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Contract 57788-R1
CSC No. 57788-R1 CITY OF FORT WORTH CONTRACT RENEWAL NOTICE April 3, 2023 e-Builder, Inc. Attn: Legal Dept 13450 W. Sunrise Blvd. 6th FL, Suite 600 Sunrise, FL. 33323 Re: Contract Renewal Notice Contract No. CSC No. 57788 (the "Contract") Renewal Term No. 1: June 30, 2023 to June 29, 2024 The above referenced Contract with the City of Fort Worth expires on June 29, 2023. Pursuant to the Contract, contract renewals are at the sole option of the City. This letter is to inform you that the City is exercising its right to renew the Contract for an additional one (1) year period, which will begin immediately after the Expiration Date. All other terms and conditions of the Contract remain unchanged. Please return this signed acknowledgement letter, along with your quote for charges for the new renewal term, and current insurance certificate, to the address set forth below, acknowledging receipt of the Contract Renewal Notice. To ensure that your company information is correct and up-to-date, please log onto PeopleSoft Purchasing at https://www.fortworthtexas. og v/departments/finance/purchasing. If you have any questions concerning this Contract Renewal Notice, please contact me at the telephone number listed below. Sincerely, Katie May Administrative Assistant 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, TX, 76102 Katherine.mav@fortworthtexas.gov (817) 392-8894 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Contract Renewal Page 1 of 2 [Executed effective as of the date signed by the Assistant City Manager below.] / [ACCEPTED AND AGREED:] City: ►6b-uk.— By: Valerie Washington (Apr 24, 202310:53 CDT) Name: Valerie Washington Title: Assistant City Manager Date: Apr 24, 2023 e-Builder, Inc. DocuSigned by: By: C,aV{.OS 96dtiAI�A. Name: a ` Ma Title: Lead Counsel Date: 4/4/2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH INTERNAL ROUTING PROCESS: Approval Recommended: By: Name: Kevin Gunn Title: Director, IT Solutions Approved as to Form and Legality By: Name Title: Taylor Paris Assistant City Attorney Contract Authorization: M&C: 22-0517 Approval Date: 06/28/2022 Form 1295: n/a Contract Compliance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. By: Name: Title: ae9l� Steven Vandever (Apr 17, 202314:42 CDT) Steven Vandever Sr. IT Solutions Manager City Secretary: By: Name: Title: Jannette Goodall City Secretary 4,dp4Vpn�� a� F°FORp�aad P �° °O��dd o o=a �d °°° *� aa44 bEa 45app OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX Contract Renewal Page 2 of 2 Quote 13450 W. Sunrise Blvd. Suite 600 Sunrise FL 33323 United States Bill To City of Fort Worth, TX Information Technology Solutions 275 W. 13th Street Fort Worth TX 76102 United States Descriptio E e-Builder 1 Annual e-Builder Subscription Fee Enterprise -The year 2 Term for the Subscription is Capital 8/9/2023 - 8/8/2024 Program New Managed 1 e-Builder Managed Services Fee Services -The year 2 Term for the Managed Services is L10/1/2023 - 9/30/2024 Date 4/5/2023 Quote # 7515 Expires 5/31 /2023 Exp. Close 5/31/2023 Project Total $530,770.00 M&C Review CITY COUNCIL AGENDA FoRT�, 1 Create New From This M&C REFERENCE**M&C 22- LOG 13P RFP 21-0188 PROJECT DATE: 6/28/2022 NO.: 0517 NAME: MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ITS ADK CODE: P TYPE: CONSENT PUBLIC NO HEARING: SUBJECT: (ALL) Authorize a Purchase Agreement with e-Builder, Inc., for the Purchase of a Project Management Information System with a Five Year Term with Implementation and Subscription Costs in an Amount of $1,771,300.00 for the First Year and $1,603,080.00 for Years Two Through Five for a Total Five Year Cost of $3,374,380.00 for the Transportation and Public Works, Water, Park and Recreation, and Property Management Departments which will be Managed by the Information Technology Solutions Department and Adopt Attached Appropriation Ordinances and Amend the Fiscal Year 2022 Adopted Budget and Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program, and Effect a Portion of Water's Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Authorize a purchase agreement with e-Builder, Inc., for the Purchase of a Project Management Information System with a five year term with implementation and subscription costs in an amount of $1,771,300.00 for the first year and $1,603,080.00 for years two through five for a total five-year cost of $3,374,380.00 for the Transportation and Public Works, Water, Park and Recreation, and Property Management Departments which will be managed by the Information Technology Solutions Department; 2. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance adjusting estimated receipts and appropriations in the ITS Captial Fund, by increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the FY22 PMIS Project (City Project No. 103782) in the amount of $177,130.00, and decreasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Business Applications -IT Programmable Project (City Project No. P00037) by the same amount; 3. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water & Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the amount of $708,520.00 from available funds, for the purpose of funding the FY22 PMIS project (City Project No. 103782) to effect a portion of Water's contribution to Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program; 4. Adopt the attached ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Capital Projects Service Fund, in the amount of 1,408,693.00, authorizing the use of net position, for the purpose of transferring to the Capital Project Srvc-Capital Fund; 5. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Capital Project Srvc - Capital fund in an amount of $523,043.00 transferred from the Capital Projects Service Fund, Capital Projects Svcs Business programmable project (City Project No. P00111); 6. Adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Capital Project Srvc - Capital fund in an amount of $885,650.00 transferred from the Capital Projects Service Fund, for the purpose of funding the FY22 PMIS project (City Project No. 103782); and 7. Amend the Fiscal Year 2022 Adopted Budget and Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program. DISCUSSION: City of Fort Worth Departments currently utilize several different software programs to manage capital projects. For example, there are separate software programs for budget, payments, scheduling, inspection, bidding, and other management tasks. These separate programs do not interface with each other, thereby causing project management inefficiencies. In addition, these separate programs do not allow Capital Delivery staff to easily monitor and assess the delivery of infrastructure programs by the Departments and citywide. http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=30069&councildate=6/28/2022[4/17/2023 1:52:28 PM] M&C Review The Capital Delivery team identified this limitation with the current systems and requested that the Information Technology Solutions (ITS) Department and Purchasing assist in identifying a Project Management Information System (PMIS) that would provide a holistic capital management solution. It is anticipated that the PMIS will be utilized by the Transportation and Public Works, Water, Park and Recreation, and Property Management Departments for the management of capital projects. In order to procure a PMIS, Request for Proposal (RFP) 21-0188 was advertised in the Fort Worth Star -Telegram for three consecutive Wednesdays beginning on August 11, 2021, through August 25, 2021. Fifty -Five vendors were solicited and the city received twelve responses. Two of the twelve were deemed non -responsive because of failure to adhere to page and font requirements. An evaluation panel comprised of representatives of the ITS, Water, Transportation and Public Works (TPW), Park and Recreation, and Property Management Departments reviewed and scored the submittals using the Best Value criteria which included: (a) Functionality (b) Technical (c) Approach (d) Company's Expereince (e) Cost of service After the initial evaluations, four of the highest -scoring bidders were required to demonstrate their products. The individual scores were averaged for each of the criteria and the final scores are listed in the following table. Points for pricing is determined as follows: Bidder must receive at least 50\% or more of the total available points for technical criteria. Evaluations: Bidders A❑©©D� E�I Total Score le -Builder, Inc. ©©5�©30.00 69.56 Kahua, Inc. ©©©5�18.35 58.91 PMTech dba PMWeb ©©©5❑ 167.32 Procore Technologies, Inc. 7❑ 7❑©7� 170.03 After the demonstrations, Procore Technologies, Inc., received the highest score; however, the City and ProCore Technologies, Inc., were unable to agree to terms with the use of third party vendors, negotiations were ended. Therefore, in the best interest of the City, the evaluation panel and Purchasing staff, along with the Legal department agreed to move forward with the next highest scoring vendor. The vendor with the second highest score was e-Builder, Inc. As a result, staff recommends entering into a 5-year agreement with e-Builder, Inc. These implementation costs will be funded by the participating departments as depicted below: Year 1 Department Description Share of Contract Year 1 Cost One -Time implementation, Integration, Transportation Managed Services, Software Subscription + and Public Test Environment, Data 50\% $885,650.00 Works Migration/Integration Costs, Travel Expenses, Archival Services One -Time implementation, Integration, Managed Services, Software Subscription + Water Test Environment, Data 20\% $354,260.00 Migration/Integration Costs, Travel Expenses, Archival Services One -Time implementation, Integration, http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=30069&councildate=6/28/2022[4/17/2023 1:52:28 PM] M&C Review Water Wastewater Managed Services, Software Subscription + Test Environment, Data 20\% $354,260.00 Migration/Integration Costs, Travel Expenses, Archival Services One -Time implementation, Integration, Park and Managed Services, Software Subscription + Recreation Test Environment, Data 0\% $0.00 Migration/Integration Costs, Travel Expenses, Archival Services One -Time implementation, Integration, IT Solutions (for Managed Services, Software Subscription + Property Test Environment, Data 10\% $177,130.00 Management) Migration/Integration Costs, Travel Expenses, Archival Services Total Year 1 Contract Cost $1,771,300.00 IT Solutions will be responsible for paying the annual renewal costs using the IT Solutions Operating Budget using the department's funds as follows: Year 2-5 Department Description Share of Contract Per Year Costs Transportation and Public Software Subscription + Test Environment 40\% $160,308.00 Works Water Software Subscription + Test Environment 20\% $80,154.00 Water Wastewater Software Subscription + Test Environment 20\% $80,154.00 Park and Recreation Software Subscription + Test Environment 10\% $40,077.00 Property Management Software Subscription + Test Environment 10\% $40,077.00 Total Year 2-5 Contract Cost Per Year I $400,770.00 - In addition to the implementation and renewal costs, funds must be allocated for TPW staff that will assist in the implementation of the PMIS. This is estimated to be 4400 hours at an estimated cost of $523,043.00. The action in this M&C will amend the Fiscal Year 2022 Adopted Budget as approved in connection with Ordinance 25073-09-2021, Section 5. Internal Service Funds, as listed on page 21. Fund / Department FY2022 M&C Budget Revised FY2022 Adopted Budget Authority Adjustment Budget Budget Category Capital Projects Services Fund Revenues- TPW Charge for Services $ 14,954,248.00 $ 14,954,248.00 Use of Money &Property $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=30069&councildate=6/28/2022[4/17/2023 1:52:28 PM] M&C Review Use of Fund Balance/Net Position $ 38,513.00 $ 38,513.00 Use of Fund Balance/Net Position This M&C $ 1,408,693.00 $ 1,408,693.00 Total Revenues $ 15,092,761.00 $ 1,408,693.00 $ 16,501,454.00 Expenditures- TPW Transportation and Public Works $14,530,924.00 $14,530,924.00 Transfer to General Fund $3,291.00 $3,291.00 Transfer to Vehicle and Equipment $513,000.00 $513,000.00 Replacement Fund Transfer to IT Refresh Capital $45,546.00 $45,546.00 Transfer to Capital Project Service -Capital This M&C $1,408,693.00 $1,408,693.00 Fund Total Expenditures $15,092,761.00 $1,408,693.00 $16,501,454.00 The action in this M&C will amend the Fiscal Year 2022-2026 Capital Improvement program as approved in connection with Ordinance 25073-09-2021, Section 6. Capital Improvements, as listed on page 22: Capital Fund Name Project Name FY2022 CIP Appropriations Authority Budget Adjustment Revised FY2022 Budget 30112-ITS P00037-Business $859,401.00 This M&C ($177,130.00) $682,271.00 Capital Fund Applications IT 30102-Capital P00111-Capital Project Srvc — Projects Svcs $233,000.00 This M&C $523,043.00 $756,043.00 Capital fund Business It is the practice of the Water Department to appropriate its CIP plan throughout the fiscal year, instead of within the annual budget ordinance, as projects commence, additional funding needs are identified, and to comply with bond covenants. The actions in the M&C will appropriate funds in support of the Water's portion of the City of Fort Worth's Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program, as follows: Capital Revised Fund Project FY2022 CIP Authority Budget FY2022 Name Name Appropriations Adjustment Budget 56002- 103782- W&S Fiscal Year Capital 2022 Project $ _ This M&C $708,520.00 $708,520.00 Projects Management Fund Information System Funding is available for appropriation from the Water Department Public Utility department's Unspecified -All Funds of the Water & Sewer Capital Projects Fund, the ITS Other General Government departments Business Applications -IT programmable project within the ITS Capital Fund and the TPW Construction Inspection department's Net position within the Capital Project Service operating Fund for the purpose of funding the FY22 PMIS project. AGREEMENT TERMS: The agreement will be for a five year term with no renewals. BUSINESS EQUITY - A waiver of the goal for Business Equity subcontracting requirement is approved by the DVIN-BE, in accordance with the Business Equity Ordinance, because the purchase of goods or services is from sources where subcontracting or supplier opportunities are negligible. ADMNISTRATIVE CHANGE ORDER: An administrative change order or increase may be made by the City Manager up to the amount allowed by relevant law and the Fort Worth City Code and does not require specific City Council approval http://apps.cfwnet.org/council packet/mc review.asp?ID=30069&councildate=6/28/2022[4/17/2023 1:52:28 PM] M&C Review as long as sufficient funds have been appropriated. Funding for this project was not included in the FY2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program because the bidding process did not occur until after the development of the FY2022-2026 Capital Improvement Program process. This action in this M&C will amend the Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Capital improvement Program as approved in connection with Ordinance 25073-09-2021. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are currently available in the Unspecified -All Funds project within the W&S Capital Projects Fund, the Business Applications -IT programmable project within the ITS Capital Fund and available in net position within the Capital Projects Service Operating Fund and upon approval of the above recommendations and adoption of the attached appropriation ordinances, funds will be available in the W&S Capital Projects Fund, ITS Capital Fund and Capital Project Srvc - Capital Fund for the FY22 PMIS project to support the approval of the above recommendations and execution of a purchase agreement. Prior to an expenditure being incurred, the IT Solutions Department has the responsibility of verifying the availability of funds. BQN\\ TO Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference # Amount ID I I ID I I I Year (Chartfield 2) FROM Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference # Amount ID I ID Year (Chartfield 2) Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: ATTACHMENTS Reggie Zeno (8517) Valerie Washington (6192) Anthony Rousseau (8338) Kevin Gunn (2015) Cynthia Garcia (8525) Ashley Kadva (2047) 05182021 Waiver 21-0134 Project Management Information System WN.pdf (CFW Internal) 13P RFP 21-0188 PROJECT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ITS ADK funds availability.docx (Public) 13P RFP 21-0188 PROJECT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ITS ADK_56002_A022(r3).docx (Public) 13PRFP 21-0188 PROJECT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ITS ADK_30112_A022(r2).docx (Public) 13PRFP21-0188PROJECT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ITS ADK_30102_A022(r5).docx (Public) 13PRFP21-0188PROJECT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ITS ADK_30102_A022(r6).docx (Public) 13PRFP21-0188PROJECTMANAGEMENTINFORMATIONSYSTEMITSADK_60102_AO22(r4).docx (Public) FINAL_FID_TABLE (PMIS updated 5.25.2022).xlsx (CFW Internal) Form 1295 Certificate 100873604 Signed.pdf (CFW Internal) SAMs 5.4.22.pdf (CFW Internal) http://apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc review.asp?ID=30069&councildate=6/28/2022[4/17/2023 1:52:28 PM]