HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 44565Ci`�vSECR�1'�C �� �' COI�'TRA�� �d�o �� �' COMMi1NITY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT This contract {"Contract"} is ma�e and entered into by and between the City of Fort Worth {hereafter "City") and Tarrant County Housing Partnez-ship, Inc. {hereafter "Developer"), a Texas non-profit corporation. City and Developer may be referred to individually as a"Part�' and jointly as "the �'arties". The Parties state as follows: WHEREAS, Ciiy has received a grant frorr� khe United Skates Department ofHousing and Urban Development ("HUD"} through the HOME Investment Partnerships Program {"HOME"), Program Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 14.239, with which Ciiy desires to promate activities that expand the supply of affordabl� housing and the development of partnerships among City, local governments, local lenders, private industry, and neighborhood- based non-profit housing organizatio�ns; WHEREAS, the primary purpose of tlle HOME progcam pursuant to the HOME Investment f'artnerships Act ak Tiile II of the Cranston Ganzales National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 12701 et sec�. and the HOME Inveskrnent Partnerships Pro�ra�n Final Rule, as amended, 24 CFR Part 92 et seq. {the "HOME Regulations" ar "Regulations") is to benefit low-income citizens by providing them with affordable housing; WHEREAS, a portion of City's HOME funds are reserved for the use of certain housing developrnent entities that qualify under the HOME Regulations as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO); WHEREAS, Developer, a Texas non-profit corporation managed by a valunfeer Board of Direetors and qualified as a CHDO according to HOME Re�ulations, is working to increase the number of quality, accessible, and affordable housing units available to low and moderate incame persons; WHEREAS, Developer requested HOME CHDQ funds for an eligible project for construction of single family hauses; WHEREAS, under this Cantract, the Developer agrees to construct one single �amily I�ause located at 1300 E. Jefferson, Fort Worth, TX 7b 104 in the City of Fort Worth and in accordance with the HOME Regulations and Exhibit ��A-I"- Final Elevations and Proposed Plans an.d SPecifications �or an amoun� up to $117,�86,00 in HOME funds; WHEREAS, the Developer shall sell the single family h.ouse to a HOME Eligible Buyer who will use the house as his or her P�•incipal Residence during the Aftordability Periad (the "Required Improvements" or project), as further described in Exhibit "A" — Pro�jeet S��mary and Scope af Work; OFFICIA� R�IC�Rp CHDQ Co�2tract 1t�itlt TCHP,for 3�f��� ��,q�� ����� V E n� U N�. 9 20i3 Page 1 of 33 �'�". ���'�'�y �� WHEREAS, City l�as detetmined that the development af quality, accessible, and affordable housing is needed for moderate, law, and very low-inconne citizens of Fort Wor�th; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations and responsibilities cantained herein, including alI Exhibits and Attachments, and subject ta �he terms and eonditions i�ereinafter stated, the Parties understand and agree as follows: l . INCORPORATI4N OF RECITAL5. City and Developer hereby agree �hat the recitals set faz`th abave are true and coz�'ect and form the basis u�on which the Parties have entered into this Contract. 2. DEFINITIONS. In addition to terms defined in the bndy of this Contract, the following terms shall have the definitions ascribed ta them as foliows: Affordable House means a house far r,vhich the homebuyer's monthiy payment of principal, interest, property taxes, and insurance does not exceed 30% of the homebuyer's monthiy grass income, ��ar is lower than 16% of the hornebuy�r's monthly gross income, for an individual or family with an income at ar below SO% af Area Median Is�come, adjustec� inr family size. In the case of new-house constructian, the percentage of the hamebuyer's monthly gross income shall ��ot exceed 32% of the homebuyer's monthly �oss income. Aifardabiiity Period means t��e periad of titne that a ha�se purchased or constructed with HOME Funds must remain affordahle and subject to recapture pravisions for the affordability periads described in 24 CFR Part 92.25� of the HOME Regulatians. The Affordability Period begins an the date t�:e Project status is changed to "complete" in HUD's Integrated Disburserr�ent Information Sys�em ("IDIS"). Required Improvements �nust remain affoardable fo�' the fallowing minimum period, as appiicable: 1. Five years if the Hom�ehuyer Assistance Pragram (HAP) is less than $15,0�0; and 2. Ten years if the HAP is $� S,OflO to $40,400. Area Median Inco�e {"AMP') means the median family income for t�e Fort Worth-Arlington met�•apalitan statistical area as established annually by HUD. Business Diversity Enterprise Ordinance ar BDE means the City's Business Diversity Ordinance, Oz•dinance No. 20020-12-2011. City Final Ins�ection rneans a HUD Compliance Inspectian Report ("Repari"} campleted by ti�e City. The Report will nat be perfartned until after the City's Permits Plus system states that CHDO Cantract ivith TCHP far 1300 E. Jeffelsola Page 2 af 33 the R�quired �mprovements have passed a�nal inspection by the �'Ianning and Develapment Department. City HAP Eligibility Requireme�ts means the �ligibility of a homebuyer for closing cost at�d/or dawn payment assistance under City HAP guidelines as adopted hy City Cauncil. Community Hvusing Developmen# Organization (CHDO} shall be deiined as set forth in 24 CFR 92.2, as amended: (1} Is organized under State or loeal laws; (2) Has no part of its net earnings inuring to the benefit af any member, found�r, cantributar, or individual of the CHDO; (3) Is neither contrnlled by, nor under the direction of, individuals or entities seeking to derive profit or gain fror� the organization. A CHDO may be sponsored ar ci•eated by a for-proiit entity, but: (i} The for-profit entity may not be an entity whose primary purpase is the development or rnanagement of housing, such as a builder, developer, or real estate management iirm; (ii) The for-prafit entity shall not appoint more than ane-third of the rnetnbership of the organizatian's govei�ning body, and board memhers appointed by the for-profit entity �-nay not appoint the �•enna�ning two-thirds of the 6aard members; and (iii} The CHDO must be free to contract for goods and se�vices from vendors of its own choosing; (4) Has a tax exemption rulin� frorn the Internal Rev�nue �ervice under section 501(c) {3} or (4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 CFR 1.501{c}(3)-1); (5} Is not a public body (including the City) or an affiliate of a public body; (6} Has atnong its purposes the provision of decent housing that is affordable to lar�v- inca�xae and moderate-income persons, as evidenced in its charter, airticles af incorporation, resolutions, or hy laws; {7} Mai��tains accauntability ta Iow-inco�ze cammunity residents by: (i) Maintaining at least one-third of its governing board's mernbership for residents of lavv-income neighba�•hoads, other low-income cammunity residents, or elected representative of low-income neighborhood nrganizations. For u��ban areas, "community" may b� a neighborhood or neighborl�oods, city, courtty or metropolitan ai•ea; for rural areas, it may be a neighborhood or neighborhoods, town, village, county, a�• multi-county area {but not the entire �tate); and (ii} Providin� a formal process for Iow-income-program beneficiaries to advise the organization in its decisions regarding the d�sign, siting, development, and management of affordable housing; {8) Has a demonstrated capacity fox carrying oui activities assisted with HOME funds; (9) Has a hisfi�ry of serving the communiry within which housing to be assisted with HOME funds is to be located; and (10) Has at least one full�time staff person CHDO Contract tivith TCHP for 1300 E. Je etsat Page 3 of 33 Complete Dacumentation means {i} Exhibit "E-1" — Invoice, si�ed by an a�athorized signatory of CHl�4, stating the amount of funds requested for reimbursetnent; and (ii) Exhibit "E-2" — Detailed Statenn►ent of Cos�s, cantaining an itemized lis�in�; of all eligible expenses requested for reimbursement. In order for Exhibit "E-2" — Detailed Statement of Cosfs to be considered complete, the following backup documentation must also be submitted as appropriate: {a} copies of bids and invoices from subcontractors and vendars far each expense listed on Exhibit "E-2" — Detailed Statement of Costs, along with an explanation of how the invoice pe�-�ains to the Required Impravements, (b} copies of other documents such as cancelled checks or wi�•e karansfers necessary to demonstrate that such amounts were actually paid, (c) if �•elevant, final lien reieases signed by th� general cantractors or appropriate subcontractars, and (d) any other documentatian reasonably requested by City such as BDE ar�d/ar DBE compliance, permits, detailed subcontractor reports, efc. The final reimbursetnent shall not be disb�a�'sed untii all liens are released to City's satisfactian as evidenced by a title report or affidavit of lien �'elease. Exhibit "F"- Standard of Backup Docurnentatian is attached. Completion shall mean the substantial completion of tk�e Required Improvements, as evidenced �iy HED Depa�`�ment Minimum Acceptable 5tanda�•d report, a HUD Compliance Inspection Repart, and any other applicable final inspection approval fram the City.. Completion Deadline nraeansJ(A/IPi �� �fl��' DBE means disadvantaged business enterprise in accordance vc+ith 49 CFR Part 26. Deed of Trust means the deed of t��st signed by Developer pursuant to Section 4.2.2. See iarm in Exhibit "�"- Deed of Trust Form. Directo!• means the Directar of the City's Housing and Economic Development Department. Effective Date means the date this Contract is executed by the City's Assistant City Manager. HAP means the City's Homebuyer Assistance Program. HAP Deed of Tr►�st means the deed of trust signed by a HOME Eligible Buyer to secure HAP assistance. HOME Eligible Buyer means: (1) a homebuyer whase annual incame adjusted fox family size does not exceed SO% of AMI using the most current HUD Ine�me Guideiines and Technical Guidance for Determining Income and Allowances. The definition of annual income to detei�tnine homebuyer �ligibility under tk�is Contract shall be the definition cantained in 24 CFR Part 92.203(b)(1), as amended; and (2) a hamebuyer who meets City HAP Eligibilzty Requirements and reeeives a minimum of $1,000.�0 of down payment andlor closing cost assistance. HOME Funds means City's HOME fi.�nds supplied by City to the Develaper under the terms of this Contract. CHDO Colrtract Lvltlt TCHP for I30D E. Je,ffer•sofi Page 4 of 33 � Prin�cipal Residence means the improved property that will be accupied by the HOME Eligible Buyer for a majarity of each year througl�►oui the Affordabiliiy Period in accordance with the HAP �uidelines as fiirther described in the writken agreement between the HOME Eligible Buyer and the City arid the HAP loart dacum�nts to be executed by the HOME Eligible Buyer. Property means the land an which the Required Improvements shall be constructed as more pa�`ticularly described in Ex�ibit "A-2" — Property Legal Description Required Improvements mean the construction by the Develaper of a sin�le family house as defned in Exhibit "A". Sales Proceeds means the sales price af a property, minus construct�an loan repayment (ather than HoME Program funds}, Developer �ee and any closing costs, or as athervvise deiined in the HOME Regulations and as shown on ihe settlement statement desc�-ibed in Sectian 4.9.4. 3. TERM AND EXTENS�ON 3.1 Term. The term of this Contract begins on the Effective Date and terminates in two years unless terrninated as provided in this Co�tract. 3.2 Extension. This Contract may be extended for 1 year upon Developer subnr�itting a request for an extension in writing at least 60 days before the end of the Contract term. The request faar extension shali include De�eloper's anticipated budget for the remaining balance, an explanation as ta why additional time is needed, and a propc�sed project timeline. Tt is specifically undez•stoad that it is within City's sale discretion to approve or deny Developer's req�e�t for an additional term. Any such extension rr�ust be in writing as an amendment to this Contract. 4. DEVELOPER OBLIGAT�4NS, 4.1 CHDO Certi�cation 4.1.1 Re uirements Met, By the execution of this Contract, Develaper certifies that it tneet� a11 requirements set foi�th in 24 CFR 92.2 for being a CHDO, 4.1.2 Status Reparts. Developei• has a continui�g, angoing duty to p�•ovide City with any docum�ntatian or informatian ir� regard to its status as a CHDO. Developer shali provide City with any information and documentation �•egarding any change in its stat€�s as a CHDO or as a SOl(c){3) tax exempt entity within ten business day of said change. Developer shall provide to City an annual board roster and certification of contir�ued status as a CHDO by January 30`t' of each year. The failure af Developer to rnaintain its status as a CHDO shall result in reversion of assets as described as 8.5.1 and shall be considered a default o� Developer, which CHDO Cof7tract �vitlr TCHP,faf' 130Q E. .Ie etso�a Page 5 oT 33 shall result in the termination of this Conkract under Section 8.4 below. 4.2. Constrnction of Renuired Improvements. 4.2.1 Required Improvements. Developer shall complete the constr�ctian of the Required Improvements as described in E�hibit "A" — Praject Snmmary and Seope of Work upon receiving writt�n notice to proceed from City. 4.2.2. Lien on Property. To seeure City's HOME Funds in the Required Imp�•ovements, Developer shall execute and provide to the City a promissary note and the recorded Deed of Trust in favor of City as of the later of (i} the Effective Date or (ii) Developer acquiring title to the Property. No funds shall be disbursed until the De�d of Trust is recorded. Upon recarding the HAP Deed of Trust, the City will release the Develaper's Deed of Trust, 4.2.3 Sale of Required Improvemen.ts. Undez the terms and conditians of this Contract, Dev�loper shall construct the Required Improvements to be sold to a HOME Eligihle Buyer(s). 4.2.4. Praiect Schedule. Developer will construct the Required Improvernents by the Completion Deadline in accordance with the schedule set forth in the attached Exhibit "B" — Projeci Schedule. Developer's failure to meet the Project Schedule or the Completian Deadline shall be an e�ent of defauit. The City may, at its sale discz'etion, approve any changes to the Praject Schedule after Developer submits a w�-itten request far the modiiied Project Schedule. �f approved by the Director, the Parties sha11 execute a Ietter agreement memorializing the change to khe Cantract. 4.2.5 Interirn Financin�. Developer shall n�t obtain any third party financing for the fialfillment of its obligatians in this Contract or place any liens on the Property without the written approval af the City, and any attempt to secure financing or f le a lien withaut City's written appraval shall result in automatic termination of this Contract. 4.3 Use of H4ME Fu�ds. 4,3.1. Budget. HOME Funds will be spent in accordance with Exhibit "C" - Sndget. Developer may increase or decrease line-item amounts in the Sudget with Director's prioar w�7�ten approval so Iong as the expenses are in compliance with 4.3.2, comply with Exhibit "A" — Pro,ject Summary and Sca�e of Work, and the total amaunt of HOME Funds is notincreased. 4.3.2. Expenditures in Compliance witi� HOME Re u�ons. Developer shall be �•eimbursed for the canst�uction of tlie Required Improvements with HOME Funds anly if Developer provides Complete Documentation showing that the casts are eligible expenditures undear HOME Regulations and in com�liance witli the Budget and Project Schedule. Further, Developer znust camply with project requirements in 24 CFR Part 92 Subpart F--- Project CHDO Conti•act tivitla TCHP far 1300 E. Jeff�eisolt Page 6 of 33 Requirements, attached he�•eto as Exhibit "G" — Subpart F Pro,ject Requiremenfs. 4.3,3. Reimbursement Re uests. Funds will be disbursed as detailed in Exhibit G4B"- Project Schedule. In order to receive reimbursement for eligible expenses, De�elaper must submit Cott�plete Documentation to City within the Co�tract tertn. Additionally, �DF's o� site plans, drawings or designs must be includ�d with the first request far reimbursement. City shall not hold retaiz�age. Instead, it shall make the final construciion paymer�t due Developer contingent upon successful co�npletion of the fallowing: (1) Completion of the Required Improvements by Developer; (2) receipt of a Housing and Economic Development Final Inspection approval for the Requi�•ed Isnprovements; (3) approvai of Complete Documentation; and (4} Developer is not in breach of this Contract or any other agreement Develaper has with the City. Developer Fee will be paid at closing of the sale of the house to a HOME Eligible Buyear. 4.3.�4. Withholdin Pa ent. II+' COMPLETE DOCUMENTATION IS NOT RECEIVED, CITY SHALL WITHHOLD PAYMENTS REQUESTED UNDER THIS CONTRACT, Further, if Develnper is in default of any other HOME contract �vith the City, City may choose, in its sale discretion, to rvithhold pay�nents requested under this Contract or any other contract with Developer. 4.4 Construction and Pro er Standards 4.4.1 Const�uction to Canform to All A licable Laws Buildin Codes and Ordinances. All plans, speciiications and canstruction on the Required Improvements shali (i) conform to all applicabl� Federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, including HOME Regulatians; (ii) meet all City building codes; (iii} be certified as meeting the Ene�•gy Conservation requirements as required by the State of Texas in Chapter 11 of the Inteinational Residence Code; {iv) for new construction, must canfortn to the curren.t editian of ti�e Madel Ener�y Code, published by the Council of American Building Officials; and (v) pass the Final Inspection by the City. 4.4.2 Construction Ins ections. The construction of the Required Itnprovements described in Sectian �4.2 rnust pass HED Department Minimum Acceptahle Standard Inspect�on repart, a HUD Compliance Inspection Report alang with any other applicable fnal inspection approval from the City and any other applicahle HUD-required inspections during the construction period and at the completion of the construction of the Development. 4.4.3 Pro ert Standards ar�d Lead Paint Re uirements. Developer shall comply with �he requirements as it related to City's prnpe�-ty standarcis as well as all applicable accessibiiity standards fo�' the Required improvernents. Developer shall comply with (i} the requirements contained 'zn 24 CFR Part 92.251 as relates ta Property Standa�•cis ax�d Housir�g Quality Standards (HQS}, {ii} Accessibility Standards under 24 CFR Part 92.251 (a}(3) as applicable, and (iii} Lead Based Pain.t Req�irements as found in 24 CFR Par� 92.355 and 2� CFR Pai�t 35 in fhe construction of the house �uilt under this Contract. CHDO Contj•act tivitlt TCHP fot• 1300 L�'. Jeff'e►sort Page 7 of 33 4.4.�, Submission and Ap�roval by Cit� of �'lans and Specifications Nat Release of Responsibility ar Liability. De�eloper shall submit plans and specifications ta the City. Appravai of any plans and specifications relating to the Required Improvements hy City shall not consiitute or be deemed (i) to be a release of the responsibility or liahility of Developer or any of its contractoars, their respective officers, a�ents, employees and subcontractors, for the accuracy or the competency of the plans and specifications, inciuding, but not limited ta, any related investigations, surveys, designs, working drawings and specifications or other documents; or (ii) an assumption of any �•esponsibilit� or liability by Czty for any n�gligent act, en'or or amission in the conduct or preparation of any investigation, surveys, designs, working drawings and specifications ar other docurn�nts by Developer or any of its contractors, and their respective officers, agents, employees and subeontractors. 4.5 Subcontrac�ors. 4,5.1 Re�orting, Deveiaper shall submit proof of the following infarmation in writing regarding all subcontractors utilized in the constructian of the Required Improvements: 4.S.1..1 Licensin� of Cantractors and Sul�contractors. Developer shall ensure thai all contractors and subcontractors utilized in the construction of the Required Improvements are appropriately licensed and that such lice�ses are maintained th�•oughout the constiuction of the Reguired Improvem�ents. 4.5,1.2. Unlicensed or Debarred. Developer shali ensure that all subcontractors utilized by Developer or Developer's �eneral contractor are not debarred or suspended from performing wark within the City, the �tafie of Texas or the �'ederal government. Developer must canfirm that ail cant�•actors subcontraetors are not listed on the Federal System far Award Management, www.sam.gav, and must submit written veriiication of such searches with the first reimbursement request which includes invoices from any subcontractor. Failure to submit such proof shall be an event of default. I� City determines that axay subcontractor has been d�bar�•ed, suspended, or is not prope�•ly licensed, Developer or Developer's general contractor shall irnmediately cause such subcontractor to stop work on the Required Improvements and Develaper shall not be reimbursed for any work perfozmed by such subcontractor. However, this Section shall not be cons#rued to be an assumption of any responsibility or liability by City to determine the legitimacy, quality, abili�y, or goad standing of any subcontractor. 4.b Marketin� 4.6, l. Affiz-mative Marketin�. Developer must adopt affirmative mark�ting procedu�'es and requirements far the Required Ir�provements as required by 24 CFR 92.351 if the p�•oject involves #I�e eonstruction of 5 ar more houses. The proc�dures and requirements must include �nethods for infoi�rning the public, owners and potential homebuyers about fai�• housing Iaws and policies so as to ensure tha� all individuals, without �•egard for sex, a�e, race, color, creed, nationality, natianal arigin, religian, handicap status, disability, familial status, sexual orientation, �ender identity, geiider expression or transgender, are given an equal oppartunity to participate in tkie project. CHDO Contjact tivitla TCHP fof• 1300 E. Je e�san P�t�e $ of 33 4.6,2, City Ap�roval. All Deveioper marketing pracedures related to the Required Irnprovements, including but not li�-nited to the affirmati�e marketing descrihed in Section 4.6.1 are subjeci to approval by City. Developer shall submit all marketin�; plans for City approval na Iater than 7 calendar days after the Effective Date. 4.6:3 Effec�ive Marketin�. D�veloper will be solely responsible for the effective marketing responsibilities necessary to achieve requirements described in Section 49.5. Documentatian supporting these efforts shall be submitted to the City upon rec}uest and shall include, but not be limited ta, brachur�s, sign-in sheets for open houses, listings, and advei�tisements. 4.7 Deveioper Fee. Deveioper shall receive a fee of 10% of the total praject-related development costs as determined by Exhi�it "C"- Budget ("Developer Fee"). The Develaper Fee shall be paid at the closing of the sale of the Required Impravements to a HOME Eligible Buyer and receipt of docutrientatian af all required inspectians. 4.$ Sales Proceecis. All Sales Proceeds must be returned to the City. �.9. Sale of Required I�nprovements fo HOME Eli�ible Buver 4.9.1 Sale Price of Rec�uired Improvemer�ts. The sales price oi the Required Improvements shall not exceed 95% of the median sales price of the same type of single-fatnily ho�sing lacated rrvithin City as determined by HUD. 4.9.2 HOME Eli ibg 1e Buyer. All homebuyers who purchase the Required Improvements must also be a HOME Eligible Buyer who receives closing cost and/or down payment assistance from the City's HAP, as describ�d in Section S. Developer must verify that tl�e homebuyer is a HOME Eligible Buyer, and must supply City with all ir�farmat�an necessary to prove eligibility of a prospective buyer prior ta closing. Any atternpt to sell the Required Impzovements to a homebuyer who is not a HOME Eligible Buyer shall be an event of c�efault and shall result in autamatic termination and reversion of ali assets as described in Section 8.5.1. In addition, the HOME Eligible Buyer must co�nplete a homeownership training and counseling program priar to the closing of tk�e purchase af' the Required Improv�ments. This reyuirement must be evidenced by a campietion certi�cate fram a HUD Certified Ho�sing Counseling Agency on1y. A copy of the certification shall be provided to the City. Failure af Developer to p�-ovide such certification shall be an event af default. 4.9.3 Contract. Developer shall pravide City with a copy of a sales contract for approval priar to execution for each H�ME Eligible Buyer. The sales contrae� rnust contain provisions regarding the following, and will incorporate definitior�s frorn tl�is contract as relevant: 1. "The home you are purchasing was const�ucted with federal fiands that require the home remain affoz•dable for up to S yea�-s ("Affordability Periad"}. This means that if you seli or leave the hozne before the Affordabiiity Pe�'iad is CHDO Contj•crct u�ith TCHP_fa• 1300 E. Je er.san Page 9 of 33 over, you will be required to repay the City the amount af f�derai funds �sed ta canstruct the home. Tk�erefoare, as a conditian of sale, you will be required ta execute a Note and Deed of Trust in favor of the City for the amount of federal funds that were used to construct the home ta secure the Affordability Period. The City a�ees that the lien wi11 be subardinate to any purchase money laans. 4.9.4. Developer ta Provide Settlement Statement. At least 5 business days before each closing, Develaper will provide to City the estimateci settlennent statement. Tl�e settlennent statement shall account, with regard to the Required Improvements, for the (1) homebuyer suhsidies, (2} development subsidies {3} Developer Fee and (4) amount of Sa1es Proceeds to be returned to City from settiement funds. 4.9.5. Timi�� o� Sale oi Required Improvements. Ti�e Required Tmprovement must be sold to an HOME Eligible Buyer within 4 rr�onths from the date of Completion. If the Required Improvements are not sold within 4 months from the date of Completian, the De�eloper shall su€bmit a status report must comply with requirements described under Sectian 8.1.4. Failure to submi� the report.and/o�• failure to se11 the Required Improvements wit�in 4�-nonths shall be an event of defauit as desczibed u�der Section 8.1.4. 4.10 Moniforin� of Developer 4.10.1 Developer und�rstands and agrees that it will be s�bject tn rnani�aring by City for compliance with #he HOME Regulations far the durat�on af the Affardabiliky Period and until the praject is clased in HUD's IDIS system. Developer will provide access to project files as requested by City, HUD, the Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their �•epresentatives d��xn� the Tetxn, during the Affordability Period and for five years after closeout of this Contract in HUD's ID�S system, and wiil meet all the i�eporting requirements set out in this Contract. This Section sha11 sur�ive the ter�ninatian or expiratian of this Contract. 4,10.2 City, HUD, #he Comptraller General oft the LTnited States, and any o� their �•epzesentatives sl�all have access at all reasonable hourrs to the Developer's offices and recards dealing with the use of the HOME �unds that are the basis af this Contract, and to its officers, directors, agents, employees, and contractors for the purpose af such monitoring with an advanced notice of no less than 24 hours. 4.10.3. Developer agre�s ta iikevcrise monitar the effectiveness �� the services and work ta be perfarmed by its cont�'actors and subcantractors. 5. HOMEBUYER ASSISTANCE. 5.1 HAP Participation. To ensure that the affordability requirem�nts are met, City requi�•es that the HOME Eligible Buyer, at least 60 days prior to closing, apply far a minimum af $1,000.00 of clasing cost andlor dawn payment assis�ance fram the Ciky's HAP. Hamebuyer eligibility slaall be determined by City in City's sole discretion using City HAP Eligibility CHDO Colztsact tivitlt TCHPfor 1300 E. Je, etsort Page 10 of 33 Requirements. City shall enter into a written agreement with the homebuyer for the down payment and/or ciosing cost assista�ce. If requested by �he City, Developer sha11 timely provide City with all documents and information necessary for City to process the homebuyer's HAP application, especially the verification of homebuyer eligibility. If the homebuyer does not �neet City HAP Eligibility Requirements, Developer may nat sell the Required Irnpxovements to the homebuyer. S.2 HAP Deed of Trust. Ci�y shall secure the HAP loa� by recording a deed of trust agains# the Property. Upon recording the HAP Deed of Trust, the City will release the Develope�''s Deed of Trust. 6. REP4RTING AND DOCUMENTATION_REQUIREMENTS b.1 Record-keeUing �vstem. In the performance of this Contract, Developer shal! develop a recard-keeping system and shall pramptly provide City with copies of any document City deems necessary far the effectiWe fulfillrnent of Ciiy's manitaring and evaluation responsibilities and the reports and docurt�ents au�lined below. 5pecificaliy Developer wiil keep or cause to be kept an accurate record of al1 actions ta�en and all funds expendeci, with source and back-up documents. 6.2 Records Retention. Developer will maintain all reco�'ds related to this Canfiract for a minimum of five years after termination of the Contract. 7. DUTIES AND RESPONSYBILITIES OF CITY 7.1 HOME Funds. ✓ 7.1.1 Reim�ursement of HOME Funds. City will reimburse Developer up to $�� �n HOME Funds far eligible expenses {excluding the Developer Fee) related to constructian of tl�e Required Irnprovements, so long as such eligible expenses are in conforma�ce with t�e Budget and Proj�ct Schedule, and sufficiently proved by Compleie Docuinentatior�. 7.1.2 Timin of Pa ment. Provided that Develaper subrnits Complete Documentatian to the Director with respect to the Required Improverrxents in conformance with this Contract, City will reiarnburse De�eloper for eligible expenses within l 5 calendar days. 7.2. Monitarin� 7.2.1 Monitorin� City will monitar the activities and perfozmance af Developer and its contractors as necessaz•y, but nn less than annually as required by the HOME Regulations, 24 C�R Pa�'t 92.504. City wiil rnoniiar the perfoi�tnance of Developer in regard to compliance with campletian of tasks, duties and respansibiiities as required und�r this Contract with an advanced notice of no Iess than 24 ��ours. CHDO Col�tract ��rtlt TCHP_foj• I300 E. Je er.san Page Il of 33 7.2.2 In addition to other provisions of this Contract regarding frequency of manitoring, City researves the right to perform desk reviews or on-site monitoz�ng of D�veloper's compliance with the terms and co�ditions of this Contract, and oi the adequacy and timeliness of Developer's performance under this Contract. After each monitoring visit, City shall provide De�eloper with a written report of the monitor's findings. If the monitaring report notes deficiencies in Developer's pe�'fo��nance, the report shall include requirements far �he timely correction of said def ciencies by Developer. Failure by Develope�' to take the action specif ed in tlie rnonitoring report may be cause for suspensian a�• ter�nination af this Contract as pro�ided in Section 11. 7.3 CHDO Assistance. After the �xecution of this Cantract, City will schedule a meeting with CHDO to review and discuss the cantractual requirements herein. S. DEFAULT AND TERMINATION 8.1 �vents of Default 8.1, I Failur� to Begin the Rec��ired Improvements. The P�'operty shall be acquired within 3 months of execution of the Cantract. If Developer fails to begin construction af �l�e Required Improvements within 1 month of the acquisitinn of the Property on which the Required Im�rovements will be located, City will natify Developer in writing and the Developer wi11 have 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the written notice ta begin construction. If property is owned by the Deve�oper at time of Contract executian, construction shall begin within 1�onth of the execution of this Contract. If the Developer fails to begin construction of the Required Impravert�ents within s�ch time, City shall have the right to terminate this Contract effective imtnediately upon written notice ta Developer of such intent with no penalty ar liability to City. 8.1.2 Failure to Com lete the Re uired Itn ravem.ents. If City detertnines that the Required Improvements were r�ot cornpleted by the Completian Deadline, Ciiy will natify Developer in writing and the Developer vvill have 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of ti�e written notice to complete the Required Improvements. If the Developer fails ta complete the Required Improvements within such time, City shail have the right to tertninate this Contract ef�`ective immediateiy upon written notice to Deveiope�• af such intent with no penalty or liability ta City, and to demand zepayment of any HOME Funds already disbursed to Developer. 8.1.3. Failure to Sul�mit Complete Dacumentation. If Develope�' fails to submit all Compl�te Documentation within the te��rrz. of this Contract, or if any subrr�itted report or documentatian is �ot in cotnpliance with this Cantract or HOME Regulatians as determined by City, City will notify Develope�• in writing and the Develaper wiil have 30 calendar days fi•om the date of zeceipt of the written natice ta subtnit or resubmit any such repart or documentation to City. I� the Developer fails to submit or resubmit any CHDO Contract �vith TCHP,for 1300 E. Je erson Pcrge 12 o f 33 such report or dacu�nentation within such time, City shall have the �7ght to terminate this Contract with no penalty or liability to City effective immediately, and ta detnand repayment of any HOME Funds already disbursed to Develaper. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, City will not be required to reimburse any HOME �unds to Developer unless Camplete Documentation is received and approved by City within the term of the Contract. 8.1,4 Failure to Sell Required Improve�ents in Aecordance with Section 4.9.5. Tf Developer fails to se11 the Required Improvements within 4 nno�ths of tl�e Completion of the Itequired Improvements, Developer will notify City in writing and the Develaper rrvill have 15 calendar days from the date af the written notice to suhmit a detailed plan. describing how the Required Improvements will be sold ta a HOME Eli�ible Buyer by 6 months fram Completion. The plan must be re�iewed and approved by the City. If ti�e Required Imparovement is not sold within b�nonths from the date of Campletion, Deveioper must choose one of the follor,ving options within 30 days before the 6 rr�an�h deadline: a. the Required Improvements wiil convert to rental unit(s) as described in 24 C�R 92.252 and the Developer will be responsible for the maintenance and managernent of the Required Improv�ments. If this option is selected, the City wiil execute a separate agreement enfo�•cing the applicable HOME requirements for HOME rentai units; OR b. all HOME fiinds provided to the De�eloper by the City under this Contract shall be repaid ta �he City within 30 days and this Con.tz•act shall be tei�rninated as described in Sectian in 5.5. 8.1.5 In General. In addition to the deiaults describ�d in 5ections 8.1.1, 8.1.2, 8.1.3, and 8.1.4 and unless specificaliy provided atherwise in this Contract, Develaper sl�all be in default under this Contract if Develaper breaches any term or condition of this Contract. IF such a hreach remains uncured after 30 calendar days fallowing receipt of written �atice by City referencing this Contract, or if Developer has diligently and continuously attempted to cure following receipt of such written natice but reasanably required more than 30 caiendar days to cure, as determined by City, City shall �ave the right to elect, in City's sole discretion, one of the rem�dies contained in Section 8.2 or to tenninate this Cont�•act effective irr�rriediately upon written notice to De�+eloper of such intent. 8.1G No Waivear. The waiver af a deiault or bi•each of any term, covenant, a�• condition of tl�is Contract shall nat aperate as a waiver of any subsequent default or breach of the same or any other term, covena�t or c�ndition hereof. 8.1.7 Civii Critninal and Administrative Penalties. Failure to pecform all the Contract terms nnay result in civil, c�•iminal or administrative penalties, including, but no� limited to those set aut in this Cantract. CHD� Cartt�•act tivith TCHP for 1300 E. Je et�so�r Page I3 of 33 8.2. Ci O tians ir► Event of Default. If Developer fails to cure the de�ault within the time stated in the notice, City at its sole option may elect a�y cambination of the following actions: $.2,1. extend Developer's time to cure; 8.2.2 disallow all or part of the cost af the activity or action not in compliance; 8.2,3 pursue any other legal remedies availahle to City to ensure compliauce with this Contract and tY�e Deed af Trust, ineluding foreclosure; andlar 8.2,4 terminate this Contract. 8.3. No Funds Disbursed while in Default. Developer understan.ds and agrees that no HOME Funds will be paid to Developer until all defa�lfis a�•e cured to the satisfaction of City. $,4. Basis for Termination. 8.4.1. Termination for Cause. City may terminate this Contract in the event of Dev�loper's default. Develaper agrees that s�ould City terminate #his Contract �ar cause, Developer �hall not be considered for any other City contract invalving HOME funds. Likewise, Developer may terminate this Contract if City does nat provide the HOME Funds subsiantially as described in this Contract. 8.4.2 Termination for Convenience. In terminating under 24 C.F.R. 85.44, this Contract �nay be terminated in whole or in part only as fallows: 8,4.2.1, By City with the consent of Developer in which case the �'a�`ties shall agree upon the termination conditions, including the effective date and in #he case of partial termination, th� portion to be terminated, ar By the Developer upon written natification to City, setting forth the reasons for such termination, the ef%ctive date, and in the case af par�ial termination, the portion ta be ierminated. Hawever, if, in the case of a partial termination, City determines that the remaining portion of the Contract to be pei•formed or HOME Funds to be expended will n.at accomplish the purposes for w��ich the Contract was made, City may tern�inate the Contt•act. 8.4.3 Dissalutian of Develaper Terminates Contract. In the event Developer is dissolved or ceases to exist, aIl assets acquired with. HOME Funds used in the development of the lxause(s) under the project including cash, interest payments f'rom laans or otherwise, any accounts receivable attributable to the use of HOME Funds, and any real or personal prope�•ty owned by Develap�r that was acqui�•ed nr improved with HOME Funds shall automatically t�•ansfer io Ciiy and tl�is Contract shall terminate. $.5 Results of Termi��ation CHDO Cattr•act »�ith TCHP for 1300 E. Je erso�a Page 14 o f 33 5.5. I. Reversion of Assets. In the event this Contract is tertninated with or without cause, all assets acqufred with HOME �unds used in the development of the Required Improvements includin� but nat limited ta plans, drawings, surveys, renderings, construction documents and any other real or personal property owned by Developer that was acquired or improved with HOME Funds shall belong to City and shall automatically transfer to City or to such assignees as C�ty may designate. 8.5.2 Waiver of Developer Fee. �f this Contract terminates prior to the sale of the Required Impravements ta a HOME Eligible Buyer, the Developer waives all right and claim to the Developer Fee. 8.5.3. Forfeiture of HOME Funds. Tin the event af termination, all grant funds awarded to Develaper pursuant to t�is Contract shall be immediately revoked, any HOME Funds distributed to Developer shall be �'et�rned ta City, and any appravals related ta the Proj�ct that is/are the subject of this Contract shall be irnmediately deemed revoked and canceied. 8.5.4 Na Com�ensation After Date of Tenninatian. In the event of termination, Develaper s�all nat receive any compen�ation fo�• work unde�•taken after the date of the termination. 5.5.5. Rights of City Nat Affected. Termination shall not effect or terminate any of the rights of City as against Developer then existing, or vc+hich may thereafter accrue because of such default, and the foregoin� provision shall be in. additian to any and all other ri�hts and remedies available to City under the law and the Deed of Trust, including, but not limited to, compelling Develaper ta complete the Required Improvements under the terms of the Contract. Sueh te��tnination does nat terminate any applicable pravisions of this Cantract that ha�ve been expressly noted as surviving tk�e term or tei�nination of the Contract. 9. SURVIVAL. Any pro�ision of this Contract that per�ains to affordability, monitoring, record keeping and reparts, along with any default and enforcement p�•a�visions necessary to enforce such provisions, shali survive the tei-tnination of this Contract a�d shall be governed by the HOME Regulations as well as the D�ed of Trust. 10. REPAYMENT OF �4ME FUNDS. All HOME Funds are subjeet to repayrr�ent to City by Developer in the event the Required Innp�•ovements do not meet the requirements as set out in this Car�tract and its Exhihits. It is expressly understood that upan the Completion of Required Irnprovements, any HOME Funds not reirnbursed under this Cantract shall remain wit� City. � 1. GENERAL PROV�SIONS li.l.. Develoqer Independent Contractor Developer shall operate hereunder as an independent contractor and not as an of'ficer, agent, searvan� a�' employee of City. Developer shall have exclusive cnntrol of, and the exclusive ri�t to control, the details of the work and seivices per•formed k�ereunder, and all persons pe�•forming same, and shall be soiely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, CHDO Corrtract tivitlt TCHP foi-1300 E. Je er.rot7 Page 15 of 33 members, ag�nts, servants, employees, cantractors, project participants, licensees a�• invitees. 1L2. Doctrine of Res�ondeat Superiar The doctrine of respondeat superior shall not apply as between� City and Developer, its officers, members, agents, servants, em.ployees, cantractors, project participants, licensees or invitees, and no�hin� herein shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint enterprise between City and Develaper. It is expressly understood and agreed that no officer, mermber, agent, employee, contractoi•, licensee ar invitee of Developer, nor any praject participant, is in the paici sez-�ice a� City and that City daes not have the legal right to control the details of the tasks performed hereur�der by Develope�•, its officers, mea�x�bers, agents, employees, contractors, project participants, licensees or invitees. 11,3 Reli ious Or anization. No portian of the fiinds received by Developer hereunder shall be used in support af any sec�arian or religiaus activity. In addition, the�'e rnust be no religious or membership criteria for homebuyers of the HE)ME-funded property, pu�•suant to The Fair Housin� Act, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 {42 U.S.C. Sections 3601 et seq. ). 1i.4. Audit 11.4.1. Entities that Ex end $500 000 or more in Pederal Funds Per Year Ali non-fed�ral entities that expend $500,000 or more in Federal fiinds within one year, regardless af the source of the �'ederal award, must submit to City an annual audit prepared under specific reference to OMB Circular A-133. The audit shall cover the Develnper's fiscal years during which this Contract is i� force. Tl�e audit must be prepared by an independent c�i�tified public accountant, b� completed within six months %llowing the end of the period being audited and be submitted to City within 30 days a� its completian. Developer's audit certification is attached hereto as Exhibii "D" —Auciit Requirements. The Audit Ce��tification �orrz� must be submitted �o City within 60 days of the end of period being audited (Developer's fiscal yea�'}. Non-profii entities that expend less than $500,000 a year in Federai funds are exe�npt from Federal audit requirements for �hat year, but records must be available �or review or audit by apprapriate affieials of the Federal agency, City, and Generai Accounting Office. 11.4.2. Citv Resezves the Right to Audit City reserves the ri�t to perform an audit of Developer's program operations and finances at any time during the tez�m of this Contract with an advanced natice of no less than 24 hours if C�ty determines that such auciit is necessary for City's compliance with OMB Circular A-133, and Developer shall allow access to all pertinent materials. If �uch audit reveals a questioned practice ar expenditure, such questions �nust be resolved within i 5 days afte�' notice ta Developer of such questi�ned practice or expenditure. If questions are not �•esolved within this pe�Ynd, City reserves the rigl�t to r�+ithhold further fundin� under this andlor fiiture contract{s) with Developer. IF AS A RESULT OF ANY AUDIT IT �S DETERMINED THAT DEVELOPER HAS MISUSED, MISAPPLIED OR MISAPPROPRIATED ALL OR ANY PART OF THE HOME FUNDS, DEVELOPER AGREES TO REIMBURSE CITY THE AMOUNT OF SUCH M4NIES SO MISUSED, MISAPPL�ED OR MISAPPROPRIATED, CHDQ Co�atl�act �vith TCHP,faf� 1300 E, Je enson Page 16 of 33 PLUS THE AMOUNT OF ANY SANCTiONS, PENALTY OR OTHER CHARGE LEViED AGAIN�ST CITY BY HUD BECAUSE 4F SUCH MISUSE, MISAPPLICATION 4R MISAPPROPRTATION. 11.5. Venue Venue for any actian, whether real or asserted, at law or in equity, arising out of the e�ecution, performance, attempted performance or norz-performance of this Contract, shall lie in Tarz•ant County, Texas. 11.6 Governin� La��v In any questions involving state law, for any action, wllether real o�• asserted, at lavv or in equity, a��sing out of the executian, performance or non-perfozmance oF this Con�ract, in any issue not governed by federal law, the choice af law shall be the law from the State of Texas. 11.7 Severabi�itv. The provisions of this Cantract are severable, and, if fnr any reason a clause, sentenc�, parag�raph pr other part of this Contract sha11 be determined to be invalid by a court or Fedez'al ar state agency, board or commission having jurisdiction o�er the subject rnatter thereof, such invalidity shall nat affect other provisions which can be given effect without the invalid provision. 11.8. Written A reement Entire A reement. This written instrument and the Exhibits attached he�•eta, �,vhich are incorporated by �•eference and made a part of this Contract for all purposes, constitutes the entire Contract by the Parties hereto concerning the work and sez-�ices to be performed under this Contract. Any prior or contemporaneaus oral or written agreement, which purports to vary the terms of this Contract, shall be void. Any amendments to the terms of this Contract must be in w�7ting and must be ex�euted by each Party to this Contract. 119. Para ra h Headin s for Reference Onl No Le al Si nificance. The pai•agraph headings contained herein are for convenience in reference to this Contract and are nat intended to define oz• ta limit the scope of any provision of this Contract. 1L10 Cam lianee With All A licable La�vs and Re ulations Developer agrees ta co�nply fully with a11 applicable laws and reguiations that are cuz�'ently in effect or that are hereafter amended during the performance of this Contract. Those laws include, but are not limited to: • HOME Investment Partnership Act as set out above • Title VI af the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (�2 U.S.C. Sections 2000d et seq.) including �rovisions requiring recipients of federal assistance to ensure meaningful access by persnn of limited English proficiency • The Fair Housing Act, Tit1e VIII af the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. Sectioz�s 3601 et seq.) • Executive Orders 11 �63, 1124b as amended by 11375 and 12086 and as CHDO Cor7trrrct lvith TCHP for• 1300 E. Je etso�i Page 17 of 33 � st�pplemented by Depaz•tment of Labar regulations �1 CFR, Part 60 • The Age Discrimination in Employment of 1967 • The Age Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 U.S.C. Seckions 6101 et seq.} • The Unifarm Relocation Assistance and Real Praperty Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 {42 U.S.C. Seetions 4601 et seq. and �9 CFR Pai�t 24} ("URA") • Section SO4 of the Rehabilitation Act of' 1973 (29 U.S.C. Sectians 794 et seq.) and 24 C�'R Part 8 where applicabie • Natianal Environrnental Policy Act af 19G9, as amended, 42 U,S.C. sections 4321 et seq. ("NEPA") and the related authorities listed in 24 CFR Part S$. • The Clean Air Act, as amended, {42 LT.S.C. Sections 1251 et seq.) and the Clean Water Ac� of 19'�7, as annended (33 U.S.C. Sections 1251 et seq.} and the related Executive Order 11738. In na event shall any atnount of the assistance provided under this Cor�tract be utilized with respect to a faciiity that h.as given �-ise to a conviction under the Clean Air Act ar the Ciean Water Act. + I�nmigration Reform and Contxal Act of i986 (8 U.S.C. SecYions IlOI et seq.} specifically including the prav'tsions requiring employer veri�cations of legal status of its employees • The American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U,S.C. Sections 12101 et seq.), the Architectural Bar�•iers Act of 1968 as amended {42 U.S.C. sections 4151 et seq.) and the Uniform Federal Accessi�ility Standards, 24 CFR Part 40, Appendix A • Re�lations at 2� CFR Part 87 related to lobbying, including the requirement that cei�tifications and disclosures be o�tained from all covered persons • Dz-ug Free Workplace Act o� 1958 {41 U.S.G Sections 701 et seq.) and 24 CFR Part 23, Subpart F • Executive Order 12549 and 24 CFR Part 5.105(c) pertaining to restrictions on participation by ineligible, debarred or suspended persons o�• entities • Re�ulatians at 24 CFR I'art 882.708(c) pertaining to site and nei�bo�•hood standards for new constr�iction prajects • Regulations at 2� CFR Part 983,6 far Site and Neighborhood Standards Review • Regulations a� 24 CFR Housing and Urban Deveiopments, Part 92 Hozx�e Investments Partnership Program ll.11 HUD-Assist�d Pro'ects and Em �o meant and Other Economic O ortunities (Section 3). If the construction of the Required Impravements will cause the crea�ion of �zew employment, training, or contracting oppoi�t�nities on a contractor or subcontractor level resulting frozn fk�e e�penditure of the H�ME Funds, Developer shall camply with the foilawing aud will ensu�•e that its contractars. I#' the work pe�•Formed under this Contract is oii a project assisted under a program providing direct Federal financial assistance fi•om HUD, S�ction 3 of t�ie Housing and Urban Develapment Act of 1968 as a►nended (12 U.�.C. Sections 17Q1 et seq.} and its relat�d regulations at 24 CFR Patrt 135, specifically 24 CFR 135.38 ("Sectian 3"}, requires that the following clause, shown in italics, be inserted in a11 cavered contracts ("Sectian 3 Clause"): CHDO Contfact �vith TCHPfor 13Q0 E. Je ejsvn Page I B of 33 Section to be quoted in covered confracts begins: "A. TI�e worlc to be pe�for�3ried zrndei• this contract is sarbject to the 1•eqasir•ements of Section 3 of Hoassing and Ur�ban Developrnent Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. ,sectian 170Iia (Section 3}. The pirrpase of Sectian 3 rs to ensirre that ertiployrrient crnd other economic opportarnities generated by HUD assisted or HUD-nssisted prajects co��er•ed by Sectian 3, s{iall to the greatest exient feasible, be directed to low- a1�d ve�y-lotiv income persons, partica�lc�1-ly per�sons wlao c�re r•ecipie��ts of HUD assistarzce for l�ousing. B. T{ze �af•ties to this contract ag��ee to cofrtply tivith HUD's ,•egarlations i�z 24 CFR Paj-t 135, �vhich implement Section 3. As evidefaced by their execartian of tliis co�rt�-act, t1�e par�ties ta this coniract cer•tify tlzat they af•e c�nder �zo cantractasal ar otlaer irnpedirnent tlzat woc�ld prevent thern fi•om complying with the Paf�t 135 1•egttlations, C. T1ae contf•actor agj•ees to send to eacli labor or•ganizataan ar 1•epresentative of ��o��Irer•s with wl�icl1 it Iza,r a callective bargairaing agree�nent or other� crnderstandi�zg, if any, a notice ad��ising the labat• ar•ganization or warkej�' represerrtatives of tlie contr•actof-'s commitrfre�its arnder tlzis Sectian 3 claaise a�zd will post copies of tlze notice i�� canspicLrotrs places at tlze wo1•k site wjiere both employees and applicants for• trai�iing and employment positions can see the rrotice. T{ie natice shall descj•ibe the Section 3 prefer�ence, shall set forNz minimcrrn ntirnber and job titles sarbject to {zif•e, availability af appre�tice at�d training positions, tl:e qtralifications for each; and tlze nanre and location of tlie person(s) talring applacataons fof- each of tlie positions; and the anticipated date the �vork shall begin. D. Tl:e contractar agr•ees tlzat it will i�aclaide tlus Section 3 clazise in eve�y si�bcontract to comply with f•egulataon in 24 CFR Paj�t 135, and agr•ees to take app�•opriate actian, as �rovided in an applicahle pr-ovision af the sasbcontf-act or ira this Section 3 clazrse, upon finding tlzc�t the sasbcontractor rs in violation af t1Te regttlaiions in 24 CFR Paj•t 135. T{te conts-�ctor ��tll not subcontr-act witit any sa�bcontractor where it 17as natice or• krzawledge tl:at tl�e sirbcontj•actoj• has been foarnd in violation of f•egulatians an 24 CFR I35. E. Tlze contr�acto�� ��ill cet•tify tlzat any vacant employtr�ent positians, ilzcltidisig tr�aining posiiians that a�•e f led.� (1) after the cant�•actor is selected hirt before tlze corttract rs el.ecuted, and (2) with per�sans other than tltase to tivlrorn tjie r•ega�latYons of 24 CFR Part 135. Tlte cofatf�actor will not si�bco�2tract witli any si�bcont��acto�• wlrer e it l�as notice o�• Irnowledge tlzat the su6con�t�•actor has been fa��nd in vialation af t•egulntians in 24 CFR 135. F. Noncompliance tivitl: HUD's r�egcrlatian in 24 CFR Paj•t 135 may j•esislt in scrnetions, tej•nainalion of tltis contract for• defatslt, a�zd dehc�rfne�zt or sccspen�ion ft•o�n fc�ture HUD assisted cont�-acts. G. With respect to waj�1� pelfor7ned in coni�ectio�� witli Sectiarr� 3 co��ered Ladic�rz I�oarsing assistance, sectior� 7(b) of tlie Iizdian Self-Dete��jninaiion and Edcrcation Assistcrnce Act (2S U.S,C. section 4SOe) also applies to t{ae wo��lc ta be pesfor�rxecl t�nde�� tliis Co�ztr�act. Section 7(b) r•eqasi�-es thc�t to tlze gr�eatest extent CHDO Coratl�rrct ivitft TCHPfoi• 1300 E. Jef�erson P�rge 19 of 33 feasible (i) preferer�ce C1i1L� 0�3rJ01�tcrjzities for• tf•aining and einplayrnent sl�all be given to Indians, and (ii) pr•efe�Rerzce iri tl:e ativard of cor�tracts and subcoritracts s{rall be g1��eri to Indian organizations and Indian-owned Ecofzo�nic Ente�prises. Parties to tliis co�Tti�act tlzat are strbject to tlte pi•ovisions of Section 3 and Section 79b) agree to cori�ply witlz Section 3 to the maxirncrm extent feasible, but nat in derogc�tion of corripliance �vith Section 7(h). " Sectian to be quoted in covered contracts e�.ds. City ar�d Developer understand and agree that, if applicable to t11e project, compliance witli the provisions of Section 3, the regulations set forth in 24 CFR �'art 135, and all applicable ��ules and orders of HUD shall be a co�nditian af the Federal iir�ancial assistance provided ta the project binding upon City and Developer, and khei�• respective successors, assigns and their contracto�•s. Failure io fulfill these requirements shall sub�ect Developer and its contractors and their respective successors and assigns ta those sanetions specified by the gant agre�ment through which Federal assistance is provided and to such sanctions as a�•e specified by 24 CFR Part 135. 11,11.1 Section 3 Reporting. City and Deveiaper uncierstand and agree that compiiance with the �z-ovisions of Section 3, the reg�.�lations set forth in 24 CFR Part 135, and all applicable rules and nrders of HUD shall be a condition o� the Federal financia� assistance provided to the project binding upon City and Develaper, and their respectiv� successors, assigns, contractors and subcontractars. �'ailure ta fulfill these requirements shall suhject Developer and its cantractors and subcontractors and their respective successors and assigns to those sanctions specified by the g�ant agreement through which Federal assistance is provided and to such sanctions as are specified by 24 CFR Part 135. Thc responsibilities include: l. Implemeniing procedures to notify Section 3 residents and business concerns about training, e�nployment, and contr•acting oppartunities generated by Section 3 covered assistance; 2. Notifying potential contractors wor�Cing oi� Section 3 covered prajects of their �•esponsibilities; 4. Facilitating the training and employment of Section 3 residents and the award of contracts ta Section 3 business concerns; 5. Assisting and activeiy cooperating with the Department in rnaking contractors and subcontracto�•s comply; 6. Refi•aining from entering inta contracts with contractors that are in violation of Sectian 3 regulatiflns; 7. Documer�ting actions taken to comply with Section 3; and 8. Submiiting Section 3 Ann.ual Summary Reports (farm HUD-60002) in accordance wit� 24 CFR Part 135.90. CHDO Contj•act ivitlt TCHP fof• 1300 E. Je„�fe�:sot� Pnge 20 of 33 In order ta comply with the Sectian 3 requirements, Developer must subxxiit the Section 3 Reporting Foi�ns attached hereto as Exhibi� G4K" - Section 3 Reporting Requireme�nts. i 1. l 1.1.1 Report to the City on a quar�erly basis, al1 applicants for employment, and all applicants fo�• employm�nt by can#ractors and any subcontractors. This shall include name, address, zip code, date of application, and status (hiredlnot-I�ired) as of the date of the report. Notify available positions to the public for open competition, and prorride docurnentation to City wiih the quarterly report that demonstt'ates such open advertisement, in the form of printout of Texas Wo�•kforce Commission posting, copy of newspaper advertisement, copy af flyers and iisting aflocations where flyers were distributed, and the Iike. 11.11, i.3 Report to the City on a quarterly basis, all corttracts awarded by contractors and any subcontractars. This shall include name ai contractor and/or suhcontractor, address, zip code, and arnount af award as of the date of the report. 11.12. Prohibition A�ainst Discrimination Developer, in the executian, performance or atte�npted perfarmance of this Con�ract, shall comply with all non-discrim�ination requir�m�nts of 24 CFR 92.350 and the ordinances codified at Chapter 17, Article III, Division �— Fair Housing of the City Code. Deveioper may nat discriminate against any person beca�se of race, color, sex, gencier, religion, national arigin, familial status, disability or perceived disability, sexual oarientatian, gender identity, gender expression, or transgender, nor will Developer permit iis of�cers, members, agents, or employees to engage in such disc��mination. This Contract is made and entered into with �•eference specifically to the or•dinat�ces codified at Chapter 17, Article III, Division 3- Emplayment Praetices af the City Code, and Developer hereby covenants and agrees that Developer, its o�ficers, inemhers, a�ents, employees and contractors, have fully eomptied with all provisions of sanne and that no �tnplayee, or applicant fo�• employrrxent has been discriminated against under the te��ns af such ordinances by either or its ofiicers, members, agents, employees or cantractors. During the performance of this Contract, Develaper agrees that Developer will x�at unlawfully discriminate against any employee or applicants fpr employment because of race, color, sex, gender, religion, national origin, familial status, disability or perceived disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or transgender. Developer vvill take CHDC) Cof2tract tivitlr TCHP fo�-1300 E. Je ersan Pnge 2I of 33 affirmative action to ensu�•e thai applicants are hired witho�t regard to race, color, sex, gender, reiigion, natio�al origin, iarnilial status, disability or perceived disability, sexual arientation, gender identity, gender expression or transgender and that employees are treated fairly during emplayment without regard to their z•ace, color, sex, gender, religion, natianal origin, familial status, disability or perceived disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender exparessian or transgender. Such action shall inciude, but not be limited to, the following: employment, up�'adin�;, demotion or transfer, �-ecz�uitment or recruittnent advertising, layaff or t�rmination, rates o�pay or other forms of compensation, and selectian for training, including apprenticeship. Develaper agrees ta past in conspicuous places, available ka emplayees and applicants for employment, notices setting £arth the p�•ovisions af this nondiscrimination clause. Developer will, in all solieitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on hehalf of De�elaper, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, se�, gender, religion, national origi�, familial status, disability or perceiv�d disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or transgender. Develaper cov�nants that neither it nor any of its officers, members, agents, emplayees, or contractars, while engaged in performing this Contract, shall, in connection with the �mployment, advancem.ent or discharg� of etnployees or in connection with the terms, conditions ar p�•ivileges of their empioyment, discriminate against persons because of their ag� or because of any disability or perceived disability, except on the basis of a bona fide occupational qualzfication, retirement plan or statutory requirement, Develaper fiu�her cov�nants that neither it nar its office�'s, members, agents, employees, cantractors, or pearsons acting on their behalf, shall specify, in solicitations or advertisements for employees to work on this Cant�'act, a maximum age limit foar such employment unless the specified maximum age linnit is based upon a bona fide occupa�ional qualification, retirement plan or statutory requirement. If Developer is found to be in noncomplian.ce with the nondiscrirnination clauses of this Contract or witk� any nf such rules, �•egulations or orders, this Contract may be canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and Deveioper may be declared ineligible for further government contracts in accordance with procedures auti�orized in Executive Order 11246 of September 24, i965, and suc� other sanctions rnay be imposed and remedies in�oked as provided in Ex�cutive O�•der 11246 of September 24, 1965 or by rule, regulations, or order of the Secretary oi Labor or as otherwise provided by law. Developer will require th� pravisions of this Sectian 11.11.1 to be included in each af its subcontracts for work per�azmed on the project unless exempted by rules, �•egulations or orders of the Secretary of Labor issued pursuant tio section 204 of Executive 4rder 11246 of September 24, 19b5, so that such provisions will be bindin� upon eacY� subcantractor oar vendor, Developer will take such action with respect to ar�y subcontract or purchase order as City may direct as a means of enforcing such provisians, including sanctions far noncompliance. 11.12,3. Develaper's Contrac�ors and ADA CHDO Contf•act tivit/a TCHP.ro�� 1300 E. Je,�fet:ran Page 22 of 33 Uncier the provisions of the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), Developer warrants that it and any of its contractors will not unlawfully disci-iminate on the basis of disability in the provision of services ta the generai public, no:r in the availability, terms andlor conditions of �mployment for applicants for erriployment with, or employees of Developer or any of its contractars. DEVELOPER WARRA.NTS IT WILL FULLY COMPLY WITH ADA'S PROVISIONS AND ANY OTHER APPLTCABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS CONCERNING DYSABIL�TY AND WILL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD CrTY HARMLESS AGAINST ANY CLA�MS OR ALLEGATIONS ASSERTED BY THIRD PARTTES OR C4NTRACTORS AGA�NST CITY ARISING OUT �F DEVELOPER'S AND/OR ITS CONTRACTORS' ALLEGED FA�LURE TO COMPLY WITH THE ASOVE-REFERENCED LAWS CONCERNiNG D�SABILITY DISCRIM�NATION IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT. 11.13. Prohibition A ainst Interest / Conflict of Ynterest 11.I3,1 Developer shall establish safeguards to prohibifi iis employees, board members, advisors and agents from using positions for a purpose that is nr gives the appearance of being mativated by a desiare for private gain for themselves ar others, paz-�icularly those with vcrhom they have famiiy, business or ather ties. Developez' shall disclose to Ci�y any conflict of interest or potential co�flict of interest descr�bed above, immediately upon discovery of such. 11.13.2 No persons who are emplayees, agents, eansultants, o£�`�cers ar elected officials or appointed officials af City or of Developer who exercise or ha�e exercised any functions ar respansihilities with respect to activiti�s assisted with H4ME funds or who are in a pasitian to participate in a decisinn-making process or gain inside information with regard to these activities, may obtain a financial interest or benefit from a HOME-assisted activity or have an interest in any contract, subcontract or agreement wit�� respect thereto, or the proeeeds thereunder, either for themselves or thase with whom they hav� family or business ties, during their tenure or for one year thereafter, unless they are accepted under the procedures set fa�-th at 24 C.F.R. § 92.35b. 11.13.3 Developer affirms that it will adhere to Chapter 36 of the Texas Penal Code, which prohibits bribery and undue influence of public servants. 11.13.4. In the procurement of propei-�y and services by Developer, the conflict af interest provisions af 24 CFR Part 85.3b and 24 CFR Part 8�.42, respectively, shall apply. In all cases not go�erned by those sections, the provisions of 24 CFR Pai� 92.356 of the HOME Regulations shall apply. ll.l.4. Labor Standards 11.14.1 As applicable, Developer agrees to comply with the requirements of the Secretary of Labor under the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a et �eq. and 18 U.S.C. 8'14) as annended, tihe provisions of Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 3'70l et seq.} and all other applicable Federal, state and local laws and regulations CHDO Corrt��act with TCHP for 1300 E. Jef]`'ej sola Page 23 of 33 pertaining to labor standards insofar as those acts apply to th� performance of this Contract. Dev�loper agrees to comply with the Copeland Anti-Kick Back Act {18 U.S.C. 874 et seq.} and its implementing regulations of �he U.�. Department of Labor at 29 CFR Part 3. Develope�• shall maintain documentation that demonstrates compliance with hour and wage requirements of this Co��tract and HOME Regulations. Such documentation sl�all he made available promptly to City, HUD, U.S. Department af Labor, the Comptroller General of the United States, and any of their representatives for review upon request. 11.14.2 Developer agrees that ali contractors engaged under contract for constructian, renova�ion. or repair work financed in whole or in �art with assistance provided under this Contract, shall camply with Federai requirements adopted by City pertaining to such contracts and with khe applicable requi�•ements of the regulations of the Department of Labar under 29 CFR Parts 1, 3, S and 7�overning the paymenf of wages and ratio af apprentices and trainees to journey wax•kers; provided that, if wage rates I�igher than those requized under these regulations are imposed by state or local law, nothing hereunder is intended to relieve De�eloper of its oblzgation, if any, to require payment of �he higher wage. Developer shall cause or require ta be inserted in full, in all such contracts subject to such �•egulations, provisions meeting the requirements of this paragraph. 11.15. Subcontractin with Smail and Minori Firms Women's Business Entearprises and Labor__Surplus Areas. 11.15.1 For procurement contracts $50,000.00 or larger, Developer agrees to document a gaod faith effort to involve Minarity Business Enterprises and Small Business Enterprises and to provide them equal opportunity to ca�npete for contracts for construction, provision of professional services, purchase of equipment and supplies and provisian ot other services required by City. Developer agrees to incorparate the Cify's BDE Ordinance, and all amendm�nts or successar policies or ardi�►ances thereto, i:ntn alI contracts and subcor�tracts far procurement $50,000.�0 or larger, and will further requi�•e all persans or entities with which it so contracts ta document a good faith effort with said o�•dinance. 11.15.2 Tt is national policy to award a fair share of contracts to disadvan.taged business enterpri�es ("DBEs"}, srnall business enterprises �"SBES"�, minarity business enterpri�ses �"MBEs"�, and W011lell'S �U51I1�58 enteiprises ("WBEs"}. Accordingly, affirmative steps must be taken to assure that DBEs, SBEs, MBEs, and WBEs are utilized when possi�ie as sources af supplies, equipment, co�str�ction and seivices. 11.16. Other La�vs The failure to list any federal, state or city law, ardinance or regulation khat is applicable to Developer does nat excuse a�' relie�e Developer from the requiretnents or respansibilities in regard ta fallowing the law, nor from the consequences or penalties far Develaper's failure to fallow the law, if applicable. CHDO Contract tivitlt TCHP.for 13Q0 E. Je efsaa Page 24 of 33 1i.17. Assi�nment Deve�oper shall not assi�n all or any part of its rights, priviieges, or duties under this Contract without the prior written approval of City. Any attempted assi�ment of same without approval shall be void, and shall constitute a breach of this Contract. � l.l 8, Ri�h� to Inspect Contractor__Contracts It is agr'eed that City l;as the t-ight to inspect cantracts between Developer and any contractar engaged in any activity in conjunction with this HOME-funded project. 11.19. Farce Maieure If Develaper becom�s unabie, either in whole ar part, ta fulfill its obligations under this Contract d�e to acts of Gad, strikes, lockouts, or other industrial distu�'bances, acts of public enemies, wars, blockades, insumrections, riots, epidemics, earthquakes, fires, floods, restraints or prahibitions by any court, board, departme�t, cammission or agency of the United S�ates or of any States, civil distu�•bances, or explosions, or some at�er reason beyond such Developer's control (collectively, "Fnrce Majeure Event"), the obli�ations so af�ected by such Force Majeure Event wili be suspended only during the continuance of such event. Deveioper will give City written notice of the existence, extent and nature of the Force Majeure Event as soon as reasonably possible after the occurz�ence of �he �vent. Developer will use commercially �•easanable efforts to remedy its inability to perform as soon as passibie. Failure ta give notice will result in the continuance of the Developer's obli�atian regardiess of the extent of ar�y existing Force Majeure Event. 11.20 HOME Requirements. Developer agrees to connpty with all requirements of the HOME Parogram as stated in 24 CFR Part 92, including, but nat limited to the fallowing; 11.20.1 Environmental Review. HQME Funds will not be paid, and costs cannat be incurred until City has conducted and campleted an environmental review of the proposed Pzoject site as required under 24 CFR Part 58. The environmental review may result in a decision to proceed with, modify, or cancel khe project. Fur�her, Developer will not undertake or commit any funds ta physicai or choice limiting actions, including property acquisitiort, demalitipn, rnovement, rehabiiitation, conversion, repair or const�uction prior to the environmental clearance, and any vialation of this provisian will z•esult in the denial of any funds under this Contract. 11.20.2 Cantract Not Constitutin� Com�nit�nent of Funds or Site A�raval. Notwithstanding any provisian of this Cant�•act, the Parties agree an.d acknawledge that this Contract does not constitute a cornrr►itment af fiinds or site approval, and that such committnent of funds or approval may occur anly upon satisfactory completian of environmental review and receipt by City of an autharization to use gi•ant funds frain HUD unde�' 24 CFR Par� 58. CHDO Contract tivith TCHP far 1300 E. Je etsai� Page 25 of 33 1 i.20,3 Compliance with the Unifot�rn Relocation Ae�, Developer shall comply witl� the relocatian require�nents of 24 CFR Part 92.353 and a1� ather applicable Federal and state laws and city ordin.ances and requirements. 11.20.4 Comptiance with Davis-Bacan. Developer will comply with the Davis-Bacan Act as described on Exhibit "H" --- Davis Bacon Requirem.ents of this Contract. In order to monitor for compliance, Developer shall provide City access to employee payrolls, contractor and subcontractor payrolls and other wage information for persons perfa�xning canstructi4n of the Required Improvements. In additiott, Developer shall ensure that City will have access ta emplay�es, contractors and subcontractors and tl�eir employees in order to conduct onsite interviews with laborers and mechanics. Additianal requirements and forms that should be used to comply with this section are in the follovving exhibifis: Exhibit "H-1"- Wage Determination; Exhibit "H-2"- Contractor Information Form; Exhibit "H-3 - Subcantractor Information Fo�-m;; Exhihit "H-4 — Labor Re�ations Guide; Exhibit "H-5" — Start af Canstruction Form; Exhibit "H-6" — Constructio� Co�plete Form; Exhibit "H-'�" — EE� �tatement; Exhibit "H-8" — Payroll Deduction Authar�zation FotYn; and Exhibit "H-9" — Officer Appointment Form 11.20,5 Developer Procurement Standards. Developer shall establish procurerrteni procedures to ensu�•e tl�at mater�als and services are obtained in a cost effective manne��. When procuring far services to he provided under this Co��tract, Developer shall comply at a minimt�m with the nanp�•ofit procurernent standards at 24 CFR Part 84.40 - 84.48. 11.20.6 Cost Principles/Cost Reasonable�ess. Developer shall administer their use of HOME Funds in compliance with OMB Circular A-122, "Cost Principles for Nan-Profit Organizations", as amended from time to time. The allowability of costs i��curreci for perforrnance rendered shall be determi�ed in accordance with OMB Circuiar A-122, as supplements by the provi�ions of �his Contract. 11.2D.7 Develaper must take the mitigation actions outlined in. Exhibiti ��J" — Environmental Mitigatian Actian, Failure to complete the �•equired miti�ation actian is an event of default under this Contract, 12. INDEMNIF�CATION AND RELEASE DEVELOPER COVENANTS AND AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS AND DEFEND, AT ITS OWN EXPENSE, CITY AND ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS �R SUITS FOR PROPERTY LOSS OR DAMAG� ANDIOR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, 4F WHATSOEVER KIND OR CHARACTER, 'VVHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, ARISTNG OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXECUTI4N, PERFORMANCE, ATTEMPTED P�RFORMANCE OR NONPERFORMANCE OF THIS CONTRACT ANDIOR THE CHDO Contrrrct with TCHP far� 1300 E. J"e erson Page 2d af 33 OPERATIONS, ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES OF THE PROJECT DESCRIBED HEREIN, WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED IN WHfILE OR IN PART, BY ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OF OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, C�NTRACTORS OR SUBCONTRACT�RS OF CITY; AND DEVELOPER HEREBY ASSUM�S ALL LIABILITY AND RESPONSIB�LITY OF CITY AND �TS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, AND EMPLOYEES FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS FOR PROPERTY LOSS OR DAMAGE ANDIOR PERSONAL TNJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, OF WHATSOEVER KINDS OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE EXECUTION, PERF4RMANCE, ATTEMPTED PERFORMANCE OR NONPERFORMANCE OF THIS C4NTRACT AND AGREEMENT AND/OR THE OPERATIONS, ACTIVITIES AND SERVICES OF THE PROJECT DESCRISED HEREIN, WHETHER OR NOT CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OF OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACT4RS OR SUBCONTRACTORS OF CITY, DEVELOPER LIKEWISE COVENANTS AND AGREES TO AND DOE� HEREBY INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS CITY FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL INJURY, DAMAGE OR DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY OF CITY, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH ALL ACTS OR OMISSTONS 4F DEVELOPER, ITS OFF�CERS, MEMBERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, �NVITEES, LICENSEES, OR PRO.TECT PARTICIPANTS, OR CAUSED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, BY ALLEGED NEGLIGENCE OF OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPL4YEES, CONTRACTORS OR SUBCONTRACTORS OF CITY. IT IS THE EXPRES� INTENTION OF THE PARTIES, BOTH DEVELOPER AND CITY, THAT THE �NDEMNITY PROVIDED FOR THIS SECTION INCLUDES INDEMNITY BY DEVELOPER TO INDEMNIFY AND PROTECT CITY FROM THE C4NSEQUENCES OF CITY'S 4WN NEGLIGENCE, WHETHER THAT NEGLIGENCE IS ALLEGED TO BE THE SOLE OR CONCURR�NG CAUSE OF THE INJURY, DAMAGE OR DEATH. DEVELOPER AGREES TO AND SHALL RELEASE CITY, ITS AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, OFF�CERS AND LEGAL REPRESENTAT�VE� FROM ALL LIABILITY FOR INJURY, DEATH, DAMAGE OR LOSS TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY SUSTAINED iN CONNECTION WITH OR INCIDENTAL TO PERFORMANCE UNDER THIS CONTRACT, EVEN IF THE IN,iURY, DEATH, DAMAGE OR LQSS I5 CAi1SED BY CITY'S SOLE OR CONCURRENT NEGLIGENCE. DEVELOPER SHALL REQUIRE ALL OF �TS CONTRACTORS AND �UBCONTRACTORS TO INCLUDE �N THEIR CONTRACTS AND SUBCONTRACTS A RELEASE AND INDEMNITY IN FAVOR OF CITY IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME F�RM AS ABOVE. CHDO Co�ttract ivith TCHP.for• 13�0 E. Je efsol� Page 27 of 33 13. WAIVER OF IMMUNITY BY DEVELOPER if Developer, as a charitable or nonp�'afit organization, has or elaims an immunity or exemption (statutary or otherwise} from and against liability for damages ar injury, including death, to persons or property, Developer hereby expressly waives its rights to plead defensively such immunity or exemptian as a�ainst City. This section shall noi be canstrued to affect a �overnmental entity's immunities under constitutianal, statutory or common law. 14. INSURANCE AND BONDING Developer will maintair� coverage in the foi� of insurance or bond in the amount of $117,086.00 ta insure against loss from the fraud, theft or dishonesty of any pf Developer's officers, agents, trustees, directors or employees. The proceeds of such insurance or bond shall be used to reimburse City for any and all loss of HOME Funds occasioned by such misconduct, To effectuate such areimbursement, such fidelity caverage s1�a11 includ� a rider stating that reimbursement for any Ioss or lasses shall narne the City as a Loss Payee. Develaper shali furnish to City, in: a timely manner, �ut not later than 10 days aier the Effective Date, certificates of insurance as praof that it has secured and paid for policies o�' commercial insu�•a�ce as speciiied herein, If City has not reeeived such certificates as set forth herein, Developer shall be in default of the Contract and City may at its aption, terminate the Contract. � Such insurance shail covear all insurable risks incident to or in connection with the executian, performance, attempted perfoz-�ance pr nonperfarmance of this Contract. Developer shall rr�aintazn, ar r�quire its general cant�•actor to maintain, the follawing caverage and lirr�its thereof: Cornmercia� General Liabilit CGL Insurance $500,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate limit Business Automohile Liabilit Insurance $1,000,000 each accident on a combined single-limit basis, or $250,000 Prope��ty Damage $500,000 Badily Injury per person per occurrence $2,040,000 Aggregate Insurance policy si�ali be eudorsed to cover "Any A,uta" defineci as autos awned, hired and nan-owned. Pending availability of the above coverage and at tl�e discretion of City, the policy shall t�e the primary respanding insurance paiicy versus a personal auto insurance poliey if ar when in tl�e course of Developer's business as contracted herein. CFIDO Corrtract �a=ith TCHP foj• 1300 E. Je ffe��sor� Page 2S of 33 Wo r�Cers' Com�ensation Insurance Part A: Sfatutary Limits Part B: Employer's Liability $100,000 each accident $100,000 disease-each employee $500,000 disease-palicy limit Note: Such ins�t'ance shali cover emplayees perfarrning work on any and all prajeets including but not limited ta construction, demolition, and rehabilitation. Developer oar i�s cantractors shali mai�itain coverage, if applicable. In the event the respective contractars do nat maintain caverage, Developer shall maintain the coverage on such contractor, if applicable, for each applicable contract. Additional Rec�u�rements Such insurance amounts shall be revised upward at City's reasonabie option and no mare fiequently than once every 12 months, and Developer shall revise such amounts within 30 days following natice to Deveiaper of such requirements. Developer will su�mit to City documentation that it, and its �eneral canfractor, has obtained insurance covei•age and has executed bonds as required in this Cantract prior to payment af any monies provided hereunder. Where applicable, insurance policies required herein shall be endorsed to include City as an additional insured as its interest may ap�ear. Additionai insured paz�ties shall include employees, officers, agents, and volunteers af City. The Workers' Campensation Insurance policy shall be endarsed to include a waiver of subrogation, also referred to as a vwaiver of rights of recovery, in favor of City. Any failure an par�t of City to request ce��tificate(s) of insurance sha11 nat be construed as a waiver of sucl� requir�ment or as a waiver af the insurance requireznents themselves. Insurecs of Developer's insurance policies s�all be licensed ta do business in t�e state of Texas by th� Department of Insurance or be otherwise eligible and authorized to da business in the state ofTe�as. Insurers shall be acceptable to City insofar as their �inancial strength and sol�e�cy and each such company shall have a cu��'ent minimutn A.M. Best Key Rating Guide rating of A: VII or other equivalent insurat�ce indust�•y standard rating otherwise approved by City. Deductible limits on insu�•ance policies s�all nat exceed $5,000 per occurre�nce unless otherwise approved by City. In. the event there are any locai, %deral or other regulatory insurance or bonding requirements far tl�e project, and such requirements exceed those specified herein, the former shali prevail. CHDO Contract ivitlt TCHP, far 1300 E. Jefferson Page 29 of 33 � Developer shall require its contractors to maintain applicable insurance covera�e, limits, and other insurance requirements as those specified herein; and, Developer shall require its contractors to pro�vide Developer with certificate{s) of insurance documenting such co�erage. Also, Developer sl�all require its contractors to �ave City and Developer endorsed as additional ins�areds (as their interest may appear} on their respecti�e i�surance policies. Directors and Officers Liability coverage shall be in force and may be provided on a claim rt�ade basis. This covera�e may aiso be referred to as Management Liability, and shall pratect the insured against claims arising aut of alleged errors in judgment, breaches of duty anci wrong�ul acts arising out of their organizatianal duties. Coverage shall pratect not anly the entity, bt�t all past, present and future directors, officers, t�`ustees, employees, volunteers and committee �nerr�bers. Deveioper shall require its builder to maintain builders risk insurance at the value of the canstruction unless covered by the Developer. 15. CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBYING The und�rsigned representative of Developer hereby certifies, ta the best of his or her knowledge and belief, that: Na �ederal appropriated fi�nds have been paid or vvill be paid, by or on bek�alf o� _ Developer, ta any person for influencing or attempting to influence an afficer or �mplayee af any agency, a me�nber of Congress, an of�cer or employee of Congress in connection with the awarding of any Fede�•al contract, the making of any Fed�ral �rant, the making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperati�re agreement and the extensian, continuatian, renewal, amendment, or madification af any Federal cont�•act, grat�t, loan or coope�•ative agreennent. If any funds ot��.ec than federally appropriated fiinds have be�n paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempiing to influence an officer or employee of any agency, member of Cangress in connection with this Federal cantract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement, Dev�loper shall complete and submit Standard �`orm-LLL, "Disc(osure Form to Repa�� Lobbying," under its instiuctions. This certificatian is a material representatian of fact upon which reliance was placed when this Cpntract was made or entezed in�o. Submission of this certificate is a prer•equisite for tnaking o�• entering into tk�is Contract imposed by 31 U.S.C. 5ection 1352. Any person who fails to file the required certification sl�all be subject to a civil penaity of not less than $10,000.00 and nat more than $100,000A� far each such failure. CHDO Cnf�tj•act witlr TCHPfor� 1300 E. Je�ersora P�ge 30 of 33 Developer shall require that the language of this certificatian be included in all subcontracts or• agt'eements involving the expenditure ai Federal funds. 16. LITIGATION AND CLAIMS Developer shall give City immediate notice in writing of any action, irtcluding any proceeding before an adminiskrative agency, filed against DeveIoper in canjunction with this Contract or the project. Developer shall fi►rnish immediately to City copies of all pertinent papers reeeived by Developer with respect to such. actian or claim. Developer sl�all provide a notice to City within 10 days upnn filing under any bankz-uptcy a�' financial insolvency pro�isian of law. 1'7. N�TICE All notices rec�uired or permitted by this Contract must be in writing and are deemed delivered on the earlier date of the date actually received or the thi�•d day following (i) deposit in a United States Postai Service post ofFice or receptacle; {ii) with proper postage, cei�ified mail z'eturn r�ceipt �•equested; and (iii} addressed to the other Party at the address set out below or at such other address as the receiving Party designates by proper notice to the sending Party. Citv City Manager's Office l Op0 Thrackmorton Street Fart Worth, TX 76102 Copy to: City Attoz-zaey's Office 1000 Throckmortan Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 Copy to: Director of Ha�sing and Economic Develapment I000 Throckmiorton Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 Pzesident of Ta��rant Countv Housing Partnership, Inc. 3204 Collinsworth 5treet Fort Woz�h, TX 76107 18. DEVELOPER HAS LEGAL AUTHORITY TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT Developer represents tha� it possesses the legal autharity, pursuant ta any proper, appropriate and official motion, resolution or action passed or taken, to enter in#o this Contract and to perfarrn the responsibilities herein required. CHDO Cont�•act tivitlt TCHP fof• 1300 E, Jef�"e1•,san Pcrge 3l of33 19. COUNTERPARTS This Cantract may be execu�ed in multiple counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original, but which together will constitute one instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF th Parties h�reto have executed this Contract in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, this;��da�of ,�`], ��--�----- _, 2413. ATTEST: � � F FORT WORTH City �ec�•etary '` ..Y � J �..) �'�� � �1 M&C; � �� ��opO�44�o�� Date: l �����X� �� �-a 31 1��e : 3/a�la-��� APPROVED AS TO TORM AND LEGALITY: <<�t:' �' , � L� � , �, °Assistant Ciiy Attor ey ndo Cost Assi tant City Manager �3 TARRANT COUNTY HOUSING PARTNERSHIP, INC. By� Do a Van ess, Pr ' nt Date: 5IIoIl3 (�F�tCIAL RE�ORD CHDO C�»rtr«ct r��rtlt TCHP for 1300 E. Jef�erso�i �!�„� ��C�����Y Yage 32 o f 33 �T. WOR'�a#, T]� Exhibits: Exhibit "A" — Project Summary / Scape of Work Exhibit "A� 1"- Final Elevations and Proposed Plans and Specifications Exhibit "A-2"- Legal Descriptian Exhibit "B" — Project Schedule Exhibit "C" -� Bud�et Exhibit "D" — Audit Certification Form and Audit Requii•ements Exhibit "E-1" — Invoice Exhibit "E-2" — Detailed Statement of Costs Exhibirt "E-3" — Client Data Report Exhibit "F"- Standard af Backup Documentatian Exhibit "G" — 24 CFR Part 92 Subpa�� F— Project Requirements Exhibit "H" — Davis Bacon Requi�•enr�e�ts Exhibit "H-1"- Wage Decision Exhibit "H-2"- Cnntractor Information Form Exhibit "H-3 - Subcontractar Iilformation Form Exhibit "H-4 — Labar Relations Guide Exhibit "H-5" — Start of Construction Form Exhii�it "H-b" -� Const�-uctian Complete Fornrz Exhibit "H-7" — EEO Statement Exhibit "H-8" — Payro�l Deduction Authorization �'orm Exhibit "H-9" — Of�icer Appointment Form Exhibit "I"- Deed af Trusk Fozm Exhibit "J"- Environmental Mitigatian Action {Not Applicable) Exhibit "K"- Section 3 Reporting Requirements CHDO Colttract i��itft TCHP_for� 1300 E. Je,�ferson Pa�;e 33 of 33 EXHIBIT "A" PR4JECT SUMMARY - SCOPE OF WORK 1300 E, JEFFERSON DESCRYPTION: Deveioper will canstruct a 1376 square £oat, 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom single-family home on a lni size of approximately b,0�0 square feet. Constructian vcrill include a one car detached garage. �encing will be located at the rear and side ya�•ds. Landscaping will include front yard. The construction shall contain the following accessibility requirements The fallawing appliances and related am�nities will be included in the sale of the house: • Ceiling Fan{s} in 3 BR, 1 LR. • Wash�r and Dryer hookups • Central Air Canditioning • Stove • Dishwasher • Vent-a-hoad • Garba�e Disposal • Electric Garage Doar with Remote • Mailbox located at daor The following materials shall be used for the construction of the Required Improvernents • Appliances included with the sale • Fence (back yard) • Landscaping {front} • Raofing Mat�rials 3 TAB 25 YR • Siding (percentage) 100% + Faundation Type Pos� Tensian • HVAC I S Seer Heat Pump • (the "Project"}. ("N!l(1 Fimrlc _ FYhil4itc EXHIBIT "A-1" FINAL ELEVAT�ONS AND PROPOSED PLANS AND SPEC�F�CATIONS (`{-{n(� �'��nrlc .. Fvltihikc � � � �� z 0 a � �,� �_ � 0 � z 0 a � Oa : d Q � � � � �� z F � ��o �� tV O � e � � = x Q z 0 ¢ � �'s �� � O 'd' �- �� � � � � �. � �� M1 � � � �� � � E g � � � � � � g � � � _ e 0 �� � € � � � i� � � � g � A U 4� � � � � s � � ��vb � s $ s � � x s E1J �� s£ S �. � � s �� E B � �� ,�s���� ��� a�� � sm� ��m ❑ �� � .- � „w- �m- Y ��- n� �4� � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � � '����� ���� • �'�� � FR�I�1 � ; � $ 2 ��� � ����� �a�� �� � ���� �s ��gs��a c�-m�000 � � � �� � o ���� � ° � �a�� � � � � �� �� ���� � �e � � � € a� ��b �� �� saa ��� ������g� ��� 3���'���¢� ;�� � � � $��a ���� � � ���s @_ m � � � � � � � � m � � � � � � .� �� -,�b � a.�� a� � ��� o.� �-n;. � � o.� Qo� � � C' N U�' � y 2 L 0 � N D� � N � _ Oti) d�� �a�i oy �v, y � vi a� � cc.o � m� -+-' � j U �� Q.i+ ��o� ���� B � �� $S z �� � � s a � �� x � o� �� Z � � P ���N � �. � 5 _� � � � a � 00 o�; �` r Ot O � •L'.I �''f1 X-.l �� � .L-1 EXHIBIT "A-2" LEGAL DESCR�PTION Highland Park Addit�on -� Ft Wth Blk 52 Lo� 1 CHDO Fu�lds - E�liibits EXHIBIT "B" PROJECT AND REIMBURSEMENT SCHEDULE 1300 E. Jefferson P�iase Acti�ity Begi�niug Weelc — s►r�iject to rveatlRe�• e���nittiv PHASE I ACTIVITIES: Contract signeci May 13 Lot Acqttisitiot�/ Pre�a�'ation May 20 (Demolitio�i} A.ugust 12 Plttmhi�ig .r�ugnst i9 �'ot�ndation PHASE I DEADLINE: Au i�st 23 15t Pay�ne�it $36,48G PHASE II ACTIVIITES: Fra►ni��g August 26 Roofing Septe�nber 2 Insuitation Septembet• 9 Sidi�ig / Bz•ick Septetnber 16 Top-out PlErmbi��g, �lectrical, HVAC Septamber 23 PHASE li DEADLINE: Ze��� PRyEliBllt $38,500 October 4 P�-�ASE III ACTNIITES: Sheetcack, Ta�eBed/TeYtu�•e/Trim-out October '� Paint October 2l Cabi��ets, Counte�•taps October 28 HVAC, Plumbing, Elect�•ical, Finish- Nove�nbec �1 Out PHASE III DEADLINE: 3rE� Payme�it �?.8y5Q0 November 8 PHASE IV ACTIV IITES; Landscape, Pavir�g Nov�tnber 11 F�ppl'iIlg November 1$ �1,ppliances, I11i0YlOI'tE'11T1—OL1�If1I11Sil Novembe��25 PHASE N DEADLINE: Ca��st�•uctiaE► Fi��al Paymeni $I3,G00 Nove�nber 29 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL �����aS� DEVFLOPER FE� Paid at tiine of i�ome sale to HOME $�.1,7a$ Eligibie B�� er *D�veloper will be rei�nbursed for eiigible expenses ot�ly. Tlxe amotints ai•e esti�nates and at•e subject to change. C;.F�II(] E't«ids �� EYI�€l�i€s Exhib�� C Budget BUDGET —1300 E. JefEersor� Total Cost: $ _117,08G Projec� HOME Funds Awarded: $_117,086 Operating Funcis Awarded: $ _ T�TAL AWARDED �UNDS: $_117,086 * Please note #hat al! funding will made on a reimbursable basis only, De�elopment Budget Use of Funds Source nf Funds Predevelopment Cast HOME $ OTHER $ SOURCES OF TOTAL $ FIJNDS OTHER FUNDS F'UNDS f�? tZi f Names) {�t+z) 1. Market Stud 2. Feasi6ility (ie: preliminary work write-u , cost estimates, desi n 3. Other Total Predevelopment Cast {1*2=3} Development Cost � 4. Land andlor building acquisition 2,286 2,186 5. Site Preparation 3,1Q0 3,1�0 6. Consiruction Cost 99,200 99,200 7. Fence 4,3�0 4,300 8. L.andscape 2,�00 2,100 9. Coniingency 10. Appraisal 475 Proceeds of Sale 475 11. Arc�itect & Er�ginaering Fees �,500 2,500 12. Construction Management �ee 13. Consiruction Loan Interest 'f4. Properfy Sur�ey 500 ��� 15. Legai F�es �50 Proceeds of Sale 2SQ 16. Real Estate Fees 4,580 Proceeds of 5a{e 4,680 17. Utiiity Hookuplimpaet Fees 3,200 3,200 18. Title & Recording Fees 78Q Praceeds af Sale 780 19. Program Related Expenses 6,250 CHDO Operating Funds 6,250 2Q. Construction Management 21, Bond Fees 7otal Development Cost (Total of �1�,086 12g,5z1 items 4 — 21 } Total Project Cost 117,086 12,435 129,521 (`F-ff](1Fiir��c .Fvhihitc EXH�B�T "D" AUDIT REQUIREMENTS • Pages 1-2: S�mmary of Audit Requiremenks • Page 3: Single Audit Report Checklist • Page 4: Audit Certification Form ('1-�Tl(1 �t�nrlc , F'vliihitc CITY OF FORT WORTH HOUS�NG AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT AUDIT REQUIREMENTS Organizations expending $500,000 or rzaore in federal awards (from City of Fart Worth and ather fund�ng sources) during their fiscal years shall abtain either an annual single audit ar a program specific audit. 4rganizatians may have a progra�n specific audit in accordance with OMB Circular A-133, or other standard set forth in the Contraet if appiicabie, i� they exp�nded funds for anly one federal program as listed in the Catalog of Federal Dornestic Assistance (CFDA}. I� funds are spent for more tl�an one federal prog�•am, a single audit is required. The audited time period is the organization's fiscai year, and not the City of For•t Worth.'s funding period. The audit shall be conducted hy a cei-tified public accountant (CPA) that is ]zcensed at the time of the audit by tl�e apprapriate regulatoary bady. The CPA shali mee� all of the general standards concerning qual�ficatiflns, ind�pendence, due professional care and quality control as required by Goyfernlrrent Atrditir7g Standards, including the requirements for continuing professional education and external peet' reviews. Auditor selection xanust adhere to federal procurement requiretnents. A separate supplementary schedule o� revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balance for each City af �art Warth cantract is no ionger required. The Schedule of Expenditures of Federal Awards should list City af Fort Worth 's contract numbers, t�e total expended for each individual federal program, and fhe CFDA number (OMB A-133 § .310). The i�dependent auditor's report should inciude all of t�e relevant items listed an the "Audit Report Checklist." Additional guidance on the cond�ct and reporting of these audits is contained in the latest issuance of the following publications: Go��e1•nme��t Airditing Standards issued by the Comptrolier General oi the United States, 2003 OMB Circular A-133 as revised b/3�197 and amended June 2Q03 OMB Circuiar A-133 Compliance Supplement AICPA's �tatement af Position 98-3, "Audits of States, Local Governments, and Not-for-Profit Organizations Receiving Federal Awards" Various AICPA aud�t guid�s for nonprofits, eolleges and universities and health and welfare organizations AICPA's Audit Risk Alert "State and Local Gove��unental Developments" Government Acrditing Standarc�s by the Texas Depar�tment af Hotrsing aa�d Commzrnity Affail�s for• Proper•ties Receiving Low Income Hoi�sing Tax Cs•edits All organizations that receive a City oi Fa�`� Worth award must submit the provided Audit Certification Form which certifies whether you are sub�ect to a single/program audit. 4rganizations receiving federal avcrard� from the City of Fo�� Worth who are not �•equired ta have an audit shall certify in writin� to tk�e agency. The organization's Chief Executive Off cer or Chief Financial Officer shall make t�e certification within 60 days of the end of the organizatian's fiscal year in the year that the project was campleted. The foilowing ite�ns should be subrnitted to th� City of Fort Woz•kh Housing and Economic Developm�nt Depai�tment witk�in the required timefranne: D�e 60 da s after or anization's fiscal ear end in the ear that the ro'ect was com leted: re uired for all subrecipients) Completed Audit Certification Form ('Nil(l F�in�lc _ F'v{iihitc Due within the earlier of 30 days after receipt of the auditor's report or ni�e months after the end of the audit ep riad• Twa copies of th.e entire audit repart issued by the CF'A Two copies of any manage�ent letter issued by the CPA in conjunction with the audit repart Two copies of management's can�ments on all findings, recommendations, & ques�ioned casts contained in the audit report and management lettear, including a detailed carrective action plan Failure to submit any of these items by the required due date may �•esult in holds on current draw requests, suspension of the arganization's contract(s) and �ligibility for future funding, � If the organization does not meet the arequirements of havin� a single/program audit canducted, recazds must stiil be kept available for review or audit by City af Fort VLrorth s�aff (4MB A-133 Subpart B Sec 200(d}. If additionai infarmation is needed concerning the audit requirements, please call ($17) 392-6141. (`I Ill(1 Fi�nrlc _ Fxhihitc CITY OF F4RT WORTH HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVEL�PMENT DEPARTMENT SINGLE AUDIT REP�RT CHECICLIST The Department developed this checklist to help organizations improve the quality and completeness of audit repo��ts. General Purpose or Basic Financial Statements of the 4rganization Opiniot�/Report on Organization`s Financial Statements in accordance with Gaver�j�rrient Aarditing Stafzdards Notes ta the General Puzpose or Basic Financial Stateaments of the Organization A Schedule of Ex�enditures of Federal Awa�•ds, including the Department's contract numbers, the to�al expended far the federal program, ar�d the CFDA number (OMB A-133 S�tbpart C Sec 310). OpinionlReport on Sehedule oF Expenditures of �ederal and State Awards Report on Complianee and on Inteinals Control �ver Financial Repoi�tin�Based on an Audit of Financial State�nents Performed in Accordance With Gavernment Acrditing Standards. (4MB A-133 § 505 (b}) Re ort an Com liance with Re uizements Applicable to Each Majar Program and Internal Contro� o�er Compliance in Accordance with OMB Circular A-133, (OMB A-133 § SOS {c)} Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs (OMB A-133 §. SOSd), including: Sum�r►ary Schedule af Prior Audit Findin�� repo�•ting the status of all �'indings included in the prior audit's schedule of findings and questioned casts. (OMB A-133 Sec. 315 (a) and (b)) Carrective Actian Plan including (OMB A-133 Sec. 315 {c}) name of person respansible for the corrective action, corrective acYion plar�tied, anticipated completion date, and explanatioz� and reason if auditee does nat agree with fin.d'zngs or believes correcfion zs nat required. AIl reports are signed and dated by the auditor Two copies of the audit reports are submitted Two copies of the management letter, if issued �n con�unction with the audit �'eport. Two copies of comments by managament concerning all fndings and recoxr�xzaendatians included in rrianagement letter, including a correctxve ae�ion plan. f N�l(l Fiinrlc . Pvliihitc CITY �F FORT WORTH HOUSING AND ECON4MIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Audit Certification Form Subrecipienk: _Tai�rant County Housing Partnership, Inc. Fiscal Year Ending: _9_/30_/13 Month Day Year � We have exceeded the federal expenditure tl�reshold of $500,400. We will have our Single Audit or Program Specific Audit co�npleted and will submit the audit report within nine {9) months after the end of the audited iiscal year. ❑ We did not exce�d th� $500,000 federal expenditure threshold required for a Single Audit or a 1'rogram Specific Audit ta be perfarmed this fiscal y�ar. (Fill out scherlc�le belotiv) Must be frlled oart if Single Audit or Program Audit is not reqarired: Federal Expenditur� Disclosure Federal Funds Pass Tl�rough Fcderal Grantor Grantor Program Name & Contract CFDA Num6er Number �xpenditul'�5 Total Federal Experrditures,for this Fiscal Year Don� VanNess Printe ut ri nakur Must be FO, CEO o equivalent) � President � Title (Must be CFO, CEO or equi�alent) 817-924-5091 Pltone Number S/l01l3 Data Failure to submit this ar a similar statement or failure to subrr�it a completed single audit package as described in the audit requirements by the required dne date will result in suspension of fundin� and will affect eligibility for future funding, Subntit t1�ts foru� to 11te City of Fort YYorth I�ousijrg arad Ecortorrric Developl��ei�t Depal�bfre�tt ivithirr 60 �Inys crfter tlie e�id of yot«• Fiscal year C'1lTlfl Fnnrlc _ Fvhihihc Exhibi� E-1 i�v�oic� CHDO: Tarranf County Housing Partnershi , Inc. Project Site Address: 1300 E, Jefferson Ave,, Fort Worth, TX 76104 Period of Service: Program Amount This In�oice ' Cumulati�e to Date ' CHDO Certi�ication: I ce�tify that the costs incurred are �alid and cons�stent with the terms and conditions of the contract between City and CHD� By signing this invoice, I certify tha� to the best of my knowledge and belie�f the data inc�uded in this report, Exhibit G, and in all backup documentation is true and accura�e. lt is acknowledged ihat the provision of fa�se information could lea�e �he certifying official subject to the penai�ies of federal, state, and loca� law. Signature and Date; Name; Title: � < a � � � z � � � � � 0 � � 0 F � H 4 F y p Gz7 r1 � A G � � a i .� � � C` Y F Q � b � > � � � � � � � tl � s � os �� �� a� �� � � �$ �� � y � .� p � S .� � � � � � � � C �M 0.r O y � Y p� o UV' s m 04 S � i � U �. c Y! q aQ1 Y r 2i � m �'i Yi c � °da EXHIBIT "F" STANDARD OF BACKUP DOCUMENTATION Fo�TWoRTHo Standard of Documentat�on for Reimbursement of De�elopmen� Costs Cost Ty�e Documentation Standard Acquisition of Vacant Lots • Notice to Seiler (date rr�ust be on or before the date of options agreement ar sales contract and signed by the buyer and seller) • Recordec{ Deed of TruSt • Purchase Agreement w/ R�qufred HUD language • Master Settlement Statement • Appraisal or other document used to determine purchase price • Proof of Payment (banfc statement/cancelled check) 5oft Costs (Architect, Engineer, • In�oice Landscaping, Sur�eys, Appraisals, - Invoice should include: Environmental, Legal ��es, Other date; Co�sulta�ts, Etc.J campany's letterhead; address for which service is �ro�ided; description of service(s) and item(s); amount for it�mized services; and total arr�ount � Proaf af gaym�nt (ie. bank statement or cancelled check) • If applicable, fully executed contract/service agreements and applicable amendments - Provide printout from www.sam,�ov veri#ying contractor/subcontractor is not listed on the debarred and suspension list • lf only a portion is being paid with City funds, then show calculation and dacumentation of how costs are allocated. CHDO Operating/Praject Delivery • I��oice Expenses - Invoice should include: date; company's letterhead; address for which service is pro�ided; ciescription of ser�ice(s] and item(s); amount for it�mized services; and total amount • Proo# of Payment (i.�. bank statement or cancelled check) � 7imesheet(s) Signed by Employee and Supervisor • Activity Log(s) Signed by �mployee and Supervisor • Pay Period Dates Should be Reflected • If paying for rent ar contract services, copy of executed agreernents • If anly a portion is being paid with City funds, then show calculation and documentation of how casts are allocated. Ha�ising and Ecoiiomic Developme�at FINAL as of �4/24/2Q13 Fage 1 FORT �VORT Ho Standard of Documentation fo� Reimbursement of De�elopment Costs Construction Costs (Contractors & • Invaice Subcontractorsj - ln�oice should include: date; company's letterhead; address #ar which ser�ice is pro�ided; description of service(s) and itemSs); amount for itemized services; and total amount � Proof af Payment (i.e. banfc statement or cancelled checkJ • Timesheet(sj Signed by Employee and 5upervisor - Activity Sheet(s) 5igned by Employee and 5uperv�sor - Pay Period Dates Should be Reflected • Copy of applicable inspection report(s) conducted by HED Inspectar • Copy of executed agreements - Provide printout from www.sam.�ov verifying contractor/subcontractor is not listed on the debarred and suspension list • if only a portion is being paid witl� City funds, then show calculation and documentation of how costs are allocated. • For retainage for the prime contractor, lien waivers for the prime and all subcontractors. Materials Purchased by De�eloper • Invoice - Invoice should include: date; company's letterhead; address where material5 will be used; description of service(s) and item{sj; cost by quantity; and total amount • Proaf af Payment (i.e. bank statement or cancelled check) De�eloper Fee • Final Invaice Reflecting Total Development Cost + Proof of payment for any other entity contributing to development costs. • Show calcula�ion of agreeci upon developer fee percentage • Copies of final lien releases from contractor/subcontractor � Complete bocumentation required in contract for home/unit produced (i.e. incor�e docs for eligible homebuyer, sales contract between de�eloper/homebuyer, HAP Qeed of jrust w/ requir�d affardability period language, etc) Housing and Ecanomic DevelopmenC FIIVAL as of �/24/2013 page Z EXHIB�T "F" STANDARD OF BACKUP DOCUM�NTATION F�RTWORTHa Standard of Documentatior� for Reimbursement of De�elopment Costs Cost Type Documentation Standard Acquisition af Vacant Lots • Notice to Seller (date must be on or k�efore the date of options agreement or sales contract and signed by the buyer and seller] • Recorded Deed of Trust • Purchase Agreement w/ Required HUD language � Master Settiement Statement • Appraisal or other document used to determine purchase price • Proof of Payment (bank statement/cancelled check) Soft Costs (Architect, Engineer, • Invoice Landscaping, Surveys, Appraisals, - Invoice should include: En�ironmental, Legal Fees, Other date; Consultants, Etc.) company's letterhead; address far which ser�ice is provided; description of servic�(s] and item�s); amounC for itemized ser�ices; and total amount • Proof of Payment (ie. bank statement or cancelled check) • if applicable, fully executed contract/service agreements and applica�le amendt�r�ents - Provide printout from www.sam.�ov veri#ying contractor/subcontractor is not listed on the debarred and suspensian list � If only a portion is being paid with City funds, then show calculation and documentation of haw cosCs are allocated. CHDO O�erating/Project Delivery • invoice Expenses - Invoice should include: date; company's I�tterhead; address for which service is pro�ided; description of ser�iceSs) and item{s); amount for itemized ser�ices; and total amount • Proof of Payment �i.e. bank statement or cancelled ch�ck) • Timesheet(s) Signed by Emplayee and Supervisor • Activity Log(s) Signed by Emplayee and Supervisor • Pay Period Dates Should be Reflected • lf paying for rent or contract ser�ices, copy of executed agreements • If only a port+on is being paid with City funds, then show calculation and documentation of how costs are allocated. Housing attd �canomic Development FINAL as of 4/24/20�.3 Page 1 F�RTWORTHa Standard of Documentation for Reimbursement of De�elopment Costs Construction CoSts (Contractors & • ln�oice Subcontractors) - Invoice should include: date; company's letterhead; address for which ser�ice is pro�ided; c�escription of service(s] and item(s); amount for itemized services; and total amount � Proof of Payment (i.e. bank statement or cancelled checkJ • Timesheet(s] Signed by Employee and Supervisor - Activity 5heet(s) Signed by Employee and Supervisor - Pay Period Dates Should be Re#lected • Copy of applicable inspection report(s) conducted by HED Inspector • Copy of executed agreements - Provide printout from www.sam.�ov verifying contractor/subcontractor is not listed on the debarred and suspension list • I� only a portion is being paid with City funds, then show calculation and documentation of how costs are allocatecf. � For retainage for the prir�e contractor, lien wai�ers for the prime and all subcontractors. Materials Purchased by Developer • Invoice - Invoice should include: date; company's letterhead; address where materials will 6e used; description of service(s) and item(s); cost by quantity; and total amount • Proof of Payment {i.e. bank statement or cancelled check) Developer Fee • Final lnvoice Reflecting Total De�elopment Cost � Proof of payment for any other entity contributing to development costs. • Show calculation of agreed upon develo�er fee percentage • Copies of final lien releases frorn contractor/subcontractor + Complete DocumenCation required in contract #or home/unit produced (i.e. income docs for eligible homebuyer, sales contract between de�eloper/homebuyer, HAP Deed of irust w/ required affordability period language, etc) Housing and �canamic Development FINAL as of 4/24/20�.3 Page 2 EYHISIT "G" 24 CF�t PAItT 92 SUE3C'�RT F- PROJECT REQUIItEyIENTS t�va-yeac m�Ech rec�uction period in accordacice tivitfi the provisions of para�;raph (��}(3} of this section. b. Redtrction of match far particrpallttg jrrrrsclicirnrts in discrsler areas. tf � p�trticipating j�ii•isdiction is located in 1n ar�a in whict� a decE�r�tion of major disaster �ursua�fc to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Etelief �rtd Emerget�cy Assistance Act is made, it may requ�st a reduction nf its matching reqciirement. For a Eocal participatir�g jurisctiction, the F�UD Field office m�y reduce the matching req�iirement specified in � 92.21 S by �ip tn 100 percerlt fac thc fisc�l ye�r in �vl;ich thc decl�r�tion of major disaster is m�ede aczd the Following iiscal year. For � St�te �artieipating jurisdiction, the HUD Field off�ce may redtEce the m3tching requirement speci�ed in § 92.21 S, by Eip to 100 percent for the �'iscal year in which the clecl�ratian of �najor cfis�ster is made and the fa�lawing fiscai yenr wit� respect to any HOME fiinds expended in an area to wl�ich the declaration of a rnljar disaster applies. At its discretion and t�pon request oF the participatitig j��risdictioti, the HUD Fielc! OfFice may extend the i•eduecion for ar� adciitionai ye�r, SUBPART F — PRQJECT REQUIRENIENTS § 92.250 Maxim�am Per-�nit Subsidy Amount and Subsidy �ayering a. �Ltr�,ritnttm per-trnit subsirly amount. 'The tatal amount oF F{OM� tiuicis and ADDI funds that a partici��ting jt�risdiction may invest on a per-unit basis in aFFordable hnusing rn�y not exceed the per-unit doll�r limitations establish�d under section 22l(cf){3)(ii) of ttte National �fousing Act {12 U.S.C. l71 S I(d)(3)(ii)} for elevator-ty�e projects thlt �tpply ta the �trea iti which the hoi�sing is located. These limits �re availlbie from the Multifamily Divisian in the E-iUD Field OFfice. [Fthe participating jurisdiction's per-�init subsidy <lmount has a!z•eacly 6een inereased ko 2( 0% �s pecrr�itted uncler scctioi� 22 I(d)(3){ii} of kh� National Hot�sing Act, upon request to the Fielc� O£Fce, EIUD will nllaw the p�r-�init subsidy �uttotint to be incce�sed on a program-wide b�tsis to an �tmotittt, up to 2�0% of the original per �init iimits. �Si�h,ridy Icayering. BeFore coinmitting #'ittids ta 1 project, the participlting jurisd�etion �nust eval��ate the project in accordance wiEh guidefines th�t iE h1s adopted Far this pui•pase �nd �vill not invest �irty more I fONtE Funds, I�l Cdf1ll]ltliltl0[l WECiI O�EIBC �;overr�menk��i assistance, than is necessary to pravicle affordabie housin�. § 92.25� Prop�rty Star�dards ti. [{oeisin� khat is coijstrtictcd c�r rchabilitated �vitft HUNlE', Il![1CIS ITlLkSt 1110E',L a!1 a�plic��bl� locai cocles, rehabilitatiori statticlnrcls, orc�irtat�ces, At1CI "I.[}131[l� C)CC�k[liltlC�.S at the time oFproject cornpletiorl, cxeept �is prc��Fded ii� paragraph (b) c�F;�iis scction. "fhe particip�itingjurisdiction mt�st Il��ve wi•ittcn sta�lcEa;t•ds Far re}��bilit�tiort t��at e«sui-e th��t F[O��tE-�ssistecf housing is c�ecerzt, saf'e, �nci sanit�try. Itt tlle i1b5CE1CC of a loc��i code for rlcw ccrostri�ction ar rcl�abilitation, I iOVIG��ssistccf r�ew cansEruct�nr� ar rehs�l�ilit�tion must ineet, <�s applicabi�: o�te of three tnoclel cacles (E1c�i#«rm E3E�ifdic�g Cocic (IC130), Vatiort��l [3��ilc3inb Cocic (E30Cr�), St�ir�clarcf 45 (Soi�tk�ern) E3uilcling Coc9e (SE3CCI)); a�• tl�e Council of American Building OFi"ici�ls (CA130} one ar two f�mily cade; or th� Mini�num Propc;rty Standards (NIPS} in 2� CFR 200.925 or 200.926. To avoid c�uplicative ioispections wher� FHA financir�g is irl�olved i�� a HOi�t�-�ssisted property, a participating jurisdiction may rcly or� a �tinimum �'ra�erty Standards (1�t�S} inspection performed by a qualitied person. N�:�vly constrEicted housinb miist �neet the current edition ofthe Niocfei E�iergy Cocie published by the Councii of Anjeric�n f3ui�ding Ofticials. 2. f111 other F(OMF-assisted liaiisit�g (e.g., acq�i'tsitian) m��st meet �tll applic��ble State ai�d local ho�tsing q�iality stand�rds �nd cacle rec�uirements anc� if thece i1C� Il0 5llCll standards or cocie rcc�tiirecnents, the housing must meet the housing q���lity st�i�d�erds in 2� CFR 932.�Ot, Tl3e 1lousii�g rnust meet the �ccessibility rec�uirernents at 2� CF R part S, �vhich implements 5ection 504 of the Rehlbi[it�tian Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 7��) anci co�ered mi�ItiF�mily ctwellings, �s cieti�ed at 2� CFR I00.201, �n�jst also rneet tl�e clesi�;n and constr�iction ��eq�iirements at 24 CF'R I �0.205, �vhich implement the C�ir �iousin� flct (42 U.S.C. 3601-36 [9}, 4. Canstr�icti�n of �II manufactured ho�ising rnust �neet the �tan��factured Hom� ConstrEiction and Safety Standards estabiished in 2� CFR P�rt 3280, These st�ndards pre-empt State arlc� faea! codes co�erirtg the s�tme as�ects of p�;rform�ttce t��r such i�ousin�;. Participating jtirisc3ictions providing HOtiIE assistance to install m��nixfactu�•c�d housing units must comply �vit}� applic�ib[e St�te illlC{ IOC<EI C1tiV5 Of• cocles. In the �tbsence of s�ich [��vs or codes, tlle participating ji�risdictioci �ttttst comply with tf�e manEifacti�rer's writter� instr��ctions for inst�llation ofman�tt��tckurec! �10LISii1� Lllllt5. ��3ill{fackureci hausing thzt is reltabilitated ttsii�g HONiE futids mi�st �zieek t}ie rcquirernents set out in ���rlgr�ph {a}( I} oFthis section, The t��llo�ving rec�ui�•ements apply ko hausin� for homeawnership that is to be rehabilitated afteE• t�•ailsfer c�t'the ownership interest: E3ef'ore the tr�tnsfer of'the Ilorneownc;rship interest, clte p�irticipatit��; jtirisdictic�« Erlttst: i. Ictispect tf�e I�c}using for any clefects that E3ose a clailge;r tc� l�e��lkh; �lI1C� ii. Notif'y the �rospcc#ive pttrcE���s�r c�t't}�e woi•k necc�eci ta cure th�: defects ancf tl�e tiri�e by whic}� cietects itnist he c�irccl �irad a�plicable pc•ope:rty st��ndarcls rnet. 2. I�1[', IlO1ISli1� tllllS� hC f'rce fr{�m all riotecl health ��nd satery cicFects before c�ccti�ancy �►itcl rtot 14iter i�ian Ci �r�oi�tE�s �itier tk�e t�•ar�sfcr. I�he 1�ousin� ir��,st r�3eet t��c property st<it1C{t�rtls in �<�ragr�iplt (a}( I) ot tl�is sectior� nc�t latcr tlia�l 2 ye��t•s 2tIlCC ll'�1I15fCC {)f lllt'. L)IVflt',CSlllp E�f��CCSI. An c�tvi�er of�rentFii I30USE{3� t15515{C(I 4VEl}� Hi)I��E� IU[1(IS tTl!!S[ Ili�fflt�ilfl ti1C �1U115111� ill cc�mpli.�ncc �vitli a!1 ;ipplicai�lc St�ikc 4�ncl iocal lio��sin� qrit►lity stanclarcls and cc�de rcqtjireitler�ts anci if thcre fll�t' Il0 SUCII Sl�icid��rcis e�r cocic rec�i�i��emer�ts, tiie huusin� iti��st Ii1Ct'[ II3l; }lOt1Si{l� c�ll�lllty �ia��clarcJs in 2�i CI� lt 982.-t0 �. ��6 d. Ail ho��sing occupied by t�nants receiving E-iOME tei�ant-bnseci renta! assistance rn��st irteet the hat�sing c{��ality standards in 24 C�'R 982.�1Ot. � 92.252 Quaii�ication as Affordable Housing: Rental Housing "CE�e HOME-assisted units in a rental ilo«sing project must be occupied onty 6y householcls that nre eligible as !ow-income families and musE meet the failawing rec}�xirements to qu�lify rts affordable hflusing. The afford�bility requirements also apply to the HOME-assisted non- o�vner-occupied units in single-fa�nily ho�ising purchased wit� FIONiE fiinds in �ccnrdance �vith § 92.254. n. Rent Irmitatiorr. �-(UD prnvicies the fotiawing ma�imurt� HpME rent li�nits. The in�Yiinum HONi� rents are the tesser of: l. The fair rnarket rent far existing ho�ising For comparabfe t�nits in thc a�•ea as established by �[UD under 24 CI`R 888,1 t 1; or 2, A rent that does not exceed 30 percent of the adjusted income of a f�mily whase lnnuai incoine equals 65 parcent of the median income for the area, as cietermined 6y I-iUD, lvith adjustments for number of bedrooms in the unit. T��e E�OME rent limits provided by EfU� wiil incl��de avera�e occup�ncy per unit and adjustecf ir�come assumptions. !�, f�ciclitfona� Rent lrmi�atiorrs, [r� rental �cojects with �v� or �nare FIOME-��ssisted rental units, twer�ty (2q) pe�•cent oF the HO[viE-assisted units rr�ust be occupied by very low- income families and meet one of Falloaving rent reqi�irerr�ents: "F}te rent does nok e:cceed 3� percent oFthe annuai income of a fa�nily whose income ec�uals SO percent of the median incame for the area, as deter�nined by HUD, with :�cijustments for smaller and l�rger Families. HUD provicfes the �[QME rent lirnits �vhich include average occ�apancy per i�nit �nd adjusted ir�come assumptioris. I-{owever, if the rent determinec� uncier this paragraph is hi�her tl�an the applicable rcnt uncler {a} of this section, then the �n�ximum rent for �iniEs iincter this paragraph is that calcuiatec� under paragraph {a). 2. "Che rent cloes not excecd 30 perccnt of the farnily's adji�sted income, Iftl�e imit receives federa! or Stnte project-based rentai su6sidy aEid the very low-incorne Farnily pays �s a contri}�ution toward rent not �nore than 30 percent oFthe Fa��ily's ��djusted income, then ihe maxiEn��m rent (i,e., ten�nt contrib��cion �Er�s project- h��sed rental stibsidy} is the rent allow�ble under the Fec�erai or State project-b�sed �•cntai subsiciy prograin, c. I�ri�ial renl sc{tecltrle and irtilily ulla►ya�rces. "I'l�e participatirig jurisdiction mtist establish rnaximt�tn monthly allowattces for tttiiities �nd services {excludi�ag telept�one), "I't�e p�rticipating jurisciictian must review atzd a�prove rents proposed by the owr�er for units st�bject ta tl�e Enaxii7�um rtnt �im�tations in p�ragraphs {a) or (b) oFtliis scction. Cor 3i! units subject to tlle ma:cirrtt�m rent limitatio�s ic� plragrapf3s (a} or (b} of this section for wl�ich the ten�int is payir►g utilities �nd serviccs, the participatiii�ji�riscfiction must ensure 47 chat Etle rents c!o nat e:cce�d ti�e maximi�m renk minus the mont}�ly �I[ow�nces for utilities illl(� SCCVICCS. ci. rVvndiscrrminalion agairrst rental assistance st�bsrcty holclers. Tl�e owner r��jnot refuse to lease E{ONfE-assisted units to a certiFicate or voucher halder i�nder 24 CF� part 982— Section S Tc;nant-aased Assist�nce: Uni�ied itule for Tenant-Based Assistnr�ee unc�er the Section 8 Itenta! Certificate Progr�m and the Seccion S Rental Voiicher Program ar co the ftiolder af a complr�ble document evidencing partici�aiion in a HONiE tenant-b�sed rent�l assistance program bec�use of the status of the prospective tenant as a holder af suct� certiFcate, votrcher, or compar�ble �40�r1E tenant-based assist�nce doci�ment. e, Periods offlfforclability. The FfONfE-assisted units must �neet ttle aFfordability rec�uirements for r�ot l�ss tt�an the ��plicable p�riod specitied in the Following table, beginning after project completion. "Che afforciability reqtiirc►nents apply witho�it regard to the term of any loan or mortgage or the transfer of n`vnership. They must be icr�pased by deed restrictions, cover�a��ts running with the land, or oti�er inechanisms appraved �y �[UD, except khat the:iffordabifity restrictioi�s may terminate upon foreclosure or transfer in lieu oF farecios��re. The p��rticip�ting }t�risc�ictiart rnay use p�trchase aptians, rights of F'irst refusal or otl�er �reemptive rights to purchase the ho�jsing befare Foreclosur� or deed in li�u of foreclosure to preserve at�fordability. `Che affard�bility �•est��ictions shail 6e revi�ed according to the oi•igin�l kerms if, during the original affordabiiity period, tl�e owner of record before tiie foreclost�re, nr dced ict lieu of Foreclnsuce, or any entity that incEudes the former owner or tliose 4vith whorn the Former owner }las ar had family or 6usiness ties, obkains an ownc:rship intecest in the project or praperty. Renta# Hausing Activity Minimum period af affnrdability in years Rchabilitation ar �icc�t�isition of existin� 5 ha�Esing p�r E�nit amount of Ff�ME Fiinds; u�,�er � i s,oao �fi i s,aaa ta �ao,oao � o Over $�O,fl00 or reh�bifitation involving 15 refinartci�ig Ne�v Construction or acc�ttisiEion o#' newly 20 constructed housing ,Sub.�ec�itent i•ents �hu�ur�; 1he rrffordabrliry perinci. I IlC Cil3:Cl[llllil7 � IOME i'P.�1C IlfT11�S are rec�lcul�ited an a pc�riociic basis at�er } lUD cletermincs #air m��rlcet ren#s ancl meciian incoines. FIUD t}len pro�ides the new �n��ximiim f IO�tE t•ent litnits to �artici}�atirtg jt�risdictiorts. Regarc�less ot'cl3ang�s in fair inarkct rents and in median inconie ovcr tirr�e, the f-�OM� rcnts for a project are �ioE rcc}t�ircc3 tn he lower ihaEt the �f�N1f: rcr�t lirnits tor tlie project in et�fect at the timc of�praject cumit�ikti�cnt. 48 2. 'I"1te p�rticipating jurisciiction must provide project o�vners �vith infarmatian on updated �[ON1E rent limits so tt�at rents may be adjustec� (not ta e:cceed ttte maxim��m �-i4N�E rent lirnits in par�graph (t}( l) oF this section) in accardance wit�� tt�e written agreement b�tween the plrticipatir�g jurisdiction and the awner. 4wners m�ist ann��alty prnvide che �articipating jurisc�iction with information on �•ents and occ��pancy oi %�OME-assisted units to cfemonstrate compliance �vith this section, Any incre�se in rents for HON1E-assisted units is subject to the pro�isians of outstanding t�ases, and in �ny event, the owner must pravide tenants of thase units not less than 30 days prior written notice before im�lementing �ny increase in rents. g. fldJtrs�ment of NO�LI� rent lrmlts for �r particrrlar project. Changes in fair mlrket rents and rn medilr� income over time shou(ci be suftieient to maintain the fir�ancial viabiiity af a project within the �[ON1E rent lirnics i�� ti�is section. 2. �iUD may �djust the H4ME rent limits For � praject, only if HUD fiE�ds that an adjusttnent is necessary to s�tppa��t th� cantin�fed fin�ncial vi�ability of the project and only by an amount th�it HUD cieterrnines is necessary to maint�in co��tinued finar�cial vi�ibility of the project. F{UD expects that this at�ihority will be �ised sparingfy. I�. '1'enarrt income, Tlie income af each tenant rnust 6e deterrn�rled ir�itially in �ccardance with § 92.2a3(a)(1){i). fn addition, each year tluring the periad of aFfordlbility khe project owner must re-examine each tenlnt's lnnual income in accorcfance with ane of kk�e options in § 92.203 selected by the participating jurisdiction. An owner of a m�jltit�mily project with �n �tt�foec�abi[ity pet�iod of 14 years or more �vi�o re-ex�tnines tenant's a��n�ial income thro��gh a statement and certiticatioii in accordance with � 92.203(a)(t)(ii), must examine the income of each tenant, in accordance with � 92.2D3(a}(1)(i}, evary sixth year of the af�'ordaf�ility pei•iod. Oth�rwise, an owner who accepts tha tenant's statement 4inci certiFication in accord�nce with § 92.203(a)(t}(ii} is not r�c�uired to ex�nzine t��e income nf tenants in mtiltifamily ar singfe-family projects u��less there is evidence thlt the tenant's wriEten statement f'ailec# ta complete�y ��nd �tcct�rately state information about thc family's size or incorne. C)ver-irtcnme terrcrnfs. f(ON1E-��ssisteci «nits continue to c����liiy as af�'ordable housii�g despit�; a tempor�acy noncomp[iance causeci by ir�cre�scs in the i��comes of existir��; tc�iants it'��cEions s.ttisFactory ta FfIJD ai•e E�ein� taktn to ensure tl�at �Il v�cancies �re tilleci in a►ccorcfar�ce �vith this section u��til tt�e naE�comp�iance is car�•ecteci. 2. �('cn�nts �vl�o r�c� It�ngcr quakif'y t�s law-i«caine families must p��y as renc the lesscr ot� the ��mount payable by the tenant tiiodcr State or local law or 30 percent of ihe Fzrnily's acljt�sted income, erccpt tl�at tcnants of FIONtE-assisked units t}�at have been allocat�d low-�r�coErte itousing tax c�'eclits by �t housing credit agency p�irsuant to section 42 ot�the fr�ternaf Re;ver�ue Cadc of 19$6 {26 U.S.C. ��2} ritust pay rent �;o�erned 6y sectiort 42. Ir� adclition, ii� projects in wllicit tlye i-IOi�f�: �Enits ��re ciesignated as tlo�tir�� pursuant to par�graph (j), tenartfs �vl�o nu longer c�uaiify as �99 low-i�icome are i�at rec�uired to pay as rent �Fn amo��nt that cxceecis tlle �narket rent For comparable, �inassisted �jnits in the nei�h6orhood. Fi_red and flocrting HO�I�fE r�nits. In a�roject containing FiOME-assisted and other units, the pai�ticipating jurisdiction may designate �ixec� or flo:�tin� HOME �inits. `I'his desi�nation must be made at the time of project comm'rcmei�t. Fi:ced �jnits remain the s�ttte tEtra���;hatit tha pert`od af affardability. Floating ��nits are changec� ko rr�aintain car�farrnity lvith the req►iirements of this sectior� di�ring the period of aft'orcfability so kiiat ttse total c�umber of Ila��sirig ��nits meeti�g the r�quire�nents ot this sectia�i remains the same, and e�ch substit�ited unit is com�r�r�ble in terrns ot size, fe�tures, and number of bed�•oams to the originaliy c�esigt�atec� FiOi�tE-assisted i�nit. § 92.253 Tenant and Participan# Protections a. Lease. `ihe lease betweert a tenant anc{ an owner of �•ental housing ��ssisted witii HOME fiinc�s musi be For not less than otfe year, unless by mutual agreement between the tenant and che owner. b. 1'rahrhited le�tse terms. The lease may not cantair� any oFthe fc�llowing �ravisions; I. flgreement to be .stre�� Agreement by the tenant to be sued, to ar�mit �;uilt, or to a judgment in favot• of the o�vner in a lawsttiE broiight in conn�ction w'tth tlte iease; 2. Ti�errtment ofE�i•nperty. AgreemenE by the tc�nant that the awner may take, hoict, or sell person�l property of household members without notice to the tenant �nd a courk ctecisinn on the rights ot'the p�rties. This prahibition, however, does not a�ply to a�i agreement by the tenant concerning disposition of personal property remlining in the k�ot�sing unit �fter the tenant has rnnved o��t ot'the ur�it. Tile owtter m�y dispose of Ehis persanal pra�erty in �tccordance �vit�t State law; 3. C'xct�a�ing otivrrerfr�om r•espnnsibility. flgreeirtettt by the tenant not ta }�[�Id the owner or the owner's agents legally respoc�sii�le For any �ction or tailt�re to act, w��ether intc;ntioi�af or ile�;ligent; 4. Waiver of rrotice. A};rc;emerlt oF the tenant that the owt�er inay institute � Eawsuit �vithout i�otice ta tf�e ten�}nt; 5. lYaiver of�legal �roceeclin�.s. A�;reement by tlic; tenant thut the owncr rnay evict the ten�tnt ar Itousehold rnenlbers witho«t instituting �i civil court procceding in which the tenant }�as the op�ortti�iky ta ��resent a dcfcnse, Di I)f;FOCe 3 COUI'� LICC[SkOri O[1 f�lC CI�hIS Elf f�l� �13i'EIGS; 6. #�arvc�r nf u jte�y lrral. flgrcemcttt by the te���itik fo w�►ivt any ri�;ht to a trial by jury; 7. lYrrrver of�i•i�;yr1 to uppeul cnrsrt decisivn. Agreeinent hy the teE�ant ro waive t}le tcna��t's ri�ht to ��p�eal, or to otherwise chal[enge in court, a co��rt decision ir� co�ir�ection �vith the lerse; and Tefru»t chrrr�,rer�hle �vrlh cn.st oJ Ie�;rrl acti{�n.s re�,lcrrclles.s vf v�rtcorrae. r1�;ree�t�enE by tftc tenant to pay attorncy's I'ccs or other le�;ai casts evin if the te►���nt �vins ii� a 50 , �:. . ,_ cotjrt proceec�ing by the owner ag�inst tl�e tenant. The ten�nt, howe�cr, may be obligated to pay costs ifthe tenant loses. c. Ter•»rinatrorr of tenancy. Ai� otivner may not terminate ttle te�ancy or refuse ta renew E�e lease of a tenant of rental ho��sii�g assistec� with �iOME funds except for serivus ar repeated vialation af the terms ar�d conditians of ttta lease; for violation of �ppiicable Fecierai, State, ar focal law; for cornpletion of t�c tenancy period for transitianal ��o�ising; or far ather good cause. `To terminate or refuse to rertew tenancy, ttle owner rr�tist serve �vritten notice i�pon the kenant specifying the grocincis for the action at Eeast 30 ciays before the Eer�ninakion of tenancy. c1. Tenunt seleclron An owner of rental hotising assisted with HON1E fi�nds m��st �dopt �vritten tetlant selection palicies and ci•iteria tliat: Are consistent with the pur�ose of providing housing for very low-income �nd tow- incorne fatnilies; 2. Are reasonabEy related to pragram eli�ibility anci khe zppticants' abiEity tv perfarm the abligations of tl�e le�se; 3. Pc•ovide for the selection of tenants from a written waiting list in tk�e chronalogicai order of their �pplicatinn, insofar as is practicable; and 4. Gi�re prornpk written notitication ta �ny rejected appkicant of the grou�ds for ��ny rejection. § 92.254 Qualification as A#fordabl� Housing: Homevwnership a. �fcr�z�isition tivith or withaut rehabrlitation. E-lot�sitig that is For acquisitian by a F�tmily �nc�st meet the 1fFordability requiE•ements oFthis paragraph (a). '['I�e kiousing tnust be single-Famiiy �lousing. 'I'he hausing rt�eist be rnocfest hatisir�g as follows: [n tkfe case aFacquisition of newly co��structec� housing or standlrcf housin�;, tl�e hatising I�as a p��rcltase price for th� type of si���;le tamily ho��sing that cioes not exceed 95 percent of #he median purchase pr�ce for the area, as describeci iri ��iragraph {a)(2}(iii) c�t'tiiis section. f n t}Ze case af acqi�isition witl� reitabili#atian, t�e ho«sing has �irt esti�nated v�iue �zlter i�eh�6ilit�tion that clocs not exceec# 95 perccnt c�f the ��neclian purchase price for Ehe ar�n, clescribed in paragraptl (a)(2)(iii) oFthis secEioti. iii. If a��articipatin� jiiriscliction ii�tends tn use I-fONi� t�Emds Fnr homebuyer assistance or For rch�2l�ilitatiort oFawr�er-accupicc� sitagtc-Family prc�perties, tl�e p<<rtici�atittg juriscfictian rnay use the Single F=amily y(ortgage LimiEs tincler Sectian 203(b} of the National l ioi�sing Act (12 U.S.C. ! 7D9(b)) (which r�iay he ol�ttiineci t'rorn the tIUD Fie(d Office) or it c�iay determine 9S percent a#� the rr�edian arel purchasc �3rice for sin�;ie t��t��ily ilo��sin� in the jtErisdiction, as 51 Foilows. "t�11e partictpating j�rrisdiction must set fartt� tlle price for cii#�'erent �y�lCS OF 5111�TI� fltllily IIOUSIEI� �OC ii1C �Ul'ISC�ECkl�tl. 'I'}te 95 perccnt oF median are� purchase price must �e established ir� aecordance �vitli a marlcet ��n�lysis �vllich ensured tt�at a siif'ficient «�i�nber af recent housir�g s�iles are iczclucied i� the survey. Safes must cover tlie requisite number of rnonths based on volume: I�or S00 or more sales per ma�th, a o��e-month report'tng period; for 250 thro��gh �99 saies per inonth, a two-month �•epor#ing perioc�; f�r less than 250 stiles per month, ��E least a khre�-tr�onth reparting period. `I'he cfata �nust 6e listed in ascencting orcier of sales priee. `fhe ��ddress of tiie lisiec� properties must irtcltfde t}te location �vikhin tlle parEicipati�g jiirisdiction, Lot, squ�re and $ttbdi�ision cfata may be stibstit��ted far the street acfc�ress. The housing sales data must ret�ect �11, or tte��rly �Il, af the one-faittily Itouse sa�les in the entire pa�•ticipating jurisdietion. "I'o cieterrnine the �nedian, tnke the micfcile s�le on the list if ar� ocici number ot sales and if an even niimber, take the higher of the midd[e n�ambers �nd consid�r it the median. Afier identifying the it�edian sa[es �rice, tl�e ��mount sho�ild be rmiftiplied by .95 to cfetermine khe 9S percent of the median a�•ea purchase price. `E'his itzformatio�� must be sitbmitted to the �-[UD Piefd Ot'fice for review. 3. 'I'}le liousirig mtist be acc�Eiired by � homeb«yer whose F�tmily c��zalities as � iow- income t'atnily and ttle I�oiising must be the pE•incipal r�sidence af the tamily throughout the period clescribed in p�ragraph (a)(4) of'this section. 4. 1'ei•iacLs of'rrffardabilrty. The E-IONI�-assisted housing in«st i��eet tf�e nf'fordability rec�uiremetits tor not less khan tlle applicnble periotf speci�ed in the follawi�ig table, be�i��ni«�; �tfter projcct completion. "I'I�e per tmit �tnouni oF {-iONtE Ftirtds �tnd tl�e affardability period tllat tf��y ti•igger tu•e descri��d rnare fiilly in p�ra�ra�hs (a){S){i) (resale) and (ii} (rec��pture) oFthis scckion. Hameownership assistance HOM� amaunt Minimum period of affordability in years per-unit Under � i 5,Q00 S $ I S,OOQ to $40,000 10 Ovcr $4{),000 � S Re.r�rle rrnrl recct��ltu•c�. "t'o crtsttre at�fii�rda�ility, ti�c ���trticipatiEig.jurisdictie�rt rnt�st itii�ose cither resalc or rccapture rcytiirc�itet�ts, ��t its c�ptioti. �f�ite participatita}; jurisciiction o�li�st estt�hlisll tlae resale e�r recaptt�re rec�uirements tf�at cort�ply �vit�t tht; st<irtclards c�f tl�is sectioii and set li>rth tl�e rcy�iire�l�ents ii� its cur�sc�licl�►tcd plan. F{[J[7 i1�Eist cictcrrnine that they ��re �l�prapriate. Re.sale. Rt�saie rcyuiremertts rt�ijsE etistit•e, iFtl�e ltousing daes not cut7tittuc to he E11e p�•incipa� resicle��ce ot'tl�e fact�ily for tf�e dur��tiar� ut� t}�� periocl oF ��f�fordability, tl�at tf�e housi►�g is m�icie av31I�ShIt; �OC SllI3SC(�U�ilt �llCC�l�iSt; OEIIy tu �� bicyer tivhc�se tart�ify c{«��iifies as a low-it�co�ne fai�tily �ind wil! t�se tlie JZ �roperty as its principai residei�ce. 'i�he resale requirement must also ensure tl�at tl�e price at resale provides tlie ariginal �[ONi�-assisted owner a fair return oi� investment (incliidin� t�e homeowner's ittvestment �nd any capital improvement) anci ensure that the hausing will remain affordable to a reasanable r�E�ge of low-income homeb«yers. 'I'he period of affordability is based on the tatal amo�ant of HONiE Funds invested in the housing. A. Exee�t as provided in paragraph (�)(5)(i)(B) of this section, cieec3 restrictions, covenants ri�nning tivith the land, or other similar mect�anisms must be �ised as the mechanism to irrtpose the resal� requirements. The aftordnbifiky restrictions may Eermin�ta upon oce�irrence of uny of the follawing terrnination events: foreciosure, tr�nsfer in lieu of Foreclosure or assi�nrr�ent of �n E'HA insured mort�lge to HUD. The participating j«risdiction may use purchase aptions, rights of f�rst refi�sal ar other preemptive rights to purchase the hausing before foreclosure to presarve lffordability. The aff�rc��bility restrictinns s�lall be revived accoeciing to the origin�l terms if, durin� the originll af%rdability period, the owner of recorc� before the termir�ation event, obt�ins an ownership interest in the housing. E3. Cert�in housing may be presumed to meet the resale restrictions (i.e., tile housing will �e availlble �nd 7ffnrdable ta a reasanlble range of [ow- incame homebuyers; a low-income hamebuyer will occupy the ho�tsing �s the F�rnily's principal residence; ilfiC� tIl@ OCI�IEIAI OW17�1' W1IE E]e 1F�OCC��{� 3 fair rett�rn on investment) d�Er'tng the period c�f rkffordability withofit the iEnposition ot'enforcement �n�chanisms by the participating j�rrisdiction. "I'he presa�mption �n�ist be bnsed t�pan a tnarket �r�alysis oF the neighborhood in which the hausing is lacated. '�'t�e macket anllysis must i�iclucle an evalt��tion of the location nnd chz�•�cteristics ofthe ho�asi�g ztid residents in the nei�;hborhond (e.g., saie �rices, age and a�nenities af the housir�g stack, incotnes of residents, percent�ge of owner-occupants} in relatic�n ta ho��sing and inco�nes in the housing �narket area. Ar� a�i��lysis oF thc; current �nd projected incomes oF neighborhooci cesidents for ar� av�rage period af 1i'forcfabilicy For EioEnebuyers in the neig�borhood m��st su�port tl�e cot�clusion that a reasanable range of [ow-income €�arnilies ��ill contiitue to c�ualify for mo�-tgage fin�E�cit�g. f�or �;xamp[e, an analysis shows th�t the hocising is �nodestly p�•iced �vithilZ the }lo��sing i��arket ai�ea ancf that farniiies with incoEnes oF6S% to 80% aFarea rnedian car� at'ford inontt�ly payments �ittcler �tverage C�fA tecros without other �ove�•E�met�t assisEance ai�d housit�b will remain t�#�forc�able uk least cftiring tlte next five ta severl years co���ared to otlt�:r housing in the m�trket ar�;a; t�lC Si'LC Fl13[� �1fT]E:I1lCICS OF E�IC IIOIiStIl� iiCC Eric}[fCSi �lt1C� 5UE3SI7t1[lflI re}1��biGcatioo� �vifi not si�;niticantly increase the Enarkct �alue; tlle nci�;}tborllaod has itot�sing that is nok ccirrent[y owned by the accupnnts, but tEic participating jurisdiction is encour��ging homeowtters��ip in tl�e r�eig}iborhood by providing homeQw��ership assistance and hy inaking improverne�iEs to the streets, sicfewalks, nnd otller pi�b[ic ttlClll�lt'.5 ar�d �ervices. IFa participatin� jtirisciiction in preparin� a neighbork�ood revitaiiz��tian strategy �indcr � 91.21 S(e)(2) of its eonsoliclateci p�an or F:m(�owe�tttenE lone or E;nterprise Comm�it�ity ��pplic�ttion i�i�cier 24 C;(� R 53 pn�•t 597 has incorpo�•ated the type af market data described a6ave, th�t s�ibmission inay serve as the required analysis under this section. If th� p�rtieipating jurisdictian conEin�ies to provicle homeo�vnership assistance Far i�o��sing in the neighborhood, it m��st periodically upciate khe market ��nalysis to verify the original prest�mption c�f cantinuec� a�f'ordability. ii. Recapture. Itecapt�ire pravisions inust er�sure that the participat�ng jurisd�ction i•ecoups ��ll or a portion ot' E�e HOME assis#ance to the homebuyers, if the Ilo��sin�; does not continue to be the pri��cipal resider�ce oFthe family #'or the cfuration of the periad of affordlbility. Tiie participating jurisdiction rnay sintct«re its recapture provisions basec� on its program design ar�d market conditions. The periocl of �#�fordahiiity is based upon khe tota� amour�t o� HOME fiinds si�bject to recapt�ire ciescribeci in ��ragr�►ph (a)(5)(ii){A)(5) of this seciion. �1. "i�he following nptions For rec�pEure requirernents are �cceptlble to HUD. The ��rticiplting jurisdiction may adopt, modify or cievelap its own recapture requiremenks tor f-(UD approval. fn establishing its recapture requirements, the participlting jurisdiction is subject to the [imitation that when the recaptur� reqi�iE•ement is triggered by a s�le (volu�itlry or invaluntary) of the housing unit, and there are no net proceeds or the net pc•oceeds are insufEicient to rep�y the I-IOM� investment ct��e, the p�irticipatii�g juriscliction can anly rec��pture the ne;t proceeds, if ariy, "Tiie �let �roceeds �re the sal�s price rt�inus superic�r loan rep�yment (ot}ler thnn EtONiE ft�nds} �tnd any cfosittg costs. 1. Recnptrrre entij�e amatrnt. 'Fhe participating jE3risdiction rnay ��ec�ptt�re the entire amount oF the HONtE investment fram the �lomeo�vner. 2. Recltsclron d:rri�tg affordc�6ility perioc� T�te participlting jt�risdictian may reduce the I-[ON(E investment amount ta be recaptt��•eci on a prorata basis Far #he tirt�c the homeowner h�s owned anc! occupied the t�o�ising me�sured against the required �tfFordability pe�•iad. 3. ,S�irrred net proceerl.s. I F Ehe rtet �roceeds are rlot s�� t�Ficient ta rec�tptt�re the f�tl1 HOME invc;sEment (or a rcd��ced ��mo��nt as provic�ect For in paragr�iph (a)(S}(ii)(A}(2) aFthis seetion) pl�is cnable lhe homeowtter to rccover the :��nourtt of #he horneowner's do4�np�iyment and any c��it��l ir�pcavement iE�vest�nent Enadc �y the o��ner since ptire}�ase, tfZe �articipating jurisdictian iiiay share tl�e t�et proccecis. 'I'11e net procceds are tlic� saEes ��rice mi�lus ioan rc;payment (c�tE�er #fizn 1 iQN4�a f�inds) anci closit�g costs. '[�Ete net proceecfs rnay 6e ciivicied pro�ortionally as set forth ir� the f'oilo�viri�; maEhemlEical fi�rmuk��s: 54 HOM� InvestrnentlHOME Inv�stment H4M� amaunt t0 be X iVet Proceeds = + homeowner invesfinent r�captu��d q� Q� Q 4 o a a� Q o � m o� IUHOM� lnvestment x��� proceeds = �mo�nt to homeawner + home�wner investment �. Otivrter inveslnaent retterrted first. `�'��c paE•kicipati�ig jtirisdiction may permit the homebikyer to recover the hom�buyer's �r�tire iiivestment (clo�vnpayment ancf capikal impra�ements rnade by the owner since pfirchase} beFare recapturing the H�Iv[E investment. 5. finrattnt sttbject to r•ecaptrrre. "Che EIOME in�estment khat is s��bject to recapture is based on the �mat�nt of EiOME assist�nce that enabled the hom�buyer to buy the dwelling unit, `T'his includes any EIOME �ssista�ice tliat rediiceci the purchase price From Fair �n�rket vali�e to an affordzbEe price, but excic�des the amount between the cost of prod«cing khe unit and t1�e m�rkec va[ue of the prnperEy (i.c., the developme�t siibsic�y). The recaptured Ft�nds must be ��sed to carry out (-ION�E-efigible activities in accorclAnce with the rec�uirements o� tl�is part. [f the HOME assist��ttce is only usec! For the cieve[apment subsidy and therefore nat subject to recapture, the resale option rntist be used. 6. Speciul c�jnsideYClllo)15� for single fantrly prnpertres tivith »iore tharr nne trilrt. If the E-{ONtE F��nds are onfy used to assist a low-iiicome Ilomebt�yer to �cyuire ane unit in single-Family 11oi�sing containing �nore than one i�i�it anci the �ssisteci ��nit will be the principal resictence oF khe homebuyer, the ���fordabiiity requirements of this section �pply ���ly to the assisted unit. [f �iOM� futtds ��re also used to assist the lo�v-income homebuyer to acqi�ire one or more of khe rent�tl units in the single-f�mily housing, tlie ��fordability rec�uiretnc;nts ot § 92.252 ��pply to assisted t'enta[ urtits, except t1�at the �nrticipating jtirisdiction may impose r�slle or recapture restrictions on all assisked units (owner-c�ccupied ��nci rentai units} in the single family housin�. [f resale restrictions �re usec�, the ��t�fordability reqiiiE•ements on ali assisted tinits conticiue For ti�e period aFaf'forclability, If reca��ture resirictio�is are tis�cl, tktie afford��ility requiretncilts �il the assistec� rental units m�ty l�e terminateci, at the discretion of the p�rticipatin�; j��risdictiotf, upon r�c�t}�ture of the F{ONiE ittvestrnent. (If F40i��� tu��ds a�-e useci to �►ssist oc�ly tf�� rental uatits it� suctt a�raperty then tE�e rcquire�ttents of � 92.252 �vould apply ��r�d Ehe owr�er-occupied ��nii woutd not be s��bject t� the incorne targeting or a#�fardability provisions of � �Z.zs�.� 55 7. Gease-p�sr•chase. HOME fiinds may be t�seci to assist homebi�yers through lease-p�irchase prabrams for c:cisting hoeisin�; and for hot�sing ta be ca�st��ucEed. "['t�e housing must be puc•chased by a i�omebuyer within 36 r�ontt�s of signirig t��e lease-purehase agreeme�it. Tlie honiebuyer meist qualify as a low-income family at tlie time the �e�se-purchase �greement is si�;nec�. If E[OME funds are i�sed to �cc{uire housi�g that �vi11 b� resald to a homebuyer chro�fgh a lease-purctlase program, tl�e �-[OME afford�biiity requirements for rentat housing in � 92.252 shail t�pply if the tfousittg is not tr�nsferreci to a hamebuyer �vichin farty-two months �fter project completion. Contract ta prerchrrse. I� HOME Funds 1re ��sed to ��ssist a ho�neb�y�r �vho has eiltered into a contract to purchase ho��sing ko be cons#ructed, the homebiiyer rnust q�ialify �s a lo�wincome #'amily �t ttie time the contract is si�;ned. 9. Pf•e.sej•ving �rf'forrlabrllry. (i) Not�vithstanding � 92.214 (a){6), to prese��ve the ��Ffordability of hausing tl�at was previously assisted �vith �-tOME f«ncis and s�ibject to the rec{�airements of § 92.254{�}, a pa�-ticipatin� jt�risdiction rnay t�se additionai HON[E funds to �cq�fire the Ilo�ising t�rottgh a ptirchase a�iion, right ot'tirst �•ef�tsal, or other p�•eemptive right beFo�•e #'ot•ectosure, or to acc�uire the haiisin� 1t the foreciosure sale, to c�nde�•talce any necessa�•y rehabilitation, and to provicle assista��ce to �t�loiher homebuyer. The hausing tttust be soW to a new eligible hoinebuyer �n accarcEtance �vit�t tlle requirements oF § 92.25�(1}. Addition�ii E[ON1E ft�nds may not i�e used if the mortgage iE� clefault �vas Fundecf 4vith tIOME funds. {ii) "�he tokll amot�clt af original ��ti�l adclitional EIOIVIE assistattce CTlc�y Ildt B:CC�eE� tlie fTiFtXIITILiItl �iCi-lllll� SiibS1{(y <unour�t estahlished �incier � 92.250. Alternatively to char�ing tl�e cost to tl�e H4Nt� pro�ram untlec § 92.20b, the participating j��ri5dictian may c�targe t}le cost to tt�e HOME �rogram u►�cEer § 92.207, as a reasan�ble adtninistrati�e cost oF its F�OVt� progr��m, so t}��it the 4�dditionll t{ON[E tiincis for tk�e horising are ttot subject to the rnaxitnti�n per-i�nit s�ibsidy �imou�lt. ls. Rehcrbrlitution not invv�vin,� ucqrrrsrtron. Housittg that is c��rrently c���t�cd by �� fi�amily ��u�ilities ��s af�forclable I3awsing orily iF: �I'he estimated value c�i'the property, ��fter �•eilabilitiiClOEI� cloes c�ot e�ce�:ed 95 pereent ut'tlte �l�ccliat� J�tirchase prEce tor tf�e are��, c�c�scribeci in par��gr�iph (a)(2)(iii} ot�tl�is scction; aitcl "�he hc>usirt�; is Ehe principal resic�encc oF<in ��vner tv}�ose €�ari�ily yualities �fs a low- i��co�n� t��mily at the time HQME; fut�cJs are com�ritted i� the kiousin};. 56 c. Utivnership ir:terest. Tlte ocvneeship in the ha�ising assisked t�nder this section �ni�st meet the cie�initi�n of "ttomeownership" in § 92.2. d. Netv constri�clron ►vitlsoret r�eqtrisitivn. Newly canstr��cted hausing tfilt is b�zilt nt� property currently owned by a f3rt�ily which �vill occupy the hoi�siri� upon completian, q�ialifies as �ffordable fiousing if it meets the req�iireme«ts under paragraph (a) of this section. § 92.255 Converting Renta! Units to Homeowr�ership Units for Existir�g Tenants "l�he �articipating jt�risdiction may p�rmit the owner of HOME-assisted rentai units to convert tha rental ur�its to homeownership uiiits by selling, donating, or otherwise conveying the units to the existiE�g tenants to enable khe ter�ants to become ha�neowners in accordance with the requi�•ements of $ 92.25�. If no additional FiON{E func�s �re t�sed to enable the tenants to b�come homeowners, the homeownership units are s�tbject to a cninimum period of �f'ford�bility equal to the remaining affordable period if the units cotttinued as renka! tinits. [f aclditional HOME fiinds t�re ��sed to directty assist the tenants to become homeowners, the minimum period af ztfordabi�ity is tl�e �ffardability periad under § 92,254(A)(�), b�sed on the amofint af ciireet hameownership assistanee proviciect. § 92.256 Reserved § 92.257 Religious Organizatio�s a. Orga��izatians that ar� reli�ioais or taith-based ��E•e �iigible, an the s�m� basis as any oti�er or};anization, to p��rticip�te ir� the HO[vtE progi•am. Neither the federaf �overnment nor a state or [ocal government c•eceiving Fi�nds i�i�cier HOME programs shall discritninate �gainst an or�;anizatior� on the basis of the ot•ganizltion's religious character nr aFtili�tion. 6. Oi•ganizations that are clir�ctly Funcied uncter tf�e F{OM� progra�n may nac c;i�glge in ir�l�erently reli�ious activities, such as worship, religious ittstruction, o�• proselytiz�tion, �tis part of the assistance fttndcc� ttnder this pt�rt. If att organization conciucts such �ictivities, the activities �nust 6e offered sep3�•ately, in time ur loe�tion, from tlle ��ssistance tiinc�ed uc�der this part, and p�rticipation m�ist be voli�ntary for the betteFiciaries of tfte �ssistance provided. A �•eligiocas organization tllat participates in khe E i()ME pro�;ram will retain its inctependence t`rom fecleral, state, �i�d loctil goveenmenEs, a��d tmty continue tc� cacry out its mission, including the detinition, pr�ctice, zinc� cxpressian of its reli�;ioEis l��;li�fs, ��ro�icled th�E it ci��es nut us�; dircct 1-f01�[�; f't�nds ta s�ipport atiy inherentky religious �ietivities, such as worsi�i�, reii�io�s ii�strt�ction, or �rose�yEizatian. Ainoi�g t�tttcr kl�in�;s, t�ith-baseci organizatio«s m�y �ise s�ace ir� their tacilikies, �vithout rcmaving religiaus art, icc>ns, scriptures, c�r otl�c;r r�ligious symbols. ftt acidition, <t H[3N1E;-t'undcd religiot�s orgtiniz�tior� retains its ai�tllority aver iks ic�teri�ai governance, �it�d it rnly retain religious tcrcns in its organiz�tion's n��me, s�lect its board tnetttbers on a religious basis, nncl inc(E�de religious refercnces ii� its c�r�;anizatioi�'s mission statements ancf other governing clocurnents. 57 <i. Ar� org�nizatian khat p�trticipates i�� the HOME program sfiakl not, in providing program �ssistance, discrirninate a�;ainst a pro�ram beneticinry ar prospective progra�� �eneficiary on tlie basis of religion or reli�ious 6elief. e. H�Nt� fiinds may not be used far the acquisition, constrciction, ar reliabilitation of str��ctures to tlie extent that tltose structures are used Foc inherentEy religious activities. �[OME fi�ncis may be �ised for the acquisition, constructian, or rehabititation a�structures aniy to tlle e:ctent that those structures :�re used Fnr conducting eligible activities tinder this pai�t. Wh�;re a structure is used %r bot� eiigibfe and inherently religious activities, f[QNt� fiinc�s �nay ilot exceed the cast of those portions oi the acquisition, canstr�ictior�, or rehabilitat�on t�at are atcrihut�bie to eligiE�ia activities in accard�nce with tha cost accounting requirements applicabte to f-iOM1E funds in khis part. Sanetuari�s, ch��els, or ather rooms th<it � HOME-fi�ncied reltgiaus cangregation uses as its principal place of wors�ip, howe�er, �re ineligible far HON1E-ft�ntied improverr�ents. Disposition af reaf property after t}�e term of the grant, or any c�ange in use of #he �raperty cluring tize t�rm of the grant, is subject to gove�•nment-�vide regulaEians governing i•eal property disposition (see 24 CFR parts 84 �nd 8S). k�, fFa state or loc�l government �oluntarify contributes its own fiic�ds to su�plement Federaliy f��nded activities, the stlte or focal government Itas the optian to segregate the Federal funds or con�mingle them. �[owever, if the f�inds are commingled, this section �ppiies to a[t af tlle commingled Funds. § 92.258 �Ider Cottage Housing Opportuni#y (�CHO) UnitS a. Genej•al. i-[ON[E flinds rray be tEsec� fc�r the initial purchase and initial piacement costs of elcfer cottage housing appartunity (fiC}-i0) tinits that meet the requirements oF t�is section, a��d khlt are small, Free-sta�uting, barrier-free, ener�y-effici�nt, rema�able, and clesigneef to be inst�i(l�;d �tcljacent to exisking single-farrfily dwellings, b. Eligible vtivnei�s. T�te awner of a�IC}N�E-assisted CCEfO t�nit m�y be: I. 'T'he a�vner-accupant of the singke-Family host pro�ecty on wllicli the EC�(O unit �vil� be located; �. A �}ili'C1Clpatin�; ju►•isdiction; or 3. A i�on-�rofit organiration. c. L;Irxible tenr�nts. Utiring the aFto�•d���ility period, flte tc��ant o#'a t-IOtiiE-assistec) ECEEO kifllt ttlLiSt E)0 iltl CI(ICCIy {)P C�{S1bIE.(� ��likllly SS (�eftlleC� E11 Z�i CFR 5.��}� Zfl(� 113115k 1�50 �B �i �(}�V-fE1CQEliC �il[I1lIy. cl. �tpplicable reqc�iren�c�nl.s. 'fhe require�nents oF � 92.252 c�F tllis pact ap�iy ta E-{Oi�E- ��ssisted EC�(O �i�iits, with the folloaving moc�ifications: Only aile [�Cf ((} unit rnay be provic�ed per I�ost �roperty. 2. `I�IIe E�CEiO u�tit ow�ler may choose w(�etficr c�r not to charbe tt�e tcnailt of ik�e E�CFIO t«lit rerlt, i�ut if a rci�t is c}�argcd, it must mcet the �•ec�uiremc�tits oF � 92.252. 58 EYHIBiT "H" DAVIS 13ACON ItEQUIRE1�iENTS �sderal Labor Standards Provisions u.s• Dapa�Ement of kousing and Urban L?evelopmen! O[fice af Labor Re�atians AppllCsbllliy The Project or Program to which the canslruclion work covered hy fhia contract part8ina is being asslaled by ihe Uniied Statea of Amerlca and i3�a fallowing Federal Labor Standards Provislons are incEuded in this Conlraet pursuanl Eo Ihs provisione applicable to such Federa! aaslslance. A. 1. (I} Minir►3um Wages. AI! laborers and mechanics er�ployed or working upon lha site af the wark, wiil ba pald unoonditionsliy and not les� oilen Ihan onca a week, and wilhoul subsequent deduction or rebate vn any aceounl (oxcepE auch payrnll deducklons as are permilted by ragulalions issued by the Secretary of Labor under ihe Copeland Acl (29 CFR Pa�t 9j, ihe fuli amouni of wagsa and bona [ide iEinga bane}its (o� cash equivakents thereof} dua al time of paymenl compuEad al rales npt less lhan tMose conlained in lhe wage deiermination of lhe Secrelary of Labor which is attached herelo and made e parE hareol, regardlesa of any conEFacival relaUonship which may be atleged lo exlst between Ihe cantraCEor ar�d such laborers and mechanics, ContriDullons rnade or costs reasonably anticipated tor bona (Ide fringe beneflis undor Section t(b)(2) ol !he �avis-6acon Aci on hehalf ol 4aborers or mechanics are considered wages pald !o auch laborers �r mechanics, suDjec! !o ihe pravisiona of 29 CFR 5.5(a)(t)(iv}; atso, regular conlrlbutions made oe cos�s incurred tor more lhan a weekky per�od (hut no! tess often Ihan �uartea€y) under plans, iunds, or programs, which co�er the parlicular weekly perlod, are deemec! ln be construclively made or incurred durtng such weekly perlad. 5uch laborcrs and machanlcs sheli �e paid the appropnaie wage rale and fringe banefils on ihe wege delerminaiion [nr Ihe classiflcalion of work acivally perfo[med, wiihoul regatd lo skEll, excepl es provid�d in 29 CFf2 5.5(a}(4j. E.abarurs or mechanics pertorming work In more than one eiassificalion may he campensaied al the reie spBcifiad foi oach ciassiflCalion 1or the iime aClusily worked ihereln: ProvidaQ. Thai Ihe amplayet's paytol! rocards accuralely set forlh tha time spent in aach classilicatlon in whieh work is pertormed �he wege deEerminalton (including eny additional ctasaiflcalion a+�d wage rates conformed under 23 CFR 5 5(a)(S)(iI) and !he Davfs-i�acon pasler (WH• 1325) shaU be posled al atl i�mes by Ihe coniracEor and iis subconlraciors at Eha s�la o{ !he work in a prominent and accessi4ie, pEace where i! can be aasify seen by Ihe wor3c�rs. (Ek? �aj Any class ol IaDorers or mechanics whlch is not iieled in It�e wage delermination and which is !o be nmployed under the conlracl shall be ciassifled in conlorrrtanca wlth the wage deEerm�nation. HEJC1 shall approve an add�lionai classlficatlon and wage Eate and tringe henefils lhCrefor only whBn the following crlieria have been rtle! (1) fhe work lo be performed hy tha ClasaiTica#tan requesled Is nol perlormed by a claasif[catfon In the wage d0leffftlft&ti0ft: 8t1d (2� the Ciaeslflq8tlon IB utilized In the araa by the conslrucllon industry; and (3) The ptaposed waga rate, includfng any bpna fide hinge beneills, beara a reasonable relationshlp to Ehe wage rale3 conlained in the waga delermination. {b) if the conlrxctor and iha Egborera and mechanics la be employed in the classlflcallon (1f known�, or thefr r�prosenlalives, ar►d HUD oa its deslgnes agree on Ihe classlflcalion and wage rate (Including lhe amounl deaignaled for iringe beneflta where approprfale), a reporl of Ihe actfon taken shail be sen! by iiUO or Ils daslgnee !o lhe Adminisiratar al the Wage and Hour btvlsion, Emplayment 5landarda Adminlatrallon, 11.S. (]eparlment of Labor, Washington, D.G. 20210. tha Adminlsirator, or an authoriaed repreaentalkva, will apprave, modlfy, or disapprove every additional clasafficatian actlon wlthin 3D days ot recefpt and so advise HUD pr Ha dealgnee or wf1E noti(y HUD or lis deslgnea wit�in Ihe 30-day period Ihal additlonal iime is neCessary. (Approvad by ihe O(fiCe oi Management and Budgst under �MB cpnErol number 1215- 0140.) (cj In Iha evanl ihe conlractar, the labarers or mechanlcs l0 be employed in the claasiflcallon or lhefr rapresentalives, and FEUD or kts deafgnea do not agree on ihe proposed claaslficaElon and wage rate (lncluding Iho amount deslgnaled !or iringe benetils, wh�re apptopriaie), HUD or lEs designee shal! refer Ihe quesllona, Inckuding lh� viaws of all Inlerested parties and ihe reaommendatian of HUq ar its deslgnee, lo the Adrninkatrator for dalerminaiion. The AdminlstraEor, or an autharized represantalive, wi!! issue a determinalipn wllhin 30 days of receip! and so advlse I-tUD or kts deslgnaa or will notify tiUD ot its designee wHhin the 3Q-day period ihat additional tlme is nec0ssary. (ApprBved by Ihe Oifice of Management and Budgei under ON[B Canlrol Nun�ber 1215-0140.� {dj The wage raEe (Including [ringa be�efiis whero approprialej delerrnined putsuanl to subpaaagraphs (1}(ik)(bj ar (c) af this paiagrsph, shall be paid !o all workars performing work in lhe tiassification under lMis contracE lrom Ehe first day an wi�ioh work is per(ormed !n ihe clagsilicalion. (llfj Whenever Ihe mintmum wage rata prescrlbed in ths conlrac! [or a class ot labOters ar mechanlcs include9 a Innge bBnefi! which is nol expressed as an hourly rale. lhe contraclar sr�al! efthar pay the benelit as staled in tha wage delerminaiion or shail pay analher bona i�de fringe baneTit or an haurly cash oquivatenl thereof. (fv} If Ihe conEractor d009 [!Pl make paymenis to a truslee or olher third person. !he conlraclor may canslder aa part form HUD�4010 ((�12009� Prev�ous edifions are obsolaie Paga t ot 5 rei. Handbook 1344.5 04 the weges oi any labo�ai or mschan(c the emount oT any costs reasonebly anElclpaled tn providing bana ikde fringa banelila undei a plan or program, Pravided, ihai the Secratary ot 1.abar ha� found, upan the wrf!!an requea! of lhe oonlrocfar, lhal !ha applicable alandards of lha Qavi3- 8acon Acl have baen met. The 5ecretary af tabor may require 1t►e conlrastor to se! aslde In a separats accounl esaets !or the meeiinq o! obifgeliona under 1he plan or program. (Approved by the Oifloe ot Manegemenl anQ Budget undet 03N0 ConErol Nuinbar l216-01�O.j 2. Withholdinq. HUO or I!� dealgnea shall upon tts own aclion or upon wrilten tequeet of an aulhnelxed repreaentallve of tha F3eperlmanl of lshor withhold or cause #o be wlthhetd irom !he aonlractor under lMia cpntract or any olher Fede�al contraei with Iha same prime contractor, or any othet Federally•asaisted cantr�ct aubjeot to Davla•Bacon prevafling wage requlfer�enla, whlch Is hetd by tha same prEme conlractor sa much o! ihe aacrued payrnente or advances a4 may ba conaldered neaessery !o pay 19bOfAfS �n� rnechanlcs, Inctuding epprenlEce�, tralnse• an� hekpers, empkoysd 6y the canlraclor or any aubconlractor Ihs lull amount o! wage� requkrad by fhe contract In the eveni af taiiure to pay any lasorer or mechantc, 4nokuding any appre�llce, iralnea or helpar, amployed or working on ihe aite at t�a kvork, all or parl af ihe wagee requlred by Ihe oonlraat, Htii3 or ita designae may, aflor writlan naUce io the contraCtor, sponaov, applloanl, or owner, lake auch acllon ae msy be necesaary to causa lha suspenafon of any furEher peymenl, advance, o► guaranlae ai funds unlil such vlolallonb have ceased. HUD or Ile deslgnee ni8y, afler wrftten notics to ihe conlraclor, dlaburae auch amountt wlthhsld for and on account of fMa contraclo� or suhcontreclor to the respective empinyesd lo whbm fhey are dua. 7he Complrollar Generel shall make 9uoh dlabursemenle In Ihe casa ot direc# Dav�s-Baaon Act contracte. communicated kn wril[ng to the labarers or mechanlcs atfecled, and record� whlch show the cnale anllctpeted or tha acluai coak tncurred In p�nvidknq such benellta. Contraclors emplayinp appreotines or lraEneaa under approved progvam� shalf malnlaln wrlltan evldence ot Ihs regfatration af apprenlfceahlp programs snd oertNlcaUon of taaEnee program�, Ihe regiatratian of Ihs apprenUcea and lrafnee=, a�d the railor and wage rales prescrlbed in the appllcahla progiame. (Approved by the �lfloe of Management and �udga! ander 4M� Contral Numbars 4215•4140 and 12t5•OQ47.� ��q {�) The contractor ehall aubmlt weskly Tor eeah week irt which any cor�traot work is �erformed e copy o! all payvoli� to NUU or Ita de�ignBe it Iha agency i• a party to the contracl, bui it fhe aganay I� not auch a party, Ihe canlcactar wllf submii tha payrofi• lo ihe appllcanl sponsor, or awner, ae the case may da, ror Iranamisatan !o HUQ or its dsalgnee. The payratl• aubmilled shali sel ❑ut accurately end compleleiy ail of Ihe Information required ta be mainlalned under 29 GFR 5.5(8)(3?�k) BKCep1 thal ttfll soclal seourlly numbers and home addraeaes ahall nol ba lncluded on weekly trannmitlal9. Inatead the payrolls ahall only need to InClude an indlvldually IdentliyEng num6er ipr each emplayea (e.g., tha ka�t laur dlglta ot the emptayae's soclai aecurlly numbet). Tha requltad weekly paytoll Informalian may be submitled tn any form deaired. Opifonaf Form WH-�47 la avallable for Ihts purpoae Irom the w�a� and Hour Divleton Wab slle ei hf1p:11www.dal.aov/esa/whdlformaL�h�4Zln�fr htm or !ta sucaeasor s1te. The prlme contractor I� reeponaEbia for fha aubmleelon af caplem ot payrafla by al! subcanlrgcEora. Canlractara and subonr�trnalora aha11 msinlafn the full social securEty number and curren4 addreat o1 each covered worker, and ahail pra�ide them upon request !o �iUO ar Ile deslgnee if ihe agency fa s party io the eoniracl, bu4 H Ihe agency le npk such a party, !he contracko� w111 submit the payralls to Ihe eppklCant aponsor, or owner, as !he ca'e may be, for Irensmlasion to HUD or Ita deslgnea, Ihe conirector, or the Wage end Hour Divis�on af Ihe Deparlmeni ot Labor for purposes ot an invesllgatlon or audfl ot cpmp4lance wlth prevefiing wage raquirementa. !1 Is not a vfolatian of Ihle subparagraph for a prlme contraclor to require s subcontractar io provida addreases and aoCtal securiiy num6ers 10 the prime conlraclor far it� own racordo. withaut waekly submlesion ta NUD ar its deatgnee. (Appro�ed by Ihe Oilice ol Managemenl and Budge4 under �F�48 Gonlra) Nurttber 1215•Q149.j weekly number oi hours warked, dsducllona mada and (bE Each payroik suhretiited ahafl be accompeniad by a aatual wagae paid. Whdnevet Ihe Secrelary at Labor t�a� 'Slalament of Cnmpliance,' slgned by !he coniractvr nr lound under 24 CFR 5,5 (a}(1)(1v� thai Ihe wage' af any yubaontractar or hla or het agant who pays or supervfaes 19bOf9F or mechBnlC inclaae !ha amounl ot any coets the paymenl of the persona amployed under �he conirac! reaeanabty antielpated !n provlding beneftts under a plan and shall ceriity ihe lollowing: ar program deacribad In Secllon i{bj{2)(9y o! 11�e pavle- ��) Thai ihe payraq far !ha payrpl! parlod cankaina the Eiacon Act, ihe contraclar shall maintain recorde which Informetlon requirod !o be provlded undar 29 CFR 5.5 show lhal 1he commllmenl to provlde suct� beneftta la {s)(3}(ki), lhe eppropriale informalton is being mainfalned on}arceable, the! ihe plsn o► proqram ia ifnanclai4y under 24 CFR 5,5(aj(3y{E), and thal euch tnfprmetion la reaponalbie, an� Ihat the plan or program haa been correct and compEele; Previovi adkllo�s are pbaoleto forcn HE![?-40f0 (�8120o8) Page 2 of 5 raf. Handbook 13M.i 3. (I} Payrolts snd basic racord�. Payrolle and bsslc rqcprda ralalEng therato ahall be malnlslned by lhe conlractor during the couraa ot ihe work praeerved (or a period of Ihree yoart thereattsr tor �I! labarcra and meahanlca warking at �he slle of Ehe wa�k. Such records shall conke�n the name, addreas, and saelal securiiy number ol each such worker, hE� ar her correc# ciasaillaatlon, hourly rates of wagea peid (including rates of contributlona or coels anllclpaled for bona itde frtnge benaNl� or cash aqulvakents lhereol of ihe lypea desC�ibed In Sectlon I{h}(2}(Bj oi Ihe Davie•bacan Aet) daily and (2j 7hat each labarer or mechar►Ic (Inctuding each hefper, epprenEice, and Irainee) empkoyed on !he contrac! during !he payroil period haa been paid Ihe (ul# weekiy wages earneA, wllhoul rebala, either dlraclly or indkrectly, and tha! no deducllons ha�e been made eilher dlrecUy or indireclly Erom �he luEl wages earned, alher lhan permEsslble deductlons as set torlh in 29 CFR Parl 3; {S) Tha! oach iaborer or mech�nic haa been paid nol iess lhan Ihe appticable wage ralea and trEnge benellts or cash equl�alenls lor ihe ciasa)ticallon o! work periormed. as speci4ied kn the appllcabte wage delerminallon incorparsted into the conirsct. {c} The waekly submission af a properly ezecuted certillcallon set forth nn Ihe reverse side af �pllonal Form WH-�47 shall sa#isly the requirement fer submission of the 'Stalemenl a( Compllance' requlred by subparagraph A.3.(ii){b). {d� Tha falsillcallon of any of the above ceriiticakions may sub�ecl !he cantraclor or subcanlraclpr io civlE or criminal prosocution under Seciian 1001 of Tiiie i8 and Seclion 231 of TiiEs 31 a# the Un1led S!alea Gade. (II!) The conlractor or subcontraCtor shali make lhe recorda required undar subparngraph A.3.(ij availsble for Inspac!lon, capying, or lranscrtplion by aulho�lzed repraseniat"svea oi HUp or its designee or !he �eparlment af Labor, and shafl permil sucn raprosenlalives l0 inEerview empioyees during working houra on !he job. If the coniractor or suhcentractor lsils lo submi! ihe required recards or lo make them avallabia, HUD or I!s designee may, afler written noi€ce lo lhe Conlraclor, sponsor, appticani or awner, lake sueh actfan as may be nacessary to cause the suspenslon of any furll�er payment, advance, ❑r guarantee of funds. Furlhermore, Tallure lo submit lhe requirad records upon request or !a make such records availablo may b& grounds far dabarment aclian pursuan! ta 29 CF�t 5.12. 4. Apprenikce� pnd Traineea. (I} Approntices. Apprenhces wili be permittesd Io wOrK al less Ihan Ihc predetermined rale far ihe work lhey periarmad when they ara employed p�rsuan! lo and �ndivlduafly registared in a bona itde apprenllcoshlp pragram registered wIlh lhe U 3 Dnparirrienl of Labor, Emp[oyment and Training Adminislralion. OfFice of AQprenticeship 7raining, Emp[oyer and Labar Sorvices, or wllh a 51aEe Apprenliceship Agesncy recogMzed by Ihe O#i�ce, nr if a person Is employed in hls or her flrst 90 days of probationaiy empioymeni as an apprenEice in such an apprenliceshkp program, whe is not indivfdually reg�slered i� the pragram, but wha has been cerliflad try !he OTflce at ApprentiCeship Trait�ing, Entployer and ta�or Serv�ces or a 5laEe Appranlicasriip Ayency (where appropriate) lo be ellgibles for probailonary emplo.yment as an appresniice. ihe a[lowable ratio of apprenticos io �qurneymen on lhe �oh sile fn any crall classification shaii �o! De greatpr ihan Ihe ratEo pormi!!ed lo tt�e conlractor as la !he enl�re wo�k Iarce under Ihe regislered ptogram Any worker listed on a payroil al an appronlice wage rate who is npt reglslered ar olherwise empinyed aa slafed Above. shalt be pafd not lesa than lhe appitcable wags rata an lha waga deEerminatlon lot Ihe tlassllicatian of wark aclualty perforrrted. in addillon, any apprentice perTorming wprk on the Job site In excess af l�e raiio parmltted under ihe regl�leeed ptogram shall be paid npt ieaa lhan !he apgllcable wage rale on Ihe wage delerminalion !o� !he wark actually parformad. Where a contractor la performing conslrualion on a project In a locality olher Ihan lhal in whkch lis progtam Is reg�stered, the rallos and wage rales (expressad in percentageti of ihe journeyman's hourly ►a!e) specilled In Iha contraCtaPs or subconttactor's regislered program shakl bs observed. Every apprentice must be paid a! no! less Ihan iha rale apecified in the reglslered program !or the apprentice'a level ot ptogrese, expressed as a percenlage oT the journeymen haurly raie specfiled In the applicable waq� deEsrm[nallon. Apprentices shall be paid iri�ge bene[Ha in accardance wiEh ihe provlsians af !he apprenticeshtp prpgram. if Ihe apprenilceship pragram does nol specify iringa benaflts, apprenitces muai ba paid !he fuil amount of fringe bene[ils Ilsted on Iha wage delerminalion for Ehe appiicabie classlficallon. If the Administrator delarr�ines Ihat a differen! praGice prevails !or Ih� �pplicable apprantice classi/IcaEion, fringea shaEl bs paid In accordance wiih thal deierminaiion. !n the eveni fhe OffiC� of Apprenticeship Trafning, �mployer and Labor Servicea, or a 5iale Apprenticeship Ayency recognlzed py ihe Offlce, wilhciraws epproval ol an apprenEiceship program, Ehe conlractar wlll no Eonger b� permilled fa uiillze apprenlices ai leas than the appliCdbfe predelermined rate for !ha work pertormed untll an acceplable pragram is approved. (Ilj Tralnaes. �xcept as provlded in 29 CFR 5.16. Irainees will nol ba parmllEed lo work al lesa than !he predeterminad rate #or !he work periormed unless they are employed pursuant ',io and Indivldua�ly reglslered €n a prograrn which has received prior approval, evidenced by formal carliflcalion by ihe U.S. Daparlment of Labar, Employmnnl and iraining Adminlslralian. The rat3o at lrainees !o )ourneymen on the job site shall nat be grealer than pflrmltted undar lhe plen appraved by lhe �mploymen! and Training Adminlslretian. Every lrainee muat be paid at not less Ihan !he rale specitied in the approva0 program (or !he trainep's leval o} prograss, expressed as a percenlags of Ihe )ourneyman hourly raEe specitled in Ihe appllcable wage determinalion Trginaes shall be paid trinc�a benefits in accordance with the pro�isions of the lrainee pragram !! Ehe traines pragiam does no1 meniian iringe benelkis, lraineea shall be paid Ihe Eull amount oi frange beneiils !isled an Ihe w�ge delerminatinn unless Ihe Adminislralot oT tho Wage and Hour []i�iaion delermines lhal Ih4re is a� apprenlfceah�p program associated wilh iho corresponding journeyman wage rate an the wege determinatton whlth provldes for tesa lhan fulf Iringe benafits for apprentices Any employea Neled on Iha payroll al a lrainee rale who is noE regislered and parlicipating fn a Irainkng pian approved by previous eddlons a�e obsolela form NUD-�010 (08J2009} Rage � oi 5 ref. Handbook 1�44 1 � �� r !ha �mpioymeni and Training Admfnfslratlan shall ba peld nat lesa lhan ihe applEcabla wage rala on the wage determinaltan for Ihe work aclualiy performed. In addlttan, any trainee performing• rvork on the jab slta in exceas ot the rallo permilled under tha regkstered progrem shafl be paid not la�s than tha appllcabte wage reta on tha wage delerminalion fo� !he work actually pertarmed. in the evenl the �mployment and tFalning Adminlslrallon wlthdraw3 appraval oF a lralning pragram, ihe con{raclot will no longer be permilled lo u#illxe lralneea at lesn than the applicabie predatermined rale lor the �rrork perlormed until 8n acceplebfe progrem fs approved. {IIIj Equal employmont opportunity. The ulfllzatEon of apprenlices. !ralneea and jaurneyman undar 29 CFR Part 5 shal! ba in conformily w1Eh the equal emplpyment opporlunily regulraments of �xecutive Order i 1248, as amended, and 29 CFR Part �0. !f. Gompflanca wkth Copatand Act roquiraments. The cpnlractor shalf comply wilh !he requirements oi 29 CF12 Parl 3 whfch are incorparatact by roference In Ihis eontract 8. 3ubcontrac!'. The eanlraclor or s�t�conEraclor wilf inseri in any subconlracts the clausea corrtafned In subgaragr�pha 1 Ihrough 11 in lhie paragr0ph A and such olhor ciausee aa HUD or its deaignee may py appropriale instrucllona requlrs, and a copy ot Ihe appllcable prevailing wage decislon, and also a clause requtring lhe subcontrac�ora tp inalude these cfauses in any lower iier subconlrecis. The prlme contraolor ahali be responsible br Ihe compliance by any subcontraclor or fower lier subcanlractor with a!! ihe conlract clauses in ihis paragraph. 7. Contract tvrminaNqn; debarment, A breach ol lhe conEract clauses In 29 CFR 5.5 may ba grounde Iar t�rminatian of ihe conlract and for debarment as a coniractor and a svboontrector as provldad in 29 CFR 5.12. 8. Compllanca wfth pavis-Bacon ant! Related kcl Roqulraments. All rulinga and Intarpratatlons af Ihe Davfa-Bacon and Relaled Acta contslned [n 29 CFR PAf�9 i, 3, and 5 are har@in incarporaled by reterence In lhYs conlrac! 6. Dlspulos coneArning lahor slanderdr. Dlsputes arising out of the iabor standards pravislons af Ih�s canlracl shaEl nat bQ sutrJ�ct lo ihe genaral disputes elause ot this contract. 5uch disputes shali b8 resolved in accordance wlth tha procedures af fhe �eparlment af l abor se! fortt� in 2g CFR Parts 5, 8, and 7. €3lspufes wilhln the meaning oi tMia clause Include dispules be#ween Ihe conlracinr (ar any aE i!s subcaniractors) and HUp or Ft8 Qesign�g, the U,S. Departmenl ef Labor, or ihe ernployaus o: the[r rapresenta��ves. 10. (ly CBrliNcation oi Ellglblllty. Ciy enle[3ng inlo Ihis conlract !he conlracfor corlifiBs 3hat nailher il (nor he or she} nbr any pQrson or flrm wha has an inlerest In ihe conlracior's lrrm Is a per9on or f�rm inellg3tsls to be awerded Gove�nment contracls by virtue o! Section 3(a) ol ihe Oavis-E3aGon Act or 28 CfR 5.12(a}(1) or lo he awarded HUO conlraCts or participale in Ftt1p programa pu�suanl to 24 C�R Parl 2�. f��l No Rarl of lhis cpntract ahali be suDcontracled !n any person or fl�m ineilqibla for award oi a Govarnman# contract by virlue at Sectfon �(a) of the Davle•Bacon Act or 29 CFR 5.12(ej(1) pr to ba awarded HU� conlracta ar parllcipale in HUa pragrams purauant !0 24 C�R Parl 24. (Illf The penaEly for making falae slatementa Ea prescribgd In the tJ.S. Crimlr�al Coda, 18 U.S.C. 1001. Additionaliy, U.S. Criminal Gode, Secilon 1 U1 D, title 18, U.S.C., "�ederal Houaing Admtnislretion tr�nsacllona', gravldes in pari: 'Whpaver, for the purpase of ... InfluenCing in any way the actlon o} such Administralfon...,. rnakes, ulEers or publlehee any statemer�t knawing !ha same to b8 fafse..... shafl 6e flned nol mote thaa SB,OOp or imprisoned nol mpre than twp yeaFa, or bpt�.' �1• Campfainls, ProCaadings, or Tostlmony by Employess. No labarer or mechanlC ta wt�om Ihe 4rrage, salary, ot other lahor siandards provisions of t�ia Conlracl aro appiicabls shall bs dlschargad ar in any olher manner dlacriminaled agalnst by khe COAIfBC�O� ar any subaoniractor because auC� employee has filad any complainl or instltuted or caused to be Inalliuled any proCBedk�lg or t►aa lastlfied or is ahau! to leslkfy In any proceeding undar or relaiing to ihe labor standards appllcabie under thia Conlracl lo his amployer. H. Canlydcl Work Hours and Safety 3tandard� Act The provielona of ihle paragraph B are applicable where lhe amount of !he prime cnnt�acl exceeds �100,0p0. As €�sed in Ehis paregreph, tha lermd'Iabarers"and'mechanlcs'lnclude watchmen gnd guards. E11 Over!!me rflquireman;s, No conlrednr ur su#�conlracto� conlracting for any part oE the conlract work rMifch may requlre or Involve 3he employmen! of faborere nr mechanics shaN require or permil any suoh laborer or mechanlc fn any workw�eek in which the indlvidua! Is empfoyed on such wwk to twrfc in excess of 44 houra in such workweek unless suth laborer ar mechanlc receives compensaEion ai a raie nol lesa lhan one and one•hali ifinee the bas� rale of pay for a11 houra warked In expeas nf 4Q houn in such woticvreek. {2} Vlolallon, Ilahiiity !or unpefd wages; Ilqutdatad damages. In the even! of any v�aiatfon o[ the cla�se set torth ifl subparagraph {i} of ihls paragraph, Ihe conlraclot and any subconlreclor responslble thereEpr shall ba liable for the unpald wagea. In addHion, auch contraclor and subconlractor shait be Ilable Ip ihe Uniied SEatea {in ihe case of work done under coniract lor lha �isiric! o( Colnmbfa or a lerrllory, lo such Dlair�ct or !o such terrlEoryy, for liquideted damagea. Such Iiquidaled damagea ehaEl be oamputed with resQeC! to +3ach indi�iduat Iaqorer or mechaniC, Including watchmen and guards, empbyed In vloialion of lhe clause seE forlh ln subparagraph ( 4) of Ihie paragraph, !n (he sum oi;10 !or each caEendar day an which such Individual �ras requirad or pertnstled lo uroik fn excass of Ehe staridard v�nork+rreek p} 44 hours relhpul paymer�t of Eha overtlme wa�es required by Ehe clause sei forih in sub paragraph (1) pf this paragraph Ptevfous edrliong aro o�solel9 form HUD�40t0 (08l2AOgj Page 4 of 5 rel. Nendbook s344 ! (3� Wlthholdlny for unpald waqas and iiquEdated damago�. NUn or Ite daelpnee shall upan Ila own actlon or upnn writtan ra�uaet oi an authorized repaesontative of ihe Oepartmenl pt �.abor wllhhpid or cauae lo be withhald, irom any maneys payable an acCounl o} work pertormed by ihe conlraclor or subconi►aclor under eny suci� conlract or a�y othat Federal conlrect wllh Ihe same pNme conlract, or any other Faderally•aasleled conlracl aubJeci to the Conlract Work Flours and Sefely 5tandards Act whlch la held by tha eamp prlme coniraclar such eums aa mey be detarmined lo be necea6ary !o salksiy any ilabiiltiea of such contractor or subcontrectar for unpald wages a�d IkquEdaled damagee ae provided In the Ci8k16E aet (orih In subparsgreph (2� o( lhEs paragraph, (4y Su6contract�. The contracfor or su6opnlr�c�ar Sh81E Inserl In any subContracka Ihe ciauaas ae! fotth in subparagraph (1) ihrough (4) of thia paregraph and also a clauae requirVng the subcontractor9 io inciude thesa clauaee in any lower IEer su6conlraois, The prime contractot shaU ba responslble for compilance by any aubcont€actor or lower liar suhcontraolor wlth Ihe clausea sel fprth En su6peregraphe (1j Ihrough (4} p! this paragraph, C. Haelth end 8afoty. Tne prov�slons of lhia parayraph C are applic$b{e whete Ehe amounE p! Ihe prkne contrsct exceeda t1D0,Opp. (1) No IaDarer or �nechanic shall be raquirad to work in aurroundingd or unde� wprking condi(lone wMlch ere unsanitery, l�Rzardous, or d8ngeroua lo his heslih and sa{oty as dolermined uncfer conatructlun safety and heaith slanderd8 promulgated by lhe 5ecretary oi Labor by regulatlon. (2} The CanUactor ahell comply wiit� all raguiatlona Issued hy the 5actelery o( I.abor pursua�l to T!!Io 29 Pqrt 1926 and faliure lo comply may rasult !n impoaqion of senctiona pur�uant to the Contract Work Ho�rs snd Safety Slandsrda Act, (Public Law Q1•54, 83 Slat 88}. 40 U5C �7Qi e! aea. {3) 7h� contracior ghaN Enclude Ihe provislona of Ihls peragraph in avery subcanlract sa Ihat such provlslnna wi11 be binding on eech subCtlntractar. The contraCtor 9hall take such aclion wiih raspect Eo any subcon[ractot as the 5ecreiary of Houaing and Urban E3evelopmeni ar the Sacretary o! Labor shalt dlrect aa a means oi onforcing such provisions. Previoua editlnne sra obaolote iorm HUD-46i0 (O6u2QQ9) Pape 5 ot 5 rpf. linndbook 1344.1 EYHIBIT "H-1" �vf�r� nEc�sroN . .. . , �... . , < : �„ -_ . - - s �f� Q, ��� Pr�ge L tif;4 . . , ,,. .,. , , . ,, �- . Gbneral �]e�i,sion i�umki��c' �x13flo2� �1�0�/24�3 �'xx� � , < - _ , 3u��rseded:° G�ae.r$�. D�ai�iarr Numbe�:,.'�X�O��bQ�,S y` j stet� �i@xs18 ` - r, � COrt�txua� ,. ;. , ,.� ion :Types• tteeidet�t�a�.�: . � � cbur�tioe a;� Joh�a�n�,. . ��rker : arid. Tarran� • �Cc�rxtiear' �n ��xas. , E��� . , � Etes�den�lak Fro�dctn. cdnaiati�n.g o.�''.a.i;ng�e lam3l:y ttamea: and� agartments u�r, to •anc3� i�c�uci�i�q °4 st4iiea. '_ : Mad��Ei�ation Number publiaat�.an Da�g 0; , 1�1f04/2013� " st3TXI99��02�; 0.4/01li99t� ftate9 ��istiqea. CARPEE�xE� `( �xa�ud3i�q dryw�l.� hanginq` ai�d �o�n se�tinq) . . . . .. . $ 9.3iS CEMEI�!'�` M�ISONIC�NCRE'�� ' EINISHE� (Excsl�,ding �otm settinql .........................$ 9.A8 �RYWALL HANCY�fi... ................$ 3.00 EI.�CT'RICiA�I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 10. 214 E`orm SekCer ......................$ 9.194 HVAC MECHANTC (inciuding duct. oxalucling p�pe workl ....... S 9.337 Labor�r, co�an ..................$ 7.25 Painterst ozust� .......................$ 9.9� 5pray .......................� 10.fl� PLUM�3�R 41ncl�dinq ifVAC :�ORK�....$ 14.687 iiQc3FE:R, Inciur3inq f3uilt U�S, Compor�itidn and 9ingl.e E'ty :taaEa ............................5 d.6��r 5heet .ReCa1 ;Rarker {�:cc1u�lfng �fVAC-duct �rork} ..................5 14.iO3 rzG� SE'l`TER ......................5 ti.50 TItUCK �t2TV�[2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S 7. Z5 SfEt,p�R9 -- Etecu�ve rat� prescrihod for craft performiE�g ��geratian to which �.«1.<linq i9 inci�3�nta1. —I1ttp:Ih�ww.w�lol.�cav/�uiiol��:�iil�elcinvisbAca�nlI`�CZS.ciVh`Ive-4_---.------..---- -------,—.-- -1J1912013 Pag� 2 of 4 WELD�RS -- iteceive rate prescrfbed for crafti pgrforminc� apera�ion tn which welding is inoidental.. m aGtOsm�aalF.,"S�kYCt�l� aY�iam0m�1 WF�ffivtc'ydiamQaO�AR�i19RIIAf CY1eSa��a�Ai3R0.Ct�1 tll� d�a daa� Unlisted classifications naeded �or work nat included within �he scope o� the classi�ications lis�ad may be added after award only as prnvidec3 !n the labor standards contract clausea {29CFR 5.5 (a) (1) (iij). The body oE each 4aay� daterminatian 1isCs the class�fication and wage rates tha� have been found to be prevail�ng far the cited type(s) oF constrt�ction in the area covered by the waqe detarmina�ion. The clasai�icationa are 3.isted f.n alphabe�ical order of "identifiars" �hat indicate whether Ghe �articular rate is union or non-unf.on. [lnf.nn TdentiEiers An idenCifier enc.tosed in dotGed }.ines beginning with charaarers other �han "SU" denotes thar the unian classi�ication and raCe have fouttd ra be prevailinq for ��at classa��.catiion, Example: PLUM0198-005 07/OL/2011. The first �our le�ters , PLUM, inciicate tha internationaL unfon and the Eour-dlq3.t number, 0198, that follows indicate� the loca2 �naon number or district cauncil number whera applicable , i.a., Plumbers Lacal 019n, 'Che next numbar, �OS in the example, is an interna�. number used in ptocessing the waqa cietermination. The date, 07/O1/2011, foliawinq these characters is the efEective date of the mosC currenr negotzared rata/collective bargazning agreemerit which would be July l., 2011 in the abova example, Union prevai,�.zng waqe rates will b� updated to reflect any changes in the coif.ectivP bargaining aqreements govexning the rates. 0400/9994; weighted un�on waqe rates wi1,� be pubLished annually eacl� January. Non--Unaon idenCifiers Classiff.cati.ons listed under an "3U" identiEier were derived Erom survey data by camputing average ra�es and are naC uniort rates; however. the data used ir� compuCirtq these rates inay inciuc�e both union anc# non-unian ciata. Example; SULA2004-QO? S/l3/?_010. SU indicaties the ra�es are nat union majority rates, LA indica[eg the State of La�.tisiana; 2009 is the year oE the sur�ey; and 007 is an internal number used in producinq the waqe deCermination. A}.493 or later date, 5/13/2010, Lndi.cates the classiE'ications and r3tes uncier that icientifier .+ere issued http://www.wciol.�ov/wdo�/sc3filesJtiavisbaeaNTX25.dvb?v=0 �I l �)!2{? I 3 P�ge 3 of 4 as a General Wage �etermina�ion on that da�e. Survey wage rakes wi�1 rema.in in effecC and wfll not change until a new survay is cancluctsd. WAGE DETEE'tHf�NATiON AQPEALS PROCE58 1.) �ias there been an iniCial deais�on in the matter? This can be: • an existing gublished wage determinaeion * a survsy unclerlying a wage determination � a'rlage and Hour i3ivision letter setting forth a�osition on a waqe deCermination �natter * a conEormance [additional clasaiEication and rate) ruling On survey re�.ared ma�tiers, ir�ftial contact, .inc.�uding requests £nr summaries of surveys, should be w1.xh the Waga and iiour E�eqional Office for the area in which the aurvey was canducted bscause thase Eteqiona3. Offices have respona.Lbl.lity for the E]avis--Bacon survey �ragram. IE the response Erom this initial contact i� not sat#.�factary, then the process described in 2.) and 3. } shou.id ba xall.owed. Wi�h reqard ta any ott►er ma��er not yet ripe for Che formal process described here, i.n�.�.ial contact st�ould be wirh the 33ranch of Constructior► 41age DeterminaCions. Write Co: i3ranch oF Construct4.pn Wage l3eterminatzons Wage and Hour Div�sion U.S. Department o� Labor 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W, Washinqton, DC 2421€3 2.) i� the answer ta the quesrion in 1.} i� yes, then an lnteresCed �Sarty [tihase affectad by the acrion} can requesC review anc# �econs.ideration Erom the Waqe and Hour Aciministrator (5e� ?.9 CER E'arC i.8 and 29 CFR Part 71 . r�lC1Ce ro: 'rt�ge and Hour Administratar U.S. [JePast[�ent oE Labar 7.00 Cons�itution Av�nue, N.W. 'r�asi�inqton, �C 202�0 '�he request sho�ld be accompanied by a EuLZ statemenr of the inCerestecf party's position and by any inEUrmar.i.on [waqa payment data, project description, area pzactice material, et�c.} that t}�� requesCor considers ref�v�tnt ta the issue. 3.} �E ��ie decision of tt�e AdminisCrator is not favorable, an interesred �aarty may appeal dzxectly Co the 1�ciminis�raCive Review F3aard {formerly the `rlaqe Appeals Soard} , r�riCe to: Administrative Review f3aard U.S. Uepartment oE Labor 2a0 f.:o��stituCian Avenue, �.'rf. Washinq�on, DC 2c)"1_10 http://�vrvw.wdnl.gov/wdolfscati les/da�ishaconfi'X25,�i�t�?v-0 ��/ 1912t) I 3 P�ge 4 of 4 4.) All cieci.sians by the Admin.istrative Ctevfew Board are fina.L. � wFnsaaa.asaoesarsrsa�^=—csassw w�ssc�:aaer�amrarae.cmmams��xa�.u� a� rancraau.r�see�qsas�aessas�rr �[3� aF GENL�4iA?, DECI9ION http:/ltivivw.wdol.govlw�olls�atiies/cia�isbacorYl'X2S.dvb?v-0 t3/ I �/2Q ! 3 EYHIBIT "H-2" CONTRACTOR INFOItMATI(3N FORNi Clty of Fa�rt'�Varth Comm��nity Devetapment Btock Gr�nt (CDBG) ConstrucNon ProJect� CQNTRr�1CTOR INFURMATION D�te: Pro�ect• ContrActor: Address: City; TeEephone: �ecier�l I.D. #: �E�icers of the Corporation: President: Vice President: Secretary; Treas�irer: If sole c�wnership or partnership, list owner{s}; Fax: [ certify �# the time of exe�c�iEion, t�erec�f, neither my co�npatty nc�r my corp�rttt� of#icers (if incorporateci} are listed irt ttte list of Debanecl, Suspended, tind ine�igible Cantractors rnlintained by the U.5 Dep�-trr�enk ot Housing and Urban Devclapment (HUD). 51 �TI�CiIF�: EYHIB�T "H-3" SUI3COyTItACTOR 1NFORl�iATION FORiL� Clty of Fort Woxth Cnrnmunity Deve�vpmeat 131ock Gra�t (CDBG) Co��tructfon Project� S BCON O INFORMATYO Date: I'roject: Subcontr�ctor: Adciress: Cl�jl: TO�ep#IQ11c: � Federal I.D. #: Of�icers of the Corpor�tion; Fresident• Vica President: Secretpry: Trensurer: IFsole ownership or �artnership, �ist owner(s): Fax: [ certify at #he time of execittion, hereof, �either my company nor my corporate of�icers {it' incarporated) are: li�te+d in the [ist of Deh�rrec�, Susp�.�nded, �nd Ineligible Cott#r�ctot-s m�intained t�y the U.S Departrnent o£ Eiousing and [)rbnn DeveEopm�nt (HUD). S ignatur�: EYHIBIT "H-�1" Lt��oR �tEL��•r�oNs c��nE ��, :'� �. � � - F;. ) � � F{�. . . � i � �:.r } �` r x � � r �_ t � . ` "k '1,� ;S�ic � " r , . . � .. �� " . �r'• ..;3 - . . . ... . . .r,' . _ � t �, - . , ' � �_f, �, i r . •,�;� ' ' . � � . : f ' � , �a` �_. 1 � �3' �'� . ) �� F. . . P� s . I .�,.( .' i '� , .��'�¢ �� � .� "� January 2012 �revious versiorrs obsolete �'� < � ==� � ,� � ' � ;} � ' U.S. Department of Hausing and ilrban Development l,ahor Relatians �esk Gutda LA(11.�Q � '°� ;, % �� �a� 1 � - f � r � ,�,� , � 't � St � J; , .: � i �� �,'�� i �� � �s . ��'�,�,� �r �� � � �,. � �,� y 'i . . .-� I .,.: � /a ��-.•�,�f• ;; �.� � �;:rs: � _3 t : #{ Y �. . ys � �� ,,�,,� � �� ;. �� �,, � � �,� v,, .� r� �a . �"� ti �. � . � r: y �-� ������: � � �� �: � ,a �, �. � ��: �. � �' ;�: "�� � ��-�``--� :� � � ; ���;� �� 1.'� ii�:i•�� i.... �� � � , �+f.�..:.'I .:- . p. � �� a . � v t, �� �E � � ll � �� _ � J .3 ;�l,-�• . ��, -� ����� � � ;: , �. : , ._� �. �,: _ ---- ���� �� `' . . r y � iNTRooucTfioN This Guide has been prepared for y�u as a cvniractor performing work on construction pra��cts that are assisted by the Departm�nt of Hausing and Urbar� DeveEopme�t a�cf subject to Davis- �acon prevailing wage requi�ements. T�is Guide daes r�at address conkractor requirements involved in �irect Federal cor�tracting where HUD a� anot�er Federal agency enters into a �rocurement cantract. !n #his latter case, ttte Federal Acquisitior� Regula#ions {FAR) are appli- cable. Whife the guidance contained in this Guide is ger�erally ap�licable to any �avis-8acon caverecf project, specific questiorts pertaining to direct Federal contrac#s sl�ould be addressed to the Contracting Officer who signed the contract far the Federal agency. �ur objective here is io provic�e you with a guide which is simple and non-b�reaucratic yet compr�hensi�e and which will help you beiter understar�d artd comply with Davis-Bacor� labor stancfards. HUD's Office of �.abor Relatians worEced closeiy with the De�artment of �abor's Wage and Hour Division ko make sure that t�e labor standards provisions fn your contract ancf t�e specifics of complying with t�em represent the latest iniormation. It is the Department af Labor which has general administrative oversight of all FederaE contracting agencies, such as HUD, which administer #he day-to-day responsibili#ies af enfarcir�g Davis-Baco� provisivns in construction con#racts they either fund or assist in funding. There ar� thrae chapters in this Guide. Tt�e �rst chapter offers a brief descriptiart af the laws anci regulations associated with Federal labar standards administration and enfo�cement and discusses both what's in yaur c�ntract tha# req�ires Davis-Bacon com�liance and your respon- sibilities. The second chapter cfea[s wi#h labor stan�ards ar�d payrall re�ortirtg requirements, T�e kMird chapfer discusses what can happen ir� #he �vent there is a�ispute about t�e wag� rates that shoulcf he {or have been) �aid and any back wages that may be due. Finafly, not all HUD construction �rojects are covered by Davis-Bacon wage rates. Far the pur- pose of this Guide, we are assuming that a determinatian has already been made that Davis- Bacon wage rates are applicable. Sha�Ed you wish assistance in de#ermining whether Da�is- Bacon wage ra#es apply to a par�icular project or if you r�eed other related technical assistance, please consuit with the HUD L.abor Relations Field staff for your area. If you don't know which staff to cor�kact, a(ist of Lat�r�r Refatior�s �eld offices and their geographic areas and #elephar�e numbers can be found on HUD's Home Page at the address �elow, Visit the C}fflce of Labor Relations nn-lir�e: ht:/ w ,h�d vof � o Obtain additianal capies nf this Guide and other pubiica#ia�s at our website ar by telephone from HUD's Cus#omer Service Center at {SOQ)76i-7468. TABLE OF C�NTENTS INTRO�UCTION ................................................................................................................ i CHAPTER 1 LAWS, REGUl�AT10NS, CQNTRACTS AND RESPONSi81i.,ITIES .................................................................1-1 '! -1 1-2 1-3 � -a '! -5 DAV1S-BACON AND OTHER LABOR LAWS . .......................................................1-1 a. The Davis-Bacon Act {DBA) .........................................................................,.,...1-1 b. The Contract Work Hours and Sa#ety Standards Act (CWHSSA) ......................1-1 e. The Copefand Act (An#i-Kic�Cback Ack) ................................................................1-2 d. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA} ................................................................1-2 DAVtS-BACON REGULATIONS .............................................................................1-2 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT PROVI510NS.............. .........................................1-2 RESPONSIBtLITY OF THE pRINCIPAL CONTRACTOR ......................................1-3 RESPONSIB�L�TY OF THE CONTRACT ADMiNISTRATOR ................................. �-4 CHAPTER 2 HOW TO COMPLY WITH LABOR STANDARDS AND PAYROLL REPORTING REQUtREMENTS .............................2-� SECTION - I THE BASICS 2-1 � F�3 2-4 THE WAGE DECtSI�N ........................................................................................... 2-1 a. The work classifieations and wage rates ............................................................2-1 b. Pasting the wage decision .................................................................................. 2-2 ADDITIONA� "TRADE" CLASSIFICAT�ONS AND WAGE RATES .......................2-2 a. Additional dassi�catior� rules .............................................................................2-2 b. Makir�g the request .............................................................................................2-3 c. HUD review ........................................................................................................2-3 d. DOL decisidn ......................................................................................................2-3 CERTlFIED PAYR�L� REPORTS ..........................................................................2-4 a. PayroEl formats ...................................................................................................2-4 �. Payrol! certifications ...........................................................................................2-4 c. "No wnrk" payralls ..............................................................................................2-4 d. F'ayroli review and submission ...........................................................................2-5 e. Payroll retention .................................................................................................2-5 f. Payroll inspection ............................................................................................... 2-5 DAVIS-BACON DE�INt7'€�NS ................................................................................2-� a. Laborer o� mechanic ..........................................................................................2-5 b. Employee ...........................................................................................................2-6 c. Apprentices and kr�inees ....................................................................................2-6 d. Prevailing wages or wage ra#es .........................................................................2-7 e. �'ringe b�ne�ts ....................................................................................................2-7 f. �vertime .............................................................................................................2-7 g. �eciuctions .............................................................. .....2-8 �. Proper designation o� trade ................................................................................ 2-8 i. Sif� af work .........................................................................................................2-8 � SECTION - Il REP�RTING REQUIREMENT 2-5 COMPLETING A PAYROLL REPORT ....................................................................2-9 a. Project and contractor/subcankractor informaiian ...............................................2-9 t�. Empinyee information .........................................................................................2-9 c. Wvrk classification ..............................................................................................2-9 c�. Hot�rs worlt�d .....................................................................................................2-10 e. Rate of pay .........................................................................................................2-10 f. Gross wages earned .......................................................................................,..2-10 g. D�duciions .........................................................................................................2-1� h. Net pay ...............................................................................................................2-11 i. Statement of compliance ....................................................................................2-11 j. Signature ............................................................................................................2-11 SECTI4N lll - PAYR4LL REVIEWS AND C�RRECTIONS 2-& COMPLIANCE REVIEWS .......................................................................................2-12 a. On-site interviews ...............................................................................................2-� 2 b. Project payro�l reviews .......................................................................................2-12 2-7 TYPICAL PAYROLL ERRORS AND REQUIRED CORR�CTIONS ....................... 2-12 a. Inadequate payroll ir�formation ...........................................................................2-12 b. Missing identification n�mbers ...........................................................................2-12 c. Incamplete payroiis ............................................................................................2-13 d. Classifications ....................................................................................................2-13 e. Wage Rates ........................................................................................................2-13 f. Apprentices and trainees ....................................................................................2-13 g. Ove rti me .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . . 2-13 h. Camputations .....................................................................................................2-13 i. Deductions .........................................................................................................2-13 j. Fringe benefits ....................................................................................................2-� 4 k. Sig�ature ............................................................................................................2-14 I. On-sit� inkerview comparisons ........................................................................... 2-14 m. Correction certi�ed payrnll ..................................................................................2-14 2-8 RESTITUTION FOR UNDERPAYMENT OF WAGES .............................................2-14 a. Noti�cafion ..........................................................................................................2-14 b. Computing wage restitu#ion ................................................................................2-1� c. Corr�ctian certified payralls ................................................................................2-15 d. Review of carrection CPR .................................................................................. Z-15 e. Unfound workers ................................................................................................ 2-� 5 iv CHAPTER 3 LABOR STANDARnS DkSPUTES, ADMINISTRATiVE REVIEWS, WiTHHOLDING, �EPOSITS AN� ESCROW ACCOUNTS, AND SANCTtONS,.........,...,................. .......................3-� 3-�I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 3-1 3-2 ADMINiSTRATlVE REVIEW ON L,ABOR STANDARDS DISPUTES .....................3-1 a. Additionai classifications and wage rates ........................................................... 3-1 b. Findings of under�ayment ..................................................................................3-2 3-3 WITHHOLDING .......................................................................................................3-2 3-4 DEPOSiTS AND ESCR�WS ..................................................................................3-3 3-5 AOMINfSTRATIVE SANCTIONS ............................................................................ �-4 a. DO�. debarment ..................................................................................................3-4 b. HUD sanctions ...................................................................................................3-4 3-6 FALSIFlCATION 4F CERTIFIED PAYROLL REPORTS ........................................ 3-5 APPENDICIES ACRONYMSAND SYMBOLS ...........................................................................................A-1 DAV15-BACON - RELATED WEB SiTES� ........................................................................A-2 HUD-472n, Prvject Wage Rate Sheet ..............................................................................A-3 WH-347, Payroll �'armlStatement af Compliance ..........................................................A-4 CHAPTER 1 LAWS, REGULAT�ONS, CONTRACTS AND RESPONSIB#LITIES The following paragraphs describe what the labflr standards faws and regulations actuaily say and wi�at they mean to you on HU❑ projects: �� a •� � ■ • � i. �=�i �1 a. he Davis-Bacon Act (E]8A1. The Davis-Bacon Act requires t�te payment af prevailing wage rates (which ara d�termined by the U.S. Department af Labor} to all laborers ar�d mechanics on Federal gove►nment and �iskrict of Columbia construc#ion prfljects {n excess of $2,OQ0. Cor�st�uction ir�cludes alteration and/or repair, includi�g pai�tting and decorating, af p��lic buildings vr p�tblic w�rks. -- _ - : � :... , , :. F Most HUD consiructian'work is not covered by the D8A itself since HU� seldam cot�tracts directiy for canskruction services, Most often, if Davis-Bacon wage rates apply to a HUD �rajec# it is because of a labor provision contair�ec� in or�e of HUO's "Relat�d Acts" such as i#�e U, S. Ho�sir�g Act af 1937, the National Housing Act, the Housing and Community Develapmer�t Act of 1974, t�e Nationai Affordabie Hausing Act o� 1990, and the Nativ� American Housing Assistance a�d S�If-Determination Act o# 199�, The Related Acts are often referred to as the Da�is-Bacon and Related Acts or DBRA. b. The Con#ract Work HQ�r�_„_�nc�,,,,..,,Safe Star�dards Ac# (CVI��jSSA). CWHSSA requires #ime and one-�alf pay for overtime (OIT) hours {aver 40 in any worlcweek) worked on khe ca�ered project. Th� CWHSSA applies to both cfirect Federal contracks and to indirect Federal�y-assisted contracts excepf wher� the assistance is saleiy in the nature of a loan guarankee or insurance, CWHSSA �iolations carry a liquida#ed damages per�alky {$10lday per violatio�). Intentional viofa#ions of CWHSSA standards can be cansidered for �ederaf criminal prosecution. CWHSSA does not apply to �rime contracts of $100,000 or �ess. (rt addition, same HU� projects are not cov�red �y CWHSSA because soms HUD pragrams only provide foan guarant�es ar insurance. CWHSSA also �oes not app{y to constr�tctian or reha�ilitatiart contracts that are not s�bject to Federal prevaifing wage rates (e.g., Davis-Bacon wage rates, or HUD-de#ermir�ed rat�s far aperakion of pu�lic housing and Ir�dian �Iock �rant- assisted housing), Hor�ve�er, ev�n though CWHSSA o�ertime pay is not required, Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime pay is �rohably still applica�le. (See aiso Labor Relaiions E.etter SL-95-�1, CWHSSA Caverage ihreshold for o�ertime and health and sa�ety �rovision, available on-fine at the HUD Labor Relations �.ibrary at: www.hud.gov/ offices/alrllibrary,cfm) 1-1 c. The Copeland Act mak�s it a Federal crime for anyone ta require any laborer or mechanic (employed or� a�ecferal �r Federally- assisted project) to Ecickbacit (i.e., give up or pay back) any part of their wages. Th� Copeland Act requires every emptoyer (cantractors and subcontractors) to submit weekiy certified payroll repa�ts� (CPRs) and regulat�s permissible payrafl d�ducfions. d. Th� Fair Labor Standards Act [FLSA1. The FLSA contains Federal rninimum wage rates, overkime (�/T}, and child la�or requirements. These requirements generally apply to any labor performed. The DOL has the a�thority to administer and enfarce FLSA. HUD will refer to the O�L any pass�ble FE.SA violations that are found on HUD projects. •� ;: •► : :. •► The Departm�nt of �.abor (DOL) t�as published rufes and instructions concerning Davis-Bacon and ather labor faws in the Code of Federa! Regulations (CFR}, These regulatior�s can be found in Tifle 29 CFR Parfs 9, 3, 5, 6 and T. Part 1 explains how the DOL es#ablishes and publishes DBA wage determinations (aka wage �ecisions) and pro�id�s instructions on haw to �se the determinations. Part 3 descri�es Copelancf Act requirements for payroll deductions and the submission of weekly certifed payroll re�orts. Part 5 co�ers the labor s#andards provisions that are in your contract relating to Davis- Bacon Act wage rates and the r�sponsibilities of cantractars and contracting agencies to administer and enforce the p�ovisions. Part 6 providas far a�ministrative proceedings �nforcing Federal fabor standards an eonstruction and service cantracts. Las#, Part i sets parameters for practice before the Administrative Review Board. These regulations are used as the basis fc�r adm9nistering and ertforcing the faws. DOL Regulations are available on�lir�e vn the World W1da We�a: http:llwww.dol.go�ldollalicfrlTitfe_29. htm •� : •► �i :: ':* f�► Each contract subject to Davis-Bacon labor standards requirements must con#ain labor stanclards clauses and a Davis-Bacon wage decision. These doeumenfs are normaiiy bound inta the cantract speci�catior�s. a. The labor standards clauses. ihe labor standards clauses �escribe the r�sponsi�iliti�s of the contractor concerning Davis-Bacon wages and obligate ttte cantractar #o comply wi#h the labar requirements. Th� labor standards clauses alsn provide for remedies in the ��ent of violations, including withholding from payments du� to tf�e contractor to �nsure #he payment of wages or liqui�ated damages which may be found due. These cvntract clauses enable #he contract administrator to enforc� the Federa! la�ar standards applicable ta t�e �roject. HUD has standard forms ihat cantain contract cia�ses. For example, tt�e HUD-2554, S�pplemen#ary Co�ditions to the Contract far Canstruction, wh�ch is issued primarily fnr FHA rnuitifamily hausing and ather constructian projects i-2 administered by HUD; the HUD-4010, Fedaral Labor Standards Provisions, which is used for CDBG and H�ME proj�cts, and the HUD-5370, Generaf Conditians of the Contract for Constructiar� or the HIJD-5374-�Z {constructia� contracts 5$100,Q00) which are used for Pubiic and Indian Housing projects. HUD pragram labar standards farms are availah�e or�-line at: www. hud.gflvloffices/admlhudclipslindex.cfm b. Davis-Bacon Wage Decisions. The Davis-Bacon wage decision {c�r wage determination) is a listing of vario�s cor�struction worlc classi�cations, such as Carpenter, Electrician, Plumber and Labar�r, and the minimum wage rates (a�d fringe benefits, where prevailing) that �eople performing work in t�ose classifications mus# be paid. DavEs-Bacfln wage decisia�s are established by the DOL For variaus types of ca�struction (e.g,, residential, heavy, hEghway) and appiy to sp�cific geograp�ic areas, usually a county ar group of co�nties. Wage decisians are modi�ied from time to time ia keep them current. lr� most cases, when #he con#r�ct is awarded ar w�en construction begir�s, the wage decision is "loc[ced-in" and no futur� modificatians are applicabfe to the cantract or project invalued. Ail curre�t Davis-Bacon wage decisions can be accessed on-lir�e at no cos# at: hkEp:l/www.wdol.go� � : _ '�� . = • , _ ': ► '_ •►, ._ •: T�e principa! cantractar (also referred ta as the primeor general contractor) is responsible for the ful! campliance of a!I employers �the contractor, subcontractors and any lower-#ier subcontractors) with the labor standards provisions applicahle to the project. Beca�se af the contractual r�lationship between a prirne can#ractor anci hislher subcontractors, subconkractors generalfy shoufd cnmm�rnicate with khe contracf adm�nistrakor anly through the prime contractor. {See Confract Administrator, below.) To make t�is G�ids easier to u�derstand, ihe terrn "prime cantracta�' will mean the principal contractar; "subcontracior" will mean all su�contractors ir�cluding lower-tier subconiractors; and the term "empfoye�' wil! mean all can#ractors as a graup, including the prime contractor ancf any subcantractnrs anc! lawer-tier subcantractors. i -3 i _ � • � : • a . f 1 ► ` ' • 11 ► ► ` � i The contract adminlstrator is respansibfe for the praper admi�istration ar�d enforcemant af t�e Federa! labor standards provisions on cantracts covered by Davis-Bacan requirem�nts. We use t�is term to represent the person (ar persons) who will �rovide labar s#an�ards advice and support to yau and ather project principais {e,g., the awner, sponsor, architect), includir�g providing the proper Davis-Bacon wage decision (see 2-1, The Wage Decfslon) a�d ensuring tha# the wage decision and cor�tract clauses are incor�orated into the contraci for constr�ction. The contract administrator also monitors labor stan�ards cam�liance (see 2-6, Compllance Revlews} by canducting interviews with constructiart workers at the job sife and reviewing payroll repa�ts, and oversees any enforcement actians that may be r�quired. The cantract administratar could be an emplayee or agent of HUD, or of a city or county or public housing agency. For HUD prajects administerec� directly by HUD staff, �sually FHA- insured multifamily projects, the contract administrator will be the HUD Labor Reiaiions field staff. But many HUD-assisted projects are admin�stered by lacal contracting agencies such as P�blic Housing Agencies (PHAs), Indian tribes and tribally-designated housing entiti�s (TDH�s), and States, cities ar�d counties under HUD's Commt�nity Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HOME programs. !n these cases, the cantract administrator wil� likely be lacal agency staff. fn either case, the guidance for you remains essentially the same. The D�L also has a rofe in monitoring Davis-Bacon administration ar�d enfarcemer�#. fn addition, DOL has independe�t authority ta conduct investigations. A DOL investigator or other DOL representakive may visit Davis-Bacor� constr�ctian sites to interview canstructio� workers or re�iew payroll informatian. 1-4 CHAPTER 2 HOW TO COMPLY WITH LAB(}R STANDARDS AND PAYROLL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS WHERE TO START7 Now that you know you're an a Davis-Bacon project and you fcnow same of the legal a�d practical implications, what's next? SECTIUN I - THE BASICS 2-1 T�....� WAGE DECI510N. Davis-Bacon �abor star�dards stipulate the wage payment requirements for Carpenters, Electricia�s, Plumbers, Raafers, Laborers, and other construction work classifcations tf�at may �e needed for the project. The Davis-Bacon wage decisic�n kMat applies to t�e project contains a scheduEe of wark classi�cations and wage rates thak must be followed. I� you don't have it already (a�d by now you should), you'll want to gek a copy of the applicable Davis-Bacon wa�e decisian, Remember, the wage decision is co�tained in the contract speci�catians along with ihe labor standards cfauses. See 1-3, Constructifln Contract Provisions, a. Tl�e work cl�ssifications and w�q� .���e�: A Davis-Bacon wage decision is simply a listing of �iffere�t work classifications and the minimum wage rates that must be paid to anyone performing work in thase cCassi�cations, You'Ik wank to make sure that the worlc classifcatian(s} you need are co�tained in the wage deeision and ma�Ce certain you know exactly what wage rate(s) you will need to pay. Some wage decisions cover severa! cout�ties andlor types of construc#ion work (far exam�le, residential and cammerciaf wark} and can be lengthy and di�cu[t to read. Cantact the con#ract administratar (HUD Labar Relations field staff ar lacai agency staf� if you ha�e any troubie reading the wage �ecision or finding the wark ciassification(s} yau need, To make reading lengthy wage decisions �asler far you, fhe cvntract administraiar may prepare a ProjecE Wage Rate S�eet (HUD-4720), Tt�is Sheet is a one-page transcript that wil{ shaw on{y the classificatians and wage rates fvr a partic�lar praject. A blank capy o# a Project Wage Rate Sheei is �rovided far you in the appendix. Also, a filtabie version o� tk�is farm is available on-line at HUDC[ips (see web address in tt�e A�per�dix). Contact the cantract administrator monitaring your praject for assistance with a Project Wage Rate 5heet. 2-1 b. Posting the wage dectsion. If you are the prime contrac#or, you will be respQnsible for posting a capy of the wage d�cision {or the Project Wage Rate Sheet) and a copy of the DOL Davis-Bacon pvster titled Empioyee Rights under ttte Da�+is-Bacon Act (�orm WH- 1321) at the jab site in a�face ihat is easily accessible to al! af the construction wartcers employed at the �roject and w�ere the wage decision and �oster won't be d�strayed by wir�d or rain, etc. The Employee Rights u�der the Davis-Bacon Act poster is available in Er�glish ar�d Spanis�t on-line at HUDCIips (see address in the Appendix). The Emplay�e Rights ur��er the Davis-Bacon Act poster (WH-�321} repiaces the Notice to al! �mployees. The new paster is available in English ar�d Spa�ish on-line at HUDCIips (see address i� the Appendix). ; + rr •�.: � � � ,: +i' ' � � ", What if ti�e work classifcation you need isn't an the wage decision? If the wflrlc classi�catian(s) that you neec! daesn't appear on ihe wage decisiart, yau wili need to request an additional classiflcation and wage rate. This process is usually very simple and you'll war�# to start the reques# right away. Basicaily, yau identify the ciassification you need and recommend a wage rate for DOL to approve for the praject. Th�re are a few rules about additional cfassificatio�s; you'll �ind t�ese rt�fes in the �OL regulations, Part 5, and in the iabor clauses in your contract. The rules are st�mmarized for yau here: a. Additional ciassiflcatlort rules. Additianal classifications and wage rates can be approved if: 1. The requested classifieatian is used by construction contractors in the area af the projec#. (The area is usually defined as the caunty where the project is locatecf), 2. The wark that will be performed by the requested classi�cation is not already performed by anat�te� classification tha# is alreac�y on the wage decision. (fn okher words, if Ehere already is ar� Elecirician classificatinn and wage ra#e on the wage decisian yo� car�'t request anofher Eiectrician classi�ca#ion and rate.} 3. T#�e proPased wage rate for the requested classification °fits" with the ofher wage rates already on the wag� decisian. (Far example, the wage rate propased for a#rade classification such as Electrician must �e at �east as much as t�� lawest wage rate for other trade classif�cations already ca�tai�ed in the wage decision.) And, 4. The workers that wii) be emplayett in #he added classi�ca#ion (if it is knawn who the wqrkers arelwil! foe), nr the warkers' r�presentatives, mus# agree with the prapos�d wage rate. 2-2 b. Making the reauest. A request for additianal classi�'ication and wage rate must �e made in writing thraugh the contract administrator. (If the contract administratflr is a locaf agency, the agency will send the request to the HUD Labor Relations staff.) [f yflu are a subcantractor, your request should also ga through the �rime contract�r, All you need to do is identify the wark classi�catiar� that is missing and recommend a wage rate (usualiy the rate khat empfoyer is alreacfy payir�g ta the employees parforming the work} far that classificatior�. You may also need to describe khe worlc that #he new elassification will perform. c. HUD re�iew. The HUD Labor Rela#ions field staffwill revi�w the requested classification and wage rate to dekermine whekher the request meets the DOI� rules outfined in �aragraph 2-2(a), abave. If additional infarmati�n or c�arifieakion is needed, t�e staff wiEl cor�tact th� prime contractor (or cantraci administrator far local agency projects) for more informakian, etc. If the Labor Relations re�iew finds fhat khe request meets the rules, the staff will give �reliminary approval on the request and refer it to the DOL for �nal approvaf. The staff will send to you a cnpy of the preliminary approvai/referral letter to #he DO�.. l# the HUD Labor Reiatinns staff doesn't thir�k the reques# meets the rules and if agreement can't be reachsd an the prap�r classi�cation or wage rate far the work described, the HUD �abor R�lations stafF will not appra�e the reques#. In this case, the staff will se�d yaur reques# ta the DOL with art explanation why HUD believes that the request shouldn't be approved. Tt�e DQ�. still has fnal decisian auihority. You wilf receive a copy af the disapproval/referral letter to the DOi.. d. DOL deeision. Ti�e DOL will res�and to HU� Labor Relations in writing about the additional classification and wage rate request. HUD Labor Relatinr�s will notify you of the DOL decisian in writir�g. If the DOL approves the request, the prime contractor must post khe approval notice on #he job site with the wage decisiort. If the �OL does not approve the request, you wiil �e noti�ed about what classificatian and wage rate should b� used for th� woric ir� �u�stion. Ya� wi11 a4so receive instructions ahout how to ask for DOL reconsideration if yau still want to try ta get your recommendatian approved. It's a�ways a goad iciea to talk to #he cantract admi�istratar befare submikti�g an additior�al classifcation and wage rate r�quest. The contract adm�r�istrator can ofFer suggestions and advice t�at may sa�e you time and increase the likelihaod that D4L will approve your request. Usual�y, the ca�#ract administrator can give yau an idea abaut w�at tt�e DOL wifi finalEy decide. 2-3 � � � ` ► � ► . � r i � You'll need ta submit a weakCy c�rtif�d payrall repn�t (CPR) beginning with the first week that your company works on the pr�ject and for ev�ry week afterward until your firm has completed its worlc. lt`s always a goa� idea to num�er the payrall rep��ts beginning with #1 and io cleariy mark your last payroil for the praject "Final." a. P�,vroll form�t�. T�e easiest farm to use is D4L's WH-347, Payrali. A sampfe c4py of the WH-347 is included in the hack of #his Guide. Yau may access a fiElable version of the WH-347 on-line at HUDCI'tps {see web adclress in the Appendix). Also, the contract administratar cart pr�vide a few copies of t�e WH-347 #hat yflu can reproduce. :, Yau are no# required #o use Payroll form WH-347; You are welcome to use any oiher type of payrall, such as computerized farmats, as long as i# contains all of the infarma#ion khat is required on the WH-347. � b. The weak[y payrolls are called certif�d because each �ayroll is sign�c� and contains language certifyi�g #hat the information is true anc3 correct. The payroli certi�cation language is an the reverse side of t}�e WH-3a7. If you are using another type a# payroil format you may attach ti�e certificatian from ihs back of the WH- 347, or any other format which contair�s the same certification languaga on the WH-347 (reverse). DOL's website has Payrakf lns#ructions anci the Payro[f farm WH-347 in a"�llable° PDF format at this address: www.doi.gavlwhd/�ormslwh347.pdf c. "No work" �ayroils. "No war�C" payrolls may be submitked w�enever there is a t�mporary break in your work on the project, for example, if your firm is not needed on Ehe project r�ght now but yau wik! be returnir�g to khe job in a couple of weeks. (See tip box, for "no wark" payrali exemption!) How�ver, if you know that yaur firm will not be worki�g on the project far an extended period of time, you may wish to send a short note to the contract administrator to Eet them knaw about the �reak in work and to give an approximate date w�en your �rm wili return to the project. If you number payrolls ca�secutive�y or if you send a nate, yau do r�ot need to send "no work" �ayrolfs. � If you n�mber your payrall reports consecutiveiy, you do not need to submit "rto work" payrolls! 2-4 d. �y��t�e�iewandsubmissiun.Thep�imecontractarshouldrevieweacl�subcontractor's payroll reports for compliance priar ta submitting t�e repnrts to the contract administratar. Remember, the prime eontractar is responsible fo� the full compliance of all subcantractors or� the contract and wil! �e helc# accountable for any wage restitution that may be found due to any labarer or mechanic that is underpaid and for any �iquidated damages that may be assessed for overtime violatior�s. All of khe payroll reports for any project must be submitted ta the contract administrator t�rough the �rime contractor. An alert prime cor�tractor that reviews subcontractar payroll submissfons can detect any misund�rstandings early, prevent casfly underpayments anct protect itseif from �inancial loss shaulc� underpayments accur. e. Pa�rofl retention. Every c�ntractor (incl�ding every subcontractor) must keep a complete set af Eheir own payroils and other basic recor�s suc� as employee address�s and full SSNs, time cards, tax records, evidence of fringe bene�t payments, for a Davis-Bacon project ior at feast 3 years after the project is cflmpleted, The prime contractar must �Ceep a complete set of aEi of the �ayroils for every contrac#or {ir�cfuding subcontractars) for at I�ast 3 years after complefion af the praject. f. P�,yr41L �ns�Q,S;,,#�� �n addition to submitting payralls to the can#ract administrator, every contract�r (includirtg subcontractors} must make their own capy o� the payrolls and other basic records availabte for review or copyir�g to any autharized representative from HUD or from DQ�.. �� : � •� r � s� Before we discuss haw to complete the weekly payrol! forms, we need to review a couple of definitions. These de�nitions can help yot� unders#and what wilE de required of yau: a. i��24r��a�, m,�chanic. "Labarers" and "mechanics" mean anyone who is per#orming cnnstructian wark on #he project, including #rade journeymen (carpenters, pl�mbers, she�t metal worlcers, etc.), apprentices, artd trainees and, for CWHSSA purposes, watchmen ar�d guards. "Laborers" and "mechar�ics" are the two groups of workers that must be �aid �ot fess tf�an Davis-Bacor� wage rates. 1. 1(y�,�g foremen. �'oreme� ar supervisors that regularly spend mare tha� 2Q% of their time �erfarming constructian work and �o noi meet the exc�usions in paragraph 2 befow ar� covered "laborers" and "mechanics" far labor standards purpases far #he time spent performing construction wark. 2. Exclusions. People whose duties are primari�y adminisErative, exec�ttive or clerical are not labor�rs or mect�anics. �xamples incfude superintendents, o�ce staff, timelceepers, messe�gers, etc, (Contact the co�tract administratar if you have a�y questions abo�t whekher a particufar employee is exclu�ad.} 2-5 b. �ployee. Every person who perfarms ihe work of a laborer or mechanic is "emplayed" regardfess of any contract�al relationship which may be allsgec! to exist beiweer� a contractor or subcantractor and such persan. This m�ans that even if th�re is a contract befuveen a contractor and a worker, the contractnr must make sure khat the worker is �aid at feast as much as khe wage raie on the wage decision for the classificaiion of work they perform. Nate that there are r�o except[o�s to the prevailing wage requirements iar relatives or for self-employed laborers ar�d mechanics. For �more informatian' about woricing subcontractacs, ask the contra�ct administrator or your HUD �abar Relations Field Staff for a copy of �.abor Relations Letter LR-96-0�, Labor standards campliance requirements #or self-employed labor�rs and mec�anics. Labor Relations Letters and o#her helpful Labar Reiations p�blications are availabfe at HUD's Labor Rela#ior�s web site tsee the Ilst af web site addrasses in the Appendix). . ._ . —.__ : _ .. � c. A e The nnly workers who car� be paid less than tha wage rate on the wage decisian for their work classification are "apprentices" and "trainees" registered in approved apprenticeship ar training programs. Appraved programs are thase which �a�e been registered with the DOL ar a DOL-recognized State A�pren#iceship Council (SAC). Apprentices and trainees are paid wage rates in accordance with fhe wage schedule in th� appro�ed program. Most often, the apprentice/trainee wage rate is expressed as a serles o# �ercenta�es tied #o the amount flf time spent in khe program. Far example, 0-6 mo�ths: 6�%; 6 mon#hs - 1 year: 70%; etc. Th� pereentage is appli�d ta the journeyma►�'s wage rate. On Davis- Bacon projects, the percentage must be applied to the journeyman's wage rate on the applicable wage decision far tha# craft. �• P�atiQn�ry ��,�-entice. A"probationary apprer�tice" can be paicf as an apprentic� (less than the rate on fhe wage decision) if the DOL ar SAC has certi�ed that the perso� is eligible for prabationary employmer�i as an apprentice. 2. pre-agprentice. A"pre-apprentice", that is, sarneone who is not registered in a program and who F�asn'k been DOL-ar SAC-certified for probationary apprenticeship is not cansiderec� to be an "apprentice" and must be paid #he full journeymar�'s rafe on the wag� d�cision far khe classification of work they perfnrm. �� The maximum num�er af apprentices or trainees that yo� can use on the job site ca�nat exceed the ratio of apprentices or frainees to journeymen allowed in the appraved pragram. 2-6 d. Pre�ailing wage rates are the wage rates listed an fhe wage decisian for the project. The wage decision will fist a minimum basic �aurly rate of pay far each work classification. Some wage decisions include fringe benefits which are us�aliy listed as an hourly fringe rate. If the wage cfecision includes a fringe ber�efit rate far a cfassification, you will �eed to add the fringe bene�i raie to the basic houriy rate unless yau provide bana �de fringe benefts for you� em�loyees. 1. Piece-work. Sflme employees are hired or� a piece-wor�C hasis, that is, the employee's earnings are d�termined �y a Factor of work produced. Fflr example, a Drywall Hanger's earnings may be calculated based upon the sq�are feet of sheetrock actualiy hung, a Painter's earnings may be based upnn the number of units painted. Employers may calculate weekly earni�gs based upon piece rat�s pro�ided #he weekly earnings are suf#icient ta satisfy the wage rate requirement based upon actual hours, including any overtime, warked. Accurate time records must be maintained for ar�y �JE�C2-INOi�C empEoyees. If the weekly piece rate earnings are not suffici�nt, the employe� must recampute weekly earnings based upon the actual hours worked and the rate on the wage decision for the work classificatian{s} involved. e. �ringe benefits, Fringe bene�#s car� include �ealth insurance premiums, retirement contributians, life insurance, vacatian and other paid lea�e as well as some contributians to training funds. �ringe 6�nefits do not include employer payments or contrib�tions required by other �ederai, Skate ar lacal faws, such as the empinyer's contrib�ttion ta Social Security or some disahifity insurance payments. Note that t�ie tatal hauriy wage rate paid ta'any�labarer or mechania (basic wage or�basic wage plus fringe benefits) may be no less than the total waga rate (basic wage ar basic wage plt�s fringe benefitsj an the wage declsion fflr their cra�t. ]f t�te value of the fri�ge benefit(s) you provide is less tha� the fringe benefit ra#e on the wage decision, you will need to add #he �alance of the wage decision fringe berte�E rate to the basic rate paid ta the emplayee. For example, if k�e wage decisian r�quires $101hour basic rate plus $51 hour fringe bene�ts, yau must pay no less than that total ($151�aur} in th� basic rate or basic rate pius whatever fringe benefit you may provide. You can meet #his obligation in several ways: yau could pay the base wage and fringe bene�#s as stated in #he wage decisi�n, ar you cou�d pay $� 5 in base wage with nv fring� bene�ts, ar you couid pay $12 basic plus $3 frfnge bene�ts. Y�u can also off set #he amount of #he base wage if you pay mare in fringe bene�ts such as by paying or $9 basic pfus $6 fringe b��tefits; as Iong as yau meet fhe total amvunt. TYte amount of the base wa�e that you may o�f set with fringe benefits is limited by certain IRS and FI.SA requiremen#s. f. Qvertime, Overtime haurs are defned as all hours worked on the cantract in excess of �40 haurs in any wark weelc. OvertimE haurs must be �aid at no less than one and one- half times the regular rate of basic pay plus t�e siraight-fime rate of any required fringe �enefits. 2-7 g. Deduct�ons. You may make payro6l deductions as permitted �y DOL Regulations 29 CFR Part 3. These regulatians pro�tibit khe employer ftom requiring empEayees to "kick-back" (i.e., gi�e up) any af their earnings. AIlowable deduc#ions w�ich do not require prior DOL permission include employee abligatians for income taxes, Social S�curity payments, insurance premiums, re#irement, savings accounts, and any at�er legaliy-permissible deduction au#horized by the employee. Deductions may a[sa be macle for payments on j�cfgments and other financial obligations lega{ly imposed against the employee. Referring, agalr�, to our exampCe above where the wage decisian requiring a$15 total � wage ai�ligatfor� ($10 basic wage plus $5 fringe bene�ts) was met by paying $9 base wage plt�s $6 fringe bene4�ts: Note that o�ertime rates m�rst be based nn one and one-half fimes ihe basic rate as stated on the wage decisiar�. In the abave exam�le, the employer must pay for o�ertime: $'� 51hr ($9 basic +$fi fringe) plus $5 (orte-haif of $'� 0, the wage cfecision basic rate) for a total af $20 per hour. h. P�QQ�r designation of trade. You must sef�ct a work classi�cation on the wage decision for each worker based on the actual type of war�C helshe performed and yau must pay each warker no less than the wage rate an the wage decisiar� far kha# classification regardless of their level of skill. In other words, if someone is perFarming carpentry wor�C on the projeck, khey m�s# be paid no less than khe wage rate or� the wage decisian for Carpenters �ver� if they aren't co�sidered by you ta be fully trained as a Carpenter. Remember, th� only peopfe who can be paid less Ehan the rate for their craft are a�prentices and trainees registered in approved programs. Sp�j�-r,.(assification. If you have emp[ayees khat perform work in mare than one trade during a work week, yau can pay the wage rates specified far each classifcation in wl�ich work was performed only if yo� maintain accurate time recards shawing t�e amnunt of time spent in each classi�catian of wark. If you do nat mainkain accuraie time records, you must pay these employees the hig#�est wage rate of all of the cfassifications of work perforrned. i. Site o,�.�,work. The "sita of wark" is where the Davis-Bacon wage rates apply. Usualiy, this means the boundaries of the project. "Site of wark" can also include at�er adjacent or virt�aliy adjacent property used by a contractar or s�bcontrac#ar in the construction a# the project, IiE�e a fabrication site that is dedicated exclusively, or nearly so, to the project. r; SECTlON II - REPORTtNG REQUIR�MENTS •��' � ,: '.: :•_ :__ "•: What informatian has to be repo�ted on the payroll form? The w�skiy payrall form cloesn't as�C for any information that yau don't already need to keep far wage payment a�d tax �urposes. For example, you r�eed to know each employee's name; his ar her work classification {wha is warking for yo� and what do they da?), the t�ours wariced during the week, his ar her rate of pay, t�e gross amoun# earned (�ow much dic! they earn?), tF�e amounts of a�y deductions for taxes, �tc., and the net amount paid {how much should tt�e paycheck be made out for?}. Na more information tha� you need ta lcnow in arder to manage your work crew and make certain #hey are paid praperly. And, certain[y, no more information than you �eed to lceep for IRS, Social Security anc! oiher tax and empfoyment purpases, For many contractors, the Weekly Cerli�ed Payroll is the oniy Davis-Bacor� paperwork you need to submit! You are reqc�ired ko submit certified payralEs ko illustrate and dacument that you ha�e campliedwith the�revailingwag� requirements. Thepurpaseof titecontractadminis#rator's review of your payrolls is ta v�rify yaur compliance. Clearer and complete payroll reports will permit the contract administratar to complete reviews af your payrol[ reports quickly. a. Pr e c a t ' o t Each payroll must identify the contractor or subcontracior's name and ad�ress, the project name and number, and the week ending date. Indicate the week dates in the spaces provided. Numberir�g payrolfs is optional but strongly recommended. b. �m I�o,yee information. Effective January 18, 2009, payrolls shall not repar# empinyee addresses or full Social S�c�rity N�mbers {SSNs). Instead, the first payr�ll on which each em�loyee appears shall incfude #he employee's name and an ir�dividually identifying num�er, usually the �ast � digits of khe employee's SSN. Afterward, the iden#ifying number does not ne�d ta be reported unless it is nec�ssary to distinguish between empivyees, �.g., if twa employees have the same name. Employers �prime contractors and subcontractors) must maintain the current address and fuil SSN far eac� �mployee and must �rovide this information upan request to the contracting agency or other authorized r�presentative responsi�le for federai labnr standards compiiance moni#orir�g, Prime confractors may require a subcontract�r(s) to provide this ir�formaiian for the prime contractor's records. DOL has modifed form WH- 34�, Payroll, ta accommoda#e these reporting requirements. c. V11�rk_ c#as�lfication. Each empEoy�e must be cfassified in accnrdance with the wage decisian �ased an khe kype of work they acti�alfy perform. +�,'� A�arentices or trainees. The first payrol! on whic� any apprer�iice or irainee ap�ears must�e accompanied by a copy ofthatapprentice's artrainee`s registration in a registered or approved pragram. A copy �f the portions of the registered or approved program pertai�ing to the wage rates and ratias shail also accompany the �rst payroll an which the first apprantice ar trainee appears. 2. Salit classifications. Far an empiayee fhat worked in a split classificatio�, make a separate entry fo� eac� classi�cation of worlc p�rformed distribufing the hours of wark ta each classificafion, accordingly, and re4lectir�g #he rate of pay and gross earnings for each classifca#ion. Deductions and net pay may �e based upon the total gross amount earned for all c�assifications. d. Hours worked. The payrol! should show ONLY the regular ancf overtime �aurs worked on this project. Show bath the �aily and totai weekly hours for each emplayee. lf an employee performs warlc at jab sites other t�an the prnject forwhich the payroll is prepared, those 'bther jab" hours sho�fd r�ot b� reparted on the payroll. In these cases, you shoufd list the employee's name, classi�caiian, hours for this project anly, the rate o# pay and gross earnings for this project, ancf the grass earnecf far all projects, Deductions and net pay may be based �pon the empfayee's total earnings (far all prajeets) for the week. e. Rate of aa�. Show #he basic hourly rate of pay far each employee far this �raject. If the wage decision includes a fringe benefit and you do �ot participaie in apprav�d fringe benefit pragrams, add the fringe bene�t rate to the basic houriy rake af pay. Also lis# the overtime rate if avertime hours were warke�. 1. Piece-work. �or any piece-work em�loyees, the employer must compute an effective hourly rate for each employee eaeh week �ased upon the employee's piece-work earnings for lhat we�k. To compute the eifective hourly rate, divide the piece-work earnings by the total �umber af hours worked, including consideration for any av�rtime haurs. The effective hourly rate m�st be reflected on the certified payroll and this haurly rate may b� no less than the wage rate (irtcluding fringe bene�ts, ii any) on th� wage decision for the cfassi�cation af work perfarmed. kt does not matter that k#�e effeetive haurly rate changes from week-#o-we�k, only that the rate is no less tha� the rate an fhe wage decisiar� for the classification af wark perfarm�d. R�mem�er, the overtime rate is computed at one and one-half times the basic rate of �ay plus ar�y fringe benefts, �or exampl�, if the wage �ecision requires $10lhour basic plus $51hoc�r fringe �enefits, th� overtime rate would be; ($1Q x 9'/z) �- $5 =$20/hour, os s Shnw the gross amou�t of wages earned for wark performed on this project. Nafe: �or employees with work �ours and earnings an o#her projects, yau may show gross wag�s far this project aver gross earnings all projects (far example, $425.401$764.85j and base dedt�ctions and net pay on the "all prnjects" earnings, 2-10 g. ��d�a��i_on�. S�aw the amounts of any deduckions from the gross earnings. "Other" deductions sho�Ed be identi�ed {far example, SavingsAccount or Loan Repayment). Any voluntary deduction (that is, not required by law or by an order of a proper auihority) must be authorized in wri#ing by the emp[oyee or provid�d for in a caifeckive bargaining (union} agreement. A shart note signed by khe employee is all that is ne�ded and should accompany the firs# payrol� on which the other deduciior� appears. _, Oniy or�e employee auihorizatinn is needed far recurring �e.g., weekiy} a#her deductians. Written em�foyee autharization is not requ�red for incame tax ar�d Sacial Securiky deductions. k�. Net paY, Shaw the net amount of wages paid. i. S m o c li The Statement of Compliance is the certification. It is locat�d on khe reve�se side ofi a standard payroll form (WH-347}. Be sure ta complete ti�e identifying ir��ormation at the top, particularly if you are attaching the Statement of Compliance to an alternate payrolf fiorm such as a computer payroil. A�so, yau must checic either 4(a) or �(b) if the wage decisian cantains a fringe benefit. Checking 4(a} indicates that yau are payir�g required fringe benefits to approved plans or programs; and 4{b) indicates that yau are �aying any required fringe benefit amounts directly to the employee by adding the #ringe benefit rate to the basic haurly rate af pay. If you are paying a portion of tl�e required fringe bene�t to pragrams and the balance directiy ko tfte employee, explain t�ose differences in box 4(c). O�iy one Staiement of Compfiance is required for each empfoyer's weelcly �ayrail no matter how many pag�s are needed to report khe emplayee data. 5ianat� Make sur� Ehe �ayralf is signed with an originai signature in inlc. The payrolf must be sign�d �y a principal of the flrm (owner or offic�r suc� as the president, treasurer or payraii administrata�} or by an authorized agent (a person autharized by a principal in writing to sign the payroll reparts}. Signature authoriza#ion (for persons ather than a principal} sho�ld be submitted wit� t�e first �ayrall signed by such an agent. Signatures in pencil; signature stamps; xerax, pdf and other facsimiles are nat acceptable. 2-11 SECTION Ill - PAYROLL REVIEWS AN1] CORRECT�ONS r •��' �� ._ � The car�tract administrator or other inspector may v�sit the praject site and inte�view some of fhe workers cortcerning their empfayment on the project. The DO�. may also independently conduct its awn reviews {see 1-5}. In addikian, the cankract administratorwill periadicaliy review payrolls and relat�d submissions, comparing the interview infnrmation to the payralls, to ensure that the fabor standards requirements have bee� met. You will be nati�ied by the contract adminiskrator if these reviews find any discrepar�cies or errars. You will be given �nstructions about what steps must be taken ko correct any probfems. a. On-site inter�#�r1y�. Every emp[oyer (cor�tractor, sutacontractor, etc.) must make iheir employees availa�le far ir�tenriew at the jab site with the contract administratnr or ather agency re�resentative, or HUD ar DOL representative. The interviews are conCdential and the employee will �e asked about the kind o# wark Ehey perfarm and their rate af pay. Every effo�t w�lt be made to ensure that these interviews cause as liktle disruption as possible to the on-going work. The interviewer will record the interview infarmatian, usually on a form HUD-11, Recard of Employee Interview, and forwa�d the interviews ta the contract administrator. h. Project aavraJL���_e__�v�; The contract administrator wifl compare the informa#ion on the interview forms io the carresponding payrolls to ensure that the work�rs are properly listed on the payrolls far the days and hours worlc�c� on t�e jab site, work classification and rate of pay. The cantract a�ministrator wil! also review the payrol! submissior�s ta malce cer�ain that the payrolls are compfete and signed; that employees are paid �o less than the wage rate for the work classi�catio� shown; appren#ice and trainee certificatiar�s are submitted (wh�re needed); emplay�e or other au#horizatians far other deductions are submitted {where ne�ded}; etc. � ' � . ',�. ►• :i • � ;., ► � � 1� ■ s s � .. . _ - ► _ �� . \ The follawing paragraphs describe common payroll errors and #he correctiva steps you must take. a. Inadeauat,T,�, @ D�yroll inform��j�tl. If an alternate payroil format used by an employer (such as some camputer payrolls) is inadequate, e.g., dQ�S f10� CQ�1t�E11 ail of the necessary information that wouid be on ths optia�al form WH-347, khe emplayer will �e asked to resubmit th� payrolls on an acc��ta�l� form. b. Missing iclentificat�on n�m���s. if the first payrail on which an employee app�ars does not contain tt�e empbyee's individuafly identifying nurn�er, the employer will be asked to supply the missing in�ormation. This information can be reparted on the next payroll submitted by khe employer if the empfoyer is still working on the project. Ofherwise, the empl�yer will be asked ta submit a correction certifi�d payroll. 2-12 c. If the informatior� an ihe payroil Es nat complete, far example, if warlc classif�cations or rates of pay are missing, the employer will be asked fo send a correction certifsd payroll. d. Classifi��tLQ�.�, If the payrolls shaw wark classifications that c�o not appear on the wage decision, t�e employer will be asked to r�classify the em�layees in accnrdance with the wage decision or the em��oyer may request an additional classification and wage �ate (see 2-2}. If reclassi�cation results �n underpayment (i.e., the wa�e rate reporte� an the �ayroll is less khan th� rate required far the new classiftcation}, the employer will be as�Ced to pay wage restitution ta a!I affec#ed reclassified empinyees. (see 2-8 for instructions abaut wage restitution.) e. Waae rates. }f the wage rates on the payrafl are less than the wage rates on the wage decision far tY�e work classifcations repor#ed, the emptoyer will be asked to pay wage reskit�kion ta all affected emplayees. f. A�arentices and trainees. If a copy af the empfayee's registration or the approvec! program ratio and wage schedul� are not submitked with the first �ayrolf on which an apprentice or trair�ee a�pears, the em�loyer will be asked to submit a copy of each apprentice's or trainee's registratian andlor the app�oved program ratio and wage schedule. If the ratio of appreniices o� train�es tn journeyman nn the payroll is greater than the ratio in the appraved program, the em�loyer will be asked to pay wage restitution to any excess apprentices or trainees. Also, any apprentice or trainee that is not registered in an �pproved prQgram must receive the jaurneyman's wage rate for the classification of warlc they performed. g. ��ertime. if t�te employees did not receive at least time and one-half far any ov�rtime hours woriced on the pr�ject, the following will occ�r: 1. If khe project is subject ka CWHSSA ov�rtime requirements, the empioyer will be asked to pay wage restitutian far all avertim� �ours work�d on the project. The employer may also be liable io the United Stat�s for liquidated damag�s compttted at $10 per day �er vio�ation. �r, 2. if the proj�ct is nat s�bject ko CWHSSA, #he emplayer will be notified of the possibEe F�.SA overfime vioiatians. A�so, the contract administratar may refer the matter to the DO�. for further �eview. h. C_nmauta#�ons, If the payroll camputations (hours wariced times rate nf pay) or extensio�s (deductions, net pay) shaw freqc�ent errars, the empitiyer will be asked to take greater care. Wage resfitution may be required if und�rpayments r�sulted from the errors. i. Deductfons. I# the�'e are any "Other" deductions that are not identified, ar if employee autharization isn't �rovided, or if there is any unusual (very high, �r iarge number) deduction activity, the emplayer wil! be asked to idenki�y k�� deductians, provide �mployee authorizaffon ar exPlain unusual deductians, as necessary. 2-13 , . -, , , :: HUD does' not enforce �or attempt ta provide. advice: on��employe�` obiigatlons to'make. � deductiong fram emptayee earnings for taxes ar Sociat Sec�rity. However, Ht1D may refer to the IRS or other responsible agency copies of cer#ified �ayrall reports that shaw wages paid i� gross amaunts (i.e., without tax deductian) for its review and appropr�a#e aciion. _ . „ , . , . _ . . J j. Frinae ��a I#' the wage decision contains fringe �e�efits but the payroi� does not indicate how fringe �enefits were paid [neither 4(a) nor 4(la) is mar�Ced o� the Stat�ment af Campl'tartce], the employer may be asked to s�bmit correctian certified payrolis anc! will be required to pay wa�e restitution if underpayments occurred. However, if the basic houriy rates for the emplayees are at laast as m�ch as the tatal wage rate or► the wage decision (basic houriy rate plus the fringe bene�t rate), no correctian is necessary. k. 5ign t�re. kf the payroll Statement af Campliance is not signed or is missing, kha empiayer will �e asked to submit a si�r�ed Statement af Compliance for each payroll affected. ff the Statement af Compiiance is signed by a person who is not a principie af the firm and that psrson has not been authorized t�y prir�ciple to sign, the employer wil! be asked ta pravide an authorization or ta resubmit the 5katement(s) of Compliance hearing the signature of a principle o� other auihorize� signatory. On-site interview comparisvns. ff the comparison of on-site interviews to the payroffs in�icates any discr�pancies (far example, the em�loyee d�es noi appear on the payralf for the date of the interview), khe employer will b� asked to submit a correction ce�ti�ed payroll report. m. Corr�c#ion ���tifi���yL Any and al1 changes ta data on a submitted payrall report must be reported on a certified correction payroll. in �a case will a payroll report b� returr�ed t� t�e prime contractor or employer for revision. � �_ •► •: ►■--:': u ► • �: Where underpayments of wages have occurred, the em�layer wilf be r�quir�d ta pay wage restitution to the affected em�foyees. Wage res#ttution must be paid prompt�y in the full amounts d�e, less permissible anc� authorized deductions. AI� wages paid to fabarers and �nechanics far work performed on the project, including wage restitutian, must be repvrfed on a certified payrall report. a. Noti f��ation ta the EmployerlPrime contractor. Ti�e contract adminisirator will notify the �m�toyer andlor prime c��tractor in writing of arty underpaymenks that are found during payroll or ather reviews. The contract admir�istratar wfl! describe the underpaymer�#s ar�d provideinstrucfionsforcomputir�ganddocumentingtherestitutiontobe�aid. Theemployer/ prime contractor is allowed 30 c�ays to correct the ur�derpayments. Nofe that #he prime can#rac#ar is respansibCe to 1he can#ract administratar for ensuring that restitu#iar� is paid. !f the emp[oyer is a subcankractor, the subcontractor wilk usually make the camputations and restituti�n payments and f�irnish tt�e required dacumentatinn thraugh t#�e prime contractor. 2-� 4 ., ,.._ . . , ,: , , - .�. . . . ,, The contract' admin�strator � may communicate: directly: with a su�co�tractor w�en the ur�der�aymenfs are pfiainly evident and khe subcontractar is cooperative: it is �est ta wark thraugh the prime cantractor when the issues are com�lex, whert thers are significant und�rpayments a�tdlar the subcont�actor is not coop�rative. In al� cases, the suhcontractar must ensure that the prime contractar receives a copy af the required corrective documentation. b. C,�t,putinc,���,ae restitutlon. Wage restitution is simply the difFerence between ih� wage rate paid ta each affected emplayee and the wage rate required on the wage decision for afl hours worked w�ere underpayments accurred. The difference in the wage rates is cailed the adjustment rate. Th� acfjustmer�t rate times the number of hours invalved equals the gross amaunt of restitution due. You may also compute wags restiiution by calcufating the katal amount af Davis-Bacon wages earned and suhtracting t�e tatal amount of wages paid. The di�#erence is the amount a# back wages d�e. c. Correction c�rti# �� The employ�r wilf �e required to report the restitution paid on a correctian certified payroii. The correctian payrolf wii{ reflect the periad o# time far which restifutian is due {for example, Payralis #1 through #6; or a beginning date and ending date), The correc#ion payroll wil4 list each employee ta w�am restit��tifln is due and their work classification; the tatal number of wark hours involved (daily haurs are usualiy not applica�le far wage restitution); the adj�stment wage rate (the difference between the required wage rate and the wage rate paid); the gross amount af restiiutian due; deductions and the net amour�t actualiy paid. A prQperiy signed Statement of Compliance must accompany the correction payroll. H UD no longer reqt�ires the signatt�re of t�e employee on the correction payrail ta evidence employee receipt of restitutior� paymen#. In additiar�, except in the mast extraordinary cases, HUD na longer requires emplayers to submit copies of restifution checks (certified, cashiers, canceled or other), or employee-sign�d receipts o� waiv�rs. d. Re�iew of corre�t(c�n_C_P_�� The contract administratar wifl revi�w khe correcfion certified payrolf ko ensure that fufl r�stitutinn was pai�. The prim� contractar shall be notifed ir� writing of any discrepaneies and wiif be required tn make additiona! paym�nts, if needed, documented on a carrection certifed payrall witt�in 30 days. e. Unfound workers. Somefimes, wage restituiion cannat be �aid ka an affected employee because, for example, khe empiayee has maved and can`t be located. After wage restifution �as been paid to all �f the warkers who could �e iocated, the empiayer must submit a list of any warkers who could nat be faund and paid (i.�., unfaund workers) providing th�ir names, Socia} Security Numb�rs, last knawn addresses and the grass amount due. !n suct� cases, at the end of the project t�e prime contractor wiil be required 2-15 to pEace in a deposit ar escraw account an amount equal to the total gross amount of restitutio� that could not be paid because the empioyee(s) could not �e located. The corttract administrator wil� continue aitempts to [ocate t�te unfound workers for 3 years after k�e com�letion af the project. After 3 years, any amaur�t remaini�� in the account for unfaund workers will be credited ar�dlor #orward�d by the contract administrator to HUD. 2-i6 CHAPTER 3 LAB�R STANDARDS DISPUTES, ADMINiSTRATIVE REVIEWS, 1NITHHOLDING, DEPOSiTS AND ESCROW ACCOUNTS, AND 5ANCTlUNS 1 ' ■_' � 1,. � ► _ • i:•� _ � ;•s •�, Even in the best of circumstances, things can go wrong. In a Davis-Bacon context, "things going wrong" �st�aliy means there's a difference of opinion or a dispute about whether and to what extent underpayments t�ave occurred. These disputes are usualEy be#ween the contract administrator and or�e or mnre em�ioyers (the prime contraciar andl or a subc�ntractor). The dispute may involve something simple such as an additi�nal cfassiftcation rec}uest kha# is pending before the DQL; �r something as significant as ir�vestigative findir�gs following a complaint of underpayment. This chapter discusses some of what you may expect ar�c� what you can do to make yo�r views knawn ar�d to lessen any defays in resolving the problem or issue. :.��E � :. :_ i •� ���; :�.��;� r As mer�tioned in the 1�traduciion above, a dispute about labar standards and camplia�c� can arise for a number af reasons. The fabor s#andards ciauses in your contract and DOL regufations provide #or administrafive review of issues wh�re there is a differer�ce of views between the contract administrator a�d any emplayer, The mast cammor� circumstances i�cl�de; a. Additional classification and wage rate requests are somefimes denied by the DOL. An empfayer that is dissatisfied wit� the denial can r�quest r�consideratiQn by the DOL Wage and Nour Administratar, The employer may continue ta pay tf�e wage rate, as requested, until a�nai d�cision is rendered on the matter. Whert the finaE decision is known, the employer will be required to pay any additionai wages that may be necessary to satisfy the wage rate that is established. 1. $g�,�� The DO�. normaily identifies the reas�ns far denial in its res�anse to the request. Any interested persan (for example, t�e contract adminis#ratar, amploy�r, r�presentatives of the employees) may requ�st recansideratio� of the decision on th� additianal classification request. The req��est for reconsideration must be made in writing and must thoraughly address the �enial reasons id�rttifred by the �OL. Ernploy�r requests for reconsid�raiia� should be made through the cantraet admir�istrator but may be made directly ta fhe DOL. (See 2-2(d), and alsn DOL Regulations 29 CFR 1.8.) A(i requests ir�itiated by or made thraugh ihe con#ract actministrator or HUD mus# be su�m�tt�d through the HUI] Headquarters Of�ce af 1.a�or R�iatians. 3�1 2. Administrative Review Board. Any interested party may request a review of the Administrator's decision on recor�siderakior� by the DOL's Administrative Review BQard. D�L regulations 29 CFR Part 7 explain the pracedur�s for such reviews. (See also 29 CFR 1.9.) b. Fir�dirtgs of un����ym�n� Compliance reviews and ather fa!!ow-up enforc�ment ackions may result in iindings of underpayment. The primary goal in every case and at every step in this process is to reach agreements about who may have been underpa�d and �ow much wage restitution may �e due and, of caurse, to promptly deliver restitution to any underpaid workers. The contract administrator will usually work ir�formally with you ta reac� such agreements. You will have an appartunity tv provide additionai informa#ion to the contract administrator that may ex�fain apparent incor�sistencies ar�dlor resalve the discre�ar�cies. (f informa� exchanges do not result in agreement, the fir�al determination ar�d schedufe of back wages dus will be prese�ted to yau in writing and you will �e permitted 30 days in which to correct the underpayment(s) o� to req�est a hearing on the matter before the DU�.. The request for hearing must be made in writing thraugt� the cantract admin�strator a�d must explain what findings are in dispute and the reasans. In such cas�s, HUD i� required t� submit a report to DO�, far review ancf further considerakion. Ail requests for DOL hearing must be s�tbmit#ed through the HUD Headquarters Office af Labor Relations. DO� rev€ew. The D�L wif! review the contract administratar's report and the arguments against the firtdings pres�nted in th� hearing req�est. The D�L may a�rm ar modify the findi�gs based upon th� materials �resented. You will be r�otified in writing by the DOL of the resuits of its r�view. If DOL concludes khat violations have occurred, you wikl be given ar� opportunity ta carr�ct any under�ayments or to req�est a hearing befare a DO� Adminisirative Law Judge {A�.�). (See �OL Regulations 29 CFR 5.11 (b) and 29 CFR Part 6, Ru1es af Prac#ice forAdministrative Proceedings.) 2. Admir�istrati�e Re�iew Board. Contractors ar�dlor subcantractors may requ�s# a r�view by ihe Acfministrative Review Baarc! af the decision(s) rencfered by the DQ� ALJ in the admir�istrative hearing process. S�e DOL regulations 29 C�R Part 7 for more information about this proeeedir�g. � ..� M ► The contract adm�nistrator shall cause withholding from payments due to the prEme contractor to ensure t�►e payment of wages which are believed to be due ar�d unpaid, for example, if wage underpayments or other violations are not corrected wi#hin 3� days after written notifca#ian ta t�e prime cantrac#ar. DOi. may alsa direct the withhofding of contract paym�nts for alleged wage un�erpayments. Withhofding is considered ta b� s�rious and is not taken unless warranted. ]f with�oldit�g is deemed necessary, you wi11 �e noti#ied in writing. On�y the amounts neec�ed to meet ihe contractor's (andlor subcontractars') liabiiity shall be withhefd. 3-2 � •• ��� �•,�' 1n every case, we attempt to camplete comp�ianca actions and resoE�e any disputes be#ore the praject is completed and f nal payments are made. Sometimes, correct{�e actions or cfisputes cor�tinue after comp�etion and provisiot�s must be made to ensure that funds are available to pay any wage restitution ihat is uCtimately fauncf du�. It� these cases, we allaw projects to proceed to finai clasing and fnal payments provided the prime contractor cfepasits a� amaunt equal to the pote�tial liability for wage res#itu#ion and liquidated damages, if necessary, in a speciaf acc�unt. T�e deposit or escrow account is cnntrolled by the contract administrator. Whsn a final d�cision is r�nder�d, the cantract administrator makes disbursements from fhe accour�t in accardance with t�e decisian. DePasitlescrow accaunts are established far one or more af the fallawing reasons: - ;� a .'i 7 r. _ .,.� Remember, the pr�me contractaris respansible andwill he heEd liable forar�ywage restitution that is due ta any worker emplayed in the constructian of the �roject, including warkers employed by subcantractors ar�d any lower-tier subcontractars. See 1-4, Responsibility of the Principal Contractor, and 2-8; Resti#ution for Underpayment of Wages. ,. ,, ,; -. � .. ;; , , ::. . .. . . . �. _ �. . , . . . , a. Where the par#ies have agreed to amounts of waga restitution that are due but the employer hasn't furnished evidence yet that ail of the underpaid workers have received tf�eir back wages, e.g., some of the workers have moved and could not be located. The amaunt of #he deposit is equai to the tatal gross amount of restitukian due ko workers iacking paym�nt evid�nce. As these workers are �aid and pro�er clocumentation is provided to the contract administrator, amnunts correspanding to the documented payments are returned to the depositar. Amounts for any worlcers who cannot be located are he�d in the �epasitlescrow account for three years ar�d disposed as described i� 2-8{f} of this G�ide. b, Where underpayments are suspected ar alEeged and an ir�ves#�gatian has not yet been completed. The depasit is equal to the amount af wage restitution ancf any liquidated damag�s, if applicahle, that are estimated to �e due. If the final determination of wag�s due is less than th� amount estimatec! and placed in the escrow account, the escrow wil� �e reduced ta the tina� amount and the difference will be returrted to the depositor. If the �arties agree to the investigative findings, t�e amounts due to the warkers will be paid by the emp�ayer. As these warkers are paid and proper dncumentation is providad ta the cantract administrator, the gross amounts corresponding to the documented payments are returned ta kh� depasitor, If the emplayer is unable to rnake the payme�ts to the warkers, e.g., lacks ih� funds necessary, the contract adminis#rator may make disbursements direcfly to the worlcers in the net amounts cafculat�d by the employer. The amounts withheld from the workers far tax deduction will �e returned to th� employer as paymer�ts to worlcers are made. The employer shaEl be responsibie far reporting and transmitEing wikhholdings ko the apprapriate agencies. 3-3 2. If the emp�oyer is r�ot coaperat�ng in khe resalutian, the cnnkract admir�istrator shall rnalce disb�rsements to tt�e workers in accardance with the schedule o# wages due. Amaunts far u�found workers wif� be retai�ed as described above (See 2-8(f} and 3-4(a)}. If the pariies do not agree ar�d an admirtistrative heari�g is requested, #he escrow will be maintained as explained in 3-4(c), b�iow. Remem6er, ifyouhavea�yquestionsorneedassistancecancerninglaborskandards` requir�ments help is aCways availab�e. Contact khe corttract administratar fr�r the praject you're warlcing on or the HUD Field Labor Relations staff in your area. c. Where the parties are waiti�g for the outcome of an administra#ive hearing kFtat has been or will be requested contesting a fina4 determination of wag�s due. The deposit shall be equai to the amount of wage restitutior� and liquidated �amages, if applicable, that have been determined due. Once a�nal decisian is rendered, disbursements fram the escrow account are made in accordar�ce with the decision. � ��u � �,:. � ► •. Contractors and/or subcontractors that violate the labar standards provisions may face admi�Estrative sanctions imposed by HUD andlor DOL. a. DaL debarment, Contractors andlor subcnntractars that are faund by the 5ecretary of Labar to be in aggravated or willful vialatian of the labor standards provisions of the Davis-Bacon ar�d R�lated Acts (DBRA) will b� ineligible {debarred) ta participaie in any DBRA or Davis-Bacan Act con#racts for up to 3 y�ars. Debarment incEudes the cnntractar or subcontractor and any firm, corporation, par�nership ar associatian in which the contrac#or or subcontractor has a substantial interest. Debarmer�t proceedings can be recommended by the contraci adminis#rator ar can be initiated by tt�e �OL. Debarment proceedings are described in DOL regulatior�s 29 CFR 5.12. b, o HUD sanctions may incfude Limited Denia�s of Participation {LDPs), debarments an� suspensians. #�imited Denial o� Parti��s�tic�ns HUD may issue ta the em�ioyer a limited denial of participation (i.DP) which prahibits the employer frnm fu�fher participation in HUD programs far a period up to one y�ar. The LDP is us�a!!y effective for the HUD program in which the violation occurred and far the geogra�hic jurisdiction of t�e issuing HUD ��ce. HUD regulati�ns concerning LDP's are found at 24 CFR 24.700-24.71 �. 3-4 2. Debarmentand s�s enq sions,� In certain circumstances, HUD may initiate its own debarment or suspensian �rnceedings against a cantractor andlor subcantractar in conn�ctian with impraper actions regarding Davis-Bacon obligations. For example, HUD may initiate debarment where a cantractor has �een convicted for making �afse statements {such as false sfatements on certified �ayrolls or ath�r pr�vailing wa�e certifcations) or may initiate st�sper�sian where a contractor �as been ir�dicted for makir�g false statements. HUD regulations concerning debarmen# and suspension are found at 24 CFR Part 24. � � � � � � � - � ; • .. ; ' • ; • �. . Contractors andlor su�contractors t�at are found to hav� willful�y fafsified payroli reports (Statements vf Compliance), including carrection certified �ayral! reparts, may be subject to civil or criminai �rosecution. Penalties may be imposed af $1,000 andlor ane year in prison for eacf� false stateme�t (see Section � 001 af Title 18 and Section 239 of Title 31 of the United States Code). Rememb�r; ifyou have any quesifor�s or need assis#ance concern ing Iaborstandards requirements heip is always available. Contact the corttract administrator for the project you're working on or the HUD Field �.abor Rela#ians staff in yaur area. 3-5 ACRONYMS AND SYMBOLS j ' CDBd Comt�r�unity �evelo�ment efock Grar�t � ., . . z , i�� . . tw'.. , , , _ .. .. .� .� v, . :-�: . .e,a , . _ �_ . , ..,�, ,. . ��, .�_, . . . , ,� r .��a'r . CFR - Code of Federal Regulatians s. � .� : . ,:.. � } � .: - , .• .:.: �,.; >�;_ . > , ��, CPR ; ' Cer�ified Payroll Report �,. >. ��,;,� . - � �--�. _ ,<.,. ._ .,,, .._. . . i�. .�.v�_ .�. .. ...� :-.e . CWHSSA - Co�tract Wark Hours and Safety Standards Act ,.: .. DBA� Davis=Baco� Act . . - .. . . � ,. E . . . _ . .. . . . r -a �. �. - ±. r . .� r . . _ C �3 . . . . . • . .. . , -. _ . ,. x . . - ❑BRA - Davis-Bacon and Related Acts ,..... � .'�'t f �'s .§.;' ,.::'- ,. ..'y .:7 - - ; _ �'-•: � .:�' ... ..�.� " ? = O�L` �r Depa�rkment of Labor , � „ � ; : . : , , �:.: - � , ., , .. ,. . . : , . _ .. . - , . . ; , n .. . . . , , _ , . . ;� : -: .. FHA - Federai Housing A�ministratian _ _. ,.,, ;_ ., _ .,.:. -, ; ` FI.SA F'air Labo'r SEas�dards Act .° _ _ . . ,. . _ . HUD - Housing artd Urban Development (Depariment o� ,., , , ,, . _ ,. : !HA ` - indianv Hausing Authority, �;� � � ' LCA - Locai Can#racting Agency °. I.QP - Limited Denial o€ Part�ci�atian.. - OIT - PHA- SIT - SAG - T�H� - §- �� A-1 Over��me Pc�blic Housing Ag�ncy Straight-time State Apprenticeship CouncillAgency Tribally-Designated Hausing Entity Section Paragraph []AVlS-F3ACON - RELATED WEB SITES* HUD Office of E.abor Relations: www. t�ud.govlofficeslolr HUO Regulations: t�ttp:llwww.gpo.gav/fdsyslbrowselcoilectionCfr.aciion?colfectianCode=C FR HUDCfips {HUD Forms and P�bfications): www. hud.govbff cesladmlh udclips/index.cfm DOL Davis-Bacar� and Related Acts Homepage: http:llwww.dal.govlwhdlcontractsldbra.htm DOL Regulations: �ttp:llwww.gpo.govlfdsyslbrowse/colfectior�Cfr.actian?collectionCode=CFR Davis-Bacon Wage Decisions: www.wdol.gov DOL Forms: www,dol.govlwhd/pragramsldbral�orms. htm *Web addresses active as of January 241 Z A-2 U.S. �e�aartment of Housing Project Wage Rate Sheet and Urhan �evetopment Office of Labar Relat�or�s Projec# Name: Wage Decision NumberlMociiflcatton Number: Pro�ect Number: ProJect County: ,,,. easlc ` - : Totai°; 3 k.abarers � Wor� � -�- : � � �ringe , -. Hourty , Haurly , � �ringe . - $ Classificatfon � ` � �eneflts , Rate (8HR) Wage Rate: : Benefl#s 3�. Bricklayers $ {3rQup.#� , BHF� : Total Waga Carper�ters $ $ Cement Masans $ $ Drywall Hangers $ $ Eiectricians $ $ Iron Worlcers $ $ Painters $ �paratora Frtnge 8enetltss $ Plurnbers $ Group #>' : 8HR ' Total Wage Roofers $ $ Sheek Metaf Warkers $ $ Soft �loor WorEcers $ $ i'apers $ $ 7i1� SettEiS $ Truek Drivers �rEngQ 8anat3tst=. $ �ther Gfassiffcatlons Or�up � � BHR :''.Tataf Wage � $ � Addittonal Classiticatfons (HUD Form 423�-A} Wark �aslc Frin � 7atai oate af �ate of Hourly � Flourly � HUD 5ubmiss#on� [30L Ctassiftcation ' Ber�eflts pp�oval Rate (BHR) Waga Rate- #a DOl. A � $ $ A-3 ��� ��� �� �� � J J � � a a � � � a � � � � � � � �� ���� �$�� ��� � �� a��� u+� � � �� ��� � E� ��� �� �� ���� 8 � � � A� ��• a � � �� � ���� �� 4��� �n � ��� ���� $s�� ���� � �s �� � �� ���� ���� �s� ���� s��� n��� ���� ���� ���� .x, ��t� 3� Y� F�� "�i u�� �N 4 � J � � � . � � Y g� � �� �� �� � �� �b �g � S � a �� �� �� �� �g� S � �� ¢ � � �� �� � �� �� �� ��� ��� �� �� n � a. S�f � RR �y T,� `� � O � 5 � �� A-�i � � d a � � � � � p ��� � �� ����� ��� ���� ���Y � V � � � � .� S� ���� 6 @� 5� ���� .� � � � �.� I 0 �� �� r� �� 3j � � `� G� � �� ��p F �^ry w � Y � (W y NW W y�f [� �� $� � y� r � i ��`L y � � �"� � Yi"� u. `1 W !_ � �"n"� „ � LL � ;, � �;f.� r � ��r, � � '� � � � :�i', s � ��� � Vl b � � � $ a � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �ti � �' ��� � �� a1 � 9 �� � �� �� �� $ 6 � � a� � �� � � � � � � �� � ��� ��� � ��� �� �� t �� � � �� � �� ��g� fi� � � ��� ���� ���� �a A � � � � a� �v ������ �a �.�u ����3 �55 �� ��. � A�� � ���. ���� �� � E � ���� �b �� �� � ��� ���� �z �� � �� �� � ���� ���� � � �� �1 � 6 , ���� "���„ �a � � �� ��g� � �,�� �� ���� ����� �� ��� � ��� ��� ■ � � � � � ���� ���� � ��� ��� ��� �� ��� �� ��� �� ��s� ���� � ���y ���� s � ���� 5��g � A-� U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Oe�elapmeni Olffca of �epartmentai Operatians and Coordinatlon Washington, DC 2�410 �rrtail: www.OfficeafLabor#�elatfons�hud.gov l.abar Re#ations Desk Guide LiiQ1.DQ �tuEHroa �' 55 y0 � i� . ��� GD a*1111� *� "� �'9 yJ fc:UA11f0U5Pq A�N OEyti� OPPOFIYUH4YY EYHIBiT "H-5" sT��ttT oF coNSTaUCT�o�t FoaN� C�ty of �'ort WorEh Cornmunity Deveioprnent Block Grant (CDBG} Fe�nded Construct#on Prnjects STAR OF CONSTRZ1CTiON (Date) Project Nume: Locmtian: Pro�ect Number: U.�. Department of Labor Wage Decision: Tl�is is to inform you that of {Ac�c�ress) , Est�t�) Ezf�) contract �vith you, as of _ (Narne of Company) � {City/'I'owr�) ,[ias st�rkec� work on the ��6ave referenced projsct cavered by our (Date) Respec:tfully yo�cs, (Na�rtte nf ComE}any) E3y (Si�ature) 0 (Title) EXHIBIT "H-6:: CONSTRUCTIQN COMPLETE �ORM c�ry �f Fo� wo�te Cammunity De�elogment Blocfc Grunt (CDBG} Funded Cunstructian PrdJects CONSTRUCTIO CUMPLET D�te: �'rnject Name: Pro�ect C.acatian: Project N�u�tber: U.S. Department of Lahor Wage Deeision; T}�is to infnrm yau that the: of {Address) �.. .. � (State) (Zip) !�y aur contract wiEl� yau, as oF_ {N�me of Company} (C ity/Tawn} itias termin;�ted work on the above referenceci project cavered I�espectfi�lly yours, �y (Nacne pf Cnmpany) (Signature) {"I';tle) EYHIBIT "H-7" CEO STATEVIENT STATEMENT 4F POLICY ON EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OP��RTUNITY [t will be the galicy of' t�is �rtn to not discritninate agf►inst any �ppiic�rtt far ecnployment, or any emptoyee, because of race, creed, colar, agd, sex, nr natural or�gin, This fimn witl insure tl�at this policy is cont'snuaily enforeed with re�ard ta employment, promotion, up�rading, clemation, tr�nsfec, recnxitmen#, �nd recruitment adv�rtising, lay off and ternnination, compensa�ion, training, artd working conditions. We will m�ke it understood by �Il with whom we deat, and in aiI our �mployment opportunity annvuncemen#s that the foregoing is our policy. All 1pplic�ts nnd employees wiil be juciged solely on the b�sis o#'t�ieir s�Cill, cievotzon ioyalty, retiability and integrity, Company N�►me Sigr�ature Date EYHIBIT "H-8" PE�YItOi.L DEDUCTION AUTHORIZATION F�R1�I Pa rol! Deduct�on Authorizat�on This is the auihorizatlon to the to deduct f�om my paychecic $ is for item number: REPAYMENT O�: 4. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Laan Retfrement Ad�ar�ca on Wages Savings Sa�ings Bonc�s Uniforms 'Thls deductian {s ta be made: CHECK APPROPRIATE B4X Employee`s Signature Printed or Typed Name: Project Name and Number: 7. 8. 9. 1 Q. 11. 12. Credit Union Pro�t Sharir�g Donat�ons to Ager�cies Insurance Premiums Unian Dues ❑ One kime only ❑ Weekly ❑ Bi-weekly V For weeks ❑ Date: * This K PAY 0.fk1 UFUi;(73t1� AE: [FIl3111/� IION 1)OC EYHIBIT "H-9" OF'FICER r1PYO1NTiY1ENT F'ORM U. S. De�nrtment of Hnt�si�g und Urbun Deve(oprn�n# CERTTFICATE FROM CONTRACTOR APPQINTING OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE 1'O SUPERViSE PAYMENT OF EMPLOYEES Project N�une Location Date Projec# No. (i) (We) hereby certify chat (I am) (we are} {thc prirrte contractar) {a st�bcontrttcror} for in connec#ion ►vith canstruction of the abnve-mentionecl Project, ar�d that {I) (we} have appainted wh si � a e be;� w ta su e i e the ou I e�s e� '� , 20^; tt�nt heJshe is in a posi#ian to have full knawlec�ge of the facEs set fort� in the payrvlt dacuments anc� in the stutement of cornplilnce required hy the so-called Kic�C-Bnck St�tut� �vhich ttelshe is to execut� wiih (my) (our) t�uil �ruthority and �tpproval �ntii such time �s (t} (we) submit to � iiew certific�te appointing sorrte other persnn for khe purpnses Ei�reinabave st�ted. Attest (ifrequired}: (Signature) (TitEe) : (Titte) NOTE: Tlus certiFcnte mt�st b� exeeuteci by art authorired ot�ficerroFa corporatic��t, by a rrfember c��a partnership, or the sule utivner ��rtcf shall he exeeutecl prior to :�tt�l f�e submitted with ttte first ��ayraii. Shc�uEd the ti€l�t}jpit:� �14 C�lilll��C�, a new cert�ticate tnust accompany the ttrst payrc�lt fc�r �vl3ich the new nppointce exeiutes �i statertt�nt oFcompfiance rec�uircd by the Kick-�ack Statute. DAVDAO-! J�#O.3/2 (6-79) EYHIBiT "i" UEED OF TRUST �'OI2iYI NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY R�GHTS: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERS4N, YOU MAY REMOVE OR STR�KE ANY OF THE F�LLOWING INFORMATION FROM THIS INSTRUMENT BEFORE �T IS F�LED FOR RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMSER OR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER D�ED OF TRUST Terms Date: 20 Granto�•: Tarrant County Housing Partnership, Inc. a Texas nan-p�•oist corpa�•atior�. Grantor's Mailing Address: 3204 Collinswo�•th Sfreet, Fort Worth, Ta�•rant County, TX 76107 Trustee: Vicki S. Ganske o�• Leaiui Guzznan Trustee's Mailing Address: CIO City Attorney's Office 100� Throckmorton St. Fort Worth, Ta�•zant County, TX 76102 Lender: City of Fort Wo�-th, Teaas, a Texas municipal corporation Lender's Mailing Address: C/O Housing D�partment 1000 Throckmorton St. Fort Worth, Tarrant County, TX '76102 Lvan Anfhority: The loan evidenced by the Note and sccured by this Deed of Trust is being made pursuant to the HOME Invest�nent Pa�•tnerships Program autk�o�•ized under Title II of the Cranstan- Gonzales National Affo�•dable Housing Act of 1990, as ainended, 42 USC 12701 et seq. (the "HOME Prog�•ann") and the HOME Investn�ent Pai�nership Prag�'am Final Rule, as amended, 24 CFR Pa�� 92 et seq. (the "HOME Reguiations") with HOME funds. Obligation Nofe Date: 20 Origin�al princi�al amoun�: $I 17,086.00 Borro�ve� : Tari�ant County Housing Pa��tnershzp, Inc., a Texas non-pzo#"it corpo�•ation DEED OF TRUST — TCHP CSC No. G24794 Page 1 Rev. 5- I 7-13 Lender: City of Fort Woxth, Texas, a Texas inunicipal coz•poration Maturity Date: , 20_ Property (including any inn��•ovements}: �EE EXHiBIT "A" f1TTACHED HERETO AND INC�RPORAiED HEREIN FOIt A�,L PURPOSES Prior Lien: None Other Exceptions to Conveyance anc� Warranty: Easements, rights-oi way, a�ld prescriptiv� �•ights, whether of record or not; all p�•esently recorded and validly existing �•ecorded instruments ofihe�• than canveyances of the su��face fee estate that affect the P�•opei�y, liens described in this Deed of Trust; and, taxes foz• the current yeat•. Fo�• value zeceived and to secure payment of th� Obligation, Granto�• coz�veys the Pi•operty to Trustee in t��ust. Grantor warrants and agrees to d�fend the title to the P�operty, subject to the Other Exceptions to Conveyance and Warz•anty. On payment of ti�e 4bligation and all othe�• amounts secu�•ed by this Deed of Trust, t�is Deed of Trust will have no fuz•ther effect, and Lender will i•elease it at Grantor's expense. Ciauses and Cavenants A. Grantor's Obligations Grantor agrees io- 1. keep the Property in good zepair and condition; 2. pay all taxes a�zd assessm�nts an the Property be�ore delinquency and provide p�•oof of payment o� same upon request by Lendez; 3. defend title to ti�e Propei-�y suhject to the Other Exceptions to Conveyance and Warranty and p�•ese��ve the lien's priority as it is established in this Deed of Tz•ust; 4, rnaintain, in a form accep#able to Lender, an insui•ance policy that— a. covers all imprnvements for their full insurable value as deterinined when the policy is issued and i•enewed, unless Lender approves a smaller amo�.��zt in w�•iting; b. contains an SO perc�nt coinsurance clause; DE�D OF TRUST --- TCHP Page 2 C5C Na G2471� ���, �-��-�� c. provides all-z�isk c�ve�'age; d. p�-atects Lender with a standa��d ma�-tgage claus�; e. provides flood i�1su�•ance at any tirz�e the P�'aperty is in a flood k�aza�•d area; and f contains such athe�• co�e�•age as Lender may reasonably require; 5. camply at a11 times with the requirements of the 80 pez'cent coinsurance clause; 6. delivei• the in.surance policy to Lender within ten days of the date of this De�d of Trust and deliver �•enewals to Lender at least fifteen days before expiration; 7. obey a�l laws, ordinances, and �•estricti�re co�enants applicable to the Property; 8. keep any buildings occupied as required by tl�e insurance policy; 9. if the lien of this Deed of 'Trust is nat a first lien, pay or cause to be paid all prior Iien notes and abide by o�• cause to be abided by ail prior lien instruments; and, I0, notify Lendei• of any change of address. B. Lender's Rights 1. Lender �nay appoint in writing a substitute tcustee, succeeding ta alI rights and responsibilitics of Txustee. 2. �� #he proceeds of the Ohligatian a�•e used to pay any debt secured by prio�• liens, Lende�• is subrogated to all the rights and li�ns of the holders af any d�bt so paid. 3. Lender may apply any p�•oceeds received under the insurance policy eithe�' to reduce the Obligation or to repair or replace damaged or destroyed improve�nents covered by the poiicy. If the Prop�rty is Grantai•'s primaty residence and Lender reasonably dete�'mines that rcpairs to the improveme�ts are econoinically %asible, Lende�• will make the insuranc� proceeds available to Grantor for repairs. 4. Notwithstanding ihe terms of the Note ta the contraiy, and unless applicabie iar�v prohibits, all payments received by Lender fi•art� Granto�• with respect to the Obligation or this Deed of Trust may, at Lende�•'s diser�tion, be applied fi�•st to amounts payabie undez• this Deed of T�ust and then to amounts due and payable to Lendez• with r�spect to the Obligation, ta be applied to tate charges, principal, o�• inter�st in the order Lender in its disc��etion dete��z�ines. 5. �f Grantor fails to perform any of Grantor's obligations, Lender �nay perforin those obiigations and be reimbursed by Gzantor nn demand for any amaunts so paid, including attorney's �ees, plus interest on those amounts fi•am the dates of payment at the rate stated in the DEED OP TRUST — TCHP Page 3 CSC No. C-24714 Rev. 5-17-13 Note for matt��•ed, unpaid amoui�ts. The amount io be rei�nbursed wi1l be secuz•ed by this Deed of T�-ust. 6. If there is a default on tk�e Obligation or if G�•antoz• fails to perform any of G��antor's obligations and tl�e default cozatinues aft��• any required notice af th� default and the time allowed to cu�•e, Lender may— a. deciare the unpaid p�•incipal balance and ea�•ned inte�'est on the Obligation imrnediately due; b. direci Trustee ta foreclose this lien, in which case Lender o�• Lender's agent will cause notice of the foreclosure sale to be given as pxovided by the Texas P��a}�erty Code as then in e��ect; and c. purchase the Pi•operty at any �areclnsure sale by offering the highest bid a�id then have the bid credited on the Obligation. 7. Lender �ay remedy any default without waiving it and n�ay waive any default without waiving any p�•ior or subsequent defaul#. $. If ihe Property is acqui�•ed by Lender by fareclosu�•e, G�•antot�'s right io any insurance policies and p�'oceeds resulting fram da.inage to the P�•operty prior the acquisition s�all pass to Lendez• to the extent of the sums secured by this Deed o� Trust immediateiy pz•ioz ta the acquisitzon. 9, Lender or its agents may make reasonable entries upon and i�spections of the P�•opei�y. Lender shall give Bor•rowei• notice at the time of or prior to an inspection giving ��easonable cause for fihe inspection. G Trustee's Righ#s and Duties If di��ected by Lender to fa�•eclos� this lien, Trustee will- 1, either personally or by agent give natice of the Foreclosure sale as z�equired hy the "I'exas Prapet�y Cade as then in effect; 2. sell and cor��ey all or part of the Property "AS TS" ta the k�ighest bidder for cash wzth a general warranty b�nding Grantor, subject to il�e Prior Lien and to the �ther Exce�#ions io Canveyance and Warraniy and without zepresentation or warranty, expr�ss a�� implied, by Trustee; 3. fiam the proceeds of the sal�, pay, in this oz�dez•— a. expenses of fo�•eclosure, i�cluding a reasonable coz�rnissio�� to Tcustee; DEED OF TRUS'T' — TCHP Page �l CSC N o. C-2�71 �S Rev. 5-17- i 3 b. to Le�der, th� full amaunt of principal, inte�•est, atto�•ney's fees, and other chaz�ges due and unpaid; c. any ama��nts r�quized by law to be paid be�are paym�nt to Grantor; and d. to Gz•antor, any balance; and 4. b� inde�rnnified, held harmless, and defended by Lende�� against all costs, expenses, and liabilities incurred by Trustee for acting in the execution oz• enfarcement of the tr�tst created by this deed o� t��ust, which includes all coui�t and other costs, inciuding attorney's fees, incu�•red by Trustee ir� defense of any actior� or p�'oceeding taken against Trustee in that capaciry, D. General Provisions 1, If any of the Property is sold undea• this Deed of Trust, G�•antor must immediately �uzz•ende�' possessio�� to the purchasei•. If Grantox faiis to do so, Granto�• will b�come a tenant at suf�erance of the purchaser, subject to an action for foi•cible detainer. 2. Recitals in ai�y trustee's deed canveying the Propez�ty will be presumed to be true. 3, P�•oeeeding �nder this Deed of Trust, fiiing suit for fo�•eciosure, or pu�suing any other remedy will not constitute an. electioal of remedies. 4. This lien wi11 zemain supe�•ior to lier�s later created even if the time of payment of all o�• pa��t of tihe Obligation is extcnded or part of tl�e Prope�•ty is released. 5. If any partion of the Obliga#ian cannot be lawfully secured by this Deed o� Trust, payments wiil be applied first to discha�•ge that portion. 6. Grantor assigns to Lendei• ali amounts payable to or received by Grantor from condemnation of al l or pa�•t oi the Yrope��ty, from private sale in lieu of candexnnation, and fi•om darnages caused by public wo�•ks or construction on or near the Property. Aftei• ded�cting any eYpenses incurred, including attorney's fees and cau�� and other eosts, Lender will either release any z•ernaining amounts to Grantor or apply stizc� amnunts to red�ce the C)bligation. Lender will not be liable for faiiu�•e to collect or to exercise diligence in collecting any such amounts. G�•antor will immediately give Lender notice of any actual oa threatened proceedings �ar cande�nnation of aIl o�� pat� of the Prope�•ry. '�. Gxanto�• assigns to Lez�der absolutely, not only as cnilate�•al, all p�•esent and future rent and other incorne and receipts from the 1'rope�•ty. Grantor wa�•rants the validity and enforceability of the assignm.ent. Grantor may as Lender's Iicensee collect �•ent and other income and �-eceipts as long as G�•antnr is noi in de�ault with respect to the 4bligation or this Deed of Trust. Grantor will apply all rent and other income and receipts to payment of the Obligation and D��D OF TRUST -- TCHP Page 5 CSC No. G24714 Rev. 5-17-13 pe�•�orir�ance of this Deed of Trust, 6ut if the rent and othe�• incarn� and r�ceipts exeeed #he amaunt due with respect to the Obligation and the deed of t�•ust, Gra��toc may retaiz� the e�cess. �f Granto�• defaults in pay�nent of the Obligation oi� perfo��mance of this Deed of T�•ust, Lender may terminate Granto�•'s license ta collect r�nt and othe�• incaine and then as Gz•a�ztar's agent may �•ent the Property and collect all �•ent and other incon�e and receipts. Lende�• neither has no�• assumes any obligations as lessor oz• landlord with respect ta any occupant of the Property. Lender may exe�•cis� Lender's �•ights and re�nedies under this parag�•apk� without takin� possession of the Properry. Lender will apply all �•ent and other incoine and 1•eceipts coliected under this paragraph first to expenses incurred in exezcising Lendei•'s rights and re�nedies a�d then to Grantoz•'s obligations with respect #o the �bligation and ti�is Deed oi Trust in the ardc�• determined by Lender. Lende�• is not rec�uired to act under this pazagraph, and acting unde� this paragraph daes not waive any of Lender's othei• rights or �•eza-�edies. If Grantor becom�s a voluntaxy ar involuniazy debtor in bankruptcy, Lender's filin� a proof of claim in. bankruptcy wiil be deemed equivalea�t ta the appointment af a receiver under Texas law. 8, Interest on tlie debt secu�•ed by this Deed of Trust will not exceed the �na�imum amouni of nonusurious anterest that nlay �e cant�•acted fa�•, taken, reserved, charged, a�• received uz�der Iaw. Any interest in excess of that maximuin atnou��t will be credited on the principai of the d�bt o�•, if that has been paid, re�und�d. On any accele�'ation or r�quired ar pe�•mitted prepayment, any sL�ch excess will be cane�ied automatically as of the acceleratian or prepaymcnt ar, if already paid, cr�dited on the principal of the debi ar, if the principal of the debt has been paici, refunded. This p�•ovision ov�rrides any conflicting p�•ovisions in this and ali other instruments cancerning the debt. 9, In no event rnay this Deed af Trust secure payment of any deht that may not lawfully be secured by a lien an reai estate or create a lien otherwis� prohibited by law. 10. When the context requires, singula�• nou�zs and pronouns include the plural, 11. The t�rm Note includes all extensions, inadiiications, and renevvals of the Note and a11 amounts s�cured by this De�d of Trust. 12. This Deed of Trust binds, bene�"its, ar�d may be enfo�•e�d by the successors in interest o£ all parties. 13. If G�•anto�� and Borrowe�• a�e not the same pe�•san, the ierr�i Gs�at�tor includes Bo�•z awer. 14. Gxantor and eacl� surety, endorser, and guarantor of the �bligation waive all demand fo�• payment, presentation for payment, notice of intention to accelerate �naiurity, notice of accelez�ation of maiurity, protest, and notice of protest, to the extent permitted by law. 15. Grantor agrees to pay reasonable atto�•ney's fees, trustee's �ees, and coui�t a��d DEED OF TRUS'C — TCHP Page 6 CSC No. G24714 Rev. 5-17-13 other costs of enforcing Lendei's rights unde�� tkiis D�ad of Trust if this De�d of Trust is placed in �he hands of an atto��ney. 16. Ii any provisio� of this Deed of T��ust is determined to be invalid ar unenfo�ceable, the validity or enforceability of any other provision will not be affected. 17. The te��rra Lender• includes any rnortgag� sej�vicer for Lender. 18. G�anta�� r�presents that this Deed of Trust and �he Nate are given for the following purposes: The debt evidenced by the Note is in payinent of the purcl�ase price af the Property; the debt is secured both by the Deed of Trust and by a vendor's lien an the Property, whic� is exp�'essly retai��ed in a deed to Grantor of even date. T�is D�ed of Trust does nnt wai��e the ve�do�•'s lien, and the two liens and tlle rights created by tl�is Deed of Trust are cun�ulative. Lender may elect tn enforee either of the liens withaut waiving the othe�• or may enfa�•ce both. 19. If the P��ope��y is transf�rred by fareclos��re, the trans�eree r�vill acquire title �o ail insurance policies on the Propei�ty inciuding all paid but unearned pretniu�ns. 20. Lender may declare the debt secured by this Deed of Trust immediately payable and invoke any remedies p�•ovided in this Deed of Trusfi far d�fault if Grantoz• t�•ansfers any of the P�•operty to a person who is not a permitted ti•ansferee without Lender's px�ar wriften consent. "Pe�•rnitted transferee" naeans any other pe�•son cantroiling, cant�•olied by, or under common control with Grantor. Lender shall not exercise this aption if federal law as of the date of tk�is Deed af Tru�t prol�ibits such exercise. 21. THIS CONVEYANCE IS MADE AND ACCEPTED SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS AND RE�TRICTIONS: The Note is the Note required in Ciry Secreta�y Contract No. between. G�'antor and Lender dated , 20_ and has been executed and delive�•ed in accordance wit� that contract (the "Cant�'act"). The f�nds advanced by Lender are HOME funds and the Contract requires that the residential housing located on the P�•aperty and constructed with a portion af the HOME fi�nds must qualify and �•emain affo�•dable housing in acco�•dance with the HOME Program and the HOME Regulations for a specifi�d time period as more pa��ticularly described in the Cnntract (the "Afi'o�•dabiiity Pe�•iod"). Th.e loan evidenced by the Note and secured by this Deed of Trusi �vili be in default and the Principal Amaunt and any othe�• sums due thereunder may be declared im�nediately payable if all of the �•csidential housin� located on the Prope�•ry is not sold to eligible homebuyers as more pat•ticuia�•Iy ctescribed in the Cont�•act and the HOME Re�uiations. This Deed of Tz ust has also b�en executed and deliv�red pursuant to the terms af the DEED OF TRUST -- TCHP Page 7 C�C No. C-2�714 Rev. 5-17-13 Cantract. G��antor agrees to perfo��� each and every obligation set forth therein and wiil not pez•n�it a default to occu�• t�ereunder. Any d�fault in the performance of G�•antor's obligations under the te�•ms af the Contract or the HOME Prog�•am or HOME Regulations shall be deemed a default in the #e�•ms of the Note and Lender may declare the debt secured by this Deed af Trust immediately payabl� and invoke any �•emedies provided herein for default. 22. Pz•ovided that Grantor is not in default under any of the terms and conditions o� this Deed of Trust, the Note, o�� the Contract, and provideci no event has occurred that, with notice, passage of time, or both, wiil becoine an event of default, Grantor is entitled to pa�•tial releases of the lien of this De�d of T�•ust. 23. THE N�TE AND THE DEED OF TRUST CON�TITUTE THE FINAL AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES AND MAY NOT BE CONTRADICTED BY EVIDENCE OF PRIOR, CONTEMPORANEOUS OR SUBSEQUENT ORAL AGREEMENTS OF THE PARTIES. THERE ARE NO UNWRITTEN ORAL AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE PARTIES. TARTZANT COUNTY HOUS�NG PARTNERSHIP, INC. Donna VanNess, P�•esident STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT This inst�•ument was acknowiedged before me on , 20� by Donna VanNess, the P�•esid�nt of Tarrant Caunty Housing Pat�trzexship, Inc., a Texas non-prafit corpo�•ation, on behalf of said corpoz•ation. NOTARY PUSLIC, STATE OF TEXAS AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: City of Foi� Worth C!O Housing anci Economic Development Department iooa Tn��o��a��on st. Foxt Wai�h, Tarrant Coti�nty, TX 7b102 DE�D OF TRUST — TCHP Page 8 CSC No. C-24714 Rev. 5-17-13 EXHIBIT "A" 1330 E. Jeffe�•son �venue; Lot 1, Block 52, Highland Pa�•� Additia��, an Addition to the City of �'ort Worth, Ta�•rant Caunty, Texas, accoxdin� to the Plat recorded in Volume , Pa�e _, Plat Records, Tarrant County, T�xas. DEED OF TRUST — TCHP Page 9 CSCNo. G24714 Re�. 5-17-13 PROMISS�RY NOTE Date: 20 Borro�ver: Tar�•ant County Housing Partnership, Inc. a Texas non-profit co�•paratioi� I3orrower's Maiiing Adciress: 3204 Colli��swoi•th Street, Fort Wo�•tk�, Tar�•ant County, TX 76107 Lender: City of I'oxt Worth, Texas, a Texas municipal carporation Place for Paymenr: C/O Directoz• of Housing and Economic Deveiopment Departrz�ent 1000 T�rockmo�ton �t. Fort Worth, Tarrant County, TX 76102 oz• at any other place that Lender may designate in wx iting Pri�cxpal A�nount: ONE HUNDRED SEVENTEEN THQUSAND AND E�GHTY SIX/100 DOLLARS ($117,OSb.00) Loan Autharity: The loan evidenced by this Note is being made pu�`suant to the HOME Investment Partnerships P�'og�•am authoz•ized under Title II oi t�e Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act of 1990, as amended, 42 USC 12701 et seq. ("HOME Program") and the HOME Investment Partnerships Program Final Rule, as amended, 24 CFR Part 92 et seq. (ihe "HOME Regulaiinns"} with HOME funds. Annual Interes# Rate: Zero Percent (0%) M��r�rity Date: , 20_ Ann�al Interesf Rate on Matu�•ed, Unpaid Amnunts: Six Percent (6%) Terms of Pa�ment {principal and inferest): This Note is the Nate r�quired in City Secretary Contract No. between Bo�'row�r and Lender dated , 20 and has been executed and d�livered in accordance vvith that conizact {th� "Cantraci"). The funds advanced by Lender are HOME funds and the Conti•act �•equires that the i•esidential housing located oz� the Property and constructed with a por�ioz� of th� HOME funds rraust qualify and re�nain affordable housing in accordance with the H�ME Pi•ogram and ihe I�OME Regulations for a speciiied time period as more particulaz•ly desci•ibed in ihe Contract {the "Affordability Period"). "The loan evidenced by this Note will be in default and the Pi•incipai Amount and any other surns due hereunder may be declared irt�rnediately payable if all of the �esidential housing located on the Propei�ty is not sald to eligible homehuyers as more particula�'ly described in �he Cantract and the HOME Regulations. PROMiSSO[�Y NOTE -- TCHP Page I CSC No. rev. OS-17-13 The Principal Amount is due and payable on , 20_ and any interest is due and payable at maturity. Payments wil( be applied fi�•st to acciued int�rest and the remainder to reduction of th� Principal Axnount. Secur�ty fnr Payment: This Note is secu�•ed by a Deed of Trust of even date fi•om Bori•ower to Vicki S, Ganske or Leann Guzman, Trustee, both af which cover the follawing real property: SE� EXH3BIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND 1NCORPORA'I'ED HEREIN �"OR ALL PURI'OSES Other Sec�rity for Payrnent: 4ther real propei�ty acquiz•ed by Borrow�r pursuani to the terms of th� Contract to const�•uct a total of ane (1) residential hom� for saie to an eligible low-income l�omebuyer. Bo�•rower p�•omises to pay to the a;•der of Lender the �'rincipal Amount, This Note is payable at the Place for Payment and accarding ta t�e Terms of Payz�r�ent. All unpaid amounts are due by the Maturity Date. Afte�• matuz•ifiy, Ba�'rower promises to pay any unpaid principal baiance plus interest at the Annual Interest Rate on Matu�•ed, Unpaid Amounts. If Borrower defaults in the payment of this Note a�• az� the perfor�nance of its obligatioz�s unde�• the Cantract oc the HOME P�•ogram or the HOME Regulations or any other obligation in any instrun�eni securing or collateral to this Note, Lender inay declare the unpaid principal balance, eai•ned interest, and any other amounts awed on tk�e Nate immediately due. Bo�•�•ower and each sur�ty, endorser, and guaranto�' waive all demand foz• payment, presentation for payment, notice of intention to accele�•ate maturity, notiee of acceleration of maturity, protest, and notice of protest, to the extent pern�itted by Iaw. Borrowe� also pz•amises to pay reasonable attorney's f�es and coui-� and othez costs if this Note is placed in the hands of an attorney ta collect o�• enfa�•ce the Note. Thes� expenses will bea� interesti fram the date of advance at the Annual Inte�•est Rate an Matured, Unpaid Amounts. Bo�•rower will pay Lende�� these e,�penses and inte�•est on derr�and a# the Place for Payment. Thes� expenses and interest will becoxrae part o� the debt evidenced by the Note and will be secured by any secux ity f�r payment. Borrower may prepay this Note at any time before the Maturity Date withou�# penalty or premium so long as the ��eszdential housing iocated on the Prop�rty and any other z•eal praperty acquired by Bo�•rower pursuant to the te�•m� of the Contract and const�•uct�d with a portion of the HOME funds qualiiies and remains a��ordable housing in aecordance with the HOME Program and the HOME Regulations for the applicable Affardability Period specified in the Contract. Interest on the debt evidenced hy this Nofie wi11 not exceed the inaximum �•ate ar amount of nanusurious interest that z�ay be cont�•acted for, taken, reserved, charged, or received under law. Ar�y interest in excess of that maximu�n amount will be credited on the Principal �maunt or, if the Pz•in.cipal Amount has been paid, refunded. On any accele�•ation o�• �•equired or permitted prepayment, any excess interest will be ca�celed automatically as of the acceleration or pr�payment or, if tl�e excess interest has already been paid, credited on the Pi•incipal Amout�t or, PROMISSORY NOTE — TCHP Page 2 CSC No. rev. OS-17-13 if t�ie Principal Amotiint has been paid, refiinded. This provision ove�•�ides any conflicting pz•ovisions in this Note and all other ir�struinents conce��ning the debt. Each Borrower 15 F�S�lOX1Slb1� for all obligations represe�lted hy this Note. V+jh�n the cantext requires, singular nouns and p�•anouns include the pluzal. TARRANT COUNTY HOUSING PARTNERSKIP, INC. Donna VanNess, President PROMISSORY NOTE -- TCHP Page 3 CSC No. rev. OS-17-13 EXHIBIT "A" 1300 E. Je�fersan Avenue; Lot 1, Block 52, Highland Park Add�tion, an Additio�i to the City of Fo�•t Worth, Tarrant Couniy, Texas, according to the Plat recorded in Volume , Page _, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas. PROMISSORY NC)TE — TCHP Page 4 CSC No. re�. OS-17- I 3 EXHIBIT "J" ENVIRONMENTAL MITIGATION ACTION NOT APPLICAI3LG EYHIBIT "K" SCCTi�N 3 REPORTING REQUIltE�IENTS EXHIBIT "K" Section 3 Summary Report Economic O�partunities for Low — and Very l.ow-Income Persons Secdon ba�h of page fa PuWic ReporEing fiurden stalemenl U.S. Deparlment of Housing and Urban Developmenl ON'ice ot Fair Housing And Equal Opportuniiy OMB Approval No; 2529-Op43 {exp. 1113012414) HUO Field Off�co: 1. Roapiani Nama & Address: (stteeE, city, slate, zip) 2. Federa] Ident,ficauon: (grant no.► 3. iolsl Amounl of Award: 4. Conkact Per3at 5. Phone: (Induda fltea coda� 6. Lenglh of GraM: 7. Reporting PeAod: 8. Dala RQport Submitlsd: 9. P�og�am Code'. (Use 5eparate shao! 10. f'rogrpm Name; fa� eath p�ogram codo} Part !: Em !o ment and Trafnln `" Golumns B, C and F are mendato fi�lds. Include IVew Hires in �&F A B C � E F Number of Nur�ber of Hew Ya of Aggregale N�mber %of Tolai Slalf riaurs Nurnber W Seciion 3 Job Cate9ory New Hirea Hiraa �ha1 ara of StaFl Hours oE A'ew F�res for Saction 3 Employeas 7rainees Sec. 3 Rosidan4s lhet ere Sec. 3 Residenls and 7rairrees Protesslonals Technicians Oft€ceFCterical Conslr�ction by Trade (tist} Trade Trade Trade "frade Trade oEher List 7ota1 ' Program Codes 1 = FloxibP9 S�bs[dy 2 = SeUion 292l8t 1 3 = P�,bliGindian Housing A = Oeti�elopmenl, 8 = 6pereSion G = Modemfzalion Page ! of 2 4 = Homeless Assislance S=HOME 8 = HOME Stala Adminfsterad 7 = COBG Enlillement 8 = C�OG SIa1a Administared 4 = Olher C� Programs 10 = 6ther Housing Programs torm NUO &OUO2 (sn00i) fte! 24 CFFt 135 Part It: Canlracfs Awarded 1. canslruction contracls: A. Tntal dollsr smount of all wnlracls awarded on !he project 8. Total doller amount of conttacts awerded to Sectson 3 husinesses C. Petcentaga of lhe iotal dOlidt am04nt Ehat was awardad ta SeCRiOn 3 businesses D, 7otaE number of Section 3 pusiqasses recaiving wntracts 2. Non-Conslr�cllon Contracts: A. To1al dollar amount all non-cansltuclinn contracis awarded on ihe projecUaclihly B. Tota1 dalfar amount af nomconesruction co�iracts awarded io Seclion � businesses C. Percentage of 1he total doller amount lhat was awarded Eo Sacfion 3 businesses D. Tatai numUer of Section � businessss receiving nan-construction wnt[acEs Part Ill: Summary [ndicate lhe efiorts made to ddrect ihe empfoyrrtent and olher economic appprtunifles generated by HUb financ€al assistance far housing and comrnunity developrttent programs, lo the greatest exEen! feasible, loward low-and vary !ow-incoma persons, particu(arly Ehose wiio are recipients of government assislance for housing. {ChecEc a11 Ihat apply.) Attempted to recruil [ow-ineo�ne residents fhrough: local advertising media, sfgns prar►tinenEly displayed at lhe project siie, eontracls wiih lhe comrttunity organizalions anc! public or private agencies operaiing wilhin the mefropolitan area (o€ nanmetropolilan county) in which lhe Seclion 3 covered program or projecl is localed, or similar meihads. Participated in a HUD program or ather program whlch promates ihe Irainkng or empfoymenl of Seciion 3 residents. Pariicipaled in a HUD program nr oiher peogram vhtich promates the award of caniracis to husiness cancerns whlch meei Ehe definitian of Section 3 business concerns. Goordinaled wilh Youthbuild Programs administeted (n th� metrapolitan area In which lhe Seciion 3 covered project is located. f}ther, ctesc€i6e below. Publfc reparEing [or lhis colfection of infarmatian {s esiimated to average 2 hours per response, includ[ng lhe iime for revlewing instrucl�ons, searching exisling data saurces, gathering and maintaining ihe data needed, and corr�pleting and reviewing Ihe colfecEian af information. This agency �nay nol colEecE this intormaiion, and yau are nat requlred to compleEe lhis Form, unless il displays a currently valid OM8 number. Secl�on 3 of it�e Fiousing and Urban Qevelopmenf AcE o( 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u, manda#es lhat lhe Oepartmenl ensures that employment and other economic opporlunilies generated hy iis I�ousing and community deveiopmertt assistance programs are directed toward !ow- and very-fnw income �ersons, patlicularly lhase wha are Eeclpienis of government assislance housing. The regulalions ara found a124 CFR Par� 135. The informatian will be used by lhe I�epartrtsent to moniior program recipients' compliance with Section 3, Eo assess the results af ihe Deparimen!'s e(toris ta meet [he staluEory objeclives ofi 5ection 3, to prapare reports to Congress, and by reciplenls as self-monitoring toof, The data Is entered inio a daEabase and will be analyzed and dlstri6uted. The collection af lnformation invo[ves recipients receiving Federal fnancial assisiance tor hausing and communiEy developmenl programs covered 6y Seclion 3. The in[ormation will he collected annually to assist iiUf] in meeting its reporting requirements under SecEion 808(e)(6) af 1he Fair Fiousing Act and Seclion 91fi ot lhe FlCDA af 1992. An assurance of co�tfideniiality is noi appEicable tq Ehis [orm. The Privacy Act oF 1974 and E3MB Cfrcular A-1o8 are not applicable. The reporting requiremenis do not contain sensitive queslions. €7ata is cumulalive; personal ideniifying i€iformation is nqt included. Page z a 2 rartn riuo saoo2 [> >noiof Ref 2d C�ft 135 �orm HUD-60002, Sectlnn 3 Summary itapart, Economlc OpporlunlUes ior Low- and Very Low•Incomo Persons. Inafructlone: This tarm is to be used to report annual accompl[shments regarding employment and olher econo�rtic oppoAunities prov€ded fo iow- and very low-income persons under Sectian � of !he Housing and Urtran Oevelopment Acl of 1988. ifie SecRian 3 regulaGons apply lo any publlc and Indla» houaing prngrems ihat receive: (1} development assislance pursuant to Saclian 5 of lhe U.S. Housing Acl of 1937; {2) operaiing assisiance pursuant to Secfion 9 0! ihe U.S. kiousing Act oi 4937, ar (3} moderniza6on grants pursuanl in Section 1A of the ll.S. Fiousing Act ot 1937 and to reclple�la nf hauaing and cammunEty duveEopment asststance In excaaa of 5�00,000 expended Eor. (1) housing rahabiiitation (Induding reduclion and abatement oF fead-hased paint hazards); (2) housing consfruction; or (3) other puhlic canslrucHon pro;ecis; ar�d io confracfa and subcontracfa In excesa ol 5100,00a awardad In cannection wilks Ute Sectian-3�overed aclivily. Farm HUO-80002 has threa parts, which are to he campteted €or a11 programs covared by Section 3. Part I rel8lea 3a employment and lralrring. The recipient has 1he option to determine numerical employmenUcraining goals efiher on 1he hasia oF the numbar ol hours worked by new hires {cafumns B, a, E and F). Part it oi ihe farm relates Eo conEraating, and Part III sutnmarizas reciPienls' e!larts io comply wilh Sectlon 3. Recipienls or canlracmrs su6ject to Section 3 requiremenls must maintain appropriata documentation to establish ihat HU(J financial assistance (or housing arsd commun3ty devalopment progrems were directad taward low- and very low-income persons.` A recipient of Seclion 3 co�ered assistance shaA su6rnit ane copy o# lhis re}�ort to HUD Headquarters, Qfrice oi �air Nausing and Equai Opportunity. Whera !he program prnviding assistance raquitas en annual perfomtanca repart, ihis Seclion 3 report is to ba su6m'stted at the same l�me Iha program peAormance report is su6miited. 4Vhere an annual peAarmance report is not required, IhBs Sectfon 3 report is !o be submilied by January 10 ancf, if the prajact ends hefore Oecembar 31, wilhin 10 days of projecl completion. OnFy Prlme Reclpfer�fs are req+ilred to raport fo NUD. ihe report mustlncl�tda accompNshmenfs of all raclpler�ts and thelr SectJon 3 cavered contractors and sehconfracfo�s, kUt] Field Olfite: �nterlhe Field O[fsca name . 1. E2ecipienl: Enter Ihe nama and address of the recipienE submiiRing this reporf. 2. Federai tdentification: �nter iha number that appears on tha awerd form {with dashes). The award may ba a qrant, caoparative agreemani ar contracl. 3. �ollar Amount of Award: �nter Ehe dollxr amaunl, rounded to Ihe nearesl dollar, recaived hy the recipie�t. 4& 5. Coniact PersoNPhona: Enter 1he name and ietephone numher oF the pevson with &nowledga ot Ihe avrar8 and 1he recipient's implementation of Seclion 3. B. Reporting Periad: Indicaie the lime periad {rnanths and year) �his repostcovers. �, flaie Report 5ubmiitad: EnRer lhe appropriaEe date. progrem Code: �nler ihe appropriala program code as listed at tha hottom af the paga. Pragram lVame: Entar tlia name of HUD Program carrasponding avilh lhe `Program Code' in number 8. f'arf 1: Emptoyment and Training QpgortunEUsa Calumn A: Cantains various Jab caEegorias. Professionals are de[ined as peopla who hava special knowledge of an otcupalian (i.e. supervisars, archisecta, sunrayora, planners, and wmputer programmers). Far conslnFcUon pasitians, tist eatn Erade and prohde cfata in cofumna B Ihrough F for each trede whete persons ware employecE. 7he caiegory of'QtheP inc[ades accupations auch as service workers. Colam� B: (Mandatory Pleld) �nter the number of new hires for each category of workers ideniifted in Colu�nn A in eanrsectian wilh lhis award. New hira refers ta a person wha is not on the contractor's or redpienYs payro4l tor empEoymenE allhe tima of aelecUon for tha Secllon 9 wvered award ar at the time ot receipE o( Seci�on 9 covered assisiante. Column C: {tJlandatory Klaidj Enter !he number of Section 3 new hires for each caiegory of v�orkers ldentified €n Column A in connection wilh this award. Seclian 3 new hire retets to a Seclian 3 resident who is nol on iha contractor's or reeipianE's payroll !or emp[ayment at lha Ume oE selection far tha Seclbn 3 covered award or at iha time ot recaipl of Seclinn 3 covered assisfante. Ca[umn U: �nter ihe percenlage of a11 iha staf( haurs of naw hiras (Sectian 3 residenta) in wnneclion wilh Ihis award. Cofumn E: Enter ihe percen(age of ihe lotai staH hou[s worRed far Seclion 3 employees and irainees {including new hires) connacted with this award. InGude alaff haurs for paR-lime and tull-iima posilions. Column F: {Mandatary Flaldj Enter 1he number of Section 3 rasidersis ihat were trained in wnnect€on wilh this award. Part tl: Conlracl Opportuniftes E3tack 1: Conslruction Cantracts Item A: Entet the tatat do!!ar arttaunt of all contracis a�varded on ihe grojecVpragram. Item B: Enter Ihe total dollar amount oE conlracts connected with th€s projectlprogram litat ware awarded to 5ecEian 3 businesses. [tom C: Enter lha percentage of !ha totai dollar amoun! aF coniracls conr�ected with this project/program awarded tn Secllan 3 businessas. ltam R: Enter the number o( Section 3 businesses receiving awards. Black 2: Non-CanatrucFion Canlracix liam R: Enier the totat dollar amount of a!I conlracls awarded on lhe proJecVpragram. item 8: Enter the toEal doilar amount af coniracts cannecled with lisis project awarded to Section 3 bus€nesses. ]lem C: EnRer the perceniage of ihe toEal dallar amount af canlsacls connected wilh lhis projecUprogram awarded ia Seclion 3 businesses. Itortt U; �nter fhe numher of SecGon 3 businessea receiving awards. part lll: Summary of �Horts — Snlf exptanatory Suhmit orse {1} copy oE th'ss repa�t to fhe Hll� Headquarters Office of Fair Hous€ng and Equa1 Oppa�tunity, al the same lime tha performance report is suhmifted to the pragrarn offica. The Seclio� 3 report is submitted by January iil. InGude only contratts executed during tha period specified in ilem 8. PNAs11HAs are lo report ali conV acEslsubtanlracEs. • The terms'tow-Incame persans' and very low•i�come persons' have lhe sama meanings given !he terms in seclian 3(b) (2) of the Uniled Sia3es iiousing Act of 1537. Low-lncome persons mean famiiies (incfuding single persans) whase incomes do noE exceed 8D percent of tha medien incoma !o[ lhe area, as determined by tha Secre€ary, with adjustmanEs for srr�aller and farger fami€ies, except tha( 7he Sec€elary mey eslabNsh inwme ceilings higheror lower khan &0 percant ot Ihe median for tEte area nn the basis of Ihe Secrelery's Findirtgs such that veriations are necassary hecausa of prevailing levels of tqnslruclion wsis or unusual ly high• or taw-income families. Very lowdncoma pe�sons mean low-income families (induding sfngle persons) whose incomes do not axceed 50 parcent of iha median family inwme area, as datermined by iha Sectelary wilh adjustments or smaller and [arger Fami€ies, axcepE that the 5ecrelary may estabiish income ceilings higher or fower than 59 percent oF the median far the araa on iho basis of lhe Seaelary's findings that such variaGons ara necessary F�ccause of unusualiy high or iaw family incames. Page i fam HUP fi0002 (1112016J Ref24CFR 335 M&C - Councii Agenda City of Fort Worth, Texas iVlayor and Council Communication C�UNCiL ACTI�M;' Approved'on 312712�12 ' i DATE: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 LOG NAME: 17TCHP HILLSIDEIMORNINGSIDE_10 REFERENCE NO.. CW25631 ,SUBJECT: Autt�arize Expenditure in the Amount of $1,115,000.00 of HOME Investment Partnerships Program Grant F�nds to Tarrant County Housing Partnership, lnc., for the Development of Ten Single Family Houses in the Hillside-Morningside Neighborhood, Authorize Execution of Conditional Cornmitments and Contracts (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) REC EN� It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize substitution of funding years in arder to meet commitment, disbursement and expenditure deacllines for grant funds frorn the United States Department of Housing and Urban Develo�ment; 2. Authorize expenditure of $1,115,O�Q.O� in HOME lnvestment Partnerships Program Grant funds as allocated in the 2011-2012 Action Plan to Tarrant Ca�niy Housing Partnership, inc., a certified Comr�uniiy Housing De�elopment Organization, for the develapment of up to ten single famiiy houses in the Hillside-Morningside neighborhood; 3. Authorize execukion of conditionai commitments with Tarrar�t County Hausing Pa�#nership, lnc., that conditions funding, among other things, on satisfactory completion of HOM� InWestment Par�nerships Program requirements; 4. Authorize execution of contracts with the Tarrant County Housing Partnership, Inc., for the praject for a three year term beginni�g on the date of execution of the contract; I�itp:l/apps.cfwne#.arglecowtcillprintc��c.as�?id=16625Saprint=true&Doci'ype=PriE�t[51112012 3:�}5:33 PM] Ni3cC - Council Agenda 5. Authorize extension or renewal of the conditiona! cornmitment{s) or ti�e contract(s} i# Tarrant Coun#y Housing Partrtership, Inc., requests an extension and such extension is necessary for completion of the project; and 6. Authorize amendment of the canditiona! cc�mmifinent{s) or the contract(s) if necessary to achieve project goals pro�id�c� that the amendment is within the scope of the proj�ct and in eornpiiance wiih City policies and applicable iaws and regulations governing th�; use of federal grant funds. DISCUSSEON: On May 14, 2011, the Cify issued a R�quest for Pro�osals (R�P) for certified Community Housing Development Organiza�ions {CHDO} to award and expenc! up ta $1,261,931A0 of HOME Investmen� �'artnerships Program Grant funds. On November 18, 2011, the Tarrani County Housing Parknership, Inc., (TCHP) submitted a response requesting $617,884.00 of the available HOME funds to acquire 17 sites on which it proposed to construct s�ngle family houses. �"he request also included funds for CHDO operating expenses. Sfaff reviewed all RFP submissions and recommended the award ta TCHP of $'f,115,000.00 in HOME funds to the Community Development Council (CDC) at its meeiing held an May 25, 201'(. The CDC agreed with Staff s funding recammendatian for the Project. Up ia $100,000.00 0# the awarded funds will be used for operating expenses and $1,008,943.10 for construction of 10 �ouses and other de�elopment exper��es including th� developer fee, which is based on #he cost of construc�ion. TCHP plans ta develop up to 10 single farnily houses to I�e located in the Hillside-Morningside neighborhood. There are three #loor plan options avaifable varying in square footage from approximateiy 130a to 1600 square feet with thr�e bedrooms, two baths and a rear detached garage. The houses will be sold ta an indi�idual or family that earns 80 percen# or less of Area Median income as determined by the United States Department of Housing and Urban De��loprnent (HUD}. Buyers mus# meet al! HOME Program requirements, including applying for ar�d receiving at least $1,000.00 in down payment and/or closing cost assistance from the City's Hamebuyer Assistance Prograrn and occupying the hause as iheir primary r�sid�nce for five years. i. Construction must begin within six months of date of cantract ex�cution; ii. TCHP's performance under the contract and use of the HOME funds will be secured by a recorded Deed af Trust; iii. Nouses musk k�e sold to a HOME eligible buyer; and iv. TCHP will be allow�d a 10 percent developer's fee based on the cast to construct the houses. ThP �x�enditure of HOM funds is conditioned_u�on #i�P falfowinc�: i. Satisfaciory completian of the en�iron�-nenta! review per 24 CFR Part 58; and ii. Authorizatian to use grant funds from HUD. The Action Plan's funding years far federal funcls selected may �ary and be substituted based on the principle of First In, First �ut (F1F0) in order to expend oldest grant funds first. The HOME funds may be used #or any eligib[e costs related to the development. Staff recommends the exper�diture up ta $1,115,Q0�.00 in HOME funds for the f'roject to benefit !ow anci very law income citizens by �roviding affordable housing. A public comment period on the expenditure of these HOME funds was hefd from June 28, 201 � to July 27, 2011, Any cornments are maintained by the Nousing and Economic Development Department in accordance with federal regulations. htt}�:/lapps.cfivnet.org/ecouEtciUprinfmc.asp?id-f6625&pri��t=true&DocType=Print[5/I/20123:�45:33 PM] M&C - Council Agenda This �roj�:ct is loca�ed in COUNCIL DISiRIC7 8. FISCAL INFORMATtON 1 CERTI_Ejr�ILQ.L�I: The Financial Management Services Director certifies that funds are available in the current operating budget, as appropriated, of the Grants Fur�d. ►� . : • . _ . -� - � • • 1 / 1� 1�1 � r ' 1 1 1• li �, . • 4 11 1. _ 11 -- � � � 1 �• i� � . -� - '� 1 1 i 11 41 w• • 1 i 1 r 1 1 '� 14 111 11 ili •� i �� • 1 1 1s 1�1 IIi •� 1 '��1 ••i � • • 1 11 1� • 1 '�sl s•1 .�� -� . l►.�.!' ����iT� a � �. • �-•.Y R.��-� l.. .�. • �i: • •.� . ATTACHMENT� 1. 17TCHP.MAP.�df (Public) 2. Addiiional Available �unds.�df (C�w Internai) 3. Available Funds.PD� (CFW Internal) Fernando Costa (6122) Jay Chapa {5804) Cyr�thia Garcia (8187} Fabiola Suarez {6811) http:l/apps.cfwnet.org/ecounciUpri�itmc.asp?id=16625&print=frue&DocType=Printj511120l2 3:4533 PM]