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Ordinance 25841-11-2022
ORDINANCE NO.25841-11-2022 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE NO. 21653, AS AMENDED, SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND RESTRICTING THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, AND LAND FOR TRADE, INDUSTRY, RESIDENCE OR OTHER PURPOSES, THE HEIGHT, NUMBER OF STORIES AND SIZE OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES,THE SIZE OF YARDS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES, OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING, AND THE DENSITY OF POPULATION, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES DIVIDING THE MUNICIPALITY INTO DISTRICTS OF SUCH NUMBER, SHAPE AND AREA AS MAY BE DEEMED BEST SUITED TO CARRY OUT THESE REGULATIONS AND SHOWING SUCH DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF UPON "DISTRICT MAPS"; PROVIDING FOR INTERPRETATION, PURPOSE AND CONFLICT; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE;PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND NAMING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH: SECTION 1. ZC-22-160 SE corner of FM 3325 & Old Weatherford Road 249.98 ac. Zoninga Change: From: Unzoned To: "G" Intensive Commercial, "D" High Density Multi Family, "112" Townhouse/Cluster,and"A-5" One Family Residential Description: Zoning Change From: Unzoned To: "A-5" One Family Residential Description Tract 1: Being a 139.341 acre tract situated in the W.M.Cagle Survey,Abstract No.2373,and the G.E.&A.H. Tandy Survey,AbstactNo.2356,Parker County,Texas,and being a portion ofthatcertain called 129.769 acre tract described in instrument to Geo Beggs Aledo Ranch,LP,recorded under Clerk's File Number 202043651, ofthe Official Public Records,Parker County,Texas(O.P.R.P.C.T.)and all that certain called 127 acre tract described in said instrument to Geo Beggs Aledo Ranch,LP,said 139.341 acre tract b ein g more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Bearings,Distances,and/orAreas derived fromGNSS observations performedbyTexas Surveying, Inc. and reflectN.A.D.1983, Texas State Plane Coordinate System,North Central Zone 4202.(Grid) November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 1 of 22 COMMENCING at a found Texas Department ofTransportationmonument forthe southside corner of a cutbackon the east right-of-way ofF.M.3325 also known as FarmerRd.(120 foot wide), and being the same tract described as Parcel# 15 in instrument to the State of Texas,recorded in Volume 1707,Page 612,O.P.RP.C.T; THENCE North 45°32'00" East, 68.72 feet, with said cutback, to a found Texas Department of Transportation monument,for the northside comer ofs aid cutback,at the intersection of said F.M. 3325 and the south right-of-way line ofOld Weatherford Road(40 foot wide),also known as Mary's Creek Road and CountyRoad 1083,being on the north line ofsaid 129.769 acre tract; THENCE with the south right-of-way of said Old Weatherford Road, and generally with a fence,the following eleven(I I)courses anddistances: 1) South 89°49'24"East,1301.22 feet,to a found 3"steel fence post foran angle corner; 2) North 89°48'32" East,134.86 feet,to a found 3"steelfence post foran angle corner; 3) South 83°02'18"East,171.57 feet,to a found 3"steel fence post foran angle corner; 4) South 82°06'51"East,353.36 feet,to a found 3"steel fence post foran angle corner; 5) South 73°29'43"East,61.04 feet,to a found 3"steel fence post for an angle corner; 6) South 47°59'24"East,63.81 feet,to a found 3"steelfence post foran angle corner; 7) South 53°05'19"East,38.74 feet,to a found 3"steelfence post foran angle corner; 8) South 68°37'40"East 9.20 feet,to a found 3"steelfence postforan angle corner; 9) South 86°16'42"East,130.12 feet,to a found 3"steelfence post foran angle corner; 10) North 84°24'17"East,213.73 feet,to a found 3"steelfence post foran angle corner; 11) North 71°40'19" East,150.79 feet,to a point forthe POINT OF BEGINNING and bein g th e northeast comer ofthe herein described 139.341 acre tract; THENCE continuing with the south right-of-way of said Old Weatherford Road,and generally with a fence,the following eight(8)courses anddistances: 1) North 71°40'19" East,10.10 feet.to a found 3"steelfence post foran angle corner; 2) North 71°38' 51"East,472.31 feet,to a found 4"steelfence post foran angle corner; 3) North 79°13'33" East,215.27 feet,to a found 3"steel fence post foran angle corner; 4) North 83°47'15" East,98.14 feet,to a found 3"steelfence post foran angle corner; 5) South 79°33'12"East,319.68 feet,to afound 3"steelfence post foran angle corner; 6) South 70°09'15"East,375.52 feet,to a found 1/2"iron rod,being the s outhwest c orn er o f a 31.4 acre tract described in instrument to the Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth,recorded in Volume 2459,Page 1357 O.P.RP.C.T.,for an angle corner of the herein described 139.341 acre tract; 7) North 88°58'11" East,899.91 feet,to a found 5/8"iron rod,being the southeast comer ofsaid 31.4 acre tract, for the southwest corner of a tract described in instrument to Aledo Independent School District,recorded in Volume 2583, Page 1480 O.P.RP.C.T., foran angle corner ofthe herein described 139.341 acre tract; 8) North 89°18'49" East,274.84 feet,toa found 3/4"iron rod,on the s outh line o f s aid A le d o Independent School District tract,being the northeast comer ofa tract described in instrument to Walsh Ranches Limited Partnership,recorded in Volume 1699,Page 1765 O.P.RP.C.T., being the northeast corner of said 127 acre tract and the northeast comer of the herein des crib ed139.341 acre tract; THENCE South 00°33'28"East,2016.00 feet,with a west line of said Walsh Ranchtract,the east lin e o f said 127 acre tract,to a found 1/2"iron rod,foran interior comerofsaid WalshRanch Tract, b eing the southeast corner of said 127 acre tract and the southeast comer ofthe herein described 139.341 acre tract; THENCE South 89'18'19"West 2775.54 feet,with a north line ofs aid Walsh Ranch tract andth e south line of said 127 acre tract and said 129.769 acre tract,to point for the southwest corner of the herein des cnbed139.341 acre tract; November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 2 of 22 THENCE severing and over and across said 129.769 acre tract, the following three (3)courses and distances: 1) North 27°13'19" West,738.60 feet,to a point for corner; 2) North 09°28'07" East,804.66 feet,to a point for comer; 3) North 32°03'14" East, 663.44 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 139.341 acres of land Zoning Change: From: Unzoned To: "D" High Density Multi Family, Description Tract 2: Being a 33.139 acre tract s ituated in the W.M.Cagle Survey,AbstractNo.2373,Parker Co un ty, Texas, and being out of and a portion of that certain called 129.769 acre tract described in instrument to Geo Beggs Aledo Ranch,LP,recorded under Clerk's File Number202043651, ofthe Official Public Records, Parker County,Texas(O.P.RP.C.T.),said 33.139 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Bearings,Distances,and/or Areas derivedfromGNSS observations performedby Texas Surveying,Inc. and reflect N.A.D.1983, Texas State Plane Coordinate System,North Central Zone 4202.(Grid) COMMENCING at a found Texas Department ofTransportation monument for the southside corner of a cutbackon the east rightof-wayofF.M.3325 also known asFarmerRd.(120 foot wide), and being the same tract des crib edas Parcel#15 in instrument to the State ofTexas,recorded in Volume 1707, Page 612 O.P.RP.C.T.; THENCE North 45°32'W' East, 68.72 feet, with said cutback, to a found Texas Department of Transportation monument,for the northside comer ofs aid cutback,at the intersection of s aid F.M. 3325 and the south right-of-way line ofOld Weatherford Road(40 foot wide),also known as Mary's Creek Road and County Road 1083,being on the north line ofs aid 129.769 acre tract; THENCE South 89°49'24"East,1133.60 feet with the south right-of-way ofs aid Old Weatherford Road, and generally with a fence,to a point forthe POINT OF BEGINNING, and being the northwest corner of the herein described 33.139 acre tract; THENCE with the south right-of-way of said Old Weatherford Road and generally with a fence the following three(3)courses and distances: 1) South 89°49'24"East,167.62 feet,to a found 3"steel fence post for an angle corner; 2) North 89°48'32" East,134.86 feet,to a found 3"steel fence post for an angle corner; 3) South 83'02'18"East,161.00 feet,to a point forthe northeastcomer ofthe herein described 33.139 acre tract; THENCE severing and over and across said 129.769 acre tract,the following three (3)courses and distances: 1) South 13°10'11"West,503.44 feet,to a point forcorner; 2) South20°42'1T'West 405.01 feet,to a point for corner, 3) South 00°00'00"East,1233.73 feet,to a point in anorth line of tract describedin instrument to Walsh Ranches Limited Partnership,recorded in volumel699,Pagel765, O.P.R.P.C.T., the south Tine of said 129.769 acre tract,for the southeast corner of the herein described 33.139 acre tract; November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 3 of 22 THENCE South 89'18' 19"West,668.00 feet,with the north line of said Walsh Ranch tract andthe south line ofsaid 129.769 acre tract,to a point forthe s outhwestcomerofthe herein described 33.139 acre tract; THENCE over and across said 129.769 acre tract,the following three(3)courses and distances: 1) North14°05'00" West 1127.70 feet,toa point for comer; 2) North63°27'25" East,527.70 feet,to a point for corner; 3) North 18°22'00" East, 843.83 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 33.139 acres of land Zoning Change: From: Unzoned To: "G" Intensive Commercial, Description Tract 3: Being a 36.763 acre tract situatedin the W.M.Cagle Survey,Abstract No.2373,Parker County,Texas,and being out ofand aportion ofthat certain called 129.769 acre tract des crrbedin instrument to Geo Beggs Aledo Ranch,LP,recorded underClerk's File Number 20204365 1, of the Official Public Records,Parker County, Texas (O.P.R.P.C.T.), said 36.763 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Bearings,Distances,and/or Areas derived from GNSS observations performedby Texas Surveying, Inc. and reflect N.A.D.1983,Texas State Plane Coordinate System,North Central Zone 4202.(Grid) BEGINNING at a found Texas Department of Transportation monument for the souths ide corner of a cutback on the east right-of-way ofF.M.3325 alsoknown as FarmerRd.(120 footwide), and being the same tract des crrbedas Parcel#15 in instrumentto the State of Texas,recorded in Volume 1707, Page 612 O.P.R.P.C.T.,being the most westerly northwest comer ofthe herein described 36.763 acre tract; THENCE North 45°32'00" East, 68.72 feet, with said cutback, to a found Texas Department of Trans portation monument forthe northside comer ofs aid cutback,at the intersection of said F.M. 3325 and the south right-of-way line ofOld Weatherford Road(40 foot wide),also known as Mary's CreekRoad and County Road 1083,being on the north line ofs aid 129.769 acre tract,and being the most northerly northwest comer ofthe herein described 36.763 acre tract; THENCE South 89°49'24"East,1133.60 feet with the s outhright-of-way of said Old Weatherford Ro ad, and generally with a fence,to a point for the northeast comer ofthe herein described 36.763 acre tract; THENCE severing and over and across said 129.769 acre tract,the following three (3)courses and distances: 1) South 18°22'00"West,843.83 feet,to a point for comer, 2) South 63°27'25"West,527.70 feet,to a point for corner; 3) South 14°05'00"East,1127.70 feet,to a point in a north line of tract des cribedin instrument to Walsh Ranches Limited Partnership,recorded in volume1699,Page1765, O.P.R.P.C.T., the south line of said 129.769 acre tract,for the southeast corner of the herein described 36.763 acre tract; THENCE South 89'18'l9"West,680.62 feet,with the north line ofs aid Walsh Ranch tract and the s out line ofs aid 129.769 acre tract,to a found Texas Department of Transportation monument,on the east right- of-way ofs aid F.M.3325, for the southeast comer of said Parcel#15,being the southwest corner of the herein described 36.763 acre tract; THENCE North 01°03'12" West, 2094.43 feet, with the east right-of-way of said F.M. 3325 to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 36.763 acres of land. November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 4 of 22 Zoning Chanme: From: Unzoned To: "R2" Townhouse/Cluster, Description Tract 4: Being a 40.678 acre tract situated in the W.M.Cagle Survey,Abstract No.2373,Parker County,Texas,and being out ofand a portion ofthat certain called 129.769 acre tract described in instrument to Ge o Beggs A ledo Ranch,LP,recorded under Clerk's File Number 20204365 1, of the Official Public Records,Parker County, Texas (O.P.RP.C.T.), said 36.763 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Bearings,Distances,and/orAreas derived fromGNSS observations performedby Texas Surveying, Inc. and reflectN.A.D.1983,Texas State Plane Coordinate System,North CentralZone 4202.(Grid) COMMENCING at a found Texas Department ofTransportationmonument for the southside corner of a cutbackon the eastright of-way ofF.M.3325 also known as Farmer Rd.(120 foot wide), and being the same tract descnbedas Parcel# 15 in instrumentto the State ofTexas,recorded in Volume 1707, Page 612 O.P.RP.C.T; THENCE North 45°32'00" East, 68.72 feet, with said cutback, to a found Texas Department of Transportation monument,for the northside comer ofs aid cutback,at the intersection of said F.M. 3325 and the south right-of-way line ofOld Weatherford Road(40foot wide),also known as Mary's CreekRoad and CountyRoad 1083,being on the north line ofs aid 129.769 acre tract; THENCE with the south right-of-way of said Old Weatherford Road, and generally with a fence,the following three(3)courses anddistances: 1) South 89°49'24"East,1301.22 feet,to a found 3"steel fence post for an angle corner; 2) North 89°48'32" East,134.86 feet,to a found 3"steelfence post for an angle corner; 3) South 83'02'18"East,161.00 feet,to apoint forthe POINT OF BEGINNING, and being th e northwest corner ofthe herein described 40.678 tract; THENCE continuing with the south right-of-way of said Old Weatherford Road,and generally with a fence,the following nine(9)courses and distances: 1) South 83°02'18"East,10.57 feet,to a found 3"steelfence post foran angle corner; 2) South 82°06' 51"East,353.36 feet,to a found 3"steelfence post foran angle corner; 3) South 73°29' 43"East,61.04 feet,to a found 3"steelfence post foran angle corner; 4) South 47'59' 24"East,63.81 feet,to a found 3"steel fence post foran angle corner; 5) South 53'05' 19"East,38.74 feet,to a found 3"steel fence post for an angle corner; 6) South 68'37' 40"East 9.20 feet,to a found 3"steelfencepostforan angle corner, 7) South 86'16' 42"East,130.12 feet,to a found 3"steelfence post foran angle corner; 8) North 84'24' 1T'East,213.73 feet,to a found 3"steelfence post for an angle comer; 9) North 71'40' 19"East,150.79 feet,to a point for the northeast comer ofthe herein described 40.678 acre tract; THENCE severing and over and across said 129.769 acre tract, the following three (3)courses and distances: 1) South 32°03'14"West,663.44 feet,to a point forcomer; 2) South 09°28'07'West,804.66 feet,to a point forcomer; 3) South 27013'19"East,738.60 feet,to a point in a north line ofatract described in instrument to Walsh Ranches Limited Partnership,recordedin volume 1699,Page 1765, O.P.R.P.C.T., the south line of said 129.769 acre tract,for the southeast corner of the herein described 40.678 acre tract; November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 5 of 22 THENCE South 890 18' 19" West, 1103.06 feet, with the north line ofsaid Walsh Ranch tract and the southline of said 129.769 acretract,to apoint forthe southwest comer ofthe herein descnbed40.678 acre tract; THENCE over and across said 129.769 acre tract,the following three(3)courses and distances: 1) North 00000'00" West 1233.73 feet,to a point forcorner; 2) North 20°42'1T' East,405.01 feet,to a point for corner; 3) North 13'10'11" East, 503.44 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 40.678 acres of land ZC-22-159 15000 block Old Weatherford 34.548 ac. Zoning Change: From: Unzoned To: "R2"Townhouse/Cluster Description: BEING a 34.548 acre tract situated in the J.D. KYLE SURVEY, ABSTRACT No. 792, and the C. JACKSON SURVEY,ABSTRACT No. 754,Parker County,Texas,and being that certain called 34.744 acre tract descnbedin instrument to Weatherford College ofthe Parker County Jun io r College District, recorded in Volume 2583, Page 1474, of the Real Property Records of Parker County, Texas, (R.P.R.P.C.T.), said 34.548 acre tract being more particularly descnbed as follows: Bearings,Distances,and/or Areas derived from GNSS observations performedby Texas Surveying,Inc. and reflect N.A.D. 1983, Texas State Plane Coordinate System,North Central Zone 4202.(Grid) (Grid acreage is 34.540,surface acreage calculated using scale factorof 1.00012). BEGINNING at a 8"cedar fence cornerpostfoundin the apparent west line ofthe M.MOULTON SURVEY, ABSTRACTNo.934, Parker County,Texas,forthe apparentnortheast comer ofs aid J.D.Kyle Survey and the apparentsoutheast comerof said C.Jackson Survey,said post being in a west line of that certain called 7,125.3 acre tract described in instnunentto Walsh Ranches Limited Partnership,recorded in Volume 1699, Page 1765, R.P.R.C.T., for the southeast corner of that certain called 257 acre tract described in instrument to Moncrief Properties LLC,recorded under Clerk's File Number 201932829, R.P.R.P.C.T., and being the northeast comer ofsaid 34.744 acre tract and the herein described tract; THENCE S 01°02'28" E,with the apparent east line ofsaid J.D.Kyle Survey,the apparent west line of said M.Moulton Survey,the east line ofsaid 34.744 acre tract,a west line of said 7,125.3 acre tract,passing the north edge of pavement of Old Weatherford Road,(a paved surface),at 1,256 feet more or less,in all a totaldistanceof 1,284.80 feet,to a 1"iron pipe foundat the baseofa tree,forthe northeast corner o f th at certain called 1.083 acre tract described in instrument to WalshRanches limited Partnership,recorded under Clerk's File Number 201321981,R.P.R.P.C.T.,being the southeast corner of the herein described tract; THENCE with the north line ofsaid 1.083 acre tract,the three(3)following courses and distances: 1) S 80°59'56" W,69.80 feet,to a 1/2"capped iron rod foundforcomer, 2) S 72-33-55" W,71.38 feet,to a railroad spike found forcomer, 3) S 65°31'12" W,111.84 feet,to arailroad spike found forthe northwest comer ofs aid 1.083 acre tract; THENCE S 00°0725" E, 150.08 feet,with the west line ofsaid 1.083 acre tract,to a 1"iron pipe found in a north line ofsaid 7,125.3 acre tract,for the southwest cornerof said 1.083 acre tract,being the southerly southeast comerofsaid 34.744 acre tract and the herein descnbedtract; November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 6 of 22 TBENCE S 89040'22" W,711.56 feet,with the south line of said 34.744 acre tract,a north line of said 7,125.3 acre tract,toa3/8"iron rod found in the north fine ofLot39-POS,Block4,Walsh Ranch - Quail Valley,plat of said subdivision recorded in Cabinet E,Slide 513,of the Plat Records of Parker County, Texas,for the southeast comer ofthatcertaincalled 2.00 acre tract described in instrumentto Ale do ISD, recorded in Volume 2682,Page 958, R.P.R.P.C.T.,being the southerly southwest comer of said 34.744 acre tract and the herein describedtract; THENCE N 00°1T54" W,with the southerly west line ofsaid 34.744 acre tract,the eastline of said 2.00 acre tract,at 56.78 feet pass a 3/8"iron rod found in the observed north line of said Old Weatherford Road, in all a total distance of416.60 feet,to a 3/8"iron rod found for the northeast corner of said 2.00 acre tract, being an interior corner of said 34.744 acre tract and the herein described tract; THENCE S 89°41'26" West, 209.00 feet, with the north line of said 2.00 acre tract,to a 5/8" iron rod found for the northwest comer ofs aid 2.00 acre tract,being the northeast comer ofthat certain call e d 2.00 acre tract described in instrument to Regina Grammer,recorded in Volume 2438, Page 899,R.P.R.P.C.T., being the southeast comer of that certain called 136.237 acre tract described in instrument to Regina Grammer, recorded in Volume 2583, Page 1480,RJP.R.P.C.T., and being the westerly southwest comer of said 34.744 acre tract and the herein describedtract; THENCE N 10°4616" E, 1,186.97 feet,with the west line of said 34.744 acre tract,the east line of said 136.237 acre tract,to a point in the centerline ofLittle Mary's Creek,being the south line of said 257 acre tract,forthe north east comer of said 136.237 acre tract,being the northwest comer of said 34.744 acre tract and the herein describedtract; TBENCE with the centerline ofLittle Mary's Creek,the north line of said 34.744 acre tract,the south line of said 257 acre tract,the five(5)following courses and distances: 1) S 83°32'06" E,28.65 feet,to a point for comer; 2) S 87°56'34" E, 73.26 feet,to a point for corner; 3) S 82°41'19" E, 62.29 feet,to a point for comer, 4) S 71°32'03" E, 76.16 feet,to a point for comer; 5) S 50°0427 E, 55.76 feet,to a point for comer, THENCE N 89°08'31" E, 637.64 feet,with the north line of said 34.744 acre tract,the south line of said 257 acre tract,to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 34.548 acres,more or less ZC-22-145 13455 Ferris Street 13.44 ac. Zoning Chance: From: "PD 247"Planned Development-Specific Use to allow Contractor's Storage Yard To: "I"Light Industrial Description: ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND BEING SITUATED IN THE G.W. COUCH SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 279, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING ALL OF LOTS 1 THRU 9, BLOCK 1, LOTS 1 THRU 16, BLOCK 2, AND LOTS 1 THRU 24,BLOCK 5, TOWN OF TARRANT ADDITION, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 106, PAGE 114, PLAT RECORDS, TARRANT COUNTY,TEXAS,AND A PORTION OF THOSE STREETS AND ALLEYS AS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT OF TOWN OF TARRANT ADDITION,AND A PORTION OF LOT 1,BLOCK 17, TOWN OF TARRANT ADDITION,AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FORT WORTH, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 388-58, PAGE 147, PLATRECORDS, TARRANTCOUNTY, TEXAS,BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 7 of 22 BEGINNING AT A 1/2" REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED"RPLS MLA 4873" SET AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 9, BLOCK 5, SAID TOWN OF TARRANT ADDITION,SAID POINT BEING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF TARRANT MAIN STREET AND NORTH RIGHT OF WAYLINE OF FERRIS STREET; THENCE ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE AND THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 5, NORTH 00 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 25 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 400.00 FEET TO A 1/2" REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED "RPLS MLA 4873" SET AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 24, SAID BLOCK 5; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT OY WAY LINE, NORTH 00 DEGREES 23 MINUTES 08 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 45.39 FEET TO A 1/2"REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED"RPLS MLA 4873" SET AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1,BLOCK 17; THENCE CONTINUING ALONG SAID EAST RIGHT OY WAY LINE AND THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1,BLOCK 17,NORTH 00 DEGREES 52 MINUTES 26 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 167.36 FEET TO A 1/2" REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED"RPLS MLA 4873" SET AT THE INTERSECTIONOF THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF TARRANT MAIN STREET AND SOUTH RIGHT OF WAYLINEOF TRINITY BOULEVARD; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAYLINE, NORTH 63 DEGREES 55 MINUTES 54 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 159.76 FEET TO A 1/2" REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED"RPLS MLA 4873"SET ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 17; THENCE ALONG SAIDNORTH LINE, NORTH 88 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 02 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 719.43 FEET TO A 1/2" REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED"RPLS MLA 4873"SET ATTHENORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1,BLOCK 17; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 17, SOUTH 00 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 51 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE OF 233.81 FEET TO A 1/2" REBAR FOUND AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1, BLOCK 17, SAID POINT BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 1,BLOCK 1, SAID TOWN OF TARRANT ADDITION; THENCE ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 1, SOUTH 00 DECREES 26 MINUTES 33 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 459.40 FEET TO A 1/2" REBAR WITH ALUMINUM CAP STAMPED"RPLS MLA 4873" SET AT THE SOUTHEA ST CORNER OF LOT 9,SAID BLOCK 1; THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 9,BLOCK 1, THE SOUTH LINES OF BLOCKS 2 AND 5, SAID TOWN OF TARRANT ADDITION, AND THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF SAID FERRIS STREET, SOUTH 89 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 855.10 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 585,619 SQUARE FEET OR 13.444 ACRES OF LAND,MORE OR LESS. ZC-22-085 Generally bounded by NE 23rd, Packers, Stockyards Blvd, and SLSW Railroad 27.5 ac. Zoning Change: From: "SY-TSA-55" Stockyards Transition Swift/Armour-55 (south), "SY-TSA- 105" Stockyards Transition Swift/Armour-105 (south), and "SY-TSA-130" Stockyards Transition Swift/Armour-130. To: Boundary change between SY-TSA-55, SY-TSA-105, and SY TSA-130 to accommodate the street relocation ofNiles City Boulevard. November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 8 of22 Description: SY-TSA-55 BEING a 4.4065 acres(191,947 square foot)tract of lands ituatedin the Isaac Thomas Survey,Abstract No. 1526&the Edmund Little Survey,Abstract No.954,City ofFort Worth,Tarrant County,Texas; said tract being part of Tract Ides cribed in Special Warranty Deed to Fort Worth Heritage Development, LLC recorded in Instrument No.D215200243; said tract also being part Niles City Boulevard(a 52-foot wide street&utility easement)recorded in Volume 6997, Page 1980 ofthe Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas;said tract being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2-inch iron rod found at the intersection of the north right-of-way line ofNE23rd Street(a variable width right-of-way)and the east right-o f-way lin e of Packers Avenue(a variable width right-of-way); THENCE North 0°14'49" West,along the east line of Packers Avenue,a distance of338.36 feet to a 5/8- inch iron rod with cap stamped"KHA"set for corner; THENCE North 89°39'44" East,departing the said east line of Packers Avenue,a distance of 125.38 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE North 0'09'08" East,a distance of304.73 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE North 89°55'34" East,passing a 5/8-inch iron rod with cap stamped"KHA"set at a distance of 78.00 feet and continuing for atotal distance of85.19 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with cap stamped"KHA" set for comer;said point beingthe beginning of non-tangent curve to the left; THENCE in a southeasterly direction,with said non-tangent curve to the left,having a radius of 230.00 feet,a central angle of42°51'29",and a chord bearing and distance of South 37'02'11" Ea t, 16 8.0 6 feet and an arc distance of 172.04 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with cap stamped"KHA"set forcomer;said point being the beginning of a reverse curve to the right; THENCE in a southerly direction,with said reverse curve to the right,having a radius of 170.00 feet,a centralangleof58°13'06",andachord bearing and distance ofSouth29°21'22"East,165.40 feet and an arc distanceof 172.74 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with cap stamped"KHA"set forcomer; THENCE South 00°14'49"East,a distance of359.14 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with cap stamped"KHA" set for comer; THENCE South 44°45'28"West,a distance of7.07 feet toa5/8-inch iron rod with cap stamped"KHA" set forcomer in the north line of NE 23RD Street(a variable width right-of-way); THENCE South89°45'44"West,along the said north line of NE23RD Street,a distance of190.98feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with"KHA"cap set for comer; THENCE South 89°55'43" West,continuing along the said north line ofNE23RD Street,a distance of 52.00 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found for corner; THENCE South 89°45'44" West,continuing along the said north line ofNE23RD Street,a distance of 145.82 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 191,947 square feet or 4.4065 acres of land, more or less. SY TSA-105(South Subdistrict) BEING a 5.5920 acre(243,590 square foot)tract of land situated in the Edmund Little Survey,Abstract No.954, City of Fort Worth,Tarrant County,Texas;saidtract being partofLot 1,Block 1,Bunge Edible Oil Addition,an addition to the City of Fort Worth according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-218, Page 9 of the Plat Records of Tarrant County,Texas;said tract also being part of Dog Kennel tract described in November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 9 of 22 deed to Fort Worth Heritage Development,LLC recorded in Instrument No.D215200240 of the Official Public Records of Tarrant County,Texas;s aid tract als o being part of Tracts 1,2&3 described indeed to Fort Worth Heritage Development,LLC recorded in Instrument No.D215200243 of said Official Public Records;said tractbeingmore particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point in the north right-of-way line of NE23"Street(a variable width right-of-way); said point being the southeast corner of said Tract 3; THENCE South 89'45'44"West,alongthe said north line ofNE 23,d Street,a distance of 407.28 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with"KHA"cap set forcomer; THENCE North45°14'32" West,departingthe said north line ofNE 23,d Street,a distance of 7.07 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with"KHA"caps et for corner; THENCE North 000 14'49" West,a distance of359.15 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with"KHA"cap set fo r comer;said point being the beginning ofa tangent curve to the left with a radius of230.00 feet,a central angle of36°5542", and a chord bearing and distance ofNorth 18°42'40"West,145.69 feet; THENCE in a northerly direction,with said tangent curve to the left,an arc distance of 148.24 feetto a point for comer; THENCE North 90°00'00" East,a distance of 293.85 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 00°0707" East,a distance of 14.60 feet to a point forcomer; TRICE North 90°00'00"East,a distance of252.66 feet to a point forcomer in the east line ofsaid Tract 3; THENCE South 00°10'25"East,along the east line ofsaid Tract 3,a distanceof223.90 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 16°3424" West,continuing along the said east fine ofTract3,a distanceof303.74 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 243,590 square feet or 5.5920 acres of land, more or less. SY TSA-130 BEING a 17.3884 acre(757,441 square foot)tract of land situatedin the Edmund Little Survey,Abstract No.954&the Isaac Thomas Survey,Abstract No.1526,City of Fort Worth,Tarrant County,Texas; said tract being part of Lot 1,Block 1,Bunge Edible Oil Addition, an addition to the City of Fort Worth accordmgto the plat recorded in Volume 388-218, Page 9 of the Plat Records ofTarrant County, Texas; said tract also being partofTracts 1,2&3 descnbedin deed to Fort Worth Heritage Development,LLC recorded in Instrument No.D215200243 ofthe Official Public Records ofTarrant County,Texas;said tract also being part ofthattractof land described in deedto Niles City Resort Limited recorded in Instrument No.D214212814 ofsaid Official Public Records;said tract being more particularly describedas follows: BEGINNING at a point in the north right-of-way line of E Exchange Avenue; said point being the southwest corner of s aid Niles City Res ort Limited tract; THENCE North 00'1411"West,departingthe said north line ofE Exchange Avenue,a distance of444.55 feet to apoint forcomer; THENCE South 89°52'20"West,a distance of24.28 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North00°12'15"West,a distance of21 A8 feet to a point for comer; November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 10 of22 THENCE North 90°00'00"East,a distance of779.70 feet to apoint for comer in the east line ofsaidNiles City Resort Limited tract; THENCE South 30°3223"East,along the said east line ofthe Niles City Resort Limited tract,a distance of 157.33 feet to a point forcomer; THENCE South 00°10'58"East,continuing alongthe said east line ofthe Niles City Resort Limited tract a distance of 377.58 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with "KHA" cap found for comer, said point being the northeast comer of said Tract 3; THENCE South 00°10'25"East,along the east line of said Tract 3,a distance of485.26 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 90°00'00"West,a distance of252.66 feet to a point forcomer; THENCE South 00°07'07"West,a distance of 14.60 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North 90°00'00" West,a distance of 293.85 feet to a point for comer; said point being the beginning ofa non-tangent curve to theleftwith aradius of230.00 feet,acentralangleof2l°1724",and a chord bearing and distance ofNorth47°49'13"West,84.97feet; THENCE in anortherly direction,with said non-tangent curve to the left,an arc distance of85.46 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with"KRA"cap set for corner at the beginning of a reverse curve to the right with a radius of 170.00 feet,a central angle of 58°24'28",and a chord bearing and distance of North 29°15'41" West,165.89feet; THENCE in a northerly direction,with said reverse curve to the right,an arc distance of 173.30 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with"KRA"cap set forcomer at the beginning ofa reverse curve to the left with a radius of 740.00 feet, a central angle of 23°32'00",and a chord bearing and distance of North 11'49'26" West, 301.81 feet; THENCE in a northerly direction,with said reverse curve to the left,an arc distance of 303.94 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with"MA"cap set forcomer; THENCE South 89°53'54" West, a distance of 4.05 feet to a point for comer; said point being the southeast terminus comerofsaid EExchange Ave; THENCE North23°54'40" West,alongtheeast terminus of said EExchange Ave,a distance of9.73 feet to a point forcomer; THENCE North 24°1716" West, continuing along the said east terminus of E Exchange Avenue, a distance of45.08 feet to a mag-nail found forcomer; THENCE South89'48'15"West,along the said north line ofE Exchange Avenue,a distance of 57.16 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 757,441 square feet or 17.3884 acres of land, more or less. ZC-22-114 2212 E.4th Street 21.2 ac. Zoning Change: From: "PD 310R" Planned Development/Specific Use for multi-family and commercial subject to 37 acres of multi-family residential at a density of 30 to 36 units per acre, 7 acres of multi-family residential at a density of30 to 50 units per acre, 12.5 acres ofretail restaurant and commercial. November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 11 of 22 To: Amend "PD 310" to remove the multifamily density per acre restriction to allow 44 acres with a maximum unit count of 1,682 and 12.5 acres of retail, restaurant and commercial. Description: Trinity Bend Addition Block2 Lot IA IA,1A2,2A1 ZC-22-130 601 E.Loop 820 6.47 ac. Zoning Change: From: "E"Neighborhood Commercial To: "PD/E" Planned Development for uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial plus warehouse (warehouse use not to exceed 80%of square footage with a minimum of 20% office/showroom/retail) and excluding the following uses: indoor amusement, event center or rental hall, convenience store and liquor/package store; welding shop; assembly of pre-manufactured parts, except for vehicles,trailers,airplanes,or mobile homes; site plan approved, attached as Exhibit A and on file in the Development Services Department. Description: Tract 1: BEING a2.3334 acre(101,643 square foot)tract of land situated in the Robert Ray Survey,Abstract No. 1290, City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, and being part of a called 6.443 acre tract of land described in Executor's Deed to 820 & Sandy Brook, LLC recorded in Instrument No. D220217003, Official Public Records,Tarrant County,Texas,and beingmore particularly describedas follows: BEGINNING at the northeast corner ofthe said called 6.443 acre tract,and being in the southright-of-way line of Sandybrook Drive, a 60-foot right-of-way, and being the northwest corner of Lot 1, Block 4, SandybrookPhase One,an additionto the City ofFort Worth according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-127, Page 86,Deed Records,Tarrant County,Texas; THENCE South 0°30'00"West,along the east line ofthe said called 6.443 acre tract and the we st lin e o f saidBlock4, a distance of354.71 feet to a point for corner; THENCE North89030'00" West,departingthe said east line and the s aid westline,a dis t an ce of284.99 feet to a point forcorner in the west line ofthe s aid called 6.443 acre tract and being in the east right-o f- way line of Interstate Highway Loop 820,a variable width right-of-way; THENCE North 0°30'00" East, along the said west line and along the said east right-of-way line, a distance of358.61 feet to a point for corner at the northwest comer ofthe said called 6.443 acre tract, and being at the intersection ofthe said east right-of-way line and the aforementioned s outh right-of-way line of Sandybrook Drive; THENCE South 88°43'00"East,along the north line ofthe said called 6.443 acre tract and alongthe s aid south right-of-way line,a distanceof285.02 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 2.3334 acres or 101,643 square feet of land, more or less. Tract 2: BEING a4.1092 acre(178,996 square foot)tract of land situatedin the Robert Ray Survey,Abstract No. 1290, City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, and being part of a called 6.443 acre tract of land described in Executor's Deed to 920 & Sandy Brook, LLC recorded in Instrument No. D220217003, Official Public Records,TarrantCounty,Texas,and beingmore particularly described as follows: November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 12 of 22 BEGINNING at the southeast comerofthe said called 6.443 acre tract,and being at the southwest corner of Lot 15,Block 4,Sandybrook Phase One,an addition to the City of Fort Worth according to the plat recorded in Volume 388-127, Page 86,Deed Records,Tarrant County,Texas; TBENCE North 8803650" West, along the south line of the said called 6.443 acre tract,a distance of 285.02 feet to a point forcornerin the east right-of-way line ofInterstate Highway.Loop 820, a variab le width right-of-way,andbeing at the southwest corner ofthe said called 6.443 acre tract; TBENCE North 0°3900" East,along the west line of the said called 6.443 acre tract and along the said east right-of-way line,a distance of625.87 feet to a point forcorner; THENCE South 89030'00"East,departingthe said west line and thesaid eastright-of-way line,a distance of 284.99 feet to a point forcorner in the west line ofs aid Block 4; TBENCE South 0°30'00" West, along the said west line,a distance of 630.28 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 4.1092 acres or 178,996 square feetof land, more or less. ZC-22-135 1500 E.Northside Drive 4.09 ac. Zoning Change: From: "PD456" Planned Development/Specific Use for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial plus hotel/motelwithin 1000 feet of a residential district with accessory use for restaurant/bar; site plan waived To: "MU-2"High Intensity Mixed-Use Description: Riverside Recreation Addition,Lot 1,Block 1 SP-22-017 4250 Mitchell Boulevard 117.3 ac. Zoning Change: To: Amend site plan for PD 1016 Planned Development/Specific Use for distillery and associated uses, restaurant, retail, guest cottages, events, and a security residence with "I" Light Industrial development standards and with a waiver for height,plus A-21 uses to add new warehouse building; site plan approved, attached as Exhibit B and on file in the Development Services Department Description: Burchill Addition Block 2 Lot(s)5,6,7,14,15,16,17 SP-22-020 Southeast corner of Granbury Rd and Mesa Springs Drive 6.42 ac. Zoning Change: To:Add site plan for medical clinic,site plan approved,attached as Exhibit C and on file in the Development Services Department Description: BEING 6.422 acres of land situated in the John F.Heath Survey,Abstract No.641,City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County,Texas,and being all ofthat certain tract of land described in Tract 2,in the deed to Kroger Texas L.P., an Ohio limited partnership, according to the deed filed in Instrument#D217030190,Deed Records of Tarrant County, Texas (D.RT.C.T.); and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped"Dunaway",found at the most westerly southwest comer of said Tract 2,also being in the north line of a tract of land described in deed to the Crowley Independent School District (Crowley I.S.D.),according to the deed filed in Instrument#D206403392, November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 13 of 22 D.RT.C.T., and also beingthe southeastcomerof Lot 1,Block I, Weatherby Farms Addition,an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, as filed in Instrument#D212174812, Plat Records of Tarrant County,Texas(P.RT.C.T.); THENCE N 02026'56" W, along the west line of said Tract 2, and along the east he of said Lot 1,a distance of312.05 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped"W.A.I.",foundatthe northwest comer of said Tract 2, also being the southwest comer of Lot IA,of said Block 1,Weatherby Fames Addition,a variable width R-O-W and Public Access Easement forMesa Springs Drive; THENCE along the north line of said Tract 2,and along the south line of said Lot I A(Mesa Springs Drive),the following courses,and distances; N 89°30'38" E, a distance of 44.02 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped "W.A.I.",found at the beginning ofa curve to the left whoseradius is 61.00 feet,and whose long chord bears N 66°41'35" E, a distance of46.77 feet; Along said curve in anortheasterly direction through a central angle of45'05'13",an arc length of 48.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped"Dunaway",found at the at the beginning of reverse curve to the right whose radius is 34.00 feet,and whose long chord bears N 67001'45" E, a distance of26.12 feet; Along said curve in a northeasterly direction through a central angle of45011 '04",an arc ten gth of 26.81 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped"W.A.I.5741",found at the end of said curve; N89°24'28" E, a distance of 83.77 feetto a 5/8 inch iron rod found atthe beginning of acurve to the left whose radius is 533.00 feet,and whose long chord bears N 830 16'57" E, a distance of 115.02 feet; Along said curve in a northeasterly direction through a central angle of 12'23'17",an arc length of 115.24 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found at the at the beginning of reverse curve to theright whose radius is 467 .00 feet,and whose long chord bears N 83°24'23" E,a distance of 105.39 feet; Along said curve in anortheasterly direction through a central angle of 12"5730",an arc length of 105.62 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found at the end ofsaid curve; S 89°59'43" E, a distance of 305.60 feet to a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped "W.A.I.",found at the southeast comerofsaid Lot IA(Mesa Springs Drive),also being the northeast comer of said Tract 2, als o being in the west R-O-W line of Granbury Road(120'in width),and also being in the west line of 60' wide R O-W dedication for the west half of said Granbury Road, as filed in Cabinet A, Slide 10459, P.RT.C.T.; THENCE S 00"3724" E, along the east line of said Tract 2, and along the west R-O-W line of said Granbury Road, a distance of 460.62 feet to a 5/8 inch.iron rod with cap stamped "TNP",found at the southeast corner of said Tract 2,also being the most easterly northeast comer of aforementioned Crowley I.S.D.tract; THENCE along the south line of said Tract 2,and along the north line of said Crowley I.S.D.tract,the following courses,and distances; S 89°23'55" W,a distance of295.55 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found; N 00°40'19" W,a distance of 100.78 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found; S. 89"24'08" W, a distance of 414.29 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing279,73.1 square feetor 6.422 acres ofland. ZC-22-155 5300 Golden Triangle Boulevard 1.48 ac. Zoning Change: To: Add Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow an automated carwash facility in "F" General Commercial; with development waivers for dumpster placement and November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 14 of 22 screening fence, site plan approved, attached as Exhibit D and on file in the Development Services Department. Description: Being a 1.483 acre tract of land situated in the J.Billings ley Survey,Abstract No.70,City of Fort W o rth, Tarrant County, Texas, being a portion of a tract of land conveyed to KELLER305 WHW, LTD,by Limited Warranty Deed,recorded in Document No.D219135986, ofthe Official Public Records ofTarrant County,Texas(O.P.R.T.C.T.),and being more particularly describedby metes andbounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2 inch iron rod with cap stamped"RPLS 6066" (Control Monument(CM))fo u n d o n the common northeasterly comer of said KELLER305 tract,and the northwesterly comer ofa called 26.94 acre tract of land conveyed to the City of Keller, by deed recorded in Document Number 201297344 (O.P.RT.C.T.), said iron rod also being on the southwesterly right-of-way he of Golden Triangle Boulevard(variable width right-of-way); THENCE South 00 degrees 33 minutes 01seconds West departing the southwesterlyright-of-way line of said Golden Triangle Boulevard,and being along the common easterly he of said KELLER305 tract, and the westerly line ofsaid City of Keller tract,pas sing an alumin um mon ument found onthe southwesterly corner of said City of Keller,same being the northwesterly comer of a called 112.805 acre tract of land conveyed to the City of Keller, by deed recorded in Document Number 195137559(O.P.R.T.C.T.),at a distance of 317.68 feet, and continuing a total distance of 559.42 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped"Dunaway"(CM)found on the southeasterly comerof said KELLER305 tract,andthe westerly line of said City of Keller tract, and also being on the northeasterly corner of Lot 1,Block 1,Golden Triangle Addition, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, according to the plat thereof recorded in Document NumberD217042239(O.P.RT.C.T.); THENCE North 67 degrees 43 minutes 21 seconds West,departing thewesterly line of said City of Keller tract,and being alongthe common southerly line of said KELLER305 tract,and the northerly line of said Lot 1, Block 1,Golden Triangle Addition,a distance of 139.56 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "Traverse LS Prop Cor"set on theaforesaid common line; THENCE North 00 degrees 33 minutes 01 seconds East,departingthe northerly line of said Lot 1, Block 1, Golden Triangle Addition,and being across said KELLER305 tract,a distance of437.07 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped "Traverse US Prop Cor" set on the common northerly line of said KELLER305 tract and the southwesterly right-of-way line of said Golden Triangle Boulevard,fromwh ich a 5/8 inch iron rod with cap stamped"Dunaway"(CM)foundon the most northwesterly corner of s aid KELLER305 tract,bears South 61 degrees 56 minutes 54 seconds West,a distance of 527.50 feet; THENCE North 61 degrees 56 minutes 54 seconds East, along the common northerly line of said KELLER305 tract and the southwesterly right-of-way line of said Golden Triangle Boulevard,a distance of 147.67 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1.483 acres of land(64,595 square feet), more or less ZC-22-158 801 W. Rendon Crowley Rd 0.89 ac. Zoning Chance: From: "E" Neighborhood Commercial To: "FR" General Commercial Restricted Description: MitchellPlace Addition,Block2,Lot 4 November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 15 of22 ZC-22-164 14501 Old Blue Mound Rd. 46.2 ac. Zoning Chance: From: "AG" Agricultural To: "K" Heavy Industrial Description: BEING that certain tract of land situated in the G.Overton Survey,Abstract Number 972,City of Fort Worth,Denton County,Texas,being a portion ofthattract ofland describedby deedto AIL West 2, LLC, recorded in Instrument Number2019-113267 and 2019-113268, and described by deed to A IL Investments, LP, recorded in Instrument Number 2020-26798, and 2020-27279, all of the Real Property Records, Denton County,Texas,and being more particularly described bymetes and bounds as followed: BEGINNING at the s outbwest comer ofs aid AIL West andAIL Investment tract,the northwest comer of that tract of land described by deed to AIL Investment,LP,recorded in In strumentNu mb er 2005-22046, said Real Property Records,and in the east line of the remainder ofthat tract of land describedb y deed to AIL Investment, LP,recorded in Volume 4246, Page 498, said Real Property Records,from which the southeast corner of Lot 3, Block 2,Westport Addition,an addition to the City of Fort Worth,Denton County, Texas,by plat recorded in Instrument Number 2019-210,said Real Property Records,bears N 75°49'12"W,2275.23 feet; THENCE 00050'40"W, 358.36 feet, with said east line and the west line of said AIL West and AIL Investment tract,fromwhich the northeast comerofsaid remaindertract bears N 00°50'40"W, 1452.47 feet; THENCE overand across said A IL West andAIL Investment tract,the following bearings and distances: N 24°32'14"E, 1583.71 feet; N 10°07'09"W, 1072.99 feet; S 75°42'36"E, 686.80 feet, to the east line of said AIL West and AIL Investment tract and the west line of that tract of land described by deedto City of Fort Worth, re c o rde din Instrument Number2003-170163, said Real Property Records; THENCE S 09°53'51"E, 1165.87 feet, with said common line,to the most easterly corner of said AIL West andAU Investment tract andthewest tine ofthattractof land described by deed to WPRR, LP, recorded in Instrument Number2019-151065, said Real Property Records; THENCE S23041'29"W, 1670.35 feet,with said west line,to the southeast comerof said AIL West and AIL Investment tract andthe northeastcomer of the aforementioned AILInv e stme nt tract recorded in Instrument Number2005-22046, said Real Property Records; THENCE S 89019'50"W, 658.72 feet,to the Point of Beginning and containing 2,015,858 square feet or 46.278acres of land more or less. ZC-22-172 5628 Houghton Avenue 0.14 ac. Zonin,- Change: From: "CB-TF" Camp Bowie Transition Zone To: "A-5" One-Family Description: Chamberlain Arlington Heights,Lot 25,Block 40 November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 16 of22 ZC-22-174 2500-2700 blocks SH 114 30.65 ac. Zoning Change: From: "K"Heavy Industrial To: "PD/C" Planned Development with a base of"C" Medium Density Multifamily, with specific development standards for building orientation, open space, and parking in front of primary building, and a waiver to the MFD; site plan approved, attached as Exhibit E and on file in the Development Services Department. Description: Tract 1: Being all that certain tract orparcel ofland situated in the R.Matany Survey,Abstract No. 878, Denton County,Texas,being apart ofthat certain called 11.000 acre tract of land des cribed in the deed to the State of Texas, recorded in Document No. 2006-152650,Official Records, Denton County,Texas and being more particularly described bymete and bounds andfollows: BEGINNING at the Northeast comer ofthe tract being described herein at a 1/2-inch iron rod found in the South right-of-way line of State Highway 114 for the Northwest comer of that certain called 15.37 acre tract of land described as Tract 2-Parcel 1 in the deed to Roanoke 35/114 Partners,L.P.and Roanoke 35/114 O& G Partners,L.P.,recorded in Document No.2007-21421,Official Records,Denton County, Texas and the Northeast comer ofs aid 11.000 acre tract of land,from which an iron rod with p la s tic cap stamped"Goodwin&Marshall"foundontheNorthright-of-waylineof said State Highway 114 bears N25°50'22"W,a distance of493.42 feet; THENCE S20°1426"W,with the West line ofs aid 15.37 acre tract ofland and the East line of said 11.000 acre tract of land,a distance of299.80 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found in the North line of that certain called 216.48 acre tract of land describedin the deedto O'Reilley HotelPartners Champions Circle,LLC, recorded in Document No.2017-153615, Official Records,Denton County,Texas forthe Southwest corner of said 15.37 acre tract of land,the most Easterly Southeast comer of said 11.000 acre tract of land and the most Easterly South east comer ofs aid tractherein described; THENCE with the common line of said 216.48 acre tract of land and said 11.000 acre tract of land,the following courses and distances: 1. N38°45'34"W,a distance of 181.25 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found for comer; 2. N64°3709"W,a distance of285.87 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped"Landpoint"set for corner; 3. S61°52'40"W,a distance of 155.92 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found forcomer; 4. S07'05'28"W,a distance of327.75 feet to a point in Harriett Creek forthe Northeast comer of Oak Creek Trails,according to the plat thereofrecordedin DocumentNo.2018-315, Official Records,Denton County,Texas,the most Southerly Southeast comer ofs aid 11.000 acre tract of land and the most Southerly Southeastcomer of s aid tract herein described; THENCE with theNorth line of said Oak Creek Trails,the South line of said 11.000 acre tract ofland and with said Creek,the following courses and distances: 1. N77°14'25"W,a distance of 176.41 feet to apoint for comer, 2. N43°23'11"W,a distance of204.98 feet to apoint for corner; 3. N58°02'09"W,a distance of302.23 feet to a point for comer; 4. N75°4746"W,a distance of226.45 feet to apoint forthe Southeast corner ofthat certain called 2.4159 acre tract of land described as Parcel 12 in the deed to the State ofTexas,recorded in Document No.2016- 51189, Official Records,Denton County,Texas,the Southwest corner of said 11.000 acre tract of land and November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 17 of22 the Southwest corner ofsaid tract herein described,fromwhich a mag nail found on the South line of said 2.4159 acre tract ofland bears N75°46'35"W,a distance of21.12 feet; THENCE N12°5823"E, with the East line of said 2.4159 acre tract of land and the West line of said 11.000 acre tract of land, a distance of 433.08 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "Landpoint"set in the South right-of-way line of State Highway 114 for the Northwest corner of said tract herein described; THENCE S75°02'45"E,with the South right-of-way line of said State Highway 114,a distance of 91.87 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped"Landpoint"setin a North line of said 11.000 acre tract of land; THENCE S40°2425"E, leaving said right-of-wayline and with said North line,a distance of41.99 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped"Landpoint"set in the West line ofthat certain called 2.818 acre tract of land described as Tract2-Parcel2 ins aid Document No.2007-21421; THENCE S23°04'07"W,with the West fine ofs aid 2.818 acre tract ofland,a distance of185.68 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found for the Southwest corner thereof; THENCE S66°55'53"E,with the South line of said 2.818 acre tract of land,a distance of 350.00 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found forthe Southeast comerthereof; THENCE N23°04'07"E, a distance of 255.25 feet to a point in the South right-of-way line of said State Highway 114,from which a 5/8-inch iron rod found forreference bears S50°01'42"W,a dis tanc e o f 1.23 feet; THENCE with the South right-of-way line of said State Highway 114, the following courses and distances: 1. S71°13'54"E, a distance of 84.23 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped"Landpoint" set for comer; 2. S75°02'44'% a distance of378.99 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped"Landpoint"set for comer,said point being in a curve to the left; 3. Along said curve to the left, an arc length of 461.18 feet, a central angle of 06°36'53",a radius of 3994.72 feet and a chord that bears S7095'52"E, a distance of 460.93 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 10.569 acres ofland. Tract 2: Being a 13.596 acre tract orparcelofland situated in the A.M.Feltus Survey,Abstract No.1464 an d The R. Matany Survey,Abstract No.878,Denton County,Texas,being a part ofthat certain called 15.37 acre tract of land described in the deed to Roanoke 35/114 Partners,L.P.,recorded in Instrument No.2007- 21421, Official Public Records,Denton County,Texas(O.P.RD.C.T.),and in Instrument No.2014-96174, O.P.R.D.C.T., and being more particularly descnbedby mete andbounds and follows: BEGINNING at a point for the most Northerly Northeast comer of said 15.37 acre tract of land,same being the pointof intersection ofthe southerly right-of-way line of State HighwayNo.114(variable width public right-of-way)with the westerly right-of-way line ofDouble Eagle Boulevard(variable width public right-of-way),fromwhich a 1/2" iron rod found bears S89°59'41'%a distance of 111.52 feet; THENCE Departing the Southerly right-of-way line ofs aid Highway No.114,along the Westerly Right- of-Way Line of Said Double Eagle Boulevard,the following courses anddistances: 1. S00°00'14"W,a distance of 1.21 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with yellowplastic cap stamped"stantec" found for corner; 2. N89°56'59"W,a distance of 86.90 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped"stantec" found for the point ofcurvature ofa non-tangent curve to theright having radius of90.00 feet; November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 18 of22 3. Along said curve to the rightthrough a central angle of85°34'52",with an arc length of 134.43 feet, a chord bearing ofS47°11'42"E,and a chord distance of 122.28 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with yellowplastic cap stamped"stantec"found forthe point of curvature of a reverse curve to the left having a radius of 949.91 feet; 4. Along said curve to the left through a central angle of 26°37'44",with an arc length of441.48 feet having a chord bearing of S17°43'21"E and a chord distance of437.52 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with yellowplastic cap stamped"stantec"foundforthe Southeast comer of said 15.37 acretract of land, s ame being the most Northerly North east comer ofLot 40,Block 15 ofBeechwood Creeks,an Addition to the City ofFort Worth,Denton County,Texas according to the plat thereofrecorded in Cabinet X, Pag e 172, Plat Records ofDenton County,Texas(P.RD.C.T.); THENCE Departing the Westerly right-of-way line of said Double Eagle Boulevard,along the common line of said 15.37 acre tract of land and Block 15 of said Beechwood Creeks Addition, the following courses and distances: 1. N89°59'53"W,a distance of724.28 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod stamped"PSI"found for corner; 2. S°001743"E, a distance of 214.39 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "stantec"'found forthe Southwest corner of Lot 28,Block 15 of said Beechwood Creeks Addition, and being in the North Line of Lot 1,Block 3 of Beechwood Business Park,an Addition to the City of Fort Worth according to the plat thereofrecordedin Cabinet RP age 152.P.R.D.C.T.; THENCE along the common line of said 15.37 acre tract of land and said Lot 1,Block 3,the following courses and distances: 1. S88°57'08"W,a distance of36.66 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with yellowplastic cap stamped"stantec found for comer; 2. S00°53'23"E, a distance of69.50 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap stamped"HalffAssoc.Inc."found for comer; 3. S89°0637"W,a distance of96.01 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with cap stamped"Ha11fAssoc.Inc,found for corner; 4. N25°01'19"W,a distance of 109.08 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped"BGT" found for comer in the South line ofa called 1.767 acre tract of land(Well Pad Site"C")described in a deed to XTO ENERGY, INC. (lessee)recorded in Instrument Number2014-110049, O.P.R.D.C.T.; THENCE departing said common line,over and across said 15.37 acre tract of land,and along the easterly and northerly lines of said 1.767 acre tract of land,the following courses and distances: 1. N89°06'37"E, a distance of36.17feet to a point forthe most southerly southeast comerof said 1.767 acre tract of land; 2. NO1°09'53"E, a distance of 81.57 feet to a point found for comer; 3. N13°36'41"E, a distance of67.03 feet to a point found forcomer; 4. S89°1421"E, a distance of 50.60 feet to point forthe most Easterly comer of said 1.767 acre tract of land; 5. N04°25'59"W, a distance of 153.50 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped "stantec"foundforcomer; 6. N12°29'15"W,a distance of46.07 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with yellowplastic cap stamped"stantec" set forthe Northeast comer of said 1.767 acre tract of land; 7. N88°57'43"W,a distance of276.93 feet toa point forthe Northwest comer of said 1.767 acre tract of land,and being in the common West line of said 15.37 acre tract of land and the Northerly line of said Lot 1, Block3; THENCE N38°44'52"W,along the common line ofsaid 15.37 acre tract ofland,and said Lot 1,Block 3, a distance of280.94 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with yellowplastic cap stamped"stantec"foundforthe mos t Westerly comerofsaid 15.37acre tract of land,same being the mostEasterly Southeast comer of a called 11.000 acre tract of land(ParcelNo.5)conveyed to The State ofTexas,recorded in Instrument Number November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 19 of 22 2006-152650, O.P.RD.C.T, from which a 1/2-inch iron rod found, bears N38'45'34"W, a distance of 181.25 feet; THENCE N20°14'26"E, along the common line ofsaid 15.37 acre tract of land and said 11.000 acre tract of land,a distance of299.80 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped"HalffAssoc.Inc."found for the most Northerly Northwest comer of said 15.37 acre tract of land,same being theNortheast corner for ofsaid 11.000 acre tract of land,and being in the Southerly right-of-way line of said State Highway No. 114, and being thepointof curvature ofanon-tangent curve to the left with a radius of3994.72 feet; Along the southerly right-of-way line ofsaid State Highway No.114 with said curve to the left through a central angle of 15'01'09", an arc length of 1,047.15 feet having a chord bearing of S81'04'53"Eand a chord distance of 1,044.15 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 13.596 acres of land Tract3: Being a 6.020 acre tractor parcel oflands ituated in the A.M.Feltus Survey,AbstractNo. 1464, Denton County,Texas,beingallofa called6.0240 acre tract of land(Tract 1-Parcel2)described in the deed to Roanoke 35/114 Partners,L.P.,recorded in Instrument No.2007-21421, Official Public Records, Denton County Texas (O.P.R.D.C.T.)and in Instrument No. 2014-96174,O.P.R_D.C.T.,being more particularly describedby metes andbounds and follows: BEGINNING at a 5/8-inch iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped"stantec"found for the North end ofa comer clip at the intersection ofthe South right-of-way line ofHighway No. 114(variable width public right-of-way) same being the East right-of-way line of Double Eagle Boulevard(variable width public right-of-way),same beingthe Northwest comerofsaid 6.024 acre tract of land; THENCE S89°56'59"E,along the South right-of-way line of said Highway No. 114,a distance of 398.65 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with yellowplastic cap stamped"stantec"foundforthe Northeast comerof s aid 6.024 acre tract of land,same being the mostNortherly Northwest corner of Lot 1,Block 2 of Beechwood Business Parkan Additionto the City of Fort Worth,Denton County,Texas accordingto the p lat thereof recorded in Cabinet R,Page 152,Plat Records ofDenton County,Texas(P.RD.C.T.): THENCE departing the South Right-of-way line of aid Highway No. 114,along the common East lin e o f said 6.024 acre tract of land and the Westline ofsaid Lot 1,Block 2,the following calls and distances: LS00°00'13"E, a distance of 121.22 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap foundforcomer; 2.S46°08'35"E, a distance of 545.75 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with plastic cap stamped "HEWITT ZOLLARS"found for the Southeast comer ofs aid 6.024 acre tract of land,same being the Most Northerly Northeast corner of Lot 22, Block I of Beechwood Creeks An Addition to The City of Fort Worth accordingto the Plat thereofrecorded in CabinetV,page 657,P.R.D.C.T.; THENCE N89059'53"W, departing the west line of said Lot 1,Block 2,along the common South line of said 6.024 acre tract ofland and the North line ofBlock 1 ofsaid Beechwood Creeks Addition,a d is tan cc of 673.09 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod found forthe Southwest comer ofsaid 6.024 acre tract of Ian d, s ame being the most Northerly Northwest comerofL.ot 16,Block 1 of said Beechwood Creeks Addition, and being in the Easterly right-of-way line of said Double Eagle Boulevard, and being the point of curvature of non-tangent curve to theright having a radius of852.50 feet; Along the Easterly right-of-way line ofsaid Double Eagle Boulevard with said curve to theright through a centralangle of34°06'24",with an arc length of507.47 feet,and a chord bearingofNl6°02'56"W and a chord distance of500.01 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with yellow plastic cap stamped"stantec"found forth e South end ofsaid corner clip; THENCE N44°59'47"E, a distance of 27.09 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 6.020 acres of land. November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 20 of 22 SECTION 2. That the zoning regulations and districts, as herein established, have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. They have been designed to lessen congestion in the streets; to secure safety from fire, panic, flood and other dangers; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate provisions of transportation, water, sewerage, parks and other public requirements. They have been made after full and complete public hearing with reasonable consideration, among other things, of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of a building and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Fort Worth affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such ordinances, except in those instances where provisions of such ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 4. That all rights or remedies of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, are expressly saved as to any and all violations of Ordinance Nos. 3011, 13896, 21653 or any amendments thereto that have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance; and as to such accrued violations, and all pending litigation, both civil or criminal, same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 5. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared void, ineffective or unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction, such voidness, ineffectiveness or unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation herein of any such void, ineffective or unconstitutional phrase, clause, sentence,paragraph or section. November 08,2022 Ordinance Ordinance No.25841-11-2022 Page 21 of 22 SECTION 6. That any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 7. That the City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, Texas is hereby directed to publish this ordinance for two (2) days in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, as authorized by V.T.C.A.Local Government Code Subsection 52.013. SECTION 8. That this ordinance shall take effect upon adoption and publication as required by law. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: Jannette S.Goodall(Dec 23,202218:05 CST) Melinda Ramos, Deputy City Attorney Jannette Goodall, City Secretary Adopted: November 8, 2022 Effective:S , 4. 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Requirement PD Development Standard Open Space 30% minimum MFD Waiver to the MFD requirement Building Orientation Buildings do not face street Parking Parking in front of building line ¢ N o �Z � Q 0 rN�� G o wxn- 000x� J m p owz o�a owu °rvy a-�mot�a a a U ¢Otte .-W° G z a i ILL LC a Z HapN I— _ LU Z a a w IiII /I F ' C) o o xw o R a o loo - - �o � N a � Z � � � o a IgYg, Iw= Ott X Ott < O 1- <O N O '� W C) a \ o N I I �Uo aZ o. I ' I y�?o I �3Ygo I �II zF z� ro \ Wa E`a use o z j O I �g I o Q� f z II d 101 f s. l e J t ID W. ° �o= %OP 30<" o h r Wo q. 0� oaQ? Wo �w k YRc I ,.¢c I I 313i1ON00 O oFa 4�,u 8E<o. �oN. 3'vd az �ow� b I c Ia as �"; 3 , III a� <�h m.°�° h �> I ago oow�oizLL a W �3w ji ia�io°o 0 I I aw m �w auj 1 III = o°w wo z wLLaaw °_ ��o w °�6U� ��'pah I f�l II � 5 s aa>aa$ 3 agP �� a o Oag zI J1, n °= I III, III 3 I �¢ a1 to€gs to s o it a H�a mya I H i ci d N ° o _ emu f raa o z S as °.a °o 77 i W \ U .. 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