HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2045 AN 4R GIB 5MIM FORTR AN IT ID WT Z= or ='W �` 40 iiw� 6t „ "" AND d 7 u A - ." v A own AND M IT OmAlm By To CITY 3 8IL OF am dm or PON WORM, T ; SMION I;� lUt the appropriations far the ensuing fiscal year beginning Date- bar 1, 1939 and sudino fttonbw 30, 1940, for the different departments and purposes of the City of Fart Worth be fined on4 datemlood as follows: I. GWMXM AVURXft7WM, 1, mayor, and Gounoil 6,400400 go City Manager 15,168008 3o City SOVOtarY-Tre4sUrOP 8060,7450 4. 00miamdoner of Ammunta= 25,100#00 5 Depmimant of lav 21,756000 5A.. Land Agent< 4"Oga"000 513. tiv® Bre�aet ireetar ,W 6. Division of l raha®ea and Supp i 5,5 0 86 Xviston of AAsessmont and Qolleetio 74"3"75x00 90 City Ball 51,9P0*00 92. munioipal SUIM1460 Wool 1'5,1180QU 90o muAlol°pa 1, l,ildinaw Ne3t'U 20,336.00 9D# 01d ,POOt 0ffiee Rile 5,'7 +r00 I. OINERAL A1=70TRATI08 (COs"nVBD) llo Civil Service, 624000 120 uglueer"s Offlee 39,017400 150 Corporation court 4111, Grand Total General Adnialstration. ---------------- k I1* PW%'=T'10)4 OF LVA AND PWPAM 14* Pollee Departneut 18* Fire Dapar,twnt, 5190475o5D 17o Fire Alum— System 20,133.20 17A. Police Alum System 8,160050 17B. Trafflo Si ,al System 1100,16 2,40, 18. DAildlas luspeotion 90913000 19. Alsotrical, Inspection 9,0810600 20. Plumbing Inspection 14,001*00 29* Paul"i'O utility 2M.00 Grand Total Protection of Life, and ?"party ------ $1,064,816#70 III* HXALTH AND SANIMION 30o Department of Heald 86,017*00 37. Garbage Collsotion and Diepoaal 1-42AI0 Grand Total Health and Sanitation ---------------- 233,200,*,30 iv. III; us, 400 -Street Olowug 47,408.00 4140 street Repairs 85,906,400 418* Pairing Repairs 49,087400 410. Storm der Repairs 14,1864000 41D* 8 e Sees & Serviess 5,213600 438,0 GasollAo sales Serviao 1,920*00 420 Garage & Shop 28,458000 "o Street Lighting' 87jL21212 Grand Total Hi&,NA%ym ------------------------------ 03190,840000 Vo MUNICIPAL WROVAMM, OA# Street Grading 20,0640000 49B. Paving Interseetiom 4,000*00 4,00o St om Sewers & Culverts 10,500.00 4930 street signs 1.92240 Grand Total, Municipal 1uprovmenta ---------------- 36,340#00 VI. DONATIONS AND ORWTIES 50. Fousions, 9,000.00 51* Welfare SO* Child Welfare I5 00 AM "I , Grand Total Donations and Charities --------------- 4 , V1I# WMICIPAX, AIRPORT 55* Airport 33,90005 VIII 47 Goo misoollausous IX* ADJU0 4000UNTS 620 Adjustment #104,600*00 X* INTZMM AIM PMNCVAL SIRXVM FM 01, OVA TMIMONA MIS XI. 'sATERFOMS FUND BURG l' The Water Department shell be provided with such revenue as may be assured from the sale of water and other sources as shown by ether ordinances heretofore passed and such money shall be used to moot the requirements of that department as provided in the badget of the City I ua er+ XII. PAM The Department of Public Parka shall be provided with funds realized from a tax levy of p¢ on each $100.00 of assessed value of all reel, personal and mixed property in the City of Font Worth not exempt from taxation by law, and such money shall be used to meet the requirements of that depaartmont as provided in the budget# of the Rita* Managers The XIII r; ,"PIO Department of Public Recreation aball be provided with funds realized from a tax levy of 2 on each $100.00 of assessed value of all real, personal and mixed property in the City of Fart Worth not exempt from toxs.tiou by law, and such money shall be used to moot the requirements of that depart- Mont as provided in the budget of the City Usuagaro =V* Ll The Public library shall be provided with funds realized from a tax levy of 3 on each #100.00 of aseessed value of all real, personal and mixed property in the City of Fort Worth not ex0 pt from taxation by-law, and such money aball be used to moot the requirements of that dowtapot, as provided in the budget of the City ldanager6 10, 110 That the distribution and division of the, above nod appropria- tiaras be mado, in acoordanoo with the budget of expenditures submitted by the City Manager and as revised, by the City,Council in accordance with the pro- visions of the City Charter and adopted by the duty aeunotl and wbioh buxdget, r , to made a part of this ordinance by referenoe thereto and shall be considered In eanuestion with the expenditures of the, above appropriation• ,ION III* Tbet this City Council of the City of Fort Worth *ball sit as a com- mittee of the whole in the Ocutoil Cbaacber at the City hall; in the City of part Worth on Wednesday, the 1Sth deny of,Ceptmber, A. D. 1939, at 10 o*clook A. M„ to beer any complaints, suggestioms or observations that any citizen, taxpayer or party interested may desire to sake with refsrenoe to any or all the provisions of this ordivance, and such committee shall continue its de- liberations until the public has been givens, a full opportunity to be heard* 1 M IVO, "Phst following the public heaaringo, for which provision has been made in the preceding section, this ordinance shall be published In the of- ficisl newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, which newspaper 1s one of general circulation in said City, together with a separate schedule ;setting forth the itew in the estimate of the City, Manager which were oxitted or changed by the City Council, and the reason to such omission or change, as required by the Cbarter of said City. ION pe That this ordinance shall not be presented for final passage until ton. (] ); fall days have elapsed after its publisaztion as provided by the Charter of said City* TON YT. could any peat, portion, section or part, of a s-ection of this or- d nanoe:be declared invalid or inoperative or void for any reason by a count of competent jurisdiction, suet decision, opinion or Judgment shall in no way affect the rema luing portions, parts, sections or parts of sections of this ordinanoe, which provisions shall be, remain and continue to be in Pull force and effect* a CTION, VII. All ordinseces and appropriations for which provision has heretofore boom made are hereby expressly repealed if in oonflict with the provisions of this ordimn000 UNION VIII. That this erdinanae shall take effect and, be in full force and of- toot fram and after the date of its passage and publioatIon, as required by the Charter of the City of Fort Worth;, q City° . eo""r�i�ar APPROVID AS TO FOEM AND LWAALI"17C'a City Attorney