HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3740 ATI GIRDINAMM liD,"M )VIZA, 000, MUNI)ARV 11JUTS MUM AJ'R1Ti'.X11,0r CERTCV1 7,21 'MR7, =11 ADJACE,371' TK) M CIM! OF FORT UIRT11; PROVIDIRM11 IMM M, ORI ISZ� ADVE Tl`!,ZD V5 A IWELY ' W APM PUMJw EX) IN SAID CITY IN ACCORBAVCI'11'.�o WI1111 111111"S' P%')VISIONS OF 4o, MIAP "U'VI"T"I OF 11-11,0131 CITY X!,M 11RE',13CRIBINUt JUI Ix,50'ECTIV, DMM. BE IT ORMUED BY THE CIT9 Y OF "riM C1117 (UP11 V(11111T IMRITH, TIPMAS: SEC71,01N 1. That the herelmafter deacribmi territarr,,I, adjacetat 'to the City of Fort WoM Is hen,,by annext,ad and, brought w1Ahd,.n the carparate 15anits anjI, made am 1whegral part of said city af,", F�,)rt lWarth, said territory being sittuited in Uu,remikt Coumby, Was, and, being described, Ttq metes rand bounds as follows: BeginnUg at a point In the juresent City air F,'xrL Worth elty limit line, said point boixg In the east right of way—line of GrafaRwry's Greek 11oad a d t1ae corner of Lot 1, Mack I of Ridgs,,,mrest AxIdition to the City of Part; 14ortb; lqaenace rtrn- h 89 dej�,,pn,mu 54 miniaters east, along 'the presemt City o'i Fort, `r,haxth city, 11avit's feet; T`hence a,Loz,,ig the presaiat City, of Fort Worth city Umit liana s*wth 67 degreas 04—"drotes east 429.4 feet; Mxsnce along '11,xe presen,1; C.1t;y of Fart Worth city liynitu nartb 24 dmgreea 29 minutes east 200 feet; Thence al(xzg the present City, ar [Port Worth city, ]irjaltz south 66 degrees 5.1. naza;jtes east 3(X) fee to Ei y.of 1,11 the souttwtao�twrly ril,Oit at way line W" U. S. Mi(llavalf 110. 377; 11,11aeouce it as direction sl,ar.W the soMeasterly, right of vay lialse Of U- iS- Hi&ww Ro. 317 and W lraaha, the jp*eoent city or Fort WbrUa city 2,811Y) feet to its iaterseaUemi, with the east line of GrM-Mary's Creek Hand.pro- dueed; Thence along tke east right of way line of Grafa-Maxy's Cre,,Wr Rtnd Prodiajaxad, croasi',W? U- S- 1}143MMY P40- 37"r and coirtinuixt,; north alcing t1ut cast 11no of Grxra-,,VfWrr1s 11°z-eek Pgmd, approrbmtely 2 5X) fejimt to Wae place of beginnitagr, *u,ad acm1aining, alyprox1imtely Wacr,elof land. SECTIDN 2. Mat this ordinance shall be pdblizhed cmP 'ti,me in "the Fr Pens =2. ........... a daily newspape abllsh in the City cxf, Fort, Worth, In accordance w-LU.,i the pravisLans aV Section Q Chmpter XXVIII aV the My aharter. SECUON 3. 2hat this ordinance stall baccas effectiv(,,, and be irt fiall, force &nd effect upon Its final passage, Web in no event rilmll, Im Iesvi thrui (-30) day's trwa the—Mate aE its, pub1J,.cavtd,f,,)n a,s aforesaid, and It is no ordained. Presented mvi passed on first reading Fridej, November 22, 1957. APPM YUM Xri IX) FOPIX AND 1ZG11LITIC: 01ty Attorney