HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 59274CSC No. 59274 FORT WORTH CITY OF FORT WORTH COOPERATIVE PURCHASE AGREEMENT This non-exclusive Cooperative Purchase Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and between Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. ("Vendor") and the City of Fort Worth, ("City"), a Texas home rule municipality. 1. This Cooperative Purchase Agreement; OFFICIAL RECORD 2. Exhibit A — Seller's Quote, Scope of Services or Purchase Order; CITY SECRETARY 3. Exhibit B — Cooperative Agency Contract BuyBoard 698-23; and FT. WORTH, Tx 4. Exhibit C — Conflict of Interest Questionnaire. Exhibits A, B, and C which are attached hereto and incorporated herein, are made a part of this Agreement for all purposes. Exhibit A includes a hyperlink that leads to a website to provide the entire contents of Exhibit A. Vendor agrees to provide City with the services and goods included in Exhibit A pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Cooperative Purchase Agreement, including all exhibits thereto. City shall pay Vendor in accordance with the fee schedule in Exhibit A and in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Total payment made under this non-exclusive Agreement for the first year by City shall be an amount not to exceed Thirteen Million Two Hundred Sixty -Four Thousand Seven Hundred Seventy -Four Dollars and Zero Cents ($13,264,774.00). The Parties acknowledge that this is a non-exclusive agreement to provide City with public safety and firehouse supplies and equipment and there is no guarantee of any specific amount of work. Further, Vendor recognizes that the not to exceed amount mentioned above is the total amount of funds available, collectively, for any Vendor that enters into an agreement with the City under BuyBoard Cooperative Contract No. 698-23 and that once the collected not to exceed amount has been exhausted, funds have therefore been exhausted under this Agreement as well. Vendor shall not provide any additional items or services or bill for expenses incurred for City not specified by this Agreement unless City requests and approves in writing the additional costs for such services. City shall not be liable for any additional expenses of Vendor not specified by this Agreement unless City first approves such expenses in writing. The term of this Agreement shall be for one year beginning on April 1, 2023, and ending on March 31, 2024. Upon Expiration of this Term, the Agreement shall renew automatically under the same terms and conditions for up to two (2) one-year renewal periods unless City or Vendor provides the other party with a notice of non -renewal at least 60 days before the expiration of the Initial Term or renewal period. However, if funds are not appropriated, the City may cancel the Agreement 30 calendar days after providing written notification to the Vendor. Vendor agrees that City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after final payment under this Agreement, or the final conclusion of any audit commenced during the said three years, have access to and the right to examine at reasonable times any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records, including, but not limited to, all electronic records, of Vendor involving transactions relating to this Agreement at no additional cost to City. Vendor agrees that City shall have access during normal working hours to all necessary Vendor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section. City shall give Vendor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. Notices required pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement shall be conclusively determined to have been delivered when (1) hand -delivered to the other party, its agents, employees, servants or representatives, (2) delivered by facsimile with electronic confirmation of the transmission, or (3) received by the other party by United States Mail, registered, return receipt requested, addressed as follows: To CITY: City of Fort Worth Attn: Valerie Washington, Assistant City Manager 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, TX 76102-6314 Facsimile: (817) 392-8654 With copy to Fort Worth City Attorney's Office at same address To VENDOR: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. Attn.: Jim Minton, Director of Sales 17350 SH 249 STE 250 Houston, TX 77064 Office Phone: 713-692-0911 The undersigned represents and warrants that he or she has the power and authority to execute this Agreement and bind the respective Vendor. CITY OF FORT WORTH: By: Valerie Washington (Apr 24, 202310:53 CDT) Name: Valerie Washington Title: Assistant City Manager Date: Apr 24, 2023 APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: By: J s Davis (Apr 17, 202311:08 CDT) Name: James Davis oovvonu Title: Fire Chief bpF FOR? Ana ATTEST: to ° Ay op °°°°°,°°ly °oaad 0~° °0 �� dvo o=A a a ° °°°°° a Name: Jannette S. Goodall Title: City Secretary VENDOR: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. r- x By: Name: Jim Minton Title: Director of Sales Date: Apr 12, 2023 CONTRACT COMPLIANCE MANAGER: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. Br Ray (Apr 17, 2023 09:07 CDT) Name: Brenda Ray Title: Purchasing Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: 1.2 Name: Jessika Williams Title: Assistant City Attorney CONTRACT AUTHORIZATION: M&C: 23-0210 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX EXHIBIT A https://app. buyboard.com/Shop/Vendors/Details?Id=1835 EXHIBIT B February 7, 2023 Sent Via Email: aking@mfas.com Andy King Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 17350 SH 249, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77064 Welcome to BuyBoard! P.O. Box 400, Austin, Texas 78767 800.695.2919 • info@buyboard.com • buyboard.com Re: Notice of The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative ContractAward; Proposal Invitation No. 698- 23, Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Congratulations, The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative (Cooperative) has awarded your company a BuyBoard@ contract based on the above -referenced Proposal Invitation. The contract is effective for an initial one-year term of April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024, and may be subject to two possible one- year renewals. Please refer to the Proposal Invitation for the contract documents, including the General Terms and Conditions of the Contract. To review the items your company has been awarded, please review Proposal Tabulation No. 698-23 at: www.buyboard.com/vendor. Only items marked as awarded to your company are included in this contract award, and only those awarded items may be sold through the BuyBoard contract. All sales must comply with the contract terms and must be at or below the awarded pricing as set forth in the General Terms and Conditions. The contract will be posted on the BuyBoard website as an online electronic catalog(s). You are reminded that, in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions, all purchase orders must be processed through the BuyBoard. Except as expressly authorized in writing by the Cooperative's administrator, you are not authorized to process a purchase order received directly from a Cooperative member that has not been processed through the BuyBoard or provided to the Cooperative. If you receive a purchase order directly from a Cooperative member that you have reason to believe has not been received by the Cooperative or processed through the BuyBoard, you must promptly forward a copy of the purchase order by email to info@buyboard.com. A list of Cooperative members is available on the buyboard.com website. The BuyBoard vendor relations staff will be contacting you to assist with the resources available and to provide any support you may need as an awarded BuyBoard vendor. On behalf of the Cooperative, we appreciate your interest in the Cooperative and we are looking forward to your participation in the program. If you have any questions, feel free contact me at 800-695-2919. Sincerely, yi'k�_k 00L'L� Leigh Clover, Bid Analyst Texas Association of School Boards, Inc., Administrator for The Local Government Purchasing Cooperative v.02.01.2021 Endorsed by N• TASA► M U AFRoard' tri*: 12007 Research Boulevard ■ Austin, Texas 78759-2439 • PH: 800-695-2919 • ;.at'W1. ►. .• ► 4 46vO 14L Public Safely and Frehouse Supplies and Equipment 698-23 April 1, 2023, through Mai 31, 2024, with two possible one-year renewals. Propomi Due Dl&@/Onenfng Date and Time: November 10, 2022, at 4.00 PM Texas Association of School Boards, Inc. BuyBoard Department 12007 Research Blvd. Austin, TX 78759 s M. By signature WOW, the un*M19ned admawledges and agrees thst you a►a 'Outhadzed to submit d41s Pmiaysal, Induding making all acknowledgements, conswils, and wrMcations herein, on behalfofPmpmer and, to the bast of yiaur knowledge, the Inlhrmatlon proiddedls true, accurate, and comp1@fm Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc Name of Proposing Company 17350 SH 249 STE 250 FOR R= Houston, TX 77964 City, fie, Zip 7136929911 Andy King _ Printed Name of Authorized Company Official Vice President of operations Telephone Number of Authorized Company CBtidal Position or Title of Authorized Company Offldal 7136921591 Fax Number of Authorized Company Official 76-0598763 Federal ID Number Page 10 of 72 PraPOW F[3rnts COMWSKS r,A11.2011 PULogrd` 12007 Research Boulevard ' Austin, Texas 78799-2439 ' PH,. 800-695-2919 ' _ Proposer must review and complete all forms In this Proposal Forms Part 1: ■ Proposal Acknowledgements ■ Felony Conviction Disclosure ■ R�esldent/Nonresident Certlfic~adon ■ Debarment Certlflcatlon ■ Vendor Employment Certification ■ No Boycott Verification ■ No Wuded Nation or Foreign Terrorist Organization Certification ■ historically Undenrtlllzed Business Certification ■ Acknowledgement of BuyBoard Technical Requirements * Constriction -Related Goods and Services Affirmation Devlatfon and Compliance ■ Vendor Consent for Name Brand Use ■ Confidential/Proprietary Information ■ EDGAR Vendor CertIfIcatlon ■ Compliance Forms Signature Page An authorlmW represenitathm of Proposer where Indicated and complete and sign the Compliance Forms Signature Page. Prvposer's fisilure to Billy camplebe, Initial, and sign Forms as required may result In your Proposal being rejected as non-respandve. The proposing company {"you" or "your") hereby acknowledges and agrees as follows; 1. You have carefully examined and understand all Information and documentation associated with this Proposal invitation, Including the Instructlons to Proposers, General Information, General Terms and Conditions, attachments/for ns, appendices, Item spedficadons, and line Items (collectively "Requirements"); 2. By your response ("Proposal") to this Proposal invitation, you propose to supply the products or services submitted at the pricing quoted In your Proposal and In sblct compliance with the Requirements, unless specific deviations or exceptions are noted In the Proposal; 3. By your Proposal, you acknowledge and certify all Items set forth In the General Terms and Conditions, Section 5.12 (Cerdficatlons), Including all non-colluslon oertlflcations and certificatlons regarding legal, ethical, and other matters set forth therein. 4. Any and ail deviations and exceptions to the Requirements have been noted in your Proposal on the required farm and no others will be claimed; ltnlual' I - Page 11 of 72 PMPWW Rorr■ COMMISYC5 r,U&11.2221 12007 research 9ouievard • Austin, Terms 78759-2439 • PH: 800-595-2919 • t�+; S. If the Cooperative accepts any part of your Proposal and awards you a Contract, you will fumish all awarded products or services at the pricing quoted and In sblct compliance with the Requirements (unless speclflc devlations or exceptions are noted on the required form and accepted by the Cooperative), including without limitation the Requirements related bo: a. conducting business with Cooperative members, including offering pricing to members that is the best you offer compared to similarly situated customers In similar circumstances,- b. payment of a service fee in the amount speclfled and as provided for In this Proposal Invitation; c. the possible award of a piggy -back contract by the National Purchasing Cooperative or nonprofit entity, in which event you will offer the awarded products and services In accordance with the Requirements; and d. submitting price sheets or catalogs In the proper format as required by the Cooperative as a prerequisite to activation of your Contract; 6. You have dearly Identifled on the Included form any Information In your Proposal that you believe to be confidential or proprietary or that you do not consider to be public Information subject to public disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act or similar public Information law; 7. The Individual submitting this Proposal Is duly authorized to enter into the contractual relationshlp represented by this Proposal Invitadon on your behalf and bind you to the Requirements, and such individual (and any Individual signing a form or Proposal document) Is authorized and has the requisite knowledge to provide the infbrmation and make the representations and certifications required In the Requirements; S. You have carefully reviewed your Proposal, and certify that all Informatlon provided Is true, complete, and accurate to the best of your knowledge, and you authorize the Cooperative to take such action as It deems appropriate to ve* such information; and 9. Any misstatement, falsitIcation, or omission In your Proposal, whenever or however disoDvered, will be grounds for disquailfying you from consideration for a contract award under this Proposal Invitation, termination of a contract award, or any other remedy or action provided fior In the General Terms and Conditions or by law. Subsectbn (8) & SecWn 44.034 of the Texas Educetlon Code (Nodficattlon of Criminal History of Contractor) stages: "A person or business entity that enters Into a contract with a school district must give advance notice to the district If the person or an owner or operator has been convicted of a felony. The notice roust Include a general deskxipdon of the conduct resulting In the conviction of a felony." Section 44.034 furOer stator In Subsection (b): "A school district may terminate a contract with a person or business entity if the district determines that the person or business entity failed to give notice as required by 5ubsectlon (a) or misrepresented the conduct resufting In the conviction. The district must compensate the person or business entity for services performed before the germination of the contract." FMy company Is a pubilcly-held corporation. (Advance ncybce Fe9uherne= does not eppy to publl held wrporeum) My company is not owned or operated by anyone who has been convicted or a felony. I ` My company Is owned/operated by the fbilowing Individuai(s) who has/have been convicted of a felony, Name of Felon(s): Detalls of C:onviction(s): initl+al: Pape 12 of 72 A Form. COMMISVCS v4&11.2021 PvLoqrf 12007 Research Bouievarri • Austin, Texas 78759-2439 . PH: 800-695-2919 Chapter 2252, Subchapter A, of the Texas Govemment Code establishes certain requirements applicable to proposers who are not Texas resIdents. Under the statute, a "resident" proposer is a person whose prinrpal place of business Is In Texas, Including a contractor whose ultimate parent company or majority owner has Its principal place of business in Texas, A "nonresident" proposer is a person who Is not a Texas resident. Please lndlcate the status of your company as a "resident" proposer or a "nonresident" proposer under these deflnitions. 01 I certify that my company Is a Resident Proposer. [I I certify that my company Is a Nonresident Proposer. If your company Is a Nonresident Proposer, you must provide the following Information for your resident state (tire state in which your company's principal place of business is located): Company Name City 14i7r 77 ap Code A. Does your resident state require a proposer whose principal place of buslness Is In Texas to under -price proposers whose resident state Is the same as yours by a prescribed amount or percentage to reeelve a comparable contract? ❑ Yes ❑ No B. What Is the prescribed amount or percentage? . --or— % R A By signature on the Compliance Forms Signature Page, I certify that neither my company nor an owner or principal of my company has been debarred, suspended or otherwise made ineligible for participation In Federal Assistance programs under Executive Order 12549, "Debarment and Suspension," as described In the Federal Register and Rules and Regulatons. Neither my company nor an owner or principal of my company Is currently listed on the govemment wide exclusions In SAM, debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies or declared Ineligible under any statutory or regulatory authority. My company agrees to Immediately notify the Cooperative and all Cooperative members with pending purchases or seeking to purchase from my company If my Company or an owner or principal is later listed on the government -wide exclusions In SAM, or is debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies or declared Inellgible under any statutory or regulatory authority. VENDOR EMPLoYMERT CERTIFIC14TION Section 44.031(b) of the Texas Education Code establishes certain criteria that a school district must consider when determining to whom to award a contract. Among the oiterla for certain corrtracts is whether the vendor or the vendor's ultimate parent or majority owner (1) has its principal place of business in Texas; or (11) employs at least 500 people In Texas. If neither your company nor the ultimate parent company or majority owner has its principal place of business In Texas, does your company, ultimate parent company, or majority owner employ at least 500 people In Texas? ❑ Yes ❑ No Max Page 13 of 72 12007 Research Boulevard " Austin, Texas 79759-2439 • PH: 80()-695-2919 e 1. A Texas governmental entity may not enter Into a contract with a value of $100,000 or more that Is to be paid wholly or partly from public funds with a company (excluding a sole proprietorship) that has 10 or more full-time employees For goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the berm of the contract (TEx. Gov`r CODE Ch. 2271), (2) does not boycott energy companies and will not boycott energy companies during the berm of the contract (TEx. Gov`r CCOE Ch. 2274 effective September 1, 2021), and (3) does not have a practice, policy, guldanoe, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association and will not discriminate during the berm of the oorytract against a firearm entity or firearm trade association (TEx, Gov"r CODE Ch. 2274 effective September 1, 2021). Accordingly, this certlficatlon form is included to the extent required by law. "Boycott Israel" means refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that Is Intended to penalize, Inflict emnomlc harm on, or limit commercial relations specifically with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business In Israel or In an Israeli-cDntrolled territory, but does not Include an action made for ordinary business purposes, TEx. Gov'r OoDE §608.001(1). "Boycott energy company" means, without an ordinary business purpose, refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that Is Intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations with a company because the company: (A) engages In the exploration, production, utilization, transportation, sale, or manufacturing of fossil fuel -based energy and does not commit or pledge to meet environmental standards beyond applicable federal and state law; or (B) does business with a company described by Paragraph (A). TEx. GWT CODE §809.001(1) (effec September 1, 2021). "discriminate against a firearm entity or firearm trade association" means, (A) with respect to the entity or association, to: (1) refuse to engage In the trade of any goods or services with the entity or association based solely on Its status as a firearm entity or firearm trade association; (II) refrain from continuing an existing business relationship with the entity or association based solely on its status as a firearm entity or firearm trade association; -or (ill) terminate an existing business relationship with the entity or associatlon based solely on Its status as a firearm entity or firearm trade assoclatlon; and (B) does not Include: (1) the established policies of a merchant, retail seller, or platfiorm that restrict or prohibit the llsting or selling of ammunition, firearms, or firearm accessories; and (11) a company's refusal to engage In the trade of any goods or services, decision to refrain from continuing an ehdsting business relationship, or derision to terminate an existing business relationship: (aa) tpo comply with federal, state, or local law, policy, or regulations or a dlrecbve by a regulatory agency; or (bb) for any traditional business reason that Is specific to the customer or potential customer and not based solely on an entity's or assodatioWs status as a firearm entity or firearm trade association. TEk. Gov'r CoaE §2274,001(3) (effective September 1, 2021). By signature on the Compliance Forms Signature Page, to the extent applicable, I certify and verify that Vendor does not boycott Israel, boycott energy companies, or discriminate against a firearm entity or firearm trade association and will not do so during the term of any contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation, that this certification Is true, complete and accurate, and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification. Initial: C�4. Page 14afT2 PropossF Forms OMMj51fC.5 r.08.12,Z021 FLaff.d. i M7 Resear--h Boulevard • Austin, Texas 78759-2439 ' PH: 80D-695-7919 Chapter 2252 of the Texas Government Code provides that a Texas governmental entity may not enter Into a contract with a company engaged In active business operations with Sudan, Iran, or a foreign terrorist organtzation — specifically, any company Identified on a list prepared and maintained by the Texas Comptroller under Texas Govemment Code §§806,051, 907,051, or 2252.153, (A company that the U.S. Government affirmatively declares to be excluded from Its federal sanctions regime relating to Sudan, Iran, or any federal sanctions regime relating to a foreign terrorist organization Is rett subject to the contract prohibition.) By signature on the Compliance Forms Signature Page, I certify and verify that Vendor Is not on the Texas Comptroller's fist Identified above; that this certfflcatfon Is true, cxmplete and accurate; and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification. A Proposer that has been certifled as a Historically Underutlilaed Business [also known as a Minorlty/Women Business Enterprise or "MWBE" and all referred to In this form as a "HUB') is encouraged to Indicate Its HUB c ertffication status when responding bo this Proposal InvitatJon. The BuyBoard websfte will indicate HUB certifications for awarded Vendors that property Indicate and document their HUB certification on the form. Please check t)} all Mpt aorrh►: ❑ I certify that my company has been certified as a HUB In the following categories: ❑ Minority O wmW Business ❑ Woman Owned Business ❑ Service -Disabled Veteran Owned Buslness [veteran deflned by 39 ti.&C. 1101(2), who has a *"cep -connected dimblllity as defined by 38 U.S.C. 1101(16), and who has a disability rating of 20% or more as determined by the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs or Department of Defense) CoMfleation Number: Name of Certifying Agency: E] My company has NOT been certified as a HUB. Vendor shall review the BuyBoard Technical Requirements Included In this Proposal Invitation. By signature on the Compliance Forms Signature Page, the undersigned affirms that Proposer has obtained a copy of the BuyBoard Technical Requirements, has read and understands the requirements, and certifies that Vendor is able to meet and will comply with those requirements except as follows: (List and expraln BuyBaard Ted zkv/ RegtAmme'rtt, If any, to mVda pates aor Wwy rj= or W11 La comPIK] IdnW Firm will comply. Note: In accordance with the General Terns and Conditions of the Contract, to the extent Vendor Is awarded a Contract under this Proposal Invitation but Is unable or unwilling to meet the applicable BuyBoard Technical Requirements, the Informatlon available on the BuyBoard for Vendors awarded products or servlees may be limited, potentially placing Vendor at a disadvantage and Impacting the ablI ty of Cooperative members to search, find, review, and purchase Vendor's awarded products and services on the BuyBoard website, Further, to the extent Vendor has acknowledged ability to meet and comply with the SuyBoard Technical Requirements, any subsequent (allure or refusal by Vendor to promptly provide Info n upon request to the Cooperative administrator In accordance with those technical requirements may be deemed an of default under the Contract. Initial: Page 15 of 72 PrW=l Foma COMMMVM r.0+.11.2a21 12007 Research Boulevard • Austin, Texas 78759-2439 • PH: 800-695.2919 The Cooperative Issued the BuyBoard Procurement and Construction -Related Goods and Services Advisory for Texas Members CAdvlwrfl, which provides Information specifically relevant tD the procurement of construction -related goods and services by Texas Cooperative members. Zhe Advisory, available at, provides an overview of certain legal requirements that are potentially relevant to a Cooperative member's procurement of construction or construction -related goods and services, Including those for projects that may Involve or require archtbecture, englneering or Independent besting services, A copy of the Advisory can also be provided upon request Bemuse many BuyBoard contrails Include goods or Installation services that might be considered construction -related, Proposer must make this Construction Related -Goods and Services Affirmation regardless of type of goods or services associated with this Proposal Invitation. A contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation covers only the specific goods and/or services awarded by the Cooperative. As explained In the Advisory {"Advisory'), Texas law prohlbits the procurement of architecture or engineering services through a purchasing cooperative. This. Proposal Invltatlon and any Contract awarded thereunder does not Include such servlces. Archlt+ecture or engineering services must be procured by a Cooperath►e member separately, In accordance with the Proresslonal Sanrices Procurement Act (Chapter 2254 of the Taxes Government Code) and other appikabie law and local polity. By signature on the Compliance Forms Signature Page, Proposer affirms that Proposer has obtained a copy of the Advisory, has mead and understands the Advisory, and 1s authorized by Proposer to make this affirmation. If Proposer sells construction - related goods or services to a Cooperative member under a Contract awarded under this Proposal Invtation, Proposer will comply with the Advisory and applicable legal requirements, make a good faith effort to make Its Cooperative member customers or potential Cooperative member customers aware of such requ€rements, and provide a Cooperative member with a copy of the Advisory before accepting the membies Purchase Order or other agreement for constructlon-related goods or services. Initial: 4k- Page 16 of 72 R[f col NmisLOMMIMS v.C&1L2C21 T :M1 , •mot• _ __u_ 12007 Research Boulevard . Austin, Tams 78759-2439 - -PH: 800-695-2919 * __ 11 � .1_ .�MTN EIL191-1 If your company intends to deviate from the General Terms and Conditions, Proposal Specifications or other requirements wsoclatied with this Proposal Invitation, you MUST list all such deviations on this form, and provide complete and detaf led Information regarding the deviations on this form or an attachment to this form. Prior to completing this form, Vendor shall review the General Terms and Conditions section 6.4 (Deviations from Item SpecKleatlons and General Terms and Conditions). Please note that, as provided In section BA, certain provisions of the General Terms and Conditions are NOT subject to deviation, and certain deviations will be deemed rejected without further action by the Cooperative. Any attempted deviation, whether directly or Indirectly, to provisions Identified In this Proposal Invitation as not subject to deviation shall be deemed rejected by the Cooperative and, union otherwlse withdrawn by Vendor, may result In Vendor's Proposal being rejected In ks entirety. The Cooperative will consider any deviations In Its Contract award decision and reserves the sight to ao opt or reject a proposal used upon any submitted deviatlon. In the absence of any deviation identified and described In accordance with the above, your company must fully comply with the General Terms and Conditions, Proposal SpeciAcations and all other requirements associated with this Proposal imvitatlon If awarded a Contract under this Proposal Invitation. A deviation will not be effective unless accepted by the Cooperative. The Cooperative, by and through the Cooperative administrator, may, In its sole discretion, seek darIfIcatfon from and/or communicate with Pmposens) regarding any submitted devlatfon, consistent with general procurement principles of fair competition. The Cooperative reserves the right to accept or reject a Proposal based upon any submitted deviation. Please check (30 one of the follgwina: W NO; Deviations Yes; Deviations List and fully "ain any deviations you are submitting: Initial: �f_. Page 17 of 72 PropmW r&W mMMISKs 0e.12=1 12007 Research Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78759-2439 ' PH: 8QD-595-2919 F ; BuyBoard members seeking to make purchases using a Contract awarded under this proposal Invitation may view Information regarding awarded Vendors, Including but not ilmlted to product catalogs, prieellsts, pricing, and Proposals, through the BuyBoard website. To improve and enhance the experience of BuyBoard members seeking to procure goods and services under the Contract utilizing the BuyBoard website, any Vendor logo, product Images, and similar brand and trademark Information provided by Vendor for purposes of the Contract CVendor Information") may be posted on the BuyBoard website. You acknowledge that, by submitting your Proposal, unless you specifically opt out below, you consent in use of your company's Vendor information an the BuyBoard websllte If awarded a Contract. You further acknowledge that whether, where, and when to Include the Vendor information on the BuyBoard website shall be at the We discretlon of the BuyBoard Adminlsbator. Vendor retains, however, the right of general quality control over the BuyBoard Administrator's authorized display of proprietary Vendor Informaton. Nelther the BuyBoard nor Its administrator will be responsible for the use or distribution of Vendor Information by BuyBoard members or any other thlyd party using the BuyBoard weWbe. This Vendor Consent shall be effectIve for the Full term of the Contract, Including renewals, unless Vendor provides a signed, written notice revoking consent to - I . .. BuyBoard shall have up to thirty days from the date of receipt of a termination or revocation of a Vendor Consent to remove Vendor information from the BuyBoard webslte. This Vendor Consent Is subject to the Terms and Conditions of the Contract, including, but not limited to, those terms pertalning to Olsdaimer of Warranty and imitation of Liability, Indemnlf cation, and Intellectual Property Infringement. Vendor logo files must be submitted In one of the formats set forth In the BuyBoard Technical Requirements. Proposers are requested to submit this information with Vendor's Proposal, (This consent shall not authorize use of your company's Vendor Information by BuyBoard If your company is not awarded a Contract.) Uri UU1 If your oomparry wishes to opt out of the Vendor Consarrt for flame Brand use, you must check the opt out box below, DO NOrsd M t this box unless your chvmpany Is opting out art+h►Gs Vendar Cbnsent for Name Brand Use. ❑ By checking this box, Vendor hereby declines to provide consent for use of Vendor Informations (as defined herein) on the BuyBoard website. By opting out, Vendor acknowledges and agrees that, it Vendor Is awarded a Contract under tills Proposal Invitation, information available on the BuyBoard for Vendors awarded products or services may be limited■ potentially placing Vendor at a disadvantage and Impacting the ability of Cooperative members to search, find, ravierw, and purchase Vendor's awarded products and services on the BuyBoard website. Initial: Page 18 of 72 frposei Fan COMs v.oaii.an21 12007 Research Boulevard • Austin, Texas M59-2439 . PH: 800-695-2919 • A. eublic bladosum Laws All Proposals, farms, documentation, catalogs, pricellsts, or other materials submitted by Vendor m the Cooperative In response to this Proposal Invitation, may be subject to the disclosure requirements of the Taos Public Information Act (Tom Government Code chapter 552.001, at mq) or Similar disclosure law. Proposer must dearly Identify on this form any Infiormation In its Proposal (including forms, documentation, or other materials submitted with the Proposal) that Proposer considers proprietary or confidential. If Proposer falls to properly Identify the Information, the Cooperative shall have no obligation to notify Vendor or seek protection of such Information from public disclosure should a member of the public or other third party request access to the information under the Texas Public information Act or similar disclosure law. When required by the Texas Public information Act or other disclosure law, Proposer may be notified of any thlyd-party request for Information In a Proposal that Proposer has Identified In this form as proprietary or confidential. Does your Proposal (including forms, documentation, catalogs, prlcellsts, or other materials submitted with the Proposal) contain Information which Vendor considers proprietary or conftdentiai7 ENNO, I certify that node cf the Information Included with this Proposal Is considered confidential or proprietary. rl YES, I certify that this Proposal contains Information considered confidential or proprietary and all such Infbrmatlon Is specifically Identified on this form. If you responded ntS , you must clearly identify below the specific Information you aanslder confidential or proprietary. Ust each page number, form number, or other information sufficient to make ttie Information readily identifiable. The Cooperative and Cooperative administrator shall not be responsible for a Proposer's failure to dearly Identify Infharmation considered confidential or proprietary. Further, by submitting a Proposal, Proposer acknowledges that the Cooperative and Cooperative administrator will disclose Information when required by law, even If such InformWon has been Identified herein as Information Vendor considers confidential or proprietary. Confidential / Proprietary Information: �Atla� aGi�k�rWslree��"r�G�d.) Initial: ` Page 19 of 72 Propomi Films CONNISM v.68.11.2031 9.1131'. u :11 10 . . - . � 7 12007 Research Boulevard ' Austin, Texas 78759-2439 ` PH: 900-695-2919 ' S. Coavriaht Ini birmation Does your Proposal (Induding forms, documentation, pricelists, cats#ogs, or other materials submttted with the Proposal) contain copyright Information? NOr Proposal (Including farms, documentagon, pricelists, catalogs, or other materials submitted with the Proposal) does not contain copyright lnformadon. ❑ YE5r Proposal (Including forms, documentation, pricellsts, catabgs, or other materials submitted with the Proposal) does contain copyright Information. If you responded "YES", clearly identify below the specific documents or pages containing copyright Information. Copyright Information; (Audi agb9E6rrral sheets fRr*eni. ) BuyBoard members (Cooperative and nonprofit members) seeking to make purchases through the BuySoard may wish to view information Included In the Proposals of awarded Vendors. If you identified Information on this farm as confidential, proprietary, or subject to copyright, and you are awarded a BuyEbard contract, your acceptance of the BuyBoard contract award constitutes your consent to the disclosure of such Infonrnatlon to BuyBoard members, Including pasting of such Information on the secure BuyBoard webslte for members. Note: Neither the Cooperative nor Cooperative administrator will be responsible for tie use or distribution of Information by BuyBoard members or any other party. Notwithstanding anything In this Confidential/Proprietary Information form to the contrary, by submltdng a Proposal, Vendor consents and agrees that, upon Contract award, the Cooperative may publicly release, Including posting on the public BuyBoard webslte, a copy of the proposal tabuladan and award Information for the Contract Inducting Vendor name, proposed caialog/p►ioellst name(s); proposed percentage discourrt(s), hourly labor rate(s), or other specified pricing; and Vendor award or non -award Information. Initial: Page 20 of 72 Prcpowl Fmms00MMJSXS v.01L11,2a21 �U i 1 li li i r 120a7 Re arch Boulevard " Austin, 'texas 78799-2439 " 15H. 800-695.2919 . D!OAR VENQQR CERTIFICATION (2 CFR Part ZOD and Appendix II) When a Cooperative member seeks to procure goods and services using funds under a federal grant or contracts specific federal laws, regulations, and requirements may apply In addition to those under state law. This Includes, but is not Ilmfted to, the procurement standards of the tlnlform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, Z CFR Zoo (sometimes refermd to as the *Uniform Guidance" or new "EDGAR"). AEI Vendors subrrmittlrg a Proposal must complete this EDGAR Certification Form regarding Vendor's willingness and ability to comply with certain requirements which may be applicable to specific Cooperative member purchases using federal grant funds. Completed farms will be made available to Cooperative members fear their use while considering their purchasing options when using federal grant funds. Cooperative members may also require Vendors to eater Into ancillary agreements, In addition to the berms and conditlons of the BWSoard contract, to address the member's specific contractual needs, including contract requirements for a procurement using Federal grants or contracts. boor maM of the hams below, Vendor should c+eIW Vendors agreement and ablllty by comply, where appllcabkl byhaWng Vendor's authorised rep►tisentsUm diem the applicable boxes, ►nIftl @ p end sign the Cbmpllencme Farms Signature Pape. If you fall tv complete anylteem In ibis ibM the Cagwadve will consider and may list Me Vendors ►mponsre art the BuyBoard es 0N0,`the Von" Is unable or unwilling to Comply. A "NC" response to any of the Items may, If applicable, Impact the ability of a Cooperative member to purchase from the Vendor using federal funds. 1. Vendor Violation or Breach of Contract Terms: Contracts for more than the simplified acquisition threshold, which is the inflation adjusted amount determined by the Clvlllan Agency Acquisition Council and the Defense Acquisition Regulations Council (Councils) as authorized by 41 4l5C 1908, must address administrative, contractual, or legal remedies In Instances where contractors violate or breach contract terms, and provide for such sanctions and penalties as appropriate. Provisions regarding 'Vendor default are Included in the BuyBoard General Terms and Condition's, Including Section E.18, Remedies for Default and Termination of Contract. Any Contract award will be subject to such BuyBoard General Terms and Conditions, as well as any additional terms and conditions In any Purchase Order or Cooperative member ancillary contract agreed upon by Vendor and the Cooperative member which must be consistent with and protect the Gooperati member at least to the same extent as the BuyBoard Terms and Conditions. The remedies under the Contract are In addition to any other remedies that may be available under law or In equity. By submitting a Proposal, you agree to these Vendor violation and breach of contract terms, 4 YES, I agree. ❑ NO, I do not agree. Z. Termination for Cause or Convenlence: For any Cooperative member purchase or contract In excess of $10,000 made using federal funds, you agree that the Hollowing germ and condition shall apply: The CkxJpi MMe member molly terminate or cwxW any A rdwm a-dff ax@r V* an&" at any Unw, wrGh or rvldlvut ®az. by P/V PM V Seven (T) badness d3ys arknce r+ertlYe ri nobfte to flee I✓&W : If ft Agrewnr t Is terminated iri acwrdrxe with tills Paragraph titre CoopembW irmmber shall ordy be rudieod to play Vaxfor for goods or sen&Es ofelivoered to ttae CaVerallre nwbff prmlor to tW t"Wr ablon and not otr'erwtse mh#rmd In a+craY& vxL- MM Vendcv's m a,rn poy. ly Me Coe Me ►rxw) rrr has Pa►id VerWw liar goods or sus not yet prvv1b1bd as of the doe of twWreft� Dolor ,shall Immedlate,►yreWsrxdi payments). If an alternate provision for termination of a Cooperative member purchase for cause and convenience, including the manner by which It will be effected and the basis for settlement, Is included in the Cooperative membees Purchase Order or ancillary agreement agreed to by the Vendor, the Cooperative member's provision shall control. A YES, I agree. ❑ NO, I do not agree. InMai: -0(- Page 21 of 72 Awwl Fwm LOMM/'VCS v.0& ZW DMaard- CA"1911" 1200Research Boulevard • Austin, Texas 78759-2439 . PH. 800-695-2919 • . ..: , 3. Equal Employment Opportunity: Except as otherwise provided under 41 CFR Part 60, all Cooperative member purchases or contracts that meet tihe definition of "Federally assisted construction contradtm In 41 CFR Part 60-1.3 shall be deemed to Include the equal opportunity clause provided under 41 CFR 60-1,4(b), in accordance with Executive Order 11246, "Equal Employment Opportunity" (30 FR 12319, 12935, 3 CFR Part, 1964-1965 Comp., p. 339), as amended by Executive Order 11375, "Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Ernpkhyment Opportunity," and Implementing regulations at 41 CFR Part 60, "Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, ❑epatiment of Labor." The equal opportunity clause provided under 41 CFR 60-1.4(b) is hereby incorporated by reference. Vendor agrees that such provision applies to any Cooperative member purchase or contract that meets the deflnldon of "Federally assisted construction contract" In 41 CFR 'Part 60-1.3 and Vendor agrees that It shall comply with such provision. P YES, I agree. ❑ NO, I do not agree. 4. Davila -Bacon Addy, When required by Federal program legislation, Vendor agrees that, for all Cooperative member prime construction oxgractslpurchases in excess of $2,000, Vendor shall comply with the Davis -Bacon Act (40 USC 3141-3144, and 3146-3148) as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5, "labor Standards Provisions Applicable to Contracts Covering Federally Rnaneed and Assisted Construction"). In accordance with the statute, Vendor Is required to pay wages to laborers and mechanics at a ratan not less than the prevailing wages specified In a wage determinate made by the Secretary of labor. In addition, Vendor shall pay wages not less than once a week. Current prevaliing wage determinations Issued by the Department of Labor are available at beta.sam.gov. Vendor agrees that, for any purchase to which this requlrement applies, the award of the purchase to the Vendor is conditioned upon Vendor's acceptance of the wage determination. Vendor further agrees that It shall also comply with the Copeland "Anti-itfckbadk' Act (40 USC 3145), as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 3, "Contractors and Subcontractors on Public Btaiiding or Public Work Flnanced In Whole or In Part by Loans or Grants from the United States"), The Act provides that each contractor or subredpient must be prohibited from inducing, by any means, any person employed In the construction, completion, or repair of public work, to give up any part of the compensation to which he or she is otherwise entitled. A YES, I agree. ❑ NO, I do not agree. 5. Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act; Where applicable, for all Cooperative member contract or purchases in excess of $100,000 that Involve tine employment of mechanics or laborers, Vendor agrees to comply with 40 USC 3702 and 3704, as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5). Under 40 USC 3702 of the Act Vendor Is required to compute the wages of every mechanic and laborer on the basis of a standard work week of 40 hours. Work In exoess of the standard work week is permissible provided that the worker Is compensated at a rate of not less than one and a half times the basic rate of pay for all hours worked In excess of 40 hours In the work week The requirements of 40 USC 3704 are applicable to construction work and provide that no laborer or mechanic must be required to work In surroundings or under working conditions whlrh are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous. These requirements do not apply to the purchases of supplies or materials or articles ordinarily available on the open market, or contracts for transportation or transmission of intelligence, 4 YES, I agree. ❑ NO, I do not agree. Muni: Page 22 of 72 RWMW Fav* COM141sya v.6&i1_4M AF#9ard' wMNAM 12007 Rrch Boulevard ' Austin, Terms 78759-2439 . PH: 8OD-695-2919 ' 6. Right to Invention# Made Under a Contract or Agreemeab If the Cooperative member's Federal award meets the definition of "funding agreement' under 37 CFR 401.2(a) and the recipient or subreciplent wishes bo enter Into a contract with a small business firm or nonprofit organization regarding the substitution of parties, assignment or perlbrmance or experimiental, developmental, or research work under that "funding agreement," the recipient or subreciplent must comply with the requirements of 37 CFR Part 40 1,"Rlghts to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Govemment Grants, Contracts and Cooperative Agreements," and any Implementing regulations Issued by the awarding agency. Vendor agrees to comply with the above requirements when applicable. ffi YES, I agree. ❑ NO, I do not agree. 7. Clean Air Act and Federal Waber Pollution Control Act: Clean Air Act (42 USC 7401-7671q.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 USC 1251-1387), as amended - Contracts and subgrants of amounts In exam of $150,000 must contain a provision that requires the non -Federal award to agree to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations Issued pursuant to the dean Air Act (42 USC 7401-7671q.) and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 USC 1251-1387). Violations must be reported to the Federal awarding agency and the Regional Offte of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). When required, Vendor agrees to comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations Issued pursuant bD the Clean Air Act and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. YES, I agree. ❑ NO, I do not agree. a. Debarment and Suspension. - Debarment and Suspension (Executive Orders 12549 and 12689) - A contract award (see 2 CFR 180.220) must not be made to parties listed on the government -wide exclusions In the System for Award Management (SAM), In accordance with the OMB guidelines at 2 CFR 180 that Implement Executive Orders 12549 (3 CFR Part 1966 Camp. p. 189) and 12689 (3 CFR Part 1989 Comp, p. 235); "Debarment and Suspension." SAM Exduslons eoritalns the names of parties debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies, as well as parties declared Ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. Vendor certifles that Vendor Is not currently listed on the govemment wide exclusions in SAM, is not debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies or declared' lnellglble Under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. Vendor further agrees to Immediately notify the Cooperative and all Cooperative members with pending purchases or seeidng to purchase from Vendor if Vendor is lager listed on the government -wide exclusions In SAM, or Is debarred, suspended, or otherwise excluded by agencies or declared Ineligible under statutory or regulatory authority other than Executive Order 12549. 11 YES, I agree. ❑ NO, I do not agree. 9. Byrd Anti -Lobbying Amendment: Byrd Anti -Lobbying Amendment (31 USC 1352) - Vendors that apply or bid For an award exoeeding $100,000 must file the required certification. Each tier certifies to the tier above that it will not and has not used Federal appropriated funds to pay any person or organization for Influencing or attempting to Influence an officer or employee of any agency, a member of Congress, ofitoer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a member of Congress In connection with obtalning any Federal contract, grant or any other award covered by 31 USC 1352. Each tier must also disclose any lobbying with non -Federal funds that takes place In connection with obtaining any Federal award. Such disclosures are forwarded from tier to der up to the non -Federal award. As applicable, Vendor agrees bd file all certifications and disclosures required by, and otherwise comply with, the Byrd Antl-Lobbying Amendment (31 USC 1352). P YES, I agree. ❑ NO, I do not agree. Initial: Page 23 of 72 Pr[pael FUTM COMM/5%KS v.00ALM21 12007 Research Boulevard • Austin, Texas 78759-2439 • PH. 800-695-2919 • .: 10. Procurement of Recovered Materials; For Cooperative member purchases udlizing Federal funds, Vendor agrees to comply with Section 6D02 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act where applicable and provide such Information and certiflcations as a Cooperative member may require to c orftm estimates and odwwIse comply. The requirements of Section 6002 Include procuring only items designated In guidelines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) at 40 CFR Part 247 that contain the highest percentage of recovered materials practicable, consistent with maintaining a satisfactory level of competition, where the purchase price of the item exceeds $10,000 or the value of time quantity acquired during the preceding fiscal year exceeded $10,000, procuring solid waste management services In a manner that maximizes energy and resource recovery, and establishing an affirmative procurement program for procurement of recovered materials Identified In the EPA guidelines. A YES, I agree. ❑ NO, I do not agree. 11. Domestic Preferences for Procurements: Where appropriate and consistent with law, 2 CFR §200.322 contains certain considerations for domestic preferences for procurements which may be applicable to Cooperative members using federal funds. When required by a Cooperative member, Vendor agrees bo provide such Information or certification as may reasonably be requested by the Cooperative member regarding Vendor's products, Including whether goods, products, or materials are produced In the United States, A YES, I agree. ❑ NO, I do not agree. 12. Prohlbltion on Certain Telecommunications and Video Surveillance Services or Equipment 2 CFR 9200.216 prohibits expending federal loan or grant funds to procure or obtain certain telecommunications and video surveillance services or equipment. To the extent applicable and when required by a Cooperative member. Vendor agrees to provide such Information or certification as may reasonably be requested by the Cooperative member to confirm whether any telecommunications or video surveillance services or equipment provided by Vendor is covered equipment or covered services under 2 CFR §2D0,216. P YES, I agree. ❑ NO, I do not agree. 13. Profit as a Separate Element of Price: Far purchases using federal funds In excess of the SlmpIIW Aequisltion'Threshold, a Cooperative member may be required to negotiate profit as a separate element of the price. See, 2 CFR 200.324(b). When required by a Cooperative member, Vendor agrees the provide Information and negotiate: with the Cooperative member regarding prof9t as a separate element of the price fior a particular purchase. However, Vendor agrees that the total price, Including pro#It, charged by Vendor to the Cooperative member shall net exceed the awarded pricing, Including any applicable discount:, under Vendor's Cooperative Contract 11 YES, I agree. ❑ NO, I do not agree. 14. General Compliance and Cooperation with Cooperative Members: In addition to the foregoing specific requirements, Vendor agrees, in accepting any Purchase Order from a Cooperative member, It shall make a good faith effort to work with Cooperative members to provide such Information and to satisfy such requirements as may apply to a particular Cooperative member purchase or purdiases Including, but not limited to, applicable recordkeeping and record retention requirements. 11 YES, I agree. ❑ NO, I do not agree. Initial: -k Page 24 of 72 PrWml ft: C0MMJSytZv.06.jLV2t Board 12007 Research 9oulwvard • Austin, Texas 78759-2439 - PH: 900-695-2919 4 4�jYtQ"r :-Lon, CQMPLIANCE_ FORMS SIGNATURE PAGE By Initialing pages and by signature below, I certify that I have reviewed the following forms; that the information provided therein Is true, complete, and accurate, and that I am authorized by my company to make all certifications, consents, adcnowiedgements, and agreements contained herein; ■ Proposal Acknowledgements ■ Felony Conviction Disclosure ■ Debarment Certification ■ R,esldent/Nonresident Certiflcatlon ■ Vendor Employment Certlflcatlon ■ No Boycott Verification ■ No Excluded Nation or foreign Terrorist Organization Certification ■ Historically Underutilized Buslness Certification ■ Construction -Related Goods and Services Afflrmatlon ■ Acknowledgement of BuyBoard Technical Requirements ■ Deviation and Compliance ■ Vendor Consent for Dame Brand Use ■ Conflderrtial/Propdetary Information ■ EDGAR Vendor Certiflcation FIrfe Apoaratt VSpeclgllsts' Inc. reef ALIOM AAA ComPAnr Offidal Andy King VP Operations Printed Name and Title 11 /09/2022 Date Page 25 of 72 Ropcnal Forrc■CE3MF4/S1rCs r.pA.13.7021 12O07 Research Boulevard • Austin. Texas 78759-2439 • PH: 800-695-2919 Proposer must completely and accurately provide all information requested In the following Vendor Information Forms or Your Proposal may be rejected as non -responsive: • Vendor Business Name • Vendor Contact Information • Federal and State/Purchasing Cooperative Experience ■ Governmental References • Company Profile • Texas Regional Service Designation • Stage Service Designation • National Pumkosing Cooperative Vendor Award Agreement i'41was swft m ai* Tmwa*) • Local/Authorl7ed Seller Ustings • Manufacbxer Dealer Designation • Proposal Invitation Questlonnalre • Vendor Request to Self -Report BuyBoard Purchases (Ayaw) To the extent any Information requested Is not applicable to your company, you must so indicate on dv form. V-ENDQR BusiNgIS NAM By submitting a Proposal, Vendor is seeking to eater Into a legal contract with dv Cooperative. As such, Vendor must be an Individual or legal business entity capable of entering Inbo a binding contract. Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. (Ur d*AW name at die =PW M06V m =#Va WM ace Aagaera %e Gb MWW an am~ mm a[% A4 e[t~ AW &4:6 k*b"leW Roy bye pvrlMf�t+abat !1`ytiwere st�mRa6Ry e�rprap�a�►>�hh ar�colrer emotytvpror� dhe aarn�edpn�aalx cry esd, �mrta6rg e�oaysiroeA� a Aete a sgaevate noiir aq� lirm. "a�►Y gam�►airq A l brims crib ee r&MW e w*kA p Wow V2 prv�ft 9w& or s;mrx*,musrmrr*t at-otm ftgvnsa&) 7Vm of Busln�: ❑ Individual/Sole Proprietor ❑ Other {Specify: (if appiicabie}: Texas A Corporation ❑ Limited lJability Company ❑ Partnership 76-0598763 _ (Kvx r mrat l�rxle a evmple�d IRS W-9 ro m *Y& &Wr Popaw) Memo by which Vendor. If awa[ded. wishm IQ be Identifled on -the BLMDena. [>7vr; &VB_dedabvM;, a* sW lode Ames ( A4 eas) of ON ft anwWnW be usr,dand a Copy OfymrAss� �f If AW&AW must be Hftdrd.} Metro Fire Apparatus Spedallsts, Inc. Page 26 of 72 PrI Fame COMMIMS Y.OL11.2021 Form Request for Taxpayer Give Form to the Identification Number and Certification requester. Do not (Rev. October2018) Department of the Treasury send to the IRS. Internal Revenue Service ► Go to wwwJr:s.gov/FormW9 for instructions and the latest information. 1 Name (as shown on your income tax return). Name is required on this line; do not leave this line blank. Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 2 Business name/disregarded entity name, if different from above M 3 Check appropriate box for federal tax classification of the person whose name is entered on line 1. Check only one of the 4 Exemptions (codes apply only to CZ following seven boxes. certain entities, not individuals; see a instructions on page 3): C: Partnership Trust/estate ❑ Individual/sole proprietor or 1 C Corporation ❑ S Corporation p o m 4) single -member LLC Exem t a eecode (ifan Y) w❑ Limited liability company. Enter the tax classification (C=C corporation, S=S corporation, P=Partnership) p i Note: Check the appropriate box in the line above for the tax classification of the single -member owner. Do not check Exemption from FATCA reporting in L LLC if the LLC is classified as a single -member LLC that is disregarded from the owner unless the owner of the LLC is code if an ( y) another LLC that is not disregarded from the owner for U.S. federal tax purposes. Otherwise, a single -member LLC that a w is disregarded from the owner should check the appropriate box for the tax classification of its owner. y Other (see instructions) ► (Applies to accounts maintained outside the U.S.) 5 Address (number, street, and apt. or suite no.) See instructions. Requester's name and address (optional) 17350 SH 249 - Suite 250 BuyBoard U) P O Box 400 6 City, state, and ZIP code Houston, TX 77064 Austin TX 78767 7 List account number(s) here (optional) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on line 1 to avoid Social security number backup withholding. For individuals, this is generally your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the instructions for Part I, later. For other — — entities, it is vour emplover identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to qet a TIN, later. or Note: If the account is in more than one name, see the instructions for line 1. Also see What Name and Employer identification number Number To Give the Requester for guidelines on whose number to enter. 7 6- 0 5 9 8 7 6 3 FUMM Certification Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me); and 2. 1 am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding; and 3. 1 am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below); and 4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. Certification instructions. You mustcross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subjectto backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on yourtax return. For real estate transactions, item 2 does notapply. For mortgage interest paid, acquisition orabandonmentof secured property, cancellation of debt, contributionsto an individual retirement arrangement (IRA), and generally, payments other than interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the certification, butyou must provide yourcorrect TIN. See the instructions for Part 11, later. Sign Signature of Here U.S. person General Instrutdns Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. Future developments. For the latest information about developments related to Form W-9 and its instructions, such as legislation enacted after they were published, go to www.irs.gov/FormW9. Purpose of Form An individual or entity (Form W-9 requester) who is required to file an information return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer identification number (TIN) which may be your social security number (SSN), individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN), or employer identification number (EIN), to report on an information return the amount paid to you, or other amount reportable on an information return. Examples of information returns include, but are not limited to, the following. - Form 1099-INT (interest earned or paid) Date - 11/07/2022 - Form 1099-DIV (dividends, including those from stocks or mutual funds) - Form 1099-MISC (various types of income, prizes, awards, or gross proceeds) - Form 1099-B (stock or mutual fund sales and certain other transactions by brokers) - Form 1099-S (proceeds from real estate transactions) - Form 1099-K (merchant card and third party network transactions) - Form 1098 (home mortgage interest), 1098-E (student loan interest), 1098-T (tuition) - Form 1099-C (canceled debt) - Form 1099-A (acquisition or abandonment of secured property) Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN. If you do not return Form W-9 to the requester with a TIN, you might be subject to backup withholding. See What is backup withholding, later. Cat. No. 10231X Form W-9 (Rev. 10-2018) AFgoard' 12007 Research Boulevard • Austin, Texas 78759-2439' PH: 800-695-2919 • j►rtaaa,�! iu+ Vendor S1?Jli Prnlrrde the requests Veadalr Contact rnAw 71abon .:n the a wrron c pMposal s- bmL ss,on sy-sftm indud nq contrectr purchase order, RAZ and rnvace rontacts for, J suGmltonj7 a hArld copy Propasel, timely request and complete the Vendor Contentrnfonnshen twm ,n sccon7enc>e w th Mefnsdt ns to PTposers). i The Cooperative strives to provide Cooperative members with the best services and products at the best prices available from Vendors with the technical resources and ability to serve Cooperative members. Please respond to the following questions. I. Provide the dollar value of sales to or through purchasing cooperatives at or based on an established catalog or market price during the prevlaus 12-month period or the last flscai year: $ esr• 2.0m.000.00 . {The period of the 12-month period IS SEP7EMeER 1 OCTOBER ). In the event that a dollar value Is not an appropriate measure of the sales, provide and describe your own measure of the sates of the Item(s). 2. By submitting a proposal, you agree that, based on your written discounting policies, the discounts you offer the Cooperative are equal to or better than the best price you offer other purchasing cooperatives for the same items under equivalent circumstances. Pravlde the Information requested below for other purchasing cooperatives for which Proposer currently serves, or In the past has served, as an awarded vendor. Rows should be added to accommodate as many purchasing cooperatives as required, FORMERAWARDED PUKHASING DwRYEARS >, GROUPVENDOR 1. Federal General Services Administtatton N 2. T-PASS (state of Texas) N 3, oMNIA Partners N 4, Souracewetl (NIPA) y APPARATUS 5. E&I Cooperative N 6, Houstanfialveston Area Council (HGAC) y OVER 1 ❑ EE08-79 EQUIP PSI 2-19APPMArt1a 7, Choice Partners N S. The Intedocai Purchasing System (TIPS] N 9. other ❑ MY COMPANY DOES NOT CURRENTLY HAVE ANY OF THE ABOVE OR SIMILAR TYPE CONTRACTS. If you are a current BuyBoard vendor In the same contract category as proposed In this Proposal Invitation, Indicate the discount for your current BuyBoard contract and the proposed discount in this Proposal. Explain any difference between your current and proposed discounts. Cun^en! olecount (%): 1 % to 45% Proposed Discount (%): 1%to50% Ealamflon; Thare Is not only one discount, there is a range, pricing will be as favorable to the and user or more so an 69&23 as we ware on 603-20. Page 27 of 72 Pinpml Forts 00MM/SIK_S v,00.11.2021 12007 Research 9nutevard • Aus0n, Teas 78759-2439 • PH: 800-695-2919 - M lAdZ-N,III Ll CM 4:4 41L' For your Proposal to be considered, you must supply a minimum of five (5) Individual governmental entity references. The Cooperative may contact any and all references provided as part of the Proposal evaluation. Provide the Information requested below, Including the e)dsdng prfdngjdisoounts you offer each customer. The Cooperative may determine whether pricing/discounts are fair and reasonable by comparing pricing/dlscounts stated In your Proposal with the prldng/dlscounts you offer other govemmental customers. Attach additional pages If necessary. Quantity/ Name Confect o f E�mall alddm� Dlscn Volume Laredo, TX GUILLERMO HEARD 956.718.8000 GHEARDGCI.LAREDO.TX US 1 TO 50% DEPENDING ON PRODUCT Grand Pralnt, TX BILL MURPY 972.237.8300 BMURPHY®GPTX.ORG 1 TO 50% DEPENDING ON PRODUCT Le Ponta, TX CARL HOLLEY 281.471.5020 HOLEYCQI_APORTETEX.GOV 1 TO 50% DEPENDING ON PRODUCT 4. CoppaA, TX KP IN RICHARDSON 972.304.3512 KRICHARDSONQCOPPELLTX.00V I TO SD% DEPENDING ON PRODUCT 5. Round Rock, TX DANNY MARKS 512.0712770 DMARKOROUNDROCKTEXM.GOV 1 TO 50% DEPENDING ON PRODUCT Do you ever modify your written policies or standard governmental sales practices as Identified In the above dart to give better discounts (lower pricing) than Indicated? YES W NO ❑ If YES, please explain: Quantity discounts in Certain situations can apply, which would result in better pricing_ to the End user. COMPANY PROFILE Information on awarded Cooperative Contracts Is available to Cooperative Members on the BuyBoard website. If your company is awarded a Contract under this Proposal Invitation, please provide a brief company description that you would like to have Included with your company profile on the BuyBoard websita. Submk your company profile In a separate t1Ie, In Word formak with your Proposal. (Note: Vendor Is solely responsible for any content provided for Inclusion on the BuyBoard webs(te. The Cooperative reserves the right to exclude or remove any content In Its sole discretion, with or without prior notice, Including but not limited to any content d med by the Cooperative to be Inappropriate, Irrelevant too the Contract, Inaccurate, or misleading.} Page 28 of 72 Psi Fand COKMAWG v.0&11.2021 Company Proflle Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists was incorporated in 1999, we are a Texas franchised dealership of Spartan Emergency Fire Apparatus, and Super Vac Trucks. Metro Fire operates 3 fire truck service and warranty facilities across the State, as well as a Make Ready and Fabrication facility. We also distribute a full line of loose equlpment from the hest brands in the fire service. Our distribution division includes nozzles, hose, PPE, Imaging, hand tools and more, including SCBA and compressor sales and service. Metro Fire employs over 20 outside salesmen, 50+ technicians, mechanics, and fabricators, and over 25 sales/service support personnel. Metro Fire is also a licensed convertor and brush truck builder, mostly building on customer supplied Ford, Chevy and Dodge chassis we build custom brush trucks, chief rides, squad units, specialty units, command vehicles and more for customers across the state. AV)LOREf 12007 Research Boulevard • Austin, Texas 78759-2439 ' PH: BM-695-2919 • TExAs REGIQNAL SERVICE T N 7h,'s form most be completed in We electron c proposal subm:ss'on syst@m (Qrj fZt&:,ctW a Lard cony The Cooperative (referred to as "Texas Cooperative" In this form and In the State Service Designation form) offers venders the opportunity to service Its members throughout the entire State of Texas. In the electronic proposal submission system, you must Indicate If you will service Texas Cooperative members statewide or, If you do not plan to service all Texas Cooperative members statewide, you MMA Indicate the spedflc regions you will service. If you propose to serve different regions for different products or services Included In your Proposal, you must complete and submit a separate Texas Regional Service Designation form for each group of products and dearly Indicate the products or services to which the designation applies. (Additional forms can be obtained by contacting bidsObLodnardmm AL1ea3Lfi _(5] buslness day, rip or to By deslgn■ting a region or reglons, you are cedWng Mwt you are autli zed and wlllIng to provide We pm~products and services In those reglons DaWynefing reglons In whldh you ore dMer unable or unwl111ng to prrovlde the spedllredproducts and services shall be grounds for eldw rrejeclYon of your Proposal or, Ifawarded, tarminatlon of your Confect. Additionally, If you do not plan to service Texas Cooperative members (Le., If you wlll service only states other than Texas), yau must so Indicate on the form In the electronic proposal submLsslQn Regional Education Service Centers Won 1 and HeadquarteM Edinburg 2 Corpus Christi 3 Victoria 4 Houston 5 Beaumont 6 Huntsville 7 Ialgore 8 Mount Pleasant 9 Wlchita Falls 10 RIchardson 11 Fart worth 17 Waco 13 Austin 14 Abliene 15 San Angelo 16 Amarillo 17 Wbbock 18 Midland 19 El Paso ZQ San Antonio Pape 29 of 72 Pi PMW FbRM MMM/.VCS V,O&IL2021 r �oard- 12007 Research Boulevard ' Ausdn, Texas 78759-2439 • PH: 800-695-2919 - JW�V R,EouIRED FOR115 CHECKLII.T Morse &m* (Jj the (A wing) ftylewedlCompl : Proposer's Acceptance and Agreement PgapoaL FoRms PART 1: COMPU&Mc! FolMS Proposal Acknowledgoments FZWOM dlCoWebed: Felony Conviction Disclosure R"dent/Nonresident Certification : Debarment CertlffcaUon ❑ : Vendor Employment Certification RpvlewedlComnldW. No Boycott Verification L! : No Excluded Nation or Foreign Terrorist organization Certification WewedlComnieted: Historically Underutilized Business Certification : Acknowledgement of BuyBoard Technical Requirements ReylewetllComDL-�: Construction -Related Goods and Services Affirmation Revlewe(lCompletied: Deviation and Compliance ReyiewedlCom: Vendor Consent for Name Brand Use ReylewedlCormnleted: ConfidentialjProprietary Information Lam" 1 : EDGAR Vendor Certif9as#ion : Compliance Forma Signature Page t--,-'j:te IewedlComr�leled: Vendor Suaioess Name : Vendor Contact Information (aupw &,2 ab&wkPwwa+sr ,$)MM) ReAftred/Cnmoiet:ed: Federal and Stata/Purchasing Cooperative Experience FeAewecVQQMrtleted: Governmental References L"f : Company Profile Reylayed/Comoleted: Texas Regional Service Designation (m7powt7 8"a,* pmpasw gont m systan) .�� : State Service Designation (wffpAv&-47 p.To5rsr %7gwvn etem) `L7 ReviewedlCamoleted: National Purchasing Coope attm Vendor Award Agreement (Vamdmr MV*V oasm* Throe a*) Reviewed/Completed: Local/Authorized Seller Llatings [� ReylewedlComnleted: Manufacturer Dealer Designation RevIgMW/Completed: Proposal Invitation Questionnaire RevlewedlComnniftd: Vendor Request to Self-Repart BuyBoard Purchases (oxP w) ❑ : Proposal SpeclAcatlons fJlscount (96) off CBtalarlPnbellst and/or obh,r3r required pddng InfnnnraUm Induding C lhft.~15fs (or no Wd twpa2w) mast be .s ibm1tte+d wldr Me PmPOW or Me Propawl w►Ill not be QWMKW .. Pmpowi fame LDMM/5VM r.06.f 1.2021 Page 40 of 72 PUL09r.4- 12007 PmearBoulevard ' Austin, Texas 78759.2439 - PH: 8W-645-2919 , 0,uyboBL= STATE.flERVICE DESIGMTION liVs form most be complerea j.q f"wxs'RNai submIsWon 'sysrom (arF ff ? f D r r As set forth In the Proposal Invitation, It Is the Cooperative's Intent that other govemmental entities In the United States have the opportunity to purchase goods or services awarded under the Contract, subject to applicable state law, through a piggy- back award or similar agreement through the National Purchasing Cooperative BuyBoard. If you plan to service the entire United States or only specific states, you must complete the State SendM QZIgnation InfoMlatign in the electronic pmopsa &fe: ffyou plan to sen*v Tema Coqp&ade members, be swe dwt you cary*w [tee Teas Regkv& Service DaVnadon Harm. j In addldon to this fbi m, to be consldw ed Barr a piggy-b&* award by d w National PuRhasing CooperadM you must have an euthoortsed representadw sign cite National Purchasing Cooperadlve VertdorAward Agreement thit follows this page. If you serve different states for different products or services Included In your Proposal, you must complete and submit a separate State Service Designation form for each group of products and dearly indicate the products or services to which the designation applies, (Additional fbarms can be obtained by contacting at least five,( usla= daySpd QE to the Proposal Dial Date.) By deslgneffng a state or ststvs, you are cwWng that you ant authorized and w1111ng to provide Me proposed producis and swWces In Okwe states Deslgnadng dolts In whlda you are &Miter unable or unwilling to provide die spedfled products and swvl es shall be grounds for elfhar rejection of your Proposal or, If awarded, t <arminadlon of your Clantract ■ I will service all states In the United States. ■ I will not service all stages In the United States. Alabama Alaska Nebraska Arizona Nevada Arkansas New Hampshire California (Public Contract Code 20118 & 20652) New 3ersey Colorado New Mexico Connecticut New York Delaware North Carolina District of Columbia North Dakota Florida Ohio Georgia Oklahoma Hawaii Oregon Idaho Pennsy vanla Illinois Rhode Island Indiana South Carolina Iowa South Dakota Kansas Tennessee Kentucky Texas Louisiana Utah Maine Vermont Maryland Virginia Massachusetts Washington Michigan West Virginia Minnesota Wisconsin Mlsslsslppl Wyoming Missouri Montana Page 30 of 72 Rai F=V MMMAVCS V-0&IL2021 PFL09r.41 12007 Re9eardr Boulevard 'Austin, Texas 7B759-2439 PH: t3 t+95-29i� ' e � s , ._.„� DNAL PURCHASING CWPERATIVE VENDOR AWARD AGREEMENT In accordance with the Terms and Conditions associated with this Proposal Invitation, a contract awarded under this Proposal IrnAtation may be "plggy-backeti" by another governmental entity. The National Purchasing Cooperative Is an Intergovernmental purchasing cooperattve formed by certain school districts outside of Texas to serve Its members throughout the United States. If you agree to be considered for a piggy -back award by the National Purchasing Cooperative, you agree to the foiiowing terms and agree to serve National Purchasing Cooperative members In the Mates you have Indicated on the State Service Designation form, In your Proposal. By slgning this form, Proposer (referred to In this Agreement as "Vendors agrees as follows: 1. Vendor acknowledges that If The Loral Govemment Purchasing Cooperative ("Texas Cooperative) awards Vendor a contract under this Proposal Invitation rUnderiying Award"), the National Purchasing Cooperative {"National Cooperative"] may - but Is not required to - "piggy-badc" on or re -award all or a portion of that Underlying Award ("Piggy -Back Award"). By signing this National Cooperative Vendor Award Agreement ("Agreemere), Vendor accepts and agrees to be bound by any such Piggy -Back Award as provided for herein. 2. In the event National Cooperative awards Vendor a Plggy-Back Award, the National Cooperative Adminlstrator ("BuyBoard Administrator") will notify Vendor in writing of such Piggy -Back Award, which award shall commence on the effective date stated In the Notice and end on the expiration date of the Underlying Award, subject to annual renewals as authorized In writing by the Buyl3oard Administrator. Vendor agrees that no further signature or other action Is required of Vendor In order fior the Piggy -Back Award and this Agreement to be binding upon Vendor. Vendor further agrees that no Interllneations or changes to this Agreement by Vendor will be binding on Natlonal Cooperative, unless such changes are agreed to by Its BuyBoard Administrator in writing. 3, Vendor agrees that It shall offer Its goods and services to Natioml Cooperative members at the same unit pricing and same general terms and conditions, subject to applicable state laws in the state of purchase, as required by the Underlying Award. However, nothing in this Agreement prevents Vendor from offering National Cooperative members better (i.e., lower) competitive pricing and more favorable terms and conditions than those In the Underlying Award. 4. Vendor hereby agrees and confirms that it will serve those statesit has designated on the State Service Designation Form of this Proposal Invitation. Any changes to the states designated on the State Service Designation Form must be approved In writing by the BuySoard Administrator. 5. Vendor agrees to pay National Cooperative the service fee provided for In the Underlying Award based on the amount of purchases generated from National Cooperative members through the Piggy -Back Award. Vendor shall remit payment to National Cooperative on such schedule as it specifies (which shall not be more often than monthly). Further, upon request, Vendor shall provide National Cooperative with copies of all purchase orders generated from National Cooperative members, vendor Invoices, and/or such other documentation regarding those purchase orders as the Cooperative's administrators may require In their reasonable discretion for purposes of reviewing and verifying purchase activity, Vendor further agrees that National Cooperative shall have the right, upon reasonable written notice, ttr review Vendor's records pertaining to purchases made by National Cooperative members In order to verify the accuracy of service fees. 6. Vendor agrees that the Underlying Award, including Its General Terms and Conditions, are adopted by reference to the Fullest extent such provisions can reasonably apply to the post-proposaVeDntract award phase. The rights and responslblllbes that would ordinarily Inure to the Texas Cooperative pursuant to the Underlying Award shall Inure to National Cooperative; and, conversely, the rights and responsibilities that would ordinarily inure to Vendor In the Underlying Award shall Inure to Vendor In this Agreement. Vendor recognizes and agrees that Vendor and National Cooperative are the only parties to this Agreement, and that nothing In this Agreement has application to other third parties, Induding the Texas Cooperative. In the event of conflict between this Agreement and the terms of the Underlying Award, the terms of this Agreement shall control, and then only to the extent necessary to reconcile the conflict. Pr PM1 Farms COMM MS V-W11.ZQ1 Page 31 of 72 PUL02r.f 17007 Research Boulevard ' Austin, Texas 78759-2439 • PH: 800-645-2919 ' 7. This Agreement shall be govemed and construed In aocordanrn with the laws of the State of Rhode Island and venue for any dispute shall lie In the federal district court of Alexandria, Virginia. 8, Vendor acknowledges and agrees that the award of a Piggy-l3aeik Award is within the sole discretion of National Cooperative, and that this Agreement does not take effect unless and until National Cooperative awards Vendor a P19gy-Back Award and the BuyBoard Administrator notifies Vendor in writing of such piggy -Back Award as provided fbr herein, WHEREFORE, by signing below Vendor agrees to the foregoing and warrants that It has the authority to enter into this Ire A of endor e of Aut Specialists, Inc. 11 /09/2022 Date Proponi No. NO-23 for Pubic SaW and Firhmm SWOm vW Equipmem Proposal invitation Number Andy King Printed Name of Authwtzed Company Offldal Propm[W. v.0&11.Mi Page 32 of 72 AvLoqr.g* 12007 Research Boulevard • Ausdn, Texas 78759-2439 • PH: 800-695-2919 LoCATIONJAUTHORIZED SELLER USTIN§A If you have more than one locatlon/authorized seller that will service a Contract awarded under this Proposal IrMtadon, please list each Iocatlon/audior#zed seller below. If additional sheets are required, please duplicate this form as necessary. Nam: Awarded Vendors Shall remain responsible for all aspects of the Contract Inducting processing of Purchase Orders, and shell be responsible for the per orTranoe of all locatlons and authorized sellers under and In accordance with the Contract. If MU are a product manufacturer and wish to desIgnate Deslpnatieod Dealers 8s deAned In Me General Tbrms and Ctvndltlons to recolve Coopeeratl 49 member Purchase Orders on yWr bo *&If you must complete 61* Manufacturer Deslgnatesal Dealer Av m. LocationlAuthorized Contact Information Proposal F*Tm CDM MIYVM YM I L2MI Page 33 of 72 AvLogri, 12007 Research Boulevard ' Ausdn, Texas 78759-2439 • PH, 800-695-2919 - -NAm MANUFACTURER DEALER DESIGNATIGN If Vendor Is a manufacturer that sells products through a dealer network and wishes to designate a deafer or multiple dealers (`Designated Dealers") to receive Cooperative member Purchase Orders on Vendor's behalf, you must complete this form for each dealer you wish to designate. Regardless of any Designated Dealers submitted by Vendor, Vendor specifically agrees and acknowledges that any such designations are for Vendor's convenience only and shall not, if Vendor Is awarded a Contract, relleve Vendor of any obligations under the Contract, Including payment of Cooperative service fees on all Purchase Orders submitted to Vendor or any Designated Dealer. In accordance with the General Terms and Conditions, an awarded Vendor shall remain responsible and liable for all of Its obligations under the Contract and the performance of Moth Vendor and any of Vendor's Designated Dealers under and In accordance with the Contract and remain subject to all remedles for default thereunder, Including, but not limited to suspension and termination of Vendor's Contract for nonpayment of service flees. If awarded, Vendor authorizes the Cooperative, In Its sole discretion, to list any Vendor Designated Dealers In the BuyBoard system and to receive Purchase Orders directly from Cooperative members on behalf of Vendor. To the extent a Vendor with Designated Dealers receives a Purchase Order directly, It shall be the responsibility of Vendor to appropriately process such Purchase Order In accordance with the Contract, Including but not limited W timely forwarding such Purchase Oder to a Designated Dealer for processing. The Cooperative reserves the right, in its sole disohetlon, to refuse addition of, or request removal of, any Designated Dealer, and Vendor agrees to immediately require such Designated Dealer to cease accepting Purchase Orders or otherwise acting on Vendor's behalf under the Contract. Further, the Cooperative administrator shall be authorized to remove or suspend any or all Designated Dealers from the BWBoard at any time In Its sole discretion. If you wlsh to designate a dealer to service a contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation, please list the Designated Dealer below, If you wish to designate multiple dealers, please duplicate this form as necessary, Designated Dealer Name Designated Dealer Address City Phone Number Email address Designated Dealer Contact Person State IJp Fax Number Designated Dealer Tax ID Number* VAttach W-9] Rp Fr--CAMKMvCSv-0a.1i.mi Page 34 of 72 W:Board 120D7 Research eouleard ' Austin, Teams 78759-2439 , PH; $00-695-2919 PROPOSAL INVrTATION OUIE ONNIgRE The Cooperative wlli use your responses to the questions below In evaluating your Proposal and technical and flnanclal resources to provide the goods and perform the services CWorn under the BuyBoard contract contemplated by this Proposal Invitation CContract'}. Proposers must Tully answer each question, numbering your responses to correspond to the questions/numbers below. Proposers must complete below or attach your responses to this questionnaire and submit In one document with your Proposal. You must submit the quesdonnalrre and responses with your Proposal or the Prowl will not be considered, I. ust the number of years Proposer has been In business and former business names (If applicable). Note whether your company Is currently For sale or Involved In any transaction that would significantly alter its business or result In aoqulsftion by another entity. Established in 1986, incorporate in 1999. No name changes in that time. At this time Metro Fire Is not for sale and there are not plans that would significantly alter our business. 2. Describe the resources Proposer has to manage staff and successfully perform the Work eontemplatied under this Contract. State the number and summarize the eacperlenee of company personnel who may be utigzed for the Work, Including those who will be available to Cooperative members for assistance with project development, technical Issues, and product selection for Work associated with this ConbacL Metro Fire is fully staffed with sales, administration and, support personnel. Experienced Corporate staff of 11, with branch staff numbering in the range of 2 to 10 per location. 'Over 20 salesmen in the field and an executive staff that helps oversee all departments. Our total company roster as of 11/09/2022 is 102 employees, more can be found at www.mfes.com. 3. Hlr : For your Proposal to be considered, you must submit the Marketing Strategy you will use If the Cooperative acnepts all or part of your Proposal. ( : Bg9Wn how ymr coamp3ny wfll IMAW Infarm Cxp&rv" mars of your Buy&m►d Cbntra4 and how)w W# czar dbw In sr�yayaart the BuyBowd for the dWiYo i of I6e CtaVact ft".}Attach additional pages If necessary. See attachment. "BuyBoard Marketing Strategy 698-23" P. Fan MMMISMSYLL11.2021 Pape 35 of 72 METRE FIRE Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 17350 SH W 3i. 210 Houstva, TX 7 YM4 1(713) 902430111(713) 092-1591 fax November 9, 2022 Regarding: 699-23 Marketing Strategy To whom it may concern, Metro Fire's Marketing Strategy will include the following: 1. Educating our outside sales staff of 20 salesmen statewide with the knowledge of this contract and the material to educate their end user customers. 2, ]Posting and higUghting the BuyBoard logo on our website as an indicator that we are a contracting member of the co-op. 3. Direct mailers highlighting certain products that ate on the BuyBoard contract, for example TFT, Paratech and Fire-Dex. In addition to the strategy above we will also continue to educate our customers of Buy Board. Our customers appreciate that Buy Board is Texas based and easy to use as a member. I/ -I P.�r quc ti frs or 1 mments please contact Andy King, (713) 692-0911 r� Andy k «sg. PVRoard' 12007 Research Boulevard ' Austin, Texas 78759-2439 • PH: 800-695-29I9 ' buy(goard&M 4. Describe Proposers financial capability to perform the Contract State or describe the firm's financial strength and rating, bonding capacity, and Insurance coverage limits. State whether the firm, or any of the firm's past or present owners, principal shareholders or stockholders, or ofters, have been a debtor party to a banleuphcy, receivership, or Insolvency proceedIng In the last 7 years, and Identify any such debtor party by name and relabonshlp to or position with your firm. Metro Fire's financial capability is very positive. Our company is in good standing with all suppliers and vendors with excellent payment history. References are certaintly available upon request. We are a fully insured, liability, property, casualty, etc. Metro Fire's cash reserves are healthy, sales YT❑ are up and our backlog Is also strong. S. Does your company have any outstanding fnancial judgments and/or Is It currently In default on any loan or ffnancfng agreement? If so, provide detailed Information on the nature of such Items and prospects For resolution. No. 6. List all contracts, If any, In the last 10 years on which proposer has defaulted, failed to complete or deliver the work, or that have been terminated For any reason. For each such contract, provide the project name, scope, value and date and the name of the procuring entity. Fully e)laln the circumstances of the default, failure to complete or deliver the worm or term I nation. We have not defaulted or failed to complete or delivery work under contract. We have not.been terminated from a customer contract in our.history. 7. Ust all 11tigation or other legal proceedings (Including arbitrratlon proceedings), If any, In the last 10 years brought against your firm, or any of the firm's past or present owners, principal shareholders or stockholders, officers, agents or employees, that relate to or arise from a contract similar to this Contract or the Work contemplated under this Contract Provide the style of the lawsuit or proceeding (name of parties and court or tribunal In which Bled), nature of the claim, and resolution or current status, None related to contracts similar to this contract or work. AgX=1 Femr COMMJ5M v.01L1L2U1 Pape 36 of 72 Vgoard PW 12407 Research Boulevard . Austfn, Teas 78759-2439 • PH: BOD-695-2919 • `� VENDOR Mum TO SELF -REPORT BUYBQAR 1 PURCHASE The General Terms and Conditions require that all Purchase Orders generated by or under any Contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation be processed through the BuyBoard and, except as expressly authorized In writing by the Cooperative administrator, Vendors are not authorized to process Purchase Orders received directly from Cooperative members that have not been processed through the BuyBoard or provided to the Cooperative. In accordance with this provision, Vendor may request authorization of the Cooperative adminlsbator to self -report Cooperative member purchases If awarded a Contract under this Proposal Invitadon. By making such a request, Vendor acknowledges and agrees that self -reporting Is spedflcalty subject to and conditioned upon (1) Vendor's agreement to the Additional Terms and Conditions for BuyBoard Self -Reporting which are Included In this Proposal Invitation and traxporated hereln for all purposes and (2) approval of this request in writing by the Cooperative administrator. Notre: MIS farm IS NOT requlrrad as part of your proposal. You should Sian and return INS Harm ONL Y If YVU wish to request aua2hoNsedon to se f-repot BivyBaartd puldasw. Any request to self -report wilt not be effective, and Vendor shall not be authorized to self -report BuyBoard member purchases, unless and until (1) Vendor Is awarded a Contract under this Proposal Invitation, and (2) the request has been approved In writing by the Cooperative administrator. By my slpnature below, t hereby ►oqumt authorWifon from the Clvopemative adminlstraWr to saelfLreport BuyBoard purdWses lfmy company Is awarded a Contract: I crrdfy that am autharlred by the above -roamed Varrdor to approve Ift form, and I have riecaelvedand tread dreAddltlonal T&MS and CbndNons for BuyBoard SAff-Reportlnp Induded In this Proposal lnvft bran and do hereby approve end epree to sue* twms and condldons on behalf of bander. ► 1:1 sT 1 41@1&111Ulllal L; Slignatu re of Vendor Authorised Repreventlathre Printed Name: Title: 1-77 r Ir ■.r � r ■� �r r►. 1� Approved by But iNwrd Adrninbftut or: Effective/Start Daft for Self -Reporting: FmMul Farrra COMMISSVCS v.M1L2M1 Page 37 of 72 PFgoard' 12007 Research 8ouievard • hoUn, Texas 78759-2439 • PH; 800-695-2919 • F�iXc?; r PRQPOSAL SPECIFICATION UM MAR'1C ate tastagohes an(t terns spec fled for this Proposal Invitation are summarized below For full Proposal Speef cat one you mu*t review and complete the Proposal Specification inknn tion In the elet#ronr proposal submission system In secordance with the Instructions to Proposers (or, 4 subm;tbng a hard spry Proposal, t`mely request and Corer#slcte the PrrpusaI sper,ifirat ion Form In sceordanon with the Iristr rcticns to Proposers). PROPOSAL NO E: Vendors shall submit ratalog(s)/prioellst(s] with "r Proposal response or the Propel will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/prloellst(s) with the Proposal In a readlly avallable and readable electronic format. with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. big 12ijRgr cjg#r milnSAfg ctui er f ven J9 r web i es will be acceRtgdJ Seddon I: Public Safety SuaWlea and Faucet 1. Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Firearms and Ammunition. 2. Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Tactical Equipment. 3. Discount [96} off catalog/prlcellst for Wight Sticks and Batons. 4. Discount (%} off catalog/pricelist for Not Equipment/Body Armor. 5. Discount (%} off catalog/prtcellst for Public Safety Vehfcle Equipment and Related Accessories. 5. Discount (%) off catalog/pricellst for Tear Gas/Mace and Related items. 7. Discount {%) off catalog/pricelist for Hight Vision and Infrared Equipment. 8. Discount [%} off catalog/pricelist for Thermal. Imaging Equipment and Products. 9. Discount (%} off catalog/pricelist for Flashllghes, Batteries, and Related Itaams. 10. Discount {%} off cataiog/pricelist for (Electronic Stand-up Vehicles (ESV). 11. Discount (%} off catalog/prioellst for All Type: of Public Safety Patrol Bicycles, Supplies and Related Accessories. 12. Discount (°Ya} off catNog/prloelist For Public Safety Rescue Equipment. 13. Discount t°i5} off catalog/pricelist for Handcuffs and Restraints. 14. Discount {96) off catalog/pricelist fear Scopes and Binoculars. 15. Discount {%} off catalog/priceilst far Alcohol and Drug Testing Products and Related Services. 16. Discount {+31,} off catalog/pricelist for Law Enforcement Training Targets. 17. Discount {%) off catalog/pricelist for Fingerprint Equipment and Supplies. 18. Discount {%} off catalog/pricelist for Law Enforcement Knives and Tools (multipurpose tools, dip tools, mini tools, and related accessories). 19. Discount {%) off ratalog/prloellst for Public Safety Uniform@, Rainwear, Jackets, Footwear, and Accessories. 20. Discount {%) off catalog/prioellst fbr Weather Monitpring Systems. 21. Discount (95) off catalog/pricellst for Red Light Monitoring Systems. 22. Discount {%} off catalog/prieellst fear Speed Enforcement Equipment 23. Discount {46) off catalog/pricellst for Public Safety We Preserver and Related Items. 24. Discount {%} off catalog/prieellst for Emergency Radio Dispatch Consoles and related hero. 25. Discount {%} off catalog/pricelist for Safety and Security Window Film Products. 26. Dlseourrt {ryb] off catalog/prloellst fur Gunshot and Threat Deteetlon Products and Systems. 27. Discount {%) off catalog/pricellst far All Types Security Access Doors and related accessories (accordion, roll up, wood fold, pat lead post, narrow lead post, and curved). 28. Discount off catalog/prioellst for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. 29. Discount {%) off catalog/prioellst for Public Safety Equipment Repair Parts. 30. Discount Z°tis) off catalog/prioellst for Public Safety Equipment and Products Maintenance/Warranty Agreements. Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 31. Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Breathing Apparatus. nrWM1 F ms COHWSVCS %W&ILMI Rage 38 of 72 120D7 Research Boulevard - Austin, Texas 78759-2439 ' PH: 800-695.2919 • 1),.Nb-gam,,",i 32. Discount {%} off catalog/prlceilst For Protetdve Clothing and Rescue Gear Including Protective Boob, Helmets and Gear Hags. 33. Discount {%} off catalog/pricellst for Turnout Gear. 34. Discount {%} off mtalog/prlcelist for Nomax Station Uniforms. 35. Discount (%) off catalog/prfceilst far Communication Devices and Systems. 36. Discount {%} off catalog/priaeilst liar ENS Supplies and Equipment. 37. Discount {%} off catalog/prieeJlst for Portable Lighting Equipment. 38. Discount {%) off catalog/prIodIst far Vehicle Light Bars, Sirens, and Speakers. 39. Discount {%} aff catalog/pricellst far Fire Extrication Rescue Equipment. 44. Discount {%} off catalog/pricellst for Firehouse Uniforms, Rainwear, 3adcets, Footwear and Accessories. 41. Discount {%} off catalog/pricellst for Gas Detection Devices, Cameras, and Systems. 42. Discount {%} off catalog/pricellst for Fire Hass and Nozzles. 43. Dlsmunt {56} off ratelog/prlcellst for Flee Extinguishers and Fire Fighting Foam. 44. Discount {91,} off catalog/prlcellst for Fire Hose Hydrostatic Testing Servieas. 45. Discount {%} off catalog/prlcellst far Fire Fighting Training Materials and Equipment. 46. Discount {°16} off catalog/pricelist far Optical Emergency Traffic Pre-Emption Supplies and Equipment. 47, Discount {%} off catalog/pricellst faor All Other firehouse Equipment and Supplies. 48. Discount {%} off catalog/pricellst fear Firehouse Equipment Repair Parts. 49. Discount (%} off catalog/prlcellst for Flreihousa Equipment and Product: Safety Malatenance/Warranty Agreements. SO. Hourly Labor Rate for Installatilon►Repalr Service of Public Safety Equipment and Products - Ngt to fxmd hourly labor rate for Inst-allatlon/Repalr Service of Public Safety Equipment and Products. 51. Hourly Labor Rate for Installation/ Repair Service of Firehouse Equipment and Products - Not to Exceed hourly labor robe for Installation/Repair Service of Firehouse Equipment and Products. PMPMI Farms CaMKSVCa VX&Yf.X21 Page 39 of 72 Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. Information Contact: Andy King, VP -Operations Address: 17350 SH 249 - #250 Houston, TX 77064 Phone: (713) 692-0911 Fax: (713) 692-1591 Email: aking@mfas.com Web Address: www.mfas.com By submitting your response, you certify that you are authorized to represent and bind your company. Andy King aking@mfas.com Signature Email Submitted at 1111012022 02:49:37 PM (CT) Requested Attachments BuyBoard Proposal Invitation No. 698-23 Public Safety BuyBoard Proposal Invitation Documents Signed.pdf and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment REQUIRED -In PDF format, upload all proposal invitation documents available for download at vendor.buyboard.com including any additional pages, as necessary. NOTICE: DO NOT complete proposal forms in internet browser. No data will be stored. Download file to computer and complete proposal forms prior to submitting. (Please DO NOT password protect uploaded files.) Catalog/Pricelist Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc Vendor Price Lists - BuyBoard 698-23 Proposal.pdf REQUIRED -In Excel or PDF format, upload catalog (s)/pricelist(s) in accordance with proposal invitation instructions. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or Proposal will not be considered. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. File size must not exceed 250MB. (Please DO NOT password protect uploaded files.) Exceptions and/or Detailed Information Related to Discount % and/or Hourly Labor Rate Proposed Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists Detailed Information MSRP.pdf In PDF format and if necessary, vendor shall attach detailed information regarding exceptions to pricing and/or discount percentage and define the services that are proposed to be provided. NOTE: IF DETAILED INFORMATION IS NOT SUBMITTED, PROPOSAL MAY NOT BE CONSIDERED. (Please DO NOT password protect uploaded files.) Company Profile Company Profile.docx REQUIRED -Information on awarded Cooperative Contracts is available to Cooperative Members on the BuyBoard website. If your company is awarded a Contract under this Proposal Invitation, please provide a brief company description that you would like to have included with your company profile on the BuyBoard website. Submit your company profile in a separate file, in Word format, with your Proposal. (Note: Vendor is solely responsible for any content provided for inclusion on the BuyBoard website. The Cooperative reserves the right to exclude or remove any content in its sole discretion, with or without prior notice, including but not limited to any content deemed by the Cooperative to be inappropriate, irrelevant to the Contract, inaccurate, or misleading.) IRS Form W-9 Request for Taxpayer W-9 Form - Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. - BuyBoard 2022.pdf Identification Number and Certification REQUIRED -In PDF format, upload W-9 form. (Please DO NOT password protect uploaded files.) Page 3 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 Response Attachments Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists Repair and Warranty MSRP SEC_29,30,48,49,50,51-11_2022.pdf Metro Fire Response to Secs. 29,30,47,48,49,50 and 51. Firecraft 2022 FX Glove MSRP Price List041522.pdf FireCraft Gloves 2022 MSRP Pricelist Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists Repair and Warranty MSRP SEC_29,30,48,49,50,51 - 11_2022.pdf Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. Catalog Price List 2022 Council Tool MSRP Price List 2022.pdf Council Tool 2022 MSRP Price List Bid Attributes 1 Federal Identification Number Federal Identification Number 76-0598763 2 HUB/No Israel Boycott Certification/No Excluded Nation or Foreign Terrorist Certification HUB/No Israel Boycott Certification/No Excluded Nation or Foreign Terrorist Certification 3 No Israel Boycott Certification A Texas governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a value of $100,000 or more that is to be paid wholly or partly from public funds with a company (excluding a sole proprietorship) that has 10 or more full-time employees for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. (TEX. GOV'T CODE Ch. 2270). Accordingly, this certification form is included to the extent required by law. "Boycott Israel" means refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action that is intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations specifically with Israel, or with a person or entity doing business in Israel or in an Israeli -controlled territory, but does not include an action made for ordinary business purposes. TEX. GOV'T CODE §808.001(1). By signature on the Compliance Forms Signature Page, to the extent applicable, I certify and verify that Vendor does not boycott Israel and will not boycott Israel during the term of any contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation, that this certification is true, complete and accurate, and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification. Yes 4 No Excluded Nation or Foreign Terrorist Organization Certification Chapter 2252 of the Texas Government Code provides that a Texas governmental entity may not enter into a contract with a company engaged in active business operations with Sudan, Iran, or a foreign terrorist organization — specifically, any company identified on a list prepared and maintained by the Texas Comptroller under Texas Government Code §§806.051, 807.051, or 2252.153. (A company that the U.S. Government affirmatively declares to be excluded from its federal sanctions regime relating to Sudan, Iran, or any federal sanctions regime relating to a foreign terrorist organization is not subject to the contract prohibition.) By signature on the Compliance Forms Signature Page, I certify and verify that Vendor is not on the Texas Comptroller's list identified above; that this certification is true, complete and accurate; and that I am authorized by my company to make this certification. Yes Page 4 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 5 MWBE/HUB Status Certification A Proposer that has been certified as a Historically Underutilized Business (also known as a Minority/Women Business Enterprise or "MWBE" and all referred to in this form as a "HUB") is encouraged to indicate its HUB certification status when responding to this Proposal Invitation. The BuyBoard website will indicate HUB certifications for awarded Vendors that properly indicate and document their HUB certification on this form. certify that my company has been certified as a MWBE/HUB in the following categories: (Please check all that apply) 6 Minority Owned Business Minority Owned Business ❑ Minority Owned Business (Yes) 7 Women Owned Business Women Owned Business ❑ Women Owned Business (Yes) 8 Service -Disabled Veteran Owned Business Service -Disabled Veteran Owned Business (veteran defined by 38 U.S.C. §101(2), who has a service -connected disability as defined by 38 U.S.C. § 101(16), and who has a disability rating of 20% or more as determined by the U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs or Department of Defense) ❑ Service -Disabled Veteran Owned Business (Yes) 9 Certification Number Certification Number No response 1 U Name of Certifying Agency Certifying Agency No response 1 1 Non-MWBE/HUB My company has NOT been certified as a MWBE/HUB ❑ Non -HUB (Yes) 1 2 Vendor General Contact Information Proposal/Contract General Contact Information 1 3 Vendor Proposal/Contract Contact Name Vendor Proposal/Contract Contact Name Andy King 1 4 Vendor Proposal/Contract Contact E-mail Address Vendor Proposal/Contract Contact E-mail Address aking@mfas.com 1 5 Vendor Proposal/Contract Mailing Address Vendor Proposal/Contract Mailing Address 17350 SH 249 Suite 250 Page 5 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 1 6 Vendor Proposal/Contact Mailing Address - City Vendor Proposal/Contact Mailing Address - City Houston 1 7 Vendor Proposal/Contact Mailing Address - State Vendor Proposal/Contact Mailing Address - State (Abbreviate State Name) TX 1 8 Vendor Proposal/Contact Mailing Address - Zip Code Vendor Proposal/Contact Mailing Address - Zip Code 77064 1 9 Vendor Proposal/Contact Phone Number Vendor Proposal/Contact Phone Number (xoa-xxa-=(x) 713-692-0911 2 U Vendor Proposal/Contact Extension Number Vendor Proposal/Contact Extension Number No response 2 1 Company Website Company Website (www.xxxxx.com) www.mfas.com 2 2 Purchase Orders Contact Information All Purchase Orders from Cooperative members will be available through the Internet. Vendors need Internet access and at least one e-mail address so that notification of new orders can be sent to the Internet contact when a new purchase order arrives. An information guide will be provided to Vendors to assist them with retrieving their orders. Please select options below for receipt of Purchase Orders and provide the requested information: . I will use the internet to receive Purchase Orders at the following address Yes 2 3 Purchase Order E-mail Address Purchase Order E-mail Address aking@mfas.com 2 4 Purchase Order Contact Name Purchase Order Contact Name Andy King 2 5 Purchase Order Contact Phone Number Purchase Order Contact Phone Number (>oa-xxx-)o=) 713-692-0911 Page 6 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 2 6 Purchase Order Contact Extension Number Purchase Order Contact Extension Number No response 2 7 Alternate Purchase Order E-mail Address Alternate Purchase Order E-mail Address aking@mfas.com 2 8 Alternate Purchase Order Contact Name Alternate Purchase Order Contact Name jminton@mfas.com 2 9 Alternate Purchase Order Contact Phone Number Alternate Purchase Order Contact Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) 713-724-8610 3 U Alternate Purchase Order Contact Extension Number Alternate Purchase Order Contact Extension Number No response 3 Purchase Orders Contact Information All Purchase Orders from Cooperative members will be available through the Internet. Vendors need Internet access and at least one e-mail address so that notification of new orders can be sent to the Internet contact when a new purchase order arrives. An information guide will be provided to Vendors to assist them with retrieving their orders. Please select options below for receipt of Purchase Orders and provide the requested information: • Purchase Orders may be received by the Designated Dealer(s) identified on my company's Dealer Designation form as provided to the Cooperative administrator. I understand that my company shall remain responsible for the Contract and the performance of all Designated Dealers under and in accordance with the Contract. Yes 3 2 Request for Quotes (5EceRFQ5E) Cooperative members will send RFQs to you by e-mail. Please provide e-mail addresses for the receipt of RFQs: 3 3 Request for Quote (RFQ) E-mail Address Request for Quote (RFQ) E-mail Address aking@mfas.com 3 4 Request for Quote (RFQ) Contact Name Request for Quote (RFQ) Contact Name Andy King 3 5 Request for Quote (RFQ) Contact Phone Number Request for Quote (RFQ) Contact Phone Number (xxx-xoa-)o=) 713-692-0911 Page 7 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 3 6 Request for Quote (RFQ) Contact Extension Number Request for Quote (RFQ) Contact Extension Number No response 3 7 Alternate Request for Quote (RFQ) E-mail Address Alternate Request for Quote (RFQ) E-mail Address jminton@mfas.com 3 8 Alternate Request for Quote (RFQ) Contact Name Alternate Request for Quote (RFQ) Contact Name Jim Minton 3 9 Alternate Request for Quote (RFQ) Contact Phone Number Alternate Request for Quote (RFQ) Contact Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) 7137248610 4 U Alternate Request for Quote (RFQ) Contact Extension Number Alternate Request for Quote (RFQ) Contact Extension Number No response 4 1 Invoices Your company will be billed monthly for the service fee due under a Contract awarded under this Proposal Invitation. All invoices are available on the BuyBoard website and e-mail notifications will be sent when they are ready to be retrieved. 4 2 Invoices Please choose only one (1) of the following options for receipt of invoices and provide the requested information: (a) Service fee invoices and related communications should be provided directly to my company at: or (b) In lieu of my company, I request and authorize all service fee invoices to be provided directly to the following billing agent: If Vendor authorizes a billing agent to receive and process service fee invoices, in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of the Contract, Vendor specifically acknowledges and agrees that nothing in that designation shall relieve Vendor of its responsibilities and obligations under the Contract including, but not limited to, payment of all service fees under any Contract awarded Vendor. Service fee invoices and notices direct to company 4 3 Invoice Company Name Invoice Company Name Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 4 4 Invoice Company Department Name Invoice Company Department Name Accounts Payable Page 8 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 4 5 Invoice Contact Name Invoice Contact Name Clark King 4 6 Invoice Mailing Address Invoice Mailing Address (P.O. Box or Street Address) 17350 SH 249 Suite 250 4 7 Invoice Mailing Address - City Invoice Mailing Address - City Houston 4 8 Invoice Mailing Address - State Invoice Mailing Address - State (Abbreviate State Name) TX 4 9 Invoice Mailing Address - Zip Code Invoice Mailing Address (Zip Code) 77064 5 U Invoice Contact Phone Number Invoice Contact Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) 713-692-0911 5 Invoice Contact Extension Number Invoice Contact Extension Number No response 5 2 Invoice Contact Fax Number Invoice Contact Fax Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) 713-692-1591 5 3 Invoice Contact E-mail Address Invoice Contact E-mail cking@mfas.com 5 4 Invoice Contact Alternate E-mail Address Invoice Contact Alternate E-mail Address aking@mfas.com 5 5 Billing Agent Company Name Billing Agent Company Name No response 5 6 Billing Agent Department Name Billing Agent Department Name No response Page 9 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 5 7 Billing Agent Contact Name Billing Agent Contact Name No response 5 8 Billing Agent Mailing Address Billing Agent Mailing Address (P.O. Box or Street Address) No response 5 9 Billing Agent Mailing Address - City Billing Agent Mailing Address - City No response 6 U Billing Agent Mailing Address - State Billing Agent Mailing Address - State (Abbreviate State Name) No response 6 Billing Agent Mailing Address - Zip Code Billing Agent Mailing Address - Zip Code No response 6 2 Billing Agent Contact Phone Number Billing Agent Contact Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) No response 6 3 Billing Agent Contact Extension Number Billing Agent Contact Extension Number No response 6 4 Billing Agent Fax Number Billing Agent Fax Number No response 6 5 Billing Agent Contact E-mail Address Billing Agent Contact E-mail Address No response 6 6 Billing Agent Alternative E-mail Address Billing Agent Alternative E-mail Address No response 6 7 Shipping Via Common Carrier, Company Truck, Prepaid and Add to Invoice, or Other Prepaid and Add to Invoice Page 10 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 6 Payment Terms 8 Note: Vendor payment terms must comply with the BuyBoard General Terms and Conditions and the Texas Prompt Payment Act (Texas Government Code Ch. 2251). Net 30 Days 6 Vendor's Internal/Assigned Reference/Quote Number 9 Vendor's Internal/Assigned Reference/Quote Number No response 7 State or Attach Return Policy U Note: Only return requirements and processes will be deemed part of Vendor's return policy. Any unrelated contract terms, terms of sale, or other information not specifically related to return requirements and processes included in Vendor's return policy shall not apply to any awarded Contract unless specifically included as a deviation in the Deviation and Compliance Form and accepted by the Cooperative. No response 7 Electronic Payments 1 Are electronic payments acceptable to your company? Yes 7 Credit Card Payments 2 Are credit card payments acceptable to your company? Yes 7 Texas Regional Service Designation 3 Texas Regional Service Designation - Refer to Form in Proposal Invitation The Cooperative (referred to as "Texas Cooperative" in this form and in the State Service Designation form) offers vendors the opportunity to service its members throughout the entire State of Texas. If you do not plan to service all Texas Cooperative members statewide, you must indicate the specific regions you will service on this form. If you propose to serve different regions for different products or services included in your Proposal, you must complete and submit a separate Texas Regional Service Designation form for each group of products and clearly indicate the products or services to which the designation applies. By designating a region or regions, you are certifying that you are authorized and willing to provide the proposed products and services in those regions. Designating regions in which you are either unable or unwilling to provide the specified products and services shall be grounds for either rejection of your Proposal or, if awarded, termination of your Contract. Additionally, if you do not plan to service Texas Cooperative members (i.e., if you will service only states other than Texas), you must so indicate on this form. 7 Company Name 4 Company Name Metro Fire Apparatus Specialis 7 Texas Regional Service Designation 5 Select only one of the following options. If you select "I will NOT serve all Regions of Texas", you must then check the individual Regions you wish to serve. All Regions 7 Region 1 6 Region 1 - Edinburg ❑ Region 1 (1) Page 11 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 7 Region 2 7 Region 2 - Corpus Christi ❑ Region 2 (2) 7 Region 3 8 Region 3 - Victoria ❑ Region 3 (3) 7 Region 4 9 Region 4 - Houston ❑ Region 4 (4) 8 Region 5 0 Region 5 - Beaumont ❑ Region 5 (5) 8 Region 6 Region 6 - Huntsville ❑ Region 6 (6) 8 Region 7 2 Region 7 - Kilgore ❑ Region 7 (7) 8 Region 8 3 Region 8 - Mount Pleasant ❑ Region 8 (8) 8 Region 9 4 Region 9 - Wichita Falls ❑ Region 9 (9) 8 Region 10 5 Region 10 - Richardson ❑ Region 10 (10) 8 Region 11 6 Region 11 - Fort Worth ❑ Region 11 (11) 8 Region 12 7 Region 12 - Waco ❑ Region 12 (12) 8 Region 13 8 Region 13 - Austin ❑ Region 13 (13) Page 12 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 8 Region 14 9 Region 14 - Abilene ❑ Region 14 (14) 9 Region 15 0 Region 15 - San Angelo ❑ Region 15 (15) 9 Region 16 1 Region 16 - Amarillo ❑ Region 16 (16) 9 Region 17 2 Region 17 - Lubbock ❑ Region 17 (17) 9 Region 18 3 Region 18 - Midland ❑ Region 18 (18) 9 Region 19 4 Region 19 - El Paso ❑ Region 19 (19) 9 Region 20 5 Region 20 - San Antonio ❑ Region 20 (20) 9 State Service Designation 6 State Service Designation - Refer to Form in Proposal Invitation. As set forth in the Proposal Invitation, it is the Cooperative's intent that other governmental entities in the United States have the opportunity to purchase goods or services awarded under the Contract, subject to applicable state law, through a piggy -back award or similar agreement through the National Purchasing Cooperative BuyBoard. If you plan to service the entire United States or only specific states, you must complete this form accordingly. (Note: If you plan to service Texas Cooperative members, be sure that you complete the Texas Regional Service Designation form.) In addition to this form, to be considered for a piggy -back award by the National Purchasing Cooperative, you must have an authorized representative sign the National Purchasing Cooperative Vendor Award Agreement that follows this form. If you serve different states for different products or services included in your Proposal, you must complete and submit a separate State Service Designation form for each group of products and clearly indicate the products or services to which the designation applies. By designating a state or states, you are certifying that you are authorized and willing to provide the proposed products and services in those states. Designating states in which you are either unable or unwilling to provide the specified products and services shall be grounds for either rejection of your Proposal or, if awarded, termination of your Contract. 9 Company Name 7 Company Name Metro Fire Apparatus Specialis Page 13 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 9 State Service Designation 8 Select only one of the following options. If you select "I will NOT serve all States", you must then check the individual States you wish to serve. I will not serve all states in the United States 9 Alabama 9 Alabama ❑ Alabama (AL) 1 Alaska 0 0 Alaska ❑ Alaska (AK) 1 Arizona Arizona ❑ Arizona (AZ) 1 Arkansas 0 Arkansas ❑ Arkansas (AR) 1 California 0 3 California (Public Contract Code 20118 & 20652) ❑ California (CA) 1 Colorado 0 4 Colorado ❑ Colorado (CO) 1 Connecticut 0 Connecticut J Connecticut (CT) 1 Delaware 0 Delaware ❑ Delaware (DE) 1 District of Columbia 0 7 District of Columbia ❑ District of Columbia (DC) 1 Florida 0 8 Florida ❑ Florida (FL) 1 Georgia 9 Georgia ❑ Georgia (GA) Page 14 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 1 Hawaii UHawaii ❑ Hawaii (HI) 1 Idaho 1 1 Idaho ❑ Idaho (ID) 1 Illinois 1 2 Illinois ❑ Illinois (IL) 1 Indiana 1 Indiana ❑ Indiana (IN) 1 Iowa 1 Iowa ❑ Iowa (IA) 1 Kansas 1 Kansas ❑ Kansas (KS) 1 Kentucky 1 6 Kentucky ❑ Kentucky (KY) 1 Louisiana 1 Louisiana ❑ Louisiana (LA) 1 Maine 8 Maine ❑ Maine (ME) 1 Maryland 1 9 Maryland ❑ Maryland (MD) 1 Massachusetts 2 0 Massachusetts ❑ Massachusetts (MA) 1 Michigan 2 1 Michigan ❑ Michigan (MI) Page 15 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 1 Minnesota 2 Minnesota ❑ Minnesota (MN) 1 Mississippi 3 Mississippi ❑ Mississippi (MS) 1 Missouri 2 Missouri ❑ Missouri (MO) 1 Montana 22 Montana ❑ Montana (MT) 1 Nebraska 2 6 Nebraska ❑ Nebraska (NE) 1 Nevada 2 Nevada ❑ Nevada (NV) 1 New Hampshire 2 8 New Hampshire ❑ New Hampshire (NH) 1 New Jersey 2 9 New Jersey ❑ New Jersey (NJ) 1 New Mexico 6 New Mexico ❑ New Mexico (NM) 1 New York 3 1 New York ❑ New York (NY) 1 North Carolina 3 2 North Carolina ❑ North Carolina (NC) 1 North Dakota 3 3 North Dakota ❑ North Dakota (ND) Page 16 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 1 Ohio 4 Ohio ❑ Ohio (OH) 1 Oklahoma 3 5 Oklahoma ❑ Oklahoma (OK) 1 Oregon 3 Oregon ❑ Oregon (OR) 1 Pennsylvania 3 7 Pennsylvania ❑ Pennsylvania (PA) 1 Rhode Island 3 8 Rhode Island ❑ Rhode Island (RI) 1 South Carolina 3 9 South Carolina ❑ South Carolina (SC) 1 South Dakota 4 0 South Dakota ❑ South Dakota (SD) 1 Tennessee Tennessee ❑ Tennessee (TN) 1 Texas 4 Texas ❑ Texas (TX) 1 Utah 4 3 Utah ❑ Utah (UT) 1 Vermont 4 Vermont ❑ Vermont (VT) 1 Virginia 45 Virginia ❑ Virginia (VA) Page 17 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 1 Washington 4 6 Washington ❑ Washington (WA) 1 West Virginia 4 7 West Virginia ❑ West Virginia (WV) 1 Wisconsin 4 Wisconsin ❑ Wisconsin (WI) 4 Wyoming 9 Wyoming ❑ Wyoming (WY) Bid Lines 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Firearms and Ammunition. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 18 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Tactical Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 2% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Paratech Alternate 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Tactical Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 % Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Broco-Rankin Page 19 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 3 Section I: Equipment. Products. and Supplies Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Night Sticks and Batons. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Streamlight Page 20 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 4 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Riot Equipment/Body Armor. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 % Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Fire Ninja Page 21 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 5 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Vehicle Equipment and Related Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 4% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Kussmaul Alternate 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog//pricelist for Public Safety Vehicle Equipment and Related Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 2% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". FireTech Page 22 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 6 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Tear Gas/Mace and Related Items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accented. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 23 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 7 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Night Vision and Infrared Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 7% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Bullard Alternate 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount(%) off cataloa/pricelist for Night Vision and Infrared Equipment. Cataloa/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 0% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". FLIR (0% disc to 4% disc) Page 24 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 8 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Thermal Imaging Equipment and Products. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 7% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Bullard Alternate 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Thermal Imaging Equipment and Products. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 0% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". FLIR (0% disc to-4%disc) Page 25 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 9 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Flashlights, Batteries, and Related Items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 41 % Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Streamlight (41 % disc to 44%) Alternate 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Flashlights. Batteries. and Related Items. Cataloa/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 % Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". FoxFury (1 % disc -10% disc) Page 26 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 0 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Electronic Stand-up Vehicles (ESV). Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No gager catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 27 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 1 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Types of Public Safety Patrol Bicycles, Supplies and Related Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 % Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". FoxFury (1 % disc to 10% disc) Page 28 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 2 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Rescue Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 2% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Paratech Page 29 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 3 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Handcuffs and Restraints. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No gager catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 30 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 4 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Scopes and Binoculars. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accented. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 31 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 5 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Alcohol and Drug Testing Products and Related Services. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 32 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 6 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Law Enforcement Training Targets. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No gager catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 33 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 7 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fingerprint Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No gager catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 34 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 1 8 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Law Enforcement Knives and Tools (multipurpose tools, clip tools, mini tools, and related accessories). Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 0% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". WAS Price List (0%-30%) Alternate 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Law Enforcement Knives and Tools (multipurpose tools, clip tools, mini tools, and related accessories). Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 5% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Steck Alternate 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Law Enforcement Knives and Tools (multipurpose tools, clip tools, mini tools, and related accessories). Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 1 % Page 35 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". RescueTech 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 9 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Uniforms, Rainwear, Jackets, Footwear, and Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 20% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Lakeland (20% disc - 40% disc) Alternate 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Uniforms, Rainwear, Jackets. Footwear, and Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". HAIR Page 36 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 0 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Weather Monitoring Systems. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accented. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 37 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 1 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Red Light Monitoring Systems. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accented. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 38 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 2 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Speed Enforcement Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accented. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 39 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 3 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Life Preserver and Related Items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 % Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Fire Ninja Alternate 1 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment Discount(%) off cataloa/pricelist for Public Safety Life Preserver and Related Items. Catalog/Price list MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 % Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". RescueTech Page 40 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 4 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Emergency Radio Dispatch Consoles and related items. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 41 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 5 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Safety and Security Window Film Products. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accented. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 42 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 6 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Gunshot and Threat Detection Products and Systems. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accented. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 43 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 7 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Types Security Access Doors and related accessories (accordion, roll up, wood fold, flat lead post, narrow lead post, and curved). Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 % Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Bear Training Solutions Page 44 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 8 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Public Safety Products and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 2% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Groves (2% disc to 8% disc) Page 45 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 2 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 9 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Equipment Repair Parts. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 0% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Metro Fire Page 46 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 3 Section I: Public Safety Supplies and Equipment 0 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Public Safety Equipment and Products Maintenance/Warranty Agreements. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 0% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Metro Fire Page 47 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 1 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Breathing Apparatus. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 30% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". 3M Scott (30% disc - 33% disc) Page 48 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 2 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots, Helmets and Gear Bags. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 10 Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". HAD( Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots. Helmets and Gear Bags. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 3% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". R&B Fabrications Alternate 2 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots. Helmets and Gear Bags. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Page 49 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Bullard (5% disc to 30% disc) Alternate 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots. Helmets and Gear Bags. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Lakeland (5% disc to 25% disc) Alternate 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Protective Clothing and Rescue Gear including Protective Boots. Helmets and Gear Bags. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 2% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". FireCraft Gloves Page 50 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 3 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Turnout Gear. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 25% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Lakeland Page 51 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 4 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Nomex Station Uniforms. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accented. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 52 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 5 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Communication Devices and Systems. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 2% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". David Clark Page 53 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 6 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for EMS Supplies and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 2% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Metro Fire Pricelist (2%-25%) Page 54 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 7 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Portable Lighting Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 41 % Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Streamlight (41 % disc - 44%) Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Portable Lighting Equipment. Cataloa/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 % Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". FoxFury (1 % disc - 10% disc) Alternate 2 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Portable Lighting Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 3% Page 55 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Super Vac Command Light 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 8 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Vehicle Light Bars, Sirens, and Speakers. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 3% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". FireTech Page 56 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 9 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Extrication Rescue Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 7% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Paratech Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/Qricelist for Fire Extrication Rescue Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 22% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Super Vac Alternate 2 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Extrication Rescue Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 0% Page 57 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Metro Fire Pricelist (0%-25%) 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 0 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Firehouse Uniforms, Rainwear, Jackets, Footwear and Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 20% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Lakeland (20% disc - 40%) Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/aricelist for Firehouse Uniforms, Rainwear, Jackets. Footwear and Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 10% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". FiAX Page 58 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 Alternate 2 4 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Firehouse Uniforms, Rainwear, Jackets, Footwear and Accessories. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 0% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Metro Fire Pricelist (0% - 25% Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Gas Detection Devices, Cameras, and Systems. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 2% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". GfG Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Gas Detection Devices. Cameras. and Systems. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 2% Page 59 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Teledyne 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 2 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 23% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". TFT Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off cataloq/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 38% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Key Hose Page 60 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 Alternate 2 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off cataloo/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 15% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Kochek (15% disc to 25%) Alternate 3 Section ll: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose and Nozzles. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 0% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". New Force 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 3 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Extinguishers and Fire Fighting Foam. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 15% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Page 61 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Perimeter Solutions Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Extinguishers and Fire Fighting Foam. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Johnson Control (5% to 12%) 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 4 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Hose Hydrostatic Testing Services. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 62 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 5 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Fighting Training Materials and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Super Vac Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Fighting Training Materials and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 % Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Bear Training Solutions Alternate 2 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Fire Fighting Training Materials and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 3% Page 63 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Unifire 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 6 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Optical Emergency Traffic Pre-Emption Supplies and Equipment. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. No Bid Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". No response Page 64 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 7 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Firehouse Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 0% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Metro Fire Pricelist (0%-25%) Alternate 1 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Firehouse Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 % Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Groves (1 % disc to 8% disc) Alternate 2 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Firehouse Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 1 % Page 65 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Arctic Alternate 3 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Firehouse Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 5% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Tempest (5% disc to 12%) Alternate 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment Discount%) off catalog/pricelist for All Other Firehouse Equipment and Supplies. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 20% Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Council Tools Page 66 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 8 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Firehouse Equipment Repair Parts. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 0% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog(s)/pricelist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Metro Fire Pricelist Page 67 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 4 Section II: Firehouse Supplies and Equipment 9 Discount (%) off catalog/pricelist for Firehouse Equipment and Products Safety Maintenance/Warranty Agreements. Catalog/Pricelist MUST be included or proposal will not be considered. Total: 0% Item Notes: PROPOSAL NOTE: Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/priceIist(s) with their Proposal response or the Proposal will not be considered. Vendors shall submit catalog (s)/pricelist(s) with the Proposal in a readily available and readable electronic format, with Excel or searchable PDF preferred. No paper catalogs or manufacturer/vendor websites will be accepted. Vendors proposing multiple manufacturer product lines and/or catalog/pricelist per line item must submit the information as follows or proposal may not be considered: • Select "Add Alternate" for each additional manufacturer product line and/or catalog/pricelist proposed • Vendor's must list one specific percentage discount for each manufacturer and/or catalog/pricelist listed Item Attributes 1. State Name of Catalog/Pricelist Proposed with Discount Percentage NOTE: Do not include SKU, Reference Numbers, Websites, and/or "See Attached/Enclosed". Metro Fire Pricelist 5 I Section III: Installation and Repair Service 0 Hourly Labor Rate for Installation/Repair Service of Public Safety Equipment and Products - Not to Exceed hourly labor rate for Installation/Repair Service of Public Safety Equipment and Products. Quantity: 1 UOM: Hourly Labor Rate Price: I Total: 1 $175.00 5 I Section III: Installation and Repair Service 1 Hourly Labor Rate for Installation/Repair Service of Firehouse Equipment and Products - Not to Exceed hourly labor rate for Installation/Repair Service of Public Safety Equipment and Products. Quantity: 1 UOM: Hourly Labor Rate Price: $175.00 Total: 1 $175.00 Response Total: $350.00 Page 68 of 68 pages Vendor: Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. 698-23 METRO FIRE APPARATUS SPECIALISTS, INC. 2022 Fire & Safety Equipment Repair Parts Pricelist All Public Safety Equipment Repair Parts will be offered at the Manufacturer's latest MSRP price schedule with no discount offered. www.mfas.com 713-692-0911 METRO FIRE APPARATUS SPECIALISTS, INC. 2022 Fire & Safety Products Maintenance/Warranty Pricelist All product maintenance and warranty will be performed at the Manufacturer's latest published MSRP price and Hourly Labor rate schedule with no discount offered. www.mfas.com 713-692-0911 METRO FIRE APPARATUS SPECIALISTS, INC. 2022 Firehouse Equipment Repair Parts Pricel ist All Firehouse Equipment Repair Parts will be offered at the Manufacturer's latest MSRP price schedule with no discount offered. www.mfas.com 713-692-0911 METRO FIRE APPARATUS SPECIALISTS, INC. 2022 Firehouse Equipment & Products Maintenance/Warranty Pricel ist All product maintenance and warranty will be performed at the Manufacturer's latest published MSRP price and Hourly Labor rate schedule with no discount offered. www.mfas.com 713-692-0911 METRO FIRE APPARATUS SPECIALISTS, INC. 2022 Hourly Rate for Installation/Repair of Public Safety Equipment & Products Pricel ist All product installation and repair rate shall be performed at an hourly rate of $175.00 per hour with no additional discount offered. www.mfas.com 713-692-0911 METRO FIRE APPARATUS SPECIALISTS, INC. 2022 Hourly Rate for Installation/Repair of Firehouse Equipment & Products Pricel ist All product installation and repair rate shall be performed at an hourly rate of $175.00 per hour with no additional discount offered. www.mfas.com 713-692-0911 EXHIBIT C CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT Pursuant to Chapter 176 of the Local Government Code, any person or agent of a person who contracts or seeks to contract for the sale or purchase of property, goods, or services with a local governmental entity (i.e. The City of Fort Worth) must disclose in the Questionnaire Forms CIQ ("Questionnaire") the person's affiliation or business relationship that might cause a conflict of interest with the local governmental entity. By law, the Questionnaire must be filed with the Fort Worth City Secretary no later than seven days after the date the person begins contract discussions or negotiations with the City, or submits an application or response to a request for proposals or bids, correspondence, or another writing related to potential agreement with the City. Updated Questionnaires must be filed in conformance with Chapter 176. A copy of the Questionnaires Form CIQ is enclosed with submittal documents. The form is also available at http://www.ethics.state.tx.us/forms/CIQ.pdf. If you have any questions about compliance, please consult your own legal counsel. Compliance is the individual responsibility of each person or agent of a person who is subject to the filing requirement. An offense under Chapter 176 is a Class C misdemeanor. NOTE: If you are not aware of a Conflict of Interest in any business relationship that you might have with the City, state Contractor name in the # 1, use N/A in each of the areas on the form. However, a signature is required in the #7 box in all cases. Revised 6.9.202 ] cc CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE FORM CIO For veniior doiilg business with local ryovemniefitaI Lafltiiy This questionnaire reflects changes made is the law by RD. 23. 04ih leg., Reguisr Session OFFICE USE ONLY Lis qustionnaim is fieiri tiled ir- accordance vita C#raptei 176, LI» Government Gode, try a vendee whc lras a bmLness relwiltnship as d@flnod by Secsian 176_00i(l-al with a iacai gcvwnmwa4 an[Lmy and the - vef6m meats requeemergs under SaLtDrl 176.rDK5 l Ey law thts quastronnairo must be filed wit; & raxrl3l� adminislrewr Gttha Ilxai gouamotental ffft nGI icier try, tha Ali busini day after Me daua the vendor beoames aware Of facts thal VeqUP2 ttlg slaLemgnt io Jk fifut See m t76_Ma-a). Loud Covorimiant Code_ A va dx commies an Gthnsg ff ft vendor Krowingly vko� $ertiman 176.0%, Local Government Coda Ar allon88 under tis S92S m m a xwsclgrneanOf_ t Nam n1vm dlorwhohasabusinessrelationshipvfidi-k calw4ammenial entity. Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc. has no Conflict of Interest with any City of Fort Worth employee, official or agent. GNalek this bm Nyou ire Ding an up'diha W a "iou* IAed q uestionnalka. (i ha law requires tfrat you fFlsan updated completad quastionriairg with the appimpriwa Ming atJttroiity not Wi?r tharl the 7th business day after the date 1)n which you beca:rie aware that ttm originally fled questionnaire was Fnconxpleta or inaccurate,i 3 N me of locol government officer aboui wham Ihg inforrnis6on is being cisclosed. Name Of otfacer 41 Describs each amploymenl or olhar busimas refationshlip wn tM Irxal gavAFinmenl otfcor, or a farnHy mL3mbef of the officer. as described by Section 176.002{a)(2)(A). Aisa describe any family mlationship with thel local gov-Gmni?ent off icer. Co mplete subparls F4 9 nd B for each employment or busi Fees miationship d tiwrl bed. Attar h additional pages to thas Fo rm CI;Q as necessary. A. IG the local government offices or 3 family member of the oft;rcar receiving or Iikaiiy to rgCeiWg tarablo iworng- athar han IrNastment income. from the vendor Yes M N o B3 I� th g vendor receiving flr Akely to rgcarwa taxabe ineoma, other than fnvastmgrA irlcorrw, f€d6rrE flr al flig €Frectir n of to local government officar or 9 Family ffw;n bgr of the officer AND the taxable income Is not reogiwed 6rom [he IocaJ governmental ant ty7 13 vas El N o 51 13escribgsach employment or Inusinass relationsho that thavendor name-d in Section 1 maintnfns with a corplofutfon Or olher business entity wish msplect la which the local government officer serves as an officer of director, or hoIds an ownership interest of one percent of more, 3 Ghsluk ibis box if the vendor has garan the local govemmgrit off�-er or a family mi9mber of the 9ffC13Fone or more gifts as dascribgd in Section 176.&Pa(a)(21;13), excFucjing gifts described in Secuan 176_13CGfa 11. Apr 12, 2023 natrus of vGfox wing businm I ial gwerrawenul gffft Form provided by T-mm Rhi� Canuissioe Wow ethics.stat$.IN- us lie iced I; rr2!11?-t CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE For vendor doing business with local governmental entity A Complete Copy of Chapter 176 of ine Locai 0oveT?)r-;ent Cade may be found at Wp:?,vJww.siaades?egis-slat@-tx.-s Docs/LahftLCI T76-htm. Far easy reference- below are some of the secliarts cited fln tills farm. Local Government Code 4176.00111-W: "Business reladanship" means a connection between two or more parties eased on commercial activity of fine of the parties. The term does not include a connection based on: (A) a transaction that is s ubfect to rate or fee regulation by a federal, state, or local governmental entity o r a r- agency of a federal, state, or local governmental entity; (D) a transaction conducted at a price and subject to terns available to the putkcI or (C) a pu rehase or lease of goods or services from a person that is ch altered by a state or federal agency and that is suNact to reau lar exami nation by, and reporring to. That agency - Local Government Code 4176.00Xa](29A) and I B1 {ai Alocal governmentofficefshall file aconflictsdisclosure statement with respect to avendarif, (2) thevendor: (A} has an ern pioyment or other business relation sh ip with tha lucal government officer or a family member of the officer that results an the officer or family member receiving taxable income, other than rrvestr ent income, that exceeds $2.E00 during the 12-month period preceding the date that the offices becomes aware that (i) a cnntracli between the local governmental entity and vendor has been executed; or (ii) the loeal governmental entity is considering enlerMg into a contract wth the vendor, (l3) has given ta#wIccalgovernmentofficer urafamily member cf!heatficeroneormoregfts that have arraggregate vahie of mare than $100 in the 12-month gallod preceding the date the ❑fficer becomes aware that (i) a cow act between the local governn-moral entity and vendor has been executed; of (i i) the local governmental entity is considering errtering into a contract with the vendor Local Government Code § 176.00Va} and 13-11 (a) Avendor shalIIHeacarnpletedconflictofinterestquestionnaire ifthe vendor has abus inessrelatior�sr:r; w1ha local govern menial entity and: (T) has an employment of other business reladanship with a local government officer of that local governmental entity, or family member of the officer, described by Section 176-003(a)(2gA) (2) has given a local gomernment officer of that local governmental entity, or a family member of th c officer, one or more giflswith the aggregate value specified by Section 173.003(a)(2)(B), excluding any gift described by Section 17 G.0031a-1); or (3) has a family relationship with a local govemmerlt officer of that local governmental entity. (a-1) The completed conflict r}f interest quest nnaire rrltrst be filed with the appropriate records administrator not later than the seventh business day after the later of: (T) the date that the vendor - (A) begins di scussions o r negotiations to enter into a contract with the local governmental entity; of (l3) submits to the loCial governmental entity an appiicarion, response to a request f or proposals or bids, correspondence, or srtother writing reJated to a potential contract with the local governmental erttily; or (2) me date the vendor Becomes aware: (Al of an employment or other business relationship with a Incal government afficer, or a family member of the officer, described by Subsection (a)-, (B) Mat the vendor has givers one or mare gifts described by Subsection (a); or (C) of a family relationsh ip with a local government otttcer Form prwidedbyfem DhicsCuww4s.fan www.oNcs.atare-lz.us ReVesed IM421 4/6/23, 3:33 PM M&C Review Official site of the City of Fort Worth, Texas CITY COUNCIL AGENDA F0" — � Create New From This M&C DATE: 3/21/2023 REFERENCE **M&C 23- LOG NAME: 13PCOOP BB 698-23 NO.: 0210 PUBLIC SAFETY JF CITY CODE: P TYPE: CONSENT PUBLIC NO HEARING: SUBJECT. (ALL) Authorize Non -Exclusive Purchase Agreements with Multiple Vendors Using BuyBoard Cooperative Contract No. 698-23 for the Purchase of Public Safety and Firehouse Supplies and Equipment in a Combined Annual Amount Not to Exceed $13,264,774.00 for City Departments RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize non-exclusive purchase agreements with multiple vendors using BuyBoard Cooperative Contract No. 698-23 for the purchase of public safety and firehouse supplies and equipment in a combined annual amount not to exceed $13,264,774.00 for City Departments and authorize two consecutive one-year renewal options for the same combined annual amount. DISCUSSION: The Police, Fire, Aviation, Municipal Court and Water Departments approached the Purchasing Division to enter into agreements with the awarded vendors under BuyBoard Contract No. 698-23. The contract offers a variety of products including tactical/riot equipment, vehicle equipment, night vision/thermal imaging equipment, fingerprint equipment, uniforms, red light monitoring systems, speed enforcement equipment, breathing apparatus, protective clothing, gas detection devices, firearms, ammunition and fire hoses/nozzles. The contract also includes hourly labor rates for installation and repair services. City Departments will utilize the agreements to purchase supplies and equipment for police officers, firefighters, marshals and new recruits on an as -needed basis. Vendors will be selected from BuyBoard's Final Catalog Award Report according to price and availability. BuyBoard Contract No. 698-23 has an initial term beginning on April 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024, and includes two one-year renewal options. The Request for Proposal for BuyBoard Contract No. 698-23 was published on July 12, 2022, and responses were opened on November 10, 2022. BuyBoard contracts offer fixed discounts. Staff reviewed the pricing and determined it to be fair and reasonable. State law provides that a local government purchasing an item under a cooperative purchasing agreement satisfies state laws requiring that the local government seek competitive bids for purchase of the items. BuyBoard contracts have been competitively bid to increase and simplify the purchasing power of government entities. Staff from the user -departments identified multiple vendors with which they wanted to enter into an agreement. Approval of this M&C authorizes the City execute agreements with the following vendors: Casco Industries, Inc., Clyde Armory, Inc., CMC Government Services, Inc., Dana Safety Supply, Inc., G T Distributors, Inc., Galls, LLC, Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc., M-Pak, Inc., Municipal Emergency Services, Inc., Precision Delta Corporation, Primary Arms, L.L.C., Proforce Marketing, Inc., Stonewall Supply Company, LLC., TXAT, LLC, VDAL Enterprises, Inc. dba Big Country Supply, and BMC Consolidated LLC dba OB Traffic. The maximum annual amount allowed under the agreements will be $13,264,774.00, however the actual amount used will be based on the need of the department and available budget. The annual department allocation for these agreements is: Departments Annual Amount Police $11,824,438.00 apps.cfwnet.org/counciI_packet/mc_review.asp?ID=30838&counciIdate=3/21/2023 1/3 4/6/23, 3:33 PM Departments Fire Municipal Court Water Aviation Annual Amount $1,200,000.00 $200,000.00 $36,900.00 $3,436.00 M&C Review Funding is budgeted in the various participating departments operating budgets and in the CCPD Capital Projects Fund for the PD FY23 Vehicle Replacements project, in the Grant Operating State Fund for the Bullet -Resistant Shields FY23 project and the Special Revenue MC Fund for the Court Technology Fees project, as appropriated. The agreements may be renewed for up to two additional one-year terms, in accordance with the terms of the BuyBoard Contract. An administrative change order or increase may be made by the City Manager up to the amount allowed by relevant law and the Fort Worth City Code and does not require specific City Council approval as long as sufficient funds have been appropriated. A M/WBE goal is not assigned when purchasing from an approved purchasing cooperative or public entity. This project will serve ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are available in the current operating and capital budgets, as previously appropriated, in the participating departments' Operating Funds, in the CCPD Capital Projects Fund for the PD FY23 Vehicle Replacements project, in the Grant Operating State Fund for the Bullet -Resistant Shields FY23 project and the Special Revenue MC Fund for the Court Technology Fees project to support the approval of the above recommendation and execution of the purchase agreements. Prior to an expenditure being incurred, the participating departments have the responsibility to validate the availability of funds. BQN\\ TO Fund Department I Account Projeclt Program Activity Budget Reference ID ID # Amount Year (Chartfield 2) FROM Fund Department Account Project ID I ID Submitted for City Manager's Office by_ Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: ATTACHMENTS Program Activity Budget Reference # Amount Year I (Chartfield 2) Reginald Zeno (8517) Fernando Costa (6122) Reginald Zeno (8517) Neil Noakes (4212) Jo Ann Gunn (8525) Jesus Fernandez (6467) 1295 - Big CountrySupply pdf (CFW Internal) apps.cfwnet.org/council_packeUmc_review.asp?I D=30838&cou nci ddate=3/21 /2023 2/3 4/6/23, 3:33 PM M&C Review 1295 - BMC Consolidated LLC.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295 - Casco Industries Inc.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295 - Clyde Armory Inc.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295 - CIVIC Government Services Inc.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295 - DANA SAFETY SUPPLY.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295 - Galls, LLC.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295 - GT DISTRIBUTORS INC.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295 - M-Pak.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295 -METRO FIRE APPARATUS SPECIALISTS INC.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295 - Municipal Emergency Services, Inc.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295 - PRECISION DELTA CORPORATION.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295 - Primary Arms, LLC.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295 - Proforce Marketing, Inc. dba Proforce Law Enforcement.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295 - Stonewall Supply Company LLC.pdf (CFW Internal) 1295 - TXAT.pdf (CFW Internal) 13PCOOP BB 698-23 PUBLIC SAFETY JF CITY funds availability_pdf (CFW Internal) 13PCOOP BB 698-23 PUBLIC SAFETY JF CITY Updated FID.xlsx (CFW Internal) BMC Consolidated.pdf (CFW Internal) BuyBoard's Final Catalog Award Report.pdf (CFW Internal) Casco Industries, Inc..pdf (CFW Internal) Clyde Armory, Inc..pdf (CFW Internal) CIVIC Government Services Inc.pdf (CFW Internal) Dana Safety Supplypdf (CFW Internal) Galls LLC.pdf (CFW Internal) GT Distributors Inc.PNG (CFW Internal) M-Pak.pdf (CFW Internal) Metro Fire Apparatus Specialists, Inc..pdf (CFW Internal) Municipal Emergency Services, Inc..pdf (CFW Internal) Precision Delta Corp.pdf (CFW Internal) Primary Arms, LLC.pdf (CFW Internal) Proforce Marketing, Inc..pdf (CFW Internal) Stonewall Supply Company.PNG (CFW Internal) TXAT, LLC.pdf (CFW Internal) VDAL Enterprises, Inc dba Big Country Supplypdf (CFW Internal) apps.cfwnet.org/council_packet/mc_review.asp?I D=30838&cou nci ddate=3/21 /2023 3/3