire Bull
8881 Lipsovmb St. 7 X. Allay,
OP. 10-44 So U. Daggett soiwol
college &' Kssamine Mrs* W. K* Rose
48 ll-E Firm Hall
l2th & Ed. "Ijain X. Roby
67 11-50 Lots Star Qroamary
809 A central Ave. Mrs. Wo 0* Bellamy
87 1100 Fire Rol
Isth & Belmon't Uds. J. R. Gatf
66 12-W Trinity Irlet1wdl Fit Olu=eh
25th & Azle R. H. Bogard,
92 1&0 Z. 0. George Plumbing Coo
906 xW 25th St*
49 12-E Usufro Drig Store
Kobange & No. Maim NIS. Russell BaboOk,
10 13-11 31re Hall
1501 No Hattie V. E. Bidord
Rill 1&0 Ferguson ROU411ile 14att'vesa pantory
1900 Vlakery Blvd, A V. xOnes
90 35-3 'Y. B. Dalton "";roaamj
1348 So Riehmond, Itra. Pmiline
81 14-8 Fire Hall
Mrs. D. To Swin't
,Barry & MiLversity
95 141-1111 Renfro W! af,? Store
2200 Yorest Park Blvd. 0* Z. Tunatill
is 15-S Sideon Grcm,�ixjy
34,78 G�"rtamaa (Vilakary Blvd*) J. H. Hashing
15-1? X1611 D-rjr Cleaning
3017 No 71 h sto Ke Dawson
16 15-Z'15 Axllngtou I a. Math. ahuraft
Tbamas PLace & Camp Bowie Blvd. D. & Evara
101- 16-H NO. Ai-Uouut School
2600 Hadlim St. V. B. Rm'hfro'
Ofo 164011 Fire HaU
Carlton & Oamp Bowie Blvd. To Ro Anderson
94 16-w�rllngtou !Kgts. School
5100 Gang Bowie Blvd., Mrs. Forrest 0. Withers
17 17 Fraako Grooer?"11
Z716 Azle Ave. Emm✓tt Curran
51 is MIUMAd Hill Moth. charoh
305 Oswx at. Am. 1. . . Stephenson
19 U-S Overalde 011,xrIatian 011uxroh,
00 away, Ure. Houry W. Oobaidt
82 10-C Fire Hall
,ftyars i de Mors. R. G. Lawl'a
103, 3,941 Oah"burat w
2341 Carnation Mrs. S. A. Wall,
66 so Sycamore Egts. BaptiN Ohixroh
ZBOO Nrington Ave. 10. Laura W. maglumis
11 81-Z lire Hall
1402 Qaghaa Urs. 0. J�* Axidraws
75 21-1 Raynold's-CaMP11611 Co.
2701 Tidkery Elvd# M. A. 11110t
X 22-W Freds Moe Grocer.7
OZOO 131shop L. Golliza
98 22.3 Uven Gleanors
2113 Blebool) UM I IT. d. Hard
14 23-3 whitleys Drug store
3900 Hemphill Mrs. B. T. Unkins
85 =4 Seminary sewyioa statiou
1101 Gawbrell 1* A. Baldridge
76 24 Well orn Drug Stare
23A4 )AUtletoe 4re. BOOMOO smitlk
50 so washinwhou Rgta. sohool
3300 No* Houstan Mv. F. P. Carson,
91- ae LaeyOs Store
L4ke Warth T. B. Lacy
105 27"N Five HSU
11%4ifaiebmok Dr. & Oakland lars, 0. I'd. Poexes
88 27-8 Begamore R112, Solool
Unson & Hughes J. Go Beeves
83 28 HaMews Grocery
3201 Hardsman St. saeo
'Tlz,t saia aleation shall be hold, under the provisiono af the Clarter
of the Uity af, Fort Worth, Texas, the Conatitatioa and I= of said State,
insotar av awne maybe applioable, and roolden t qmalifled voters shall be
allowed to Vote uppon Said Propositiaa.
All voterrAs 'ph) favor the proposition to restore the WOW of
malaries �puid f1tramou Immediately priar tro 'the year 1931 shall bave written
or prinlmd upon their b,411ots the words;
1*3VIR the zeamw,8.11:a
and Mae opgosed s1m, 11 bove writtan t,,wr printed upon their ballots the wa,rds:
"AtUINST 'tim zasaivre."
Tla moy amd mwixAr & IoRizg this alectiom, tae not Ace to be
given therefor, the polling places, the personnel ot the officers wbo are to
hold the acne, and all fletulls commeoted with the holding of the election
shall be determined and arranged by the City Gounall, and proper notice of
ouch matters shall be given in a proolonation by the HwAg7oro
That the City Searstary, shall. ftrulsh election offloials with
proper tallots, together with any other furms or blanks, in s000rdanas with.
the Gharter of the Gity-of Fort Varth and the laws of the State of Texas,
Insofar as same are appReableo
WYZIUN 11110
A oopy of this ardltanrwe al,gned by the 'Mayar of the City of Fort
Wortb, Texas, and attested lq the City SeGretary a1 1l. serve vtau a properr
notice of said ele*tlan, and, 'that mtah nutles shall be publiabed in a news-
Paper of general airea2ation J.'a the City of Fort Worth a nce a week for Mar
(4) weeks prior thereto, and t1at the City Siaorfitcuy in haroby direatea to
post or ewase to be posted-said, proclEmation at least thtrty (30) days beforia
said election in each voting preoinet.
Tbis ordinance ahall take effect and be V full foroa and effect
fraa d after the date of its peasags, and it In so ordained.
MaCall of tae GIty INK Worth, Texas.
My- sorelary of ttae
Xort Worth, Tax=
City Attormay of tho flit y of
yort lorth, Texas.