HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 7454 �. :a 'p, rs • ,� �; �* ," ay 'z'.. £{ �.4`�"4+ k y..yw �t � r��yx t� � � a�'��' .���a��, "�^ tr '" A{ �_¢} � x ��'�2�sk7Y,., ' 1 WIN � 3 c t C a Tt f f. r : f: l �M1 x p e Oi T� DAtr...._•Nn1Vi- .. .1 E1cFEitr_NCE •_._....^. Suan-Cl o i. C ,. :,1.s,1 �.i Fee �t.EI E'^ �`._...... PAGE NUMBEn 3 l ,to I sl, t I, illr)E ltt s ill the Ptih tl/6/i2 t ?101 Chapter 5 of the Bulldi.np Cod,, (OL inance 'No. f-07i) specifies conditions. Tinder which encr(-,achmkr.i)ts in tho public rif;flr, -oC-w�?v .nnv t,(-' constructed i-ncludi_ng re[1111rE'111f'ixt5 :car liability 1n+ltrallCC , f`ri '('17: lOri i)f a cnyisi< nt tagreemerlt' wi:n ihf' City, and payinert of inspection fi es. ?resent Fee Schedule On May 25, 1970 (M&C C-1573) , a p-tlicy was adopted governing the encroachment of signs, marquees, etc. , inl.a publics prop, rtY" TEIi<a policy regulates the heaghit at iahic'il these items 1i13V '?u p1,1<'c`cf .--Ilid 711e t 1SLatice Lhey may extend i.r.to the rk1,h1--of-way. Lt turtliec ;et£i tli'" li-,`; ocl ion fees for such encroach- ments at $75 :iyl,! (.I al lv ai,d $2'. xinlial l-I` I::1iC'F(`. i tr;' for tho term of the consent iagreettiont. Inspection fees for enema,-hments !,11th a�; oluer--street and below--street building spaces have been established by City Coke lc%1. action for consent. a,greements presen"Ld to the Ciey Cotoicl1 for its apprsr)al . A List of these agreements currently in effect and the r,tanual fee.; cbarg(-d i„s ::attached. On April 19, 1971 (M&C C:-1964) , cl "�c ns^nt n�,t�c>emc;at wns .Apprclved wa th the Fart Vlorth Nat lonat Bnnh too vcTrl"ats id encroachment.s to be constrltcted as pa. t (at '.hc new 11:c- fe.E,.s charged were recorirnende d by a (pity ;>t.al f r�::nln�i t 1 i�c:�, anc, tllr, Cminci l Tans advised at that. time that the statf stutiv en;:r-nactunetit policy and re.comm€end a uniform, equitable met itocJ of t i.r,i.ng [cc—, , for all current and future encroachments, c-aitlMOnsur.ate with Otc� cc:sts of prnccs:;ii~g applications and perft:;rming annuaal ins a c>sls_ Casts Incurred InsPeCtlOil all(I ,adra,i11 ir;tt-I ti,7e cast< fo!- 11re:, ,cs3i11"', ones-naCItmonts are estimated as firal.ar ;; B-ji-lding 'Division; Proc"c-asint , of Application $13 Adriinistr�ati.ve :and Cit't C:nun,. it Ksvivw :and Action S!+5 i'r,,cc-ssi.ng, Filin� and $40 Total 1is.perl. ,e $1,00 1c}ducal .ns r-_tion Costs Tax ilepaz:[ntcrn? Fi liu;; and Processing $10 Building lliv!"i-on: Filini; r�Itd $10 litspe( ti'01) Building Division ;ind Firs Prevention $_30_ Total $5 0 SUBiFf.T: }"'S�?j�0!-;6'C; k��.!1 j< 1<T?Z'"i ,171 f,f_' i �it.ut3FR __.. C__?It11 11( 9 For $lt7Z1 i1. 011C17e1,I(it1?,C:r1C.`i sttcll •1S uiF,11s Litt-`. tC'(',', i 'ii"Yent.tC* bGi'2}; i11-aI'gf•ti are tli) longer '<uftic:l.ent to cover tile c.c)stFS, wmlo bits e chargeu for over- head boil.dirt£ strnCtui-es generally cxce,?d tht - acitt.:il cOst".s. It is Olerefore proposed to revise the ;.acliodtale :,, i oes for enC.Y':),)i i-l- inks, so that charges are c.om.,.,nenf,'urato.. with vbe cos', oI 4 For overhead .ir twid orstrceL st.ructt)i,os, tie f' ,ttrtt; have rula:d that the City of Fort Worth may not c:'narge fees based on the ',ralue of' the space used, but it may be entitled to reimbursement in t.e. form of an in:pect.ican fee for expenses of Inspection, t.upervision, maintenance, or outer proper functit is of the City caused by the crncroac.hment . `I'h: propo r:.ci schodul.e increases the fees for signs, marquees, overhead wires, e.t.c, but generally reduces those for building extensions to a level consirteot with r_he Court ruling,. Reduc- t ioi-L of the tee schedule is consistent wit!, the concepts of the. Halprin Plan For future developmcerlr of the Ccentral Business District. This plan proposes to help offset the obatacles to rcdevelopment of tic. CM) resulting from small City bleeps fr`, t'idCOt1I":3f ip over and uni:vr stroet. connect ions of private, pro- perty. The annual inspecti-on fee for the (;) rut) '1'wt.r listed below is ?.eas than t1e C.;roup Oiae Frtc ro'acl)tne'r1t s, hey .:nut, ti, --: items are given only on-site checks of the: condiI ion or thu p�iveeme)lt. rbove t: ie, cond'uit , condition of the wire c•overiTlg, e. r. In order to more ac:(utate'), reflect the aact.ucal co, t.;, of inspections for building cxtcnsione above or below the rigInt--of-w y, :i sliding s.ale is proposed for both the i ni r trt l sand .)i1nu;a l fceo-; for such straci_ures is follows- Api)i is:It ic,rl r'cre Ar.nuol Inspection Fee ie of_ rncrora(hmcrtt l'_c_ c nt-_ 1'l-onosed Present ; Yro yed Group 1 . Awnings, tiirciatee:, `'75,1)0 'lilt) $25.00 $50.00 sisn; Group 2. Clverhe,id wire,;, A) 00 100100 10.00 30.00 undergroontl conc'uits pipes, and Group '3. 01_1iers, inc:latlin;g 0t teei .005 per Negotiated 1/10 of ovt•r}term nhic tix,t- ; apptica- under or- 1 rc•e t. mi.;limum of tion fee, hiti iclir.t ceztcn�;f.r>n $M) rotnuleel minimum to ne;1r it ;: of $50 < 10 rounded to near- est $10 PaP aiE f i C)fsT.K� ..~�•itEf !!'f�Fti.� �� a13Ff..lECT "",:+�?oSC'Fl y�4. "i� 1 i .. ,.' H'��r, �� 11,11 11111111111,!!1: Il Oil Bill 1 ISO 111 111119 -1 i i,'I�f IfrL ^r Eta.` it f Fixit.tin * Fnc roat:haLC.,rlt- Aprecme>nt::- __.. ._......1:,_ _ .. _ ._.._.__ �' k 7 The, ;t:.2t f ila:? 1"f,.lil.f`Ldf?il C'?tl,�,t-3.'1 ?; C:f7325eL2t. as'r420jTlO..1LS- i�??' E?T.1^Tif1�SChFflb'l'lt.E 1.11 t12+<' p!bll'_E' right-of-way to ilk €:t:'iit LtP t,-he effecl of ilit: propos.;i'd fee sch:eclul('� As a resal.T of rhosc' t 1t;111 C?f` ,, :}Al 3"L 11:L�. 1'.t�t+C!"[1i(:' 4!I. j.a };+c` T"E•;l?.I C:L'(3 i?'-(?Oi ip�ir C';Y — mately $2.9,000 "C.' It is proposed clldt tht- t3't31'f ',w- aut:lwri.?c-!d to hreparc zalicndmems to pxisti.ne consent Fagroemf7 at s and apply the. rC173L5ed ice °tIeEir,'e dL cr l nc d •abcvi% and further, Llint the staff lbe authorizeo Ego take a1a_>.(• .ssar� tans to Obtain consi_u', agr'ec`iTents for all other (':K3.. t1nU f?ili:T 7,xi.jlCic?(lt� for which no of 7ee.- 4ments 0.,'isc- Recomm.e-.ldat tons It is recommended 1) That an ordim.alce he adopted estab).isPLing the s,.hedule of inspection fees for e.ncreachments in the public rig ht-or-clay as set: forth above; 2) That the application of the new fce schedule be authorized on all exloting ent_rnaclaments whc:.;:,. no consent: agreement exists and on aLl consent_ agre(,rreuts currently in force, with tlie. amended consent agreements becoming effective:! on the rwu-.7il renewal date_, and -- 3) That the City Manager lac authorized to e :erutE the amc-,nderi consent agreement ; ._r3d eonsei)t agreements on E:xa.sC. ing encroacimcnts riot covered by an agre-e-Derit. RNL:mj t At tacPi SUBW!Iffa BY: 01SPOSITION HY 1.00NCtL PROCESSED By .APPROVFD �7 Fi i-R itE�CRFBkI ,.'• / "r CITY SECRETARY ( - -{f•.t.'�.� DATE CITY MANAGER r 1 1 F 0f COUNTY OF T.ARiOLNIT THIS 4GRFPMENT made and entered into the 1st _ day of TJ'mrrUari 19 73 , by aT,d between the City of Fort Worth, a -municipal corporation of Tarrant :; 1i M od:.s u the .: -ICY of `,,ort W, rti' and 1_'i acCur daS.ic .d:r =ti �'.Irc; L'�. '�i�f.:Ll:� a^•i �l=tz. i Oire:tOt of i'Iliali.i. L;IUE a�- � �tC}'- "'1 i. .>3t71.11 :'E hkISJ 3C_ t0 �;C 1:`r C?Ylas? .,i7Lt? C%a. .1_ ... t., _'r.L L, 'CY?:�...c tM++.:.C�l�; �`:7+ .�ii.�,^I 1 aprrb',7i sliaj..]. TI.cat xeli. Vi G-arit!'+r of :ttar coitcer)L, design and 3I l r,;omputatl')n to the prepa'rat ac,n of suc'-+ pians and .;aec.n f Leations. ! Upon completion of construction Ord thereafter.', there= shall be no encroach- ment:; in, under, on or above the ,-.orface area of the streets and si.dewaiks, involved, except as shown on Exh3'.,it "A" ecf.erred to 1.n nara.graph 1. 4. The Grantee, at no expense to w4. City, shall ! ake. proper provision for the relocation and/(-,r tns .-3flation of anti° t;. titiFS J fected by stleh encroachment and use including r;ae aecuring of approvaa ai,id ,casent from the utility companies and the appropriate arenc:ies cat: the Stare and its political subdivisions. In th.e: event any installation, re Itnst.atlati-n, relocar_ion or repair of any existing or future utility or improvements owned or corastructed by or on behalf of the public or at public expense is made more costly by va.r*ue of, the construction, mainten- ance or existence of such encroacbicrtent and use, Grantee shall pay to the City an additional amount equal to such ada tional cost as determined by the Director of Public Works of the City ot. Font t4orth. 5 1.II order to 6 .1'-ra.v ,:111 (t)F,.i>i of irl;^(+fCi..IIFa: and 5upervision lvhich. "he. City of Fort Werth has a.n.c.urred oy au0a. incor ray; a iI of the construction, reconstruc- tion or rlaintenance of ^'ie e-nroacnmenr.s and u:,es provided for by this contract and 73-22 New 1-20400 OPINION agreemenc. Grar>,er_ birdr, and obligates itsel.t, its hetrs and assignees to pay to the f'ty of Fort Worth at the time this agreement is executed the sum rnf t?Q.00�214,800 eu. ft. Dollars ($ 11G,X ) ; and Gr,,ntee further ag>rp*,,o, binds and obligates itself, its heirs and assignes to }gay to the City of Fr,-t Worth the sum of C'n.e hundred ten _---� Dcllars ($ per aztr tuts for each year thereafter during.; the term hereof, the first such annual payment becoming dccc nit or before the first day of January, 13_74 , and a like amount be- coming due and payable on or before the first day of each ,January thereafter during the term hereof. In the event that the City Council of the City of Fort Worth determines that the amount of any such annual payment has not defrayed, or will not defray, all of the costs of inspection and supervision, the City may, as often as necessary, adjust the amount of such annual payments to be made by Grantee; and in the event of such adjustment of the amount of said annual payments, Grantee covenants and agrees to pay to the City on or before the first day of January of each year during the remaining term of this contract, or until another such adjust- ment, the &mount of the adjusted annual payments. 6. The initial term of this agreement shall be twenty-five (25) years, commenc- ing on the date this agreement is executed. 1. Upon the termination of this agreement for any rLsson whatsoever, Grantee shall, at the option of the City and at no expense to the City, restore the public streets and adjacent supporting structures to a condition acceptable to the DirecEor of Public Works and in accordance with than existing City specifications. 73-22 New 1-20400 MEOW w he #11,4LY',.tt'CCl {�.,RIS ' ss.l3 .int_.I 110 poMr: o ti r! 1 ^.;u R' c, .L'+et .: e.. is f�_ �.ii 1:_1 ty c+7 Ce f[c y.y id'�l ...,tct„�:, 't�lL , __ '.€. .y i„��. t„4_ �,:C� �+�., Foa i1':'i.i uf)oi! %iz' de;+F:r.tbed i"7erv.1 n i'ngs to the ?ts:{.'te., an-, the City of For 4r i"t11 (:Y\o-'c is es 7 .l.f:.r? r!o"Ve k ove" UP Ea 's t'If._i'ts 1 I)een toe I eg'a.`!_ed to it b the Cont ,kL .tution of the State of Tex,-is or b�c t f- tcY,s lature„ th-at the City of Fd:, 't I'loi:th holds the r.treets as trostee fur 1-he Yubl.lc.- and Uhar the Cite of Fort Worth r:tannot contract away iPs duty ir:ri its leipislat:ivr power to control tile str4ct�� ti,-r th.a-_ use and benefit of, :!-,a: public.. i.t :i ; ,acc ord ngly �£ts'rP.Pd that 9.f the governing body of r..he City of lort Worth, .t wit , its Gify Council, should at env time duri-ng the Y. n hereof determine in its sole discretion to use or cause ar pe'-r)a* the said portions of that t::rEEets to l,W used for any other public pur- pose, inc..x_ridini but aot, being li.Lti.ted to unOergrou.nd, surf- ice or overhead coriinvT)i-atiJn, drainape, sani-tary S`wQr'age, transmiss.[on of natural gas or- elec-- t_r i.cx.ty, or any other -public purpose whether presently conremplateJ or not, theca this agreement shall be automatically cancelled and terminated as provided in the prr-ceding paragraph. �srirtee agrc!es to fully with all i� p3icable €oderai, state and rl#uni- tpai latas, statutes , ordinances, codes of r,.,-u]a.tions i.i connection Frith the r,xtjon, operation and f17aintenanre of s.a.Ld encroachments and uses. J.D. Grantee agrees to p tv promptly when due F' A feel, taxes of rentals provided ro- F,y ?_hi<; ..greement or any Federal, state or local statute, law or regulation. --4- i 7 f 4 C)Ct won' III W i iI: C.is i-Ove atncn 1114 �C^cs F.o irdemni ty, a Joes d_nt-.4!iln '? hoI-d !1CIr'1l;ft--::t. jl'td deiim.)id, thE, C,1.LY o'k C, 1; i:eV,ti7f Lf,^ e`k�IIas, Eis4.°V""(�Rt'IS'. or .::ind cagalntit any and all cA'ims fc3_ dalr:ges .`3% injuries to p rsor,, or pro-. (A. wh irsoever kind or charad tar, wher.her r ,al or asserted., arising; o�.Rt. of E L!1�_iJenr to the construcL3.oii, t7}? Jxtc'F1�cTR'.`-;:', 00-iiipanclli, usF ex is or loca— j'. r,c,n of th- said enctoach7aents and 1 - and 17rantec hereby assumes all liability and responszbilicy for injur..tes, claims or sw.ts for damag-s to persons f.)r proper— ry, of w1hatsoever kind or character, w1hether rea , or asserted, occurring during the term of th,s agreement a? : arising ovi-- of or by reasou of the construction, occupancy, t��e, existence or Incat.ion of the said e?ixcr+�aehraents arac� 11Ses 1.2. Grantee agrees to furnish pro€ t that Esc: ias secured and paid for a policy Of putt. : liatbt.li.ty >_nsurance cover-mg, all public r'.sks related to the proposed Ube ar.r ,: c.cupa';ICY of public property* as located and described in Exhibit, "A" The amount& of -,ucn insurai ce shall be not .less than the following: Propero-:y damage, per, accident $ 50,000 Persz.nai" anlury or death, per person 100,000 j.-'erscnal injury or death, per accident 300,000 with r.ht i;ndersranding (J and agr_'ement by grantee that such insurance amounts m , ac .� vtszd upward at Grantor's option and that: Gra.ac.ee covenants and agrees w2ti.i.i;) th7.rty 00) days, following I:Ot1C(3 t0 +ura.TltP£?. rr ��1 1. rwE�,.il re�meilt . ,' P 1._20400 1!i IN: 1 1 1 1 1118111 1 101 wow c,r,_-tntee agi:ees, binds <,irid obli-gates it-se"l, iLs 'heirs and assigneen, t,,., main- z o "I ketip in forcr Duch liability insuravicc—, proof :'.)f rnaintenance of such ;I -insurance sha).]. be with tbe annual Vaynent:% under Lhc- same I i t teas and time as set out in Section 5. Each such insurance policy shall ProvIde this Lt: , annot be ;:ancelled or amended without a minimum of thirty (30) advance notice to the City. 1:3. (,tantee agrees to de-posit with the City of 'Fort Worth when this agreement Is ex..' cuted a sufficient sum of money to be used to pay necessary fees to record Lhis consent agreement in its entirety and in the deed records of Tarrant County, Texas After heing so recorded, the original hereof shall be returned to the City Scctetary of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. 14. This agteement shall be binding upor *.hc parties hereto, their successors and as.S Lgns, Jarkuary f-�XEC111,111,I) this Is" day of 1973- CITY OF FORT WORTH By --K—. N, Line City Manager Al I FAT Sec re rar y APN OVER AS TO FORM AND L,ECALITY. t t.o r n r,v Ca er/6,ib�ica� ,�pns,/4'rl - ay. id A" 73-22 New -6- s �.� r • IQ (;�`r a iFI2�.S IC3T �tl�lid 3?G ��( Ty � k 1* CERTIFICATE F W NC Fcrnrvdoa�x i n^I.I���z�a;Wrt;t.'i�,es F.OAOX936 tOs+TWOR1h.1LXASlMl FiliS Certificate.of Insurance rie_ither affirinatively,nor negatively.arnends,extends or alters the coverage of the poltCles. In the evort of cancellation of an of the poilcies or cowry rages listed Lrelowt. 10 days notice will be given to the certificate holck)r. This Gertificate is issued at the rettuest Of:� � Nartlod InsurEd and Address r City of Fort Worth, Texas Carter Publications, loan Marne Fubhc '4Worbs Department Star-Telegxaura Charities, .inc. Addres, 000 Throcl morton Street 400 West Seventh St. );Fort North, 'Texas 76102 Fort Worth, Texas 761U1 _a [(b) on of operations for which wis cermic:ate applies. ;.ic.roach,metxtr at 400 West 7':b Str°eet KINDS INSURANCE � f'C'LI�Y �1 i_ (f-tl�dE I-EXPIRATION' N LIMITS OF LIABILl�`4` RANCE. kF�r�cs=rrE„0NL.Y 'X� NUMBER i DATE DATE AZARDS INDICATED BY X I t Workman's'u42ttaltgsaff6e�rt € Coverage A,—Statutory Emiployer Liability Coverage E r$ttao.00c) noral Liability Intury _ Each Person mises--Operations 7035719 i/1 j73 l/l/76 pendent Contractors $300, 000 Each Cccurrence ucts. s3904000 A re ate-Products Property Carnage Promises..nrocrations 1 $1 Oft, 000 Each Occurrence Indeperriont Coniractors -i 00, 000 Aggregate-Prern. Oper. Products- a $100, 000 Aggregate-Protective I3 Aggregate-Products M Contractual Liability $ Each Person Bodily Injury X 7035719 1 /1 /73 1/I/76 $300,000 l=ath Occurrence Property Damage $10(), 000 Each Occurrence $100, 000 Aggregate-Contractual (d) Automobile Liability f3 5­ily tntury ('Jwnrrr7 Automobiles Each Person Ntr,=rt Awomc)tiElr'; No;rowne<` Automobiles 5 Each Occurrence Property Damage j fjpvnP,ri Autc.rr,ob:lFns Hired A;aomobilc$ $ Each Occurrence Non owned A.uiomobiles (e) Personal Injury X 7035719 ) !1. /73�; 1/1 f 76 i 300, 000 ea. person aggreg e R 3edford, Texa;. - p _. —� y_.._....r..,..�.�._..-, Date 4/ 12/7') �HY ..� _,--�._.,�� Auth,�n,�eci iiepresentat;ve n;E,r,cy_W rn. Rigg Co. °..st. State Bank Bldg. , suite 300 �' Number