HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 42162-A2 C,trY AMENDMENT N0.2 LU Z.0- coNTRACT TO CITYSECRETARY CONTRACT No� 42162 WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (CITY) and Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc. , (ENGINEER) made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 42162,, (the CONTRACT) which was authorized _y M C C-25080 on the 2nd day of Augur , 2011 i n the amount of $ 587 , 076 . and WHEREAS, the CONTRACT was subsequently revised by;*Amendment Number 1 in the amount of $17 , 122 . 00 which was admireistrat"vet auth r * ed on April 6, 2012 . WHEREAS, the CONTRACT involves engineering services for the following project : Old Denton Road from Golden Tr n gl e Boulevard to Heri' tage Trace Parkway,, Project Number 724 and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No . 2 to the CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and revised fee NOW THEREFORE, CITY and ENGINEER., acting harein by and through their duly authorized representatives,, enter 'into the following agreement which amends the CONTRACT-. 1 . Article I of the CONTRACT is amended to include the additional engineering services specified in a proposal dated October 3, 2012, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. The cost to City for the additional design services to be performed by Engineer totals $61, 919. 00. (See At taohe Funding Breakdown Sheet, Page -3-) 2 . Article II of' the CONTRACT is amended to provide for an increase in the fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and services performed under the Contract, as amended, so that the total foe paid by the City for all work and services shall be an amount of $666, 117. 00. 3 . All other provisions of the Contract, w 1 ch sly amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect . OFFI�CIALRECORD 01 City of Fort Werth Professional services Agreement Amendment Template PMO Official Release 8/1/2012 F1' Page 1 of 3 R E C F K11- 2 5 12L'11� EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE as of the date last written by a signatory, below. APPROVED-. City of Fort Worth ENGINEER Teagu Nall nd e i s, Inc. Fernando Costa S. Th ova s RutleXe Assistant City Manager Pr1_"nc_1p1 e DATE,- 03 / DATE: APPROVAL RECOMMENDED: U F Dougla,o W. Wiersig, /I a D l* rector, Transport:a on Publ ic Works Department APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: M&CM. Date.- Douglas W. Black Assistant City Attorney ATTEST: 0 01 I Par J. Kayser 0 0 City Secretary 000010'W* City of Fort Worth Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template OFFICIAL RECORD RI PMO Official Release 8/1/2012 ?D V Page 2 of 3 CITY SECRETARY F !�� To WORTH9 TX .............................. ............ .......... ............... FUNDING' BREAKDOWN SHEET City Secretary No. 42162 Amendment No ., 2 Department Fund-Account-Cent,er Amount TPW C291 541200 202230172483, $611919 . 00 F ........... Total : $61, 919 . 00 City of For'worth Professional Services Agreement Amendment Template PMO Official Release 8/1/2012 Page 3 of 3 { i% teaque rail&parkinis %vww.tnpi om ang rags VOrs October,3, 2012 londscape wthilects Ms. Jean-Marie Alexander, P.E. City of Fort Worth Traansprortatiorn and Public Works Department 1 000 Throckmo,rton Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Re# old Denton Road (Golden T''riarrgle Boulevard to Heritage Trace Parkway) WL Fee rro ros aal for Contract Amendment loo. 2 (revised) Dear Ms. Alexander.- Teague ball and Perkins, Inc. is submitting, this fee Amendment to the above referenced contract based on, additional services requested. The following is a brief description and cost for the additional services provided on this project: Additional Services to provide a silgn ca l at the intersed orr of old Denton Road and rid Crawford Forms. As requested, this amendment includes the survey and design for water and sanitary sewer extensions to service a portion of the undeveloped area west of Old Denton load. Also included, is the design of half masonry and half wrought iron fence along, the frontage of the Co ,'s property NO north of prestige. A totall of 18 additional easement exhibits are required for the pwro ect, which are in addition to the on ianally anticipated 7 ROW and 2 Drainage Exhibits. In addition, 3 ROW exhibits are required to be revised based on the intersection changes. The Hillwood intersection changes, also re ulred revisions to the layout, roadway, cross-sections, grading, illumination and signal plans, + Additional Surveying Services o Additional Topo Survey for Sewer connection at Sunset bill $ 5,1000 o Revisions to 3 ROW Exhibits due to intersection changes $ 2,700 o 1 additional ROW Exhibit and 1 ROW Vacation Exhibit $ 31+ o o Additional Easement Exhibits Sidewalk, 2 Drainage, 3 Sanitary Sewer and 7 Temporary Construction) $ 141,400 + Additionaul Engineering Services o Design water and sanitary sewer extensions $ 17,0 as Masonry/wrought iron fence $ 51000 o Revisions to, illumination and signal design due to iantersectioan changes $ 4r690 o Revisions to erosion control plans, .S" '' "l''PP due to intersecti on changes $ 60 o Design revisions, to, accommodate Millwood intersection changes J, o Administration fee (10%,) on Sub consultants ". Total Contract Amendment No. 2 61,919 Fat Worth-1 100 Merton"Street,.F'aort Wor*i,Texas 76102A-81 7.336.577"3 aril s.1 7304 Prerstarr Road,,Sulte 134 1 A,,Dallas,s,Ter xas 7S2 2,&214.461.9867 errs,&1517 Ceme Drive,Ute 320,&Dentoo,Texas 76205 940-38,14177 %v�%1 Sh*rmonA,200 North Travis Street,Suite 500 ,"erne Tex wws 75090 Ah,903-870.108 Ms.Jean-Marie Alexcmder,PE,October 3,2012,Page 2 of 2 Summary of Contras f Fee: j"inal C ntrgct Arnount: 87 Amendment No. I $ 170122 Ampricirr ent No 19 1_ Revised Contract Amo�unt $ 66611 17 Thank you for consideration of this contract amendment request. If you have any questions, please do not hesiltate to call me. Sincerely, fnp teague nail&perkins Scott A. Gibson, P.E. Sr. Pro*,ect Manager Copy: Mr. Tom Rutledge—TNP o.Wojec1sVtw11 146Vee proposah-contract amend 02.doc --1111-11-11................. Ct of For W rtn', Texas MV AM& F MIA MaYO and Counc"11 Co uni:cati�on ................... COUNCIL ACTION: Approved on 1/29/2013 DATE.- Tuesday,January 29,2013 REFERENCE NO.: **C-26069 LOG NAME: 20OLD DENTON DESIGN AMENDMENT#2_101724 SUB,1UT#- Authorize Execution of Amendment No. 2 to City Secretary Contract No. 42162, an Engineering Services Agreement with Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc., in the Amount of$61,9119.010 for the Design of Old Denton Road from Golden Triangle Boulevard to Heritage Trace Parkway for a Revised Total in the Amount of $6661117.00,CP No. 01,724(COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) RE!LQNMENDAT,1QN: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the execution of Amendment No.2 to City Secretary Contract No,.42162 with Teague Nall,and Perkins, Inc., in the amount of$61,919.00 for the additional design work on Old Denton Road from Golden Triangle Boulevard to Heritage Trace Parkway,thereby revising the total contract in the amount of$6616,117.00. DISCUSSION: On August 2,2011,(M&C C-25080)the City Council approved an Engineering Agreement for this project with Teague 1" a1.1 and Perkins,Inc., in the amount of$587,076.00 for design services associated with expanding Old Denton Road to a four—lane divided arterial from Golden Triangle Boulevard to Heritage Trace Parkway. This project is needed to accommodate additional traffic demands in North Fort Worth resulting from continual growth and development. Amendment No. I was,administratively approved on April 6,20112, in the amount of$17,122.00 for traffic signal design at the intersection of Old Denton Road and Crawford Farms Drive. This proposed Amendment No. 2 is for additional design services,associated with revisions to the design of the traffic signal at the intersection of Old Denton Road and Crawford Farms Drive, water and sanitary sewer extensions, masonry and wrought iron fence design,and additional easement exhibits. Teague Nall and Perkins,Inc., proposes to perform these additional design services for a lump sum fee of $61,1929.00. Staff considers this fee to,be fair and reasonable for the scope of services,proposed.The Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Number 7(TIF7)Board of Directors have approved funding for this project in the amount of$10,400,0001.00., Teague Nall and Perkins,Inc., agrees to maintain its initial M/NVBE commitment of 16 percent that it made on the original Agreement and extend and maintain that same M commitment of 16 percent to all prior amendments up to and inclusive of this Amendment No. 2.Therefore,Teague Nall and Perkins, Inc., remains in compliance with the City's MAVBE Ordinance and attests to its commitment by its signature on the Acceptance of Previous Commitment for executed by an authorized representative of its company., This project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 2,Mapsco 21L,21 Q,21 U, and 21 Y. +A(M VW The Financial Management Services Director s ties that funds are available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the Specially Funded Capital Projects,Fund. C291 65412QQ _,2Q223,0172.483 2 Fernando Costa 122 Douglas W. "e' er (78,0 1) AddIftional fi Mike Bennett 7901 ATTACHMENTS 1. 2QQld DeIIJQn Design amend#2 MWBE df 2. 2Qold nt n design amgndmgnt,12df 4. C291 Q1,224....-available fundsad