HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 26088-04-2023ORDINANCE NO. 26088-04-2023 AN ORDINANCE AME NDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE NO. 21653, AS AMENDED, SAME BEING AN ORDINANCE REGULATING AND RESTRICTING THE LOCATION AND USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES, AND LAND FOR TRADE, INDUSTRY, RESIDENCE OR OTHER PURPOSES, THE HEIGHT, NUMBER OF STORIES AND SIZE OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES, THE SIZE OF YARDS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES, OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING, AND THE DENSITY OF POPULATION, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSES DIVIDING THE MUNICIPALITY INTO DISTRICTS OF SUCH NUMBER, SHAPE AND AREA AS MAY BE DEEMED BEST SUITED TO CARRY OUT THESE REGULATIONS AND SHOWING SUCH DISTRICTS AND THE BOUNDARIES THEREOF UPON "DISTRICT MAPS"; PROVIDING FOR INTERPRETATION, PURPOSE AND CONFLICT; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE CUMULATIVE OF ALL ORDINANCES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION AND NAMING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH: SECTION 1. ZC-23-006 4444 South Freeway 0.69 ac. Zoning Change: To: Add Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow an automated carwash facility in "FR" General Commercial Restricted; with development waiver for vacuum canopies in front of the building, site plan approved, attached as Exhibit A and B on file in the Development Services Department. Description: Putt-Pu tt Additi o n Blo ck 1 Lot 2B ZC-22-214 8950 Creek Run Road & 8951 Cottonwood Village 2.2 ac. Zoning Change: From: "AR" One-Family Restricted/ PD 623 "PD/SU" Planned Development/Specific Use for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial; excluding the following uses: Massage Parlor, Tattoo Parlor, Pawn Shop, Liquor or Package Store, and Convenience Store, site plan waived To: "PD/E" Planned Development for all uses in "E" Neighborhood Commercial plus Warehouse, site plan approved, attached as Exhibit C and D and on file in the Development Services Department A pril 11 , 2 023 Ordin a nce Ordin ance No . 26 088-0 4 -2023 Page 1 of 11 Description: BEING a tract of land situated in the William We lch Survey, Abstract No. 1668, and the John Sm ith Survey Abstract No. 1446 in the City of Fort Worth , Tarrant County, Texas and being a portion of Lot 2r2, Block 2 of th e Cotto nwood Vi II age Addition , according to the plat thereof recorded in lnstrument No. D211207741 of the Plat Records Of Tarrant Cou nty, Texas (P.R.T.C.T.), and a ll of Lot 2, B lock 1 of the Academy At Waterchase, according to the plat thereofrecorded in Cab in et A, S lid e 12 138 , P.R.T.C.T. And being more particularly described as fo ll ows: BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod found for the northwest corner of sa id Lot 2r2, the same being the northernmost northeast corner of Lot 2rl , Block 2, Cottonwood Village Add iti on , as shown on the plat recorded in Instrument No. 021120774 I , P.R.T.C.T., the same being in the so uth erl y boundary lin e of Lot 1, Block 1, the link s at Waterchase as shown on the Plat Recorded In Cabinet A, page 5914 , P.R.T.C.T.; Thence N 89 °18'13 " E, w ith the so uth erly lin e of said Lot 1 and the north line of sa id Lo t 2r2, a distance of 400.18' to a 1/2" iron rod fo und , the same being an int erior corner of said Lot 1, the same being the northeast corner of sa id Lot 2r2; THENCE S 00 °04'44" W, with the common lin e betwee n Lot 1 And Lot 2r2, a distance of 109.01' to a 1/2" iron rod foun d with a cap stamped "Landes", the same being the northwest corner of said Lot 2, the same being the easternmost southwest corner of sa id Lot 1, the same being in the east boundary lin e of said Lot 2r2 ; THENCE N 89 °21 '51" E , wit h the so uth lin e of said Lot 1, a distance of 86.13' to a I /2" iron rod set wit h a cap stamped "Topographic", th e same being the northeast corner of said Lot 2 ; THENCE with th e east lin e of said Lot 2 and th e west lin e of an ingress-egress ease ment, as recorded in instrument no. D2043 l 8769, O .P .R .T.C.T. T he fo ll owin g two (2) courses: THENCE S 38 °34'56 " E, a distance of 62 .26' to a 1/2" iron rod found for the beginning of a c urve to the right; THENCE with a curve to th e right, having a radius of 171 .7 1 ', an arc length of l 08.92', and a c hord bearing an d di sta nce of S 2 0°29'19" E, l 07.1 O' to a 1/2" iron rod set with a cap sta mped "Topographi c", the same being th e southeast corner of said Lot 2 ; THENCE S 84°14'4 1" W, with th e so uth lin e of sa id Lot 2 , a distance of 163.49' to a 1/2" iron rod set with a ca p stamp ed "Top ographi c", the same be in g the so uthwest corner of sa id Lo t 2, the sam e bei ng in the east bound ary lin e of sa id Lot 2r2, the same be in g the no rth east corner of the remai nd er of Lot 1, Block I , the Acade my at Waterchase as s hown on the pl at recorded in Cabin et A, Page 4691, P.R.T.C.T.; THENCE S 00 °04'44" W, with th e east lin e of sa id Lot 2r2 and the west lin e of sai d remai nd er of Lot 1, Block 1, a di sta nce of 41.42' to a l /2" iron rod set with a cap stamped "To pograp hi c"; THENCE S 89°5 1'39" W, over and across said Lot 2r2, a distance of 12 9 .01 ' to a 1/2" iron ro d set with a cap sta mp ed "Topographic", th e sa me be in g in the east bound ary lin e of said Lot 2rl ; THENCE N 43 °10'27" E , with th e east line of sai d Lot 2rl, a distance of 41.04' to a 5/8" iron rod fou nd , th e same being th e east co rn er of said Lot 2r l , the same bei ng an interior corner of sa id Lot 2r2 ; THENCE N 46 °53'04" W, wi th the co mmo n lin e of Lot 2r l and Lot 2r2 , a di stance of 409.31' to the PLACE OF BEGINNING a nd containin g 2.2 04 acres of land. SP-23-001 7513 Summer Creek 1.7 ac. Zoning Change: To: Add site plan for PD 246 "PD/E" Planned Development for all uses April 11 , 2 023 Ordinance Ordinance No. 26 088 -04-2023 Page 2 of 11 in the "E" Neighborhood Commercial, site plan approved, attached as Exhibit E and on file in the Development Services Department Description: Co lumbu s Trai l Addition Block 1 Lot 7 & 8 ZC-22-188 3701 Meadowbrook Dr Zoning Change: From: "A-5" One Family, 0.25 ac. To: "PD/A-7.5" Planned Development for all uses in "A-7.5" One-Family plus triplex, site plan approved, attached as Exhibits F and G and on file in the Development Services Department Description: Stratford Addition B lock 2 Lot I Description: A S Hall Add iti on Block 10 Lot 11 Less 10 feet ZC-23-013 2808 Strong Ave Zoning Change: From: "A-5" One-Family To: "B" Two-Family District Description: Burchill Addition Block 7 Lot 13 & 14 ZC-23-014 13108 & 13116 S. Pipeline Rd Zoning Change: From: "E" Neighborhood Commercial To: "A-7.5" One Family Description: 0.33 ac. 1.87 ac. SITUATED in the C ity of Fort Worth , Tarrant County, Texas, and being a tract of land in the G. W. COUCH SURVEY, Abstract No. 279, and said tract embracing all those certain tracts conveyed to Girgis Mosaad, a married person, by deeds recorded as C lerk's Fi les No. D22118 l 834 and D22 l l 8 J 833 , and all being described as one parcel as fo ll ows: BEGINNING at the northwest comer of said Mosaad tract described in said F il e D221181834, said point being at the so uth east corner of the intersection of South Pipeline Road and Eu less South Main Street, and be in g by description 25 feet east and 25 feet south of the n orthwest corner of said Couch Survey ; THENCE South 88 degrees , 43 minutes , 25 seco nd s East with the north lin e of said Mosaad tracts for the south lin e of South Pipeline Road , 3 74.14 feet to th e northeast corner of said Mosaad tract described in said Fi le 0221181833; THENCE South 1 degree, 15 minutes, 45 seconds West w ith the east lin e said Mpsaad tract described in File D22181833 , and partially with a west lin e of Block 1, Trinity Glen Addition, as shown on plat April 11, 2023 Ordinance Ordinance No. 26088-04 -2023 Page 3 of 11 recorded in Cabinet A, S li de 8623 , of the Tarrant Co un ty Plat Records, in a ll 2 18.03 feet to the southeast comer of sa id Mosaad tract described in F il e D 22 118 I 833, and an "L" comer in said B lock 1; THENCE North 88 degree s, 50 minutes , 55 secon ds West with t he so uth lin e of sa id Mosaad tracts , and a no rth line of sa id Block 1, pass in g the most westerly no rthwest comer of sa id Block I , and contin uin g in a ll 3 7 4.53 feet to the southwest corner of said Mosaad tract de sc ribed in F il e D22 11 81834 ; THENCE North 1 degree, 2 1 minutes , 55 seco nd s East with the west lin e of sa id Mosaad tract desc rib ed in Fi le D221181834 for the east line of E uless South Main Street, 218.85 feet to th e PLACE OF B EG I NN ING, a nd containing 1.8772 acres. ZC-23-016 1520 E Robert St Zoning Change: From: "ER" Neighborhood Commercial To: "A-5" One-Family Residential Description: Rya n So uth east Addition Block 2 1 Lot 17 ZC-23-021 3918 Miller Ave Zoning Change: From: "E" Neighborhood Commercial To: "A-5" One-Family Description: John S Fogarty Subdi vision Lot 3 ZC-23-024 3740 Hopkins St & 4501-4517 (odds) Valentine St Zoning Change: From: "CR" Low Density Multifamily and "I" Light Industrial To: "MU-2" High Intensity Mixed-Use Description: TRACTI 0.14 ac. 0.20 ac. 1.86 ac. BEING a tract of land located in the Samu e l C. Inm an Sur vey, Abstract No. 824 , Tarrant Co un ty, Texas, being all of Lot 4-A2 , Block 7, Factory Place Addition , an add iti on to the C ity of Fort Worth , Tarrant Cou nty, Texas accord in g to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 3244, Plat Records, Tarrant Co unty, Texas (P.R.T.C .T.), a portion of Lot 1-R-A, Block 18 , Factory Place Addit ion, an addit ion to th e City of Fort Worth, Tarrant Co unty, Texas according to th e plat recorded in Cab in et B , Slid e I 651, P.R.T.C .T., and being more particularly described by metes an d bounds as fo ll ows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" iron rod fo und in the northwest r ight-of-way lin e of W. Vickery Boulevard (a variab le widt h right-of-way), said iron rod being the east corner of said Lot 4-A2 and the south corner of Lot l-A-R2 , Block 7, Factory Place, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant Co unty, Texas accord ing to th e plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slid e 5597 , P .R.T.C .T., from whi c h a 1/2" iron rod found with a cap stamped "Landes Assoc" bears N 51 °31 '50" E, 65.40 feet; THENCE S 51 °27'28" W, a long the northwest ri g ht-of-way line of said W. Vickery Boul evard and the south lin e of said Lot 4-A2 , a distance of 160 .2 7 feet to a 5/8" iro n rod found with a red cap, being the intersection of the northwest right-of-way line of sa id W . Vickery Boulevard with the north ri g ht-of-way lin e of Vickery Hulen crossover (a variab le width right-of way); Apri l 11 , 2023 Ord in ance Ordinance No. 26088 -0 4-2023 Page 4 of 11 THENCE 82°05'28" W, along th e south lin e of said lot 4-A2 and the north right-of-way line of said Vickery Hulen crossover, a dista nce of 171.58 feet to a "X" cut set; THENCE 73 °53'55" W, continuing along th e south lin e of sai d Lot 4-A2 and the no rth right-of-way line of said Vickery Hulen crossover, a distance of 95.72 feet to a "X" cut found in the east ri g ht-of-way line of Hulen Street (a variable with right-of-way), bein g the beginning of a c urve to the right; THENCE along the east right-of-way line of said Hulen Street as follows: I. Northwesterly, an arc length of 180 .16 feet along the west li ne of said lot 4-A2 and said curve to the right, having a radius of 140.00 feet, a delta angle of 73 °43'53", and a chord bearing of N 37°01'56" W, 167 .98 feet to a 1/2" iro n rod set with a cap stamped "Wier & Assoc Inc", from which a 5/8" iron rod found bears S 84 °08' E, 0.8 feet; 2. N 00 °09'57" W, continuing along the west lin e of said lot 4-A2, a distance of73.83 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found in the south line of said Lot 1-R-A, being the northwest corner of sa id Lot 4-A2; 3. S 89°56'36" W, along the south line of said lot 1-R-A, a distance of 6.51 feet to a 1/2" iron rod found with a cap stamped "RPLS 1983", being the southwest corner of said Lot 1-R-A, from which a 3/8" iron rod found bears S 10 °52' E, 3.9 feet; 4. N 00 °19'5 l" W , a long the west line of said lot 1-R-A, a distance of 11.73 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found with a cap stamped "BHB In c ", said iron rod being the southwest corner of a tract of land described in a deed to Fort Worth Employees R etirement Fund, recorded in in strument number D209043429, Official Public Records, Tarrant County, Texas (O.P.R.T.C.T.); THENCE along the south line of sai d Fort Worth tract as follows: 1. S 89 °56'58" E, departing the east right-of-way lin e of said Hulen Street and the west line of said Lot 1-R-A, a distance of 123.11 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found with a cap stamped "BHB Inc"; 2. 51 °13'20" E, a distance of39.97 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found with a cap stamped "BHB Inc"; 3. S 38 °46'40" E, a distance of 4. I 1 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found; 4 . N 51 °13'20" E, a di stance of 96.43 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found , being the mo st so utherly west corner of Lot IR, Block 18 , Factory Place Addition, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, S lid e 12677, P .R.T.C .T .; THENCE S 38 °47'33" E, along the most southerly northwest line of said Lot IR, a di stance of 50.00 feet to a "X" cut set, being the south corner of said Lot 1 Rand a re-entrant corner of said Lot 4-A2; THENCE N 51 °17'15" E , along the most easterly northwest line of said Lot 4-A2 and the southeast line of said Lot IR, a distance of SO.OJ feet to a 1/2" iron rod set with a cap stamped "Wier & Assoc Inc", being the most easterly north corner of said Lot 4-A2 and the west corner of Lot 1-ARl, Bloc k 7 of said Factory Place, recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 5597, P.R.T.C.T.; THENCE S 38 °16'50" E, departing the southeast lin e of said Lot IR, along the mo st easterly northeast line of said Lot 4-A2 and the southwest line of said Lot 1-A-Rl , at a distance of 12 3.27 feet passing a 1/2" iron rod found with a cap stamped "Landes Assoc", being the most westerly south corner of said Lot 1-A-RI and the west corner of said Lot l-A -R2, continuing along the northeast line of said Lot 4-A2 and the southwest line of said Lot l -A-R2, at a distance of 256.31 feet passing a 5/8" iron rod found with a cap stamped "Sempco", and continuing in all a total distance of 311.31 feet to the PLACE OF BEGIN ING and containing 2 .547 acres (110,949 square feet) of land , more or less. TRACT2 BEING a tract of land located in the Samuel C. Inman Survey, Abstract No. 824, Tarrant County, Texas, being a portion of Lot IR, Block 18 , Factory Place Addition, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 12677, Plat Records, Tarrant County, Texas (P.R.T.C.T.), and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: April 11 , 2023 Ordinance Ordinance No. 26088-04-2023 Page 5 of 11 BEGINNING at a 5/8" iron rod found in the southwest right-of-way line of Hopkins Street (a 60' wide right-of-way), being the east corner of said Lot 1 R and the north corner of Lot 1-A-Rl , Block 7 , Factory Place, an addition to the City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County , Texas accordin g to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, Slide 5597 , P.R.T.C.T.; THENCE S 51 °31 '50" W , departing the southwest right-of-way line of said Hopkins Street, a long the southeast line of said Lot lR and the northwest lin e of said Lot 1-A-RI , a distance of299.94 feet to a 1/2 " iron rod set with a cap stamped "Wier & As soc Inc", being the west corner of said Lot 1-A-Rl and the most easterly north corner of Lot 4-A2, Block 7 , Factory Place Addition, an addition to the City of Fort Worth , Tarrant County , Texas according to the plat recorded in Cabinet A, S lid e 3244, P .R .T .C .T.; THENCE S 51 °17'15" W , along the southeast lin e of said Lot lR and the most easterly northwest line of said Lot 4-A2 , a distance of 50.01 feet to a "X" cut set, being the south corner of said Lot JR and a re- entrant corner of said Lot 4-A2; THENCE N 38 °47'33" W, a long the most westerly southwest line of said Lot JR and the most northerly northeast line of said Lot 4-A2 , a distance of 50.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found , being the most southerly west corner of said Lot JR and in the southeast line of a tract of land described in a deed to Fort Worth Employees Retirement F und , recorded in Instrument Number D209043429, Official Public Records , Tarrant County, Texas (O.P.R.T.C.T.); THENCE N 51 °40'36" E , along the most southerly northw est line of said Lot JR a nd the southeast lin e of said Fort Worth tract, a distance of 100 .54 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found with a cap stamped "BHB Inc", being the so uthe ast corner of said Fort Worth tract; THENCE N 38 °26'22" W, a long the most southerly northeast line of said Fort Worth tract, a distance of 120.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod found with a cap stamped "BHB Inc" in the most northerly northwest line of sai d Lot IR and the southeast lin e ofa 16' wide a lle y, said iron rod being the most easterly no rth corner of said Fort Worth tract ; THENCE N 51 °40'36" E , a long the most northerly northwest lin e of said Lot lR and the southeast lin e of said alley , a distance of249.62 feet to a 1/2" iron rod set with a cap stamped "Wier & Assoc Inc", being the north comer of said Lot 1 Rand the intersection of the southeast line of sa id a ll ey with the southwest right- of-way line of said Hopkins Street, from which a 1/2" iron rod found (bent) bears N 38 °28'33" W, 1.25 feet; THENCE S 38 °28'33" E, along the southwest right-of-way lin e of said Hopkins Street and the northeast lin e of sa id Lot lR, at a distance of 119 .07 feet passing a 5/8" iron rod found, and continuing in all a total distance of 168 .89 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and containing 1.084 acres (47 ,237 square feet) of land , more or less . TRACT3 BEING a tract of land located in the Samuel C. Inman Survey , Abstract No. 824 and the C . G. Davenport Survey, Abstract No. 404, Tarrant County, Texas , being all of Lots 17 , 18, 19, 20, and 21, Block 18, Factory Place Addition, an addition to the City of Fort Worth , Tarrant County, Texas according to the plat recorded in Volume 204-A, Page 100 , Plat Records, Tarrant Co unty, Texas (P.R.T .C.T.). ZC-23-025 3670 Wichita Street 8.9 ac. Zoning Change: From: "PD915" Planned Development for all uses in "ER" Neighborhood Commercial Restricted uses plus assisted living facility nursing home with full medical services with massage therapy and spa with development standards on file April 11 , 2023 Ordinance Ordinance No . 26088-04-2023 Page 6 of 11 and "PD913" Planned Development for all uses in "A-5" One-Family with development standards on file To: "PD/CF" Planned Development for all uses in "CF" Community Facilities plus care house/group home and offices with development standard s in conformance with Section 4.201 , Zoning Ordinance, and as amended, except as noted for those development standards described in Exhibit H, attached and on fil e with the Development Services Department, site plan submittal deferred Description: BE ING a tract of land situated in the J. JUSTICE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 859, City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas and being a portion of a tract ofland as described in deed to FW Mason Heights LP , recorded in Cou nty C lerk's F il e No. 0207002963 , Official Public Records , Tarrant Co unty , Texas (O.P.R.T.C.T.), a nd being more particularly described as fo ll ows: B EGINN ING at a 1/2 -in ch iron ro d with red plast ic cap stamped "W .A.I. 5714" set for corner at the intersection of the South right-of-way line of Grayson Street (variab le width right-of-way , at this po int) and the West right-of-way lin e of Wich it a St reet (va ri ab le width right-of-way); THENCE South 00 deg 16 min 48 sec East, departing said South right-of-way line and a long said West right-of-way lin e, a distance of 437.01 feet to a 1/2-i nch iron rod with red plastic cap stamped "W.A.I. 57 14 " se t for corner; THEN CE So uth 00 deg 4 1 min 48 sec East, cont inuin g a long sa id West right-of-way lin e , a distance of 310.09 feet to a 1 /2-inch iron rod with red plastic cap stamped "W .A.I. 5714" set for corner; THENCE South 89 deg 39 min 12 sec West, de partin g the West right-of-way lin e of said Wichita Street, a distance of 491 .6 1 feet to a 1/2-in ch iron rod with red plastic cap stamped "W .A.I. 57 14" set for corner; THENCE North 00 deg 32 min 19 sec West, over and across said FW Mason Heights LP tract, a di stance of 811.94 feet to a l /2-in ch iron rod with red plastic cap stamped "W .A .I. 5714 " set for corner, said iron rod being s itu ated in the So uth ri ght-of-way lin e of sai d Grayson Street; THENCE a long the South right-of-way line of said Grayson Street, th e fo ll owing: 1. North 89 deg 27 min 41 sec East, a distance of 107 .36 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod wit h red plastic cap stamped "W .A.I. 57 14" set fo r comer and th e beginning ofa curve to the right hav in g a rad iu s of 430.00 feet , a central ang le of 11 deg 48 min 54 sec , a chord bearin g of So uth 84 deg 37 min 53 sec East and a chord length of88 .51 feet; 2. A long said curve to the right, an arc di stance of 88.67 feet to a 1/2-in ch iron rod with red plastic cap sta mp ed "W.A.l . 57 14" set for corner; 3. So uth 78 deg 43 min 27 sec East, a distance of 177.33 feet to a 1/2-inc h iro n rod with red plast ic cap stamp ed "W .A.I. 57 14" set for comer and th e beg innin g of a curve to the left having a radius of 490.00 feet, a ce ntra l angle ofl 0 d eg 34 min 10 sec, a chord bearing of South 84 d eg 00 min 33 sec East and a cho rd length of 90 .26 feet; 4. A long said c ur ve to the right , an arc distance of 90.39 feet to a 1/2-in ch iron rod wit h red plastic cap sta mp ed "W .A.I. 57 14" set for comer; 5. South 45 deg 24 min 41 sec East, a distance of 14.11 feet to a 1/2-inch iron rod with red plastic cap stamped "W.A .I. 5714" set for co m er ; Apri l 11 , 2023 Ordinance Ordinance No . 26088 -0 4 -2023 Page 7 of I 1 6 . No rth 89 deg 27 min 4 1 sec E ast, a di stance of24.l l feet to the POI NT OF BEGIN NING. CONTAININ G within th ese metes a nd bo und s 8.901 ac res or 387,7 11 sq uare feet of land , mo re or les s . ZC-23-028 3320 W. 4th Street 0 .127 ac. Zoning Change: To: Add Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow an au x iliary parking lot in "B" Two-Family; site plan approved with development waivers to land s caping, screening fence, and au x iliary lot standards, attached as Exhibits I and J and on file with the Development Services Department 5-year term limit Description: Willi a m J . B a il ey Additi o n Bl ock 17 Lo t 15 ZC-23 -029 11413 Mosier Valley & 11450 Trinity Boulevard 13 .99 ac. Zoning Change: From: "AG" Agricultural To: "PD/C" Planned Development for all uses in C Medium Dens ity Multifamily with Development standards in conformance with Section 4. 711, Zoning Ordinance, and as amended, except as noted for development standards for fencing , building height, parking in front of building and site plan approv ed, attached as Exhibits K and L and on file with the Development Services Department Description: TRAC T! B E ING a t ract of la nd s ituated in t he Kitty House Sur vey, A bstract No . 678 , Tarra nt Co un ty , Texas, a nd b ei ng a ll of th at ce rta in tract of land describ ed by deed to HMH Famil y P artnership , LP , as recorded in Co unty C lerk's Docum ent N umb er D 2 0 5366054, Offic ia l P ubli c R ecords of Tarrant Co un ty , Texas (O .P.R.T .C .T.), sa id tract of land be in g mo re p arti cul arl y desc rib ed by metes and bo und s as fo ll ows: B EGI NN IN G at a fo und 1/2 -in ch iro n ro d w ith cap st amp ed "PRI SM SURVEYING" for co rn er in t he so utherl y ri ght-of-way lin e of Trinity B o ul evard (varia bl e w idth ri g ht-of-way) as record e d in D ee d to the C ity of Fort Worth , as record ed in Vo lum e 4 170 , Page 676 , Deed R eco rd s of Tarrant Co unty , Texas (D .R.T .C.T.), be in g th e no rth east co rn e r of a r ight-of-way ac qui siti o n d escr ib ed as "Parcel 23 " in D ee d to th e State of Texas as recorded in Co un ty C lerk's D ocum ent N umb er D 2 01011 982 , O.P.R.T.C.T .; THEN CE orth 88°03'47 " East, with th e so utherl y ri ght -of-way line of said T rini ty Boul evard, a di stance of 1,017.03 fee t to a se t 5/8-in c h iro n rod with cap sta mp ed "DUNAWAY ASSOC." (h ere in referred to as "with ca p") for th e north wes t co rn er of a r ig ht-of-way ac qui s it ion d escrib ed as "Parcel 28 " in D ee d to th e State of Texas as record ed in Co unty C lerk 's D oc um e nt N umb er D2 00 2 16935 , O .P.R.T.C.T.; THENCE So uth 00 °00 '36 " E ast, de partin g th e so uth erl y ri ght-of-way lin e of sai d T rini ty B o ul evard w ith th e east lin e of said HMH Famil y P artn e rship t rac t , a di sta nce of 53 8 .6 1 fee t to a set 5/8-inch iro n ro d w ith cap fo r th e so utheast co rn er of sa id HMH Famil y P artn ership tract, be in g th e no rtheas t co rn er of a tract of lan d d esc ri bed in Warranty D ee d with Ve nd o r's Li en to Earth Haul ers , In c ., as record ed in Co un ty C lerk's D oc um ent N umb er D 2 14001 96 0, O.P .R.T.C.T., and be in g on th e west lin e of a tract of land desc ri bed as "T ra ct II" in Warra nty D ee d w ith Ve nd o r's Li e n to H ec to r A . Ma ld onado a nd Y anc i L. R osa, as recorded in Co un ty Clerk's D ocum e nt N umb er D 2 l 7 123 0 25, O.P.R.T .C.T.; A pril 11 , 2 023 Ordin ance O rdin an ce o . 26 088-04 -2023 P age 8 of 11 THENCE North 89 °50'40 " West, with the so uth lin e of said HMH Family Partnership tract, a distanc e of 1,019 .73 feet to a fo und 5/8-inch iron rod for the so uthwest corner of sa id HMH Family Partnership tract, be in g a corner in the north lin e of Lot 1, Block l , Mosier Valley Additio n, an additi o n to th e C ity of Fort Worth , as reco rded in Cab in et B, Slide 692 , Plat Records of Tarrant Count y, Texas (P.R.T.C.T.); THENCE No rth 00 °2 1'49 " Eas t, with the west line o f sa id HMH Fami ly Partnership tract , a d ista nce of 501.48 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 529,421 sq ua re feet o r 12.153 acres of lan d . TRACT2 BEING a tract of land s itu ated in th e Kitty House Survey, Abstract No. 678 , Tarrant Co unty, Texas , and being all of th at certain tract of land described as "Tract II" by deed to HMH Family Partnership, LP , as recorded in Cou nty C lerk's Document N umb er D205366054, Official Public Reco rd s of Tarrant Coun ty , Texas (O .P .R.T.C.T.), said tract of land be in g more parti c ularly d escr ib ed by metes a nd bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a fo und 1/2 -in c h iro n rod in the northerl y right-of-way lin e of Mosier Valley Road (variab le width), bei ng the so uth east co rn er of sa id "Tract II" and the so uth west corner of a ri g ht-of-way dedi cat io n by Lot 1, Block 1, All en T ucke r Addition , a n addition to the C it y of Fort Worth, as recorded in Cabi net B , Slide 1574, Plat Records of Tarrant Co unty, Texas (P.R.T.C.T.); THENCE South 89 °58'53 " West, with the northerly right-of-way lin e of sai d Mosier Valley Road, a di stanc e of 17 5.23 feet to a set 5/8-inch iron rod with cap stamp ed "DUNAWAY ASSOC." (herein refe rr ed to as "with cap") for the southw es t co rn er of sa id "Tract II " and the southeast corner of Lot 1, Bl oc k 1, Mosier Valley Additi on, an add iti o n to the C ity of Fort Worth, as recorded in Cabin et B , Slide 692 , P.R.T.C.T.; THENCE No rth 00 °02 '04 " East, departin g the northerly right-of-way lin e of said Mosier Valley Ro ad with th e west line of said "Trac t IT ", a di stance of 489.41 feet to a found 5/8-inch iron rod for th e northwest corner of sa id "Trac t II", the north east corner of sa id Lot 1, B lock 1, Mosier Valley Additi o n, and be in g in th e south lin e of a tract of la nd described in sa id Special W arra nty Deed to HMH Famil y Partnership , a nd from which a found 5/8-inch iron rod for the so uthwest co rn er of sa id HMH Famil y Partnership tract and a corner on th e north line of said Lot 1, Bl ock 1, Mosier Valley Additi o n, bears No rth 89 °50'4 0" West, a di stance of92.09 feet; THENCE South 89°50'40 " East, with the common no rth lin e of said "Tract II" and th e sou th lin e of said HMH Family Partnership tract, a di stance of 178 .84 feet to a set 5/8-inch iron rod with cap fo r the northe ast corner of sa id "Tract II " and the northwest corner of said Lot 1, Block 1, A ll en T ucker Addition; THENCE South 00 °27'2 8" We st, with th e east line of said "Tract II", a di stance of 488 .88 feet to th e POINT OF BEGINNING and con tainin g 86 ,595 squ are feet or 1.987 acres of land. ZC-23-030 1628 Davis Avenue Zoning Change: From: "A-5" One-Family To: "B" Two-Family Description: Belmont Addition Block 6 Lot 10 and 11 April 11 , 2 02 3 Ordina nc e 0.28 ac. Ordinance No. 26088 -0 4 -2023 P age 9 of 11 SECTION 2. That the zoning regulations and districts, as herein established , have been made in accordance with the comprehensive plan for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community. They have been designed to lessen congestion in the streets ; to secure safety from fire , panic, flood and other dangers ; to provide adequate light and air; to prevent overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population ; to facilitate the adequate provision s of transportation , water, sewerage, parks and other public requirements. They have been made after full and complete public hearing with reasonable consideration , among other things, of the character of the district and its peculiar suitability for the particular uses and with a view of conserving the value of a building and encouraging the most appropriate use of land throughout the community. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be cumulative of all other ordinances of the City of Fort Worth affecting zoning and shall not repeal any of the provisions of such ordinances , except in those instances where provisions of such ordinances are in direct conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION 4. That all rights or remedies of the City of Fort Worth , Texas, are expressly saved as to any and all violations of Ordinance Nos. 3011, 13896, 21653 or any amendments thereto that have accrued at the time of the effective date of this ordinance ; and as to such accrued violations , and all pending litigation, both civil or criminal , same shall not be affected by this ordinance but may be prosecuted until final disposition by the courts. SECTION 5. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections , paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance shall be declared void, ineffective or unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of any court of competent jurisdiction , such voidness, ineffectiveness or unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs or sections of this ordinance, since the same would have been enacted by the City Council without the incorporation herein of any such void, ineffective or unconstitutional phrase, clause , sentence , paragraph or section. April 11 , 2023 Ordinance Ordinance o. 26088-04 -2023 Page 10 of 11 SECTION 6. That any person, firm or corporation who violates, disobeys , omits, neglects or refuses to comply with or who resists the enforcement of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2 ,000.00) for each offense. Each day that a violation is permitted to exist shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 7. That the C ity Secretary of the City of Fort Worth , Texas is hereby directed to publish this ordinance for two (2) days in the official newspaper of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, as authorized by V.T.C .A. Local Government Code Subsection 52 .01 3. SECTION 8. That this ordinance shall take effect upon adoption and publication as required by law. APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: '-{V\J~~ Melinda Ramos, Deputy City Attorney Adopted: April 11, 2023 Effective: ~L\ I @O@s April 11, 2023 Ordinance Jannette Goodall, City Secretary Ordinance No. 26088-04 -2023 Page 11 of 11 Exhibit A ZC -23 -006 4444 South Freeway Development Standards Waiver granted by City Council to allow two vacuum canopy spaces in front of the building as depicted on Exhibit B GEN ER AL NOTES 1. aNllt/lC10lt9!.IU.'IUIF'lllLEJllSM9'1[NIJILl.lNl<DG1DISl'l'M fE.D PIICJI 1ll ST""1'1SUN--.AJCCISTDlll !Ut',l('YOISIWJ,.1£ OICAIEl 'l'O IAYMllL!llC 'lllllllC. Z. COfTII.ICIIJtSltUIIOOOOCI.IOTSNfJIIOITTMMClflCCflSNrf IBJE'NICOlll'lll.ETl'Ull5NllfftlflCATDIS,ll•lllC. l. lll.l.-..:S9WJ.NOT IEE.lt!DR:alllllCNG/mCDfflllUCTDI """""' 4,, lrl.J.PUiN1111Dt510NSMIE.nl fNH])Fl"11S'&II..I.UIUS!!iltOYEIJ """"" 5. lril aMS1lllC1DI 'llllll ~ lfiT 011 oam All. LJJCM., ST.l.'1; Ml IIAllCNN..ULIIICCOIU NCI CCll'\YO KOTl'ISf'IJtTQ'lH LUN:CllalfG1AILl.lllCl'{Jll1 9WJ,.IEmTMolllfll!ll n£Cffl' fY fOll:I IDUH. &. ALNONCIIJS'TIICl'IIDWIJ).I.Ttl01DnDOIJl'Kf1..Cm:SlWl"1(11 1101M SUS IS M'.OOCII !Hit.LIit AT 1lf: WI: EllVAl'DI A.1 PD: 'K lEXA!f'lltlW:'ODIIXU. 7. VOIETAI.LOOIJlnllLICDCIWIJWl[CDfU'.SW?H'K10ASflllC ............. lrlJ. M£'I COOl£1[ ruxJR S.AI NIV.5 9Wl HAW: 1ml1I: WA'IIDT. AUSIIIJt!UD91Al.Lllo\'CAtlllEl!IIUIEIS,ua:uCll lll[lu.mKl N ~WlHf'IJtTDlHIIICl'.llcmc. 10. Ml SllofroCE. l"OIWEl'T, P'ClflMI.L IAIHJIS. at. ti mnll 'IO Nrllll , .... 11. HCUISISCl'OIAIDt CM-..SH -7 11AT$A-.l1C,l':1111M 1tl l:ODN. 12. UllNG {UMl.) NOT 10 cam 17'-ff N lmlT NIJ lt7IIEltS NOT TO DDIDYl-o'tllDHI. 13. OOOIIIJt IIAJDWJ flJt ILl.1llC w.L. I[ SPUT..f.«all CIIJ I.DOI, Q.A.5SWClOll ,.IMI..SNIJS!Ul;nt0rrllATDUl.S. :~ :...~!ml~...::::::,_1~NIM Sffl!Wl;MO NlllfflC£. 1L PIIQ.II:lw.J.CCll'\T W?HSEC?DIUOl l.NCll£oY'tC. 17. l'IIO.ECTa1.<Dl'I.Y1llll!ttnOIOQ2~RIIO'lllT. 11. M.1.l'IIOWEIL»fflllCaJ.a»nlil nl M:t.OmCtal£. SURFA CE LEGEND PROP05ED ~CRETE = = = PROPOOED LANDSCAPE PROPOSED SIDEWALIC S ITE DAT A SU MMARY TABLE E SEMINARY OR 02 v1CINITY MAP 0.1!1 ACRE5 (211,05 SF. FR•GF..NVl.t.l.C0MMi;RC!Al. """""""' LEG AL DESCRIPTIO N lDT 2-l.a.t0:l,f'UTTfVTT A011tD!lO K CJT'l'IS FOlffQ111,TMIW!T CCl.NTT, lCU«, MJXIDIC tO M ll('W5[D P'\.At HJIIF llllJIUII ti c.iarE1'1.UlEll2.PV.T RClXll!l5.t.lrllflMTCllLNTY. ~ Zoned: A-5 Use: Residenti al OWNER: PETRIE PROPERTIES CONTACT: ROBERT PETRIE IS111 LAKEWORT1'1 BLVD. lAKEWOfmi. TX 79135 IS17◄01-11S17 Exhibit B ZC-23-006 Zoned: FR Use: Auto Sales \ \ I I I I I \ \ \ I \ \ I I I \ I I METAL CAN OPY ffiEr'#AY TO f£ PERt.l TTED SCH _ J.5'-f/ / fl I I I I I \ V~TD.Y p~ ~ " ARCHITECT : AG DESIGN GROUP CONTACT: AAMANOO GARCIA P.O.BOX383023 DUNCANVILJ.E, TX 75138 214-7116-aKl!5 Zoned: FR Use: Auto Sa les TY SURVEYOR: TUCKER SURVEYORS CONTACT: OONNIE L l\JCKER P.O.BOX1955 BURLESON. TX 790117 IS17-N5-2111111 / ,!~ I c'.l ;.EXISltlC \ I:""""'"\ , "a1; I I ', b \ CJ) I \g \ 11 1 c,, \]\ ~ \~\ c,_ / t\1§1 / d~~\--<:\ ~ ElOS11HG I \ ti IJIIOIAY I \ ~~"\I ', f\ . . ',.~~I \ \ I ,,-x,,·,= \ \ \ I ENGI NEER: THOMAS HOOVER ENGINEERING, LLC CONTACT: THOMAS HOOVER P.O.BOXIIOII KELLER.TX7S244 8174113-1350 EB ---- I I I \ \ I \ I I \ I Zoned: F Use: Hote l Drector of Develop men t Ser.4ces Dale KAT IE'S CAR WASH Zonng Coll Humber: ZC-2J-006 ORA'llff:ST..vT 0£0<>l>O, AC DESIGN CROUP PO BOX 383023 DUHCANVIU.E, TX 75138 PH: 214--785-5905 SITE PLAN A1 .00 IIIET"'-ff-f'AIEL---~ 1100f·PfE'TN8Kll """"""""'"' YffTH'WOOOLOQli' .......... 03 ~~SJ J~EVAT ION Exhibit B ZC-23-006 04 /¾&W. ,~LEVATION 02 R&.U,rnJLEVATION 01 lli?.RJ H,_..E LEVAT ION IIIET"'-lti'AIE. --- ITUCCO.ueae.Y· CCl.0111.Ul"EROWIER -mo. """"'""""' ----.......... 111JCOOAIIIEIC.'f· <Xll.Ofl.Ul'ERowtel •ro. MA80NIYITCM'o'EIMJI AIIPOIOwta ·T'fP. Zoning Case NIA'lt>er , ZC -23-006 ~:::--=,~~ 0.-tcl«olOe'ftlop'nenls«vicM =~::,~i:; 7ffll5 Dile, ___ _ E'111111 Adct ... rabtnt pelrllH loulll.com lU.766.5905 POBOX38302J DU NCA NVILLE. TX 7513B EXTERI OR ELEVA TIONS A2.01 Exhibit B ZC-23-006 0 1 ~:s-c_u,~-~-CANOPY ELEVATION FRONT -TYPICAL lolETAl.P9A R00rPAHE:LS "'~'~""]· COUJWNS-• PAINIEO t2 02 ~!-c_u~-~-CANOPY ELEVATION SIOE -TYPICAL Zo!W)Q Case Nlffl>el', ZC-23-006 ~~=•~';;: Di"e<:torof 0.Yll0Pfflll11Servlc• CltylSl■l•ln•W"'ltl, Tu.11781311 D1te, ___ _ Tlilphonlfru!tMr>lf7AOUM7 E-malAdcl'-rabtrtl b'iMIIIOIINLCOIII 2U.766.5!:I05 PO BOX 383023 DUNCANVTU.E, TX 75138 EXTERIOR ELEVA TIONS A2.02 Exhibit C ZC -22-214 Planned Development -Base District "EJJ Neighborhood Commercial Added Light Industrial Uses: • Warehouse L ExhibitD ZC-22-214 -----------------GR~----------------- -~- ------=----+--+----------::---------, JS Ullt.irrEASEMENT ------------~~--- SITE PLAN --- 2(()' SETBACK LINES TO HABITAB LE STRUCTURES FROM WELLHEAD ------- 300'SETBACICUNES TO PROTECTED USES AN D PUBLIC BUILDINGS FR OM WELL HEA D ------- ' ' ~p!~~:~T~~fes. /, \ ~~~~;:~~:U~u~~D \ FROMCOMPRESSORS ----------,,'---------', , / / / ,/------- ,,/' N ,/ / '' ;,' ,, '' ' ' ,' ' ////;'' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' SCALE: 1 / 50" = l '-0" EB ~ \ ' \ ' EXISTING PARKING 11111111 D 11111111 D \ I I I I I I ' I I I ' I I I BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES LAND / OCCUPANCY USE CURRENT -PD 623 AND AR LAND / OCCUPANCY USE PROPOSED -I 'LIGHT INDUSTRIAL' GROSS FLOOR AREA -21.300 SQUARE FEET (6 ,000 SF EXISTING, 15,300 SF PROPOSED) NUMBER Of STORIES - I LAND DENSITY -21.300 SQUARE FEET ON 2.11 ACRE LOT BUILDING HEIGHT -24 FEET EXT ERIOR CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS -METAL BUILDING STREETS, PARKING AND DRIVES OFF -SITE PARK ING CURRENT -51 SPACES W/ I ACCESS IBLE SPACE OFF-STREET PARKING PROPOSED -50 SPACES W/ 2 ACCESS IBLE SPACES SIGNAGE ALL SIGNAGE WILL CONFORM TO A RTICLE 4, SIGNS, OF THE CITY OF FORT WORTH DEVELOPMENT CODE LANDSCAPING ALL LANDSC APING WILL COMPLY WITH SECTION 6.301, LANDSCAP IN G , OF THE C ITY OF FORT WORTH DEVELOPMENT CODE Lmml =g;·· FORT WORTU, ---,.--- LAND USE AND ZONING/ LOCATION MAP DIRECTOR OF PLANN IN G AND DEVELOPMENT DATE TEAM ENOCH LEGAL DESCR IPTION -BLOCK I LOT 2, THE ACADEMY AT WATERCHASE ADD 8950 CREEK RUN ROAD FORT WORTH , TX 76120 ZONING CASE NUMBER - PREPARED BY 97w. LLC ON DECEMBER 5. 2022 TEXAS REGISTRATION # 23759 901 SOUTH MAIN STREET FORT WORTH. TX 76104 ----...___ LOT l? BOUNDARY CU RVE DATA CURVl!MO. RADIUS I..ENOtll DB.TA CHOROIIENU,IQ CHORODISTAHCI!! 25.rtr 21i1"27W 1177"1l'44"W PROJECT CONTACT LIST TRIANGLE~a:~~="1NO LLC 1112 W. MCDERMOTT OfUVE ALL~::;e:i ,, 4$~21)..211CM AYEOHQTAIANQl.£0ENOR.COM TRAVERSE ~'Ws"&'kil«i LLC 14200MICM'AYA~,surrE1Ja °"1.l.AS,TEXAS752"4 ~~~ MARKNACEQTRAVERSa..MIOSURYEYIHO.COM THE~'IE.LLC 100DECKERCT~SI.ITE 187 1~~?2 _,,.,,,, KEw-iOTENNffllE.ADVISCOM \AJf~;~c:r 17112W.Ma>ERMOTTDRIVE ~5~3 -CHR150S1UDIOOREENSPOT.COM ~s~~~~~~=r:~,~~;,SIGHs. ~=a~~CITYOFFatT~ 4. THE! PROPOSED IIUUllNG 9HAU. Ill! 0ESIGtfED IN COMJ'\.lo\NCE Wlll1 SOUN> ATTENUATION. 5 ANYBULDINOAHDPNUOHOLOTUQH11NOSHALLBEDIRECTB>AWA.YAND DOWNWAADOFN«RESICEHTW.DISTRJCT. ~~ -=~l'Y TNAT NO PORTION OF TttE SUB.EeT PROP81.TY SHOWN HEREON LIES wmu,i THE 100 'l"t!AA FlOOD HAZARD AREA AS SHOWN ON THEl'LOOOINSlRA.HCEAATl!.W-,co..1\M'TYPAHELN0.4'»cmt51<. DO.TED Of-25-20:'.)t. THE PROf'ERTY IS LOCATED IN ZONE TtAR£,0.S OETE.RWlNEDTO BE OIJTSJOE lllE 0.2'11.ANHUo\L ~ FlOOOPL>.Wi STRIPIHO PARKIN'OSPACES HNIDICAPLOOO BUILDINQSETB>O( ~""""'= LANDSCAPE AREA = [Kl 0. I] [Q) -➔ 1. SQUARE Wlll1 AN •,r CUT ON STORM Df!AIN IN..ET BOX, ON ll£ =~~~r~~~~Vt71' ELEVATION •IIOU)O' """ VICINITY MAP --,-u-- MAPSCO-59X DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVlCES SITE PLAN 1.715 AC. LOT 7 & 8, BLOCK 1 COLUMBUS TRAIL ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH, TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 76123 ZONING CASE No. SP -23..()01 SITE PLAN 1. ALL PROVIDED LIGHTING WILL CONFORM RESTAURANT TO LIGHTING CODE. 2. AU. SIGHAGE Wl.L CONFORM TO AR11ClE 4,SIGNS. TARRANT COUMTY, TEXAS 7'12J DATE 2. S0UAR£ Wlll1 AN "X" Cl.IT ON STORM DRAIN N.ET IOX ON WEST SDEOl'SJBJECT~.AF'PROX!MA1'B.Yt.9"HORTHEAST 3. THI! PROJl!CT WILL COMPLY WITl1 SECTIOH 8.301, LANOSCAPING. 4. TH£PROJECTWILLCOMPLYW!Tl1SECTION 8.302. URBAN FORESTRY. COLUMBUS TRAIL Aa>ITION, LOT 7 & I , BLOCK 1 ~~~~CEHTEAOFSTORM~INI.ET. ® .. ,..,,......,at'.bl!low. c ■,1-,_..__ NO, DA TE DESCRIPTlON 1 01 .09.2023 lat CITY SUB WITTAL BY Exhibit F ZC-22-188 Planned Development-Base District "A-7.5" One-Family Added Multi-Family Uses: • Triplex .._. I • I 1,::-:-:::: 1 rr~.,- ,, 'o';-:.:.. ---9" -~~..:,Q ,.!,9 _;{· ,99 /··~.1...:,·~--- """"'--""' NOTES: ZONED A-ER B[AJIIMGS, c:ASC:WENTS AND BUILDING UMCS ARE BY RECORDED PLAT UMLE"SS OTH ERWISE MOTCO. .... ccESS POINT !;, UNITB i' 'j\r J; REVIS IO NS DATE BY NOTES LOT 12 ZONED A-5 ZONED A-7.S 8~1C>< LOT 1 9,~!:0 ><1, ~ .. ! 0.2 ,\ens -- LOT ,.,· Exhibit G ZC-22-188 cw rouNo • N£ CORN[R or ' LOT 3, 8t.OCI( 1 \_,.,. 0 0 ci ... ON LOT 2 ZONED A-7.5 3701 Mead owbrook Drive Lot 1, Block 2, STRATFORD , an Addition to the City of fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas , according to th e map or pie thereof recorded in Volume 204, Page 60, Plat Records of Tarrant County, Texas. PD, A-7.5 TRIPLEX The undersigned Registered Professlonol Land Surveyor hereby certifies to KBT Investments, LLC .. (a) this survey end the property description set forth hereon were prepared from an actua l on-the-ground survey ; (b) such survey was conducted by the Surveyor, or under his direction; (c) all monuments shown hereon actually existed on the dote of the survey, and the loc ation, size and type of material thereof ore correctly shown; ~..-~.,__ Executed th is 22nd day of Feb ruary, 2020 R~,o~Surveyor Di rector of Deve lo pment Services Date ZONING CASE ZC22188 NOTE: According to the F.I.R.t.l. io t.lo p No. ~4l9COl10l ,this prop11rt)' does lie lo Zone ___.x_ ond --1lilES....1il ,, within the 100 ,--fbod toM. LEGEND 1/2" 1110111100 route1 l't -l'OOL oou1,-wan ,{!~~W~o •c--.i• co11om0Hl fCHCCl'OS?CORMD .(!> nltCMYORAIIT ~ .t.Sl"HALT ~AVIIII. -----0---0--CffAIII LINK rCHC[ _..a..__...c.._ W'OOO FCHCt _,. __ Dt_:fJ :J:trcAL -n.J-IIIOIIFCHC[ -Ill-l'll'(fCKt :;,~;~ ~~~o ~ -cov~;;H:~o~~°;IC = UH0CIGIOUN0 [U:CUIC -----OV9HU.0 l"OWO UII[ =~w:c-nic +l"OtNT ro11 amo ,~."'.-,,.'.,_ .. ~·;-.;;_~;:·'./;l cONCIIEl~=SIOrD lllt,l,vn/llOCK ltOAO OIi OR!Vt -Q-'11'000 HNC[ CBG ...._fa:;10,\IUC 1413 E. IH-30, Ste. 7 Gerland, TX 75043 P 214.349.9485 f 214.349.2216 F1rm No. 10168800 www.cb;bdle..c:;om DATE JOB NO. G.r. NO. DRAWN _M_tt __ EXHIBIT SURVEY STRATFORD ADDITION CITY OF FORT WORTH , TARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS 3701 MEADOWBROOK DRI VE Exhibit H ZC -23-025 Planned Development -Base District "CF 11 Community Facilities Added Uses: • Care House/Group Home • Office Exhibit I ZC -23 -028 Development Standards Waiver Development Standard Waivers approved by the City Council to allow: 1. Landscaping and Screening FEnce: No landscaping or screening fence on rear property line. 2. Landscaping buffer: No trees or shrubs show in eastern side yard. 3. Auxiliary parking lots: Auxiliary parking lot to remain open during non- business hours Exhibit J ZC-23-028 NEW UNOERSTORY TREES OR SIMILAR {QTY 2) 0.5' Tel. N Splice .. , Brick Wall 0.35' EXISTING DWARF BURFORD HOLLY (QTY 10) 1 -NEW TREE (12' MIN. IN HEIGHT & 2 J• CALIPER TRUNK FIELD LOCATE BEST LOCATION EXISTING 6' BOARD ON BOARD WITH DECORATIVE CAP FENCE GROUND COVER OR GRASS AND SHRUBS (QTY 19 MIN) IN BUFFER AREA "B" TWO FAM1L Y SINGLE FAMILY 3 • EXISTING TREES EXISTING 6' BOARD ON BOARD WITH DECORATIVE CAP FENCE BOLLARDS TO CHAIN & LOCK PARKING LOT "5 NEEDED NEW 6' BOARD ON BOARD DOUBLE-FACED WITH DECORATIVE CAP FENCE . -------~ GROUND COVER OR GRASS ANO SHRUBS (QTY 10 MIN) IN BUFFER AREA '--' : Light I EXISTING FENCE MIX OF PERENNIALS ANO GROUND COVER o FRONT 1 YARD O SETBACK N EXISTING 6' BOARD ON BOARD Willi DECORATIVE CAP FENCE "B " nYO-FAM!l Y SINGLE FAMILY 3 • EXISTING TREES GROUND COVER OR GRASS AND SHRUBS (QTY 19 MIN) IN BUFFER AREA 2 • EXISTING TREES ~-·------------------------1,------(50') ---------V P w/Street "-:~-,i ·:;:.:::-;,::,:· § ~•,::::;· CITY NOTES: 20' 10' r/ .,,, 40' i--- t ~ VICINJTY MAP SCALE: N.T.S LEGEND CEJ EXISTING HARD-SURFACE PAVING (CONCRETE OR ASPHALT) D EXISTING LANDSCAPE AREA -GRASS/MULCH ----PROPERTY LINE I) REQUEST A CUP FOR AN AUXILIARY PARKING LOT IN A "B" TWO-FAMILY ZONING. 2) REQUESTING DEVELOPMENT W AIYER TO ALLOW LOT TO BE UNCHAINED OVER-NIGRT. 3) REQUESTING W AIYER FOR BOOK KJOSK FRONT YARD. 4) THIS PROJECT WlLL COMPLY WITH SECTION 6.301, LANDSCAPING. S) THIS PROJECT WlLL COMPLY WITH SECTION 6.302, URBAN FORESTRY. 6) ALL SIGNAGE WlLL CONFORM WITH ARTICLE 4, SIGNS. 7) LIGHTING PROVIDED IN TREES WEST smE. ALL PROVIDED LIGHTING WlLL CONFORM TO THE LIGHTING CODE. LYNNElTEM. PAYNE,P.E. 5400COUNTY ROAD316 ALVARADO, TX 76009 (9n)36S--039J-OFFJCE FIRM REGISTRATION#: F-S078 PROPER IT OWNER: 3301 HAM ILTON AVENUE PARTNERS, LLC m TAYLORSTREET,SUTTE 1126 FORT WORnl', TX 76102 817-332-7597 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION : WILLIAM J. DAILEY ADDITION BLOCK 17; LOT IS 0.14 ACRES/6,098 SF 0214262326 Director of Development Services Date 4TH STREET PAR.KJNG LOT WNrNG CASE #: ZC-23-028 3320 W. 4TH ST., FORT WORTH, TX 76 107 Ol--OS-lJ 03-20-ll O !"•20' LMl' SITE PLAN Exhibit K ZC-23 -029 Development Standards "PD/C" Planned Development for all uses in C Medium Density Multifamily with Development standards in conformance with Section 4.711, Zoning Ordinance, and as amended, except as noted for fencing , building height, parking standards, those standards to read as follows: -Building Height: 55 feet -Fencing: allowed to be located in front of the building -Parking: allowed to be located in front of the building SITE DATA -14 .14 ACRES -336 UNITS -23.76 UNITS /ACRE -NO FLOODPLAIN -NO KNOWN EASEMENTS PARKING TABULATION PARKING REQUIRED 1.00 PER 1-BR (192x 1) 192 2.00 PER 2-B R (136x2) 272 3.00 PER 3-BR (8x3} 24 TOTAL 488 COM MON SPACE (1/250 : 11 ,250 SF) 45 TOTAL REQUIRED 533 PARKING PROVIDED TOTAL 535 INCLUDING TEN HANDICAP PARKING SPACES NOTE : A LL PARKING TO BE 9'X18' BUILDING KEY W--BUILDING NUMBER ~ BUILDING TYPE BUILDING ENTRANCE/EXI T BUILDING 'A' Exhibit L ZC-23-029 TRINITY BOULEVARD (VARIA BLEWIDTHRIGHT-OF-WAY) LAND USE : -PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FOR 'PD-C ' MULTIFAMILY WITH A MAXIMUM OF 339 UNITS, SITE PLAN IN CLUDED -NORTH OF PROPERTY, ZONE 'C F' AND 'A-5' -WEST OF PROPERTY, ZO NE 'J' AND 'AG' -EAST OF PROPERTY , PD 236 AND PD 954 -SOUTH OF PROPERTY, ZONE 'AG' AND PD1235 OPEN SPACE: REQU IR ED: 45% PROVIDED : 48 .3% VARIANCES : -MAXIMUM BUILDING HEIGHT OF 55' 4 STORY BUILDING 'D' 3 STORY PD-236 UNIT TABULATION TYPE A1 A2 A3 A4 81 82 C1 T/A1 T/81 T/82 T/83 TOTAL ONE BEDROOM, ONE BATH ONE BEDROOM , ONE BATH ONE BE DRO OM, ONE BATH ONE BEDROOM, ONE BATH TWO BEDROOM, TWO BATH TWO BEDROOM, TWO BATH THREE BEDROOM, TWO BAT H ON E BEDROOM , ONE BATH TWO BEDROOM, TWO BATH TWO BEDROOM, TWO BATH TWO BEDROOM TWO BATH BUILDING TABULATION #UNITS 62 88 24 14 88 28 8 4 8 8 4 336 S.F. 650 S .F . 740 S .F. 849 S .F. 950 S.F. 1,150 S.F. 1,250 S.F. 1,325 S.F. 877 S.F. 1,259 S.F. 1,353 S .F. 1 409 S.F. DETENTION POND 25' BUILDING SETBACK _ __j ZONED"AG" TOTAL SQ . FT. 40 ,300 S.F. 65,120 S.F 20 ,376 S .F 13,300 S.F . 101 ,200 S .F. 35 ,000 S.F . 10,600 S.F 3,508 S.F . 10,072 S.F. 10 ,824 S.F 5 636 S.F 3 15,936 S.F. SITE PLAN SCALE 1"=100'-0- TYPE # BLDGS . UNITS/BLDG . UNIT TYPES BLDG . S.F. TOTAL SQ. FT. A 1 240 A1-62, A2-52, A3-24, A4-14, 8 1-76, 82-4, C1 -8 215,456 S.F . 15 ,020 S.F . 23 ,880 S.F. 22 680 S.F. 215,456 S.F. 30,040 S.F. 47,760 S.F. 22 680 S.F. B 2 12 T/A1 -2, T/81-4, T/82-4, T/83-2 C 2 24 A2-12 , 82-12 D 1 24 A2-12 81 -12 TOTAL 6 NO TE: ALL PROVIDED LIGHTING WILL CONFORM TO FORT WORTH LIGHTING CODE ~N=O::T::E,=P::R=O=J E::CT::=w=IL=L=c==o=M=P=L v==~ ~N=O::T::E=, P::R=O=J E:::CT::=w=l=LL=c==o=M=P=L v==~ WITH ENHANCED LANDSCAP IN G WITH FORT WORTH CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR SECT. 4.711 SECTION 6.302, URBAN FORESTR (VARIABLE WIDTH RIGHT-OF-WAY) NOTE : ALL SIGNAGE WILL CONFORM TO FORT WORTH SIGN CODE ARTICLE 4, SIGNS PREPAR ED: 100 FEBRUARY 6, 2023 CASE NUMBER: ZC 23-XXX 3 15,936 S.F. GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 50 100 ( IN FEET } INCH = 100 FEET p~s~tl CRO SS ARCHITECTS 879 JUNCTION DRIVE ALLEN, TEXAS 75013 sn.Jss .ss« U) ~ a: w <( I- I-- U) I 1- U) a: ~o w 3;: I-l-a: 0 LL A1.0 SITE PLAN Copyright C2022 SITE DATA -14 .14ACRES -336 UN ITS -23 .76 UNITS/ACRE -NO FLOODPLAIN -NO KNOWN EASEMENTS LAND USE : -PLANNED DEVELO PMENT FOR 'PD-C' MU LTI FAMILY WITH A MAXIMUM OF 339 UNITS, SITE PLAN INCLUDED -NORTH OF PROPE RTY, ZONE 'CF' AND 'A-5' PARK ING TABULATION -WEST OF PROPE RTY, PA RKIN G REQUIRED ZONE 'J' AN D 'AG' 1.00 PER 1-BR (192x1) 192 -EAST OF PROP ERTY, 2.00 PE R 2-BR (136x2) 272 PD 236 AND PD 954 "3,,,.0"-0 .._,P.=ER=3-=-B,,_R,..,("'8xc,3,,_) ___ _c2"-'-4 -SOUTH OF PROPERTY, TOTAL 488 ZONE 'AG' AND PD1235 COMMON SPACE (1/250: 11 ,250 SF) 45 TOTAL REQUIRED 533 PARKING PROV IDED TOTAL 535 INCLUDING TEN HANDICAP PARKING SPACES NOTE : ALL PARKING TO BE 9'X18' BUILD ING KEY _r'B.--BUILDING NUMBER ~ BUILDING TYPE BUILD ING ENTRANCE/EXIT OPEN SPACE: REQU IRED : 45% PROVIDED : 48.3% VAR IANCES: -MAX IMU M BUILDING HEI GHT OF 55' 153'-01 /2" BUILDING 'A' 4STORY BUILD IN G 'D' 3 STORY Exhibit L ZC-23-029 PREPARED: FEBRUARY 6, 2023 CASE NUMBER : ZC 23-XXX OPEN SPACE SCALE1 "=100 -0" 100 GRAPHIC SCALE 50 0 50 ( IN FEET ) INCH = 100 FEET CROSS ARCHITECTS 879 JUNCTION DRIVE ALLEN, TEXAS 75013 972 .398 .6644 (/) ~ a: w <( I- I-- (J) I I-(/) a: ~o w s: I-l-a: ffi ::; ~ ul ~ ~ (!) " ! ls a: :;> ~ 5 0 LL ~ C 100 A 1.0a OPEN SPACE Copyright C 2022