HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 3938 OR,IENAXGI�', ANEr (IF THE UF XiU M AMMUS TO M bOH IJ° '.cclt;iaerdd°1 dl ON A RAtTICE oliw DJUL-vAld"i 'IKIRTIUN6 "'N" 6U'Hd Ry IN CHE CITI UY FURT WURTR, ZiA6, k'D1N(] '2111, AM.) PLACE !<Cffl H1,3AKING M TE MUM GF ABUTTING TMERTY AND IM ALL uTHERS ARL IfIL JITY j&,,'0RR;'Cit-RY Tjt arlh-,, „A-r6R.Z"' thc-" cl".ty Uounf"!"l of "",he' r"xl of i�rjrt Worth, has heretofore ordsisd that tach of the hereinafter dencribnd jurtiono of stivote and public jaces in the City uf xbrt hbrth, Texas, be approved by raising, gradjmg and filling some and by cunstrar,.tin,p,,7 thcxT.�,un as Y# inch i1exible Base Course ot, crushed limestane Ohl if 10A kot J.'uFr..41aitic 3onere-to 3urface, sM by farther constructing thereon cunbinnd concreb:, cu-,cbs and ,,',uttcrs on grade and line where saNm axe not alread-y so constracted, together with star.ru sewers and draYs and other necessary incidentais and ap1mrtenances; nail of saM im;zroyanents to to constructed as vuierra shown an the Plans and in strict accardanae with the Mans and b1nelfRaLions tborefor; and contract therefor haz oac,'.�n. 'naAo, and, rent;ered into with Mas Bitulithic Oompany; and, A,i RZA,`,, Or City Gouncil :�f tive, of Fort North, Texas, has caase,,r.i the T°,tblic Works Mactor to 1wapare and flie e tiutates of the cust of such imTroveponts and estiavates of the a,,K)unto per 2ront fact praImposed to to assessed against abutti, profxn.-vy wic-], the owners ther"of, am'1 such astLilai�s have been TME;16,,R)HE, ii,1 i r aiujKiiiED v'tY kill CITY (.J' TIE CITY ,'01VT JURTH, Ti,,'KALS',, TIULT: bECTION 1. Such estimates be, and thuy are adulpiz,,d atoi at::�lzovnd.. It is hereby MY and deterrdned that the cost oi' iniTarov(,njzn-tts on each parLian of street and pubLic place heivinafter described, with the amount or amounts per frunt foot proposed to to assessed for Bush improvements against tine abutting praj',erty anal the ,jwners 1heiso1, ani as follows, to wit: On "'412'KEH from the anent erly line of Quail Trail to the eastarly "Line of Ghttruhill hDad, known and designated as Unit No. 1; the esti- rrated COSL of t1le im4woveUmnts is §L2/00.U0; the esLinitkci amount Ter front fckot to be asseased against abutting proyx rt,; ead the svniers therauf for curb Wad g0ter is 42.10; tiro estivat(,ed wicunt Iter front t,.'oot to be as ae,7sed a,,,�,ainst M)utting property and Me uwners them uf for improvesents axo1usive of curb and is total e.,jLdvzL1,,e amounL per fiant fout to be assessed against abuttin,,,, ywo °,crty and tlx'n owners therocd" is On WCENIMEST, from the voutlmrly line ul' Titus Moat to the norikerly line of Mandless btreet, known and deeignatea, as Unit Ho. 2: the estMated cost of thc,,: imirv,ove.ri,ntu is qq,660,wu; too estmated, waount per front Coot to be aoavu ed a,,..,,uJJnst abi tat JuiL!, prolprty and the 01,',1neT3 thereof for curb and jptter is j2JU; the estivated mnount per front foot to & assessed against abutting praTurty and. the owivrs for !:,nprovu,,no rite ex- clusivo Oaf curb and gutter is o3.50; total ustinabud amount per front foot to be assessed agaiast abutting„ d'.aoj,'ertT and the owners thereof is Y5.50. On narthwe,.;terly ILae of .,kcr,andless 6Lreet to the sautheasterLy liiie oi, Eituz btreet, known and desiLg- natk,,ci as Unit No. 3- the est:L¢ia,Wd cost, aaf Uie iviyrovei�Kents is estimated amount r ,,er frozaL foot to te, asaes.,.ed a��ain,at abutting proNrty and the owners thereof for curb and is ,p2.1()I- the estiiixvUad amoun pr,,X' front J'oot to 'nee assessed against abutti.ng and the ovn'lers tiere-of for in"T,zovene,nts exclusive of nixb and is ,C); total estimaIxk,[ wv.,Punt , r front foot to be assessed agmkist abtfttinf,,r proyerty and the, nwners thorr,-,,af -ILs ,:-2'CT7Cgq I:1:`k: A hearing 'r,.e t,J-ven and held Ijy and be[br(,,u the City Council. oC the City if Fort Worth, Texas, too ail ownin,,,.; or claiiiiing any property c3buttinr- up)z'L said Inrtions of streeta, and ptiLilir, place rand to adi M,1m,,rs, owriin(-,, or claLrOLng asa�l y interest in an,,, such fTorLIrty. 6uch hearingr ahall be �.riven and held on the d=ar of 71 a t 0 0 i l- VeA A. f all irl Lhe 37Tof 7-ock 17, city 1.1, ,00rth, Texas, :aid the City 6eczi�rtary is hereby di •ected to fJ,ve notice of the Urn and place of such hearing and. of othra, mauters and facts in accordance with the terms and provisions o.L' the Act j.as•ed at Uie ?irst Called bession of the 2,ortiath Iegislature- of t1'e Ltalia of exazj kaowa as Chapter K6 ajf the Acts of said &,:sqion, now shown as ArticLe b of' Vernon's Texas Civil 6tatutes, which Act has been adopt,od as an &!a3ndzrnnt, to atad �-iade a -jarL of tlie Charter off the City of aPort Worth, Texas. 4B,tch notioe shall be by adve,rtiseis:ent inserted at least three times in a new.,fapLr puhlj,31Xd :111 the, City r,,�f 2ort vkorth, Ter.as, the first publication to be made, at least ton (10) 6ays lb<,,,,foxN:, the date of said hearing and said notice shall coiqIy with anti 1-�e in accordance with the terms avic) pni- vi&-Lons of said Act. -tA PIUSSL LO this day of A.D., 1958. At kr`CJVT LD AS It) i'Oa'a: 4 'ity ttorney