HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 44159 (2)C1TY 3ECi�l�i'/�`�,
COMTRAC`t N0. � � �5 � -
Tariff for Retail Delivery Service
Oncor �l+ectric Delivery Company LLC
6.3 Agreements and Forms
Applica6le: �nfire Certified Service Area
Efiective Date: Septamber 21; 2009
Page 1 �f 2
6.3.5 Qiscretionary Service Agreement �/4/(�#t; 3184278
Transaction It?: 286�6
7his Discretionary 5en,�ice Agreement ("Rgreement") is made and entered into ttiis 15 day of January 2013
by Onoor Eieotri� C�elivery Company L�C ("Onc�r EleCtrio Defrvery Company" or "Goir�pany'}, a aelaware limited liability comp�any
anci distribution �itilfty, �nd _ Citv of �ort WorlFr ("Cust�mee"),
a city , eacVt her�inafter soriietimes referred tn individu�liy as "Parly'
cx both referred to collectively as the "Parties`, in rpnsiderafion afi tha mutual cavenants sei forth herein; the Parties aqree �s faliows:
1. Discretionary Services ta be Provided -- Company agrees to ptovide, and Customer egreas to pay fot, the
fallowing tliscretionary services ir2 eccorda�ca with lhfs A.greement.
Cuslomar rPqu�sts 3 phasa pad mounted tr�ansfo;rrrer and rernoval of existir7g overhead transformer�. Ci�stomer is responsiple far al!
�ii�il pPr cor.,l��ny inspeations 8� epecs. G«stomer to it�stalS ali sec�ndary wire &�upply approved f��e�s. Got�pany agre�s to instal.(
transft�rmer & primary vrire and cpmpiete aii termina#ion in trans?armer at a cast of � 3f�955.94 ta :.ustomer. C7nce eassment is
granie� and fnvoi�; paid wprk c�n be Scfieduled,
2. Natu�e oi Service and Company`s Retaii �elivery Seevice Ta riff — Any ctiscr�tionary services coaered by
This Rgreen�ent �vi(I be provided by Compaity, and acx:�ptecl by Custdn�er, in accd rduriee with appiicable Public Utility Commission
af Texas +"`PUCT"j Substantivz Fiules and Conrpany's Tariff 4or Retail Delivary Sprvice (includin� "the Serlice Reg�ila:ions containeci
therein), as ii rnay frQrn fima to firne be fixed and approved by the P4JCT (,`Company's RetaQ Delivery Tariff";. C)uring the term of this
Agreement, Campany is entitled to disca;sEir�ue service, interrupt senice, or refuse s ervice initiaiion requests under t his Aareement
in accord�nce �vith applicabls PU�T Substantive Etules and �ompany's Retail qelivery Tariff. Campany`s Retail tlelivery Tariff is
part of this Agreemenk to the same e�tent as if fuily set out herein. Unless othErwise expressly stated in this Agreement, the tercns
used t�erein have the mearbings ascribed thersio in Company's Rekaii Delivery TariFf.
3. Discretionary Service Charges — Gharges for any discret"sonary services cavered by t4iis A�eea�nent are
de?ermined irr accor�ance tivith r_:ompany's �etail Delivery T� siff. Cnmpany and Custonier agree to comply w(th PUGT or court
orders cancerrfing diseretionaty se�vice charges.
4. T"errn and Terminati4n -- This Ayraement be�mes effective upnn acceptanc;e by Cusiomer and cotztinues in
�tiBCi Untti Up4n COR1pIBti6n
Termination of this l��reement doAs no1 r�liave Company or Custarner af aray obligation accr��d or accruing prtor t� tenrination,
5. No �ther Obligations -- This Agreement does nat obiigate Gompany ta ptovide, or entitle Custamer ta receive,
any service nat ex�ressly provided for herein, Gustom�r is resppnsi6le ft�r making th� arrang�ments necessary for it to receive any
frirther services thai it rnay desire frorn C;ompany or any thir� party.
6. Governing �aw and Regulatory Autharity -- This Agreement was executed in the 8fal� of T�xas and must in
all rsspecYs he goven�ed by, interpreted, construed, and entorc�d in accordanc� with the laws thereof. This Agree�nEnt is subjact to
ali valid, appkicabie federai, state, and Ioca! iaw,�s, ordinances, aEtitl rules and regufations of duly cnnstit��ted regulatory authori±±es
h�ving juti�dictian.
7. Amendmerit-� 'il?is Agreernerst may be amendsd only upan muiifal agraement of khe i�arties, which
am�r�dmeni 4vill nol be effective unkil redtaced to writing �nd e�xecuted by the PaRies. B�it changas to appiic�ble �'UCi 5ubst�trtive
Rules and C�nrpeny's Reiail Delivery Tariff a€e applicable� to Yhis Agreement upor� thair effective date and do not r�quire a�i
amendn?en� �f this Agreement.
$. �niirety of Agreetnent and Priar Agreements Superseded -- This Agr��m�nt, in�9uding all �ftached Eztiibifs,
which a rP expressiy made a p2rt hsreaf for all purposes, canstitutes the entirs agreernent and u�derstandinn betwaen the F'a�ties
with re�a rd ta the service(s) expressly provided for in ihis Agreement. The Parties are not bounc3 by or liabie far any stateme�t,
representation, promise, induczmeni, undersiending; or under2aking of any kfnd or nature {whether written or orai} witi� regard to the
subject matter he�eot not set forth pr provided for herein. This Aareement replaces all orior agreements and undertakings, oral or
tivnttev�, betwaeai the F�arties v�ifh regard ta the s=.�bject n-af#er hereof, including x�ithaut iim€tat`son NI,�
and ali such a�raer�ients anti underiakings are aareeci by the Parties to no (onger pe of any force or e�fe�t, it is exptessly acknowledged
thal fhe Parties may have other agreemants covering other services not expressly provi�ed for herein; which agreements are unaftected
by ihis Agreenient.
9. Nqtipes -- Natices given unrler this Agreem�nt are deemed tp have been duly delivered it hand delivere�i or
sent by U�iied States certified ma�l, return receipt requesteti, pnsiage prepa:d, ta:
(a) If to GQmpany:
Qncar Electric �alivery
C10 Tini Dolan
2501 Urban Drive
Fort Wortlt, TX 76106
; � ;' - ; :' - �I � i�,1 U : �i _� I IJ
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�'T. ��1�11i'P'!n G `�°� ,
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iariff for Retail Deliv�ry Service
Oncor Electric DeHvery Company LLC
6.3 Agreements and Forms
,�pplicabie: Entire Certified 8etd,ce Area
Effective Daie: September 21, 2009 page 2 of 2
{b) IF to Custamer:
City af Fo�t Worth
C;hristOpher H�rder
100U Thrqckmc�rton S�reet
_ FoR 1Ncrth�7exas 76102•6391
The abave-liste� names, ti#les, and addresses of either Party may be changed hy wriiten natificatian Yo the other.
tC}. liivaicing antl Payn7ent� Invoites for any discretitin�ry s�rvices covered by this Agreanient wili be mai4ed by
Company to the iollowing address {or such ather address directed in vrriting by Cust�mer), unless C;istomer is capahle o4 receivi ng
electrr,nic �nvoicina froh5 Cornpany, in �r✓hich case Comp�n,y Es entitled to tr�snsiriit electronit inv�ites to G.�stomer.
{:ity of FDrt worth
if C;on,�any t ra��smits e4ectronic invaices to Custt�mer, Cusian�er must make payment ta Gompany by etectr�nic funds transfer.
�IecErot7io fivoicina and paymenE by eleetronic funds transfer �vili he canducted in accordance with Comaany's standard procedures.
C�mpany rnust receive p2yment by the sii�e date specified on the invoice, If p2y�nent is nat received by thE Cpmpany by the ciue
date shown on thE invoice, a late fee will be calculaled ar�d added to the unpaid balance until ihe entire invoice i�. Faid, The late fe2
tivill be 5°l� of tl7e unpeid t��lat7ce per invaics periad.
i 1. No Waiver — The failure of a Parr.y to this Agreemsnt to insist: an a hy occasion, upofi slnc; per#ormance of any
provisian of this Agreement wifl not he cpnsiciered to waivE the obligations, rights, or duties imposed upon the Parties.
1'L. Taxes -- Ail �resent or futtsre federal, st�Ee, muilicipal, or ather laurfui tazes (ather th�n #ederal incarne iaxes}
applicab3e by reason ot ai5y service p�rformed by Company, or any compensation �ai� to Company, lsereuntler tnuss be paid by Custarner.
'13. Meadings -- 7he aeswi(�Yive headings bf ihe variaus �rticles aircl sectidnS Uf ftri5 F+green�ent tiave been inserted
for eonvenience af retere�ce only an� are to be affcrded na significa�ic2 in the interpretation or constri�ction of ihia figreemen;.
14. Multipte Counterparts -- This Agreement ma y be exeruted in twa or more counterpartg, each af which is
deemed ar� orig"snal but ali consiitute one and the same irrsirur;�ent.
15. Other'ie€ms and Conditions —
(i) Ci�stomer hes disciosed to Company ail underground facilities o•�vned by CustQmer or ar�y other par�y lhat is
rtat a pt�blic ��iilitp or goverr'imenfat enttty, thaf are located within rea) property ovrtted by Cuslomer, le+ tha eveni kha4 �usEoTner has
£ailed to dfl so, or in the eve�t af the existence of such iaciti8es af which Custamer has no knawledge, Camo�ny, ifs aqents and
cbrtitractors, siiall have no liability. of any rratcire whatsoever, to Customer. or Gustomer's as�ents or assignees, fo� any �ctual or
cansequential damages resuitines fr�m damage �o s�ch undisclosad a> unk.nown facifities,
C��stQmer rnt�st have afl civfi cnr��piete prior tp iranstormer set, I�lease send peymen[ 1a address on invoice.
IN VVITNESfi VdF1EREOF, the ParCies have caused ttiis kgresrnent to t�e signee by their res{�ective duly authc�rized
C7ncar Electric Delivery Company LlC
._- -----.,..-' �� i
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'iirrr C7aian
Printed Name
New Construction A4an4Er
11� 5/20 t 3
G���r1G� ��yl
�r � '✓%t �
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Printed Name �'',.
11 �- 1 l �3
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This Agreement is effective as of the last date signed by the Parties ("Effective Date").
Company: City of Fort Worth
%� �L-d/li �'/E'ctic.� �r:/.�.%_�.v�
� (F��•rraf�do Costa )
By`:� ,� �.� �,,,�� Assistant City Manager
Date Q �3 �
� -��2 �� /����✓ /�, � n,� /
Attest: ��/ ,�CL/ v � ,�,�btti„
(Printed Name)
_. ---->�--�
Address: ���� o �� a° �'
M&C N/A ��� �o� 00000°�� *p
Date: �lt,� ��l� _,�,�°�'
City/State/Zip: Approved.�s to Form and Legality:
�� T I
Date Douglas W. Black
Assistant City Attorney
� �G�"�Y� �/1�,�
S. Frarrk Crzm�b, P.E.
(Wale�� Depa��in�ent)
Old R�orthside Pump Stalion Elech•ical Servrce Agreenrenl
Onc�r Electric Deiivery �qrnpany LLCy
a Delaware iimited iiability cornpany
New Cnnstruction Manaqer
Tim Dalan
25i11 lltaari Drtv�
Fort t�Jorth, Texas 75106
{7ffiee 817-624-6Q83; Fax 817a624•6093
Ci6y Of Fqrt iNorth
AT7: Christapher Wardet
1Q00 Ttttacktnortot� 5treet
Fort Vt�orth, Texas 76102-6311
ehang� out facilii6es
5ervites prouided at:
c10 existing translnr�riers to pad mou�
�o�t \North, Texas :
Tarrant Cot3nEy
Tatal Amount bue Upon Recei
� Price c}�oted is valid for sixty (60) days from the date e�f this document.
* Remrt p�yment per instructions beEow.
R Ptease concaci your Rt•oject Mana�er if you have any questians,
Projeci will be scheduled upon;
1� CIAC Coardinaiar`s recefpt af payrnent
2) Praject Manager's r�c��pt af Executed Agreement(s}
�FT 1 �tectranic Funds Transfer
JP M�rgan Chase Bank
ABA No. {Wirej 02100flf�21
ABA Na, {'ACN� 111{�fib614
For Creciit To:
Oncor Electric Qelivery
Acct #.: i}880b169791
dnce EF t" hcts b�era initr'a�ted please forwrtrd
confrr-rnatinr� r�umber and tr•�ansfer date to:
$36,955, 94
�lease make alt check(s) pavabke ta
{�ncor Ele�tric Detivery
Rernit to:
Vickie Cese 3M-Q�u
Uncor �iectri� �elivery
1616 VVaodall Rodgers Freeway
(�allas TX 752p�-? 234
,k ,Pteas�f tr�ctude the WR�# and 7`rar7sactr�ar� 1DY(as list�d above} an Utt ,,P
carrespondence r`rtcfudrr�� y�our Ch��k or EFF`.
Fni(ure ta cta so witt cause unnecessary deloys �ith your prvject.
Statement af �har�es
t7ate: 1/i 5?2D1;i
Transactian Ip:
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