HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023/02/14-Minutes-City CouncilPresent: Mayor Mattie Parker CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Mayor Pro tern Gyna M. Bivens , District 5 Council Member Carlos Flores , District 2 Council Member Michael D. Crain, District 3 Council Member Alan Blaylock, District 4 Council Member Jared Williams , District 6 Council Member Leonard Firestone , District 7 (arrived at 6:24 p.m.) Council Member Chris Nettles , District 8 Council Member Elizabeth Beck, District 9 Staff Present: David Cooke , City Manager Leann Guzman , City Attorney Jannette S. Goodall , City Secretary CALL TO ORDER With a quorum of the City Council Members present, Mayor Parker called the City Council Regular Session of the Fort Worth City Council to order 6:00 p .m . on Tuesday , February 14 , 2023 , in the City Council Chamber of the Fort Worth City Hall , 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth , Texas. INVOCATION -Pastor Michael J. Moore, New Bethel Complete in Christ Church The invocation was provided by Pastor Michael J. Moore , New Bethel Complete m Christ Church. PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE UNITED STATES AND THE STATE OF TEXAS -(State of Texas Pledge: "Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.") The Pledges of Allegiance to the United States of America and the State of Texas were recited. City of Fort Worth Page l Printed 011 2/2 1/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 2 of40 SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, INTRODUCTIONS, ETC. 1. 23-0057 Presentation of Fort Worth Sister C ities International Youth Ambassadors Oath Ceremony Mayor Parker and Chairman Greg Jackson, Fort Worth Sister Cities, administered the Citizen Diplomat Oath to the Fort Worth International Youth Ambassadors . 2. 23-0184 Presentation of Heart Health Month Mayor Parker presented a proclamation for Heart Health Month to Hila Colunga, Community Impact Director, Tarrant County , and Douglas Dunsavage, North Texas Community Advocacy Director. ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA There were no items to be withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF City Manager Cooke requested that M&C 23-0002 be withdrawn from the Council Agenda and replaced with M&C 23-0002 Revised. CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Mayor Pro tern Bivens made a motion , seconded by Council Member Crain , that the Consent Agenda be approved. Motion passed 8-0 , Council Member Firestone absent. A. General -Consent Items 1. M&C 23-0057 (ALL) Authorize Payment of the City of Fort Worth's Assessed Pro-Rata Allocation of the Tarrant Appraisal District and Denton Central Appraisal District Budgets for January through December 2023 in an Amount Up to $3,300,587.00 Motion: Approved. City of Fort Worth Page l Pri11ted 011 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 3 of40 2. M&C 23 -0058 (ALL) Authorize Financial Transactions in Certain Capital Project Funds to Facilitate the Clean -Up and Close-Out of Capital Projects , Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Amend the Fiscal Year 2023 Adopted Budget and Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program Motion: Approved . Appropriation Ordinance Nos. 25958-02 -2023 , 25959 -0 2-2023 , and 25960 -02-2023 3. M&C 23-0076 (ALL) Authorize Execution of a Second Amendment to City Secretary Contract No . 56499-AlRl with All City Management Services , Inc., for Crossing Guard Services to Include 31 Middle Schools and 40 Locations , Resulting in a New Annual Amount Up to $2 ,851 ,237.80 4. 5. Motion: Approved. M&C 23-0078 (CD 2 I Future CD 2) Amend Mayor and Council Communication 22-1053 to Change Temporary Closure Date of NE 33rd Street between the E Long NE 33rd Ramp and the N E 33rd E Long Ramp from February 20 , 2023 to September 20 , 2024 for Construction Activities Motion: Approved . M&C 23-0081 (CD 3 / Future CD 3) Authorize the Temporary Closure of a Section of Mockingbird Lane between the Intersection of Colonial Parkway and Simondale Drive to 110-Feet West from January 9, 2023 to January 8, 2024 for Construction Activities Motion: Approved . 6. M&C 23-0089 (ALL) Ratify Application for , and Authorize Acceptance of, if Awarded , the Office of the Governor, Criminal Justice Division , First Responder Mental Health Program , to Occur in the Fiscal Year 2024 in an Amount Up to $110 ,000.00 , Adopt Resolution , Authorize Execution of Related Grant Agreement, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance Motion: Approved . Resolution No. 5680-02-2023 and Appropriation Ordinance No . 25961 -0 2-2023 City of Fort Wort!, Page 3 Printed 011 2/21 /2 023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 4 of40 7 . M&C 23 -0090 (ALL) Ratify Application for and Authorize Acceptance of the Fiscal Year 2022 Homeland Security Grants from the United States Department of Homeland Security through the State of Texas , Office of the Governor, U p to the Amount of $3 ,381 ,183.00 , Approve Execution of All Applicable Grant Contracts , Adopt Resolution and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance Motion: Approved . Resolution No. 5681-02 -2023 and Appropriation Ordinance No. 25962 -02 -2023 8 . M&C 23-0091 (CD 7 / Future CD 10) Authorize the E xecution of an Agreement and Release with Federal Express Corporation Who Will Pay the City of Fort Worth an Amount of $377 ,338.91 to Settle all Potential Claims Related to Late Rent Penalties as of Present Day Under the Land and Special Facilities Lease at Perot Field Fort Worth Alliance Airport Under City Secretary Contract Number 21755 , as Amended 9. 11. Motion : Approved . M&C 23-0093 (CD 7 / Future CD 7) Approve the Fort Worth Botanic Garden Master Plan and Adopt as an Amendment to the Park, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan and the City of Fort Worth's Comprehensive Plan Motion: Approved. M&C 23-0095 (ALL) Adjust Appropriations in Various Funds and Amounts to Bring Fiscal Funds Revenues and Expenditures into Balance for the Operating Budgets for Year 2022 , Enact Budget Adjustments to Reallocate Resources, Commi t to Facilitate Fiscal Year 2022 Year End Closeout and Reallocate Resources into Fiscal Year 2023 , and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances Motion: Approved . Appropriation Ordinance Nos. 25963-02 -2023 , 25964 -02-2023 , 25965 -02-2023 , and 25966-02-2023 , and Supplemental Appropriation Ordinance No. 25967-02 -2023 M&C 23-0096 (ALL) Authorize Financial Transactions m the Street Improvements Fund to Facilitate the Clean -Up and Close-Out of the Public Art Capital Projects , Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Amend the Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program Motion: Approved. Appropriat ion Ordinance No. 25968-02 -2023 City of Fort Worth Page 4 Primed 011 212 112 023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS C ITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 5 of40 12 . M&C 23-0098 (ALL) Adopt the Attached Semi -Annual Progress Report for Transportation Impact Fees Motion: Approved . 13 . M&C 23-0 I 00 (ALL) Adopt Resolution Authorizing Cash Defeasance of Combination Tax & Revenue Certificates of Obligation , Series 2013C to Achieve Projected Net Present Value Savings in the Estimated Amount of $876 ,988.00 or 9.58 Percent; Adopt Appropriation Ordinance ; and Amend the Fiscal Year 2023 Adopted Budget Motion: Approved . Resolution No. 5682-02-2023 and Appropriation Ordinance No . 25969 -02-2023 14. M&C 23-0105 (ALL) Adopt Ordinance Authorizing the Extension and Increase of the Callable Commercial Paper Program for the Water Department with a Final Issuance Date No Later than February 14 , 2043 and in an Aggregate Outstanding Principal Amount Not to Exceed $225 ,000 ,000 .00 at Any One Time , Authorizing Conforming Amendments of Existing Dealer, Paying Agent/Registrar and Calculation Agent Agreements for the Program , and Ordaining Other Matters Related Thereto ; Adopt Amended and Restated Thirty -Second Supplemental Ordinance Authorizing Issuance and Sale of City of Fort Worth , Texas Water and Sewer System Revenue Refunding Bonds in an Amount Up to $225,000,000 .00 to Allow for Refinancing of Outstanding Commercial Paper if Needed ; Adopt Appropriation Ordinances ; and Amend the Fiscal Year 2023 Adopted Budget Motion : Approved . Ord inance No . 25970-02-2023 , Amended and Re stated Thirty-Second Supplemental Ordinance No . 25971 -02 -2023 , and Appropriation Ordinance Nos. 25972 -02-2023 , 25973 -02 -2023 , and 25974 -02 -2023 15. M&C 23 -0106 (ALL) Approval of Police Officer Jennifer Thew's First Request for an Extension of Occupational Injury Leave for the Period Beginning May 7 , 2022 through November 10 , 2022 , which Amounts to $41 ,357.19 Motion : Approved. City of Fort Worth Pages Printed 011 2/21/2 023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FE BR UA RY 14, 2023 Page 6 of40 16. M&C 23 -0108 (ALL) Adopt Ordinance Amending Chapter 22 Motor Vehicles and Traffic , Article III Operation of Vehicles, Section 22 -8 6 Speeding, Subsection (h) of the Code of the City of Fort Worth, Texas (2015), as Amended, to Change the Locations, Extent, and Speed Lim its of Certain School Zones and Add the Speed L imits of Certain Speed Zones Motion: Approved. Ordinance No. 25975 -02 -2023 17. M&C 23 -0112 (CD 3 / Future CD 3) Authorize Exec ution of a Job Order with Basic IDIQ , Inc., in the Not to Exceed Amount of $259 ,497.97, for Installation of Canopy at the Las Vegas Trail Community Center, for a Total Project Cost of $558,081.29 Motion : Approved. 18. M&C 23 -0114 (CD 7 I Future CD 7) Reallocate the Use of Previously Authorized American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery F unds to Lobby and Concourse Capital Improvements at the Will Rogers Memorial Center, Allocate Use of an Additional $625,000.00 in Available Public Events Capital Fund Dollars to the Lobby and Concourse Project, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances Motio n: Approved. Appropriation Ordinance Nos. 25976 -02 -2023 and 25977 -0 2 -2023 19. M&C 23-0115 (ALL) Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Increase Appropriations m t he Grants Operating Other Fund m the Amount of $218,240 .00 for Reimbursable Funds from the United States Marshals Service for the Fort Worth Police Department Fugitive U nit's Participation in the United States Marshals Service Violent Offender Task Force for Fiscal Year 2023 20. Mot ion: Approved. Appropriation Ordinance No. 25978-02 -2023 M&C 23-01 l 6 (CD 2 and CD 6 / Future CD 2 and CD 8) Adopt Appropriation Ordinances for the Purpose of Transferring $350,000.00 from the Municipal Airport Fund to the Municipal Airport Capital Projects Fund for Programmable Projects and Amend the Fiscal Years 2023 -2027 Capital Improvement Program Motion: Approved. Appropriation Ordinance Nos. 25979 -0 2-2023 and 25980 -02 -2023 City of Fort Worth Page6 Pri11tetl 011 2/21/2023 21. 22. 2 3. 2 4. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 7 of40 M&C 23 -0120 (CD 7 / Future CD 10 and ETJ) Adopt Ordinance to Establish a Water Main Capacity Charge in the Amount of $33,572.00 Per Million Gallons Per Day for 30 -Inch and 24 -inch Northside IV Water Transmission Mains as Part of Paving and Drainage Improvements to Avondale -Haslet Rd, Pursuant to Chapter 35 , Article III , Division 4 , Sections 35 -87 through 35 -93 of the City Code Motion: Approved. Ordinance No. 25981-02-2023 M&C 23 -0123 (ETJ) Adopt Ordinance to Establish a Water Main Capacity Charge in the Amount of $85 ,977.04 Per Million Gallons Per Day for a 24 -Inch Northside III Water Transmission Main to Serve the Shale Creek Development and Surrounding Areas , Pursuant to Chapter 35 , Article III, Division 4 , Sections 35 -87 Through 35 -93 of the City Code Motion : Approved. Ordinance No. 25982 -02-2023 M&C 23 -0126 (ALL) Authorize Execut ion of a Contract with Jasco Constructio n, LLC , in an Amount Up to $300 ,000.00 for the Utility Cut Repair Contract 1 - 2023 at Various Locations Throughout the City Motion: Approved . M&C 23 -0135 (ALL) Assignment of Fiscal Year 2022 General Fund Fund Balance, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Amend the Fiscal Year 2023 Adopted Budget and Capital Improvement Program Motion: Approved. Appropriation Ordinance Nos. 25983-02 -2023 , 25984 -02-2023 , and 25985-02-2023 25. M&C 23-0136 (ETJ/Parker and Tarrant Counties) (Future CD 3) Amend Mayor and Council Communication 22-1027 to Add PMB Ventana SFR LP , a Property Owner Entity , to the Development Agreement for a 5,200-Acre Development Project Encompassing Veale Ranch and Other Parcels in Far Southwest Fort Worth Motion: Approved . City of Fort Worth Pag e 7 Pri11 ted 011 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 8 of40 B. Purchase of Equipm ent , Materials, and Services -Consent Items 1. 2. 3. M&C 23-0061 (ALL) Authorize Non -Exc lu s ive Purchase Agreements for Information Technology Infrastructure , with Netsync Network Solutions, Inc., Presidio Networked Solutions Group , LLC, eP lu s Technology , Inc ., and World Wide Technology LLC using Multip le State of Texas Department of Information Resources , OMNIA Partners and The lnterlocal Purchasing System Cooperative Contracts With a Combined Annual Amount Up to $11,200,000.00 , and Four One-Year Renewal Options with State of Texas Department of Information Resources and OMNIA Partners m the Amount of $10 ,000,000.00 for the First Renewal and $6 ,200,000 .00 for the Remainder Renewa ls for the Information Technology Solutions Department Motion: Approved. M&C 23-0064 (ALL) Authorize Exec ution of an Amendment to City Secretary Contract No. 57056 with Dealers Electrical Supply Co. and an Amendment to City Secretary Contract No. 57057 with Elliott E lectric Supply Inc. for E lectrical Supp li es to Increase the Combined Annual Amount by $1,800 ,000.00 for the Transportation and Public Works Department for an Annual Amount Not to Exceed $3,500 ,000.00 , and Authorize One One -Year Renewal for the Same Annual Amount, Using BuyBoard Cooperative Contract 657 -21 Motion : Approved. M&C 23-0065 (ALL) Authorize an Increase to the Cooperative Agreement with Robert Half International, Inc . using Houston-Galveston Area Council Cooperative Contract TS06-2 I for Temporary Staffing in the Annual Amount of $285 ,000 .00 for a Total Annual Amount Up to $885,000 .00 for All City Departments Motion : Approved. 4. M&C 23 -0066 (ALL) Authorize Exec ution of an Amendment to City Secretary Contract No. 56154 with Paradigm Traffic Systems, I nc. for Traffic Signal Assemblies to Increase the Annual Amount by $400 ,000.00 for an Annual Amount Not to Exceed $801 ,000 .00 , Usi ng BuyBoard Cooperative Contract 603 -20 for the Transportation and Public Works Department Motion : Approved . City of Fort Worth Page8 Pri11ted 011 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 9 of40 5. M&C 23 -0067 (ALL) Authorize Non -Exclusive Purchase Agreements with Autonation Chevrolet, Autonation Ford, Bruce Lowrie Chevrolet, Buck's Wheel & Equipment Co ., CLS Sewer Equipment Co. [nc , Industrial Power LLC, Kirby-Smith Machinery , Landmark Equipment Co., RDO Equipment Company, Stewart & Stevenson, Texan Waste Equipment dba Heil of Texas , and Wildfire Truck Equ ipment Sales LTD , for Heavy and Light Duty , Marine and Turf Vehicle Repairs for the Property Management Department for a Combined Annual Amount Up to $2,000,000 .00 for the Initial Term and Authorize Four One -Year Renewal Options for the Same Annual Amount Motion : Approved . 6 . M&C 23-0068 (ALL) Authorize Execution of Purchase Agreements for Construction Aggregates with CIA Enterprises, LLP and Green Dream International, LLC for the Water Department in an Annual Amount Up to $370,000.00 for the Initial Term and Authorize Up to Five (5) Automatic Renewals for the Same Annual Amount Motion : Approved. 7 . M&C 23 -0069 (ALL) Authorize Execution of Non -Exclusive Purchase Agreements with Goodwill Industries of Fort Worth and Presbyterian Night Shelter of Tarrant County for a Combined Annual Amount Up to $900,000.00 for the Initial Term and Authorize Four One-Year Renewal Options for an Amount of $945 ,000 .00 for the First Renewal , $992,250.00 for the Second Renewal , $1 ,041 ,863 .00 for the Third Renewal and $1 ,094 ,369.00 for the Fourth Renewal for Animal Shelter Technicians and Ratify Expenditures in the Amount of $100,000.00 for the Code Compliance Department The following individuals completed comment cards m support of M&C 23 -0069: Cindy Boling Mark Boling Torchy White Motion : Approved. City of Fort Worth Page9 Printed 011 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 10 of 40 8. 9. M&C 23-0102 (ALL) Authorize the Rejection of All Responses to Request for Proposals No. 22-0174 for Short-Term and Hotel Online Platform for the Financial Management Services Department to Refine the Scope of Services Based on the Registration Ordinance Requirements Motion: Approved. M&C 23-0103 (ALL) Authorize Amendment to Mayor and Council Communication 20-0218 to Authorize Execution of a Cooperative Agreement for Public Safety Supplies and E quipment to add CMC Government Services , Inc ., Clyde Armory, Inc., Proforce Marketing, Inc., and Precision Delta Corporation as Additional Vendors Motion: Approved. M&C 23-0104 (ALL) Authorize Services Agreement w ith Allied Waste Services of Fort Worth , LLC dba Republic Services for Waste Dispo sa l Services for City Facilities in an Annual Amount Up to $2 ,304,169.00 for the Initial Term and Authorize Four One-Year Renewal Options for an Amount of $2 ,419 ,377.00 for the First Renewal , $2 ,540 ,346.00 for the Second Renewal , $2,667 ,363.00 for the Third Renewal and $2 ,800 ,731.00 for the Fourth Renewal for City Departments Motion: Approved. C. Land -Consent Items 1. M&C 23-0085 (CD 2 I Future CD 2) Authorize Acquisition of Fee Simple Interest in 0.1197 Acres from Real Property Owned by Curci Mesquite Properties , L.P. Located at 3098 Cantrell Sansom Road , Fort Worth , Tarrant County, Texas 76131 and Being a Part of Lot 2, Block 1, Carlsbad Addition in the Amount of $24,236.00 and Pay Estimated Closing Costs in an A mount Up to $10 ,000.00 for a Total Cost of $34,236.00 for the Cantre ll Sansom Roadway Widening Project Prop erty description : 0.119 7 acres described as being a part of Lot 2, Block 1, Car lsbad Addition located at 3098 Cantrell Sansom Road Motion: Approved. City of Fort Worth Page JO Printed"" 2121/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 11 of40 2. M&C 23 -0088 (CD 6 / Future CD 6) Authorize the Conveyance of a Water Pipeline Tunnel Easement and Right-of-Way to Tarrant Regional Water District, Being Approximately F ifty-Four Acres Situated in Various Surveys, All in the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, for a Subterranean Tunnel and Integrated Water Pipeline to be Constructed Beneath and Along West Risinger Road Property description : 53. 719 acres situated in in the JJ Albirado Survey, Abstract No. 4, R.J Ware Survey, Abstract No . 2008, A. Castello Survey, Abstract No . 2 72, J Hayn es Survey, Abstract No. 780, T Moody Survey, Abstract No. I 070, E. Dishman Survey, Abstract No. 407, J Wilcox Survey, Abstract No . 1743 , S.A. & MG. R.R. Co. Survey, Abstract No . I 462 , and th e C. Martin Survey, Abstract No. I 022 , all in the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant Co unty, Texas Motion: Approved. E. Award of Co ntract -Co nsent Items 1. M&C 23-0059 (ALL) Authorize Execution Government Resources, Inc . tn an Amount Interim Staffing Services, Adopt Appropriation 2023 Adopted Budget of a Contract with Strategic Not to Exceed $300 ,000.00 for Ordinance, and Amend Fiscal Year Motion : Approved. Appropriation Ordinance No. 25986-02 -2023 2. M&C 23 -0060 (ALL) Approve Fourth Amendment Increasing Expenditures for the Profess ional Services Agreement with Displays, LLC., City Secretary Contract No . 54007 for Maintenance of the City Public Art Collection, Ratify Expenditures of $40 ,975 .61 and Authorize an Increase in the Annual Not to Exceed Amount to $135,064 .14 for the First Renewal Term Mot ion : Approved. 3 . M&C 23 -0063 (ALL) Adopt a Resolution Authorizing Employment of Porter Hedges LLP as Outside Legal Counsel for Assistance to the City Attorney's Office Re lated to the City's Southeast Landfill Lease and Landfill Gas Related Matters Motion : Approved. Resolution No. 5683-02-2023 City of Fort Worth Page 1 I Pri11ted 011 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 12 of40 4. M&C 23-0070 (CD 5 , CD 8, and CD 9 / Future CD 5, CD 8, and CD 11 ) Authorize Appropriation of Funds to Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number Twelve-East Berry Renaissance for an Amount of $200 ,000.00 in Accordance with the Tax Increment Financing Development Agreement for the E ast Berry Corridor Study , Adopt Appropriation Ordinances and Amend the Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program Motion : Approved. Appropriation Ordinance Nos . 25987-02-2023 and 25988-02-2023 5. M&C 23-0074 (ALL) Authorize Execution of a Contract with United Way of Tarrant County in the Amount of $199 ,500.00 to F und Variou s Organizations and Coordinate Area Agencies and Social Service Programs for the Benefit of the Entire Fort Worth Community for Fiscal Year 2023 Motion: Approved . 6. M&C 23-0075 (CD 5 I Future CD 5) Authorize Change in U se and E xpenditure of HOME Investment Partnerships Program Grant Funds m an Amount Up to $450 ,000.00 to HRM Construction Company, LLC, a Local Hou s ing Developer in the Form of a Subordinate Forgivable Loan for the Development of Five Single Family Houses in the Stop Six Sunrise E dition Neighborhood , Authorize E xecution of Related Documents, and Find that the Expenditure Serves a Public Purpose and that Adequate Controls are in Place Motion: Approved . 7. M&C 23-0077 (CD 8 / F uture CD 8) Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Provide Additional Funding for the Crowley Road and Sycamore School Road Intersection Improvements m the Amount of $3 00 ,000.00 and Amend the F iscal Years 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program Motion : Approved. Appropriation Ordinance N o . 25989-02-2023 8. M&C 23-0080 (CD 9 I Future CD 9) Reject All Bid s Received August 18 , 2022 , for the 5th Street at Carroll Street to Railroad and Carroll Street and Merrimac Street Storm Drain Rehabilitation Projects and Authorize Execution of a Contract in the Amount of $1 ,048 ,090 .00 to Vortex L ining Sy stems , LLC for the Same Projects Based on Bids Received on October 13 , 2022 Motion: Approved . City of Fort Worth Pa ge 12 Printed 011 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 13 of40 9. M&C 23 -0082 (CD 9 / Future CD 9) Adopt Appropriation Ordinance Adjusting Appropriations in the 2018 Bond Program Fund , in the Amount of $100 ,000.00 by Increasing Appropriations for West 7th Street Improvements from U niversity Drive to Trinity River Bridge Project (City Project No . 101555), and Decreasing Appropriations in the Authorized , Not Appropriated Project (City Project No. U34018) by the Same Amount; and Amend the Fiscal Years 2023 -2027 Capital Improvement Program (2018 Bond Program) 11. Motion : Approved. Appropriation Ordinance No . 25990-02 -2023 M&C 23-0083 (CD 7 / Future CD 7) Authorize E xecution of Amendment No. 1 to the Engineering Services Agreement for the West Bailey Boswell Road Project with Teague Nall & Perkins , Inc. in the Amount of $2 ,688 ,257 .00 for a Revised Contract Amount of $2 ,788 ,186 .00 (2022 Bond Program) Motion: Approved. M&C 23-0084 (CD 8 / Future CD 8) Authorize Execution of a Job Order Contract w ith F.H . Paschen , Nielsen & Associates , LLC , in the Not to E xceed Amount of $1 ,289 ,209 .00 , for Construction of a Greenhouse to Serve the Fort Worth Botanic Garden , at the Rolling Hills Tree Farm , 2525 Joe B Rushing Road , Adopt Appropriation Ordinance and Amend the Fiscal Years 2023 -2027 Capital Improvement Program (2020 Tax Notes and 2022 Bond Program) Motion : Approved. Appropriation Ordinance No. 25991 -02 -2023 12 . M&C 23 -0092 (CD 2 and CD 9/ Future CD 2 and CD 9) Authorize Rejection of the Bid Received for Water Sanitary Sewer Main and Storm Drain Relocations for Fort Worth Central City Unit 1 and Unit 2 13. Motion: Approved . M&C 23 -0097 (ALL) Authorize an Amendment to City Secretary Contract 58142 with Carahsoft Technology Corporation , Increasing the Number of Required Licenses for the Information Technology Systems Initiative Project to Fund the Accela Cloud Migration Project, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance, and Amend Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program Motion: Approved. Appropriation Ordinance Nos. 25992 -02-2023 and 25993-02 -2023 City of Fo rt Wort h P11ge 13 Printetl 011 2/2 1/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FE BRUA R Y 14, 2023 Page 14 of 40 14 . M&C 23 -0099 (CD 8 / F uture District 8) Authorize E xecution of Change Order No. l to City Secretary Contract No . 55443 , a Community Facilities Agreement with City Participation with Carter Park E ast Land , LLC , in the Amount of $180 ,197.95 , for the Oak Grove Road between Joel E ast Road and Everman Parkway Project (2018 Bond Program) 15 . Motion : Approved. M&C 23 -0107 (ALL) Authorize Execution of a Profe ssional Services Agreement w it h J -Quad P lan n ing Group , LLC in an Amount Not to Exceed $130 ,050.00 for Consu ltant Services Re lated to the Development of the 2023-2027 Consolidated Action Plan and the 2023 -2024 Ann ual Action Plan for Submission to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Motion : Approved. 16 . M&C 23 -0109 (CD 2 / Future CD 2) Authorize a Contract w ith Fort Worth Civil Constru ctors , LLC , in the Amount of $5 ,051 ,919 .63 , for the Greenfield Acres Drainage Improvements Phase 4 Project, Adopt Appropriation Ordinances , a nd Amend the Fiscal Year 2023 -2027 Capital Improvement Program Motio n: Approved . Appropriation Ordinance Nos. 25994 -02 -2023 , 25995 -02 -2023 , and 25996-02 -2023 17. M&C 23 -0110 (CD 2 / Future CD 2) Authorize Execution of an Architectural Services Agreement with Elements of Architecture , Inc., m the Amount of $131 ,760.00 , for a Total Project Cost of $3 ,004 ,000 .00 for the Fire Station 15 Project Motion: Approved . 18 . M&C 23 -0111 (CD 9 / Future CD 9) Authorize the E xecution of Amendment No. 2, in the Amount of $1 ,220 ,025 .00 , to a Professional Services Agreement with Athenian Group , LLC., for Program Management Services for the Future City Hall Re location Program , for a Total Contract Amount of $6 ,108 ,743 .00 and Authorize the Execution of Amendment No . 2 , in the Amo unt of $1 ,208 ,743 .00 , to a Professional Services Agreement with BOKA Powell , LLC , Inc., for Architectural Design Services for the Future City Hall Relocation Program , for a Total Contract Amount of $6,669 ,022.00 Motion : Approved. City of Fort Worth Page 14 Printed 011 2/2 1/2023 19. 20 . 21. 22. CITY OF FO RT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEB RUARY 14, 2023 Page 15 of 40 M&C 23 -0113 (CD 6 I Future CD 6) Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 1, in the Amount of $225 ,000.00 , to City Secretary Contract No . 57937 , with CORE Construction Services of $14,949,970.00.00 , for Ordinance and Amend Program (2018 Bond Program) of Texas , Inc ., for a Revised Total Contract Amount the South Police Station , Adopt Appropriation F iscal Years 2023 -2027 Capital Improvement Motion: Approved . Appropriation Ordinance No . 25997 -02 -2023 M&C 23-0117 (ALL) Authorize Execution of a Contract with Tejas Commercial Construction , LLC, in the Amount of $750 ,000.00 for the 2022 Water Service Leak Repair Contract with Three Optional Renewals , and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water 's Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Capital Improvements Program Motion: Approved . Appropriation Ordinance No . 25998 -02 -2023 M&C 23 -0118 (ALL) Authorize Execution of a Contract with Will iam J. Schultz, Inc . dba Circle C Construction Company, in the Amount of $1 ,250 ,000 .00 for the 2022 Sanitary Sewer Emergency Response Contract with Two Optional Renewals , and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to E ffect a Portion of Water 's Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2023 -2027 Capital Improvements Program Motion: Approved. Appropriation Ordinance No. 25999 -02-2023 M&C 23-0119 (ALL) Authorize Execution of the Third Amendment to City Secretary Contract No . 55468 with Insight Global , LLC to Increase Staff Augmentation Services by an Additional $250 ,000.00 for the Water Department for a Rev ised Total Amount of $800,000.00 Motion: Approved . 23. M&C 23 -0121 (ALL) Authorize an Agreement with Brio Services LLC for Maximo Software as a Service , Program Management, Software Configuration , and Consulting for the Water Utility 's Work Order and Asset Management System for an Annual Operating Cost Not to Exceed $507 ,000.00 Motion: Approved . City of Fo rt Wort// Page /5 Printed 011 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 16 of40 24. M&C 23-0122 (CD 7 / Future CD 10) Authorize E xecution of a Community Facilities Agreement with GBTM Sendera, LLC , with City Participation in the Amount Not to Exceed $2 ,483 ,312 .00 , for Oversizing the Northside IV Sendera Ranch Boulevard Water Main Located in North Fort Worth Motion: Approved. 25. M&C 23-0124 (CD 5 / F U TURE CD 5, CD 8 and CD 11) Authorize Execution of a Contract with William J. Schultz, Inc. dba Circle C Construction Company , in the Amount of $3,298 ,636 .80 , for the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract 113 Project and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances to E ffect a Portion of Water 's Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program Motion: Approved . Appropriation Ordinance Nos . 26000-02-2023 and 26001-02-2023 26. M&C 23-0127 (ALL) Authorize Execution of a Contract with Jasco Construction , LLC , in an Amount Up to $300 ,000.00 for the U tility Cut Repair Contract 2 - 2023 at Various Locations Throughout the City Motion: Approved. 27. M&C 23-0128 (CD 5 / FU TURE CD 5) Authorize Execution of Change Order No. 4 in the Amount of $345 ,680.00 and the Addition of 179 Calendar Days to the Contract with Crescent Constructors , Inc., for the Village Creek Water Reclamation Facility Grit Facility and South Influent Pump Station Project for a Revised Contract Amount of $26 ,318 ,025.00 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water's Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program Motion: Approved. Appropriation Ordinance No. 26002-02-2023 28. M&C 23-0130 (ALL) Authorize Execution of a Contract with William J. Schultz, Inc. dba Circle C Construction Company , in the Amount of $1 ,000 ,000.00 for Water Main Replacement Contract 2022 , with Two Optional Renewals , and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water's Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program Motion : Approved. Appropriation Ordinance No. 26003-02-2023 City of Fort Worth Pag e 16 Printed 011 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 17 of40 29. M&C 23 -0131 (CD 7 / Future CD 7) Adopt Appropriation Ordinance in the Amount of $97 ,205.00 for Increased Project Costs for Water and Sanitary Sewer Extension on Shoreview Drive and Hatch Road Project to Effect a Portion of Water 's Contr ibution to the Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program Motion: Approved. Appropriation Ordinance No . 26004 -02 -2023 30 . M&C 23 -0132 (ALL) Authorize the Execution of a Purchase Agreement with American Underwater Services , Inc., Using an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Southlake in an Amount Up to $1 ,250,000 .00 and Authorize One One-Year Renewal Option for the Same Annual Amount for Dredging Services for the Park & Recreation Department (2022 Bond Program) Motion: Approved . 31. M&C 23-0133 (CD 7 / Future CD 7 and CD 10) Authorize Execution of Amendment No.I to City Secretary Contract No. 56226 , a Construction Manager at Risk Agreement with The Fain Group , Inc., m the Amount of $505 ,287 .10 for the Northwest Community Park North Road Improvement Project, for a Revised Total Contract Cost of $2 ,305 ,287.10 Motion: Approved. 32 . M&C 23-0134 (CD 2 and CD 4 / Future CD 2 and CD 4) Authorize Execution of Change Order No . 4 to City Secretary Contract No. 57154 , in the Amount of $291,970.00 , with 2L Construction , LLC, for the Trail Gap Connections Project, Increasing the Total Contract Amount to $1 ,733 ,225 .00 for Additional Scope of Work (2018 Bond Program) Motion: Approved. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY SECRETARY -CONSENT ITEMS 1. 23 -0051 Notice of Claims for Alleged Damages or Injuries End of Consent Agenda. (Council Member Firestone took his place at the dais .) City of Fort Wo rth Page /7 Printed 011 2/2 1/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 18 of 40 ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF 1. Upcoming and Recent Events Mayor Parker, Mayor Pro tern Bivens, and Council Members Flores, Blaylock, Williams , Firestone , Nettles , and Beck announced upcoming and recent events within the City and various Council districts. 2. Recognition of Citizens There was no recognition of citizens. 3. Approval of Ceremonial Travel Motion : Council Member Crain made a motion, seconded by Council Member Nettles, that ceremonial travel for Council Member Crain's trip to Trier, Germany , with Fort Worth Sister Cities International , June 17-25 , 2023 , be approved. Motion passed 9-0. The following individuals appeared before Council via conference call m support of Item 23-0138: John Ladd William Schur The following individuals completed comment cards in support ofltem 23-0138: Frank Anderson Lloyd Colegrove Holly Schur Carl Bast Carol Peters David Griffith Brenda Helmer Louise Appleman Susan Kenney Joseph Ambrose III City of Fort Worth Pt/ge /8 Printed 011 2/2//2023 Cindy Boling Mark Boling Janine Lund Sally Johnson Clarice Peninger Marsha Wright Torchy White Caroll Chickowsky Judy Taylor David Keller Daniel Staples Stacy Luecker Sheryl Helt Roy Neese Lee Mason Randy Cleveland Nina Cleveland Rick Herring Libby Willis Doy le Willis , Jr. Kelly McLean Caryl Sherman-Gonzalez Debra Million Denis Bynum Steve Epstein Hallmark-Camelot-HT Neighborhood Association Board Warren Russell Amy Russell John Davis Rick Tucker Karen Walters Michael Francis Gordon Appleman Chase Jones Rita Vinson Michael Karol Orlew Lauger City of Fort Worth Page 19 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 19 of 40 Printed 011 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUES DAY, FE BR UAR Y 14, 2023 Page 20 of40 Michael Mullins Jim Rhodes Michael Herman Ruth McNeil Pam Hudson completed a speaker card m opposition to Item 23 -0138 and was recognized by Mayor Parker but was not present in the Council Chamber. Michael Mayes appeared before Council in opposition to Item 23-0138 . The following individuals completed comment cards in opposition to Item 23 -0138: Mike Holt Kevin Kidder Kelly Patry Diana Koch Joseph Butler Linda Simmons Stephanie Monks Scott Turner William Brewer Phillip W. Moore Courtney Godefroy The following individuals appeared before Council undecided relative to Item 23 -0138: Andrew Epps Susan Harper Adrian Smith Preston Patry comp leted a comment card undecided re lative to Item 23 -0138 . Joe Paniagua completed a comment card in support of M&C 23 -0137. City of Fort Worth Pllge 20 Printer/ 011 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 21 of 40 ORDINANCES City Secretary Goodall advised that Items 23-013 8 and 23 -0181 would be heard at this time . 1. 2. 23 -0138 An Ordinance Amending Chapter 7, "Buildings" of the Code of the City of Fort Worth , Texas (2015), as Amended, by Adding Article XIII, Entitled "Registration of Short Term Rentals"; Establishing General Standards and a Registration Process for Short-Term Rentals ; Establishing Fees ; Providing Definitions , Providing that this Ordinance Shall be Cumulative of all Ordinances ; Providing a Savings Clause; Providing a Severability Clause; Providing a Penalty Clause ; Providing for Publication; And Establishing an Effective Date Motion: Council Member Beck made a motion , seconded by Council Member Flores , that Ordinance No. 26005-02 -2023 be adopted. Motion passed 9-0 . 23-0181 An Ordinance Ordering a General Election by the Qualified Voters of the City of Fort Worth, Texas , on May 6 , 2023 , for the Purpose of Electing the Mayor and City Council Members for the City of Fort Worth and Ordering a Runoff Election , if Needed Adrian Smith appeared before Council via conference call undecided relative to M&C Item 23 -0181. Motion: Council Member Nettles made a motion , seconded by Council Member Crain , that Ordinance No. 26006 -02 -2023 be adopted . Motion passed 9-0. PRESENTATI ONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Changes in Membership on Boards and Commissions 23 -0054 Board Appointments -District 4 Motion: Council Member Blaylock made a motion , seconded by Mayor Pro tern Bivens, that Matt Kotter be reappointed to Place 4 of the City Plan Commission and Capital Improvements Advisory Committee for Transportation Impact Fees effective February I 4 , 2023 , and with a term expiring October l, 2025. City of Fort Wort!, Pag e 2 1 Printed 011 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 22 of40 RESOLUTIONS 1. 23 -01 31 A Resolution Appointing Members of the Steering Committee for the One-Second Col laborative to Prevent Youth Gun Violence Motion: Council Member Crain made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores , that Resolution No . 5684-02-2023 be adopted . Motion passed 9 -0. 2. 23 -013 2 A Resolution Appointing a Task Force on Future Uses of the City -Owned Building Located in the Cu ltu ral District at 1300 Gendy Street Motion : Council Member Crain made a motion , seconded by Council Member Nettles, that Resolution No . 5685 -02 -2023 be adopted. Motion passed 9 -0. 3 . 23 -0133 A Resolution Adopting the Fort Worth Meacham International Airport Master Plan and Incorporating it into t he City 's Comprehensive Plan 4. 5. 6. Motion: Counc il Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Cou nc il Member Crain , that Resolution No . 5686-02-2023 be adopted . Motion passed 9 -0 . 23-0134 A Resolution Appointing Alan Blaylock as a Primary Member and Official Votin g Representative to the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) of the North Central Texas Council of Governments and Appointing Chris Nettles and Dr. Jared W illi ams as Alternate Members and a s Official Voting Representatives to t he RTC Motion: Council Member Blaylock made a motion , seconded by Council Member Crain , that Resolution No . 5687-02-2023 be adopted. Motion passed 9 -0. 23 -01 35 A Resolution Appointing Members to the E ntrepreneurship and Innovation Comm ittee Motio n: Council Member Crain made a motion , seconded by Mayor Pro tern Bivens, that Resolution No . 5688 -02 -2023 be adopted . Motion passed 9-0 . 23 -0136 A Resolution Ratifying the Denial of Consent to the Inclus ion of the City of Fort Worth 's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in the Proposed Denton County Emergency Services District No . 2 Mot ion : Council Member Firestone made a motion , seconded by Council Member Crai n , that Resolution No. 5689-02-2023 be adopted . Motion passed 9 -0 . City of Fo rt Worth P11gel2 Printed 011 2/2 1/2023 7. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 23 of40 23 -018 2 A Resolution Providing that the City of Fort Worth ("City ") Elects to be Eligible to Participate in Tax Abatement as Authorized by Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code and Adopting an Amendment to the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone Program Basic Incentives and Tax Abatement Policy and E stablishing a Neighborhood Empowerment Zone Tax Abatement Policy Governing Subsequent Tax Abatement Agreements for Properties Located in a Neighborhood Empowerment Zone Motion : Council Member Beck made a motion , seconded by Council Member Crain , that Resolution No . 5690-02-2023 be adopted. Motion passed 9 -0 . PUBLIC HEARING 1. 23-0002 (CD 6 / Future CD 9) Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Variance from Section 4-4 of the City Code to Allow Mixed Beverage Sales for On-Premise Consumption at San Antonio Mexican Food & Home Cooking Restaurant Located at 5693 Westcreek Drive (Continued from a Previous Meeting) (PUBLIC HEARING -a . Report of City Staff: Beth Knight; b. Public Comment; c. Council Action: Close Public Hearing and Act on M&C) Motion: It was the consensus of the City Council that M&C 23 -0002 be withdrawn from the Council Agenda. 2. 23 -0002 -Revised (CD 6 I Future CD 9) Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Variance from Section 4-4 of the City Code to Allow Mixed Beverage Sales for On-Premise Consumption at San Antonio Mexican Food & Home Cooking Restaurant Located at 5693 Westcreek Drive (PUBLIC HEARING -a. Report of City Staff: Beth Knight; b. Public Comment; c. Council Action: Close Public Hearing and Act on M&C) Mayor Parker opened the public hearing. a. Report of City Staff Beth Knight, Development Services Department, appeared before Council and provided a staff report . • City of Fort Worth Page 23 Printeli 011 2/2 1/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 24 of40 3. b. Public Comment The following individuals appeared before Council m support of M&C 23-0002 Revised: Gena Cannon, Arlington, Texas Ray Mallick Mark Green completed a speaker card via conference call in support of M&C 23-0002 Revised and was recognized by Mayor Parker but could not be reached by telephone. c. Council Action Motion: Council Member Williams made a motion , seconded by Council Member Beck, that the public hearing be closed and M&C 23-0002 Revised be approved. Motion passed 9-0. M&C 23-0007 (CD 2 I Future CD 2) Conduct Public Hearing to Consider Variance from Section 4-4 of the City Code to Allow Mixed Beverage Sales for On-Premise Consumption with Late Hours at Valli's International Kitchen Located at 4450 Boat Club Road (Continued from a Previous Meeting) (PUBLIC HEARING -a . Report of City Staff: Beth Knight; b. Public Comment; c. Council Action: Close Public Hearing and Act on M&C) Mayor Parker opened the public hearing. a. Report of City Staff Beth Knight, Development Services Department, appeared before Council and provided a staff report . b. Public Comment Paul Cardarelli completed a speaker card in support of M&C 23-0007 and was recognized by Mayor Parker but was not present in the Council Chamber. Paul Cardarelli completed a comment card in support ofM&C 23-0007. City of Fort Worth Page24 Printed 011 2/21/1013 c. Council Action CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 25 of40 Motion: Council Member Flores made a motion , seconded by Mayor Pro tern Bivens, that the public hearing be closed and M&C 23-0007 be continued to the February 28, 2023 , Council meeting. Motion passed 9-0. 4. M&C 23-0062 (CD 7 / Future CD 10) Conduct Public Hearing, Authorize Execution of Municipal Services Agreement and Consider Adopting Ordinance for the Proposed Owner-Initiated Annexation of Approximately 61.436 Acres of Land in Denton County , Known as Timber Hill ARCO , Located West of Blue Mound Road and South of Highway 114, in the Far North Planning Sector, AX-22-010 PUBLIC HEARING -a. Report of City Staff: Stuart Campbell ; b. Public Comment; c. Council Action: Close Public Hearing and Act on M&C) Mayor Parker opened the public hearing. a. Report of City Staff Stuart Campbell, Development Services Department, appeared before Council and provided a staff report. b. Public Comment There were no public comments. c. Council Action Motion: Council Member Firestone made a motion , seconded by Council Member Williams , that the public hearing be closed and M&C 23-0062 be continued to the February 28 , 2023 , Council meeting . Motion passed 9-0. City of Fort Worth Page 25 Pri11ted 011 2/2 1/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 26 of40 City Secretary Goodall advised that Zoning Docket ZC -22-192 was a companion case to M&C 23 -00 62 and would be heard at this time . 6. ZC-22 -1 92 (CD 7) Double Eag le TH LLC -ARCO Murray , 18242 S FM 156 (20 ac .) From : Unzoned , To: "I" Light Industrial (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commissio n) Mot io n: Co un cil Member Firestone made a motion , seconded by Council Member Blaylock t hat Zoning Docket ZC -22 -192 be continued to the February 28 , 2023 , Council meeting. Motion passed 9-0. ZONING HEARING The Notice of Special Hearing set today as the date for the hearing in connection with recommended changes and amendments to Zoning Ordinance No . 21653 -02 -2015 hearing had been given by publication in the Fort Worth Star -Telegram , the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, on January 27 , 2023 . Mayor Parker opened the public hearing . City Secretary Goodall advised that Zoning Dockets ZC -22-198 and ZC-22 -220 would be heard at this time. 13. ZC-22-198 (CD 5/5) Jake & M ichael Cook/Neil Nicholson , Greystar & Nikki Moore , A.N. Moore Consulti ng , 2500 Dottie Lynn Parkway (41.89 acres) From : "E" Neighborhood Commercia l; "AG " Agricultural , To: "PD /CR" Planned Development with a base of "CR" Low Density Multifamily , with development standards for suppl emental building setback and screen in g fence , parking location , and building orie nt ation; Site Plan included (Recommended for Denial with Prejudice by the Zo nin g Comm iss ion) The following individuals appeared before Council m support of Zoning Docket ZC-22-1 98 : Daniel Haase N ikki Moore , Euless , Texas Neil Nicholson, Irving , Texas Daniel Box, Dallas, Texas City of Fort Worth Page 26 Printed Oil 2/21 /2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 27 of 40 Cameron Pope, Mansfield, Texas , completed a speaker card in support of Zoning Docket ZC-22-198 and was recognized by Mayor Parker but was not present in the Council Chamber. The following individuals appeared before Council m opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-22-198 : Judy Taylor Dale Sommerfeld Dave Fulson Cindy Boling Torchy White Mary Kelleher James Hook Cynthia Manuel, The Bluffs Jeff Fincher (via conference call) The following individuals completed comment cards m opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-22-198: Robin Sommerfeld Mark Boling Motion: Mayor Pro tern Bivens made a motion , seconded by Council Member Williams , that Zoning Docket ZC-22-198 be denied with prejudice . Motion passed 9-0. 24. ZC-22-220 (CD 5/5) Constellation Energy /Randle Howard , 6201 Lake Arlington Drive (6 .22 acres) From: "0-1 " Floodplain , To: "K" Heavy Industrial (Recommended for Denial with Prejudice by the Zoning Commission) The following individuals appeared before Council m support of Zoning Docket ZC-22-220: Randle Howard Clara Faulkner Allen Tucker Tammy Price City of Fort Worth Page 27 Pri11tetf 011 2/21/2023 CIT Y OF FORT W ORTH, TEXAS CITY C OUNC IL MEETING TUES DAY, FE BRUA R Y 14, 2023 Page 28 of40 The following individuals appeared before Council m opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-22-220 : Judy Tay lor Torchy White Cindy Boling Dave Fulson Letitia W ilbourn Linda Pavlik completed a comment card m opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-22-220 . Motion : Mayor Pro tern Biven s made a motion , seconded by Council Member Beck, that Zoning Docket ZC-22 -220 be denied with prejudice . Motion passed 9-0. It appeared that the City Council, at its meeting of January 10 , 2023 , continued Zoning Docket ZC -22 -191. 2 . ZC -22 -191 (CD 8) Kyle K. Poulson , 1524 Dev itt Street (2.14 ac.) From: "E " Ne ig hb orhood Commercial , To : "I" Light Industrial (Recommended for Denial by t he Zon ing Commiss ion)(Co ntinued from a Previous Meeting) Motion: Co uncil Member Nettles made a motion , seconded by Mayor Pro tern Bivens, that Zoning Docket ZC -22 -191 be denied w ithout prejudice. Motion passed 9-0 . It appeared that the City Council, at its meeting of January 10 , 2023 , continued Zoning Docket ZC-22-195. 3. ZC -22 -195 (CD 9) Merry's Auto Car Ride LLC , 5116James Avenue (0.5ac.) F rom: "E " Neighborhood Commercial , To: "FR" General Commercial Restricted (Recomme nd ed for Approval by the Zoning Commission)(Continued from a Previous Meeting) Motion: Co unci l Member Beck made a motion , seconded by Council Member Crain , that Zoning Docket ZC -22-195 be approved. Motion passed 9-0. City of Fort Wort h Page28 Printed 0 11 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 29 of40 It appeared that the City Council, at its meeting of January 10 , 2023 , continued Zoning Docket ZC-22 -199. 4. ZC -22-199 (CD 5) Ana Maria Preciado / Xavier Loza, 3760 Waldorf Street (0.23 ac .) From: (Recommended Meeting) "MU-1" Low Intensity Mixed-Use , To: "A -5" One -Family for Denial by the Zoning Commission)(Continued from a Previous Bob Willoughby completed a speaker card m support of Zoning Docket ZC-22 -199 and was recognized by Mayor Parker but was not present in the Council Chamber. Letitia Wilbourn completed a comment card m support of Zoning Docket ZC-23 -199 . Motion: Mayor Pro tern Bivens made a motion , seconded by Council Member Crain, that Zoning Docket ZC-22 -199 be approved. Motion passed 9-0. It appeared that the City Council, at its meeting of January 10 , 2023 , continued Zoning Docket ZC-22 -204. 5. ZC-22 -204 (CD 2) L & S Land Company LTD , 4501 Angle Avenue (22 .38 ac.) From: "C" Medium Density Multifamily ; "E" Neighborhood Commercial , To: "C" Medium Density Multifamily (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission)(Continued from a Previous Meeting) Andrew Wiley appeared before Council in support of Zoning Docket ZC-22-204. The following individuals completed comment cards in support of Zoning Docket ZC -22-204: Madison Hogue John Schissler Motion: Council Member Flores made a motion , seconded by Mayor Pro tern Bivens, that Zoning Docket ZC-22-204 denied without prejudice . Motion passed 9-0. City of Fort Worth Page29 Prill/et/ 011 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 30 of40 7. 8. SP -22 -023 (CD 5/5) Ashen Investments Inc, 501 E. Loop 820 (4.3 acres) To: Amend site plan for PD 1083 "PD /E" Planned Development for all uses m "E" Ne ighborhood Commercial plus mini warehouses to combine multiple buildings to one building; site plan included (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Brandon Middleton completed a speaker card in support of Site Plan SP -22-023 and was recognized by Mayor Parker but did not wish to address Council. Motion: Mayor Pro tern Bivens made a motion , seconded by Council Member Beck, that Site Plan SP -22 -023 be approved. Motion passed 9-0. SP-22 -024 (CD 6/6) U nited Global Development Group/Logan McWhorter, SE of Sycamore School Rd . & Summer Creek Dr (l.9 acres) To: Add site plan to PD 246 "PD/E" Plann ed Development all use s in "E" Neighborhood Commercial excl udin g tattoo parlor and massage parlor. (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Logan Mc Whorter, Southlake, Texas, completed a speaker card via conference call in support of Site Plan SP -22-024 and was recognized by Mayor Parker but did not wish to address Council. Motion: Council Member Williams made a motion, seco nded by Co uncil Member Crain, that Site Plan SP-22 -024 be approved. Motion passed 9-0 . 9. ZC-22-087 (CD 3/3) Baron Purselley, 9904 Camp Bowie W . Bl vd (3 .9 acres) From: PD 591 "PD /SU" for all uses in "E" plus mini warehouse , site plan waived, To: Amend PD 591 PD/SU" for all uses in "E" plus mm1 warehouse to add showroom , warehouse, and fleet parking for pool company; site plan waiver requested (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Motion : Council Member Crain made a motion, seco nded by Council Member F lores, that Zon in g Docket ZC-22 -087 be approved . Motion passed 9 -0. (Mayor Pro tern Biven s stepped away from the dais .) 10. ZC-23 -017 (CD 8/8) City of Fo rt Worth /Southpointe, 6288 Salt Road (297 acres) Amend PD 768 Planned Developmen t/S pecific Use for municipal solid waste landfill to add anci ll ary uses related to the landfi ll and a concrete recycling facility for TxDOT South East Connector Project ; s ite plan included (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Jay Proskovec appeared before Council in support of Zoning Docket ZC-23 -017. City of Fort Worth Page JO Printed 0 11 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 31 of40 The following individuals completed comment cards m support of Zoning Docket ZC-23-017: Torchy White Cindy Boling Mark Boling Letitia Wilbourn appeared before Council m opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-23-017. The following individuals completed comment cards m opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-23 -01 7: Kohl Bryant Bill Wright, Kennedale, Texas Motion : Council Member Nettles made a motion , seconded by Council Member Beck, that Zoning Docket ZC -23 -017 be approved . Motion passed 8-0 , Mayor Pro tern Bivens absent. (Mayor Pro tern Bivens returned to her place at the dais.) 11. ZC-22 -161 (CD 8/8) Vernon L. McCoy / Christopher Bonilla, Bonilla Group , 4826 Wichita Street (0 .87 acres) From: "A-7 .5" One Family Residential , To : "PD/E" Planned Development with a base of "E" Neighborhood Commercial , excluding uses (see docket packet) with development standards for supplemental building setback ; site plan included (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Christopher Bonilla appeared before Council m support of Zoning Docket ZC-22-161. Letitia Wilbourn completed a speaker card m oppos1t1on to Zoning Docket ZC-22 -161 and was recognized by Mayor Parker but did not wish to address Council. City of Fort Wort h Pag e 3 1 Printed 0 11 2/2 1/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 32 of40 12 . 14 . Letitia Wilbourn completed an undecided comment card relative to Zoning Docket ZC-22-161. Motion: Council Member Nettles made a motion , seconded by Mayor Pro tern Bivens , that Zoning Docket ZC-22 -161 be approved . Motion passed 9-0. ZC-22 -181 (CD 6/6) Rall Properties LP -6881 Harris Parkway & 7101 Dutch Branch Road (14.8 acres) From : "F" General Commercial ; "PD 545 " PD/SU for "G" Intensive Commercial development standards and all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial , with additional uses and development standards , site plan required , To : "R2" Townho use /Cluster (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Travis Clegg completed a speaker card in support of Zoning Docket ZC -22-181 and was recognized by Mayor Parker but did not wish to address Council. Motion: Council Member Williams made a motion , seconded by Council Member Nettles , that Zoning Docket ZC-22-181 be continued to the February 28 , 2023 , Council meeting . Mot ion passed 9-0 . ZC -22-207 (CD 9/9) Stephanie & Trinidad Cruz Jr, 4101 Merida Avenue (0.24 acres) From : "FR" General Commercial Restricted , To: "A -7.5 " One-Family Residential (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Motion : Council Member Beck made a motion , seconded by Mayor Pro tern Bivens , that Zoning Docket ZC -22 -207 be approved . Motion passed 9-0. 15. ZC -22 -210 (CD 5/5) Sterling O 'Day, 1200 E. Maddox Avenue (0.53 acres) From: "CF " Community Facilities , To: "A -5" One -Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zon ing Commission) City Secretary Goodall advised that Zoning Docket ZC-22-210 was in District 8 . The following individuals completed speaker cards in support of Zoning Docket ZC-22-210 and were recognized by Mayor Parker but did not wish to address Council : George Muckleroy Sterling O'Day James O 'Day City of Fort Worth Pag e 32 Pri11tetl 011 212 112 023 16 . 17. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 33 of40 James Smith appeared before Council in support of Zoning Docket ZC-22 -210 . Motion: Council Member Nettles made a motion , seconded by Mayor Pro tern Bivens, that Zoning Docket ZC -22 -210 be approved. Motion passed 9-0. ZC-22-211 (CD 5/11) Humberto Becerra, 4309 Village Creek Road (2 .3 acres) From : "A -21 " One -Family , To: "I " Light Industrial (Recommended for Denial by the Zoning Commission) Alexia Becerra appeared before Council in support of Zoning Docket ZC-22-211 . Humberto Becerra completed a speaker card m support of Zoning Docket ZC-22 -211 and was recognized by Mayor Parker but did not wish to address Council. Letitia Wilbourn appeared before Council m opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-22-211. Motion : Mayor Pro tern Bivens made a motion , seconded by Council Member Beck, that Zoning Docket ZC -22-211 be continued to the March 21 , 2023 , Council meeting. Motion passed 8-1 , Mayor Pro tern Bivens casting the dissenting vote. ZC -22 -212 (CD 9/11) F & P Properties /Enduro Coffee Roasters , 2400 block (odds) Gillis Street (0.42 acres) From : "I" Light Industrial , "B " Two -Family , and "A-5" One-Fami ly, To: "MU-2" High Intens ity Mixed -Use (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Anthony Parrotta, Weatherford, Texas, completed a speaker card in support of Zoning Docket ZC-22-212 and was recognized by Mayor Parker but did not wish to address Council. Motion: Council Member Beck made a motion , seconded by Council Member Nettles , that Zoning Docket ZC -22 -212 be continued to the March 21 , 2023 , Council meeting. Motion passed 9-0 . City of Fort Worth Page 33 Primed 011 2/21/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 34 of40 18. ZC -22 -213 (CD 5/5) Professional Living Centers LLC , 3221 Vine Street (l.O acres) From: "AG" Agricultural , To: "A-5" One-Family (Recommended for Approval by the Zo nin g Com mi ssio n) Motion: Mayor Pro tern Bivens made a motion , seconded by Council Member Beck, that Zoning Docket ZC-22 -213 be approved. Motion passed 9-0. 20. ZC-22 -215 (CD 3/7) Westland Texas Investments /Ottis Lee , 10211 Old Weatherford Rd (11 .5 6 acres) From: "A-5" One Family Residential & "E" Neighborhood Commercia l, To : "E" Neighborhood Commercial ; "PD/E " Planned Development for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial plus College /University removing liquor or package store; s it e plan included (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Ottis Lee, Weatherford, Texas, completed a speaker card m support of Zoning Docket ZC-22 -215 and was recognized by Mayor Parker but did not wish to address Council. Motio n: Co uncil Member Crain made a motion, seconded by Counc il Member Flores , that Zoning Docket ZC-22 -215 be approved . Motion passed 9-0. 21. ZC-22-216 (CD 5/5) Palisade Custom Homes LP , Crystal Arnold , 3700 , 3704 , 3708 Peach Street (0.48 acres) From : "AG" Agricultural , To: "A -5 " One -Family Residential (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Motion: Mayor Pro tern Bivens made a motion , seconded by Council Member F lores , that Zoning Docket ZC -22 -216 be approved. Motion passed 9-0 . 22. ZC-22-217 (CD 9/6) Edge Park Methodist Church/William Todd Kinney , 5616 Crow ley Road (3.3 acres) From : "A -5 " One-Family , To: "CF " Community Facilities (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Motion: Co un c il Member Beck made a motion , seconded by Council Member Williams , that Zoning Docket ZC-22 -217 be approved. Motion passed 9 -0 . City of Fo rt Worth Page 34 Printed 011 2/2112 023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 35 of40 23. ZC-22 -218 (C D 9/11) G & S Auto of Fort Worth , LLC/Mary ell Poole, 2517-2531 (odds) Hemphill Street (0 .89 acres) From : "E" Neighborhood Commercial , To: "UR " Urban Residential (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) The following individuals appeared before Council in opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-22-218: Ricardo Avitia Angela Blochowicz The fo ll owing individuals completed comment cards m opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-22 -218. Y areli Cadena Cristina Plascencia Snoke Juanita Rojas appeared before Council undecided relative to Zoning Docket ZC-22-218. Motion : Council Member Beck made a motion , seconded by Council Member Crai n, that Zoning Docket ZC -22-218 be remanded back to the Zoning Comm iss ion of April 12 , 2023, to request Mixed -Use zonmg. Motion passed 9 -0. 25. ZC -22 -221 (CD 2/2) Fort Worth Texas BP2 , LLC / Homeyer Engi neering, Inc ., 3701 N . Sy lvania Ave., 2567 & 2575 E. Long Ave (5.21 acres) To: Add Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow petroleum storage facility in "K" Heavy Industrial ; s ite plan included (Recommended for Approval by the Zon in g Commission) Motion: Council Member Flores made a motion , seconded by Council Member Nettles , that Zoning Docket ZC -22 -221 be approved. Motion passed 9 -0. 26 . ZC-22 -224 (CD 5/5) Phillip W. Galyen, 1425 Nottingham Boulevard (0.23 acres) From : "PD 942 " Planned Development for "E" Neighborhood Commercial uses plus outdoor display and sales of playsets, To : "A-5 " One -Fam il y (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) Motion: Mayor Pro tern Bivens made a motion , seco nded by Council Member Crain , that Zoning Docket ZC-22 -224 be approved . Motion passed 9-0. City of Fort Worth Page JS Prill/et/ 0 11 2/21/2023 C ITY O F FORT W ORTH, T EXAS C ITY C O UNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FE BRUAR Y 14, 2023 P age 36 of 40 2 7. 28. ZC-22-190 (CD 5/5) Amerco Real Estate, 6801 Anderson Boulevard (14 .1 ac.) From : "E" Ne ig h borhood Commerc ial; "I" Light Industrial , To: "PD/I" Planned Deve lopment for all use s in "I" Light Industrial , p lus mini -warehouse , vehicle rental , storage or disp lay of accessory use exc luding blacksmithing and wagon shop ; site p lan waiver req uested (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commiss ion) Motion : Mayor Pro tern Bivens made a motion , seconded by Council Member Beck, that Zoning Docket ZC-22 -190 be approved . Motion passed 9 -0. ZC-22 -182 (CD 5/5)T Square Investments LLC/Darshwish Otrok, 1601 T Square Street (3.72 acres) From : "G " Intens ive Commerc ial , To: "A -5" One -Fami ly Res idential (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commiss ion ) Darwish Otrok, Grapevine, Texas, appeared before Council in support o f Zoning Docket ZC-22-182. Val Meza appeared before Council in opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-22-182. Motio n: Mayor Pro tern Bivens made a motion , seconded by Council Member Crain , that Zoning Docket ZC-22 -182 be approved. Motion passed 9 -0. 1. ZC-22 -165 (CD 2) Brookhollow 11 7 0 , LTD/ IHS Real Estate Ho ldings , LLC, 5851 North Freeway , From: "G " Intensive Commercial To : "D " High Density Multifamily (17 .9 ac .) (Recommended for Approval by the Zoning Commission) (Continued from a Prev io us Meet in g) It appeared that the City Council, at its meeting of December 13 , 2022 , continued Zoning Docket ZC-22 -165 . Kenya A lu completed a comment card in opposition to Zoning Docket ZC-22 -165 . Motion : Council Member Flores made a motion , seconded Counc il Member Nettles , t hat Zo ni ng Docket ZC-22 -165 to accept the applicant's request to withdraw the zoning change . Motion passed 9 -0. There being no one else present desiring to be heard in connection with the recommended ch anges and amendments pertaining to Zoning Ordinance No . 21653 -02 -2015 for the above-listed cases, Council Member Flores made a motion, seconded by Council Member ettles, that the hearing be closed and Ordinance No . 26007-02-2023 be a d opted. Motion passed 9 -0. City of Fort Worth Page36 Printed 011 2/2 1/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 37 of40 REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER B. General 1. M&C 23 -0072 (ALL) Approve City of Fort Worth's 2022 Community Development Block Grant -Disaster Recovery Action Plan for the U se of Federal Grant Funds in the Amount of $27,420 ,000.00 to be Awarded by the U nited States Department of Housing and Urban Development from the Community Development Block Grant -Disaster Recovery , Authorize Collection and U se of Program Income , Authorize Execution of Related Grant Agreements , Adopt Appropriation Ordinance , and Authorize Waiver ofindirect Costs Motion : Council Member Beck made a motion , seconded by Council Member Nettles , that M&C 23-0072 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No. 26008-02-2023 be adopted. Motion pas sed 9 -0 . 2 . M&C 23-0086 (CD 7 I Future CD 7) Adopt Ordinance Amending Sections 18 -4 , 10-16 , 10-19, and 10-22 of the Code of the City of F ort Worth , Texas (2015), As Amended , to Revise the Boat Ramp Use Fees for the Boat Ramps at Arrow S Park and Casino Beach Park and to Impose a Civil Penalty Not Exceeding $200 for Failure to Pay a Boat Ramp U se Fee , Authorize an Agreement with ParkMobile , LLC for the Collection of Boat Ramp Use Fees, and Provide for an Increase of the Boat Ramp Use Fees Beginning in Fiscal Year 2025 3. Motion : Council Member Firestone made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tern Bivens , that M&C 23-0086 be approved and Ordinance No . 26009-02-2023 be adopted. Motion passed 9-0. M&C 23 -0094 (CD 4 , CD 5 , CD 8 , and CD 9 / Future CD 11 , CD 5 , CD 8 , and CD 9) Authorize Acceptance of a Grant in the Amount of $110 ,460.00 from the Marilyn Brachman Hoffman Foundation for the E stablishment of 56 Trees at Four Park Locations, Amend the Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance Motion: Council Member Beck made a motion , seconded by Council Member Nettles , that M&C 23-0094 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No. 26010 -02-2023 be adopted . Motion passed 9 -0. City of Fort Worth Page 3 7 Printed 011 2/2 1/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 38 of40 4. 5. 6. M&C 23 -0101 (ALL) Adopt Ordinance Directing Publication of Notice of Intention to Issue Combination Tax and Revenue Certificates of Obligation m an Amount Not to Exceed $94,000,000 .00 for Improvements to the Fort Worth Convention Center and City Hall Motion : Council Member Crain made a motion , seconded by Council Member Flores, that M&C 23-0101 be approved and Ordinance No. 26011 -02 -2023 be adopted. Motion passed 9-0 . M&C 23-0129 (CD 3 I Future CD 3) Authorize Exec ution of a Contract with S.J. Lou is Construction of Texas, Ltd. in the Amount of $10 ,424 ,212.97 for Phase 1 of the Walnut Creek Sanitary Sewer Exte nsion , Adopt Resolution Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse Expenditures with Proceeds of Future Debt, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance to Effect a Portion of Water's Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2023-2027 Capital Improvement Program Motion: Council Member Crain made a motion , seconded by Mayor Pro tern Bivens , that M&C 23-0129 be approved and Resolution No. 5691-02-2023 and Appropriation Ordinance No . 26012-02 -2023 be adopted. Motion passed 9-0 . M&C 23 -0137 (CD 5 and CD 8 / F uture CD 5, CD 8 , and CD 11) Cons id er and Adopt Re so lution s of Support for 2023 Competitive (9%) Housing Tax Credit App li cations , Approve Commitments of Development Funding in the Form of Fee Waivers in the approximate amount of $75,964.00 for Specified Developments, Acknowledge the One-Mile Three Year Rule and Make Related Determinations, and Find that the Fee Waivers Serve a Public Purpo se and that Adequate Controls are In P la ce Motion: Mayor Pro tern Bivens made a motion , seco nded by Council Member Blaylock, that M&C 23 -01 37 be approved as amended with the fo ll owing changes: 1. Add a sentence to end of the first discussion paragraph to say "The developer for Avenue at Lancaster advised staff on February 12th that they wished to withdraw t heir application." 2 . Remove all references to the Avenue at Lancaster project and make conforming changes. 3 . In the discussion paragrap h about the Bell Station Apartments , delete the sentence about the project being tax-exempt. City of Fort Worth Page 38 Printed 0 11 2/2 1/2023 D. Land CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2023 Page 39 of40 A marked up version of the M&C reflecting all of these changes has been distributed and provided to the City Secretary's Office , and Resolution Nos. 5692 -02-2023 , 5693 -02 -2023 , 5694 -02 -2023 , 5695 -02-2023, 5696-02-2023, 5697-02-2023 , 5698 -02 -2023, and 5699 -02-2023 be adopted . Motion passed 9-0. 1. M&C 23 -0087 (CD 5 / Future CD 5) Authorize the Acquisition of a Fee Simple Interest in Approximately 2.84 Acres of Land Being Lots 1 through 16 , Block 1, East Dale Addition , an Addition to the City of F ort Worth , Tarrant County , Texas from Antoun J. Elandary for a Total Purchase Price of $400 ,000.00 and Pay Estimated Closing Costs in an Amount Up to $9 ,000 .00 for the Open Space Conservation Program , Adopt Appropriation Ordinances , and Amend the Fiscal Years 2023 -2027 Capital Improvement Program (2022 Bond Program) Property description: 2.84 acre s of land being Lots I through 16, Block I , East Dale Addition, City of Fort Worth , Tarrant County, Texa s Motion: Mayor Pro tern Bivens made a motion , seconded by Council Member Flores , that M&C 23-0087 be approved and Ordinance No. 26013 -02 -2023 and 26014-02 -2023 be adopted. Motion passed 9-0. F . Awa rd of Co ntract 1. M&C 23 -0071 (CD 5 / Future CD 11) Authorize Execution of a F ive-Year Tax Abatement Agreement with Fomundam Mbuh and Katherine Zama Mbuh and NOAAK Healthcare , LLC for the Construction of a Medical Office Building of Approximately 1,625 Square Feet and Having a Cost of at Least $364 ,899.00 on Property Located at 3700 South Freeway, in the Worth Heights Neighborhood and within Neighborhood Empowerment Zone and Reinvestment Zone Area Six City Secretary Goodall advised that M&C 23-0071 was in District 9. Motion : Council Member Beck made a motion , seconded by Mayor Pro tern Bivens, that M&C 23-0071 be approved. Motion passed 9-0. City of Fort Worth P11ge 39 Prill/et/ 011 2121/2 023 CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FE BRUARY 14, 2023 Page 40 of40 2. M&C 23 -0073 (CD 5 I Future CD 5) Authorize a Change in U se and Adjust Existing Appropriations in the Amount of $500 ,000.00 of Community Development Block Grant Funds to Increase F unding for the Cowan Place Affordable Housing Development Located at 5400 East Rosedale Street, Authorize a Substantial Amendment to the City 's 2018-2019 , 2019 -2020 , and 2020 -2021 Action Plans , Authorize Amendment to Subrecipient Agreement with the Housing Authority for the City of Fort Worth Doing Business as Fort Worth Housing Solutions to Increase Contracted Amount from $750 ,000.00 to $1 ,250 ,000.00 , and Authorize Substitut ion of Funding Years Council Members Crain and Williams advised that they filed a Conflict of Interest Affidavit with the City Secretary 's Office pertaining to M&C 23 -0073 and would abstain from voting on this issue . Motion: Mayor Pro tern Bivens made a motion, seconded by Council Member Nett les , that M&C 23 -00 73 be approved. Motion passed 7-0, with two abstentions from Council Members Crain and Williams. 3. M&C 23 -0125 (CD 3 I FUTURE CD 3) Authorize Execution of a Contract with McKee Utility Contractors , Inc . in the Amount of $11 ,395 ,255.00 for Westside V Elevated Storage Tank and Transmission Main Project, Provide for Total Project Costs in the Amount of $12,142 ,419 .00, Authorize Acceptance of Funds from Walsh Ranches Limited Partnership tn the Amount of $290 ,000.00 ,Adopt Resolution Expressing Official Intent to Reimburse Expe nd itures with Proceeds of Future Debt, and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances to Effect a Portion of Water's Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2023 -2027 Capital Improvement Program Motion : Council Member Crain made a motion, seconded by Council Member Flores, that M&C 23 -0125 be approved and Resolution No . 5700 -02 -2023 and Appropriation Ordinance Nos. 26015 -02 -2023 and 26016 -02 -2023 be adopted. Motion passed 9-0 . AD JO URNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Parker adj our d the meeting at 9:23 p .m. These minutes approved by the Fort Worth City Council on t 71 Attest: Mayor City of Fo rt Wo rth Page 40 Pri11tetl 011 2/21/2023