HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 17207 i rROPOSIND amalmmi ITEVE 071mr 02F !,M78T ado, 'ro nv, mlav, tau?"n'TrI101V 00 OP.SRAS114 TOM SAMS Q A PUBLIC UIMIXTY, TO MJX" I 0Q'1Tr1'UhZT YNXI A 31PPIX OF NAIXMAL GAS 70R, STS011 DIS",1511,VVY1011, !"TZ4,3401" OR SYSTNVS GTMR A PERIOD NOT Z111) SUM000MM TnInTY 00) YSSRS AVZ,11 lv� '11"I'S ISE9,72/1,41JE? ANS SAKE OF THE No"TES"s 'i l.l y5,!'WNkt.' ,dtk °. "1tIIt3 1 at"mm"'orr TO agglifma RIZ PRURCRTY; ONZ TO AMEND CRA?TKR XXIK OF SAID CHARTER By 0111' at1111111D,10 = LINS3 OF SAID CITY Im mm- vravraw UP WH&T IS KNOWN AS THE "BLUE BONUMTT ra A101110NO $0 AS TO riliGll= N,rltt T22RITORT WITHIN THE LINITS DY SAZD GITY; 4111) m Tu a a ZUP!w X= or SLID amTm M, mg T110 T134'UT111)JUiy 01-VAIVOITY TU TITM303 vla"R51111'7 C IV11ILT is 11311C AS 21121211 11131iffal[Ra =F11T I TA 7.11ry " 41709383 111",,rrl lJIT11117111111117f RIVER BY EXCLUDIN3 OZHTAIN TIPRITURY NOW INOIUDED 11THINI, '=, ROUNaARIES Or SAID CITY; AND mstiNG NsamssgRo Rm IZES RDIDING OF A SPSGIIIJIL OR= 111T]Ayt , 101=011f 11114 115114 ka ar FouT sur , Tmvw, ati, TITZINW', `71,143" 2,13T 'JWX` OF JUIX, A., D. 101, '°' TIES, ()/v Y;,If,,"ttJIP rLr,rl"ll,"s 411=11u,.1111 is, It: T= �,IALT"Fl= TITERS OF SAID CITY FOR ADO&ION OR REZZUTION, WHERZAS, the City Oouncil of the City, of Ft�m, t V,"ioruit 1.11011 z, irl. tkto exercise of the discretion reposed lti the ty tarts 1lsvnra, tH tN as t taint a,aad Uae laws of this state, relating to the tmannilnmpnzt, of oi-*, abortarm dry ci,aea having a population of maw, e then five tboasm3d C5000) inhabitaubs, deem, It mise tnW expedion,t, qpcu their Own nxclplliorti,, ka a witalt carte'vizi P1,mjcs9d emotdmnto to 0m mdsti�fwp �,, 0ull of the Gity of Fort Worth, Texas, hereinafter slat at a Special electiloia to be kwld in, saId° city on t1ie 4.14t duy of Xuly, 'i.. D. 1931; and WHRUCAS, it appears thai", ti'm 01karter of 'the 01t,"ri, of Fort tfrarth, Texas, has not been ultered, or i a asa., yr tj'ar °arallsr osmended oJA,,7,1in the 3jmt tio yeazz; and %ENEMAS, no reguln"t, 1mlvdc1Pzt1 aleation will be hold in said ally, vrltbin itinety (90) dal Promn than passage a,af 03BRAS, ou Wbdxmsdqr, the Lath day of May, A. D. 1131, is resalutton 'Was dyaly passed r.ind, adopted, by the City notioo of '$*valr In- trjMtion 14 pisam an ordimmlafn Prcrrid,IY,",v for IMe submLealon to the qu,a ij. fled velorm of the ojj°y sj,,,, Qzae, eartain prcpamed amandmento taw thS OXiSting G'ft ftrtl0,r,1 Of Said City; and Immus, mmh notice of imbent,1011, to m0mnit ealid, 01.a.rtler T�,�lrmlmftants was given by 3lublicatimn, in thfl�a tqr�oot "410,rtb, !31amr-Taleg "the arflalal nevispa,prar of said city pubalshed daily in said city, and Wich notice was publishad n. wonsecatively, Wr ton (10) days, the date of the first pub- lication thereof ta,,.mta than to wertty 01W), days naxt preceding t drktas of this ordina aq, THEREFORE, IM IT 11PIT Hell"' ""'JITT Q(.JUU!,i,11L OF ",i31i,,' f ITY (1,? "OU1415"'I, '112, 4S; MOTION 10 Watt a special election bo held in the City of Fort Yorth, Texas, OrL TUAS&ry, 1;he 21st iiay u.'if Xul 1), for tk'ioa plirpose of sulymit't- U,tg,, to titer cpmlifled voTars of said city, Dr r adoption or rejection, the followimg proposed amendnonts to the 0!f tl"v" Gliq of Port crag Na: oball chapter 11 of the wxiati..,.ta" 0)% rtorr a ef" tk"ul ! "'Ity of lNert, i' rtlt,, Texao, bo aE4t,Pat by thereto Section 7, Wah sea- tian, stuill read as Section 7. The MY of Fort 01'w."Lll luavc, power to c,rnxq1;.ruc1,; ca, to, coquirs by purchame ar =,I, tbere.- aftel, 11aprave, rapt".Ar, maintain, ex twirl and operate an a public Ut ti_ ivy, one or move systans car tho dis Lis ibitioar of natural gas for i'ywco,la or {t.4 Y. consumption, together Wk all ap- purtanances of evezy nature within or without the any neaeseary ar tet h"tt cq n""'A' J.Orn thereof. (b) The city, if It (10"WTTMAUS 1x10 50 CXY!WtXMf`t arr Magaire Ma gas dietributiom syston und/or. systems, Is MQp empavemed to enter into any comtraol or oantracts far a of' cwatf""r'al, the My Council shall authorize; proviled, however, that PultOnt for the :As supply ma contreaked for 1»Kha2l W as chaZen MY against the rsvewasu of such Can 61otrfbubin, myeten and/or systenw, and unlao /,,,fo to payable from the proceeds of taxation. Kid contract, Or acatracta, for fe­""n' nuqpp0""", t ed' 5c, T,�sad upon competitive bids, for cl, exceeding thdrty (301 years. ff L 1"aleadvient 1"'0. 2 shall Olmpter xrjxS 7 cce tate existing 0 hr,'irur of 1,1he m ty of Part Worth, Texas, whidb, chayyter sets fc Bahr and defUms the 17vesGIlt OOTTo�mte boundaries of said olty by ple,Wa and bouroz, 'be twom."Ied by t1aia vald Unes In Uus TrlainitN of ydlstt is Brown an the "Blue Bannatt Hills Addition" so an to include now territa, ard havre awne, at thz point desiguated, renal as follows: Thence Onat alonk"t, W%ci soutl,u , line of ', 1laire Addition to tlxi ftc)rthvtezt fjomer of Lot V5, Bloc-Jr. Blue 11onlett Ifille Laditian"; thwrkop south -the nost Line of Block U',,, 13l4ue i3onnett 1111-Is Additiozl 'to the rwrtlarest carnar of Block 32, Maid additlan; thence vast along Us nartb lines of 1,11oak.z 32, 31, and 2 , said addition, to the naltheast carnar of Blodk 29, said point being alsio the wost lj,na of 'El),lue Bomrott circle; thence almig the southerly line of Blue MUM Circle anA), araur�il said Olvale to the north line of 13iddison. '(,,3ouJe,vc,,tvd1 said point being the southwest earner of HIM 27, said aaalulit l,aua lrl,tiaaaataaa Gear al on"p; the snuth line of Blook 07 and 21, said addition, to -the satithoawt Gxnnier of Blowk thance z=th bbe cast line Of R.101ak 21, " 01 8, Ilus 13onnf.,ktt Eillz Adition to the north line of the B. SoutberUnd Survey. Armtdmnuh No. 3 3,41mll ("hapte"r = of lobe wy"Ast"Ing 01"lartfar Of the City of 9Tort as Ith, Tomajo, which.ahapter note forth and defines thlB present corporate tiauxxtazieq of seld city lair notes iand N'runds, be amended by dhanging in tbe 71ainity, of what Is lalovm, as thio Bridge" across Us TrInit"Ir 111srer, so am to exclude cer,tsdn tiarritor­,7 now iticludad within tho boundMu'ies Of sold, alty and 1,xive at t,1,te desi"plat- ed, read as follows: Thence in a scutlaerly direction along the noxtbarly Rod easterly bank of the Trinity Rivor to a palml due went of Vtua ltorth,,,vest aoimer of lot T, Blook m, of the 3ho. N. Lamb Millar., thence east 1,;o 1jar-02- wast earzier of tai Lot raid t1vnme solath along, thO went line of said lot s,nd ],19 want line of RaT,?ner ivenue, to tlu,,! nort`l',%enst ac•u�wr at' I,zt 3, F. AL. Rlghtovez Subdivision; tiiet,,joe Yrumyt ajorj(,, t°aaa rwr,U),,I 1 ,, irp at Lot 3, A A. Hightower SUMvision to the vastorl, y bank of the Twinity thonce in, a sciutbf.r¢j:,,,r direa- ti, tuna along the easterly0ank of said Rivar to the Intair?_ meation with the north. lins of UP'le B. F. Crowley mid, 141, ]tritagiwa Sur"ray. (a) The coat w the conatTualAou or !>f the nataral gas distribut ton MYStSm COV systatm lerain, U]"atharivad, nZy be Met by Vle JSS1,911100 Of irAEWGSt bcmrin/ bonds, notes, or other forms of obligation of said city, such oblizations to be a obarge My an the die tribi'113 011 s,"1015t8in vWl its 3167011UPS, anid ixndar no to be payable from the proceeds of taxation, and to 'be IggraUe aqriallj within not more than thirty (3 0) years from their date. 1,,P uuaj,-a, eSV)Jjgcitiozz fire issued with provision for redeaption be fare matu"rity, It nlrxµr I'm provid- ed that they shall be eallable at si pranii9fto 7.%n sesurs ta10 japeent or such angationi the city may nsraa uatdn as &j'vJ'/Vr otbar- wine encumber the system sa acquired, atxl Pledge 83,1 or P44rt of the revatmtes 1s) be derived from "he operation thereof, and pro- vide tbqt saah 011gations be a charge only on, the distritution. systma and its re'renues cnd tio4er no be ;M,,Trab1e ?TmYn the prooesda of taxation. Provision may ba mude for transfer of the title t said &"r'atmti for tta bfeaerit of tlas hoh','Ier8 of said In the event of default In the payment of prin- cipal thereof ar intereat t1v)rV'n'L' r" 'aaiaoros t"he happel"O'n' c�f other contingencioa to be s,,xamil"tod in t1m of e'jimatun- brance, either N M or rd thmat fbreclosoxri', an✓ /or court promeed- ing ga. Provision may be node In the onally,,i,""'ince, Z"'nlali obligations for granting to nuoh trameferee of Ut3o or to as trustee WQg, ii,,n be valf ar 'Lhe holders of said dbligations east" a framahise ;r a„ oparation of said systan. Provision shall, bt cvjAe fvr f1wirv, servias rates to the users of said utility ndeWinte to insure Us paymsn", principal and il"Llu-'great of Raid" obligations in adUtion to east of operation and, maintanamon thereof, (d) TbS City may antlaipate tkk Ira kniamoo of Um Oblig,"Aiow* last above referred, to by t;?na) iemv-'Ineo of twtgjani ry z'uAes' auah notas to 1m p ,,payable from tIx'i gracemas of the sale of said ablign- tions as are aathio'rizewl In sior�-aaction (a) loneof, r d zem,�tr(ad in 't,11a ruvqr1arr, rx?at1arYxiz9d 1'n zaV3, (a) . Sajah tara,,�porary notes s0lall Q an irrvinflanwart fc,r the 2i'llking Axtifis. (e) IN r this rpa=pose of otxt tha provIsIonn, lu,,are- af, nplate pcoer, a,xvt hor1t,,r and diseration im vented In the city Council of t city of part Wrtlk. Pa C,`Aourkc,!11, cormist- W with the zxnov is ions, , zray 111x,° all dats"A ].Ad a G t"Widant ulf')on l-,he aona,jtru.,otian or a quiet tion, and finaxaoin�,r ar said Sys- t=, or airstmas, and to Viat reiy (Ultharize the axseation of" such contracts, agreamenta, mortgages, 400da of toast, axalseal,88, frazablues, Obllaatimaa, not ut'1?rar ass it zzy, con- sider aseesoary, atul mwy fix t,0,3, details thereof not berelt, spealfloally provided and reqAked. The Provisiurine herear shall be liberally oarstrued to efteat the Impposes of thiz Section. The pomace gmented 1,n ils,ts zfad�atiima , raall be Oxtzu, lat1w) and In WhIltion to all other powere now, pausessed by said aiti, ranni slall ncA; be) raonsi,&=iad as In vul)stjja%atiojj of MrTr Othow methods of prooed%=e now avalLable to, in,- vjjLja1,, may hors- artor he available to; the alty. ThIM section Oball in IN self 'tie =iplote and Independent authori,ty fc�,, tlf.,ie aoj�.Ertrtxction or acquieltIon of nand p07 , prawt for the utilities 1,,uarein authov- ized to hM roustructed, acquired and financed, and.nia city au- tborities, in carrging out the provisions hereof, alall not be lvi'bjeot to tha restrictions aw i-initatica-'ks coxttainod olgavhf;we in this charter, wxd PRX`LicM1Mr1:,y AM sent be Wbjeat to the MASIOns A Mapter 22, Section 19 of Ohapter Zbj anent. Beetion, 2 of Chapter 26 of sai d Charter. if) The MY COUUM, shall Provide :fbr 1A38 OPOVItiOn of Said ali as utiii Vjr, Wwd, lwLy, 'ror [Aut piarpose, areate speotal departaenta or qqmMigal farms , ,vo PIMIX71,0111 II nat tba polling pjaces aud prealdi-xig, ottiaers of said election $h all be respectively a follows. ,,/ 0 L JHD lall'0L"43T "lcell'ING hafla0,l'l ltk'�tl ullf <!t," llylarJ 1 1 "Fire Vsa21 — W M O'Coaay"m oa 's treete 11, aa. 1�. Z. Utter 2—S 55 asementaairwt, 731,nreh Gth & Thwauorto 10Yizo +1 qc } .Obriatiiin, '(ea A'd ou thotase r Basement 1,7. Provine 5 -hl 56 'wire Tall 110,1 W;enneahtr S. T. Miller l .ry Vi.raa „7ra�1.1 *'" 1l rla ,r� whe"d.�ae ai u.. r • "$ .. // Texas 1orr -7 0. Fuller 41.4` 57 f�,%yy a jr : iTy - 7th Summit E. D. Am we 5-.t "l 5B lleaeie St. l""ha.awWaea y 1001 Bopaai.e Street I ?rda . . D. "'Achn d. h„ iso aarl Aveaaa�a�e H. D..za.rramo ra�aaa;aa, �+ 6, •• { 1, �p� 5�.4 ryry^^7.00 kre'rr.7AaaaVal4's Hee i.tal Pl ,rmaal?. 1,106 aaaaa "; l r asi a ;raeaaue 6 0 5 i °i.re ,aaalal- ulrytom lli T 6-,;1 5 Fire iaal.l IT .13 ada:a °!i. Mims d ti ul.la r; i ekor 7 AW 7 %aa *,ger khaar a fi. t," re Oo . 1115 S. t1hln 8,breet F. WM'V 7-0 84 Gee. Grocery 402 W. lWiehaaaaa�dad "..venue t',!,ra , xl�:�TM�, De�ani;�s �} �} X300 "! "31 rriaaa% wenfiaaa ra. . 2. Dinkins 7.132 57 Police ,Station 1101 MiSOCUK Av, +;µue ea . �w. '71 d Rod ord, 7- z 73 Fire r ,zil1 STetia rorl:w '1"Mddox 1, rs . riaa*e,aa7 hrolt ahaaaazd er 7-3 69 11eaaideaace T. R. Kash- 957 "h "aal.laelr A ;vewla, T R. Blair�l,,r 8 %ilb 8 lea- °Raala lil.l.iaaaaae 0aafote.,ar'wii 1000 `rr l raa;haaell e five ue xi S. Ratliff 8 71 Cdaihoer'a Drag Steve 1801 College Avenue h r e . 7. L. lhasaysor 8-S 96 llazlewood lka«t g Stere « 2001 Gtha 4vaanue lyya E441 °;lows "I 8-471 54 WW I's e Fleri as t Shaaala 1685 Fifth, I'Lvaaa °zuo' a -,aa , F1. W. NIaeeler 8-TW 70 37y Ms 7nar� Storm 1311 n+ieGrallra 'avaa.;aarta 1.,,. rr larkinai' 90 61 hire 1,14011 caench - Street visa Lola ylaaiker lad �W' �,' ERI AVlf d,d,�� f+.,�k• ZRJ'r,� `N,2L ,f i 11ry. A�.e�i�A✓6aN y"R R� % .L ��'ast ,'m /l.: (3m�'.N�i )?t I�;i?ro+'um;Na'..a +w 7"yl�"a'saminU pA„I. 1lws9 ✓ z�3Artii %ram 10-ISK 9Y 1Jaa2ma*a'd Servia,e Station 311110 ,411 Avantnlle' ry- T. "I "Al. ":ranciaco 10138 70, Service 1 "'.k aal ✓ Eft owe m "e �'"al.0,l 'ars,GYaTaal1 1d't$„"G"-ailet 111,';a's. s{.: P'.ar".a?Ln'.ang1"a'+'u TO-C, 77 Firo 1,,x;11 2800 7,AT,aauaaaaJb 'T. Z-. 10-7,11 62 Sterr„,lt's lihmarr Store ? t T l 1"rs. ll- E 48 Pi-re ELM - 12t "„ 1,1'ci LTa 11ual:.'aa Sts. 1; - ". ,1"'Ib y 11_ z 67 1,Jo11r,tosla r .,,,, Stole 710 .M1a • aAlaru"tral l.vertae W. 0. Bollam'l 11 -1TW 07 marare r "r lw1 — Uft S, Belmont T. R. 12..E 5E Trinity 1 wT1°uradist "'l,au"a^oh — 12—C 92 a9eorrge I dal_ &mbir;; " "'0. Ga (P Tatla Street T. W. Vaughn 1 i } Z • l i,'d4a at±21 1'1.arnitra,re Co. 124 X11. ;'ulaaelaanrp�e Avenue Albo.00k 15-11 10 Tire .,„call — 1501, S. ,1)' 4It d.iaa _11, , " „14„ d 13-0 so Yeaguann'as 2aalT.arclale ;, „vtress „u`a o tort' 1"aa!00 Vialcery, J'Ixs . R. �;. 11va�ng �'�f4+� //^�N ry?�� .- 1340 . aai el°raiond, Ameaaile B..1. Dodd 14-8 81 Hire laaaiverriii7� rr, Dewy, Street li;rrd 1441 95 Tual~nfro 1,` rr, ", Store #u 2200 Forest alaw!.1 "foaa1ev,rard "T7, A,. a;,raaold 15-S 15 1;"e0a e"r "';Gtaaa "a; tole - 3,526 Ourzla a Street I'Latt 'A "t1m ori. 15-T1 64 1"1a„ tio- lal 'sleaumera „ l'D'yor - 3 Q1— n — T. 7tft iutreot "iaas. L. laar,rr D=ton 161 94 lPa li,a3gtraa J,mi ' iz TT,ao11. 47012 Barce Aveaaaara ;asW x., al.. "1rola'aa 16.10 Pad? INTO E1aall — .Tla aP maAawls ,y, Carlton 14""rya. 11. A. N"lliott 4101 c a"hata T °lolai.e naoul "Ovaal"'d D. u1', aaaam 16-IM 10.13 1"triati s t '110 1+a — M,5 b a, "rM TTarri<a lu caiall(wor11, %b'. B. Ron-fro 17 17 "aTa lloo's Sto a 2716 "e ,lavenucr, llIi°aa. 0. "il. `u%ar,cs is 51 1'icva"Ioa^al , "'1111 Kbel.uool ;aaat 1.3/Ta1G1. LI s. X.�a,,.Ztepbonsoxl 19 1 Odd 2,e1laws Tiaall — B-112 ITUM013,10T Z.M 19-4c 82 pire 11 - I'dVersla"a F. X. Jklbreol-,It 19-H 101 Oal&-,hurat Baptist M"'alrob Sy.lvunia, Avenue T. JP 20 66 stop 7,,'TGP IM"armu"tay - 026,30 Dallas Pilm Lewis [I. Tan 21-E 11 FiTo MmIl- vm.,L�,,Iral, Street bMrs. B. L. 7 1ooker 21-IfIf 75 P017teel'Inic, y1 store- 800 Xaslxville I'manue X. 11T. Lonlum, 22-W 74 ];) osiaenoo - 1011-s, Pearl 11,odges Pearl T"Ind7ses OPI"E 98 Store y lding,; - $401 IUllett 7. 'NI, Hard 23-3 14, 'Whi Uey-ls I M—gf fta,xre - 30,00 Feavybill Strout T. Tmikinz 231-1111 8 5 2 eminga-7 Filling, station 1701 ("'an'tboll street L. 14. Xmas 24 76 Briap Apartm=t Bouilding, 2123 1,11,stlotoe, B01,12ave"ard, IT. TI, Vyarka 25 50 IkImailtot0a (1,romry - OaTson 26 91, lax,,7,r�s L&I:m, Side Inn Lake Worth B. 1aay 29 411,11 105 Fire 3HAII - ruialkland 1h Iffeadawbroak %,-ive if,". 5"adridge 27"s 88 Rasidenoe T. 41'. Rea7as 4510 Ilreston, ZxS. X,, a. 11,00ves 28 83 T�,,,Vathavrs Crocery 3201 1"Inramumn C4. E. Taco. SPHYTICA7 III0 That wall election Mmll lie he ld In the nrux',nor nn6 fdt1vin the hours presorlbed for gazerva eleationa by the laws of tho State of Te-ms so far as tiva'y mmqr be praoticable, and all persons qualified to vote in. said, city, tuider the layra !xf tit a n t,,ato rogula tiag l� fa!npxral elections , sball be allowed to vote. I in1141111C, TV � It shall be We duty, of the 01ty to txr(Maxe the official tellot, an Whinh official ballot shall appear the proposed, amendawmts hereinabove act !Darti in ttyia and after said, pro- posed =ondrents shall be printed ths, Words 11,2ft'W" In Ord"Or Vitat, cash voter may vat;e Ivile0or a1111oll on oach of said ameadments. 8MMM V. All voters deeiring to vote for, the adoption cry amZp of the proposed smandmonts ahall poxmit 1) remain, on their ballots, with reppeot to each proposed nomudnant which, My desire to bane Hapted, the wDrd: "Yes". AM those opposed F14,all lie auait k n remain on their ballots, with, respect to each maenaoent Which tbey desixe to We rejected, the word: Va" . STS 011"If Vl 0 The Oi•m,r SOOTeVmy -Treasurer shall prorqrotly imail we oxypin of eadh of the propooed amenWanto to evw!y p4aiali:fied voter in 1',ho City, of Blort Worth,as appears frmn the Tex Colleator's rolls tor the year endi,ta January 01, 1951, MOTION V11. A copy of this ordinauce stall be MEOW notiee oe said Me- tion and thirty ) tlays notice of the LU'na atki plaeos of luxl'41i "'? Via said election Wall be given by pullication of such notice Onae each week for four (4) weeks, the diate of the first 1,,piblicat ion being not leez tham-AUrty (30) full days prior to the dato of the election. OMMIQN V1114 ub proposed aaaaaaaat>!,nent, as In set fortli. taa.aaatrwtbove, JS ap,,pro7ed by a xnajm,*1tycf the cgraaa a..ta°ed voters voting aatron WO arayaaaraatraent, shall. become a team of the Wax-ter or Oe Cit' „,° of Fox '°ara tla, fa e aas, as scall an an atria ma order has aaeaan ndi aa°aad an the aaaaards of aaaid city 'q y, the t"ova,�!W.Ag, 1xidy a,naarrraaof, daraaa'taa, tang, tlie arrmae adopted. w6.aMrl�l.L'O V ME* Ilia earth° «ante ahaaa9;.,'t take as Tect and be t. °an, Pull trr,rrce and raftoot fraain and raftaar thtat iftaa, °taa of its passage. �ll�aa „t�kaM� IVER, tak,'taaraaaatr°