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Contract 55451-FP1
-FP1 City Secretary55451 Contract No. FORTWORTH. Date Received 04/11/2023 NOTICE OF PROJECT COMPLETION (Developer Projects) The Transportation and Public Works Department upon the recommendation of the Project Manager has accepted the following project as complete: Project Name: South Oak Grove Estates Section 2 & 3 City Project No: 102397 Improvement Type(s): Water © Sewer ❑x Original Contract Price: Amount of Approved Change Order(s): Revised Contract Amount: Total Cost of Work Complete: Cakwreh r rW Carmen Esteo (Aar 11. 202 09156 CDT) Contractor Office Manager Title Jackson Construction LTD Company Name Chant Kechichian (Aor 11.2023 11:05 CDTI Project Inspector lCGcaG ,7aa�aYr' � >c Kha( Jaafari P.E. ( pr 11, 202315:03 CDT) Project Manager Raharra Diana O— (Anr 11. 2023 1525 CDT) CFA Manager .Lauren Pneur lA- 11.2023 15-35 con TPW Director W lliam Johnson (Ao 11. 20231637 CDT) Asst. City Manager $767,821.00 $248,924.66 $1,016,745.66 $1,016,745.66 Apr 11, 2023 Date AT Apr 11, 2023 Date Apr 11, 2023 Date Apr 11, 2023 Date Apr 11, 2023 Date Apr 11, 2023 Date OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Page 1 of 2 Notice of Project Completion Project Name: South Oak Grove Estates Section 2 & 3 City Project No.: 102397 City's Attachments Final Pay Estimate Change Order(s): © Yes ❑ N/A Pipe Report: ® Yes ❑ N/A Contractor's Attachments Affidavit of Bills Paid Consent of Surety Statement of Contract Time Contract Time 240 WD Days Charged: 394 Work Start Date: 4/28/2021 Work Complete Date: 4/7/2023 Soil Lab Number of Tests: 401 Water Number of Tests: 3 Page 2 of 2 FoRTWoRTH CITY OF FORT WORTH FINAL PAYMENT REQUEST Contract Name SOUTH OAK GROVE ESTATES SECTION 2 & 3 Contract Limits Project Type WATER & SEWER City Project Numbers 102397 DOE Number 2397 Estimate Number 1 Payment Number 1 City Secretary Contract Number Contract Date 2/3/2021 For Period Ending Project Manager NA Contractor JACKSON CONSTRUCTION LTD 5112 SUN VALLEY DRIVE FORT WORTH, TX 76119 Inspectors MILLER, W / TORRES, M Contract Time Days Charged to Date Contract is 100.00 4/7/2023 WD 24WD 394 Complete Tuesday, April 11, 2023 Page 1 of 5 City Project Numbers 102397 Contract Name SOUTH OAK GROVE ESTATES SECTION 2 & 3 Contract Limits Project Type WATER & SEWER Project Funding UNIT I: WATER IMPROVEMENTS Item Description of Items Estimated Unit No. Quanity 1 REMOVE CONC PVMT 50 SY 2 REMOVE 6" WATER LINE (CO # 2 & 3) 2090 LF 3 REMOVE 8" WATER LINE (CO #1, 2, & 3) 2915 LF 4 6" CONC PVMT 50 SY 5 TRENCH SAFETY (CO # 1, 2, & 3) 5121 LF 6 DUCTILE IRON WATER FITTINGS 2.8 TN W/RESTRAINT (CO #2) 7 8" WATER PIPE (CO # 1, 2, & 3) 8 CONNECTION TO EXISTING 4"-12" WATER MAIN (CO #1 & 2) DOE Number 2397 Estimate Number 1 Payment Number 1 For Period Ending 4/7/2023 Unit Cost Estimated Completed Completed Total Quanity Total $21.00 $1,050.00 50 $1,050.00 $3.00 $6,270.00 2090 $6,270.00 $4.00 $11,660.00 2915 $11,660.00 $124.00 $6,200.00 50 $6,200.00 $1.00 $5,121.00 5121 $5,121.00 $7,800.00 $21,840.00 2.8 $21,840.00 5121 LF $32.00 $163,872.00 5121 $163,872.00 12 EA $2,200.00 $26,400.00 12 $26,400.00 9 1" WATER SERVICE (CO # 1, 2, & 3) 161 EA $1,040.00 $167,440.00 161 $167,440.00 10 8" GATE VALVE (CO # 2 & 3) 11 EA $1,470.00 $16,170.00 11 $16,170.00 11 CUT IN POLY PIGS 7 EA $700.00 $4,900.00 7 $4,900.00 12 TEST AND REPAIR EXISTING WATER LINE 3035 LF 13 SALVAGE FIRE HYDRANT (CO #2) 2 EA $1,500.00 $3,000.00 2 $3,000.00 14 8" WATERLINE LOWERING (CO #2) 3 EA $3,250.00 $9,750.00 3 $9,750.00 15 20" CASING BY OPEN CUT (CO #2) 50 LF $215.00 $10,750.00 50 $10,750.00 16 8" CUT -IN GATE VALVE (CO #2) 2 EA $2,400.00 $4,800.00 2 $4,800.00 Sub -Total of Previous Unit $459,223.00 $459,223.00 UNIT 11: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Item Description of Items Estimated Unit No. Quanity 1 REMOVE 8" SEWER LINE 4945 LF 2 REMOVE 5' SEWER MANHOLE 13 EA 3 POST -CCTV INSPECTION 5045 LF 4 MANHOLE VACUUM TESTING 22 EA 5 TRENCH SAFETY 5045 LF 6 CONCRETE COLLAR 2 EA 7 4" SEWER SERVICE (CO #3) 159 EA 8 8" PVC SEWER PIPE 5045 LF 9 8" SEWER PIPE CSS BACKFILL 340 LF Unit Cost Estimated Completed Completed Total Quanity Total $1.00 $4,945.00 4945 $4,945.00 $250.00 $3,250.00 13 $3,250.00 $6.00 $30,270.00 5045 $30,270.00 $150.00 $3,300.00 22 $3,300.00 $1.00 $5,045.00 5045 $5,045.00 $400.00 $800.00 2 $800.00 $795.00 $126,405.00 159 $126,405.00 $33.00 $166,485.00 5045 $166,485.00 $80.00 $27,200.00 340 $27,200.00 Tuesday, April 11, 2023 Page 2 of 5 City Project Numbers 102397 DOE Number 2397 Contract Name SOUTH OAK GROVE ESTATES SECTION 2 & 3 Estimate Number I Contract Limits Payment Number 1 Project Type WATER & SEWER For Period Ending 4/7/2023 Project Funding 10 TMANHOLE 21 EA $4,900.00 $102,900.00 21 $102,900.00 11 BORE WITH 20" STEEL CASING 200 LF $340.00 $68,000.00 200 $68,000.00 12 CONSTRUCT 4-FOOT DIAMETER MANHOLE 1 EA $5,400.00 $5,400.00 1 $5,400.00 OVER EXISTING 8" SANITARY SEWER LINE 13 DEMOLISH 4-INCH SANITARY SEWER 155 EA $15.00 $2,325.00 155 $2,325.00 SERVICE, COMPLETE IN PLACE 14 POST -TV MANHOLE INSPECTION 22 EA $250.00 $5,500.00 22 $5,500.00 15 FURNISH ADDITIONAL PRECAST MANHOLE 1 LS $4,197.66 $4,197.66 1 $4,197.66 SECTIONS (CO #1) 16 RECORE MANHOLE (CO #1) 1 LS $1,500.00 $1,500.00 1 $1,500.00 Sub -Total of Previous Unit $557,522.66 $557,522.66 Tuesday, April 11, 2023 Page 3 of 5 City Project Numbers 102397 Contract Name SOUTH OAK GROVE ESTATES SECTION 2 & 3 Contract Limits Project Type WATER & SEWER Project Funding Contract Information Summary Original Contract Amount Change Orders Change Order Number 1 Change Order Number 2 Change Order Number 3 Change Order Number 1 Change Order Number 3 DOE Number 2397 Estimate Number 1 Payment Number 1 For Period Ending 4/7/2023 $767,821.00 $55,720.00 $124,218.00 $61,699.00 $5,697.66 $1,590.00 Total Contract Price $1,016,745.66 Total Cost of Work Completed $1,016,745.66 Less % Retained $0.00 Net Earned $1,016,745.66 Earned This Period $1,016,745.66 Retainage This Period $0.00 Less Liquidated Damages Days @ / Day LessPavement Deficiency Less Penalty Less Previous Payment Plus Material on Hand Less 15% Balance Due This Payment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,016,745.66 Tuesday, April 11, 2023 Page 4 of 5 City Project Numbers 102397 Contract Name SOUTH OAK GROVE ESTATES SECTION 2 & 3 Contract Limits Project Type WATER & SEWER Project Funding Project Manager NA Inspectors MILLER, W / TORRES, M Contractor JACKSON CONSTRUCTION LTD 5112 SUN VALLEY DRIVE FORT WORTH, TX 76119 DOE Number 2397 Estimate Number 1 Payment Number 1 For Period Ending 4/7/2023 City Secretary Contract Number Contract Date 2/3/2021 Contract Time 240 WD Days Charged to Date 394 WD Contract is .000000 Complete CITY OF FORT WORTH SUMMARY OF CHARGES Line Fund Account Center Amount Gross Retainage Net Funded Total Cost of Work Completed $1,016,745.66 Less % Retained $0.00 Net Earned $1,016,745.66 Earned This Period $1,016,745.66 Retainage This Period $0.00 Less Liquidated Damages 0 Days @ $0.00 / Day $0.00 LessPavement Deficiency $0.00 Less Penalty $0.00 Less Previous Payment $0.00 Plus Material on Hand Less 15% $0.00 Balance Due This Payment $1,016,745.66 Tuesday, April 11, 2023 Page 5 of 5 2 / § 7 § $ 2 7 $ m ;a §) { $ IA , \ 2 § ( \ § \ f $[ r_ 2 a n A )CA §% k } _ & o ( � =kE , is k � � n ■ � B 2 § 9�� ECA2 § - } ° a, is # 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mte 900"LIna �akB8888888§88 � f � � = r q § 0 k ( 2 @ \ � ( rr ; m n r n § � $ § § § � ■ B $ d § s ■ n � � {I � § � B e � � t t t � § 2 • �f �k �k2 � ■ � � $ § g $ $ � s � � ■ � & . � ) k k K f o � L Ln � }} f/ � § \ � � § e d % .4 § t � � m T p T rnZ T i rn m N `o 71 a o< _ H Q T Z nI < 7h i ZA r � 0 � rn o �e � II r N rn Z S N F � T O x i 8 � � z c� m m R aa] z i Ni -- j , Q m t9�_ro A 0. I s V � m -+fD 41 N I + K I I 3 kN „TD�q�nTi*1� m m�nrrrr C Ic C Z g m 19 q i •Yj ~ Q1 � T ak � A mm `° Q 2 o y � h QUf NrAw Ntr.40Nrnh Nf/1 c 888888 y �, 88888 m M NN MUI N UU UUU 1A M Min V`fII FA fA(a s 88 88a8804 88 g3081888 FORTWORTH TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS PIPE REPORT FOR: PROJECT NAME: South Oak Grove Estates Section 2&3 CITY PROJECT NUMBER: 102397 WATER PIPE LAID SIZE TYPE OF PIPE LF 8" PVC 5121 FIRE HYDRANTS: 0 VALVES (16" OR LARGER) PIPE ABANDONED SIZE TYPE OF PIPE LF DENSITIES: NEW SERVICES: 1"(161) Copper SEWER PIPE LAID SIZE TYPE OF PIPE LF 8" PVC SDR 26 5385 PIPE ABANDONED SIZE TYPE OF PIPE LF DENSITIES: NEW SERVICES: 4" (159) PVC SDR26 TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS The City of Fort Worth • 1000 Throckmorton Street • Fort Worth, TX 76012-6311 (817) 392 - 7941 • Fax: (817) 392 - 7845 FORTWORTH. ''no, TRANSPORTATION AND PUBLIC WORKS April 7, 2023 Jackson Construction Ltd 5112 Sun Valley Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76119 RE: Acceptance Letter Project Name: Cottages At Summer Creek Project Type: 01,02,03,04 & 06 City Project No.: 102397 To Whom It May Concern: On April 4, 2023 a final inspection was made on the subject project. There were punch list items identified at that time. The punch list items were completed on April 7, 2023. The final inspection and the corrected punch list items indicate that the work meets the City of Fort Worth specifications and is therefore accepted by the City. The warranty period will start on April 7, 2023, which is the date of the punch list completion and will extend of two (2) years in accordance with the Contract Documents. If you have any questions concerning this letter of acceptance, please feel free to contact me at 817- 392-7872. Sincerely, �Cl�aG 67aa�a�i Khal Jaafari P.E. ( pr 11, 2023 15:03 CDT) Khal Jaafari, Project Manager Cc: Chant Kechichian, Inspector Wade Miller, Inspection Supervisor Ariel Duarte, Senior Inspector Victor Tornero, Program Manager Pape Dawson Enginners, Consultant Jackson Construction Ltd, Contractor Hillstone Consruction & Developer LLC, Developer File E-Mail: TPW_Acceptance@fortworthtexas.gov Rev. 8/20/19 @JACKSON CONSTRUCTION LTD. 51 12 SUN VALLEY DRIVE FORT WORTH, TX 76119 TEL: 817-572-3303 FAX: 817-4 78-0443 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT Before me, the undersigned authority, a notary public in the state and county aforesaid, on this day personally appeared Troy L. Jackson, President Of Jackson Construction, Ltd, known to me to be a credible person, who being by me duly sworn, upon his oath deposed and said; That all persons, firms, associations, corporations, or other organizations furnishing labor and/or materials have been paid in full; That the wage scale established by the City Council in the City of Fort Worth has been paid in full; That there are no claims pending for personal injury and/or property damages; On Contract described as; South Oak Grove Estates Section 2 and 3 BY 71�4e TrorL Jackson, President Subscribed and sworn before me on this date 1 lth of April, 2023. •N" Tarrant, Texas CARMEN L. ESTEP axp; %Notary Public, State of Texas Comm. Expires 04-06-2024 Notary ID 2910611 CONSENT OF SURETY TO FINAL PAYMENT .ALA Document G707 Bond No. 1083138 TO OWNER (Nameaudaddhni) City of Fort Worth 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 PROJECT: (Nenne a)rd addmq Project No. 102397; South Oak Grove Estates Section 2&3 O\Y/NFR ❑ ARCHITECT ❑ CONTRACTOR ❑ SURLTY CI OTHFR ❑ ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO.: CONTRACT FOR: CONTRACT DATED: In accordance with the provisions of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor as indicated above, the (hail rrttureaud addPtmoJSWmt1J The Hanover Insurance Company 440 Lincoln Street Worcester, MA 01653 SURETY, on bond of (Imennameand addmo;gfCommau ) Jackson Construction, Ltd. 5112 Sun Valley Drive Fort Worth, TX 76119 , CONTRACTOR, hereby approves of the final payment to the Contractor, and agrees that Rnal payment to the Contractor shall not relieve the Surety of any of its obligations to (lowd nameand addrev gjOa ner) City of Fort Worth 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 as set forth in said Surety's bond. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Surety has hereunto set its nand on this date: April 11, 2023 (ltued in tt' whw life mmntbNlowed hi,ttx warrer(c detcand var.) Attest: (Sea]): The Hanover Insurance Company (StntNf) By, (S�rattttr oJaalbot/,acd trptrarntaritr Holly Clevenqer Attornev-in-Fact (Moiled ttan)e and tidy) , OWNHIR G707•-1994 THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA POWER OF ATTORNEY THIS Power of Attorney limits (lie acts of those named herein, and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner and to the extent herein stated. KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: ThatTHE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY and MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY, both being corporations organized and existing underthe laws of the State of New Hampshire, and CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Michigan, (hereinafter individually and collectively the "Company*) does hereby constitute and appoint. Holly Clevenger Add names Of Dallas TX each individually, if there be more than one named, as its true and lawful attomey(s)-in-fact to sign. execute, seal, acknowledge and deliver for, and on its behalf, and as its act and deed any place within the United States, any and all surety bonds, recognizances, undertakings, or other surety obligations. The execution of such surety bonds, recognizances, undertakings or surety obligations, in pursuance of these presents, shall be as binding upon the Company as if they had been duty signed by the president and attested by the secretary of the Company, in their own proper persons. Provided however, that this power of attorney limits the acts of those named herein: and they have no authority to bind the Company except in the manner stated and to the extent of any limitation stated below: Any such obligations in the United States, not to exceed Forty Million and No1100 ($40,000,000) in any single instance That this power is made and executed pursuant to the authority of the following Resolutions passed by the Board of Directors of said Company, and said Resolutions remain in full force and effect - Surety Bond Number: 1083138 Principal: Jackson Construction, Ltd. Obligee: City of Fort Worth RESOLVED: That the President or any Vice President, in conjunction with any Vice President, be and they hereby are authorized and empowered to appoint Attomeys-in-fact of the Company, in its name and as it acts, to execute and acknowledge for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds, recognizances, contracts of indemnity, waivers of citation and all olherwrilings obligatory in the nature thereof,with powertoattach thereto the seal ofthe Company. Any such writings so executed by such Attorneys -in -fact shall be binding upon the Company as if they had been duty executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected officers of the Company in their own proper persons. RESOLVED: That any and all Powers of Attorney and Certified Copies of such Powers of Attorney and certification in respect thereto, granted and executed by the President or Vice President in conjunction with any Vice President of the Company, shall be binding on the Company to the same extent as if all signatures therein were manually affixed, even though one or more of any such signatures thereon may be facsimile. (Adopted October7,1081 — The Hanover Insurance Company; Adopted April 14. 1082 — Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company; Adopted September 7, 2001 --Citizens Insurance Company of America and affirmed by each Company on March 24. 2014) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY, MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY and CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA have caused these presents to be scaled with their respective corporate seals, duty attested by two Vice Presidents, this 10elday of March, 2023. THE HANOVER IN E COMPANY YASSACHUSETTS I URANCE COMPANY CITIZENS INSURA E C MPANY OF AMERICA Vlcc Promdnnl THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ) COUNTY OF WORCESTER )55. THE HANOVER INSURANCE COMPANY MASSACHUSETTS BAY INSURANCE COMPANY CITIZENS INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA H. Knwiockl, Vlco Prosldont On this 10b day of March, 2023 before me came the above named Executive Vice President and Vice President of The Hanover Insurance Company, Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizens Insurance Company ofAmerica, to me personalty known to be the individuals and officers described herein, and acknowledged that the seals affixed to the preceding instrument are the corporate seals of The Hanover Insurance Company, Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizens Insurance Company of America, respectively, and that the said corporate seals and their signatures as officers were duty affixed and subscribed to said instrument by the authority and direction of said Corporations. ARLEEN V. SIL40NS , (ti Notary Public WMMtkMEJ�fhJf W�SVl.Itll3tFf3 — a Ii., A --� Arit)en V• $imOn6, Notaryu IC My Commisslon Ewplros My Commission Expires June 15, 2023 Jun* 11,, 2023 I, the undersigned Vice President of The Hanover Insurance Company, Massachusetts Bay Insurance Company and Citizens Insurance Company of America, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the Original Power of Atlomey Issued by said Companies, and do hereby further certify that the said Powers of Attorney are still in force and effect. GIVEN under my hand and the seals of said Companies, at Worcester, Massachusetts, this 11 th day of April 2023 CERTIFIED COPY 7Hr HANOViri INOVRANCG COMPANY MHViGTTi OAY INi VfNNCG COMPANY E FjCPANY OF AMERICA ohn A_ Roweddor, VICo Pra{IdoM IMPORTANT NOTICE To obtain information or make a complaint: You may call The Hanover Insurance Company/ Citizens Insurance Company of America's toll -free telephone number for information or to make a complaint at: 1-800-343-6044 You may also write to The Hanover Insurance Company/ Citizens Insurance Company of America at: 440 Lincoln Street Worcester, MA 01653 You may contact the Texas Department of Insurance to obtain information on companies, coverages, rights or complaints at: 1-800-252-3439 You may write the Texas Department of Insurance: P. 0. Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 Fax: (512) 475-1771 Web: http://www.tdi.texas.gov E-mail: ConsumerProtection@tdi.texas.gov PREMIUM OR CLAIM DISPUTES: Should you have a dispute concerning your premium or about a claim you should contact the agent or the company first. If the dispute is not resolved, you may contact the Texas Department of Insurance. ATTACH THIS NOTICE TO YOUR POLICY: This notice is for information only and does not become a part or condition of the attached document. Texas Complaint Notice Commercial Lines AVISO IMPORTANTE Para obtener informacion o para someter una queja: Usted puede Ilamar al numero de telefono gratis de The Hanover Insurance Company/Citizens Insurance Company of America's para informacion o para someter una queja al: 1-800-343-6044 Usted tambien puede escribir a The Hanover Insurance Company/Citizens Insurance Company of America al: 440 Lincoln Street Worcester, MA 01653 Puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Seguros de Texas para obtener informacion acerca de companias, coberturas, derechos o quejas al: 1-800-252-3439 Puede escribir al Departamento de Seguros de Texas: P. 0. Box 149104 Austin, TX 78714-9104 Fax: (512) 475-1771 Web: http://www.tdi.texas.gov E-mail: ConsumerProtection@tdi.texas.gov DISPUTAS SOBRE PRIMAS 0 RECLAMOS: Si tiene una disputa concerniente a su prima o a un reclamo, debe comunicarse con el agente o la com- pania primero. Si no se resuelve la disputa, puede entonces comunicarse con el departamento (TDI). UNA ESTE AVISO A SU POLIZA: Este aviso es solo para proposito de informacion y no se convierte en parte o condicion del documento adjunto. The Hanover Insurance Company 1 440 Lincoln Street, Worcester, MA 01653 181-1457(12/13) Page I of 1 Citizens Insurance Company of America 1 808 North Highlander Way, Howell, MI 48843 hanover.com