HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 59261CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT 1-: UC0l-2023 City Project No. UC0l-2023 Mattie Parker Mayor David Cooke City Manager Chris Harder Director, Water Depaiiment Prepared for The City of Fort Worth WATER DEPARTMENT 2023 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX - CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS WATER DEPARTMENT ; · UTILITY CUT REPAIR , 1-C(!NTRACT 1 -UC0J-2023 · City Project No. UC-OJ 2023 CHRIS HARDER, P.E. . DIRECTOR WATER DEPARTMENT 2023 fORTWORTH ® City of Fort Worth Standard Construction Specification Documents Adopted September 2011 00 00 00 ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS SECTION 00 00 00 TABLE OF CONTENTS Division 00 -General Conditions 00 05 10 Mayor and Council Communication 00 05 15 Addenda 00 11 13 Invitation to Bidders 00 21 13 Instructions to Bidders 00 35 13 Conflict of Interest Statement 00 41 00 Bid Form 00 42 43 Proposal Form Unit Price 00 43 13 Bid Bond 00 43 37 Vendor Compliance to State Law Nonresident Bidder 00 45 11 Bidders Prequalifications 00 45 12 Prequalification Statement 00 45 13 Prequalification Application 00 45 26 Contractor Compliance with Workers' Compensation Law 00 45 40 Business E quity Goal 00 52 43 Agreement 00 61 13 Performance Bond 00 61 14 Payment Bond 00 61 19 Maintenance Bond 00 61 25 Certificate of [nsurance 00 72 00 General Conditions 00 73 00 Supplementary Conditions ff . . 01 G IVISIOn -enera IR t eQmremen s 01 11 00 Summary of Work 01 25 00 Substitution Procedures 013119 Preconstruction Meeting 01 31 20 Project Meetings 01 32 16 Construction Schedule 01 32 33 Preconstruction Video 01 33 00 Submittals 01 35 13 Special Project Procedures 01 45 23 Testing and Inspection Services 01 50 00 Te mporary Facilities and Controls 01 55 26 Street Use Permit and Modifications to Traffic Control 01 57 13 Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan 015813 Temporary Project Signage 01 60 00 Product Requirements 01 66 00 Product Storage and Handling Requirements 01 70 00 Mobilization a nd Remobilization 01 71 23 Construction Staking and Survey 01 74 23 Cleaning 017719 Closeout Requirements 01 78 23 Operation and Maintenance Data 01 78 39 Proi ect Record Documents CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONS TRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rev ised September 9, 2022 Page I of4 Last Revised 07 /01/2011 07/01/2011 07/19/2021 11/02/2021 02/2 4/2020 09/30/2021 01/20/2012 09/11/2017 06/27/2011 08/13 /2011 09/30/2021 08/13/2021 07 /01 /2011 10 /27/2021 11/23/2021 07/01/2011 07/01/2011 07 /01/2011 07 /01 /2011 08 /23 /2021 03 /09/2020 as ev1se L tR . d 12 /20/2012 07/01/2011 08/17/2012 07/01 /2 011 08/13/2021 07/01/2011 12 /20/2012 03/11/2022 03 /09/2020 07/01 /2011 03/22/2021 07/01/2011 07/01 /2011 03 /09/2 020 07/01 /2011 11 /22/2016 02/14/2018 07/01/2011 03/22/2021 12/20/2012 07/01/2011 UTILTY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project UCO 1-2023 00 00 00 STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SP EC IFIC ATION DOCUMENTS Page 2 of4 Technical Specifications which have been modified by the Engineer specifically for this Project; hard copies are included in the Project's Contract Documents Division 02 -Existin Conditions 02 41 14 Utili Removal/Abandonment Division 03 -Concrete 03 34 16 Concrete Base Material for Trench Re air 03 80 00 Modifications to Existin Concrete Structures ff . . 32 E t . I IVISIOn -x enor mprovemen s t 32 11 29 Lime Treated Base Courses 32 11 33 Cement Treated Base Courses 32 12 16 Asphalt Paving 32 13 13 Concrete Pavin g 32 91 19 Topsoil Placement and Finishing of Parkways Division 33 -Utilities Date Modified 33 05 14 Adjusting Manhole s, Inlets , Valve Boxes, and Other Structures to Grade Technical Specifications listed below are included for this Project by reference and can be viewed/downloaded from the City's website at: http://fortworthtexas.gov/tpw/contractors/ or https://apps.fortworthtexas.gov/ProjectResources/ Division 02 -Existin Conditions 02 41 15 Pavin Removal Division 03 -Concrete 03 30 00 Cast-In-Place Concrete 03 34 13 Controlled Low Stren h Material (CLSM) Division 31-Earthwork I 313700 I Riprap ff . . 32 E t . I IVISIOn -x enor mprovemen s t 32 11 23 Flexible Base Courses 32 13 20 Concrete Sidewalks, Driveways and Barrier Free Ramps 32 13 73 Concrete Paving Joint Sealants 32 14 16 Brick Unit Paving 32 16 13 Concrete Curb and Gutters and Valley Gutters 32 17 23 Pavement Markings 32 32 13 Cast-in-Place Concrete Retaining Walls CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed September 9, 2022 Last Revised 02 /02 /2016 03 /11/2022 12/20 /2012 12/20 /2012 12/20 /2012 12/09 /2021 12/20 /2012 12/20 /2012 06 /1 0/2022 06 /10/2022 06 /05 /2018 UT ILTY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project UCO 1-2023 00 00 00 ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECLF ICA TION DOCUMENTS Division 33 -Utilities 33 05 10 Utility Trench Excavation, Embedment, and Backfill 33 05 13 Frame, Cover and Grade Rings 33 05 16 Concrete Water Vaults 33 05 17 Concrete Collars 33 49 10 Cast-in-Place Manholes and Junction Boxes 33 49 20 Curb and Drop Inlets 33 49 40 Storm Drainage Headwalls and Wingwalls Division 34 -Trans ortation 34 71 13 Traffic Control Appendix GC-6.06.D GC-6.07 DETAILS Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise Compliance Wage Rates Paving Details END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised September 9, 2022 Page 3 of4 04/02 /2021 09 /09 /2022 12/20 /2012 03/11/2022 12/20/2012 03/11/2022 07 /01/2011 03 /22 /2021 UTILTY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project UCO 1-2023 City of Fort Worth, Texas Mayor and Council Communication DATE: 02/14 /23 LOG NAME: 6 0UC RC1202 3-JASCO SUBJECT M&C FILE NUMBER: M&C 23-0126 (ALL) Authorize Execution of a Contract with Jasco Constru ction , LLC , in an Amount Up to $300 ,000 .00 for the Utility Cut Repa ir Contract 1 -2023 at Various Locations Throughout the City RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Coun c il authorize exe cution of a contract with Jasco Construction , LLC in an amount up to $300 ,000.00 for the Utility Cut Rep air Contract 1 -2023 at various locations and authorize up to four renewals . DISCUSSION: The work to be performed under this contract consists of utility street repairs which are necessary after main replacements and re pa irs are made by the Water Department's Field Operations crews . The Water Department is neither staffed nor equipped to perform some of the larger repairs. This contract is necessary to maintain a reasonable repair schedule , minimize disruption to the public and ensure street repairs do not adversely impact the life of the remaining street. The project was advertised for bid on December 8 , 2022 and December 15 , 2022 in the F ort W orth Star-Telegram and on January 5 , 2023 the following bids were rece ived : Bidder Amount Time of Completion IIJasco Construction , LLC $293 ,134.10 'l 80a,;:!· •• alk Paving & Construction , $368 .965 .001 LLC Staff has reviewed the bid and proposed unit prices and considers them to be fair and reasonable . The bid documents included stipulations that the total quantities listed may not reflect actual quantities and that the amount budgeted for the project is $300 ,000.00 . Payments will be made based on actual measured quantities . The bid documents also included a stipulation giving the City the option to renew this contract four times under the same terms , conditions and unit prices subject to appropriation of funds. FUNDING: The maximum annual amount allowed under this agreement will be $300 ,000 .00 however the actual amount used will be based on the need of the department and available budget. Funding is budgeted in the Other Contractual Services account of the Water and Wastewater Departments' Water & Sewer Fund . AGREEMENT TERMS: The agreement may be renewed for four additional renewals at the City 's option. The renewal action will not require City Council approval provided that the City Council has appropriated sufficient funds to satisfy the City's obligation during the renewal terms . This amendment will not impact the agreement terms that have already been set in place . BUSINESS EQUITY: Jasco Construction , LLC is in compliance with the City's Business Equity Ordinance by committing to 24 percent Business Equity participation on this project. The City's Business Equity goal on this project is 24 percent. This project is located in ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS . FISCAL INFORMATION/ CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that upon approval of the recommendation , funds are available in the current operating budget , as previously appropriated , in the Water & Sewer Fund . Prior to an expend iture being incurred , the Water Department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds . Submitted for City Manager's Office by: Dana Burghdoff 8018 Originating Business Unit Head: Chris Harder 5020 Additional Information Contact: J . Chris Underwood 2629 UCRCI2023-JASCO FID Table ~ ______ ___ ___ _ _ ____ _ ___________________ FIDs ~ua!.l__ _______ _ Rec# [ Fund l Dept# l Account r Project ID j Activity r ~~:;et 7 CF 2 I Program I Amount I Purpose Xfer -~------r-----__ FIDs {_REVENUE or EXPENSE -No KK or GL Entries Needed Rec# i Fund Dept# fccou~ject ID r Budget CF 2 Program Amount Purpose Xfer i Year 56001 0607011 5330201 $210,000 .00 56001 0707008 5330201 $90,000 .00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00 05 10 - I MAYOR AND COUNCIL COMMUN ICATIO N (M&C) SECTION 00 05 10 MAYOR AND COUNC IL COMMUNlCA T ION (M&C) END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Jul y I, 2011 Page I of I UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 000515-1 CITY OF FORT WORTH WATER DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES DIVISION ADDENDUM NO. 1 UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT 1 2023 CITY PROJECT NO . UC-01 2023 RELEASE DA TE: November 18, 2022 BID RECEIPT DATE : December 1, 2022 JNFORMA TION TO BIDDERS : Page I of I The Specifications and Contract Documents for the above mentioned project are revised and amended as follows: 1. In the INVITATION TO BIDDERS; the GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK consists of: UNIT I -CUTS LESS THAN 200 SQUARE FEET UNIT II -CUTS GREATER THAN 200 BUT LESS THAN 1,000 SQUARE FEET UNIT III -CUTS GREATER THAN 1,000 SQUARE FEET UNIT IV -ALL CUTS ASPHALT WITHOUT BASE REGARDLESS OF SIZE UNIT V -ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRED OTHER THAN PAVING The INVITATION TO BIDDERS shall be REVISED in that the GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK consists of: UNIT I -CUTS LESS THAN 300 SQUARE FEET UNIT II -CUTS GREATER THAN 300 SQUARE FEET UNIT III-ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRED OTHER THAN PAVING 2. ln the entire PROPOSAL FORM shall be REPLACED with the attached PROPOSAL FORM 3. All PREQUALIFICATION requirements specified in this contract shall be waived. Please acknowledge receipt of the Addendum in the bid proposal and on the outside of the sealed envelope. RECEIPT ACKNOWLEDGED: CITY OF FORT WORTH CHRIS HARDER, P .E. DIRECTOR, WATERDEPARTMENT By:__,r-on ___ ___..,~h~o~/J _I~"---- Ton Sholola, P .E. Assistant Director, Water Department Capital Delivery STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July l, 2011 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 l 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 SECTION 00 05 15 ADDENDA END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIC ATION DOCUMENTS Rev ise d Ju ly I , 20 11 00 05 15 -I ADD ENDA Page I o f I UTI LITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 Ci ty Project No . UC-0 1 2023 SECTION 00 1113 INVITATION TO BIDDERS RECEIPT OF BIDS 00 11 13 fNVJT A TJON TO BIDDERS Page I of2 Sealed bids for the construction of UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 12023, City Project No. UC0l-2023 ("Project") will be received by the City of Fort Worth Purchasing Office until 1 :30 P.M. CST, Thursday, January 5, 2023 as further described below: City of Fort Worth Purchasing Division 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Bids will be accepted by: US Mail, Courier, FedEx or hand delivery at the address above; Bids will be opened publicly and read aloud at 2:00 PM CST in the City Council Chambers. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK The major work will consist of the (approximate) following: UNIT I -CUTS LESS THAN 300 SQUARE FEET UNIT II-CUTS GREATER THAN 300 SQUARE FEET UNIT III -ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRED OTHER THAN PAVING TIME PERIOD AND RENEWALS The time period of this Agreement will be for one calendar year or the expiration of the funding , whichever occurs last. The City reserves the right to renew the contract for up to four (4) additional one calendar year time periods or up to four ( 4) additional expenditures of $300,000.00 under the same terms, conditions and unit prices. The City shall provide at least sixty (60) days ' notice to the Contractor of the City's intent to renew. PREQUALIFICA TION No Prequalification will be required on this contract as discussed and outlined in Section 3 of 00 21 13 -INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDE RS. DOCUMENT EXAMINATION AND PROCUREMENTS Th e Bidding and Contract Documents may be examined or obtained on-line by visiting the City of Fort Worth 's Purchasing Division website at http://www.fo rt worth tex as.gov/purch as in g/ and clicking on the link to the advertised project folders on the City's electronic document management and collaboration system site. The Contract Documents may be downloaded , viewed , and printed by interested contractors and/or suppliers. Bid Document Package https://docs . b360.autodesk. com/shares/f12c 7788-b8ca-4271-ae35-ee 16a93385c1 Addenda Folder https://docs . b360 .autodesk. com/shares/94 78fa34-79e3-4691-8556-c9dabe54bf5d CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENT Revised 7/19/2021 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC0 l-2023 00 I I 13 IN VITATION TO BIDDERS Copies of the Bidding a nd Contract Documents may be obtain ed from J . Chris Underwood Water Department, Design Services 927 Taylor Street Fort Worth , Texas 76102 The cost of Bidding and Contract Documents is: No Cost EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Page 2 of2 To e ns ure pote nti a l bidders are kept up to date of any n ew information pertine nt to thi s project, all interested parties are requested to email Express ion s of Interest in thi s procureme nt to the City Project Manager and the D esign Engineer. The e ma il should includ e the company's nam e, co nt ac t person and that individual 's email address and phone number. All Addenda will be distributed directly to those who hav e expressed an interest in the procure ment and will also be posted in the City of Fort Worth's purchasi ng webs ite at http://fortworthtexas.gov/purchasing/ PREBID CONFERENCE A prebid conference will b e he ld as di scussed in Section 00 2 1 13 -INSTRUCTIONS T O BIDDERS at the following lo cation , date, and time: LOCATION: 311 W 10th Street-Conference Room DATE: TIME: Fort Worth , TX 76102 Tuesday, December 20, 2022 9:00AM CITY'S RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR REJECT BIDS C ity reserves th e ri g ht to waive irre g ulariti es and to accept or reject any or all bid s. AWARD City will award a contract to th e Bidder pre se nting the lowes t price , qualification s and competencies considered. INQUIRIES All inquiries r e lat ive to this pro c urement should be addressed to the following : Attn: J . Chris Underwood, City of Fort Worth Email: john.underwood@ fortworthtexas.gov Phone: (817) 392-2629 AND/OR Attn: Lawrence Hamilton, P.E., City of Fort Worth E mail : lawrence .hamilton @ fortworthtexas.gov Phone: (817) 392-2626 ADVERTISEMENT DATES December 8, 2022 December 15, 2022 END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SP ECIF ICATION DOCUMENT Rev ised 7/19/202 I UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UCO 1-2023 1. Defined Terms SECTION 00 2113 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 00 21 13 rNSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page l o f9 1.1. Capitalized terms used in these INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS are defined in Section 00 72 00 -GENERAL CONDITIONS. 1.2 . Certain additional terms used in these INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS have the meanings indicated below which are applicable to both the s in gular and plural thereof. 1.2.1. Bidder: Any person, firm , partnership , company, association , or corporation acting directly through a duly authorized representative, submitting a bid for performing the work contemplated under the Contract Documents . 1.2 .2. Nonres id ent Bidder: Any person , firm, partnership , company, association, or corporation acting directly throu gh a duly authorized representative , submitting a bid for performing the work contemplated under the Contract Documents whose principal place of business is not in the State of Texas. 1.2.3. Successful Bidder: The lo west responsible and responsive Bidder to whom City (on the basis of City's evaluation as hereinafter provided) makes an award . 2. Copies of Bidding Documents 2 .1. Neither City nor Engineer shall assume a ny responsibi lity for errors or mi s interpretations resulting from the Bidders use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. 2.2. City and Engin eer in making copies of Bidding Documents availab le do so only for the purpose of obtaining Bids for the Work and do not authorize or confer a license or grant for any other u se. 3. Prequalification of Bidders (Prime Contractors and Subcontractors) 3 .1. Bidders or their designated subcontractors are required to be prequalified for the work types requiring prequalification as per Sections 00 45 11 BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS and 00 45 12 PREQUALIFICATION STATEMENT. Firms seeking pre-qualification, must submit the documentation id entified in Section 00 45 11 on Section 00 45 13 PREQUALIFICA TION APPLICATION at least seven (7) calendar days prior to Bid opening for review and, if qualified, acceptance. T he subcontractors li sted by a Bidder on 00 45 12 must be prequalified for the appropriate work types . Subcontractors must fo llo w the same timelines as Bidders for obtaining prequalification review. Bidders or Subcontractors who are not prequalified at the time bids are opened and reviewed may cause the bid to be rejected. Prequalification requirement work types and documentation are available by accessing all required file s through the City's website at: https://apps.fortworthtexas.gov/ProjectResources/ CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT Revi sed/Updated November 2, 202 1 UTILITY CUT REPA IR CONTRACT l 2023 City P roject No. UC -0 l 2023 00 2 1 13 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Pa ge 2 o f9 3.2. Each Bidder, unless currently prequalified, must submit to City at least seven (7) calendar days prior to Bid opening, the documentation id entified in Section 00 45 11 , BIDDERS PREQUALJFICA TIONS. 3 .2. I.Submission of and/or questions related to prequalification should be addressed to the City contact as provided in Paragraph 6 .1. 3.3. The City reserves the right to require any pre-qualified contractor who is the apparent low bidder for a project to submit such additional information as the City, in its so le discretion may require , including but not limited to manpower and equipment records, information about key personnel to be assigned to the project, and construction schedule to assist the City in eval uating and assessing the ability of the apparent lo w bidder to deliver a quality product and successfully complete projects for the amount bid within the stipu lated time frame . Based upon the City's assessment of the submitted information , a recommendation regarding the award of a contract will be made to the City Council. Fai lure to submit the additional in formation, ifrequested, may be grounds for rejecting the apparent low bidder as non-responsive. Affected contractors will be notified in writing of a recommendation to the City Counci l. 3.4. In addition to prequalification , additional requirements for qualification may be required within various sections of the Contract Documents. 4. Examina tion of Bidding and Contract Documents, Other Related Data, and Site 4.1 . Before submitting a Bid, each Bidder: 4.1 .1. Shall examine and carefu ll y study the Contract Documents and other related data identified in the Bidding Documents (in clud in g "technical data" referred to in Paragraph 4.2. below). No information given by City or any representative of the City other than that contained in the Contract Documents and officially promulgated addenda thereto , shall be binding upon the City. 4.1.2. Should visit the site to become fami li ar with and satisfy Bidder as to the general, local and site conditions that may affect cost, progress, performance or furnishing of the Work. 4.1 .3. Shall consider federal , state and local Laws and Regulations that may affect cost, progress , performance or furnishing of the Work . 4.1.4. Not Used 4.1.5. Shal l study all : (i) reports of exp loration s and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site and all drawings of physical conditions relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at the Site (except Underground Facilities) that have been identified in the Contract Documents as containing reliable "technical data" and (ii) reports and drawings of Hazardous Environmental Condition s, if any , at the Site that have been identified in the Contract Documents as containing reliable "technical data." CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT Revised/Updated November 2, 2021 UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ect No. UC-0 I 2023 00 2 1 13 INSTRUC TIONS TO BIDD ERS Page 3 of9 4.1.6 . Is advised that the Contract Documents on file with the City shall constitute all of the information which the City will furnish. All additional information and data which the City will supply after promulgation of the formal Contract Documents shall be issued in the form of written addenda and shall become part of the Contract Documents just as though such addenda were actually written into the original Contract Documents. No information given by the City other than that contained in the Contract Documents and officially promulgated addenda thereto, shall be binding upon the City. 4.1.7. Should perform independent research , investigations, tests , borings, and such other means as may be necessary to gain a complete knowledge of the conditions which will be encountered during the construction of the project. For projects with restricted access , upon request, City may provide each Bidder access to the site to conduct such examinations, investigations, explorations, tests and studies as each Bidder deems necessary for submission of a Bid. B idder must fill all holes and clean up and restore the site to its former conditions upon completion of such explorations , investigations, tests and studies. 4 .1.8. Shall determine the difficulties of the Work and all attending circumstances affecting the cost of doing the Work, time required for its completion, and obtain all information required to make a proposal. Bidders shall rely exclus ively and solely upon their own estimates , investigation, research, tests , explorations , and other data which are necessary for full and complete information upon which the proposal is to be based. It is understood th at the submission of a proposal or bid is prima-facie evidence that the Bidder has made the investigations, examinations and tests herein required. 4 .1.9. Shall promptly notify City of all conflicts, errors, ambiguities or discrepancies in or between the Contract Documents and such other related documents. The Contractor shall not take advantag e of any gross error or omis s ion in the Contract Documents, and the City shall be permitted to make such corrections or interpretations as may be deemed necessary for fulfillment of the intent of the Contract Documents. 4.2 . Reference is made to Section 00 73 00 -Supplementary Conditions for identification of: 4.2.1. those reports of explorations and tests of sub s urface conditions at or contiguous to the site which have been utilized by City in preparation of the Contract Documents . The logs of Soil Borings, if any, on the plans are for general information only . Neither the City nor the Engineer guarantee that the data shown is representative of conditions which actually exist. 4 .2.2. those drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface structures (except Underground Facilities) which are at or contiguous to the site that have been utilized by City in preparation of the Contract Documents . C ITY OF FORT WORTH STAND A RD C ONSTRUC TION SPEC IFI CATI ON DOCUMENT Revised/U pd ated Novem be r 2, 202 1 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CO NTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC -0 I 20 23 00 2 1 13 INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page 4 of9 4.2.3. copies of such reports and drawings will be made available by City to any Bidder on request. Those reports and drawings may not be part of the Contract Documents, but the "technical data" contained therein upon which Bidder is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 4.02. of the General Conditions has been identified and established in Paragraph SC 4.02 of the Supplementary Conditions. Bidder is responsible for any interpretation or conclusion drawn from any "technical data" or any other data, interpretations, opinions or information. 4.2.4.Standard insurance requirements , coverages and limits . 4.3. The submission of a Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by Bidder: (i) that Bidder has complied with every requirement of this Paragraph 4, (ii) that without exception the Bid is premised upon performing and furnishing the Work required by the Contract Documents and applying the s pecific means , methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction (if any) that may be shown or indicated or expressly required by the Contract Documents , (iii) that Bidder has given City written notice of all conflicts, errors, ambi g uitie s and discrepancies in the Contract Documents and the written resolutions thereof by City are acceptable to Bidder, and when said conflicts, etc., have not been resolved through the interpretations by City as described in Paragraph 6., and (iv) that the Contract Documents are generally sufficient to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performing and furnishing the Work. 4.4. The provisions of this Parag raph 4, inclusive, do not apply to Asbestos, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Petroleum , Hazardous Waste or Radioactive Material covered by Paragraph 4.06. of the General Conditions, unless specifically identified in the Contract Documents. 5. Availability of Lands for Work, Etc. 5.1. The lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-of-way and easements for access thereto and other lands designated for use by Contractor in performing the Work are identified in the Contract Documents . All additional lands and access thereto required for temporary construction facilities, construction equipment or storage of materials and equipment to be incorporated in the Work are to be obtained and paid for by Contractor. Easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities are to be obtained and paid for by City unless otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. 5.2. Outstanding right-of-way, easements, and/or permits to be acquired by the City are listed in Paragraph SC 4.01 of the Supplementary Conditions. In the event the necessary right- of-way , easements, and/or permits are not obtained, the City reserves the right to cance l the award of contract at any time before the Bidder begins any construction work on the project. 5.3. The Bidder shall be prepared to commence construction without all executed right-of- way, easements, and/o r permits, and shall submit a schedule to the City of how construction will proceed in the other areas of the project that do not require permits and/or easements. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT Revised/Updated November 2, 2021 UTILI TY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ect No . UC-0 I 2023 6. Interpretations and Addenda 00 2 1 13 INSTRUCTIO NS TO BIDDERS Page 5 of9 6.1. All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be directed to City in writing on or before 2 p.m ., the Monday prior to the Bid opening. Questions received after this day may not be responded to. Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by City in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda delivered to all parties recorded by City as having received the Bidding Documents. Only questions answered by formal written Addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect. Address questions to: City of Fort Worth 200 Texas Street Fort Worth, TX 76102 Attn: J. Chris Underwood, Water Department Emai 1: john. underwood@fortworthtexas.gov Phone: (817) 392-2629 6 .2.Addenda may also be issued to modify the Bidding Documents as deemed advisable by City. 6.3.Addenda or clarifications may be posted via the City's electronic document management and collaboration system at https ://docs . b360 .autodesk .com/shares/94 78fa34-79e3-4691 -8556-c9dabe54bf5d 6.4. A prebid conference may be held at the time and place indicated in the Advertisement or INVITATION TO BIDDERS. Representatives of City will be present to discuss the Project. Bidders are encouraged to attend and participate in the conference . City will transmit to all prospective Bidders of record such Addenda as City considers necessary in response to questions arising at the conference. Oral statements may not be relied upon and will not be binding or legally effective. 7. Bid Security 7 .1. Each Bid must be accompanied by a Bid Bond made payable to City in an amount of five (5) percent of Bidder's maximum Bid price, on the form attached or equivalent, issued by a surety meeting the requirements of Paragraph 5.01 of the General Conditions. 7.2. The Bid Bonds provided by a Bidder will be retained until the conditions of the Notice of Award have been satisfied. If the Successful Bidder fails to execute and return the Contract Documents within 14 days after the Notice of Award conveying same, City may consider Bidder to be in default, rescind the Notice of Award and act on the Bid Bond. Such action shall be City's exclusive remedy in the event Bidder is deemed to have defaulted . CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFI CATION DOCUMENT Rev ised/Updated November 2, 2021 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-01 2023 8. Contract Times 0 0 21 13 INSTRU CTIONS TO BIDDERS Pa ge 6 of9 The number of days within which, or the dates by which, Milestones are to be achieved in accordance with the General Requirements and the Work is to be completed and ready for Final Acceptance is set forth in the Agreement or incorporated therein by reference to the attached Bid Form. 9. Liquidated Damages Provisions for liquidated damages are set forth in the Agreement. 10. Substitute and "Or-Equal" Items The Contract, if awarded , will be on the basis of materials and equipment described in the Bidding Documents without consideration of possible substitute or "or-equal" items. Whenever it is indicated or specified in the Bidding Documents that a "substitute" or "or- equal" item of material or equipment may be furnished or used by Contractor if acceptable to City, application for such acceptance will not be considered by City until after the Effective Date of the Agreement. The procedure for submission of any such application by Contractor and consideration by City is set forth in Paragraphs 6 .05A., 6.05B. and 6.05C. of the General Conditions and is supplemented in Section 01 25 00 of the General Requirements. 11. Subcontractors, Suppliers and Others l 1 .1. In accordance with the City's Business Equity Ordinance No.25165-10-2021 the City has goals for the participation of minority business and/or women business enterprises in City contracts $100 ,000 or greater. See Section 00 45 40 for the M/WBE Project Goals and additional requirements. Failure to comply shall render the Bidder as non-responsive. Business Equity Ordinance No.25165-10-2021 , as amended (replacing Ordinance No. 24534-11-2020), codified at: http s ://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/ftworth/latest/ftworth tx/0-0-0-22593 11.2 . No Contractor shall be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier, other person or organization against whom Contractor or City has reasonable objection. 12. Bid Form 12.1. The Bid Form is included with the Bidding Documents; additional copies may be obtained from the City. 12.2. All blanks on the Bid Form must be completed and the Bid Form signed in ink. Erasures or alterations shall be initialed in ink by the person signing the Bid Form. A Bid price shall be indicated for each Bid item, alternative, and unit price item listed therein. In the case of optional alternatives, the words "No Bid," "No Change," or "Not Applicable" may be entered. Bidder shall state the prices for which the Bidder proposes to do the work contemplated or furnish materials required. All entries shall be legible. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUC TION SPEC IFI C ATION DOCUMENT Re vise d/Updated November 2, 2021 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 C ity Proj ect No. UC-01 2023 00 2 1 13 IN STRUC TIO NS TO BIDDERS Page 7 of9 12.3. Bids by corporations shall be executed in the corporate name by th e president or a vice-president or other corporate officer accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. The corporate seal shall be affixed. The corporate address and state of incorporation shall be shown below the si g nature. 12.4. Bids by partnerships shall be executed in the partnership na me and signed by a partner, whose titl e must appear under the signature accompanied by evidence of authority to sign . The official address of the partnership shall be shown be low th e signature. 12 .5 . Bids by limited liability companies shall be executed in the name of the firm by a member and accompanied by evidence of authority to sign. The state of formation of the firm and the official address of the firm shall be shown. 12 .6 . Bids by individuals shall show the Bidder's name and official address. 12.7. Bids by joint ventures shall be executed by each joint venture in the manner indicated on the Bid Form. The official address of the joint venture shall be shown. 12 .8. All names shall be typed or printed in ink below the signature. 12.9 . The Bid shall contain an acknowledgement ofreceipt of all Addenda, the numbers of which shall be filled in on the Bid Form. 12 .10 . Postal and e-mail addresses and telephone number for communications regarding the Bid shall be shown. 12.11. E vidence of authority to conduct business as a Nonresident Bidder in the state of Texas shall be provided in accordance with Section 00 43 37 -Vendor Compliance to State Law Non Resident Bidder. 13. Submission of Bids Bids shall be submitted on the prescribed Bid Form, provided with the Bidding Documents, at the time and place indicated in the Advertisement or INVITATION TO BIDDERS , addressed to Purchasing Manager of the City, and shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope, marked with the City Project Number, Project title, the name and address of Bidder, and accompanied by the Bid security and other required documents. If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery system , the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face of it. 14. Withdrawal of Bids 14.1. Bids addressed to the Purchasing Manager and filed with the Purchasing Office may be withdrawn prior to the time set for bid opening. A request for withdrawal must be made in writing and delivered to the Purchasing Office to receive a time stamp prior to the opening of Bids. A timely withdrawn bid will be returned to the Bidder or, if the request is within one hour of bid opening, will not be read aloud and will thereafter be returned unopened. CITY OF FORT WORTH STAND ARD C O NSTRUCTION SPEC IFICATION DO CUMENT Re vised/Updated Nove mber 2, 202 I UTILITY CUT REPAIR CO NTRACT I 2023 City Proj ect No. UC-0 I 2023 0 0 21 13 fNSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Pag e8of9 14.2. In the event any Bid for which a withdrawal request has been timely filed has been inadvertently opened , said Bid and any record thereof will subsequently be marked "Withdrawn" and w ill be g iven no further consideration for the award of contract. 15. Opening of Bids Bids will be opened and read aloud publicly. An abstract of the amounts of the base Bids and major a lternates (if any) will be made availab le to Bidders after the opening of Bids. 16. Bids to Remain Subject to Acceptance All Bid s will remain subject to acceptance for a minimum of90 day s or the time period specified for Notice of Award and execut ion and delivery of a complete Agreement by Successful Bidder. City may , at City's sole discretion , release any Bid and nullify the Bid security prior to that date. 17. Evaluation of Bids and Award of Contract 17 .1. City reserves the ri ght to reject any or all Bids, including without limitation the ri ghts to reject any or all nonconforming, nonre sponsive , unbalanced or conditional Bid s and to reject the Bid of any Bidder if City believes that it would not be in the be st intere st of the Project to make an award to that Bidder. City reserve s the right to waive informalities not involving price, contract time or changes in the Work and award a contract to such Bidder. Di scre pan c ie s between the multiplication of units of Work and unit prices will be resolved in favor of the unit prices . Discrepancies between the indicated s um of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be re solved in favor of the correct sum. Di sc repanci es between words and figures will be re so lved in favor of the words. 17 .1.1. Any or all bid s will be reje cted if City has reason to believe that collusion exists among the Bidders, Bidder is an interested party to any liti gation against City , City or Bidder may have a claim against the other or be engaged in litigation , Bidder is in arrears on any existing contract or has defaulted on a previous contract, Bidder has performed a prior contract in an unsatisfactory manner, or Bidder has uncompleted work which in the judgment of the City will prevent or hinder the prompt completion of additional work if awarded. 17 .2 . In addition to Bidder's relevant prequalification requirements , City may consider the qualifications and experience of Subcontractors, Suppliers, and other persons and organ izations proposed for those portions of the Work where the identity of such Subcontractors , Suppliers , and other persons and organizations must be submitted as provided in the Contract Documents or upon the request of the City. City also may consider the operating costs, maintenance requirements, performance data and g uarantees of major items of materials and equipment proposed for incorporation in the Work when such data is required to be submitted prior to the Notice of Award. 17.3. City may conduct such inve stigations as City deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to estab li sh the responsibility , qualifications, and financial abi li ty of Bidders , proposed Subcontractors, Suppliers and other persons and organizations to perform and furnish the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to City's satisfaction within the prescribed time. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST ANDA RD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT Revised/Updated November 2, 2021 UTILI TY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 00 2 1 13 fNSTRUCT!ONS TO BIDDERS Page 9 of9 17.4. Contractor shall perform with his own organization, work of a value not less than 35% of the value embraced on the Contract, unless otherwise approved by the City. 17 .5. If the Contract is to be awarded, it will be awarded to lowest responsible and responsive Bidder whose evaluation by City indicates that the award will be in th e best interests of the City. 17 .6 . Purs uant to Texas Government Code Chapter 2252.001 , the City will not award contract to a Nonresident Bidder unless the Nonresident Bidder's bid is lower than the lowest bid submitted by a responsible Texas Bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would b e required to underbid a Nonresident Bidder to obtain a comparable contract in the state in which the nonresident's principal place of bu s iness is located. 17.7. A contract is not awarded until formal City Council authorization. If the Contract is to be awarded, City will award the Contract within 90 days after the day of the Bid opening unless extended in writing. No other act of City or others will constitute acceptance of a Bid. Upon the contract award , a Notice of Award will be issued by the City. 17 .7.1. The contractor is required to fill out and sign the Certificate oflnterested Parties Form 1295 and the form must be submitted to the Project Manager before the contract will be presented to the City Council. The form can be obtained at https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/data/forms/1295/1295.pdf 17 .8 . Failure or refusal to comply with the requirements may result in rejection of Bid. 18. Signing of Agreement 18.1. When City issues a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by the required number of unsigned counterparts of the Project Manual. Within 14 days thereafter, Contractor shall sign and deliver the required numb e r of counterparts of the Project Manual to City with the required Bonds, Certificates oflnsurance, and all other required documentation . 18.2 . City shall thereafter deliver one fully signed counterpart to Contractor. END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDA RD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT Revi sed/Updated Novembe r 2, 202 1 UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC -0 I 2023 00 35 13 CONFLICT OF INTEREST AFFIDAVIT Page I of I SECTION 00 35 13 CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT Each bidder, offeror or respondent to a City of Fort Worth procurement is required to complete a Conflict of Interest Questionnaire or certify that one is current and on file with the City Secretary's Office pursuant to state law. If a member of the Fort Worth City Council, any one or more of the City Manager or Assistant City Managers, or an agent of the City who exercises discretion in the planning, recommending, selecting or contracting with a bidder, offeror or respondent is affiliated with your company, then a Local Government Officer Conflicts Disclosure Statement (CIS) may be required. You are urged to consult with counsel regarding the applicability of these forms and Local Government Code Chapter 176 to your company. The referenced forms may be downloaded from the links provided below. https://www.ethics.state.tx.us/data/forms/conf1ict/Cl0.pdf https://www.ethics .state.tx.us/data/forms/conf1ict/CIS.pdf D D 6 D D CIQ Form is on file with City Secretary CIQ Form is being provided to the City Secretary CIS Form does not apply CIS Form is on File with City Secretary CIS Form is being provided to the City Secretary Title: END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised February 24, 2020 ~)1~e,~ [Y\Cd\CLC o (2_ (Please Print) G UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 SECTION 00 41 00 BID FORM 00 41 00 BID FORM Page 1 of 3 TO : The Purchasing Manager c/o: The Purchasing Division 200 Texas Street City of Fort Worth , Texas 76102 FOR : UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No .: UC-01 2023 1. Enter Into Agreement The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted , to enter into an Agreement with City in the form included in the Bidding Documents to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Bid Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents . 2. BIDDER Acknowledgements and Certification 2.1 . In submitting this Bid , Bidder accepts all of the terms and conditions of the INVITATION TO BIDDERS and INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid Bond. 2 .2. Bidder is aware of all costs to provide the required insurance, will do so pending contract award , and will provide a valid insurance certificate meeting all requirements within 14 days of notification of award . 2 .3. Bidder certifies that this Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed individual or entity and is not submitted in conformity with any collusive agreement or rules of any group, association , organization, or corporation. 2.4 . Bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false or sham Bid . 2 .5 . Bidder has not solicited or induced any individual or entity to refrain from bidding. 2 .6 . Bidder has not engaged in corrupt, fraudulent , collusive, or coercive practices in competing for the Contract. For the purposes of this Paragraph: CITY OF FORT WORTH a . "corrupt practice" means the offering , giving, receiving , or soliciting of any thing of value likely to influence the action of a public official in the bidding process . b. "fraudulent practice" means an intentional misrepresentation of facts made (a) to influence the bidding process to the detriment of City (b) to establish Bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels , or (c) to deprive City of the benefits of free and open competition . c. "collusive practice" means a scheme or arrangement between two or more Bidders , with or without the knowledge of City, a purpose of which is to establish Bid prices at artificial , non- competitive levels. d . "coercive practice" means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly , persons or their property to influence their participation in the bidding process or affect the execution of the Contract. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 9/30/2021 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 3. Prequalification 00 41 00 BID FORM Page 2 of 3 The Bidder acknowledges that the following work types must be performed only by prequalified contractors and subcontractors: a . NONE b . C. d . 4 . Time of Completion 4 .1. The Work will be complete for Final Acceptance within 365 days after the date when the the Contract Time commences to run as provided in Paragraph 2.03 of the General Conditions . 4.2 . Bidder accepts the provisions of the Agreement as to liquidated damages in the event of failure to complete the Work {and/or achievement of Milestones} within the times specified in the Agreement. 5. Attached to this Bid The following documents are attached to and made a part of th is Bid : a . This Bid Form, Section 00 41 00 b . Required Bid Bond, Section 00 43 13 issued by a surety meeting the requirements of Paragraph 5 .01 of the General Conditions . c. Proposal Form , Section 00 42 43 d . Vendor Compliance to State Law Non Resident Bidder, Section 00 43 37 e. MWBE Forms (optional at time of bid) f . Prequalification Statement, Section 00 45 12 g. Conflict of Interest Affidavit , Section 00 35 13 *If necessary , CIQ or CIS forms are to be provided directly to City Secretary h . Any additional documents that may be required by Section 12 of the Instructions to Bidders 6. Total Bid Amount 6 .1. Bidder will complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents for the following bid amount. In the space provided below , please enter the total bid amount for this project. Only this figure will be read publicly by the City at the bid opening . CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 9/30/2021 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 00 41 00 BID FORM Page 3 of 3 6.2. It is understood and agreed by the Bidder in signing this proposal that the total bid amount entered below is subject to verification and/or modification by multiplying the unit bid prices for each pay item by the respective estimated quantities shown in this proposal and then totaling all of the extended amounts . 6.3. Total Bid 7. Bid Submittal This Bid is submitted on Re.speFicttull subm;tted~- By. _;___C ~ (Signature) :=SW "l\ ~ \ "'\ l~-C{~-- (P~~e) Title: l '1 rn Company: -Scts l D. f J .It~(lJ ~\C,~ Address:· -L\ l.!4 O 8 ~IDl..J _ fl '6u<li~ ,--n 7 \1 D Oi_,,,._b __ State of Incorporation: ; \ ~er 1y the entity named below. Receipt is acknowledged of the Initial following Addenda : Addendum No. 1: Addendum No. 2: Addendum No. 3: Addendum No. 4: Corporate Seal: Email : -SO\\ n 1\ L\ \'\ 1 '-~a~ w ~ ~9n'Lf \\ ,(61Y\_ Phone:-s \l -101-5\.Qr:D END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Fonn Revised 9/30/2021 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 SECTION 00 43 37 00 43 37 VENDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW Page 1 of 1 VENDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW NON RESIDENT BIDDER Texas Government Code Chapter 2252 was adopted for the award of contracts to nonresident bidders. This law provides that, in order to be awarded a contract as low bidder , nonresident bidders (out-of-state contractors whose corporate offices or principal place of business are outside the State of Texas) bid projects for construction, improvements, supplies or services in Texas at an amount lower than the lowest Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a nonresident bidder in order to obtain a comparable contract in the State which the nonresident's principal place of business is located . The appropriate blanks in Section A must be filled out by all nonresident bidders in order for your bid to meet specifications. The failure of nonresident bidders to do so will automatically disqualify that bidder. Resident bidders must check the box in Section 8. A. Nonresident bidders in the State of State Here or Blank , our principal place of business , are required to be % Here percent lower than resident bidders by State Law. A copy of the statute is attached. Nonresident bidders in the State of State Here or Blank , our principal place of business, are not required to underbid resident bidders. B. The principal place of business _91 our company or our parent company or majority owner is in the State of Texas.~ BIDDER: ~~st5etc~~u~,c!VL Address Lll04 b 1=: r (l,U l0 '7 Address City, State Zip Code fu(\Jl_ ~0\-1 14 ·1Lto91 €fJ END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 9/30/20211 By: Printed Name Here JO tltJ I.I'( Ho W Ii /lY ~ILJ Signature) Title: . ~ rt') Date: )~ 1LJI Jd- UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 SECTION 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM 00 42 43 BID PROPOSAL Page I of 4 UNI T PRICE B ID B idder's Appli cation Project Item In fomiation Pay Item Bid L i st Item Specification Bid Quantity Unit of Description No. Sect ion No. Mea surem ent UNIT I-CUTS LESS THAN 300 SOUARE FEET (ITEMS 1-7 1 3212 .0303 32 1216 1,500 2 3212.0304 32 12 16 3 9999.0001 32 13 13 32 13 73 4 3213 .0101 32 1313 32 13 73 5 3213.0104 32 13 13 32 13 73 6 3213.0106 32 13 13 32 13 73 7 3214.0200 32 14 16 CITY OF FORT WORTH STA NDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Fo1m Revised 9/J0/2021 500 100 200 200 100 30 SY SY SY SY SY SY SY 3-i nch Asphalt Pave ment Type D 1°llt~f'( 11)(. Dollars No Cents 4-inch Asphalt Pave ment Typ e D foi(.f'( fr~ Dollars No Cents 5-inch Concrete Pavement Including Sili co ne Joint Sealing S~f'T '?IX Doll ars Ftvfi Ce nts 6-inch Concrete Pavement Includ ing Si li cone Joint Seali ng E,G.t-t'f-< 1"wo Dollars ~16H1''f Cents 9-inch Concrete Pavement Including Silicone Joint Sealing ON-l-l11foJ~6} ,~o 1"H~~rs FIIIE Cents 11 -inch Concrete Pavement 10c~t>\f~~n~~~ealing lltJ'9 '51x1~~,J Dollars F1 J:"1'-r' Fl\lE° Cents Brick Pavement Repair Ett,trf"r Ftv~ Dollars 1'Jo Cents Bidder's Pro pos al Un it Pri ce 4> ,, ,oo l14i.oO 11,1,.0 , l$i1.. 1D 1,,0~.05 iLL~. '5, 111,.00 Bid Value ll tfl/,ooo L f 1.Z., 'idO 11 ~05 - {Ll,,5'40 $ ~l{ "1 I o - f>t1 ,~S5 f 2,5?0 REVISED BY ADDEND UM I UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 UNIT PRICE BID SECTION 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM Bidder's Appl icati on 00 42 43 BID PROPOSAL Page 2 o f4 Project Item Infomiati on Bidder's Proposa l Bid Lis t Item Specification Bid Quantity Unit of De script ion Unit Pric e Pay Item No. Sec tion No. Measure ment UNIT II -CUTS GREATER THAN 300 SOUARE FEET HTEMS 8-14) 8 3212.0303 32 1216 1,500 9 3212.0304 32 12 16 10 9999.0001 32 13 13 32 13 73 11 3213 .0101 32 1313 32 13 73 12 3213 .0104 32 13 13 32 13 73 13 3213.0106 32 13 13 32 13 73 14 3214 .0200 32 14 16 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANOAR D CONSTR UCTION SPECIFI CATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 9/30n021 500 100 200 200 100 30 SY SY SY SY SY SY SY 3-inch Asphalt Pavement Type D 1"tll~16-51X Dollars 4~'1.00 I D Cents 4-inch Asphalt Pavement Type D Fot11 F,v; Dollars 44f.VO 'NO Cents 5-inch Concrete Pavement Including Silicone Joint Sealing 2Evt1Jrt ~lJ. Dollars 41,.0, Fhi't Cents 6-inch Concrete Pavement Including Silicone Joint Sealing €lC.f.11 '( -fw<> Dollars 'Hz.iv t;,1Glf1 ,-Cents 9-inch Concrete Pavement li~inui~o ~bsea ling AtJCJ Tt1.tif Dollars 14 /tJ3.05 J:lv~ Cents 11 -inch Concrete Pavement Including ,:f licone f rl!-8ealing ONi cJt-JO i; A>.10 ~I JcT,;~N Dollars iu~.55 Fir"'fv 1-,vE Cents Brick Pavement Repair ~u;t-11'1' Fnli Dollars ~j5.0 D N{) Cents Bid Value t ,l/. ooo 122,?tJO 11, lt,05 1t(,, 5,c tzo11,,10 jtl,~55" 12.,550 REVISED BY ADDENDUM I UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT t 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 UNIT PRICE BID SECTION 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FORM Bidder's Application 00 42 43 BID PROPOSAL Pagc)of4 Projecl Item lnfonnation Bidder's Proposal Bid List Item Specification Bid Quantity Unit of Descri ption Unit Pri ce Bid Valu e Pa y Item No. Section No. Measurement UNIT III -ADDITIONAL ITEMS REOUIRED OTHER THAN PAVING (ITEMS 15-251 15 3216.0102 32 16 13 16 3216.0102 321613 17 3213 .0401 32 13 20 18 3213 .0301 32 13 20 19 32 13 20 20 3291.0100 32 91 19 21 3212.0302 3212 16 22 3212.0302 3212 16 23 33 12 10 24 3216.0301 32 16 13 C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Fo1m Revised 9/30/202 1 100 LF 100 LF 200 SF 100 SF 5 EA 50 CY 50 SY 50 SY 1 EA 30 SY 7-inch Concrete Curb and Gutter 1il1/l:1Y Dollars JVV Cents 7-inch Concrete Curb and Gutter Attached to Concrete Pavement ~1:/tll.1 '( Dollars NO Cents 6-inch Reinforced Concrete Drivewa~ ¼µf; -.w,~1'1' Dollars Cents 4-inch Reinforced Concrete Sidewalk SEVEN Dollars ~,V~N,Y Cents 4-inch Reinforced Concrete ADA Wheelch".1 Ram0 ~ i" PJ .!.. vtJ ~c Doll ars NO ttf'f-,' Mo Cents Top Soil £tl:,l1f'( Ftvf. Dollars NO Cents 2-inch Asphalt Paveme nt, Type D Parking Lo t Repair 1'i,.16N1'( ~ flf(N Dollars tJO Cents 2-inch Aspha lt Pavem ent, Type D Driveway Repair 1"°'141.f/Jr"r' '7'iM Doll ars Al O Cents Water Meter ~justment f't,J0 \JNQR_(i) A,,(O F, r:1v Doll ars Cents 7-in ch Concrete Valley Gutter, Residential 5,vcr-rf'( Dollars FoR1'"( '",E\J ~r-,, Cents l{;o.oo . j ;o.oD ~'f.Zo '$7.7D 11,0.00 1~5.oo $ 21.0fJ 421,00 . $15"6.oo 110-~1 i 3.~oc, 13000 $/. 'Jt/O 1>770 $3,75b ~4.2~() 1 /,; 56 , 4 /,3~0 'f zJc.oo t t,l\(lll REVISED BY ADDENDUM I UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT t 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 UNIT PRICE BID SECTION 00 42 43 PROPOSAL FO RM Bidder's App lication 00 42 43 BID PROPOSAL Pagc4 of4 Proj ect Item lnfonnation Bidder's Proposa l Pay Item Bid List Item Specifica tion Bid Quantity Unit of Description Unit Pric e Bid Va lue No . Sec tion No. Measu remen t UNIT III -ADDITIONAL ITEMS REQUIRED OTHER THAN PAVI N G (ITEMS 15-251 25 01 55 26 34 711 3 C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFI CATION DOCUMENTS Fonn Revi sed 9/30/2021 5 EA Stree t Use Permit One Hun dred No Do ll a rs Cents $100.00 $500 .00 Total Bid ___ i _t_'f_'3_,---"/ 3_'/._,_,a RE VISED BY ADDENDUM I UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 Bid Bond CONTRACTOR: (t'.Ta111e, legal stat11s and addresJ) Jasco Construction , LLC 4640 Farm to Market Road 1187, Burleson , TX 76028 (817) 563-4800 O WNER : p:!a111e, legal stat11s and address) City of Fort Worth 200 Texas Street B~~t0~0UNT: TX Nvt tv Exceed : Fif tee n Tho u. -an d PROJECT: - 76102 Bond Numb er: 8B323782 _____ _ SURETY: (Nm11 e, lega l tat11s awl p1i11tipal place of imsi11esJ ) Jet I nsurance Compa ny 11440 Ca rmel Commons Blvd Ste 207 Charlotte , NC 28226 8004381162 ( $15,000.00 ) Do llars (!Yn111 e, kmtio11 or address, n11d PrcyPd 111r111be1; if m!Y) UC-012023 200 Texas Street, Fort Worth , TX 76102 The Contractor and Sur ety :ue bo und to the O,n1er in the am o unt se t forth ,l boYe , for the p ::i.ym em of which the Contractor and Surety bind themse in·s, th eir heirs, exec utors, a Jministrators, successors and ::issigns, jointly 11 ncl several\ as :_:,ro,·icled h erein. The conditions of thi s Bond are s•:ch that if the Owner ::icce pts the bid of the Comractor within the time specified in the bid documents, or,,. ithin such time perio d as .rn1 y b e ,1greecl to by the Owner 1111d Contractor, and the Contractor ei ther (1) em ers into :t contract with the Owner il l accord ance with the term s of su ch bid , 1111d giYes such bond or b o nds 11s nrny b e specifi ed in t h e bidding o r Contract Documents. with 11 surety 11 dmitted in the jurisdiction of the Project and otherwis e 11cce ptable to th e Owner for the faithful performance of such Contrac t and for the prompt p ay-me nt of hbor and material furni sh ed in th e prosecution thereof; or (2) p11ys to the O w ner tl1 e difference, nor to exceed the am ount of this Bond , between the 11 mount sp ecifi ed ill sai d bid and such larger amount for which the Owne r may in good faith contract "·.ith another party to p erform the work con·red b~-s!l.i d bid, tl1 en thi s o bliga ri on sh !!.ll b e null aud void, oth erwise to r em ail1 in full fo rc e ,rnd effect. The Sure ry hereby waives any notice of an agree m ent b et\,·een the Owner and Co11tr,1ctor to ex te11d the ti m e in ,vhich the O,\·ner m ay acce p t the bid. \\'i11iver of notice by the Surety sh all not apply ro a11y extension exceedu1g si.,;:ry (60) clays in th e aggregrue b ey oucl th e til11e for acceptance of bids specifi e d in the bid d ocume nts, an d the O\\·ner 1111d Contrnctor slrn.ll obmin th e Surety's consent for an extensiou b eyond sixty (60) d ays . If th.is nond is iss u ed in connection with a snbco n trncror's bid to a Contrncro r, the term C o ntrn ctor in this Bond sh all be d ee m ed to be Subco ntractor and the term O"·ner slrnll b e d ee m ed ro b e Contractor. \\'IJ.1en tl1is Bo nd h as bee n furnished to comply with a srn tutory o r otl1er lega l require m ent in the loe11tion of the Proj ec t, any provision in thi s B ond conflicting with said sta tutory or legal r equir ement shall be de emed deleted herefrom and pro,isions conforming to such statutory o r oth er leg11l requirement shall b e d eemed inc orpora ted h erein. \\',hen so furni shed, the illtent i s th at thi s Bond sh all b e cons tru ed as a sta tutory boud and n o t as a co mmon la,\· bond. Sign ed and sea led this 3rd d ay of January A ttorn ey In Fa ct (Title) 2023 By arrangement with the American Insti tute of Architects , the National Association of Surety B ond Producers (NASBP) (\V\,Vw.nasbp.org) makes th.is fo n u document ava ilable to its members, affiliates, and associates in Microsoft Word fonnat for use in the regular course of surety business. NASBP vou ches that the 01iginal text of this document conforms exactly to the text in AJA D ocum ent A3J0-2010 . Bid B ond. Subsequ ent modifications may be made to the 01i gi11al text of this docmnent by u sers, so carefoi review of its wording and consu ltation with an attorney are encouraged before its completion, execution or acceptance. 1 Bond Number: 88323782 -==~~---- JET INSURANCE COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY NOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS : That JET INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws o, the State of '-lorth Carolina, ',aving its principa l office in Ci1arlotte Norti1 Carolina does he eby constitcIte and appoint Name Limit of L iability pe r Bond David Gonsalves $15,000.00 its trc1e and la~'Vful Attorney(s)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety, any and all bonds , undertakings , contracts of indemnity, recognizances and other writings obl igatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed. required or permitted by law. statute , rule , regulation , contract or otherwise provided thdt the liability of such shall not exceed the limit stated above The execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents , shall be as binding upon JET INSURANCE COMPANY as fully and amply, to all Intents and purposes . as if the same had been duly e·.;ecuted and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at the principal office . The Power of Attorney is executed and may be certified so , and may be revoked, pursuant to and by authority of the following resolutions adopted by '.:·,e l::soard of :Jirectors of J::T H~SURANCE COMPANY by unanimous writte n const.nt oatt.d August 3. :01 8, of wh ich the following is a true excerpt: RESOLVED that the President . or any V ice President. act ing with any Secretary or Assistant Secretary, shall have power and authority to appoint Attomey(s)-in-fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, attach the Seal of the Company thereto and deliver, bonds, undertakings , contracts of indemnity, recogn izances and other writings obl igatory in the nature the reof; to prescribe their respective duti es and the respective lim its of their aJthority; and to revoke, at any time , any such Attorney-in-fact and revoke the authority given . Further, th is 1-'ower of Attorney is signed and sealed by facs imile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company adopted by unan imous written consent daLd August 3, 2018 , of wh ich the following is a true excerpt: RESOLVED that the signature of any authorized officer and the Seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or certification thereof authorizing the execution on behalf of the Company and delivery of any bond , undertaking , contract of indemnity, recognizance and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, JET INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer, this 24'h day of August, 2022 . STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Cou,lty of Lancaster Spencer Sllno , President JET INSURANCE COMPANY Rl::hard Popp, Secretary On this 24th day of August, 2022 before me came the individuals who executed the preceding instrument , to me personally known , and being by me duly sworn, said that each is the herein described and authorized officer of Jet Insurance Company ; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that the Corporate Seal and each signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company. Sara C. Holt Notary Pubiic, State of South C:1rolina County o1 La. ,caster My Cummission Expires 05/1712023 IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand at ...'el Insurance Company offices the day and year above written . Sara C. Holt Notary Public, State of South Carolina My Commis~ion Expires May 17, 2023 I, Richard Popp , Secretary of JET INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by JET INSURANCE COMPANY , which is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have thereunto set my hand and attached the seal of said Company this~ day of January Richard Popp, Secretary 2023 SECTION 00 43 37 00 43 37 VENDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW Page 1 of 1 VENDOR COMPLIANCE TO STATE LAW NON RESIDENT BIDDER Texas Government Code Chapter 2252 was adopted for the award of contracts to nonresident bidders . This law provides that, in order to be awarded a contract as low bidder, nonresident bidders (out-of-state contractors whose corporate offices or principal place of business are outside the State of Texas) bid projects for construction, improvements , supplies or services in Texas at an amount lower than the lowest Texas resident bidder by the same amount that a Texas resident bidder would be requ ired to underbid a nonresident bidder in order to obtain a comparable contract in the State which the nonresident's principal place of business is located. The appropriate blanks in Section A must be filled out by all nonresident bidders in order for your bid to meet specifications. The failure of nonresident bidders to do so will automatically disqualify that bidder. Resident bidders must check the box in Section B. A. Nonresident bidders in the State of , our principal place of business, are required to be percent lower than resident bidders by State Law. A copy of the statute is attached. Nonresident bidders in the State of , our principal place of business, are not required to underbid resident bidders. B. The principal place of business ~our company or our parent company or majority owner is in the State of Texas . ~ BIDDER: J A5(,_0 t?'tJ s-r;20 c,,-not\J LL-C.. .,;. '4-111-~-FM t l i '1 '3u JtU: So/J -T"x 7 <, 0 -Z. i END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Form Revised 9/30/20211 Title: (5~EIUtL MA ,JAG£~ Date : L//3 /7-o 2-3 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 00 45 11 -I BIDDERS PREQUALIFI C ATIONS Page I o f3 SECTION 00 45 11 2 BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS 3 4 1. Summary. A Bidder or their designated subcontractors are required to be prequalified or 5 have applied for prequalification by the City for the work types requiring prequalification 6 prior to submitting bids. To be considered for award of contract the Bidder must submit 7 Section 00 45 12 , PREQUALIFICATION STATEMENT for the work type(s) listed with 8 their Bid. Any contractor or subcontractor who is not prequalified for the work type(s) listed 9 mu s t submit Section 00 45 13, PREQUALIFICATION APPLICATION in accordance with 10 the requirements below . The information must be submitted seven (7) days prior to the 11 date of the opening of bids. Subcontractors must follow the same timelines as contractors 12 for obtaining prequalification review. Bidders or Subcontractors who are not prequalified at 13 the time bids are opened and reviewed may cause the bid to be rejected. 14 15 16 The prequalification process will establish a bid limit based on a technical evaluation and 17 financial analysis of the contractor. For example, a contractor wishing to submit bids on 18 projects to be opened on the 7th of April must file the information by the 31st day of March 19 in order to eligible to work on these projects . In order to facilitate the approval of a Bidder 's 20 Prequalification Application , the following must accompany the submission. 21 a. A complete set of audited or reviewed financial statements . 22 (1) Classified Balance Sheet 23 (2) Income Statement 24 (3) StatementofCashFlows 25 (4) StatementofRetained Earnings 26 ( 5) Notes to the Financial Statements , if any 27 b. A certified copy of the firm's organizational documents (Corporate Charter, Articles 28 oflncorporation, Articles of Organization, Certificate of Formation , LLC 29 Regulations, and Certificate of Limited Partnership Agreement). 30 c . A completed Bidder Prequalification Application. 31 (1) The firm's Texas Taxpayer Identification Number as issued by the Texas 32 Comptroller of Public Accounts. To obtain a Texas Taxpayer Identification 33 number visit the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts online at the 34 following web address www.window.state.tx.us/tax{X:'.rmit/ and fill out the 35 application to apply for your Texas tax ID . 36 (2) The firm 's e-mail address and fax number. 37 (3) The firm's DUNS number as issued by Dun & Bradstreet. This number 38 is used by the City for required reporting on Federal Aid projects. The DUNS 39 number may be obtained at www .dnb.com. 40 d. Resumes reflecting the construction experience of the principles of the firm for firms 41 submitting their initial prequalification. These resumes should include the size and 42 scope of the work performed. 43 e. Other information as requested by the City. 44 45 2 . Prequalification Requirements 46 a . Financial Statements. Financial statement submission must be provided in 47 accordance with the following: 48 ( 1) The City requires that the original Financial Statement or a certified copy 49 be submitted for consideration. C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD C ONSTR UCTION S PECIFI C ATION DOC UM ENTS Rev ised August 13 , 202 1 UTILITY CUT REPA IR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 20 23 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 3. 0045 11-2 BIDDERS PREQUALIF ICAT IO NS Page 2 of3 (2) To be satisfactory, th e financial statements must be audited or reviewed by an independent, certified public accounting firm register ed and in go od standing in any state. Current Texas statues also require that accounting firm s performing audits or r ev iew s on bus ine ss entities within the State of Texas be properly licen sed or regis tered with the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy. (3) The accounting firm should state in the audit report or review whether the contractor is an individuai corporation, or limited liability company. (4) Financial Statements mus t be presented in U.S. dollars at the current rate of exchange of the Balance Sheet date. (5) The City will not recognize any certified public accountant as independent who is not, in fact, independent. (6) The accountant's opinion on the financial statements of the contracting company should state that the audit or review has been conducted in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. This must be stated in the accounting firm 's opinion. It should : (1) express an unqualified opinion, or (2) express a qualified opinion on the statements taken as a whole. (7) The City reserves th e right to require a new statement at any tim e . (8) The fmancial statement must be prepared as of the last day of any month, not more than one year old and must be on file with the City 16 month s thereafter, in accordance with Paragraph 1. (9) The City will deter mine a contractor's bidding capacity for the purposes of awarding contracts. Biddin g capacity is determined by multiplying the po s itive net working capital (working capital = current assets-current liabilitie s) by a fac tor of 10 . Only those statements reflectin g a positive net working capit al position will be considered satisfactory for prequalification purposes. (10) In the case that a bidding date falls within the time a new fmancia l statement is being prepared , the previous statement shall be upd ated with proper verification . b . Bidder Prequa l ification Application. A Bidder Prequalification Application must be submitted along with audited or reviewed financial statements by firms wishing to be eligible to bid on all classes of construction and maintenance projects . Incomplete Applications will be rejected. (1) In those schedules where there is nothing to report, the notation of ''None" or "N I A" sho uld be inserted. (2) A minimum of five (5) references ofrelated work must be provided. (3) Submission of an equipment schedule which indicates eq uipm ent under the control of the Contractor and which is related to the type of work for which the Contactor is seeking prequalification . The schedule must include the manufacturer, model and general common description of each piece of equipment. Abbreviations or means of describing equipment other than provided above will not be accepted. Eligibility for A ward of Contract a . T he City shall be the sole judge as to a contractor's prequalification . b. The C ity may reject, suspend, or modify any prequalification for failure by the contractor to demonstrate acceptable fmancial ability or performance. c. The City will issue a letter as to the s tatus of the prequalification approval. C IT Y OF FORT WORTH UTILI TY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity proj ect No. UC-0 I 2023 STANDARD CONSTRUCT ION SPECIF ICAT ION DOCUM ENTS Revi sed Aug ust 13, 2021 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 00 45 11 -3 BIDDERS PREQUALIFICATIONS Page 3 of3 d. If a contractor has a valid prequalification letter , the contractor will be eligible to perform the prequalified work types until the expiration date stated in the letter. END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised August 13, 2021 UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 City project No. UC-0 I 2023 SECTION 00 45 12 PREQUALIFICATION STATEMENT 00 45 12 BID FOR M Pag e 1 of 1 Each Bidder for a City procurement is requ ired to complete the information below by identifying the prequal ified contractors and/or subcontractors whom they intend to utilize for the major work type(s) listed . Majo r Wo rk Type Contractor/Subcontractor Company Name Prequalification Expiration Date NONE Company Name Here or space Date Here or space 0 Company Name Here or space Date Here or space 0 Company Name Here or space Date Here or space 0 Company Name Here or space Date Here or space - The undersigned hereby certifies that the contractors and/or subcontractors described in the table above are currently prequal ified fo r the work types listed. BIDDER: Company Name Here Address Here Address Here or Space City , State Zip Code Here C ITY O F FO RT W O RTH STANDA RD CO NSTRU CTIO N SP EC IFICATIO N DOCUM EN TS Form Revised 9/30 /2021 END OF SECTION By : Printed Name Here (Signature) Title : Title Here Date : ------------ UTILI TY C UT REPAIR CO NTRACT 1 2023 City Project No . UC-0 1 2023 fORTWORTH ' ~ , Date of Balance Sheet SECTION 00 45 13 PREQUALIFI CATI ON APP LI CATI ON Mark only one: Individual Name under wh ich yo u wis h to qualify Limited Partnership General Partnership Corporat ion Limited Liability Company Post Office Box City State Zip Code Street Ad dr ess (required) City State Zip Code Telephone Fax Em a il Texas Taxpayer Identification No. Fed eral Emplo yers Identific atio n No. DUNS No . (if applicable) Email/mail this qu estionnaire alon g with fmancial s t atements to the appro priate gro up below . A separate s ubmittal is required for water/s ewer, paving, and li ghtin g: Work Category -Water Dept -Water/sewer Work Ca tegory -TPW Paving Work Category -TPW Ped/Rdwy L ighting john. k asav ich @.Fort Worth Texas. gov Alici a.Ga rcia@fo rtworthtexas.gov cl int . h oo ver@fo rt worth tex as. gov Fort Wort h Wat er Department E ngme enng and City ot Fort Worth Transportat10n and Public City ot Fort Worth TPW Transp o rt at ion Fisca l Services Division 200 Texas St. Fort Works Dept. 8851 Camp Bowie West B lvd. Fort Manage ment Attn: Clint Hoover, P .E. 500 I Worth , TX 76 102 Worth , Texas 76116 Attn: Alicia Garci a James Ave. Fort Worth , TX 76115 *Financial Statements must be mailed. Mark the envelope: "Bidder Prequalification Application" 0045 13-2 BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION APPLICATION Page 2 of8 BUSINFSS CLASSIFICATION The foUowing should be completed in order that we may properly c lassify your firm: (Check t he block(s) whic h are app li cable -Block 3 is to be left blank if Block 1 and/or Block 2 is checked) D Has fewer than 100 emp loyees and/or D Has less than $6,000,000.00 in ann ua l gross receipts OR D Does not m eet the crit eria for being designated a small business as provided in Section 2006.001 of the Texas Government Code. T he c lassification of your firm as a smaU or large business is not a factor in determining eligibility to become prequalified. Se lect major work categories for whic h yo u would like to be prequalified (City may deem you are not qualified for selected category or may approve you at a lesser size/length and max imum size may not be listed specifically under a major work category): MAJOR WORK CATEGORIES Water Department Aug ur Borin g -24 -in c h diameter casing and less Aug ur Boring -Greater than 24-inc h diameter casing and greater Tunneling -36-In ches -60 -inches , and 350 LF or less T unneling -36-Inc hes -60-inc hes, and greater than 350 LF Tunneling -66" and greater, 350 LF and g reater T unn e lin g -66" and greate r, 350 LF or Less Cathodic Protection Water Distribution, Development, 8-inch diameter and smaller Water Dis tribution , Urban and Renewal, 8-inch diameter and smaUer Water Distribution, Development, 12-inch diameter and smaller Water Distribution, Urban and Renewal, 12-inch diameter and smaller Water Transmissio n, Development, 24-inches an d smaller Water Transmission, Urban/Renewal, 24-inc hes and smaller Water Transmission, Development, 42-inches and small er Water Transmission, Urban/Renewal, 42-inches and smaller Water Transmission, D evelopm ent, AU Sizes Water Transmiss ion , Urban/Renewal, AU Sizes Sewer Bypass Pumping, 18-inches and smaller Sewer Bypass Pumping, 18-inches -36 -inches Sewer Bypass Pumping 42-inches and larger CCTV, 8-inches and smaUer CCTV, 12-inches and smaller CCTV, 18-in c hes and smaller CCTV, 24-inc h es and smaller CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT ION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised A ugu st 13 , 202 1 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 C ity Project No . UC-0 I 2023 00 4 5 13-3 BIDD ER PREQUALIFIC ATION APPLIC ATION P age 3 o f 8 MAJOR WORK CATEGORIES, CONIINUED CCTV, 42-inches and smaller CCTV, 48-inches and smaller Sewer CIPP, 12-inches and smaller Sewer CIPP , 24-inches and smaller Sewer CIPP , 42-inches and smaller Sewer CIPP, All Sizes Sewer Collection System, Development, 8-inches and smaller Sewer Collection System, Urban/Renewal, 8-inches and smaller Sewer Collection System, Development, 12-inches and smaller Sewer Collection System, Urban/Renewal, 12-inches and smaller Sewer Interceptors, Development, 24-inches and smaller Sewer Interceptors, Urban/Renewal, 24-inches and smaller Sewer Interceptors, Development, 42-inches and smaller Sewer Interceptors, Urban/Renewal, 42-inches and sma!Jer Sewer Interceptors, Development, 48-inches and smaller Sewer Interceptors, Urban/Renewal, 48-inches and smaller Sewer Pipe Enlargement 12-inches and smaller Sewer Pipe Enlargement 24-inches and sma!Jer Sewer Pipe Enlargement, AU Sizes Sewer Cleaning, 24-inches and smaller Sewer Cleaning , 42-inches and smaller Sewer Cleaning, All Sizes Sewer Cleaning, 8-inches and smaller Sewer Cleaning, 12 -in ches and smaller Sewer Siphons 12-inches or less Sewer Siphons 24-inches or less Sewer Siphons 42-inches or less Sewer Siphons All Sizes Transportation Public Works Asphalt Paving Construction/Reconstruction (LESS THAN 15,000 square yards) Asphalt Paving Construction/Reconstruction (15,000 square yards and GREATER) Asphalt Paving Heavy Maintenance (UNDER $1,000,000) Asphalt Paving Heavy Maintenance ($1,000,000 and OVER) Concrete Paving Construction/Reconstruction (LESS THAN 15,000 square yards)* Concrete Paving Construction/Reconstruction (15,000 square yards and GREATER)* Roadway and Pedestrian Lighting NOTE *There is not a prequalification requirement for installation of concrete sidewalk, curb & gutter, driveways, and panel replacement, only concrete paving CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFI C ATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed August 13 , 2021 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 1. List equipment you do not own but which is availabl e by renting 00 45 13 -4 BIDDER P REQUALlF ICATJON APPLICATJON Page 4 of 8 DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT NAME AND DETAILED ADDRESS OF OWNER 2. How many years has your organizat ion been in business as a general contractor under your present name? ___________________________________ _ List previous business names: __________________________ _ 3 . How many years of experience in __________ construction work has your organization had : (a) As a General Contractor: _____ (b) As a Sub-Contractor: ____ _ 4 . *What projects h as your organization completed in Texas and elsewhere? CLASS LOCATION NAME AND D ETAILED CONTRACT OF DATE CITY-COUNTY-ADDRESS OF OFFICIAL TO AMOUNT WORK COMPLETED STATE WHOM YOU REFER *If requalifymg only show work performed smce last statement. 5.Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? _______________ _ If so, where and why? _____________________________ _ 6.Has any officer or owner of your organization ever been an officer of another organization that failed to complete a contract? _____________________________ _ If so, state the name of the individual, other organization and reason. _____________ _ 7.Has any officer or owner of your organization ever failed to complete a contract executed in h is/her name? ------------------------------------ If so, state the name of the individual, name of owner and reason. ______________ _ CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT ION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed August 13 , 202 1 UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ec t No. UC-0 I 2023 00 45 13 -5 BIDDER PREQUALfF ICATION APPLICATION Page 5 of8 8. I n w h at other lines of business are yo u finan c ially in te r es t ed? ______________ _ 9 . Have yo u ever performed any wor k for the C ity? __________________ _ I f so, w h en an d t ow horn d o yo u r efer? _______________________ _ 10 . Stat e n ames and detail ed ad dresses of all produc ers from w horn yo u have purchased prin c ip al m aterials during the las t t hree years. NAME OF F IRM OR COMP ANY D ETAILED AD D RESS 11. G ive th e n ames of any affiliat es or relat ives c urrent ly de barred by th e City. Ind icate yo ur r e latio ns hip to th is p erson o r firm. _____________________________ _ 12 . What is t he cons truc ti o n exp er ie nce of the p rin c ip a l in div idu als in yo ur organiz.at ion ? PRESENT MAGNITUDE POSI TI ON OR YEARS OF AND TYPE OF IN WHAT NAME OFFI CE EXPERI ENCE WORK CAPACITY 13. If any ow ne r , officer, d irec t or, o r stockhold er of your fir m is a n emp loyee of the City, or shares t h e sam e ho useho ld w ith a C ity e mployee, please list the n a m e of the City em pl oyee and th e r e lati ons hip. In addit io n, list any City employee w ho is t he s po use, child , or par e nt of an owner, officer, stockh o ld e r , o r dir ec to r who does n ot live in th e same h o usehold but w ho receives care an d assistance fro m t hat p e r son as a d irect r es ul t of a doc um e nted m edical condit io n . T h is includ es fos t er c hild re n o r those r e lated b y ad optio n or marri age. _____________________________ _ CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT ION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed August 13 , 202 1 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-0 I 2023 CORPORATION BLOCK If a corporation: Date of Incorporation Charter/F ile No. President Vice Presidents Secretary Treasurer LIMI1ED LIABILI1Y COMPANY BLOCK If a corporation: State of Incorporation Date of organization F il e No. ' Offic ers or Managers (with titles , if any) 00 45 13 -6 BrDOER PREQUALIF ICATION AP PLI CATION Page 6of8 · PARTNERSIDP BLOCK If a partnership: State of Organization D ate of organization Is partn ers hip general, limited , or registered limited liability partnership ? F il e No. (if Limited Partnership) General Partners /Officers Limited Partners (if applicable) Individuals authorized to s ign for Partnership Except for limited partners, the individual s li sted in the blocks above are presumed to have full signature authority for your firm unless otherwise advised Should you wish to grant signature authority for additional individuals, please attach a certified copy of the corporate resolution, corporate minutes, partnership agreement, power of attorney or other legal documentation which grants this authority. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT ION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed August 13, 202 1 UTI LITY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ec t No. UC-0 I 2023 14. Eq uipm ent 00 45 13 -7 BIDDER PREQUAUF ICATION APPLICATION P age 7 of 8 $ ______ _ TOTAL Similar types of equipment may be lump ed together. If your firm h as more than 30 types of equipment, you may show these 30 types and show the remainder as "various". T he C it y, by allowing you to show only 30 types of equipment, reserves the right to request a complete, detailed list of all your equipment. T h e equipment list is a representation of equipment under the control of the firm and w hich is related to the type of work for whic h the firm is seeking qualification . In the description include , the manufacturer, model, and general common description of each. ITEM QUANTITY ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Various- CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised August 13 , 2021 TOTAL BALANCE SHEET VALUE UTILI TY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Proj ect No. UC-0 I 2023 00 45 13-8 BIDDER P REQUAL IFIC AT ION APPLICATION Page 8 of 8 BIDDER PREQUALIFICATION AFFIDAVIT STATEOF COUNTY OF The undersigned hereby declares that the foregoing is a true statement of the financial condition of the entity herein first named, as of the date herein first given; that this statement is for the express purpose of inducing the party to whom it is submitted to award the submitter a contract; and that the accountant who prepared the balance sheet accompanying this report as well as any depository , vendor or any other agency herein named is hereby authorized to supply each party with any information, while this statement is in force , necessary to verify said statement. _____________________ , being duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is the _______________ of ____________ , the entity described in and which executed the foregoing statement that he/she is familiar with the books of the said entity showing its financial condition; that the foregoing fmancial statement taken from the books of the said entity as of the date thereof and that the answers to the questions of the foregoing Bidder Prequalification Application are correct and true as of the date of this affidavit. Firm Name: Signature: Sworn to before me this _____ day of ________ _, ____ _ Notary Public Notary Public must not be an officer, director, or stockholder or relative thereof. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFI C AT ION DOC UM ENTS R evi sed August 13 , 2021 UTILITY CU T REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 00 45 26 - I CONT RA CTOR COM PLIAN CE WITH WORK ER'S COMPEN SATION LAW Page I of I 1 SECTION 00 45 26 2 CONTRACTOR COMPLIANCE WITH WORKER'S COM PENSA TJON LAW 3 Pursuant to Texas Labor Code Section 406.096(a), as amended, Contractor certifies that it 4 provides worker's compensation insurance coverage for all of its employees employed on City 5 Project No. UC-01 2023 . Contractor fu11her certifies that, pursuant to Texas Labor Code, Section 6 406.096(b), as amended , it will provide to City its subcontractor's certificates of compliance with 7 worker's compensation coverage. · 8 19 20 21 THE STATE OF TEXAS § § 22 23 COUNTY OF TARRANT 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 a uthority, on this day personally appeared =)""'1-U-L!..!-"--\-,---FC\,,l-".c::,"-"--''-'-'\------' known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the oregoing inst~}:1~~~nt ~_31?1fjcknow~~-ed to me that he/she executed the same as the act and deed of" . Gf;IJf.flJIC · ~ 'ltkf llG, E,/(, 'i, for the purposes and consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. l)\J'EN ~DER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE th;s a qJJt-day of M\Pli..w < ,2rQj I END OF SECTION CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCU MENTS Revised July I, 2011 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 1 SECTION 00 45 40 2 Business E quity Goal 3 4 APPLICATION OF POLICY 00 45 40 -I Business Equity Goal Page I of2 5 If the total dollar value of the contract is $100,000 or more, then a Business E quity goal is applicable. 6 A Business Equity Firm refers to certified Minority-, and/or Women-, owned Business Enterprises 7 (M/WBEs). 8 9 POLICY STATEMENT 10 It is the policy of the City of Port Worth to ensure the full and eq uitabl e part icipation of Business E quity 11 Firms when applicable, in the procurement of all goods and services. All requirem ents and re gu lation s 12 stated in the City's Business E quity Ordinance No.25165-10-2021, (replacing Ordinance No. 24534-11- 13 2020 (codified at: https://codelibrary .amlegal.com/codes/ftworth/latest/ftworth tx/0-0-0-22593 ) apply to 14 this bid. 15 16 BUSINESS EQUITY PROJECT GOAL 17 The City's Bus ine ss E quity goa l on this proj ect is 24% of the total bid value of the contract (Base bid 18 applies to Parks and Community Services). 19 20 METHODS TO COMPLY WITH THE GOAL 21 On City contracts where a Business Equity Goal is applied, offerors are required to comply with the City's 22 Busin ess Equity Ordinance by meet ing or exceeding the above stated goal or otherwise comply with the 23 ordinance through one of the following methods: 1. Commercially useful services performed by a 24 Business Equity prime contractor, 2. Business Equity subcontracting participation, 3. Combination 25 of Business Equity prime services and Business Equity subcontracting participation, 4. Business 26 Equity Joint Venture/Mentor-Protege participation, 5. Good Faith Effort documentation, or 6. 27 Prime contractor Waiver documentation. 28 29 SUBMITTAL OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION 30 Applicable documents (listed belo w) must be received by the Purchasing Division , OR the offeror shall 31 EMAIL the Bus ine ss Eq uity documentation to th e assigned City of Fort Worth Project Manager or 32 Depa1tment D es ignee. Documents are to be received no later than 2:00 p.m., on the third City 33 business day after the bid opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 34 35 The Offeror must submit one or more of the following documents: 36 1. Utilization Form and Letter(s) oflntent, if the goal is met or exceeded; 37 2. Good Faith Effort Form and Utilization Form , including s upporting documentation , if 38 participation is le ss than stated goal, or no Bus iness Eq uity paiticipation is accomplished; 39 3. Prime Contractor Waiver Form, including supporting documentation, if the Offeror will perform 40 all subcontracting/supplier opportunities; or 41 4. Joint Venture/Mentor-Protege Form, if goal is met or exceeded w ith a Joint Venture or Mentor- 42 Protege participation. 43 44 These forms can be found at: 45 Business Equity Utilization Form and Letter ofintent 46 https://apps .fortworthtexas.gov/ProjectResources/ResourcesP/60%20- 47 %20MWBE/NEW%20Business%20Eguity%20Ordinance/Business%20Eguity%20Utilization%20Form . 48 lliif 49 CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised October 27, 2021 UTILI TY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 Letter of Intent 00 45 40 - 2 Busine ss Equi ty Go al Page 2 of2 2 https://apps.fortworthtexas.gov/ProjectResources/ResourcesP/60 -MWBE/NEW Business Equity 3 Ordinance/Letter of lntent-2021.pdf 4 5 Busine ss E quity Good Faith Effort Form 6 https://apps.fortworthtexas.gov/ProjectResources/ResourcesP/60%20- 7 %20MWBE/NEW%20Business%20Equity%20Ordinance/Business%20Equity%20Good%20Faith%20Ef 8 fort%20Form.pdf 9 10 Busine ss E quity Prime Contractor Waiver Form 11 https ://apps. fortworthtexas.gov/ProjectResources/ResourcesP/60%20- 12 %20MWBE/NEW%20Business%20Equity%20Ordinance/Business%20Equity%20Prime%20Contractor 13 %20Waiver.pdf 14 15 Business Equity Joint Venture Form 16 https://apps .fortworthtexas.gov /Proj ectResources/ResourcesP/60%20- 17 %20MWBE/NEW%20Business%20Equity%20Ordinance/Business%20Equity%20Joint%20Yenture.pdf 18 19 20 FAILURE TO ACHIEVE THE GOAL OR OTHERWISE COMPLY WITH THE ORIDNINACE WILL 21 RESULT IN THE BIDDER/OFFEROR BEING DECLARED NON-RESONSIVE AND THE BID 22 REJECTED . 23 24 25 FAILURE TO SUBMIT THE REQUIRED BUSINESS EQUTY DOCUMENTATION OR OTHERWISE 26 COMPLY WITH THE ORDINANCE WILL RESULT IN THE BID BEING DECLARED NON- 27 RESPONSIVE, THE BID REJECTED AND MAY SUBJECT THE BIDDER/OFFEROR TO SANCTIONS 28 AS DESCRIBED IN SEC. 20-373 OF THE ORDINANCE . 29 30 For Questions, Please Contact The Business Equity Division of the Department of Diversity and 31 Inclusion at (817) 392-2674. 32 END OF SECTION 33 CITY OF FO RT WORTH STAN DARD CON STR UCTI ON SPECIFICATIO N DOCU MENTS Revi sed Octo ber 2 7, 202 1 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Proj ec t No. UC-0 I 2023 SECTION 00 52 43 AGREEMENT 00 52 43 -I Ag re emen t Page I of6 THIS AGREEMENT, authorized on Feb. 14, 2023 , is made by and between the City of Fort Worth, a Texas home rule municipality, acting by and through its duly authorized City Manager, ("City"), and Jasco Construction, LLC authorized to do business in Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized representative, ("Contractor"). City and Contractor may jointly be referred to as Partie s. City and Contractor, in consideration of the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, agree as follows: Article 1. WORK Contractor shall complete all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Project identified herein. Article 2. PROJECT The project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may b e the whole or only a part is generally described as follows: UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 Article 3. CONTRACT PRICE City agrees to pay Contractor for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents an amount, in current funds , of Three Hundred Thousand & 00/100 Dollars ($ 300,000.00). Contract price may be adjusted by change orders duly authorized by the Parties . Article 4. CONTRACT TIME 4 .1 Final Acceptance. The Work shall be complete for Final Acceptance within 365 days after th e date when the Contract Time commences to run, as provided in Paragraph 2.02 of the General Conditions, plus any extension thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. 4.2 Liquidated Damages Contractor recognizes that tim e is of the essence for completion of Milestones, if any, and to achieve Final Acceptance of the Work and City and the public will suffer from loss of u se if the Work is not completed within the time(s) specified in Paragraph 4.1 above. The Contractor also recognizes the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal proceeding, the actual loss suffered by the City if the Work is not completed on time. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof, Contractor agrees that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty), Contractor shall pay City Two Hundred -Ten & 00/100 Dollars ($210.00) for each day that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 4.1 for Final Acceptance until the City issues the · er of Acceptance. ----·-· -- OFPtCIAl RECORD CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECJF ICA TION DOCUMENTS Revised 8/22/2022 CffY SECRETARY fl. WORTH, TX UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 Article 5. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 5.1 CONTENTS: 00 52 43 -2 Ag reem ent Page 2 of 6 A. The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between City and Contractor concerning the Work consist of the following: I . This Agreement. 2 . Attachments to this Agreement: a. Bid Form 1) Proposal Form 2) Vendor Compliance to State Law Non-Resident Bidder 3) Prequalification Statement 4) State and Federal documents (proj ect specific) b. Current Prevailing Wage Rate Table c. Insurance ACORD Form(s) d. Payment Bond e . Performance Bond f. Maintenance Bond g. Power of Attorney for the Bonds h . Worker 's Compensation Affidavit 1. MBE and /or SBE Utilization Form 3. General Conditions. 4 . Supplementary Conditions. 5 . Specifications specifically made a part of the Contract Documents by attachment or, if not attached , as incorporated by reference and described in the Table of Contents of the Project's Contract Documents . 6 . Drawings. 7. Addenda. 8. Documentation submitted by Contractor prior to Notice of Award . 9. The following which may be delivered or issued after the Effective Date of the Agreement and, if issued , become an incorporated part of the Contract Documents: a . Notice to Proceed . b. Field Orders. c. Change Orders. d. Letter of Final Acceptance. Article 6. INDEMNIFICATION 6.1 Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, at its own expense, the city, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all claims arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed by the contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licenses or invitees under this contract. This indemnification provision is specifically intended to operate and be effective even if it is alleged or proven that all or some of the damages being sought were caused, in whole or in part, by any act, omission or negligence of the city. This indemnity provision is intended to include, without limitation, indemnity for costs, expenses and legal fees incurred by the city in defending against such claims and causes of actions. C ITY O F FORT WORTH ST AND ARD C ON STRUC TION SPE CIFI C ATION DOC UMENTS Revi sed 8/22 /2 02 2 UTILITY CUT RE PAJR CONTRACT I 202 3 C ity Project No. UC -0 I 2023 00 52 43 -3 Agreement Page 3 of6 6.2 Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, at its own expense, the city, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all loss, damage or destruction of property of the city, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed by the contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees under this contract. This indemnification provision is specifically intended to operate and be effective even if it is alleged or proven that all or some of the damages being sought were caused, in whole or in part, by any act, omission or negligence of the city. Article 7. MISCELLANEOUS 7.1 Terms. Terms used in this Agreement which are defined in Article 1 of the General Conditions will have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 7 .2 Assignment of Contract. This Agreement, including all of the Co ntract Documents may not be assigned by the Contractor without the advanced express written consent of the C ity . 7.3 Successors and Assigns. City and Co ntractor each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto , in respect to all covenants, agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents. 7.4 Severability/Non-Waiver of Claims. Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be unconstitutional, void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction shall be deemed stricken, and all remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and binding upon City and Contractor. The failure of City or Contractor to insist upon the performance of any term or provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right granted herein shall not constitute a waiver of City's or Contractor's respective right to insist upon appropriate performance or to assert any such right on any future occasion. 7.5 Governing Law and Venue. This Agreement, including all of the Contract Documents is performable in the State of Texas. Venue shall be Tarrant County, Texas, or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas , Fort Worth Division. 7.6 Authority to Sign. Contractor shall attach evidence of authority to s ign Agreement if signed by someone other than the duly authorized signatory of the Contractor. 7.7 Non-appropriation of Funds. In the event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated by City in any fiscal period for any payments due hereunder, City will notify Vendor of s uch occurrence and this Agreement shall terminate on the la st day of the fiscal period for which approp riations were received without penalty or expense to City of any kind whatsoever, except as to the portions of the payments herein agreed upon for which funds have been appropriated. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCU MENTS Revised 8/22 /2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 7.8 Prohibition On Contracts With Companies Boycotting Israel. 00 52 43 -4 Agreement Page 4 of6 Contractor, unless a sole proprietor, acknowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2271 of the Texas Government Code, if Contractor has IO or more full time-employees and the contract value is $100,000 or more, the City is prohibited from entering into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. The terms "boycott Israel " and "company" shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms in Section 808.001 of the Texas Government Code. By signing this contract, Contractor certifies that Contractor's signature provides written verification to the City that if Chapter 2271, Texas Government Code applies, Contractor: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. 7.9 Prohibition on Boycotting Energy Companies. Contractor acknowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code-(as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., RS., S.B. 13 , § 2), the City is prohibited from entering into a contract for goods or services that has a value of $100,000 or more, which will be paid wholly or partly from public funds of the City, with a company (with 10 or more full-time employees) unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott energy companies; and (2) will not boycott energy companies during the term of the contract. The terms "boycott energy company" and "company" have the meaning ascribed to those terms by Chapter 22 74 of the Texas Government Code (as added by Acts 2021 , 87th Leg., RS., S.B. 13 , § 2). To the extent that Chapter 2274 of the Government Code is applicable to this Agreement, by signing this Agreement, Contractor certifies that Contractor's signature provides written verification to the City that Contractor: (1) does not boycott energy companies; and (2) will not boycott energy companies during the term of this Agreement. 7 .10 Prohibition on Discrimination Against Firearm and Ammunition Industries. Contractor acknowledges that except as otherwise provided by Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code (as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., RS., S.B. 19 , § 1), the City is prohibited from entering into a contract for goods or services that has a value of $100,000 or more which will be paid wholly or partly from public funds of the City, with a company (with 10 or more full-time employees) unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not have a practice, policy, guidance , or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association; and (2) will not discriminate during the term of the contract against a firearm entity or firearm trade association. The terms "discriminate," "firearm entity" and "firearm trade association" have the meaning ascribed to those terms by Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code (as added by Acts 2021 , 87th Leg., RS., S.B. 19 , § 1). To the extent that Chapter 2274 of the Government Code is applicable to this Agreement, by signing this Agreement, Contractor certifies that Contractor's signature provides written verification to the City that Contractor: (1) does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association; and (2) will not discriminate against a firearm entity or firearm trade association during the term of this Agreement. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON STRUC TION SPEC IFI CATION DOCUM EN TS Revi sed 8/22 /2022 UTILITY CUT REPAJR C ONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project N o. UC -0 I 2023 7.11 Immigration Nationality Act. 00 52 43 -5 Ag re ement Pa ge 5 of6 Co ntractor sha ll ver ify the identity and emp loyment eligibility of its employees who perform work under this Agreement, including completing the Emp loyment E li gibi lity Verification Form (I-9). Upon request by C ity , Contractor shall provide City with copies of a ll I-9 forms and supporting el ig ibility documentation for each emp loyee who performs work under this Agreement. Contractor shall adhere to a ll Federal and State laws as well as establish appropriate procedures and controls so that no services wi ll be performed by any Contractor emp loyee who is not legall y e li g ible to perform such services. CONTRACTOR SHALL INDEMNIFY CITY AND HOLD CITY HARMLESS FROM ANY PENALTIES, LIABILITIES, OR LOSSES DUE TO VIOLATIONS OF THIS PARAGRAPH BY CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES, SUBCONTRACTORS, AGENTS, OR LICENSEES. City, upon written notice to Contractor, shall have the right to imm ed iate ly terminate this Agreement for violations of this provision by Contractor. 7 .12 No Third-Party Beneficiaries. This Agreement gives no rights or benefits to anyone other than the City and the Contractor and there are no third-party beneficiaries. 7.13 No Cause of Action Against Engineer. Contractor, its subcontractors and equipment and materials supp li ers on the PROJECT or their sureties, shall maintain no direct act ion against the Engineer, its officers , emp lo yees, and subcontractors, for any claim arising out of, in connection with , or resulting from the engineering services performed. Only the C ity will be the beneficiary of any undertaking by the Engineer. The presence or duties of the Engineer's personnel at a construction site, whether as on-site representatives or otherwise, do not make the Engineer or its personnel in any way responsible for those duties that belong to the City and/or the City's construction contractors or other entities, and do not relieve the construction contractors or any other entity of their obligations , duties , and responsibilities, including, but not limited to, a ll construction methods, means, techniques, sequences, and procedures necessary for coordinating and completing all portions of the construction work in accordance with the Contract Documents and any health or safety precautions required by such construction work. The Engineer and its personnel have no authority to exerc ise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON STRUCTION SPEC IFICATIO N DO C UMEN TS Revi sed 8/22/2022 UTILITY C UT REPAJR CON TRA CT I 2023 City Project N o . UC -0 I 2023 00 52 43 -6 /\grcc mcnl Page 6 of6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Co nt ractor have each executed this Agr ee ment to be effective as of th e da te sub sc ribed by th e City's desi gnated As sistant City Manag er ("Effec tive Date"). Contractor : Sign~ Jo t+Nb-l 'r Ht> w ,q t'l._y (Printed Name) Ge;~Gf'ZA.t..-M ftN fl be; R . Title Address BuRLl"SoN IX 7(po?.., <t City/State/Zip Date CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFI CATION DO CUMENTS Revi sed 8/22/2022 City of Fort Worth By: £~£$d~~W;~fffolf □T) Dana Burghdoff As sistant City Manager Dat e Attest: (Seal) Apr 13, 2023 M&C: 23-0126 . Date: Feb. 14, 2023 . Form 1295 No.: 2023-968414 Contract Compliance Manager: By signing, I acknowledge that I am the person resp onsible for the monitoring and administration of th is contract, including ensuring all performance and reporting requirements. 12~~ Senior Engineering Tech Approved as to Form and Legality: ~ D~ack (Apr !2, 102315:2 1 con Douglas W. Black Sr. Assistant City Attorney APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: Chti r1i!fhet ttatd.et Chrlstophedl;;,.(AprlO.lOU06:S7COT) Chris Harder, P.E. Director, Water Depa::1:.:t1:.;.ne::n::,t _____ 1 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETA fT. WORTH, TX TILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 roject No. UC -0 l 2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 SECTION 00 6113 PERFORMANCE BOND 00 61 13 -I PERFORMANCE BOND Page I of2 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OFT ARRANT § § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, Jasco Construction, LLC known as ----------~------------~ "Principal" herein and _~Je=t~I n~s~u~r~a~n~c~e_C~o~m .... p~a=n""""y _______ ~, a corporate surety(sureties, if more than one) duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, known as "Surety" herein (whether one or more), are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporation created pursuant to the laws of Texas, known as "City" herein, in the penal sum of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars Dollars , __________________ _ ($300,000.00 ), lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas for the payment of which sum well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs , executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents . WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the City awarded the 14th day of February 20E....., which Contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof for all purposes as if fully set forth herein, to furnish all materials, equipment labor and other accessories defined by law , in the prosecution of the Work, including any Change Orders, as provided for in said Contract designated as Utility Cut Repair Contract UCO] -2023. 24 NOW, THEREFORE, the condition of this obligation is such that if the said Principal 25 shall faithfully perform it obligations under the Contract and shall in all respects duly and 26 faithfully perform the Work, including Change Orders, under the Contract, according to the plans, 27 specifications, and contract documents therein referred to, and as well during any period of 28 extension of the Contract that may be granted on the part of the City, then this obligation shall be 29 and become null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. 30 PROVIDED FURTHER, that if any legal action be filed on this Bond, venue shall lie in 3 1 Tarrant County, Texas or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Fort 32 Worth Division. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I , 2011 Utility Cut Repair Contract UC0l -2023 0061 13-2 PERFORMANCE BOND Page2of2 This bond is made and executed in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2253 of the 2 Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in 3 accordance with the provisions of said statue. 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have SIGNED and SEALED 5 6 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 this instrument by duly authorized agents and officers on this the _2_2n_d _____ day of February -----~ 20E_. Witness as to Surety PRINCIPAL: Jasco Construction, LLC HYO,~~ !JSignate Jo~IJY t./owll?ll-p 6~JJ/ii.ltl--M~IVA6 en... Name and Title Address: 4640 Farm to Market Road 1187 Bu~eson, TX 76028 SURETY: Jet Insurance Company Signature David Gonsalves, Attorney -In -Fact Name and Title Address: 11440 Carmel Commons Blvd Suite 207, Cha~otte , NC 28226 Telephone Number: _s_oo_-4_3_s-_11_s_2 ___ _ *Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety Company, there must be on file a certified extract from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If Surety's physical address is different from its mailing address, both must be provided. The date of the bond shall not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded . CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Jul y I , 201 1 Utility Cut Repair Contract UCO 1 • 2023 JET INSURANCE COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY Bond Number: exoo2s132 NOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS : That JET INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws o, the State of .'Jorth Carolina , having its principal office in Ci1ar.otte Norti1 Carolina does he eby constitdte and appoint Name Limit of Liability per Bond David Gonsalves $300,000.00 its tr,ie and lawful Attorney(s)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on Its bet,alf as surety , any and all bonds , undertaf:lngs , contracts of indemnity, recognizances and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allo ,ed , required or perm itted by law, statute. rule regulation , contract or otherwise, iirovided that the liabil ity of such shall not exceed the limit stated abuve . The execution of such in strument(s) in pursuance of these presents , shall be as binding upon JET INSURANCE COMPANY as fully and amply, to all intents and purposes , as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by Its regularly elected officers at the principal office . The Power of Attorney is executed and may be certified so , and may be revoked , pursuant to and by authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Beard of D1rectcrs of JET INSUHANCE CvMFANY by u:;J::i mous writte ;-; con:si,:;t d:1 f.:d Au :,iust 24 , 2022 , of which the following is a true excerpt: RESOLVED that the Pres id ent , or any Vice Pres ident, acting with any Secretary or Ass istant Secretary, shall have power and authority to appoint A ttorney(s)-in-fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, attach the Seal of the Company thereto and deliver, bonds , undertakings , contracts of indemnity, recogn izances and other writings obl igatory in the nature thereof; to prescribe their respective duties and the res pective limits of th eir authority; and to revoke , at any time , any such Attorney-in-fact and revoke the authority given . Fu rth er , th is Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facs imile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company adopted by unanimous w ri ,1en consent dated August 24 , 2022 , of wh ich the following is a true excerpt: RESOLVED that the signature of any authorized officer and the Seal of the Company may be affixed by facsim ile to any Power of Attorney or cert ifi ca tio n thereof authorizing the execution on behalf of the Company and delivery of any bond , undertaking , contract of indemnity, recognizance and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , JET INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affix ed by its authorized officer. this 24 th day of August. 2022 . STATE Or SOUTH CA!{OLINA County of Lancaster Spencer Sllno, President JET INSURANCE COMPANY R.char..: Popp, Secretary On th is 24th day of August, 2022 before me came the Individuals who executed the preced ing instrument, to me personally known , and being by me duly sworn. sa id that each is the herein described and authorized officer of Jet Insurance Company; that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that the Corpora te Seal and each signature were duly affixed by order of the Boa.rd of Directors of sa id Company. Sara C. Holt Notary Public . State of [:ou:h Carolina ::ounty :.f Lancaster My Ci.:mmlsslon Expires 05117/2023 IN WITNESS WHEkEOF , I have hereunto set my hand at Jet Insurance Company offices the day and year above written . Sarac. Holt Notary Public, state of South Carolina MyCommls~lon Expires May 17, 2023 I , Richard Popp , Secre tary of JET INSURANCE COMPANY, do hereby cert ify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by JET INSURANCE COMPANY, Which is still in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have thereunto set my hand and attached the seal of sa id Company th is ~2nd day of February ·~ ....... -: .. --· ................. Rlchara Popp, Secretary 2023 ,. ~ SECTION 00 6114 PAYMENT BOND 006114-1 PAYMENT BOND Page I of2 2 3 4 5 6 THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT § § § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: 7 8 9 That we, Jasco Construction, LLC "Principal" herein, and Jet Insurance Company , known as a 10 corporate surety (sureties), duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, known as 11 "Surety" herein (whether one or more), are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a 12 municipal corporation created pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas, known as "City" herein, 13 10 the penal sum of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars 14 ($300,000.00 ), lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, 15 Tarrant County, Texas, for the payment of which sum well and truly be made, we bind ourselves, 16 our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these 17 presents: 18 WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a certain written Contract with City, awarded the 19 14th day of February , 20~, which Contract is hereby referred to and 20 made a part hereof for all purposes as if fully set forth herein, to furnish all materials, equipment, 21 labor and other accessories as defined by law, in the prosecution of the Work as provided for in 22 said Contract and designated as Utility Cut Repair Contract UCOJ -2023 . 23 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION is such that if 24 Principal shall pay all monies owing to any (and all) payment bond beneficiary (as defined in 25 Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended) in the prosecution of the Work under 26 the Contract, then this obligation shall be and become null and void; otherwise to remain in full 27 force and effect. 28 This bond is made and executed in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2253 of the 29 Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in 30 accordance with the provisions of said statute. 31 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed July I, 2011 Utili ty Cut Repair Contract UCO I -2023 0061 14-2 PAYMENT BOND Page 2 of2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and Surety have each SIGNED and SEALED 2 this instrument by duly authorized agents and officers on this the 22nd day of 3 February , 20~ 4 ATTEST: (Surety) Secretary -/4::3 --- -~~ Witness as to Surety PRINCIPAL: Jasco Construction , LLC BY:~ JDtiNt,l'f f&,w14:,t,;D bf;ivl/!IIL u~Hlfb8<., Name and Title Address: 4640 Farm to Market Road 1187 Burleson TX 76028 SURETY: Jet Insurance Company BY:-~-=---_._~"------ Signature David Gonsalves , Attorney -In -Fact Name and Title Address: 11440 Carmel Commons Blvd Suite 207, Charlotte. NC 28226 Telephone Number: 800-438-1162 5 6 Note: If signed by an officer of the Surety, there must be on file a certified extract from the 7 bylaws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If Surety's physical 8 address is different from its mailing address, both must be provided. 9 10 The date of the bond shall not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. 11 END OF SECTION 12 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I , 2011 Utility Cut Repair Contract UCO I -2023 ... JET INSURANCE COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY Bond Number: sxoo2s132 NOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: That JET INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation organized and existing under the laws o, the State of ~orth Carolina, liaving its principal office in Ci1ar:otte Norti1 Carolina does he ·eby constit.1te and appoint Name Limit of Liability per Bond Dav id Gonsalves $300,000.00 its tr,ie and lawful Attorney(s)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on Its bet,alf as surety , any and all bonds , undertaf:ings , contracts of indemnity, recogn izances and other writings obl igatory in the nature thereof. which are or ,nay be allo ,ed , required or permitted by law, statute , rule . regulation. contract or otherwise , µrov ided that the liability of such shall not exceed the limit stated abuve . The execution of such lnstrument(s) in pursuance of these presents , shall be as binding upon JET INSURANCE COMPANY as fully and amply, to all inte nts and purposes, as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by Its regularly elected office rs at the principal office. The Po wer of Attorney is executed and may be certified so, and may be revoked , pursuant to and by authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Beard of D1rectc rs of JET INSUFlANCE CvMFAN'i by u:-,J:-:i mous writte;; con:st--;;t 1fa t,:d Au:,iust 24 , 2022 , of which the following is a true excerpt: RESOLVED that the Pres ident , or any Vice President, acting with any Secretary or Ass istant Secretary, shall have power and authority to appo int Attorney(s)-in-fact , and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company, attach the Seal of the Company thereto and deliver, bo nds , undertakings , contracts of indemnity, recogn izances and other wri tings ob liga tory in the natu re thereof: to prescribe the ir respective duties and th e respective limits of the ir authority: and to revoke , at any time, any such Attorney-in -fact and revoke the authority given . Further, this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facs imile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company adopted by unanimo us wri,:te n con sen t dated August 24 , 2022 , of which the following is a true excerpt : RESOLVED that the signature of any authorized officer and the Seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or certifica ti on thereof authori zing the execution on behalf of the Company and delivery of any bond , undertaking , contract of indemnity, recogn izance and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, and such signature and seal when so used shall have the same force and effect as though manually affixed . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, JET INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affi xed by its authorized officer, th is 24 11, day of August. 2022 . STATE Or SOIJTH CA!{OLINA County of Lancaster Spencer Sllno, President JET INSURANCE COMPANY R.char.; Popp, Secretary 1)n thi s 24th day of August , 2022 before me came the ind ividuals wh o executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known . and be ing by me duly sworn . said that each is the herein described and authorized officer of Jet Insurance Company: that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Seal of said Company; that the Corporate Seal and each signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of said Company . Sara C . Holt Notary Pub lic . State of fou:h Carolina :ounty :;f Lancaste r My c,,mmlss/on Expires 0511712023 IN WITNESS WHEkEOF , I have hereunto set my hand at Jet Insurance Company offices the day and year above written . Sara C. Holt Notary Public, state of S.outh Carolina MyCommls~lon Expires May 17, 2023 I , Richard Popp , Secretary of JET INStJRANCE COMPANY, do hereby certify that the above and forego ing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by JET INSURANCE COMPANY, which is still in full force and effect. IN WITN ESS WHEREOF , I have thereunto set my hand and attached the seal of said Company th is 22nd day of February - Rlchara Popp, Secretary 2023 2 3 THE STATE OF TEXAS SECTION 00 6119 MAINTENANCE BOND § 0061 19-1 MAfNTENANCE BOND Page I of3 4 5 6 7 § KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF TARRANT § 8 That we Jasco Construction, LLC known as 9 "Principal" herein and Jet Insurance Company , a corporate surety JO (sureties, if more than one) duly authorized to do business in the State of Texas, known as 11 "Surety" herein (whether one or more), are held and firmly bound unto the City of Fort Worth, a 12 municipal corporation created pursuant to the laws of the State of Texas, known as "City" herein, 13 in the sum of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars 14 ($300,000.00 ), lawful money of the United States, to be paid in Fort Worth, 15 Tarrant County, Texas , for payment of which sum well and truly be made unto the City and its 16 successors, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly 17 and severally, firmly by these presents. 18 19 WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the City awarded 20 the 14th day of February 20 23 , which Contract is hereby 21 referred to and a made part hereof for all purposes as if fully set forth herein, to furnish all 22 materials, equipment labor and other accessories as defined by law, in the prosecution of the 23 Work, including any Work resulting from a duly authorized Change Order (collectively herein, 24 the "Work") as provided for in said contract and designated as Utility Cut Repair Contract UCOJ -2023 25 26 27 WHEREAS, Principal binds itself to use such materials and to so construct the Work in 28 accordance with the plans, specifications and Contract Documents that the Work is and will 29 remain free from defects in materials or workmanship for and during the period of two (2) years 30 after the date of Final Acceptance of the Work by the City ("Maintenance Period"); and 3 1 32 WHEREAS , Principal binds itself to repair or reconstruct the Work in whole or in part 33 upon receiving notice from the City of the need therefor at any time within the Maintenance 34 Period. CITY OF FORT WO RTH STA NDARD CON ST RUC TI ON SP ECIF ICATI ON DOC UM ENTS Rev ised Jul y I, 20 I I Utility Cut Repair Contract UCO I -2023 006119-2 MAINTENANCE BOND Page 2 of3 · 2 NOW THEREFORE , the condition of this obligation is such that if Principal shall 3 remedy any defective Work, for which timely notice was provided by City, to a completion 4 satisfactory to the City, then this obligation shall become null and void; otherwise to remain in 5 full force and effect. 6 7 PROVIDED, HOWEVER, if Principal shall fail so to repair or reconstruct any timely 8 noticed defective Work, it is agreed that the City may cause any and all such defective Work to 9 be repaired and/or reconstructed with all associated costs thereof being borne by the Principal and 10 the Surety under this Maintenance bond; and 11 12 PROVIDED FURTHER, that if any legal action be filed on this Bond, venue shall lie in 13 Tarrant County , Texas or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Fort 14 Worth Division; and 15 16 PROVIDED FURTHER, that this obligation shall be continuous in nature and 17 successive recoveries may be had hereon for successive breaches. 18 19 20 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFJCATJON DOCUMENTS Re vised Jul y I, 20 I I Utility Cut Repair Contract UC0I -2023 .. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 0061 19-3 MAINTENANCE BOND Page 3 of3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have each SIGNED and SEALED this instrument by duly authorized agents and officers on this the _2_2_nd ___ . day of_F_eb_r_ua_ry~--- _________ _, 20-2,_. ATTEST: o~c µo&- (Surety) Secretary 'v (} ck Witness as to Surety PRINCIPAL: Jasco Construction, LLC BY~~ Signatt(e Jo,£.UU! ffi?w"f t-i) a v;Nfit..A<-&AJ ,t,-6 61L. Name and Title Address: 4640 Farm to Marl<et Road 1187 Burleson , TX 76028 SURETY: Jet Insurance Company BY:-?--=~____,-b.......:;____--:::::::=::--_----- Signature David Gonsalves , Attorney -In -Fact Name and Title Address: 11440 Carmel Commons Blvd Suite 207, Charlotte, NC 28226 Telephone Number: _a_oo_-4_3_s-_11_s_2 ___ _ *Note : If signed by an officer of the Surety Company, there must be on file a certified extract from the by-laws showing that this person has authority to sign such obligation. If Surety's physical address is different from its mailing address, both must be provided. The date of the bond shall not be prior to the date the Contract is awarded. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I , 2011 Utility Cut Repair Contract UC0I -2023 JET INSURANCE COMPANY POWER OF ATTORNEY Bond Number: sxoo2s132 NOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS : That JET INSURANCE COMPANY , a corporation organ ized and exi sting under the laws o, the State of \Jorth Carolina , I ,aving it s principa l office in Ci1ar:otte Norti1 Ca rolina does he eby co nst it.i te and appo int Na me Limit of Liability per Bo nd Dav id Gonsalves $300,000.00 its trde and lawfu l Attorney(s)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its bet.alf as surety, any and all bonds, undertaf:l ngs , contracts of inde!l1nity, re cogn izances and other writings obl igatory in the nature thereof. which are or may be allo ,ed . requ ired or perm itted by law, statute , rule . regulation. con tract or otherwise , f)rovided that the li ability of such shall not exceed the limit stated abuve . The execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents , shall be as binding upon JET INSURANCE COMPANY as fully and ampl11_. to all inte nts and purposes , as if the same had bee11 duly exe.cuted and acknowledged by its regcrlarly elected officers at the principal office. The Power of Attorney is executed and may be certified so . and may be revoked . pursuant to and by authority of the following resolutions adopted by the Be ard of DI rectcrs of JET INSURANCE CvMFANY by u:;J~imous w ritte;-, con:st--:.t d:1t,:d A u;iust 24, 2022 , of which the following is a true excerpt: RESOLV ED that th e Pr esid ent, or any Vice Pres iden t, acti ng with any Secretary or Ass istant Secretary , shall have power and authority to appoint Attorney(s)-in-fact . and to authorize the m to execute on behalf of the Company, attach the Seal of the Company thereto and deliver, bonds, undertakings , contracts of in demn ity, recogn izances and ot her writings ob li gatory in the na ture thereof; to pres cribe the ir respective duties and the respect ive limits of thei r aut hority: and to revoke , at any time . any such Attorney-in -fact and revoke the authority given . Further. th is Po wer of Attorne y Is signed and sea led by fa csim ile pursuant to resolution of the Board of Directors of the Company adopted by unanimous wri-ten consent dated August 24 . 2022 , of wh ic h the following is a true excerpt: R ES O LVE D that the signatu re of any authorized officer and the Seal of the Company may be affixed by facsimile to any Power of Attorney or cert ifi ca ti on thereof autho rizing the execut io n on behalf of the Company and delivery of any bond . undertaking , contract of indemnity, recogn izan ce and other writings ob ligatory in the nature thereof , and such signa ture and seal when so used shall ha ve the same fo rc e and effect as though manually affixed . IN WI TNESS WHEREOF . JET INSURANCE COMPANY has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its a uth orized offi cer . this 24 th day of Aug ust . 2022 . STATE Or SOUTH CA!WLINA County of Lancaster Spencer Sllno, President JET INSURANCE COMPANY R.char..: Popp, Secretary •Jn th is 24 th day of August , 2022 before me came the ind ividuals wh o executed the preced ing in strumen t, to me personally known , and being by me duly sworn . said that each is the herein described and authorized officer of Jet Insurance Company: that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Sea l of said Company ; th at the Corporate Seal and each sign ature we re du ly affixed by order of the Board of Directors of sa id Company. Sara C . Holt Notary Pub lic State of [ou!h Carolina -::ounty :;f Lanc aste r My c ,.unmission Expires 0511712023 IN WI T NESS WH EkEOF, I have hereu nto set my hand at Jet Insurance Compa ny offices the day an d year above written . Sarac. Holt Notary Public, State of South Caronna My Commls~lon Expires May 17, 2023 I, Richard Popp, Se cretary of JET INSURANCE COMPANY . do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Power of Attorney executed by JET INSURANCE COMPANY , Wh ich is still in full force and effect. IN WI TNE SS WH ERE OF . I ha e thereu nto set my hand an d attached the seal of said Company this ~2nd day of February Rlchara Popp, Secretary 2023 ~ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 SECTION 00 61 25 CERTIF ICA T E OF INSURA N CE END OF SECTION CfTY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUC TI ON S PECIF ICATION DOCUME NTS Revi sed July 1, 20 I I 0 0 6 1 25 -I C ERTIFICATE OF INSU RANC E Page 1 of 1 UTILITY CUT RE PAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City P rojec t No. UC-0 1 2023 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ST ANDARDCONSTRUCTION SPEC IFICATION DOCUMENTS Rev is ion: &!23/2021 STANDARD GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Artic le 1 -Definitions and Termino logy .......................................................................................................... 1 1.01 Defined Terms ............................................................................................................................... l 1.02 Terminology .................................................................................................................................. 6 Artic le 2-Preliminary Matters ......................................................................................................................... 7 2.01 Cop ies of Documents .................................................................................................................... 7 2 .02 Commencement of Contract Time; Notice to Proceed ................................................................ 7 2 .0 3 Starting the Work .......................................................................................................................... 8 2 .04 Before Starting Construction ........................................................................................................ 8 2.05 Preconstruction Conference .......................................................................................................... 8 2.06 Public Meeting .............................................................................................................................. 8 2.07 Init ial Acceptance of Schedul es .................................................................................................... 8 Artic le 3 -Contract Documents: Intent, Amending, Reuse ............................................................................ 8 3.01 Intent. ............................................................................................................................................. 8 3.02 Reference Standards ...................................................................................................................... 9 3.03 Reporting and Resolving Discrepancies ....................................................................................... 9 3.04 Amending and Supplementing ContractDocuments ................................................................. 10 3.0 5 Reuse of Documents ................................................................................................................... 10 3.06 E lectron ic Data ............................................................................................................................ 11 Article 4 -Ava ilability of Lands; Subsurface and Physical Conditi ons; Hazardo us Environmenta l Condit ions; Reference Points ........................................................................................................... 11 4.01 Ava ila bility ofLands .................................................................................................................. 11 4.02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions .......................................................................................... 12 4.03 Differing Sub surface or Physical Co nditi ons ............................................................................. 12 4.04 U nd erground Facilities ............................................................................................................... 13 4.05 Reference Points ......................................................................................................................... 14 4 .06 Hazardous Environmenta l Condition at Site .............................................................................. 14 Artic le 5 -Bond s a nd Insurance ..................................................................................................................... 16 5.01 Licensed Sureties and Insurers ................................................................................................... 16 5.02 Performance , Payment, and Maintenance Bonds ....................................................................... 16 5.03 Certificates of Insurance ............................................................................................................. 16 5.04 Contractor's Insurance ................................................................................................................ 18 5.05 Acceptance of Bonds and Insurance; Option to Replace ........................................................... 19 Article 6 -Co ntractor's Responsibilities ........................................................................................................ 19 6.01 Supervision and Sup erintendence ............................................................................................... 19 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTR UC TI0 N SPECIFICATIO N DOCUM ENTS Revi sion : &12312D21 6.02 Labor; Working Hours ................................................................................................................ 20 6.03 Services, Mater ials, and Equipment ........................................................................................... 20 6.04 Project Schedule .......................................................................................................................... 21 6.05 Substitutes and "Or-Equals" ....................................................................................................... 21 6.06 Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers , and Others .................................................................... 24 6.07 Wage Rates .................................................................................................................................. 25 6.08 Patent Fees and Royalties ........................................................................................................... 26 6.09 Permrts and Utilities .................................................................................................................... 27 6.10 Laws a nd Regulations ................................................................................................................. 27 6.] 1 Taxes ........................................................................................................................................... 28 6.12 Use of Site and Other Areas ....................................................................................................... 28 6.13 Record Documents ...................................................................................................................... 29 6.14 Safety and Protection .................................................................................................................. 29 6.15 Safety Representative .................................................................................................................. 30 6.16 Hazard Communjcat ion Programs ............................................................................................. 30 6.17 Emergencies and/or Rectification ............................................................................................... 30 6.18 Submrttals .................................................................................................................................... 31 6.19 Continuing the Work ................................................................................................................... 32 6.20 Contractor's General Warranty and Guarantee .......................................................................... 32 6.21 Indemnification ......................................................................................................................... 33 6.22 Delegation of Professional Design Services .............................................................................. 34 6.23 Right to Audit .............................................................................................................................. 34 6.24 Nondiscriminat ion ....................................................................................................................... 35 Article 7 -OtherWorkatthe Site ................................................................................................................... 35 7.01 Re lated Work at Site ................................................................................................................... 35 7.02 Coordination ................................................................................................................................ 36 Artic le 8 -City's Responsibilities ................................................................................................................... 36 8 .01 Communications to Contractor ................................................................................................... 36 8.02 Furnish Data ................................................................................................................................ 36 8.03 Pay When Due ............................................................................................................................ 36 8.04 Lands and Easements; Reports a nd Tests ................................................................................... 36 8.05 Change Orders ............................................................................................................................. 36 8.06 Inspections, Tests , and Approvals .............................................................................................. 36 8.07 Limrtations on City 's Responsibilities ....................................................................................... 37 8.08 Undisclosed Hazardous Environmenta l Condit ion .................................................................... 37 8.09 Compliance with Safety Program ............................................................................................... 37 Article 9 -City's Observation Status During Construction ........................................................................... 37 9.01 City 's Project Manager ............................................................................................................ 37 9.02 Visits to Site ................................................................................................................................ 37 9.03 A uthorized Variations in Work .................................................................................................. 38 9.04 Rejecting Defective Work .......................................................................................................... 38 9.05 Determmations for Work Performed .......................................................................................... 38 9.06 Decisions on Requirements of Contract Documents and Acceptability ofWork ..................... 38 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTRUCTI0 N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision : &23/2021 Art ic le 10 -Changes in the Work; Claims; Extra Work ................................................................................ 38 10.01 Authorized Changes in the Work ............................................................................................... 38 10.02 Unauthorized Changes in the Work ........................................................................................... 39 10 .03 Execution of Change Orders ....................................................................................................... 39 10.04 Extra Work .................................................................................................................................. 39 10.05 Notification to Surety .................................................................................................................. 39 10.06 Contract Claims Process ............................................................................................................. 40 Article 11 -Cost of the Work; A llowances; Unit Price Work; P lans Quantity Measurement. .................... .41 11.01 Cost of the Work ......................................................................................................................... 41 11.02 Allowances .................................................................................................................................. 43 11.03 Unit Price Work .......................................................................................................................... 44 11.04 P lans Q uantity Measurement. ..................................................................................................... 45 Article 12 -Change of Contract Price; Change of Contract Time ................................................................. 46 12.01 Change of Contract Price ............................................................................................................ 46 12 .02 Change of Contract Time ............................................................................................................ 47 12 .03 Delays .......................................................................................................................................... 47 Artic le 13 -Tests and Inspections; Correction , Remova l or Acceptance of Defective Work ...................... 48 13.01 Notice of Defects ........................................................................................................................ 48 13.02 Access to Work ........................................................................................................................... 48 13 .03 Tests and Inspections .................................................................................................................. 48 13 .04 Uncovering Work ........................................................................................................................ 49 13.05 City May Stop the Work ............................................................................................................. 49 13 .0 6 Correction or Removal of Defective Work ................................................................................ 50 13.07 Correction Period ........................................................................................................................ 50 13.08 Acceptance of Defective Work. .................................................................................................. 51 13.09 City May Correct Defective Work ............................................................................................. 5 1 Artic le 14 -Payments to Contractor and Completion .................................................................................... 52 14.01 Schedu le ofVa lu es ...................................................................................................................... 52 14.02 Progress Payments ...................................................................................................................... 52 14 . 03 Contractor's Warranty of Tit le ................................................................................................... 54 14.04 Partial Utilization ........................................................................................................................ 55 14.05 Fina l Inspection ........................................................................................................................... 55 14.06 Fina l Acceptance ......................................................................................................................... 55 14.07 Fina l Payment. ............................................................................................................................. 56 14.08 Fina l Comp letion Delayed andPartialRetainage Release ........................................................ 56 14.09 Waiver of Claims ........................................................................................................................ 57 Article IS -Suspension of Work and Termination ........................................................................................ 57 15.01 City May Suspend Work ............................................................................................................. 57 15.02 City May Terminate for Cause ................................................................................................... 58 15.03 City May Terminate For Convenience ....................................................................................... 60 Artic le 16 -D isp ut e Resolution ...................................................................................................................... 61 16.01 Methods and Procedures ............................................................................................................. 61 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTRUCTI0N SPE CIFI CA TIO N DO CUMENTS Revision : &!23/202 1 Artic le 17 -Misce llaneous .............................................................................................................................. 62 17 .01 Giving Notice .............................................................................................................................. 62 17.02 Computation of Times ................................................................................................................ 62 17.03 Cumu lative Remed ies ................................................................................................................. 62 17.04 Survival of Obligations ............................................................................................................... 63 17 .05 Headings ...................................................................................................................................... 63 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTRUCTI0N SPECIF IC ATION DOCUMENTS Revision : &23/2021 ARTICLE 1 -DEFINITIONS AND TERMINOLOGY 1.01 Defined Terms 0072 00-1 GENERAL CONDIT IONS Page I of 63 A. Wherever use d in these General Conditions or in other Contract Documents , the terms listed below have the meanings indicated which are applicable to both the singular and plural thereof, and words denoting gender shall include the masculine , feminine and neuter. Said terms are generally capitalized or writt en in italics , but no t always. When used in a context consistent w ith the definition of a listed-defmed term, the term shall have a meaning as defined below whether capitalized or italicized or otherwise. In addition to terms specifically def med , terms with initia I capital letters in the Contract Documents include references to identified articles and paragraphs , and the titles of other documents or forms. 1. Addenda-Written or graphic in struments issued prior to the opening of Bids which clarify, correct, or change the Bidding Requirements or the proposed Contract Documents. 2. Agreement-The written instrument which is evidence of the agreement between City and Contractor covering the Work. 3. Application for Pay ment-The form acceptable to City which is to be used by Contractor during the course of the Work in requesting progress or fmal payments and which is to be accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents. 4. Asbestos-Any material that contains more than one percent asbestos and is friab le or is releasing asbestos fibers into the air above current action levels established by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration . 5. Award-Authorization by the City Council for the City to enter into an Agreement. 6. Bid-The offer or proposal of a Bidder submitted on the prescribed form setting forth the prices for the Work to be performed. 7. Bidder-The individual or entity who submits a Bid directly to City. 8. Bidding Documents-The Bidding Requirements and the proposed Contract Documents (including all Addenda). 9. Bidding Requirements-The advertisement or Invitation to Bid , Instructions to Bidders , Bid sec urity of acceptable form, if any, and the Bid Form with any supplements. 10 . Business Day -A business day is defmed as a day that the City conducts normal business, generally Monday through Friday, except for federa l or state holidays observed by the City. 11 . Ca lendar Day-A day consisting of 24 hours measured from midnight to the next midnight. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTRUCTI0N SPECIFICATION DO CUMENTS Revi sion &!2:31.m l 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CO NDITI ONS P age 2 o f 63 12. Change Order-A document, which is prepared and approved by the City, which is signed by Contractor and City and authorizes an addition, deletion , or revision in the Work or an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time, issued on or after the Effective Date of the Agreement. 13. City-The City of Fort Worth, Texas, a home-rule municipal corporation , authorized and chartered under the Texas State Statutes, acting by its governing body through its City Manager, his designee , or agents authorized under his behalf, each of which is required by Charter to perform specific duties with responsibility for final enforcement of the contracts involving the City of Fort Worth is by Charter vested in the City Manager and is the entity with whom Contractor has entered into the Agreement and for whom the Work is to be performed. 14. City Attorney -The officially appointed City Attorney of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly authorized representative. 15. City Council -The duly elected and qualified governmg body of the City of Fort Worth , Texas. 16. City Manager -The officially appointed and authorized City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly authorized representative. 17. Contract Claim-A demand or assertion by City or Contractor seeking an adjustment of Contract Price or Contract Time, or both, or other relief with respect to the terms of the Contract. A demand for money or services by a third party is not a Contract Claim. 18. Contract-The entire and integrated written document between the City and Contractor concerning the Work. The Contract contains the Agreement and all Contract Documents and supersedes prior negotiations , representations, or agreements, whether written or oral. 19. Contract Documents-Those items so designated in the Agreement. All items listed in the Agreement are Contract Documents. Approved Submittals, other Contractor submittals, and the reports and drawings of subsurface and physical conditions are not Contract Documents . 20. Contract Price-The moneys payable by City to Contractor for completion of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents as stated in the Agreement (subject to the provisions of Paragraph 11.03 in the case of Unit Price Work). 21. Contract Time -The number of days or the dates stated in the Agreement to : (0 achieve Milestones, if any and (ii) complete the Work so that it is ready for Final Acceptance. 22. Contractor-The individual or entity with whom City has entered into the Agreement. 23 . Cost of the Work-See Paragraph 11.01 of these General Conditions for defmition. C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST ANDARD CONS TR UC TIO N SPEC IFICA TIO N DOC UMENT S Revi s ion : &'23/202 1 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CO NDI TIONS Page 3 of 63 24. Damage Claims -A demand for money or services arising from the Project or Site from a third party, City or Contractor exclusive of a Contract Claim . 25. Day or day -A day, unless otherwise defined , shall mean a Calendar Day. 26 . Director of Aviation -The officially appointed Director of the Aviation Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly appointed representative ,assistant, or agents. 27 . Director of Parks and Community Services -The officially appointed Director of the Parks and Community Services Department of the City of Fort Worth , Texas, or his duly appointed representative , assistant, or agents. 28. Director of Planning and De velopment -The officially appointed Director of the Planning and Development Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas , or his duly appointed representative , assistant, or agents . 29. Dire ctor of Transportation Public Work s -The officially appointed Director of the Transportation Public Works Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas , or his duly appointed representative, assistant, or agents. 30. Director of Water Departme nt -The officially appointed Director of the Water Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas , or his duly appointed representative , assistant, or agents. 31. Drawings-That part of the Contract Documents prepared or approved by Engineer which graphically shows the scope , extent, and character of the Work to be performed by Contractor. Submittals are not Drawings as so defmed. 32. Effective Date of th e Agreement-The date indicated in the Agreement on which it becomes effective , but if no such date is indicated , it means the date on which the Agreement is signed and delivered by the last of the two parties to s ign and deliver. 33. Engine e r-The licensed professional engineer or engineering firm registered in the State of Texas performing professional services for the City. 34. Extra Work -Additional work made necessary by changes or alterations of the Contract Documents or of quantities or for other reasons for which no prices are provided in the Contract Documents. Extra work shall be part of the Work. 35. Field Order -A written order issued by City which requires changes in the Work but which does not involve a change in the Contract Price , Contract Time , or the intent of the Engineer. Field Orders are paid from Field Order Allowances incorporated into the Contract by funded work type at the time of award. 36. Final Acceptance -The written notice given by the City to the Contractor that the Work specified in the Contract Documents has been completed to the satisfaction of the City. C ITY OF F O RT WORTH STANDARD C0NSTRUCT IO SPEC IFI CAT I0 DOCUMENTS Revi sion : &-23/JJ2 1 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CO NDITI ONS P age 4 of 63 37. Final Inspection -Inspection carried out by the City to verify that the Contractor has completed the Work, and each and every part or appurtenance thereof, fully, entirely, and in conformance with the Contract Docwnents. 38. General Requirements-Sections of Division 1 of the Contract Documents. 39. Hazardous Environmental Condition-The presence at the Site of Asbestos, PCBs, Petrolewn, Hazardous Waste , Radioactive Material, or other materials in such quantities or circumstances that may present a substantia l danger to persons or property exposed thereto. 40. Ha zardous Waste -Hazardous waste is defined as any solid waste listed as hazardous or possesses one or more hazardous characteristics as defined in the federa l waste regulations , as amended from time to time. 41. Laws and Regu lations-Any and all applicable laws, rules , regulations, ordinances, codes, and orders of any and all governmenta l bodies, agencies, authorities, and courts having jurisdiction. 42. Liens-Charges, security interests, or encwnbrances upon Project funds, real property, or personal property. 43. Major Item -An Item of work included in the ContractDocwnents that has a total cost equa l to or greater than 5% of the origina l Contract Price or $25,000 whichever is less. 44. Milestone -A principal event specified in the Contract Docwnents relating to an intermediate Contract Time prior to Final Acceptance of the Work. 45 . Notice of Award-The written notice by City to the Successful Bidder stating that upon timely compliance by the Successful Bidder with the conditions precedent listed therein, City will sign and deliver the Agreement. 46. Notice to Proceed-A written notice given by City to Contractor fIXing the date on which the Contract Time will commence to run and on which Contractor shall start to perform the Work specified in Contract Docwnents. 47. PCBs-Polychlorinated biphenyls. 48 . Petroleum-Petrolewn, including crude oil or any fraction thereof which is liquid at standard conditions of temperature and pressure (60 degrees Fahrenheit and 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute), s uch as oil, petrolewn, fue l oil, oil sludge, oil refuse , gasoline, kerosene , and oil mixed with other non-Hazardous Waste and crude oils. 49 . Plans -See definition of Drawings. CITYOF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTRUCTION SPEC IFI CA TIO N DOCUMENTS Revi sion : &'.23/2D21 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CO NDI TION S Page 5 of 63 50. Project Sch edule -A schedule , prepared and maintained by Contractor, in accordance with the General Requirements , describin g the sequence and duration of the activities comprising the Contractor 's plan to accomplish the Work within the Contract Time. 51. Project-The Work to be performed under the Contract Documents. 52. Proj ect Mana ge r-The authorized representative of the City who will be assigned to the Site. 53. Public M ee tin g -An announced meeting conducted by the City to facilitate public participation and to assist the public in gaining an informed view of the Project. 54. Radioactive Material-Source, special nuclear, or byproduct material as defmed by the Atomic E nergy Act of 1954 (42 USC Section 2011 et seq .) as amended from time to time . 55. Regular Working Hours -Hours be g inning at 7:00 a.m. and ending at 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday ( e xcluding legal holidays). 56. Samples-Ph ys ical examples of materials, equipment, or workmanship that are representative of some portion of the Work and which establish the standards by which such portion of the Work will be judged . 57. Schedule of Submittals-A schedule , prepared and maintained by Contractor, of required submittals and the time requirements to support scheduled performance of related construction activities . 58 . Schedule of Valu es-A schedule, prepared and maintained by Contractor, allocating portions of the Contract Price to various portion s of the Work and used as the basis for reviewing Contractor 's Applications for Payment. 59 . Site-Lands or areas indicated in the Contract Documents as being furnished by City upon which the Work is to be performed, including rights-of-way, permits , and easements for access thereto, and such other lands furnished by City which are designated for the use of Contractor. 60. Sp ec ifications-That part of the Contract Documents consisting of written requirements for materia ls , equipment, systems, standards and workmanship as applied to the Work, and certain administrative requirements and procedural matters applicable thereto. Specifications may be specifically made a part of the Contract Documents by attachment or , if not attached, may be incorporated by reference as indicated in the Table of Contents (Division 00 00 00) of each Project. 61. Sub contractor-An individual or entity having a direct contract with Contractor or with any other Subcontractor for the performance of a part of the Work at the Site. CIT Y OF FO RT WOR TH ST ANDARD C0NS TRUCT I0N SPEC IFICA TI ON DOCUMENTS Rev ision: &23/202 1 00 7200 -1 GENERAL CON DITI ONS Page 6 of 63 62. Submittals-All drawings , diagrams , illustrations, schedules, and other data or information which are specifically prepared or assembled by or for Contractor and submitted by Contractor to illustrate some portion of the Work. 63. Substantial Completion -The stage in the progress of the Project when the Work IS sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents for Final Inspection. 64 . Succe ssful Bidder-The Bidder submitting the lowest and most responsive Bid to whom City makes an A ward. 65 . Superintendent -The representative of the Contractor who is available at all times and able to receive instructions from the City and to act for the Contractor. 66. Supple mentary Condition s-That part of the Contract Documents which amends or supplements these General Conditions. 67. Supplie r-A manufacturer, fabricator, supplier, distributor, materialman, or vendor having a direct contract with Contractor or with any Subcontractor to furnish materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work by Contractor or Subcontractor. 68. Underground Facilities-All underground pipelines , conduits, ducts , cables , wires , manholes , vaults , tanks , tunnels, or other such facilities or attachments , and any encasements containing such facilities , including but not limited to, those that convey electricity, gases , steam, liquid petroleum products, telephone or other communications , cable television, water, wastewater, storm water, other liquids or chemicals , or traffic or other control systems . 69 Unit Price Work -See Paragraph 11.03 of these General Conditions for definition. 70. Week e nd Working Hours -Hours beginning at 9 :00 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m ., Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday , as approved in advance by the City . 71. Work -The entire construction or the various separately identifiable parts thereofrequired to be provided under the Contract Documents. Work includes and is the result of performing or providing all labor , services , and documentation necessary to produce such construction including any Change Order or Field Order, and furnishing , installing , and incorporating all materials and equipment into such construction, all as required by the Contract Documents. 72. Working Day -A working day is defmed as a day , not including Saturdays, Sundays , or legal holidays authorized by the City for contract purposes , in which weather or other conditions not under the control of the Contractor will permit the performance of the principal unit of work underway for a continuous period of not less than 7 hours between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. 1.02 Terminology A. The words and terms discussed in Paragraph 1.02.B through E are not defmed but, when used in the Bidding Requirements or Contract Documents , have the indicated meaning. B. Intent of Certain Terms or Adjectives: C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C0NS TR UCTI 0 N SPECIF ICA TIO N DOCUMENT S Re vis ion: &23/202 1 00 72 00-I GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 7 of 63 I. The Contract Documents include the terms "as allowed," "as approved," "as ordered," "as directed " or terms of like effect or import to authorize an exercise of judgment by City. In addition , the adjectives "reasonable ," "suitable ," "acceptable ," "proper," "satisfactory," or adjectives of like effect or import are used to describe an action or determination of City as to the Work. It is intended that such exercise of professional judgment, action, or determination will be solely to evaluate, in general, the Work for compliance with the information in the Contract Documents and with the design concept of the Project as a functioning whole as shown or indicated in the Contract Documents (unless there is a specific statement indicating otherwise). C. Defective: 1. The word "defective ," when modifying the word "Work," refers to Work that IS unsatisfactory, faulty, or deficient in that it: a. does not conform to the Contract Documents ; or b. does not meet the requirements of any applicable inspection, reference standard, test, or approval referred to in the Contract Documents; or c. has been damaged prior to City's written acceptance . D . Furnish , Install, Peiform, Provide: 1. The word ''Furnish" or the word "Install" or the word ''Perform" or the word ''Provide " or the word "Supply," or any combination or similar directive or usage thereof, shall mean furnishing and incorporating in the Work including all necessary labor, materials , equipment , and everything necessary to perform the Work indicated, unless specifically limited in the context used. E. U nle ss stated otherwise in the Contract Documents , words or phrases that have a well-known technical or construction industry or trade meaning are used in the Contract Documents in accordance with such recognized meaning. ARTICLE 2-PRELlMINARYMATTERS 2.01 Copies of Documents City shall furnish to Contractor one (1) original executed copy and one (1) electronic copy of the Contract Documents , and four ( 4) additional copies of the Drawings . Additional copies will be furnished upon request at the cost of reproduction. 2.02 Commencement of Contract Time; Notice to Proceed The Contract Time will commence to run on the day indicated in the Notice to Proceed. A Notice to Proceed may be given no earlier than 14 days after the Effective Date of the Agreement, unless agreed to by both parties in writing. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTRUCTI0N SPECIF!CATI0 DOCUMENTS Revi sion : &23/2021 2.03 Starting the Work 00 72 00-I GENERAL CONDITIONS Page 8 of 63 Contractor shall start to perform the Work on the date when the Contract Time commences to run. No Work shall be done at the Site prior to the date on which the Contract Time commences to run. 2.04 Before Starting Co nstruction Baseline Schedules: Submit in accordance with the Contract Documents , and prior to starting the Work. 2.05 Preconstruction Conference Before any Work at the Site is started, the Contractor shall attend a Preconstruction Conference as specified in the Contract Documents. 2 .06 Public Meeting Contractor may not mobilize any equipment, materials or resources to the Site prior to Contractor attending the Public Meeting as scheduled by the City . 2 .07 Initial Acceptance of Schedules No progress payment shall be made to Contractor until acceptable schedu les are submitted to City in accordance with the Schedule Specification as provided in the Contract Documents. ARTICLE 3 -CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: INTENT, AMENDING, REUSE 3.01 Intent A . The Contract Documents are complementary; what is required by one is as binding as if required by all . B. It is the intent of the Contract Documents to describe a functionally complete project ( or part thereof) to be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Any labor, documentation, services, materials , or equipment that reasonably may be inferred from the Contract Documents or from prevailing custom or trade usage as being required to produce the indicated result will be provided whether or not specifically called for, at no additional cost to City. C . Clarifications and interpretations of the Contract Documents shall be issued by City. D. The Specifications may vary in form, format and sty le . Some Specification sections may be written in varying degrees of streamlined or declarative style and some sections may be relative ly narrative by comparison. Omission of such words and phrases as "the Contractor shall," "in conformity with," "as shown," or "as specified" are intentional in streamlined sections . Omitted words and phrases shall be supplied by inference . Similar types of provisions may appear in various parts of a section or articles within a part depending on the format of the CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTRUCTI0N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: &-23/202 1 00 72 00-1 GE NERAL COND ITIONS Page 9 of 63 section. The Contractor s ha ll not take a dv a nta ge of any variation of form , format or sty le m making Contract Claims. E. The cross referencing of specification sections under th e s ubparagraph heading "Related Sections includ e but are not necessarily limite d to:" and elsewhere within each Specification section is provid e d as an aid and convenience to the Contractor. The Contractor shall not rely on the cross referencing provided a nd shall be responsible to coordinate the entire Work under th e Contract Doc um e nts and provid e a complete Project whether or not the cross referencing is provid e d in each section or whether or not the cross referencing is complete . 3.02 Reference Standards A. Standards, Specifications, Codes, Laws, and Regulations 1. Reference to standards , specification s, manuals , or codes of any technical society, organization , or association, or to Laws or Regulations, whether such reference be specific or by implication , shall mean th e standard, specification, manual, code, or Laws or Regulations in effect at the time of opening of Bids (or on the Effective Date of the Agreement if there were no Bids), except as may be otherwise specifically stated in the Contract Documents. 2. No provision of any s uch standard, spec ification, manual, or code, or any in struction of a Supplier, shall be effective to change the dutie s or responsibilities of City, Contractor, or any of their subcontractors , consultants, agents, or employees, from those set forth in the Contract Documents. No s uch provision or in str uction s hall be effective to assign to City, or any of it s officers, directors , members, partners, employees, agents, consultants , or subcontractors, any duty or authority to s upervise or dir ect the performance of the Work or any duty or authority to undertake responsibility inconsis tent with the provisions of the Contract Docume nts . 3.03 R eportin g and Reso lving Discrepancies A. Reporting Disc r epancies: I. Contractor's Rev iew of Co ntract Documents Before Starting Work: Before undertaking each part of the Work, Contractor shall carefully study and compare the Contract Documents and check and verify pertinent figures therein against all applicable field measurements and conditions. Contractor s hall promptly report in writing to City any conflict, error, ambiguity , or discrepancy which Contractor discovers , or has actual knowledge of, and shall obtain a written interpretation or clarification from City before proceeding with any Work affected thereby. 2. Con tra ctor's Review of Contract Do cume nts During Performance of Work: If, during the performance of the Work, Contractor discovers any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy within the Contract Docume nts, or betwee n th e Contract Documents and (a) any applicable Law or Regulation , (b) any standard , specification, manual, or code, or (c) any instruction of any Supplier, then Contractor shall promptly report it to City in writing. Contractor shall not proceed with the Work affected there by (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT 10 N SPECIF !CATION DOCUMENTS Revi sion : 8/23/2021 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CON DITI ONS Page 10 of63 6.17 .A) until an amendment or s upplement to the Contract Documents has been issued by one of the methods indicated in Paragraph 3.04. 3. Contractor shaU not be liable to City for failure to report any conflict , error, ambiguity, or discrepancy in the Contract Documents unless Contractor had actual knowledge thereof. B. Resolving Discrepancies: 1. Except as may be otherwise specificaUy stated in the Contract Documents , the provisions of the Contract Documents shall take precedence in resolving any conflict, error, ambiguity, or discrepancy between the provisions of the Contract Documents and the provisions of any standard, specification, manual, or the instruction of any Supplier (whether or not specifically incorporated by reference in the Contract Documents). 2. In case of discrepancies, figured dimensions shaU govern over scaled dimensions, Plans shall govern over Specifications, Supplementary Conditions shaU govern over General Conditions and Specifications , and quantities shown on the Plans shall govern over those shown in the proposa l. 3.04 Amending and Supplementing Contract Documents A. The Contract Documents may be amended to provide for additions, deletions, and revisions m the Work or to modify the terms and conditions thereof by a Change Order. B. The requirements of the Contract Documents may be supplemented, and minor variations and deviations in the Work not involving a change in Contract Price or Contract Time , may be authorized, by one or more of the foUowing ways : 1. A F ield Order; . 2. City's review of a Submittal (subject to the provisions of Paragraph 6 .18.C); or 3 . City's written interpretation or clarification. 3.05 Reuse of Documents A . Contractor and any Subcontractor or Supplier shaU not: 1. have or acquire any title to or ownership rights in any of the Drawings , Specifications, or other documents ( or copies of any thereof) prepared by or bearing the seal of Engineer, including electronic media editions; or 2. reuse any such Drawings , Specifications, other documents , or copies thereof on extensions of the Project or any other project without written consent of City and specific written verification or adaptation by E ngineer. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IF !CA TIO DO CUMENTS Revi sion : &23/2021 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CO ND ITI ON S Page 11 of63 B. The prohibitions of this Paragraph 3.05 will survive fmal payment, or termination of the Contract. Nothing herein shall preclude Contractor from retaining copies of the Contract Documents for record purpose s . 3.06 Ele ctronic Data A. Unless otherwise stated in the Supplementary Conditions, the data furnished by City or Engineer to Contractor, or by Contractor to City or Engineer, that may be relied upon are limiteEl to the printed copies included in the Contract Documents (also known as hard copies) and other Specifications referenced and located on the City 's on-line electronic document management and collaboration system site. Files in electronic media format of text, data , graphics, or other types are furnished only for the convenience of the receiving party. Any conclusion or information obtained or derived from such electronic files will be atthe user's so le risk. If there is a discrepancy between the electronic files and the hard copies, the hard copies govern . B . When transferring documents in electronic media format, the transferring party makes no representations as to long term compatibility , usability, or readability of documents resulting from the use of software application packages , operating systems , or computer hardware differing from those used by the data's creator. ARTICLE 4 -AVAILABILITY OF LANDS; SUBSURFACE AND PHYSICAL CONDITIONS; HAZARDOUS ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS; REFERENCE POINTS 4.01 Availability of Lands A. City shall furnish the Site. City shall notify Contractor of any encumbrances or restrictions not of general application but specifically related to use of the Site with which Contractor must comply in performing the Work. City will obtain in a timely manner and pay for easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities. 1. The City has obtained or anticipates acquisition of and/or access to right-of-way, and/or easements. Any outstanding right-of-way and/or easements are anticipated to be acquired in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Supplementary Conditions. The Project Schedule submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents must consider any outstanding right-of-way, and/or easements . 2. The City has or anticipates removing and/or relocating utilities, and obstructions to the Site. Any outstanding removal or relocation of utilities or obstructions is anticipated in accordance with the schedule set forth in the Supplementary Conditions. The Project Schedule submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents must consider any outstanding utilities or obstructions to be removed, adjusted , and/or relocated by others. B. Upon reasonable written request, City shall furnish Contractor with a current statement of record legal title and legal description of the lands upon which the Work is to be performed. C ITYOF F ORT WORTH STANDARD C0 ST RUC TI0 N SPEC I F ICATI ON DOCUMENTS Rev ision : &'23/202 1 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CO NDITIONS Pag e 12 of 63 C. Contractor shall provide for all additional lands and access thereto that may be required for construction facilities or storage of materials and equipment. 4.02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions A . Reports and Drawings: The Supplementary Conditions id entify : 1. those reports known to City of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at or contiguous to the Site ; and 2. those drawings known to City of physical conditions relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at the Site (except Underground Facilities). B. Limited Reliance by Contractor on Technical Data Authorized: Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the ''technical data" contained in such reports and drawings , but such reports and drawings are not Contract Documents. Such ''technical data" is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. Contractor may not make any Contract Claim against City, or any of their officers, directors, members , partners, employees, agents , consultants , or subcontractors with respect to: 1. the comp leteness of such reports and drawings for Contractor's purposes , including, but not limited to, any aspects of the means, methods, techniques, sequences , and procedures of construction to be employed by Contractor, and safety precautions and programs incident thereto; or 2. other data, interpretations , opinions, and information contained in such reports or shown or indicated in such drawings; or 3. any Contractor interpretation of or conclusion drawn from any ''technical data" or any such other data, interpretations, opinions , or information. 4.03 Differing Subsuiface or Physical Conditions A . Notice: If Contractor believes that any subsurface or physical condition that is uncovered or revealed either: 1. is of such a nature as to establish that any ''technical data " on which Contractor is entitled to rely as provided in Paragraph 4.02 is materially inaccurate; or 2. is of such a nature as to require a change in the Contract Documents; or 3 . differs materially from that shown or indicated in the Contract Documents ; or 4. is of an unusual nature , and differs materially from conditions ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Contract Documents; CITY OF FORT WORTH ST ANDARD C0 NSTR UC TI0 N SPEC IFI CA TIO N DOCUM ENTS Revi sion : &23/2021 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDIT IONS Page 13 of63 the n Contractor shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before further disturbing the subsurface or physical conditions or performing any Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph 6.17.A), notify City in writing about such condition. B. Possible Price and Time Adjustments Contractor shall not be entitled to any adjustment in the Contract Price or Contract Time if: 1. Contractor knew of the existence of such conditions at the time Contractor made a fina I commitment to City with respectto Contract Price and Contract Time by the submission of a Bid or becoming bound under a negotiated contract; or 2. the existence of such condition could reasonably have been discovered or revealed as a result of the examination of the Contract Documents or the Site; or 3. Contractor failed to give the written notice as required by Paragraph 4.03.A. 4.04 UndergroundFacilities A. Shown or Indicated: The information and data shown or indicated in the Contract Documents with respectto existing Underground Facilities at or contiguous to the Site is based on information and data furnished to City or Engineer by the owners of such Underground Facilities, including City, or by others. Unless it is otherwise expressly provided in the Supplementary Conditions: 1. City and E ngineer shall not be responsible for the accuracy or completeness of any such information or data provided by others; and 2. the cost of all of the following will be included in the Contract Price, and Contractor shall have full responsibility for: a. reviewing and checking all such information and data ; b. locating all Underground Facilities shown or indicated in the Contract Documents; c. coordination and adjustment of the Work with the owners of such Underground Facilities, including City, during construction; and d. the safety and protection of all such Underground Facilities and repairing any damage thereto resulting from the Work. B. Not Shown or Indicated: 1. If an Underground Facility which conflicts with the Work is uncovered or revealed at or contiguous to the Site which was not shown or indicated, or not shown or indicated with reasonable accuracy in the Contract Documents , Contractor shall, promptly after becoming aware thereof and before further disturbing conditions affected thereby or performing any CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUC TIO N SPECIF ICA T 10 N DOCUMENTS Rev ision : &'23/2021 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CO NDITI ONS Page 14 of63 Work in connection therewith (except in an emergency as required by Paragraph 6.17.A), identify the owner of such Underground Facility and give notice to that owner and to City . City will review the discovered Underground Facility and determine the extent, if any, to which a change may be required in the Contract Docwnents to reflect and document the consequences of the existence or location of the Underground Facility. Contractor shall be responsible for the safety and protection of such discovered Underground Facility. 2 . If City conc lud es that a change in the Contract Docwnents is required , a Change Order may be issued to reflect and document such consequences. 3 . Verification of existing utilities , structures, and service lines shall include notification of all utility companies a minimum of 48 hours in advance of construction including exploratory excavation if necessary. 4.05 Reference Points A. City shall provide engineering surveys to establish reference points for construction, which in City's judgment are necessary to enable Contractor to proceed w ith the Work. City will provide construction stakes or other customary method of marking to establish line and grades for roadway and utility construction, centerlines and benchmarks for bridgework. Contractor shall protect and preserve the established reference points and property monuments , and shall make no changes or relocations. Contractor shall report to City whenever any referenc e point or property monument is lo st or destroye d or requires r e location because of necessary changes in grades or locations . The City shall be responsible for the replacement or relocation of reference points or property monuments not carelessly or willfully destroyed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall notify City in advance and with s ufficient time to avoid delays . B. Whenever, in th e opinion of the City, any reference point or monument has been carelessly or willfully destroye d, disturbed, or removed by the Contractor or any of his employees , the full cost for replacing such points plus 25% will be charged against the Contractor, and the full amount will be deducted from payment due the Contractor. 4.06 Ha zardous Environmenta l Condition at Site A. Reports and Drawings: The Supplementary Conditions identify those reports and drawings known to City relating to Hazardous E nvironmental Conditions that have been identified at the Site . B . Limited Reliance by Contractor on Technical Data Authorized: Contractor may rely upon the accuracy of the ''tec hnical data " contained in such reports and drawings , but suc h reports and drawings are not Contract Documents. Such ''technical data" is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. Contractor may not make any Contract Claim against City, or any of their officers, directors , members, partners , employees , agents , consultants , or subcontractors with respect to: 1. the completeness of such reports and drawings for Contractor's purposes , including , but not limited to , any aspects of the means , methods , techniques, sequences and procedures of CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONST RUCTION SPECIF !CATION DOCUMENTS Revi sion : &23/202 1 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CO NDITION S Page 15 of63 construction to be employed by Contractor and safety precautions and programs incident thereto; or 2. other data, interpretations , opinions and information contained in such reports or shown or indicated in such drawings; or 3. any Contractor interpretation of or conclusion drawn from any "technica l data " or any such other data, interpretations , opinions or information. C. Contractor shall not be responsible for any Hazardous Environmental Condition uncovered or revealed at the Site which was not shown or indicated in Drawings or Specifications or identified in the Contract Documents to be within the scope of the Work. Contractor shall be responsible for a Hazardous Environmental Condition created with any materials brought to the Site by Contractor, Subcontractors , Suppliers, or anyone else for whom Contractor is responsible. D. If Contractor encounters a Hazardous Environmental Condition or if Contractor or anyone for whom Contractor is responsible creates a Hazardous Environmental Condition, Contractor shall immediately: (i) secure or otherwise isolate such condition; (ii) stop all Work in connection with such condition and in any area affected thereby (except in an emergency as required by ParagraJti 6.17.A); and (iii) notify City (and promptly thereafter confnm such notice in writing). City may consider the necessity to retain a qualified expert to evaluate such condition or take corrective action, if any. E. Contractor shall not be required to resume Work in connection with such condition or in any affected area until after City has obtained any required permits related thereto and delivered written notice to Contractor: (i) specifying that such condition and any affected area is or has been rendered suitable for the resumption of Work; or (ii) spec ifying any special conditions under which such Work may be resumed. F. If after receipt of such written notice Contractor does not agree to resume such Work based on a reasonable belief it is unsafe , or does not agree to resume such Work under such special conditions, then City may order the portion of the Work that is in the area affected by such condition to be deleted from the Work. City may have such deleted portion of the Work performed by City's own forces or others . G. To the fullest exte nt permitted by Laws and Regulations, Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless City,from and against all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to a Hazardous Environmental Condition created by Contractor or by anyoneforwhom Contractor is respons ible . Nothing in this Paragraph 4. 06.G shall obligate Contractor to indemnify any individual or entity from and against the consequences of that individual 's or entity's own negligence. H. The provisions of Paragraphs 4 .02, 4 .03 , and 4 .04 do not apply to a Hazardous Environmenta l Condition uncovered or revealed at the Site. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C0NS TRUCT I0 SPEC IFI CATI0 DOCUMENT S Revision : 8/23/202 1 ARTICLE 5 -BONDS AND INSURANCE 5 .01 Licensed Sureties and Insurers 007200 -1 GENERAL COND ITI ONS Page 16 of63 A ll bonds and insurance required by the Contract Documents to be purchased and maintained by Contractor shall be obtained from surety or insurance companies that are duly licensed or authorized in the State of Texas to issue bonds or insurance policies for the limits and coverages so required. Such surety and insurance companies shall also meet such additional requirements and qualifications as may be provided in the Supplementary Conditions. 5.02 Performance , Payment, and Maintenance Bonds A. Contractor sha ll furnish performance and payment bonds , in accordance w ith Texas Government Code Chapter 2253 or successor statute, each in an amount equa l to the Contract Price as security for the faithful pe rformance and payment of all of Contractor's obligations under the Contract Documents . B . Contractor shall furnish maintenance bonds in an amount equal to the Contract Price as security to protect the City against any defects in any portion of the Work described in the Contract Documents. Maintenanc e bonds shall remain in effect for two (2) years after the date of Final Acceptance by the City. C. A ll bonds s hall be in the form prescribed by the Contract Documents except as provided otherwise by Laws or Regulations, and shall be executed by suc h sureties as are named in the list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies" as published in Circular 570 (amended) by the Financ ial Management Servic e, Surety Bond Branch, U.S. Department of the Treasury. All bonds s igned by an agent or attorne y-in-fact must be accompanied by a sealed and dated power of attorne y which shall show that it is effective on the date the agent or attorney-in-fact signed each bond. D . If the surety on any bond furnished by Contractor is declared bankrupt or becomes insolv e nt or it s right to do bu siness is terminated in the State of Texas or it ceases to meet the requirements of Paragraph 5.02.C , Contractor shall promptly notify City and shall, within 30 days after the event giving rise to such notification, provide another bond and surety, both of which shall comply with the requirements of Paragraphs 5.01 and 5.02 .C. 5.03 Certificates of Insurance Contractor shall deliver to City, with copies to each additional insured and los s payee identified in the Supplementary Conditions , certificates of insurance ( other evidence of insurance requested by City or any other additiona l insured) in at least the minimum amount as specified in the Supp lementary Conditions which Contractor is required to purchase and maintain. 1. The certificate of insurance sha ll document the City, and all identified entities named in the Supp lementary Conditions as "Additional Insured" on all liability policies. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONS T RUCTION SPECIF !CATION DOCUMENTS R evis ion : &23/202 1 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CO NDITIONS Page 17 of63 2. The Contractor's general liability insurance shall include a, "per project" or "per location", endorsement, which shall be identified in the certificate of insurance provided to the City. 3. The certificate shall be signed by an agent authorized to bind coverage on behalf of the insured, be complete in its entirety, and show complete insurance carrier names as listed in the current A.M. Best Property & Casualty Guide 4. The insurers for all policies must be licensed and/or approved to do business in the State of Texas. Except for workers ' compensation, all insurers must have a minimum rating of A-: VII in the current A. M. Best Key Rating Guide or have reasonably equivalent financial strength and solvency to the satisfaction of Risk Management. If the rating is below that required, written approval of City is required. 5. AU applicable policies shall include a Waiver of Subrogation (Rights of Recovery) in favor of the City. In addition , the Contractor agrees to waive all rights of subrogation against the Engineer (if applicable), and each additional insured identified in the Supplementary Conditions 6. Failure of the City to demand such certificates or other evidence of full compliance with the insurance requirements or failure of the City to identify a deficiency from evidence that is provided shall not be construed as a waiver of Contractor's obligation to maintain such lines of insurance coverage. 7. If insurance policies are not written for specified coverage limits, an Umbrella or Excess Liability insurance for any differences is required. Excess Liability shall follow form of the pnmary coverage. 8. Unless otherwise stated, all required insurance shall be written on the "occurrence basis". If coverage is underwritten on a claims-made basis, the retroactive date shall be coincident with or prior to the date of the effective date of the agreement and the certificate of insurance shall state that the coverage is claims-made and the retroactive date . The insurance coverage shall be maintained for the duration of the Contract and for three (3) years following Final Acceptance provided under the Contract Documents or for the warranty period, whichever is longer. An annual certificate of insurance submitted to the City shall evidence such msurance coverage. 9. Policies shall have no exclusions by endorsements, which, neither nullify or amend, the required lines of coverage, nor decrease the limits of said coverage unless such endorsements are approved in writing by the City. In the event a Contract has been bid or executed and the exclusions are determined to be unacceptable or the City desires additional insurance coverage, and the City desires the contractor/engineer to obtain such coverage, the contract price shall be adjusted by the cost of the premium for such additional coverage plus 10%. 10. Any self-insured retention (SIR), in excess of $25,000.00, affecting required insurance coverage shall be approved by the City in regards to asset value and stockholders' equity. In CITYOF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONS TR UCT 10 N SPEC IF !CA TIO N DOC UM ENT S Rev is ion : &23/202 1 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CON DITI ON S Page 18 of63 lieu of traditional insurance , alternative coverage maintained through insurance pools or risk retention groups, must also be approved by City . 11. Any deductible in excess of $5,000.00, for any policy that does not provide coverage on a fast-dollar basis , must be acceptable to and approved by the City . 12. City, at its sole discretion , reserves the right to review the insurance requirements and to make reasonable adjustments to insurance coverage 's and their limits when deemed necessary and prudent by the City based upon changes in statutory law , court decision or the c laims history of the industry as well as of the contracting party to the City. The City shall be required to provide prior notice of 90 days , and the insurance adjustments shall be incorporated into the Work by Change Order. 13. City sha ll be entitled, upon written request and without expense, to receive copies of policies and endorsements thereto and may make any reasonable requests for deletion or revision or modifications of particular policy terms, conditions , limitations , or exclusions necessary to conform the policy and endorsements to the requirements of the Contract. Deletions, revisions , or modifications shall not be required where policy provisions are established by law or regulations binding upon either party or the underwriter on any such policies. 14. City shall not be responsible for the direct payment of insurance premium costs for Contractor's insurance. 5.04 Contractor's Insuranc e A . Workers Compensation and Employers ' Liability. Contractor shall purchase and maintain such insurance coverage with limits consistent with statutory benefits outlined in the Texas Workers ' Compensation Act (Texas Labor Code, Ch. 406 , as amended), and minimum limits for Employers' Liability as is appropriate for the Work being performed and as will provide protection from claims set forth below which may arise out of or result from Contractor's performance of the Work and Contractor 's other obligations under the Contract Documents, whether it is to be performed by Contractor, any Subcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: 1. claims under workers ' compensation, disability benefits , and other similar employee benefit acts; 2. claims for damages because of bodily Injury , occupational sickness or disease , or death of Contractor's employees. B. Commercial General Liability. Coverage shall include but not be limited to covering liability (bodily injury or property damage) arising from: premises/operations, independent contractors, products/completed operations , personal injury, and liability under an insured contract. Insurance shall be provided on an occurrence basis , and as comprehensive as the current Insurance Services Office (ISO) policy. This insurance shall apply as primary insurance with respect to any other C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST ANDARD CONSTR UCT IO N SPEC IFI CA TIO N DO C UM ENTS Revi sion : &23/2021 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDIT IONS Page 19 of 63 insurance or self-insurance programs afforded to the City. The Commercial General Liability policy , shall have no exclusions by endorsements that would alter of nullify premises/operations, products/completed operations , contractual, personal injury, or advertising injury , which are normally contained with the polic y, unle ss th e City approves such exclusions in writing. For construction projects that present a substantial completed operation exposure, the City may require the contractor to maintain completed operations coverage for a minimum of no less than three (3) years following the completion of the project (if identified in the Supplementary Conditions). C. Automobile Liability. A commercial business auto policy shall provide coverage on "any auto", defined as autos owned, hired and non-own e d and provide indemnity for claims for damages because bodily injury or death of any person and or property damage arising out of the work, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle by the Contractor, any Subcontractor or Supplier, or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the Work, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable . D. Railroad Protective Liability. If any of the work or any warranty work is within the limits of railroad right-of-way, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements identified in the Supplementary Conditions. E. No tification of Policy Cance llation : Contractor shall immediately notify City upon cancellation or other lo ss of in s urance coverage. Contractor s hall stop work until replacement insurance has bee n procured . There s hall be no time credit for days not worked purs uant to this section. 5.05 Acceptance of Bonds and Insurance; Option to Replace If City has any objection to the coverage afforded by or other provisions of the bonds or insurance required to be purchased and maintained by the Contractor in accordance with Article 5 on the basis of non-conformance with the Contract Documents, the City shall so notify the Contractor in writing within 10 Bus ine ss Days after receipt of the certificates ( or other evidence requested). Contractor shall provide to the City such additional information in respect of insurance provided as the City may reasonably request. If Contractor does not purchase or maintain all of the bonds and insurance required by the Contract Documents , the City s hall notify the Contractor in writing of such failure prior to the start of the Work, or of such failure to maintain prior to any change in the required coverage. ARTICLE 6 -CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES 6.01 Supervision and Superintendence A. Contractor shall supervise, inspect, and direct the Work competently and efficiently, devoting such attention thereto and applying such skills and expertise as may be necessary to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents . Contractor shall be solely responsible for the means , methods , techniques , sequences, and procedures of construction. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPEC IF ICA TIO N DOCUMENTS Rev ision: &'2:llm I 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CO NDITI ONS P age 20 of 63 B. At all times during the progress of the Work, Contractor shall assign a competent, E nglish- speaking, Superintendent who shall not be replaced without written notice to City . The Superintendent will be Contractor's representative at the Site and shall have authority to act on behalf of Contractor. All communication given to or received from the Superintendent shall be binding on Contractor. C . Contractor shall notify the City 24 hours prior to moving areas during the sequence of construction. 6.02 Labor; Working Hour s A. Contractor shall provide competent, suitably qualified personnel to perform construction as required by the Contract Documents. Contractor shall at all times maintain good discipline and order at the Site. B. Except as otherwise required for the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the Site or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, all Work at the Site shall be performed during Regular Working Hours. Contractor will not permit the performance of Work beyond Regular Working Hours or for Weekend Working Hours without City 's written consent (which will not be unreasonably withheld). Written request (by letter or electronic communication) to perform Work: 1. for beyond Regular Working Hours request must be made by noon at least two (2) Business Days prior 2 . for Weekend Working Hours request must be made by noon of the preceding Thursday 3 . for legal holidays request must be made by noon two Business Days prior to the legal holiday . 6.03 Services, Materials, and Equipment A. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents , Contractor shall provide and assume full responsibility for all services, materials , equipment, labor, transportation, construction equipment and machinery, tools, appliances , fuel, power, light , heat, telephone, water, sanitary facilities , temporary facilities, and all other facilities and incidentals necessary for the performance, Contractor required testing, start-up, and completion of the Work. B. All materials and equipment incorporated into the Work shall be as specified or, if not specified, shall be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. All special warranties and guarantees required by the Specifications shall expressly run to the benefit of City. If required by City, Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence (including reports of required tests) as to the source , kind , and quality of materials and equipment. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C0NSTRUC TI ON SPEC I FI CATI ON DOCUMENTS Rev ision : &23/202 1 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CO NDITI ONS Page 2 1 of63 C. All materials and equipment to be incorporated into the Work shall be stored, applied, installed , connected, erected, protected, used , cleaned, and conditioned in accordance with instructions of the applicable Supplier, except as otherwise may be provided in the Contract Documents . D . AU items of standard equipment to be incorporated into the Work shall be the latest model at the time of bid , unless otherwise specified. 6.04 Project Sche dul e A. Contractor shall adhere to the Project Schedule established in accordance with Paragraph 2.07 and the General Requirements as it may be adjusted from time to time as provided below. 1. Contractor shall submit to City for acceptance (to the extent indicated in Paragraph 2.07 and the General Requirements) proposed adjustments in the Project Schedule that will not result in changing the Contract Time . Such adjustments will comply with any provisions of the General Requirements applicable thereto. 2. Contractor shall submit to City a monthly Project Schedule with a monthly progress payment for the duration of the Contract in accordance with the schedule specification 01 32 16. 3. Proposed adjustments in the Project Schedule that will change the Contract Time shall be submitted in accordance with the requirements of Article 12. Adjustments in Contract Time may only be made by a Change Order. 6.05 Substitutes and "Or-Equals " A. Whenever an item of material or equipment is specified or described in the Contract Documents by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular Supplier, the specification or description is intended to establish the type , function , appearance, and quality required. Unless the specification or description contains or is followed by words reading that no like, equivalent, or "or-equal" item or no substitution is permitted , other items of material or equipment of other Suppliers may be submitted to City for review under the circumstances described below . 1. "Or-Equal " Item s: If in City's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by Contractor is functionally equal to that named and sufficiently similar so that no change in related Work will be required, it may be considered by City as an "or-equal" item, in which case review and approval of the proposed item may, in City's sole discretion, be accomplished without compliance with some or all of the requirements for approval of proposed substitute items. For the purposes of this Paragraph 6 .05.A. l, a proposed item of material or equipment will be considered functionally equal to an item so named if: a. the City determines that: C ITY OF FORT WO RTH 1) it is at least equal in materials of construction, quality, durability, appearance , strength, and design characteristics ; STANDARD C0 STRUCTI0N SPECIF ICATIO N DOCUMENTS Rev ision: &'23/Xl2 1 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CON DITI ONS Page 22 of 63 2) it will reliably perform at least equally well the function and achieve the results imposed by the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole; and 3) it has a proven record of performance and availability of responsive service; and b. Contractor certifies that, if approved and incorporated into the Work: 1) there will be no increase in cost to the City or increase in Contract Time; and 2) it will conform substantially to the detailed requirements of the item named in the Contract Documents . 2. Substitute Items : a. If in City's sole discretion an item of material or equipment proposed by Contractor does not qualify as an "or-equal" item under Paragraph 6.05.A. l, it may be submitted as a proposed substitute item. b. Contractor shall submit sufficient information as provided below to allow City to determine if the item of material or equipment proposed is essentially equivalent to that named and an acceptable substitute therefor. Requests for review of proposed substitute items of material or equipment will not be accepted by City from anyone other than Contractor. c. Contractor shall make written application to City for review of a proposed substitute item of material or equipment that Contractor seeks to furnish or use. The application shall comply with Section 01 25 00 and: CITY OF FORT WORTH 1) shall certify that the proposed substitute item will: a) perform adequately the functions and achieve the results called for by the general design; b) be similar in substance to that specified; c) be suited to the same use as that specified; and 2) will state: a) the extent, if any, to which the use of the proposed substitute item will prejudice Contractor's achievement of final completion on time; b) whether use of the proposed substitute item in the Work will require a change in any of the Contract Documents ( or in the provisions of any other direct contract with City for other work on the Project) to adapt the design to the proposed substitute item ; STANDARD C0NSTRUC TI0 N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision : &'23/2D2 1 00 72 00-1 GENERAL COND ITI ONS P age 23 of 63 c) whether incorporation or use of the proposed substitute item in connection with the Work is subject to pay ment of any license fee or royalty; and 3) will identify: a) all variations of the proposed substitute item from that specified; b) available engineering, sales, maintenance , repair, and replacement services; and 4) shall contain an itemized estimate of all costs or credits that will result directly or indirectly from use of such s ubstitute item, including costs of redesign and Damage Claims of other contractors affected by any re s ulting change . B. Substitute Constructio nMeth ods or Procedures: If a specific means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure of construction is expressly required by the Contract Documents , Contractor may furnish or utilize a s ub stitute means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure of construction approved by City. Contractor shall submit suffic ient information to allow City, in City's sole discre tion , to determin e that the substitute proposed is equivalent to that expressly called for by the Contract Docume nts. Contractor shall make written application to City for review in the same manne r as tho se provided in Paragraph 6.05.A.2. C. City 's Eva luation: City will be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposal or submittal made purs uant to P a ragraphs 6 .05.A and 6.05.B . City may require Contractor to furnish additional data about th e propo se d substitute. City will be the sole judge of acceptability. No "or-equal" or substitute will be ordered, in stalled or utilized until City's review is complete, which will be evidenced by a Change Order in the case of a substitute and an accepted Submittal for an "or-equal." City will advise Contractor in writing of its determination. D . Special Gua rantee: City may require Contractor to furnish at Contractor's expense a special performance guarantee , warranty, or other surety w ith respect to any substitute. Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless C ity and anyone directly or indirec tly employed by th e m from and against any and all claims, damages, lo sses and expenses (including attorneys fees) arising out of th e use of substituted materials or e quipment. E. City 's Cost Reimburse me nt: City will record City's costs in evaluating a substitute propose d or submitted by Contractor pursuant to Paragraphs 6.05 .A.2 and 6 .05.B . Whether or not City approve s a s ubstitute so proposed or submitted by Contractor, Contractor may be required to reimburse City for evaluating each such proposed substitute. Contractor may also be required to reimburse City for the charges for making changes in the Contract Documents ( or in the provisions of any other direct contract with City) resulting from the acceptance of each proposed substitute . F. Contracto r 's Expense : Contractor shall provide all data in support of any proposed substitute or "or-equal" at C ontractor 's expense. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO SPECIF ICA TIO DOCUMENTS Revi sion : &23/202 1 00 72 00-1 GENERAL COND ITI ONS Page 24 of 63 G. C ity Substitute Reimbursement: Costs (savings or charges) attributable to acceptance of a substitute shall be incorporated to the Contract by Change Orde r. H . Time Extens ion s : No additional time will be granted for s ub stitutions . 6.06 Concerning Subcontractors, Suppliers , and Oth ers A. Contractor s hall perform with his own organization, work of a value not less than 35% of the value embraced on the Contract, unless otherwise approved by the City. B. Contractor shall not employ any Subcontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity , whether initially or as a replacement, against whom City may have reasonable objection . Contractor shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity to furnish or perform any of the Work against whom Contractor ha s reasonable objection ( excluding those acceptable to City as indicated in Paragraph 6.06.C). C. The City may from time to time require the use of certain Subcontractors, Suppliers , or other individuals or entities on the project, and will provide such requirements in the Supplementary Conditions. D . Minority Bu siness Enterprise Co mplian ce: It is City polic y to ensure the full and equitable participation by Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) in th e procurement of goods and services on a contractual ba sis . If the Contract Documents provid e for a MBE goal, Contractor is required to comply with the intent of the City 's MB E Ordinance ( as amended) by the following: 1. Contractor shall, upon request by City, provide complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a MBE on the Contract and payment th e refor. 2 . Contractor will not make additions , deletions , or s ub stitution s of accepted MBE without written consent of the City. Any unjustified change or deletion shall be a material breach of Contract and may result in debarment in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Ordinance. 3. Contractor shall, upon request by City, allow an audit and/or examination of any books , records , or files in th e possession of the Contractor that will substantiate the actual work performed by an MB E . Material misrepresentation of any nature will be grounds for termination of the Contract in accordance with Paragraph 15.02 .A. Any such misrepresentation may be grounds for disqualification of Contractor to bid on future contracts with the City for a period of not less than three years. E . Contractor shall be fully responsible to City for all acts and omissions of the Subcontractors , Suppliers, and other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the Work just as Contractor is responsible for Contractor's own acts and omissions. Nothing in the Contract Documents : CIT Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTRUCTI0N SPEC IFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision: &'23/202 1 007200-1 GENERAL COND ITI ONS Page 25 of 63 1. shall create for the benefit of any such Subcontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity any contractual relationship between City and any such Subcontractor, Supplier or other individual or entity; nor 2. shall create any obligation on the part of City to pay or to see to the payment of any moneys due any such Subcontractor, Supplier, or other individual or entity except as may otherwise be required by Laws and Regulations. F . Contractor shall be solely responsible for scheduling and coordinating the Work of Subcontractors, Suppliers , and other individua Is or entities performing or furnishing any of the Work under a direct or indirect contract with Contractor. G. All Subcontractors, Suppliers, and such other individuals or entities performing or furnishing any of the Work shall communicate with City through Contractor. H. All Work performed for Contractor by a Subcontractor or Supplier will be pursuant to an appropriate agreement between Contractor and the Subcontractor or Supplier which specifically binds the Subcontractor or Supplier to the applicable terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the benefit of City. 6.07 Wage Rates A. Duty to pay Prevailing Wage Rates. The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 2258, Texas Government Code (as amended), including the payment of not less than the rates determined by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevailing wage rates in accordance with Chapter 2258. Such prevailing wage rates are included in these Contract Documents. B. Penalty for Violation. A Contractor or any Subcontractor who does not pay the prevailing wage shall, upon demand made by the City, pay to the City $60 for each worker employed for each ca lendar day or part of the day that the worker is paid less than the preva iling wage rates stipulated in these contract documents . This penalty shall be retained by the City to offset its administrative costs, pursuant to Texas Government Code 2258.023. C. Comp laints of Violations and City Determination of Good Cause. On receipt of information, including a complaint by a worker, concerning an a lleged violation of 2258.023, Texas Government Code, by a Contractor or Subcontractor, the City shall make an initial determination, before the 31st day after the date the City receives the information, as to whether good cause exists to believe that the violation occurred. The City shall notify in writing the Contractor or Subcontractor and any affected worker of its initial determination . Upon the City's determination that there is good cause to believe the Contractor or S ubc ontractor has violated Chapter 2258 , the City shall retain the full amounts claimed by the claimant or claimants as the difference between wages paid and wages due under the prevailing wage rates, such amounts being subtracted from successive progress payments pending a final determination of the violation. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0 STRUCTI0N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sion : &23/2021 0072 00 -1 GENERAL CON DITI ON S Page 26 of 63 D. Arbitration Required if Violation Not Resolved. An issue relating to an alleged violation of Section 2258 .023 , Texas Government Code , including a penalty owed to the City or an affected worker, shall be submitted to binding arbitration in accordance with the Texas General Arbitration Act (Article 224 et seq ., Revised Statutes) if the Contractor or Subcontractor and any affected worker does not resolve the is s ue by agreement before the 15th day after the date the City makes its initia I determination pursuant to Paragraph C above. If the pers ons required to arbitrate under this section do not agree on an arbitrator before the 11th day after the date that arbitration is required , a district court shall appoint an arbitrator on the petition of any of the persons . The City is not a party in the arbitration . The decision and award of the arbitrator is fmal and binding on all partie s and may be enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction. E. Records to be Maintaine d. The Contractor and each Subcontractor shall, for a period of three (3) years following the date of acceptance of the work, maintain records that show (i) the name and occupation of each worker employed by the Contractor in the construction of the Work provided for in this Contract; and (it) the actual per diem wages paid to each worker. The records shall be open at all reasonable hours for inspection by the City . The provisions of Paragraph 6 .23 , Right to Audit, shall pertain to this inspection. F. Progress Payme nts. With each progress payment or payroll period , whichever is less , the Contractor shall submit an affidavit stating that the Contractor has complied with the requirements of Chapter 2258 , Texas Government Code. G. Posting of Wage Rates . The Contractor shall post prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at all times. H . Subcontractor Complian c e. The Contractor shall include in its subcontracts and/or shall otherwise require all of its Subcontractors to comply with Paragraphs A through G above. 6.08 Patent Fees and Royalties A. Contractor shall pay all license fees and royalties and assume all costs incident to the use in the performance of the Work or the incorporation in the Work of any invention , design , process , product, or device which is the subject of patent rights or copyrights held by others . If a particular invention, design , process , product, or device is specified in the Contract Documents for use in the performance of the Work and if, to the actual knowledge of City , its use is subject to patent rights or copyrights calling for the payment of any license fee or royalty to others, the existence of such rights shall be disclosed by City in the Contract Documents. Failure of the City to disclose such information does not relieve the Contractor from its obligations to pay for the use of said fees or royalties to others. B. To th e fullest exte nt permitted by Laws and Regulations, Contractor s hall indemnify and hold harmless City , from and against all claims, costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all f ee s and charges of engineers, archite cts, attorneys, and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to any infringement of patent rights or copyrights incident to the use in the performance of the Work or resultingfrom C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C0NS TR UCT I 0N SPEC IF ICA TIO N DOCUMENT S Revi s ion : &'23/202 1 0072 00 -1 GENERAL COND ITI ON S Page 27 of 63 the incorporation in th e Work of any invention , d es ign, process, product, or device not specified in th e Contract Do cume nts. 6.09 Permits and Utilities A. Contractor obtained permits and lice n ses. Contractor shall obtain and pay for all construction permits and licenses except those prov ided for in the Supplementary Conditions or Contract Documents. City shall assist Contractor, when necessary, in obtainjng such permits and licenses. Contractor shall pay all governmental charges and inspection fees necessary for the prosecution of th e Work which are applicable at the time of operung of Bids, or, if there are no Bids , on the Effective D ate of the Agreement, except for pe rmits provided by the City as specified in 6.09.B. City shall pay all charges of utility owners for connections for providing permanent service to the Work. B. City obtained permits and lic enses. City will obtain and pay for all permits and licenses as provided for in the Supplementary Conditions or Contract Documents . It will be the Contractor's respons ibility to carry out the provisions of the permit . If the Contractor inrtiates change s to the Contract and the City approves the changes, the Contractor is responsible for obtaining clearances and coordinating with the appropriate regulatory agency. The City will not reimburse the Contractor for any cost associated with these requirements of any City acquired permit. The following are permits the City will obtain if required: 1. Texas Department of Transportation Permits 2. U.S. A rmy Corps of E ngine ers P e rmits 3. Texas Commission on E nvironmental Quality Permits 4. Railroad Company Permits C . Outstanding permits and lic en ses. The City anticipates acquisition of and/or access to permits and licenses. Any outstanding permits and licenses are anticipated to be acquired in accordance with the sc hedule set forth in the Supplementary Conditions. The Project Schedule submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents must consider any outstanding permits and licens es. 6.10 Laws and Regulations A. Contractor shall give all notic es required by and s hall comply with all Laws and Regulations applicable to the performance of the Work. Except where otherwise expressly required by applicable Laws and Regulations , the City shall not be re spons ible for morutoring Contractor's compliance with any Laws or Regulations. B. If Contractor performs any Work knowing or having reason to know that it is contrary to Laws or Regulations , Contractor shall bear all claims , costs, losses , and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, arcrutects, attorneys, and other professionals and all CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF !CATION DOCUMENTS Revi sio n: &231.m 1 007200 -1 GENERAL CO NDITI ON S P age 28 of 6 3 court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to such Work. However, it shall not be Contractor 's responsibility to make certain that the Specifications and Drawings are in accordance with Laws and Regulations, but this shall not relieve Contractor of Contractor 's obligations under Paragraph 3.02. C. Changes in Laws or Regulations not known at the time of opening of Bids having an effect on the cost or time of performance of the Work may be the subject of an adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time. 6.11 Taxes A . On a contract awarded by the City , an organization which qualifies for exemption pursuant to Texas Tax Code, Subchapter H , Sections 151.301-335 (as amended), the Contractor may purchase, rent or lease all materials, supplies and equipment used or consumed in the performance of this contract by issuing to his supplier an exemption certificate in lieu of the tax, said exemption certificate to comply with State Comptroller's Ruling .007. Any such exemption certificate issued to the Contractor in lieu of the tax shall be subject to and shall comply with the provision of State Comptroller's Ruling .011 , and any other applicable rulings pertaining to the Texas Tax Code , Subchapter H. B . Texas Tax permits and information may be obtained from : 1. Comptroller of Public Accounts Sales TaxDivision Capitol Station Austin, TX 78711; or 2. http ://www. window. state. tx. us /taxinf o/taxforms/93-forms . html 6.12 Use of Site and Other Areas A . Limitation on Use of Site and Other Areas: 1. Contractor shall confme construction equipment, the storage of materials and equipment, and the operations of workers to the Site and other areas permitted by Laws and Regulations, and shall not unreasonably encumber the Site and other areas with construction equipment or other materials or equipment. Contractor shall assume full responsibility for any damage to any such land or area, or to the owner or occupant thereof, or of any adjacent land or areas resulting from the performance of the Work. 2. At any time when, in the judgment of the City, the Contractor has obstructed or closed or is carrying on operations in a portion of a street, right-of-way, or easement greater than is necessary for proper execution of the Work, the City may require the Contractor to fmish the section on which operations are in progress before work is commenced on any additiona I area of the Site . CIT Y OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONS T RU CTI O SPEC IF !CA TIO N DOCUMENT S Revi sion : &23/202 1 00 72 00-1 GENERAL COND ITI ONS Page 29 of 63 3. Should any Damage Claim be made by any such owner or occupant because of the performance of the Work, Contractor shall promptly attempt to resolve the Damage Claim. 4. Pursuant to Paragraph 6.21 , Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless City , from and against all claims, co sts, losses , and damages arising out of or relating to any claim or action, legal or equitable, brought by any such owner or occupant against City . B. Removal of De bris During Performance of the Work: During the progress of the Work Contractor shall keep the Site and other areas free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish, and other debris . Removal and disposal of such waste materials , rubbish, and other debris shall conform to applicable Laws and Regulations . C . Site Maintenance Cleaning: 24 hours after written notice is given to the Contractor that the clean-up on the job site is proceeding in a manner unsatisfactory to the City, if the Contractor fails to correct the unsatisfactory procedure, the City may take such direct action as the City deems appropriate to correct the clean-up deficiencies cited to the Contractor in the written notice (by letter or electronic communication), and the costs of such direct action, plus 25 % of such costs , shall be deducted from the monies due or to become due to the Contractor. D. Final Site Cle aning : Priorto Final Acceptance of the Work Contractor shall clean the Site and the Work and make it ready for utilization by City or adjacent property owner. At the completion of the Work Contractor shall remove from the Site all tools, appliances, construction equipment and machinery, and surplus materials and shall restore to original condition or better all property disturbed by the Work. E . Loading Stru ctures: Contractor shall not load nor permit any part of any structure to be loaded in any manner that will endanger the structure , nor shall Contractor subject any part of the Work or adjacent property to stresses or pressures that will endanger it. 6.13 Re cord Documents A. Contractor shall maintain in a safe place at the Site or in a place designated by the Contractor and approved by the City, one (1) record copy of all Drawings, Specifications , Addenda, Change Orders, Field Orders , and written interpretations and clarifications in good order and annotated to show changes made during construction. These record documents together with all approved Samples and a counterpart of all accepted Submittals will be available to City for reference. Upon completion of the Work, these record documents, any operation and maintenance manuals , and Submittals will be delivered to City prior to Final Inspection. Contractor shall include accurate locations for buried and imbedded items. 6.14 Safety and Protection A. Contractor shall be solely responsible for initiating , maintatrung and superv1Smg all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work. Such responsibility does not relieve Subcontractors of their responsibility for the safety of persons or property in the performance of their work, nor for compliance with applicable safety Laws and Regulations. Contractor shall C ITY O F FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONST RUCTION SPEC IF ICA TI O N DOCUMENTS Revisio n: &'23/202 1 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL COND ITI ONS Page 30 of 63 take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and s hall provide the neces sary protection to prevent damage , injury or loss to: I. all persons on the Site or who may be affected by the Work; 2 . a ll the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein , whether in storage on or off the Site; and 3. other property at th e Site or adjacent there to, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structure s, utiliti es, and U nderground Facilities not designated for removal, re lo cation, or replac e ment in the course of construction . B. Contractor sha ll comply w ith all applicable Laws and Regulations relating to the safety of p e rson s or property, or to the protection of persons or property from damage , injury , or loss; and shall erect and maintain aU necessary safeguards for s uch safety and protection. Contractor sha ll notify owners of adjacent property and of Underground Facilities and other utility owners whe n prosec ution of the Work may affect them, and s hall cooperate with them in the protection , removal, relocation , and replacement of their property. C. Contractor s ha ll comply with the applicab le requirements of City's safety programs, if any. D. Contractor s ha ll inform City of the specific requirements of Contractor's safety program, if any, with which City's employees and representatives must comply while at the Site. E . A ll damage , injury, or loss to any property referred to in Paragraph6.14.A.2 or 6.14.A.3 caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, by Contractor, any Subcontractor, Supplier, or any other individual or e ntity directly or indirectly employed by any of them to perform any of the Work, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable , shall be remedied by Contractor. F . Contractor's dutie s and responsibilities for safety and for protection of the Work shaU continue until s uch time as a ll the Work is completed and City has accepted the Work. 6.15 Safety R epre sentative Contractor sha ll inform City in writing of Contractor's des ignated safety representative at the Site . 6.16 Ha zard Co mmunicatio n Pro grams Contractor shall be re sponsible for coordinating any exchange of material safety data sheets or other hazard communication information r e quired to b e made availab le to or exchanged between or among employers in accordance w ith Laws or Regulations. 6.17 Emergencies and/or Rectification A. In emergencies affecting the safety or protection of person s or the Work or property at the Site or adjacent thereto, Contractor is obligated to act to prevent threatened damage , injury, or loss. Contractor sha ll give City prompt written notice if Contractor believes that any significant CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTRUCTI0N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENT S Revi sion: &'23/202 1 0072 00-1 GENERAL COND ITI ONS Page 31 of63 changes in the Work or variations from the Contract Documents have bee n caused thereby or are require d as a re s ult the reof. If City de te rmin es that a change in the Contract Documents is required becau se of the action taken by Contractor in re sponse to such an emergency, a Change Order may be issued. B . Should the Contractor fail to re spond to a request from the City to rectify any discrepancies, omissions, or correction necessary to conform with the requirements of the Contract Documents , th e City shall give the Contractor written notice that s uch work or changes are to be performe d. The written not ice shall direct attention to the discre pant condition and request the Contractor to take remedial action to correct the condition. In the event the Contractor does not take positive steps to fulfill this written request, or does not show just cause for not taking the proper action , within 24 hour s, the City may take such remedial action with City forces or by contract. The City shall de duct an amount equal to the entire costs for such re medial action , plus 25%, from any funds due or become du e the Contractor o n the Project. 6.18 Submittals A . Contractor shall submit required Submittals to City for review and acceptance in accordance with the accepted Sched ule of Submitt als (as require d by Paragraph 2.07). Each submitta l will be identifie d as City may require. 1. Submit numb e r of copies specified in the General Requirements. 2. Data shown on th e Submittals will be complete with respectto quantities , dimens ions, specified pe rformance and des ign criteria, materials , and similar data to show City th e services, mate rials , and equipment Contractor proposes to provide and to enable City to review the information for the limited purpo ses required by Paragraph 6.18.C. 3. Submittals submitted as here in provided by Contractor and reviewed by City for conformance with the design concept shall be executed in conformity with the Contract Documents unles s otherwise required by City. 4. When Submittals are s ubmitte d for the purpose of showing the installation in greater detail , their review shall not excuse Contractor from requirements shown on the Drawings and Specifications . 5. For-Information-Only submittals upon which the City is not expected to conduct review or take responsive action may be so identified in the Contract Documents. 6. Submit req uir e d number of Samples specified in the Specifications . 7. C learly identify each Sample as to ma teria l, Supplier, pertinent data such as catalog number s, the use for w hich int e nded and other data as City ma y require to enable City to review the submittal for the limited purposes required by Paragraph 6.18 .C . CrTYOF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision : &23/202 1 00 72 00-I GENERAL COND ITI ONS Page 32 of 63 B. Where a Submittal is required by the Contract Documents or the Schedule of Submittals , any related Work performed prior to City's review and acceptance of the pertinent submittal will be at the sole expense and responsibility of Contractor. C . City 's Review : 1. City will provide timely review of required Submittals in accordance with the Schedule of Submittals acceptable to City . City's review and acceptance will be only to determine if the items covered by the submittals will, after installation or incorporation in the Work, conform to the information given in the Contract Documents and be compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning who le as indicated by the Contract Documents. 2. City 's review and acceptance will not extend to means , methods , techniques , sequences, or procedures of construction ( except where a particular means , method, technique , sequence, or procedure of construction is specifically and expressly called for by the Contract Documents) or to safety precautions or programs incident thereto. The review and acceptaoce of a separate item as such will not indicate approval of the assembly in which the item functions. 3 . City 's review and acceptance shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless Contractor has complied with the requirements of Section 01 33 00 and City has given written acceptance of each such variation by specific written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the Submittal. City 's review and acceptance shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for complying with the requirements of the Contract Documents. 6.19 Continuingthe Work Except a s otherwise provided, Contractor shall carry on the Work and adhere to the Project Schedule during all disputes or disagreements with City . No Work shall be delayed or postponed pending resolution of any disputes or disagreements, except as City and Contractor may otherwise agree in writing. 6.20 Contractor 's General Warranty and Guarantee A. Contractor warrants and guarantees to City that all Work will be in accordance with the Contract Documents and will not be defective. City and its officers , directors , members , partners , employees , agents , consultants , and subcontractors shall be entitled to rely on representation of Contractor's warranty and guarantee. B. Contractor's warranty and guarantee hereunder excludes defects or damage caused by: 1. abuse , modification, or improper maintenance or operation by persons other than Contractor, Subcontractors, Suppliers , or any other individual or entity for whom Contractor is responsible ; or C ITY OF F ORT WORTH ST AND ARD CO NST RUC TI ON SPEC IF ICA TIO N DOC UMENTS Revi s ion: 8/23/202 1 2. normal wear and tear under normal us age. 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDIT IONS Page 33 of 63 C. Contractor's o bligation to perform a nd complete the Work in accordanc e with the Contract D oc uments s ha ll be a bso lut e. None of the fo ll owing w ill constitute an accepta nc e of Work that is not in accordance with the Contract Documents or a release of Contractor's o bligation to perform the Work in accordance w ith the Contract Documents: 1. obse rvations by City; 2. recommendation or payment by City of any progress or final payment; 3. the issuance of a certificate of Fina l Acceptance by City or any payment re lated thereto by City; 4. use or occ up ancy of the Work or a ny part thereof by City; 5. any review and acceptance of a Submitta l by City; 6. any inspection, test, or approva l by others; or 7. a ny correction of defective Work by City . D. The Contractor s ha ll remedy any defects or damages in the Work and pay for any damage to other work or property resulting therefrom which sha ll appear within a period of two (2) years from the date of Fina l Acceptance of the Work unless a lon ger p eriod is specifie d a nd sha ll furnish a good and sufficient maintenance bond, complying with the requirements of Artic le 5.02 .B. The City will give notice of observed defects w ith reasonable promptness. 6.21 Indemnification A. Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, at its own expense, the City, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all clai~ arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed by the Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licenses or invitees under this Contract. THIS TNPEMNTFTCATTQN PROVISION TS SPECIFICALLY TNTENPEP TQ OPERATE AND BE EFFECTIVE EVEN IF TT TS ALLEGED OR PROVEN THAT ALL OR SOME QF THE DAMAGES BEING SOUGHT WERE CAJJSED, TN WHOLE QR TN PART, BY ANY ACT, OMISSION QR NEGLIGENCE QF THE CITY. This indemnity provision is intended to include, without limitation, indemnity for costs, expenses and legal fees incurred by the City in defending against such claims and causes of actions. B. Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, at its own expense, the City, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all loss , damage or destruction of property of the City, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed by the Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees under this Contract. THIS INDEMNIFICATION PROVISION TS CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT IO SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision : &,23,20'21 00 7200 -1 GENERAL CO NDITI ON S Page 34 of 63 SPECIFICALLY INTENDED TO OPERATE AND BE EFFECTIVE EVEN IF TT JS ALLEGED QR PROVEN THAT ALL QR SOME QF THE DAMAGES BEING SQJJGJU WERE CAUSED. TN WHOLE QR TN PART, BY ANY ACT, QMTSSTQN QR NEGLIGENCE QF THE CITY, 6.22 Delegation of Professional Design Servic es A. Contractor will not be required to provide professional design services unless such services are specifically required by the Contract Documents for a portion of the Work or unless such services are required to carry out Contractor's responsibilities for construction means, methods , techniques, sequences and procedures. B. If professional design services or certifications by a design professional related to systems, materials or equipment are specifically required of Contractor by the Contract Documents, City will specify all performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy . Contractor shall cause such services or certifications to be provided by a properly licensed professional, whose signature and sea l shall appear on all drawings , calculations , specifications, certifications , and Submittals prepared by such professional. Submittals related to the Work designed or certified by such professional, if prepared by others , shall bear such professional's written approval when submitted to City . C. City shall be entitled to rely upon the adequacy, accuracy and completeness of the services , certifications or approvals performed by such de s ign profes s ionals , provided City has specified to Contractor performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy. D. Pursuant to this Paragraph 6.22, City 's review and acceptance of design calculations and design drawings will be only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with performance and design criteria given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. City 's review and acceptance of Submittals (except design calculations and design drawings) will be only for the purpose stated in Paragraph 6.18.C. 6.23 Right to Audit A. The Contractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after fmal payment under this Contract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books , documents, papers , and records of the Contractor involving transactions relating to this Contract. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during Regular Working Hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this Paragraph. The City shall give Contractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. B. Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City s hall, until the expiration of three (3) years after fmal payment under this Contract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers, and records of such Subcontractor, involving transactions to the subcontract, and further, that City shall have access during Regular Working Hours to all C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C0NSTRUC TI 0N SPECIF ICAT IO N DOCUMENT S Revi sion : &'23/202 1 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CO NDITIONS Pag e 35 of 63 Subcontractor facilities , and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this Paragraph. The City shall give Subcontractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. C. Contractor and Subcontractor agree to photocopy such documents as may be requested by the City . The City agrees to reimburse Contractor for the cost of the copies as follows at the rate published in the Texas Administrative Code in effect as of the time copying is performed. 6.24 Nondiscrimination A. The City is responsible for operating Public Transportation Programs and implementing transit- related projects , which are funded in part with Federal financial assistance awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA), without discriminating against any person in the United States on the basis of race, color, or national origin. B. Title VL Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended: Contractor shall comply with the requirements of the Act and the Regulations as further defmed in the Supplementary Conditions for any project receiving Federal assistance. ARTICLE 7 -OTHER WORK AT THE SITE 7.01 Related Work at Site A. City may perform other work related to the Project at the Site with City 's employees, or other City contractors, or through other direct contracts therefor, or have other work performed by utility owners. If such other work is not noted in the Contract Documents, then written notice thereof will be given to Contractor prior to starting any such other work; and B. Contractor shall afford each other contractor who is a party to such a direct contract, each utility owner, and City, if City is performing other work with City's employees or other City contractors, proper and safe access to the Site, provide a reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of materials and equipment and the execution of such other work, and properly coordinate the Work with theirs. Contractor shall do all cutting, fitting, and patching of the Work that may be required to properly connect or otherwise make its several parts come together and properly integrate with such other work. Contractor shall not endanger any work of others by cutting, excavating, or otherwise altering such work; provided, however, that Contractor may cut or alter others' work with the written consent of City and the others whose work will be affected. C. If the proper execution or results of any part of Contractor's Work depends upon work performed by others under this Article 7, Contractor shall inspect such other work and promptly report to City in writing any delays , defects , or deficiencies in such other work that render it unavailable or unsuitable for the proper execution and results of Contractor's Work. Contractor 's failure to so report will constitute an acceptance of such other work as fit and proper for integration with Contractor's Work except for latent defects in the work provided by others . C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTR UC TIO N SPEC IFI CA TIO N DOC UM E TS Revi sion : &'23,'JJ.2 ] 7.02 Co ordination 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDIT IONS Page 36 of 63 A . If City intends to contract with others for the performance of other work on the Project at the Site, the following will be set forth in S uppl ementary Conditions: 1. the individual or entity who will have authority and responsibility for coordination of the activities among the various contractors will be identified; 2 . the specific matters to be covered by such authority and responsibility will be itemized ; and 3. the extent of such authority and responsibilities will be provided. B. Unless otherwise provided in the Supplementary Conditions, City shall have authority for such coordination. ARTICLE 8 -CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES 8.01 Communications to Co ntractor Except as otherwise provided in the Supp lementary Conditions , City shall issue all communications to Contractor. 8.02 Furnish Data City shall timely furnish the data required under the Contract Documents . 8.03 Pay When Due City shall make payments to Contractor in accordance with Article 14. 8.04 Lands and Easements; Reports and Tests City's duties with respect to providing lands and easements and providing engineering surveys to establish reference points are set forth in Paragraphs 4.01 and 4.05. Paragraph 4.02 refers to City's identifying and making available to Contractor copies of reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions and drawings of physical conditions relating to existing surface or subsurface structures at or contiguous to the Site that have been utilized by City in preparing the Contract Documents . 8.05 Change Orders City shall execute Change Orders in accordance with Paragraph 10.03. 8.06 Inspections , Tests, and Approvals City's responsibility w ith respect to certain inspections, tests , and approvals is set forth in Paragraph 13 .0 3 . CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDCONSTRUCTION SPECIFI CA TIO N DOCUMENTS Rev is ion : &23/202 1 8.07 Limitations on City 's Responsibilities 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CONDITI ONS P age 37 of 6 3 A. The City shall not supervise, direct, or have control or authority over, nor be responsible for, Contractor's means , methods , techniques , sequences, or procedures of construction, or the safety precautions and programs incident there to, or for any failure of Contractor to comply with Laws and Regulations applicable to the performance of the Work. City will not be responsible for Contractor's failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents . B. City will notify the Contractor of applicable safety plans pursuant to Paragraph 6. 14 . 8.08 Undisclosed Haz ardous Environmental Condition City 's responsibility with respect to an undisclosed Hazardous Environmental Condition is set forth in Paragraph 4.06. 8.09 Compliance with Safety Program While at the Site , City 's employees and representatives shall comply with the specific applicable requirements of Contractor's safety programs of which City has been informed pursuant to Paragraph 6.14. ARTICLE 9-CITY'S OBSERVATION STATUS DURING CONSTRUCTION 9.01 City 's Project Manager City will provide one or more Project Manager(s) during the construction period. The duties and responsibilities and the limitations of authority of City's Project Manager during construction are set forth in the Contract Documents. The City 's Project Manager for this Contract is identified in the Supplementary Conditions. 9.02 Visits to Site A. City 's Project Manager will make visits to the Site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction as City deems necessary in order to observe the progress that has been made and the quality of the various aspects of Contractor's executed Work. Based on information obtained during such visits and observations , City's Project Manager will determine, in general, if the Work is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. City 's Project Manager will not be required to make exhaustive or continuous inspections on the Site to check the quality or quantity of the Work. City's Project Manager's efforts will be directed toward providing City a greater degree of confidence that the completed Work will conform generally to the Contract Documents. B. City's Project Manager's visits and observations are subject to all the limitations on authority and responsibility in the Contract Documents including those set forth in Paragraph 8.07. C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONS TR UC TI ON SPEC I F I CA TIO N DOCUMENTS Rev ision : &2.3/Xl21 9.03 Authorized Variations in Work 00 7200 -1 GENERAL CON DITI ONS Page 38 of 63 City's Project Manager may authorize minor vanat1ons in the Work from the requirements of the Contract Documents which do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Price or the Contract Time and are compatible with the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. These may be accomplished by a Field Order and will be binding on City and also on Contractor, who shall perform the Work involved promptly. 9.04 Rejecting Defective Work City will have authority to reject Work which City 's Project Manager believes to be defective , or will not produce a completed Project that conforms to the Contract Documents or that will prejudice the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated by the Contract Documents. City will have authority to conduct special inspection or testing of the Work as provided in Article 13 , whether or not the Work is fabricated , installed , or completed. 9.05 D e te rminations for Work Performed Contractor will determine the actual quantities and classifications of Work performed. City 's Project Manager will review with Contractor the preliminary determinations on such matters before rendering a written recommendation. City 's written decision will be final (except as modified to reflect changed factual conditions or more accurate data). 9.06 D e cisions on Requireme nts of Contract Documents and Acceptability of Work A. City will be the initial interpreter of the requirements of the Contract Documents and judge of the acceptability of the Work thereunder. B. City will render a written decision on any issue referred. C. City's written decision on the issue referred will be final and binding on the Contractor, subject to the provisions of Paragraph 10.06. ARTICLE 10 -CHANGES IN THE WORK; CLAIMS; EXTRA WORK 10.01 Authorized Changes in the Work A . Without invalidating the Contract and without notice to any surety, City may, at any time or from time to time , order Extra Work. Upon notice of such Extra Work, Contractor shall promptly proceed with the Work involved which will be performed under the applicable conditions of the Contract Documents (except as otherwise specifically provided). Extra Work shall be memorialized by a Change Order which may or may not precede an order of Extra work. B. For minor changes of Work not requiring changes to Contract Time or Contract Price , a Field Order may be issued by the City. C IT Y O F F ORT WORTH STANDARD C0NS TR UC TIO N SPEC IF ICA TIO N DOC UMENTS Rev ision: &23/]J2 1 10.02 Unauthorize d Changes in the Work 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CO NDITI ONS Page 39 of 63 Contractor shaU not be entitled to an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time with respect to any work perfonned that is not required by the Contract Documents as amended , modified, or supplemented as provided in Paragraph 3.04, except in the case of an emergency as provided in Paragraph 6 .1 7. 10.03 Execution of Chan ge Orders A. City and Contractor shall execute appropriate Change Orders covering: 1. changes in the Work which are: (i) ordered by City pursuant to Paragraph 10.01.A, (it) required because of acceptance of defective Work under Paragraph 13.08 or City's correction of defective Work under Paragraph 13 .09, or (iii) agreed to by the parties ; 2. changes in the Contract Price or Contract Time which are agreed to by the parties , including any undisputed sum or amount of time for Work actuaUy performed. 10.04 Extra Work A. Should a difference arise as to what does or does not constitute Extra Work, or as to the payment thereof, and the City insists upon its perfonnance, the Contractor shaU proceed with the work after making written request for written orders and shaU keep accurate account of the actual reasonable cost thereof. Contract Claims regarding E xtra Work shall be made pursuant to Paragraph 10.06. B. The Contractor shall furnish the City such installation records of all deviations from the original Contract Documents as may be necessary to enable the City to prepare for permanent record a corrected set of plans showing the actual instaUation. C. The compensation agreed upon for Extra Work whether or not initiated by a Change Order shall be a full , complete and final payment for aU costs Contractor incurs as a result or relating to the change or Extra Work, whether said costs are known, unknown, foreseen or unforeseen at that time, including without limitation, any costs for delay, extended overhead, ripple or impact cost, or any other effect on changed or unchanged work as a result of the change or Extra Work. 10.05 Notification to Surety If the provisions of any bond require notice to be given to a surety of any change affecting the general scope of the Work or the provisions of the Contract Documents (including , but not limited to, Contract Price or Contract Time), the giving of any such notice will be Contractor 's responsibility. The amount of each applicable bond wiU be adjusted by the Contractor to reflect the effect of any such change . C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST ANDARD C0NS TR UC TI0 N SPEC IFICA TIO N DO CUMEN T S Rev is ion : &'23/202 1 10.06 Contract Claims Process 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CON DITI ONS Page 40 of 63 A. City's Decis ion Required: All Contract Claims, except those waived pursuant to Paragraph 14.09, shall be referred to the City for decision. A decision by City shall be required as a condition precedent to any exercise by Contractor of any rights or remedies he may otherwise have under the Contract Documents or by Laws and Regulations in respect of s uch Contract Claims. B. Notice: 1. Written notice stating the general nature of each Contract Claim shall be delivered by the Contractor to City no later than 15 days after the start of the event giving rise thereto. The responsibility to substantiate a Contract Claim shall rest with the party making the Contract Claim. 2. Notice of the amount or extent of the Contract Claim, with supporting data shall be delivered to the City on or before 45 days from the start of the event giving rise thereto (unless the City allows additional time for Contractor to submit additional or more accurate data in support of such Contract Claim). 3. A Contract Claim for an adjustment in Contract Price shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 12.01. 4. A Contract Claim for an adjustment in Contract Time shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 12.02 . 5. E ach Contract C laim shall be accompanied by Contractor's written statement that the adjustment claimed is the entire adjustment to which the Contractor believes it is entitled as a result of said event. 6. The City shall submit any response to the Contractor within 30 days after receipt of the claimant's last submittal (unless Contract allows additional time). C. City 's Action : City will review each Contract Claim and, within 30 days after receipt of the last submittal of the Contractor, if any, take one of the following actions in writing : 1. deny the Contract Claim in whole or in part; 2 . approve the Contract Claim; or 3 . notify the Contractor that the City is unable to resolve the Contract Claim if, in the City's sole discretion, it would be inappropriate for the City to do so . For purposes of further resolution of the Contract Claim, such notice shall be deemed a denial. C ITY OF FORT WOR TH STANDARDC0NSTRUCTI0N SPEC IF ICATION DOCUMENTS Rev ision: &23/2021 00 7200-1 GENERAL COND ITI ONS Page 41 of63 D. City 's written action under Paragraph 10.06.C will be final and binding, unless City or Contractor in vo ke the dispute re so lution p rocedure set forth in Article 16 within 30 days of such action or denial. E . No Contract Claim for an adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time will be valid if not submitted in accordance with this Paragraph 10.06. ARTICLE 11-COST OF THE WORK; ALLOWANCES; UNIT PRICE WORK; PLANS QUANTITY MEASUREMENT 11.01 Cost of the Work A. Cos ts Included : T he term Cost of the Work means the sum of all costs, except those excluded in Paragraph 11.01.B , neces sarily incurred and paid by Contractor in the proper performance of the Work. Whe n the value of any Work covered by a Change Order, the costs to be reimbursed to Contractor will be only those additional or incremental costs required because of the change in the Work. Such costs shall not include any of the costs itemized in Paragraph 11.01.B, and shall includ e but not be limited to the following items: 1. Payroll costs for employees in the direct employ of Contractor in the performance of the Work under sc hedule s of job classifications agreed upon by City and Contractor. Such employees shall include , without limitation , superintendents, foremen, and other personnel employed full time on the Work. Payroll costs for employees not employed full time on the Work s hall be apportioned on the ba sis of their time spent on the Work. Payro ll costs shall include ; a. salaries with a 55 % markup, or b. salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe benefits, which shall include social security contributions , unemployment, excise, and payroll taxes , workers' compensation, health and retirement benefits , bonuses , sick leave , vacation and holiday pay applicable thereto . The expenses of performing Work outside of Regular Working Hours, Weekend Working Hours , or legal holidays , shall be included in the above to the extent authorized by City. 2. Cost of all materials and equipment furnished and incorporated in the Work, including costs of transportation and storage thereof, and Suppliers' field services required in connection therewith. 3. Rentals of all construction equipment and machinery, and the parts thereof whether rented from Contractor or others in accordance with rental agreements approved by City, and the costs of trans portation, loadin g, unloading, assembly, dismantling, and removal thereof. All s uch costs shall be in accordance with the terms of said rental agreements. The rental of any such equipment, machinery, or parts shall cease when the use thereof is no longer necessaiy for the Work. CITYOF FORT WORTH STANDARD C0NSTRUCTI0N SPECIF I CATION DOCUMENTS Revi sion: &23/2021 0072 00-1 GENERAL CONDIT IONS Page 42 of 63 4. Payments made by Contractor to Subcontractors for Work performe d by Subcontractors. If required by City, Contractor shall obtain competitive bids from subcontractors acceptable to City and Contractor and shall deliver such bids to City, who will then determine , which bids , if any , will be acceptable. If any subcontract provides that the Subcontractor is to be paid on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee, the Subcontractor's Cost of the Work and fee shall be determined in the same manner as Contractor's Cost of the Work and fee as provided m this Paragraph I 1.01. 5. Costs of special consultants (including but not limited to engineers, architects, testing laboratories , surveyors, attorneys , and accountants) employed for services specifically related to the Work. 6. Supplemental costs including the following: a. The proportion of necessary transportation, travel, and subsistence expenses of Contractor's employees incurred in discharge of duties connected with the Work. b. Cost, including transportation and maintenance, of all materials , supplies, equipment, machinery, appliances, office, and temporary facilities at the Site, and hand tools not owned by the workers, which are consumed in the performance of the Work, and cost, less market value, of such items used but not consumed which remain the property of Contractor. c. Sales, consumer, use , and other similar taxes related to the Work, and for which Contractor is liable not covered under Paragraph 6.11, as imposed by Laws and Regulations. d. Deposits lost for causes other than negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable , and royalty payments and fees for permits and licenses . e. Losses and damages (and related expenses) caused by damage to the Work, not compensated by insurance or otherwise , sustained by Contractor in connection with the performance of the Work, provided such losses and damages have resulted from causes other than the negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable . Such losses shall include settlements made with the written consent and approval of City. No such losses, damages , and expenses shall be included in the Cost of the Work for the purpose of determining Contractor's fee. f. The cost ofutilities, fuel , and sanitary facilities atthe Site. g. Minor expenses such as telegrams , long distance telephone calls, telephone and communication services at the Site, express and courier services, and similar petty cash items in connection with the Work. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDCONSTRUCT IO N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sion : &23/2D21 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CONDITI ON S Page 43 of 63 h. The costs of premiums for all bonds and insurance Contractor is required by the Contract Documents to purchase and maintain . B. Costs Excluded: The term Cost of the Work shall not include any of the following items : 1. Payroll costs and other compensation of Contractor's officers , executives , principals ( of partnerships and so le proprietorships), general managers, safety managers , engineers , architects , estimators , attorneys , auditors , accountants, purchasing and contracting agents , expediters , timekeepers , clerks , and other personnel employed by Contractor, whether at the Site or in Contractor 's principal or branch office for general administration of the Work and not specifically included in the agreed upon schedule of job classifications referred to in Paragraph 11.01.A. l or specifically covered by Paragraph 11.01.A.4, all of which are to be considered administrative costs covered by the Contractor 's fee. 2 . Expenses of Contractor 's principal and branch offices other than Contractor 's office at the Site . 3 . Any part of Contractor 's capital e xpenses, including interest on Contractor 's capita 1 employed for the Work and charges against Contractor for delinquent payments. 4. Costs due to the negligence of Contractor, any Subcontractor, or anyone directly or indirectly emp loyed by any of them or for whose acts any of them may be liable , including but not limited to , the correction of defective Work, disposal of materials or equipment wrongly s upplied, and making good any damage to property . 5. Other overhead or genera l expense costs of any kind. C. Contra ctor 's Fee : When all the Work is performed on the basis of cost-plus , Contractor's fee shall be determined as set forth in the Agreement. When the value of any Work covered by a Change Order for an adjustment in Contract Price is determined on the bas is of Cost of the Work, Contractor 's fee shall be determined as set forth in Paragraph 12.01.C . D. Documentation : Whenever the Cost of the Work for any purpose is to be determined pursuant to Paragraphs 11.01.A and 11.01.B , Contractor will establish and maintain records thereof in accordance with generally accepted accounting practices and submit in a form acceptable to City an itemized cost breakdown together with supporting data. 11.02 Allowances A. Sp ec ifie d Allo wance: It is understood that Contractor has included in the Contract Price all allowances so named in the Contract Documents and shall cause the Work so covered to be performed for such sums and by such persons or entities as may be acceptable to City. B. Pre-bid Allowances: 1. Contractor agrees that: C IT Y OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IF I CA TIO N DOCUMENTS Revis ion : 8/23/202 1 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDIT IONS Page 44 of 63 a. the pre-bid allowances include the cost to Contractor of materials and equipment required by the allowances to be de livered at the Site, and all applicable taxes ; and b. Contractor's costs for unloading and handling on the Site, labor , installation , overhead, profit , and other expe nses contemplated for the pre-bid allowances have been included in the allowances , and no demand for additional payment on account of any of the foregoing will be valid. C. Continge ncy A llowance: Contractor agrees that a contingency allowance, if any, is for the sole use of City. D . Prior to final payment, an appropriate Change Order will be issued to reflect actual amounts due Contractor on account of Work covered by allowances, and the Contract Price shall be correspondingly adjusted. 11 .03 Unit Pric e Work A. Where the Contract Documents provide that all or part of the Work is to be Unit Price Work, initially the Contract Price will be deemed to include for all Unit Price Work an amount equal to the sum of the unit price for each separately identified item of Unit Price Work times the estimated quantity of each item as indicated in the Agreement. B. The estimated quantities of items of Unit Price Work are not guaranteed and are solely for the purpos e of comparison of Bids and determining an initial Contract Price. Determinations of the actual quantities and classifications of Unit Price Work performed by Contractor will be made by City subject to the provisions of Paragraph 9.05. C. Eac h unit price will be deemed to include an amount considered by Contractor to be adequate to cover Contractor's overhead and profit for each separately identified item. Work described in the Contract Documents , or reasonably inferred as required for a functionally complete in stallation , but not identified in the listing of unit price items shall be considered incidental to unrt price work listed and the cost of incidental work included as part of the unit price . D. City may make an adjustment in the Contract Price in accordance with Paragraph 12.01 if: 1. the quantity of any item of Unit Price Work performed by Contractor differs materially and significantly from the estimated quantity of such item indicated in the Agreement; and 2. there is no corresponding adjustment with respect to any other item of Work. E. Increased or Decreased Quantities: The City reserves the right to order Extra Work m accordance with Paragraph 10.01. 1. If the changes in quantities or the alterations do not significantly change the character of work under the Contract Documents , the altered work will be paid for at the Contract unit pnce. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTRUCTI0N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revision : &23/2021 00 7200-1 GENERAL CONDITIONS P age 4 5 of 6 3 2. If the changes in quantities or alterations significantly change the character of work, the Contract will be amended by a Change Order. 3. If no unit prices exist, this will be considered Extra Work and the Contract will be amended by a Change Order in accordance with Article 12. 4. A significant change in the character of work occurs when: a. the character of work for any Item as altered differs materially in kind or nature from that in the Contract or b. a Major Item of work varies by more than 25% from the original Contract quantity. 5. When the quantity of work to be done under any Major Item of the Contract is more than 125% of the original quantity stated in the Contract, then either party to the Contract may request an adjustment to the unit price on the portion of the work that is above 125%. 6. When the quantity of work to be done under any Major Item of the Contract is less than 75% of the original quantity stated in the Contract, then either party to the Contract may request an adjustment to the unit price. 11.04 Plans Quantity Measurement A. Plans quantities may or may not representthe exact quantity of work performed or material moved, handled, or placed during the execution of the Contract. The estimated bid quantities are designated as final payment quantities , unless revised by the governing Section or this Article. B. If the quantity measured as outlined under ''Price and Payment Procedures" varies by more than 25% (or as stipulated under ''Price and Payment Procedures" for specific Items) from the total estimated quantity for an individual Item originally shown in the Contract Documents , an adjustment may be made to the quantity of authorized work done for payment purposes. The party to the Contract requesting the adjustment will provide field measurements and calculations showing the final quantity for which payment will be made. Payment for revised quantity will be made at the unit price bid for that Item, except as provided for in Article 10 . C. When quantities are revised by a change in design approved by the City, by Change Order, or to correct an error, or to correct an error on the plans, the plans quantity will be increased or decreased by the amount involved in the change, and the 25% variance will apply to the new plans quantity . D. If the total Contract quantity multiplied by the unit price bid for an individual Item is less than $250 and the Item is not originally a plans quantity Item, then the Item may be paid as a plans quantity Item if the City and Contractor agree in writing to fJX the final quantity as a plans quantity. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTR UCTIO N SPEC IF !CA TIO N DOCUMENTS Revis ion : &'.23/2021 007200 -1 GENERAL C,OND IT IONS Page 46 of 63 E. For callout work or non-s ite specific Contracts, the plans quantity measureme nt requireme nts are not applicable. ARTICLE 12 -CHANGE OF CONTRACT PRICE; CHANGE OF CONTRACT TIME 12.01 Change of Co ntract Price A . The Contract Price may only be change d by a Change Order. B. The value of any Work covered by a Change Order will be dete rmined a s follows: 1. where the Work involv e d is covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by application of such unit prices to the quantities of the items involved (subject to th e provisions of Paragraph I 1.03); or 2. where the Work involved is not covered by unit price s contained in the Contract Documents , by a mutually agreed lump sum or unit price (which may include an allowance for overhead and profit not necessarily in accordance with Paragraph 12.01.C.2), and shall include the cost of any secondary impacts that are foreseeable at the time of pricing the cost of Extra Work; or 3. where the Work inv olved is no t covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents and agreement to a lump sum or unit price is not reached under Paragraph 12.01.B.2, on the basis of the Cost of the Work (determined as provided in Paragraph 11.01) plus a Contractor's fee for overhead and profit (determined as provided in Paragraph 12.01.C). C . Co ntractor 's Fee: The Contractor 's additional fee for overhead and profit shall be determined as follows: 1. a mutually acceptable fixed fee ; or 2. if a fixed fee is not agree d upon , then a fee based on the following percentages of the various portions of the Cost of the Work: a . for costs incurre d under Paragraphs I 1.01.A. l , 11.01.A .2. and 11.01.A .3, the Contractor's additional fee shall be 15 percent except for: 1) rental fees for Contractor's own equipment using standard rental rates ; 2) bonds and insurance ; b. for costs incurred under Paragraph 11.01.A.4 and I 1.01.A.5 , the Contractor's fee sha ll be five percent (5%); CITY OF FORT WORTH 1) where one or more tiers of subcontracts are on the basis of Cost of the Work plus a fee and no fixed fee is agreed upon, the intent of Paragraphs 12.01.C.2.a and 12.01.C.2.b is that the Subcontractor who actually performs the Work, at whatever STANDARDC0NSTRUCT I0N SPECIFICATION DO CUMENTS Revision : &'23/202 1 00 7200 -1 GENERAL CO NDITIONS Page 47 of 63 tier, will be paid a fee of 15 percent of the costs incurred by such Subcontractor under Paragraphs 11.01.A. l and 11.01.A.2 and that any higher tier Subcontractor and Contractor will each be paid a fee of fIVe percent (5%) of the amount paid to the next lower tier Subcontractor, however in no case shaU the cumulative total of fees paid be in excess of 25%; c. no fee shaU be payable on the ba s is of costs itemized under Paragraphs 11.01.A.6, and 11.01.B ; d. the amount of credit to be aUowed by Contractor to City for any change which results in a net decrease in cost will be th e amount of the actual net decrease in cost plus a deduction in Contractor's fee by an amount equal to five percent (5%) of such net decrea se . 12.02 Change of Contrac t Time A. The Contract Time may only be change d by a Change Order. B. No extension of the Contract Time will be aUowed for Extra Work or for claimed delay unless the Extra Work contemplated or claimed delay is shown to be on the critical path of the Project Schedule or Contractor can s how by Critical Path Method analysis how the Extra Work or claimed delay adversely affects the critical path. 12.03 Delays A. Where Contractor is reasonably dela ye d in the performance or completion of any part of the Work within the Contract Time due to de lay beyond the control of Contractor, the Contract Time may be extended in an amount equa l to the time lost due to s uch delay if a Contract Claim is made therefor. Delays beyond the control of Contractor shall include , but not be limited to , acts or neglect by City, acts or neglect of utility owners or other contractors performing other work as contemplated by Article 7, frres , flood s, epidemics , abnorma l weather conditions , or acts of God. Such an adju stment shaU be Contractor 's sole and exclusive remedy for the delays described in this Paragraph. B. If Contractor is delayed, City shaU not be liable to Contractor for any claims , costs , losses, or damages (inc ludin g but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers , architects, attorneys , and other professionals and a ll court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) sustained by Contractor on or in connection with any other project or anticipated project. C . Contractor shaU not be entitled to an adjustment in Contract Price or Contract Time for delays within the control of Contractor. Delays attrib utable to and within the control of a Subcontractor or Supplier shaU be deemed to be delays within the control of Contractor. D . The Contractor shall receive no compensation for dela ys or hindrances to the Work, except when direct and unavoidable extra cost to the Contractor is caused by the failure of the City to provide information or material, if any, which is to be furnished by the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C0NST RUCTI0N SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENT S Revis ion: &23!202 1 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CON DITI ON S Page 48 of 63 ARTICLE 13 -TESTS AND INSPECTIONS; CORRECTION, REMOVAL OR ACCEPTANCE OF DEFECTIVE WORK 13.01 Notice of Defects Notice of all defective Work of which City has actual knowledge will be given to Contractor. Defective Work may be rejected, corrected, or accepted as provided in this Article 13. 13.02 Access to Work City, independent testing laboratories, and governmental agencies with jurisdictional interests will have access to the Site and the Work at reasonable times for their observation, inspection, and testing. Contractor shall provide them proper and safe conditions for such access and advise them of Contractor's safety procedures and programs so that they may comply therewith as applicable. 13.03 Tests and Inspection s A. Contractor shall give City timely notice of readiness of the Work for all required inspections , tests , or approvals and shall cooperate with inspection and testing personnel to facilitate required inspections or tests. B . If Contract Documents , Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction require any of the Work (or part thereof) to be inspected, tested, or approved, Contractor shall assume full responsibility for arranging and obtaining such independent inspections , tests , retests or approvals , pay all costs in connection therewith, and furnish City the required certificates of inspection or approval; excepting, however, those fees specifically identified in the Supplementary Conditions or any Texas Department ofLicensure and Regulation (TDLR) inspections , which shall be paid as described in the Supplementary Conditions. C. Contractor shall be responsible for arranging and obtaining and shall pay all costs in connection with any inspections , tests, re-tests , or approvals required for City 's acceptance of materials or equipment to be incorporated in the Work; or acceptance of materials , mix designs, or equipment submitted for approval prior to Contractor 's purchase thereof for incorporation in the Work. Such inspections, tests, re-tests, or approvals shall be performed by organizations acceptable to City . D . City may arrange for the services of an independent testing laboratory ("Testing Lab") to perform any inspections or tests ("Testing") for any part of the Work, as determined solely by City . 1. City will coordinate such Testing to the extent possible , with Contractor; 2. Should any Testing under this Section 13.03 D result in a "fail", "did not pass" or other similar negative result, the Contractor shall be responsible for paying for any and all retests. Contractor 's cancellation without cause of City initiated Testing shall be deemed a negative result and require a retest. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C0NSTR UCTI0 N SPEC IFI CA TIO N DOC UMENTS Rev ision: &23/202 1 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL COND ITI ONS Page 49 of 63 3. Any amounts owed for any retest under this Section 13.03 D shall be paid directly to the Testing Lab by Contractor. City will forward all invoices for retests to Contractor. 4. If Contractor fails to pay the Testing Lab, City will not issue Final Payment until the Testing Lab is paid. E. If any Work ( or the work of others) that is to be inspected, tested, or approved is covered by Contractor without written concurrence of City, Contractor shall, if requested by City, uncover such Work for observation. F. Uncovering Work as provided in Paragraph 13.03.E shall be at Contractor's expense. G. Contractor shall have the right to make a Contract Claim regarding any retest or invoice issued under Section 13 .03 D. 13.04 Uncovering Work A. If any Work is covered contrary to the Contract Documents or specific in structions by the City, it mu st , if requested by City, be uncovered for City's observation and replaced at Contractor's expense. B. If City considers it necessary or advisable that covered Work be observed by City or inspected or tested by others, Contractor, at City's request, shall uncover, €xpose, or otherwise make available for observation, inspection , or testing as City may require , that portion of the Work in question , furnishing all necessary labor, material, and equipment. I. If it is found that the uncovered Work is defective , Contractor shall pay all claims, costs, losses , and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other profes s ionals and all court or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to s uch uncovering, exposure, observation, inspection, and testing, and of satisfactory replacement or reconstruction (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others); or City s hall be entitled to accept defective Work in accordance with Paragraph 13.08 in which case Contractor shall still be responsible for all costs associated with exposing, observing, and testing the defective Work. 2. If the uncovered Work is not found to be defective , Contractor shall be allowed an increase in the Contract Price or an extension of the Contract Time , or both, directly attributable to such uncovering , exposure, observation, inspection, testing, replacement, and reconstruction. 13.05 City May Stop the Work If the Work is defective , or Contractor fails to s upply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, or fails to perform the Work in such a way that the completed Work will conform to the Contract Documents , City may order Contractor to stop the Work, or any portion thereof, until the cause for such order has been eliminated; however, this right of City to stop the Work shall not give rise to any duty on the part of City to exercise this right for the benefit of Contractor, any CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDCONSTRUCT!ON SPECIFICAT ION DOCUMENTS Revision : &,2J.,2'.J2 I 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CON DI T IONS Page 50 of 63 Subcontractor, any Supplier, any other individual or entity , or any surety for , or employee or agent of any of them. 13 .06 Correction or Removal of Defectiv e Work A. Promptly after receipt of written notice , Contractor shall correct all defective Work pursuant to an acceptable schedule, whether or not fabricated , installed, or completed, or, if the Work has been rejected by City, remove it from the Project and replace it with Work that is not defective. Contractor shall pay all claims , costs , additional testing, losses , and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers , architects, attorneys , and other professionals and all court or arbitration or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to such correction or removal (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others). Failure to require the removal of any defective Work shall not constitute acceptance of such Work. B. When correcting defective Work under the terms of this Paragraph 13.06 or Paragraph 13.07, Contractor shall take no action that would void or otherwise impair City's special warranty and guarantee, if any, on said Work. 13.07 Correction Pe riod A. If within two (2) years after the date of Final Acceptance (or such longer period of time as may be prescribed by the terms of any applicable special guarantee required by the Contract Documents), any Work is found to be defective , or if the repair of any damages to the land or areas made available for Contractor's use by City or permitted by Laws and Regulations as contemplated in Paragraph 6 .1 0.A is found to be defective , Contractor shall promptly, without cost to City and in accordance with City's written instructions: 1. repair such defective land or areas ; or 2. correct such defective Work; or 3. if the defective Work has been rejected by City, remove it from the Project and replace it with Work that is not defective, and 4. satisfactorily correct or repair or remove and replace any damage to other Work, to the work of others or other land or areas resulting therefrom. B. If Contractor does not promptly comply with the terms of City 's written instructions , or in an emergency where delay would cause serious risk of loss or damage, City may have the defective Work corrected or repaired or may have the rejected Work removed and replaced. All claims, costs , losses , and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers , architects, attorneys , and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution costs) arising out of or relating to such correction or repair or such removal and replacement (including but not limited to all costs of repair or replacement of work of others) will be paid by Contractor. C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST ANDARD C0NS TRUC TI0 N SPEC I FI CA TIO N DOCUMENTS Revi sion: &23/2021 00 7200 -1 GENERAL CO NDI TIONS Page 5 1 of 63 C. In special circumstances where a particular it e m of equipment is plac e d in continuous service before Final Acceptance of all the Work, the correction period for that item may start to run from an earlier date if so provided in the Contract Documents. D. Where defective Work (and damage to other Work resulting therefrom) has been corrected or removed and replaced under this Paragraph 13 .07, the correction period hereunder with respect to such Work may be required to be extended for an additional period of one year after the end of the initial correction period. City shall provide 30 days written notice to Contractor should such additional warranty coverage be required. Contractor may dispute this requirement by filing a Contract Claim, pursuant to Paragraph 10.06. E . Contractor's obligations under this Paragraph 13.07 are in addition to any other obligation or warranty. The provisions of this Paragraph 13 .07 sha ll not be construed as a substitute for , or a waiver of, the provisions of any applicable statute of limitation or repose. 13.08 Acceptance of Defective Work If, instead of requiring correction or removal and replacement of defective Work, City prefers to accept it , City may do so. Contractor shall pay all claims , costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees and charges of engineers , architects, attorneys , and other professionals and all court or other dispute resolution costs) attributable to City's evaluation of and determination to acceµ: such defective Work and for the diminished va lu e of the Work to the extent not otherwise paid by Contractor. If any such acceptance occurs prior to Final Acceptance, a Change Order will be issued incorporating the nece ssary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work, and City shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price , reflecting the diminished value of Work so accepted. 13.09 City May Correct D efective Work A. If Contractor fails within a reasonable time after written notice from City to correct defective Work, or to remove and replace rejected Work as required by City in accordance with Paragraph 13 .06 .A, or if Contractor fails to perform the Work in accordance w ith the Contract Documents , or if Contractor fails to comply with any other provision of the Contract Documents , City may , after seven (7) days written notice to Contractor, correct, or remedy any such deficiency. B. In exercising the rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09, City shall proceed expeditiously. In connection with such corrective or remedial action, City may exclude Contractor from all or part of the Site, take possession of all or part of the Work and suspend Contractor's services related thereto, and incorporate in the Work all materials and equipment incorporated in the Work, stored at the Site or for which City has paid Contractor but which are stored elsewhere. Contractor shall allow City , City's representatives , agents, consultants, employees , and City's other contractors, access to the Site to enable City to exercise the rights and remedies under this Paragraph. C . All claims , costs, losses, and damages (including but not limited to all fees a nd charges of engineers , architects, attorneys, and other professionals and a ll court or other dispute resolution C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONST RUCTION SPEC IF !CA TIO N DOC UM ENTS Revi sion: &'23/2021 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CON DITI ONS P age 52 of 63 costs) incurred or sustained by City in exercising the rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09 will be charged against Contractor, and a Change Order will be issued incorporating the necessary revisions in the Contract Documents with respect to the Work; and City shall be entitled to an appropriate decrease in the Contract Price. D. Contractor shall not be allowed an extension of the Contract Time because of any delay in the performance of the Work attributable to the exercise of City 's rights and remedies under this Paragraph 13.09. ARTICLE 14 -PAYMENTS TO CONTRACTOR AND COMPLETION 14.01 Schedule of Valu es The Schedule of Values for lump sum contracts established as provided in Paragraph 2.07 will serve as the basis for progress payments and will be incorporated into a form of Application for Payment acceptable to City. Progress payments on account of Unit Price Work will be based on the number of units completed. 14.02 Progress Payments A. Applications for Payments: 1. Contractor is responsible for providing all information as required to become a vendor of the City. 2. At least 20 days before the date established in the General Requirements for each progress payment, Contractor shall submit to City for review an Application for Payment filled out and signed by Contractor covering the Work completed as of the date of the Application and accompanied by such supporting documentation as is required by the Contract Documents . 3. If payment is requested on the basis of materials and equipment not incorporated in the Work but delivered and suitably stored at the Site or at another location agreed to in writing, the Application for Payment shall also be accompanied by a bill of sale , invoice, or other documentation warranting that City has received the materials and equipment free and clear of all Liens and evidence that the materials and equipment are covered by appropriate insurance or other arrangements to protect City 's interest therein, all of which must be satisfactory to City. 4. Beginning with the second Application for Payment, each Application shall include an affidavit of Contractor stating that previous progress payments received on account of the Work have been applied on account to discharge Contractor's legitimate obligations associated with prior Applications for Payment. 5. The amount of retainage with respect to progress payments will be as described in subsection C. unless otherwise stipulated in the Contract Documents. C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONS TR UC TIO N SPEC IFI CA TIO N DOC UM EN TS Rev ision: ~I B. Review of Applications: 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CO NDITIONS P age 53 of 63 1. City will, after receipt of each Application for Payment, either indicate in wntmg a recommendation of payment or return the Application to Contractor indicating reasons for refusing payment. In the latter case, Contractor may make the necessary corrections and resubmit the Application . 2 . City 's processing of any payment requested in an Application for Payment will be based on City 's observations of the executed Work, and on City's review of the Application for Payment and the accompanying data and schedules , that to the best of City's knowledge: a . the Work has progressed to the point indicated; b. the quality of the Work is generally in accordance with the Contract Documents (subject to an evaluation of the Work as a functioning whole prior to or upon Final Acceptance , the results of any subsequent tests called for in the Contract Documents, a final determination of quantitie s and classifications for Work performed under Paragraph 9.05, and any other qualifications stated in the recommendation). 3. Processing any such payment will not thereby be deemed to have represented that: a. inspections made to check the quality or the quantity of the Work as it has been performed have been exhaustive , extended to every aspect of the Work in progress , or involved detailed in spections of the Work beyond the responsibilities specifically assigned to City in the Contract Documents ; or b. there may not be other matters or issues between the parties that might entitle Contractor to be paid additionally by City or entitle City to withhold payment to Contractor; or c. Contractor has complied with Laws and Regulations applicable to Contractor's performance of the Work. 4 . City may refuse to process the whole or any part of any payment because of subsequently discovered evidence or the results of subsequent inspections or tests , and revise or revoke any such payment previously made, to such extent as may be necessary to protect City from loss because: a. the Work is defective or completed Work has been damaged by the Contractor or subcontractors requiring correction or replacement; b . discrepancies in quantities contained in previous applications for payment; c. the Contract Price has been reduced by Change Orders ; d. City has been required to correct defective Work or complete Work in accordance with Paragraph 13.09 ; or C IT Y OF FORT WORTH ST ANDARD C0NS TR UC TI 0N SPEC IFI CA TI ON DOCUMENTS Revision: &23/202 1 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CO NDITI ONS e. City has actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in Paragraph 15.02.A. C. Retainage: Page 54 of 63 1. For contracts less than $400,000 at the time of execution, retainage shall be ten percent (10%). 2. For contracts greater than $400,000 at the time of execution, retainage shall be five percent (5%). D. Liquidated Damages . For each calendar day that any work shall remain uncompleted after the time specified in the Contract Documents , the sum per day specified in the Agreement will be assessed against the monies due the Contractor, not as a penalty, but as damages suffered by the City. E. Payment: Contractor will be paid pursuant to the requirements of this Article 14 and payment will become due in accordance with the Contract Documents. F . Reduction in Payme nt: 1. City may refuse to make payment of the amount requested because: a. Liens have been filed in connection with the Work, except where Contractor ha s delivered a specific bond satisfactory to City to secure the satisfaction and discharge of such Liens ; b. there are other items entitling City to a set-off against the amount recommended; or c. City has actua l knowledge of the occurrence of any of the events enumerated in Paragraphs 14.02.B.4.a through 14.02 .B.4.e or Paragraph 15.02.A . 2 . If City refuses to make payment of the amount requested, City will give Contractor writte n notice stating the reasons for s uch action and pay Contractor any amount remaining after deduction of the amount so withheld. C ity shall pay Contractor the amount so withhe ld , or any adjustment thereto agreed to by City and Contractor, when Contractor remedies the reasons for such action . 14.03 Contractor's Warranty of Title Contractor warrants and guarantees that title to all Work, materials, and equipment covered by any Application for Payment, whether incorporated in the Project or not, will pass to City no later than the time of payment free and clear of all Liens. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTR UC TI0 N SPE CIF ICATIO N DO C UMEN TS Revi sion: 8/23/2021 14.04 Partial Utili z ation 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CON DITI ON S Page 55 of 63 A. Prior to Final Acceptance of all the Work, City may use or occupy any part of the Work which has specifically been identified in the Contract Documents, or which City determines constitutes a separately functioning and usable part of the Work that can be used for its intended purpose without significant interference with Contractor's performance of the remainder of the Work. City at any time may notify Contractor in writing to permit City to use or occupy any such part of the Work which City determines to be ready for its intended use , subject to the following conditions : 1. Contractor at any time may notify City in writing that Contractor considers any such part of the Work ready for its intended use. 2. Within a reasonable time after notification as enumerated in Paragraph 14 .05.A. l , City and Contractor shall make an in spection of that part of the Work to determine it s status of completion . If City does not consider that part of the Work to be substantially complete, City will notify Contractor in writing giving the reasons therefor. 3 . Partial Utilization will not constitute Final Acceptance by City. 14.05 Final In sp e ction A . Upon written notice from Contractor that the entire Work JS Substantially Complete m accordance with the Contract Documents : 1. Within 10 da ys, City will s chedule a Final Inspection with Contractor. 2. City will notify Contractor in writing of all particulars in which this in spection reveals that the Work is incomplete or defective (''Punch List Items "). Contractor shall immediately take such measures as are necessary to complete such Work or remedy such deficiencies . B. No time charge will be made against the Contractor between said date of notification to the City of Substantial Completion and the date of Final Inspection. 1. Should the City determine that the Work is not ready for Final Inspection, City will notify the Contractor in writing of the reasons and Contract Time will resume . 2. Should the City concur that Substantia l Completion has been achieved with the exception of any Punch List Items , Contract Time will resume for the duration it takes for Contractor to achieve Final Acceptance. 14.06 Fina/Acceptance Upon completion by Contractor to City 's satisfaction, of any additional Work identified in the Final Inspection, City will issue to Contractor a letter of Final Acceptance. C IT Y OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUC TI ON SPEC IF ICA TIO N DOCUMENTS R ev ision: &23/202 1 14.07 Final Payment A. Application/or Payment: 007200 -1 GENERAL CON DITI ON S Page 56 of 63 1. Upon Final Acceptance, and in the opinion of City, Contractor ma y make an application for final payment following the procedure for progress payments in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2. The final Application for Payment shall be accompanied ( except as previously delivered) by: a . all documentation called for in the Contract Documents , including but not limited to the evidence of insurance required by Paragraph 5.03 ; b. consent of the surety, if any , to final payment; c . a list of all pending or released Damage Claims against City that Contractor believes are unsettled ; and d. affidavits of payments and complete and legally effective releases or waivers (satisfactory to City) of all Lien rights arising out of or Liens filed in connection with the Work. B. Payment Becomes Due: 1. After City 's acceptance of the Application for Payment and accompanying documentation , requested by Contractor, less previous payments made and any sum City is entitled , including but not limited to liquidated damages , will become due and payable. 2. After all Damage Claims have been resolved: a. directly by the Contractor or; b . Contractor provides evidence that the Damage Claim has been reported to Contractor's insurance provider for resolution. 3. The making of the final payment by the City shall not relieve the Contractor of any guarantees or other requirements of the Contract Documents which specifically continue thereafter. 14.08 Final Comp letion Delayed and Partial Retainage Release A . If fmal completion of the Work is significantly delayed, and if City so confoms, City may , upon receipt of Contractor's fmal Application for Payment, and without terminating the Contract, make payment of the balance due for that portion of the Work fully completed and accepted . If the remaining balance to be held by City for Work not fully completed or corrected is less than the retainage stipulated in Paragraph 14.02.C , and if bonds have been furnished as required in Paragraph 5.02 , the written consent of the surety to the payment of the balance due for that C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUC TIO N SPEC IF ICA TIO N DO CUMENTS Revi sion : &23/2D21 00 72 00 -I GENERAL COND ITIONS P age 57 of 63 portion of the Work fully completed and accepted shall be submitted by Contractor to City with the Application for such payment. Such payme nt shall be mad e under the terms and conditions go verning final payment, except that it shall not constitute a waiver of Contract Claims . B. Partial Retainage R elease . For a Contract that provides for a separate vegetative establishment and maintenance , and test and performance periods following the completion of all other construction in the Contract Documents for all Work locations , the City may release a portion of the amount retained provided that all other work is completed as determined by the City . Before the release , all submittals and final quantities must be completed and accepted for all other work. An amount sufficient to ensure Contract compliance will be retained. 14 .09 Waiver of Claims The acceptance offmal payment will constitute a release of the City from all claims or liabilities under the Contract for anything done or furnished or relating to the work under the Contract Documents or any act or neglect of City related to or connected with the Contract. ARTICLE 15 -SUSPENSION OF WORK AND TERMINATION 15.01 City May Suspend Work A. At any time and without cause , City may suspend the Work or any portion thereof by written notice to Contractor and which may fix. the date on which Work will be resumed. Contractor shall resume the Work on the date so fixed. During temporary suspension of the Work covered by these Contract Documents , for any rea son, the City will make no extra payment for stand-by time of construction equipment and/or construction crews. B. Should th e Contractor not be able to complete a portion of the Project due to causes beyond the control of and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, and should it be determined by mutual consent of the Contractor and City that a solution to allow construction to proceed is not available within a reasonable period of time , Contractor may request an extension in Contract Time, directly attributable to any s uch suspension. C. If it should become necessary to suspend the Work for an indefmite period, the Contractor shall store all materials in such a manner that they will not obstruct or impede the public unnece ssarily nor become damaged in any way, and he shall take every precaution to prevent damage or deterioration of the work performed ; he shall provide suitab le drainage about the work, and erect temporary structures where neces sary. D. Contractor may be reimbursed for the cost of moving his equipment off the job and returning the necessary equipment to the job when it is determined by the City that construction may be resumed . Such reimbursement shall be based on actual cost to the Contractor of moving the equipment and no profit will be allowed. Reimburse ment may not be allowed if the equipment is moved to another construct ion project for the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C0NS TR UCTI0N SPEC IFI CAT ION DOCUMENTS Revi sion : &'23!202 1 15.02 City May Terminate for Cause 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDIT IONS Page 58 of 63 A. The occurrence ofany one or more of the following events by way of example, but not oflimitation , may justify termination for cause: 1. Contractor 's persistent failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents (including , but not limited to , failure to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment, failure to adhere to the Project Schedule established under Paragraph 2.07 as adjusted from time to time pursuant to Paragraph 6.04, or failure to adhere to the City's Busine ss Diversity Enterprise Ordinance #20020-12-2011established under Paragra}Xl 6 .06.D); 2. Contractor 's disregard of Laws or Regulations of any public body having jurisdiction; 3. Contractor 's repeated disregard of the authority of City; or 4. Contractor's violation in any substantia l way of any provisions of the Contract Documents; or 5. Contractor 's failure to promptly make good any defect in materials or workmanship, or defects of any nature , the correction of which has been directed in writing by the City; or 6. Substantial indication that the Contractor has made an unauthorized assignment of the Contract or any funds due therefrom for the benefit of any creditor or for any other purpose ; or 7. Substantial evidence that the Contractor has become insolvent or bankrupt, or otherwise financially unable to carry on the Work satisfactorily; or 8. Contractor commences legal action in a court of competent jurisdiction against the City. B. Ifone or more of the events identified in Paragraph 15.02A. occur, City will provide written notice to Contractor and Surety to arrange a conference with Contractor and Surety to address Contractor's failure to perform the Work. Conference shall be held not later than 15 days, after receipt of notice . I. If the City, the Contractor, and the Surety do not agree to allow the Contractor to proceed to perform the construction Contract, the City may, to the extent permitted by Laws and Regulations , declare a Contractor default and formally terminate the Contractor's right to complete the Contract. Contractor default shall not be declared earlier than 20 days after the Contractor and Surety have received notice of conference to address Contractor's failure to perform the Work. 2. If Contractor's services are terminated , Surety shall be ob ligated to take over and perform the Work. IfSurety does not commence performance thereof within 15 consecutive calendar days after date of an additional written notice demanding Surety's performance of its CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTRUCTI0N SPECIF I CATION DOCUMENTS Revi s ion: ~I 007200-1 GENERAL CO NDITI ON S P age 59 o f 63 obligations , then City, without process or action at law, may take over any portion of the Work and complete it as described below . a. If City completes the Work, City may exclude Contractor and Surety from the site and take possession of the Work, and all materials and equipment incorporated into the Work stored at the Site or for which City has paid Contractor or Surety but which are stored elsewhere , and fmish the Work as City may deem expedient. 3. Whether City or Surety completes the Work, Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds all claims , costs , losses and damages sustained by City arising out of or resulting from completing the Work, such excess will be paid to Contractor. If such claims, costs, losses and damages exceed such unpaid balance , Contractor shall pay the difference to City. Such claims, costs , losses and damages incurred by City will be incorporated in a Change Order, provided that when exercising any rights or remedies under this Paragraph, City shall not be required to obtain the lowest price for the Work performed. 4. Neither City , nor any of its respective consultants, agents , officers, directors or employees shall be in any way liable or accountable to Contractor or Surety for the method by which the completion of the said Work, or any portion thereof, may be accomplished or for the price paid therefor. 5. City, notwithstanding the method used in completing the Contract, shall not forfeit the right to recover damages from Contractor or Surety for Contractor's failure to timely complete the entire Contract. Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim on account of the method used by City in completing the Contract. 6. Maintenance of the Work shall continue to be Contractor's and Surety's responsibilities as provided for in the bond requirements of the Contract Documents or any special guarantees provided for under the Contract Documents or any other obligations otherwise prescribed by law. C. Notwithstanding Paragraphs 15.02.B , Contractor 's services will not be terminated if Contractor begins within seven days of receipt of notice of intent to terminate to correct its failure to perform and proceeds diligently to cure such failure within no more than 30 days of receipt of said notice. D. Where Contractor 's services have been so terminated by City, the termination will not affect any rights or remedies of City against Contractor then existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of moneys due Contractor by City will not release Contractor from liability. E. If and to the extent that Contractor has provided a performance bond under the provisions of Paragraph 5.02, the termination procedures of that bond shall not supersede the provisions of this Article. C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONST RUC TIO N SPEC IF ICA TIO N DOC UMEN T S Revi sion : ~I 15.03 City May Terminate For Convenience 00 72 00-1 GENERAL CONDIT IONS Page 60 of 63 A . City may, without cause and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of City, terminate the Contract. Any termination shall be effected by mailing a notice of the termination to the Contractor specifying the extent to which performance of Work under the contract is terminated, and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. Receipt of the notice shall be deemed conclusively presumed and established when the letter is placed in the United States Postal Service Mail by the City. Further, it shall be deemed conclusively presumed and established that such termination is made with just cause as therein stated; and no proof in any claim, demand or suit shall be required of the City regarding such discretionary action. B. After receipt of a notice of termination, and except as otherwise directed by the City, the Contractor shall: 1. Stop work under the Contract on the date and to the extent specified in the notice of termination; 2. place no further orders or subcontracts for materials , services or facilities except as may be necessary for completion of such portion of the Work under the Contract as is not terminated; 3. terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of the Work terminated by notice of termination; 4. transfer title to the City and deliver in the manner, at the times , and to the extent, if any, directed by the City: a. the fabricated or unfabricated parts , Work in progress , completed Work, supplies and other material produced as a part of, or acquired in connection with the performance of, the Work terminated by the notice of the termination; and b. the completed, or partially completed plans , drawings , information and other property which, if the Contract had been completed, would have been required to be furnished to the City. 5. complete performance of such Work as shall not have been terminated by the notice of termination ; and 6. take such action as may be necessary, or as the City may direct, for the protection and preservation of the property related to its contract which is in the possession of the Contractor and in which the owner has or may acquire the rest. C. At a time not later than 30 days after the termination date specified in the notice of termination , the Contractor may submit to the City a list , certified as to quantity and quality , of any or all items of termination inventory not previously disposed of, exclusive of items the disposition of which has been directed or authorized by City . CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF !CATION DOCUMENTS Re vision : &'23/2021 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CO NDITIONS Page 6 1 of 63 D. Not later than 15 days thereafter, the City shall accept title to such items provided, that the list submitted shall be subject to verification by the City upon removal of the items or, if the items are stored, within 45 days from the date of submission of the list , and any necessary adjustments to correct the list as submitted, shall be made prior to final settlement. E . Not later than 60 days after the notice of termination , the Contractor shall submit his termination claim to the City in the form and with the certification prescribed by the City. Unless an extension is made in writing within such 60 day period by the Contractor, and granted by the City , any and all such claims shall be conclusively deemed waived. F. In such case , Contractor shall be paid for (without duplication of any items): 1. completed and acceptable Work executed in accordance with the Contract Documents prior to the effective date of termination, including fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such Work; 2. expenses sustained prior to the effective date of termination in performing services and furnishing labor, materials, or equipment as required by the Contract Documents in connection with uncompleted Work, plus fair and reasonable sums for overhead and profit on such expenses; and 3. reasonable expenses directly attributable to termination. G. In the event of the failure of the Contractor and City to agree upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the termination of the Work, the City shall determine, on the basis of information available to it, the amount, if any , due to the Contractor by reason of the termination and shall pay to the Contractor the amounts determined. Contractor shall not be paid on account of loss of anticipated profits or revenue or other economic loss arising out of or resulting from such termination. ARTICLE 16-DISPUTE RESOLUTION 16.01 Methods and Procedures A. Either City or Contractor may request mediation of any Contract Claim submitted for a decision under Paragraph 10.06 before such decision becomes fmal and binding. The request for mediation shall be submitted to the other party to the Contract. Timely submission of the request shall stay the effect of Paragraph 10.06.E . B. City and Contractor shall participate in the mediation process in good faith. The process shall be commenced within 60 days of filing of the request. C. If the Contract Claim is not resolved by mediation, City's action under Paragraph 10.06.C or a denial pursuant to Paragraphs 10.06.C.3 or 10.06.D shall become fmal and binding 30 days after termination of the mediation unless , within that time period , City or Contractor: CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C0NSTR UC TIO N SPEC I F ICATIO N DOCUMENTS Re vision: &!23/202 1 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CON DITI ONS P age 62 of 63 1. elects in wrrtmg to invoke any other dispute resolution process provided for m the Supplementary Conditions; or 2. agrees with the other party to submit the Contract Claim to another dispute resolution process ; or 3. gives written notice to the other party of the intent to submit the Contract Claim to a court of competent jurisdiction . ARTICLE 17 -MISCELLANEOUS 17.01 Giving Notice A. Whenever any provision of the Contract Documents requires the giving of written notice , it will be deemed to have been validly given if: 1. delivered in person to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended; or 2. delivered at or sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, to the last business address known to the giver of the notice. B. Business address changes must be promptly made in writing to the other party. C. Whenever the Contract Documents specifies giving notice by electronic means such electronic notice shall be deemed sufficient upon confinnation of receipt by the receiving party. 17.02 Computation ofTimes When any period of time is referred to in the Contract Documents by days , it will be computed to exclude the first and include the last day of such period. If the last day of any such period falls on a Saturday or Sunday or on a day made a legal holiday the next Working Day shall become the last day of the period. 17.03 Cumulative Remedies The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder to the parties hereto are in addition to, and are not to be construed in any way as a limitation of, any rights and remedies available to any or all of them which are otherwise imposed or available by Laws or Regulations , by special warranty or guarantee , or by other provisions of the Contract Documents. The provisions of this Paragraph will be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Contract Documents in connection with each particular duty, obligation , right , and remedy to which they apply. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARDC0NSTRUC TI 0N SPEC IFI CA TIO N DO CUM ENTS Rev ision: &!23i202 1 17.04 Survival of Obligations 00 72 00 -1 GENERAL CO NDITI ONS P age 63 of 63 . All representations , indemnifications , warranties , and guarantees made in, required by, or given in accordance with the Contract Documents , as well as all continuing obligations indicated in the Contract Documents , will survive fmal payment, completion, and acceptance of the Work or termination or comp letion of the Contract or termination of the services of Contractor. 17.05 Headings Article and paragraph headings are inserted for convenience only and do not constitute parts of these General Conditions. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C0NS TR UC TI0 N SPEC IFI CA TIO N DOCUMENTS Rev is ion : &2312D2 1 Supplementary Conditions SECTION 00 73 00 SUPPLEMENT ARY CONDITIONS TO GENERAL CONDITIONS 00 73 00 SUPPLEMENTARY COND ITIO NS Page I of5 These Supplementary Conditions modify and supplement Section 00 72 00 -General Conditions, and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. All provisions of the General Conditions that are modified or supp lemented remain in full force and effect as so modified or supplemented. All provisions of the General Conditions which are not so modified or supplemented remain in full force and effect. Defined Terms The terms used in these Supplementary Conditions which are defined in the General Conditions have the meaning assigned to them in the General Conditions, unless specifically noted herein . Modifications and Supplements The following are instructions that modify or supplement specific paragraphs in the General Conditions and other Contract Documents. SC-3.03B .2, "Resolving Discrepancies" Plans govern over Specifications. SC-4.0IA Easement limits shown on the Drawing are approximate and were provided to establish a basi s for bidding. Upon receiving the final easements descriptions , Contractor shall compare them to the lines shown on the Contract Drawings. SC-4.0IA.1., "Availability of Lands" The following is a list of known outstanding right-of-way , and/or easements to be acquired, if any as of November 5, 2021: Outstanding Right-Of-Way, and/or Easements to Be Acquired PARCEL OWNER NUMBER None TARGET DATE OF POSSESSION The Contractor understands and agrees that the dates listed above are estimates only, are not guaranteed, and do not bind the City. If Contractor considers the final easements provided to differ materially from the representations on the Contract Drawings , Contractor shall within five (5) Business Days and before proceeding with the Work, notify City in writing associated with the differing easement line locations. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised March 9, 2020 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 1 2023 SC-4.0lA.2, "Availability of Lands" Utilities or obstructions to be removed, adjusted, and/or re located 00 73 00 SUP PLEMENTARY CONDITIO NS Page 2 of5 The following is list of utilities and/or obstructions that have not been removed, adjusted , and/or relocated as ofNovember 5, 2021 E XPECTE D OWNER UTILITY AND LOCATION None TARGET DATE OF ADruSTMENT The Contractor understands and agrees that the dates listed above are estimates only, are not guaranteed , and do not bind the City . SC-4.02A., "Subsurface and Physica l Conditions" The following are reports of explorations and tests of subsurface conditions at the site of the Work: None The following are drawings of physical conditions in or relating to existing surface and subsurface structures (except Underground Facilities) which are at or contiguous to the site of the Work: None SC-4.06A., "Hazardous Env ironmental Conditions at Site" The following are reports and drawings of existing hazardous environmental conditions known to the City: None SC-5.03A., "Certificates of Insurance" The entities listed below are "additional insureds as their interest may appear" including their respective officers, directors, agents and employees . (1) City (2) Consultant: None (3) Other: None SC-5.04A., "Contractor's Insurance" The limits of liability for the insurance required by Paragraph GC-5.04 shall provide the following coverages for not less than the following amounts or greater where required by laws and regulations: 5.04A. Workers' Compensation, under Paragraph GC-5 .04A. Statutory limits Employer's liability $100 ,000 each accident/occurrence $100 ,000 Disease -each employee $500 ,000 Disease -policy limit CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CON STRU CTIO N SPEC IFI CATION DO CU ME NTS Revi sed March 9, 20 20 UTILITY CU T REPAIR CONTRACT I 202 3 City Project No . UC-01 2023 SC-5.04B., "Contractor's Insurance" 00 73 00 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION S Page3of 5 5.04B. Commercial General Liability, under Paragraph GC-5.04B. Contractor's Liability Insurance under Paragraph GC-5.04B., which shall be on a per project basis covering the Contractor with minimum limits of: $1 ,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate limit The po licy must have an endorsement (Amendment -Aggregate Limits oflnsurance) making the General Aggregate Limits apply separately to each job site. The Commercial General Liability Insurance policies shall provide "X", "C", and "U" coverage's. Verification of such coverage must be shown in the Remarks Article of the Certificate oflnsurance. SC 5.04C., "Contractor's Insurance" 5.04C. Automobile Liability, under Paragraph GC-5 .04C . Contractor's Liability Insurance under Paragraph GC-5.04C., which shall be in an amount not less than the following amounts: (1) Automobile Liability -a commercial business policy shall provide coverage on "Any Auto", defined as autos owned , hired and non -owned . $1,000 ,000 each accident on a combined single limit basis. Split limits are acceptable if limits are at least: $250,000 $500,000 $100,000 Bodily Injury per person I Bodily Injury per accident / Property Damage SC-5.04D., "Contractor's Insurance" The Contractor's construction activities will require its employees, agents , subcontractors, equipment, and material deliveries to cross railroad properties and tracks : None The Contractor shall conduct its operations on railroad properties in such a manner as not to interfere with, hinder, or obstruct the railroad company in any manner whatsoever in the use or operation of its /their trains or other property. Such operations on railroad properties may require that Contractor to execute a "Right of Entry Agreement" with the particular railroad company or companies involved, and to this end the Contractor should satisfy itself as to the requirements of each railroad company and be prepared to execute the right-of-entry (if any) required by a railroad company. The requirements specified herein likewise relate to the Contractor's use of private and/or construction access roads crossing said railroad company's properties. The Contractual Liability coverage required by Paragraph 5.04D of the General Conditions shall provide coverage for not less than the following amounts, issued by companies satisfactory to the City and to the Railroad Company for a term that continues for so long as the Contractor's operations and work cross, occupy, or touch railroad property: (1) General Aggregate: (2) Each Occurrence: __ Required for this Contract CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFICATION DOC UMENTS Revi sed March 9, 202 0 $Confirm Limits with Railroad $Confirm Limits with Railroad _x_ Not required for this Contract UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 Ci ty Project No . UC -01 2023 00 73 00 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Page 4 of5 With respect to the above outlin ed insurance requirements, the following shall govern: 1. Where a sing le railroad company is in vo lved , the Contractor shall provide o ne in surance policy in the name of the railroad company. However, if more than one grade separation or at -grade crossing is affected by the Project at entire ly separate locations on the lin e or lin es of the same railroad company, separate coverage may be required , each in the amount stated above. 2 . Where more than one railroad company is operating on the same right-of-way or where several railroad companies are involved and operated on their own separate rights-of-way , the Contractor may be required to provide separate insuran ce policies in the name of each railroad company. 3. If, in addition to a grade separation or an at-grade cross in g, other work or activity is proposed on a rai lroad company's right-of-way at a location entire ly separate from the grade separation or at- grade crossing, in surance coverage for this work must be included in the policy coverin g the grade separation. 4 . If no grade separation is involved but other work is proposed on a rai lroad company's right-of- way, all such other work may be covered in a single policy for that ra ilro ad, even though the work may be at two or more separate locations. o work or activities on a railroad company's property to be performed by the Contractor shall be commenced until the Contractor has furnished the City with an original policy or policies of the insurance for each railroad company named , as required above. A ll such insurance must be approved by the City and each affected Railroad Company prior to the Contractor's beginning wo rk. T he insurance spec ifi ed above must be carried until all Work to be performed on the rai lroad right-of-way has been completed and the grade crossing, if any, is no longer used by the Contractor. In addition, insurance must be carried during a ll maintenance and /or repair work performed in the rai lroad right-of-way. Such insurance must name the rai lroad company as the insured, together with any tenant or lessee of the railroad company operating over tracks involved in the Project. SC -6.04., "Project Sc hedule " Project schedule shall be tier I for the project. SC -6.07., "Wage Rate s" The following is the prevailing wage rate table(s) app li cab le to this project and is provided in the Appendixes: GC-6.07 2013 Prevailin g Wage Rate s (Heavy & Highway Construction Projects) A copy of the table is a lso availab le by accessing the City's website at: https://apps.fortworthtexas.gov/ProjectResources/ You can access the file by follow in g the directory path : 02-Construction Documents/Specification s/Div00 -General Conditions SC-6.09., "Permits and Utilities" SC-6.09 A., "Cont ractor obtained permits and licen ses" The following are known permits and/or licenses required by the Contract to be acquired by the Contractor: None SC-6.09B . "C ity obtained permits and licen ses" CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised March 9 , 2020 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 00 73 00 SUPPLEMENTARY CONDI T IONS Page 5 of5 T he following are known pe rmit s a nd /or li censes required by the Co ntract to be ac quired by th e C ity : None SC-6.09 C. "Outstanding permits and licen ses" T he following is a li st of known o ut standin g permits and/or li ce nses to be acq uired , if any as of Nove mb er 5, 2021: Outstanding Permits and /or Licenses to Be Acqu ired OWNER PERMIT OR LICENSE AND LOCATION None SC-7 .02., "Coordination " TARGET DATE OF POSSESSION T he indi vid ua ls o r entities li sted below have co ntracts w ith th e C ity for the p erforma nce of othe r work at the Site: Vendor Scope of Work Coordination Authority None SC-8.01, "Commun ication s to Contractor" None SC-9.01., "City's Project Manager" T he C ity 's Project Manager for thi s Co ntract is J. Chris U nd erwood , or hi s/her s ucce sso r purs uant to written notification from the Director of Water Department SC-13.03C., "Tests and In s pections" None SC-16 .0l C.1, "Methods and Procedures" None END OF SECTION Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1/22/2016 F. Griffin SC-9.01 ., "City 's Project Representative " wording changed to City 's Project Manager. 3/9/2020 D.V. Magana SC-6.07 , Updated the link such that files can be accessed via the City 's website . CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised March 9, 202 0 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC -0 I 2023 SECTION 0111 00 2 SUMMARY OF WORK 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 01 11 00-I SUMMARY OF WO RK Page I of3 6 1. Summary of Work to be performed in accordance with the Contract Documents 7 B . Deviations from thi s City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None. 9 C . Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 10 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 11 2. Division I -General Requirements 12 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13 A. Measurement and Payment 14 1. Work associated with thi s Item is cons idered subsidiary to the various items bid. 15 No separate payment will be a llowed for thjs Item. 16 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 17 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 18 A. Work Covered by Contract Documents 19 1. Work is to include furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment, and performing 20 all Work necessary for trus construction project as detailed in the Drawings and 21 Specifications . 22 B . Subsidiary Work 23 1. Any and all Work specifically governed by documentary requirements for the 24 project, s uch as conditions imposed by the Drawings or Contract Documents in 25 which no specific item for bid has been provided for in the Proposal and the item is 26 not a typical unit bid item included on the standard bid item list, then the item shall 27 be considered as a subsidiary item of Work, the cost of which shall be included in 28 the price bid in the Proposal for various bid items. 29 C. Use of Premi ses 30 1. Coordinate uses of premi ses under direction of the City . 3 1 2. Assume full responsibility for protection and safekeeping of materials and 32 equipment stored on the Site . 33 3. Use and occupy only portion s of the public s treets and alleys, or other public places 34 or other ri g hts-o f-way as provided for in the ordinances of the City, as shown in the 35 Contract Documents, or as may be specifically authorized in writing by the City. 36 a. A reasonable amount of tools, materials , and equipment for construction 37 purposes may be stored in such space, but no more than is necessary to avoid 38 delay in the construction operations. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECLF ICA TIO N DOC UMENTS Revised Decem ber 20 , 2012 UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-0 I 2023 0 111 00-2 SUMMARY OF WORK Page 2 of3 b. Excavated and waste materials shall be stored in such a way as not to interfere 2 with the use of spaces that may be designated to be left free and unobstructed 3 and so as not to inconvenience occupants of adjacent property . 4 c. If the street is occupied by railroad tracks , the Work shall be carried on in such 5 manner as not to interfere with the operation of the railroad. 6 1) All Work shall be in accordance with railroad requirements set forth in 7 Divi s ion O as well as the railroad permit. 8 D. Work within Easements 9 1. Do not enter upon private property for any purpose without having previously 10 obtained permission from the owner of such property. 11 2. Do not store equipment or material on private property unless and until the 12 specified approval of the property owner has been secured in writing by the 13 Contractor and a copy furnished to the City . 14 3. Unless specifically provided otherwise, clear all rights-of-way or easements of 15 obstructions which must be removed to make possible proper prosecution of the 16 Work as a part of the project construction operations. 17 4 . Prese rve and use every precaution to prevent damage to, all trees , shrubbery, plants , 18 lawns, fences, culverts, curbing, and all other types of structures or improvem e nt s, 19 to all water, sewer, and gas lines , to all conduits, overhead pole lines , or 20 appurtenances thereof, including the construction of temporary fences and to all 21 other public or private property adjacent to the Work. 22 5 . Notify the proper representat ives of the owners or occupants of the public or private 23 lands of interest in lands which might be affected by the Work. 24 a . Such notice shall be made at least 48 hours in advance of the beginning of the 25 Work. 26 b . Notices shall be applicable to both public and private utility companies and any 27 corporation, company, individual, or other, either as owners or occupants , 28 whose land or interest in land might be affected by the Work. 29 c. Be responsible for all damage or injury to property of any character re s ulting 30 from any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct in the manner or method or 31 execution of the Work, or at any time due to defective work, material , or 32 equipment. 33 6. Fence 34 a. Restore all fences encountered and removed during construction of the Project 35 to the original or a better than original condition. 36 b. Erect temporary fencing in place of the fencing removed whenever the Work is 37 not in progress and when the site is vacated overnight, and/or at all times to 38 provide site security. 39 c. The cost for all fence work within easements, including removal, temporary 40 closures and replacement, shall be subsidiary to the various items bid in the 41 project proposal, unless a bid item is specifically provided in the proposal. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPEClF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20 , 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ec t No. UC-0 I 2023 1.5 SUBMITT ALS [NOT US ED] OJ 11 00 -3 SUMMARY OF WORK Page3of3 2 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT US ED] 3 1.7 CLO SEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1.8 MAINTENANCE MAT ERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 6 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 7 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED) 8 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 9 PART 2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 10 PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT USED] 11 END OF SECTION 12 13 R evi s io n Log D ATE NAME CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIC A TJON DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 SUMMAR Y OF CHANGE UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ect No . UC-0 I 2023 SECTION 01 25 00 2 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 01 25 00 -I SUBSTITUTI ON PROCEDURES Page I of 4 6 1. The procedure for requesting the approval of substitution of a produc t that is not 7 equivalent to a product which is specified by descriptive or performance criteria or 8 defined by reference to 1 or more of the following: 9 a. Name of manufacturer 10 b . Name of vendor 11 c. Trade name 12 d. Catalog number 13 2. Substitutions are not "or-equals". 14 B . Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 15 1. None. 16 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to : 17 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 18 2. Division 1 -General Requirements 19 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 20 A. Measurement and Payment 21 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 22 No separate payme nt will be allowed for this Item. 23 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 24 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 25 A. Request for Substitution -General 26 1. Within 30 days after award of Contract (unless noted otherwise), the City w ill 2 7 consider formal requests from Contractor for substitution of products in place of 28 tho se specified. 29 2. Certain types of equipment and kinds of material are described in Specifications by 30 means of references to names of manufacturers and vendors, trade names, or 31 catalog numbers . 32 a . When thi s method of specifying is used, it is not intended to exclude from 33 consideration other products bearing other manufacturer's or vendor's names , 34 trade names , or catalog numbers , provided said products are "or-equals," as 35 determined by City. 36 3. Other types of equipment and kinds of material may be acceptable substitutions 37 under the following conditions: 38 a. Or-equals are unavailable due to strike, discontinued production of products 39 meeting specified requirements, or other factors beyond control of Contractor; 40 or, CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEClF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I , 20 11 UT ILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 0 I 25 00 -2 SUBSTITUTION PROC EDURES Page 2 of 4 b . Contractor proposes a cost and /or time reduction inc ent ive to the City. 2 1.5 SUB MITT ALS 3 A. See Request for Substitution Form (attached) 4 B. Procedure for Requesting Substitution 5 1. Substitution shall be considered only: 6 a. After award of Contract 7 b. Under the conditions stated herein 8 2. Submit 3 copies of each written request for substitution, including: 9 a. Documentat ion 10 1) Complete data substantiating compliance of proposed substitution with 11 Contract Documents 12 2) Data relating to changes in construction schedule, when a reduction is 13 proposed 14 3) Data relating to changes in cost 15 b. For products 16 1) Product identification 17 a) Manufacturer's name 18 b) Telephone numb e r and repre se ntative contact name 19 c) Specification Section or Drawing reference of originally specified 20 product, including di screte name or tag number assigned to original 21 product in the Contract Documents 22 2) Manufacturer's literature clearly marked to show compliance of proposed 23 product with Contract Documents 24 3) Itemized comparison of original and proposed product addressing product 25 characteristics including, but not necessarily limited to: 26 a) Size 27 b) Composition or materials of construction 28 c) Wei ght 29 d) E lectrical or mechanical requirements 30 4) Product experience 31 a) Location of past projects utilizing product 32 b) Name and telephone number of persons as s ociated with referenced 33 projects knowledgeable concerning proposed product 34 c) Available field data and reports associated with proposed product 35 5) Samples 36 a) Provide at request of City. 37 b) Samples become the property of the City. 38 c. For construction methods: 39 1) Detailed description of proposed method 40 2) Illustration drawings 41 C. Approval or Rejection 42 1. Written approval or rejection of s ubstitution g iven by the City 43 2. City reserves the right to re quire proposed product to comply with color and pattern 44 of specified product if necessary to secure design intent. 45 3. In the event the substitution is approved, the resulting cost and/or time reduction 46 will be documented by Change Order in accordance with the General Conditions. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECfF ICA TION DOCUMENTS Revised Jul y I , 201 1 UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 01 25 00 -3 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Page 3 of4 4. No additional contract time will be given for substituti on. 2 5. Substitution will be rejected if: 3 a. Submittal is not through the Contractor with his stamp of approval 4 b. Request is not made in accordance with this Specification Section 5 c. In the City's opinion, acceptance w ill require substantia l revision of the original 6 design 7 d. In the City's opinion , substitution will not perform adequately the function 8 consistent with the design intent 9 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 10 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 11 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 12 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 13 A. In making request for substitution or in using an approved product, the Contractor 14 represents that the Contractor: 15 1. Has invest igated proposed product, and has determined that it is adequate or 16 superior in all respects to that specified, and that it will perform function for which 17 it is intended 18 2. Will provide same guarantee for substitute item as for product specified 19 3. Will coordinate installation of accepted substitution into Work, to in c lude building 20 modifications if necessary, making such changes as may be required for Work to be 21 complete in all respects 22 4 . Waives all c laims for additional costs related to substitution which s ub sequently 23 arise 24 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 25 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED) 26 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 27 PART 2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 28 PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT USED] 29 END OF SECTION 30 31 Revision Log DATE NAME CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I , 20 11 SUMMARY OF CHANGE UTILITY CUT RE PAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-OJ 2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO EXHIBIT A REQUEST FOR SUBSTITUTION FORM: 0 1 25 00 -4 SUBSTITUTION PROCEDURES Page 4 of 4 TO: __________________________________ _ PROJECT: _______________ DATE : __________ _ We hereby su bmit fo r your consideration the following product in stead of the s pecified item for the above proj ect: SECTION PARAGRAPH SPECIFIED ITEM 11 Proposed Substitution: ______________________________ _ 12 R eason for Substitution: _____________________________ _ 13 Include complete informatio n on changes to Drawings and /or Specifications which proposed 14 s ub sti tution wi ll require for its prope r installation. 15 16 Fill in Blanks Be lo w : 17 A. Will the unders igned contractor pay for changes to the building des ign, including engineering 18 and deta iling costs caused by the re qu es ted sub stitution? 19 20 2 1 B . What effect do es s ub stitution have on other trades? 22 23 24 C. Differe nces between prop osed s ub stitution and s pecified item ? 25 26 27 D. Difference s in product cost or product delive ry time ? 28 29 30 E. Manufacturer's g uarantee s of the proposed and specified items are: 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 8 39 40 41 42 4 3 44 45 ___ E qu a l ___ B etter (ex plain on attachment) The under s igned states that the function, appearance and quality are equivalent or superior to the s pecified item. Submitted By: For Use by City Signature ____________ _ Recommended Recommended as noted Firm ______________ _ Not recommended __ Received late Address ____________ _ By _________________ _ Date _________________ _ Date ______________ _ Remarks _______________ _ Telephone ____________ _ 46 For Use by City: 47 48 49 ___ Approved City _____________ _ C !TY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONS TRU CTION SPECIF ICATION DO CUMENTS Revi se d Jul y I , 2011 ___ Rejected Date _________________ _ UTILITY CUT REPAI R CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC -0 1 2023 01 31 19 -I PRECONS TRUCT IO N MEETlNG Page I of3 1 SECTION 01 3119 2 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 I . Provisions for the preconstruction meeting to be held prior to the start of Work to 7 clarify construction contract administration procedures 8 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 9 1. None. 10 C. Related Specification Sections include , but are not necessarily limited to: 11 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements , Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 12 2 . Division 1 -General Requirements 13 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 14 A . Measurement and Payment 15 I . Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 16 No separate payment will be allowed for thi s Item . 17 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 18 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 19 A . Coordination 20 1. Attend preconstruction meeting. 21 2. Representatives of Contractor, subcontractors and suppliers attending meetings 22 shall be qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the entity each represents. 23 3. Meeting administered by City may be tape recorded. 24 a. If recorded , tapes wi II be used to prepare minutes and retained by City for 25 future reference. 26 B . Preconstruction Meeting 27 1. A preconstruction meeting will be held within 14 days after the execution of the 28 Agreement and before Work is started. 29 a. The meeting will be scheduled and administered by the City . 30 2 . The Project Representative will preside at the meeting, prepare the notes of the 3 1 meeting and distribute copies of same to all participants who so request by fully 32 completing the attendance form to be circulated at the beginning of the meeting. 33 3. Attendance shall include: 34 a. Project Representative 35 b . Contractor's project manager 36 c. Contractor's superintendent 37 d. Any subcontractor or supplier representatives whom the Contractor may desire 38 to invite or the City may request C ITY OF FORT WO RTH ST AN D ARD CONSTR UCTIO N SPEC IFI CATIO N DOC UMENTS Re vised Aug ust 17, 20 I 2 UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project no . UC -0 1 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 e . Other City representatives f . Others as appropriate 4. Construction Schedule 0131 19 -2 PRECO NSTRUCTIO N ME ETING Page 2 of3 a . Prepare baseline construction schedule in accordance with Section 01 32 16 and provide at Preconstruction Meeting. b. City wi ll notify Contractor of any schedule changes upon Notice of Preconstruction Meeting. 5. Preliminary Agenda may include: a. Introduction of Project Personnel b. General Description of Project c. Status of right-of-way , utility clearances, easements or other pertinent permits d. Contractor's work plan and schedu le e. Contract Time f. Notice to Proceed g. Construction Staking h. Progress Payments i. Extra Work and Change Order Procedures j. F ield Orders k . Disposal Site Letter for Waste Material I. Insurance Renewals m. Payroll Certification n. Material Certifications and Quality Contro l Testing o . Public Safety and Convenience p . Documentation of Pre-Construction Cond itions q. Weekend Work Notification r. Legal Holidays s . Trench Safety Plans t. Confi ned Space Entry Standards u. Coordination with the City 's representative for operations of existing water systems v. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan w . Coordination with other Contractors x. Early Warning System y. Contractor Eval uation z . Special Conditions applicable t o the project aa. Damages Claims bb. Submittal Procedures cc . Substitution Procedures dd. Correspondence Routing ee . Record Drawings ff. Temporary construction facilit ies gg. M/WBE or MBE/SBE procedures hh. Fi na l Acceptance ii . Fin al Payment jj. Questions or Comments CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SP ECIFICATION DO C UMENTS Revi sed Aug ust I 7, 20 12 UTILITY C UT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ect no . UC-0 I 2023 1.5 SUBMITT ALS [NOT USED] 0 1 31 19 - 3 PRECONSTRU CT ION ME ETfNG Pa ge 3 of3 2 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 6 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE , AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 7 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 8 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 9 PART 2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 10 PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT USED) 11 END OF SECTION 12 13 R evis io n Log D ATE NAME CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECrF ICA TION DOCUMENTS Revi se d A ugust 17 , 20 12 SUMMARY OF CH ANGE UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ec t no . UC -01 2023 SECTION 01 31 20 2 PROJECT MEETINGS 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 0 131 20 -1 PROJEC T MEETINGS Page I of3 6 1. Provisions for project meetings throughout the construction period to enable orderly 7 review of the progress of the Work and to provide for systematic discussion of 8 potential problems 9 B. Deviations this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 10 1. This specification is for use on projects designated as Tier 3 or Tier 4. This 11 contract is a Tier 1 contract, thus not applicable. 12 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 13 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements , Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 14 2. Division 1 -General Requirements 15 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 16 A . Measurement and Payment 17 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 18 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 19 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 20 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 21 A. Coordination 22 1. Schedule, attend and administer as specified, periodic progress meetings, and 23 specially called meetings throughout progress of the Work. 24 2. Representatives of Contractor, subcontractors and suppliers attending meetings 25 shall be qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the entity each represents . 26 3. Meetings administered by City may be tape recorded. 27 a. If recorded , tapes will be used to prepare minutes and retained by City for 28 future reference. 29 4. Meetings , in addition to those specified in this Section, may be held when requested 30 by the City, Engineer or Contractor. 31 B. Pre-Construction Neighborhood Meeting 32 1. After the execution of the Agreement, but before construction is allowed to begin , 33 attend 1 Public Meeting with affected residents to: 34 a. Present projected schedule, including construction start date 35 b. Answer any construction related questions 36 2. Meeting Location 37 a. Location of meeting to be determined by the City. 38 C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD C ON STRUCTIO N SPEC IFI C ATION DOCUMENTS Re v ise d July I , 20 1 I UTILITY CUT REPAIR CO NTRACT I 2023 C ity Proj ect No. UC-01 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 C. 3. Attendees a. Contractor b. Project Representative c. Other City representatives 4. Meeting Schedule 01 31 20 -2 PROJECT MEETINGS Page 2 of3 a. In general, the neighborhood meeting will occur within the 2 weeks following the pre -construction conference. b. In no case will construction be allowed to begin until thjs meeting is held . Progress Meetings 1. Formal project coordination meetings will be held periodically. Meetings will be scheduled and administered by Project Representative. 2. Additional progress meetings to di sc uss specific topics will be conducted on an as- needed basis. Such additional meetings shall include, but not be limited to: a. Coordinating shutdowns b. Installation of piping and equipment c. Coordination between other construction projects d. Re so lution of construction issues e. E quipment approval 3. The Project Representative will preside at progress meetings, prepare the notes of the meeting and distribute copies of the same to all participants who so reque st by fully completing the attendance form to be circulated at the beginning of each meeting. 4. Attendance shall include: a. Contractor's project manager b. Contractor's superintendent c. Any subcontractor or supp lier representatives whom the Contractor may desire to invite or the City may request d. E ngineer's representatives e. City's repre se ntatives f. Others, as requested by the Project Representative 5. Preliminary Agenda may include: a. Review of Work progress since previous meeting b . Field observations, problems, conflicts c . Items which impede construction schedule d. Review of off-site fabrication, delivery schedules e. Review of construction interfacing and sequencing requirements with other construction contracts f. Corrective measures and procedures to regain projected schedule g. Revisions to construction schedule h. Progress , schedule, during succeeding Work period 1. Coordination of schedules J. Review submittal schedules k . Maintenance of quality standards I. Pending changes and substitutions m . Review proposed changes for: I) Effect on construction schedule and on completion date 2) Effect on other contracts of the Project n. Review Record Documents CITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 1 2023 STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed Jul y I , 20 1 I o . Review monthly pay request 2 p. Review status of Requests for Information 3 6. Meeting Schedule 01 31 20 - 3 PROJ ECT MEETINGS Page 3 of 3 4 a. Progress meetings will be held periodically as determined by the Project 5 Representative. 6 1) Additional meetings may be held at the request of the: 7 a) City 8 b) E ngineer 9 c) Contractor 10 7. Meeting Location 11 a. The City will establish a meeting location. 12 1) To the extent practicable , meetings will be held at the Site. 13 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 14 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 15 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 16 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 17 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 18 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 19 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED) 20 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 21 PART 2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 22 PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT USED] 23 END OF SECTION 24 25 Revision Log DATE NAME CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I, 2011 SUMMARY OF CHANGE UTILITY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No . UC-01 2023 0 1 32 16 - I CONS TRUC TION PROG RESS SCHED ULE Page I o f 10 SECTION 01 32 16 2 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 3 PART 1 -GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A Section Includes: 6 I. General requirements for the preparation, submittal, updating, status reporting and 7 management of the Construction Progress Schedule 8 2. Specific requirements are presented in the City of Fort Worth Schedule Guidance 9 Document 10 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 11 1. None. 12 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 13 I. Division 0 -Bidding Requirements , Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 14 2. Division I -General Requirements 15 D. Purpose 16 The City of Fort Worth (City) is committed to delivering quality, cost-effective 17 infrastructure to its citizens in a timely manner. A key tool to achieve this purpose is a 18 properly structured schedule with accurate updates. This supports effective monitoring 19 of progress and is input to critical decision making by the project manager throughout 20 the life of the project. Data from the updated project schedule is utilized in status 21 reporting to various levels of the City organization and the citizenry. 22 23 24 25 26 27 This Document complements the City's Standard Agreement to guide the construction contractor (Contractor) in preparing and submitting acceptable schedules for use by the City in project delivery . The expectation is the performance of the work follows the accepted schedule and adhere to the contractual timeline. 28 The Contractor will designate a qualified representative (Project Scheduler) responsibe 29 for developing and updating the schedule and preparing status reporting as required by 30 the City. 31 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 32 A Measurement and Payment 33 I. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid. 34 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 35 2. Non-compliance with this specification is grounds for City to withhold payment of 36 the Contractor 's invoices until Contractor achieves said compliance. 37 1.3 REFERENCES 38 A Project Schedules C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C ONSTRUCTION SPEC IFI C ATION DOC UM ENTS Revi sed Aug ust 13 , 2021 UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ect No . UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 B. 01 32 16 -2 CONSTRUC TI ON P ROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 2 of 10 Each project is represented by City 's master project schedule that encompasses the entire scope of activities envis ioned by the City to properly deliver the work. When the City contracts with a Contractor to perform construction of the Work, the Contractor wiJJ develop and maintain a schedule for their scope of work in alignment with the City 's standard schedule requirements as defined herein . The data and information of each such schedule will be leveraged and become integral in the master project schedule as deemed appropriate by the City 's Project Control Specialist and approved by the City 's Project Manager. 1. Master Project Schedule The master project schedule is a holistic representation of the scheduled activities and milestones for the total project and be Critical Path Method (CPM) based. The City's Project Manager is accountable for oversight of the development and maintaining a master project schedule for each project. When the City contracts for the design and/or construction of the project, the master project schedule will incorporate elements of the Design and Construction schedules as deemed appropriate by the City 's Project Control Specialist. The assigned City Project Control Specialist creates and maintains the master project schedule in P6 (City 's scheduling software). 2. Construction Schedule The Contractor is responsible for developing and maintaining a schedule for the scope of the Contractor's contractual requirements. The Contractor will issue an initial schedule for review and acceptance by the City's Project Control Specialist and the City 's Project Manager as a baseline schedule for Contractor 's scope of work. Contractor will issue current, accurate updates of their schedule (Progress Schedule) to the City at the end of each month throughout the life of their work. Schedule Tiers The City has a portfolio of projects that vary widely in size, complexity and content requiring different scheduling to effectively deliver each project. The City uses a "tiered" approach to align the proper schedule with the criteria for each project. The City's Project Manager determines the appropriate schedule tier for each project, and includes that designation and the associated requirements in the Contractor's scope of work. The following is a summary of the "tiers ". 1. Tier 1: Small Size and Short Duration Project ( design not required) The City develops and maintains a Master Project Schedule for the project. No schedule submittal is required from Contractor. City's Project Control Specialist acquires any necessary schedule status data or information through discussions with the respective party on an as-needed basis. 2. Tier 2: Small Size and Short to Medium Duration Project The City develops and maintains a Master Project Schedule for the project. The Contractor identifies "start" and "finish" milestone dates on key elements of their work as agreed with the City's Project Manager at the kickoff of their work effort. The Contractor issues to the City , updates to the "start" and "finish" dates for such milestones at the end of each month throughout the life of their work on the project. 3. Tier 3: Medium and Large Size and/or Complex Projects Regardless of Duration C ITY OF FORT WORT H UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Proj ect No. UC-0 I 2023 STANDARD CONSTRUCT ION SPEC IFI CATION DOCUMENTS Revised Au g ust 13, 2021 0 132 16 -3 CONS TRUC TION PROGR ESS SC HEDULE Page 3 of 10 The City develops and maintains a Master Project Schedule for the project. The 2 Contractor develops a Baseline Schedule and maintains the schedule of their 3 respective scope of work on the project at a level of detail (generally Level 3) and in 4 alignment with the WBS structure in Section 1.4.H as agreed by the Project 5 Manager. The Contractor issues to the City , updates of their respective schedule 6 (Progress Schedule) at the end of each month throughout the life of their work on the 7 project. 8 C. Schedule Types 9 Project delivery for the City utilizes two types of schedules as noted below. The City 10 develops and maintains a Master Project Schedule as a "baseline" schedule and issue 11 monthly updates to the City Project Manager ( end of each month) as a "progress " 12 schedule. The Contractor prepares and submits each schedule type to fulfill their 13 contractual requirements. 14 15 1. Baseline Schedule 16 The Contractor develops and submits to the City, an initial schedule for their scope 17 of work in alignment with this specification. Once reviewed and accepted by the 18 City , it becomes the "Baseline" schedule and is the basis against which all progress 19 is measured. The baseline schedule will be updated when there is a change or 20 addition to the scope of work impacting the duration of the work, and only after 21 receipt of a duly authorized change order issued by the City. In the event progress s 22 significantly behind schedule, the City's Project Manager may authorize an update 23 to the baseline schedule to facilitate a more practical evaluation of progress. An 24 example ofaBaseline Schedule is provided in Specification0l 3216.1 25 Construction Project Schedule Baseline Example. 26 27 2. Progress Schedule 28 The Contractor updates their schedule at the end of each month to represent the 29 progress achieved in the work which includes any impact from authorized changes 30 in the work. The updated schedule must accurately reflect the current status of the 31 work at that point in time and is referred to as the "Progress Schedule". The City 's 32 Project Manager and Project Control Specialist reviews and accepts each progress 33 schedule. In the event a progress schedule is deemed not acceptable, the 34 unacceptable issues are identified by the City within 5 working days and the 35 Contractor must provide an acceptable progress schedule within 5 working days 36 after receipt of non-acceptance notification . An example of a Progress Schedule is 37 provided in Specification 01 32 16.2 Construction Project Schedule Progress 38 Example . 39 D . City Standard Schedule requirements 40 The following is an overview of the methodology for developing and maintaining a 41 schedule for delivery of a project. C ITY OF FO RT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SP EC IFICATION DOC UMENTS Revised Aug ust 13 , 2021 UTILITY C UT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 202 3 OJ 32 16 -4 CONST R UC TIO PROGRESS SC HED ULE Pag e 4 of 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1. Schedule Framework-The schedule will be based on the def med scope of work and foUow the (Critical Path Methodology) CPM method. The Contractor's schedule will align with the requirements of this specification and will be cost loaded to reflect their plan for execution . Compliance with cost loading can be provided with traditional cost loading of line items OR a projected cost per month for the project when the initial schedule is s ubmitted, updated on a quarterly basis is significant change is anticipated. OveraU schedule duration will align with the contractual requirements for the respective scope of work and be reflected in City 's Master Project Schedule. The Project Number and Name of the Project is required on each schedule and must match the City 's project data. 12 E. Schedule File Name 13 All schedules submitted to the City for a project will have a file name that begins with 14 the City 's project numberfoUowed by the name of the project foUowed by baseline (if 15 a baseline schedule) or the year and month (if a progress schedule), as shown below . 16 17 • Baseline Schedule File Name 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Format: Example: City Project Number_Project Name_Baseline 101376_North Montgomery Street HMAC _Baseline • Progress Schedule File Name Format: City ProjectNumber_ProjectName_YYYY-MM Example: 101376_North Montgomery Street HMAC _2018_01 • Project Schedule Progress Narrative File Name Format: City ProjectNumber_ProjectName_PN_YYYY-MM Example: 101376_North Montgomery Street HMAC_PN_2018_01 29 F. Schedule Templates 30 The Contractor will utilize the relevant sections from the City's templates provided in 3 I the City 's document management system as the basis for creating their respective 32 project schedule . Specifically , the Contractor 's schedule will align with the layout of 33 the Construction section. The templates are identified by type of project as noted 34 below. 35 • Arterials 36 • Aviation 37 • Neighborhood Streets 38 • Sidewalks (later) 39 • Quiet Zones (later) 40 • Street Lights (later) 41 • Intersection Improvements (later) 42 • Parks 43 • Storm water 44 • Street Maintenance 45 • Traffic 46 • Water 47 48 G. Schedule Calendar C ITY OF F ORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT IO N SPEC IFI C ATION DOC UM ENTS Rev ised Au g us t 13, 202 1 UTILITY CUT REP AIR CO NTRACT I 202 3 C ity Proj e ct No. UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 13216-5 C ONS TRUC TION PROGRES S SCHEDULE P age 5 of IO The City's standard calendar for schedule development purposes is based on a 5-day workweek and accounts for the City 's eight standard holidays (New Years, Martin Luther King , Memorial, Independence, Labor, Thanksgiving, day after Thanksgiving, Christmas). The Contractor will establish a schedule calendar as part of the schedule development process and provide to the Project Control Specialist as part of the basis for their schedule. Variations between the City 's calendar and the Contractor's calendar must be resolved prior to the City's acceptance of their Baseline project schedule. 10 H. WBS & Milestone Standards for Schedule Development 11 The scope of work to be accomplished by the Contractor is represented in the schedule 12 in the form of a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The WBS is the basis for the 13 development of the schedule activities and shall be imbedded and depicted in the 14 schedule. 15 16 The following is a summary of the standards to be followed in preparing and 17 maintaining a schedule for project deJjvery . 18 19 I. Contractor is required to utilize the City's WBS structure and respective 20 project type template for "Construction" as shown in Section 1.4.H below. 21 Additional activities may be added to Levels I -4 to accommodate the needs 22 of the organization executing the work. Specifically the Contractor will add 23 activities under WBS XXXXXX.80.83 "Construction Execution" that 24 deHneates the activities associated with the various components of the work. 25 26 2. Contractor is required to adhere to the City's Standard Milestones as shown 27 in Section 1.4.1 below. Contractor will include additional milestones 28 representing intermediate deJjverables as required to accurately reflect their 29 scope of work. 30 31 I. Schedule Activities 32 Activities are the discrete elements of work that make up the schedule. They will be 33 organized under the umbrella of the WBS. Activity descriptions should adequately 34 describe the activity , and in some cases the extent of the activity . AU activities are 35 logically tied with a predecessor and a successor. The only exception to this rule is for 36 "project start" and "project finish " milestones. 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 The activity duration is based on the physical amount of work to be performed for the stated activity , with a maximum duration of 20 working days OR a continuous activity in one location. If the work for any one activity exceeds 20 days, break that activity down incrementally to achieve this duration constraint. Any exception to this requires review and acceptance by the City 's Project Control Specialist. 44 J. Change Orders 45 When a Change Order is issued by the City, the impact is incorporated into the 46 previously accepted baseHne schedule as an update, to clearly show impact to the 47 project timeline. The Contractor submits this updated baseHne schedule to the City for C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION S PEC IFI C ATION DOC UMENTS Revi sed Au g ust 13 , 202 1 UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 202 3 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 0 1 32 16 -6 CONSTRUCT ION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 6 of 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 review and acceptance as d escribed in Section l . 5 below. Updated baseline schedules adhere to the followin g : 1. Time extensions associated with approved contract modifications are limited to the actual amount of time the project activities are antic ip ated to be delayed, unless otherwise approved by the Program Manager. 9 2. The re -baselined schedule is submitted by the Contractor within ten workdays after the date of receipt of the approved Change Order. 10 11 3 . The changes in logic or durations approved by the City are used to analyze the impact 12 of the change and is included in the Change Order. The coding for a new activity(s) 13 added to the schedule for the Change Order includes the Change Order number in the 14 Activity ID. Use as many activiti es as needed to accurately show the work of the 15 Change Order. Revisions to the baseline schedule are not effective until accepted by 16 the City . 17 K City 's Work Breakdown Structure 18 19 WBS Code WBS Name 20 XXXXXX Project Name 21 XXXXXX.30 Design 22 XXXXXX.30 .10 Design Contractor Agreement 23 XXXXXX .3 0.20 Conceptual Design (30%) 24 XX:XXXX.30.30 Preliminary Design (60%) 25 XXXXXX.30.40 Final Design 26 XXXXXX.30.50 Environmental 27 XXXXXX .30.60 Permits 28 :XXXXXX.30 .60 .10 Permits -Identification 29 :XXXXXX.30.60.20 Permits -Review /Approve 30 XXXXXX.40 ROW & Easements 31 XXXXXX.40.10 ROW Negotiations 32 XXXXXX.40.20 Condemnation 33 XXXXXX. 70 Utility Relocation 34 XXXXXX.70.10 Utility Relocation Co-ordination 35 XXXXXX.80 Construction 36 XXXXXX.80.81 Bid and Award 37 XXXXXX .80 .83 Construction Execution 38 XXXXXX.80.85 Inspection 39 XXXXXX.80.86 Landscaping 40 XXXXXX.90 Closeout 41 XXXXXX.90.10 Construction Contract Close-out 42 XXXXXX.90.40 Design Contract Closure 43 L. City's Standard Milestones 44 The following milestone activities (i.e., important events on a project that mark critical 45 points in time) are of particular interest to the City and must be reflected in the project 46 schedule for all phases of work. 47 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT ION S P ECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised August 13, 202 I UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ec t No . UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 0 1 32 16-7 CONSTRUCT ION PROGRESS SCHEDULE Activity ID Activity Name Design 3020 3040 3100 Award Design Agreement Issue Notice to Proceed-Design Engineer Design Kick-off Meeting Page 7of 10 3120 Submit Conceptual Plans to Utilities, ROW, Traffic , Parks, Storm Water, 3150 3160 3170 3220 3250 3310 Water & Sewer Peer Review Meeting/Design Review meeting (technical) Conduct Design Public Meeting #1 (required) Conceptual Design Complete Submit Preliminary Plans and Specifications to Utilities, ROW, Traffic , Parks , Storm Water, Water & Sewer Conduct Design Public Meeting #2 (required) 3260 Preliminary Design Complete Submit Final Design to Utilities, ROW, Traffic, Parks, Storm Water , Water & Sewer 3330 Conduct Design Public Meeting #3 (if required) 3360 Final Design Complete ROW & Easements 4000 Right of Way Start 4230 Right of Way Complete Utility Relocation 7000 Utilities Start 7120 Utilities Cleared/Complete Construction Bid and Award 8110 Start Advertisement 8150 Conduct Bid Opening 8240 Award Construction Contract Construction Execution 8330 Conduct Construction Public Meeting #4 Pre-Construction 8350 Construction Start 8370 Substantial Completion 8540 Construction Completion 9130 Notice of Completion/Green Sheet 9150 Construction Contract Closed 9420 Design Contract Closed 39 1.4 SUBMITIALS 40 A Schedule Submittal & Review 41 The City's Project Manager is responsible for reviews and acceptance of the Contractor 's 42 schedule. The City's Project Control Specialist is responsible for ensuring alignment of 43 the Contractor 's baseline and progress schedules with the Master Project Schedule as 44 support to the City's Project Manager. The City reviews and accepts or rejects the 45 schedule within ten workdays of Contractor 's submittal. 46 CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised August 13 , 2021 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 1. Schedule Format 0 1 3216-8 CONSTRUCTIO PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 8 of 10 T he Contractor will s ubmit eac h sc hedule in two e lectronic forms, one in native fil e format (.xer, .xml, .mpx) and the second in apdfformat, in the City's docum ent management system in the location dedicated for this purpose and identified by the Project Manager. In the event the Contractor do es not use Primavera P6 or MS Project for s cheduling purposes , the schedule information must be submitted in .xis or .xlsx format in compliance with the sample layout (See Specification 01 32 16.1 Construction Proj ec t Schedule Baseline Example), including activity predecessor s, s uccessors and total float. 2. Initial & Baseline Schedule The Contractor will develop their schedule for their scope of work and submit their initial schedule in electronic form (in the file formats noted above), in the City's document management system in the location dedicated for this purpose at least 5 working days prior to Pre Construction Meeting . The City's Project Manager and Proj ect Control Specialist review this infrial schedule to determine alignment with the City 's Master Project Schedule, including format & WBS s truc ture . Fo llowing the City 's re v iew , feedback is provided to the Contractor for their use in fmalizing th eir initial sc hedule and issuin g (within five workdays) their Baseline Schedule for final revie w and acceptance by the City. 3 . Progress Schedule The Contractor will upd ate and issue their project schedule (Progress Schedule) by the last day of each month throughout the life of their work on the project. The Progress Schedule is submitted in electronic form as noted above, in the City 's document manage m ent system in th e location d edicat ed for this purpose. The City 's Project Control team reviews each Progress Schedule for data and information that s upport th e assessment of the update to the schedule. In the event data or information is mis s in g or incomplete, the Project Controls Specialist communicates directly with the Contractor's scheduler for providing same. The Contractor re-submits the corrected Progress Schedule within 5 workdays, following the submittal process noted a bove. The City's Project Manager and Project Control Specialist review the Contractor's progress schedule for acceptance and to monitor performance and progress . The following list of items are required to ensure proper status information is contained in the Progress Schedule. • Base line Start date • Baselin e Finish Date • % Complete • Float • Activity Logic (dependencies) • Critical Path • Activitie s added or deleted • Expected Baseline Finish date • Variance to the Baseline Finish Date CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT ION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed August 13, 2021 UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 l 2023 0 1321 6 -9 CONSTRUCT IO NPROGRESSSCHEDULE Page 9 of 10 B. Monthly Construction Status Report 2 The Contractor submits a written status report (referred to as a progress narrative) at the 3 monthly progress meeting (if monthly meetings are held) or at the end of each month to 4 accompany the Progress Schedule submittal using the standard format provided in 5 Specification 013216.3 Construction Project Schedule Progress Narrative. The content 6 of the Construction Project Schedule Progress Narrative should be concise and complete 7 to include only changes, delays, and anticipated problems. 8 9 C. Submittal Process 10 • Schedules and Monthly Construction Status Reports are submitted in in the City's 11 document management system in the location dedicated for this purpose. 12 • Once the project has been completed and Final Acceptance has been issued by the 13 City , no further progress schedules or construction status reports are required from 14 the Contractor. 15 1. 16 1.5 ACTION SUBMITIALS/INFORMA TIONAL SUBMITIALS [NOT USED] 17 1.6 CLOSEOUT SUBMITIALS [NOT USED] 18 1.7 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITIALS [NOTUSED] 19 1.8 QUALI1Y ASSURANCE 20 A The person preparing and revising the construction Progress Schedule shall be 21 experienced in the preparation of schedules of similar complexity. 22 B. Schedule and supporting documents addressed in this Specification shall be prepared , 23 updated and revised to accurately reflect the performance of the construction. 24 C. Contractor is responsible for the quality of all submittals in this section meeting the 25 standard of care for the construction industry for similar projects. 26 1.9 DELIVERY, S10RAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 27 1.10 FIELD [SIIB] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 28 1.11 WARRANfY [NOT USED] 29 1.12 ATIACHMEN1S 30 Spec O 1 32 16.1 Construction Project Schedule Baseline Example 31 Spec 013216 .2 Construction Project Schedule Progress Example 32 Spec 01 32 16.3 Construction Project Schedule Progress Narrative 33 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT ION SPECIFICATION DOCUM ENTS Revi sed August 13 , 202 1 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 2 PART 2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 3 PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT USED] 4 END OF SECTION 5 Revision Log 0 1 32 16 - 10 CONSTRUCTJO PROGRESS SCHEDULE Page 10 of 10 DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 6 8/13/202 1 Michael O\\en Revised t o update specificat ion require ment s and eliminate duplicate sc h ed ul e sp ecifications. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised August 13, 2021 UT ILI TY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 SECTION 01 32 33 2 PRECONSTRUCTION VIDEO 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A . Section Includes: 6 1. Administrative and procedural requirements for: 7 a. Preconstruction Videos 8 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 0 132 33-1 PRECONS TRUCTION VlDEO Page I of2 9 1. Given the brief nature of the Work Orders in this contract, Preconstruction 10 Videos will only be required as requested by the inspector or directed by the 11 engineer. 12 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 13 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements , Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 14 2. Division 1 -General Requirem e nts 15 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 16 A. Measurement and Payment 17 1. Work associated with this Item is considered s ubsidiary to the various items bid . 18 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 19 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 20 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 21 A. Preconstruction Video 22 1. Produce a preconstruction video of the site/alignment, including all areas in the 23 vicinity of and to be affected by construction. 24 a. Provide digital copy of video upon request by the City. 25 2. Retain a copy of the preconstruction video until the end of the maintenance surety 26 period. 27 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 28 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 29 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 30 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 31 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 32 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 33 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 34 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPEClFICA TION DOCUMENTS Rev ised Jul y I , 2011 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 PART 2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 2 PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT USED] 3 END OF SECTION 4 Revision Log 01 32 33 -2 PRECONSTRUC TION VID EO Page 2 of2 DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 5 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DO CUMENTS Revi sed Jul y I , 20 11 UTILITY CUT REPAfR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 SECTION 01 33 00 2 SUB MITT ALS 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 0 I 33 00 -I SUBMITIALS Page I of8 6 1. General methods and requirements of submissions applicable to the following 7 Work-related s ubmittal s: 8 a . Shop Drawings 9 b. Product Data (including Stand a rd Product List submittals) 10 c. Samples 11 d. Mock Ups 12 B . Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 13 1. None . 14 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not nece ssar ily limited to: 15 1. Divi s ion 0 -Bidding Requirements , Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 16 2. Division 1 -General Requirements 17 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 18 A. Measurement and Payme nt 19 1. Work associated with thl s Item is considered subsidiary to the various items bid . 20 No separate payment will be a llowed for this Item. 21 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 22 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 23 A. Coordination 24 1. Notify the City in writing, at the time of submittal, of any deviations in the 25 submittals from the requirements of the Contract Documents. 26 2. Coordination of Submittal Times 27 a. Prepare, prioritize and transmit each submittal sufficiently in advance of 28 pe rformin g the related Work or other applicable activities, or within the time 29 specified in the individual Work Sections , of the Specifications. 30 b. Contractor is responsible such that the installation will not be delayed by 31 processing times including, but not limited to : 32 a) Di sapproval and resubmittal (ifrequired) 33 b) Coordination with other submittals 34 c) Testing 35 d) Purchasing 36 e) Fabrication 37 f) Delivery 38 g) Similar sequenced activities 39 c. No extension of time will be authorized because of the Contractor's failure to 40 transmit submittals sufficiently in advance of the Work. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20 , 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC -01 2023 0 1 33 00 -2 SUBMITIALS Page 2 of8 d. Make submittals promptly in accordance with approved schedule, and in such 2 sequence as to cause no delay in the Work or in the work of any other 3 contractor. 4 B. Submittal Numbering 5 I. When submitting shop drawings or samples, utilize a 9-character submittal cross- 6 reference identification numbering system in the following manner: 7 a. Use the first 6 digits of the applicable Specification Section Number. 8 b . For the next 2 digits number use numbers 01-99 to sequentially number each 9 initial separate item or drawing submitted under each specific Section number. 10 c . Last use a letter, A-Z, indicating the resubmission of the same drawing (i .e. 11 A=2nd submission, B =3 rd submission, C=4th submission, etc.). A typical 12 submittal number would be as follows: 13 14 03 30 00-08-B 15 16 1) 03 30 00 is the Specification Section for Concrete 17 2) 08 is the eighth initial submittal under this Specification Section 18 3) Bis the third submission (second resubmission) of that particular shop 19 drawing 20 C. Contractor Certification 21 1. Review shop drawings , product data and samples, including those by 22 subcontractors, prior to submission to determine and verify the following: 23 a. Field measurements 24 b. Field construction criteria 25 c. Catalog numbers and similar data 26 d . Conformance with the Contract Documents 27 2. Provide each shop drawing, sample and product data submitted by the Contractor 28 with a Certification Statement affixed including: 29 a. The Contractor's Company name 30 b. Signature of submittal reviewer 31 c. Certification Statement 32 1) "By this submittal, I hereby represent that I have detennined and verified 33 field measurements , field construction criteria, materials , dimensions , 34 catalog numbers and similar data and I have checked and coordinated each 35 item with other applicable approved shop drawings." 36 D. Submittal Format 37 1. Fold shop drawings larger than 8 ½ inches x 11 inches to 8 ½ inches x 11 inches. 38 2. Bind shop drawings and product data sheets together. 39 3. Order 40 a. Cover Sheet 41 1) Description of Packet 42 2) Contractor Certification 43 b. List of item s/ Table of Contents 44 c. Product Data /Shop Drawings/Samples /Calculations 45 E. Submittal Content 46 1. The date of submission and the dates of any previous submissions CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCT IO N SPECfFICA TION DOCUMENTS Rev ised December 20, 20 I 2 UTILITY CUT REPA IR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 2. The Project title and number 2 3. Contractor identification 3 4. The names of: 4 a. Contractor 5 b. Supplier 6 c. Manufacturer 0 I 33 00 -3 SUBMITIALS Page 3 of8 7 5. Identification of the product, with the Specification Section number, page and 8 paragraph(s) 9 6. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such 10 7. Relation to adjacent or critical features of the Work or materials 11 8. Applicable standards, such as ASTM or Federal Specification numbers 12 9. Identification by highlighting of deviations from Contract Documents 13 10. Identification by highlighting of revisions on resubmittals 14 11. An 8-inch x 3-inch blank space for Contractor and City stamps 15 F. Shop Drawings 16 1. As specified in individual Work Sections includes, but is not necessarily limited to: 17 a. Custom-prepared data such as fabrication and erection/installation (working) 18 drawings 19 b. Scheduled information 20 c. Setting diagrams 21 d. Actual shopwork manufacturing instructions 22 e. Custom templates 23 f. Special wiring diagrams 24 g. Coordination drawings 25 h . Individual system or equipment inspection and test reports including: 26 1) Performance curves and certifications 27 i. As applicable to the Work 28 2. Details 29 a. Relation of the various parts to the main members and lines of the structure 30 b. Where correct fabrication of the Work depends upon field measurements 31 1) Provide such measurements and note on the drawings prior to submitting 32 for approval. 33 G. Product Data 34 1. For submittals of product data for products included on the City's Standard Product 35 List, clearly identify each item selected for use on the Project. 36 2. For submittals of product data for products not included on the City's Standard 37 Product List, submittal data may include, but is not necessarily limited to: 38 a. Standard prepared data for manufactured products (sometimes referred to as 39 catalog data) 40 1) Such as the manufacturer's product specification and installation 41 instructions 42 2) Availability of colors and patterns 43 3) Manufacturer's printed statements of compliances and applicability 44 4) Roughing-in diagrams and templates 45 5) Catalog cuts 46 6) Product photographs CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 1 7) Standard wiring diagrams 2 8) Printed performance curves and operational-range diagrams 0 1 33 00 -4 SUB MITIALS Page 4 of 8 3 9) Production or quality control inspection and test reports and certifications 4 10) Mill reports 5 11) Product operating and mai ntenance instructions and recommended 6 spare-parts listing and printed product warranties 7 12) As applicable to the Work 8 H. Samples 9 1. As specified in individual Sections , include, but are not necessarily limited to: 10 a. Physical examples of the Work such as : 11 1) Sections of manufactured or fabricated Work 12 2) Small cuts or containers of materials 13 3) Complete units of repetitively used products color/texture/pattern swatches 14 and range sets 15 4) Specimens for coordination of visual effect 16 5) Graphic symbols and units of Work to be used by the City for independent 17 inspection and testing, as applicable to the Work 18 I. Do not start Work requiring a shop drawing, sample or product data nor any material to 19 be fabricated or installed prior to the approval or qualified approval of such item. 20 1. Fabrication performed, materials purchased or on-site construction accomplished 21 which does not conform to approved shop drawings and data is at the Contractor's 22 risk. 23 2. The City will not be liable for any ex pense or delay due to corrections or remedies 24 required to accomplish conformity . 25 26 3. Complete project Work, materials , fabrication , and installations in conformance with approved shop drawings , applicable samples, and product data. 27 J . Submittal Distribution 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 1. Electronic Distribution a . Confirm development of Project directory for electronic submittals to be uploaded to City's Buzzsaw si te , or another external FTP site approved by the City. b. Shop Drawings 1) Upload s ubmittal to de s ignated project directory and notify appropriate City representatives via email of submittal posting. 2) Hard Copies a) 3 copies for all submittals b) If Contractor requires more than I hard copy of Shop Drawings returned, Contractor shall submit more than the number of copies listed above . c. Product Data I) Upload s ubmittal to des ignated project directory and notify appropriate City representatives via email of submittal posting. 2) Hard Copies a) 3 copies for all submittals d. Samples I) Distributed to the Project Representative 2 . Hard Copy Distribution (ifrequired in lieu of electronic distribution) C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CON STR UC TION SPEC IFI CATIO N DOCUMENTS Re vised De cemb er 20, 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 Ci ty Project No . UC-0 1 2023 1 a. Shop Drawings 2 I) Distributed to the City 3 2) Copies 4 a) 8 copies for mechanical submittals 5 b) 7 copies for all other submittal s 0 I 33 00 -5 SUBMITTALS Page 5 of8 6 c) If Contractor requires more th an 3 copies of Shop Drawings returned , 7 Contractor shall submit more than the number of copies listed above. 8 b. Product Data 9 I) Distributed to the City 10 2) Copies 11 a) 4 copies 12 c. Samples 13 I) Distributed to the Project Representative 14 2) Copies 15 a) Submit the number stated in the respective Specification Sections. 16 3. Distribute reproductions of approved shop drawings and copies of approved 17 product data and samples , where required, to the job site file and elsewhere as 18 directed by the City. 19 a. Provide number of copies as directed by the City but not exceeding the number 20 previously specified. 21 K. Submittal Review 22 1. The review of shop drawings , data and samples will be for general conformance 23 with the design concept and Contract Documents. This is not to be construed as: 24 a. Permitting any departure from the Contract requirements 25 b. Relieving the Contractor of responsibility for any errors, including details , 26 dimensions, and materials 27 c. Approving departures from details furnished by the City, except as otherwise 28 provided herein 29 2 . The review and approval of shop drawings , samples or product data by the City 30 does not relieve the Contractor from his/her responsibility with regard to the 3 1 fulfillment of the terms of the Contract. 32 a. All risks of error and omission are assumed by the Contractor, and the City will 33 have no responsibility therefore. 34 3 . The Contractor remains responsible for details and accuracy, for coordinating the 35 Work with all other associated work and trades, for selecting fabrication processes, 36 for techniques of assembly and for performing Work in a safe manner. 37 4 . If the shop drawings , data or samples as submitted describe variations and show a 38 departure from the Contract requirements which City finds to be in the interest of 39 the City and to be so minor as not to involve a change in Contract Price or time for 40 performance, the City may return the reviewed drawings without noting an 41 exception. 42 5. Submittals will be returned to the Contractor under I of the following codes: 43 a. Code 1 44 1) "NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN" is assigned when there are no notations or 45 comments on the submittal. 46 a) When returned under this code the Contractor may release the 47 equipment and/or material for manufacture. 48 b. Code 2 C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CO N STRU CTIO N SPEC IFI CATIO N DOCUMENTS Revi sed December 20, 20 12 UTILITY CUT RE PAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-01 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0 I 33 00 -6 SUBMITIALS Page 6 of 8 1) "EXCEPTIONS NOTE D". This code is assigned when a confirmation of the notations and comments IS NOT required by the Contractor. a) The Contractor may release the equipment or material for manufacture; however, all notations and comments must be incorporated into the final product. c. Code 3 1) "EXCEPTIONS NOTED/RESUBMIT". This combination of codes is assigned when notations and comments are extensive enough to require a resubmittal of the package. a) The Contractor may release the equipment or material for manufacture; however, all notations and comments must be incorporated into the final product. b) This resubmittal is to address all comments, omissions and non-conforming items that were noted. c) Resubmittal is to be received by the City within 15 Calendar Days of the date of the City's transmittal requiring the resubmittal. d. Code 4 1) "NOT APPROVED" is ass igned when the submittal does not meet the intent of the Contract Documents . a) The Contractor must resubmit the entire package revised to bring the submittal into conformance. b) It may be necessary to resubmit using a different manufacturer/vendor to meet the Contract Documents. 6. Resubmittals a. Handled in the same manner as first submittals 1) Corrections other than requested by the City 2) Marked with revision tri angle or other simi lar method a) At Contractor's risk if not marked b. Submittals for each item will be reviewed no more than twice at the City 's expense. 1) All subsequent reviews wi ll be performed at times convenient to the City and at the Contractor's expense, based on the City's or City Representative's then prevailing rates. 2) Provide Contractor reimbursement to the City within 30 Calendar Days for all such fees invoiced by the City. c. The need for more than 1 resubmission or any other delay in obtaining City's review of submittals, w ill not ent itle the Contractor to an extension of Contract T im e. 7. Partial Submittals a. City reserves the right to not review submittals deemed partial, at the City 's discretion. b. Submittals deemed by the City to be not comp lete will be returned to the Contractor, and will be co nsidered "Not Approved" until resubmitted. c . The City may at its option provide a list or mark the submittal directing the Contractor to the areas that are incomplete . 8. If the Contractor considers any correction indicated on the shop drawings to constitute a change to the Contract Documents, then written notice must be provided thereof to the City at least 7 Calendar Days prior to release for manufacture. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEClFI CATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed December 20, 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 0 133 00-7 SUBMITIALS Page 7 of8 1 9. When th e shop drawings have been completed to the satis fac tion of the City, the 2 Co nt ractor may carry out the construction in accordan ce therewith and n o furt he r 3 changes therein except upon written in stru ction s from the C ity . 4 10. Each submittal , appropr iatel y coded, w ill be returned within 30 Cale nd ar D ays 5 fo llowing receipt of submittal by the C ity. 6 L. Mock up s 7 1. Mock Up unit s as s pecifi ed in indi vi du a l Sections, includ e, but are not necessaril y 8 limited to , complete unit s of the stand ar d of accepta nc e for that type of Work to be 9 used on the Project. R emove at the completion of the Work or when directed. IO M. Qualifications 11 1. If s pecifi call y required in other Sections of these Specifications, s ubmit a P.E . 12 Certification for each ite m required . 13 N. Request for Information (RFI) 14 1. Contractor R e qu est for a dditiona l information 15 a. Clarification or interpretat ion of the contract documents 16 b. When the Contractor beli eves there is a conflict between Contract Documents 17 c . When the Contractor believes th ere is a conflict between the D rawi ngs and 18 Specifications 19 1) Id entify the conflict and request c larifi cation 20 2 . Use the Request fo r Information (RFI) form provided by the C ity. 21 3. Numbering ofRFl 22 a . Prefix w ith "RFI " fo llowe d by series numbe r, "-xxx", beginning with "01 " and 23 increas in g se que nti a lly with each additional tran s mitta l. 24 4. Sufficient information s ha ll b e attached to permit a written response witho ut further 25 information . 26 5. The City will log each request and will review the request. 27 a. If review of the proj ect information re qu est indi cates that a change to th e 28 Contract D oc um e nt s is required , th e City will iss ue a Field Orde r or Change 29 Order, as appropriate. 30 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 32 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 33 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 34 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 35 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 36 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED) 37 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECLFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed December 20, 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 1 PART 2 -PRODUCT S [NOT US ED] 2 PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT U SED] 3 END OF SE CTION 4 Rev isio n Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 0 I 33 00 - 8 SUBM ITTALS Page8of8 12/20/20 12 D. Johnson 1.4.K.8. Working Days mod ifie d to Calendar Days 5 CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF IC A TJON DOCUMENTS Rev ised December 20 , 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Projec t No. UC-0 1 2023 01 35 13 -1 SPEC IAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page I of 12 SECTION 01 35 13 2 SPEC IAL PROJECT PROCED URES 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Inc lud es : 6 1. T he pro ce dures for s p ec ia l proj ect c irc um stances th at includ es, but is not limit ed to: 7 a . Coordi nati on w ith th e Texas D ep artme nt of Trans portat ion 8 b . Work near H igh Vo lt age L in es 9 c. Co nfin ed Sp ace E ntry P rogram IO d. Use of Exp los ives, D ro p We ight , Etc. 11 e. W ater D e partm ent Noti fication 12 f. Publi c Notificat ion P rior to B egi nnin g Co nstru cti on 13 g . Coordin ati on w it h Un ited States Army Co rp s of Engineers 14 h. C oordinati on within R ail road p ermits areas 15 i. Dust Co ntro l 16 j . E mpl oyee Parking 17 B . D eviati ons fro m thi s Ci ty of Fort W orth Stand ard Sp ec ificat io n 18 1. NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT- 19 This contract is non-exclu sive. During the term of this contract or an y renewal 20 hereof, the City re serves the right to advertise and award another contract for 2 1 like or similar work. If a second contract is award ed, the City further reserves 22 the right to iss ue work orders under either contract as it deem s in its best 23 interest, without recourse. 24 The City also reserve s the right to ex ecute additional contracts for emergency 25 work, for egoing the advertising and awarding process , as it deems in it s be st 26 int ere st, without recours e. 27 2. PAYMENT- 28 Because of the unique nature of this contract, General Conditions (00-72-00) 29 Article 14 shall not apply and shall be superseded by the following: 30 Whenever the improvements prescribed by an individual Work Order have 31 been completed, the contractor shall notify the engineer. The engineer or other 32 appropriate official of the owner will, within a reasonable time, perform the 33 inspections. If such in spection reveal s that the improvements are in an 34 acceptable condition and have been completed in accordance with the term s of 35 the Contract Documents and all approved modifications thereof, the engineer 36 will recommend acceptance of the work under that particular Work Order 37 and recommend payment therefore. 38 If the engineer finds that the work ha s not been completed as required, he 39 shall so advise the contractor in writing, furnishing him an itemized list of all 40 known items which have not been completed or which are not in acceptable 4 1 condition. When the contractor has corrected all such items, he shall again 42 notify the engineer that the improvements are ready for inspection , and the 43 engineer shall proceed as outlined above. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised March I 1, 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 city project No. UC-0 I 2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 3. OJ 35 13 -2 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCE DURES Page 2 of 12 Whenever the improvements prescribed by the individual Work Order have been completed and all the requirements of the Contract Documents have been fulfilled on the part of the contractor, an estimate showing the value of the work will be prepared by the engineer as the necessary measurements, computations and checks can be made. The amount of the estimate will be paid to the contractor after acceptance by the Water Department Director, provided the contractor has furnished to the owner satisfactory evidence of payment as follows: Prior to submission of the estimate for payment, the contractor shall execute an affidavit, as furnished by the City, certifying that all persons, firms, associations, corporations or other organizations furnishing labor and/or materials under that Work Order have been paid in full, that the wage scale established by the City Council in the City of Fort Worth has been paid, and that there are no claims pending for personal injury and/or property damages. The acceptance by the contractor of the individual payment as aforesaid shall operate as and shall release the owner from all claims or liabilities under the Contract for anything done or furnished or relating to the work under that Work Order or any act or neglect of said City relating to or connected with the Contract. The making of the payment by the owner shall not relieve the contractor of any guarantees or other requirements of the Contract Documents which specifically continue thereafter. BID QUANTITIES- Bid quantities of the various items in the proposal are for comparison only and may not reflect the actual quantities. There is no limit to which a bid item can be increased or decreased. Contractor shall not be entitled to renegotiation of unit prices regardless of the final measured quantities. To the extent that General Conditions (00-72-00) Article 11 conflicts with this provision, this provision controls. No claim will be considered for lost or anticipated profits based upon differences in estimated quantities versus actual quantities. In particular, the Contractor shall be aware that it is the City's intention that the quantities in Unit I be used on an "emergency" basis only. Total quantities given in the bid proposal may not reflect actual quantities; however, they are given for the purpose of bidding and awarding the contract. A contract in the amount of $300,000.00 (See Options to Renew) shall be awarded with final payment based on actual measured quantities and the unit price in this proposal. Moreover, there is to be no limit on the variation between the estimated quantities shown and the actual quantities performed. It is understood and agreed that the scope of work contemplated in this contract is that which is designated by the City but will in no case exceed $300,000.00 (see Options to Renew) CITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT I 2023 city project No . UC -0 I 2023 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rev ised March I I , 2022 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 0 3 1 32 33 3 4 35 3 6 3 7 3 8 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 4. CONTRACT TIME- 01 35 13 - 3 SP EC IAL PR OJ EC T PROCED URES Page 3 o f 12 It is understood and agreed that the scope of work contemplated in this contract is that which is designated by the City as the need arises. It is further agreed that the term of this contract is three hundred sixty-five (365) calendar days from the date of execution of contract work order and no orders will be accepted by the contractor after the contract has expired. At the end of the contract, the contractor will have twenty-one (21) additional calendar days to complete the work already ordered and fifteen (15) additional calendar days to bill said work for a total of thirty-six (36) days after contract termination to complete and bill work authorized pursuant to this contract. 5. OPTION TO RENEW- The time period of this Agreement will be for one calendar year or the ex piration of the funding, whichever occurs last. The City has the right to renew this contract for three (3) one year terms/expenditures of $300,000.00 under the same terms, conditions and unit prices. The City shall give at least sixty (60) days' notice prior to the expiration of one year from the date of execution of this contract or of an option period or a like notice at such time as there is less than $20,000.00 left unexpended. 6. SCOPE OF WORK.- The work covered by these Specifications consists of the paving repair over utility cuts which have been backfilled previously by the City Water Department, as indicated by the details and possible adjacent areas damaged by blowout, etc. Included in this work will be the removal of the existing material in order to insure a paving section in conformity with existing pavement or the appropriate detail shown in this document as directed by the engineer and all other miscellaneous items of construction to be performed as outlined in the specifications, which are necessary to satisfactorily complete the work. There will not be a direct payment for saw cutting the existing asphalt or concrete, compacting the existing sub grade or removal of the existing material. These items will be considered subsidiary to the contract. The contractor will be required to maintain a capping course of hot-mix cold lay asphalt in areas where traffic has whipped out washed rock, until the paving repair can be accomplished. These items will be considered subsidiary to the contract. The inspector will pick up the repair tickets by 8:00 a.m. Monday through Thursday. The repair tickets will be issued to the contractor early the next day. Each repair ticket that is issued shall be completed within twenty-one (21) calendar days. The twenty-one (21) calendar days for completion of the job begin the day after the contractor receives the ticket. (See Time Allowed for Utility Cuts) The contractor shall identify to the engineer possible locations for settlement of repaired pavement due to backfill of ditch by others. As directed by the engineer, the contractor shall remove and replace existing backfill with washed rock. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTI ON SPEC iflCA TION DOCUMENTS Rev ise d M arch 11 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 c ity proj ec t No . UC -0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 0 3 1 32 33 34 3 5 36 37 3 8 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 0135 13-4 SPEC IAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 4 of 12 The Water Department will estimate the necessary size of the pavement repair on each ticket. Upon receipt of each ticket the engineer shall determine, by measurement, the required size of each repair. All repair sizes shall be approved by the engineer prior to any repair work. 7. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY- Contractor covenants and agrees to fully perform or cause to be performed, with good faith and due diligence, and in accordance with standards common to the industry and herein set forth in these Contract Documents which is hereby incorporated and made a part of this contract, pavement repair to be ordered by the City at various times and to be performed at various places by separate repair tickets. The City may designate pavement to be repaired by furnishing to the contractor a marked drawing, or street addresses contained in a written order or by marking in the field by paint or other means, or by any or all combinations of said methods of designation. The contractor agrees that no work will be performed without written authorization from the individual designated in writing by the Director of the Water Department. 8. REQUIRED CREW, PERSONNEL & EQUIPMENT- Although there are no guarantees of work, the contractor shall be required to furnish sufficient personnel and equipment capable of completely finishing an average of fifty (50) utility cut tickets with an aggregate average of seven hundred-fifty (750) square yards of permanent pavement repair each week. 9. TIME ALLOWED FOR UTILITY CUTS- The contractor shall assist the engineer in measuring each pavement repair before any work is started. A repair ticket will be issued for each utility cut after measurement and twenty-one (21) calendar days beginning the day after the ticket is issued will be allowed for final completion of each utility cut. (See Scope of Work) 10. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES- Failure to complete work on time: The owner and the contractor agree that it will be most difficult or impossible to ascertain the amount of damages that will be sustained by the owner if the contractor fails to complete the work in the allotted time, but they both agree that the owner would sustain substantial damages in such event. Accordingly, if the contractor fails to complete the contract in the calendar days specified, a time charge shall be made for each working day thereafter, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages. The contractor shall pay liquidated damages of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per day per ticket for each repair cut not completed within twenty-one (21) calendar days and liquidated damages shall end on day that repairs are completed Should the amount otherwise due the contractor be less than the amount of such ascertained and liquidated damages, the contractor and his surety shall be liable to the City of such delivery. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECrF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Ma rc h I I, 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT I 2023 city proj ec t No. UC-0 I 2023 • 01 35 13 - 5 SPEC IAL PROJ EC T PROCEDURES Page 5 of 12 11. SUBMISSION OF BIDS- 2 The proposal sections of this special contract document is arranged to allow 3 the owner to make payment based on size of repair. The contractor is required 4 to submit a bid on all proposals Unit I, Unit II, Unit III, Unit IV and Unit V. 5 Unit I will generally consist of small patch, less than or equal to 200 square 6 feet. Unit II will generally consist of medium patch, greater than 200 square 7 feet and less than 1,000 square feet. Unit III will generally consist of large 8 patch, greater than 1,000 square feet. Unit IV will generally consist of patches 9 where applicable base has already been installed. Unit V will generally consist 10 of items necessary for each size utility cut repair. The total low bidder, Units I, 11 II, III, IV and Vis the apparent successful bidder. If contractor does not bid 12 all five units of the proposal, the bid will be considered as "non-responsive" 13 and will be rejected by the Water Department. 14 12. MAINTENANCE BOND- 15 A maintenance bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the 16 contract amount shall be furnished for a period of two (2) years from the date 17 of final acceptance of the work will be required on this project. 18 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 19 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements , Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 20 2. Division 1 -General Requirements 21 3. Section 33 12 25 -Connection to Existing Water Mains 22 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 23 A. Measurement and Payment 24 1. Coordination within Railroad permit areas 25 a. Measurement 26 1) Measurement for this Item will be by lump sum. 27 b. Payment 28 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 29 will be paid for at the lump sum price bid for Railroad Coordination. 30 c. The price bid shall include : 31 1) Mobilization 32 2) Inspection 33 3) Safety training 34 4) Additional Insurance 35 5) Insurance Certificates 36 6) Other requirements associated with general coordination with Railroad, 37 including additional employees required to protect the right-of-way and 38 property of the Railroad from damage arising out of and/or from the 39 construction of the Project. 40 2. Railroad Flagmen 41 a. Measurement 42 1) Measurement for this Item will be per working day. 43 b . Payment 44 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 45 will be paid for each working day that Railroad Flagmen are present at the 46 Site. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised March 11 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 city project No. UC -0 I 2023 OJ 35 13 -6 SPEC IA L PROJECT PROCEDURES 2 3 4 c. The price bid shall include: 1) Coordination for scheduling flagmen 2) F lagmen 3) Other requirements associated with Railroad 3. All other items Page 6 of 12 5 6 7 a . Work associated with these Items is considered subs idiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment will be al lowed for thi s Item. 8 1.3 REFERENCES 9 A. Reference Standards IO 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 11 standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 12 Specification, unless a date is specificall y cited . 13 2. Health and Safety Code, Tit le 9. Safety, Subtitle A. Public Safety, Chapter 752. 14 High Voltage Overhead Lines. 15 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 16 A. Coordination with the Texas Department of Transportation 17 1. When work in the right-of-way which is under the jurisdiction of the Texas 18 Department of Transportation (TxDOT): 19 a . Notify the Texas Department of Transportation prior to commencing any work 20 therein in accordance with the provisions of the permit 21 b. A ll work performed in the TxDOT right-of-way shal l be performed in 22 compliance with and subject to approval from the Texas Department of 23 Transportation 24 B. Work near High Voltage Line s 25 1. Regulatory Requirements 26 a. All Work near High Voltage Lines (more than 600 vo lts measured between 27 conductors or between a conductor and the ground) shall be in accordance with 28 Health and Safety Code, Title 9, Subtit le A , Chapter 752. 29 2. Warning sign 30 a. Provide sign of sufficient size meeting all OSHA requirements . 31 3. Equipme nt operating within IO feet of high voltage line s will require the following 32 safety features 33 a. Insulating cage-type of guard about the boom or arm 34 b. Insulator links on the lift hook connections for back hoes or dippers 35 c. Eq uipment must meet the safety requirements as set forth by OSHA and the 36 safety requirements of the owner of the hi gh voltage line s 37 4. Work within 6 feet of high voltage electric line s 38 a . Notification shall be given to: 39 1) The power company (example: ONCOR) 40 a) Maintain an accurate log of all such calls to power company and record 41 actio n taken in each case . 42 b. Coordination w ith power company 43 1) After notification coordinate with the power company to: 44 a) Erect temporary mechanical barriers , de-energize the lines , or raise or 45 lower the line s CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Re vise d Ma rch I I , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 city proj ec t No . UC -0 I 2023 0135 13 -7 SPEC IA L PROJEC T PROCE DURES Page 7 of 12 c . No personnel may work within 6 feet of a high voltage line before the above 2 requirements have been met. 3 C . Confined Space Entry Program 4 1. Provide and follow approved Confined Space E ntry Program in accordance with 5 OSHA requirements . 6 2. Confined Spaces include: 7 a. Manholes 8 b. All other confined s paces in accordance with OSHA's Permit Required for 9 Confined Spaces 10 D . TCEQ Air Permit 11 1. Obtain TCEQ Air Permit for construction activities per requirements ofTCEQ. 12 E . Use of Explosives, Drop Weight, Etc. 13 1. When Contract Documents permit on the project the following will apply: 14 a. Public Notification 15 1) Submit notice to City and proof of adequate insurance coverage, 24 hours 16 prior to commencing. 17 2) Minimum 24 hour public notification in accordance with Section 01 31 13 18 F. Water Department Coordination 19 1. During the construction of this project, it will be necessary to deactivate, for a 20 period of time , existing lines . The Contractor shall be required to coordinate with 21 the Water Department to determine the best times for deactivating and activating 22 those lines. 23 2 . Coordinate any event that will require connecting to or the operation of an existing 24 City water line system with the City 's representative. 25 a. Coordination shall be in accordance with Section 33 12 25. 26 b . If needed, obtain a hydrant water meter from the Water Department for use 27 during the life of named project. 28 c. In the event that a water valve on an existing live system be turned off and on 29 to accommodate the construction of the project is required, coordinate this 30 activity through the appropriate City representative. 31 1) Do not operate water line valves of existing water system. 32 a) Failure to comply will render the Contractor in violation of Texas Penal 33 Code Title 7 , Chapter 28 .03 (Criminal Mischief) and the Contractor will 34 be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 35 b) In addition, the Contractor will assume all liabilities and 36 responsibilities as a result of these actions. 37 G. Public Notification Prior to Beginning Construction 38 1. Prior to beginning construction on any block in the project, on a block by block 39 basis , prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of the pending construction to the front 40 door of each residence or business that will be impacted by construction. The notice 41 shall be prepared as follows: 42 a . Post notice or flyer 7 days prior to beginning any construction activity on each 43 block in the project area. 44 1) Prepare flyer on the Contractor's letterhead and include the following 45 information: 46 a) Name of Project C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD C ON STRUC TION SPECIFI CATIO N DO C UMENTS Revi sed M arch I I , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CO NTRACT I 2023 ci ty project No. UC -0 1 202 3 0 I 35 13 -8 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 8 of 12 1 b) City Project No (CPN) 2 c) Scope of Project (i.e. type of construction activity) 3 d) Actual construction duration within the block 4 e) Name of the contractor 's foreman and phone number 5 f) Name of the City's inspector and phone number 6 g) City's after-hours phone number 7 2) A sample of th e 'pre-construction notification' flyer is attached as Exhibit 8 A. 9 3) Submit schedule showing the construction start and finish time for each 1 0 block of the project to the in spector. 11 4) Deliver flyer to the City In s pector for review prior to di stribution. 12 b. No construction will be a llowed to begin on any block until the flyer is 13 delivered to all re sidents of the block. 14 H. Public Notification of Temporary Water Service Interruption during Construction 15 1. In the event it becomes necessary to temporarily shut down water service to 16 residents or bus inesses during construction, prepare and deliver a notice or flyer of 17 the p ending interruption to the front door of each affected resident. 18 2. Pre pare d notice as follows: 19 a. The notification or flyer s hall be posted 24 hours prior to the temporary 20 interruption . 21 b. Prepare flyer on the contractor's letterhead and include the following 22 information: 23 1) Name of the project 24 2) City Project Number 25 3) Date of the interrupti o n of service 26 4) Period the interruption will take place 27 5) Name of the contractor's foreman and phone number 28 6) Name of the City's ins pector and phone number 29 c. A sample of the te mporary water service interruption notification is attached as 30 Exhibit B. 31 d . Deliver a copy of the temporary interruption notification to the City inspector 32 for review prior to being distributed. 33 e. No interruption of water service can occur until the flyer has been delivered to 34 all affected residents and bus inesses . 35 f. E lectronic versions of the sample flyers can be obtained from the Project 36 Construction Inspector. 37 I. Coordination with United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 38 1. At locations in the Project where construction activities occur in areas where 39 USACE permits are required, meet all requirements set forth in each designated 40 permit. 41 J . Coordination within Railroad Permit Areas 42 1. At loca tions in the project where construction activities occur in areas where 43 railroad pe rmits are required , m eet all requirements set forth in eac h des ignate d 44 railroad permit. This includes , but is not limited to, provis ions for: 45 a. Flagmen 46 b. Inspectors 47 c. Safety training 48 d . Additional in s urance CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi se d March 11 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 city proj ec t No. UC -0 I 2023 1 e. Insurance certificates 013513-9 SPEC IAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 9 of 12 2 f. Other employees required to protect the right-of-way and property of the 3 Railroad Company from damage arising out of and/or from the construction of 4 the project. Proper utility clearance procedures shall be used in accordance with 5 the permit guidelines. 6 2. Obtain any supplemental information needed to comply with the railroad's 7 requirements. 8 3. Railroad Flagmen 9 a. Submit receipts to City for verification of working days that railroad flagmen 10 were present on Site. 11 K. Dust Control 12 1. Use acceptable measures to control dust at the Site. 13 a. If water is used to control dust, capture and properly dispose of waste water. 14 b . If wet saw cutting is performed, capture and properly dispose of slurry. 15 L. Employee Parking 16 1. Provide parking for employees at locations approved by the City. 17 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 18 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 19 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 20 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 21 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 22 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 23 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 24 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 25 PART 2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 26 PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT USED] 27 END OF SECTION 28 29 30 31 32 CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised March I I , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 c ity project No. UC-0 I 2023 DATE NAME 8/31/20 12 D. Johnson 3/1 1/2022 MOwen CITY OF FORT WORTH Revision Log 01 35 13 -10 SPECIAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Page 10 of 12 SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1.4 .B -Added requirement of compliance with Health and Safety Code, Title 9. Safety, Subtitle A . Public Safety, Chapter 752. High Voltage Overhead Lines . 1.4.E -Added Contractor responsibility fo r obtaining a TCEQ Air Permit Remove references to Air Pollution watch Days and NCTCOG Clean construction Specification requirements. C lari fy need for Door Hangers under in addition to contractor notification of public. ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised March 11 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 city project No . UC-01 2023 0 I 35 13 -11 SPEC IAL PRO JECT PROCEDURES 2 3 4 5 6 Date: 7 8 CPN No .: 9 Project Name : 10 Mapsco Location : 11 Limits of Construction : 12 13 14 15 16 Page 11 ofl2 EXHIBIT A (To be printed on Contractor's Letterhead) 17 THIS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER A CONTRACT WITH THE CITY OF FORT 18 WORTH, OUR COMPANY WILL WORK ON UTILITY LINES ON OR AROUND YOUR 19 PROPERTY. 20 21 CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATELY SEVEN DAYS FROM THE DATE 22 OF THIS NOTICE. 23 24 IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT ACCESS, SECURITY, SAFETY OR ANY OTHER 25 ISSUE, PLEASE CALL: 26 27 28 Mr. <CONTRACTOR'S SUPERINTENDENT> AT <TELEPHONE NO.> 29 30 OR 31 32 Mr. <CITY INSPECTOR> AT < TELEPHONE NO.> 33 34 AFTER 4:30 PM OR ON WEEKENDS, PLEASE CALL (817) 392 8306 35 36 37 PLEASE KEEP THIS FL YER HANDY WHEN YOU CALL C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Ma rch 11 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 city project No. UC-01 2023 2 3 4 0 I 35 I 3 -12 SPEC IAL PROJECT PROCEDURES Da1e: ------ EXHIBITB DOENO.XXXX Project Name: NOTICE OF TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE INTERRUPTION DUE TO UTILITY IMPROVEMENT S IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, YOUR WATER SERVICE WILL BE INTERRUPTED ON __________ _ BETWEEN THE HOURS OF _________ AND ______ _ IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS SHUT-OUT, PLEASE CALL: Page 12 of 12 MR. ______________ AT ____________ _ (CONTRACTORS SUPERINTENDENT) (TELEPHONE NUMBER) OR MR. ______________ AT ________ -=-=--- (CITY INSPECTOR) (TELEPHONE NUMBER) THIS INCONVENIENCE WILL B E AS SHORT AS POSS IBLE. THANK YOU, -------------~CONTRACTOR -----------·---------·----· CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed March 11, 2022 UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 c ity project No. UC-0 I 2023 0 I 45 23 TESTfNG AND fNSPECTION SERVICES PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: SECTION 01 45 23 TESTING AND INSPECTION SERVICES 1. Testing and inspection services procedures and coordination B. Deviation s from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. None. C. Related Specification Sections include , but are not neces sar ily limited to: Page I of2 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2. Division 1 -General Requirements 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES A. Measurement and Payment 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. a . Contractor is responsible for performing, coordinating, and payment of all Quality Control testing. b. City is responsible for performing and payment for first set of Quality Assurance testing. 1) If the first Quality Assurance test performed by the City fails, the Contractor is responsible for payment of subsequent Quality Assurance testing until a passing test occurs. a) Final acceptance will not be issued by City until all required payments for testing by Contractor have been paid in full. 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. Testing 1. Complete testing in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2. Coordination a. When testing is required to be performed by the City, notify City, sufficiently in advance, when testing is needed . b. When testing is required to be completed by the Contractor, notify City, sufficiently in advance, that testing will be performed . 3. Distribution of Testing Reports a. Electronic Distribution 1) Confirm development of Project directory for electronic submittals to be uploaded to the City 's document management system, or another external FTP site approved by the City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised March 9, 2020 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 0 I 45 23 TESTING AND INSPECTION SERV ICES Page 2 of2 2) Up lo ad te st reports to desi gn ate d proj ect directory and notify appropriate City repre sentati ves v ia email of submittal po sting. 3) Hard Copies a) 1 copy for a ll subm itt als s ubmitted to the Project Representative b. Hard Copy Distribution (if required in li eu of e lectronjc distribution) 1) Tests performed by City a) Di str ibute 1 hard copy to the Contractor 2) Tests perform ed by the Co ntractor a) Distribute 3 hard copies to C ity 's Project Representative 4. Provide C ity's Project Repre se ntative with trip tickets for eac h deliv ered lo ad of Concrete or Lime material including the following inform ation: a . Name of pit b . Date of delivery c . Mater ia l delivere d B. Inspection 1. In s pection or lack of in s pection does not relieve the Contractor from obligation to perform work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED) 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING (NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART 2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revis ion Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 3/9/2020 D.V. Magana Removed refe rence to Buzzsaw and no ted that e lectronic s ubmittals be upl oaded through th e C ity 's documen t management syste m. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECff lCATJON DOCUMENTS Revised March 9, 2020 UTILITY CUT REPAI R CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ect No. UC-0 I 2023 0 1 50 00 - I TEMPORARY FAC ILITIES AND CONTROLS Page I of 4 SECTION 01 50 00 2 T E MPORARY F ACILJTIES AND CONTROLS 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes : 6 1. Provide temporary facilities and controls needed for the Work including, but not 7 necessarily limited to: 8 a. Temporary utilities 9 b. Sanitary facilities 10 c. Storage Sheds and Buildings 11 d . Dust control 12 e . Temporary fencing of the construction site 13 B . Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 14 1. None . 15 C. Related Specification Sections include , but are not necessarily limited to: 16 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements , Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 17 2. Division 1 -General Requir ements 18 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 19 A . Measureme nt and Payment 20 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 21 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 22 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 23 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 24 A. Temporary Utilities 25 1. Obtaining Temporary Service 26 a. Make arrangements with utility service companies for temporary services. 27 b . Abide by rules and regulations of utility service companies or authorities 28 having jurisdiction. 29 c. Be responsible for utility service costs until Work is approved for Final 30 Acceptance. 31 1) Included are fuel , power, light, heat and other utility services necessary for 32 execution, completion, testing and initial operation of Work. 33 2. Water 34 a . Contractor to provide water required for and in connection with Work to be 35 performed and for specified tests of piping, equipment, devices or other use as 36 required for the completion of the Work. 37 b. Provide and maintain adequate supply of potable water for domestic 38 consumption by Contractor personnel and City 's Project Representatives. 39 c . Coordination 40 1) Contact City 1 week before water for construction is desired C ITY OF FO RT WO RTH ST ANDA.RD C ONS TR UC TIO N SPEC !F!CA TI ON DOCUM EN TS Rev ised Jul y I , 20 11 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CO NTRAC T I 202 3 C ity Project N o. UC-0 I 2023 0 1 50 00 - 2 TE MPORARY FAC ILITIES AND CONTROLS Page 2 of 4 d. Contractor Payment for Construction Water 2 1) Obtain construction water meter from City for payment as billed by City's 3 established rates. 4 3. E lectricity and Lighting 5 a . Provide and pay for electric powered service as required for Work, including 6 testing of Work. 7 1) Provide power for lighting, operation of equipment, or other use. 8 b. Electric power service includes temporary power service or generator to 9 maintain operations during scheduled shutdown . 10 4. Telephone 11 a. Provide emergency telephone service at Site for use by Contractor personnel 12 and others performing work or furnishing services at Site. 13 5. Temporary Heat and Ventilation 14 a. Provide temporary he?,t as necessary for protection or completion of Work. 15 b. Provide temporary heat and ventilation to assure safe working conditions . 16 B. Sanitary Facilities 17 1. Provide and maintain sanitary facilities for persons on Site . 18 a. Comply with regulations of State and local departments of health. 19 2 . E nforce use of sanitary facilities by construction personnel at job site. 20 a . Enclose and anchor sanitary facilities. 21 b. No discharge will be allowed from these facilities. 22 c . Collect and store sewage and waste so as not to cause nuisance or health 23 problem . 24 d. Haul sewage and waste off-site at no less than weekly intervals and properly 25 di s pose in accordance with applicable regulation. 26 3 . Locate facilities near Work Site and keep clean and maintained throughout Project. 27 4. Remove facilities at completion of Project 28 C . Storage Sheds and Buildings 29 1. Provide adequately ventilated , watertight, weatherproof storage facilities with floor 30 above ground level for materials and equipment susceptible to weather damage. 31 2. Storage of materials not susceptible to weather damage may be on blocks off 32 ground. 33 3. Store materials in a neat and orderly manner. 34 a . Place materials and equipment to permit easy access for identification, 35 inspection and inventory . 36 4. Equip building with lockable doors and lighting, and provide electrical service for 37 equipment space heaters and heating or ventilation as necessary to provide storage 38 environments acceptable to specified manufacturers. 39 5. Fill and grade site for temporary structures to provide drainage away from 40 temporary and existing buildings. 41 6 . Remove building from site prior to Final Acceptance . 42 D. Temporary Fencing 43 1. Provide and maintain for the duration or construction when required in contract 44 documents 45 E. Dust Control C ITY OF FORT WO RTH ST AND ARD CO N STR UCTIO N SP EC IFI CATION DOCUMENTS Rev ised July I , 20 1 I UTILITY CUT RE PAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-0 I 2023 01 50 00 -3 TEMPORARY FAC ILI T IES AND CONTROLS Page 3 of4 1. Co ntractor is responsible for ma int a in in g dust control through th e du ration of th e 2 project. 3 a. Contractor remains on-call at all times 4 b . Must re s pond in a timel y manner 5 F. Temporary Protection of Construction 6 I . Co ntractor or sub contractors are respons ibl e for protecting Work from dam age due 7 to weather. 8 1.5 SUBMITT ALS [NOT USED] 9 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 10 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 11 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 12 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 13 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 14 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 15 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 16 PART 2-PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 17 PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT USED] 18 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 19 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 20 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 2 1 3.4 INSTALLATION 22 A. Temporary Faciliti es 23 1. Maintain all temporary facilities for duration of construction activities as needed. 24 3.5 [REPAIR]/ [RESTORATION] 25 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION 26 3.7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 27 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 2 8 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 29 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 30 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES 31 A. Temporary Faci li ties C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFI CATION DOCUM EN TS Revised Jul y I , 2011 UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-01 2023 0 1 50 00 - 4 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS Page4of4 1. Remove a ll temporary facilities and restore area after completion of the Work, to a 2 condition equal to or better than prior to start of Work. 3 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 4 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 5 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 6 END OF SECTION 7 8 Rev is ion Log D ATE NAME CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Jul y I , 2011 SUMMARY OF CHANGE UTILITY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 0 I 55 26 -I STREET USE PE RMIT AND MODIFI C ATIONS TO TRAFFIC CONTROL Page I of3 SECTION 01 55 26 2 STREET USE PERMIT AND MODIFICATIONS TO TRAFFIC CONTROL 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 I. Administrative procedures for: 7 a. Street Use Permit 8 b. Modification of approved traffic control 9 c. Removal of Street Signs 10 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 11 1. 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES- 12 Given the nature of this contract Street Use Permits will be paid for at the pre- 13 bid price of $100.00 each and Traffic Control Plans will be paid for on an as 14 needed basis. 15 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 16 I. Division 0 -Bidding Requirements , Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 17 2. Division I -General Requirements 18 3. Section 34 71 13 -Traffic Control 19 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 20 A. Measurement and Payment 2 1 I. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid . 22 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 23 1.3 REFERENCES 24 A. Reference Standards 25 I. Reference standards cited in this specification refer to the current reference standard 26 published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 27 specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 28 2. Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD). 29 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 30 A. Traffic Control 31 1. General 32 a. Contractor shall minimize lane closure and impact to vehicular/pedestrian 33 traffic. 34 b. When traffic control plans are included in the Drawings, provide Traffic 35 Control in accordance with Drawings and Section 34 71 13. 36 c. When traffic control plans are not included in the Drawings, prepare traffic 37 control plans in accordance with Section 34 71 13 and submit to City for 38 review. 39 1) Allow minimum IO working days for review of proposed Traffic Control. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed March 22 , 2021 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC -O J 2023 0 I 55 26 -2 STREET US E PERMIT AND MODIFI CATIONS TO TRAFFIC CONTROL Page 2 of3 2) A traffic control "Typical " published by City of Fort Worth, the Texas 2 Manual Unified Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD) or Texas Department 3 of Transportation (TxDOT) can be used as an alternative to preparing 4 project/site specific traffic control plan if the typical is applicable to the 5 specific project/site. 6 B. Street Use Permit 7 1. Prior to installation of Traffic Control , a City Street Use Permit is required . 8 a. To obtain Street Use Permit, submit Traffic Control Plans to City 9 Transportation and Public Works Department. 1 O 1) Allow a minimum of 5 working days for permit review. 11 2) Contractor's responsibility to coordinate review of Traffic Control plans for 12 Street Use Permit, such that construction is not delayed . 13 C. Modification to Approved Traffic Control 14 1. Prior to installation traffic control : 15 a. Submit revised traffic control plans to City Department Transportation and 16 Public Works Department. 17 1) Revise Traffic Control plans in accordance with Section 34 71 13. 18 2) Allow minimum 5 working days for review of revised Traffic Control. 19 3) It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate review of Traffic Control 20 plans for Street Use Perm it , such that construction is not delayed. 21 D. Removal of Street Sign 22 1. If it is determined that a street sign must be removed for construction, then contact 23 City Transportation and Public Works Department, Signs and Markings Division to 24 remove the sign. 25 E. Temporary Signage 26 1. In the case of regulatory signs, replace permanent sign with temporary sign meeting 27 requirements of the latest edition of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control 28 Devices (MUTCD). 29 2. Install temporary sign before the removal of permanent sign. 30 3 . When construction is complete, to the extent that the permanent sign can be 31 reinstalled, contact the City Transportation and Public Works Department, Signs 32 and Markings Division, to reinstall the permanent sign. 33 F. Traffic Control Standards 34 1. Traffic Control Standards can be found on the City's website. 35 1.5 SUBMITT ALS 36 A. Submit all required documentation to City's Project Representative . CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPEClFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed March 22 , 2021 UTILITY CUT REPALR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ec t No . UC-0 I 2023 0 15526-3 STREET USE PERMIT AND MODIFICATIONS TO TRAFFIC CONTRO L Page 3 of3 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 2 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 5 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 6 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED) 7 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 8 PART 2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 9 PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT USED] 10 END OF SECTION 11 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1.4 A. Added language to emphasize min imi z in g of lane closures and impact to 12 traffic . 3/22/2021 M. Owen 1.4 A. I . C. Added lang uage to allow for u se of publi s hed traffic control "Typicals" if applicable to specifi c project/ s ite 1.4 F. I) Removed refere nce to Buzzsaw 1.5 Added lang uage re: submittal of permit CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Re v ised Marc h 22 , 2021 UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 1 2023 0 1 57 13 -I STORM WATE R PO LLUTION PRE VENTION Page I of 3 SECTION 01 57 13 2 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Procedures for Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None. 9 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: JO 1. Division 0 -Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the 11 Contract 12 2. Division 1 -General Requirements 13 3 . Section 31 25 00 -Erosion and Sediment Control 14 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 15 A . Measurement and Payment 16 1. Construction Activities resulting in less than 1 acre of disturbance 17 a. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items 18 bid. No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 19 2. Construction Activities resulting in greater than 1 acre of disturbance 20 a. Measurement and Payment shall be in accordance with Section 31 25 00. 21 1.3 REFERENCES 22 A. Abbreviations and Acronyms 23 1. Notice of Intent: NOI 24 2. Notice of Termination: NOT 25 3 . Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan: SWPPP 26 4 . Texas Commission on Environmental Quality: TCEQ 27 5. Notice of Change: NOC 28 A . Reference Standards 29 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 30 standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 31 Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 32 2. Integrated Storm Management (iSWM) Technical Manual for Construction 33 Controls 34 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 35 A. General 36 1. Contractor is responsible for resolution and payment of any fines issued associated 37 with compliance to Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON STRUC TIO N SPE CIFICATION DOC UMENTS Revi sed July I , 20 I I UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 B. Construction Activ iti es resulting in: 0157 13-2 STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION Page 2 of3 2 1. Less than I ac re of di sturb ance 3 a. Pro v ide erosion and sed im ent control in acco rdance with Section 31 25 00 and 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Draw in gs. 2 . I to less than 5 acres of di sturb ance a. Texas Pollutant Di sc harge E limin at ion System (TPDES) General Construction Permit is required b. Complete SWPPP in accordance w ith TCEQ requirements 1) TCEQ Small Construction Site Notice Required und er general permit TXR150000 a) Sign and post at job s ite b) Prior to Preconstruction Meeting, send I copy to City Department of T ran s portation and Public Works, Environmental Divi sion , (817) 392- 6088. 2) Provide erosion and sed iment control in accordance with: a) Section 31 25 00 b) T he Drawings c) TX R 150000 General Permit d) SWPPP e) TCEQ requirements 3. 5 acres or more of Disturbance a. Texas Pollutant Di sc harge E limination System (TPDES) General Construction Permit is required b . Complete SWPPP in acco rdance with TCEQ requirements 1) Prepare a TCEQ NOI form and s ubmit to TCEQ a long with req uired fee a) S ign and po st at job site b) Send copy to City Departm ent of Transportation and Public Works , E nvironmenta l Divi s ion , (817) 392-6088 . 2) TCEQ Notice of Change re quired if making changes or updates to NOI 3) Pro v id e erosion and se diment control in accordance with: a) Section 31 25 00 b) The Drawings c) TXR150000 General Permit d) SWPPP e) TCEQ requirem ents 4) Once the project has been completed and all the closeout requirements of TCEQ have been met a TCEQ Notice of Termination can be s ubmitted . a) Send copy to City Department of Transportation and Public Works , E nvironment a l Divi s ion , (817) 392-6088. 40 1.5 SUBMITT ALS 41 A. SWPPP 42 1. Submit in accordance with Section O 1 33 00 , except as stated herein . 43 a. Prior to the Preconstructi on Meeting, s ubmit a draft copy of SWPPP to the City 44 as fol low s: 45 1) 1 copy to the City Project Manager 46 a) City Project Manager will forward to the City Department of 47 Transportation and Public Works, Environmental Divis ion for review CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[F ICA TION DOCU MENTS Revi se d Jul y 1, 20 11 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 01 57 13 -3 STORM WA TE R POLLUTION PREVENTION Page 3 o f 3 B. Modified SWPPP 2 1. If the SWPPP is revised durin g construction , resubmit modifi ed SWPPP to the City 3 in accordance with Section 01 33 00. 4 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 6 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 7 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 8 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 9 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 10 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 11 PART 2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 12 PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT USED] 13 END OF SECTION 14 15 Revision Log DATE NAME CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed Jul y I , 201 1 SUMMARY OF CHANGE UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC -0 1 2023 0 I 58 13 -I TEMPORARY PROJEC T SIGN AGE Page I of3 SECTION 01 58 13 2 TEMPORARY PROJECT SIGNAGE 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Temporary Project Signage Require me nt s 7 B . Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None . 9 C. Related Specification Sections include , but are not necessarily limited to: 10 1. Division O -Bidding R e quirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of th e Contract 11 2. Division 1 -General Requirements 12 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13 A. Measurem e nt and Payment 14 1. Work associated with this It em is considered subsidiary to the various Item s bid . 15 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item . 16 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 17 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 18 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 19 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 20 1. 7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITT ALS [NOT USED] 21 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 22 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 23 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 24 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 25 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 26 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 27 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED (oR] OWNER~SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 28 2.2 EQUIPMENT, PRODUCT TYPES, AND MATERIALS 29 A. Design Criteria 30 1. Provide free standing Project Designation Sign in accordance with City's Standard 31 Detail s for project signs. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed July 1, 2011 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT l 2023 C ity Proj ec t No. UC-0 I 2023 l B. Material s 2 1. Sign 0 I 58 13 -2 TEMPORARY PROJECT SIGNAGE Page 2 of3 3 a. Constructed of¾-inch fir plywood , grade A-C (exterior) or better 4 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 5 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 6 PART 3 -EXECUTION 7 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 8 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 9 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 10 3.4 INSTALLATION 11 A. General 12 1. Provide vertical in stallation at extents of project. 13 2 . Relocate sign as needed, upon reque st of the City. 14 B. Mounting options 15 a. Skids 16 b . Posts 17 c. Barricade 18 3.5 REPAIR/RESTORATION [NOT USED] 19 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 20 3.7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 21 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 22 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 23 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 24 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 25 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 26 3.13 MAINTENANCE 27 A. General 28 1. Maintenance will include painting and repairs as needed or directe d by the City. 29 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 30 END OF SECTION 31 C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed Jul y I , 2011 UTILITY CUT REPA1R CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 2 0158 13 -3 TEMPORARY PROJECT SIGN AGE Page 3 of3 Revision Log DATE NAME C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATION DOCUME NTS Re vised J uly I , 20 11 SUMMARY OF CH ANGE UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 1 2023 0 1 60 00 PROD UC T REQUIREM EN TS PART 1 -GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: SECTION 01 60 00 PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS 1. References for Product Requirements and City Standard Products List B . Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. None. C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: Page I of2 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 2 . Division 1 -General Requirements 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES [NOT USED] 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS A. A list of City approved products for use is available through the City's website at: https://apps.fortworthtexas.gov/ProjectResources/ and following the directory path; 02 -Construction Documents/Standard Products List B . Only products specifically included on City 's Standard Product List in these Contract Documents shall be allowed for use on the Project. 1. Any subsequently approved products will only be allowed for use upon specific approval by the City. C. Any specific product requirements in the Contract Documents supersede similar products included on the City 's Standard Product List. 1. The City reserves the right to not allow products to be used for certain projects even though the product is listed on the City's Standard Product Li st. D. Although a specific product is included on City's Standard Product List , not all products from that manufacturer are approved for use, including but not limited to , that manufacturer's standard product. E. See Section O 1 33 00 for submittal requirements of Product Data included on City's Standard Product List. 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED) 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON STRUC TION SPECIFI CATI ON DOCUMENTS Rev ise d March 9, 2020 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project N o. UC-0 I 2023 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] PART 2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT USED] END OF SECTION Revision Log 0 I 60 00 PRODUCT REQU IREMENTS Pag e 2 of2 DATE AME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 10/12/12 D. Jo hn son Modified Location of C ity 's Stan dard Product Lis t 3/9/2020 D.V. Magana Removed refere nc e to Buzzsaw and noted th at the C ity approve d products li st is ac cessi bl e through the C ity 's website. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed March 9 , 2020 UTILITY CUT REPAI R CONTRACT l 2023 City Project No. UC-0 l 2023 0 1 6600 -1 PRO DUCT STORAGE AN D H AN DLING REQU lREM EN TS Page I of 4 SECTION 01 66 00 2 PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING REQUIREMENTS 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Scheduling of product delivery 7 2. Packaging of products for delivery 8 3 . Protection of products against damage from: 9 a. Handling 10 b. Exposure to elements or harsh environments 11 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 12 1. None. 13 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to : 14 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 15 2. Division 1 -General Requirements 16 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 17 A . Measurement and Payment 18 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 19 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 20 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 21 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 22 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 23 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 24 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 25 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 26 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 27 1.10 DELIVERY AND HANDLING 28 A. Delivery Requirements 29 1. Schedule delivery of products or equipment as required to allow timely installation 30 and to avoid prolonged storage. 31 2. Provide appropriate personnel and equipment to receive deliveries. 32 3. Delivery trucks will not be permitted to wait extended periods of time on the Site 33 for personnel or equipment to receive the delivery . CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEClFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed Jul y I , 20 11 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 0 I 66 00 - 2 PRODUCT STORAG E AND HANDLING REQU IREMENTS Page 2 of 4 4. Deliver products or equipment in manufacturer's original unbroken cartons or other 2 containers designed and constructed to protect the contents from phys ical or 3 environmental damage. 4 5. Clearly and fully mark and identify as to manufacturer, item and installation 5 location. 6 6. Provide manufacturer's instructions for storage and handling. 7 B. Handling Requirements 8 1. Handle products or equipment in accordance with these Contract Documents and 9 manufacturer's recommendations and instructions. 10 C. Storage Requirements I 1 1. Store materials in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations and 12 requirements of these Specifications. 13 2. Make necessary provisions for safe storage of materials and equipment. 14 a . Place loose soi l material s and materials to be incorporated into Work to prevent 15 damage to any part of Work or existing facilities and to maintain free access at 16 all times to all parts of Work and to utility service company in stallat ions in 17 vicinity of Work. 18 3 . Keep materials and equipment neatly and compactly stored in locations that will 19 cause minimum inconvenience to other contractors, public travel , adjoining owners, 20 tenants and occupants . 21 a. Arrange storage to provide easy access for inspection. 22 4. Restrict storage to areas available on construction site for storage of material and 23 equipment as shown on Drawings, or approved by City's Project Representative. 24 5. Provide off-site storage and protection when on-site storage is not adequate. 25 a. Provide addresses of and access to off-site storage locations for inspection by 26 City's Project Representative. 27 6. Do not use lawns, grass plots or other private property for storage purposes without 28 written permission of owner or other person in possession or control of premises. 29 7. Store in manufacturers' unopened containers. 30 8. Neatly, safely and compactly stack materials delivered and stored along line of 31 Work to avoid inconvenience and damage to property owners and general public 32 and maintain at least 3 feet from fire hydrant. 33 9. Keep public and private driveways and street crossings open . 34 10. Repair or replace damaged lawns, sidewalks, streets or other improvements to 35 satisfaction of City's Project Representative. 36 a. Total length which materials may be distributed along route of construction at 37 one time is 1,000 linear feet, unless otherwise approved in writing by City's 38 Project Representative. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECrF ICA TION DOCUMENTS Revi sed July I , 20 I I UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC -0 I 2023 016600 -3 PR ODUCT STORAGE AN D HAN D LING REQU IREMENTS Page 3 of4 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 2 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 3 PART 2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 4 PART 3-EXECUTION 5 6 7 8 9 11 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3 .6 3.7 INST ALLERS [NOT USED] EXAMINATION [NOT USED] PREPARATION [NOT US ED] ERECTION [NOT USED] REPAIR/ RESTORATION [NOT USED] RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL 12 A. Tests a nd In s pection s 13 1. In s pe ct a ll products or e quipment de livere d t o the s it e prior to unlo a din g . 14 B . Non-C on fo rming Work 15 1. R ej ect all product s or equipme nt tha t a re da m age d, used or in a ny othe r way 16 un sati sfactory for use o n the p roj e ct. 17 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 18 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 19 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 2 0 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 2 1 3.12 PROTECTION 22 A . Protect a ll product s or e quipme nt in a ccorda nce with manufac ture r's w ritten directions. 23 B. Store product s or e quipme nt in location to avo id phys ical d a mage to it e ms whil e in 24 st o rage. 25 C. Protect equipment fr om expos ure to e le me nt s a nd keep thoroughl y dry if re quired b y 26 th e ma nufacturer. 27 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 2 8 3 .14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 29 END OF SECTION 3 0 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised J uly I , 20 11 UTILI TY CUT RE PAI R CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 01 66 00 -4 PRODUCT STORAGE AND HANDLING REQULREMENTS Page 4 of4 Revision Log DATE NAME CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEClFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed Jul y 1, 201 1 SUMMARY OF CHANGE UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC -01 2023 0 1 7000 -1 MOBILIZAT IO N AN D REMOBlLIZ AT[ON Page I of3 SECTION 01 70 00 2 MOBILIZATION AND REMOBILIZATION 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A . Section Includes: 6 1. Mobilization and Demobilization 7 a. Mobilization 8 1) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating supplies 9 to the Site 10 2) Establishment of necessary general facilities for the Contractor's operation 11 at the Site 12 3) Premiums paid for performance and payment bonds 13 4) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating supplies 14 to another location within the designated Site 15 5) Relocation of necessary general facilities for the Contractor's operation 16 from 1 location to another location on the Site. 17 b. Demobilization 18 1) Trans portation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating supplies 19 away from the Site including disassembly 20 2) Site Clean-up 21 3) Removal of all buildings and /or other facilities assembled at the Site for this 22 Contract 23 c. Mobilization and Demobilization do not include activities for specific items of 24 work that are for which payment is provided elsewhere in the contract. 25 2. Remobilization 26 a. Remobilization for Suspension of Work specifically required in the Contract 27 Documents or as required by City includes: 28 1) Demobilization 29 a) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating 30 supplies from the Site including disassembly or temporarily securing 31 equipment, supplies, and other facilities as designated by the Contract 32 Documents necessary to suspend the Work. 33 b) Site Clean-up as designated in the Contract Documents 34 2) Remobilization 35 a) Transportation of Contractor's personnel, equipment, and operating 36 s upplies to the Site necessary to resume the Work. 37 b) Establishment of necessary general facilities for the Contractor's 38 operation at the Site necessary to resume the Work. 39 3) No Payments will be made for: 40 a) Mobilization and Demobilization from one location to another on the 41 Site in the normal progress of performing the Work. 42 b) Stand-by or idle time 43 c) Lost profits 44 3. Mobilizations and Demobilization for Miscellaneous Projects 45 a. Mobilization and Demobilization CITY OF FORT WORTH STAN DARD CO NSTR UC TIO N SP EC IFI CATIO N DOCUMEN TS Revi sed November 22, 20 16 UTILITY CUT REPA1R CONTRACT I 202 3 C ity Project No . UC -01 2023 0 17000 -2 MOBILIZATION AND REMOB IUZA TION Page 2 of3 1) Mobilization shall consist of the activities and cost on a Work Order basis 2 necessary for: 3 a) Transportation of Contractor's personnel , equipment, and operating 4 supplies to th e Site for the is s ued Work Order . 5 b) Establishment of neces sary general facilities for the Contractor's 6 operation at the Site for the issued Work Order 7 2) Demobilization shall consist of the activities and cost necessary for: 8 a) Transportation of Contractor 's personnel , equipment, and operating 9 supplies from the Site including disassembly for each issued Work 10 Order 11 b) Site Clean-up for each iss ued Work Order 12 c) Removal of all build ings or other facilities asse mbled at the Site for 13 each Work Od er 14 b. Mobilization and Demobilization do not include activities for specific items of 15 work for which payment is provided elsewhere in the contract. 16 4. Emergency Mobilizations and Demobilization for Miscellaneous Projects 17 a. A Mobilization for Miscellaneous Projects when directed by the City and the 18 mobilization occurs within 24 hours of the issuance of the Work Order. 19 B . Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 20 1. Although this contract is considered a miscellaneous type contract, all 2 1 mobilizations and demobilizations will be considered subsidiary to the work to 22 be performed. 23 C. R e lated Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 24 1. Divi sion O -Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 25 2. Division I -General Requirements 26 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 27 A. Measurement and Payment 28 1. Mobilization and Demobilization 29 a. Meas ure 30 1) This Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 31 b . Pay ment 32 I) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 33 are sub sidiary to the various Items bid and no other compensation will be 34 allowed. 35 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 36 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 37 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 38 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 39 1. 7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITT ALS [NOT USED] 40 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 41 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] C IT Y OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed Nove mber 22, 20 16 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 0 17000-3 MOBlLlZATION AND REMOBILIZATION Page 3 of3 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 2 1.11 FIELD [SIT E] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 3 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 4 PART 2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 5 PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT USED] 6 END OF SECTION 7 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 11 /22 /16 Michael Owen 1.2 Price and Payment Proce dures -Revised spec ification , includin g blue text, to 8 make specification fle x ibl e for e ith er su bsidiary or paid bid item for Mobilization . CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised November 22 , 2016 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 01 71 23 -I C ON STRU CTION STAKING AND SURVE Y Page I of8 SECTION 01 71 23 2 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Requirements for construction staking and construction survey 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None. 9 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 10 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 11 2. Division 1 -General Requirements 12 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 13 A. Measurement and Payment 14 1. Construction Staking 15 a. Measurement 16 I) Measurement for this Item shall be by lump sum . 17 b. Payment 18 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this 19 Item shall be paid for at the lump sum price bid for "Construction Staking". 20 2) Payment for "Construction Staking" shall be made in partial payments 21 prorated by work completed compared to total work included in the lump 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 sum item. c. The price bid shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1) Verification of control data provided by City. 2) Placement, maintenance and replacement ofrequired stakes and markings in the field. 3) Preparation and submittal of construction staking documentation in the form of "cut sheets" using the City's standard template. 2. Construction Survey a. Measurement I) This Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. b . Payment I) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item are subsidiary to the various Items bid and no other compensation will be allowed. 3 . As-Built Survey a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by lump sum. b. Payment 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item shall be paid for at the lump sum price bid for "As-Built Survey". CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C ONSTRUCTION SPECIFIC ATIO N DOC UME NTS Revised February 14, 2018 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-01 2023 017 1 23 -2 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Pa ge 2 of8 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2) Payment for "Construction Staking" shall be made in part ial payments prorated by work completed compared to total work included in the lump s um item . c. The price bid shall include, but not be limited to the following:: 1) Field measurements and survey shots to identify location of completed facilities . 2) Documentation and submittal of as-built survey data onto contractor redline plans and di g ital survey files . 10 1.3 REFERENCES 11 A. Definitions 12 1. Construction Survey -The survey measurements made prior to or while 13 construction is in progress to control elevation, horizontal position , dimensions and 14 configuration of structures/improvements included in the Project Drawings . 15 2. As-built Survey -The measurements made after the construction of the 16 improvement features are complete to provide position coordinates for the features 17 of a project. 18 3. Construction Staking-The placement of stakes and markings to provide offsets 19 and elevations to cut and fill in order to locate on the ground the designed 20 structures/improvements included in the Project Drawings. Construction staking 21 shall include staking easements and/or right of way if indicated on the plans. 22 4. Survey "F ield Checks" -Measure ments made after construction staking is 23 completed and before construction work begins to ensure that structures marked on 24 the ground are accurately located per Project Drawings . 25 B. Technical References 26 1. City of Fort Worth -Construction Staking Standards (available on City's Buzzsaw 27 website)-01 71 23.16.01_ Attachment A _Survey Staking Standards 28 2. City of Fort Worth -Standard Survey Data Collector Library (fxl) files (available 29 on City 's Buzzsaw website). 30 3. Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Survey Manual, latest revision 3 1 4. Texas Society of Professional Land Surveyors (TSPS), Manual of Practice for Land 32 Surveying in the State of Texas, Category 5 33 34 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 35 A. The Contractor's selection of a surveyor must comply with Texas Government 36 Code 2254 (qualifications based selection) for this project. 37 1.5 SUBMITTALS 38 A . Submittals, if required , shall be in accordance with Section O 1 33 00 . 39 B . All submittals shall be received and reviewed by the City prior to delivery of work. 40 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 41 A. Field Quality Control Submittals CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised February 14, 2018 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 01 71 23 -3 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AN D SURVEY Page 3 of8 2 3 4 1. Documentation verifying accuracy of field engineering work, including coordinate conversions if plans do not indicate grid or ground coordinates. 2. Submit "Cut-Sheets " conforming to the standard template provided by the City (refer to 01 71 23.16.01 -Attachment A-Survey Staking Standards). 5 1. 7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITT ALS 6 B . As-built Redline Drawing Submittal 7 1. Submit As-Built Survey Redline Drawings documenting the locations/elevations of 8 constructed improvements signed and sealed by Registered Professional Land 9 Surveyor (RPLS) responsible for the work (refer to 01 71 23.16.01 -Attachment A 10 -Survey Staking Standards) . 11 2. Contractor shall s ubmit the proposed as-built and completed redline drawing 12 submittal one(]) week prior to scheduling the project final inspection for City 13 review and comment. Revisions, if necessary, shall be made to the as-built redline 14 drawings and resubmitted to the City prior to scheduling the construction final 15 inspection . 16 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 17 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 18 A. Construction Staking 19 1. Construction staking will be performed by the Contractor. 20 2. Coordination 21 a. Contact City's Project Representative at least one week in advance notifying 22 the City of when Construction Staking is scheduled. 23 b . It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate staking such that 24 construction activities are not delayed or negatively impacted . 25 3. General 26 a . Contractor is responsible for preserving and maintaining stakes. If City 27 surveyors are required to re-stake for any reason, the Contractor will be 28 responsible for costs to perform staking. If in the opinion of the City, a 29 sufficient number of stakes or markings have been lost, destroyed disturbed or 30 omitted that the contracted Work cannot take place then the Contractor will be 31 required to stake or re-stake the deficient areas. 32 B. Construction Survey 33 1. Construction Survey will be performed by the Contractor. 34 2. Coordination 35 a . Contractor to verify that horizontal and vertical control data established in the 36 design survey and required for construction survey is available and in place. 37 3. General 3 8 a. Construction survey will be performed in order to construct the work shown 39 on the Construction Drawings and specified in the Contract Documents. 40 b. For construction methods other than open cut, the Contractor shall perform 41 construction survey and verify control data including, but not limited to, the 42 following: 43 1) Verification that established benchmarks and control are accurate. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised February 14, 2018 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 1 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 C. 017123-4 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 4 of8 2) Use of Benchmarks to furnish and maintain a ll reference lin es and grades for tunneling. 3) Use ofline and grades to establis h the location of the pipe. 4) Submit to the City cop ie s of field notesused to establish all lines and grades, ifrequested, and a ll ow the City to check guidance system setup prior to beginning each tunneling drive. 5) Provide access for the Ci ty, if requested, to verify the g uidance system and the line and grade of the carr ier pipe. 6) The Contractor remain s fully responsible for the accuracy of the work and correction of it , as required. 7) Monitor line and grade continuously during construction. 8) Record deviation with res pect to design line and grade once at each pipe joint and s ubmit daily records to the City. 9) If the installation does not meet the specified tolerances (as outlined in Section s 33 05 23 and/or 33 05 24), immediately notify the City and correct the installation in accordance with the Contract Documents . As-Built Survey 1. Required As-Built Survey wi ll be performed by the Contractor. 2 . Coordination a. Contractor is to coord in ate with City to confirm which features require as- built surveying. b. It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate the as -built survey and required measurements for items that are to be buried such that construction activ iti es are not delayed or negatively impacted. c. For sewer mains and water mains 12 " and under in diameter, it is acceptable to phys icall y measure depth a nd mark the lo cation during the progress of construction and take as-built survey after the facility has been buried. The Contractor is responsible for the quality control needed to ensure accuracy. 3. General a. The Contractor shall provide as -built survey including the elevation and loc at ion (and provid e written documentation to the City) of construction features during the progress of the construction including the followin g : 1) WaterLines a) Top of pipe elevations and coordinates for waterlines at the following locat ion s: (1) Minimum every 250 lin ear feet, including (2) Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature , etc. (3) Fire line tee ( 4) Plugs , stub-outs, dead-end lines (5) Casing pipe (each end) and all buried fittings 2) Sanitary Sewer a) Top of pipe elevations and coordinates for force ma ins and s iphon sanitary sewer lines (non-gravity faci liti es) at the following lo cations: (1) Minimum every 250 linear feet and any buried fittin gs (2) Horizontal and vertical points of inflection, curvature, etc . 3) Stormwater -Not Applicable CITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-0 I 2023 ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised February 14 , 2018 01 71 23 -5 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURV EY Page 5 of8 b. The Contractor shall provide as-built survey including the elevation and 2 loc at ion (and provide written documentation to the City) of construction 3 features after the construction is completed including the following: 4 1) Manholes 5 a) Rim and flowline elevations and coordinates for each manhole 6 2) Water Lines 7 a) Cathodic protection test stations 8 b) Sampling stations 9 c) Meter bo xes/vaults (All sizes) 1 0 d) Fire hydrants 11 e) Valves (gate, butterfly, etc.) 12 f) Air Release valves (Manhole rim and vent pipe) 13 g) Blow off valves (Manhole rim and valve lid) 14 h) Pres sure plane valves 15 i) Underground Vaults 16 (]) Rim and flow I ine elevations and coordinates for each 17 Underground Vault. 18 3) Sanitary Sewer 19 a) Cleanouts 20 (1) Rim and flowlin e elevations and coordinates for each 21 b) Manholes and Junction Structures 22 (1) Rim and flowline elevations and coordinates for each 23 manhole and junction structure. 24 4) Stormwater -Not Applicable 25 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 26 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED) 27 1.12 WARRANTY 28 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 29 A. A construction survey will produce , but will not be limited to : 30 1. Recovery of relevant control points , points of curvature and points of intersec tion . 31 2. Establish temporary horizontal and vertical control elevations (benchmarks) 32 sufficiently permanent and located in a manner to be used throughout construction. 33 3. The location of planned facilities, easements and improvements. 34 a. Establishjng final line and grade stakes for piers, floors , grade beams, parkjng 35 areas, utilities , streets, highways , tunnels, and other construction. 36 b . A record of revisions or corrections noted in an orderly manner for reference. 37 c. A drawing, when required by the client, indicating the horizontal and vertical 38 location of facilities, easements and improvements , as built. 39 4. Cut sheets shall be provided to the City in spector and Survey Superintendent for all 40 construction staking projects. These cut sheets shall be on the standard city template 41 which can be obtained from the Survey Superintendent (817-392-7925). 42 5. Digital survey files in the following formats shall be acceptable: 43 a. AutoCAD (.dwg) 44 b. ESRl Shapefile (.shp) CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised February 14 , 2018 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-01 2023 0 171 23-6 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVE Y Page 6 of8 2 3 4 c. CSV file (.csv), formatted with X and Y coordinates in separate columns (use standard templates, if available) 6 . Survey files shall include vertical and horizontal data tied to original project control and benchmarks , and shall include feature description s 5 PART 3 -EXECUTION 6 3.1 INST ALLERS 7 A. Tolerances: 8 1. The staked location of any improvement or facility should be as accurate as 9 practica l and necessary . The degree of precision required is dependent on many 10 factors all of which must remain judgmental. The tolerances listed hereafter are 11 base d on generalities and, under certain circumstances, shall yield to specific 12 requirements. The surveyor shall assess any situation by review of the overall plan s 13 and through consultation with responsible parties as to the need for specific 14 tol erances. 15 a. Earthwork: Grades for earthwork or rough cut should not exceed 0 .1 ft. vertical 16 tolerance. Horizontal alignment for earthwork and rough cut should not exceed 17 1.0 ft. tolerance. 18 b. Horizontal alignment on a structure shall be within .0.1 ft tolerance. 19 c . Paving or concrete for streets, curbs, gutters, parking areas, drives, alleys and 20 walkways shall be located within the confines of the site boundaries and , 2 1 occasionally, along a boundary or any other restrictive line. Away from any 22 restrictive line , these facilities should be staked with an accuracy producing no 23 more than 0 .05ft . tolerance from their specified locations . 24 d . Underground and overhead utilities , s uch as sewers, gas, water, telephone and 25 electric lines , shall be located horizontally within their prescribed areas or 26 easements. Within assigned areas , these utilities should be staked with an 27 accuracy producing no more than 0.1 ft tolerance from a specified location . 28 e. The accuracy required for the vertical location of utilities varies widely. Many 29 underground utilities require onl y a minimum cover and a tolerance ofO. l ft. 30 should be maintained . Underground and overhead utilities on planned profile, 31 but not depending on gravity flow for performance , should not exceed 0 .1 ft . 32 tolerance. 33 B . Surveying instruments shall be kept in close adjustment according to manufacturer 's 34 specifications or in compliance to standards. The City reserves the right to request a 35 calibration report at any time and recommends regular maintenance schedule be 36 performed by a certified technician every 6 months. 37 1. Field measurements of angles and distances shall be done in such fashion as to 38 satisfy the closures and tolerances expressed in Part 3.1.A. 39 2. Vertical locations shall be established from a pre-established benchmark and 40 checked by clos in g to a different bench mark on the same datum. 41 3 . Construction survey field work shall correspond to the client's plans . Irregularities 42 or conflicts found shall be reported promptly to the City. 43 4 . Revisions, corrections and other pertinent data shall be logge d for future reference . 44 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION S PECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised February 14, 2018 UTILITY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT 1 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 1 2023 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 2 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 3 3.4 APPLICATION 4 3.5 REPAIR/RESTORATION 01 71 23 -7 CONSTRU CTION STAKING AND SURVEY Page 7 of 8 5 A. If the Contractor's work damages or destroys one or more of the control 6 monuments/points set by the City, the monuments shall be adequately referenced for 7 expedient restoration. 8 1. Notify City if any control data needs to be restored or replaced due to damage 9 caused during construction operations. 10 a. Contractor shall perform replacements and/or restorations. 11 b. The City may require at any time a survey "Field Check" of any monument 12 or benchmarks that are set be verified by the City surveyors before further 13 associated work can move forward. 14 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 15 3.7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL 16 A. It is the Contractor's responsibility to maintain all stakes and control data placed by the 17 City in accordance with this Specification. This includes easements and right of way, if 18 noted on the plans. 19 B. Do not change or relocate stakes or control data without approval from the City. 20 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP 21 A. Survey Checks 22 1. The City reserves the right to perform a Survey Check at any time deemed 23 necessary. 24 2. Checks by City personnel or 3rd party contracted surveyor are not intended to 25 relieve the contractor of his/her responsibility for accuracy. 26 27 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 28 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 29 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 30 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 31 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 32 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 33 END OF SECTION 34 Revision Log CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPE CIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised February 14, 2018 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No . UC-01 2023 DATE AME 8/31 /2012 D. Johnson 8/31 /2017 M . Owen 2/14/20 18 MOwen CITY OF FORT WORTH 0 I 71 23 - 8 CONSTRUCTION STAKING AND SURVE Y Pa ge 8 of8 SUMMARY OF CHANGE Added instruction and modified measurement & payment under 1.2 ; added definitions and references under 1.3 ; modified 1.6; added 1.7 c loseout submittal requirements; modified 1.9 Quality Assurance; added PART 2 -PRODUCTS ; Added 3 .1 Installers ; added 3.5 Repair/Restoration; and added 3 .8 System Startup . Removed "blue text"; revised measurement and payment sections for Construction Staking and As -Built Survey; added reference to selection compliance with TGC 2254; revised action and Closeout submittal requirements ; added acceptab le depth measurement criteria; revised list of items requiring as-built survey "during" and "after" construction; and revised acceptab le digital survey file format ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPE CIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rev ise d Fe bruary 14, 2018 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-01 2023 1 SECTION 017423 2 CLEANING 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 0 1 74 23 - I CLEANfNG Page I of 4 6 1. Intermediate and final cleaning for Work not including special cleaning of closed 7 systems specified elsewhere 8 8 . Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 9 1. None. 10 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 11 1. Division 0 -Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 12 2 . Divi s ion 1 -General Require ments 13 3. Section 32 92 13 -Hydro-Mulching, Seeding and Sodding 14 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 15 A. Measurement and Payment 16 I. Work associated with this Item is considered s ub s idiary to the various Items bid. 17 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 18 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 19 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 20 A. Scheduling 21 1. Schedule cleaning operations so that dust and other contaminants disturbed by 22 cleaning process will not fall on newly painted surfaces. 23 2. Schedule final cleaning upon completion of Work and immediately prior to final 24 inspection. 25 1.5 SUBMITT ALS [NOT USED] 26 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 27 1. 7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITT ALS [NOT USED] 2 8 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 29 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 30 1.10 STORAGE, AND HANDLING 3 1 A. Storage and Handling Requirements 32 1. Store cleaning products and cleaning wastes in containers specifically designed for 33 those materials. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFI CATION DOCUMENTS Revised Jul y I , 20 11 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC -0 I 2023 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 2 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 3 PART2-PRODUCTS 0 1 74 23 -2 CLEANING Page 2 of 4 4 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oR] OWNER-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED] 5 2.2 MATERIALS 6 A. Cleaning Agents 7 1. Compatible with surface being cleaned 8 2. New and uncontaminated 9 3. For manufactured surfaces 10 a . Material recommended by manufacturer 11 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 12 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 13 PART 3 -EXECUTION 14 15 16 17 18 19 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 INST ALLERS [NOT USED] EXAMINATION [NOT USED] PREPARATION [NOT USED] APPLICATION [NOT USED] REPAIR/ RESTORATION [NOT USED] RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 20 3. 7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 21 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 22 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 23 3.10 CLEANING 24 A. General 25 1. Prevent accumulation of wastes that create hazardous conditions. 26 2. Conduct cleaning and disposal operations to comply with laws and safety orders of 27 governing authorities. 28 3 . Do not dispose of volatile wastes such as mineral spirits , oil or paint thinner in 29 storm or sanitary drains or sewers. 30 4. Dispose of degradable debris at an approved solid waste disposal site . 31 5. Dispose of nondegradable debris at an approved so lid waste disposal site or in an 32 alternate manner approved by City and regulatory agencies. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CO N STRUC TI ON SPEC IFI CATION DOCUMENTS Re v ised Jul y I, 20 I I UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-01 2023 01 74 23 -3 CLEANING Page 3 of4 6. Handle materials in a controlled manner with as few handlings as possible. 2 7 . Thoroughly clean, sweep, wash and polish all Work and equipment associated with 3 this project. 4 8. Remove all signs of temporary construction and activities incidental to construction 5 of required permanent Work. 6 9. If project is not cleaned to the satisfaction of the City , the City reserves the right to 7 have the clean ing completed at the expense of the Contractor. 8 10. Do not burn on-site. 9 B . Intermediate C leanin g during Construction 10 1. Keep Work areas clean so as not to hind er health, safety or convenience of 11 personnel in existing facility operations. 12 2 . At maximum weekly intervals, dispose of waste materials, debris and rubbish. 13 3. Confine construction debris daily in strategically loc ated container(s): 14 a. Cover to prevent blowing by w ind 15 b . Store debris away from construction or operational activities 16 c. Haul from site at a minimum of once per week 17 4. Vacuum clean interior areas when ready to receive finish painting. 18 a . Conti nu e vacuum cleani ng on an as-needed basis, unti l F in al Acceptance. 19 5. Prior to storm events , thoroughly c lean site of all loose or unsecured items, which 20 may become airborne or transported by flowing water during the storm. 21 C. Interior Final Cleaning 22 1. Remove grease, mastic, adhesives, dust, dirt , stains , fingerprints , labels and other 23 foreign materials from sight-exposed surfaces. 24 2. Wipe all li ghting fixture reflectors, lenses, lamps and trims clean. 25 3 . Wash and shine g lazing and mirrors. 26 4. Polish glossy surfaces to a clear shine. 27 5. Ventilating systems 28 a. Clean permanent filters and replace disposable filters if units were operated 29 during construction. 30 b. Clean ducts, blowers and coils if units were operated without filters during 31 construction. 32 6. Replace a ll burned out lamp s. 33 7. Broom clean process area floors. 34 8. Mop office and control room floors. 35 D. Exterior (Site or Right of Way) F in al C leaning 36 1. Remove trash and debris contai ners from site. 37 a. Re-seed areas disturbed by location of trash and debris contai n ers in accordance 38 with Section 32 92 13. 39 2. Sweep roadway to remove all rocks, pieces of asphalt, concrete or any other object 40 that may hinder or disrupt the flow of traffic along the roadway. 41 3. Clean any interior areas including, but not limited to, vaults, manholes, structures, 42 junction boxes and inlets. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SP ECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed Jul y I , 20 I I UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 0 I 74 23 -4 CLEANrNG Page 4 of4 4. lfno lon ge r required for ma in ten a nce of erosion fac iliti es, and up o n appro va l by 2 C it y, remo ve ero s ion control from s it e. 3 5. C lean s igns, li gh t s, s ignal s, etc. 4 3.11 CLO SEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 5 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 6 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 7 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 8 END OF SECTION 9 R ev is ion Log D ATE AME CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rev ised Jul y 1, 20 11 SUMMARY OF CHANGE UTILITY CUT RE PAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC -0 1 2023 SECTION 01 77 19 2 CLOSEOUT REQUIREMENTS 3 PART 1-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A Section Includes: 6 1. The procedure for closing out a contract 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. None. 01 77 19 - I C LO SEOUT R EQUIREMENT S Page I of3 9 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 10 1. Division 0 -Bidding Requirements , Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 11 2. Division I -General Requirements 12 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENf PROCEDURES 13 A Measurement and Payment 14 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 15 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item . 16 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 17 1.4 ADl\fiNISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 18 A Guarantees, Bonds and Affidavits 19 I. No application for final payment will be accepted until all guarantees , bonds , 20 certificates , licenses and affidavits required for Work or equipment as specified are 2 1 satisfactorily filed with the City. 22 B. Release of Liens or Claims 23 1. No application for final payment will be accepted until satisfactory evidence of 24 release of liens has been s ubmitted to the City. 25 1.5 SUBl\fiTTALS 26 A Submit all required documentation to City 's Project Representative . 27 28 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBl\fiTTALS [NOT USED] 29 30 1. 7 CLOSEOUT SUBl\fiTTALS [NOT USED] 31 PART2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 32 CITY OF FORT W O RTH STANDARD CONSTR UCT ION SPEC IFI CAT ION DOCUMENTS R evi sed March 22 , 202 1 UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-0 I 202 3 1 PART 3 -EXECUTION 2 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOTUSED] 3 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 4 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 5 3.4 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURE 6 A Prior to requesting Final Inspection, submit: 0 1771 9 -2 C LOS EOUT REQurREM ENTS Page 2 of 3 7 1. Project Record Documents in accordance with Section 01 78 39 8 2. Operation and Maintenance Data, if required, in accordance with Section 017823 9 B. Prior to requesting Final Inspection, perform fmal cleaning in accordance with Section 10 01 74 23 . 11 C. Final Inspection 12 1. After fmal cleaning, provide notice to the City Project Representative that the Work 13 is completed. 14 a. The City will make an initial Final Inspection with the Contractor present 15 b. Upon completion of this inspection , the City will notify the Contractor, in 16 writing within 10 business days, of any particulars in which this inspection 17 reveals that the Work is defective or incomplete. 18 2. Upon receiving written notice from the City, immediately undertake the Work 19 required to remedy deficiencies and complete the Work to the satisfaction of the 20 City . 21 3. The Right-of-way shall be cleared of all construction materials , barricades , and 22 temporary signage . 23 4 . Upon completion of Work associated with the items listed in the City's written 24 notice, inform the City that the required Work has been completed. Upon receipt of 25 this notice, the City, in the presence of the Contractor, will make a subsequent Final 26 Inspection of the project. 27 5. Provide all special accessories required to place each item of equipment in full 28 operation . These special accessory items include, but are not limited to: 29 a . Specified spare parts 30 b. Adequate oil and grease as required for the first lubrication of the equipment 31 c . Initial fill up of all chemical tanks and fuel tanks 32 d. Light bulbs 33 e . Fuses 34 f. Vault keys 35 g. Handwheels 36 h. Other expendable items as required for initial start-up and operation of all 37 equipment 38 D. Notice of Project Completion 39 1. Once the City Project Representative finds the Work subsequent to Final Inspection 40 to be satisfactory, the City will issue a Notice of Project Completion (Green Sheet). 41 E. Supporting Documentation CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT IO N SPEC IFI C ATION DOC UMEN TS Rev ised March 22 , 2021 UTILI TY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 0 1771 9 -3 C LOSEOUT REQUIR EMENTS Page 3 of 3 1. Coordin ate w ith the City Project Representative to comp lete the following 2 add it ion al forms: 3 a. F in a l Pay m ent Request 4 b. Statement of Contract Time 5 c. Affidavit of Payment and Release of L ien s 6 d. Consent of Surety to Final Payment 7 e. Pipe Report (if required) 8 f. Contractor's Evalu at io n of C ity 9 g. Perfor manc e Evalu ation of Contractor 10 F. Letter of F in al Acceptance 11 1. Upon review and acceptan ce of Notice of Project Com pl eti on and Supporting 12 Documentation, in accordance with General Con di tions, Cit y will issue Letter of 13 Final Acceptance and release the Final Payment Req uest for payment. 14 3.5 REPAIR/RESTORATION [NOT USED] 15 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOTUSED] 16 3.7 FIELD (oR] SITE QUALI1Y CONIROL [NOT USED] 17 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 18 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 19 3.10 CLEANING [NOTUSED] 20 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIF.S [NOT USED] 2 1 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 22 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 23 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 24 END OF SECTION 25 Revisio n Log DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 3 /22 /2 021 MO~n 3.4 C. Added language to clarify and emphasize requirement to "Clearing ROW " 26 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTR UCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUM ENTS Revi sed March 22 , 202 1 UTILITY CUT REP AJR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 01 78 23 -I OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DAT A Page 1 of5 1 SECTION 01 78 23 2 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DAT A 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 I. Product data and related information appropriate for City's maintenance and 7 operation of products furnished under Contract 8 2. Such products may include , but are not limited to: 9 a. Traffic Controllers 1 O b. Irrigation Controllers (to be operated by the City) 11 c. ButterflyValves 12 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 13 1. None. 14 C. Rel ated Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 15 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 16 2. Division I -General Require ments 17 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 18 A. Measurement and Payment 19 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid. 20 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 2 1 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 22 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 23 A. Schedule 24 1. Submit manua ls in final form to the City within 30 calendar d ays of product 25 shipment to the project site. 26 1.5 SUBMITTALS 27 A. Submittals shall be in accordance with Section 01 33 00 . All submittals shall be 28 approved by the City prior to delivery. 29 1.6 INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 30 A. Submittal Form 31 1. Prepare data in form of an instructional manual for use by City personnel. 32 2. Format 33 a. Size : 8 ½ inches x 11 inches 34 b. Paper 35 1) 40 pound minimum, white , for typed pages 36 2) Holes reinforced with plastic, cloth or metal 37 c. Text: Manufacturer's printed data, or neatly typewritten C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTI ON SPECIF ICATIO N DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-0 1 2023 0 1 78 23 -2 OPE RATION AND M AINTENANCE DAT A Page 2 o f 5 d. Drawings 1) Provide reinforced punched binder tab , bind in with text 2) Reduce larger drawings and fold to size of text pages . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 e . Provide fl y-leaf for each separate product, or each piece of operating equipment. 1) Provide typed description of product, and major component parts of equipment. 2) Provide indexed tabs . f . Cover 10 11 1) Identify each volume with typed or printed title "OPERA TING AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS". 12 2) List: 13 a) Title of Project 14 b) Identity of separate structure as applicable 15 c) Identity of general subject matter covered in the manual 16 3 . Binders 17 a. Commercial quality 3-ring binders with durable and cleanable plastic covers 18 b . When multiple binders are u sed, correlate the data into related consistent 19 groupings . 20 4 . If available , provide an electronic form of the O&M Manual. 21 B . Manual Content 22 1. Neatly typewritten table of contents for each volume, arranged in systematic order 23 a . Contractor, name of re s ponsible principal, address and telephone number 24 b . A li st of each product required to be included, indexed to content of the volume 25 c . List, with each product: 26 1) The name , address and te lephone number of the subcontractor or installer 27 2) A list of each product required to be included, indexed to content of the 28 volum e 29 3) Identify area of responsibility of each 30 4) Local source of supply for parts and replacement 31 d. Identify each product by product name and other id entifying symbols as set 32 forth in Contract Documents. 33 2. Product Data 34 a. Include only those sheets which are pertinent to the specific product. 35 b. Annotate each sheet to : 36 1) Clearly identify s pecific product or part installed 37 2) Clearl y identify data applicable to installation 38 3) Delete references to inapplicable information 39 3. Drawings 40 a. Supplement product data with drawings as necessary to clearly illustrate: 41 1) Relations of component parts of equipment and systems 42 2) Control and flow diagrams 43 b. Coordinate drawings with information in Project Record Documents to assure 44 correct illustration of comp le ted installation. 45 c. Do not use Project Record Drawings as maintenance drawings. 46 4. Written text, as required to supplement product data for the particular installation: 47 a . Organize in consistent format under separate headings for different procedures . 48 b. Provide logical sequence of instructions of each procedure. C IT Y O F FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CO N STR UC TIOJ:-.J SPEC IFI C ATION DOCUMENTS Rev ised December 20 , 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Proj ec t N o . U C-0 I 2023 0 1 78 23 -3 OPERATIO N AN D MAINTEN ANCE DATA Page 3 o f 5 5. Copy of each warranty, bond and service contract issued 2 a. Provide information sheet for City personnel giving: 3 1) Proper procedures in event of failure 4 2) Instances which might affect validity of warranties or bonds 5 C . Manual for Materials and Finishes 6 1. Submit 5 copies of complete manual in final form. 7 2. Content, for architectural products , applied materials and finishes : 8 a. Manufacturer's data, giving full information on products 9 1) Catalog number, size , composition 10 2) Color and texture designations 1 I 3) Information required for reordering special manufactured products 12 b. Instructions for care and maintenance 13 1) Manufacturer's recommendation for types of cleaning agents and methods 14 2) Cautions against cleaning agents and methods which are detrimental to 15 product 16 3) Recommended schedule for cleaning and maintenance 17 3. Content, for moisture protection and weather exposure products: 18 a. Manufacturer's data, giving full information on products 19 1) Applicable standards 20 2) Chemical composition 21 3) Detai Is of installation 22 b. Instructions for inspection, maintenance and repair 23 D. Manual for Equipment and Systems 24 1. Submit 5 copies of complete manual in final form. 25 2. Content, for each unit of equipment and system, as appropriate: 26 a. Description of unit and component parts 27 1) Function, normal operating characteristics and limiting conditions 28 2) Performance curves, engineering data and tests 29 3) Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts 30 b. Operating procedures 31 1) Start-up, break-in, routine and normal operating instructions 32 2) Regulation, control , stopping, shut-down and emergency instructions 33 3) Summer and winter operating instructions 34 4) Special operating instructions 35 c. Maintenance procedures 36 1) Routine operations 37 2) Guide to "trouble shooting" 38 3) Disassembly, repair and reassembly 39 4) Alignment, adjusting and checking 40 d. Servicing and lubrication schedule 41 1) List of lubricants required 42 e. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions 43 f. Description of sequence of operation by control manufacturer 44 1) Predicted life of parts subject to wear 45 2) Items recommended to be stocked as spare parts 46 g. As installed control diagrams by controls manufacturer 47 h. Each contractor's coordination drawings 48 1) As installed color coded piping diagrams C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRU CTION SP EC IFI C ATIO N DOC UME NTS Revi se d December 20 , 20 12 UTILITY C UT REPAIR C ONTRAC T I 202 3 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 0 1 78 23 - 4 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA Page 4 of5 1. Charts of valve tag numbers , with location and function of each valve j. List of original manufacturer's spare parts , manufacturer's current prices , and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage k. Other data as required under pertinent Sections of Specifications 3 . Content, for each electric and electronic system, as appropriate: a. Description of system and component parts 1) Function, normal operating characteristics, and limiting conditions 2) Performance curves, engineering data and tests 3) Complete nomenclature and commercial number of replaceable parts b. Circuit directories of panel boards 1) E lectrical service 2) Controls 3) Communications c. As installed color coded wiring diagrams d. Operating procedures I) Routine and normal operating in structions 2) Sequences required 3) Special operating instructions e. Maintenance procedures 1) Routine operations 2) Gu id e to "trouble shoot in g" 3) Disassembly, repair and reassembly 4) Adjustment and checking f. Manufacturer's printed operating and maintenance instructions g. List of original manufacturer's spare parts , manufacturer's current prices , and recommended quantities to be maintained in storage h . Other data as required under pertinent Sections of Specifications 4. Prepare and include additional data when the need for such data becomes apparent during instruction of City's personnel. 30 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 31 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 32 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 33 A. Provide operation and maintenance data by personnel with the following criteria: 34 1. Trained and experienced in maintenance and operation of described products 35 2. Skilled as technical writer to the extent required to communicate essential data 36 3. Skilled as draftsman competent to prepare required drawings C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECrFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 017823 -5 OPERATIO N AND MAINTEN ANCE DATA 1 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 2 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 3 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 4 PART 2 -PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 5 PART 3 -EXECUTION [NOT USED] 6 END OF SECTION 7 8 R ev is io n Log D ATE NAME 8/31/20 12 D. Jo hn son CITY OF FORT WO RTH ST AND ARD CONSTR UCT ION SPEC IFICATI ON DOCUMENTS Rev ised Dec em be r 20 , 20 12 SUMMARY OF CH ANGE 1.5.A. I -ti t le of secti o n removed Page 5 of5 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity P roj ec t No. UC-0 I 2023 0 1 78 39 - I PROJ EC T RECORD DOCUMEN T S Page I of4 SECTION 01 78 39 2 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes : 6 1. Work associated with the documenting the project and recording changes to project 7 documents, including: 8 a . Record Drawings 9 b. Water Meter Service Reports 10 c . Sanitary Sewer Service Reports 11 d . Large Water Meter Reports 12 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 13 I. None. 14 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 15 I. Division O -Bidding Requirements , Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract I 6 2. Division 1 -General Requirements 17 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 18 A. Measurement and Payment 19 1. Work associated with this Item is considered subsidiary to the various Items bid . 20 No separate payment will be allowed for this Item. 21 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 22 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 23 1.5 SUBMITT ALS 24 A. Prior to submitting a request for Final Inspection, deliver Project Record Documents to 25 City 's Project Representative . 26 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 27 1. 7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITT ALS [NOT USED] 28 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 29 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 30 A. Accuracy of Records 31 1. Thoroughly coordinate changes within the Record Documents , making adequate 32 and proper entries on each page of Specifications and each sheet of Drawings and 33 other Documents where such entry is required to show the change properly. 34 2. Accuracy ofrecords shall be such that future search for items shown in the Contract 35 Documents may rely reasonably on information obtained from the approved Project 36 Record Documents . CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFICATION DOC UMEN TS Revi sed Jul y I , 2 0 11 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2 02 3 City Project UC-01 2023 0 1 78 39 -2 PROJECT RE CORD DO CUMENTS Page 2 of 4 3 . To facilitate accuracy ofrecords , make entries within 24 hours after receipt of 2 information that the change has occurred . 3 4 . Pro vide factual information regarding all aspects of the Work, both concealed and 4 visible, to enable future modification of the Work to proceed without lengthy and 5 expensive site measurement, inves t igation and examination. 6 1.10 STORAGE AND HANDLING 7 A. Storage and Handling Requirements 8 I. Maintain the job set of Record Documents completely protected from deterioration 9 and from loss and damage until completion of the Work and transfer of all recorded 10 data to the final Project Record Documents. 11 2. In the event of loss of recorded data, us e means necessary to again secure the data 12 to the City's approval. 13 a. In such case, provide replacements to the standards originally required by the 14 Contract Documents . 15 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 16 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 17 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 18 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oR] OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 19 2.2 RECORD DOCUMENTS 20 A. Job set 21 1. Promptly following receipt of the Notice to Proceed, secure from the City, at no 22 charg e to the Contractor, 1 complete set of all Documents comprising the Contract. 23 B. Final Record Documents 24 1. At a time nearing the completion of the Work and prior to Final Inspection, provide 25 th e City 1 complete set of all Final Record Drawings in the Contract. 26 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 27 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 28 PART 3 -EXECUTION 29 3.1 INST ALLERS [NOT USED] 30 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 31 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 32 3.4 MAINTENANCE DOCUMENTS 33 A. Maintenance of Job Set 34 1. Immediately upon receipt of the job set, identify each of the Documents with the 35 title, "RECORD DOCUMENTS -JOB SET". C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD C O NSTRUC TIO N SPECIFICAT IO N DOC UMEN TS Re vised July I , 20 11 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project U C-01 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 B. 2. Preservation 0 1 78 39 -3 PROJEC T RECORD DOCUMENTS Page 3 of4 a. Cons id ering the Contract comp letion time, the probable number of occasions upon which the job set must be taken out for new entries and for examination, and the conditions under which these activities w ill be performed, devise a suitable method for protecting the job set. b. Do not use the job set for any purpose except entry of new data and for review by the City, until start of transfer of data to final Project Record Documents. c. Maintain the job set at the site of work. 3. Coordination with Construction Survey a. At a minimum, in accordance with the intervals set forth in Section 01 71 23, clearly mark any deviations from Contract Documents assoc iated with in stall ation of the infrastructure. 4. Making entries on Drawings a. Record any deviations from Contract Documents. b. Use an erasable colored pencil (not ink or indelible pencil), clearly describe the change by graphic line and note as required. c . Date all entries . d. Call attention to the entry by a "cloud" drawn around the area or areas affected. e . In the event of overlapping changes , use different co lors for the overlapping changes. 5 . Conversion of schematic layouts a. In some cases on the Drawings , arrangements of conduit s, c ir cuits , piping, ducts , and similar items, are shown schemat ic a ll y and are not intended to portray precise physical layout. 1) Final physical arrangement is determined by the Contractor, subject to the City's approval. 2) However, design of future modifications of the facility may require accurate information as to the final physical layout of items which are shown only schematically on the Drawings. b. Show on the job set of Record Drawings, by dimension accurate to within 1 inch , the centerline of each run of it ems. 1) Final physical arrangement is determined by the Contractor, subject to the City's approval. 2) Show, by symbol or note, the vertical lo cation of the Item ("under s lab", "in ceil in g plenum", "exposed", and the like). 3) Make all identification sufficiently descriptive that it may be related reliably to the Specifications . c. The City may waive the requirements for conversion of schematic layouts where, in the City's judgment, conversion serves no useful purpose. However, do not rely upon waivers being issued except as specificall y issued in writing by the City. Final Project Record Documents 1. Transfer of data to Drawings a. Carefully transfer change data shown on the job set of Record Drawings to the corresponding final documents, coordinating the changes as required. b. Clearly indicate at each affected detail and other Drawing a full description of changes made during construction , and the actual location of items . CITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project UC-0 I 2023 STANDARD CONSTRUC TIO N SPECIFICATION DOC UM ENTS Revi sed Jul y l , 20 11 01 78 39 -4 PROJ EC T RE CORD DO CUMENTS Page 4 of4 1 c . Cal l attention to each entry by drawin g a "cloud" around the area or areas 2 affected . 3 d. Make ch anges neatly, consistently and with the proper med ia to assure 4 longevity and clear reproduction. 5 2. Transfer of data to other Documents 6 a. If the Do cuments, other than Drawings, have b een kept c lean durin g progress of 7 the Work, and if entries thereon have been orderly to the approval of the City, 8 the job set of those Docum ent s, other than Drawings , wi ll be accepted as final 9 Record Documents . IO b. If any such Document is not so approved by the City, secure a new copy of that 1 I Document from the C ity at t he City's usual ch arge for reproduction and 12 handling, and carefull y transfer the change data to the new copy to th e approval 13 of the City. 14 3.5 REPAIR/RESTORATION [NOT USED] 15 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 16 3.7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 17 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 18 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 19 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 20 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 2 1 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 22 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 23 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 24 END OF SECTION 25 26 Revi sion Log DATE AME C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECfF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Jul y I , 20 11 SUMMARY OF CHANGE UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project UC-0 I 2023 0 SE CTION 02 4114 02 41 14 -I UT ILIT Y RE MOV A U AB ANDONM EN T Page I of I 7 2 UTI LI TY REMOV AL/ABA NDONMEN T 3 PARTl -GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section In c lud es : 6 1. D irect io n for th e remova l, aban do nm ent or salvaging of th e fo llo w ing utiliti es : 7 a. Cathodi c Protecti on Test Stat ion s 8 b . Water L in es 9 c . Gat e V alv es 10 d. W ate r Valves 11 e. F ire Hy drants 12 f . Water M eters and Meter B ox 13 g. Water Sam pl ing St at io n 14 h . Concrete Water V au lts 15 i. San it ary Sewer L ines 16 J . San it ary Sewer Manh oles 17 k . Sani tary Sewer J un ction Boxes 18 I. St orm Sewe r L in es 19 m. St orm Sewer M anhole Ri se rs 20 n. Sto rm Sewer Jun ction B oxes 2 1 o. Storm Sewer Inl et s 22 p . B ox C ul verts 23 q . Headwall s and Safety End Treatments 24 r. T rench D rain s 25 B. D ev iations fr om th is City of Fort Wo rth Stand ard Sp ec ificati o n 26 1. UTILITY ADJUSTMENT- 27 This item is included for the ba sic purpose of establishing a contract price 2 8 which will be comparable to the final co st of making necessary adjustments 29 required due to utility cut repairs to water, sanitary sewer, natural ga s service 3 0 lines and appurtenances including irrigation lines (sprinkler systems), etc. 3 1 where such lines and appurtenances are the property owner's re s ponsibility to 32 maintain. An arbitra ry figure has been placed in the Proposal; however, this 3 3 doe s not guarantee any pa y ment for utility adjustments , neither does it confine 34 utility adjustments to the amount shown in the Proposal. It shall be the 35 contractor 's re sponsibility to provide the services of a licensed plumber to 36 make the utility adjustments determined necessary by the engineer. No 37 pa yment will be made for utility adjustments except those adjustments 3 8 determined nece ssary by the engineer. Should the contractor damage service 39 lines due to his negligence, where such lines would not have required 4 0 adjustment or repair otherwise, the lines shall be repaired or adjusted by the 41 contractor at the contractor's ex pen se. The pa yment to the contractor for 42 utility adju stments shall be the actual cost of the adjustments plu s ten percent 43 (10 %) to cover the cost of bond and overhead incurred by the contractor in 44 handling the utility adjustments. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUC TION SPE CIF ICATIO N DOCUMENTS Revi sed December 20 , 20 I 2 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 202 3 City Proj ec t No . UC -01 2023 0241 14-2 UTILITY REMOVAUAB AN DONMENT Page 2 o f 17 C . Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessar il y limite d to: 2 1. Divi s ion 0 -Bidding Re quire me nt s, Contract Forms and Co ndition s of th e Contract 3 2. Divi s ion 1 -General Requirements 4 3. Section 03 34 13 -Controlled Low Strengt h Material (CLSM) 5 4. Section 33 05 10 -Utility Tre nch Excavation, E mbedm e nt an d B ackfi ll 6 5. Section 33 05 24 -Installation of Carrie r Pipe in Casing or Tunnel Liner Pl ate 7 6. Section 33 11 11 -Ductile Iron F ittings 8 7 . Section 33 11 13 -Concrete Press ur e Pip e, Bar-wrapped, Steel Cylinder Type 9 8. Section 33 11 14 -Buried Steel Pipe and F ittings 10 9. Section 33 12 25 -Connection to Existin g Water Mains 11 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 12 A. Ut ility Lines 13 1. Abandonment of Utility Line by Grouting 14 a. Measurement 15 1) Measurement for this Item s hall be per cubic yard of existing utility I ine to 16 be gro ut ed. Measure by tickets show ing cubic yard s of grout applied. I 7 b. Payme nt 18 1) The wo rk perform ed a nd materials furnished in accordance with this Item 19 and meas ured as provid ed und e r "M eas urement" s hall be pai d for at the 20 unit pri ce per cubic yard of"Line Grouting" for: 21 a) Various ty pes of utility lin e 22 c. The pri ce bid shall include : 23 1) Low density cellular gro ut or CLSM 24 2) Water 25 3) Pavement removal 26 4) Excavation 27 5) Hauling 28 6) Di s posal of excess mate rial s 29 7) F urni shing, placement and compaction of backfill 30 8) Clean-up 3 1 2. Utility Line Remova l, Separate Trench 32 a. Me as urement 33 1) Measurement for this Item s hall be per linear foot of existing utility line to 34 be removed. 35 b . Pay ment 36 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with thi s It em 37 and meas ured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the 38 unit price bid per lin ear foot of"Remove Line" for: 39 a) Various types of existing utility line 40 b) Various sizes 41 c. The pric e bid shall include: 42 1) Removal and disposal of existing utility pipe 43 2) Pavement removal 44 3) Excavation 45 4) Hauling 46 5) Di s po sal of excess materia ls CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20 , 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 024 1 14-3 UT ILI TY REMOVAU ABANDONMENT Page 3 of 17 6) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 7) Clean-up 3 . Uti lity Line Removal , Same Trench a. Measurement 1) This Item is consid ered s ub sidiary the proposed utility line being installed . b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item are subsidiary to the in stallation of proposed utility pipe and shall be subsidiary to the unit price bid per linear foot of pipe complete in place, and no other compensation wi ll be allo wed . 4. Manhole Abandonment a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each manhole to be abandoned. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Abandon Manhole" for : a) Various diameters b) Various types c. The price bid shall include : 1) Removal and disposal of manhole cone 2) Removal , salvage and delivery of frame and cove r to City , if app lic able 3) Cutting and plugging of existing sewer line s 4) Concrete 5) Acceptable material for backfilling manhole vo id 6) Pavement removal 7) Excavation 8) Hauling 9) Disposal of excess materials 10) Furn ishing, placement and compaction of backfill 11) Surface restoration 12) C lean -up 5 . Cathodic Test Station Abandonment a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each cathodic test station to be abandoned. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Abandon Cathodic Test Station". c. The price bid shall in clude: 1) Abandon cathodic test station 2) CLSM 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furn ish ing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) C lean-up CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIFICATION DO CUMENTS Revised December 20, 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC -0 I 2023 0 24 114-4 UTILITY REMOV A U ABANDONM ENT Page 4 of 17 B. Water Lines and Appurtenances 2 1. Installation of a Water Line Pressure Plug 3 a . Measurement 4 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each pressure plug to be installed. 5 b . Payment 6 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 7 and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the 8 unit price bid for each "Pressure Plug" installed for: 9 a) Various sizes 10 c. The price bid shall include: 11 1) Furnishing and installing pressure plug 12 2) Pavement removal 13 3) Excavation 14 4) Hauling 15 5) Disposal of excess material 16 6) Gaskets 17 7) Bolts and Nuts 18 8) Furnishing, placement and compaction of embedment 19 9) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 20 10) Disinfection 21 11) Testing 22 12) Clean-up 23 2 . Abandonment of Water Line by Cut and installation of Abandonment Plug 24 a . Measurement 25 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each cut and abandonment plug 26 installed. 27 b. Payment 28 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 29 and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the 30 unit price bid for each "Water Abandonment Plug" installed for: 31 a) Various sizes 32 c. The price bid shall include: 33 1) Furnishing and installing abandonment plug 34 2) Pavement removal 35 3) Excavation 36 4) Hauling 37 5) CLSM 38 6) Disposal of excess material 39 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 40 8) Clean-up 41 3. Water Valve Removal 42 a. Measurement 43 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each water valve to be removed. 44 b. Payment 45 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 46 and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the 47 unit price bid per each "Remove Water Valve" for: 48 a) Various sizes 49 c. The price bid shall include : CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON STRUC TION SPECIFIC ATION DOCUMENTS Re vised December 20, 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 024114-5 UTILITY R.EMOVAUABANDONMENT Page 5 of 17 1) Removal and disposal of valve 2) CLSM 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up 4. Water Valve Removal and Salvage a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each water valve to be removed and salvaged. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Salvage Water Valve " for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: I) Removal and Salvage of valve 2) CLSM 3) Delivery to City 4) Pavement removal 5) Excavation 6) Hauling 7) Disposal of excess materials 8) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 9) Clean-up 5. Water Valve Abandonment a. Measurement I) Measurement for this Item will be per each water valve to be abandoned. b . Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with thjs Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Abandon Water Valve" for: a) Various Sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Abandonment of valve 2) CLSM 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up 6. Fire Hydrant Removal and Salvage a . Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each fire hydrant to be removed. b. Payment CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 20 12 UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 02 41 14 -6 UTILITY REMOVAUABANDONMENT Page 6 of 17 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Salvage Fire Hydrant". c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and salvage of fire hydrant 2) D e livery to City 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up 7 . Water Meter Removal and Salvage a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each water meter to be removed and salvaged. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Salvage Water Meter" for: a) Various sizes 2) If a "Water Meter Service Relocate" is performed in accordance with Section 33 12 10 , removal and salvage or disposal of the existing (2-inch or smaller) water meter shall be subsidiary to the cost of th e "Water Meter Service Relocate", no other compensation will be allowed. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and salvage of water meter 2) Delivery to City 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up 8. Water Sampling Station Removal and Salvage a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each water sampling station to be removed . b . Paym ent 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Salvage Water Sampling Station". c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and salvage of water sampling station 2) Delivery to City 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[FICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20 , 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 1 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 C. 02 41 14 -7 UT! LITY REMOV A U ABANDONM ENT Page 7 of 17 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) C lean-up 9. Concrete Water Vault Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each concrete water vault to be removed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Concrete Water Vault". c . The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of concrete water vault 2) Removal , salvage and delivery of frame and cover to City, if appli cable 3) Removal, salvage and delivery of any valves to City, if applicable 4) Removal, salvage and delivery of any water meters to City, if applicab le 5) Pavement removal 6) Excavation 7) Hauling 8) Disposal of excess materials 9) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 10) C lean-up Sanitary Sewer Lines and Appurtenances 1. Abandonment of Sanitary Sewer Line by Cut and installation of Abandonment Plug a . Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each cut and abandonment plug installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid for each "Sewer Abandonment Plug" for: a) Various sizes c. T he price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing and installing abandonment plug 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling 5) CLSM 6) Disposal of excess material 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up 2. Sanitary Sewer Manhole Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each sanitary sewer manhole to be removed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Sewer Manhole" for: a) Various diameters C ITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 Ci ty Project No . UC-0 I 2023 STANDARD CON STRUCTION SP EC TFICATIO N DO C UMENTS Revi sed December 20, 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 D. 024 1 14-8 UTILITY REMOVAi/ABANDONMENT Page 8 of 17 c. The price bid shall include : 1) Removal and disposal of manhole 2) Removal , salvage and delivery of frame and cover to City , if applicable 3) Cutting and plugging of existing sewer lines 4) Pavement removal 5) Excavation 6) Hauling 7) Disposal of excess materials 8) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 9) Clean-up 3. Sanitary Sewer Junction Structure Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each sanitary sewer junction structure being removed . b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the lump s um bid per each "Remove Sewer Junction Box" location . c. T he price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of junction box 2) Removal , salvage and delivery of frame and cover to City. 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Di s posal of excess material s 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up Storm Sewer Lines and Appurtenances 1. Abandonment of Storm Sewer Line by Cut and installation of Abandonment Plug a . Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each cut and abandonment plug to be installed. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materi als furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid for each "Storm Abandonment Plug" installed for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include : 1) Furnishing and installing abandonment plug 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling 5) CLSM 6) Disposal of excess material 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up 2. Storm Sewer Manhole Removal a. Measurement CITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC -0 I 2023 ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20 , 2012 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 024114-9 UTILITY REMOVAi/ABANDONM ENT Page 9 of 17 I) Measurement for this Item will be per each storm sewer manhole to be removed. b. Payment I) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Manhole Riser" for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: I) Removal and disposal of manhole 2) Removal, salvage and delivery of frame and cover to City, if applicable 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up 3. Storm Sewer Junction Box Removal a . Measurement I) Measurement for this Item will be per each storm sewer junction structure to be removed. b. Payment I) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Remove Storm Junction Box" for: a) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: I) Removal and disposal of junction box 2) Removal, salvage and delivery of frame and cover to City, if applicable 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials 7) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up 4. Storm Sewer Junction Structure Removal a. Measurement I) Measurement for this Item will be per each storm sewer junction structure being removed. b. Payment I) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the lump sum bid per each "Remove Storm Junction Structure" location . c . The price bid shall include: I) Removal and disposal of junction structure 2) Removal, salvage and delivery of frame and cover to City, if applicable 3) Pavement removal 4) Excavation 5) Hauling 6) Disposal of excess materials CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIO N DOC UMENTS Revi sed December 20 , 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 024 11 4-10 UTILITY REMOV AU ABANDONMENT Page I O of 17 7) Furnishing, plac ement and compaction of backfill 8) Clean-up 5. Storm Se wer Inlet Removal a. Measure ment 1) Measurement for thi s Item will be per each storm sewer inlet to be remove d. b . Payment 1) The work performe d and material s furnished in accordance with this Item and me as ured a s provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per each "R emove Storm Inlet" for: a) Various type s b) Various sizes c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and di s posal of inlet 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling 5) Disposal of excess materials 6) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 7) Clean-up 6. Storm Sewer Junction Box Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per linear foot of existing storm sewer bo x to be removed . b . Payment 1) The work performed and m aterials furnished in accordance with this Item and meas ured as provided under "Meas urement" shall be paid for at the unit price bid per line a r foot of "Remove Storm Junction Box" for all sizes. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and di s po sal of Storm Sewer Box 2) Pave ment removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling 5) Disposal of excess materials 6) Furnishing, placement and compaction of backfill 7) Clean-up 7. Headwall/SET Removal a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item will be per each headwall or safety end treatment (SET) to be removed . b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the unjt price bid per each "Remove Headwall/SET". c. The price bid shall include: 1) Removal and disposal of H eadwall/SET 2) Pavement removal 3) Excavation 4) Hauling CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20 , 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Proj ec t No . UC-O J 2023 02 41 14 -11 UT ILITY REMOVAU ABANDONM ENT Page 11 of 17 5) Disposal of excess materials 2 6) Furnishing, placeme nt and compaction of backfill 3 7) Clean-up 4 8. Trench Drain Removal 5 a. Measurement 6 1) Measurement for this Item s hall be per lin ear foot of storm sewer trench 7 drain to be removed . 8 b . Payment 9 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item IO and measured as provided under "Measurement" shall be paid for at the 11 unit price bid per linear foot of "Remove Trench Drain" for: 12 a) Various sizes 13 c . The price bid shall include: 14 1) Removal and disposal of storm sewer lin e 15 2) Pavement removal 16 3) Excavation 17 4) Hauling 18 5) Disposal of excess materials 19 6) Furnish in g, placement and compaction of backfill 2 0 7) Clean-up 21 1.3 REFERENCES (NOT USED] 22 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS 23 A . Coordination 24 1. Contact Inspector and the Water Department Field Operation Storage Yard for 25 coordination of salvage material return. 26 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 27 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 28 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 29 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 30 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 3 1 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 32 A. Storage and Handling Requirements 33 1. Protect and salvage all materials s uch that no damage occurs during delivery to the 34 City. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 20 12 UTILITY CUT RE PAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC -0 I 2023 024114-12 UTILITY REMOVAUABANDONMENT Page 12 of 17 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 2 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 3 PART2-PRODUCTS 4 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED [oR] OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 5 2.2 MATERIALS 6 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 7 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 8 PART 3 -EXECUTION 9 3.1 INST ALLERS [NOT USED] 10 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 11 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 12 3.4 REMOVAL, SALVAGE, AND ABANDONMENT 13 A. General 14 1. Manhole Abandonment 15 a. All manholes that are to be taken out of service are to be removed unless 16 specifically requested and/or ap proved by City. 17 b. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. 18 c. Remove and salvage manhole frame and cover as coordinated with City . 19 d. Deliver salvaged material to the City. 20 e. Cut and plug sewer line s to be abandoned. 21 f. Backfill manhole void in accordance with City Standard Details. 22 B . Water Lines and Appurtenances 23 1. Water Line Pressure Plugs 24 a. Ductile Iron Water Lines 25 1) Excavate , embed , and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10 . 26 2) Plug w ith an MJ Plug with mechanical restraint and blocking in accordance 27 with Section 33 11 11 . 28 3) Perform Cut and Plug in accordance with Section 33 12 25. 29 b. PVC C900 and C905 Water Lines 30 1) Excavate, embed, and bac kfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10 . 3 1 2) Plug with an MJ Plug with mechanical restraint and blocking in accordance 32 with Section 33 11 11. 33 3) Perform Cut and Plug in acco rdance with Section 33 12 25. 34 c. Concrete Pressure Pipe, Bar Wrapped, Steel Cylinder Type Water Lines 35 1) Excavate, embed , and backfi ll in accordance with Section 33 05 10 36 2) Plug using: 37 a) A fabricated plug re strained by we lding or by a Snap Ring in 38 accordance with Section 33 11 13; or CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION S PECJFICA TION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 20 12 UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 02 41 14 -13 UT! LITY REMOV AU ABANDONMENT Page 13 of 17 b) A blind flange in accordance with Section 33 11 13 3) Perform Cut and Plug in accordance with Section 33 12 25. d. Buried Steel Water Lines 1) Excavate, embed, and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. 2) Plug using: a) A fabricated plug restrained by welding in accordance with Section 33 ll 14;or b) A blind flange in accordance with Section 33 11 14 3) Perform Cut and Plug in accordance with Section 33 12 25. 2. Water Line Abandonment Plug a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 l 0. b. Plug with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. 3. Water Line Abandonment by Grouting a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Dewater from existing line to be grouted. c. Fill line with Low Density Cellular Grout in accordance with Section 33 05 24 or CLSM in accordance with 03 34 13. d. Dispose of any excess material. 4. Water Line Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Cut existing line from the utility system prior to removal. c. Cut any services prior to removal. d . Remove existing pipe line and properly dispose as approved by City. 5. Water Valve Removal a . Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Remove and dispose of valve bonnet, wedge and stem. c. Fill valve body with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13 . 6. Water Valve Removal and Salvage a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Remove valve bonnet, wedge and stem. c. Deliver salvaged material to the Water Department Field Operation Storage Yard. d. Protect salvaged materials from damage. e. Fill valve body with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13 . 7. Water Valve Abandonment a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Remove the top 2 feet of the valve stack and any valve extensions. c. Fill the remaining valve stack with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. 8. Fire Hydrant Removal and Salvage a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Remove Fire Hydrant. c. Place abandonment plug on fire hydrant lead line. d. Deliver salvaged fire hydrant to the Water Department Field Operation Storage Yard. e. Protect salvaged materials from damage . 9. Water Meter Removal and Salvage a. Remove and salvage water meter. b. Return salvaged meter to Project Representative. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed December 20, 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 C . 0 2 41 14 -14 UTILITY RE MOV AU A BA NDONM ENT Page 14 of I 7 c . City will provide replacement meter for installation . d. Meter Box and Lid 1) Remove and salvage cast iron meter box lid. 2) Remove and dispose of any non-cast iron meter box lid . 3) Return salvaged material to the Water Department Field Operation Storage Yard. 4) Remove and dispose of meter box. 10. Water Sample Station Removal and Salvage a . Remove and salvage existing water sample station . b. Deliver salvaged material to the Water Department Field Operation Storage Yard . 11. Concrete Water Vault Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10 . b . Remove and salvage vault lid. c. Remove and salvage valves. d . Remove and salvage meters. e. Deliver salvaged material to the Water Department Field Operation Storage Yard. f. Remove and dispose of any piping or other appurtenances. g. Demolish and remove entire concrete vault. h . Dispose of all excess materials. 12. Cathodic Test Station Abandonment a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10 b. Remove the top 2 feet of the cathodic test station stack and contents. c. Fill any remaining voids with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. Sanitary Sewer Lines and Appurtenances 1. Sanitary Sewer Line Abandonment Plug a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b . Remove and dispose of any sewage. c. Plug with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. 2. Sanitary Sewer Line Abandonment by Grouting a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Dewater and dispose of any sewage from the existing line to be grouted. c . Fill line with Low Density Cellular Grout in accordance with Section 33 05 24 or CLSM in accordance with 03 34 13. d. Dispose of any excess material. 3. Sanitary Sewer Line Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Cut existing line from the utility system prior to removal. c. Cut any services prior to removal. d . Remove existing pipe line and properly dispose as approved by City. 4. San itary Sewer Manholes Removal a. All sanitary sewer manholes that are to be taken out of service are to be removed unless specifically requested and/or approved by City. b. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. c . Remove and salvage manhole frame and cover. d . Deliver salvaged material to the Water Department Field Operation Storage. e. Demolish and remove entire concrete manhole. CITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY CUT REPAIR CO NTRACT l 2023 Ci ty Project No .UC-0 1 2023 ST AND ARD C O NSTRU C TIO N SPECIFIC ATION DOCUME NTS Re v ised December 20, 20 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 D. 0 2 4 1 14 - 15 UT ILITY RE MOVAUABAND ONMENT Page 15 of 17 f. Cut and plug sewer lines to be abandoned. 5. Sanitary Sewer Junction Structure Removal a. Excavate and backfill in a ccordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Remove and salvage manhole frame and cover. c. Deliver salvaged material to the Water Department Field Operation Storage. d. Demolish and remove entire concrete manhole . e . Cut and plug sewer lines to be abandoned. Storm Sewer Lines and Appurtenances 1. Storm Sewer Abandonment Plug a . Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10 . b. Dewater line . c. Plug with CLSM in accordance with Section 03 34 13. 2. Storm Sewer Line Abandonment by Grouting a. E xcavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b . Dewater the existing line to be grouted. c . Fill line with Low Density Cellular Grout in accordance with Section 33 05 24 or CLSM in accordance with 03 34 13. d . Di s pose of any excess material. 3. Storm Sewer Line Removal a . E xcavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Remove existing pipe line and properly dispose as approved by City . 4. Storm Sewer Manhole Removal a. All storm sewer manholes that are to be taken out of service are to be removed unless specifically requested and/or approved by City. b . Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. c . Demolish and remove entire concrete manhole . d . Cut and plug storm sewe r lines to be abandoned. 5. Storm Sewer Junction Box and/or Junction Structure Removal a. E xcavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10 . b. Demolish and remove entire concrete structure . c. Cut and plug storm sewer lines to be abandoned . 6. Storm Sewer Inlet Removal a . E xcavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Demolish and remove entire concrete inlet. c. Cut and plug storm sewer lines to be abandoned. 7 . Storm Sewer Box Removal a. Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b. Cut existing line from the utility system prior to removal. c . Cut any services prior to removal. d. Remove existing pipe line and properly dispose as approved by City. 8. Headwall/SET Removal a . Excavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10 . b. Demolish and remove entire concrete inlet. c . Cut and plug storm sewer line s to be abandoned. 9 . Storm Sewer Trench Drain Removal a. E xcavate and backfill in accordance with Section 33 05 10. b . Remove existing pipe line and dispose as approved by City . C ITY OF FORT WO RTH UTILIT Y C UT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC -0 I 2023 STANDARD C ONS TRUC TI ON SPEC IFIC ATION DOCUMENTS Rev ise d December 20, 20 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3.5 REPAIR / RESTORATION [NOT USED] 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3.7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3.10 CLEANING (NOT USED] 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [N OT USED] C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUC TI ON SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised Decem ber 20, 2012 02 4 1 14 -16 UTILITY RE MO V AU ABANDONMENT Page 16 of 17 UTI LITY CUT RE PAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Proj ec t No . UC -0 1 202 3 2 DATE NAME 12 /20 /12 D. Johnson CITY OF FORT WORTH END OF SECTION Revision Log 024114-17 UTILITY REMOVAUABANDONMENT Page 17 of 17 SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1.2.C.3.c. -In clude Frame and Cover in Payment desc ription Throughout -added abandonment of storm and sewer manhol es when requested and/or approved by City ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-0 1 2023 03 34 16 -I CONCRETE BA SE MATERIAL FOR T RENC H RE PAIR Page I of4 SECTION 03 34 16 2 CONCRETE BASE MATERIAL FOR TRENCH REPAIR 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A . Section includes: 6 I . Concrete base material for trench repair 7 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 8 1. STANDARD BASE REPAIR FOR UNIT 1- 9 Regardless of the existing pavement type, base repair for Unit I shall be either IO min. 8" concrete base material or min. 5" reinforced concrete base as directed 11 by engineer. Any deviation from standard repair shall be approved by the 12 Water Department. 13 2. CONCRETE BASE REPAIR FOR UNIT II & UNIT 111 - 14 When concrete base is required for repairs> 200 square feet in area, the base 15 repair shall be either min. 8" concrete base material or min 5" reinforced 16 concrete base as directed by the engineer. Any deviation from standard repair 17 shall be approved by the Water Department. 18 3. PAYMENT (1.2-A-2.)- 19 8-inch Concrete Base Material and 5-inch Reinforced Concrete Base shall be 20 paid for in Units I, II & III at the bid price per square yard. 21 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 22 I. Division O -Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 23 2. Division I -General Requirements 24 3. Section 03 30 00 -Cast-in-Place Concrete 25 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 26 A. Measurement and Payment 27 I. Measurement 28 a. This Item is considered subsidiary to the structure or Items being placed. 29 2 . Payment 30 a . The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item 31 are subsidiary to the structure or Items being placed and no other compensation 32 will be allowed . 33 1.3 REFERENCES 34 A. Reference Standards 35 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 36 standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 37 Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 38 39 CITY OF FORT WO RTH STANDARD CON STRUC TIO N SPEC IFIC ATIO N DOCUMEN TS Revi sed December 20, 2012 UTILITY CUT RE PAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-0 I 2023 0 3341 6 -2 CONCRETE BA SE M ATERIAL FO R TRENC H REPAIR Page 2 o f 4 B . ASTM International (ASTM): 2 1. C31, Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the 3 Field. 4 2. C33, Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates. 5 3. C39 , Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete 6 Specimens. 7 4. C143, Standard Test Method for Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete. 8 5 . C172 , Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete. 9 6. C231 , Standard Test Method for Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the 10 Pressure Method. 11 7. C260 , Standard Specification for Air-Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. 12 8. C618 , Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural 13 Pozzolan for Use in Concrete. 14 9. C1064, Standard Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic- 15 Cement Concrete. 16 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 17 1.5 SUBMITT ALS I 8 A. Provide submittals in accordance with Section O 1 33 00. I 9 B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to delivery and/or fabrication for 20 specials. 21 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 22 A. Submit proposed mix design for Engineer's review a minimum of 2 weeks prior to start 23 of low density concrete backfill work. 24 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 25 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 26 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 27 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 28 1.11 FIELD CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 29 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 30 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 31 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED OR OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 32 2.2 PRODUCT TYPES AND MATERIALS 33 A. Mix Design 34 1. Performance requirements 35 a. Concrete Base Material for Trench Repair 36 1) 28-day compressive strength of not less than 750 psi and not more than 37 1,200 psi . 38 C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON STRU CTION SP EC IFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed December 20, 20 I 2 UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 Ci ty Project No . UC -0 I 2023 03 34 16 -3 CONC RETE BAS E MATERIAL FOR TRENCH REPAIR Page 3 of 4 1 B. Materials 2 1. Portland cement 3 a. Type II low alkali portland cement as specified in Section 03 30 00. 4 2. Fly ash 5 a. Class F fly ash in accordance with ASTM C618. 6 3. Water 7 a. As specified in Section 03 30 00. 8 4. Admixture 9 a. Air entraining admixture in accordance with ASTM C260. 10 5. Fine aggregate 11 a. Concrete sand (does not need to be in accordance with ASTM C33). 12 b. No more than 12 percent of fine aggregate shall pass a No. 200 sieve, and no 13 plastic fine s shall be present. 14 6. Coarse aggregate 15 a. Pea gravel no larger than 3/8 inch. 16 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 17 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 18 PART 3 -EXECUTION 19 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 20 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 2 1 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 22 3.4 INSTALLATION 23 A. Place concrete base material by any method which preserves the quality of the material 24 in terms of compressive strength and density. 25 1. The basic requirement for placement equipment and placement methods is the 26 maintenance of its fluid properties. 27 2. Transport and place material so that it flows easily around, beneath, or through 28 walls, pipes , conduits, or other structures . 29 3. Use a slump, consistency, workability, flow characteristics, and pumpability (where 30 required) such that when placed , the material is self-compacting, self-densifying, 31 and has sufficient plasticity that compaction or mechanical vibration is not required . 32 3.5 REP AIR [NOT USED] 33 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 34 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 35 A. General 36 1. Make provisions for and furnish all material for the test specimens, and provide 37 manual assistance to assist the Engin eer in preparing said specimens. 38 2. Be responsible for the care of and providing curing condition for the test specimens. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 0334 16-4 CONCRETE BAS E MATERlAL FOR TRENCH REPA[R Page 4 of4 l B . Concrete Tests: Perform testing of composite samp le s of fresh co ncrete obtained 2 according to ASTM C 172 according to the following requirements: 3 1. Testing Frequency: Obtain 1 composite sam pl e for each day's pour of each 4 concrete mixture up to 25 cubic yards, plu s 1 set for each additional 50 cubic yards 5 or fraction thereof. 6 2. Slump: ASTM Cl43; 1 test at point of placement for each composite samp le , but 7 not less than 1 test for each day's pour of each concrete mixture. Perform additional 8 tests when concrete consistency appears to change. 9 3. Air Content: ASTM C23 l, pressure method, for normal-weight concrete; 1 test for IO each composite sample, but not less than 1 test for each day's pour of each concrete 11 mixture. 12 4. Concrete Temperature: ASTM Cl064; 1 test hourly when air temperature is 40 13 degrees Fahrenheit and below and when 80 degrees Fahrenheit and above , and 1 14 test for each composite sample. 15 5. Compression Test Specimens: ASTM C3 l. 16 a . Cast and laboratory cure 4 cy linders for each composite samp le. 17 I) Do not transport field cast cylinders until they have cured for a minimum of 18 24 hours . 19 6. Compressive-Strength Tests: ASTM C39 20 a. Test 1 cylinder at 7 days. 2 1 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED) 22 3.9 ADJUSTING (NOT USED] 23 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED) 24 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED) 25 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 26 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED) 27 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED) 28 END OF SECTION 29 30 Revision Log DATE AME CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECfFICA TION DO CU MENTS Revi sed December 20 , 2012 SUMMARY OF CHANGE UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 03 80 00 -I MODIFIC ATION S TO EXISTING CONCRETE Page I of7 SECTION 03 80 00 2 MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING CONCRETE STRUCTURES 3 PARTl -GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section includ es: 6 1. Modifications to existing concrete structure s, including: 7 a. Manholes 8 b. Junction bo xes 9 c. Vaults 1 O d. Retaining walls 11 e. Wing and head walls 12 f. Culverts 13 2. This section doe s not include modifications to Reinforced Concrete Pipe. 14 B . D ev iations from this City of Fo rt Worth Standard Specification 15 1. REPAIR OF STORM DRAIN STRUCTURES- 16 This pay item shall apply to all storm drain structures such as inlets, manholes, 17 headwalls or other facilities which, in the opinion of the engineer require 18 repair. 19 The contractor shall remove and replace the tops of existing drainage 20 structures and a portion of the walls of the structure as directed by the 2 1 engineer. The vertical reinforcing steel bars in the walls shall be cleaned of any 22 concrete or dirt and exposed a minimum of twelve inches (12"). New steel shall 23 be used in the reconstruction of the walls and top. 24 No payment shall be made for manhole frames, lids, steps and other 25 miscellaneous items of construction, as they shall be considered subsidiary to 26 the unit price bid for Repair of Storm Drain Structures. Unless directed 27 otherwise by the engineer, the existing manhole frames, lids and other 28 miscellaneous items may be reused. 29 Storm Drain Structure Repair shall be performed in conformance with 30 specifications "Cast in Place Manhole and Junction Boxes" (33 49 10), "Curb 3 1 and Drop Inlets" (33 49 20), "Storm Drainage Headwalls and Wingwalls" (33 32 49 40) and Details D-405 through D-413 and shall further apply to all storm 33 drainage facilities of a similar design and construction. 34 Payment for Repair of Storm Drain Structures shall be made by the cubic 35 yard of concrete required to reconstruct the structure as well as all steel, etc. in 36 conformance with the appropriate drawings. 37 C . Related Specification Sections include , but are not necessarily limited to : 38 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms and Conditions of the Contract 39 2. Di vis ion 1 -General Requirements CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ect No. UC-0 I 2023 03 80 00 -2 MOD[FICAT[ONS TO EXISTING CONCRETE Page 2 of? 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 2 A . Meas urement and Payment 3 I. Measurement 4 a. This Item is considered sub s id iary to the structure or Items being placed. 5 2 . Payment 6 a. The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item 7 are subsidiary to the structure or Items being placed and no other compensation 8 will be allowed. 9 1.3 REFERENCES 10 A. Reference Standards 11 I. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 12 standard published at the time of the late st revision date logged at the end of this 13 Specification , unless a date is specifically cited. 14 2. ASTM International (ASTM): I 5 a. A6 I 5, Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. 16 b. C 88 l , Standard Specification for E poxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for 17 Concrete. 18 c. C882 , Standard Test Method for Bond Strength of Epoxy-Resin Systems Used 19 with Concrete by Slant Sheer. 20 d. D5 70, Standard Test Method for Water Absorption of Plastics. 21 e . D638 , Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics. 22 f. D695 , Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Ri g id Plastic s. 23 g . D732 , Standard Test Method for Shear Strength of Plastics by Punch Tool. 24 h . D790 , Standard Test Method s for Flexural Properties of Unreinforced and 25 Reinforced Plastics and Elec trical Insulating Materials. 26 B . Where reference is made to 1 of the above standards, the revision in effect at the time of 27 bid opening applies. 28 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 29 1.5 SUB MITT ALS 30 A. Provide submittals in accordance with Section 01 33 00. 3 I B. All submittals shall be approved by the City prior to delivery and /or fabrication for 32 specials . 33 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 34 A . Product Data 35 I . Submit manufacturer's Product Data on all product brands proposed for use to the 36 Engineer for review. 37 2. Include the manufacturer's installation and /or application instructions. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SP EC IFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20 , 2012 UTILITY CUT RE PAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 1 2023 03 80 00 -3 MODIFIC ATION S TO EXISTING CONCRETE Page 3 of7 1. 7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITT ALS [NOT USED] 2 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE 4 A. When removing materials or portions of existing structures and when making openings 5 in existing structures, take precautions and all erect all necessary barriers, shoring and 6 bracing, and other protective devices to prevent damage to the structures beyond the 7 limits necessary for the new work, protect personnel, control dust, and to prevent 8 damage to the structures or contents by falling or flying debris. 9 B. Core sanitary sewer manhole penetrations. 10 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 11 A. Deliver the specified products in original, unopened containers with the manufacturer's 12 name, labels, product identification, and batch numbers. 13 B. Store and condition the specified product as recommended by the manufacturer. 14 1.11 FIELD CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 15 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 16 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 17 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED OR OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 18 2.2 PRODUCT TYPES AND MATERIALS 19 A. Manufacturers 20 I . In other Part 2 articles where titles below introduce lists, the following requirements 21 apply to product selection: 22 a. Available Products 23 1) Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be 24 incorporated into the Work inc lude, but are not limited to , products 25 specified. 26 b. Available Manufacturers 27 1) Subject to compliance with requirements , manufacturers offering products 28 that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, 29 manufacturers specified. 30 B. Materials 3 I 1. General 32 a. Comply with this Section and any state or local regulations. 33 C. Steel Reinforcement 34 1. Reinforcing Bars 35 a. ASTM A615, Grade 60 , deformed . 36 D. Epoxy Bonding Agent CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DO C UMENTS Revi sed December 20 , 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-01 2023 03 80 00 -4 MODIFICATIO NS TO EX ISTfNG CONCRETE Page 4 of7 1. A 2-component, solvent-free, asbestos-free, moisture-insensitive epoxy resin 2 material used to bond plastic concrete to hardened concrete comp ly in g with the 3 requirements of ASTM C88 l , Type V , and the add iti onal requirements specified 4 herein . 5 2 . Properties of the cured material 6 a. Compressive Strength (ASTM D695) 7 1) 8,500 psi minimum at 28 days 8 b . Tensile Strength (ASTM D638) 9 1) 4,000 psi minimum at 14 days 10 c. Flexural Strength (ASTM D790 -Modulus of Rupture) 11 1) 6,300 psi minimum at 14 days 12 d. Shear Strength (ASTM D732) 13 1) 5,000 psi minimum at 14 days 14 e. Water Absorption (ASTM D570 -2 hour boil) 15 1) 1 percent maximum at 14 days 16 f. Bond Strength (ASTM C882) Hardened to Plastic 17 1) 1,500 psi minimum at 14 days moist cure 18 g . Color 19 1) Gray 20 h. Available Manufacturers: 21 1) Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, New Jersey -Sikadur 32, Hi-Mod 22 2) BASF, Cleveland, Ohjo -Concresive 1438 23 E. Epoxy Paste 24 1. A 2-component, solvent-free, asbestos free, moisture insensitive epoxy resin 25 material used to bond dissimilar materials to concrete such as setting railing posts , 26 dowels, anchor bolts, and all-threads into hardened concrete and complying with 27 the requirements of ASTM C881, Type I, Grade 3, and the additional requirements 28 specified herein . 29 2 . Properties of the cured material 30 a. Compressive Properties (ASTM D695): 10,000 psi minimum at 28 days 31 b. Tensile Strength (ASTM D638): 3,000 psi minimum at 14 days. Elongation at 32 Break -0.3 percent minimum 33 c. Flexural Strength (ASTM D790 -Modulus of Rupture): 3,700 psi minimum at 34 14days 35 d. Shear Strength (ASTM D732): 2,800 psi minimum at 14 days 36 e. Water Absorption (ASTM D570): 1.0 percent maximum at 7 days 37 f. Bond Strength (ASTM C882): 2,000 psi at 14 days moist cure 38 g . Color : Concrete grey 39 h. Available Manufacturers 40 1) Overhead Applications 41 a) Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, New Jersey -Sikadur 32, Hi-Mod L V 42 b) BASF -Concresive 143 8 43 2) All Other Applications 44 a) Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst, New Jersey -Sikadur Hi-mod L V 31 45 b) BASF -Concresive 140 l 46 F. Repair Mortars CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIF ICATION DOCUM EN TS Revised December 20, 20 I 2 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 03 80 00 -5 MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTIN G CONCRETE Page 5 of7 1. Provide an asbestos free, moisture insensitive, polymer-modified, Portland cement- 2 based cementitious trowel grade mortar for repairs on horizontal or vertical 3 surfaces. 4 a. Available Manufacturers 5 1) Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst New Jersey -SikaTop 122 6 2) BASF -Emaco Nanocrete R3 7 G. Pipe Penetration Sealants 8 1. 1 component polyurethane, extrudable swelling bentonite-free waterstop that is 9 chemically resistant, not soluble in water and capable of withstanding wet/dry 10 cycling. 11 a. Available Manufacturers 12 1) Sika Corporation, Lyndhurst New Jersey -SikaSwell S-2 13 2) Approved equal 14 2.3 ACCESSORIES (NOT USED] 15 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 16 PART 3 -EXECUTION 17 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 18 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 19 3.3 PREPARATION 20 A . General 21 1. Cut, repair, reuse, demolish, excavate or otherwise modify parts of the existing 22 structures or appurtenances, as indicated on the Drawings, specified herein, or 23 necessary to permit completion of the Work. Finishes, joints, reinforcements , 24 sealants , etc., are specified in respective Sections . Comply with other requirements 25 of this of Section and as shown on the Drawings. 26 2 . Store, mix, and apply all commercial products specified in this Section in strict 27 compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations . 28 3. Make repairs in all cases where concrete is repaired in the vicinity of an expansion 29 joint or control joint to preserve the isolation between components on either side of 30 the joint. 31 4. When drilling holes for dowels/bolts at new or existing concrete, stop drilling if 32 rebar is encountered and relocate the hole to avoid rebar as approved by the 33 Engineer. Do not cut rebar without prior approval by the Engineer. 34 B. Concrete Removal 35 1. Remove concrete designated to be removed to specific limits as shown on the 36 Drawings or directed by the Engineer, by chipping, jack-hammering, or saw-cutting 37 as appropriate in areas where concrete is to be taken out. Do not jackhammer 38 sanitary sewer manhole penetrations. Remove concrete in such a manner that 39 surrounding concrete or existing reinforcing to be left in place and existing in place 40 equipment is not damaged . CIT Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFIC ATIO N DOCUMENTS Revi sed December 20, 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No . UC-01 2023 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 C. 03 80 00 -6 MODIFICATIO S TO EXISTING CONCRETE Page 6 of7 2. Where existing reinforcing is exposed due to saw cutting/core drillin g and no new material is to be placed on the sawcut surface, apply a coating or surface treatment of epoxy paste to the entire cut surface to a thickness of 1/4 inch . 3. In all cases where the joint between new concrete or grout and existing concrete will be exposed in the finished work, except as otherwise shown or specified, provide a 1-inch deep saw cut on each exposed surface of the existing concrete at the edge of concrete removal. 4 . Repair concrete specified to be left in place that is damaged using approved means to the satisfaction of the E ngineer. 5. The E ng ineer may from time to time direct additional repairs to existing concrete. Make these repairs as specified or by such other methods as may be appropriate. Connection Surface Preparation 1. Prepare connection surfaces as specified below for concrete areas requiring patching, repairs or modifications as shown on the Drawings , specified herein, or as directed by the Engineer. 2. Remove all deteriorated material s, dirt, oil, grease, and all other bond inhibiting materials from the surface by dry mechanjcal means, i.e., sandblasting, grinding, etc., as approved by the Engineer. Be sure the areas are not less than 1/2-inch in de pth. Irregular voids or surface stones need not be removed if they are sound, free of laitance, and firmly embedded into parent concrete, subject to the Engineer's final inspection. 3. If reinforcing steel is exposed, it must be cleaned by wire brush or other similar means to remove all contaminants, rust, etc., as approved by the Engineer. If 1/2 of the diameter of the reinforcing steel is exposed, chip out behind the steel. Chip a minimum of 1 inch berund the steel. Do not Damage reinforcing to be saved during the demolition operation. 4. Clean reinforcing from existing demolished concrete that is shown to be incorporated in new concrete by wire brush or other similar means to remove all loo se material and products of corrosion before proceeding with the repair. Cut, bend , or lap to new reinforcing as shown on the Drawings and provided with 1-inch minimum cover all around. 5. The following are specific concrete surface preparation "methods" to be used where called for on the Drawings , specified herein , or as directed by the Engineer. a. Method A 1) After the existing concrete surface at connection has been roughened and cleaned , thoroughl y moisten the existing surface with water. 2) Brush on a 1/16-inch layer of cement and water mixed to the consistency of a heavy paste. 3) Immediately after application of cement paste, place new concrete or grout mixture as detailed on the Drawings. b. Method B 1) After the existing concrete surface has been roughened and cleaned, apply epoxy bonding agent at connection surface. 2) Comply strictly with the manufacturer's recommendations for the field preparation and application of the epoxy bonding agent. 3) Place new concrete or grout mixture to limits shown on the Drawings within time constraints recommended by the manufacturer to ensure bond . c. Method C CITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-01 2023 STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPEC IFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20 , 2012 0 3 80 00 - 7 MODIFIC A T!ONS TO EX ISTING C ONCRETE Page 7 o f7 1) Drill a hol e 1/4 inch larger than the diameter of the dowel. 2 2) Blow the hole clear of loose particles and du st just prior to installing epoxy . 3 F ir st fill the drilled h o le w ith epoxy paste, then butter the dowels/bolts with 4 paste then insert by tapping. 5 3) Un less otherwise shown on the Drawings, drill and set deformed bars to a 6 depth of 10 bar diameters and smooth bars to a depth of 15 bar diameters. 7 4) If not noted on the Drawings, the Engineer will provide details regarding 8 the size and spacing of dowels. 9 d. Method D 10 1) Combination of Method Band C . 11 3.4 INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 12 3.5 REPAIR [NOT USED] 13 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 14 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 15 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP (NOT USED] 16 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 17 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 18 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES (NOT USED] 19 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 20 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 21 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 22 END OF SECTION 23 24 Revision Log DATE NAME CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed December 20 , 2012 SUMMARY OF CHANGE UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 32 11 29 -I LIME TREATED BAS E COURSES Page I of 10 SECTION 32 11 29 2 LIME TREATED BASE COURSES 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes: 6 1. Treating subgrade, subbase and base courses by the pulverization, addition of lime, 7 mixing and compacting the mix material to the required density. 8 2. Item applies to the natural ground, embankment, existing pavement; base or 9 subbase courses placed and shall conform to the typical section, lines and grades 10 shown on the Drawings. 11 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 12 1. LIME STABILIZED SUBGRADE- 13 Upon the direction of the engineer, the contractor shall provide a lime 14 stabilized Subgrade or base in conformance with specifications "Lime Treated 15 Base Courses" (32 11 29). Unless otherwise directed by the engineer, lime shall 16 be applied at the minimum rate of four pounds (4#) per square yard per inch 17 of depth. 18 Payment shall be made by the square yard at the unit price bid for the 19 quantity measured in place and shall include all labor, equipment, material 20 and incidentals necessary to satisfactorily complete the project. No payment 21 shall be made for the hydrated lime as it shall be considered subsidiary to the 22 bid price for lime stabilization. 23 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 24 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 25 2. Division 1 -General Requirements 26 3. Section 31 23 23 -Borrow 27 4. Section 32 11 23 -Flexible Base Courses 28 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 29 A. Measurement and Payment 30 1. Hydrated Lime 31 a. Measurement 32 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the ton (dry weight) of Hydrated 33 Lime used to prepare slurry at the job site. 34 b. Payment 35 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 36 and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit 37 price bid per ton of Hydrated Lime. 38 c. The price bid shall include: 39 1) Furnishing the material 40 2) All freight involved 41 3) All unloading, storing, and handling 42 2. Commercial Lime Slurry CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20 , 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 a. Measurement 32 11 29 -2 LIME TREAT ED BASE COU RSES Page 2 of 10 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the ton (dry wei ght) as calculated from the minimum percent dry so lid s content of the s lurry multiplied by the weight of the slurry in tons delivered . b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per ton of Commercial Lime Slurry. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing the material 2) All freight involved 3) A ll unloading, storing, and handling 3. Quicklime a . Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the ton ( dry weight) of Quicklime. Measurement for Quicklime in slurry form shall be measured by the ton (dry weight) of the Quickl ime used to prepare the s lur ry. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" wi ll be paid for at the unit price bid per ton of Quickl im e. c . The price bid shall include: l ) Furnishing the material 2) A ll freight involved 3) All unloading, storing, and handling 4. Lime Treatment a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shal l be by the square yard of surface area as established by the widths shown on the Drawings and the lengths measured at placement. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furn ished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" wi ll be paid for at the unit price bid per sq uare yard of Lime Treatment app li ed for: a) Various depths c. The price bid shall include: 1) Preparing the roadbed 2) Loosening, pulverizing app li cation of lime, water content in the slurry mixture and the mixing water 3) Mixing, shaping, sprinkling, compacting, finishing, curing and maintaining 4) Performing all manipulations required 42 1.3 REFERENCES 43 A . Definitions 44 1. Hydrated Lime: dry powdered material consisting of calcium hydroxide. 45 2. Commercial L im e S lurry: liquid mixture of hydrated lime solid s and water 46 delivered to a project in slurry form . 47 3. Quickl im e: dry material consisting of calcium oxide furnished in either of two 48 grades : CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON STRUCTION SPEClFICATION DO C UMENTS Revi sed December 20, 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 Ci ty Project No. UC-0 I 2023 32 11 29 - 3 LIM E TREATED BASE COURSES Page 3 of 10 1 a. Grade OS -grade of "pebble" quicklime suitable for use in the preparation of 2 slurry for wet placing . 3 b. Grade S -finely graded quicklime for use only in the preparation of slurry for 4 wet placing. 5 B . Reference Standards 6 1. Reference standards cited in this specification refer to the current reference standard 7 publi sh ed at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 8 specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 9 2. ASTM International (ASTM): 10 a. 0698, Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of 11 Soil Using Standard Effort (12 400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 k:N-rn/m3 )) 12 b. 06938, Standard Test Method for In-Pl ace D ens ity and Water Conte nt of Soil 13 and Soil-Aggregate by Nuclear Methods (Shallow Depth) 14 3. Texas D e partment of Transportation (TXDOT): 15 a . Tex-IO 1-E, Preparing Soil and Flexible Base Materials for Testing 16 b. Tex-140-E, Meas uring Thickness of Pavement Layer 17 c. Tex-600-J , Sampling and Testing of Hydrated Lime , Quickl ime and 18 Commercial Lime Slurry 19 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 20 1.5 ACTION SUBMITT ALS [NOT USED] 2 1 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 22 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 23 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTLAS [NOT USED] 24 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 2 5 1.10 DELIVERY AND STORAGE 26 A. Truck Delivered Lime 27 1. Eac h truck ticket shall bear the weight of lime measured on certified scales. 28 2. Submit delivery tickets , certified by supplier, that include weight with each bulk 29 delivery of lime to the site. 30 1.11 SITE CONDITIONS 31 A. Start lime application only when the air temperature is at least 35°F and rising or is at 32 least 40 °F. Measure temperature in the shade and away from artificial heat. 33 B. Suspend application when the City determines that weather conditions are unsuitable. 34 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 35 PART2-PRODUCTS 36 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 37 2.2 MATERIALS 38 A. General CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi se d December 20, 20 12 UTILI TY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC -0 1 2023 32 11 29 -4 LIME TREATED BASE COURSES Page 4 of 10 1. Furnish uncontaminated materials of uniform quality that meet the requirements of 2 the Drawings and specifications. 3 2. Notify the City of the proposed material sources and of changes to material sources. 4 3. Obtain verification from the City that the specification requirements are met before 5 using the sources. 6 4. The City may sample and test project materials at any time before compaction. 7 B. Lime 8 1. Hydrated Lime 9 a. pumpable suspension of solids in water 10 b. solids portion of the mixture when considered as a basis of"solids content," 11 shall consist of principally hydrated lime of a quality and fineness sufficient to 12 meet the chemical and physical requirements. 13 2. Dry Lime: Do not use unless approved by City. 14 3. Quicklime 15 a. Use quicklime only when specified by the City . 16 b. dry material consisting of essentially calcium oxide . 17 c. Furnished in either of two grades: 18 1) Grade OS 19 2) Grade S 20 4. Furnish lime that meets the following requirements 21 a. Chemical Requirements 22 23 24 25 26 Table 2 1me em1ca L" Ch . IR eqmrements Hydrated Commercial Lime Lime Slurry Total "active " lime 90 .0 Min 87.0 Min content, percent by weight U nhydrated lim e 5.0 Max content, percent by weightCaO "Free Water" 5.0 Max content, percent by weight water b. Physical Requirements Table 3 L" Ph . IR 1me 1ys1ca Hydrated Lime Wet Sieve Requirement, As percentage by Weight Residue : Retained on No. 6 sieve 0.2 Max Retained on No. 30 sieve 4.0 Max Dry Sieve Requirement, As percentage by Weight Residue: Retained on a 1-in sieve CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECfFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20 , 2012 eqmrements Commercial Lime Slurry 0.2 Max 4.0 Max Quicklime 87.0 Min Quicklime 8.0Max1 0.0 UTILITY CUT REPA1R CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 Retained o n a 3/4 -in sieve Retained on a No. 100 sieve Retained on a No. 6 s iev e 0.2 Max 0.2 Max 32 11 29 -5 LlME TREATED BASE COURSES Page 5 of 10 10 .0 Max Grade Ds -80 Min Grade S -no limits 8 .0 Max 1 I The amount total "active" lime content, as CaO, in the material retained on the No. 6 sieve must not 2 3 4 5 exceed 2.0% by weight of the original quicklime. c. Slurry Grades Table 4 L' SI G d 1me urry ra es Minimum Dry Solids Contents by Percentage of the Slurry Grade I 3 1 Grade 2 35 Grade 3 46 6 C. F lexibl e Base Courses: F urni sh base material that meets the requirements of Section 32 7 11 23, for the typ e and grade shown on the D rawings, before the addition of lime . 8 D. W ater: Furnish water free of industrial wastes and other objectionable mate rial. 9 E . Borrow: See Section 31 23 23. 10 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] l l 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 12 PART 3 -EXECUTION 13 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 14 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 15 3.3 PREPARATION 16 A. Shape the s ub grade or existing base to conform to the typical sections shown on the 17 Drawings or as directed. 18 3.4 INSTALLATION 19 A . General 20 1. Produce a completed course of treated material containing: 21 a . uniform lime mixture, free from loose or segregated areas . 22 b. uniform density and moisture content. 23 c. well bound for full depth . 24 d . with smooth surface a nd suitable for placing subsequent courses. 25 2 . Maximum layer depth of lime treatment in single layer: 8 inche s . 26 3. For treated s ub grade exceeding 8 inches deep, pulverize , apply lime, mix, compact 27 and fini sh in equal layers not exceeding 5 inches deep . 28 B. E quipment 29 1. G eneral : Provide machinery, tools, and equipment neces sary for proper execution 30 of the work. 31 2 . Rollers CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIO N DO CUMENTS Revised December 20 , 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 32 11 29 -6 LIM E TREATED BASE COURS E S Page 6 of 10 a. The Contractor may use any type of roller to meet the production rates and 2 quality requirements of the Contract unless otherwise shown on the Drawings 3 or directed . 4 b. When specific types of equipment are required, use equipment that meets the 5 specified requirements. 6 c. Alternate Equipment 7 1) Instead of the specified equipment, the Contractor may, as approved, 8 operate other compaction equipment that produces equivalent results. 9 2) Discontinue the use of the alternate equipment and furnish the specified 10 equipment if the desired results are not achieved. 11 d. City may require Contractor to substitute equipment if production rate and 12 quality requirements of the Contract are not met. 13 3. Storage Facility 14 a. Store quicklime and dry hydrated lime in closed, weatherproof containers. 15 4. Slurry Equipment 16 a. Use slurry tanks equipped with agitation devices to slurry hydrated lime or 17 quicklime on the project or other approved location . 18 b. The City may approve other slurrying methods. 19 c. Provide a pump for agitating the slurry when the distributor truck is not 20 equipped with an agitator. 21 5. Pulverization Equipment 22 a. Provide pulverization equipment that: 23 1) Cuts and pulverizes material uniformly to the proper depth with cutters that 24 plane to a uniform surface over the entire width of the cut 25 2) Provides a visible indication of the depth of cut at all times, and uniformly 26 mixes the materials 27 C. Pulverization 28 1. Pulverize or scarify existing material after shaping so that 100 percent passes a 2 29 1/2 inch sieve. 30 2. If the material cannot be uniformly processed to the required depth in a single pass, 31 excavate and windrow the material to expose a secondary grade to achieve 32 processing to depth as shown in the Drawings. 33 D. Application of Lime 34 1. Uniformly apply lime as shown on the Drawings or as directed. 35 2. Add lime at the percentage specified in Drawings. 36 3. Apply lime only on an area where mixing can be completed during the same 37 working day. 38 4. Minimize dust and scattering of lime by wind. Do not apply lime when wind 39 conditions, in the opinion of the City, cause blowing lime to become dangerous to 40 traffic or objectionable to adjacent property owners . 41 5. Slurry Placement 42 a. Hydrated Lime 43 1) Mix Lime with water and apply slurry 44 2) Apply Type B, commercial lime slurry, with a lime percentage not less 45 applicable for grade used 46 3) Distribute lime at the rate shown on the Drawings CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFI C ATION DO CUMENTS Revi sed December 20 , 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 Ci ty Project No. UC -0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 32 11 29 -7 LIME TREATED BASE COURSES Page 7 of IO 4) Make successive passes over a measured surface of roadway until the proper moisture and lime content have been achieved . b. Quickl ime 1) Spread the residue fpr the Quicklime slurrying procedure uniformly over the length of the roadway. 2) Residue is primarily inert material with little stabilizing value; however, may contain a small amount of Quicklime particles that slake s lo w ly. A concentration of these particles could cause the compacted stabilized mate rial to swell during slaking. 10 E . Mixing 11 1. Begin mixing within 6 hours of application of lime. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 2. Hydrated lime exposed to th e open air for 6 hours or more between application and mixing, or that experiences excessive loss due to washing or blowing, will not be accepted for payment. 3. Thoroughly mi x the material and lime using approved equipment. 4. Mix until a homogeneous, friable mixture of material and lime is obtained, free from a ll clods and lumps . 5 . Do not mix greater than 1 inch deeper than the stabilization d e pth specified. 6. Mate rial s containing plastic clay or other materials that are not readily mi xe d with lime shall be mixed as thoroughly as possible at the time of lime application, brought to the proper moisture content and sealed with a pneumatic roller. 7. Allow the mi xture to cure for 72 hours or as directed by City. 8. When pebble grade quicklime is used, allow the mixture to cure for 2 to 4 days . 9. Sprinkle the treated materials during the mixing and curing operation to achieve adequate hydration and proper moisture content. 10 . After curing, res ume mixing until a homo geneous , friable mi xture is obtained. 11. After mixing, City will s ample the mixture at roadway moi sture and test in accordance with Tex-101-E, Part Ill, to determine compliance with the gradation requirements in Table 5. Table 5 Gra dation Requirements (Minimum % Pass ing) Sieve Size Base 1-3 /4 in . 100 3/4 in . 85 No.4 60 33 F. Compaction 34 1. General 35 a. Begin compaction immediately after final mixing. 36 b. Aerate and sprinkle as necessary to provide optimum moisture content. 37 c. Multiple lifts are permitted when shown on the Drawings or approved . 38 d . Bring each layer to the moisture content directed . 39 2. Rollin g 40 a. Begin rolling longitudinally at the sides and proceed toward the center, 41 overlapping on successive trips by at least one-half the width of the roller unit . CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20 , 2012 UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 32 11 29 -8 LIME TREATED BASE CO URS ES Page 8 of 10 I b. On superelevated curves, be g in rolling at the low side and progress toward the 2 high side. 3 c. Offset a lternate trips of the roller. 4 d . Operate rollers at a speed between 2 and 6 MPH or as directed. 5 e. Rework, recompact, and refini s h material that fails to meet or that loses 6 required moisture, density , stability, or finish before the ne xt course is placed or 7 th e project is accepted. 8 1) Continue work until s p ec ification requirements are met. 9 2) Rework in accordance with Maintenance item of this Section. IO f. Proof roll the lime treated base course in accordance w ith the following: 11 1) Proof Rolling 12 a) City Project Representative must be on-site during proofrolling 13 operations. 14 b) Use equipment that will apply suffic ient load to identify soft spots that 15 rut or pump. 16 (1) Acceptable equipment includ es fully lo aded single-ax le water truck 17 with a 1500 gall on capac ity. 18 c) Make at least 2 passes with the proof roller ( down and back = 1 pas s). 19 d) Offset each trip by at most 1 tire width. 20 e) If an unstable or non-uniform area is found, correct the area. 21 2) Correct 22 a) Soft spots that rut or pump greater than 3/4 inch. 23 b) Areas that are unstable or non-uniform . 24 3. Density Co ntrol 25 a. Compact until the entire depth of the mi xture has achieved a uniform density of 26 not less than 95 percent of the maximum density as determined by ASTM 27 0698. 28 b. Moi sture content: minus 2 to plus 4 optimum. 29 G. Maintenance 30 1. Maintain the completed soil lim e base in good condition , satisfactory to the City as 31 to grade, crown and cross section unti I the overlaying or next course is constructed. 32 2. Keep surface of the compacted course moist until covered by other base or 33 pavement. 34 3. Reworking a Section 35 a . When a section is reworked w ithin 72 hours after completion of compaction, 36 rework the section to provide t he required density. 37 b. When a section is reworked more than 72 hours after completion of 38 compaction, add additional lim e at 25 percent of the percentage specified. 39 c. Reworking includes loo se ning, adding material or removing unacceptable 40 material if necessary, mixing as directed, compacting, and finishing. 41 H. Finish in g 42 1. After completing compaction of the final course, clip, skin, or tight-blade the 43 surface of the lime-treated material with a maintainer or subgrade trimmer to a 44 depth of approximately 1/4 inch. 45 2. Remove loo sened material and dispo se of at an approved location. 46 3 . Roll the clipped surface immediatel y with a pneumatic tire roller until a smooth 47 surface is attained. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTR UCTION SPECfF ICATIO N DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 32 11 29 -9 LIM E TREATED BAS E COU RS ES Page 9 of 10 4. Add small amounts of water as needed during rolling. 2 3 5. Shape and maintain the course and surface in conformity with the typ ical sections, lin es, and grades shown on the Drawings or as directed. 4 I. Curing 5 1. Cure for the minimum number of days shown in Table 6 and by finished pavement 6 type: 7 a . Concrete pavement 8 1) Sprinkle with water 9 2) Maintain moisture during curing 10 3) Do not allow equipment on the finished course during curing except as 11 required for sprinkling. 12 b. Asphalt Pavement 13 1) Apply an asphalt material at a rate of 0.05 to 0.20 gallon per square yard. 14 2) Do not all ow equipment on the finished course during curing. 15 16 Table 6 Minimum Curio Re uirements Before Placin uent Courses 1 Untreated Material Curio Da s PI::; 35 2 PI > 35 5 I . Subject to th e approva l of th e City. Proof rollin g may be required as an indicator of adequate curin g . 17 18 2. Begin paving operations or add courses within 14 calendar days of final compaction. 19 3.5 REP AIR/RESTORATION [NOT USED] 20 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 21 3.7 QUALITY CONTROL 22 A. Density Test 23 1. City Project Representative must be on site during density testing 24 2. City to measure density of lim e treated base course in accordance with ASTM 25 D6938. 26 3. Spacing directed by City (1 per block minimum). 27 4. City Project Representative determines density testing locations . 28 B. Depth Test 29 1. In-place depth will be evaluated for each 500-foot roadway section 30 2. Determine in accordance with Tex-140-E in hand excavated holes. 31 3. For each 500-foot section, 3 phenolphthalein tests will be performed. 32 4 . City Project Representative determines depth testing locations. C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SP ECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed December 20 , 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 1 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 2 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 4 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 5 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 6 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 7 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 8 END OF SECTION Revision Log 32 11 29 - 10 LIME TREATE D BAS E COURSES Page I O of IO DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 9 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRU CTION SPECIF fCATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 32 11 33 -1 CEMENT TREATED BASE COURSES Page 1 of8 SECTION 32 11 33 2 CEMENT TREATED BASE COURSES 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A.Section Includes 6 1. Treating subgrade, subbase and base courses by the pulveri zation , addition of 7 cement ( or CEM-LIME™), mixing and compacting the mi x material to the required 8 den~cy. 9 2. Item applies to the natural ground, embankment, existing pavement, base or 1 O s ub base courses placed and shall conform to the typical section, line s and grades 11 shown on the Drawings. 12 3. For asphalt pavement pulverization projects, CEM-LIME™ (or approved equal) 13 may be used , in li e u of cement, for subgrade soi ls with high plasticicy index 14 (plasticity index (PI) of 15 or above). 15 4. The procedures and methods outlined in this spec for cement applies to CEM- 16 LIME™ except that CEM-LIME™ needs to be applied using the slurry method. 17 5 . If the existing asphalt is milled off exposing the subgrade soil, the stabilizing agent 18 may need to be lime , in li eu of cem-lime , for soils with high PI 19 B. D eviations from City of Fort Worth Standards 20 1. CEMENT STABILIZED SUBGRADE- At the direction of the engineer, the contractor shall subsidize the subgrade or base material with Portland Cement in conformance with specification "Cement Treated Base Courses" (32 11 33). Unless directed otherwise by the engineer, Cement shall be applied at a minimum rate of five pounds (5#) per square yard per inch of depth. 21 C.Related Specification Sections include but are not necessarily limited to 22 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements , Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 23 2. Division 1 -General Requirements 24 3. Section 32 11 23 -Flexible Base Courses 25 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 26 A.Measurement and Payme nt 27 1. Cement 28 a. Meas urement 29 1) Measurem ent for this Item shall be by the ton (dry weight). 30 b. Payment 31 I) The work performed and material s furnished in accordance with this Item 32 and me as ured as provided under "Measurement " will be paid for at the unit 33 price bid per ton ( dry weight) of Cement. 34 c. The price bid shall include: 35 I) Furnishing Cement material 36 2) All freight involved 37 3) All unloadin g, storing and h andling CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised June I 0, 2022 UT ILITY CUT RE P AIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City P roject No. UC-0 1 2023 38 39 40 41 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1.3 32 11 33 -2 CEMENT TRE ATED BASE COURS ES 2. CEM-LIME™ a . Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the ton (dry weight). b. Payment Page 2 o f8 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per ton (dry weight) of CEM-LIME™ (or approved equal). c. The price bid shall include: 1) Furnishing CEM-LIME™ 2) All freight involved 3) All unloading , storing and handling 3. Cement Treatment a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the square yard of surface area. 2) The dimensions for determining the surface area are established by the widths shown on the Drawings and the lengths measured at placement. b . Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnjshed in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per square yard of Cement Treatment placed for: a) Various depths c . The price bid shall include : I) Pulverizing or providing the soil material 2) Handling, hauling and spreading dry or slurry cement 3) Mixing the cement with the soil either in-place or in a mixing plant 4) Furnishing, hauling and mixjng water with the soil-cement mixture 5) Spreading and shaping the mixture; compacting the mixture , including all rolling required for compaction 6) Surface finishing 7) Water and sprinkling 8) Curing REFERENCES A .Reference Standards 1. Reference standards cited in this specification refer to the current reference standard published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 2 . ASTM International (ASTM): a. C 150, Standard Specification for Portland Cement b. C595, Standard Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cements c. D698 , Standard Test Methods for Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort (12 400 ft-lbf/ft3 (600 kN-m/m3)) 3 . Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) a. Tex-101-E, Preparing soil and f1exjble base materials for testing b. Tex-140-E, Measuring thickness of paving layers C ITY OF FORT WORTH UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 Ci ty Project No . U C-0 I 2023 ST AND ARD CON STRUC TIO N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Re v ised June I 0 , 20 22 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 2 1.5 ACTION SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 32 11 33 -3 CEMENT TREATE D BAS E COU RS E S Page 3 of8 3 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 5 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTLAS [NOT USED] 6 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 7 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 8 A.Truck Delivered Cement 9 1. Each truck ticket shall bear the weight of cement measured on certified scales. 10 2. Submit delivery tickets, certified by supplier, that include weight with each bulk 11 delivery of cement to the site. 12 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS 13 A.Start cement application only when the air temperature is at least 35 degrees F and rising 14 or is at least 40 degrees F. 15 B.Measure temperature in the shade away from artificial heat. 16 C.Suspend application when the City determines that weather conditions are unsuitable. 17 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 18 PART 2-PRODUCTS 19 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 20 2.2 MATERIALS 21 A .General 22 1. Furnish uncontaminated materials of uniform quality that meet the requirements of 23 the Drawings and specifications. 24 2 . Notify the City of the proposed material sources and of changes to material sources. 25 3. Obtain verification from the City that the specification requirements are met before 26 using the sources. 27 4. The City may sample and test project materials at any time before compaction. 28 B.Cement: ASTM C150 or ASTM C595 Type I, II, IL or IP. 29 C.Flexible Base Courses: Furnish base material that meets the requirements of Section 32 30 I 1 23 for the type and grade shown on the Drawings , before the addition of cement. 31 D.Water: Furnish water free of industrial wastes and other objectionable material. 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 2 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUME NTS Revi sed June 10 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-01 2023 32 11 33 -4 CEMENT TREAT ED BAS E COURS ES Page4 o f8 3 PART 3 -EXECUTION 4 3.1 INST ALLERS [NOT USED] 5 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 6 3.3 PREPARATION 7 A.Shape existing material in accordance with applicable bid items to conform to typical 8 sections shown on the Drawings and as directed. 9 3.4 INSTALLATION 10 A .General 11 I. Produce a completed course of treated material containing: 12 a. Uniform Portland cement mixture, free from loose or segregated areas 13 b. Uniform density and moisture content 14 c . Well bound for full depth 15 d. With smooth surface and suitable for placing subsequent courses 16 2. Maximum layer depth of cement treatment in single layer: 8 inches. 17 3. For treated subgrade exceeding 8 inches deep, pulverize, apply cement, mix, 18 compact and finish in equal layers not exceeding 5 inches deep. 19 B.Equipment 20 I. Provide machinery, tools, and equipment necessary for proper execution of the 21 work. 22 2. Rollers 23 a. The Contractor may use any type of ro ll er to meet the production rates and 24 quality requirements of the Contract unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or 25 directed. 26 b. When specific types of equipment are required, use equipment that meets the 27 specified requirements. 28 c . Alternate Equipment 29 I) Instead of the specified equipment, the Contractor may, as approved, 30 operate other compaction equipment that produces equivalent results. 31 2) Discontinue the use of the alternate equ ipm ent and furnish the specified 32 equipment if the desired results are not achieved. 33 d. City may require Contractor to substitute equipment if production rate and 34 quality requirements of the Contract are not met. 35 3. Slurry Equipment 36 a. Use slurry tanks equipped with agitation devices for cement application. 37 b. The City may approve other slurrying methods. 38 c. Provide a pump for agitating the slurry when the distributor truck is not 39 equipped with an agitator. 40 4. Pulverization Equipment 41 a. Provide pulverization equipment that: 42 I) Cuts and pulverizes material uniformly to the proper depth with cutters that 43 plane to a uniform surface over the entire width of the cut CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CON STRU CTION SP ECIFIC ATIO N DOC UME NTS Revi sed June I 0 , 20 22 UTILITY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT I 2023 Ci ty Project No. UC-0 I 2023 32 11 33 - 5 CEM ENT TREAT ED BASE COURSES Page 5 of8 2) Provides a visible indication of the depth of cut at all times 2 3) Uniformly mixes the materials 3 C.Pulverization 4 1. Pulverize or scarify existing material after shaping so that 100 percent by dry 5 weight passes a 1-inch sieve , and 80 percent by dry weight passes a No. 4 sieve 6 exc lu sive of gravel or stone retained in sieves. 7 2 . Pulverize recycled asphalt pavement so that 100 percent by dry weight passes a 2- 8 inch s ieve, and 60 percent by dry weight passes a No. 4 sieve exclusive of gravel or 9 stone retained in sieves . 10 D.Cement Application 11 1. Spread by an approved dry or s lurry method uniformly on the so il at the rate 12 specified on the Drawings 13 a. CEM-LIME™ shall be app lied us in g the slurry method . 14 2. If a bulk cement spreader is used , position by strin g lines or other approved method 15 during spreading to insure a uniform distribution of cement. 16 3. Apply to an area that a ll the operations can be continuous and completed in daylight 17 within 6-hours of initi al appli cation . 18 4. Do not exceed the quantity of cement that permits uniform and intimate mixture of 19 soil and cement during dry-mixing operations 20 5 . Do not exceed the specified optimum moisture content for the soi l and cement 21 mixture. 22 6 . No equipment, except that used in the spreading and mixing, allowed to pass over 23 the freshly spread cement until it is mixed with the soi l. 24 E.Mixing 25 1. Thoroughly mix the material and cement using approved equipment. 26 2. Mix until a homogeneous, friable mixture of material and cement is obtai ned, free 27 from all c lods and lumps. 28 3. Keep mixture within moisture tolerances throughout the operation. 29 4. Spread and shape the completed mixture in a uniform layer. 30 5 . After mixing, the City shall sample the mixture at roadway moisture and test in 31 accordance with Tex 101 E, Part III , to determine compliance with the gradation 32 requirements in Table 1. 33 34 Gr d f R a a IOU eamremen s m 1mum Table 1 t M". Sieve Size Base 1-3 /4 in . 100 3/4 in. 85 No .4 60 35 F. Compaction 0 ass1 '¼ p ·og 36 1. Prior to the be ginning of compaction, the mixture sha ll be in a loo se condition for 3 7 its full depth. 38 2. Compact material to at least 95 -percent of the maximum density as determined by 39 ASTM D698. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised June 10 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-0 1 2023 32 11 33 - 6 C EMENT TREATED BASE COURSES Page 6 of8 3. At the start of compaction, the percentage of moisture in the mixture and in un- 2 pulverized soi l lump s shall be less than the quantity which shall cause the soil- 3 cement mixture to become unstable during compaction and finishing. 4 4. When the uncompacted soi l-cement mixture is wetted by rain so that the average 5 moisture content exceeds the tolerance g iv en at the time of final compaction, the 6 entire section shall be reconstructed in accordance with this specification at the sole 7 expense of the Contractor. 8 5. The specified optimum moisture content and density shall be determined in the 9 field on the representative samples of soil-cement mixture obtained from the area 10 being processed. 11 6. Final moisture content shall be within minus-2 to plus-4-of-optimum. 12 7 . Begin compaction after mixing and after gradation and moisture requirements have 13 been met. 14 8. Begin compaction at the bottom and continue until the entire depth of the mixture is 15 uniformly compacted . 16 9. Uniformly compact the mixture to the specified density within 2-hours. 17 10. After the soi l and cement mixture is compacted uniformly apply water as needed 18 and thoroughly mix in. 19 11. Reshape the surface to the required lines, grades and cross section and then lightly 20 scarify to loosen any imprint left by the compacting or shaping equipment. 21 G.Maintenance 22 1. Maintain the soil-cement treatment in good condition from the time it first starts 23 work until all work shall is completed. 24 2 . Maintenance includes immediate repairs of any defect that may occur after the 25 cement is applied. 26 3. Maintenance work shall be done by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense and 27 repeated as often as necessary to keep the area continuously intact. 28 4. Repairs are to be made in such a manner as to insure restoration of a uniform 29 surface for the fu l I depth of treatment. 30 5. Remedy any low area of treated subgrade by scarifying the surface to a depth of at 31 least 2 inches, filling the area with treated material and compacting. 32 6. Remedy any low area of subbase or base shall by replacing the material for the full 33 depth of subbase or base treatment rather than adding a thin layer of stabi li zed 34 material to the completed work. 35 H.Finishing 36 1. After completing compaction of the final course, clip, skin, or tight-blade the 37 surface of the cement-treated material with a maintainer or subgrade trimmer to a 38 depth of approximately 1/4 inch. 39 2. Remove loo sened material and dispose of at an approved location. 40 3. Roll the clipped surface immediately with a pneumatic tire roller adding small 41 increments of moisture as needed and until a smooth surface is attained. 42 4. Add small amounts of water as needed during rolling. Shape and maintain the 43 course and surface in conformity with the typical sections, lines, and grades shown 44 on the Drawings or as directed. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed June I 0, 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC -01 2023 32 11 33 -7 CEMENT TREATED BAS E CO URSES Page 7 of8 5 . Surface compaction and finishin g shall proceed in such a manner as to produce, in 2 not more than 2-hours, a s mooth , closely knit s urface , free of cracks , ridges or loo se 3 material , conforming to the drawn grade and line shown on the Drawings . 4 6. After the final lay er or course of the cement modified soil has been compacted, it 5 shall be brought to the required lines and grades in accordance with the typical 6 sections. 7 7 . The completed se ction s ha ll then be finished by rolling with a pn e umatic tire or 8 other suitable roller sufficiently to create micro cracking. 9 I. Curing 10 I . General 11 a. Cure for at least 48 hours. 12 b. Maintain the moisture content during curing at no lower than 2 percentage 13 points below optimum. 14 2. Curing method depends on finished pavement type: 15 a. Concrete pavement: 16 1) Sprinkle with water 17 2) Maintain moisture during curing 18 3) Do not allow equipment on the finished course during curing except as 19 required for sprinkling, unless otherwise approved . 20 b. Asphalt Pavement: 21 I) Apply an asphalt material at a rate of0.05 to 0.20 gallon per square yard . 22 2) Do not allow equipment on the finished course during curing 23 3. Begin paving operations or add course s within 14 calendar days of final compaction 24 of the cement treated base . 25 3.5 REPAIR/ RESTORATION [NOT USED] 26 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 27 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL 28 A.Dens ity Test 29 I . City Project Representative must be on site during density testing 30 2. City to measure density of cement treated base course in accordance with ASTM 31 D6938 . 32 3. Spacing directed by City (I per block minimum). 33 4. City Project Representative determines dens ity testing locations . 34 B.Depth Test 35 I . Take minimum of one core per 500 linear feet per each direction of travel 36 staggering te st location in each lane to determine in-place depth . 37 2. City Project Representative determines depth testing locations. C ITY O F FORT WORTH ST AND ARD C ONSTRUCTION SP EC IFI CATION DOCUMENTS Rev ised June I 0, 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 202 3 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 2 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 3 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED ] 4 3.11 CL OSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 5 3.1 2 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 6 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 7 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 8 END OF SECTION 9 Revision Log 32 11 33 -8 CEMENT TREATED BAS E COURSES Page 8 of8 DATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 3-11-2022 Ze la lem Arega I .3.A.2, 2.2.B-Added ASTM C595 -Type IL Ce ment I . I A. -Added alternative of using CEM-LIM E™ in areas with hi gh PI 6-10 -2022 M Owen I .2 A. -Added Measurement and Payment sect ion for CEM-LIME™ 3.4 D. -Added clarification re : s lurry a pplicati on for CEM-LIME™ 3 .4 I. 3. -C larifi e d tim e limits betwee n app li cation and paving C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[FICATION DOCUMENTS Revised June I 0, 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAlR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC -0 I 2023 1 SECTION 32 12 16 2 ASPHALT PAVING 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A. Section Includes : 32 12 16 -I ASPHALT PAVING Page I of26 6 1. Constructing a pavement layer composed of a compacted , dense-grad ed mixture of 7 aggregate and asphalt binder for surface or base courses 8 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 9 1. H.M.A.C. MORE THAN 9-INCHES DEEP- IO When H.M.A.C. greater than 9-inches in depth is encountered, it shall be 11 replaced with a combination of H.M.A.C. and 2:27 concrete base, as 12 determined by the engineer, to achieve the required thickness of pavement. 13 2. ASPHALT DRIVEWAY REPAIR- 14 At locations where H.M.A.C. driveways are encountered, such driveways shall 15 be completely replaced for the full extent of the utility cut with H.M.A.C. equal 16 to or better than the existing driveway. 17 3. 2-INCH TO 9-INCH H.M.A.C. PAVEMENT- 18 These items will include the furnishing and placing ofH.M.A.C. surface course 19 as directed by the engineer. 20 Subsidiary to the H.M.A.C. pavement shall be sawing, removal of asphaltic 2 1 material, gravel and excavation ass shown on the details or as directed by the 22 engineer. 23 The removed surfacing shall be loaded into trucks upon removal and hauled 24 away from the job site as directed by the engineer. In no case shall the 25 removed surface be stockpiled on the job site. 26 The following work method will be performed on each utility cut: 27 a. Place safety signs, barricades and/or other warning devices where 28 necessary and as required. 29 b. The existing asphalt pavement shall be saw cut into a square or 30 rectangular shape and cut side faces vertically. The sawed asphalt 31 pavement shall be a minimum of one foot (l') outside the utility cut 32 area. 33 c. Apply liquid asphalt tack to vertical faces and bottom of excavated 34 area in a uniform manner. Do not puddle tack coat on bottom of utility 35 cut area . Do not apply tack coat to washed rock. 36 d. Place H.M.A.C. surface mix in lifts not to exceed three inches (3"). Last 37 or top lift shall not be less than two inches (2") in thickness. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIFICATIO N DOCUMENTS Re vise d Dece m be r 20 , 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 32 12 16 -2 ASPHALT PAVING Page 2 of26 e. Each lift shall be thoroughly compacted with a plate compactor or 2 portable vibratory roller. Fifteen to twenty passes will be necessary 3 with a vibratory roller and mix temperature above 250° F (121 ° C) to 4 ensure a good compaction. Top lift when compacted shall be 5 approx imately 1/8 inch above surrounding pavement. 6 f. Apply liquid asphalt around edges of patch along cold joints. 7 g. Clean up surrounding area. Do not leave excess fill or excavated 8 material on the pavement. 9 h. Remove safety signs, barricade and/or warning devices after job is 10 complete. 11 Pay ment shall be made at the unit price per Square Yard as shown on the 12 proposal and shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, 13 equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 14 4. ASPHALT ONLY REPAIRS-UNIT IV- 15 At locations where the Water Department's crews have already saw cut the 16 paving repair edges and installed the applicable base repair (2:27 concrete, 17 reinforced concrete, etc .) the contractor will only be required to install the 18 appropriate thicknes s of the H.M.A.C. All applicable provisions governing the 19 placing ofH.M.A.C. as stated in Deviation 3 of this specification "2-inch to 9- 2 0 inch H.M.A.C. Pavement" shall be followed. 2 1 Payment shall be made at the unit price per Square Yard as shown on the 22 proposal and shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials , 23 equipment, tool s and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 24 C . R e late d S pec ifi cati on Secti ons in c lud e, but are not n ecessar il y limited to: 25 I. Di v is ion 0 -Bidd ing R equire me nts, Contract F orm s, a nd Conditi ons of the Contract 26 2. Di v isi on I -Ge neral R e qui re me nts 27 3 . Section 32 01 17 -Perm an ent As phalt Pavin g Repair 2 8 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 29 A. Meas ure ment and P ay m ent 30 1. As ph a lt P aveme nt 31 a. Measure me nt 32 1) M e a sur e me nt for thi s Ite m s ha ll be by the squ are yard of c ompl eted and 33 accepted as pha lt pave me nt in it s fina l po s ition for variou s: 34 a) T hi cknesses 35 b) Types 36 b. Pay ment 37 1) Th e wo rk perform ed and material s furni she d in accordance w ith thi s It em 38 and meas ure d as prov id ed und e r "M eas ure me nt" w ill be paid for at th e uni t 39 pri ce bid pe r 40 c . T he pr ice bid s hall in c lud e: 41 I ) Shaping an d fine g ra din g the pl ace me nt area 42 2) F urni shin g, lo adin g, unl oadin g, storin g, ha uling a nd handling all materi a ls 43 including fr e ight and ro yalty 44 3) Traffic co ntrol for a ll test ing 45 4) As pha lt , aggregate, and a ddi t ive 46 5) Mate ri als and wo rk nee ded for corr ecti ve a cti on CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20 , 20 12 UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-0 I 2023 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 6) Trial batches 7) Tack coat 8) Removal and/or sweeping excess material 2. H.M.A.C. Transition a . Measurement 32 12 16 -3 ASPHALT PAVING Page 3 of26 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the ton of composite Hot Mix Asphalt required for H.M.A .C. Transition. b. Payment 1) The work performed and material s furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per ton of Hot Mix Asphalt. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Shaping and fine grading the roadbed 2) Furnishing, loading, unloading, storing, hauling and handling all materials including freight and royalty 3) Traffic control for all testing 4) Asphalt, aggregate , and additive 5) Materials and work needed for corrective action 6) Trial batches 7) Tack coat 8) Removal and /or sweeping excess material 3. Asphalt Base Course a . Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the square yard of Asphalt Base Course completed and accepted in it s final position for: a) Various thicknesses b) Various types b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per square yard of Asphalt Base Course. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Shaping and fine grading the roadbed 2) Furnishing, loading, unloading, storing, hauling and handling all materials including freight and royalty 3) Traffic control for all testing 4) Asphalt, aggregate, and additive 5) Materials and work needed for corrective action 6) Trial batches 7) Tack coat 8) Removal and/or sweeping excess material 4. H.M.A.C. Pavement Level Up a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be by the ton of H.M.A.C. completed and accepted in its final position. b. Payment 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item and measured as provided under "Measurement" will be paid for at the unit price bid per ton ofH.M.A.C. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20 , 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 c. The price bid shall include: 2 I) Shaping and fine grading the roadbed 32 12 16 - 4 AS PHALT PAVIN G Page 4 of26 3 2) Furnishing, lo ading, unloading, storing, hauling and handling all materials 4 including freight and royalty 5 3) Traffic control for all testing 6 4) Asphalt, aggregate, and additive 7 5) Materials and work needed for corrective action 8 6) Trial batches 9 7) Tack coat IO 8) Removal and/or sweeping excess material 11 5. H.M .A .C . Speed Cushion I 2 a. Measurement 13 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each H.M.A.C. Speed Cushion 14 installed. I 5 b. Payment 16 1) The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with this Item 17 and measured as provided under "Measurement" wi ll be paid for at the unit 18 price bid per each H.M.A.C. Speed Cushion installed and accepted in its 19 final position. 20 c. The price bid shall include: 2 I 1) Shaping and fine grading the roadbed 22 2) Furnishing, loading, unloading, storing, hauling and handling all materials 23 including freight and royalty 24 3) Traffic control for a ll testing 25 4) Asphalt, aggregate, and additive 26 5) Materials and work needed for corrective action 27 6) Trial batches 28 7) Tack coat 29 8) Removal and/or sweepin g excess material 30 1.3 REFERENCES 31 A. Abbrev iations and Acronyms 32 1. RAP (reclaimed asphalt pavement) 33 2. SAC (surface aggregate c lassification) 34 3. BRSQC (Bituminous Rated Source Quality Catalog) 35 4. AQMP (Aggregate Quality Monitoring Program) 36 5. H.M.A.C. (Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete) 37 6. WMA (Warm Mix Asphalt) 38 B . Reference Standards 39 1. Reference standards cited in this specification refer to the current reference standard 40 published at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 41 specification , unless a date is specifically cited. 42 2 . National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 43 a. Handbook 44 -2007 Edition: Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical 44 Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices 45 3. ASTM International (ASTM): C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CO N STRU CTION SPEC IFI C ATIO N DO CU MENTS Revi sed December 20 , 2012 UTILITY C UT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 Ci ty Project No . UC-0 I 2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 32 12 16 -5 ASPH ALT P AV ING Pag e 5 of26 a. ASTM D6084 -06 Standard Test Method for Elastic Recovery of Bituminous Materials by Ductilometer 4. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials a. MP2 Standard Specification for Superpave Volumetric Mix Design b. PP28 Standard Practice for Superpave Volumetric Design for Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) c. T 201 , Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalts (Bitumens) d. T 202 Standard Method of Test for Viscosity of Asphalts by Vacuum Capillary Viscometer e . T 316 Standard Method of Test for Viscosity Determination of Asphalt Binder Using Rotational Viscometer f. TP 1-93 Test Method for Determining the Flexural Creep Stiffness of Asphalt Binder Using the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) 5 . Texas Department of Transportation a . Bituminous Rated Source Qual ity Catalog (BRSQC) b. TEX 100-E, Surveying and Sampling Soils for Highways c. Tex 106-E, Calculating the Plasticity Index of Soi ls d. Tex 107-E, Determining the Bar Linear Shrinkage of Soils e. Tex 200 -F, Sieve Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregates f. Tex 203-F , Sand Equivalent Test g. Tex-204-F , Design of Bituminous Mixtures h . Tex-207-F, Determining Density of Compacted Bituminous Mixtures 1. Tex 217-F, Determin ing Deleterious Material and Decantation Test for Coarse Aggregates J. Tex-226-F , Indirect Tensile Strength Test k. Tex-227-F, Theoretical Maximum Specific Gravity of Bituminous Mixtures I. Tex-243-F , Tack Coat Adhesion m . Tex-244-F, Thermal profile of Hot Mix Asphalt n. Tex 280-F , Determination of Flat and Elongated Particles o. Tex 406-A, Material Finer Than 75 µm (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregates (Decantation Test for Concrete Aggregates) p. Tex 408-A , Organic Impurities in Fine Aggregate for Concrete q. Tex 410 -A , Abrasion of Coarse Aggregate using the Los Angeles Machine r. Tex 411 -A , Soundness of Aggregate by Using Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium s . Tex 460-A, Determining Crushed Face Particle Count t. Tex 461-A, Degradation of Coarse Aggregate by Micro-Deval Abrasion u. Sulfate v . Tex-530-C, Effect of Water on Bituminous Paving Mixtures w. Tex-540-C , Measurement of Polymer Separation on Heating in Modified Asphalt Systems x . Tex-541-C, Rolling Thin Film Oven Test for Asphalt Binders y. Tex-920-K, Verifying the Accuracy of Drum Mix Plant Belt Scales z. Tex-921 -K, Verifying the Accuracy of Hot Mix P lant Asphalt Meters aa. Tex 923-K , Verifying the Accuracy of Liquid Additive Metering Systems C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SP EC IFI CATIO N DO C UMEN TS Revi sed December 20 , 20 I 2 UTILITY C UT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-01 2023 32 12 16-6 AS PH ALT PAV ING Page 6 of26 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 2 1.5 ACTION SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS 4 A. A s phalt Paving Mix Design: Submit for approval. See 2.2.B.1. 5 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 6 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 7 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 8 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 9 1.11 FIELD CONDITIONS 10 A. Weather Conditions 11 1. Place mi xture when the roadway surface temperature is equal to or higher than the 12 temperatures listed in Table I . 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Table 1 m1mum p avemen t S f T ur ace t empera ures Minimum Pavement Surface Temperatures in De2rees Fahrenheit Originally Specified High Subsurface Layers or Surface Layers Placed in Temperature Binder Night Paving Operations Daylight Operations Grade PG64 or lower 45 50 PG70 55 1 60 1 PG 76 or higher 60 1 60 1 '-Contractors may pave at temperatures I 0 °F lower than the values shown in Table 1 when utilizing a paving process including WMA or equipment that eliminates thermal segregation . In such cases , the contractor must use either a hand held thermal camera or a hand he ld infrared thermometer operated in accordance with Tex-244-F to de mon strate to the satisfaction of the City that the uncompacted mat has no more than 10 ° F of thermal segregation. 2 . Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, place mixtures only when weather conditions and moisture conditions of the roadway surface are suitable in the opinion of the City. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTR UCTION SPECIF ICATION DOCU MENTS Rev ised Decembe r 20 , 20 12 UT ILI TY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 202 3 City Proj ect No . UC-0 I 202 3 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 2 PART2-PRODUCTS 3 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 4 2.2 MATERIALS 5 A. General 32 12 16-7 ASPHAL T PAVIN G Page 7 of 26 6 1. Furnish uncontaminated materials ofunjform quality that meet the requirements of 7 the Drawings and specifications. 8 2. Notify the City of all material sources. 9 3. Notify the City before changing any material source or formulation. 10 4. When the Contractor makes a source or formulation change, the City will verify 11 that the requirements of this specification are met and may require a new laboratory 12 mixture design , trial batch, or both. 13 5. The City may sample and test project materials at any time during the project to 14 verify compliance. 15 6. The depth of the compacted lift should be at least 2 times the nominal maximum 16 aggregate size. 17 B . Aggregate 18 1 . General 19 a . Furnish aggregates from sources that conform to the requirements shown in 20 Table 1, and as specified in this Section , unless otherwise shown on the 21 Drawings. 22 b. Provide aggregate stockpiles that meet the definition in this Section for either 23 coarse aggregate or fine aggregate. 24 c. When reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) is allowed by Drawing note , provide 25 RAP stockpiles in accordance with this Section. 26 d . Aggregate from RAP is not required to meet Table 2 requirements unless 27 otherwise shown on the Drawings. 28 e. Supply mechanically crushed gravel or stone aggregates that meet the 29 definitions in Tex 100 E. 30 f. Samples must be from materials produced for the project. 31 g. The City will establish the surface aggregate classification (SAC) and perform 32 Los Angeles abrasion, magnesium sulfate soundness, and Micro-Deval tests. 33 h. Perform all other aggregate quality tests listed in Table 2. 34 i. Document all test results on the mixture design report. 35 j . The City may perform tests on independent or split samples to verify 36 Contractor test results. 37 k . Stockpile aggregates for each source and type separately and designate for the 38 City. 39 I. Determine aggregate gradations for mixture design and production testing 40 based on the washed sieve analysis given in Tex 200 F, Part II. 41 C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEClFICATION DO C UME NTS Re v ised December 20, 2012 UTILITY C UT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-01 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Table 2 A!!!!regate Qua li ty Req uirements Property Test Method Coarse A!!!!regate SAC AQMP Deleterious material , percent, max Tex-217-F, Part I Decantation, percent, max Tex-217-F, Part II Micro-Deval abrasion, percent, max Tex-461-A Los Angeles abrasion , percent, max Tex-410-A Magnesium sulfate soundness, 5 cycles, percent, max Tex-411-A Coarse aggregate angularity , 2 crushed faces, Tex 460-A, Part I percent, min Flat and elongated particles (a), 5: 1, percent, max Tex-280-F Fine Al!l!regate Linear shrinkage , percent, max Tex-107-E Combined A!!!!regate Sand equivalent, percent, min Tex-203-F 32 121 6-8 ASPH ALT PAVfNG Page 8 of26 Requirement As shown on Drawings 1.5 1.5 Note 1 40 302 85 3 10 3 45 1. Not used for acceptance purpose s . Used by the City as an indicator of the need for further inve stigation. 2. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. 3 . Unle ss otherwi se shown on the Drawing s. Onl y appli es to cru shed gravel. m. Coarse Aggregate 1) Coarse aggregate stockpiles must have no more than 20 percent material passing the No. 8 sieve. 2) Maximum aggregate size should not be over half of the proposed lift depth to prevent particle on particle contact issues. 3) Provide aggregates from sources listed in the BRSQC. 4) Provide aggregate from unlisted sources only when tested by the City and/or approved before use . 5) Allow 30 calendar days for the City to sample, test, and report results for unlisted sources. 6) Class B aggregate meeting all other requirements in Tab le 2 may be blended with a Class A aggregate in order to meet requirements for Class A materials. 7) When blending Class A and B aggregates to meet a Class A requirement, ensure that at least 50 percent by weight of the material retained on the No. 4 sieve comes from the Class A aggregate source. 8) Blend by volume if the bulk specific gravities of the Class A and B aggregates differ by more than 0.300. 9) When blending, do not use Class C or D aggregates. 10) For blending purposes, coarse aggregate from RAP will be cons idered as Class B aggregate . 11) Provide coarse aggregate with at least the minimum SAC shown on the Drawings. 12) SAC requirements apply only to aggregates used on the surface of travel lanes, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. n. RAP is salvaged, milled , pulverized, broken, or crushed asphalt pavement. 1) No RAP permitted for TYPED H.M.A .C. C ITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY C UT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-01 2023 ST AND ARD CONSTRUC TION SPECrFIC A TION DOCUMENTS Revi se d December 20 , 2012 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 o. 32 12 16 -9 ASPHALT PAVING Page 9 of26 2) Use no more than 20 percent RAP on TYPE B H.M.A.C. unless otherwise shown on the Drawings . 3) Crush or break RAP so that 100 percent of the particles pass the 2 inch sieve. 4) RAP from either Contractor or City, including RAP generated during the project, is permitted only when shown on the Drawings. 5) City-owned RAP, if allowed for use , will be available at the location shown on the Drawings. 6) When RAP is used , determine asphalt content and gradation for mixture design purposes. 7) Perform other tests on RAP when shown on the Drawings. 8) When RAP is a llowed by plan note, use no more than 30 percent RAP in Type A or B mixtures unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. 9) Do not use RAP contaminated with dirt or other objectionable materials. 10) Do not use the RAP if the decantation value exceeds 5 percent and the p lasticity index is greater than 8. 11) Test the stockpiled RAP for decantation in accordance with the laboratory method given in Tex-406 -A, Part I. 12) Determine the plasticity index using Tex-106-E if the decantation value exceeds 5 percent. 13) The decantation and plasticity index requirements do not apply to RAP samples with asphalt removed by extraction. 14) Do not intermingle Contractor-owned RAP stockpiles with City-owned RAP stockpiles. 15) Remove unused Contractor-owned RAP material from the project site upon completion of the project. 16) Return unused City-owned RAP to the designated stockpile location . Fine Aggregate 1) Fine aggregates consist of manufactured sands, screenings, and field sands. 2) Fine aggregate stockpiles must meet the gradation requirements in Table 3. 3) Supply fine aggregates that are free from organic impurities. 4) The City may test the fine aggregate in accordance with Tex-408-A to verify the material is free from organic impurities. 5) At most 15 percent of the total aggregate may be field sand or other uncrushed fine aggregate. 6) With the exception of field sand , use fine aggregate from coarse aggregate sources that meet the requirements shown in Table 2, unless otherwise approved. 7) If IO percent or more of the stockpile is retained on the No. 4 sieve, test the stockpile and verify that it meets the requirements in Table 1 for coarse aggregate angularity (Tex-460-A) and flat and elongated particles (Tex-280-F). C ITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-01 2023 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECfFIC ATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed December 20, 2012 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 G d f R ra a 10n Sieve Size 3/8" #8 #200 2. Mineral F ill er Table 3 eqmremen s or me t f F" A 2:2:regate percent Passing by Weight or Volume 100 70-100 0-30 32 12 16 -10 ASPHALT PAVING Pa ge 10 of26 a. Mineral filler consists of finely divided mineral matter s u ch as agricultura l lime , cru sher fines, hydrated lim e, cement, or fly ash. b. Mineral filler is allowed unless otherwise show n on the Draw in gs. c. Do not use more than 2 percent hydrated lim e or cement, unless otherw ise shown on the Drawings. The Drawings may require or disallow specific min eral fillers. When use d, provide mineral fill er that: 1) Is sufficie ntl y dry, free -fl owing, and free from clumps and foreign matter; 2) Does not exceed 3 percent lin ear shrinkage when tested in accordance with Tex-10 7-E; and meets the gradatio n requirements in Tab le 4. Table 4 G d f R ra a 10n eqmremen s or mera t f M . I F"II 1 er percent Passing by Weight or Sieve S ize Volume #8 100 #2 00 55 -100 3. Baghouse Fines a. F in es collected by the baghouse or other dust-collecting e quipment may be reintroduced into the mi xing drum 4. Aspha lt Binder a. F urni sh the type and grade of performance-graded (PG) asp halt binder spec ifi e d as follows: 1) Performance-Graded Binde rs (PG Binders) a) Must be smooth and h omogeneo us b) Show no separation when tested in accordance with Tex-540-C c) Meet Tab le 5 requirements CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed De cember 20, 20 12 UTILITY CUT RE PAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Proj ec t No. UC -0 I 2023 PG 58 Property and Test Method -22 I -28 I -34 Average 7-day max pave ment design temperature, °C 1 < 58 >-I ;; I >- M in pavement desi gn temperature, °C 1 22 34 F las h point, T 48 , Min , °C Viscosity, T 316:2• 3 Max, 3.0 Paxs, test temperature , °C Dynamic shear, T 3 15 :4 G*/sin(d), M in , 1.00 kPa Test temperature @ l 0 rad /sec ., °C 58 E lastic recovery, D 6084 , 50 °F, percent I -I 30 Mi n - Table 5 Performance-Graded Binders Performance Grade PG64 PG70 -16 I -22 I -28 I -34 -1 6 I -22 I -28 I -34 <64 <70 >-I ;; I ;; I ;~ >-I ;; I ;; I >- 16 16 34 ORIGI NAL BINDER 2 30 13 5 64 70 -I -I 30 I 50 -I 30 I 50 I 60 ROLLING THIN-FILM OVEN (Tex-541 -C) Mass loss , Tex-541 -C, Max, percent Dynamic shear, T 3 15: G*/sin(d), M in , 2.20 kPa 58 Test temperature @ 10 rad /sec ., °C CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed December 20 , 2012 64 I 70 UT ILITY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC -0 1 2023 PG76 -16 I -22 I -2 8 I -34 <76 >-I ;; I ;; I >- 16 34 76 30 I 50 I 60 I 70 76 32 12 16 -11 ASPHALT PAYIN G Page 11 of26 PG82 -16 I -22 I -28 < 82 >-I ;; I >- 16 28 82 50 I 60 I 70 82 Property a nd Test Method -22 PAV ag in g te mp eratu re , °C Dynam ic shear, T 3 15: 25 G*/si n(d), Max, 5000 kPa Test temperature @ I O rad /sec., °C Cree p st iffness, T 3 13 :5· 6 -12 S, max, 300 MPa, m-va lue , mi n, 0.300 Test temperature ~ 60 sec ., °C Di rect te ns io n, T 314:6 -12 Failure strai n, m in , 1.0 perce nt Test te m pe rature@ 1.0 mm/min ., °C Tabl e 5 (c ontinu ed) Performance-Grad ed Binde rs Pe rforman ce Grade PG 58 PG 64 PG70 I -28 -34 -1 6 -22 -28 -34 -16 -22 -28 -34 I -16 PRESSU RE AG ING VESSEL (PAV) RESID UE (R 28) 100 22 19 28 25 22 19 28 25 22 19 28 -18 -24 -6 -1 2 -1 8 -24 -6 -1 2 -18 -24 -6 -1 8 -24 -6 -12 -18 -24 -6 -12 -18 -24 -6 PG 76 -22 -28 25 22 -12 -18 -1 2 -18 32 12 16 -12 ASPHALT PAYING Page 12 of26 PG 82 -34 -16 -22 19 28 25 -24 -6 -12 -24 -6 -12 -28 22 -18 -18 I . Pavement temperatures are estimated from a ir temperatures usmg an algonthm contained m a Department-supplied computer program, may be provided by the Department, or by followmg the procedures out lined in AASHTO MP 2 and PP 28 . 2. This requ irement may be waived at the Department's discretion if the supplier warrants that the asphalt binder can be adequately pumped, mixed , and compacted at temperatures that meet all applicable safety, environmental, and constructabi li ty requirements. At test temperatures where the binder is a Newton ian flu id , any su itable standard means of viscosity measurement may be used, includin g cap illary (T 20 I or T 202) or rotational viscometry (T 316). 3 . Viscosity at 135 °C is an indicator of mi xi ng and compaction temperatures that can be expected in the lab and field . High values may indicate high mixing an d compaction temperatures. Additionally, significant variation can occur from batch to batch. Contractors should be aware that variation could significantly impact their mixing and compaction operations. Contractors are therefore respons ible for addressing any constructability issues that may arise . 4 . For quality control of unmodified aspha lt binder production, measurement of the viscosity of the original asphalt binder may be substituted for dynamic shear measurements ofG*/sin (d) at test temperatures where the asphalt is a Newtonian fluid . Any suitable standard means of viscosity measurement may be used , including capillary (T 20 I or T 202) or rotational viscometry (T 316). 5 . Silicone beam mo lds, as desc ribed in AASHTO TP 1-93, are acceptable for use . 6 . If creep stiffness is below 300 MPa, direct tension te st is not required. If creep stiffne ss is between 300 and 600 MPa, the direct tension failure strain requirement can be used in stead of the creep stiffness requirement. Them-value requirement must be satisfied in both cases. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICA T!ON DOCUMENTS Rev ised December 20 , 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC -0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 b. Separation testing is not required if: 32 121 6-13 ASPHALT PAV[NG Page I 3 of26 1) A modifier is introduced separately at the mix plant either by injection in the asphalt lin e or mixer, 2) The binder is blended on site in continuously agitated tanks, or binder acceptance is based on field samples taken from an in-line sampling port at the hot mix plant after the addition of modifiers. 5. Tack Coat a. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or approved, furnish CSS-IH, SS-IH, or a PG binder with a minimum high-temperature grade of PG 58 for tack coat binder in accordance with Section 2.2.A.5. 6. Additives a. General I) When shown on the Drawings, use the type and rate of additive specified. 2) Other additives that faci litate mixing or improve the quality of the mixture may be allowed when approved. b. Liquid Antistripping Agent 1) Furnish and incorporate all required asphalt antistripping agents in asphalt concrete paving mixtures and asphalt-stabilized base mixtures to meet moisture resistance testing requirements. 2) Provide a liquid antistripping agent that is uniform and shows no evidence of crystallization, sett lin g, or separation. 3) Ensure that all liquid antistripping agents arrive in: a) Properly labeled and unopened containers, as shipped from the manufacturer, or b) Sealed tank trucks with an invoice to show contents and quantities c) Provide product information to the City including: (I) Material safety data sheet (2) Specific gravity of the agent at the manufacturer's recommended addition temperature, (3) Manufacturer's recommended dosage range , and ( 4) Handling and storage instructions 4) Addition of lim e or a liquid antistripping agent at the Mix Plant, incorporate into the binder as follows: a) Handle in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. b) Add at the manufacturer 's recommended addition temperature. c) Add into the asphalt line by means of an in-line-metering device. c. Liquid Asphalt Additive Meters 1) Provide a means to check the accuracy of meter output for asphalt primer, fluxing material , and liquid addit iv es. 2) Furnish a meter that reads in increments of 0.1 gal. or less. 3) Verify accuracy of the meter in accordance with Tex-923-K. 4) Ensure the accuracy of the meter within 5.0 percent. 7. Mixes a. Design Requirements I) Un less otherwise shown on the Drawings, use the typical weight design example given in Tex-204-F, Part I, to design a mixture meeting the requirements listed in Table s 2 through 8. C ITY OF FO RT WORTH ST AND ARD CON STRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUME NTS Revi sed December 20, 20 12 UTILITY C UT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 Ci ty Project No . UC-01 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 JO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 32 12 16 -14 ASPH ALT P AVING Page 14 of26 2) Furni sh th e City with represe ntati ve sample s of a ll materi a ls use d in th e mi xture des ign. 3) The City will verify the mixture desi gn. 4) If the des ign cannot be ve r ified by the City, furni sh another mixture design . Table 6 Master Gradation Bands ( percent Passing by Weight or Volume) an dVl t·p f o ume nc roper 1es Sieve B C D Size Fine Coarse Fine Base Surface Surface 1-1/2" --- 111 98.0-100.0 -- 3/4" 84.0-98.0 95.0-100.0 - 1/2" --98 .0-100 .0 3/8" 60 .0-80.0 70.0-85 .0 85.0-100 .0 #4 40.0-60.0 43.0-63 .0 50.0-70 .0 #8 29 .0-43 .0 32 .0-44 .0 35.0-46 .0 #30 13 .0-28.0 14.0-28.0 15.0-29 .0 #50 6.0-20.0 7.0-21.0 7.0-20 .0 #200 2.0-7.0 2.0-7.0 2.0-7 .0 Design VMA1, percent Minim u m -13 .0 14.0 15.0 Plant-Produced VMA, percent Minimum -12 .0 13.0 14.0 I. Void s in Mine ra l Aggregates. Table 7 Lb t a ora ory M. t D 1x ure est!! n p f roper 1es Property Test Requirement Method Target laboratory-molded density , percent Te x-207-F 96.0 1 Tensile strength (dry), psi (molded to 93 Tex-226-F 85 -200 2 percent ±1 percent density) Boil test 3 Tex-530-C - 1. U nl ess oth erwise shown o n th e Drawings . 2 . May exceed 200 ps i wh en approved and may be waive d when appro ved. 3 . Use d to est abli sh base lin e for compari son to produ ction results . May be waive d wh en a ppro ve d . 8 . Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) a. WMA is defined as additives or proces ses that allow a reduction in the temperature at which as phalt mixture s are produced and placed. b. WMA is allowed for use at the Contractor's option unless otherwise shown on the Drawings . c. Produce an asphalt mi xture w ithin the temperature range of215 degrees F and 275 degrees F . C ITY OF FO RT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTI ON SP ECIF ICATION DOCUMENT S Rev ised Dec em ber 20 , 20 12 UTILITY CUT RE PAIR CONTRAC T I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 202 3 32 1216-15 ASPHALT PAVTNG Page 15 of26 d. When WMA is not required by Drawings , produce an asphalt mixture within the temperature range of215 degrees F and 275 degrees F . 4 2.3 ACCESS ORIES [NOT USED] 5 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 6 PART 3 -EXECUTION 7 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 8 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 9 3.3 PREPARATION 10 A. Hauling Operations 11 I. Before use, clean all truck beds to ensure mixture is not contaminated. 12 2. When a release agent is necessary to coat truck beds, use a rel ease agent approved 13 by the City. 14 3 . Petroleum based products , such as diesel fuel , should not be used . 15 4. If wind , rain, temperature or haul distance impacts cooling, insulate truck bed s or 16 cover the truck bed with tarpaulin. 17 5 . If hau l time in project is to be greater than 30 minutes , insulate truck beds or cover 18 the truck bed with tarpaulin. 19 3.4 INSTALLATION 20 A. E quipment 2 1 1. General 22 a. Provide required or necessary equipment to produce, haul , place, compact, and 23 core asphalt concrete pavement. 24 b . E nsure weighing and measuring equipment complies with specification. 25 c. Synchronize equipment to produce a mixture meeting the required proportions. 26 2 . Production Equipment 27 a. Provide: 28 1) Drum-mix type, weigh-batch, or modified weigh-batch mixing plants that 29 ensure a uniform , continuous production 30 2) Automatic proportioning and measuring devices with interlock cut-off 31 circuits that stop operations if the control system malfunctions 32 3) Visible readouts indicating the weight or volume of asphalt and aggregate 33 proportions 34 4) Safe and accurate means to take required samples by ins pection forces 35 5) Permanent means to check the output of metering devices and to perform 36 calibration and weight checks 37 6) Additive-feed systems to ensure a uniform, continuous material flow in the 38 desired proportion 39 3. Weigh ing and Measuring E quipment 40 a . General 41 1) Provide weighing and measuring equipment for materials measured or 42 proportioned by we ight or vo lume . C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFICATIO N DOCUMENTS Revised De cember 20 , 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4 . 32 12 16 -16 AS PHALT PAVIN G Page 16 of 26 2) Provide certified scales, scale installations , and measuring equipment meeting the requirements of NIST Handbook 44, except that the required accuracy must be 0.4 percent of the material being weighed or measured . 3) Furnish leak-free weighing containers large enough to hold a complete batch of the material being measured. b. Truck Scales I) Furnish platform truck scales capable of weighing the ent ire truck or truck- trailer combination in a single draft. c. Aggregate Batching Scales 1) Equip scales used for weighing aggregate with a quick adjustment at zero that provides for any change in tare. 2) Provide a visual means that indicates the required weight for each aggregate. d. Suspended Hopper I) Provide a means for the addition or the removal of small amounts of material to adjust the quantity to the exact weight per batch. 2) Ensure the scale equipment is level. e. Belt Scales I) Use belt scales for proportioning aggregate that are accurate to within 1.0 percent based on the average of 3 test runs, where no individual test run exceeds 2.0 percent when checked in accordance with Tex-920-K. f. Asphalt Material Meter 1) Provide an asphalt material meter with an automatic digital display of the volume or weight of asphalt material. 2) Verify the accuracy of the meter in accordance with Tex-921 -K. 3) When using the asphalt meter for payment purposes, ensure the accuracy of the meter is within 0.4 percent. 4) When used to measure component materials only and not for payment, ensure the accuracy of the meter is within 1.0 percent. g. Liquid Asphalt Additive Meters 1) Provide a means to check the accuracy of meter output for asphalt primer, fluxing material, and liquid additives. 2) Furnish a meter that reads in increments of 0.1 gallon or less. 3) Verify accuracy of the meter in accordance with Tex-923-K. 4) Ensure the accuracy of the meter within 5.0 percent. Drum-Mix Plants . Provide a mixing plant that complies with the requirements be low. a. Aggregate Feed System I) Provide : a) A minimum of I cold aggregate bin for each stockpile of individual materials used to produce the mix b) Bins designed to prevent overflow of material c) Scalping screens or other approved methods to remove any oversized material, roots, or other objectionable materials d) A feed system to ensure a uniform , continuous material flow in the desired proportion to the dryer e) An integrated means for moisture compensation f) Belt scales , weigh box, or other approved devices to measure the weight of the combined aggregate C IT Y OF FORT WORTH UTILITY C UT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ect No. UC-0 I 2023 STANDARD C ON STRU CTION SP EC IFI C ATIO N DOC UME NTS Revi sed December 20 , 20 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5. 32121 6 -17 ASPHALTPAVfNG Page 17 of 26 g) Cold aggregate bin flow indicators that automatically signal interrupted material flow b. Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Feed System 1) Provide a separate system to weigh and feed RAP into the hot mix plant. c . Mineral Fi ll er Feed System 1) Provide a closed system for mineral filler that maintains a constant supp ly w ith minimal loss of material through the exhaust system . 2) Interlock the measuring d ev ic e into the automatic pl ant controls to automaticall y adj ust the supply of mineral filler to plant production and provide a consistent percentage to the mixture. d. Heating, Drying, and Mixing Systems 1) Provide: a) A dryer or mixing system to agitate the aggregate during heating b) A heating system that contro ls the temperature during production to prevent aggregate and asphalt binder damage c) A heating system that completely burns fuel and leaves no residue d) A recording thermometer that contin uou sly measures and records the mixture discharge temperature e) Dust collecti on system to collect excess dust escaping from the drum. e. Asphalt Binder Equipment 1) Supply equipment to heat binder to the required temperature. 2) Eq uip the heating apparatus with a continuous ly recording thermometer lo cated at the highest temperature point. 3) Produce a 24 hour chart of the recorded temperature. 4) Place a device with automatic temperature compensation that accurately meters the binder in the li ne leading to the mixer. 5) Furnish a samplin g port on the lin e between the storage tank and mixer. Supp ly an additional sampl ing port between any additive bl ending device and mixer. f. Mixture Storage and Discharge 1) Provide a surge-storage system to minimize interruptions during operations unl ess otherwise approved . 2) Furni sh a gob hopper or other device to minimize segregati on in the bin. 3) Provide an automated system that weighs the mixture upon discharge and produces a ticket showing: a) Date b) Project identification number c) Plant identification d) Mix ident ific atio n e) Vehicle identification f) Total weight of the load g) Tare weight of the vehicl e h) Weight of mixture in eac h lo a d i) Load number or sequential ticket number for the day g . Truck Scales 1) Provide standard platform scales at an approved location . Weigh-Batch Plants. Provide a mixing plant that complies w ith Section 2.2.B.4 "Drum-Mi x Plants," except as required below: a. Screening and Proportioning C ITY OF FORT WORTH UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SP EC IFICATION DO CUMENTS Re vised December 20, 20 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 3212 16 -1 8 ASPHALT PAVING Page 18 of26 1) Provide enough hot bins to separate the aggregate and to control proportioning of the mixture type specified . a) Supply bins that discard excessive and oversized material through overflow chutes. b) Provide safe access for inspectors to obtain samples from the hot bin s. b. Aggregate Weigh Box and Batching Scales 1) Provide a weigh box and batching scales to hold and weigh a comp lete batch of aggregate. 2) Provide an automatic proportioning system with low bin indicators that automatically stop when material level in any bin is not sufficient to complete the batch . c. Asphalt Binder Measuring System 1) Provide bucket and scales of sufficient capacity to hold and weigh binder for 1 batch. d. Mixer 1) Equipment mixers with an adjustable automatic timer that controls the dry and wet mixing period and locks the discharge doors for the required mixing period 2) Furnish a pug mill with a mixing chamber large enough to prevent spillage. 6. Modified Weigh-Batch Plants. Provide a mixing plant that complies with Section 2.2 .B.5. "Weigh-Batch Plants," except as specifically described below. a. Aggregate Feeds 1) Aggregate control is required at the cold feeds. Hot bin screens are not required . b. Surge Bins 1) Provide 1 or more bins large enough to produce 1 complete batch of mixture. c. Hauling Equipment 1) Provide trucks with enclosed sides to prevent asphalt mixture loss. 2) Cover each load of mixture with waterproof tarpaulins . 3) Before use, clean all truck beds to ensure the mixture is not contaminated. 4) When necessary , coat the inside truck beds with an approved release agent from the City . d . Placement and Compaction Equipment 1) Provide equipment that does not damage underlying pavement. 2) Comply with laws and regulations concerning overweight vehicles. 3) When permitted , other equipment that will consistently produce satisfactory results may be used. 7. Asphalt Paver a. General 1) Furnjsh a paver that will produce a finished surface that meets longitudinal and transverse profile , typical section, and placement requirements . 2) Ensure the paver does not support the weight of any portion of hauling equipment other than the connection . 3) Provide loading equipment that doe s not transmit vibrations or other motions to the paver that adversely affect the finished pavement quality. 4) Equip the paver with an automatic, dual , longitudinal-grade control system and an automatic, transverse-grade control system. b . Tractor Unjt CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOC UME NTS Revised December 20, 2012 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No . UC-01 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 3 5 36 37 3 8 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 321216 -1 9 ASPHALT PAVING Pa ge 19 of26 1) Supply a tractor unit that can push or propel vehicles , dumping directl y into the finishing machine to obtain the des ired lines and grades to eliminate any hand finishin g. 2) Equip the unit with a hitch sufficient to maintain contact between the haulin g equipment's rear wheels and the fini shing machine's pusher roll ers while mi xture is unloaded. c. Screed 1) Provide a heated compacting screed that will produce a finished surface that meets lon g itudinal and tran sve rse profile, typical section, and placement requirements. 2) Screed extensions must provide the same compacting action and h eating as the main unit unle ss otherwise approved. d. Grade Reference 1) Provide a grade reference with enough support that the maximum deflection does not exceed 1/16 inch between supports. 2) E nsure that the longitudinal controls can operate from any longitudinal grade reference includin g a string line , ski, mobile string line , or matchin g shoes. 3) Furnish paver skis or mobile string line at least 40 feet long unle ss otherwise approved. 8. Materi a l Transfer Dev ice s a. Provide the s pecifi ed type of device when s hown on the Drawings. b . E nsure the devices provide a continuous, uniform mixture flow to the asphalt paver. c. When used , provide windrow pick-up equipment constructed to pick up s ubstantially all roadway mixture placed in the windrow. 9. Remixing Equipment a. When required, provide equipment that includes a pug mill , variable pitch augers, or variable diameter augers operating under a storage unit with a minimum capacity of 8 tons. 10. Motor Grader a. When allowed, provide a self-propelled grader with a blade length of at least 12 feet and a wheelbase of at least 16 feet. 11 . Handheld Infrared Thermometer a. Provide a handheld infrared thermometer meetin g the requirements of Tex-244-F . 12. Rollers a. The Contractor may use any type of roller to meet the production rate s and quality requirements of the Contract unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or directed . b. When specific types of equipment are required , use equipment that meets the specified requirements. c. Alternate Equipment 1) Instead of the specified equipment, the Contractor may , as approved, operate other compaction equipment that produces equivalent results. 2) Discontinue the use of the alternate equipment and furnish the specified equipment if the desired results are not achieved . d. City may require Contractor to substitute equipment if production rate and quality requirements of the Contract are not met. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised December 20, 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPA IR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 32 12 16 -20 ASPHALT PAY [NG Page 20 of26 13 . Straightedges and Templates. Furnish 10 foot straighted ges and other templates as 2 required or approved. 3 14 . Distributor vehicles 4 a. Furnish vehicle that can achieve a uniform tack coat placement. 5 b. The nozzle patterns , spray bar height and distribution pressure must work 6 to gether to produce uniform application. 7 c. The vehicle should be set to provide a "double lap " or "triple lap " coverage. 8 d . Nozzle spray patterns should be identical to one another along the distributor 9 spray bar. 10 e. Spray bar he ight shou ld remain constant. 11 f. Press ure within the di stributor must be capable of forcing the tack coat material 12 out of spray nozzles at a constant rate. 13 15. Corin g E quipment 14 a. When coring is required, provide equipment s uit ab le to obtain a pavement 15 s pecimen meeting the dimensions for testing. 16 B. Co nstruction 17 1. D es ign , produce, store, transport, place, and compact the specified pavin g mi xture 18 in accordance with the requirements of thi s Section. 19 2 . Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, provide the mix design . 20 3. The City will perform quality assurance (QA) testing. 2 1 4. Provide quality control (QC) testing as needed to meet the requirements of this 22 Section. 23 C. Production Operations 24 1. General 25 a. The City may suspend production for noncompliance with this Section . 26 b . Take corrective action and obta in approval to proceed after any production 27 suspension for noncompliance. 28 2. Operational Tolerances 29 a. Stop production if testing indicates tolerances are exceeded on any of the 30 following: 3 1 1) 3 consecutive tests on any individual sieve 32 2) 4 consec uti ve tests on any of the sieves 33 3) 2 consecutive tests on asphalt content 34 b. Begin production only when t est results or other informat ion indicate, to the 35 satisfaction of the City, that the ne xt mixture produced w ill be within Table 9 36 tolerances. 37 3. Storage and Heating of Materials 38 a. Do not heat the asphalt binder above the temperatures specifie d in Section 39 2.2.A. or outside the manufacturer 's recommended values . 40 b. On a daily basi s, provide the City with the record s of asphalt binder and hot- 41 mi x asp ha lt discharge temperatures in accordance with Table 10. 42 c. Unless otherwise approved, do not store mi xture for a period long enough to 43 affect the quality of the mixture, nor in any case longer than 12 hours. 44 4 . Mixing and Discharge of Material s 45 a. Notify the City of the target di scharge temperature and produce the mixture 46 within 25 degrees F of the targe t. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC[FICA TION DOCUMENTS Revi sed December 20, 20 I 2 UTILITY CUT REPAlR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ect No. UC-0 I 202 3 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 D. 32 12 16-2 1 ASPH AL T P AV CNG Page 21 o f26 b. Monitor the temperature of the material in the truck before shipping to ensure that it does not exceed 350 degrees F. The City will not pay for or allow placement of any mixture produced at more than 350 degrees F. c. Control the mixing time and temperature so that substantially all moisture is removed from the mixture before discharging from the plant. Placement Operations 1. Place the mixture to meet the typical section requirements and produce a smooth, finished surface or base course with a uniform appearance and texture. 2. Offset longitudinal joints of successive courses of hot mix by at least 6 inches. 3 . Place mixture so longitudinal joints on the surface course coincide with lane lines, or as directed. Ensure that all finished surfaces will drain properly. 4. When End Dump Trucks are used, ensure the bed does not contact the paver when raised . 5. Placement can be performed by hand in situations where the paver cannot place it adequately due to space restrictions. 6 . Hand-placing should be minimized to prevent aggreg ate segregation and surface texture issues. 7 . All hand placement shall be checked with a straightedge or template before rolling to ensure uniformity. 8. Place mixture within the compacted lift thickness shown in Table 9 , unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or otherwise directed. Table 9 C ompacte dL"fTh"k dR I t IC ness an . dC eqmre ore H. ht e1~ Compacted Lift Thickness Mixture Type Minimum Maximum (in.) (in.) B 2.00 3.00 C 2.00 2.50 D 1.50 2.00 9. Tack Coat a. Clean the surface before placing the tack coat. Unless otherwise approved , apply tack coat uniformly at the rate directed by the City. b. The City will set the rate between 0 .04 and 0.10 gallons of residual asphalt per square yard of surface area. c. Apply a thin , uniform tack coat to all contact surfaces of curbs , structures, and all joints. d. Prevent splattering of tack coat when placed adjacent to curb, gutter, metal beam guard fence and structures. e. Roll the tack coat with a pneumatic-tire roller when directed. f. The City may use Tex-243-F to verify that the tack coat has adequate adhesive properties. g. The City may suspend paving operations until there is adequate adhesion. h. The tack coat should be placed with enough time to break or set before applying hot mix asphalt layers . 1. Traffic should not be allowed on tack coats. C ITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 STANDARD CONSTRUC TIO N SPECIFIC ATION DOC UMENTS Revi se d Dec ember 20, 20 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 E. F. 32 121 6 -22 ASPHALT PAVIN G Page 22 of 26 j. Wh en a tacked road surface must be opened to traffic, they s ho uld be covered with sand to provid e fr iction and prevent pi ck-up . k. A typ ical rate for app lying a sand cover is 4 to 8 lb s/s quare yard. 10 . General placement requirements a . Material should be delivered to maintain a relativel y constant head of material in front of the screed. b. The hopp e r shou ld never be allowed to empty dur in g pavin g. c. Dumping wings betwee n trucks not allowed. Di s po se of at end of days production. Lay-Down Operation 1. Minimum Mi xture Place ment Temperatures. Use Table 10 for m inimum mi xtu re placement temperatures . 2. Windrow Operat ions . When hot mix is placed in windrows, operate windrow pickup eq uipm ent so that substantiall y all the mi xture deposited on the roadbed is picked up and loaded into the pave r. Table 10 s U!!!!C Ste dM". m1mum M" PI 1xture acemen tT t empera ure High-Tern perature Minimum Placement Temperature Binder Grade (Before Entering Paver) PG 64 or lower 260 °F PG 70 270°F PG76 280 °F PG 82 or hi gher 290 °F Co mpaction 1. Use a ir vo id contro l unle ss ordinary compaction contro l is specified on th e Drawings. 2. Avoid di s placement of the mi xture . If displacement occ urs , correct to the satisfaction of the City. 3. E ns ure pavement is fully compacted before a llowing rollers to stand on the pavement. 4. Unless otherwise directed , use onl y water or an approved release agent on rollers , tamps , and other compaction equipment. 5 . Keep di esel, gaso line, oil, grease, and other foreign matter off the mixture . 6. Unless otherwise directed , operate vibratory rollers in static mode when not compacting, when changin g directions, or when the plan depth of the pavement mat is le ss than 1-1/2 inche s. 7. Use tamps to thoroughl y compact the edges of the pavement a long curbs, headers, and simi lar structures and in locations that will not a ll ow thorough compaction with the rollers. 8 . T he City may req uire rolling with a trench roller on widened areas , in trenches, and in other limited areas. 9. Allow the compacted pavement to cool to 160 degree s For lower before opening to traffic unless otherwise directed. C ITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 1 2023 ST AND ARD CONSTRU CTION SP EC IFI CATION DO CUMENTS Revi sed December 20, 20 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 321216-23 ASPHALTPAV[NG Page 23 of 26 10. When directed, sprinkle the finished mat with water or limewater to expedite opening the roadway to traffic. 11. Air Void Control a . General 1) Compact dense-graded hot-mix asphalt to contain from 5 percent to 9 percent in-place air voids. 2) Do not increase the asphalt content of the mixture to reduce pavement air voids. b. Rollers 1) Furnish the type , size, and number of rollers required for compaction, as approved. 2) Use a pneumatic-tire roller to seal the surface, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. 3) Use additional rollers as required to remove any roller marks. c. Air Void Determination 1) Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings , obtain 2 roadway specimens at each lo cation se lected by the City for in-place air void determination. 2) The City will measure a ir voids in accordance with Tex-207-F and Tex-227-F. 3) Before drying to a constant weight, cores may be predried using a Core lok or s imil ar vacuum device to remove excess moisture. 4) The City will use the average air void content of the 2 cores to calculate the in-place air voids at the selected lo cation . d. Air Voids Out of Range 1) If the in-pl ace air vo id content in the compacted mixture is below 5 percent or greater than 9 percent, change the production and placement operations to bring the in-place air void content within requirements. e. Test Section 1) Construct a test sect ion of 1 lane-w idth and at most 0.2 miles in length to demonstrate that compaction to between 5 percent and 9 percent in-place air voids can be obtained. 2) Continue this procedure until a test section w ith 5 percent to 9 percent in- place air voids can be produced. 3) The City will a ll ow only 2 test sections per day. 4) When a test section producing sat isfactory in-place air void content is placed , resume full production. 12. Ordinary Compaction Control a. Furnish the type, size, and number of rollers required for compaction, as approved. Furnish at least 1 medium pneumatic-tire roller (minimum 12-ton weight). b. Use the control strip method given in Tex-207-F, Part IV, to establish rolling patterns that achieve maximum compaction. c . Fo llo w the se lected rolling pattern unl ess changes that affect compaction occur in the mixture or placement conditions. d. When such changes occur, establish a new rolling pattern. e. Compact the pavement to meet the requirements of the Drawings and specifications. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOC UMENTS Revi sed December 20 , 2012 UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 32 12 16-24 ASPHALT PAVING Page 24 of26 2 3 f. When rolling with the 3-wheel, tandem or vibratory rollers, start by first rolling the joint with the adjace nt pave ment and then continue by rolling longitudinally at the sides. 4 g. Proceed toward the center of the pavement, overlapping on successive trips by 5 at least 1 ft., unless otherwise directed. 6 h. Make alternate trips of the roller slightly different in length . 7 1. On superelevated curves, begin rolling at the low side and progress toward the 8 high side unless otherwise directed. 9 G. Irreg ularities 10 1. Identify and correct irregularities including, but not limited to segregation, rutting, 11 raveling, flushing , fat spots, mat slippage, irregular color, irregular texture, roller 12 marks, tears, gouges, streaks, uncoated aggregate particles, or broken aggregate 13 particles. 14 2. The City may also identify irregularities , and in such cases, the City shall promptly 15 notify the Contractor. 16 3. If the City determines that the irregularity will adversely affect pavement 17 performance, the City may require the Contractor to remove and replace (at the 18 Contractor's expense) areas of the pavement that contain the irregularities and areas 19 where the mixture does not bond to the existing pavement. 20 4. If irregularities are detected, the City may require the Contractor to immediately 21 suspend operations or may allow the Contractor to continue operations for no more 22 than 1 day while the Contractor is taking appropriate corrective action. 23 5. The City may s us pend production or placement operations until the problem is 24 corrected. 25 6. At the expense of the Contractor and to the satisfaction of the City, remove and 26 replace any mixture that does not bond to the existing pavement or that has other 27 surface irregularities identified above. 28 3.5 REP AIR 29 A. SeeSection320117. 30 3.6 QUALITY CONTROL 31 A. Production Testing 32 1. Perform production tests to verify asphalt paving meets the performance standard 33 required in the Drawings and specifications. 34 2. City to measure density of asphalt paving with nuclear gauge. 35 3. City to core asphalt paving from the normal thickness of section once acceptable 36 density achieved. City identifies location of cores . 37 a. Minimum core diameter: 4 inches 38 b . Minimum spacing: 200 feet 39 c. Minimum of 1 core every block 40 d . Alternate lanes between core 41 4. City to use cores to determine pavement thickness and calculate theoretical density. 42 a. City to perform theoretical density test a minimum of 1 per day per street. 43 B . Density Test 44 1. The average me as ured density of asphalt paving must meet specified density. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFI CATIO N DOCUMENTS Revised Dece mber 20 , 20 12 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 C ity Proj ec t No. UC-01 2023 2 3 4 32 12 16 -25 A SPH ALT PAVING Page 2 5 o f26 2. Average of me asurements per street not meeting the minimum specified strength shall be subject to the money penalties or removal and replacement at the Contractor's expense as show in Table 11. 5 Table 11 6 Density Payment Schedule Percent Rice Percent of Contract Price Allowed 89 and lower remove and replace at the entire cost and expense of Contractor as directed by City . 90 75-percent 91-93 100-percent 94 90-percent 95 75-percent Over 95 remove and replace at the entire cost and expense of Contractor as directed by City. 7 8 3. The amount of penalty shall be deducted from payment due to Contractor. 9 4. These requirements are in addition to the requirements of Article 1.2. 10 C. Pavement Thickness Test 11 1. City measure each core thickness by averaging at least 3 measurements. 12 2. The number of tests and location shall be at the discretion of the City, unless 13 otherwise specified in the special provisions or on the Drawings. 14 3. In the event a deficiency in the thickness of pavement is revealed during production 15 testing, subsequent tests necessary to isolate the deficiency shall be at the 16 Contractor's expense. 17 4 . The cost for additional coring test shall be at the same rate charged by commercial I 8 laboratories. 19 20 21 5. Where the average thickness of pavement in the area found to be deficient, payment shall be made at an adjusted price as specified in Table 12. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT ION SPEC lFIC ATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed December 20, 2012 UTILITY C UT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 C ity Project No . UC-01 2023 Table 12 2 1c ness e 1c1encv Th " k D fi . ena 1es P If D efi c ie ncy in Thi c kn ess D ete rmin ed by Cores G reate r Than 0 pe rcent -Not More th an 10 pe rc e nt G re ater Tha n l 0 pe rcent -Not M o re th an 15 pe rcent Greate r T han 15 pe rcent 3 32 12 16 -26 ASPHALT PAVfN G Page 26 of26 Proportiona l Part Of Contract Price 90 pe rcent 80 pe rcent re move and re pl ace a t th e entire cost and expe nse o f Contractor as directe d by C ity. 4 6 . If, in the judgment of the Ci ty, th e area of s uch defici ency warrants remova l, the 5 area s ha ll be re mo ve d and re pl ace d , at th e C ontra ctor's e ntire expe nse, w ith as ph a lt 6 pav in g of the thickness s ho wn on th e D rawings. 7 7 . No addi t ional pay ment over the c ontract unit price shall be ma de fo r any pav em e nt 8 of a thickness exceedin g tha t re quired by th e Drawings . 9 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] IO 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 11 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 12 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 13 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 14 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 15 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 16 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 17 END OF SECTION 18 R evi s io n Lo g D ATE NAME SUMMARY OF CHANGE 12/20/201 2 D. John so n 1.2.A -Mod ifi ed items to be in clud ed in pri ce bid 19 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON STRUCTION S PECrF ICA TION DOCUMENTS Re vised December 20 , 20 12 UTILI TY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ect No . UC-0 1 2023 SECTION 32 13 13 32 13 I 3 -I CONC RETE PAVING Page I o f 23 2 CONCRETE PAVING 3 PART 1 -GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 A.Section include s: 6 1. Finished pavem e nt constructed of Portland cement concrete including 7 monolithically poured curb on the pre pared s ub grade or other base course . 8 B.Dev iat ions from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. Quick-Set Concrete- In high traffic areas where the utility cut repair must be returned to service sooner than a normal cure time will allow, the contractor as directed by the engineer shall use concrete admixtures as outlined in this specification Part 2-Products; 2.2 Materials; D. Admixtures or ready made mixes such as " Rapid Set" concrete mix or approved equal. Any and all materials used shall conform to the above mentioned specification. Payment for quick set concrete shall be made at the unit price per bid Cubic Yards as shown on the proposal and shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, materials, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. 2. Limits of Concrete Pavement Repair- The following criteria will be used to determine the limits of concrete pavement repair for this contract: a. The minim um size of repair for concrete shall be 5' x 5'. b. Whenever the limits of the repair are eight feet (8') or less from an adjacent joint of any type, the replacement shall be extended to that joint. c. Dummy joints shall be sawed across any panel where the construction joint intersects the panel and a joint does not exist. All new joints (construction or dummy) shall be parallel with existing joints. d. Depending on the existing longitudinal joint spacing and the limits of the damaged pavement, the contractor may be required to extend the replacement to the halfway point of the panel. The determination shall be made by the inspector on a case by case basis in order to assure uniform joint spacing. Payment for all concrete pavement repairs shall be made at the unit price bid per Square Yard as shown in the proposal and shall be full compensation for furnishing all labor, material s, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to complete the work. However, payment for sawcutting dummy joints in adjacent panels shall be made under the appropriate bid item. 9 C.Related Specification Sections in c lude , but are not necessaril y limited to: 10 1. Division O -Procurement and Contracting Requirements 11 2. Di v is ion 1 -General Requirements 12 3. Section 32 01 29 -Concrete Paving Rep a ir 13 4. Section 32 13 73 -Concrete Paving Joint Sealants 14 15 CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPEClFICATION DOC UMENTS Revi sed June I 0 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 16 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 17 A.Measurement 18 1. Measurement 3213 13-2 CONCRETE PAYIN G Page 2 of23 19 a. Measurement for this Item shall be by the square yard of completed and 20 accepted Concrete Pavement in its final position as measured from back of curb 21 for various: 22 1) Classes 23 2) Thicknesses 24 2. Payment 25 a. The work performed and materials furnished in accordance with thjs Item will 26 be paid for at the unit price bid per square yard of Concrete Pavement. 27 3. The price bid shall include: 28 a . Shaping and fine grading the placement area 29 b. Furnishing and applying all water required 30 c. Furnishing, loading and unloading, storing, hauling and handling all concrete 31 ingredients including all freight and royalty involved 32 d . Mixing, placing, finishing and curing all concrete 33 e . Furnishing and installing all reinforcing stee l 34 f. Furnishing all materials and placing lon gitudinal, warping, expansion , and 35 contraction joints, includ ing all steel dowels , dowel caps and load transmission 36 units required, wire and device s for placing, holding and supporting the steel 37 bar, load transmission units , and joint filler material in the proper position; for 38 coating steel bars where required by the Drawings 39 g . Sealingjoints 40 h . Monolithically poured curb 41 i. Cleanup C IT Y OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed June I 0, 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC -0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 32 1313-3 CONCRETE PAVING Page 3 of23 1.3 REFERENCES A.Reference Standards 1. Reference standards cited in thi s specification refer to the current reference standard published at the time of th e late st revision date logged at the end of this spec ification, unle ss a date is s pecifically cited . 2. ASTM Internationa l (ASTM): a. A6 l 5/ A6 l 5M, Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement b . C3 l, Standard Practi ce for Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field C. C33, Concrete Aggregates d. C39, Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens e. C42, Standard Test M ethod for Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores a nd Sawed Beams of Concrete f. C94/C94M, Standard Specifications for R eady-Mixed Concrete g . C 150, Portland Cement h . C595, Portland-Limestone Cement i. C 156, Standard Test Method for Water Loss (from a mortar specimen) Through Liquid Membrane-Forming Curing Compounds for Concrete j . C 172, Standard Practice for Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete k. C260, Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete I. C309, Liquid Membrane-Forming Compounds for Curing Concrete, Type 2 m. C494, Chemical Admixtures for Concrete, Types "A", "D ", "F" and "G" n . C6 l 8, Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcin e d Natural Pozzolan for use as a Mineral Admixture in Concrete 0. C88 l, Standard Specification for E poxy-Resin-Base Bonding Systems for Concrete p. Cl064, Standard Test Method for Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic- Cement Concrete q . Cl 602, Standard Specification for Mixing Water Used in the Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete. r. D698 , Laboratory Compaction Characteristi cs of Soil Using Standard Effort (12,400 ft-lbf/ft3) 3. American Concrete Institute (ACI): a. ACI 305.1-14 Specification for Hot Weather Concreting b. ACI 306.1-90, Standard Specification for Cold Weather Concreting c. ACI 318 , Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete and Commentary 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 1.5 SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMA TIONAL SUBMITTALS A. Mix Design: submit for approval. See Item 2.4.A. CITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTI ON SPECIFICATIO N DOCUMENTS Revi sed June I 0, 2022 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 2 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATE RIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 3 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 4 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USE D] 5 1.11 FIELD CONDITIONS 6 A .W eather Conditions 3213 13-4 CONCRETE PA VlNG Page4 of23 7 I . Place concrete when concrete temperature is between 40°F and 95°F when 8 measured in accordance w ith ASTM CI 064 at point of placement. 9 2. Hot Weathe r Concreti ng IO a. Concrete paving operations shall be approved by the City project manager or 11 designee w hen the co ncrete temperature exceeds 95°F. 12 b . Concrete shall not be placed when concrete temperature is above 100 °F under 13 any circumstances. 14 3. Co ld Weather Concreti ng 15 a . No concrete s hall be placed when ambient temp in shade and away from 16 artificial heat is below 40 °F and falli ng. Concrete may be placed when ambient 17 temp is above 35°F and rising. Unless the City project manager or de signee 18 approves paving to continue, suspend concreting operations if a descending air 19 temperature in the shade and away from artific ia l heat fall s below 40 °F. Do not 20 resume concreting operations until an asce nding air temperat ure in the s hade and 2 1 away from artificial heat reaches 35 °F a nd rising. Contractor should take all the 22 precautions necessary to prevent freezing of concrete. Frozen concrete must be 23 removed and replaced . 24 4 . It is to be distinctly understood that the contractor is responsible for the quality and 25 strength of t he concrete placed under any weather conditions. 26 B. T ime: Place concrete after sunrise and no later than shall permit the finishin g of the 27 pavement in natural li ght, or as directed by the City . 28 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 29 PART 2 -PRODUCT S 30 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 31 2.2 MATERIALS 32 A .Cementitious Material: ASTM Cl50, ASTM C595 Ty pe IL Cement. 33 B.Aggregates : ASTM C33 . 34 C .Water: ASTM C l 602. 35 D.Admi xt ures: When adm ixture s are used, conform to the appropriate specification : 36 I. A ir-Entrainin g Admixtures for Concrete: ASTM C260. 37 2. C hem ical Admixtures for Concrete: ASTM C494, Types "A", "D ", "F " and "G." 38 3. F ly Ash CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPEC IFI CATION DOCUMENTS Revised June I 0 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 321313-5 CONC RETE PAYING Page 5 of23 a. Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use in Concrete: 2 ASTMC618. 3 b. Fly ash may be substituted at one pound per pound of cement up to 25% of the 4 specified cement content when such batch design is approved by the Engineer. 5 E. Steel Reinforcement: ASTM A615. 6 F. Steel Wire Reinforcement: Not used for concrete pavement. 7 G .Dowels and Tie Bars 8 1. Dowel and tie bars: ASTM A615. 9 2. Dowel Caps IO a. Provide and install dowel caps with enough range of movement to allow 11 complete closure of the expansion joint. 12 b. Caps for dowel bars shall be of the length shown on the Drawings and shall have 13 an internal diameter sufficient to permit the cap to freely slip over the bar. 14 c. In no case shall the internal diameter exceed the bar diameter by more 1/8 inch, 15 and one end of the cap shall be tightly closed. 16 3. Epoxy for Dowel and Tie Bars: ASTM C881. 17 a. See following table for approved producers of epoxies and adhesives 18 Pre-Qualified Producers ofEpoxies and Adhesives Product Name Producer Concresive 1420 BASF HTE-50 Hilti T308 + Powers Fasteners PE 1000+ Powers Fasteners C -6 Ramset-Redhead Epcon G-5 Ramset-Redhead Pro-Poxy-300 Fast Tube Unitex Shep-Poxy Txill CMC Construction Services Ultrabond 1300 Tubes Adhesives Technology Ultrabone 2300 N.S. A-22-2300 Adhesives Technology Slow Set Dynapoxy EP-430 Pecora Corp. EDOT Simpson Strong Tie ET22 Simpson Strong Tie SET22 Simpson Strong Tie SpecPoxy 3000FS SpecChem 19 20 b. Epoxy Use, Storage and Handling 21 1) Package components in airtight containers and protect from light and 22 moisture. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD C ON STRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed June I 0 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 321313-6 CONCRETE PAVING Page 6 of23 2) Include detailed instructions for the application of the material and all 2 safety information and warnings regarding contact with the components. 3 3) Epoxy label requirements 4 a) Resin or harden er components 5 b) Brand name 6 c) Name of manufacturer 7 d) Lot or batch number 8 e) Temperature range for storage 9 f) Date of manufacture IO g) Exp iration date 11 h) Quantity contained 12 4) Store epoxy and adhesive components at temperatures recommended by the 13 manufacturer. 14 5) Do not use damaged or previously opened containers and any material that 15 shows evidence of crystallization, lumps skinning, extreme thickening, or 16 settling of pigments that cannot be readily dispersed with normal agitation. 17 6) Follow sound environmental pract ices when disposing of epoxy and 18 adhesive wastes. 19 7) Dispose of all empty containers separately. 20 8) Di spose of epoxy by completely emptying and mixing the epoxy before 21 disposal 22 H .Reinforcement Bar Chairs 23 1. Reinforcement bar chairs or supports shall be of adequate strength to support the 24 reinforcement bars and shall not bend or break under the weight of the 25 reinforcement bars or Contractor's personnel walking on the reinforcing bars. 26 2. Bar chairs may be made of metal (free of rust), precast mortar or concrete blocks or 27 plastic. 28 3. For approval of plastic chairs, representative samples of the plastic shall show no 29 visible indications of deterioration after immersion in a 5-percent solution of 30 sod ium hydrox id e for 120-hours. 31 4. Bar chairs may be rejected for failure to meet any of the requirements of this 32 specification. 33 I. Joint Filler 34 1. Joint filler is the material placed in concrete pavement and concrete structures to 35 allow for the expansion and contraction of the concrete. 36 2. Wood Boards : Used as joint filler for concrete paving. 37 a. Boards for expansion joint filler shall be of the required size, shape and type 38 indicated on the Drawings or required in the specifications. 39 1) Boards shall be of selected stock of redwood or cypress. The boards shall 40 be sound heartwood and shall be free from sapwood, knots, clustered 41 birdseyes, checks and splits. 42 2) Joint filler, boards, shall be smooth , flat and straight throughout, and shall 43 be sufficiently rigid to permit ease of installation. 44 3) Boards shall be furnished in len gths equal to the width between 45 longitudina l joints, and may be furnished in strips or scored sheet of the 46 required shape. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECLFICA T!O N DO CUMENTS Revi sed June I 0, 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 32 I 3 13 - 7 CO NC RETE PAVING Pag e 7 o f 23 3. Dimensions. The thickness of the expansion joint filler shall be shown on the 2 Drawings; the width shall be not less than that shown on the Drawings, providing 3 for the top seal space. 4 4. Rejection. Expansion joint filler may be rejected for fai lure to meet any of the 5 requirements of this specification. 6 J. Joint Sealants . Provide Joint Sealants in accordance with Section 32 13 73 . 7 K.Curing Materials 8 1. Membrane-Forming Compounds . 9 a. Conform to the requirements of ASTM C309, Type 2, white pigmented 1 O compound and be of such nature that it shall not produce permanent 11 discoloration of concrete surfaces nor react deleteriously with the concrete . 12 b. The compound shall produce a firm, continuous uniform moisture-impermeable 13 film free from pinholes and shall adhere satisfactoril y to the surfaces of damp 14 concrete. 15 c . It s hall , when app li ed to the damp concrete surface at the specified rate of 16 coverage, dry to touch in 1 hour and dry through in not more than 4 hours under 17 normal conditions suitable for concrete operations. 18 d. It shall adhere in a tenacious film w ithout running off or appreciably sagging. 19 e. It shall not disintegrate, check, peel or crack during the required curing period. 20 f. The compound shall not peel or pick up under traffic and shall disappear from 21 the surface of the concrete by gradual disintegration. 22 g . The compound shall be delivered to the job site in the manufacturer's original 23 containers only, which shall be c learl y labeled with the manufacturer's name, the 24 trade name of the material and a batch number or symbol with which test 25 samples may be correlated. 26 h. When tested in accordance with ASTM C156 Standard Test Method for Water 27 Loss (from a mortar spec imen ) Through Liquid Membrane-Forming Curing 28 Compounds for Concrete, the liquid membrane-forming compound shall restrict 29 the lo ss of water present in the test s pecimen at the time of app licati on of the 30 curing compound to not more than 0.0 l-oz.-per-2 inches of surface. 31 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 32 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL 33 A.Mix Design 34 1. Concrete Mix Design and Contro l 35 a . The City has a pre-approved li st of concrete mix designs . The pre-approved list 36 can be found on the City website under Project Resources Folder. T he se mix 37 designs meet the requirements of applicable City specifications and the 38 Contractor may use mix designs from the li st without the need for review and 39 approval. The contractor shall notify the City in writing which mix in the pre- 40 approved li st the contractor uses for a project. 41 b. For a mix design not included in the pre-approved li st, the Contractor shall 42 submit a design of the concrete mix it proposes to use and a full description of 43 the source of supp ly of each material component at least 10 calendar days prior 44 to the start of concrete paving operations . 45 c. The design of the concrete mix shall produce a quality concrete comp lying with 46 these specifications and shall include the following information: C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIC ATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed June I 0, 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ll 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 2. 3213 13-8 CON CRETE PAVING Page 8 of 23 1) D es ig n Requirem e nts and D esign Summary 2) M aterial source 3) Dry weight of cement/c ub ic yard and type 4) Dry weight of fly ash/c ubi c yard and type, ifused 5) Saturated s urface dry weight of fine and coarse aggregates/cubic yard 6) Des ig n water/cubic yard 7) Quantities, type , and name of admixtures with manufacturer's data sheets 8) Current strength tests or strength tests in accordance with ACI 3 18 9) Current Sieve Analys is and -200 Decantation of fin e and coarse aggregates and date of tests 10) F in eness modulu s of fine aggregate 11) Specific Gravity and Absorption Values of fine and coarse aggregates 12) L.A. Abrasion of coarse aggregates d . Once mi x de s ign approved by City, maintain intent of mix design and maximum water to cement ratio . e. No concrete may be placed on the job site until the mix design h as been approved by the City. Quality of Concrete a. Consistency 1) In genera l, the consistency of concrete mixtures shall be such that: a) Mortar shall cling to the coarse aggregate b) Aggregate shall not segregate in concrete when it is transported to the place of deposit c) Concrete, when dropped directly from the discharge chute of the mixer, shall flatten out at the center of the pile, but the edges of the pi le shall stand and not flow d) Concrete and mortar shall show no free water when removed from the mixer e) Concrete shall slide and not flow into place when transported in metal chutes at an an g le of30 degrees with the horizontal f) Surface of the finished concrete shall be free from a surface film or laitance 2) When field conditions are such that addition a l moisture is needed for the final concrete surface finishing operation , the required water shall be app li ed to the s urface by hand s prayer only and be held to a minimum amount. 3) The concrete shall be workable, cohesive, posses s satisfactory finishing qualities and be of the stiffest cons istency that can be placed and vibrated into a homogeneous mass. 4) Excessive bleeding shall be avoided. 5) If the strength or cons istency required for the c lass of concrete being produced is not sec ure d w ith the minimum cement s pecified or without exceeding the max imum water/cement ratio, the Contractor may use, or the C ity may require , an approved cement dispersing agent (water reducer); or the Contractor shall furnish additional aggregates , or aggregates with different characteri stics , or the Contractor may use additional cement in order to produce the required result s . 6) The additional cement may be permitted as a temporary measure, until aggregates are changed and designs checked with the different aggregates or cement dispersing agent. CITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC -0 I 2023 STANDARD CONSTRUCTION S PEC rFICA TION DOCUMENTS Revised June I 0 , 2022 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 32 13 13 -9 CONCRETE PA YING Page 9 of23 7) The Contractor is so lely responsi ble for the qua lity of the concrete produced . 8) The City re se rves the right to independently verify th e quality of the concrete through in s pection of the batch plant, testing of th e various materials used in the concrete and by casting and testing concrete cylinders or be ams on the concrete actually incorporated in the pavem ent. b . Standard Class 1) Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings or detai led specifications, the standard class for pavement and related concrete for streets and alleys is shown in the following table: CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFI CATIO N DOCUMENTS Revised June I 0, 2022 UTlLITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 C. 32 13 13 - 10 CO NCRETE PA YING Page 10 of23 Standard Classes of Pavement and Related Concrete 28Day Course Minimum Min. Aggregat Class of Cementitiou Compressi Max. e General Usage Concrete w/cm Maximu I s ve Ratio (Informational Only) (Lb. /CY) Strength2 m Size (Psi) (Inch) Sidewalks and ADA A 470 3,000 0.58 1-1 /2 ramps, driveways , curb & gutter, median pavement Inlets , manholes , junction boxes , CIP 470 3.000 0.50 1-1 /2 encasement, blocking, collars, light pole foundations C 517 3,600 0.45 1-1/2 Headwalls, wingwalls , culverts , drilled shafts p 517 3,600 0.45 1-1/2 Machine placed Paving H 564 4,500 0.45 1-1/2 Hand Placed Paving HES 564 4,500 0.45 1-1 /2 HES Paving Bridge slabs, top slabs of s 564 4,000 0.45 1-1/2 direct traffic culverts, aooroach slabs I. All ex po sed hori zonta l concre te sha ll have a mm1mum of3% entramed-air. 2. Minimum Compress iv e Stre ngth Required . a) Concrete Sidewalks and Curb & Gutter: Class A b) Cast-In -Place Concrete Structures: Class CIP and Class C c) Machine-Laid concrete: Class P d) Hand-Laid concrete: Class H e) Structural Concrete: Class S f) High Early Strength Concrete: Class HES Slump (1) When shown on the Drawings or allowed, provide Class HES concrete for very early opening of pavements area or leave outs to traffic. (2) Design class HES to meet the requirements of class specified for concrete pavement and a minimum compressive strength of2,600 psi in 24 hours , unless other early strength and time requirements are shown on the Drawings allowed. 1) Slump requirements for pavement and related concrete shall be as specified in the following table: Concrete Pavement and Related Concrete Slump Requirements Add classes of concrete Recommended Acceptable Design Concrete Use and Placement Placement Slump, Slump, (Inch) C ITY OF FORT WORTH UTILITY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT l 20 23 C ity Proj ec t No. UC-0 1 2023 ST AND ARD CON STRUC TION SP EC IFI C ATIO N DOCUMENTS Re v ised June l 0, 2022 Slip-Form/Form-Riding Paving Hand Formed Pavin g Headwalls, wingwalls, culverts, inlets , manhol es, junction boxes, encasement, blocking , collars , li g ht po le foundations , slabs, sidewalk, curb and gutter, concrete valley gutter and other miscellaneous concrete Drilled shafts 1 (Inch) 1-1/2 4 4 6 112 32 13 13 -11 CONCRETE PAVING Page 11 of23 1 -3 3 -5 3 -5 J 12-/; 2 2) No con crete shall be permitted with slump in excess of the max imums 3 shown. 4 3) Any concrete mix fai ling to meet the above consistency requirements, 5 a lthough meeting the slump requirements , shall be considered unsatisfactory, 6 and the mi x shall be changed to correct such unsatisfactory conditions . 7 PART 3 -EXECUTION 8 3.1 INST ALLERS [NOT USED] 9 3.2 EXAMINATION [NOT USED] 10 3.3 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 11 3.4 INSTALLATION 12 A .Equipment 13 1. All equipment necessary for the construction ofthis item shall be on the project. 14 2 . The equipment s hall include spreading device s (augers), internal vibration, 15 tamping, and surface floating necessary to finish the freshly placed concrete in such 16 a manner as to provide a dense and homogeneous pavement. 17 3. Machine-Laid Concrete Pavement 18 a. Fixed -Form Paver. Fixed-form paving equipment shall be provided with forms 19 that are uniformly supported on a sufficiently firm s ubbase to prevent sagging 20 under the weight of machine. 21 b . Slip-Form Paver 22 I) Slip-form paving equipment shall be provided with traveling s id e forms of 23 sufficient dimens ions, shape and strength so as to s upport the concrete 24 laterally for a sufficient length of time during placement. 25 2) City may reject use of Slip-Form Paver if paver requires over-digging and 26 impacts trees , mailboxes or other improvements. 27 4. Hand-Laid Concrete Pavement 28 a. Machines that do not in corporate these features, such as roller screeds or 29 vibrating screeds, shall be considered tools to be used in hand-laid concrete 30 construction, as slumps, spreading methods , vibration, and other procedures are 31 more common to hand methods than to machine methods. 32 5. City may reject equipment and stop operation if equipment does not meet 33 requirements. 34 B . Concrete Mixing and Delivery CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SP EC fflCA TI ON DOCUMENTS Revi se d June I 0, 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 1. Transit Batching: shall not be used -onsite mixing not permitted 2 2 . Ready Mixed Concrete 321 313 -12 CONC RET E PAV[NG Page 12 of23 3 a . The concrete shall be produced in an approved method conforming to the 4 requirements of this specification and ASTM C94 /C94M. 5 b. City shall have access to ready mix plant to obtain material samples . 6 c . When ready-m ix concrete is used , sample concrete per ASTM CI 72 A lternate 7 Procedure 2: 8 I ) As the mixer is being emptied, individual samples shall be taken after the 9 discharge of approximately 10 percent and 90 percent of the load. 10 2) The method of sampling shall provide that the samples are representative of 11 widely separated portions, but not from the very ends of the batch. 12 d . The mixing of each batch , after all materials are in the drum, shall continue until 13 it produces a thoroughly mixed concrete of uniform mass as determined by 14 estab li shed mixer performance ratings and inspection , or appropriate uniformity 15 tests as described in ASTM C94 . 16 e . The entire contents of the drum shall be discharged before any materials are 17 placed therein for the succeeding batch . 18 f. Retempering or remixing shal l not be permitted. 19 3. Delivery 20 a. Deliver concrete at an interval not exceeding 30 minutes or as determined by 21 City to prevent cold joint. 22 4. Delivery Tickets 23 a . For all operations, the manufacturer of the concrete shall , before unloading, 24 furnish to the purchaser w ith each batch of concrete at the s ite a delivery ticket 25 on which is printed, stamped, or written, the following information to determine 26 that the concrete was proportioned in accordance with the approved mix design: 27 1) Name of concrete supplier 28 2) Serial number of ticket 29 3) Date 30 4) Truck number 31 5) Name of purchaser 32 6) Specific designation of job (name and location) 33 7) Specific class, design identification and designation of the concrete in 34 conformance with that employed in job specifications 35 8) Amount of concrete in cubic yards 36 9) Time loaded or of first mixing of cement and aggregates 37 10) Water added by receiver of concrete 38 11) Type a nd amount of adm ixtures 39 C.Subgrade 40 I. When manipulation or treatment ofsubgrade is required on the Drawings, the work 41 shall be performed in proper sequence with the preparation of the subgrade for 42 pavement. 43 2. The roadbed shall be excavated and shaped in conformity with the typical sections 44 and to the lines and grades shown on the Drawings or established by the City. 45 3. All holes, ruts and depressions shall be filled and compacted with suitable material 46 and , ifrequired, the subgrade shall be thoroughly wetted and reshaped. 47 4. Irregularities of more than 1/2 inch ., as shown by straightedge or template, shall be 48 corrected. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPE C [FI C ATION DOC UMENTS Rev ised June 10, 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 32 13 13 -13 CONCRETE PAVlNG Page 13 of23 5. The subgrade shall be uniformly compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum 2 density as determined by ASTM D698. 3 6. Moisture content shall be within minus 2 percent to plus 4 percent of optimum. 4 7. The prepared subgrade shall be wetted down sufficiently in advance of placing the 5 pavement to ensure its being in a firm and moist condition. 6 8. Sufficient subgrade shall be prepared in advance to ensure satisfactory prosecution 7 of the work. 8 9 . The Contractor shall notify the City at least 24 hours in advance of its intention to 9 place concrete pavement. 10 10. After the specified moisture and density are achieved, the Contractor shall maintain 11 the subgrade moisture and density in accordance with this Section. 12 11. In the event that rain or other conditions may have adverse ly affected the condition 13 of the subgrade or base , additional tests may be required as directed by the City . 14 D.Placing and Removing Forms 15 1. Placing Forms 16 a. Forms for machine-laid concrete I 7 1) The side forms shall be metal , of approved cross sect ion and bracing, of a 18 height no less than the prescribed edge thickness of the concrete section, and a I 9 minimum of 10 feet in length for each individual form. 20 2) Forms shall be of amp le strength and staked with adequate number of pins 21 capable of resisting the pressure of concrete placed against them and the 22 thrust and the vibratio n of the construction equipment operating upon them 23 without appreciab le springing, sett lin g or deflection. 24 3) The forms shall be free from warps, bends or kinks and shall show no 25 variation from the true plane for face or top. 26 4) Forms shall be jointed neatly and tightly and set with exactness to the 27 established grade and aligrirnent. 28 5) Forms shall be set to line and grade at least 200 feet, where practicable, in 29 advance of the paving operations. 30 6) In no case shall the base width be less than 8 inches for a form 8 inches or 31 more in height. 32 7) Forms must be in firm contact with the subgrade throughout their length 33 and base width. 34 8) If the subgrade becomes unstable, forms shall be reset, using heavy stakes 35 or other additional supports may be necessary to provide the required 36 stab ili ty. 37 b. Forms for hand-laid concrete 38 1) Forms shall extend the full depth of concrete and be a minimum of 1-1/2 39 inches in thickness or equivalent when wooden forms are used, or be of a 40 gauge that shall provide equivalent rigidity and strength when metal forms are 41 used. 42 2) For curves with a radius of less than 250 feet, acceptable flexible metal or 43 wood forms shall be used. 44 3) All forms showing a deviation of 1/8 inch in 10 feet from a straight line 45 shall be rejected. 46 2. Settling. When forms settle over 1/8 inch under finishing operations , paving 47 operations shall be stopped the forms reset to line and grade and the pavement then 48 brought to the required section and thickness. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised June I 0 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 32 13 13 -14 CONCRETE PA YING Page 14 of23 3. Cleaning. Forms shall be thoroughly cleaned after each use. 2 4. Removal. 3 a. Forms shall remain in place until the concrete has taken its final set. 4 b. A void damage to the edge of the pavement when removing forms. 5 c. Repair damage resulting from form removal and honeycombed areas with a 6 mortar mix within 24 hours after form removal unless otherwise approved . 7 d. Clean joint face and repair honeycombed or damaged areas within 24 hours 8 afte r a bulkhead for a transverse construction joint has been removed unless 9 otherwise approved. 1 0 e . When forms are removed before 72 hours after concrete placement, promptly 11 ap ply membrane curing compound to the edge of the concrete pavement. 12 E. Placing Reinforcing Steel, Tie, and Dowel Bars 13 1. General 14 a. When reinforcing steel tie bars , dow els, etc., are required they shall be placed as 15 shown on the Drawings. 16 b. All reinforcing steel shall be clean, free from rust in the form of loose or 17 objectionable scale, and of the type, s ize and dimensions shown on the 18 Drawings. 19 c. Reinforcing bars shall be securely wired together at the alternate intersections 20 and all splices and shall be securely wired at each intersection dowel and load- 21 transmission unit intersected. 22 d. All bars shall be installed in their required position as shown on the Drawings. 23 e . The storing of reinforcing or structural steel on completed roadway slabs 24 generally shall be avoided and , where permitted, such storage shall be limited to 25 quantities and distribution that shall not induce excessive stresses. 26 2. Splices 27 a. Provide standard reinforcement splices by lapping and tying ends. 28 b . Comply with ACI 318 for minimum lap of spliced bars where not specified on 29 the Drawings. 30 3. Installation of Reinforcin g Steel 31 a. All reinforcing bars and bar mats shall be installed in the slab at the required 32 depth below the finjshed s urface and supported by and securely attached to bar 33 chairs installed on prescribed longitudinal and transverse centers as shown by 34 sectional and detailed drawings on the Drawings. 35 b . Chairs Assembly. The chair assembly shall be similar and equal to that shown 36 on the Drawings and shall be approved by the City prior to extensive fabrication. 37 c. After the reinforcing steel is securely installed above the subgrade as specified 38 in Drawings and as herein prescribed, no loading shall be imposed upon the bar 39 mats or individual bars before or during the placing or finishing of the concrete. 40 4. Installation of Dowel Bars 41 a . In stall through the predrilled joint filler and rigidly support in true horizontal 42 and vertical positions by an assembly of bar chairs and dowel baskets . 43 b . Dowel Baskets 44 1) The dowels shall be held in position exactly parallel to surface and 45 centerline of the s lab , by a dowel basket that is left in the pavement. 46 2) The dowel basket shall hold each dowel in exactly the correct position so 47 firmly that the dowel 's position cannot be altered by concreting operations. 48 c. Dowel Caps C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi sed June 10 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 32 13 13 -15 CONCRETE PA VrNG Page 15 of23 1) In stall cap to allow the bar to move not less than 1-1/4 inch in either 2 direction. Grease bar before adding cap to prevent bonding with the concrete. 3 5. Tie Bar and Dowel P lacement 4 a. Place at mid-depth of the pavement slab, parallel to the s urface. 5 b . Place as shown on the Drawings . 6 6 . Epoxy for Tie and Dowel Bar Installation 7 1) Epoxy bars as shown on the Drawings . 8 2) Use only drilling operations that do not damage the surrounding structures. 9 3) Blow out drilled holes with compressed air. IO 4) Completely fi ll the drilled hole with approved epoxy before in sert ing the tie I I bar into the hole . 12 5) Install epoxy grout and bar at least 6 inches embedded into concrete . 13 F. Joints 14 1. Joints shall be placed where shown on the Drawings or where directed by the City. 15 2. The plane of all joints shall make a right angle with the surface of the pavement. 16 3. No joints shall have an error in alignment of more than 1/2 inch at any point. 17 4. Joint Dimens ions 18 a. The width of the joint shall be shown on the Drawings, creating the joint 19 sealant reservoir . 20 b . The depth of the joint shall be shown on the Drawings. 21 c. Dimensions of the sealant reservoir shall be in accordance with manufacturer's 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 recommendations. d. After curing, the joint sealant shall be 1/8 inch to 1 /4 inch below the pavement surface at the center of the joint. 5. Transverse Expansion Joints a. Expansion joints shall be installed perpendicularly to the surface and to the centerline of the pavement at the locations shown on the Drawings , or as approved by the City. Expansion joints shall continue to the farthest outside edge of paving and adjacent slabs , and should extend through monolithic or attached curbs so that there is no restriction to the movement of the joint at any point. b. Joints shall be of the des ign width, and spacing shown on the Drawings, or as approved by the City . c. Dowel bars , shall be of the size and type shown on the Drawings , or as approved by the City, and shall be installed at the specified spacing . d . Support dowel bars with dowe l baskets . e. Dowe ls shall not restrict the free opening and closing of the expansion join and shall not make planes of weaknesses in the pavement. f. Grease d Dowels for Expansion Joints. 1) Coat dowels with a thin film of grease or other approved de-bonding mater ial. 2) Provide dowel caps on the lubricated end of each dowel bar. g. Proximity to Existing Structures. When the pavement is adjacent to or around existing structures, expansions joints shall be constructed in accordance with the details shown on the Drawings . 6. Transverse Contraction Joints a. Contraction or dummy joints shall be in stalled at the locations and at the intervals shown on the Drawings. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIO N DOCUMENTS Revi se d Jun e I 0 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ec t No. UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 32 13 13 -16 CONCRETE PAVIN G Page 16 of 23 b. Joints shall be of the des ign width , and spacing shown on the Drawings, or as approved by the City . c. Dowel bars , shall be of the si ze and type shown on the Drawings, or as approved by the City, and shall be installed at the specified spacing. d. Saw joints in a single cut to the width and depth the plans show. Begin sawing as soon as the concrete hardens sufficiently to prevent excessive raveling along the saw cut and finish before conditions induce uncontrolled cracking. e. The joints shall be constructed by sawing to a 1/4 -inch width and to a depth of 1/4 of the actual pavement thickness, or deeper if so indicated on the Drawings. f. Complete sawing as soon as possible in hot weather conditions and within a maximum of24 hours after saw cutting begins under cool weather conditions. g. If sharp edge joints are being obtained, the sawing process shall be sped up to the point where some raveling is observed. h. Damage by blade action to the slab surface and to the concrete immediately adjacent to the joint shall be minimized. 1. Any portion of the curing membrane which has been disturbed by sawing operations shall be restored by spraying the areas with additional curing compound. 7. Tran s verse Construction Joints a. Construction joints formed at the close of each day's work or when the placing of concrete has been interrupted for 30-minutes or longer shall be constructed by use of metal or wooden bulkheads cut true to the section of the finished pavement and cleaned . b. Wooden bulkheads shall be constructed using material of a thicknes s not less than nominal 2 " lumber. c. Longitudinal bars shall be held securely in place in a plane perpendicular to the surface and at right angles to the centerline of the pavement. d. Edges shall be rounded to 1/4-inch radius. e. Any surplus concrete on the subgrade shall be removed upon the resumption of the work. 8 . Longitudinal Construction Joints a. Longitudinal construction joints shall be of the type shown on the Drawings. 9. Joint Filler a. Joint filler shall be as specified in 2.2.I of the size and shape shown on the Drawings. b. Redwood Board joints shall be used for all pavement joints except for expansion joints that are coincident with a butt joint against existing pavements. c. Boards with less than 25-percent of moisture at the time of installation shall be thoroughly wetted on the job. d. Green lumber of much higher moisture content is desirable and acceptable. e. The joint filler shall be appropriately drilled to admit the dowel bars when required. f. The bottom edge of the filler shall extend to or slightly below the bottom of the slab. The top edge shall be held not less than 1/2 inch below the finished surface of the pavement in order to allow the finishing operations to be continuous. C ITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC fFI C ATIO N DOCUMENTS Revi sed June I 0 , 2022 UT! LITY CUT REP AIR CO NTRACT I 2023 City Proj ec t No . UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 32 13 13 -17 CONCRETE PAVING Pag e 17 of23 g. The joint filler may be composed of more than one length of board in the length of joint, but no board of a length less than 6 foot may be used unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. h. After the removal of the side forms, the ends of the joints at the edges of the slab shall be carefully opened for the entire depth of the slab. 6 10. Joint Sealing. Routine pavement joints shall be filled consistent with paving details 7 and as specified in Section 32 13 73. Materials shall generally be handled and 8 applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations as specified in Section 9 32 13 73. 1 O G.Placing Concrete 11 1 . Unless otherwise specified in the Drawings, the finished pavement shall be 12 constructed monolithically and constructed by machined laid method unless 13 impractical. The City will make determination of what is practical. The maximum 14 length of concrete lane that can be placed by hand pouring is 50 linear feet. 15 2. The concrete shall be rapidly deposited on the subgrade in successive batches and 16 shall be distributed to the required depth and for the entire width of the pavement 17 by approved methods. 18 3. Any concrete not placed as herein prescribed within the time limits in the following 19 table will be rejected . Time begins when the water is added to the mixer. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 T empera ure-T" R 1me t eqmremen s Concrete Temperature Max Time-minutes Max Time -minutes (at point of placement) (no retarding agent) (with retarding agent)' Non-Agitated Concrete All temperatures 45 45 Agitated Concrete Above 90°F 45 75 Above 75°F thru 90°F 60 90 75 °F and Below 60 120 l Normal dosage of retard er. 4 . Rakes shall not be used in handling concrete. 5. At the end of the day, or in case of unavoidable interruption or delay of more than 30 minutes or longer to prevent cold joints, a transverse construction joint shall be placed in accordance with 3.4.F.7 of this Section. 6. Honeycombing a. Special care shall be taken in placing and vibrating the concrete against the forms and at all joints and assemblies so as to prevent honeycombing Concrete shall be uniformly consolidated throughout its width and depth , free from honey combed areas, and has a consistent void-free closed surface. b. Excessive voids and honeycombing in the edge of the pavement, revealed by the removal of the side forms , may be cause for rejection of the section of slab in which the defect occurs. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIO N DOCUMENTS Revised June I 0 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 H.Finishing 2 1. Machine 3 a . Tolerance Limits 32 13 13 -18 CONCRETE PA YING Page 18 of23 4 1) While the concrete is still workable, it shall be tested for irregularities with 5 a 10-foot straightedge placed parallel to the centerline of the pavement so as 6 to bridge depressions and to touch all high spots . 7 2) Ordinates measured from the face of the straightedge to the surface of the 8 pavement shall at no place exceed 1/16 inch-per-foot from the nearest point of 9 contact. 10 3) In no case shall the maximum ordinate to a IO-foot straightedge be greater 11 than 1/8 inch . 12 4) Any surface not within th e tolerance limits shall be reworked and 13 refinished. 14 b. Edging 15 I) The edges of slabs and all joints requiring edging shall be carefully tooled 16 with an edger of the radius required by the Drawings at the time the concrete 17 begins to take its "set" and becomes non-workable. 18 2) All such work shall be left smooth and true to lines . 19 2 . Hand 20 a. Hand finishing permitted only in intersections and areas inaccessible to a 21 finishing machine . 22 b. When the hand method of striking off and consolidating is permitted , the 23 concrete, as soon as p laced, shall be approximate ly leveled and then struck off 24 with screed bar to such elevation above grade that, when consolidated and 25 finished, the surface of the pavement shall be at the grade elevation shown on 26 the Drawings . 27 28 c. The straightedge and joint finishing shall be as prescribed herein . 29 I. Curing 30 1. The curing of concrete pavement shall be thorough and continuous throughout the 3 1 entire curing period. 32 2. Failure to provide proper curing as herein prescribed shall be considered as 33 sufficient cause for immediate suspension of the paving operations. 34 3. The curing method as herein specified does not preclude the use of any of the other 35 commonly used methods of curing, and the City may approve another method of 36 curing if so requested by the Contractor. 37 4. If any selected method of curing does not afford the desired results , the City shall 38 have the right to order that another method of curing be instituted. 39 5. After removal of the side forms , the sides of the slab shall receive a like coating 40 before earth is banked against them . 41 6. The solution shall be applied, under pressure with a spray nozzle, in such a manner 42 as to cover the entire surfaces thoroughly and completely with a uniform film . 43 7. The rate of application shall be such as to ensure complete coverage and shall not 44 exceed 20-square-yards-per-gallon of curing compound. 45 8. When thoroughly dry, it shall provide a continuous and flexible membrane, free 46 from cracks or pinholes, and shall not disintegrate, check, peel or crack during the 47 curing period . CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF!CA TION DOCUMENTS Revised June 10 , 2022 UTlLITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No.UC-01 2023 32 1313 -1 9 CONCRETE PAVING Page 19 of23 9. Iffor any reason the seal is broken during the curing period, it shall be immediately 2 repaired with additional sealing solution. 3 10. When tested in accordance with ASTM C 156 Standard Test Method for Water Loss 4 (from a mortar specimen) Through Liquid Membrane-Forming Curing Compounds 5 for Concrete, the curing compound shall provide a film which shall have retained 6 within the test specimen a percentage of the moisture present in the specimen when 7 the curing compound was applied according to the following. 8 11 . Contractor shall maintain and properly repair damage to curing materials on 9 exposed surfaces of concrete pavement continuously for a least 72 hours . 10 J. Monolithic Curbs 11 1. Concrete for monolithic curb shall be the same as for the pavement and shall be 12 placed within 20 minutes of the placement of the slab concrete. 13 2. After the concrete has been struck off and sufficiently set, the exposed surfaces 14 shall be thoroug hly worked to achieve an acceptable surface finish. 15 3. The exposed edges shall be rounded by the use of an edging tool to the radius 16 indicated on the Drawings. 17 4. All exposed surfaces of curb shall be brushed to a smooth and uniform surface. 18 K.Pavement Leaveouts I 9 1. Pavement leaveouts as necessary to maintain and provide for local traffic shall be 20 provided at lo catio n indicated on the Drawings or a s directed by the City. 21 2. The extent and location of each leaveout required and a suitable crossover 22 connection to provide for traffic movements shall be determined in the field by the 23 City. 24 3.5 REPAIR 25 A.Repair of concrete pavement concrete shall be consistent with the Drawings and as 26 specified in Section 32 01 29. 27 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 28 3.7 SITE QUALITY CONTROL 29 A.Concrete Placement 30 I. Place concrete using a fully automated paving machine . Hand paving is only 31 permitted in areas such as intersections where use of paving machine is not 32 practical. 33 a. All concrete pavement not placed by hand shall be placed using a fully 34 automated paving machine as approved by the City . 35 b. Screeds are considered hand placement paving method. 36 B. Testing of Materials 37 1. Samples of all materials for testing shall be provided by the contractor at no 38 expense to the City, unless otherwise specified in the special provisions or in the 39 Drawings. 40 2. In the event the initial sampling and testing does not comply with the specifications, 41 all subsequent testing of the material in order to determine if the material is 42 acceptable shall be at the Contractor's expense at the same rate charged by the 43 commercial laboratories. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised June I 0, 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 1 2023 321313-20 CONCRETE PAYING Page20 of23 3 . All te stin g shall be in accordance with ap pli cable ASTM Standards and concrete 2 tes tin g technician must be ACI certified or equivalent. 3 C.Pavement Thickness Test 4 1. P ave me nt thickness test shall be performed by a commercial testing laboratory 5 approved by the City eve ry 100 feet or fraction thereof in accordance w ith TxDOT 6 D es ignation: Tex-423-A, unle ss othe rwi se shown on the plans . Test locations shall 7 be at the di scretion of the City. 8 2. In th e eve nt a defi c iency in the thickness of pavement is reve aled durin g normal 9 testing operations, core sample s shall be taken at the contractor 's expense to verify 10 deficiency of more than 0.2 in . from plan thickness and to iso late the deficient area. 11 3. Wh e re the average thickness of pave ment in the area found to be deficient in 12 thickness by more than 0 .2 0 inch , but not more than 0 .50-inch , payment shall be 13 made at an adjusted price as s pec ifie d in the following table . 14 Deficien cy in Thickness Proportiona l Part Determined by Cores Of Contract Price In che s Allowed 0.00 -0.20 100 percent 0 .21 -0 .30 80 percent 0.3 1 -0.40 70 percent 0.41 -0.50 60 percent 15 16 4. Any area of pavem ent found defi cie nt in thickness by more than 0.50 inch but not 17 more than 0.75 inch or 1/10 of the thickness specified on the Drawings, whichever 18 is greater, s hall be evaluated by the City . 19 5. If, in the judgment of the City the area of such deficiency shou ld not be removed 20 and re placed , there shall be no pay ment for the area retained . 21 6. If, in the judg ment of the City, the area of such deficiency warrants removal, the 22 area shal l be removed and replaced, at the Contractor's entire expense, with 23 concrete of the thickness shown on the Drawings. 24 7. Any area of pavement found deficient in thickness by more than 0 .75 inch or more 25 than 1/10 of the plan thickness, wh ichever is greater, shall be removed and replaced 26 w ith concrete of the thicknes s shown on the Drawings at the Contractor 's so le 27 expense. 28 8. No additional payment over the co ntract unit price shall be made for any pavement 29 of a thickness exceeding that required by the Drawings. 30 D.Pavement Strength Test 3 1 1. During the progress of the work the commercial testing laboratory casts test 32 cy lind ers for conforming to ASTM C3 l , to maintain a check on the compressive 33 strength s of the concrete be in g pl ace d . CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AN D ARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC rFI CA TION DOCUMENTS Revised June I 0 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 32 13 13 -2 1 CONC RETE PA YING Page 21 of23 2. Test cylinders shall be taken from a representative portion of concrete being placed for every 150-cubic yards of concrete pavement placed , but in no case shall fewer than 1 set of cylinders be taken per day of placement. After the cylinders have been cast, they shall remain on the job site and then transported, moist cured, and tested in accordance with ASTM C3 l and ASTM C39. 3. In each set, one of the cylinders shall be tested at 7 days (3 days for HES concrete), two cylinders shall be tested at 28 days (three cylinders for 4 " by 8" cylinders), and the remaining cylinder shall be retained for testing at 56 days, if necessary. Concrete must attain its design strength within 56 days. The 4" by 8" cylinders are acceptable only when the nominal maximum aggregate size of the mix is less than 1-1/4 inch. 4. If the average 28-day test results indicate deficient strength, the Contractor may, at its option and expense , core the pavement in question and have the cores tested by an approved laboratory in accordance with ASTM C42 and ACI 318 protocol. The average of all cores must meet 100 percent of the minimum specified strength, with no individual core resulting in less than 90 percent of design strength, in order to override the results of the cylinder tests . 5. In the event cylinders and /or cores do not meet minimum specified strength, additional cores may be taken to identify the limits of deficient concrete pavement at the expense of the Contractor. 6. Cylinders and/or cores must meet minimum specified strength. Pavement not meeting the minimum specified strength shall be subject to the money penalties or removal and placement at the Contractor's expense as shown in the following table. Percent Deficient Percent of Contract Price Allowed Greater Than O percent -Not More Than 10 percent 90-percent Greater Than 10 percent -Not More Than 15 percent SO-percent Greater Than 15 percent 0-percent or removed and replaced at the entire cost and expense of Contractor as directed by City 26 7 . Deficiency shall be determined on a panel by panel basis. 27 8. The amount of penalty shall be deducted from payment due to Contractor 28 9. No additional payment over the contract unit price shall be made for any pavement 29 with a strength exceeding that required by the Drawings and/or specifications. 30 E. Cracked Concrete Acceptance Policy 31 1. If cracks exist in concrete pavement upon completion of the project, the Project 32 Inspector shall decide as to the need for action to address the cracking as to its 33 cause and recommended remedial work. 34 2. If the recommended remedial work is routing and sealing of the cracks to protect 35 the subgrade, the Inspector shall make the determination as to whether to rout and 36 seal the cracks at the time of final inspection and acceptance or at any time prior to 37 the end of the project maintenance period. The Contractor shall perform the routing 38 and sealing work as directed by the Project Inspector, at no cost to the City, 39 regardless of the cause of the cracking. 40 3. If remedial work beyond routing and sealing is determined to be necessary, the 41 Inspector and the Contractor shall meet to determine the cause of the cracking. CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DO CUMENTS Revi sed June 10, 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Proj ect No. UC-01 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 321313-22 CO NCRETE PAVING Page 22 o f23 a. If agreement is reached that the cracking is due to deficient materials or workmanship, the Contractor s ha ll perform the remedial work at no cost to the City. Remedial work in thi s case shall be limite d to removing and replacing the deficient work with new material and workmanship that meets the requirements of the contract. b. If the Inspector and the Contractor agree that the cause of the cracking is not deficient m aterials or workmanship, the City may request the Contractor to provide an estimate of the cost of the necessary reme dial work and/or additional work to address the cause of the cracking, and the Contractor will perform that work at the agreed-upon price if th e City elects to do so. 4. If the In s pector and the Contractor cannot agree on the cause of the cracking, the City may hire an independent geotec hnical engineer, acceptable to the Contractor, to perform testing and analysis to determine the cause of the cracking. The contractor shall pay 50 percent of the costs of the independent testing. Contractor shall provide one half of th e estimated costs of the independent te sting to be held by the City. 5. If the ind ependent geotechn ical engineer determines that the primary cause of the cracking is the Contractor 's defici e nt material or workmanship, the rem e dial work will be performed at th e Contractor 's e ntire expense and the Contractor will also reimburse the City for the City's portion of cost of the geotechnical inve stigation. Remedial work in this case shall be limited to removing and replacing the deficient work with new material and workmanship that meets the requirements of the contract. 6. If th e geotechnical engineer determines that the primary cause of th e cracking is not the Contractor's deficient material or workmanship, the City will return the held funds to the Contractor. The Contractor, on request, will provide the City an estimate of the costs of the necessary remedial work and/or additional work and will perfo rm the work at the agreed-upon price as directed by the City. 29 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 30 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 31 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 32 A.No concrete washout, mix, slurry, cuts, mud or solids etc., may enter the storm water 33 system including curb lines. Eq uipm ent washout allowed only in areas shown on 34 drawings and test material s or s lag must be removed from site prior to final acceptance. 35 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 36 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 37 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 38 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 39 CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOC UMENTS Revised June I 0 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 1 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 D ATE NAME 12/20/20 12 05 /21/2014 Doug Rademake r Ze la lem 03 /19/202 1 Arega/Do ug B lack 3/11 /2022 Ze lalem Arega 6/10/2022 MOwen CITY OF FORT WORTH END OF SECTION R evis io n Log SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1.2.A-Mod ified items to be inc lu ded in p rice bid 32 13 13 -23 CONCRETE PAVING Page 23 of23 2.2 .D -Mod ified to c lar ify acceptab le fly as h s ubstitutio n in concrete paving 1.11 .A -mo d ified to c larify concrete p lac e ment temperatu re restr iction s 2.4 .A, B , D -to c la ri fy concre te quality contro l process a nd req uireme nts 3.7. C & D -to mod ify and c lar ify the pavemen t strength te st and chan ge in paveme nt thickness meas urement methodo logy 3.7 .E -Modifi ed to c larify cracked concrete acceptance po licy 1.3.A.h, 2.2 -Adde d ASTM C595, Type IL cement 3.4 G. 1. -C lar ified lang uage re : mach in e laid vs . hand poured ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIF ICA T!ON DOCUMENTS Revi sed J une 10 , 2022 UTI LITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 1 2023 32 91 19 - I TOPSO IL PLACEMENT AND FINISHING OF PARKWAYS Page I of3 SECTION 32 9119 2 TOPSOIL PLACEMENT AND FINISHING OF ROADWAY RIGHT-OF-WAYS 3 PARTl-GENERAL 4 1.1 SUMMARY 5 1. Section Includes: 6 I . Furnish and place topsoil to a minimum of 3-in ch d e pth unless otherwise s h own on 7 the Drawi ngs within the Roadway Rig ht-of ways (Roadway ROW in c lud es 8 medians a nd parkways between the curb and property lin e. 9 2 . Deviations from thi s City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1. TOP SOIL- Where directed by the engineer, top soil shall be applied in accordance with "Top Soil Placement and Parkway Finishing" (32 9119) except as follows: All labor, equipment, tools and incidentals shall be included in the Square Yard bid price for top soil. 10 3. Related Specification Sections include but are not n ecessari ly limite d to 11 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements, Contract Forms, and Conditions of the Contract 12 2. Division 1 -General Requirements 13 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 14 1. Measurement and Payment 15 I . Measurement 16 a. M easurement for thi s Item s hall b e by c ubic yard of Topsoil in pl ace. 17 2. Payment 18 a. The work performed and materials furnis h e d in accordance with this Item and 19 m eas ured as provided under "Measurement" wi ll be paid for at the unit price 2 0 bid per cubic yard of in pl ace/tamped Top soil. 2 1 b. All excavation required by this It em in cut section s shall be meas ured in 22 accordance with prov is ions for the various excavation item s involve d with the 23 prov is ion that excavation will b e m easured and paid for once, regardless of the 24 manipul ations involved. 25 3. The price bid s ha ll include: 26 a . Furnishing Topsoil 27 b . Loading 28 c. Hauling 29 d. Placing 30 1.3 REFERENCES [NOT USED] 3 1 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 32 1.5 ACTION SUBMITT ALS [NOT USED] 33 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 34 1.7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 35 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOTUSED] 36 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIF JCA TION DOCUMENTS Revised March 11 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ect No . UC-0 I 2023 32 9 11 9 -2 T OP SO IL PLAC EMENT AND FINI SHING O F PARKWAYS 37 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 38 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT US ED] 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 2 PART2-PRODUCTS Page 2 o f3 3 2.1 OWNER-FURNISHED !OR] OWNER-SUPPLIEDPRODUCTS [NOT USED) 4 2.2 MATERIALS 5 1. Topsoil 6 1. Use easi ly cultivated, fertile topsoil that: 7 a. Is free from objectionable material in c luding subsoil, weeds, c lay lumps, non- 8 soil mate ri als, roots , stumps or stones larger than 1.0 in c hes 9 b. Has a high r es istance to eros io n IO c. Is a bl e to s upport pl ant growth 11 2 . Secure topsoil from approved sources. 12 3. Topso il is subj ect to testing by t h e City. Contrac tor shall have so il delivery tickets 13 availab le upon request. 14 4. pH: 5.5 to 8 .5. 15 5. L iquid Limit : 50 or less 16 6. Plasticity Index : 20 or less 17 7. Gradation : m aximum of IO percent passing No. 200 sieve 18 2. Water: Clean and free of industrial wastes and other s ubstances h a rm fu l to the growth 19 of vegetatio n 20 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 21 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 22 PART 3 -EXECUTION 23 3.1 INSTALLERS [NOT USED] 24 3.2 PREPARATION [NOT USED] 25 3.4 INSTALLATION 26 1. F ini s hing of Roadway Rig ht-of -Ways 27 1. Smooth ly shape ri ght-of-ways, shou ld ers, s lopes, and ditches. 28 2. Cut right-of-ways to finish grade prior to the placing of any improvements in or 29 adjacent to the roadway. 30 3. In the event that unsuitabl e materi a l for right-of-ways is encountered, extend the 31 d e pth of excavation in the right-of-ways to 6 inches and backfill w ith minimum of 3 32 inches of topsoil. 33 4. Make standard right-of-ways grade perpendicular to and draining to the curb line . 34 a . Minimum: 1/4 inc h p er foot 35 b. Maximum: 4:1 36 c . City may approve variations from these r e quirements in special cases. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCT ION SPEC IFI C ATION DOCUMENTS Revised March I I , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-0 I 2023 329119-3 TOPSOIL PLACEMENT AND FIN IS HING OF PARKWAYS Page 3 of3 37 38 39 5. Whenever t h e adj acent property is lower than the d esign curb grade and runoff drains away from the street, the right-of-ways grade must be set level w ith the top of the curb. 6 . T he d es ign grade from the right-of-ways extends to the back of the walk lin e. 2 7. From that point (beh ind the walk), the grade may slope up or down at maximum 3 slope of 4: 1. 4 2. Placing of Topsoi l 5 I. Spread the topsoil to a uniform loose cover at the thickness spec ifi ed. 6 2. Place and s hape the topsoil as directed. 7 a. Hand tamp or roll topsoil surface (with hand tamper or la ndscaping roller or 8 other accepted method) and finish a minimum of 5 feet from all flatwork. 9 b . E n sure topsoil is free from objectionable materia l including subsoil, weeds, IO clay lump s, non-soil materials, roots, stumps or stones larger than 1.0 inches 11 c. No additional topsoil s h o uld be added within the criti cal root zone of trees. 12 Tamp the topsoil with a li g ht roller or other s ui tabl e equipment. 13 3.5 REP AIR/RESTORATION] [NOT USED] 14 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 15 3.7 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 16 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 17 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 18 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 19 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 20 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 21 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 22 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOTUSED] 23 END OF SECTION 24 Revision Log DATE NAME SUMMARYOFCHANGE 25 3/11 /2022 MOwen Revised title of specification and provided clarifications in Sections 1.1 Summary, ~-2 Materials, 3.4 lnstallation CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCT ION SPECIF ICATION DOCUMENTS Revised March I I , 2022 UT[LITY CUT REP AIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 3 3 0 5 14 - I ADJU STING MANHOLES, INLETS , VALV E BO XES, AN D OTH ER STRUC TURES TO GRAD E Page I of8 SECTION 33 05 14 2 ADJUSTING MANHOLES, INLETS, VAL VE BOXES , AND OTHER STRUCTURES TO 3 GRADE 4 PARTl-GENERAL 5 1.1 SUMMARY 6 A . Section Includes: 7 1. Vertical adjustments to manholes , drop inlets, valve bo xes , cathodic protection test 8 stations and other miscellaneous structures to a new grade 9 B. Deviations from this City of Fort Worth Standard Specification 1 O 1. ADJUST WATER VALVE BOXES, MANHOLES AND VAULTS- 11 Contractor will be responsible for adjusting water valve boxes, manholes and 12 vaults to match new pavement grade. The unit price bid will be full payment 13 for materials including all labor, equipment, tools and incidentals necessary to 14 complete the work. 15 C. Related Specification Sections include, but are not necessarily limited to: 16 1. Division O -Bidding Requirements , Contract Forms, and Conditions of the 17 Contract 18 2 . Division 1 -General Requirements 19 3. Section 32 01 17 -Permanent Asphalt paving Repair 20 4. Section 32 01 29 -Concrete Paving Repair 21 5. Section 33 05 10 -Utility Trench Excavation, Embedment and Backfill 22 6. Section 33 05 13 -Frame, Cover and Grade Rings 23 7. Section 33 39 10 -Cast-in-Place Concrete Manholes 24 8 . Section 33 39 20 -Precast Concrete Manholes 25 9. Section 33 12 20 -Resilient Seated (Wedge) Gate Valve 26 10. Section 33 12 21 -AWWA Rubber-Seated Butterfly Valve 27 11. Section 33 04 11 -Corrosion Control Test Station 28 12. Section 33 04 12 -Magnesium Anode Cathodic Protection System 29 1.2 PRICE AND PAYMENT PROCEDURES 30 A. Measurement and Payment 3 I 1. Manhole -Minor Adjustment 32 a. Measurement 33 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each adjustment using only grade 34 rings or other minor adjustment devices to raise or lower a manhole to a grade 35 as specified on the Drawings. 36 b. Payment 37 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this 38 Item will be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Manhole Adjustment, 39 Minor" completed . C ITY OF FORT WO RTH STAN DARD CO N STRUCTION SPEC IFI C ATIO N DOCUMENTS Revi sed March 11 , 2022 UTILITY C UT RE PAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-0 I 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 3305 14-2 ADJUSTING MANHOLES , IN LETS , VALV E BOXE S, AND OT H ER STRUCTURES TO GRAD E c. The price bid shall include: 1) Pavement removal 2) Excavation 3) Hauling 4) Disposal of excess material 5) Grade rings or other adjustment device 6) Reuse of the existing manhole frame and cover 7) Furnishing, placing and compaction of embedment and backfill 8) Concrete base material 9) Permanent asphalt patch or concrete paving repair, as required I 0) Clean-up 2. Manhole -Major Adjustment a. Measurement Pag e 2 of 8 I) Measurement for this Item shall be per each adjustment requiring structural modifications to raise or lower a manhole to a grade as specified on the Drawings. b. Payment 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item wi ll be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Manhole Adjustment, Major" completed. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Pavement removal 2) Excavation 3) Hauling 4) Disposal of excess material 5) Structural modifications, grade rings or other adjustment device 6) Reuse of the existing manhole frame and cover 7) Furnishing, placing and compaction of embedment and backfi 11 8) Concrete base material 9) Permanent asphalt patch or concrete paving repair, as required 10) Clean-up 3. Manhole -Major Adjustment with Frame and Cover a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each adjustment requiring structural modifications to raise or lower a manhole to a grade specified on the Drawings or structural modifications for a manhole requiring a new frame and cover, often for changes to cover diameter. b. Payment 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item wi ll be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Manhole Adjustment, Major w/ Cover" completed. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Pavement removal 2) Excavation 3) Hauling 4) Disposal of excess material 5) Structural modifications, grade rings or other adjustment device 6) Frame and cover 7) Furnishing, placing and compaction of embedment and backfill CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC fFI C A TION DO CUMENTS Revi sed March 11 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 330514-3 ADJUSTING MANHOLES , fNLETS , VALVE BOXES , AND OTHER STRUCTURES TO GRADE Page3of8 8) Concrete base material 9) Permanent asphalt patch or concrete paving repair, as required 10) Clean-up 4. Inlet a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shal l be per each adjustment requiring structural modifications to inlet to a grade specified on the Drawings. b. Payment 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item will be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Inlet Adjustment" completed. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Pavement removal 2). Excavation 3) Hauling 4) Disposal of excess material 5) Structural modifications 6) Furnish in g, placing and compaction of embedment and backfill 7) Concrete base material , as required 8) Surface restoration , permanent asphalt patch or concrete paving repair, as required 9) Clean-up 5. Valve Box a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each adjustment to a grade specified on the Drawings. b. Payment 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item will be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Valve Box Adjustment" completed. c. The price bid shall include: I) Pavement removal 2) Excavation 3) Hauling 4) Disposal of excess material 5) Adjustment device 6) Furnish in g, placing and compaction of embedment and backfill 7) Concrete base material, as required 8) Surface restoration, permanent asphalt patch or concrete paving repair, as required 9) Clean-up 6. Cathodic Protection Test Station a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each adjustment to a grade specified on the Drawings . b. Payment CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONS TRUCTIO N SPECIF ICATIO N DOCUMENTS Revised March 11 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC-01 2023 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 330514-4 ADJUSTING MANHOLES, [NLETS , VALVE BOXES , AND OTH E R STRUCTURES TO GRADE Page 4 of8 1) The work perform ed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item will be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Cathodic Protection Test Station Adjustment" comp leted. c. The price bid shall includ e: 1) Pavement removal 2) Excavation 3) Hauling 4) Disposal of excess material 5) Adjustment device 6) Furnishing, placing and compaction of embedment and backfill 7) Co ncrete base mate ri al , as required 8) Surface re storation , permanent asphalt patch or concrete paving repair , a s required 9) Clean-up 7 . F ire Hydrant a. Measurement 1) Measurement for thi s Ite m shall be per each adjustment requiring stem extension s to meet a grade specified by the Drawings. b . Payment 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item will be pa id for at the unit pri ce bid per each "F ire Hydrant Stem Extension" completed. c. The price bid shal l include: 1) Pavem e nt removal 2) Excavation 3) Hauling 4) Di s po sal of excess material 5) Adjustment materials 6) Furnishing, placing and compaction of embedment and backfill 7) Concrete base material, as required 8) Surface restoration, permanent asphalt patch or concrete paving repair, as required 9) Clean-up 8. Meter Box a. Measurement 1) Minor adjustment to meter box less than 6-inches vertical shall be considered subs idi ary to the meter box pay item. 2) Measurement for this item shall be per each water meter adjustment required in excess of 6-inches vertically to meet the grade specified by the Drawings . b. Payment 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item wi ll be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Meter Box Adjustment Exten sion " completed c. The price bid shall include : 1) Excavation 2) Hauling CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Re vised March 11 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-0 1 2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 3305 14-5 ADJUSTING MANHOLES , INLETS , VALVE BOXES , AND OTHER STRUCTURES TO GRADE Page 5 of8 3) Di s posal of excess material 4) Adjustment materials 5) Furnishing, placing and compaction of embedment and backfill 6) Concrete base material , as required 7) Surface restoration, unimproved area, as required 8) Clean-up 9. Miscellaneous Structure Th is Item is intended/or a uniqu e structure . Bid Item sh ould include deta ils to ide nt ify th e spec ific s truc tur e (i.e. Mi sce llan eo us Structure Adjustment, S ta. 1 +00) a. Measurement 1) Measurement for this Item shall be per each adjustment requiring structural modifications to said structure to a grade specified on the Drawings . b. Payment 1) The work performed and the materials furnished in accordance with this Item will be paid for at the unit price bid per each "Miscellaneous Structure Adjustment" completed. c. The price bid shall include: 1) Pavement removal 2) Excavation 3) Hauling 4) Disposal of excess material 5) Structural modifications 6) Furnishing, placing and compaction of embedment and backfill 7) Concrete base material 8) Permanent asphalt patch or concrete paving repair, as required 9) Clean-up 27 1.3 REFERENCES 28 A. Definitions 29 1. Minor Adjustment 30 a. Refers to a small elevation change performed on an existing manhole where the 31 existing frame and cover are reused. 32 2. Major Adjustment 33 a. Refers to a s ignificant elevation change performed on an existing manhole 34 which requires structural modification or when a 24-inch ring is changed to a 35 30-inch ring. 36 B . Reference Standards 37 1. Reference standards cited in this Specification refer to the current reference 38 standard publi shed at the time of the latest revision date logged at the end of this 39 Specification, unless a date is specifically cited. 40 2. Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ): 41 a. Title 30, Part I, Chapter 217, Subchapter C, Rule 217.55 -Manholes and 42 Related Structures. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised March I I, 2022 UTILITY CUT RE PAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 33 05 14 -6 ADJlJSTlNG MANHOL ES , lNLETS , VALVE BOXES, AND OTHER STRUCTURES TO GRADE 1.4 ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS [NOT USED] 2 1.5 SUBMITT ALS [NOT USED] Page 6 of8 3 1.6 ACTION SUBMITTALS/INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 4 1. 7 CLOSEOUT SUBMITT ALS [NOT USED] 5 1.8 MAINTENANCE MATERIAL SUBMITTALS [NOT USED] 6 1.9 QUALITY ASSURANCE [NOT USED] 7 1.10 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING [NOT USED] 8 1.11 FIELD [SITE] CONDITIONS [NOT USED] 9 1.12 WARRANTY [NOT USED] 10 PART 2 -PRODUCTS 11 2.1 OW NER-FURNISHED [oR] OWNER-SUPPLIED PRODUCTS [NOT USED] 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2.2 MATERIALS A. Cast-in-Place Concrete 1. See Section 03 30 00. B. Modifications to Existing Concrete Structures 1. See Section 03 80 00 . C. Grade Rings 1. See Section 33 05 13 . D . Frame and Cover 1. See Section 33 05 13 . E. B ac kfill material 1. See Section 33 05 10 . F. Water valve box extension 1. See Section 33 12 20. G. Corros ion Protection Test Station 1. See Section 33 04 11. H. Cast-in-Place Concrete Manholes 1. See Section 33 39 10. I. Precast Concrete Manholes 1. See Section 33 39 20 . CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFI CATION DOCUMENTS Re v ise d March 11 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 33 05 14 - 7 ADJUSTING MANHOLES, INLETS , VALVE BOXES , AND OTHER STRUCTURES TO GRADE Page 7 of8 2.3 ACCESSORIES [NOT USED] 2 2.4 SOURCE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 3 PART 3 -EXECUTION 4 3.1 INST ALLERS [NOT USED] 5 3.2 EXAMINATION 6 A. Verification of Conditions 7 I. Examine existing structure to be adjusted, for damage or defects that may affect 8 grade adjustment. 9 a. Report iss ue to City for consideration before beginning adjustment. 10 3.3 PREPARATION 11 A. Grade Verification 12 1. On major adjustments confirm any grade change noted on Drawings is consistent 13 with field measurements. 14 a. If not, coordinate with City to verify final grade before beginning adjustment. 15 3.4 ADJUSTMENT 16 A. Manholes , Inlets , and Miscellaneous Structures 17 1. On any sanitary sewer adjustment replace 24-inch frame and cover assembly with 18 30-inch frame and cover assembly per TC E Q requirement. 19 2. On manhole major adjustments, inlets and miscellaneous structures protect the 20 bottom using wood forms shaped to fit so that no debris blocks the invert or the 21 inlet or outlet piping in during adjustments. 22 a. Do not use any more than a 2-piece bottom . 23 3. Use the least number of grade rings neces sary to meet required grade. 24 a. For example, ifa I-foot adjustment is required, use 2 6-inch rings, not 6 2-inch 2 5 rings. 26 b . The maximum height of adjustment shall be no more than 12 inches for any 27 combination of grade rin gs. If 12 inches is required , use 3 -4 inch rings. 2 8 B . Valve Boxes 29 1. Utilize typical 3 piece adjustable valve box for adjusting to final grade as shown on 30 the Drawings . 31 C. Backfill and Grading 32 1. Backfill area of excavation surrounding each adjustment in accordance to Section 33 33 05 10. 34 D. Pavement Repair 35 1. If required pave ment repair is to be performed in ac,cordance with Section 32 01 17 36 or Section 32 01 29. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised March 11 , 2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 3305 14-8 ADJUSTING MANHOLES , INLETS , VALVE BOXES, AND OTHER STRUCTURES TO GRADE Page8of8 3.5 REPAIR/ RESTORATION [NOT USED] 2 3.6 RE-INSTALLATION [NOT USED] 3 3.7 FIELD [oR] SITE QUALITY CONTROL [NOT USED] 4 3.8 SYSTEM STARTUP [NOT USED] 5 3.9 ADJUSTING [NOT USED] 6 3.10 CLEANING [NOT USED] 7 3.11 CLOSEOUT ACTIVITIES [NOT USED] 8 3.12 PROTECTION [NOT USED] 9 3.13 MAINTENANCE [NOT USED] 10 3.14 ATTACHMENTS [NOT USED] 11 END OF SECTION R ev is ion Lo g DATE NAME SUMMARYOFCHANGE 1.2.A-Pay item added for a m ajor manho le a djustment which reuses th e existing 12 frame and cover and a m ajor adjustment r e quiring a new frame and cover; Added 12 /20/20 12 D. Johnson items to be inclu ded in pr ice bids ; Blue text ad d ed for clarification for mi scellaneous structure a djustm e nts 3 .4 -Pavement repair requiremen ts were added 9 /20/2017 W. Norwood 3.4.3 Elimin ate 24 inch requirement fo r maximum chimney he ight adjustment. 3.4.4.bAdd re quirement fo r maximum h e ig ht of grad e rin gs to be 12 inches or 3-4 inch rings 3/11 /2022 MOwen A dd measurement and payment section for meter box adjustment CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTIO N SPECfF ICATIO N DOCUMENTS Rev ise d March 11 , 2022 UTILITY CUT RE PAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Proj ect No . UC-0 I 2023 APPENDIX GC-4.01 Availability of Lands -None GC-4.02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions -None GC-4.04 Underground Facilities -None GC-4 .06 Hazardous Environmental Condition at Site -None GC-6.06.D Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise Compliance Business Equity -Instructions to Bidders about the Business Equity Goal Business Equity-Utilization Form M/WBE-Prime Contractor Waiver Form Business Equity -Good Faith Effort Form M/WBE-Joint Venture Eligibility Form GC-6.07 Wage Rates 2013 Prevailing Wage Rates (Heavy & Highway Construction Projects) GC-6.09 Permits and Utilities -None GC -6.24 Nondiscrimination -None GR-01 60 00 Product Requirements -None Paving Details D520 -Typical Section Trench Repair HMAC Pavement D52 l -Typical Section Trench Repair Reinforced Concrete Pavement D522 -Typical Section Trench Repair Brick Surface & Reinforced Concrete Base D525 -Standard Monolithic Curb D530-Concrete Valley Gutter D534 -Standard Curb and Gutter D546 -Sidewalk Details CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I, 201 I UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 GC-4.01 Availability of Lands THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I, 20 II UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 GC-4.02 Subsurface and Physical Conditions THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFJCA TION DOCUMENTS Revised July I, 2011 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 GC-4.04 Underground Facilities THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMEN TS Revised July I, 2011 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 GC-4.06 Hazardous Environmental Condition at Site THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF FORT WORTH ST AND ARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I, 201 I UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 GC-6.06.D Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprise Compliance Business Equity -Instructions to Bidders about the Business Equity Goal Business Equity -Utilization Form M/WBE -Prime Contractor Waiver Form Business Equity -Good Faith Effort Form M/WBE -Joint Venture Eligibility Form CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICAT ION DOCUMENTS Revised Ju ly I, 2011 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 FORT WORTH ® City of Fort Worth Business Equity Division ~ INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS ABOUT THE BUSINESS EQUITY GOAL Bid number: ______ Business Equity Goal: _____ % It is the policy of the City of Fort Worth to ensure the full and equitable utilization of Business Equity Firms when appropriate, in the procurement of all goods and services. When a Business Equity Goal is established for a bid, it means that the City of Fort Worth believes that there are Business Equity Firms available that can provide goods or services requested by the bid. The Business Equity Goal for Bid number ____ is ___ %. This means that the City believes that there are available Business Equity Firms that can provide goods or services required by this bid and therefore, ___ % of the Bidder's awarded amount must be spent with a Business Equity Firm. All requirements and regulations stated in the City's current Business Equity Ordinance #25165-10-2021 apply to this bid. Definitions are at the end of this document. Because a Business Equity Goal has been established for this bid, in order for your bid to be considered, a Bidder must satisfy one (1) of the conditions below. A. Commit to Meet or Exceed the Business Equity Goal Hire Business Equity Firm(s) to provide goods or services and spend at least the goal amount with the Business Equity Firm(s). Step 1: Obtain a listing of Business Equity Firms by completing the "Request for Listing of Certified Firms Form" located at the City of Fort Worth's Business Equity Division website. Step 2: Request bids from Business Equity Firms to provide goods or services at least 10 calendar days before bid opening. Step 3: Submit the following two (2) forms: a. Utilization Plan b. Letter(s) of Intent B. Prove a Good Faith Effort Show attempt to hire Business Equity Firms to meet or exceed the goal, but was unsuccessful. This can occur in two (2) ways: 1) Bidder proposes a smaller Goal Step 1: Obtain a listing of Business Equity Firms by completing the "Request for Listing of Certified Firms Form" located at the City of Fort Worth's Business Equity Division website. Step 2: Request bids from Business Equity Firms to provide goods or services at least 10 calendar days before bid opening. Step 3: Submit the following three (3) forms: a. Utilization Plan b. Letter(s) of Intent c. Good Faith Effort 2) Bidder proposes a 0% Goal Step 1: Obtain a listing of Business Equity Firms by completing the "Request for Listing of Certified Firms Form" located at the City of Fort Worth's Business Equity Division website. Step 2: Request bids from Business Equity Firms to provide goods or services at least 10 calendar days before bid opening. · Step 3: If unsuccessful, submit Good Faith Effort Form. Please see Ordinance §20-370 (g) page for requirements of an acceptable Good Faith Effort. C. Prove that the Bidder Can Perform the Service and Provide all Materials on the Project as the Prime Contractor Bidder must show that the Bidder is providing all of t he goods and services through their own company and that the re are no goods or serv ices provided by a th ird party or an affiliate. Bidde r will not purchase any supplies or inventory from a third party . Step 1: Must submit Prime Contract Waiver Form D. Create a Joint Venture with a Business Equity Firm At least one or both of the firms must be a Business Equity Firm Step 1: Must submit Joint Venture Form DEADLINE TO SUBMIT REQUIRED DOCUMENTS AND FORMS Bidders must submit sealed bids to be opened at the da te, t ime , a nd place stated in the so li citation for the public open ing of bids. Faxed copies will not be accepted. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. If I am Business Equ ity Firm, can I count my performance of the b id? Answer. A Business Equity Prime Contracto r can count its se lf-performance towards meeting the Bus iness Equity Goal for the assigned North American Industry Class ificat ion System (NAICS) commodity codes on its Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) or Women Business Enterprise (WBE) certification. 2 . What if I am a Business Equity Firm , but I am unable to self perform all work or provide all of the goods under the bid, can I count my performance under the Bid? Answer. If the Business Equity Prime cannot self-perform all of the work, it w ill be accountable for subcontracting with certified firms to meet the overall goal. Bus iness Equity Fi rms that qualify under the "Significant Bus iness Presence" definition may count in the Program upon approval of DVIN-BE . 3. This bid does not have a set amount that the City w ill purchase from the Awarded Bidder, how do I complete the form? Answers: a. For a low bid procurement, the lowest bidder shall submit a Util ization Plan no later than 2:00 PM on the th ird bus iness day after bids are opened detailing all Subcontractors the Contractor intends to ut ilize in its performance of a Contract. Contractors that are Business Equity Firms may count the ir self-performed services towards meeting a Business Equity Goal. b. For a Best Value procurement, all bidders who wish to be cons idered for evaluation scoring shall submit a Utilization Plan by 2:00 PM on the third business day after the bids are opened detailing all Subcontractors the Cont ractor intends to utilize in its performance of a Contract. Contractors that are Business Equity Firms may count their self-performed services towards meeting a Business Equity Goal. c. Non-comp liance . If the lowest bidder for a low bid procurement or any bidder for a Best Value procurement does not timely submit its Utilization Plan with the required documents , that bidder will be deemed Non-Responsive . For a low bid procurement, the C ity will notify the next lowest bidder who shall then submit a Utilization Plan with required documents no later than 2:00 PM on the third business day after the bidder receives notification . This process will be followed until a bidder submitting the required documents is selected. DEFINITIONS Business Equity Firm means an Independent Firm that is a Certified minority-and/or women-owned business enterprise (M/WBE) with a Significant Business Presence in the City's Marketplace. Business Equity Goal means a calculation prepared by the DVIN-BE that includes all the following factors: the detailed cost estimate of the work to be performed, or goods purchased; the 6-county Marketplace; the availability of Business Equity Firms and non-Business Equity Firms in the Marketplace determined ona Contract-by-Contract basis; and the subcontracting/supplier opportunities of each project. Certified means those firms identified by the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) that have been determined to be a bona fide MBE or WBE by the North Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA), the Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council (DFW /MSDC), Women's Business Council-SW (WBCS), Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) or another certifying agency that the DVIN-BE may deem appropriate and accepted by the City of Fort Worth. • DVIN-BE means the City's Department of Diversity and Inclusion -Business Equity Division Good Faith Efforts means the actions undertaken by a Contractor and approved by DVIN-BE as described inthe Business Equity Ordinance §20-370 (g). Joint Venture means a business entity formed by two or more independent Persons for the purpose of pursuing a common objective, such as a prime contract. The resulting business entity has additional resources and capacity, enhancing its ability to compete for larger awards. A joint venture is generally characterized by shared ownership, shared returns and risks, and shared governance. In a joint venture , the prime managing partner holds 51 % or more interest in the business. Partner(s) hold less than 51 % interest but in most cases, not less than 20%. Marketplace means the geograph ic area as defined by the City's most current Disparity Study (i.e., Tarrant, Dallas, Denton, Johnson, Parker and Wise counties). Responsive means that a Person is compliant with the requirements of the Business Equity Ordinance. Significant Business Presence means a Person (1) which has its principal place of business located inside the Marketplace; (2) which has its principal place of business located outside the Marketplace but has been verified to be in existence for a minimum of 24 months and from which at least 20% of the business's workforce is based in the Marketplace; or (3) which has cumulative business receipts greater than $1,000,000 for work done in the Marketplace since January 1, 2013. Utilization Plan means the list of Business Equity Firms that a Contractor commits will be utilized to meet the Business Equity Goal for a specific project, the scopes of the work and the dollar values or the percentages of the work to be performed. VIOLATIONS AND SANCTIONS 1. Failure to comply with the City's Business Equity Ordinance will result in the bid being considered "Non-Responsive ." 2 . Failure to submit the required Business Equity forms and documentation will result in the bid being considered non-responsive and a "written warning" letter that may impact the Offerer's evaluation scoring on future City bid opportunities for up to 12 months, refer to Ordinance §20-373 on VIOLATIONS AND SANCTIONS for continued offenses or failures to comply. If you have any questions, contact Department of Diversity & Inclusion, Business Equity Division Email: DVIN_BE@fortworthtexas.gov I Phone: 817-392-2674 FORT WORTH ------.----- PRIME/OFFEROR/0WNER COMPANY NAME: PROJECT NAME: Ci t y of Fort Worth Business Equity Utilization Form Disadvantaged Bus i ness E nter pri se Ut ilization Form (Applic able if Federally-Funded) ATTACH MENT 1A Page 1 of 4 PROJECT NUMBER: BID DAT E: City's Business Equ ity Goal : Offeror's Bu si ness Equi ty (or DB E) D (Che ck if add res sing DBE Go al) % Com mitment : % Check all applicable bo x es to describe D Not Certified Prime/Offeror/Owner's Classification : □MBE D wBE □DBE D Hu·B O vosB O section 3 Certifying A gency: □NCTRCA D D/FW MSDC □TX DOT D wBcs □other: Ethnicity: □African American □Hispanic O eaucasian □Asian D Native American Gen d er: □Male □Female D Non-B inary Definitions : Bus iness Equity Firm: Certified MBE Minority Business Enterprise or WBE W omen Business Enterprise DBE: Disadvantaged Business Enterprise HUB : H istorica lly Under Utilized Business VOSB: V eteran Owned Small B usiness Section 3: C ertified Housing Urban D evelopment Vendors ALL BUSINESS EQUITY FIRMS MUST BE CERTIFIED BEFORE CONTRACT AWARD Failure to complete this form, in its entirety, and received by the Purch asing Division no later than 2:00 p.m. on the t hir d City business day after bid open ing, exclusive of bid opening date , will result in the bid -being conside red non-responsive to bid specifications. Exception : CFA, ICA, a nd CDBG projects, documents will be submitted to the City Pro ject Manager if publicly bid or to th e Developer if privately bid . The undersigned Prime/Offerer agrees to enter into a formal agreement w ith the Business Equity firm(s) listed in this util ization schedule , conditioned upon execution of a contract with the City of Fort Worth (E xception : Devel o per projects). The _intentional and /or knowing misrepresentation of facts is grounds for consideration of disqualification and will result in the bid being considered non-responsive to bid specifications . B·usiness Equity firms listed toward meeting the project goal must be located in · the City's marketplace at the time of bid or the business has a Significant · Business Presence in the Marketplace . The mark et place is the City of Fort Worth including portions of Denton, Parker, Wise , and a ll of Tarrant. Dall as . a nd Johnso n counties. Certified means those Bus iness Equity Firms , located within the Marketp lace , ·that have been determined to be a bona-fide minority or women bus ine·ss enterprise by the Nort h Central Texas Regional Certification Agency (NCTRCA), Dallas/Fort Worth Minority Supplier Development Council (D/FW MSDC) and Women's Business Council-Southwest (WBCS). If hauling services are utilized , the Prime/0fferor will be given credit as long as the Bus iness Equity firm listed owns and operates at least one fully licensed and operational truck to be use d on the contract. The Busi ness Equ ity fir ms may lease trucks from an other Business Eq uity firm, including Busi ness Equity ow ner-operated, and receive full Business Equity credit. The Business Equity fir m may lease trucks f rom non -Bus iness Equ ity firms , includ ing owner-operated, but wi ll only receive credit for the fees an d commiss ions earned by the Business Eq uity as outlined in the lease agreement. Federally-funded Projects (ONLY), Counting DBE Partic ipation : If materials or supplies are obtained from a DBE manufacturer, count 100 percent of the cost of the materials or su pp lies towards the goal. If the materials or supplies are purchased from a DBE regular dealer, co unt 60 percent of the cost of the materials and supplies toward the DBE goal. When materia ls or supplies are purchased from a DBE neither a manufacturer nor a regular dealer, count the enti re am ou nt of fees or commissi o ns charged for assistance in the procurement of the materials and supplies or fees or transportation charges for the delivery of the materia ls or suppl ies delivered to the job site . In all cases , the Prime/0fferor is responsi ble to identify the amounts to be used toward the committed DBE goa l. Note : Fo r DBE Goals, 60 % of the services count towards the goal. Effective 01 /01 /2021 Updated 03/24/2022 FORT WORTH ~ Business Equity Utilizat ion Fo rm ATTACHMENT 1A Page 2 of 4 Ple ase note that only certified Business Equ ity firms will be counted to meet the Business Equity goal. Prime/0fferors are required to identify A L L subcontractors/suppliers , regardless of status ; i.e ., Business Equity firms and non-Business Equity firms . Prime/0fferors must identify by tier level all subcontractors/suppliers. Tier : means the level of subcon trac ting be low the Prime/0 fferor i.e . a direct payment from the Prime/0fferor to a subcontractor is considered 1st tier, a payment by a subcontra ctor to its supplier is considered 2n d ti er. Business Equity firms are to be listed before non-Business Equity firms . The Prime/0fferor is res ponsible to provide proof of payment of all tie red sub-contractors/suppliers identified as a Busi ness Equ ity firm and counting those dollars towa rds meeting the contract committed goal. Certified Business Equity Prime/0 fferor Contractors counting their self-performance towards meeting the contract goal , must be certified within those NAICS commodity codes with a certifying agency acceptable by the City of Fort Worth . Certified Business Equity Prime/0fferor counting self-performing services towards the goal, the service(s) to be performed should be lis ted fi rs t on the Uti lization form . Check this box Oit certified Prime Contractor services will be counting towards the Business Equ ity contract ing goa l. Please list services fi rst b e low. Please list certified Business Equity firm names as listed on the ir certification, including OBA names. NAMES AND ADDRESS ES OF TYPE OF SERVICES /SUPPLI ES Sp ecify Tier CONTRACTORS /SUPPLIERS PROVIDED (NAICS Required) Name 1st Tier Business Name: Type of Servi ce/Supplies : Add ress: Phone: NAICS Code : Email : Contact Person : $AMOUNT : Business Name: Type of Serv ice/Suppli es: Address: Phone: NAICS Code : Email : Contact Person : $AMOUNT : Business Name: Type of Service/Suppl ies : Address : P hone: NAICS Code : Emai l: Contact Person : $AMOUNT : Ce rti fi cati on Ag enc y Certifi ed By : 0:,t FW MSDC O NCTRCA Qx □oT O wBcs D ther: Certifi ed By : D □FWMSDC □NCTRCA □TXD0T OwBcs O0ther: Certified By : O □FWMSDC □NCTRCA O TXDOT O wBcs □other: Gender an d Et hn icity: OMale 0 Female O Non-Binary OAfrican American 0 Hispanic O Asian o caucasian O Na tive American OMale D Female O Non-B inary D African American □Hispanic O Asian Ocaucasian ONative American O Male 0 Female D Non-Binary 0 African American OAsian Ocaucasian □Hispanic □N ative Amer ican Effective 01/01/2021 Updated 03/24/2022 FORT WORT H ---........---- B usi ness Equit y Utilizat ion Form Please include multi ple copies of thi s page if nee ded to list all cont r a ctors and s uppliers . NAMES AND ADDR ESS ES OF TYP E OF SERVIC ES/SUPP LI ES Speci fy T ier Certification Agen cy CONTRACTORS /SUPP LIE RS PROVID ED (NAICS Required) Name 1st Tie r Bus iness Name: Typ e of Serv ic e/Supp lies: Certi fi ed By : Add ress : OotFW Msoc □NCTRCA Phone: NAICS Code : □TXD0T O wBcs Ema il : O other: Contact Person: $AMOUNT: Business Name: Typ e of Se rvi ce/S upplies : Cert ifi ed By: Address: □DFWMSDC □NCTRCA Phone: NAICS Code : CJrxooT OwBcs Email : Oother: Contact Person: $AMOUNT : Business Name: Type of Serv ice/Supp lies: Cert ifi ed By : Address: □D FWM S DC [JNCTRCA Phone: NAICS Code : [J TXDOT OwBcs Email: Q other: $AMOUNT: Contact Person: Business Name: Type of Serv ice /Suppl ies: Certified By : Address : O oFWMSDC -NCTRCA == O wBc s Phone: NAICS Code : TX D0 T Email: = ' Other: '-- Contact Person : $AMOUNT : ATTACHMENT 1A Page 3 of4 Gen der and Eth n icity: OMale D Fema le D Non -Binary □African American □Hispanic O Asian Ocaucasian □Native American OMale OFemale ONon-Binary □African American □Hispanic OAsian O caucasian □Native American OMale O Female 0 Non-Binary □African American □Hispanic O Asian O caucasian O Native American O Male O Female D Non -Binary □African American □Hispanic OAsian O caucasian O Native American Effective 01/01/2021 Updated 03/24/2022 FORT WORTH ••• Business Equity Utilization Form Total Dollar Amount of Certified Prime/Offeror Services towards contract goal Total Dollar Amount of Business Equity (or DBE if applicable) Subcontractors/Suppliers Total Dollar Amount of Non-Business Equity Subcontractors/Suppliers TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT OF CERTIFIED PRIME/ALL SUBCONTRACTORS/SUPPLIERS $ $ $ $ ATTACH M ENT 1A Page 4 of 4 The Prime/Offeror will not make additions, deletions, or substitutions to this certified list w ithout the prior approval of the Business Equity Division through the submittal of a Request for Approval of Change/Addition online. Any unjustified change or deletion shall be a material breach of contract and may result in debarment in accord with the procedures outlined in the ordinance. The Prime/Offeror shall submit a detailed explanation of how the requested change/addition or deletion will affect the committed Business Equity goal. If the deta il explanation is not submitted , it will affect the final compliance determination. By affixing a signature to this form , the Prime/Offeror further agrees to provide , directly to the City upon request , complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors , including non -Business Equity firms . The Prime/Offerer also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books, records and files held by their company . The Prime/Offeror agrees to allow the transmission of interviews with owners , principals , officers, employees and applicable subcontractors/suppliers participating on the contract that will substantiate the actual work performed by the Business Equity firms on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of the City. A Prime/Offerer who intentionally and/or knowingly misrepresents material facts shall be Debarred for a period of time of not less than three (3) years. Authorized Signature Title Company Name Address City/State/Zip Code Department of Diversity and Inclusion -Business Equity Division Email : DVIN_BEOffice@fortworthtexas.gov Ph : 817-392-2674 Printed Signature Contact Name and Title (if different) Phone Number Email Address Date Effective 0 1/0 1/2021 Updated 03/24/2022 FORT WORTH ~ City of Fort Worth Business Equity (M/WBE) Specifications Prime Contractor Waiver Form ATTACHMENT 1B Page 1 of 1 OFFEROR COMPANY NAME: Check applicable block to describe Prime PROJECT NAME: [ j wNBE [_] NON-MWBE BID DATE City's MBE Project Goal: I Offerer's MBE Project Commitment: PROJECT NUMBER % % If both answers to this form are YES, do not complete ATTACHMENT 1C (Good Faith Effort Form). All questions on this form must be completed and a detailed expl anation provided, if applicable. If the answer to either question is NO, then you must complete ATTACHMENT 1C. This form is only applicable if b.Qth answers are yes . Failure to complete this form in its entirety and be received by the Purchasing Divisi o n no later than 2:00 p.m.1 on the second City business day after bid opening. exclusive of the bid opening date, will result in the bi d being considered non-responsive to bid specifications. Will you perform this entire contract withoiut subcontractors? □ YES If yes, please provide a detailed explanation that proves based on the size and scope of this □ NO project, this is your normal business practice and prov ide an operational profile of your business. Will yo u perform this entire contract withc1ut suppliers? □ YES If yes, please provide a detailed explanation that proves based on the size and scope of this □ project , this is your normal business practice and provide an inventory profile of your bus iness. NO The Offeror further agrees to provide , directly to the City upon request , complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors, including certified M/WBE(s) on this contract , the payment thereof and any proposed changes to the original M/WBE(s) arrangements submitted with this bid. The Offeror also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books , records and files held by their company that will substantiate the actual work performed by the M/WBEs on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of the City . Any intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for in itiating action under Federa l, State or Local laws concerning false statements : Any fa ilure to comply with this ordinance creates a material breach of contract and may result in a determination of an irresponsible Offeror and barred from participating in City work for a period of time not less than one (1) year. Authorized Signature Title Company Name Address City/State/Zip Business Equity Division Email : DVIN_BEOffice@fortworthtexas.gov Phone : (817) 392-2674 Printed Signature Contact Name (if different) Phone Number Fa x Number Ema il Address Date Rev. 3/13/2022 PRIME/OFFEROR COMPANY NAME: PROJECT NAME : Busi ness Equity Goal : % City of Fort Worth Business Equity Division Good Faith Effort Form I Offerer's Business Equ ity Goal Commitment: % ATTACHM ENT 1C Page 1 of 4 Check applicable box to describe Prime/Offerer's Certif ication o Business Equity I O I Non:Bu~iness Firm Equity Firm BID DATE PROJECT NUMBER If the Offeror did not meet or exceed the Business Equity Goal for this p r oject, the Prime/Offeror must complete this form . 'If the Prime/Offeror's method of compliance with the Business Equity Goal is based upon demonstration of a "Good Faith Effort", the Prime/Offeror will have the burden of correctly and accurately preparing and submitting the documentation required by the City. Compliance with each item, 1 thru 10 below, shall satisfy the Good Faith Effort requirement absent proof of fraud , intentional and/or knowing misrepresentation of the facts or intentional discrimination by the Prime/Offeror. Failure to complete this form , in its entirety with supporting documentation, and received by the Purchasing Division no later than 2:00 p.m. on the third City business day after bid opening, exclusive of bid opening date, will result in the bid being considered non-responsive to bid specifications. Exception : CFA, ICA, and CDBG projects , documents will be submitted to the City Project Manager if publicly bid or to the Developer if privately bid. 1.) Please list each and every subcontracting and/or supplier opportunity for the completion of this project, regardless of whether it is to be provided by a Business Equity firm or non-Business Equity firm. (DO NOT LIST NAMES OF FIRMS). On all projects , the Prime/Offeror must l i st each subcontracting and or supplier opportunity regardless of t ier. (Use additional sheets, if necessary) List of Subcontracting Opportunities List of Supplier Opportunities Effective 03/15/2022 ATTACHMENT 1C Page 2 of 4 2.) Obtain a current (not more than two (2) months old from the bid open date) list of Business Equity subcontractors and/or suppliers from the City's Business Equity Division. OYes □ No Date of Listing ______ _ 3.) Did you solicit bids from Business Equity firms, within the subcontracting and/or supplier areas previously listed, at least ten calendar days prior to bid opening by telephone, exclusive of the day the bids are opened? D Yes (If yes, attach list to include name of Business Equity firm, person contacted, phone number and date and time of contact.) □No 4.) Did you solicit bids from Business Equity firms, within the subcontracting and/or supplier areas previously listed, at least ten calendar days prior to bid opening by fax, exclusive of the day the bids are opened? OYes (If yes , attach list to Include name of Business Equity firm, fax number and date and time of contact. In addition, If the fax Is returned as undeliverable, then that "undeliverable confirmation" received must be printed directly from the facsimile for proper documentation. Failure to submit confirmation and/or "undeliverable confirmation" documentation may render the GFE non-responsive.) 5.) Did you solicit bids from Business Equity firms, within the subcontracting and/or supplier areas previously listed, at least ten calendar days prior to bid opening by email, exclusive of the day the bids are opened? D Yes (If yes, attach email confirmation to include~ of Business Equity firm , date and time . In addition, if an email is returned as undeliverable, then that "undeliverable message" receipt must be printed directly from the email system for proper documentation . Failure to submit confirmation and/or "undeliverable message" documentation may render the GFE non-responsive.) NOTE: The three methods identified above are acceptable for soliciting bids, and each selected method must be applied to the applicable contract. The Prime/Offeror must document that either at least two attempts were made using two of the three methods or that at least one successful contact was made using one of the three methods in order to deemed responsive to the Good Faith Effort requirement. NOTE: The Prime/Offeror must contact the entire Business Equity list specific to each subcontracting and supplier opportunity to be in compliance with questions 3 thru 5. 6.) Did you provide plans and specifications to potential Business Equity firms? OYes □No 7.) Did you provide the Information regarding the location of plans and specifications in order to assist the Business Equity firms? OYes □No Effective 03/15/2022 ATTACHMENT 1C Page 3 of 4 8.) Did you prepare a quotation for the Business Equity firms to bid on goods/services specific to their skill set? D Yes (If yes, attach all copies of quotations.) □No 9.) Was the contact information on any of the listings not valid? □ y (If yes, attach the information that was not valid in order for the Business Equity Division to address es the corrections needed.) □ No 10.) Submit documentation if Business Equity firms quotes were rejected. The documentation submitted should be in the firms forms of an affidavit, include a detailed explanation of why the Business Equity firms was rejected and any supporting documentation the Prime/Offeror wishes to be considered by the City. In the event of a bona fide dispute concerning quotes, the Prime/Offeror will provide for confidential in-camera access to an inspection of any relevant documentation by City personnel. (Please use additional sheets, if necessary, and attach.) Company Name Telephone Contact Person Scope of Work Reason for Rejection ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please provide additional information you feel will further explain your good and honest efforts to obtain Business Equity firm participation on this project. The Prime/Offeror further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed on this contract, the payment thereof and any proposed changes to the original arrangements submitted with this bid. The Prime/Offeror also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any books, records and files held by their company that will substantiate the actual work performed on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of the City. A Prime/Offeror who intentionally and/or knowingly misrepresents material facts shall be Debarred for a period of time of not less than three (3) years. Effective 03/15/2022 I ATTACHMENT 1C Page 4 of4 The undersigned certifies that the information provided and the Business Equity firms listed was/were contacted in good faith. It is understood that any Business Equity firms listed in Attachment 1 C will be contacted and the reasons for not using them will be verified by the City's Business Equity Division. Authorized Signature Title Company Name Address City/State/Zip Business Equ ity Division Email : DVIN_BEOffice@fortworthtexas.gov Phone : (817) 392-2674 Printed Signature Contact Name and Title (If different) Phone Number Email Address Date Effective 03/15/2022 l!I CITY O F F ORT WORTH M/WBE Joint Venture Eligibility Form A ll question s must be ,111 swered; u se "NIA" if 11 ot npplicnble. Joint Venture Page 1 of 3 N am e of City proj ec t:-------------------------------- A joint ventu re fo rm must be completed on each project RFP/Bid/Purchasing N umber: ____________ _ 1. Join t ventu re info rmation : Jo int Venture Name: Joint Venture A dd ress: (If applicable) Telephone: Facsimile: E-mail address: Cellular: Identify the firms that c omprise the joint venture: Plea se attach extra sheets if additional space is require d to provid e detaile d explanations of work to be performed by ea ch firm comprising the j oint ve nture M/WB E fi l'm I Non -M/W BE firm I nam e: name: Bus iness Address : Business Address: City, State , Zip: City, State, Zip : Telephone Facsimile E-mail Telephone Facsimile Cellular Ce ll ula r Cet'tifi cation Statu s: E-mail address Nam e of Cer tifying Agency: 2 S f cope o wor k f per orme ,y t e omt db hJ. V entur e: Des crib e the scope of work of the M/WBE : Describe th e scope of w ork of the 11011-M/WBE : Rev . 2/13/1 9 Joint Ve nture P age 2 o f 3 3. What is the percentage of M/WBE participation on this joint venture that you wish to be counted toward meeting the project goal? 4. Attach a copy of the joint venture agreement. 5. List components of own ership of joint venture: (Do not comp lete if this i11.forma tio11 is described in joint venture ~ af{reeme nt Pro fit and loss shari ng: Capital contrib utio ns, includ ing equi pment: Other ap pli cab le ownershi p interests: 6. Identify by name, race, sex and firm those individuals (wi th titles) who are responsible for the day-to-day management and decision making of the joint v enture: Fi nancia l decisions (to incl ude Account Payable and Receivab le): M anagem ent decisions: a. Esti mati ng ------ b. Mark eti ng and Sales ---------- c. Hiring an d F iri ng of management personnel ------------- d . P urch as ing of maj or equipment and/or suppl ies Sup e1visi on of fie ld operation s The City's Business Equity Division will review your joint venture submission and will have final approval of the M/WBE percentage applied toward the goal for the project listed on this form. NOTE: From and after the date of project award , if any of the participants, the ind iv idually defined scopes of work or the dollar amounts/percentages change from the originally approved information , then the participants must inform the City's Bus iness Equity Divis ion immediately fo r approval. Any unjustified change or deletion shall be a material breach of contract and may result in debarment in accord with the procedures outlined in the City 's Bus iness Equ ity Ordina nce 25165-10-2021 . Rev. 2/13/19 Joint Venture aQe 0 P 3 f 3 AFFID AVIT The undersigned affirms that the foregoing statements are trne and correct and include all material information necessa1y to identify and explain the terms and operation of the joint venture. Furthermore, the undersigned shall agree to provide to the joint venture the stated scope of work, decision-making responsibilities and payments herein. The City also reserves the right to request any additional infmmation deemed necessa1y to dete1mine if the joint venture is eligible . Failure to cooperate and/or provide requested information within the time specified is grounds for termination of the eligibility process. The undersigned agree to permit audits, interviews with owners and examination of the books, records and files of the joint venture by any authorized representatives of the City of Fort Worth. Failure to comply with this provision shall result in the termination of any contract, which may be awarded under the provisions of this joint venture's eligibility and may initiate action under Federal, State and/or Local laws/ordinances concerning false statements or willful misrepresentation of facts. Name ofMBE finn Name of non-MBE firm Printed Name o f Owner Printed Name of Owner Signa ture of Owner Signature of Owner Printed Name of Owner Printed Name of Owner Signature of Owner Signature of Owner T itle Title Date Date N ota rization State of County of ------------------------------------- On this _____________ day of _______ ___, 20 __ , before me appeared and ------------------------------------------ to me personally known and who, being duly sworn, did execute the foregoing affidavit and did state that they were properly authorized to execute this affidavit and did so as their free act and deed. Nota1y Public ______________________ _ P,intName Notaty Public---,------------------------ Signature Commission Expires _______________________ _ Office of Business Diversity Email: mwbeoffice@fortwmthtexas.gov Phone: (817) 392-2674 (se111) Rev. 2/13/19 GC-6.07 Wage Rates 2013 Prevailing Wage Rates (Heavy & Highway Construction Projects) CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I, 2011 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0I 2023 2013 PREVAILING WAGE RATES (Heavy and Highway Construction Projects) CLASSIFICATION DESCRIPTION Wage Rate Asphalt Distributor Operator $ 15.32 Asphalt Paving Machine Operator $ 13.99 Asphalt Raker $ 12.69 Broom or Sweeper Operator $ 11.74 Concrete Finisher, Paving and Structures $ 14.12 Concrete Pavement Finishing Machine Operator $ 16.05 Concrete Saw Operator $ 14.48 Crane Operator, Hydraulic 80 tons or l ess $ 18.12 Crane Operator, Lattice Boom 80 Tons or Less $ 17.27 Crane Operator, Lattice Boom Over 80 Tons $ 20 .52 Crawler Tractor Operator $ 14 .07 Electrician $ 19.80 Excavator Operator, 50,000 pounds or less $ 17 .19 Excavator Operator, Over 50,000 pounds $ 16 .99 Flagger $ 10.06 Form Builder/Setter, Structures $ 13.84 Form Setter, Paving & Curb $ 13.16 Foundation Drill Operator, Crawler Mounted $ 17 .99 Foundation Drill Operator, Truck Mounted $ 21.07 Front End Loader Operator, 3 CY or Less $ 13.69 Front End Loader Operator, Over 3 CY $ 14 .72 Laborer, Common $ 10.72 Laborer, Utility $ 12.32 Loader/Backhoe Operator $ 15.18 Mechanic $ 17.68 Milling Machine Operator $ 14.32 Motor Grader Operator, Fine Grade $ 17.19 Motor Grader Operator, Rough $ 16.02 Off Road Hauler $ 12.25 Pavement Marking Machine Operator $ 13.63 Pipelayer $ 13 .24 Reclaimer/Pulverizer Operator $ 11.01 Reinforcing Steel Worker $ 16 .18 Roller Operator, Aspha lt $ 13.08 Roller Operator, Other $ 11.51 Scraper Operator $ 12 .96 Servicer $ 14.58 Small Slipform Machine Operator $ 15.96 Spreader Box Operator $ 14.73 Truck Driver Lowboy-Float $ 16 .24 Truck Dri ver Transit-Mix $ 14.14 Truck Driver, Single Axle $ 12.31 Tr uck Driver, Single or Tandem Axle Dump Truck $ 12.62 Truck Driver, Tandem Axle Tractor w ith Semi Trailer $ 12.86 Welder $ 14.84 Work Zone Barricade Serv icer $ 11.68 The Davis-Bacon Act prevailing wage rates shown for Heavy and Highway construction projects were determined by the United States Department of Labor and current as of September 2013. The titles and descriptions for the classifications listed are detailed in the AGC of Texas' Standa rd Job Classifications and Desc r iptions for Highway, Heavy, Utilities, and Industrial Construction in Texas . Pa g e 1 of 1 GC-6.09 Permits and Utilities THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I, 2011 UTILITY CUT REPAJR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0I 2023 GC-6.24 Nondiscrimination THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I , 2011 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC-0 I 2023 GR-01 60 00 Product Requirements THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revised July I , 2011 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 Paving Details D520 -Typical Section Trench Repair - HMAC Pavement D521 -Typical Section Trench Repair - Reinforced Concrete Pavement D522 -Typical Section Trench Repair - Brick Surface & Reinforced Concrete Base D525 -Standard Monolithic Curb D530 -Concrete Valley Gutter D534 -Standard Curb and Gutter D546 -Sidewalk Details CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Rev ised Ju ly I, 2011 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No . UC -OJ 2023 NOTES: 1. ADDITIONAL PAVEMENT RESTORAllON PER LATEST UllLITY CONSTRUCllON POLICY REQUIREMENTS. 2. FLOWABLE FILL IS REQUIRED TO BACKFILL ALL TRENCHES IN DOWNTOWN STREETS AND OPllONAL IN 01HER AREAS. BACKFILL PER SECllON 33 05 10. 3. ONLY SINGLE LIFT OF 3• TYPE "D" HMAC REQUIRED FOR RESIDENTIAL STREETS . 4. ALL CONSTRUCllON MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD SPECIFICAllONS. NOTE TO DESIGNER : 'MiERE ASPHALT EXISTS OVER CONCRETE PAVEMENT, THE ENGINEER SHALL PREPARE A PROJECT SPECIFIC DETAIL APPROVED BY T/PW. f-------TRENCH REPAIR LIMITS----+--..; CONCRETE BASE MATER IAL FOR TRENCH REPAIR PER SECllON 03 34 16 PROVIDE DENSI =~:.o,_;.,;;-1 . + . + . .,. . + . + . + + . + . + . + + THICKNESS 1ESTI + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + PER SECllON 32 12 16 + + + • + PART 3 .6 + + + + + ➔ + NOTE TO DESIGNER: THIS IS NOT A STAND-ALONE DETAIL TRENCH DETAILS SHOULD BE ASSEMBLED AS DIRECTED IN "BACKFILL, EMBEDMENT AND SURFACE REPAIR DETAIL ASSEMBLY-. https: //apps.fortworthtexas.gov/ProjectResources/ResourcesP / 02%20-%20Constructlon,...20 Documents/ Canstructlon%20Plans/Constructlon,;20 Detalls/BACKFILL.%20EMBEDMEN"'20AND%20SURFACE %20REP AIR,...20DET Al~.20ASSEMBL Y.pdf CITY OF FORT WORTH , TEXAS ASPHALT PAVEMENT TRENCH REPAIR REV ISED: 6-10-22 32 01 17-D520 NO"TES: 1. FLOWABLE FILL IS REQUIRED TO BACKFILL ALL TRENCHES IN DOWNTOWN STREETS , AND OPllONAL IN OTHER AREAS . BACKFILL SHALL MEET STANDARD SPECIFICAllON 33 OS 10. 2. FOR RESIDENllAL STREET USE #4 BARS AT 18" O.C.E.W. AND 12" O.C.E.W. FOR AR"TERIALS AND INDUSTRIAL STREETS . 3. REINFORCED CONCRE"TE PAVEMENT SHALL BE REPLACED TO A MIN IMUM DEIPTH OF 9" FOR REstDENllAL STREETS OR 11" FOR ARTERIAL AND INDUSTRIAL STREETS. 4. FOR RESIDENllAL STREETS, USE 114x1a· PREFORMED BARS, DOWEL AND EPOXYED A MIN 6" INTO EXISllNG PAVEMENT AT 1B" O.C. (TYP), AND 12" O.C. FOR ARTERIAL AND INDUSTRIAL STREETS. 5 . ALL CONSTRUCllON SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS . CLASS 'H' CONCRE"TE PAVING PER SECllON 32 13 13 OR 'HES' IF DESIGNA"TED ON DRAWINGS JOINllNG SHALL MATCH EXISllNG LOCATIONS AND TYPES AS CLOSELY AS PO SSIBLE SEE NO #2 + + + + + + + + + STRENGTH AND THICKNESS TESTING SHALL BE PERFORMED PER SECllON 32 13 13 • + + + -::::::1------· + + + + + NO"TE TO DESIGNER: • FOR CONCRE"TE STREETS < 10 YEARS OLD OR PCI < BS, •x• SHALL EXTEND TO END OF PANEL, OTHERWISE "X" SHALL BE 12" NOTE TO DESIGNER: THIS IS NOT A STAND-ALONE DETAIL TRENCH DETAILS SHOULD BE ASSEMBLED AS DIRECllED IN "BACKFILL, EMBEDMENT AND SURFACE REPAIR DETAIL ASSEMBLY". https: / /apps. fortworthtexas.gov/ProjectResources/ResourcesP / 02"20-"20Construction"20 Documents/ Constructlon"20Plans/Constructlon%20 DetaUs/BACKFILL,"20EMBEDMENTY.20AND"20SURF ACE %20REPAIR%20DETAIL%20ASSEMBL Y.pdf CITY OF FORT WORTH , TEXAS CONCRETE PAVEMENT TRENCH REPAIR REV ISED : 6-10-22 32 01 29-D521 N07'ES: 1. REINFORCED CONCRE1'E BASE SHALL BE REPLACED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 9" FOR RESIDENTIAL STREETS OR 11" FOR ARTERIAL AND INDUSTRIAL STREETS. 2. CONCRE7'E SHALL BE a.ASS "H" PER CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD . 3. FLOWABLE FlLL IS REQUIRED TO BACKFlLL ALL TRENCHES IN DOWNTOWN STREETS, AND OPTIONAL IN OTHER AREAS . BACKFlLL SHALL MEET STANDARD SPECIFICATION 33 05 10. 4. EXISTING BRICK SHALL BE REMOVED CAREFULLY TO AVOID DAMAGE. DAMAGED BRICK IS TO BE REPLACED WITH UNDAMAGED BRICK TO MATCH ADJACENT BRICK . 5. MORTAR BED ANO WET MORTAR JOINT FILLER PER SPECIFICATION 32 14 16 . 6. FOR RESIDENTIAL STREETS, USE #4X18" PREFORMED BARS, DOWELED AND EPOXYED A MIN 6" INTO EXISTING PAVEMENT AT 18" O.C. AND 12• O.C. FOR AR7'ERIAL AND INDUSTRIAL STREET (TYP). t--------TRENCH REPA IR UMITS---------1 FULL DEPTH SAWCUT (TYP.) #4x18" DEFORMED BARS DOWELED AND EPOXYED MIN. 6" INTO EXISTING PAVEMENT C 18" O.C. (TYP .) foRTrllTJI. JOINTING SHALL MATCH EXISTING LOCATIONS AND TYPES AS CLOSELY AS POSSIBLE EXERCISE CARE REMOVING AND REPLACING EXISTING BRICK TO AVOID DAMAGE TO EXISTING BRICK PAVEMENT N07'E TO DESIGNER: THIS IS NOT A STAND-ALONE DETAIL TRENCH DETAILS SHOULD BE ASSEMBLED AS DIREC7'ED IN "BACKFILL, EMBEDMENT AND SURFACE REPAIR DETA IL ASSEMBLY-. https: / /opps. fortworthtexos.gov/ProjectResources/ResourcesP / 02~0-,..20Constructlon"20 Documents/ Constructlon%20Plons/Constructlon~O Detons/BACKFILL,,..20EMBEDMENf'".20AND~OSURFACE Y.20REPAJR~ODETAIL7.20ASSEMBL Y.pdf CITY OF FORT WORTH , TEXAS REVISED: 6-10-22 BRICK PAVEMENT TRENCH REPAIR 32 14 16-D522 NOTES TO DESIGNER : 1. FILL IN BLANKS AND/ OR VERIFY ALL TEXT IN BLUE. 2. SPEC IFY CURB HEIGHT TO MATCH EXISTING CONDl'llON . PROPOSED PAVEMENT PER TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION OR PAVEMENT REPAIR DETAIL SEE NOTE 1 ~+ - ¼" 7 ~ COMPACTED ACCEPTABLE NATIVE BACKFILL PER SECTION 31 24 00 --II ' ............... t---'"""-111- MINIMUM EXCAVATION OUTLINE FOR STREET CONSTRUCTION t!.Qfil PROPO SED STEEL PER TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION 1. CITY APPROVA L REQU IRED FOR USE OF CURB MULE WITH DIMENSIONS THAT VARY FROM DETAIL. 2 MATCH STREET SAWED JO INTS FOR SAWED JO INTS IN CURB. PROPOSED SUBGRADE PER TYPICAL ROADWAY SECTION OR PAVEMENT REPAIR DETAIL 1~1 1 ll t:: 12·- CI TY OF FORT WORTH , TEXAS STANDARD MONOLITHIC CURB REVIS ED: 0 8-3 1-2012 32 13 13 -D525 NOTES TO DESIGNER : 1. DETAIL OEflNES PAY LIMITS OF HMAC TRANSITION SUBSIDIARY TO THE CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER CONSTRUCTlON. A__J ' I I /24" HMAC ~----t TRANSITlON / PER SECTlON 32 12 16 io SEE NOTE 4 9" HMAC J TRANSITlON PER SECTlON 32 12 16 I INTERSECTJNG VALLE Y --------------~------------------------------ COMPACTED SUBGRAOE (SEE NOTE 2) tiQru; PLAN V IEW 1" MAX OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER 1-------------8'-o" MIN.-----------< (RESIDENTlAL STREETS) S ECT ION A-A 1. THE 7" REINFOR CED CONCRETE VALLEY SHALL REPLACE THE TOP 7" OF THE PAVEMENT WITH THE REMA INING PORTION OF PAVEMENT TO BE CONSTRUCTED INCLUDING SU BGR ADE TREATMENT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH TH E TYPICAL PAVING SECTION . 2. 6" FLEX BASE, TYPE A, GR -1 OR MATCH THE PREPARED SUBGRAD E REQUIREMENTS FOR THE PAVEMENT SECTION. TYPE D OR TYPE B ASPHALT OR PREPARED SUBGRADE MAY BE USED . 3. PAY LIMITS FROM EXPANSION JOINT TO EXPANSION JOINT. 4. 9" ANO 24" HMAC TRANSITlON SUBSIDIARY TO CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER . CITY MAY APPROVE ADDITIONAL HMAC TR AN SITION BEYOND THESE LIMTS UN DER SEPARATE PAY ITEM FOR HMAC TRANSITlON PER SECTION 32 12 16. 5. GUTTER TO BE SHAPED TO CONFORM YrlTH CONCRETE VALLEY (OR PAVEMENT}. C ITY O F FORT WORTH , T EXAS CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER R EVIS E D : 0 8-3 1-2 0 12 32 16 13-D530 N01ES TO DE!IONOt: 1. FUlfa.N«SIMIJ/CRVDIF"tAil.flXTlfaJJE. 1. E CIWO T0 CCtM:"I' .,,.,_mt 1IMN lt.O.W. OIi fASDEJffl. .J. Lll£\m DnM. Al ICCEISAR\' 10 WA1'H AC"IUIL. IIOAOWAY 0ESKN. 4. IGW'I" DffAI. 10 lllrT ~ OCNW1'IClfS. ,._, ____ , . ...,. ____ .,,. ___ ,,. NEW CONSJRUC]ON CURB AND GUTTER EXl'ANSJON JOINT lf<ll<:. 1, 200 LF MAllMN SPACINC KnEDC aJIIII NC) CIJTTDt !)Ql'NalQN J0NTS. foRTrpH "'"'""" 1111[:. 1. ...ui ~ rs r~. MA.tot D251NC 'IIIJ1H lP 10 :r-e- 2. BASE CClJRSE TD BE C'TB Tl1'E A CR B BASE UA.ttll,IL (CEMEHT CClfTDfT TO MA'TD( PQ. CPERAllCNS) ClR TIK A f\D8A5E. 3. MSIE WAlDl!M.. UNDEt aJRII Ir CUTlEt ANO IOttlD IAOC aF CUft8 lO IIIE SAS3DIMY T0 am!I ti: OU'Tm\ PAY l1DL -~------r-<r -----~ ,,. .. ..., ____ , . ...,. _____ ,__,,. EXJS]NG SJRITT-ADJACENT TO PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS 1111[:. C:OWACTm ACCEl'T.taX NATM: BACXFIJ. PER SEC'TXJN 31 24 00 MNWllil EXCAVA.11(J( OIJ!UHE FOR S1RE£T COIS11IIJCT1Qt mamo,._... Oft ,r IA$[ CXJUll5C. 1. ...._.. ~ IS 'L-0°. WAltH EXISl1HO '111)1H t.-11:t 'L-e• 2. BASE WAlDILAL LN>Ot aJR9 • 0UTTEJt NfO 90IND SAO( Cl CUat TO IIIE Sl.8SOINn' 10 QJ"8 Ir QJ'TllK PAY nDt. 3. ASl'tW.T 'TIWfS'nCIC TO eE: PAil "5 21'NtA1E SI not. SEE NOTE 1 %-t"MIN.~------r-<r -----~ EXISTING SJRITI CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS STANDARD CURB AND GUTTER REVISED : 03-10-2022 32 16 13-D534 7 fl BARS o 1a· o.c.a.w. T 12" LONG f4 BAA 0 24" o.c. lHS HALF OF DOWEL TO BE COATED Wl'TH ASPHALT CR GREAS£ SHOUID E£ Allll£D. SUPCl,P 1/2" • 24" SMD01H RCUIO BAA O 24" O.C. l.WQMUM EXPANSION JOINT DETAIL e,• MIN. SIJEWAU< alOSS SI.OPE ~ MAX. II I ,--....i-..,.11=s =s =1s=1f....,----+---' ~ fl BARS O 18" "-._COMPACTED O.C.8.W. SU8CRADE TO ao,c OEHSITY SECTION YJEW SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO CURB 5• Mtl IE::1 11 ~ 9 • p1s11=111=1 11 11 9 19 1 ~ t...l ~ fl BARS O 111" "-._ COMPACTED O.C.8. W. SU8CRADE TO too: DENSITY SECTION VIEW SIDEWALK r'.:"l"'..l:/""\ I y I y y "'~--~~ ti I { f I J II IL~~!b:J 11µ1 CURB 1. 'W•SIDEWAU< "1D1H ,:/ MIN . N«l 8' IF SIDEWAU< IS ADJACENT TO CURB, CR GREATER AS INDICATED ON 1lfE PU.NS. PLAN. REINFORCED CONCRETE SIDEWALK PAY LIMITS -SIDEWAI..X a' MIN SIDEWAU< alOSS 51.CPE ~MAX. 3/4" OVJ,IFER 12" LONG f4 BAA 0 2,· o.c. MATCH CURB HEJGHT NQTES;_ SECTION YIEW SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO CURB Willi RETAINING WALL 1. SIDEWALK PAID PER SQUARE FOOTAGE OF WALKWAY. 2. RETAINING WALL PAID PER SQUARE FOOTAGE OF WALL FACE. 3. TI-IICKENED EDGE UNDER SIDEWALK AND RETAINING WALL IS SUBSIDIARY TO SlDEWALK AND WALL. RESPECTIVELY. CITY OF FORT WORTH , TEXAS SIDEWALK DETAILS (SHEET 1 OF 2) 12" REVISED : 6-10-22 32 13 20-D546 111:::l l PAY UMliS -SIDEWALK 5' MIN. REINF'ORCEMENT AS SHOWN IN BELOW SECTION SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPE ~ 2:C MAX. ISSIS II 13 BARS o 1a· LCOMPACTED O.C.B.W. SVBGRADE TO 90X DENSITY SECTION VIEW SIDEWALK WITH MONOLITHIC CURB WALL MATCH CURS HElGHT PAY UMliS -SIDEWALK 6' MIN. 13 BAR O 18" O.C. 13 BAR SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPE :z:c MAX. 13 BARS 0 18" O.C.B .W. SECTION VIEW TAMPED TOPSOIL SIDEWALK ADJACENT TO CURB WITH MONOLITHIC CURB WAL L NQIES;_ 1. SIDEWALK AND CURB WALL TO BE PAID WITH SEPARATE BID ITE MS : SIDEWALK -SQUARE FOOT CURBWALL -LINEAR FOOT 2. FOR CONTINUOUS WALL LENGTH THAT TRANSITIONS TO MORE THAN 12" HEIGHT, USE RETAINING WALL DETAIL FOR ENTIRE LENGTH . CITY OF FORT WORTH , TEXAS SIDEWALK DETAILS (SHEET 2 OF 2) REVISED : 6-10-22 32 13 20-D546 SECTION 00 52 43 AGREEMENT 00 52 43 - 1 Ag re e ment Page 1 of6 TIDS AGREEMENT, authorized on Feb. 14, 2023 , is made by and between the City of Fort Worth, a Texas home rule municipality, acting by and through its duly authorized City Manager, ("City"), and Jasco Construction, LLC authorized to do business in Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized representative, ("Contractor"). City and Contractor may jointly be referred to as Parties. City and Contractor, in consideration of the mutual covenants he reinafter set forth , agree as follows: Article 1. WORK Contractor shall complete all Work as s pecified or indicated in the Contract Documents for th e Project identified here in. Article 2. PROJECT The project for which the Work under the Contract Documents may be the whole or only a part is generally descr ibed as follows: UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT 1 2023 City Project No. UC-01 2023 Article 3. CONTRACT PRICE City agrees to pay Co ntractor for performance of the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents an amount, in current fund s, of Three Hundred Thousand & 00/100 Dollars ($ 300,000.00). Contract price may be adjusted by change orders duly authorized by the Parties . Article 4. CONTRACT TIME 4.1 Final Acceptance. The Work shall be complete for F inal Acceptance within 365 days after the date when the Contract Time commences to run , as provided in Paragraph 2.02 of the General Conditions, plus any extension thereof allowed in accordance with Article 12 of the General Conditions. 4.2 Liquidated Damages Contractor recognizes that tim e is of the essenc e for completion of Milestones , if any, and to achieve Final Acceptance of the Work and City and the public will suffer from loss of use if the Work is not completed within the time(s) specified in Paragraph 4.1 above. The Contractor also recognizes the delays, expense and difficulties involved in proving in a legal proceeding, the actual lo ss suffered by the City if the Work is not completed on time . Accordingly, in stead of requiring any such proof, Contractor agrees that as liquidated damages for delay (but not as a penalty), Contractor shall pay City Two Hundred -Ten & 00/100 Dollars ($210.00) for each day that expires after the time specified in Paragraph 4.1 for Final Acceptance until the City issues the Final Letter of Acceptance. CITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRU C TION SPECIFICATION DOCUMENTS Revi se d 8/22/2 022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 1 202 3 Article 5. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 5 .1 CONTENTS: 00 52 43 - 2 Ag ree ment Page 2 of6 A. The Contract Documents which comprise the entire agreement between City and Contractor concerning the Work consist of the following: 1. This Agreement. 2. Attachments to this Agreement: a. Bid Form 1) Proposal Form 2) Vendor Compli ance to State Law Non-Resident Bidder 3) Prequalification Statement 4) State and Federal documents (project specific) b. Current Prevailing Wage Rate Table c. Insurance ACORD Form(s) d. Payment Bond e. Performance Bond f. Maintenance Bond g. Power of Attorney for the Bonds h. Worker's Compensation Affidavit 1. MBE and/or SBE Uti li zat io n Form 3. General Conditions. 4. Supplementary Conditions. 5. Specifications specifically made a part of the Contract Documents by attachment or, if not attached, as incorporated by reference and described in the Table of Contents of the Project's Contract Documents. 6. Drawings. 7. Addenda. 8 . Documentation s ubmitted by Contractor prior to Notice of Award . 9. The following wh ich may be delivered or issued after the Effective Date of the Agreement and, if issued, become an incorporated part of the Contract Documents: a. Notice to Proceed. b. Fie ld Orders. c. Change Orders. d. Letter of Final Acceptance. Article 6. INDEMNIFICATION 6.1 Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, at its own expense, the city, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all claims arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed by the contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licenses or invitees under this contract. This indemnification provision is specifically intended to operate and be effective even if it is alleged or proven that all or some of the damages being sought were caused, in whole or in part, by any act, omission or negligence of the city. This indemnity provision is intended to include, without limitation , indemnity for costs, expenses and legal fees incurred by the city in defending against such claims and causes of actions. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CON STRU CTION SPECIFI C ATION DOCUMENTS Revi se d 8/22 /2022 UTILITY C UT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No . UC -01 2023 00 52 43 -3 Agree ment Page 3 of6 6.2 Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, at its own expense, the city, its officers, servants and employees, from and against any and all loss, damage or destruction of property of the city, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed by the contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees under this contract. This indemnification provision is specifically intended to operate and be effective even if it is alleged or proven that all or some of the damages being sought were caused, in whole or in part, by any act, omission or negligence of the city. Article 7. MISCELLANEOUS 7.1 Terms . Terms used in this Agreem e nt which are defined in Article I of the General Conditions will have the meanings indicated in the General Conditions. 7 .2 A ss ignment of Contract. This Agreement, including all of the Contract Documents may not be assigned by the Contractor without the advanced express written consent of the City. 7 .3 Successors and Assigns. City and Contractor each binds itself, its partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives to the other party hereto, in respect to all covenants , agreements and obligations contained in the Contract Documents . 7 .4 Severability/Non-Waiver of Claims . Any provision or part of the Contract Documents held to be unconstitutional, void or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction shall be deemed stricken , and all remaining provi s ions shall continue to be valid and binding upon City and Contractor. The failure of City or Contractor to insist upon the performance of any term or provision of thi s Agreement or to exerci se any right granted herein shall not constitute a waiver of City's or Contractor's respective right to insist upon appropriate performance or to assert any such right on any future occasion . 7.5 Governing Law and Venue . This Agreement, including all of the Contract Documents is performable in the State of Texas. Venue shall be Tarrant County, Texas, or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division . 7 .6 Authority to Sign . Contractor shall attach evidence of authority to sign Agreement if signed by someone other than the duly authorized signatory of the Contractor. 7.7 Non-appropriation of Funds. In the event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated by City in any fiscal period for any payments due hereunder, City will notify Vendor of such occurrence and this Agreement shall terminate on the last day of the fiscal period for which appropriations were received without penalty or expense to City of any kind whatsoever, except as to the portions of the payments herein agreed upon for which funds have been appropriated . C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUC TI ON SPEC IFIC ATION DOC UMENTS Revi sed 8/22 /2022 UT ILIT Y CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Proj ect N o . UC -0 I 202 3 7.8 Prohibition On Contracts With Companies Boycotting Israel. 00 52 43 -4 Agreemen t Page 4 of6 Contractor, unless a sole proprietor, acknowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2271 of the Texas Government Code, if Contractor has 10 or more full time-employees and the contract value is $100,000 or more, the City is prohibited from entering into a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott Israel ; and (2) wi II not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. The terms "boycott Israel" and "company" shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms in Section 808.001 of the Texas Government Code. By signing this contract, Contractor certifies that Contractor's signature provides written verification to the City that if Chapter 2271, Texas Government Code applies, Contractor: (1) does not boycott Israel; and (2) will not boycott Israel during the term of the contract. 7.9 Prohibition on Boycotting Energy Companies. Contractor acknowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code-(as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 13 , § 2), the City is prohibited from entering into a contract for goods or services that has a value of $100,000 or more, which will be paid wholly or partly from public funds of the City, with a company (with 10 or more full-time employees) unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not boycott energy companies ; and (2) will not boycott energy companies during the term of the contract. The terms "boycott energy company" and "company" have the meaning ascribed to those terms by Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code (as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 13, § 2). To the extent that Chapter 2274 of the Government Code is applicable to this Agreement, by signing this Agreement, Contractor certifies that Contractor's signature provides written verification to the City that Contractor: (1) does not boycott energy companies; and (2) will not boycott energy companies during the term of this Agreement. 7.10 Prohibition on Discrimination Against Firearm and Ammunition Industries . Contractor acknowledges that except as otherwise provided by Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code (as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 19, § 1), the City is prohibited from entering into a contract for goods or services that has a value of $100,000 or more which will be paid wholly or partly from public funds of the City, with a company (with 10 or more full-time employees) unless the contract contains a written verification from the company that it: (1) does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association; and (2) will not discriminate during the term of the contract against a firearm entity or firearm trade association. The terms "discriminate," "firearm entity" and "firearm trade association" have the meaning ascribed to those terms by Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code (as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 19, § 1). To the extent that Chapter 2274 of the Government Code is applicable to this Agreement, by signing this Agreement, Contractor certifies that Contractor's signature provides written verification to the City that Contractor: (1) does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association; and (2) will not discriminate against a firearm entity or firearm trade association during the term of this Agreement. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICA TTO N DOCUMENTS Revised 8/22 /2022 UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC-0 I 2023 7.11 Immigration Nationality Act. 00 52 43 -5 Ag ree me nt Page 5 of6 Contractor shall verify the identity and e mployment eligibility of its employees who perform work under this Agreement, including completing the E mployment Eligibility Verification Form (1-9). Upon request by City, Contractor shall provide City with copies of all 1-9 forms and supporting eligibility documentation for each employee who performs work under this Agreement. Contractor shall adhere to all Federal and State laws as well as establish appropriate procedures and controls so that no services will be p e rformed by any Contractor employee who is not legally eligible to perform s uch services. CONTRACTOR SHALL INDEMNIFY CITY AND HOLD CITY HARMLESS FROM ANY PENALTIES, LIABILITIES, OR LOSSES DUE TO VIOLATIONS OF TIDS PARAGRAPH BY CONTRACTOR, CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES, SUBCONTRACTORS, AGENTS, OR LICENSEES. City, upon written notice to Contractor, shall have the right to immediately terminate this Agreement for violations of this provision by Contractor. 7.12 No Third-Party B e neficiaries. This Agreement g iv es no ri ghts or benefits to anyone other than the City and the Contractor and there are no third-p arty beneficiaries. 7.13 No Cause of Action Against Engineer. Contractor, its subcontractors and equipment and materials suppliers on the PROJECT or their sureties, shall maintain no direct action against the Engineer, its officers , employees, and subcontractors, for any claim arising out of, in connection with , or resulting from the engineering services performed. Only the City will be the beneficiary of any undertaking by the Engineer. The presence or duties of th e E ngineer's personnel at a construction site, whether as on-site represe ntatives or otherwise, do not make the E ng ineer or its personnel in any way responsible for those duties that belon g to the City and/or the City's construction contractors or other entities, and do not relieve the construction contractors or any other entity of their obligations, dutie s, and responsibilities, including, but not limite d to, all construction methods , means , techniques, sequences , and procedures necessary for coordinating and completing all portions of the construction work in accordance with the Contract Documents and any health or safety precautions required by such construction work. The Engineer and its personnel have no authority to exercise any control over any construction contractor or other entity or their employees in connection with their work or any health or safety precautions. C ITY OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IFICATION DOCUM EN TS Revised 8/22 /2022 UTILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 City Project No. UC-0 I 2023 00 52 43 -6 Agreement Page 6 of6 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Contractor have each executed this Agreeme nt to be effective as of the date sub sc rib e d by the C ity 's des ignate d Assistant C ity Manager ("Effective Date"). Contractor: By: S ign at ure (Printed Name) T it le Address C ity/State/Z ip Date CIT Y OF FORT WORTH STANDARD CONSTRUCTION SPEC IF ICATION DOCUMENTS Rev ise d 8/22 /2022 C ity of Fort Worth By: Dan a Burghdoff A ss istant City Manager Date Attest: Jannette Goodall , C ity Secretary (Seal) M&C: 23-0126 . Date: Feb. 14, 2023 Form 1295 No.: 2023-968414 Contract Compliance Manager: By signing, I acknowledge that I am the perso n re s ponsi bl e for the monitorin g and admini stration of this contract, in c ludin g ensuring a ll p erformance and reporting requirem e nt s. /iiJ;"uQ_ Senior Engineering Tech Approved as to Form and Legality: Dou g la s W. Black Sr. Assistant City Attorney APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: Chris Harder, P.E . Director, Water Department UT ILITY CUT REPAIR CONTRACT I 2023 C ity Project No. UC -0 I 2023