HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3038 ORDINANCIP, 1110. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE QF NEGOTIABLE CO&OW BOODS OF T131E, G0VrsH1*[0,2M? CAP V-M' C Vn' a FwT WORm, TEXAS, ANXINTING, TO TUZ PRIS=hL SUM OF TWO HUNDRED TH010 SAND DOLTARS ($200,(10041()), 011 BEIM KNOwN ma; 6101ES 85 AND DESIGNATED AS "01LDR04 19MMADI, B0KrJ,,'3," 'TO B1,? IISSU12,D FOR TE31 1i'1JE"CP(A3B (V MAKING PERMAKERP or 0FROVEMENTS IN PROVIDING A 13JEERTZATION CNETER BUILDINO, TO WIT, BY COV S011,10TIDG, BUILDING A.V%)'2?QU77PJ31G A CHILDREN'S MUSSUK FOR SAID, CITY, AND ACQUIRING T1VE1 CuDCµlt tt'atC^ly TAV(D TIT OR FNI SAID CITY, EhOH OF SAID 1XINTFS 'V) 1% IN TUM ,OF ORE ITIOUSAYD, D011MIS �$1,000.00), '?0 11E DA27M MARCH 1, 1953, XNv1MRMEW 1) TO TWA"NTY-FIVC (25) YEARS FRO( THE IMME 'TFHFRWZO , TIE FIRST VMRTY THOUE= DOLLARS ($40,OCO.00) WC94TH OF SAID 130,= 'TO 111 R IVE RrOT A,T THOR RAIE OF FOUR FER cm ()vgf) I'm �IMIJX, TME 9"EUXT 'E'll0ruT TH'atf- SSAND DOLLARS ($8,oc000) WORTU OF SAID BOUDS TO BEAR I& TKREST AT THE RATE OF THIRES EKE CgRE, (310 ETR A=N, )XI) THE NE0 0113, Ht,09)110) N1111) FIFN.I.IWO ITURRIUID DOLLARS ($152,- 000.00) WORTH C& SwAID B(Yffivs, lio Bzo 13"1rEREST AT "MrS, FRWMVE, OF VO AND THREE-411JARTERS PER C1011T (2-3141A) PTIME miump, SAID INTERES'T BEIRIG I ATAOIZ SLIKE-AMAJAIAZ TUE I TO BE EXPRESSED IN COVEONif NUDE a ]VENICITED 71) != BONDS; DI1C ECTIN3 THAT T=K SAID 1,K)NDS BE 10TXLPr1D BY = KAYOR AND CITY =!RETARY; 11fflNJ`,1D IN'G1 FOR AN AD04UNITE TAX LEIfY FOR T%Z PAYMENT Oly 'DIR 111TERES"1" ON SAID BONDS AND TO CREATE A SINXING FUND FOR THE,PAYMEWP OF THE IIIINCITAL 'IRKELEOF AS I 1 S " XATU1= 1D"R(24 710 TO TME; MW 'I'lROVIDING TEUVT THIS ORDTHANGE SHAT L 28 IN FORCE ANV EFFECT MRON AND AFTER TUE DATE OF ITS f1V,,55(k0vE. WI=ZLI33, on the 1.5th day-"f August, Cu. D, 1951., pursuant -to ttke atkt&rity vested in said City by Section 1.9 of Cbapter XXV of the Cbarter of the City—of Fort Voith, adopted by the qpaaified, vaters vi'thin the limits of said City an the 12th day of December, A. D. ISO, and the laws and Constitution of the State of Tex,q,,Ls, the City CCtuuuupa.l.0m of the City, of' Fort Worth, Texas, by an ordinance Of truaL date, direlated the sul=ission ,W the qpallfied electors w4ho own Uutable property in the City of Fort Nbrth, Texas, and, who, fuvre dtay rendered D.har savie, for t ray v ttiaa, at na eleca- t1an to 'be held in said City on, the 11th day, of September, A. D. 1951, ar the right, yover and authority' of 'the 10ity Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, to issue negotiable coupcm boude of the corporate overnment g of said City in the princrijvQ. sum of 'Two Hundred 111housimuid. Dollars 0111200,_ 000.0)) fnr fl'ue purpose of making permanent city improvenwats in providing a recrewtioa ceater bke dldlng, to wit, by cones trvating, building and equipping, a cblldr en's musemn Ear said My, and aagpiring the necessary land there.- for for said City; and, VflUt"Rf,53, in coa2ck.ruf.ty with, sal"d tym 1'1',LYar Of sa�hzl City did make proclamation of zaid election sa,I. f Lwmd 0,t c blmreof or tte 111;h Uy of September, A. Vv 1951; aaQ I UIAS, aaid, eleatiun order and proclamation thereof were pre- pared and published Jas the rinuaie,.v, r,,mi,'J, for the time prescribed in said or- dinaztce; and, WHEREAB, on the 11th day of September, A. D. 1953, said, election was hold in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, at the p illing iYa tlie election order, al, vh1cli, the rSsa mince of aaid bonds was sUbmitted as a proposMan to the qMalifled electors of sald City why ama taxable property in the Citp of Fort Worth, Mau, and w➢o have duly rendered the samB for teaatian; and, WHEREAS, the official ballot on said cwv<',a,,sd.on, "I'll, "wri:th tbe, on-Utiance of the City Council hereindbove mentioned and in accordance with the order of saLd electionp In a.n aubstance reads as rallows. OFFICIAL BAILCOY13", 1. Sball the of Fort hbrth, Texma, tlrrf,,na�, its Clty ('',Iwanj..il, issue i1a; nego"t'Juble coupon banda In the principal sun of Twenby-three NUIII_ou, Fa,u,a, Hundred and Fifty Thouamad Dollars ($23,4500amoo) ror the purpose of =kd.ng 1,ktnmanent L:r,,�,provatrw_mts lby coma ttnicting, im, proving mu,,l e) bentliag, the streets, thoinughfares and stain severs of said City, including In r,,niab perxzmnen,; rAAIbllr:4 improvemento Me straighten- ing, w1dening, jpetv1a„�,;, sejxixattori, Iigbting and drainage of said streets and tflioraug tlre,,, necessary lands therefor, sMd bwds beAg paydble serlelly, as may be deteimined by the City Ms.. cil, so bust the "i"rist bonda sl,,vial.) beccane Mytible vJLthia forty (40) jmars 1raxc the date hhereaf, hearing interest at a rate not to ex- ceed your per ,:,eat (41%) tJaaa atmum ['rom Ithe (,Ia"Le thereof, piriy,6133.e st", i-. annually, and Mror a suffJ,,c:Lrezit tax to puy the interest an said ban6a and gar mte a sinkJng fund sufficient to riled rasa siald. bonds at the jvadurlt,,,y t]iereof? FOR the Issiwaice of Street InWravcmwnt Bonds. AMAINST the lesuanar,. of 2Aa,ee rm, t,,oveavant 1,bnids. ............. 'Q�h#'Ad the CIIIL'y of Fort Worth, Texas, through its MY, Council, issue its no-.jrptit"IUAX f,."X,)UPOu bOlIdS 511 'ItIte prJnei par),_ nwi of One Million, Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand. Dollars 31,750,O(DO-0)) for tkie purpose of aviklng pdi!'I'nrxlrieut City ilxjxrcxvu�'uw ntu by estallolishing, equipp1mg, e,- tendin� and Improv'J"'ng m'I'U'diluipa"I 0 and landing fields for air- p1w.ies, oLraraft uid otlu,r ewe ri&l anahines, and acquiring the necessary lazcils therefor, said bonds being payable serially as Miy be deterinined by tlua City Comwcil so tlu�%t the Jzat au'tturing bonds shall be carne payable within faxty (10 A'ar's frciti the qGa lawn 'lli,ereof, bear iaig iv�'�tarewt at a rute not to exceed four per cent (4%) per annum i,'rom the dale 1Aie.Y,,eof, pay- able oeml-annuall, and Jevy a sufficient tax to pay Me interest an said bonds and create a sinking fund suMclent to redeem said bonds aL the maturity thereof? FOEA 'Llie Issuance of A'Irparl; lk nde. hGAINST 1,11a Issuance of Bands. III, Sball the it of Fort Worth, Texas, through its City Counail, issue its negotidble r ranryiaann boada in the, ';b rinc,'Lpal swn of 13,i ght ftidred Mousand Dollars ($800,000.00) for the purpose of peii.iwwaeat city inqor over wni by canz t-rue tizq;, axid equipping additional incin- erators for said City and aagpiring tfae necessary laxvds thv.refar, u,',Lid biondo being pat rib.l.e serially as may be (Jetezvaaed by "Ute Ci-ti. Council, so that the Inat natur,,in;�,r, b4sads a'ball, becorne p Vable trJ:tlrin 'farty (19.k) ye%vs fzvm ttie date theu,eot, bear1ng lntereisi at a, rate not to exceed. fotu° per ceui: is per amnum t.° a, the diate thereof, ,t sem1-annually, ennui levy a nufficient tax to pay the Merest an sal l bonds and create a sinking fund to re."Ieem said bmide wt the matirity thereof? l,JNXi the Isssmnce of 'firma ineriitor &Ands. AMAINST the Issuance of Incinerator Bonds. IV. shall the MY Oi 1'!'Ort Wcort',ti, 'Eexas, Lixt-ouab Its Ckty Council, issue its negotiable cappon bonds in, tl'r,e princ,pa�L sum of Five Hundred Tina.umaid Do,'LU&rs for the purpose of' gnFiLing ire rmun,art city to vit, com.stracting, buildixig ti,'nd eq)xi�ppiag fire atat➢ons and improving and extending the city fire aLazu system, and acquIring then lands therefor, said bonds being yaymble serially, as may be detemained by the C,1A,,y Council, :so timl 'Um last rga,turin�,,f, bands shall become peyAble w1thin forty (40) yeare fran the date thereof, bearing, Interest A a iste not, to exceewd flaur per cams NO per amium from the date attnrnreof, payuble sead-armually, u,'zild Lev a ziUY."Le"Ient, tax to pay the Aterest on said bonds and creatizt, a fund zuffic nt to rede rm suld bonds at 'the twiturity thereaf? FOR the Issuance of Fire Protection Bonds. XLIUN T t1ae 1sauan,,,,.e of Fire MtecLion Bonds. Shall the City of Fort Worth, Tewas, fz1,Lro,u4,;1,.L its Cit,,y, Cbunc",U, issue its MagotUale coun n bonds in the j:,wJ.nc,1,peQ, sum of Mindred Thousand EkOL.Kaxs, ($700,060.03) for the ptTpose of making pezmanent city imj,,provemeuta by cans tract ing, building klind equipping & .II ice abnItion amd jail buLldlng, rnwnnf the necessary Laad therefor, sa1iff borkda being jayable serially as may be luy the City Couac,'U, so Llat the Jatfp maturing , bonds shaU become payable within rarty (40) years tram the date thareof, bearing interest, at a n,%,te noL to exceed per cent (41,4), Pei" aTwt= frimc tlie date tbjereaf, paymble sezoi-arkawa,,12y, and levy as sufficient tax to pay the interest our said bonds and create a Md, Mflalent to redeem sa,Di a,1!� the matu.rit,,,,r thereof? F(AR 'tifte Isinmoace A Police Station and J�,d.l Blal.lding Eands. AG hJ,f,,JST the lssuazice of' llf,,JI ace Station a!nd Jan ,1 BuL Lt]inz Ennda. V1. '(fit , l i;Ile City 01" Fort Wt;irrttt, Te,;aja, L-ts City Council, issue 1,.'s nqpDtiablk, CoUpon bonds ix,a the prLi,,wlpal susa of Two Hmadred. Thousand Dollars for Ljae of rma1z,,ing �,, poarvanant aity improvements In center building, to wit, by con- otr act ing, bulldl_L4; and equipping a children's i i,iuseiaa for six id Cityl and acquiring the necessary land therefor, said, bir.'aids 1,,ieing, 1, yable serially as may be determined by the City Counall, so Shat the last anhuring bonds ahall become payable wi-thin for (40) years tram the date Mereaf, bear- ing interest at a rate not to exceie l fryur fjey,,� crolt (410 jifer. anatull 'rr%w., the date thereof, payable semi-annually, and levy at sufficient tax to pay the intereat an said bonds sea arecte fund auff'iclent to redeem said bonds at the maturity thereof? FOR the Iss'LuLnee of Childran's lfiusewu Boni,,,;. AGAINST the Issuance of! Chi l,dr err'a Musewa lkwids. V11. Shall. 'the City, of Fort Worth, Texas, through Its City Council, Issue its negotiable cagpon boads in, t1w priaripal suzwi of (Xie 1,41.11JU,>a Dollars ($1.,000,000.03) for the purpose of miking perujarunfl; U."Ity improve- Ments Ito, acquirimg and ixWroving land, and property for pdb,- 11c parks in azild Mg, maid bonds being pay9ble serially as may be de- temained by the City Cotmjcij.,, no bLwA, tbe L%st, mat�.wJng barals sha2l. t e- come payable within forty (40) years b.'ruzu the da?6e thereof, bef,,'Lring Ln- beresb at a ,,,­ate aot to exuir.,md I'MIX" cenl',' (4110 , r annura f"ram Uu� date tbersof, palgible f3emi_%xarLui31,y, atnd levy as sulfficient t=, "to Eay, the Interest on said buzulz,w arvi crieekts,.-., a sinkIng fund sufficient to redeaux said bonds ab the Muriby bhereofl� FOR the Issumace of Park Mcnds. lifit tint" tree Issumace o,'V Fark FY)nds. I Shalt Me City of Fort Worth, Texas, t;duataruuta,tm L to City Cmauncii, namaae its no at t dble co pan Trwnon;ua,n^ in the pri naww.4 pal sum of 1^"1 ve ELLa .s d. Thousand kal:t ars 00o 0('X)�du,bl,) fluor t,"1142 VU27,1o105ea of making permanent My y improvements by ta7a:u;°ada„ral.u'tt, ,na.audna;tr.F;nat,, Mul tutddranara_ia the p.'Laygrouwua and a.e,a eat dnuua tutuats of said City, said bonds being payable serially—as MMY be determined by the City Council, so Lhat he Mob b ma t,i r i..nn., bonds s a.abail become tanyW lu vl.'ttu irx Yao;nrLy (dKt) wse�,tsrs from the date thereof, bearing Intereat at ua Me not to exceed L'o um° per cent (k'%) Per anaunnu from, the date thereof, to wtrrwt„bl e tau,`t levy, a sufficient ta,x, to �,pay the interest axn saa,r.at bonds and create u slating i ng fu n sufficient to re derel u ara„.dd. 'taausaaiaa u,tt;w the maturity y taeapnrwmri? FUR the l asu.noa.oce of Playground and Recreation Park Bonds. d'ttttpb.dldi.«T the lawuar7Ruarn.:u: of Plgy°,y,rauauuad: and. dtearsau°t:tuon.0 Park dtaisatd.rn.d and, tttt is^ltuptCt,'~u,a in the election ion meld in said n.",x l°y of Fort Worth, Texas, on the 11th dal of dm d;s N,n.umber, A. D. I°;t51,, aria the question of the 18amance of uoaald hands heianiddoamfore mentioned, there was au majority of votes in favor of the jasuanclia of said luuawonKda; and, i SECTICO 1. That thous mmilciltaJ, g,(,,)vernw&,nt of, the Cicy of Fort Worth, Texas, issue its corporate negotiable couyai!n bortdz in the Principal stun. of Two Humdred Thoust��,tnd DollAr&j ($200,UW.00), which banda were autharizsd to be issued at a proper election held on, the 11th day of Septeniher, A. D. 1951, and which bonds are Icnosni as Bevies 85 and designated as "Children's Mussual Rxide"; that the bonds so to "be issued shal 3. be in 11,ie denomination of One Tbousand Dollars ($1,000.00) each, date& March 1, 1953p the first Forty Thousand Dollars (00,000.CY)) earth of said bonds, matLwing from 2954 to 1958, inclusive, to bear interest at the rate of four per cent (4%) per annum, the next Eight Thousand lkd lara ($8,000.00) worth of said bonds, ma- turing in 1959, to bear interest at the rate of 'L'h3ree per cent (3%) per annum, amd the nex�, One—Hundred and Fifty-1,mo Thimisand Dollars ($3.52,000.00) worth of said bonds, maturing frcon 1960 to 1978, Inclusive, to bear inter- est at 'the rate of two and three-quaxLers ]Xx cent (2-3/410 pe!r, aiuium, imay- able semi-annually ou.nhe first day, of Sepbember and Marais of each year respectively, both principal and interest of said bonds being payable,st Mite ffano%mr lktnk, In the City of Nev York, State of Now York, the semi-annual interest baing evidenced by imterest coupons attached tbereto, all of said bonds to be executed for and on betsalf of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, by the Mayor thereof, attested by its CiLy Secretary, wi,th Ute seall of the City thereon duly Impressel, but, the Interest coqpons to be executed wAl',1 the lithogrwj.uIvad facaimile silpatares of the Mayor and City Secretary of the City of Fort Worth, Texas; that each of said tands ani] COUP0719 5114111, be negotiable and peltble bo bearer, a,nd, aatii lionds a;ha]l tad nurtered in the wu.fr and manner hereinafter set out, so that the last maturing 1.*nd simill bpicotjru�, jmiycible within twenty-fiye (25) ,),rears frorn ta.m da,te tbereof, ),,,1nd tile bonds themselves, two hundred (200) in number, shall "be numberedconsecutive- ly, froya one (1) -to tvcw hun4tred (24)0), Inclusive, arxi slud.l ruLti.tre Ln the amount zrkd manner bereirafNavas met out., and Umt said bcyada 1ne Jsaued f'oji!,, the yarpose of umking perannent alt Qprovemente In providing a recrea- tion center building, to vrit, try, constructing, building and equilging a chi'.ldren's Tauseum for said City, and acquiring the necessary land therefor, Ar aai& City. ................... Ths,t the geaeral form of sa,id lboads and. the coupons tberebo nexed and the, intero.,,st adeled to said boads shall be executed aubstantially in the followIng foriaa* osamw ii. That the said bonds so to be isaued by 1,,,be City of Fort Worth, Texas, ramolantIng tj IlVo Hand red, 1,13iousand than llara ($200:,000.00), shall be issued for the purpose oP ma,kiag .1pernuient city impraveiments in providiiig a recreation center building, to wit, by constructing, building and equip- ping a Wildren's =setun for said City, and acquiring the necessary land Wrefor for said City, and shal.] ce,,nirdst of two hund.red (200) bcoda num- bared from one (1) to two hundred, (2001, Inclusive, and the first.Fatty Tbousend Dal2ars ($40,00C.CM wortla of said bonds, maturing cren 1954 to 195B, inclusive, shall bear Werest sat, the rate of !four jxrr Nant (4t, ) per annum, ard the next Eight 111hougand Dollars J8,000.00) warth of said bionds, watwing in 1959, shall bear Imterest at the rate of three per cant (1%) per arxntn, and the next One Windred a,nd. Tlfty-hrya '31bousand lkjll&n� ($152,000-00) worth, of said maturing frcynv 1.960 to 2978, inclusive, sball bear interest at tha: r7ate oi two and three­qt"rbera per Cent per annvz, joy Able semi-aanW34r an aforenaid, all of wbicb. said two laundred (200) bonds shall be has as Series 85 and shall be sty Led and designated as "Children's Museum Bonds"; and that all of the said bonds, comprising the sum total of Two Fluadred Tlhoustwxd, Dollars ($200,000.00), shall mature in ranerfcal arder in the =nner arid, t'mounts as set, oiat in the tabulated statemnat herewltb attacbed, to A 111yat the &mkid bcmdu are heneb�y aut3w)r1med to be sold to the beat advantage, but iri t o event shala',_ saiaie be sold for 2eas than par, smd.Ahe accrued interest to the time of delivery and the proceeds 'Lliereof to be placed in tAae trwas'a.,vbir of the City all Part Worth and ut-ilized for 'the algacial purposes for Nr1nJP.,,h U.-my are, Created. SECTION IV. 1111at flor, t'11P., luarfrose of paying the interest of sald banda, as well as 1',he varlous installragnfts cd' principal, am the same AM respeat&04, smature, there J's bereby levied for the year 1953 and for each succeediq.P, ymex thervafter so long as the same may be necessary, to pravi& for the interest and manual imstallments of prinalpal of said bonds, on 01 prop- erty in the City of Fort Worth, Texan, liable to taxation, a straight ad valorem tax of .330B cents on the saris dollar valtvatdon at *aid property, or so much, thereof as rear a.w necessary, or in addition Heretic, as may be reWiired, and if at any, t',itae the aamuw-.it of said tax sball, not be sufflaient to provide for the intereal, ;,,.uad jnstudlxle�atis of j,"'wincipal, it shall be the duty of the City Caimail to so increase said rabe Mat arl amnuat shall be reelizer,]i frain c a a.,d aufficient to meet the ragpirements aforesald for Intereot and annual installnents of principal of said bowls; and it is herdby prMsed and agreed. ';hat wacla, of tax he nztde, if required. for the pugposes named, as often,, as '1 t iaay be nece8,8ar,,,,,. %b are shall be assessed and collected manwaLly ,_a sufC,,iiecent su"'n "`�Q Ply the interest an madit 'bd,a ds a: d, La crewtc a Anking fund of at least two per- c,entnin (z', ) ,e taw principal debt herein autborized. 31 J. Ta(lDf V. Umt it =1 be the duty of tkn, Cj Ly 'of tl',w Ci l y r,,ff For 1!(, as, and, its suauesuors, ancl r.X l,,,he govet"ril"newt 0"i", 'Ule CJ -,Y af, Fort Worth, in laqVing taxes for generml purposes for the said City, for the year J,953 saad, fdt.,, every successive year during tho Life of said banded Indebted- Uwe or any PIM, thwre.&' to include in such levy the W)eCi&l W,;wX k,xf .3308 cents an the con btudixed dMIar property valuaLlon (or so Muah thereof as may be ragpisite and necessary, or in allition Mereto as may be required), pr'ov dad far, d,n 'libe next preceding section of thO ordinance, and sah-i speciM tax shall an no accawnt sbatever be displaawd theraMm. SECTIC)I,i idiyr ilu"Lt t'Jhi'c s) tax herekdbeVore, pzovlded, for, ,Aaen co,'Ilected, shall be placed and kept in a auparate Px,,ii,,,"I auvl olu,,,J I be dzvotc,,'. to tlac'x parment of the interest and the exoinguish taw Q of the princhal of M11 awl singular the bon&,.,' an samm matuxe from timm to time, mad shall nut be used, applied or diverted to any Cbj'e�"et whatsoever; and the funIs derived from said tax shall be hold and listed as a separate o,,n loz*ke ,rf oa�id ai taasl. tiles""', lheld arket G"ept by the City Treasurer of said City as a separate and distinct account and scil specified, as or'i boolx s, 10111'1111(111210'rl� ICU. Mat as ucon am convenient after naid bonds shall have been pre- pared and signed 'In 't'he a,),.,vn,,ier yresycz,Jbco, b',,,j, thel cadiauaicc, they, sh%12, be adbmJzbed to the Attorney Genez& ok' 1rhe St,,,z'tte of 'Tw a, I,-,cgefJ,,ier ,eith �t certIfLed copy of Mie ordinance ecf' the totaL bonr,"Led in debtedness of the City of Art Worth, inalw1ing the boude herein amd.herdby aidborized and the aasessed value aC the tuz&A jxroperty A.ts said C'Lt , ficr Iiis aj,,pgroval, sand. none of said bonds sluff ll, I'm rie�,(,att,,%ted, sold s.ar vruns'- forred until the safne received the Officifi."Ll w""we'llon "')f tloe navl Attorru,',w Giencxal. aa prescribed by law, mod theromf uer said bonds shall be placed Ath the State cwf lkc(""'coliits for SEC'd d.ddlg' Gild IIII Miat 'the City Mreasun�,rr of the City of Fort Worth, or other lmw,. ful. casLodJart of sjuch ftu,�,A, during Me anoths of z'i.:,)d FsaIxruvtrly of egldn, wid eyier,,y ,,rear dur,'LrAg, the Me oT said bonds or part thereof, and noL dry be than the 25th day of each of saL,,I, rP=,'vd'ts,, ,,,,1vall Lraru.,,trait mufficient nosey e.wt of the Lntenreat funds hereiAbefore areat',e(l 't.hau r rruaa nt, .-a' 'Llxe aeaa.-ainabaJ Lntereat accruing an oairl, bonds b,) 'llhe Hanover Bank, of the City of New or State of Now York, ,w,nd 111,m,,rtse proper rcMltUxnce shail be made in due course to pro0de fav tim of tlie j,"xz,dncLpU,,,JL cif of said bonds irt r,xdvsnce of ttu� carat urity of," va"I'lae, SECTION Ix. Mat this ordinance Wall take effect and be Q MU force and effect from mid after the date of its passage, znd it to so ordained. PIZ,, F,, 7 'T jf xas ATIEST: UTWIEW 77-PER—jr,—7 Fort Worth, Tlexu,�z 1U,111,10VE'D AS TO FOMA (V��D �—xr n 'nit­-Mr 77 Fort loforth,, Texas C]TY CH? FORT "'WOIRM F"I"'ti,119CIFILL II/IVII��ll'Y"X,Tl�'C,"(""IES (31BUMBUs'll'S tOlUESEIR4 BONDS MABC,'S, 1, DUM KOMI Isir, J 954 000.00 1,956 B,00000 1,957 8,000.00 1,959 8,4y o.00 8,000.c)o 1 2 13,ow oo D 3 8,("'xx) ool 1,rf,64 8,lcxy).00 1.9(l-"' 6,000 1196'f 8",oco.oo 8,000.010 1970 8, 00 19'ri 6,000.00 a El"000.00 8"000.00 I syo,� 8,o0o.00 L975 8 of.)O.O'D ,'-5 000. 8,000-00 .............. m .............. NO IMIIED STW S OV AHZPI(O,� s"'luva 'u u,;, courn"'( c), zui ,jm SERIES 85 Children's Museun Bcrnd, of 'tbe City of Fort Worth Lssued for the purpose of making penamment, c'Ity in providing a recreation center buildinp,,, to wit, by biii,141il"qg, wnd children's mu sewn for said City, and tbe nece�,,,'- sary 2and Uberefor. KNOW ALL XMItl BY '1111EI, PRES,Ls'7111,' lha� the gzfrverngaaab of the City of Flort Worth, a, 4td4uljcipal, ccax`- 3,,;o:tn tifork rblly czvateil d.vider, the laws of 0e Stabe of Texas, herdby acknawl ,, edges itself to owe, and for vajue raaeived promises to pay to bearer, ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000.00) ka lauful Money Or the United. States, of Punerica, ca'A bhe first Q7 of March, A. D. 19 together w1th Interest thereon at the rate of Percian"tann %) per annum, payable siewti-aruni -1y on Lhe first dury ar September and Plarcb in each year, an presentation and ourreader of 0e an- nexed interest coupons as they severally fall due. Both the principal and. interest of this bond are payable at tho office of The ID=ver lizLnk, III New York Cityj New lbrk, and for Uae dui .,u,,ul paymont of this bond at the msturity tbereof, and, the intereaL thereon when it falle due, the full falth, credit and 01' CIty—of Fort Worth are herekW Irrevoedbly pledged, This bond Is one of a series of tuo hizyndred (2X)) bonds taxtibered consecutively frma one (1) to two hundred (200), inclusive, Jn the denondna-, tion of One Thousand Dollara J1,000.00) each, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of Two ffimdred. B'Louxand DoLD4,.rs Lasued for the ["r'ay-'pcme 01" w Wil',ing panaaiaett aity Ln providixg,,T, a recreation manter building, to wit, by con otruating, buUd.ing and e1quJppJr4,,'r, a ch.11dren's� umseum for said CAW, and acquiring the necessary land therefor, unler and by virtue of the Constitution and Laws i-d" the State of Texas, the Darter of the City of Fort Worth, jand an oi,%Lirianze la%wfully passed. adogted b,,,r hhe City Council of Whe City ol. Fort Wor'th, tsar stuan't, to valid authority, froln the prqpertytaxpaying qualifLed voters of said City, at a proper and legal election held an the 11th Uy of September, A. D. 1951. It is lierdby farther e,',.c[jresaly recited and covenanted by the, goveramemt of the Oity of Fort Worth, to and with each and every holder of caid batuds or any one of them, that all acts, conditions emd 1hin's required by the Coast I tut i an and lzva, of Barra StaLe of Te.,,cms, t','utid, by Lhe Charter Lind Ordinances of the Ciiy of Fort Worth, precedent to mid,, 4s t«toe's aswiana,,e of this bond, haNt been done, have happened amE have been performad in pruper and lavft,.U. titne, form and manner as prescribed by law, so as to make this bond a legal, bindiqg and valid dbligation of the CRY of Fort Worth, and that provision has besn made for ,thug levy and callectUalin, of a direct amnual tax on all taxable it Llac,a*t;t" Ln tl'.ke C',Lty' of Fort Worth, and that such !ax has toss e;ri levied, ln a sufficient winunt for the payment of the principal and interest of this bond at the respective maturlLy dates tbe'reof, and that the total ind6btednass iof simia C-ity, iiv�,Dvlinpg, tliis bond %nd tile iaau;ua of Which it Is, as e,mtzy, ,ponont part, does not exceed any cunsti- tutional or statutory limitation. IN TERIMMORY WHEREOF, the City of Fort Worth, in the State of Texas, has executed �A.',dia b(,n'ud, by it to be ligned.Ay its Mayor and attested by the City BecreLary, w0h the seal of the City thereunto duly .............. ..................................... ................. inp-essea, and has cm ed Lhe �7 exed :L[.iterest u�,,iXigpus to bii.`.� executedi wi Lln� the facalmile of tive �148yor uOld Cilty Secreti,�,ry, Ancl, has, ctaused th','La lxnul, to 'be dated an fbhe first & y of j) xch, A- D. 1953. Cl"ll, (W FWT M M, XINS BY ATTEST. t