HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 24705 a C: E T A ' AMENDMENT TO CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT NO. 23064 STATE OF TEXAS COU OF TARRANT THIS Are :�Hment is made and enter-e into y and Fuehyeen the aty of Fort Wor`lih 11("City"),), aetin by and thr Ugh Libby atso n, its duly auat',',wized Assistant City Manager, and the Near Southeast Communq eveioprnent Cor oratk)n (.,NSECDC" or "Contractor"), by and through Falter H, Williat rs, i9:� duiy authorized President. Contractors business pines address is P.O. Box 1872, Farr W.artn, Texas 76101. WHEREAS, the City and NSECDC have entered int- a contract identified s City Secretary Contract No 23064 for a period bt inn r'jg September 15, 1997 and ending epseompber° .t . €999; and +���}�Wy, HEREA it is the mutual desire of the parties- d; 2. Funding_gpo R Section 2 "Funding and Reports" of Cite Secretary alonrract No. 23064., currently on. file in the office of fne City Secretary of Fort V.1orth is hereby amended to read as follows: City will provide NSECDC with MSG monies in ,,n -a mount not to exceed a total of '€v6 hundrec: sixty six thc.,isandtwo hundred and one dollars ($566,201), adding a total of S151,7Cx1J to the City Secretary Contract No. 23064. Contractor agrYep�ye s 1.1hat program finds for hoiu ;Hig rehabilitatior and acquietion s!hall not' exceed two dlrk i�,,-J and W(enty two thousand dollars ($222,000), the program funds for lots acquisition s!-Zl' not exc eft— fifty one thousand seven hundred and onc� dollars. ($51,701), and the program funds for economic development and acquisition shall riot exceed one-hundred and eighty-four thousand, fiv%­ �-�undred dollars ( $164,500), Paya-,,ents MI be processed by City fella ing recei?,,J1 from Contractor, Subs. Grantees Request for Funds, and applicable suppoi,trig documents. Eligible expenses shall be madc against the line item budget specified in Exhibit C, Program Operating Budge!. C�untractor agrees to utilize all disbursed C.MG funds for the benefit of the program. Contractor agrees to keep ail CDEG monies on hand in interest bearing accounts. All interest earned shaii be reported to City un a monthly basis, at the same time as the submission of the monthly report following the end of the contract month during wh!=3h the interest wasearned. Interest in an amount of $25,00 or less per month may be used for authorized prograrn expenses. These arnounts miust be reported on the monthly finar,,.ia! staternents fiiad pursuant to this contract. lnterest earned in excess of '7'25.00 per month is subject to rernittance io City as directed by Chy, The Contractor shall comply with City policy conceming the purcha�Z of equipment and shall maintain inventory rec,)rds of all no-pxpendable personal Property, as defined by such policy procured with fuods provided hereir,a, The Contractor shall procure all nnatenals, propart� send ces in accordarvole with thf,-,. requirenients of M-8 circular A-11 - Comractor a, 4 1 1 _irrves that the Iota; advance equal to one-twelfth of the total arriount ava;,'able from operating suppoft funds. Contrar;tor will notify Q+ty promptly cif any additional fiinding it rec3K es for operation of the Program, and 10IFF"'y reserves the ijgiht to amend the pr,,)grarn Wdget in such instances. Contractor wilt not commingle CDBG inonies w any other funds in any manner which would corevent the City frim readily identifying,{ program expendftuires for operation I of the Program. 1� CUB,`-, Housing Rlehabilitation and Acquisition Fund 1,1. ReMving Lean Fund. 'The Contractor Will establish and maintain an amount of funds not to exceed $45,000 in revolving loan funds" from wt-Ach it will make owner-occupied home improvement loans and purchaselrehabIresale loans. Mi peincipal and interest received ley Contractor shall be reUrned to the revolving loan fund,-W be used for future loans. AM activities ca rned out through ttie use of these funds must conforrn l, to rules and reguations .; set,forth in 7-4 CFR 570. 1.2. Housing Support FuA. The City will provide NSECDC with monies in an amount not to exceed a total of sevenb y Mo thousand, eight hundred and ninety six dollars ($72,8003) to cover the cost of operating the Housling Rehabilitation and Acquisition 7`rogram. Such monies will be -disbursed to Contractor on, a cost reimbursement basis follc Mng receipt of COIntraCtOrS r .rorWy Request fair Funds. 2. COBG Lots AcqtIsItion Fund. Lots Acquisiton Fund. The Cky will provide NSCDC 11vith monies, in an amount net to exceed a total of fifty one thousand, seven hundred and one dollars ($51,701) from which the Con-11-actor may draw funds to purchase vacant lots for infill Housing dewelopment. 3, CDE,...f Eoonoralc Development Fund 31. Revolving Fund, The Coniractor will estaMah and maintail an arr,,3unt of funds not to exceed $45,000 in revoi-vIng funds from which it will provide acquisitio,n and development vests for new businesses. The Revolving Fund may also provide loans not to i,­ixoeed 5"25,000 for the expansion and or A;M provement of exitAing businesses. "These autiVMes must conform to rules and regulations -is sot forth in 26 !!:YR 5M Development Sjopert Fur-d, The Citi, will provide NSCDC with monles ;n ai amount not to exceed a total of tvionty four thousand, alght hun-J,1---ed and fOLT ($24,80.4) to r;:over tire wst of cpe."at.,ng the Economic Deve',opm-ant Prograrn. 1.3'.lich monies wO be disbursed- flo Cc�%I'ractor on a cost reirnbursarnent basis following re:,;e:pt of Conbapct&rs mo!ithly Request for Funds. 4, CDBG Xdmin'Atratlan Fund. The. Administrati on Fund, The remailing ten thousaInd, t';,Iree hundred dolfa;,s ($10,300) off! be &v,aillable for administrative =�ts associatea with planning and Ynzirkefing for tie targeted area and 110 create a t,rochure to be used to ma*et the neighborhood and prvjrarns available "to prospective first-time home buyrzns, 14. Public.Liability Section 14 "Puiblic Liability Insurance" of City Secretary Contract No. 23064, ,.1 79 urrentiy on file in the office of the City Secretary of Fill.� ., Worth is hereby amended to read as fbAows: Contractor shail fumish to the City of F-crt 'Worth, in a timely manner, Geftifficates of irisurance an-'s pror 'I that it has secured and paid fpm licies of cornmercitl:,I insurance as specffied her�'ir. buch in-,-urp.nce shall cover all insurable risks incident to or in Connection with the execution, performance, attempted peormance or non-perfbmiance of this contract and agre-ernent.. F:urther, the r3ty of Fort Worth shall be endorsed as an additional insureal ors alil. contr,,�kctotrs insurance policies. I Contract shalt maintliin ;he following insurance coverage and limits thereof: 14. Corn,tnercial General Liability losurance 14.I,1 $1,T00,000.00 each ocicurrence, 1 1 ,2 $1,000,000.00 aggr, gate lirnit Uability Insurance aa;ident 11-Tsusance Poi icy shail be enco rsed to cover "Any Au,:to". Pending availability of the ,ollcwing rjveraige�, and at the discretion Off the Ccntra:-�-XY the Do4cy �shali be, the phinary 7esPonding insul,ar-Ce policy versail a pemonal auto insurance policy rf -,,r 'mhen —Ir Dl -%s ar used in l-ourse of business af t,ls er )v,��eis)' personal aut, e 1W 1- Profes,,-; OC ion iability Insurance. jor cirrcrs ,:;S�Ons) $5,'10 DO lace claim. In -.Ian made basis, Contro,,Aor shall ,hew ever' ;rf-urarz-1e is-, J n on -.`e tc -c h erag�j e m m u, j yea rs pc-:,,t terminatior, of Note: hi imsurance shall cover fthe ntr 'or and asso Dirtij s 14.4 Workeim Compensubon tasucra.%;e Parf A: Limits Part B: EMployer's Liability $500,000 eacb accident "0 '000 disc-as s - ec-:7h e"Mployea $500,000 disease - poky limit Note: ',"nsuraince shali cover ernplfjye�s pauforming work on any and all public project3 including but not Ornited to constnuction, i3emolition, rehabilitatk n. Coverage shall be maintaired by Contractior w- its subcontractom. in tha:, event the subcontractcIrs da not maintain coverage, tie QxIfactor shall rnainfain the coverage on such bcontractors for each applicabie subcontract. 14.5 Contr%"v7tor will maintain �-, blanket.fi&!Ry coverage irt the term of insurance or bo,,,vd in the, arnount of $10,000.00 to i,iso re against Noss; fror"I the t•avd, theft,or dishonesty Llany of Cnntractcrr officers, agents, trustees, directors or employees. The proceeds of 3uch bond shall be used to reimburse City for any and ail loss ol C G monies occasioned by such rnisaonduot. T'o effectuate such reimbursement such bond shall include a rider stating that reimbursement for any loss or losses thereunder shall be rnade directly to Cify for the uses, and benefit of Cot Aractor. 4.6 Contractor,MI subnnif to City DocunnentaVon that it has obtained insurance coverage and has executed bonds as required in this contract witf'4n Wrty (30),days of the exe--"utlon of this contract and prior to rx,,yment of any.monies hereunder. Unless specifically amended herein, all the other-terms and conditions- of contract No. 23064 shy`' remain unchanged and in full force and effect, IN %fV! k `s HEREO F, t o pair ies �3�-.�'et hav $ ";� i contract in, V'�,orth� ; �S�'��`� County,nty, Texas, r ��w„��. day o f A.D. 1 }.. Esµ"' CITY OF FOR ITWORTH U ` tso , . ant City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY, , B ' Assistant City Attorney NEAR SOUTHEAST CO M P 41?Y' EEVE OPMEN T CORPORATION � � Williams President <,.-'c,ntr-SCt ,jthorization. STAT M OFTEXAS COOUN`,-,� OFTARRANT BEFORE 'he i ndersigned authority i� U , a Notary uput),,ic lrj and for the State of-Texas, on this aay personally appeared Libby Watson, known me to be the person whose name is subsc6bed, to the foregoing instrurnent, and acknowledged to n,,.e that the same was "ie act of the C,"ity ,of Fort Worth and teat she exiewted the same as the act of s aid C"ity of Fort Wort- for the purpi-,,,,ses, and consideration there,"n expressed and ??n iq`.he capacity therein staterd. GIVEN w11 ;C3 MY HAND AND SEA'" OF OMCE thierz ay of A.D. R SL�=V, OMILLA SOMME$ NOTARY PUBLId C Stat*of Texas COMM Ev rA.131-2M )JO , 'Notary ublic in and for the State of Texas .ETA-1-E t3'F "I"'EXAS COUI MY' C)P TNRRANT BEFORE E. the. undersigned authority, a Notary P,I,blic in and for the State of Texas, on this day pe?sonafly appeared Walter H. WiPianis., known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and ac-knoWedged to me that he executed sarne for the punposes and consideration therein expressed, as the act and deed of Near Southeast Comrnunity Developnnen't and in P.e capacity therein stated its ouiy ai'lliSh.("rized officer orrepresentative. a f NAY HI�ANID AiND SEAL O F OFF-110E this;§a y A,D U-7Y 41-Y VA"&-Xv Statoo as r­jbiic ';n a,id foi, 4—Te X Gem!" ?, Exhibi"t A 'F',i� ',,._)GRAM SUNINARY" is hereby ar%tnended read as follows: NEAR SOUTHEAST COMMUNITY bEVELOPMENT CORPORATION PROGRAM SUMMARY Program, Title NBEAR SOUTHEAST NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION STRATEGY DE3GRIPTION: The Near Soulth past �'O'ornmui-A.y Development Corporation will pro).,'ide staff, development services, accu'sition and rehabiri,ation to ri,'Ilplement the neighborhood revitalization strategy in the areas of housing reha'Cli='Ralkon and economic development. The pei4od of parformanec- is frorn the date of contract execution to May 31, 1998.k PROGRAM 08,JECTIVES: To effect comfrnunity development of the Near Southeast as outlined in the neighborhood revita!iz,apion skate for the araa, the NSCDCVVill Undertake the following programs: ECONOMIC 0,EVEL0Pf,0Et,4'7 through 1) land aGquisition and 2'1 development-, HOUVING ACQUISITION AND ,REHABILITATION through 1) acquisition, rehabiiitat'lon and resale of horn es, to low and mod-rate icorne farnifies, LOTS ACQUISITION through purchasing of lots-, and PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION by production of a feasibility study for commercial development, and a marketing plan and ,10rocl;­R.,re designed to attract newihomeowners to the area. ,;",R 0 G R.A M HIE A.S U R E_$; Estimated Estimated Estimated Economic ale veioprrment 199,6-97 1 V97-98 1998_�g 1. Acquisition and development costs for commercial v-,-nturras. I site 2. Bus passes assisted 2 business 3, Jobs Created 4 jobs Kous;ng A,,;quislVon and Rehabilitation Acquisitic 3e at lation and resai- of homes to 5 homes low and moderatc in, ome families in the tear Southeast ;'v'le.-'-del Blocks 2, Acquisit,b; (off for, housinig developent, 15 lots Administratior. ompiefir.,n ,�f a feasibility study for commercial J'av e!C;p I i': Study Plan & 2, ✓es'qn arzid clrmi�.4etion oo' a marketing play l ,5.1.!',Iha B,o-hure area by 1� J,Si a., oi o.:)nsul,'ant. g S tt i 3 q fdD �f , i a P CID co ca ZE s< } € 1 4 ui Cl <j u'; ! ens CCU IT i s r - t , i � n i 1✓Hr i t ; f � i d �q t & y ¢ S G i g A u x! a Li IW EXI-fIuA.T C"NSCDC OPERATING BUDGET" is hrre,,,r amended to read as follows: NSFCBC i2 MONTH OPERATING BUDGET Revenue 12 Months Grant Mane $75000 Fund aisin 45403, Board Members 300€3 Pr ram Fuses 5€300 Tofai Revenue $128403 Ensas 12 Maratha' Sai rae $70800 , Payroll taxes $5dt87 Rent $3,600 Printing _ $1,500 Accountin $6000 Utilities $1,200 Off;;n. expense (500)Equipment(2500) 3000 Te:ephone _S 1680 Postage $220 Insu;P-nce $7100 _._. Conference/Semir wS (1500)Misc.(540) $2040 $576 Re; °'-SiMaintenance SemIces $200 F'rotessional ServicesiCons€pants Fees .25 3 DO l'ota_ Expenses $128,403 r Budget Budge{ HOME 'Fundraisin ` De v. Fees -- __ - � hiO .s. _ ERSONNEL SERVICSS $78627 75000 �3 �� Salaries� .s _.. i 0 $70$00 � � - --- 5467 50 _ €28? i Health InsuFa_n6i_' Ufe Insurance Worker's compensation i 1800 1500 , Retirement a Misc. Fri �������i�s =��u} } 540 Office Expense 500j _ -_ - Postage s� 0 _er C�perafig S �ppties _... Y_ _� � i Teaching Aids ONTRACTUAL SERVIGES $44056 $5000 1 elephone $15801 $1530 Efectric(utilities) $1, 0,1 �, .1., a ; WaterMaste Rend $ , € 3 _- Custodial Ser.'i s � Office Equipment $2500 � $ 6 Repairs�_ _ 00 500 z r- �4abiljty fi srance 350 53090 - a� os9tat Fee 13500 .w tregal f4ccounting $50501 $6000 1 , OtherProfessiona1 Ser�iaes $100001 _ _ 5000 5000 Private Auto Allo ance«io'caal 00 1 �� �f30 internet Sera��ic cs. 001, ._ ea,ed Vehicle Charges Mp r s^r2t'f' '€1f £' e?rilr r�rs__..__. r, ._�_ I 77r 77$575,' $576 t Furniture & Fixtures -----"� TOTAL $48403 $5000 .I' , r 1 City of Fort WO K01, T4%-ry s 41jajor and counclit coonmunication -REN-E NUMBER l E3 t v -1 � _ L aR°�8�Ii AA SOUTHEAST f'a�CONTRACT t {� '�y VCd:1 9.>'!°uM"il:.9,.i'.+b� i E�1L t i C City i, 4w".d ied(5�@# P..f�. =A 5 'ry''}. Y: M r- ..}. c;il aut,, ripe the Git� Mar:_ Ya. t . ' tt t a:s e z va o. 6 with Near S ut`,11SPst 1K.= mrnu nity Development Corporation to refle'c" an a,,,, 1,701 for a c ntraGit t fsif of $566,tU 1, and j . ilin1 .7 .00 Con unt erpe# sreaicgc Gran" (CD ) Year � fund s, re,,;ous,y :lo el Tocl s housing activity funds, in the following manner, t `� " a, r e r $50,000 - CDBG Year X 11 Model 81ccks housing activity funds to he new CDBG Yeas >`,V0 Housing Rehabilitation Center, and " $51,701 in CDBG Year XV11 f o ei Siocks housing activity funds to the new COEG wYy =' ✓t,sLot Acquisition Center-, and I: i ` a xu`Or S50,000 in CIDB Vfuar vi ii tva met Blocks housing activity funds to the new CDEG i ,°` € 'Hr1..using Rnbabilitation Operating Suppott Center. r , , 19494, f Te 9'i.li S eig is (near 0.3�..ut t a'"'s ei t ; e t} e rive she City's second de el Blocks ga r#�k -15 4 Ob5 The purpose of the Modej Wilds Pr rern is to or anize and empower i ' ` ^^ rya° m hey nlay effectively identify issues and work tcwtrd solutions, promote pu lir- is the i^fµv'€ i e }af3 s"�¥t oce ss, and offer integrated 5earvices to address e'individual Upon rP-cer z of the $11 rr,00ion funding the neighborhood allocated act' including Wan=e isnproverne t .cans for owi ea-oupents and acquisition, i r' z caz 3 e t�s sting "tpert es .` t' i-ti':^C2U? ;)faf ebuyers. After the neighborhood f th o ty caur.—O a ;r ,1 "VI&C C-461 an July 17, 19 ;hr Near So whcast, �'���� ���;�;�.? 03VeiOPME� ~:. c pornfion iNSECDC)for he � c (�'.4 � �4ke � � �� , 1�k neighborhood to � 24 8 G4 t t s $,387,933,93,. or and Coune't, DATE __ 0.1 the S785,-1500 allocated for, housing ei.tivitie5. t e Housing g €.yep r rent hes spent to ' X3,799 on ho Me mprovernent lcans tdr v ner- ccc p i t iii,5100 , "eha- itit ti ri and sate of units whomebuyers, on behaff of .-;e Near SOUtheaSt Nlodel Blocks. Teri y+ rye owner-occupied unit have been re tail` d t c units were acquired and transferred fcj the 'Tarrant County Housing Partnership under tht--t i ,: 3 program dose-0R.-t, Tlhe NSECDC has reef Lie ted tin t the balance of � .+� � be added to their c,1 rent contract giving them spending authority of$566,201. t i SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSAL The N,L--,iP,0,DC ' ouild tike to have More control over housing RCWffies inside the Model Blocks area. be divided into three categories. First, $'50,0M will be for the acquisition, hat F ta7,Ori art sale Est one hoU e. In the current contract, the iIN E C is supposed to develop foor sf.:, w. tic_ ? i B)Ocks funds. The new contract iii re Lire tl^t�e completion Of a total of five houses. Ss cl, $51,70, viii be-or the c�q €sitian of vac ant lots in the Model Blocks area, Several developers:, tnou d.ng 6 a; tit to i j k°a it , ho: Homes, and area wrc es are buyi ng lots to the area:, The i i e to have funds available to also pUrChaae lots as the me available before lot e ice decor e #,yfated. The corporation is aggresshiely seek ing csut fde t ndin9 to de eto0 ji�ttti ouse on fRk^,se cot�-�, y Third, �>-o, 00 Ajtii be,? for dousing acq�,,,,Jsifion and reha ilhatson operating support. This money ill aileviat : some ',nanc1 a ressure on the corporatfon rid help then c�fncentr le more n housing i T A p�,,TT 77 �. � .r vow r' 6s . udget is a foil s. CURRENT REVISED ti and Acgliis: C3ri 172,000, 222.000 51 701 a t ",may_ d#4,5t'F�.35f?, '� j or s] >°i w. !.`e, 4i. , '. :a` it CC-)tiJN L 'k..?TR1Cf 5, i.ee at pis f M UnIcal Zion •: , NAME REPFRENCE NUMBER _ C-116808 lCA s t �a �t g -g^� gam; y �_+g�p_ °�^ # _y-� y� _r �^ �jo�qf 3�^ s?i.? SE[",----.-_,.d.. _f�,. .!R. f5-�"HEA T` 5.� .f Y1b..i .# t DE�`E�..b.+�t"`NIE 9 #„r f"'"k,,,fa i�:J T-I-ON 'Y»A�.. £'�e'^4 S y The Director of the Department of Finance certifies that upon approvall of the a e. f r3 s will be available ire the curr rFt operating budget, s p y?e- nets , of the Great Fund. i..W' i R 2 s FUND r�S� �li* 4� a NTER - - +0U*' T CITY SECIkETA3 iT� 'M AMOVED �+r3 4 ��yy �/yy /� 4 ,�ry ++��,, t + t {G4,{17R7F � !r f l�.V� `} rf y�'.1i,��J'..�� "r 2 F :F:F _ - 1)ci�'SF_ g bcpr?r m::t }dead: _,_.... t ^t i rt w : J.