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WdEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth,
;Texas has 'iieretofore ordered that the hereinbelow described
portions of streets and avenues in the City of Fort Worth, Texas,
be improved by raisin- , sradinl, and filling same and by con-
structing thereon a 6 inch reinforced concrete pavement with a.
, l, inch hot mix asphaltic concrete surface, toy,°°ether with
combined curbs and 7utters on proper i�rade and line where same
fare not already so constructed, together with necessary
lincidentals and a.pMp:,uotena.ncez , a.11 to he constructad as and
where shown on the plans and in stricL accordance with the plans
,land specifications therefor, and contract therefor has been made
!and entered into with Texas Bitulit",ic Company; and.,
WREREAS, the City Council of the City of Fort Worth, j
Texas, has caused the Public Works Director to prepare and file
'estimates of the cost of such improvements, the estimate of the
`amounts per front foot propose(:p. to be assessed against abutting
',property and the owners thereo-f, and amounts to be assessed
la.A,ainst railways for i.mprovemen s in the ai°,ea between and under
Trails, tracks, double tracks, turnouts and switches, and two feet
on each side thereof, and suc� h esti
and the owners tnereo for curb and ,gutter is /.9L- tare
estimated amount per front foot to be assessed a17;5InsT—abTz'GtinL;
property and the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of
curb and gutter is 24 total estimated amount per
front foot to be assessed a�lla,lnst abutting property and t?�e
owners thereof is
On EAST FIRST STREE'"I", from tl,re easterly line of Elm
Street to the westerly lincr of Harding Street, known and des-
ignated as Unit No. 2. tLe estLmated cost of the Imp-Loverlients is
$ 23,003, the estimated a�inount per front foot to be assessed
against abutting property and th, cn ners thereof for curb anc,
gutter is $- J.85 ,, the astimatred amount per front foot j
to be assessed against awittinr,, property and the owners thereof
for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is
total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against
abutting property and the onoa-iers thereof is $ 10.47 _; the
estimated amount to be assessed I a-rainst any raiJway, street
railway or lntei.%Lrban, its roadbed, tics, rails, fixtures,
rights and franchises, using, occupylnw-_; or crossing, any portion
of said street, !'or improvements In the area between and under
rails, tracks, do lb]-zj tracks, turnouts and switches and two
feet on each sido theroof, io, 'she estimated cost of the improve-
ments in such area, w1 c'n Js
On EAST FIRST STREET, from tlic easterly line of Jcnes
Street to the easterly line o.:' Pecan St,2eelc, known and des i.gIlated-
as UnI t No. 3. tr,e cost of" tne improvements is
$ /2 /Z74,S ; the estimated amount per front fact to be assessec',
aZainsF7i.7-a-ft.i.n�, Troperty and the owner.,r thereof for curb and
gutter is amount Lp("nr i'ront foot to
be assessed property anr..i the owners thereon' j"or j
improvements exclusive or' cur U and �uttei, is $ 12-1
total estimated amo�,rnt 1,-,aer front Vor>t to be, assessea against
abutting property and the ownevs tnereo Is
On EAST SECOND STRT,,;j,T,, J.."rom t-be westerly line of Elm
Street to the easterly line oi.' itiaiirptun tre-et, 1,cnown and des-
i,,Inated as Unit No. 4: the estimated cost ol" the improvements
is $ 36',7 6, 13 the estimated amount p-,r front foot to I)e
assessed against abuLtJln.o, property and t1ae owners thereof for
curb and gutter is $ /.gs , tiie estimated amount per
front foot to be assessed agaJH-sT abuttinrr, property and the
owners thereof for ins pr exclusive 'of curb and gutter
ism$ biz total estd amou it iper it toot to be
asessed a0ainst abutiing prop� rL,,,; an(�t t��'ie cnTners thereof co
$ &I".�il ; the estLmated amo�.int, to be assessed af,I;ainst ,.-iny
r=5L ��ry, -=treet ra,�-iway or interurban, its roadbed, ties, rails,
fixtures, rights anr,,J fi-,,anchises, using,, occupy in- or crossin�
,, portion of saj-��j' streo for improv�ments in tne 21.,,ea bctwe,-�n
and under rails, tracks, doap'ble tracics, tu:�,nouts and switches
and two feet on ea( h side thereof', is estimated cost of the
iyriprovenents in such area, wUch Ls $
On EAST FObHTH r,TREE�Tl, froiij the raiosterly line o,,L' KIM
Street to the ea5trl,,,� 11lic of Crump Sti,,eet, known and de,siu-tated
I as Unit No. 5: trie eztimated cost or the -'D,�iprovuments
f1b 0 tl�c estima��e�,J aii)oGint pe.r f'rcni", foot to be assessed
,.,ainst 177uttinr.; proper t,,; and the owners thereof for curb nnd
gutter is I) /.its-
'u-ne estimated amount per front f'oot to
be assessed D-Bc
_ai=bu ;ti n5L prcT-rerty and tlie, owners th��reof for
" ter is total
improvements e,,r.clusive an(J, ut
estimated amount 1 r `"r out foot to be assessed a�.raft.nst abu'6tin,d
i property and the olofncr�.11
On DUOfPTON ST iEE'1111, from tree northerly line of 1 ast
First Street to tire ncrtlierly line of ! ast Second Street, known
and desi{,nated as Unit tfo. 6: the estimated cost of the trrmrove-,
ments is , _ 7. 3,1 8.4,(-) ;. the estimated amount per front foot to be
assessed a,_;ainsta7iittin,,r property and the ovmers thereof ['or
curb and Futter is $ / -5- the estimated amound' per f*ront
,r i_
foot to be assessed a, ns'n abutting, property and the owners
thereof for iaraprovemenb3 exclusive of curb and. ;vutter is
Ml total est nat;ed amount per front foot to be �
assessed aga nst abutting, prol:,,erty and tl"ae owners thereof is
On CRt7frP STi°IEFT, f'vom tine so,.atherly line o� P;",t S,-cond
Street to the northerly liner of blast Fourth Street, save a,nd
except the intersection of 'Sas't Third Street, known and des-
ij,7nated as Unit No. ' : the estimated cost of the improvements is !
the estimated amount per front foot to br_,, assessed j
ns property and the owners thereof for curb and
gutter is e,� / E ; the estimated amount per front foot to be
assessed against abutt3n�; property and the owners thereof for
improvements exclusive of curb and t,.P atter is .$ 8 6 ;°
tota.:l. estimated amount per front °oot to be assessed against
abutting property and the owners thereof is "$ 10-47w_
On ELI+'( ST1IKET, from the southerly line of East First
Street to the northerl,/ line of .[Last Second Street,, l�anown and
designated, as Unit, No. 8: the estimated cost of the improve-
ments is $ 7610. 30 ; tree estimated amount per front foot
to be assessed as a.inst .abutting property and the oa�mers thereof
for front n ,,,,,u.tter is
ont r° ottto be assessed ap a.n estimated
st uauttin, property and amount p r
owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is
9-6,L�L total eatimate;c# amount pf.=r° front foot; to be
i assessed agrainst a.butt:inr property a.nd the owmers thereof is
1C..1-7 the estimated amount to be assessed against any
raiiway,street railway or interurban, its roadbed., ties, rails,
fixtures, rights and franchises, usin,l , occupying or crossing
,, any portion of said street, for improvements in the area: between
and under rails, tracks, double tracks, turnouts and switches
and two feet on each side thereof`, is the Lstimated cost of the
improvements in such area, vaPalUh is $ .3,07 7.5
On 'PERRY STREET, from the southerly lino, of East Second
'Street to the northerly lice of east Fourth Street, save and
except, the intersection of" East Thsird Street, known and design-
ated as Unit No. 9: the estimated cost of t`ie improvements is
the estimated amount per front foot to je assessed
against abutting; property and the owners thereof for curl:. and
Tutter is "fir /-8,5 the estimated amount per front foot to
be assessed against abuttinE property and the ovmers thereof
for improvements exclusive of curb and. gutter is $ 9.6ZI ;
total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against
abutting property and the owners thereof is $ /0-4-7 ; the
`estimated amount to be assessed against any railway, street
!ra.ilwa.y or interurban, its roadbed, ties, rails, fixtures,
rights and franchises, using, occupyinF or crossinrL any portion
of said street, for improvements in the area between and under
ra.ils, tracks, double tracks, turnouts and switches and. two
l;feet on each side thereof, is the estimated cost of the imn_rove- 1
Iments in such area, which is
On PECAN STREET, from the southerly line of East First
jStreet to the northerly line of East Fourth Street, save and
lexcept the intersections of East Second and :Gast Third Streets,
,known and designated as Unit No. 10: the estimated cost of t'he
improvements is $ /5"S-6- ,00 t the estimated amount per front
foot to be assess - alura�inst abutting property and the owners
thereof for curb and stutter is I.8S ; the estimated
;amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property
a.nd the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and
Mutter is .6 total estimated amount per front foot
to be assess againsE akrutting property and the owners thereof
is $-
- 3 -
it I
On GROVE STREET, from the southerly line of East
i Weatherford S,.reet to tine northerly line of East Fourth Street,
save and except the intersections of East First, East Second
and East 'third Streets, known and designated as Unit No. 11.:
, the estimated cost of the improvements is $ ,20 806.10 ; the
estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting
property and the owners thereof for curb and gutter is $ 1,9,5—;
the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against
abutting property and the owners thereof for improvements
exclusive of curb and -`;utter is $ R. total estimated
amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property
and the owners thereof is $ /O.±7
On LA114AR STREET, from the southerly line of West Belknap '
Street to the northerly line of West Weatherford Street, known
and designated as Unit No. 12: the estimated cost of the improve-
ments is $ 5 2 /•40 ; the estimated amount per front foot to
be assessed atgdinsc—abutting property and the owners thereof for
curb and gutter is $ .85 ; the estimated amount per front
foot t(/be assessed aLFainst aEuttin!r property and the owners
thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is
$� 6 2�_�; total estimated amount per front foot to be
assessed against abutti.n,; property and the owners thereof is
On BURNETT STREET, from the southerly line of West
Belknap .Street to the northerly line of West Weatherford Street,
Pznown and designated as Unit No. 13: the estimated cost of the
improvements is S 4. O the estimated amount per front foot !
to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof
for curb and gutter is / = _ the estimated amount per
front foot to be assessed a, inst abutting property and the
owners tl,�ereof for improvements exclusive of curb a,nd gutter i s
$ S.6 u ; total estimated amount per front foot to be
assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof is
On CHERRY STREET, from the southerly line of West
Belknap Street to the northerly line of West First Street, save
and except the intersection of Weatherford Street, known and
designated as Unit No. 14: the estimated cost of the improve-
ments is $� /O�6 9 9�" the estimated amount per front foot to be
assessed against aUTtting property and the owners thereof for
curb and gutter is $ 1 s- ; the estimated amount per front
Jfoot to be assessed sgainst abutting property and the owners
;! thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is
$ :-- total estimated amount per front foot to be
assessed against abutting property and the owners t-;ereof is
� $
On FLORENCE STREET, from the southerly line of West
Belknap Street to the northerly line of West Weatherford Street,
known and designated as Unit No. 15: the estimated cost o°? the
; improvements is $ 47c,k,5 • the estimated amount per front
„ foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners
Ill thereof for curb and gutter is $ /.g's ; the estimated
; amount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property
and the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and
gutter is t total estimated amount per front foot �-
to be assessed a;zainst _abutting property and the owners thereof
is $ /0.47
On WEST ELUFF STREET, from tlic, westerly line of
Lexington Street to the westerly line of Henderson Street, known
and designated as Unit No. 16: the estimated cost of the improve-(
,ments is $�9 62,9. �r`0 ; the estimated amount per front foot to be j
�a.ssessed a;��ainst a� c � i?a>_; property &ad the owners thereof for
curb and gutter is $ 1e5 `; the estimated amount per front
- 4
=foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners
thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is
I $ I,,,24 ; total estimated amount per front foot to be
assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof is
On WEST SECOND STl'.~1.:1:'.ET, from the westerly line of Lake I
Street to the easterly line of Fahey Street, known and design-
ated as Unit No. 1(: the estimated cost of the improvements is
$ 15 49 9,SO ; the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed
�! against abutting property and the owners thereof for curb and
gutter is $� /, the estimated amount per front foot to be
assessed against 3outtin property and the owners thereof for
improvements exclusive o..' curb and Futter is $ 2.97 �
I, total estimated amount per front foot to be assessed against
abutting property and the owners thereof is $
On LEXINGTON STREET, from the southerly line of
' Weatherford Street to the northerly line of West First Street,
known and designated as Unit No. 18: the estimated cost of the
improvements is $ "ef 7, 0, ; the estimated amount per front
foot to be assessed against abutting property and the owners
thereof for curb and gutter is :$ the estimated
Jamount per front foot to be assessed against abutting property
land the owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and
Plutter is total estimated amount per front foot
to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof
On WEST THIRTEENTH STREET, from the easterly line of
Ballinger Street to the easterly line of Collier Street, known
and designated as Unit No. 19: the estimated cost of the improve-
merits is $ 4-,774-,,50 ; the estimated amount per front foot to
be assesse against abutting property and the owners thereof
for curb and gutter is $� /.Q S the estimated amount per
front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the
owners thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter
is $ 6- �; total estimated amount per front foot to be
assessed against abu.ctin2; property and the owners thereof." is
On COLLIER STREET, from the northerly line of Thirteenth
Street to the southerly line of Texas Street, known and designat-
ed as Unit No. 20: the estimated cost of the improvements is
$ 16 750. 65 ; tha estimated amount per front foot to be assessed
against abutting property and the owners thereof for curb and
gutter is $ /.8S the estimated amount per front foot to
; be assessed against aautti.rrg property and the owners thereof for
''.. improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is $_ g 4 ; total
estimated amount per front .Foot to be assessed against abutting
property and the owners thereof is
On RIO GRANDE AV ,',1,4111: , from the westerly Line of Summit
! Avenue westerly to the westerly line of Lot 19 of Block 1 of the
Texas and Pacific Railway Company's Addition, known and desig-
nated as Unit No. 21: the estimated cost of the improvements is
,s I the estimated amount per front foot to be assessed
against ab
uttinsr property and, the owners thereof for curb and
� gutter is �' /.� ,Un thy:*, estimated amount per front foot to
be assessed against abrattinLr property and the owners thereof for
improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is $ '6 ; total
estimated amount per front foot to 1.7e assessed—against abuttin_n,
Lproperty and the owners thereof is
On BALLINGER STREET, `"rom the nor:AtLerly line of
Thirteenth Street to the southerly line of Texas Street, known
sand designated as Unit No. 22: the estimated cost of the improve-
ments is $ 6 /SS.aS m the estimated amount per : rent foot to be
assessed against abutting, t;:aroperty and tl,e owners thereof for
curb and gutter is w> / ,�f' ;p the estimated a, ount per front
foot to be assessed against abuttinn property and the owners
; thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gutter is
S 6.;_"""4, total est3.ma.ted amount per front foot to be
' assess e d against a��:uttin ° I"::d,operty and the owners thereof is
On ELM STRE,37i', from the soutt erly line of "east Third
Street to the northerly line of Fast Fourth Street, known and
! designated as Unit No. 23: the estimated cost of the improve-
ments is $ 5 103-00 the estimated amount per front foot to
be assessed aga,ins_a�uttindr7 property and the owners thereof for
curb and gutter is /. , ; tll;e estimated amount per front
foot to be assessed against aTD .tting property and the owners
thereof for improvements exclusive of curb and gri,jtter is
total estimated amount per front "oot to be
a" essed against a.buttinr, property and 'l:,h>e owners thereof is
On WEST R MS± Y AV ENUE., from the easterly line of Jennings,
jAvenue to the westerly rlglit-of"-wa„yr line of the T. and N. 0.
Railroad, known axvi, des na.ted as unit No. 24: the estimated j
cost of the improvem(,,,nzt i s $ 4,4',80.00 ; the estimated amount
per front foot to be assessed against abutting property and the
,j owners amount thereof
assessedsat,ainst� -° - the estimated I
/ abutting property
and. the owners thereof” for improvrrrrmenas exclusive o' curl) and J
gutter is $ t oi.al estimated amount per front foot
to be assessed r,Iauttii ri' prop��:;rty and the owners th',ereof
A hearing be given and held by and before the City
Council of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, to all olmninF or
claiming any property abutting., upon said portions of streets and
avenues and to all others ownln„ or claiming any interest in any
such property and to the owners of railways, street r1ilways and
interurbans using, occupfrinr or crossin; any portion of said
streets and avenues andt to all ethers ownf.np: or clalljintl, any
interest in any such property. Such hearin«; s tall be sl)iven and
held on ttie PZLV day oi� -'UNe A. D. , 1955, aL
j /o:o o'clock, � , M.;in the CoLuTil Chamber in the
in the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and the City tsecretary±
, is hereby directed to give notice of the Lime and place of such
�fhea.ring and of other matters an(I facts in accordance with the
I terms and. provis3 ons of t1ie Act pass d. at the First Called
Session of the 'Fortieth Dap,_slature of t}`e State of Texas, known
as Chapter 100 of the Acts of" sairi ,>ss�on, now shown a.,.,
;Article 1105b of V,:,rrrrm,nls T,,s:cas CJvi]_ Statutes, wliich Act na.s
l;jeen adopted as an an endment to and made a part of the Ctsarter
of the Ca_ty of Fort Worth Texas. Such notice shall oe by
advertisement inserted, at ;least 1-1iiree f.,imes in a. newspaper
pUblislied in Ci,e C,itvr of TIort 'gorth, Texas, the first publication
to be made at least ten (10) days before the date of said hearing;
and said notice shall comply with and be in accordance with the [
jLerms and provisions of . u?d. ,)It.
1'AS ^A) AND f'PP(ri,V F� iiiis o�.'�T-H day of 14a.y, A. D., 1955.
City Attorney - 6 -