HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 2542 Onninjumu, 110: AN DMINATION7 RE01,71MIG AND 'A0CE7T?TIxTG THE 1701-M or IM,"'ROVING TEE FOLLO","ING ST'REET AND 110RT10TVS THEREOF, T 0,-"tT I T: G.&MERELL STIUMT� FROM M 'WEST LTNE OF SOUTH ADAMS STTMET TO TEM IGEST LTITE OF ITEM111ILL SMEET, 207OV111 AND DESIG17ATEM) AS 11111 T NO. 3, IN THE CITY OF FORT 17ORTH, TEYLAS; AUTT70T,'1-TZ17T0v ARE) DIRZOTING THE EXECUTIO17 AIM ISSISANCT OF SPE("TAL ASSESSWEMT CERTIFICATES TO BRO,,"M & 171,001T, 11,17,0. 1 THE 00ITTRACT1011 FERFORUM SAID 170M, AM PROVIDII'M THAT THIS 07RDINAITGE SHALL TAKE M"FECT IMMEDIATELY UPON ITS PASSAGE ALM, APPROVAL. BE IT ORDAINED BY THEE TIT' COMICIL 07' THE OTTY OF FORT 7WORTH, TEXAS, DULY ASSEYMBLIED: That thm veork of irrqxroving t"ba d",ollowinr, street and portions thereof in the City of F,ort Worth, Texaci, to---vrit: GAMBIELL STIMET) FROM TEMI 7EST LINE OF SOUTH ADD 23 STM�:'T TO TFE, WEST LTN7 OF 1, HILL STRIMT, 'i MITOWN ATM HSIG1'ATM AS UNIT 11,10. 3, by risising, zradirig, fillinL, ivld.ening, paving, re-paving;, or repalm- ing came, and by constz'ucting, reconstructing ox xaalt[,,nzmg concret'a cuTbs and guttexe where determined necess,.xy by the Director of Public Works, and by cons tructing such other dra'ins, incident,'als and appuitenrinroes thexeto as deemed n,�,cec ;airy awaaal adeq, is by tho 1')Ixectar of Public, "7orks, and RS PrOVIded. for by the Plans and Speci. fioatio:as for Ouch improvmnents; said p.aving consimti%, 6f t1 he oonstruotton ox r000nst,.'ruct"lon of a three and one-half inch (".7' aspbaltio concrate Lase on a. five-inch (,151r) gravel aub-bm-.tc , with a one and one,-half (11fl) inch aaplinitic concrete surfaco couree , all of the materials, typeF,r caaaal width ca,s silown on and pro,vided far in the Plfuis and and all of same 1v3v1ng, beem pexf'rormled and completed, in full acco-rdance wraith all. t1ais ter ms cami provloicms of the co�ntract deatel July 23w 19,17, bet"ween satcl, clity of Fo.ot ',Tortb_ T e ) rand B z o r,n & Root I 11,1 c- , pz o v e d lq�, 0 r c"l im,s.no e o f the 'j,:1 ty Clounall of said City, d.zted August 6) 1947, and c,,,,,,1id. Plans and Speoifications thor,,,d in cioatained; and kmid Dixector of Public Worla v 's having meawand, exaMmed and cziuxed to 'N,,, tested, the finis,,ihed. improvementaT by the a o� ana and in the innainer pxovidod by the terms of scLid contxact and the Pleoas z'ind. Specifications the,i°:An co�'itainedp ,.ind, Dtrectree: of Publ-to ","Voiks lb.rving found that such Improvements have ".,, 'been constructed and completed in full corrq)liance with all provisions of said contra.,,,,t ,".nd said Pl°,aals and Specifications , and said. Dirsctor of Publ,L�. "",10 Ice hn,ving approved and acoapted saild work and improvemen-to zamd having here-- tofore issued his Certification of Gotzipletir,ca and Avoceptanoep nmd.eo aertified to the Oity Manager and. 'to soAd Oity Counoil, and rea6mmended that said Olty Comall. accept ttnd rec-Ave said work and the iraprovements as constracted and coaapleted by sadd Brown EWA, Inc, and said work and Improvements having been found by the City Manager of said City of Fort Worth, Texas, to ha7e been performed and completed in full compltamae Ath sAd ConVact and maid Plans and-Specifications there fox, aZzci 'ilaving been acoejAed by spid. City Manager, said v7ork and, improvements are hereby found y said, Oity Council to have been performec.3. an t completed 'by Said Brown at Root, Inca. in full couepllance with the teriim and provisions of said contract zoad said P]ans ctnd. Specificaltions therefora and same axe hereh�7 arce.,)ted and. roceived by said City Oouncil of tho lity of Fort "North, Texas. SECTION 2: That the Mayor add ratty Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, axe herabby aiuthorized. and diz,irected to exe%,�ute and issue to Brown & Root, Ina special ausosarkient cortific,­_tcs e�fidenclng the asoesements levied against t�he imp,,,oved a' aatt nt� upon the above desoribed street and a odnst the xe,,J, a.nd tmue ovyners thereof, nhlch; by the terms of said Oont:n:tot, the City of Fort Aith, Texas has agreed aiid obligated itself -to :LsEme and, deliver to said Brown & RooV Ina In aacord°lnco with the �,provtsions of tl,,u,e YInal Assessment ind "her pre,)ceediriLs her z,,tofo%-o, had and adopted by said 01ty Coiuvoll; sald special Axs'Ge &,:,ent 101e]"t-ifi- cates shall be executed In the name of aald Olty by Its IJayor and -a- 01ty Secretaxy, W Impreesed wMa the e� I of s ,Ad, 01ty, ,,,nd dated as of the dzate hereof , and such offIcez,,s axe bereby wathorized amd directed to execute said Certificateo in their afficial U,,pacities on Poet said City, and deliver same two s,,oid iBiown Rw.'t , Inc. SECT12a_Q: Thie Ordinance shall take e:I`ect and be In full forloe from and after its passage. PA ;ZD AND APPROTLD. this the LLd'-,)V of 1�11La-// 19,483. 7 7 7 IMT 71 TV r 777,17 7=7077- TEXAS- ATTEST: APPROVE]i AS TO FORM 7- T-71TV-�M