HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 20036 i kY "uhf s _�O�£R0.A ACCESS AE"34ReE°x n'�dhsA�9 is �'."x`f,:.cCl.tccf «� -.a �x7;:7.3. between thi pity of Fort Worth, a home rule mra lel.pai cor x-salsa., hereafter called "Grantor", a?`sP.�`t Vintage F'lytn;g Museum, inc., a r:tonpr•o •i ccxporation, hereafter ca'led E, "Grxitee", { 1. Pr MSES. Grantor hexel_�y grants Grantee access to the )F.Or°t Worth Meacham Airport from the premises Identifted on. Exhibit 'A", attached hereto, fiY , : CERTIFICATE OCCUPANCY. Grantee � .���� �t all ne €ass y wort, ter obtatu from the appropriate oislcialtis of the a�i z� �`nr� 5�`0 ,,a Certificate of Occupancy for th.e prernises and to cornlal5r With RU �,thbv r sio f the City Code l tr -wild Vica Grantee to uisc -the. premxisee for all ;gur, ar�er i Is agreeme- .t. Grantee shall correct all City a�odeviolatioras hlch., �. ,c6ise the'-ert Ic&C of ^cupand_-y to be cancelled �i thUi thirty ( 0) days .i�'ter ;recetving,notice mom City of said violation. if thr appropiiate Oer°,.flaw€e c&Occupancy Is not mah--tained at any time d: ring the tretrn of this agreemrnt, this agreement ll tie :�,x edlately ter mated. The per od of access under this agree c t shall be& on the effective date and shall terx ina e tern years after tq,--A date. If Gr°a;.ktez performs all of Its duties and obligations hereunder during the term of thi-_} agreement, Gra n. tce; a.10 4ave the right of 11rSt refusal r:enter Into a new agreement for a term.Of Dave years, on such tex°lnls as are preva rig for ; '- leases of Fart `Worth Meacham YUrport property at the three of expiration of this agreement, at rer t.-d rata;.:, according to tl-ke Schedule of R—Aes aijd Charges then in effect for the City of Fort Wort 1h. airports. _IL4L C, _Mj0 ACCESS covenant!--, anst. fees that it wt1l .-.r ::aia certification as a non-prollt entity under the tens of(. �c, 50 (cX ;)of"the United.3iates Intet°nal Reverrrue erode of 1986,as a:.landed. If ;h certit".cation is not waintained darJng ffic term of tl:.kis agreement, the City n.� ;!per may terminate this agreement immediately. �. per squarc �o�� t'oo* a,i spa > W-en tit?ed on Exhibit '_,,"' 'from-which direct access to Fort.Worth .Meaachham airport is rnainted. GIne-rate 104 of the total of said ar=rr al Access -Fee shall be payabk monthly in advaner' on the first daft Of each calendar mouth during the aga'i:ement: tr'ma and option prR,Ic-ds. Grantee. shat'. corr?n4';nce rpay_X1en-,:S An the se-Ven-h .orTth_ : x th effz°.Ft41r, d)-al,e of5h1s agite rne.nt.zinc.] shaU owe p;kirdll ends for the &PA six (6� daa,Dlltl s, fit`, if 3.�"rm of this agr e_D.j7t°nt. L, JUSI _', C OF A,T1ta U r'"�CCESS FEE. 't he Annual Atccess Fee shall be a(f! sted zs:n g the saxne fornmla. used to adjust the Ground Rental Ra,e as listed in he Grantor's i;chedule o R tes c''ai:d Clxa.rg¢s for C ty of 'orrt 'Wortla atrports, M c. Page,o :;8 9 USE PP,PRBAIT 'ATT Wo-F U. me chx�L°n evrp-Ort is; err sst gl'al3tc-ri to G unt— fia,n the C•on4'ruct s$� cd4:��YY'.ti��s ori,A'3nath -?.sscriated "Ith the o erat,_;'v.v. aT').t This IrCw!Ss -xca is granted from the p exx$l% Iden.11fi- 071 Exhibit b araji.fisted with approval ktf the City Couliacii of Yixe +..pfix of 1j'txl �6:r m which ao:,ct:ss h;. s :knot ben. P- 7. 1 v � The acMimcs jises fxt7x�1 � ��€.�: ante a.dv the access -1 0-.i Dw � �l, �:Y�m��3�t °t�', �$.�8� �3�P�ta.<� � 3 '��3.a.P..�, i�$.0 s� st�tt��;�� -with r at .t cJPel,�tIO Of x Ai xIte-ge Flying Museum. Aky `.aintena:Ani tJ`0e, repair, k°"t6J'lia$'iG:,,t., or other activiticts n:t:9r335a d�€ 1�4� a a a`aJCS3mrT$ti^c?i< u slh a!j be "Hurdte-d t[3'Musd'u''M,OWL-.d ltwed atrer'? , Of ah"Craft on loan to the museum. .h- 8 04C C ,17tiork, goods AJ4AC services, het. ;{viSiS L..Y4YM.1 f4d45wisP 'Lk YJ�Jl.�ce WdS.�ti q. d.SkmrKAft pyyrte.p MCC-1.xsWC sex vi es, air,c aft ins: ctjoa ser ces, fflght instrrucation, fevenue pro ud:. ' pax, enger ?, ha r., ar .pace rent .. a rcraft'tie vown rentals or otfdex acronauticn i.,-ervice"S to the Public Concessions Pffid the sale of goads norn.ial y associated vorla museum o eraticatts is A o flight -cti ity, Private or public, shall be condiietc-d on -Che premises idea-afted on Erd—iblt "W, Me prernis+e... ldentl ed on ExhAbit ".11,11" shall only be named for non-flight a?4',ttvft des or thtksf," actkLItt�-:s -AY. 5°RP•i"tVU1.d9; a$s-atP oparat$L3ddy. J c -ft maintc riance f repair;restoration activities h ay3 no be performed on;�zay�at,:abe aara�xaift sas:lcwg aprons 1. n.the " aircraft moveyment r apr, 'he For$. W rth ��.tc�ci3auw seat- fuchng 0g museurn .3-wi$eci leased c:y-aft amd y' nr R &:u3 t on ldAuau 'to e a'$'?I.ASp$Ai"Cf is - rod It6ted. OfWaadiai,g of t:tei -;,%III be allowed If condtacted in :,ompliaraa e'as ttl$ elf aPPIMPIRte Cit-Y and FAA rules and �,egulatjons.& N�G AND KGRE—S C:x'axxt� is grarz to $:���r�ss stud e�es5 to pied 3rax ti'xe P:jrt Worth Meac haw A.i.rp -'_ b-(-,sn th-- pr.,rises tde,..ut�.faesi on i~,. ibit "A" is the Pis itc t 7 wadi idea ttfted mi, :�,x,31� i)at "C'. axiwa r dimen,s.tona& standaz ets shall be jmaintaiA7.cd ha accoref-ance Aircraft Design Groilk Fist cra.ttria(see. AC, 150 15 oo-j3). "Vehicular fra4j,fff, 1.1 �t>f`�1b.iled �r'I�t:c�'t�E,3.t V4°x'.t{-�=,�i-$ a utl cw -�U:ln o,a G.TilCI.'toT.. 'hereby acceptE. rsc:US Rs" the :.o--idi-� 'C1aE of tj),e n C L is_�;asy „ a T dle date G7$ t-xe�utlmn o his £1g1.ec-njc1jt ZA (7 lTtJ-�� �r jLh, F',f.'dr°. fe x$A �,fis'+ckfitel l F. 31 Sy . or 9equ."res any wor 4; 1.03b(-, Pf'dfc"riT..Y€d t1$. I:.a w^ ti - e , 5 y 9 7 a as i A!iJgNtd t A .�'.�xhibit"C �xr'c1.$lbo A$�R.�r7.`•,e sr-de'-disS`��'etiotY�TtT�.ed—IT'r to ua— fC,:;j f� s4.q,rh Costs or sh..,=k y p f 3 Grantee, 3ii �. Sit; i3. t,a '.;L'e_t j �i'". o Yi,e-ria?C.tf'I,'I Alta °rx.d. ., 4, €;€x t sharing calf, Li IxAwee—o. 3 :..a1S?w. ar c .tk 3-tee,, if 0 tua3 for '. ')Its sale disc:reticrr CIc',US riot to r ` i'ior parS or Edl 1 be c4:sl of sucF'l work, ��.:�s _,reel-n-O t Ct/triv i.30) "aic3'vs clf Gra,,.ar rls w,,-j tcp A1 i to 3 al e! O 'I"S Should Grwitee desf`e access �C3t t fi?aT an Exhibat €.B7°, be whE`'n s PAevafUn. aceecs fee shall apply far esxh xtddif_toxial :,fat foryt of space fi ram WhICII access is J"Isired to Fort vIorth e achanai At cxt. S 9, SECMUTY PROCEDURES.ES. G rartew. yoYces to Perf6-ar the follovv, Control f l l Control access from its pr:~rnjs es to thit 811- Ope ktons atria., hicitadi::t pre er'ttu:?n, of ear try.ofunlauth ort&e 1 pe rsons mid groix nd vehicles 0S follows: a. Grm tee brill irastaall and maintain at its ow n e�xl��rt�e a sec iiY gate icalg Moult a to accommodate the safe passage R of aliy type of aircraft that urould Ingress/egress the access area. la. Thedimensions'and comp Sidon of the gate must be Ideatical In Material and height to the chain hak fence artd`barbed wtr that is c°jrrer<tly located in, front of Hangars 32 S ax d 33S. C. Grantee wiU instaU and maintain at its own e%pense a gate: security cctrttrol lockIng meciaanisai Ac+ secure the gate while closed. The rta:ch is shad be designed to allow the gate to be operated Icy CM-11 er grantee or r=reant'Or mn a.24 hour a day basis,. 12J GrElatee. S►.Aall control the Ove,133ent of rsons and gx`'iIlnS2'.vehicles and whom is admits to Sort Wor meacham �kf.-p,rt, f-om its pre es, including enfarcenrtent of the requirement fox >iie display ®f f:entilacatifin on arky vchtcles �,c o rding t.a rzort Wortli M.ea-6ha Airporl- Gr€amid Vehicle Operation—,, Manur a- . (3) Xra��tee Shall li?aa.it a.cc es-r to sec;=reel areas t�,,those persons deer;mated by Grartor e3Etd :��b rbli awe ' ty or FAA :4egul-:tt o-ri.. ,'a^^ E4a3<6`eb a.;: y_. 1. (`�i O )"tes; is responsible for pr'srxapt4l detectUtg aatd_ taaklxig ,rc,tion to control ea, C 7:i;[7aL7thC3rized entry of the air oiler atY`ows, c` r,ek l by i1FndE1'ffio1ief iG FrSt a€(°1. Notiflicatio E of t&!viatio,jis .%"iZ11T t � •� these st c Arttv' p f.eedures trims a h-e trr"I.de, irr3meOiat€ly tide 74at�r rrpc�a t �:cc:.axtt}, l3:wys#.c,, l'rztcr; 61 -44279, (arid 11. D par'tr ent of Lts'�Zt, lY:. ���1C� a' �f �� if: -�PAIL Yt- t NO USE �.� fi l�-��r�'[:.e b 6X',..k'W.PO iIB.9: ",em-1m 11! IE,47 .x.,4 a��4 `� - aw ad h ttszz s alR )e in C.�.:zrF"R��?.FAux ?A.�'7�.A.�.F.� �57�{i �6?,3�'� :u:�'S� r°��,Fr�.','.§. a,'fi",�•: J:k�?,. s€:� .i...:;:..+=' ?�e° I. l er xn, ffx. .mrl,�;ated by F,'AA, s :.: or z tale ; max:) I P enle fin shaft use rcrte, ,:Rluff.ed dapF.Bn, ;��8wf.'�r� c,.-motin4,af eex IAe Prep.illsea ls'l.ex,.dr.lied ca„ Ex€nJbIts ",`-" ai tt7c"�'; •"�r r shy. 1"Is.`taesss be conducted Or carrir l lczr��:a; i� Ab-I ++'�olaaa-t k. ... , G.t� rah-; �f""��� f3� =;:3is j 5 t13 emeat, ort mi r° e $:n �t o n,Jaws, statutes, py-.3,eiw a a7'A''2S'iY�s aka"s( 4 to Tix2y govG.r-t#me�'atag ,1 e CY to l-Ing Juri dictIon, tlnereover, u :K8 - a� f a ,. "max s <a� � a tO observe axid ubey, during the term of this wee e-ut aU rules ami repipla it-? � �k s��nul,' ted �'ra, �� a,�� y d �n.,y ilm'uhtiSim Ateport, now 1,vi '_i.)rr::e or 1:ierea te- pf.w,;mtfl aledF Grantor shmil re4:F:'C Gxamt.ee t:D rmbitatu insli.x e ter: l i Ars e L-I'ability Insurance $2-..;00,E""C; 2) Additional Lisurance Spcc44ic,--torLs The Lasurer for the coverage listed above mi?,-A be approved or 210t disappr oved to do lbm.s xn=ess hn the State of Texas d be acceptable to the CRY Of Fort "Wor',ch regardln its :�ia�€irct al strengttlh and solvency with a current MLWI nu.m. A.M. Best :fey Rang A-7511, -,vvWcb rating�e�ul e exnt may be adjusted hi Grantor's sole discretion., insurance policies malritained tnn fjje er t17 a cess "cement: shall hm e the$'i:rl:.c w' ftlg 4ment�s. _`�"rr gri"it�tf��` �c p• Z,'er of 4'su d`t gah'.7.ta4l ix-) an additional. Fag- of 9 i of a;:auccjla-do +3� ��.Fzt .; .C., ;'Y6Y�: :_�.%°€i aaf".;"c1.�� by fn. u3.er ehad? p r4Bv l.: to the u-zjlc:tr s Or cancefla-dop., Ded- ctf-.1-;s on Pohe ies deOu t-ble emit r, polucica sbaffl vot 85,000.00 per cct.;.T-rei1L:c. 'Such 1pixd," ,,Jmml bc erx.. th.c. Granic,e's Certifleate(s) of Insurance. g• Doc t.�.me,7ai:+`..'�At�.F`.�.xi.�3 ';A1. .-Ce,1,,-t cata sa of Lvmsuranctt clocvmlel '.-Aix"S 'Y.. suraa"d. e C'±°R'dTer$.ge, o.ado ,Trl at.`9 anci atid8 m p-'ec t"ek t crfi-vs 9 Y's 04"the tACOU've 4 ,ate of contract to- Director of.Airport ystcn-.s City of Fort Wortb Fort,,'i north Meacham.Aim'rk'xn i 4201 N. Main Stme Fart Wbrt';% 7-X 7631.06-2736 14 LIABILITY Aar`�' . �CATTON. Grantor ., .���Ir 1»0 way, r.Or under 1--nmy f iFeum+u"tance-s, be rfr s )onsibl for an pro-pe ty belon,g4 g to G71. L''tee, it'3 officers, 0-9cril's, eA's"ApIpyrx;es, hocasees, hi .i+ec;Sa telia Etta g�..csts, contractors read, subcL ntraactols, ag dap may b stirAc a, dent. ayes,m in any way dwri ed, ,ind (1-ra.ttee hercb: cavelaants ixnd agr ea to tndcmnm�', hold t3armle s, and defer f:;a snto , and its offIcers, agents art.+3 -r rantee rove arts and agrees to and.doves hereby 'Aidemn,i y. hold harnale:,s, and defend Grantor, its Of Icers, agents and emp1q ees from and k.ff - ar�� � Ott ��� � �r suits for fart -a rna and/or fs rsn.� ��in a�wy iuchi rig de,-Ab, to any xaci all persons, of w'}xax4 sok-lcl kind or ch.ara"@cter, whether ea,_ 4 r r^aa.str f-ed. arisivi a '&t of or t3# �f)���}�'�$iQ witph the pefiati.oi8r A.'T3"c#Y.uSra'nanfl:eo $1u+d„ F.3'C' l,rt�'d�3iEx.it?3f.4 Of t,ttl.e p%s.mAst.> by Gi°t-n.7ftL'e. Its Offfr:ers, employees. cantracters, subcontr'actor,R:,: fiCenscc ii Itces or bm?its. Grantee shag€ussumc all responstioflity and liability fair, a d 8111- ,' ,ndt—innify and hold. haimless � Grantor for any and injury or damage to E'{8 Q �Ah +rc .9lFc as , a,-ITI11 A? 1 i a C§ kxig ': c? . °Y x FE?s7 f t 4aie� ! xi�l ` s: t 4•dtt .i3 Tidfl�, Ttaxt'(r yt i' �9 �'3 a t�Et v tJ % � tprernises `3y eis; Li3S".'d:ractor; .�y�F „ . �� -rc .. °. ara:-=.L..-" ',a'.+.'�.in a.i:;.'. ;:'j t;. �l, �13_'q/ ; a .�'i C'S•;7 Je ..^.F K'. -t, �.''� ji e' .:Sa43 YnC :':�. w}t k� 7 imay ¢:'i; k te_,. by aY .,ii-i_r i,_ „ti.?Ilty', JA.-xt°'. r C My 4. 6 of 9 E"s as et. C°`rte. f arsiFT t F K. P g s in i5Ye3 7'm i:. S3 Un. ?'t'£ e-nd "B" LI i IT FEM'.R,61_4'7"TATV-"174 a�7 es fhn C":2mply 'AdJL:t the 3Al." review A ,C°T7_pG "'a.��.. ('4 d_salnittd In .Yr. ,! A�a#8 t �P oaf the Federal .. . �. . . . Q.. . fo the ; 7-oti.CrIcl au "nIII/Or A °Zba:eflorx a o fuYiq - O the WO W%� 0 -S i � "T 3. d.,, e"��:ti,7z^�.�A_;, '2 9.:tCNpptaaG".a.F aY.�i.", •�.1£w3xaai' '�a"$' c�r1C� :v"`� 11 s exS � 3tafi Stu a a.• d_:: w <r3kad� dA?�: �fS> a:lfk' .a Q:fs3pk app' des i&: A"^,��'eeraelit or arri, �.,.4?4.;est In this, �tA@ 7'. v�Itfacut apf�,��';.e:.a s..+,�G_ra fi4' r- Such to t:c 1.i j a 4::a !n �rx td:Ctg. p.. .�'�. �',Q—B . "�t �eU" �'� .f .a 's .'.CJntlaa$M io d1e, °aF'aliciE$:y of;;kris sgrea pt3e .kf, C!&antee shaU comply ,asMh. all app"ffics le (City of No NVOTO a5tnk� and builiditnfxg CCfda Ls i4 Wild c.(cuj im tkke aktppS:-opr a t PennAw UPHS of s°.ix`"ai.:id MURS WO be pr,,Mded to the MY of Fart Wont A,k aticri Departrakenit, 2 a " A s >"anne sham caw!pkr Wztk� c'tat s.,d federal-nfl"s s�p.�Y� e"�kA ��ft9p��, now in once 01' 4 eTeafte r-.'f..mAF.)gat t g p_A.-se, ,.&t4.7m" L. � ? 3 2 Tf£; d.�:A.s Y s3 �i"a and substaAB{:e;S whicj; Se€ amd/or stored on the Grantp tee rsh j,A obtzMn aU apu`A z�Li which xmycY v°quired L.� :zs-gtdaffng agencies,y nuty in and uw serec�a, i roundiilsate(L for tkte storage, tine and dlsp ta;,as of ardol.s materials } Z..r&'a:A..3tee.xh a`'U"basin-c t a't;a-any/all e -istfa7gu ode gnu d fide Sto a.4ti:`Cs'at]ks located an the ,, �r�a s� .a 1>_ , ,.Zx ibit b `A wig �;s-aril)4r � a '.. k;� e, � f r 3 x x� (r � / 4 4' i 42 itl k' '013- ld:yv';, now i1a :11'orce or here' After pr+Jwmlgatod, reg -xdii-.tg the d'{:p"acyral j cUsp..?s, of Bald za.�der opt e,-.;ftiel to age Tanks. The is se of said under groiuqdftas;l;stoxe� e 6: ski fir chspensing fuel Is prohibfteOL aka£ GGe.aS��J�pf�".� :r-wPifng of fv,7 u' and lulmd-cants irown alres'fc'ft if'aels ca md.lubricants onto f:5c.a'p, ,g},'d7a,:pp;Zi tt or ">�a°?, iB unauthorized re4:.f:.7"sta£..`...> is P,TdTiaitbix":e'.& Y: 2 a r t ; xk ' °° :MfPR' �?Y-; �° r T° 'r t er a�.a�At�� i right to -ful-t er devekT or improve _ ,a T � �3 � � tka�� r�.� t� ���� �, f ast . Wt..yfh Mea-O-,tam Airport sy it et.'s Ot a i`Fin�f C+t4$ Ct a L«"A`Fi,TiC e dla &3'„if t r t .al '.a .�d x r 3s E t 4 �� a a 7 #� Mi�Y�� to rs:anxa� �. b'". a�:t9f fLna ):-9ndETig 1-izkc, s:� r ea;::" :1/dptra',' fk,S e� � C_€k�' of F*.;i'f '4rora.ti5 T1�C`arz.pc"3.T -r4olz-1,e,or and anz Pu ”+iii "°AM& We•;P'f,,t .,f^,W not unremunabj Mock Grant'f',4;i a5:'+:.es''s to the rap..d'pa a. €:t"'st1xL y 3 yG+ i.7°j,IY ApCiPp w_ r ?, l ik'Ixf*, f? 3 my 4 A - . f: .fx'S:ts i.!!t:!t�v ,.fir _.aY, MAU -A" and P 3 of bp 'fifth abaud4'r?.Yrac.1 t '1' .`_•ftaR"•!'+L3r6 imma' i;: o !. C is .F..ce "` a h' f 4. �c t : s �k'�n,teo; Off' r;�ll`s:��-1 h�.+�.•�.G...,. ,3�j SxP:iW s ...� �.�C'.YkS. i�:i[�^., x.t�i � '�::.'.�. �... ..� 1 �3 e�.'. j (c) T ht 5�ifl ! *:sy C.-TCx'#. t£k 4. _�a a.iF"dEu; .dRE 9 t:xd r 3a?. R. a '.?F' %3 the een4m, covenant sand cou=bns Wat we talm y es.6ri$e 3k o k � !-,ibo" k ;T 4 by-Gymalke" 23. TEMIL°�°�;&VON BY. R"U.'EA Gn nz�f.e ..sharl have the p`lg t to tmmly at^ this agreement_.xpom tee f IQ)days s-mrAfte atic. ;.n :�ranto . G'rentee shall bearaLl costs !,� sociated vdth the replacement o the fence separatnig the prf•enhoss identOwd aaa�IWAR 'A" and pbrt Twordl Meacham Aix 24-. D1,8 Ik 3ife)a�a UNA GA I cv r ress.:ntaU`lY "?, succ 33crs tri. gt 'g ne. 'rz?s:l . s,a� 'as s..»pe;ei of the bem"'', does hcref)fi/ C?#i nCii nt ai;iii. re e a Rs.cm, m �'.!& �Y :.";F,;'with 3�A land th A"b(33.)n.o person on the!p-ouwtss ofra.-E„ col' r, O'c amtlulat origin s:hAl Nf e-,<Ouded f om pa:tiro, t1ort ba, denied We be-ne its cif, or b e mh a°w e sza jest ! to ,o the use eafs aid factlities, (2)in the cons r-tictim).• i .,7w-'"Mproverne nts 021, sayer,Or ti d€.r such lama and the furnishing ofservices t1l.ere:on,.ylro rm-mon aja till ourk B of race,colo' -a1a'dona-1 odig,a sh.-dl be excluded f im. pa owtl5 1pauvJan.. in deni`:av the benefits +. f, or otherwise be subjected- to discr$mLicslio , md (3) Citvzmtee shah usc h, p3-.-,n9 s s n, e<omptimm;- wriih a-11 other e-e��uireme:nt a. ?u-ipa,sed :Ln 02 pm.:-Munt 49 C1,1Z F-a.rt 211; ; 3:oami scrimi ktwVon in. !%PGi:s'ted ProgrcJmis r:^f th s" .:3s.:par 6tme'at of T. ,anspewftatiz,n- w.'t, n, ?add rega mtke<t'ns T-nay . aaaiende d. 0 That ire AN event of breach ofany of tlae cowena ts, Granter shad have d e n ta.t to termkiate'6-iis a p.e e.aaepi and class x< �tr� s�cce,ss tO ro.-It � ,-,„-;ia � Meae'llam Airport. i 25, PRIGM,PRIG, DI D/fUTI `. �C-W aec:emmm=Aafions and/or F �jsnf e.'�c au.te3'pia`t.47d,1*,the;x,5`0 1.IGII..a of this stf;reerS.Aen't a fabr, equal an.da not i.c j tslk diis, a knh-xato x1r basis to r` `r isk fi G .]eL#€tiu and it charge fat, s an 3le csAcd n o i_mjii stly dkscrim i`?r tt,'ry pr..ce.s for e';aach 1fl ift ni 4erinc prrwidn''d tl: 1t tni#' ( tit. »+:...; 1:;.ay C "dl t.o m si3RC f..,.aso--. 'd. L'- �AY111),at d C`, c.t0 l_ .r.l,x_I s�_ .t c$�iJ�arE,a4 .. �" F'"'�' s -pa��L3kf;f Rn F:Ta�t?..,t��:� Vii" l�.s '�1.":3?'�`v `st ltic?� a ,-• . 0 PC Wen 3)"JH3 p•3 arsra h.:s 23 and 24 a r_'% . con a moth a nv...? aj breneb MracE the even of uc t no 'or ryp once me Granao _hall bav 0 & this agreernerl Av,katiou..Ax:o^st t;gr-wlmewa , - �A. iSeU�4.;i'eTe t�A'•' b��r,sx ..3 tok- b wkl dtiFEn.e n,::,,. C s olt dhe .3e o,< v h y ivith °f P: ra S.i-ee frown 1.wn��r�'.�.:5.I �,� �.F'��"r$..'.e4 r.�a,t Rh'T�'����" <t:.,fi F:f'�., b'�'. �d'�,�,s a.�� ed �,. � '$� A F;. u11 tt_ d:: 6"Opini.:11 of dh ` :i:'? :d"faC'> Vtfb id 111-nw tbe, rrAhl!. s: _.f r1.: . ard "0 B. Grantor reser-es tIbc zr' refikaaun a ;" a` t3e3�"• s +fS ` 4?x` ri'd °;, i.? '; rki ' : dlzmti"n `�ob' in-IPrGv x,,;.LTA, r l" for V— public. as +y7k� ]Kn :g 4asGBK;:,'? KI.cc'. �F a.�:lI .visions of -�:av S ru. ;+ Tr Wity're- zvgreevmnent s"cb.7fC-..:n k_zra&I-.oh" cf;"E. Lh4. IT itf=: E;tat!.'°S.• rE`havmI',: 'to ' :�-� a')peI',14011 Ci:S.' P eCz.:6:vma';e of the CIr..ocrt. th.!� execuum (.,k A'hdch If.`a-B been, ear me.F be � �13..lYed wJ Fz cor.k.Titiloan to Y.ht:. nxi.- tLGs,�.A s of fe-^".?w a) .Yu'a'td;S Liz"thle development oi*..e -w1 po . d. Durlvg the ttiav:: of via :.-. ',.afiKFnal aai:x',EU:ntor °b?.P' a3l ha.vt the �� �`2 to �f'�ae e lanr`Lrig..area or aay p` teTs':.o£r.to thc U' led.��-^x$�,.�����T,�.y�r�'x���for dsVAtmy or.na?.fal a � L such le e hs xe-.ut 1'd, the PrOIAMOm, Of 3 a.;i"3.,p".I aM. u-ment imvl. f an icy atiyc Ith the rpvc Ai`✓4oT�4s, of the leP�i.�T'a V; the vesxmnn.4;nL i 2,8. MWEXCES. Notices to r xt for 1-m-Ov led o:r herein :,tae,- Ise segi I�y cexlmed u-mil. postage prepald. addre3std tO t110 I irector, AL-Pon- Systems, M-eac!j w. m. Alxp-art TemLnal, 4201 N, Mair, St., Suftf- 228, -Fort W'oylda, Texas 76106, wxd natices Ito Gy a '':tee I— -smit by ,e t+ e d maj.L pr.2iaq ge l"e c1 '} r t 9 f: to President, Vintage k T v 8"1'0099, Fort i.,r;a}s .G K..'r y i..�..... 29. VENUE, Th �,,PrAe of anv 'ICH all on. contract Shalt lie in t pr 7 f L F to N.comk, effextive ltpc�n Ato'91ft-Ig coutna,,, ro, tic CITli?' OF FiYIN(I MUSEUQW, I-Ir""IC, AssIsU-c'unt ClIfy wiaxul�-4gcz I'lent By -ED AS TO "FORM, AND LEG.A.3,71Y, Ip APPROV City Attorney fg'4v� AA ZIA ek, '.6 VW-4 A-V4 I- jr It kill i , v K via dRR a ..m ` 77:m:r>r*i E ��'b•S�' q<a� � .....^... , Sv°, P ✓ Q ,,. �, i 1 3 F ! � ?C-„Y �s 4”�e�,�9� �. �x�F F� 2E ' rk �"r r y,.�., n,row,^ ° %.., - -- +� k sue'' q, r 7,-RE.> - � $° ,�7... E9 w °� `.°`•yew` a + �'F '�:t'„� �'34 w,t y`;� e� „” F 'ib, 4 a 'a �*e. 0y "a. §' s�.9, ';...Ra, 'xa„� 'a It '* 'ea "' x b vey " ,x^ k E e :� JIF,� � �f,"'z 4 °w'�W � '+��5.'@..�� .r°��C��!�, �°q��� i." t Py���e� � "R'. � �' �' �ax,...•6 fi w:Rti' .� �•.rx:�.IIff. ;»u., w�a R,x_"'t' `" ac e x 'n x. 4r ,t '' a L. IS 7 3 G`p,�Y . $!lliiiiii0 ED CL WT ON J]l Ts 1 175 'w._........._...— .._._.._.._...,......,.....' vim...._,._.�.___.r _...._._.....---°°�-, _..�_____.,.. _. .....,_...._...�...____°. ,¢ j f � p f � 9 �2 Y a . 's V V 91, 14e A J, ,4- iT �'A MAV, AO air` 4 V" "M AW % i r eu MCV�: EF FfRT QlATA AVON dseignzted for two Marano , -?PNjr . A vintage ahwntl 04ginnZy FOY, and Ueed in a Combot -cis in U I Kowa , Thet Nam. Airc� lvt althumlh FAA L f a C t U V nd for combat Purwsas , but modifin My t1j, Un nerve In 0- WHY oln 17, World SI Sq J^ ... ,..��i���.�, eS rev �£�,�e, ,.9.f.1��'��rlfa'1 iq.....e ,.�`r-1�,�•'�'e�TF�, ��'r�• `"... �.<3;�i .' �d_ .r�:r�c`„ 7 r� r<. _''�'k .,, ...�'Y .t�,;., 2474. n E{P l W} L { ,,..,.,....,.,,. k rw.4.. ._..._...:,.,.,...,,....,, ...,..r..,.-.......„...,"< F SS hP{ a A�i a r # •?.'ir{k i s tit: '� � F.l ��>'d:�.CW ..1' X „'e .aA.'fI("O F, .•................... 1 4 F } _ _ V i w.ai T ill�sd :rx � (D �. +„ter C v Y' a }O 3. 1c; Si,�y..dti.0 . ..O Cn."u.,:6„�}x.._ the ��6.:r Cher 7.an fi � .7 � V �..: S 1ROKh'4, the .. A .� � ':�a � 5S� � s Y -.� t t 0) year Access Agra an; ;nit, 1w'id r ort 9 oim ` : F yA . Fort W }z r�,¢; � : k f i s i 2sj rcquest.mg that it bry aH Vir,t-ol.ge m ,; t_ ;nc. t r x_ a nCrIPU41t P,n, r`f ^tps.pa rt access � E 4"'d � si �',e * e a �"{„r ��.�'xmn ���a,acha['�d #� rp ort. "F:£mh'th he � �, t. r-�,.� �s'...r�6f�a,„����.r �'.8r° ��°�'?I,"t gg�[d�'�"r,'+r i�' f r t".s..- � p� x ¢ '> r 7 ° 's i a d d g f - M n ee f� rte.'. a £ a� �,.a i,'�7d.�r:',v, r,.� t�i to sy stn m. y ac�r''i, ;.f .,� fk i r M f3� �1%i!po w iie r ,,.,,b;iC is ti's:ay,', E E y ±.- ! F ete r” a z ,.}lr ;# ? a �,? ..,r,.. 3^ the 9.S.aa��w"'�.ni.,,. a° e v �+,.r e„} S:i i.c "� m 9?:� ar r.�, nt) R ,.0 a @�', ��i is a �. .rF-{' t 3 so 'fi 7F c 'S-•�'••,,,.v f..,'' bY°: '� .xia 3ar..v°"s v.�', iC.e a GG .�':'s'c l7Y'..ak `.�f.Ag+/:e�„d and t' {•. 3k`^.,�'{'P.'�, r"nu 4,,.i Tt '�,r x,t`m a����.n Y 1 s.'"an .=.3 f, +v. r: q a.. 3w/ C3 O,` a4, annual a£ .eia fee ' , ' A �e ac aa" A3rp of; pl. b ! ndonthly, bvg G 4 M1h the seventh +7) YY .� ? after contract .xecu"oon •Tnd i$ >$t not OAA "e? , t " a v sa the fist `s9� e r ktrCr 3` < 43s C r r t Tea A n ,a= r�`a,c ess Fee shall, �3sj 4 YY *r r of F t %Nc rtrr .`, ? T l9. fee Witt be O).1 , per square feet for WO(C)C, square +yy�:w As ka m<. aa. d �C, ',-'{�dkicnW space ,� "t�r :'es. the �'� r ;NMI $ .�+� � jg. .f r°'! 'JS ;a'9;; t`t ti y�.srr•, . o r, 4 s increase d£;,;-` &5.. s ' access area eNMI be �aAr , ancd i `T1i , :D{'�� n �� c� 9"i°� t� �'. �����a §s y. g g Agreement$.y:a' ,rsY'k,u}€a : �,?.. ,,}'{S-� $ia4+t €"1 ¢'i.�' 4"'""i• �.: sv +,.' ��?' 6?r [i 1.C�3 C't'. 1il�.�u* C' id S° "i Raa"P'; f' 9b�tr,n'" �. �v. r"P C""^ s k�'ty ^5 g r '1 ,f? m e ^v r'a .{-•• ' h-�•? � Ica .� ra Fa, 5:���' a a' Cg y.=�c�y t � 6✓� : I' d- .s a,a y fix.m. rs lu�d •r`i+.� '-'- 1^:-+8 .,".-•�.✓�_, 'S: q kip l� r .. ✓' k,7 V �^, ` ��pp�` f `. LIE, A ,k;,t "1 aP*--�.,«< .c �,✓ . Boa;4d <ippr,.s°+�taed thr` aq ? ;,..?3t- ;.s; '? x .: ? ? 5 �aa and �i}° P``, • i. :• m rr z �,.r� f ^ xr^•✓; !g fiv F 'd' a;S is a't�,L1i F�illi?tir-ti`vri i 4 7f i { { t 9 9 11 pen p .Ea. Ice i F k ! z} r F a i S 4 52 k I i ' a c and ar v4.,y: of as 9 mds cue AS SAO QT ni r i i ! I i a r F. k f F i k 1 f F r F { l 2 ! ti 4 r r E 1 5:^