HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3744 Ills Ail ORDTNYAI�CE APPROVING 71°IE !U,20RT OF 1T11E, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT; AN00ING THE CONTRACT FO A THE IMPR0VETTENT OF VARIOUS STREETS, AT SIX (6) LOCATIONS, IN THE CITY OF 11XhVT 111011TH, 111"AS, AM) AUT1'10A.IZING ITS =7,CUTION: MJUTENG APPA01',"JiLTION FOR 11E INDEBIMNE33 12U1,00 VDKdZ- 1: VA) DIREC'l,ING THE C El,,IGIHEE�R TO PREP1 RIS ESTIXkEES. WHOREAS, by Ordinance passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Fort "Uorth, rFeinT Ordin,,ances No. 3704, 3683, 3734, 3735, 3736, and 3737, bhe City Council daLanwincd the nucessity for and ordered Ke %prouement of thm following named stroebs, to-wit., ITAIt°J,'IN STIU 'P: rrom the, eaoterly line cvf Shackieford Street, to the westerly line of TrenLaan Street, Kown and designated as Unit !,To. 1,; 1,103ERIZ D�iZIVE: from Lhe easterly lino of Shackleford Strew', to the westerly line of Trentatan Street, know n and as Unit No. 2; ALGIIIITA 3TE'ET: from Uhe easterly line of Shackleford Street to the westerly line of Tranbnan Streea u, lejioim and desigriated as Unit No. 3; AIGERITA STHZET: from the easterly line of Trentman Street to the maKarly line of Killer Averue, known ,vid desigglat-ed Iras Unib No. 4; EDUTT STREET: from the easterly line of Louise Street to the westerly line of Uayrde SLreet, known nnd designated as Uidl: No. 5; 11ALCOLM STREET: from the southerly line of Craig Street to the northerly line of Routt Street, known and deaippated as Unit No. 6. WHEAEA3, subseqienL to the jassa, and approval of said Ordinance, Plans and Specifications for said -were submitted by the Public Works Director and said Plans and 3pecifications were approved and adopted by the City Council; and, MlLiLAS, 11otice to 2iddez-s icas ,,,-,i-ven as required by the CiLy Charter; and, VPIE=,S, iAie bid of Texas Ritulith-ic Company was found to be the lowest and beat bid for the making and canKruction of said iraprovenent, to-wit: Excavation of present streets and placing 71" Flexible Base Material with oodbined curb and gutter and recess a+ appurtenances, and placing 11" Hub Mix Asphaltic Concrete Surface, all as prozided by said plans and specifications; 1101, THEREFURF, BE IT OOKUM20 D'Y Tllt^; CITY COUNCIL OF TIM 0117 OF FORT WORTH, TKKAS: SECTION 1. That the work of. making and constructing such improvements and contraeb therefor is hereb,',/' a'vgvvdcd to '1evts i,J-bi,aUthic Conipany, at and for the prices stwbed in the proposal of the said company and as reported and reomnmended by the Ptblic Works Department. The Major and City Secretar"', are hereby directed to ex acute the sadci contract in the name of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, and to iaTress the coryorabe seal of the City thereon, the said Contract anbracing therein, axnn,r, other Lhinzs, the prices for the avrk. SECTION 2. That to provide for the papaent of the indebtedness incurred by the City of Fort Worth by said Coiitrax,(:,, ',here is hereb,-, approprioted out of availdble fundo which have been seL aside for said purpose, an amount sufficient to pay said indebtedness so incurred. SECTION 3. That the Public Works Director of the City of Fort Worth be and he is hereby ordered and directed Lo file wilth the City Council esbimates of the COBb Of such Uproveneuts in accordance w0h the berms of the powurs and provisions of Chapter 106 of the acts of the First called session of the Fortieth Legislature cC the State of Texas, now shown as Article 1105r) of Vernon1s Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, Annotated, which law has been adopted as an amen(laerit to and made a part of the CharLer of bho City of Fort Worth. APPROVED AS '20 FOfd,(: ASST. CI'T'Y ATTORNEY TO THE CITY CO1114CIL OF THE, CITY OF FOU 'WORTH, 7'EXAS: Referring to the rejx rt of 2a Public Works Department in connection with bids for the improvenent of the Various Streets at 3A (6) Mcations, in the City of 4brth, Torcas, and to the proposed contract therefor, it appears thaL the amount which the City will pay in connection with such Contract and improvements is the sr,w- of 7h-Lr1-.,y-ti,&) ThousaNd, Bur Hui:�dred Dollars ($32,400-00). I do hereby aertily, to the City Council of the Cit y of FoA Arth that the money requLred for such canbract and expenditures which will be incurred thereby is in tho Treasury to the credit of the Street Improvement nind and not appropriated for any other purpose. LIL 1—D1111TIDI'A OF FIII�kNCEI