HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 14308 f l � t THE STATE-,"OF TEXA. § GITY SEAR tl4R'�" �t - 'AiEFEAS, dti Eebrua y " , 1 9, tlie'"pity df a t Woxth an�i` the " a�nYty l ire {Au arxt' "6f Texas"; lade and. entered in an'. 5 '^.agreement "whe�-eb}* the-:Cty of 'Fort War�h :aduld psovad2"'a. S, pp1y' �f treate"d!`w'ater` at. a reagcsna�ile race tQ the Tai"nitq.RJver ' 'Autt�nrit -4f Tex'as for the ur oa 'o ra�ridir. ate s:u 1 to y � . P P e . <� $" pP. Y r.; the 6aty of Gr tip 1'ra xie, Te�c r.,',urhxckt is a `cU Omer 4(it of thy" Txihitv 1 iver Avtldtity ' Wk1gl2 AS #he P,a'r i'' tt ix,* "mutual ly"'desire; o �itttend e �taa�t? terms 4f szid pozitract, City Secretary, Gantract No:' 14 67, on t th at thel office of" ' e City "5eocctary cif the-City of :I OxC North; NOV TIIPI EF 3�E, 110 AID MirN BY THESE Pltt9EC�� xb t the Ci v Qf"'; �rrt . x h,:�a m�tti c pad ea�porat.ic�� a�t3�t� harem #�� And t'�xr.�.tzgh bavz�'1zTn�y- ,�:�`s d�7.y auth4� z��.,Eis�iati�nt City:lean gix} -ancl the. lrinit) ,Rive' "AuthK> ity.t�i`7'e�cas.> acrang. , rs herein bV "an cl th'roug� Manny F. Nahtie, its chil_v a�i�.kntized 71 1&ens"a, CR&}lg , :'t+s Hereby cove�an�t,ancl-agree as, fcillw .` a k phs 7 an .9 cf sedt ft Paymen"t for"..Wat r.'"'cam ,City Sec dtarY tt t% "eGt,i .; '036' are amended by"sliList-,tut,ing,` the £c�3loVtirtg' ti lien the ccxf grid after a,W. Arhenranrnri :Fatagxaphs,;� and -2 Y=`- Saetfon- 6" of City, .�e��et�r� 17 act rh) r .,_Oa67 shaL xdad as "f8ii6ws "i. THIN"IMGM.ANNt7AL ;PAYMEt ti ltte. t nim= atiaual p.,aympnt sham, &0 "thee ,C-4a rge s cr�t zp,tted far all- wator 'de Averec b,y "CITY" Co AU��3ORTT during ct�e. fit�al year based on"sates pravided herein. . Howev r the' r nimum annual payment shall never be leas than the 'Payment 6alcui"ated on the basis of' the volume of waver taken and the related ra`e.5 of : thdtawal" during any previous fiscal year. " Votw.fthstandin ; t-he farego ng, the annual payments established �in"fiscal y6ar,'s 1985 and 1986 during the 2.5 MGU flow period shall not be used DFFICE REM CM KCRETARY fT. WRTN, TD p fS y 1' �, L F' '. ' ; .+t, e A� V �� A fy } � f W E V � 'Lc J _ f f - If �' 4 it ; ,f L ieR1�Gr� t#a of �4ip um n a pay�`5,nts R4 �u Ss,p%U-. 3 cat 9 K i� 1 'f )W_ Y f ye$z oil]ings 'iit�ra�rg tahlh the M f' rlgeti� hers efec ti ve.a" Y " .NlAXINNM-RAI 0F: .bEI IVERY - 1 11 The maxim,, rat- v :delivery a-t`,the ,itial.`'point af'�r�m�c x s' t.i6ii shdll bb:.:2 Jk6b,uxitxl 'el umber 30, -198 r £i etzue.; } �` �` Octpber 1, X9$7, the a1ifr rate o- l:I,�a:tc� �I]��ORITY sh��l be �1-1 is MOb.. Maximum rato;s a del`ivety ►t subs�que ih ".pcs r is cif r f -1k, �I r; "� lively,: r+v r, atii�hs pr the rate .at the , teal po s t of''eantie , W 11 w . - d ,r tfcti, snail be as m�uttirally agreed upon liar 'ttt� Parties hereto 'r " �.— } r L l A7 6� 18 k. }5x(4t 3, -biia, .tl2nagts r,bg�t'dl ' �EfIIlS acrd. '' t ' r - i ,1 'R ccsnd�t�bts d- ;City S¢cretaz y Cant -4— - .-7 1 w 3 cT 0 xd ,r �11 2Xpressl`y a�1Yei deco :, nil; r4*4,Ln in lilt" ;£crce's�xd e ac ` , ,. , h �i"".GIII54 �`r ,-`the parties; hexetit� have td and er� ezd 11 Tito-t1xa. agroemez� i rJ day df '.": , �. P,,D 1, $S OZT Y i3FR2bR�T� �. EYE 4 f.Z—, s,1-11 AA�t3 Illisry f, -- - > 111.1 S�ISTAW .C'I`TY MA AGE ATE EST z 10PR EI3 A$ Tq FbRM ANb W ITY per,ta3�1. I., �? 4 f __ A bI OR Focal TU,D , A'iTTEST tRINITX AI.VER AUTHQ 'TY OF EhA '11 . ` � ?� J, BY y anny ,V ,11 GEN$RAL ETC, €. ;' w . s: �; �t qtr i part AfrowEHce sua»cT: Proposed':ftoMment, To city PAGE NUMBER :+C>^et, Vy �OntTact ia367,. etWeen 1 2/J-2f85 **C--8$55 Fort Wor't.b �,�nd ltci'n t - Ri.v+er -: RvChOrtt Of v4ka$ =F r A "5OPF1y, ;r Qf taker To. Serve AOt.iott" (�f Grand' Backgrauad: On JaAU, 9, 1179"; the t�cirt" Wz�rth City Couc>cii Ezpprov6�1"'.kh' .eiEe ukloz� o #t ► Secret�y Cpbt'iact NO. 1b�G7 Between, khe: G;ftq of Hirt Worth° an "the'=TTIL4it River. AOthprity of Texas f TRAM :under th.e teraa� "af which.Fork Wotth AgxeE}d tb seil -trea[ed t+a er to '1M to" serve custotneta. in Grand, maxi�il� detivexy rate cif 3.0 rnii lion ga11QT►s, per day Propos�o, ltidtat Shia Pxopog�:�l . tratract .ame i4pr t would ' a1'.1ow for the E'b110 i►g ca�i r ctu chan�'e� qe I . A"hd Sec t ifln 6{]3 Minimum nnix l a3nnArt, tv aillOt .the .r► nimulta ar►r��a poymeo. tc be not ice$$;:tihan`'thaf ca�i tx;lated ,tsn`.tie 1s2tata :water-and the related rates: g�f 'w3'thdrtwal during,°any > peviqus year i14 k-�taC th0 ann#41 pagmants establ shed rt«fiscal yeas t 85 gild 1981 dci t the 2..5 MGD flow period wo�sid nbk be usedltO. eaiciil+ate ;the �arf�,, q aitua� paymerCS fop-,.subsequent fiaeai gear bungs; 2, Azaead Section fi(:?3 MAjam.+ t hate af. De13v. to a1� w rate of 2, 5.;MGD ufntl Seotei6hiii.3(7, .1487 at which tiiue ttie rieitir tq rats vot�ld rEve.r't to the current=�l •f3 3 1►. �tecaimir4end et i.on r Tt i xec�l�ended that the City Managt+-t be authorized':to e : ecut"e ^'n �send�ne�tt to City $e~cretary! Contriatt .NO. "La367; f4s deacrihet# above": bAX:pp►cd SUBMITTE FORTH DISPOSITION BY CI'SUNCtt_ PROCE'9SEO,'ale nFFI MANAGfiR'S 1 /��(/7,(y,( tiFFICE BY I �i El APPROVED TORIG NATMIG ':,.1' OTHER lOf.SCRrlstl . OEPAR+wNT HIRD,. Ricbard..Sawey.. . � CITY SECkETAiI\ FOR A00MONAI INFOOkSYLgMBradley Ext. 8220 COW ACT; DAY E E