HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013/05/07-Minutes-Fort Worth Local Development Corporation (FWLDC)CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS
TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2013
President Franlc Moss
Vice President Danny Scarth
Treasurer W, B. "Zim" Zimmerman
Trustee Betsy Price
Trustee Salvador Espino
Trustee Jungus Jordan
Trustee Dennis Shingleton
Trustee Kelly Allen Gray
Trustee Joel Burns
Citv staff:
Fernando Costa, Assistant City Manager
Vicki Ganske, Senior Assistant City Attorney
Mary J. ICayser, City Secretary
Cynthia Garcia, Administrator
Other staff:
Jay Chapa, Administrator
LeAnn Gurtnan, Senior Assistant City Attorney
1. Call to Order.
With a quorum present, President Moss called the meeting to order for the Board of Directors of
the Fort Worth Loca1 Development Corporation (Corporation) at 2:35 p,m. on Tuesday, May 7,
2013, in the Pre-Council Chamber of the Fort Worth Municipal Building, 1000 Throckmorton
Street, Fort Worth, Texas.
2. Approval of Minutes of the November 6, 2012, Meeting.
President Moss opened the floor for a motion on the approval of the minutes of the Tuesday,
November 6, 2012, ineeting,
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Trustee Price and seconded by Trustee Shingleton, the
Board oi Directors voted unanimously 9 ayes and 0 nays, to approve the Tuesday,
November 6, 2012, minutes of the Coiporation as presented. The motion carried,
TUESDAY, MAY 7, 2013
3a. Written Reports: Fort Worth Local Development Corporation Financial Report
through March 31, 2013.
President Moss referenced the Financial Report through March 31, 2013, and opened the floor
for discussion on the report. There was no action or discussion on this item.
4. Executive Session — President Moss stated that he had been advised that an Executive
Session was not necessary to discuss the following items:
A. Seek the advice of its attorneys concerning the following items that are exempt from
public disclosure under Article X, Section 9, of the Texas State Bar Rules, as
authorized by Section 551.071 of the Texas Government Code: (i) legal issues
concerning any current agenda item; and
B. Discuss the purchase, sale, lease or value of real property, as authorized by Section
551.072 of the Texas Government Code, Deliberation in an open meeting would
have a detrimental effect on the position of the Corporation in negotiations with a
third party; and
C. Discuss or deliberate negotiations related to any economic development negotiations,
as authorized by Section 551.087 of the Texas Government Code.
This agenda item was passed over.
5. Discussion and Consideration of Resolution to Purchase 5401 Berry from the Fort
Worth Housing Finance Corporation and Tax Foreclosed Property Located at 5425 E.
Berry from the City of Fort Worth.
Ms. Cynthia Garcia, Administrator, provided a PowerPoint presentation advising that the
properties were located in the Berry/Stalcup Urban Village. She displayed another aerial view of
the project area with the proposed concept plan then provided the background information
regarding both tax-foreclosed properties. She concluded her presentation by advising the Board
of the proposed terms of the purchase and that staff recommended the Board approve the
resolution authorizing the purchase of 5425 E. Berry for the Tarrant Appraisal District value of
$19,750.00, purchasing 5401 E. Berry from the Fort Worth Housing Finance Corporation for
$15,180.60 and authorizing closing costs not to exceed $10,000.00.
President Moss advised that the property at 5425 E. Berry had been burned but the City was
unable to demolish the structure because funding was not available. However, by the Fort Worth
Local Development Corporation purchasing the property there may be funding to demolish the
structure if clearance is granted by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and the
Historic and Cultural Landmarks Commission,
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Trustae Shingleton and seconded by Tiustee Price, the
Board voted unanimously 9 ayes and 0 nays, to approve Resolution No. FWLDC-
2013-01. The motion cai7•ied,
TU�SDAY, MAY 7, 2013
6. Discussion and Consideration of Resolution to Hire Zenith Roofing Services, LLC for
Roof Repairs at 4700 Blue Mound Road for an Amount not to Exceed $50,000.00.
Ms. Cynthia Garcia, Administrator, provided a PowerPoint presentation and advised the Board
of the deteriorated condition of the roof for the building located at 4700 Blue Mound Road. She
outlined the proposed repairs and recommended that the Board enter into a contract with Zenith
Roofing for up to $50,000.00 for the roof repairs.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Trustee Shingleton and seconded by Trustee Price, the
Board voted unanimously 9 ayes and 0 nays, to approve Resolution No. FWLDC-
2013-02. The motion carried.
7. Requests for Future Agenda Items.
President Moss opened the floor on requests for future agenda items. No requests were made by
Board members.
8. Adjourn.
With no further discussion, President Moss adjourned the meeting of the Fort Worth Local
Development Corporation Board at 2:43 p.m. on Tuesday, May 7, 2013.
These minutes approved by the Fort Worth Housing Finance Corporation Board of
Directors on the 4��' day of June 2013.
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Frank Moss
Dennis ingle
Prepared and respectful� submitted by;
Mary J. ICay , R C MC
City Secretary