HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 28373City of Fort Worth, Texas "agor O"d cou"Cit commu"icatio" BATE•. REFERENCE NUMBER LOG r AMF PAGE 1/14103 ** -1 941830RANCH I 1 of 2 sUejE!Cr AWARD OF CONTRACT TO CONATSER CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR A 36-INCH I WATER LINE EXTENSION TO SERVE SENDERA RANCH, CONTRACT II RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Con atser Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1.326,175.20 for a 36-inch water line extension to serve Sendera Ranch, Contract II_ DISCUSSION: Sendera Ranch, Ltd. owns approximately 1,900 acres located north of Avondale Haslet Road and east of Willow Springs Road. The City annexed this property on December 11, 2001 (Ordinance No. 14888). The property is zoned for single-family, multi -family, community facilities and neighborhood commercial uses. On December 11, 2001 (M&C C-18B78), the City Douncil approved a development agreement between the City and Sender, Ranch, Ltd. The development agreement stipulated that the City would design and construct a sanitary sewer lift station at the southeast corner of the development. 0n December 18, 2001 (MSC C-18895), the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a contract with Carter & Burgess, Inc. for water and wastewater master planning for Sendera Ranch, which included the preparation of plans and specifications for water and sanitary sewer extensions. Contract 11 consists of the installation of approximately 8, 1 00 linear feet of 36-inch water line. The project was advertised for bid on May 30 and June 6, 2002_ On June 27, 2002, the following bids were received. BIDDER *Site Concrete, Inc. *BR13 Contractor's, Inc. *Jackson Construction, Ltd. *Oscar Renda Contracting, Inc, *Boyer, Inc. Conatsr Construction. Inc. William J. Schultz, Inc. d1bla Circle "C" Construction Company H & VV Utility Contractors Pate and Pate L.L_O, S- J] Louis Construction of Texas, Ltd., L L P Jordan Paving Corporation AMOUNT $1,241,621,00 1,272,990.40 1,28,789,00 $1,285,725,00 1,319,428.00 $1,32 ,175.20 1,337,884.00 $1,418,618.80 1,426,303_0 1,447,96,00 1,567,784,00 TIME OF COMPLETION 120 Calendar Days The indicated bidders were determined to be non -responsive to the contract specifications by failing to comply with tyre MI BE requirements. City qf Fort Worth, Texas "agor council communication DATE; - REFERENCE NUMBER LOG FAME PAGE 1/14f03 ** _194 30RANGH of AWARD OF CONTRACT TO CONATSER CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR A 36-IN H WATER LINE EXTENSION TO SERVE SENDERA RANCH, CONTRACT 11 The non -availability of funds with which to construct this project until recently, caused this Mayor and Council Communication to be delayed. In addition to the contract cost, $9 ,000.00 is required for inspectlan and survey, and $40,000.00 is required for project contingencies. Conatser Construction, Inc. is in compliance with the ity's MNVBE Ordinance by committing to % MP BE participation and documenting good faith effort, Donatser Construction, Inc. identified several subcontracting and supplier opportunities- however, the MANBEs contacted in the areas identified did not submit the lowest bids- The Citys goal on this project is 18%. The project is located in COUNCIL DISTRICT 2, Mapsco 5T and X, and 193- FISCAL INFORMATIONI ERTIFI ATION: The Finance Director certifies that funds are available in the current capital budget, as appropriated, of the Water Capital Projects Fund, MO:k Submitted for [:ity Manager`, I FUND I ACCOUN' I' � _ Cl;h TER � AMOUNT CITY SEX]R 'NARY Office hy: (to) [Vlore Ckt f 122 Originating Department Head: Dmgla; Radcmakcr (3157 (froth) -- — - -- APPROVED 1114103 - F160 5412i0 060160151850 $1,326,175-00 Additional Information Contact,. II Dutiglas Raddmaker 6157 a SPECIFICATIONS AND klN'rRAC'1JOCLJiYlG1V S FOR 6" WATERLINE TO SERVE SENDEIA RANCH CONTRACT 11 US Hwy 287 To Avondale -Haslet Rd. WAlM PROJECT NO.: PW 160-0 0160151 50 DOS NO. 3749 KE NET14 L. BARR rA W ] C. SON MAYOR CITY MANAGER A. DOUGLAS RADEMAKE, P.E., DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING CarNerm&urgfts 777 Main Street FortWorth, Texas 76102 C&B Job No. - 0 11358, 010. 1. 0008 k ► TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Notice to Bidders . Specbl IusMxtions tv Bidders 3. Past B-Proposal 4. Minority and Women Busin ss Entalnisea Spe Meadons S. Part -General, Conditions 6. Part D-Special Canditious 7. Wage Rates S. Permits/Easern.entg . Material Specifications 10. Cerdficate of Insurance 11, Contractor Complimce With Worker's Compensation Law 12, Perfonnance Bond 13. Payment Bond 14. Maintenance Band 15. Patt G-CorThuct 16, Appendix A — Cathodic Protection Report NOTICE TO 111bDERS Sealed proposals far tine fallowing: 3 " WATERLINE TO SERVE SE1VDER.A RANCH CONTRACT II PROD CTNUAMMS), P 160-0601 0151850 DOE NO.3749 Ad&Nsed to Mir. Gary W. Jackson, City Manager of flie City of Fort Wort, Texas, will be received at the Purchasing Office unfit 1:30 P.M., Thursday, June 27, 2002 and then publicly opened and read aloud at 2:04 P.M. Plans, Specificatiom and Contract Documents for this project may be obtained at the office of the Department of Engineeritig, Municipal Office Building, 1000 Throckmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas. One set of documents will be provided to prospective hiddcrs for a deposit of $20.00; such deposit will be refunded if the document is returned in good condition within 10 days after bids are opmied. Additional sets maybe purchased on a non-refundable basis f'or twenty dollars (20.00) per set. Rid security iz required in acc:ordanee with the Special flstuctions to Bidders. The City resenms the right to reject any anchor all bids and waive any and/or all imgulafifies. No bid maybe withdrawn until the expiration of fiorty- nine 49) days firam the date the WWBE U IUJZA" ION FORM, PRMM CONTRACTOR WAMR FORM and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM C Docurnentaiion) as appropriate is received by the City. The award of contract, if made, will be within forty-nine (49) days after this documentation is received, but in no case will the award be made wil. the t ponsibility of the bidder to wboirn it is proposed to award the wntrauct has beet verified. Bidder$ are responsible for obtaln g all addenda to the contract documents and acknowledging receipt of the addenda by Initialing the appropriate spaces on the PROPOSAL f m.. Bids that do not acknowledge receipt of all addenda may be rejected as being non -responsive. Information regarding the status of addenda may be obtained by contacting the Department of Enginceling at (17) 871-7910. In accord with City of Fort Worth Ordinan Igo. 11923, as amended, the City of Fort Worth has goals for the padacipadon of minority business enterprise and women businem enterprises in City conftwts. You may obtain a copy of the Ordinance from the Office of the City Secretary. The bider shall subnut the MBF SEE UTILIZATION FORM, P DAE CONTRACTOR WAVER FORM and/or the GOOD FAITH EFFORT FORM ('Vccwnentafion7D as appropriate. The Dommentation roust be received by the managing department no later than 5:00 p.m.., five () City buszness days € fter the laid opening date. The bidder shall obtain a receipt from the appropriate ennployee of the managing departmew to wham delivery was made. Such receipt OW1 be evidence that the Documentation was received by the City. Failure to comply $hall render your bid non -responsive. For additional in1`omiaficm, contact NIr. Bryan Bock, P,E. with the City ofFort Worth @ 817- 871-7 09 or Aft. Bryan Smm, P.E. with Carter & 13urgass, Inc. at 817-735-62 7. ARY W. JA `KSON � LO IA PEARSON CITY MANAGER MY SECRETARY Department of Engineering - A. Douglas Rademaker, Director Adv rtisi Dates: B cis Trice, P.E. May 30, 2002 a ltant Services June 6, 2002 SPECIAL INSTRUMONS TO BMDERS 1) PRIEOUALMCATTON REOUIREMENTS; All contractors subs ining bids are required to be prequali&A by do Fort Worth Water Department prior to mbmitituz bids. This pregulifcationprocess will establish a bid limit bred ou a techn> ma] evaluation and fm=GW analysis of the corntract '. it is the bidder's Fesponsibility to submit the following docunumtat% ry a current fmaaoial statement, an acceptable experience xecmct an acc ptable uquipment schedule and any other documwta the Dgartnwit may deem necessary, to the Director of the Plater Deparirnent at least coven (7) calendar days prior to the data of the opening of bids, a) The financial statement required 91mll have been prepared by an inftendent mrfified public amouftmt or an independent public accountant holding a valid permit issued by an appropriate State liemsiiug agency and shall have bom so prepared as to reflect the uncial status to tho subraittFng cemp8r)y. This atatcuant must be current and not rune than one (1) year ald. In the case that a bidding date falls within the tirrie a now star mertit is b6n prepared, the previoi a statement shall be updated by groper vurificadam b) For an mlr once recatd to be conaiidered to be aceptable for a given prujo4 it mast reflect the exl thence of the fma seeking gualificadoon in work of both tho same uabam and technical level as that of the piXoj ect for which ]yids are to be rwoived. c) The Direutor of the Water Department shall be the sole judge as to the acooptability for financial gualifica#ion to bid on any Fart Worth Water Departmootprojoct. d) Bids received in excess of the bid limit shall be considered non-responsivo and will be rejouted as siucb. e) The City, in its sale dhcretion, mayreject any bid for failure to &o n ttate experience andlor cxpestise. f) Any praposais snbmitted by a non`pregualified bidder ahall W retuuited unopmncd, and if inadvcr� opexaad, shall not be considered. g) 'flue: City will attempt to notify prmpeoiiva bidders whose qualifioationa (fuuancial ox eapudence) are not deemed to be appropriate to ft nature and/or magr6tude of the project on which bids are to be received. Failure to notify shall not be a waiver of anyneceasary prucpalificafzon. 2. MUMMY- A cashier's check, or an acceptable biidd&s band, payable to the City of Fod Womb, in an aniounf of not leas than five {5%) percent of rho 1arpas1: possible total of the bid subidned must accampmy the bid, and is subject to forfeiture in the event dxe successful bidder fails to exeoute the Contract Documents within ten (f 0) days after the contract has been awarded, To bo an acceptable surety on the bond, (1) the Darne of the si rrety shall be included on The ctuaent U.S. Treaeuty Li94 or (2) the surety roust have capital and sauphrs equal to tan times the limit of the bond. The sandy m xt be lieexised to do bm ness in the state of Texas. The anxg=t of the bond shO not exceed the amount shorn on the treasury list or one -tenth (1 /14) the toW capital and surplus. 3. BONDS- A pmfiorrnance bond, a pay=nt bmd, and a rnaiatei=,z a bond each for one hundred (I OD%) perecM of the contrectprice will be required, reference C 3R3.7. 4. NAQF, T • Section C3-3,13 of the General Conditions is delefed andreplaoM with tho following: (a) The contractor shall comply vvith rill xoquire mnts of Chapter 2258, Tons Govexxmm& Code, including the payment of not less 8= the rates detei7� by the City Canncil of the C%ty of Fort Worth to be the prevailiug wage rates in aocwdance with Cbaptir 2259, Texas Govemment Cede. Such pmvaMW wage rates are included in t}iese couhm documents. (b) Tlae contractor shhall, for a period of three (3) yea following the date of acc4ptatice of dijm work, maintain record® dmt show (i) the name and mc�Vat[on of each, worker emmplooyed by the corrtracwr in the conatnmtkm of the work provided for in this camtract; and (ii) the actual p rr diem wages paid to ouch worker. These records - hall be open at all reasonable hours for irmpertian by the City. The provisions ofD-3 Right to Audit pertain to this ingwtior. (c) The contracior shall include in itg subcontracts aad/or shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply width paragraphs (a) and (b) abovo. (d) With each partial payment estitnwr ov paytoli period, $rho vhvver is less, an afi'itiavit slating thAt tho eont actur Ns omWhed with the requL miin of Chapter 2258, Texas Goverammt Code. The cm"ctor shall past the prcvasting wage rates in a conspiepous place at the site of the project at all times. 5. IGIJTI , In the case ofamlriguity or lack of Ilea mess in statingprkes in the prnpoa4 the C,`ity reserves the right too adopt the nmNt: advantageous constnwtiom thereof to the City or to xe}ect the Proposal. 6. 13YTlDER Li SE. Bidder must be a Homed Gmtractor in the State of Texas. 7. NQNMIREN'-1BIDbER: Ptntu xt to Article 601g, Texas Revised Civil Statutes, the Ciiy of Fart Worth will not awanl this coutraat to a nonreaident bidder imless flee nouresident`s bad is lower IhM tfte lowest bid submitted by a re�,powible To= resident bidder by the samo amount that a Texas resident bidder would be required to underbid a nomesident bidder to obtain a umvarable contract in the state in which, the no=sident"s pri=ipal plam of beeriness is lomtBOL "Nom esrdent: bidder" norms a bidder wbase principal place of business is not in Us state, but exclude a contracwt whose ultimate patent evmapaw ar majority owner bas its principal place of bu4ness in this state. This provision does not apply if fists martinet involves fedoral funds. The appropriate blamlts ofthe Proposal twist be filled out by all n=esidentbiddets in order for the bid to meet specifications. The failure of a not resident mantracwr to do so will mwiwmtkally di�qu$lify that bidder, 8, MRNT: If the bid am mot is $ 5,000.00 or less, the contract amount sWlbo paid witlix forty-five (45) cakndat days ai%r con Tletion and a€ =ptemce by the City. 9, AC' K- In 4000r&1ioe witkt ilx: policy ("Policy") of the Ex ntive Branch of the Fedeml Goveamaent, Contractor cuvmantg that neither it= mW of its officers, members, agents employees, pto npard4ants ov subs a"Oors, while engaged in performing the contract, shall, in omnection with the employmend, advancement or dMwp of employees or in conamdon with tho terms, conditions or privikges of the anVLaMwe discrimdnate agaimi persom became of their ago oxcept on the bases of a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan or stmtatory requiren=t Contractor further covenants thatneither itoar its officera, members, agunN, cnVloyees, subwntra#ors, program partnr,-ipants, or persons acting on their behalf, sbal1 specify, in solncitutions or advertisemm s fgr uvloyees to work on Ns contract, a mwdmuxm age Htmt for sutll a loyment uonless the spmfwrl rn=mlm] age limit is haledupon a honsa lade occupationd qualification, retirement plan or statutory regtaimr eats. Card actor w5u'rdn% it will fully comply vft the pokey wW will defend, indemnify and hold City harmless against any c1airm or ohegatmms asserted by third parties or subcontractor against City fuming out of OmtriiCWs andlor its subcontracto& aliegod failum to eoanply vuitlt the above referenced Policy concerning age discrimination in the performance of this agreement. 10. D19ABIL TY; It aceordame with the provisions of the Anxricana With Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA")r Contractor wuramts fhe it antd any avid all of its subcontractors will not unlawfully di"riminatie on the basis of disability in the provision of services to the general public, nor in tho availability, terms amdfor conditions of employamt for applicants fot eanoployxnent with, oa' a mvloyees of Congzactot ut any of its s ol)uw ors. PART B - PROPOSAL This praposal must not be removed from this book of Contract Dc cMenis. TO: Cary W. Jaekson Fort WoW4 Tuxas City I1 wmger May 2002 Fort Worth, Texas PROPOSAL FOR: The fumishing of all materials, except materials specified to be furnished by the City, equipment and labor for the installation of approximately 8038 L.F. of 36 Inch Water Pipe and all necessary appurtenances =d irwIdental work to provide a complete and serviceable project designated as: 3 " WATERLINE TO SERVE SENDBRA RANCH CONTRACT11 Water Pv�jaat No. PWt60-06016015850 Pursuant to the foregoing 'Notice to Bidders', the undersigned Bidder, having thoroughly examiaed the Contract l cements, including plans, special contract documents, and the Gencral Cod rant I)ocurn=ts and Ganeml Specifications for Water Department Projects, the site of the project and und=stwding the amount of work to be fie, and the prevailing conditiomVs, hereby proposes to do all the work, bash all labor, equipment and material except as specified to be fiunis#-ied by the City, which is necessary to fa tly comaplcte the work as provided in the Puns and Contract Docurnen#s and subject to the inspection and approval of the Director of the City Engineering Deparb=A of the City of Fart Worth, Texas; and hinds himself upon accelatance of this Proposal to execute a contract _and firnish an approved Performance Bond, Payn=t Bond, l ainte mer, Bond, and such other bonds, if any, as may be required by dLe Contract Documents for the perform ug and completing of the said work. Contractor proposes to do the work with the time stated and for the following ems: 3B. 4 Tans Cast Iron/ Ductile Iron Fittings, D-; Pcr Tort Dollars and Cutts 4. 5 $,A 3 -1wh Butterfly Valve and Access Vault, Per Rwh -Tho d_ Dollars Cents Dicbc0 " S. 4 LA. Install " Combination Aix & Vacuum Release Valve & Vault, Per Each `-rh V Q -Thoqwid Dollars and _ Canis V 5 . 4 PA. InsWil -Inch Blow -Of w/ -Inch Gate Valve and Sump Manhole, Per Each LI Dollars Cents $ /,W O $ I (v,6nD-0'6 7. 67 C.Y. Rock Rip Rap 15"y8" ' Deep, Per Cubic Yad 13 VI# Doll and ?jL) cents / ry LJ , 5 $ , 10 .00 8, 1 L.S. Cathodic Protection SysMm, Per Lump Srn _fWW& J Doll= and :00 - — cents $ aaco $_-qspzllo 9. 7564 L.F. Trewh Safety System, D-19; Per Linear Food C 0 Dollars an.ci tj o Cents 10, 6 EA. , Fire Hydrant Assembly, Per Each ` u)o` ,p ,..a Dollars and N q cents 1 t. 1160 L.F. Install and Remove Temporary -Strand Barbed Wire Fence Complete in Place Per Linear loot hJ Dollars ando 0 Cents 12. 1780 L.F. Install and Remove Temporary 6' Chain Link Fence Complete in Place Per Lin= Foot + Dollars _ and i T� - Cents TOTAL AMOUNT T BID 06 $ S.o1) $ -rS •0'0 os 11 f W)0 FART B -PROPOSAL (font,) Within ten (10) days after acceptance of this Proposal, the undersigned will execute the fomW contract and will delivar an approved Busty Bond and such other bonds as required by the Contract Documents, for the faithful performance of the Contract. The attached bid socurity in the amount of 5% is to become the property of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, in the event the contract and bond or bands are not executed and delivered within the time above set forth, as liquidated damages for tho do] ay and additional work caused thereby. The undersigned bidder certified that he, has been furnished at least one set of tho General Contract Documents and Oral pecit'ications for Water Department Projects dated January 1, 1978, and that he has read and thoroughly understands all the requimments and conditions of those General Documents and the specific Contmt Domments and a urtenant plans. The undersigned sages that its employees and applicants for employment and thoso of any I abor organization, subcontractors, or employment agency m either fi=shmg or referring employee applicants to the undersigned are not discriminated against as prohibited by the terms of City Ordinance No. 7278 as amended by City Ordinance No. 7400. The .Bidder awes to begin construction within 10 calendar days after issue of the work order, anal to complete the contract within 12 0 calendar gays alter beginning omstruction as set forth is ttte written work order to be fiuvished by the Owner. ( ompleto A or B bcXow, as applicable:) A- The principal place of business of our company is in the State of Nonresident bidders in the State of , our principal place of business, are required to be _ percent lower than resident bidders by state law. A copy of the statute is attached. Non resident bidders in the Stati? of , our pd=ipal Owe of business,, are not required to underbid resident bidders. �B. Tbc principal place of business of our compauy or our parent company or majority owner is in the State of Texas. I I (we) admowlcdge receipt of the following addenda to the plans and specifications, all of the proviaions and requfi=ents of which have been taken into consideration on preparation of the foregoing bid: Aiddendurn No. I (Initials) Addm"m No. 2. (Initials) (raj) Dab--,: b Addendum No. 3 (Initials)_ Addejadum No. 4 (b itiab)- Respactfullly submitted, $yiz4e Je yr C,or na e �- Title Address Sri Telephone, . j �� -7 Ll LOM City oWorth f Fort Minority and Women men Business Enterprise Specifications PECIALINSTRUCTIONS F0Tj BIDDERS APPLICATION OF POLICY IIf the tonal dollar value of the contract Is. 25,000 or mgre, the MiWBE goal., appticab to.--1 the. total dpflar "Ikje of the contract �� rass than $25,i100; the N4611S '2oar 15 rrot"appjicable: POLICY-STATEMENIT It Is the policy of tha City of Fort Worth to ensure the full and equi ab!e participation by Mlnodtyl amen Business Enterprises (MM SE) fn the procurement of all goods and services to the City on a contractual basis, The cbjecttvo of the Pcky Is to imcrea the use of MNV13E firms to a to l comparable to the avaflability of MWEEs that provide goods and services directly or Mirectly to the City. All requirements and regulations stated [n the 1 s current Minority and Women Boainess Filterp rise Ordinance apply to this bld- MIWBE PROJECT GOAL The CitYs M BEJW BE goal on this prcjMt is °16 of the base bid Value of the contract. CO MPLIANC E TO BID 8PEOIFICAT10N On City4 contracts of $25,00 or more, bildders are required to comply with the lritent of the CiVs t4 MBE Ordinance by either of the following: 1. Meet or exceed tha above stated Ml VBE goal, or; 2. Good Faith Effort docurnentation, nr; 3. Waiver documentatiort, SUBMITTAL OF REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION The applicable documanb must be received by thQ Managing Department, within the follawiog tirnes 00tad, in order Far the entire bid to he oonsttiered resp4nsfve to the spedficatiom. 1. VIMSE Utilization Form. if goal received by 6:00 p.m., five (5) City bUstness day after the is met or exceeded, bill opening date, exclusive of the bid opening date. 2. Good Faith Effort Form aril MANSE received by 5:0 p.m., five (5) City business days after Me Utilization Form, if partfcipatlon Is bid openirsg date, exatusive of the bid opening date. less trl stated goal: 3. Good Faith Effort Farm it no received by 6:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the parkip0on: btd opening date, oxclusive of the bid opening date. 4. Pdme Contractor Waiver Fomti: rat Oved by 5:00 p.m., five (5) City business days after the hld opening data, excluatue of the bid openlag date. FAILURE TO COMPLYM ITH THL CffY'ZL-M OE ORDIN1ANCEi-WILLL RES1]L ,iN.THE Bib BEING p -.CDlNSID `"•ERED'NON-RESPjD SIVE..TO'S IFICA'nON>R;` } r ---1 --- — - — z . Any questlons, please contact the lhf MBE Office at (8'F7) 87141134, Raw. V13104 ATTACHMENT 1A CILY of Fort Worth Page 9 of Minority and Women Business Enterprise Specifications MBE/WBE UTILIZATION PRIMA YNAME - j WDDATE 36" Wlatterlino to Serve Sendm Raric1i Contract II PWI60-06GI6015850 DOE No.3749 PROJECT NAME PRCMECT NOMSER ``CITY', M1CITYWOF FROJ$. rGQAJ : tR% 15lAM PMCENTAGRAC]J V Eli1r t crl3pi#� kl'l;, forn�, in ifs ek #irct+,f tVi{E3t�xl�pat t-,6kition, and rel+oivp icy n#' uPi or. before 5.00 i},i31, five 15) Cjtq !.}c1!�jrtess tiC-)yq,a1ter bja 0P n'r10!.q, CILlsive'6f bid opelling'date, will result in the bjEf behig ooelto hid specifibatioii`�. --- .._-, 4_. .. _ M T'he uFiders.i nP- €lffid R�ragr*.L i .to 6otsr. it3#o -wr_ 11 reei1.1t.IIt wjf7 o-- M S E an01pv VV5 frfns foFV&rk t1sted in this t�laoii El)(6a ltion of a '�6ntract-: {nrlfrr "the -City of E=fst'i carih. Tile- intelitiollal ;indicrr knowing �i.nisrepreE 011iA6kl;, lfvq.t5 15 q r : 0 ;n-d bf. C;Or151S_�Erhfi4k)..OT (flsgLiziIifieattoii anri ;dill ret.LiI ir, I1ie lheing consiclered 1Zu]1141sSP0, sI.iuL-11ificat10FIS. 4. t" Cr�isf��csny. Al ir5+7; Con.t��c!` e::"� rtHf [ _.' p tciFy. I�.�;ontr ctarF =1 ,, S���. 111� `AtrIWrii ilf Yf N. • _ _ = Dail{ar-ArIX LI11t A.I.dVEJ5s, Ann Tel aplibn6;'�b. Srup.�7ol Work (�� _ _ �uPP)ivo{ 4�L�,.�Iw-til 6633 (grapevine iYijgttway es I 6 33 Grapeyfiac MJh iv_ _ - p NRH, Texas 761 I - F'I t 14F"wi� I .;q - A 08F 'h, k MOT- T., —_ _l�al� k��fin levjl er? {�M !n� b�li#w'I�In pitrrin.ca��itf�it 6VrC'r i�r;Ulltia4f, _= r L*}gntCa. f{Fr R Ofrlr star I.. �nn��rlr.ct,� i'�.1k_r. 1 rFyr;ai�i Icy Ski#]ConiFi. [gl' io THIS FORM MUST BE RECEIVED BY THE MANAGING DEPARTML-NT 8Y SrnD p.m., DIVE (5) CITY 0U$INESS DAY AFTER 8Id 0PENING. EXCLUSIVE OF THE 81D OPENING DATE R43V. 6t2t98 Pages 1 and 2 of Attachment 1A mug# Ism received by the Managing Department ATTACHMENT 1A Page 2 of 2 Cl!y of Fort Worth Minority and Women business Enterprise Specifications BEMSE UTILIZATION Gnr�3} �sny t? f7,f'r tr417C$G 11c% Tlfl. f � Fed -` `S cif]( -All C nt, to Sp :el j+ i 11 Gee s 10 he =-DoIIAr fiatioiin A6d6 E:-, a„fl '1'8rgprloil a.N - r }, EL-00a of Wdr. rs 1) SLt�ap.11+rr�{•} The bidder further agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate Information regarding actual work performed by all subcontractors, including MBE(s) andlor WSE(s) arrangements submitted with this bid. The bidder also agrees to allow an audit and1or exarnlna#fan of any books, records and files geld by their company that will sub,5tarntlate. the actual work performed by the MRE(s) andlor WSE(s) on this contract, by an authorized officer ur employee of the City. Any Intentlonal andlar knowing misrepresentatlon of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or dabarm ant from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for InIVatln9 actlon: under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false statenlents. Any failure to comply with this ordinance and creates a material breach of contract may result in a deterinination of an irresponsible offeror and barred from participating In City work for a period of time not less than one (1) year, ;L W13Es M UST BE CERTIFIED BY THE CITY BEFORE 00NTRA T AWARD - _ % I {? '{ (-I P r on ad Signature Printed Sigrr tum- t"�vr.aC? Iza mo Title C ntectNamo and Title (if different) cona- bin (- 1'fA 1' i r rt} , , J �l - + i Lf - Company Name T lephone Number (s) Add'a Fax Numbor dJStataM Corte Date � rs THIS FORM MLIST BE RECEIVED BY TI-IE MANAGING DEPARTMENT EY 5,00 p.m., FIVE (5) CITY RUSINESS DAYS APTE1i 131D OPE141NG, E CLUSIVE OF THE 810 OPENIN0 DATE Rev. 01214B Pages I and 2 of Attachment 9 A must by recehred by the Managing 13upai'kment ATTACH ME KIT 1B Cily of Fort Worth Page 1 of I Minority and Women business Enterprise Specifications Prime Company Name 131d Opening Date Prime Contractor Waiver 3 6 " WaterlIne to- 5arve Sondera Ranch Contract 11 Project Name PW1BC-06016015850 NOF No.3749 Project Number It both answers to this form ate YES, 49 n complete ATTACHMENT 1C(Good Faith effort Form). All questions on this form must be compImad and a detailed explanation provided, if appiicabia. if the answer to either question Is NO, then you must complete ATTACHMENT 1 . This form Is only applicabla if answers are yes. W111 you performs this entire contfact without subcontractors? _ Yes No If yes, please provide a detailed explanation that proves based on the size and scope of this project, this Is your normal business practice and provide an operational profile of your business. Will you perform this entire contract without suppliers? _Yes No If yes, please provide a detailed explanation that proves based on the size and scope of this project, this Is your norlinal business practice and provide an Inventory profile of your business. The bidder farther agrees to provide, directly to the City upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actuat work performed by all subcontractors. including MBE(s) and/or WSE(a) are this contract, the payment therefore and any proposed changes to the original 69BE(s) and/or WBE {a} arrangaments submitted with this bid. The bidder also agrees to allow an audit andior examination of any books, records and fires herd by their company that will Substantiate the actual work performed by the M13E(s) and/or BE(s) on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of tha City. Any intentional and/or know Ing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for terminating tho contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for init€atin g action under Federal. State a Local laws concernIn9 €also statements, Any failure to comply with this ordinance and creates a material breach of contract may rea►ilt Ili a determination of art irrespons1bI* offeror and barred from particlpa.ting In City work for a period of time not less than one (1) year. Authorized Signature Title Company Name Address Printed Signature Contact Name (if different) Contact Telephone Number (s) Fax Number flew, 6090 ATTACHMENT 1C Page t of 3 City of Fort Worth Minority and Women Business Enterprise [D FAITH EFFORT Prime Company Name Bid Ddte `- 36" 1NatedIna to, Sem Sendere-Ranch Contrast II PVl 1611-060 t6015850 DOE No.3T49 Project NaMe - Project Number Ifi.'yor� ��a e $irs ' cu 'nn u+�t� �?#f rty tEoSri iitf y ki v b Sir- a�idlnr: iiVlft r o06ar�IV: & or ifypur 9JPzIi011.is toss 111an.ti3o i�j silj.�'90-� If the bidder's method of compliance with the MIWBE goal is Raised upon demonstration of a "good faith effort", the bidder will have the burden of correcHy and accurately preparing and submitting the documentation required by the City. Compliance with each item, I thru 6 below. shall satisfy the Good Faith Effort requirement absent proof of fraud, intentional and/or knowln9 mIsrep resantatiain the facts or intentional dig crimInation by the bidder. t<> rri te: talis fa.nrr..:.irP k s _r�f�refy witki j3Fortirsr� ioc ritcrrft�tioM�, am r i cl : y Ih:e �41aaaUing 17er�arkinpht on or.-6.ef��6 5,00.t m JWa (5) `�y ���s�r�ess days. M*-r� bid'o�ell asiuc at bid' bpgning=da#et will rn'suit it) tho bid belr+g con so ri�ri-res�rof��ive to I>icf sj�ecif�c�tipa�s.-: __ 1.) Pleaso list each and every subcontracting and/or supplier opportunity fDO NOT LI T NAMES O FI_ RNIS) which WIII be usod to the compietion of this project, regardless of whether it is to be pr*VIded by a hVWBE or non- tU IWBE. (Use addlfronar sheets, If necessary) List of: Subcontracting Onortunitles List of: 5 utPffer 000ortUFT11108 o rt Rev. 912108 ATTACHMENT IC Page 2 of 3 2-) Did you obtain a current IISt of i4UWBE firins from the Cityrs MIWBE 0Mce? The IISt Is cons1Elerell in cam pilanco, if it is not more than 3 months old from t h a date of bid opening. bate of Listing 0 1 a 1 ! No .) Did you soilcII bids from M WBE firms, w1thIn the subcontracting arndfor supplier areas previously listed, at least ten calendar clays prior to bits ogling by malt, exclusive of the day the bibs are opened? Yes It yes, attach MlWBE mail listing to Irncludo narna of firm and address and a Ag2j �No copy of letter mailed. 4) Did you solicit bids from MfWBE firms, within~ the subcontracting and/or supplier areas Previously Ilatod, at least (en calendar days prior to bid opanIn9 by telephona, exclusive of the day tho bids are opened? V Yes If yes, attach Ilst to include name of M1W BE firm, person contatctod, �No pDone number and Mate and time of contact. maj b =used FG c rttp�y o ath ether -or-4. but may not. )e tised:Jor. botfi. Jif 'facs"PvAe. the f4lx CPnffi+rnfttiont which .is'to:., provide ww:BE name. datc�-z-fir ia. fax ilum1a4r ;Ind dticui oiltaVoi�::faxod. NOTE : If �-..51 ':irs''�'66_M 13E, is 4c,I�-0, rL— t co, nk tha re I -in cUmpIlar cn'%vi(1) quj�stions:s and 4- 1f a sk—-Iist.:of Wri VBF.i5 ijlor t—h f ,-tlic bidder nwr t C4:0,-1ct..at least tvvo-thirds-uf Iltu.ii t h 1€ %ot loss than ten to -be iii-cdnipflance:wit 3 and 4:=: i .. 5.j Did you provide plans and specifications to pate rntlaI MIWBEs or information regarding the location of plans and specifications in order to assist the 141[WBEs? Yes No 6.) 1f MlV4fBE bids were receivad and rejected* you must: (1 ) List the MfWBE firms and the reasor}(s) for rejection (i.e., "otation not commercially reasonabfe, qualifications, etc.) and (2) Atta ch affidavit aridlor documentatiorn to support the reason(s) listed below (i.e.. totters, memos, bids, tolephono calls, meetings, etc.) (Please use addWonal Shaets,_if nocessuxy, d aH,7ch,) Company Maine Telophone Contact Person r Scope of Work Reason for _ Re�e�tion ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: - - Rav, W2?98 ATTACHMENT I Page 3 of 3 Ploase provide additic naI Information you feel will further expleIn your good and honest efforts to obtain MIWHE participation on this project. The bidder further agrees to provide, dlrectly to the City tipon request, comptote and accurate information regarding actual work performed on this contract, the payment thereof and any proposed changes to the original arrangements submitted with this bid. The bidder also agrees to allow an audit and/or examination of any looks, records and files field by their company that will substantiate the actual work performed on this contract, by an authorized officer or employee of the City. Any intentional andlor knowing misrepresentation of facts will be grounds for terminating the contract or debarment from City work for a period of not less than three (3) years and for Initiating action under Federal, State or Local laws concerning false statements. Any failure to comply with this ordinance and area#es a material bra ach of contract may result in a determination of an irresponsible offeror and barred from participating hi City work for a period of time not less than one (1) year, The undersigned certifies that the information provided and the M BE(s) listed was1were contacted in good faith. It is understood that any MIWBE(s) Misted in Attachment IC will be contacted and the reasons for not using them will be verified by the ClWs WINVBE Offf t Y `� i�}1r- Jt- e Y- -Aut rrz' Signature Arlrrted Sagn�ture- 2QWA Q r CmSki s rr % off Company Name .. I Address Cityisteteizip F 7 Contact Name and Ti He (if different) Telephone Number(s) Fax Number Date Rev. 61'V98 PART C - GENERAL C0401 TIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS NOVE SER, 1t 1907 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cl-1 DEFINITIONS C1-1.1 Definition of Terms C1-1 (1) CI-1.2 Contract Documents C1-1 (1) C1-1.3 notice to Bidders C1-1 (21 C1-1.4 Proposal Cl-1 (2) CI-1.5 Bidder C1-1 (2) C1-1.6 General Conditions C1-1 (2) C1-1.7 Special Conditions C1-1 (2) C1-1.6 Specifications C1-1 () C I -1 . 9 Bored C1-1 ( 2 ) Cl-1.10 Contract CI-1 (3) C1--1.11 Plana CI-1 () Ci-1.12 city c1=1 0 ) CI-1.13 City Council c1-1 (3) CI-1.14 Mayor C1-1 (3) C1-1.15 city Manager C1-1 (3) C1-1.16 City Attorney C1-1 (3) C1-1.17 Director of Public Works C1-1 (4) 1-1.18 Director, City Water Depnrtment C1-1 ( 4 ) C1-1.19 Engineer C1-1 (4) C1--1.20 Contractor C1-1 (4) C1-1.21 Sureties C1-1 (4) C1-1.22 The Stork or Project CI-1 (4) 1-1.23 Working Day CI--1 (4) C1--1.24 Calendar Day C1-1 (4) C1-1.25 Legal Holiday Cl-1 (4) iC1-1.26 Abbreviations C1-1 (5) 1-1.27 Charge Order 1-1 (6) CI- 1. 28 Pared Streets and Alleys C1-1 ( 6 ) C1-1. 9 Unpaved Streets and Alleys C1-1 ( 6 ) C1-1.30 City Streets CI-1 (6) CI-1.31 Roadway C1-1 (6) C1-1.32 Caravel Street CI-1 (6) C2-2 REAND Pl PAR.ATION OF ROPOa�AL PROPOSAL C2-2.1 Proposal. Form C2-2 (1) C2-2.2 Interpretation of Quantities 2-2 (1) C2-2.3 Examination of Contract. Ooc=ents and Site C2- (2) C2-2.4 Submitting of Proposal C2- (3) C2-2.5 Rejection of Proposals C2-2 (3) C2 -2.6 Bid Security C2-2 (3 ) (1) C2-2.7 Delivery of Proposal C -2 (4) C2-2.8 Withdrawing Proposals C2-2 ( 4 ) C2-2.9 Telegraphic Modification of Proposals 2-2 (4) C2-2.10 Public Opening of Proposal C -- (4) C2-2.11 Xrregula:r Proposals C -2 {4) C2-2.12 ❑isgUalificatiQ0. of Bidders C2-2 (5 ) C3-3 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS C3-3.1 Consideration of Proposals C3-3 (1) C3-3.2 Minority Business Enterpise roman -owned Business Enterprise compliance C3-3 (1) C3--3.3 Equal Employment Provisions C3-3 (1 ) C3-3.4 Withdrawal of Proposals C3-3 () C3-3.5 Award of Contract C3-3 (2) C3--3.6 Return of Proposal Securities C3-3 (2) C3-3.7 Hands C3-3 (2) C3-3.B Execution of Contract C3-3 (4) C3-3.9 Failure to Execute Contract C3-3 (4) C3-3.1Q Beginning Work C3-3 (4) C3-3.11 Insurance C3-3 (4) C3-3.12 Contractor's Obligations C3-3 (7) C3-3.13 Weekly Payroll C3-3 0) C3-3.14 Contractor's Contract Administration C3-3 (7) C3-3.1.5 Venue C3-3 (0) C4-4 SCOPE DF WORK C4-4.1 Intent of Contract Documents C4-4 (1) C4-4.2 Special Provisions C4-4 (1) C4--4.3 Increased or Decreased Ouantities C4-4 (t) C4-4.4 Alteration of Contract Documents C4-4 (2) C4-4.5 Extra Work C4-4 (2) C4-4.0 Schedule of Operations C4-4 (3) C4--4.7 Progress Schedules for Water and Sewer Plant Facilities C4-4 (4) C5-5 CONTROL OF WORK AND HATERIA.LS C5-5.1 Authority of Engineer CS-5 (1) C5-5.2 Conformity with Plane CS-5 (1) C5-5.3 Coordination of Contract Documenta C5-5 (2) C5-5.4 Cooperation of Contractor CS-5 (2) C5-5.5 Emergency and/or Rectification Work 5-5 (3) C5-5.6 Field Office C5-5 (3) C5-5.7 Constructian Stakes CS-5 (3) CS-5. B Authority and Duties of Inspectors CS-5 { 4 ) C5 -S. 9 In spect icn CS-5 ( 5 ) C5-5.10 Removal of Defective and Unauthorized Work C5-5 (5) CS-5.11 Substitute Materials or Equipment CS-5 (5) C5-5.12 Samples and Tests of Materials 5-5 (6) C5-5.13 Storage of Materials C5-5 (6) C5-5.14 Existing Structures and Utilities C5-5 (1) C5-5.15 Interruption of Service C5-5 (7) CS-5.16 Mutual Responsibility of Contractors C -5 (e) CS-5.17 Cleanup C5-5 (8) C5-5.18 Final Inspection C5-5 (9) r1)t C6-6 LEGATE RELATIONS AND PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITY C6-6.1 Laws to be Observed CG-6 ( 1) C6-6.2 Permits and Licenses C6- (1) C6-6.3 Patented Devices, Materials and Processes C6-6 ill C6-6r4 Sanitary Provisions C6- (2) C6-6.5 Public Safety and Convenience Cf- 12 ) C6-6.6 Privileges of Contractor in Streets, Alleys-, and Right -of -Way C6-6 (3) C6-6.7 Railway Crossings C6-6 (4) c6--6.8 Barricades, Warnings and Watchmen C6-6 (4) C6-6.9 Use of Explosives, Drop Weight, etc. C6_6 (5) C6-6.10 Work within Easements C6_6 (6) C6-6.11 Independent Contractor C6_6 M C6-6.12 Contractor's Responsibility for Damage Claims Cf-6 (8) C6-6.13 Contractor's Claim for Damages C6_6 (10) C6-6.14 Adjustment of Relocation cf Public Utilities, etc. C6-6 (10) C6-6.13 Temporary Sewer Drain Connections C6-6 (10) C6-6.1 Arrangement and Charges of Water Furnished by City C6_6 (11) CG-6.17 Use of a Section of Portion of the Work C6-6 (11) C6-6.18 Contractor's Responsibility for Work C6-6 (11) C6-6.19 No Waiver of Legal tights C6-5 (12 ) U - .20 Personal Liability of Public Officials C6-6 (12) C6-6.21 State Sales Tax C6-6 (12) C7-7 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS C7-7.1 Stabletting C7-7 (.1) C7-7.2 Assignment of Contract C7-7 (1) C7-7.3 Prosecution of the Worm C7-7 (1) C7-7.4 Limitations of Operations C7-7 () C7-7.5 Character of Workman and Equipment C7-7 (2) C7-7, 6 Work Schedule C7-7 ( 3 ) C7-7.7 Time of Commence -meat and completion C7-7 (4) C7-7.8 Extension of time of Completion C7-7 (4) C7-7.4 Delays C7-7 ( 4 ) C7-7.10 Time of Completion C7-7 0) C7-7.11 Suspension by Court Order C7-7 (6) c7-7.12 Temporary Suspension C7-7 ( 6 ) C7-7.13 Termination 'of Contract true to National Emergency C7-7 (7) C7-7.14 Suspension of Abandonment of the Work find Annulment of Contract C7--7 (7) C7-7.15 Fulfillment of Contract C7-7 (9) C7--7.16 Termination for convenience of the Onwer C7-7 (10) C7-7,17 Safety Methods and Practices C7-7 (13) C9-8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT CB-8.1 MeaBurement of Quantities CS-8 (1) CS-8.2 Unit Prices CB-B (1) (3) C8-8.3 Lump Sum CB_B (1) C8-B.4 Scope of payment C8-8 (1) C8-8.5 Partial Estimates and Retainage CO-6 (2) c8-8.6 Withholding Payment CS-B (3) C8-8.7 Final Acceptance CS-B (3) CB-8.8 Final Payment C§-8 (3) C8-8.9 Adquacy of Design . CB-8 (4) Ca-a.10. General -Guaranty. . .. . ' CO-S (4) Ca-8.11 Subsidiary work CB�B (5) CB-8.12 ■1scellane0ge Placement of Material CB-8 (5) c8-8.13 ]Record Documents CB-8 (5) (a) 1. Applicable design and details shall conforz to "General Contract Documents and Specifications for Water Department Protects" (GCD) effective July 1,1978, with the latest revisions. 2. All horizontal blocking, cradle blocking, and vertical tie -clown blocking to be in accordance Vitt, Fig. {s) 9, 10, and 11 of the GCD. 3. Fire hydrants shall be located a mi.ni.=n of 31-011 behind the face of curb per Fig. 5 GCD. 4. All gate valve installations for sizes up to 1211 are to be per Fig. 3 GCD and sizes 16" and larger Fig. 4 GCD. 5. The proposed grater and/or sewer mains at times will be laid close to other existing utilities and structures both above and below the ground. The contractor shall make necessary provisions for the support and protection of all utility poles, fences, trees, shrubs gas mains, telephone cables, TU cables, drainage pipes, utility services, and all other utilities and structures bath above and below the ground during construction. It is the contractor's responsibility to notify all utility owners prior to any construction in the area and verify the actual location of all buried utilities that may or may not be shown on the plans. The contractor shall preserve and protect all underground and overhead facilities and be responsible for any damage he may cause to them. The Contractor shall, contact the following @ least 48 hours prior to excavating at each location: Fort worth Water Department 871-8306 Lone Star Gas Compa" Metro (214) 63-3444 Texas Utility Service cor�panyr 336-2328 Southwestern Bell 'telephone Company Enterprise 9800 Western Union Cable Division (214) 939-1930 Sammons Cable T.V. 737-4731 6. oantraotor -sha,l 1. verify the elevation, configvratian, and angmlation of existi.nq lime prior to construction of tie-in materials. Such verification shall be considered as subsidiary cost of project and no additional compensation will be allowed. Elevationad'ustments at connections may be made with bends, offsets or Dint deflections. All nonstandard bends shall be made U nq the closest standard M.3. fittings with the required icint deflections.(deflections not to exceed manufacturer's recommended deflection per joint) 7. Contractor shall keep at least one lane of traffic open at all times during construction and access to all places of business and residence at all times.(reference C6-6.5 GCD) 8. No excavated materials, backfill materials, equi�nent, or supplies shall be stored within floodways or drainage easements.(re€erence C5-6.6 GCD) 9. Trenches which lay outside existing or future pavements shall be ba►ckfill.ed above the top of the embedment With Type "C" backfill material,. When Type " " backfill material is not suitable, at the direction of the Engineer, Type "B" zaterial shall be used. All backfill material shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% proctor density by means of tamping only. Trenches which crass under existing or future pavement shall be bac filled per Fig. "A" With 95; proctor density by jetting, tamping, or a combination of such methods. lo.Rim elevations of the proposed sanitary sewer manholes in repaved streets are shown as final finished grades in these plans. They shall be constructed to 15" below final finished ra a by utility contractor and adjusted by paving contractor n accordance with Fig. M of the special contract documents. Manhole inserts and concrete collars shall be installed where indicated on the glans per E-100-4 and Fig. 121 of the special contract documents respectively. Standard four foot diameter manholes shall be in accordance with section E2A, Fig, 103 and Fick. 104 GCD, standard four foot drop access manholes per Fig. 107 GcD, and shallow 'manholes per Fig. 106 GCD. II.The top of the water lines shall be a minimum of 3'-611 below the top of the curb for 1211 and smaller mains except where otherwise shown on these plans. 12.All grater meters shall be placed or relocated 31-091 behind the face of the proposed curb or as directed by the Engineer. 13.All existing water services shall be replaced with 1" minimum copper tubing unless a larger size is indicated on the plans. Corporation stops shall be Bally opened prior to trench, backfill. Curb stops with lock winds shall be tested for full flow when the system is pressure tested. Extend 1" water Services to those lots where no grater services have been extended to. Locate these services at normal locations or as directed by the Engineer. a.Tha normal location of water service lines shall be 5+ east or north of the center of the property frontage. h.For 401 or less lot frontage, all grater services shall be placed IV from the east or south property line. PAIN C - GENERAL CONDITIONS C1-1 DEFINITIONS SECTION C1-1 DEFINITIONS. C1-1.1 DEFINITIONS OF TERKSt Whenever in these Contract Documents the following terms or pronouns in place of them are usedp the intent and meaning shall be understood and interpreted as follows: CI-1. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract Documents are all of the written and drawn documents such as specifications, bonds{ addenda, plans, etc., *which govern the terms and performance of the contract. These are contained in the General Contract Documents and the Special Contract Documents. a. GENERAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The General Contract Documents gnveyn all Water Department Projects and include the following items: PART A - NOTICE TO BIDDERS iSample) White. PART E - PROPOSAL, {Sample) White PART C - GENEM CONDITIONS (CITY) Canary Yellow (Developer) Brown PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS Green PART E - SPECIFICATIONS El -White E2-Golden Rod ESA -White PERMITS EASEMENTS Blue PART F -- BOLDS (Sample) White PART O - CONTRACT t Sample) White b. SPECIAL CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Special Contract Documents are prepared for each specific project as a supplement to the General Contract Documents and include the following items: PhRT A - NOTICE TO BIDDERS above ?ART P - PROPOSAL (Bid) PART" C - GENERAL CONDITIONS PART D - SPECIAL CONDITIONS PART E - S,PECIFICATIDNS PERMITS BASEMENTS PART F - BONDS PART G - CONTRACT (Advertisement) Same as PART S - PLANS Wsually bound separately) Cl-1 (1) Cl-1.3 NOTICE TO BIDDERS: All of the legal publications either actually published in ptxbiic advertising mediums or furnished direct to interested parties pertaining to the work contemplated under the Contract Documents constitutes the notice to bidders. C1-1.4 PROPOSAL: The completed written and signed offer or tender of a bidder to perform the work which the. Owner desires to have doter together with the bid security, constittttes the Proposal, which becomes binding upon: the Bidder when it is officially received by the Owner, has been publicly opened and re8d ana not rejected by the owner. C1-1,5 BIDDER: Any person, persons, firm, partnership, cotripany, association, corporation, acting directly or through a duly authorized representative, submitting a proposal for performing the work contemplated under the Contract Documents, constitutes a bidder. C1-1-6 GENERAL CONDITIONS: The General Conditions are the usual construction- and contract requirements which govern the performance of the work so that it will be carried on in accordance with the customary procedure, the local statutes, and requirements of the City of Fort Worth's charter and promulgated ordinances. Wherever there may be a conflict between the General Conditions and special Conditions, the latter shall tape precedence and shall, govern. CI-1.7 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Special conditions are the spec fic requirements which are necessary for the particular project covered by the Contract Documents and not specifically covered in the. General Conditions. When considered with the General Conditions and other elements of the Contract Documents they provide the information which the Contractor and Owner should have in order to gain a thorough knowledge of the project. C1-1. 0 SPECIFICATIONS: The Specifications is that section or part of the Contract Documents which sets forth in detail the requirements which must be met by all materials, construction, workmanship, equipment and services in order to render a completed and useful project. Whenever reference is nude to standard specifications, regulations, requirements, statutes, etc., such referred to documents shall become a part of the Contract Documents just as though they were embodied therein. C1--1.9 BOND: The hoed or bands are the written guarantee or secure tyr fUrnished by the Contractor for the prompt and C1-1 (Z) faithful performance of the contract and include the following: a■ Performance Bond (see paragraph 3-3.7) b. Payment Bond (see paragraph C3-3.7) C. Maintenance Bond (see paragraph C3-3.7) d. Proposal. or Sid Security (see Special Instructions to Bidders, Part A and C2-2..5) Cl--1_,10 CONTRACT: The Contract is the formal signed agreement between the owner and the Contractor covering the mutual understanding of the two contracting parties about the project to be completed under the Contract Documents. C1-1.11 PLATS- The plans are the drawings or reproductions Therefrom made by the owner's representative &bowing in detail the location, dimension and position of the various elements of the project, including such profiles, typical cross -sections, layout diagrams, working drawings, preliminary drawings and such supplemental drawings as the owner may issue to clarify other drawings or for the purpose of shorting changes in the work hereinafter authorized by the owner. The plats are usually bound separately from other parts of the Contract Documents, but they are a part of the Contract Documents just as though they were bound therein. cl-1.12 CITY: The City of Fort Worths 'texas, a municipal o_rporation.t authorized and chartered under the Texas State Statutes, acting by and through its governing body or its City manger, each of which is required by charter to perform specific duties. Responsibility for final enforcement of contracts involving the City of Fort Worth is by Charter vested in the City Manager. The terms City and owner are synonymous. CI-1.1.3 CITY COUNCIL: The dilly elected and qualified governing body of the City of Fort Worth, Texas. C1-1.14 MAYOR: The officially elected Mayor, or in his absence, the Mayor Fro tem of the City of Port Worth, Texas. C1-1.15 CITY MANAGER- The officially appointed and authorized City Manager of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly authorized representative, CJ-1_dI~6 CITY ATTORNEY: The officially appointed City Attorney of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly aauthor12ed representative. Cl-1.17 DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: The dully appointed official bf the City of Fart North, referred tc in the Charter as the City Engineer, or his duly authorized representative. C1-1.18 D1R_ECTOR,' CIT_Y'WATER "08PARTME3�T: The duly appointed Df ectOI of the Cit Pitar Department of the City of Fort Worth, Texas, or his duly authorized representativie, assistant, or agents. C1-1.19 ENGI E?ERI The Director of Public Works, the Director oT the Fort Worth City Water Department, or their duly authorized assistants, agents, engineers, inspectors, or superintendents, acting within the scope of the particular duties entrusted to them. C1-1.20 CONTRACTOR: The person, persons, partnership, company, firm, association, or corporation, entering into a contract with the Owner for the execution of the work, acting directly or through a duly authorized representative. A sub -contractor is a person, firm, corporation, or others under contract with the principal contractor, supplying labor and materials or only labor, for work at the site of the project. CI-1.21 SURETIES= The Corporate bodies which are bound by such bonds ,are required with and for the Contractor. The sureties engaged are to be fully responsible for the entire and satisfactory fulfillment of the Contract and for any ani all requirements as set forth in the Contract Documents and approved changes therein. Cl-1.22 THE WORK OR PROJECT: The completed work contemplated in and covered by the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the furnishing of all labor, Materials, tools, egiApment, and incidentals necessary to produce a completed and serviceable project. C1-1. 3 WORKING DAY: A working day is defined as a calendar day, not including Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays, in which the weather or other conditions not under the contra, of the Contractor permit the performance of the principal unit of work for a period of not lens than seven (7) hours between 1 00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., with exceptions as permitted in paragraph C7-7.6. Cl-1, 24 CALENDAR DAYS t A calendar day is any day of the week or s� nth, no days being excepted. Cl-1 .2S LEGAL HOLIDAYS.-. Legal holidays shall be observed as prescribed by the City Council of theCity of Fart Worth for observance by City employees as follows; Cl-1 (4 ) 1. 2. 3. 4. H. 9. New Year's DaY K. L. King, Jr. Birthday Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day - Thanksgiving Day Thanksgiving Friday Christmas Day Such other days in lieu of holidays as the City Council may determine January 1 Third Monday in January Last ?Monday in May July 4 First Monday in Fourth Thursday Fourth Friday in December 25 September in November November when one of the above named holidays or a special holiday is declared by the City Council, falls on Saturday, the holiday small be observed on the preceding Friday or if it falls an Sunday, it shall be observed on the following Monday, by those employees working on working dap operations. Employees working calendar day operations will consider the calendar holiday as the holiday. C1-1. 6 ABBREVIATIONS; Wherever the abbreviations defined herein appear in Contract Documents, the intent and meaning shall be as follows; AASHTO - American Association of MGD - Million Gallons Per State Highway Transportation Lay Officials ASCE - American Society of Civil CFS - Cubic Foot per Engineers Second LAW - In Accordance with ASTM - American Society of min. - minimum Vesting Materials Mono.- ftnolithic A WA - American Water Works % - Par'centum Association R Radius ASA - American Standards Association I.D. - Inside Diameter Hi - Hydraulic Institute O.D. - Outside Diameter Asph. - Asphalt Elev.- elevation Ave. - Avenue F - Fahrenheit Blvd. Boulevard C - Centigrade C1 = CaBt Xrbn In. - Inch CL Center Line Ft. - Foot GI Galvanized Iron St. - Street Litz. = Linear or Linea. CY -- Cubic Yard lb. = Pound Yd. - Yard MH - Manhole SY - Square Yard Max. - Maximum L.F. - Linear Foot D.I. - Ductile Iran C1-1 (5) CI-1. _7 CHANGE ORDER: A "Change Order" is a written supplemerita -agreement between the Owner and the Contractor covering some added or deducted item or feature which may be fcund necessary and which was not specifically lacluded in the scope of the project on which bids were submitted. Increase in unit quantities' stated in the proposal are nct the subject matte' of &- Change order unless the increase or decrease is more than 25% of the amount of the particular item or items in the original proposal. All "Change Orders' $hall be prepared by the City from information as necessary furnisbed by the Contractor. CI-1_28 PAVED STREETS AND ALLEYS: A paved street or alley siiall be define4 as a street or alley having one of the following types of wearing surfaces applied over the natural unimproved surfacer 1. Any type of asphaltic concrete with or without separate base material.. 2. Any type of asphalt surface treatment, not including an ailed surface, with or without separate base material. 3. Brick, with or withoat separate base material. 4. Concrete, with or without separate base material. .5. Any combination of the above. C1-1.29 UNPAVED STREETS OR ALLEYS: An unpaved street, alley, roadway or other si xrface La any area except those defined above for "Paved Streets and Alleqs . " C1-1._30 CITY STREETS: A city street is defined as that area between the r ght-of-way lines as the street is dedicated. CI-1.31 R0hDWhYz The roadway is defined as the area between parallel lines two (') feet back of the curb lines or four ( 4' ) feet back of the average edge of pavement where no curb exists. CI-1.32 GRAVEL STREET: A gravel street is any unpaved street to which has been added one or more applications of grave, or similar material other than the natural material found on the street surface before any improvement was made. CI-1 (6) SECTION C - GENERAL CONDIT104S C2-2 INTERPRETATION AND PREPI.RTION OF PROPOSAL SECTION C2-2 INTERPRETATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL C2-2.1 PROPOSAL FORM: The Owner will furnish bidders with proposal form, which will contain an itemized list of the items of work to be done or materials to be furnished and upon which bid prices are requested. The Proposal form will state the Bidder's general understanding of the project to be completed# provide a space for furnishing the amount of bid accurity, and state the (oasis for entering into a formal contxact. The Owner will furnish forms for the Bidder's "Experience Record," "Equipment Schedule," and ''Financial Statement," all of which must be properly executed and filed with the Director of the City Water Department one week prior to the l otr for openinq of bids. The financial statement required shall have been prepared by an independent certified public accountant or an independent public accountant holding a valid permit issues try an appropriate Mate licensing agency, and shall have been so prepared as to reflect the current financial status. This statement must be current and not more than one (1) year old. Its the cage that a bidding date falls within the time a new statement is being prepared, the previous statement shall be updated by proper verification. Liquid assets in the amount of ten (10%) percent of the estimated project cost will be required. For are experience record to he considered to he acceptable for a given project, it must reflect the experience of the firm seeking quali,f ication in work of both the same nature and magnitude as that of the project for which bids are to be received# and such experience must have been on projects completed not more than five (5) *ears prior to the date on which are to be received. The Director of the Water department shall be sole judge as to the acceptability of experience for qualification to bid on any Fort Worth rater Department project. The prospective bidder shall schedule the equipment he has available for the project and state that he will rent ouch additional equipment as may be required to complete the project on which he submits a bid. C 2-2 INTERPRET_ATIO OF OUANTITIES: The quantities of work a0wd materials to be furnished as may-Ee listed in the proposal C -2(1) fo rms or other parts of the Contract Documents will be considered as proximate only and will be used for the purpose of comparing bids —on a uniform basis. Payment will be made to the Contractor for only the actual quantities of work performed or materials furnished.. in • s'tvict accordance with the Contract Documents and Plans. The quantities of work to be performed and materials to be furnished may be increased or decreased as hereinafter provided, without in any way invalidating the unit prices bid or any other requirements of the Contract Documents. C2-2 . EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE OF PROJECT: Bidders are advised that the Contract Documents on file with the owner shall constitute all 'of the information %ghich the owner will furnish. All additional information and data which the owner will supply after promulgation of the formal ccntract documents shall be issued in the farm of written addenda and shall became part of the Contract Documents just ae though such addenda were actually written ,into the original Contract Documents_ Bidders are required, prior to the filing of proposal, to read and become familiar with the Contract Documents, to visit the site of the project and examine carefully all local conditions, to inform themselves by their own independent research and investigations, tests{ boring, and by such other means as may be necessary to gain a complete knowledge of the conditions which will be encountered during the construction of the project. They must judge for themselves the difficnIties of the work and all attending circumstances affecting the cost of doing the work or the time regtzired for its completion# and obtain all information required to hake an intelligent proposal. No information given by the Owner or any representative of the Owner other than that contained in the Contract Documents and officially promulgated addenda thereto, shall be binding upon the owner. Bidders shall rely exclusively and solely upon, their own estimates, investigation, research, tests, explorations, and other data which are necessary for full and complete information upon which the proposal is to be based. It is matually agreed that the submission of a proposal is prima -facie evidence that the binder has made the investigations, examinations and tests herein required. Claims for additional compensation due to variations between conditions actually encountered in construction and as indicated in the Contract Documents will not be allowed. The Logs of Soil Borings, if any, showing on the plans are for general information only and may not be correct. Neither the C -2(2) Owner nor the Engineer guarantee that the data shown is representative of conditions which actually exist. C2-2.4 SUBMITTING OF PROPOSALS The Bidder shall Submit his Proposal. ontine orm furnished by the Ober. All blank spaces applicable to --the project- contained in the farm shall be correctly filled in and the Bidder shall state the prices, written in ink in both words and numerals, for which he proposes to do the work contemplated or furnishe the materials required. All such prices shall be written legibly. In case of discrepancy between the price written in words and the price written in numerals, the price most advantageous to the City shall govern. if a proposal is submitted by an individual., his or her name must be signed by him (her) or his (heir) duly authorized agent. If a proposal is submitted by a firm, association, or partnership, the name and address of each member mast be given, and the proposal must he signed by a member of the firm, association, or partnership, or by a person duly authorized. If a progoBal, is submitted by a company or corporation, the company or corporate name ana business address must be given, and the proposal signed by are official or duly authorized agent. The corporate seal must be affixed. Power of Attorney authorizing agents or others to sign proposal must be properly certified and must be in writing and submitted with the proposal, C - 2.§' REJDQT10V OP PROPOSALS: Proposals may be rejected if they ��o -anyalteration -of words or figures, additions not called for, conditional or uncalled for alternate bids, incomplete bids, erasures, or irregnlarzties of any kind, or contain unbalance value of any items, Proposal tendered or delivered after the official time designated for receipt of proposal small be returned to the Bidder unopened. C2-2. _BID SECURITY: No proposal will, be considered unless it is accompanied by a "Proposal Security" of the character and in the amount indicated in the "Notice to Bidders# and the "Proposal." The Rid Security is required by the owner as evidence of good faith on the part of the Bidder, and by way of a guaranty that if awarded the contract, the Bidder will within the required time execute a formal contract and furnish the required performance and other honde. The bid security of the three lowest bidders will be retained until the contract is awarded or other disposition is made thereof. The bill Becurity of all other bidders may be returned promptly after the canvass of bids. C2= (3) C2-2.7 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will be considered unless it is _livered, accompanied by ite proper Sid Security, to the City Manager or his representative in the official place of business as set forth in the IffiNotice to Bidders . " It is the Bidder I s_aole responsibility to deliver the proposal at the proper time to the groper place. The mega fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered. The Bidder mTast have the proposal actually delivered. Each proposal shall be in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the word "PROPOSAL," and the name or description of the project as designated in the *Notice to Bidders." The envelope shall be addressed to the City Manager, City Hall, Fort Worth, Texas. C2-2.8 WITHDRAWING PROPOSALS: Proposals actually filed with the City Manager cannot b� wYt drawn prior to the time set for opening proposals_ A request for non --consideration of a proposal must be grade in writing, addressed to the City #tanager, and filed with him prior to the time set for the opeuing of proposals. After all proposals not requested for non -consideration are opened and publicly read aloud, the proposals for which non -consideration requests have been properly filed may, at the option of the Owner, be returned unopened. C2- .9 TELEGRAPHIC MODIFICATION OF PROPOSALS: Any bidder may modify his proposaltelegraphic communication at any time prior to the time set for opening proposals, provided such telegraphic communication is received by the City Manager prior to the said proposal opening time, and provided further, that the City Manager is satisfied that a written and duly authenticated confirmation of such telegraphic communication over the signature of the bidder was mailed prior to the proposal opening time. If such confirmation is not received within forty-eight (48) hours after the proposal opening time, no further consideration will be given to the proposal, C2-2.10 PUBLIC- OPENING OF PROPOSAL: Proposals which have been properly filed and for which AD mkon-consideration RequestO has been received will he publicly opened and read aloud by the City Manager or his authorized representative at the time and, place indicated in the "Notice to Bidders." All proposals which have been opened and read will remain on file with the Owner until the contract has been awarded. Bidders or their: authorix.ed representatives are invited to be present for the opening of bids. C2-2,11 IRREGULAR PROPOSALS: Proposals shall he considered as being 'Irregular" if they show any omissions, alterations of form, additions, or conditions not called for, unauthorized alternate bids, or irregularities of any kind. However, the C2-2 W owner reserves the right to waive any and all irregularities end to make the award of the contract to the bestinterest of the City. Tendering a proposal after the closing hour is an irregularity which cannot, be warred. C2- .12 DISQUALIFICATION OF'BIDDERS: Bidders may be disqualified and their--roposals not Considered for any of, but not limited toe the following reaem. A. reasons for believing that collusion existt among bidders. b. Reasonable grounds for believing that any bidder is interested in more than one proposal for work contemplated. c; The bidder being interested in any litigation against the Owner or where the Owner may have a claim against or be engaged in litigation against the bidder. d. The bidder being in arrears on any.existing contract or having defaulted on a previous contract. e. The bidder having performed a prior contract in an unsatisfactory manner. f. Lack of competency as revealed by the financial statement, experience record, equipment schedule, and such inquiries as the Owner may see fit to rake. g. Uncompleted work which, in the judgment of the owner, will prevent or hinder the prompt completion of additional work if awarded. h. The bidder not filing with the Owner, one week in advance of the hour of the opening of proposals the following: 1. Financial. Statement showing the financial condition of the bidder as specified in Part "A" - Special, Instructions. 2. A current experience record showing especially the projects of a nature similar to the one under consideration, which have been successfully completed by the Bidder. 3. An equipment schedule showing the equipment the bidder has available for use on the project. The Bid proposal of a bidder who# in the judgment of the Engineer, is disqualified under the requirements stated herein, shall be set aside and not opened. C2-2(5) FART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS C3-3 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS SECTION C3-3 AWARD AND EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS: C3-3.1 CONSID RATION OF PROPOSALS: After proposals have been opened and rea aloud, the proposals will be tabulated on the basis of the quoted prices, the quantities ahown in the proposal, and the application of such formulas of other methods of bringing items to a common basis as may be established in the Contract Documents. The total obtained by taking the sum of the products of unit prices quoted and the estimated quantities plus any lump sum items and such other quoted amounts as may enter into the cost of the completed project wall be considered as the amount of the hid. until the award of the contract is made by the Owner, the right will be reserved to reject any or all proposals and Naive technicalities, to re -advertise for new proposals, or to proceed with the work in any manner as maybe considered for the best interest of the owner. C3-3.2 MINORITY BUSIVESS ENTERPRISE WOMEN-OWNE1 BUSINB58 E. NTERPRISE COMPLIANC Contractor agrees to provide to Owner, upon request, complete and accurate information regarding actual work performed by a Minority Business Enterprise (MBV,) and or a s woman -owned Business Enterprise (WBE) on the contract and the payment therefor. Contractor further agrees, upon request by owner, to allow and audit and/or an examination of any books, records, or files in the possession of Contractor that will substantiate the actual work performed by the 14BE or WBE. Any material misrepresentation of any nature will be grounds for termination of the contract and for initiating any action tinder appropriate federal, state or local laws and ordinances relating to false statements; further, any such misrepresentation may be grounds for disqualification of Contractor at Owner's discretion for bidding on future Contracts with the Owner for m period of time of not less than six (6) months. C3-3.3 EQUAL EMPLOY-KERT PROVISIONS: The Contractor shall comply with Current City Ordinance prohibiting discrimination in employment practices. C3--3 (1 ) The Contractor shall post the required notice to that effect on the project site, and, at his request, will be provided assistance by the City of Fort Worth's Equal Emgloymer;t Officer who will refer any qualified applicant he may have an file in his office to the Contaractor,. Appropriate notices may be acquired from the Equal Employment Officer. C3-3.4 WITHDRAWAL OF PROPOSALS: After a proposal has been reaa-Ty =the owner it cannot be withdrawn by the Bidder within forty-five (45) days after the date on which the proposals were opened. C3-3.5 AWARD OF CO TRACTt The Owner reserves the right to withholdl nal actiori on the proposals for a reasonable time, not to exceed forty -fire (45) days after the date of opening proposals, and in no event will an award be made until after investigations have been made as to the responsibility of the proposed awardee. The award of the contract, if ari award is mane, will be to the lowest and best responsible bidder. The award of the contract shall not become effective until the Owner has notified the Contractor in writing of such award. C3-3.6 RETURN OF PROPOSAL SECU ITIXSx As soon as proposed price totals have been determined far comparison of bids, the Owner mayr at its discretion, return the proposal security which accompanied the proposals which, in its judgment, would not be considered for the award. All other proposal securities, usually those of the three lowest bidders, will be retained by the Owner until the required contract has been executed and bond furnished or the owner has otherwise disposed of the bias, after which they will be returned by the City Secretary. C3-3.7BONDS: With the execution and delivery of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall furnish to, and f 11e Frith the owner in the amounts herein required, the following bonds: a. PERFORMANCE BOND: A good and sufficient performance Ban -a 1E an amount not less than 100 percent of the amount of the contract, as evidenced by the proposal tabulation or otherwise, guaranteeing the full and faithful execution of the work and performance of the contract, and for the protection of the owner and all other persons against damage by reason, of negligence of the Contractor, or improper execution of the work or the use of inferior materials. This performance C3-3 (2 ) bond shall guarantee the payment for mll labor, materials, equipment, siapplies, and services used in the construction of the work, and shall remain in full force and effect until provisions as abDve stipulated are accomplished and final payment is made an the project by the City. b. MAINTENANCE BOND: A good and sufficient maintenance bo-nd, in the amount of not lees than 100 percent of the amount of the contract, as evidenced by the proposal tabulation or at.herwise, guaranteeing the prompt., full and ,faithf-ral performance of the general guaranty which is set forth in paragraph 08-8.10. c. PAYMENT BDND: A goad and sufficient payment bond, in are am nt not leas than 100 percent of the amount of the contract, as evidenced .by the proposal tabulation or otherwise, guaranteeing the prompt, full and faithful payment of all claimants as defined in Article 5160, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended by House Dill. 344 Acts 55th Legislature, Regular Session, 1959, effective April 27, 1959, and/or the latent version thereof, supplying labor and materials in the prosecution of the work provided for in the contract being constructed under these specifications, Payment Bond shall remain in force until all payments as above stipulated are made. d. OTHER BONDS: Such other bonds as may be required by these Contract Documents shall be furnished by the Contractor. No sureties will be accepted by the Owner which are at the time in default or delinquent on any bands or which are interested in any litigation against the owner. All bonds shall be made an the forms furnished by the Owner and shall be executed by an approved surety company doing business in the City of Fort Worth, Tetras, and which is acceptable to the owner. Xn order to be acceptable, the name of the surety shall be incluided on the current U.S. Treasury list of acceptable sureties, and the amount of bond written by any one acceptable company shall not exceed the amount shorn on the Treasury list for that company. Each bond shall be properly executed by both the Contractor and Surety Company. Should any surety on the contract be determined unsatisfactory at any time by the Owner, notice will be given the Contractor to that effect and the Contractor shall immediately provide a C3-3 (3 ) new surety satisfactory to the Owner. No payment will be made under the contract until the new surety or sureties, as required, have qualified and have been accepted by the owner. The contract shall not be operative nor will any payments be due or paid until approval of,the-bonds by -the owner. C3_-3. 9 EXECUTION TION OF CONTRACT: Within tern { 10 i days after the Owner has by appropriate resoiuti.on, or otherwise, awarded the contract, the Contractor shall execute and file with the Owner the Contract and such bonds as may be required in the Contract Documents. No contract shall be binding upon the owner until it has been attested by the City Secretary, approved as to form and legality by the City attorney, and executed for the Owaerr by either the Manor or City Manager:. C3-3.9 FAILURE TO EXECUTE CONTRACT: The failure of the wardee to execute the required bond or bonds or to sign the required contract withiu tern (10) days after the contract is awarded shall be considered by the Owner as an abandonment of h.is proposal, and the Owner may annul the Award. By reason of the uncertainty of the market pries of material and labor, and it being impracticable and difficult to accurately determine the amount of damages occuring to the Owner by reason of said awardee's failure to execute said bonds and contract within ten (10) days, the proposal security accompanying the proposal shall be the agreed amount of damages which Owner will suffer by reason of such failure on the part of the Awardee and shall thereupon immediately be forfeited to the owner, The filing of a proposal will be considered as an acceptance of this provision by the Bidder. C3-3.10 BEGINNING WOM The Contractor shall not coramence Work until a�ut ckizad in writing to do so by the owner, Should the Contractor fail to commence work at the site of the project within the time stipulated in the written authorization usually termed the 'Mork Order" or "Proceed Order", it is agreed that the Surety Company will, within ten (10) days after the commencement date set forth in such written authorization, commence the physical execution of the contract. C3=3.11. INSURANCE: The Contractor shall, not commence work under this contract until he has obtained all the insurance required under the Contract Documents, and such insurance has been approved by the Owner. The prime Contractor shall be responsible for delivering to the Owner the sub -con tractors C3-3 14) certificate of insurance for approval. The prime contractor shall indicate on the certificate of insurance included in the documents for execution wbether or not his insurance covers sub -contractors. It is the intention of the Owner that the insurance coverage required herein shall include the coverage of all sub -contractors. a. COMPENSATION INSURANCE; The Contractor skull maintain, during the life of this contract, Workers* Compensation Insurance on all of his employees to be engaged in work on the project under this contract, and for all sub -contractors. In ease any class of employees engaged in hazardous work on the project under this contract is not protected under the workers' Compensation Statute, the Contractor shall provide adequate employer's general liability- insurance for the protection of such of his employees not oo protected. b. COMPREHENSIVE GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE; The Contractor sha procure ar-d shall -ma intain-iuring the life of this contract Contractor's Comprehensive General Liability Insurance tPublic Liability and property Damage Insurance) in an amount not less than $500,000 covering each occurrence an account of bodily injury, including death, and in an amount not lees than $500,000 covering each occurrence on account of property damage with $2,000,000 umbrella policy coverage. C. ADDITIONAL LIABILITY The Contractor shall iE5i insurance as separate policies or by additional endorsement to one of the above -mentioned policies, and in the amount as set forth for public liability and property damage, the following insurance 1. Contingent Liability (covera General Contractor's Liability for acts of sub -contractors) . . -Blasting, prior to any blasting being done. 3. Collapse of buildings or structures adjacent to excavation {if excavations are to be performed adiaceut -" -same} , - y 4. Damage to underground utilities for $500,000. C3-3 (5) 5. Builder's risk (where above- round structures are involved). 6. Contractual Liability (covers all indemnification requirements of, -Contract). d. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE - BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY MA S: The Contx�aotor shall procure and maintain-, during the life of this Contract, Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance in an amount not less than $250,000 for injuries including accidental death to any one person and subject to the same limit for each person an amount not less than $500,000 on account of one accident, and automobile property damage ,insurance In an amount not less than $100,000. e. SCOPE OF INSURANCE AND SPECIAL EAZnRD: The insurance required under the above paragraphs shall provide adequate protection for the Contractor and his sub -contractors, respectively, against damage claims which may arise from operations under this contract, whether such operations be by the insured or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by him, and also against any of the following special hazards which may be encountered in the performance of the Contract. f . PROOF OF CARRIAGE OF INSURANCE: The Contractor shall furnish the Dwner with satisfactory proof of coverage by insurance required in these Contract Documents in amounts and by carriers satisfactory to the Owner. (Sample attached.) All insurance requirements made upon the Contractor shall apply to t-he sub -contractor, should the Prime Contractor's insurance not cover the sub -contractor's work operations. 9. LOCAL AGENT FOR INSURANCE AND BONDING: The insurance and bonding companies with whom the C ontractor'a insurance and performance, payment, maintenance and all such other bonds are written shall be represented by an agent or agents having an office located within the city limits of the C3-3 (6) City of fort worth, Tarrant County, Texas. Each such agent shall be a duly qualified, one upon whom service of process may be had, and must have authority and power to act on behalf of the insurance and/or bonding company to negotiate and settle with the City* of -Fort Worth, or any other claimant, any, claims that the City of Dort Worth or other claimant or any property owner who has been damaged, may have against the Contractor, insurance, and/or bonding company. If the local insurance representative is not so empowered by the insurance or bonding companies, then such authority must be vested in a local agent or claims officer residing in the Metroplex, the Fort Worth -Dallas area. The name of the agent or agents shall be set forth on all of such bonds and certificates of insurance. C3-3.12 CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS: Under the ContraCt, the contractor shall pay for all materials, labor and services when due. C3-3.13 WEEKLY PAYROLL: A certified copy of each payroll covering payment of wages to all person engaged in work on the project at the site of the project shall be furnished to the owner's representative within seven 17) days after the close of each payroll period. A copy or copies of the applicable minimum wage rates as set forth in the Contract Documents shall be Dept posted in a conspicuous place at the site of the project at all times during the course of the contract. Copies of the wage rates will be furnished the Contractor, by the owner; however, posting and protection of the wage rates shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. C3-3.14 CONTRACTOR'S CONTRACT ADMIMISTRATION: Any Contractor, whether a person, persons, partnership, company, firm, association, corporation or other vho is approved to do business with and enters into a contract with the City for construction of water and/or sanitary sewer facilities, will have or shall establish a fully operational business office within the Fart Worth -Dallas metropolitan area. The Contractor shall,charge, delegate, or assign this office (or he may delegate his Project Superintendent) with fell authority to transact all husiness actions required in the performance of the Contract. This local authority shall be made responsible to act for the Contractor in all matters pertaining to the work governed by the Contract whether it be administrative or otherwise and as such shall, be empowered, thus delegated and directed, to settle all material, labor or other expenditures, all claims against the work or any other IMS 76113 matter associated such as maintaining adequate and appropriate insurance or security coverage for the project. Such local authority for administration of the work under the Contract shall be maintained until all business ..transactions executed as part of the Contract are completew- �.-- Should the Contractor's principal base of operations be other than in the Fort Worth --Dallas metropolitan area, notification of the Contractor's assignment of local authority shall be made in uniting to the Engineer in advance of any wont on the project, all appropriately signed and sealed, as applicable, by the Contractor's ,responsible officers with the understarndiag that this written assignment of authority to a local representative shall become part of the project Contract as though bound directly into the project documents. The intent of these requirements is that all matters associated with the Contractor's administration, whether it be oriented in furthering the work,, or other, be governed direct by local authority. This same requirement is imposed on insurance and surety coverage. Should the Contractor's local representative fail to perform to the satisfaction of Engineer, the Engineer, at his sole discretion, maydemand that such local representative be replaced and the Engineer may, at his sole discretion, stop all work until a new local authority satisfactory to the Engineer is assigned. No credit of working time will be for periods in which work stoppages are in effect for this reason. C3-3.15 _VENUE: Venue of any action hereinunder shall be exclusively is Tarrant County, Texas. C3-3 (8) PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS C4-4 SCOPE OF WORK SECTION C4-4 SCOPE' OF WORK- ...� ._,,,, .1 , h- C4-4.1 INTENT OP CONTRACT DCCUAitMTS; It is the definite intention of these Contract Documents to provide for a complete# useful project which the Contractor undertakes to construct or furnish, all in full compliance with the requirements and intent of the Contract Documents. It is definitely understood that the Contractor sha11 do all work as provided for in the Contract Documents, shall, do all extra cr special work as may he considered by the owner as ❑ecessary to complete the project in a satisfactory and acceptable manner. The Contractor shall, unless otherwise specifically stated in these Contract Documents, furnish all labor, tools, materials, machinery, equipment, special services, and incidentals necessary to the prosecution and completion of the project. C4-4 i_2 SPECIAL_ PROVISIONS: Should any work or conditions which are not thoroughly and satisfactorily stipulated or covered by General or Special Conditions of these Contract Documents be anticipated, or should them be any additional proposed work which is not covered by these Contract Documents, then "Special Provisions" covering all such nark will be prepared by the owner previous to the time of receiving bids or proposals for such work and furnished to the Bidder in the form of Addenda. All. such "Special Provisions" shall be considered to be a part of the Contract Documents just as though they were originally written therein. C4-4.3 INCREASED OR DEMASED QUANTITIES: The owner preserves the right to alter the quantities of the work to be performed or to extend or shorten the improvements at any time when and as found to be necessary, and the Contractor shall perform the work as altered, increased or decreased at the unit prices. Such increased or decreased quantity shalt not be more than 25 percent of the contemplated quantity of such item or items. when such charges increase or decrease the original quantity of any item or Items of work to be done or materials to be furnished by the 25 percent or more, then either party to the contract shall upon written request to the other party be entitled to a revised consideration upon that portion of the work above or below the 25 percent of the original quantity stated in the proposal; such revised consideration to be determined by special agreement or as hereinafter provided for "Extra Work." No allowance will be made for any changes in anticipated profits nor shall such changes be considered as C4-4 (1) waiving or invalidating any conditions or provisions of the Contract Documents. Variaxtion$ in quantities of sanitary sewer pipes -in depth categories, shall be interpreted herein as applying to the overall quantities or sanitary sewer pipe in each pipe size., but not to the various depth categories. C4 - 4 . ALTERA_ TION OF COt TRACT DOCUMENTS: By Charge Order, the owner reserves the right to make such changes in the Contract Documents and in the character or quantities of the work as may be necessary or desirable to insure completion in the most satisfactory manner, provided such changes do not materially alter the original. Contract Docum8nts ar change the general nature of the project as a whole. Such changes shall not be considered as waiving or invalidating any condition or provision of the Contract Documents. C4-4.5 EXTRA WORK Additional work made necessary by changes and alterations of the Contract Documents or of quantities or for otter reasons for which no prices are provided in the Contract Documents, shall be defined as "Extra Work" and shall be performed by the Contractor in accordance with these Contract Documents or approved additions thereto; provided, however, that before any extra work is begun a "Changje Order" shall be executed or written order issued by the owner to do the work for payments or credits as shall be determined by one or more combination of the following methods: a. Vnit bid price previously approved. h. Are agreed lump sum. c. The actual reasonable cost of (1) labor, (2) rental of equipment used on the extra work for the time so used at dissociated General Contractors of America current equipment rental rates; (3) materials entering permanently into the project, and (4) actual cost of insurance, bonds, and social security as determined by the owner, plus a fixed fee to be agreed upon but not to exceed 10% of the actual cost of such extra work. The fixed fee is not to include any additional profit to the Contractor for rental of equipment owned by him and used for the extra work. The fee shall be furl and complete compensation to cover the cost of superintendence, overhead, other profit, general and all other expense not included in (1), (2), ( 3) , and ( 4 ) above. The Contractor shall keep accurate cost records on the form and in the method C4-4 (2) suggested by the Owner and shall give the Owner access to all accounts, bills, vouchers, and records relating to the Extra Work. No "Change Order" shall become effective until it has been approved and signed by each of the Contracting parties. No claim for Extra Work of any kind will be allowed unless ordered in writing' by the Owner. in case any orders or instructions, either oral or written, appear to the Contractor to involve Extra work for which he should receive compensation, he shall make written request to the Engineer for written orders authorizing such Extra Work, prior to beginning such work. Should a difference arise as to what does or does not constitute Extra Work, or as to the payment thereof, and the Engineer insists upon its performance, the Contractor shall proceed with the work after making written request for ioritten orders and shall keep an accurate account of the actual reasonable cost thereof as provided Under method (Item C). claims for extra work will not be paid unless the Contractor shall file his claim with the owner within five (5) days before the time for making the first estimate after such work is done and unless the claim is supported by satisfactory vouchers and certified payrolls covering all labor and materials expended upon the said Extra Work. The Contractor shall furnish the owner such installation records of all deviations from the original Contract Documents as may be necessary to enable the Owner to prepare for permanent record a corrected set of plans showing the actual installation. The compensation agreed upon for 'extra work' whether or not iniitiated by a 'change order' shall be a full, complete and final payment for all costs Contractor incurs as a result or relating to the change or extra work, whether said costs are known, unknown, foreseen or unforeseen at that time, including without limitation, any costs for delay, extended overhead, ripple or impact coat, or any other effect on changed or unchanged work as a result or the change or extra work. C4-4.5 SCHEDULE OF OPERATIONS; Before commencing any work under th=s �contractp the Contractor shell submit to the Owner and receive the Owner's approval thereof, a *Schedule of Operations," showing by a straight Line method the date of commencing and finishing each of the major elements of the contract. There shall be also shown the estimated monthly cost of work for which estimates are to be expected. There C4-4 (3) shall be presented also a composite graph showing the anticipated progress of construction with the time being plotted horizontally and the percentage of completion platted vertically. The progress charts shall be prepared on 8-1/2" x 11" sheets and at least five bl ai ck or blue line prints shall be furriished to the owner. C4-4.7 P R 0 G R E S S SCHEDULES tOR VATZR AND SEWER PLANT FACILITIES: Within ten (10) days prior to submission of first monthly progress payment, the Contractor shall prepaxe and submit to the owner for approval six copies of the schedule in which the Contractor proposes to carry on the work, the date of which he will start the several major activities (including procurement of materials, plans, and equipment) and the contemplated dates for completing the same. The schedule shall be in the form of a time schedule Critical Path Method (CPM) network diagram_ As the work progresses, the Contractor shall enter on the diagram the actual progress at the end of each partial payment period or at such intervals an directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall also revise the schedule to reflect any adjustments in contract time approved by the Engineer. Three copies of the updated schedule shall be delivered at such intervals as directed by the owner, As a minimum, the construction schedule shall incorporate all work elements and activities indicated in the proposal and In the technical specifications. Prior to the final drafting of the detailed construction schedule, the Contractor skulk review the draft schedule with the Engineer to ensure the Contractor's understanding of the contract requirements. The following guidelines shall be adhered to in preparing the construction schedule: a. Milestone dates and final project completion dates shall be developed to conform to time constraints, sequencing requirements and completion time. b. The construction process shall be divided .into activities with time durations of approximately fourteen (14) days and construction values not to exceed $50,000. Fabrication, delivery and submittal activities are exceptions to this quideline. C4-4 ( 4 ) C. Durations shall be in calendar days and normal bolidays and weather conditions over the duration of the contract shall be accounted for within the duration of each activity. d. One critical, path shall be shown on the construction schedule. e. Float time is defined as the amount of time between the earliest start date and the latest start date of a chain of activities of the CPM construction schedule..rloat time is not for the exclusive use or benefit of either the Contractor or the Owner, f. Thirty days shall be used for submittal review unless otherwise specified. The construction schedule shall as a minimum be divided into general categories as indicated in the Proposal and Technical Specifications and each general category shall be broken dawn into activities in enough detail to achieve activities of approximately fourteen (14) days duration. For each general, category, the construction schedule shall identify all trades or subcontracts whose work is represented by activities that follow the guidelines of this Section. For each of the trades or subcontracts, the 'construction schedule shall indicate the following procurements, construction and preacceptance activities and events .its their logical sequence for equipment and materials. 1. Preparation and transmittal of submittals. 2. Submittal review periods. 3. Shop fabrication and delivery►. 4. Erection or installation. 5. Transmittal of manufacturer's operation and maintenance instructions. 6. installed equipment and materials testing. 7. owner's operator instruction (if applicable), 8. Final inspection. C4-4 (5) 9. operational testing_ 10 . Final inspection. f, in t opinion of f]w11 1�I work accomplished falls behind that scheduled, the Contractor shall take such action as necessary to improve his progress. in addition, the Owner may require the Contractor to submit a revised schedule demonstrating his program and proposed plan to make up lack in schedule, progress and to insure completion of the work within the contract time. if thn Owner finds the proposed plan not acceptable, he may require the Contractor to increase the warp force, the construction plant and equipment, the number of work shifts or the oviertime operations without additional cost to the Owner. Failure of the Contractor to comply with these requirements shall be considered grocnds for determination by the Owner that the Contractor is failing to prosecute the work with such diligence as will insure its completion within the time specified. C4-4 (6) PARS` C - GENERAL CONDITIONS 5-5 CONTROL OF WORK AND MATERIALS SECTION C5-5 CONTROL OF WORK AND MATERIALS CS-5.1 AOTEORITY OF ENGINEER. The work shall be performed to the satisfaction of the Engineer and in strict compliance with the Contract Documents. He shall decide all questions which arise as to the quality and acceptability of materials furnished, work performed,.. rate of progress of the work, overall sequence of the construction, interpretation of the Contract Documents, acceptable fulfillment of the contract, compensation, mutual rights between Contractor and Owner under these Contract Documente, supervision of the Mork* resumption of operations, and all other questions or disputes which may arise. Engineer will not be responsible for Contractor's means, methods# techniques# sequences or procedures of construction, or the safety precaution and programs incident thereto, and he will not be responsible for Contractor's failure to perform the work in accordance with the contract documents. He shall determine the amount and quality of the work completed and materials furnished, and his decisions and estimates shall be final. His estimates in such evert shall be a condition to the right of the Contractor to receive money due him under the Contract. The Owner -shall have executive! authority to enforce and make effective such necessary decisions and orders as the Contractor fail$ to carry out promptly. In the event of any dispute between the Engineer and Contractor over the decision of the Engineer on any such matters, the Engineer iaust# within a reasonable time, upon written request of the Contractor, reader and deliver to bogs the Owner and contractor, a written decision on the matter in controversy. CS-5. 2 CONFORMITY WITH MNS : The finished project in all cases skull conform with=l nes, grades, cross -sections, finish, and di.menaions shown on the plans or any other requirements otherwise described in the Contract Documents. Any deviation from the approved Contract Documents required by the Engineer during construction wi-11 in all cases be determined by the Bngineer and authorized by the Owner by Change Order. C5-"5 U ) C5-5-.3 COORDIVATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The Contract Uocuments ak6 made up of severaI sections, which, taken together$ are intended to describe and provide for a complete and useful project, and any requirements appearing in one of the sections, iz-as bind.ing_as—though - it occurred in all sections. In case of discrepancies, figured dimension shall govern over scaled dimensions, plans shall govern over specifications, special conditions shall govern over general conditions and standard specifications, and quantities shown on the plans skull govern over those shown in the proposal. The Contractor shall not take advantage of any apparent error or omission in the Contract Documents, and the Owner shall be permitted to make such corrections or interpretations as may be deemed necessary for the fulfillment of the intent of the Contract Documents. In the even. the Contractor discovers an agparerit error or discrepancy, he skull immeaiately call this condition to the attention of the Engineer. In the event of a conflict in the drawings, specifications, or other portions of the Contract Documents which were not reported prior to the award of Contract, the Contractor shall he deemed to have quoted the most expensive resolution of the conflict. C5-5.4 COOPMRATION OF CONTRA TORa The Contractor will be urnished with three sets of the Contract Documents and shall have available on the site of the project at all times one set of such Contract Documents. The Contract shall give to the work the constant attention necessary to facilitate the progress thereof and shall cooperate with the Engineer, his inspector, and other Contractors in every possible way. The Contractor shall at all times have competent personnel available to the project site for proper performance of the work. The Contractor shall provide and maintain at all times at the site of the project a competent, English-speaking superintendent and ah assistant who are fully authori2ed to act as the Contractor's agent on the work. Such superintendent and his assistant shall be capable of reading and understanding the Contract Documents and shall receive and fulfill instructions from the owner, the Engineer, or bis authorized representatives. Pursuant to this responsibility of the Contractor f the Contractor shall designate in writing to the project auperintendent, to act as the Contractor's agent on the work, Such assistant project superintendent shall be a resident of Tarrant County, Texas and shall be subject to call, as is the project Superintendent. at any time of the day or night on any day of the week on which the Engineer determines that circumstances require the presence on the project site of a representative of the Contractor to CS-5 (2) adequately provide for the safety or convenience of the traveling public or the owners of property across which the project extends or the safety of property contiguous to the Protect routing. The Contractor shall provide all facilities to enable the Engineer and his inspector to examine and inspect the workmanship and mau!rials entering into the work. C5-5.5 EMERGENCY AND/OR RECTIFICATION WQRR: When, in the S Inion of the owner ortngime r, a condition oemergency exists related to nny part of the work, the Contractor, or the Contractor through his designated representative, shall respond with dispatch to a verbal request made by tho Owner or Engineer to alleviate the emergency condition. Such a response shall occur day or Might, whether the project is achedul.ed on a calendar --day or on a working -day basis. Should the Contractor fail to respond to a request from the Engineer to rectify any discrepancies, omissions, or corrections necessary to conform with the requirements of the project specifications or plans, the Engineer shall give the Contractor written notice that such work or changes are to be performed. The written notice shall direct attention to the discrepant condition and request the Contractor to take remedial action to correct the condition. In the event the Contractor does not tape positive steps to fulfill this written .request, or does not show just cause for not taking the proper action, within 24 hours, the City may take such remedial action with City forces or by contract, The City shall then deduct an amount equal, to the entire costs for such remedial action, plus 5%, from any funds due the Contractor on the project. C_5-5_.6 FIELD OFFICEt The Contractor shall provide, at no extra compensation_ an adequate field office for use of the Engineer, if specifi ally called for. The field office abal.l be not less than 10 by 14 feet in floor area, substantially constructed, well heated, air conditioned, lighted, and weather-proof, so that documents will not be damaged by the elements. C5-5.7 CONSTRUCTION STAKES: The City, through its Engineer, will furnia-h the Contractor with all lines# grades, and measurements necessary to the proper prosecution and control of the work contracted for under these Contract Documentst and lines, graves and measurements will be established by means of stakes or other customary method of marking as way be found consistent with good practice. 5-5 (3) These stakes or markings small he set sufficiently in advance of construction operations to avoid delay. Such stakes or markings as may be established for the Contractor's use or guidance shall be preserved by the Contractor until he is authorized by the_-Engineer_to. remove, them. WbeneVez-, in the opinion of the Engineer, any stakes or markings have been carelessly or willfully destroyed, disturbed, or removed by the Contractor or any of his employees, the full cost of replacing such stakes or marks plus 25% will be charged against the Contractor, and the full amount will be deducted from payment due the Contractor. C5-5.8 _AUTHORITY AND DUTIES OF CITY INSPECTORS: City Inspectoxs a 1 be authorized to inspect all work done and to be doge and all materials furnished. Such inspection may extend to all or any part of the work, and the preparation or manufacturing of the materials to be used or equipment to be installed_ A City Inspector may be stationers an the work to report. to the Engineer as to the progress of the work and the manner in which it is being performed, to report ,any evidence that the materials being furnished or the work being performed by the Contractor fails to fulfill, the requirements of the Contract Documenta, and to call the attention of the Contractor to any such failure or other infringements. Such inspection or lack of inspection will not relieve the Contractors from any obligation to perform the work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. In case of any dispute arising between the Contractor and the City Inspector as to the materials or equipment furnished or the mariner of performing the work, the City Inspector will have authority to reject materials or equipment to suspend work until the question at issue can be referred to and be decided by the Engineer. The City Inspector will not., however, be authorized to revoke, alter, enlarge, or release arsy requirement of these Contract Documents, nor to approve or accept any portion or section of the work, ,tor to issue any instructions contrary to the requirements of the Contract Documents. He will in no case act as superintendent or foreman or perform any other duties for the Contractor, or interfere with the management or operation of the work. He will not accepts from the Contractor any compensation in any form for performing any duties. The Contractor shall regard and obey the directi.onn and instructions of the City Inspector or Engineer when the same are consistent with the obligations of the Contract Documents, provided, however, should the Contractor object to any orders or instructions of the City InspectoKg the Contractor may within six days make written appeal to the Engineer for kris decision on the matter in contzoversy. C5-5 (4) C5-5.9 INSPECTION: The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with evenreasonable facility for ascertaining whether or net the work as performed is in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. If the Engineer so requests, the contractor shall, at any time before acceptance of the work, remove or uncover such portion -of the finished work as may be directed. After examination, the Contractor shall restore said portions of the work to the standard required by the Contract Documents. Should the work exposed or examined prove acceptable, the uncovering or removing and replacing of the covering or marring good of the parts removed aha,ll be paid for as extra work, but should be worst so exposers or examined prove to be unacceptable, the uncovering or removing and the replacing of all adjacent defective or damaged parts shall be at the contractor's expense. No work shall be done or materials used without suitable supervision or , inspection. C5-5.10 REMOVAL OF DEFECTIVE AND LWAUTHORIZED WORK: All work, materials, or equipment which has been rejected shall be remedied or removed ana replaced in are acceptable manner by the Contractor at his awn expense. Work doge beyond the lines and grades given or as shown on the plans, except as herein specifically provided, or any Extra Work done without written authority, will be considered as unauthorized and done at the expense of the Contractor and will not be paid for by the Owner. Work so clone may be ordered removed at the Contractor's expense. Upon the failure on the Part of the Co:3tractor to comply with any order of the Engineer made under the provisions of this paragraphs the Engineer will have the authority to cause defective work to he remedied or removed and replaced and unauthorized work to be removed, and the cost thereof may be deducted from any money due or to become due to the Contractor. Failure to require the removal of any defective or unauthorized work shall not constitute acceptance of such works. C5-5.1_1_ BUSST_I_TLTTE MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT: If the Specifi,cationa* law, ordinance, cedes or regulations -permit Contractor to furnish or use a substitute that is equal to any material or equipment specified, and if Contractor wishee to furnish or use a proposed substitute, he shall, prior to the precon,struction conference, make written application to ENGINEER for approval of such substitute certifying in writing that the proposed substitute will perform adequately the functions called for by the general design, be similar and of equal substance to that specified and be suited to the same use and capable of performing the same function as that specified, and identifying all variations of the proposed CS-5 (5) substitute from that specified and indicating available maintenance service. No substitute shall be ordered or installed without the written approval of Engineer who will be the judge of the equality and may require Contractor to furnish such other data about the proposed euhstitute as he considers pertinent. No substitute shall be ordered or installed without such performance guarantee and bonds as owner may require which shall be furnished at Contractor's expense. Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless Owner and Engineer and anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them from and against the claims, damages, losses and expenses (including attorneys fees) arising out of the use of substituted materials or equipment. C5-5.12 SAMPLES ANSI TESTS OR MATERIALS Where, in the opinion of the Engineer, 'or as called for in the Contract Documents, tests of materials or egiiipment are necessary, such tests will be made at the expense of and paid for direct to the testing agency by the Owner unless otherwise specifically provided. The failure of the Owner to mare any tests of materials small be in no way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility of furnishing materials and equipment fully conforming to the requirements of the Contract Documents. Tests and sampling of materials, unless otbearvise specified, will be made in accordance with the latest methods prescribed by the American Society for Testing Materials or specific requirements of the Owner, The Contractor shall provide such facilities as the Engineer may require for collecting and forwarding samples and shall not, without specific written permission of the Engineer, use the materials represented by the samples until tests have been made and the materials approved for ase. The Contractor will furnish adequate samples without eb arge to the Owner. In case of concrete, the aggregates, design minimum, and the mixing and transporting equipment shall be approved by the Engineer before any concrete is placed, and the Contactor shall be responsible far replacing any concrete which does not meet the requirements of the Contract Documents. rests shall be made at least 9 days prior to the placing of concrete, using samples -from the same aggregate, cement, and mortar which are to be uned later in the concrete. Should the eource of supply change, new tests shall be made prior to the use of the new materials. CS-5.13 STORF1 E OF MATERIALS: All materials which are to be used in the construction operation shall be stored so as to Insure the preservation of the quality and fitness of the work. When directed by the Engineer, they shall be placed on wooden platforms or other hard, clean durable surfaces and not on the 5_5 (6) ground, and shall be placed under cover when directed. Stored materials snail be placed ana located so as to facilitate proript inspection, Cs-5.14 EXISTING STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES: The location and dimensions sho4in on_ the Plans -relat veettoe.xisting utilities are based on the best information available. Omission from, or the inclusion of utility locations on the Plats is not to he considered as the nonexistence of, or a definite location of, existing underground utilities. The location of mate gas mains, water mains$ conduits, sewer lines and service lines for all utilities, etc., is unknown to the Owner, and the owner assumes no responsibility for i*ailure to show any or all such structures and utilities on the plans or to show them in their exact location. It is mutually agreed that such failure will not be considered sufficient basis for claims for additional compensation for Extra Work or for .increasing the pair quantities in any manner whatsoever, unless an obstruction encountered is such as to necessitate changes in the lines and grades' of considerable magnitude or requires the building of special worms, provision for which is not made in the contract Documents, in which case the provision in these Contract Documents for Extra Work shall apply. it shall be the Contractors responsibility to verify locations of adJacant and/or conflicting utilities Buff iciently in advance of constructiGn in order that he may negotiate such local adjustments as necessary in the construction process to provide adequate clearances. The Contractor stall take all necessary precautions in order to protect all existing utilities, structures and service lines. Verification of existing utilities, structures and service lives shall include notification of all utility companies at least forty eight (48) hours in advance of construction including exploratory excavation if necessary. All verification of existing utilities and their adjustment shall be considered as subsidiary work. C5-5.15 I19TERRUPTION OF SERVICE: a. NormalProsecutionz In the normal prosectuion of work where the interruption of service is necessary,, the Contractor, at least 24 hours in advance, shall be required tot 1. Notify the Water Department r s Distribution Division as to location, time, and schedule of service interruption. 5-5 (7) 2, Notify each customer personally through responsible personnel as to time and schedule of the interruption of their service, or 3. In the. evert that personal notification of a customer cannot be made, a prepared tag form shall be attached to the customer's entrance door knob. The tack shall be durable in composition, and in large bold type shall say: "NOVICE" Due to Utility Improvement in your neighborhood, your (water) {sewer) service will be inter- rupted on between the hours of a►d This inconvenience will be as short as possible. Thank you, �-Contractor Address- - phone b. Emazgencq: In the event that are unforeseen service interruption occurs, notice shall he as above,but immediate. C5-5.16 MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITY OF CONTRACTORS: If, through acts or negiect on the part of the -Contractor, any other Contractor or any sub -contractor shall suffer loss or damage on the wont, the Contractor agrees to settle with such other Contractor or sub -contractor by agre8ment or arbitration. If such other Contractor or sub -contractor shall assert any claim against the Owner on account of any damage alleged to have been sustained, the owner will notify the Contractor, who shall indemnify and save harmless the Owner against any such claim. C5-5.17 CLEAN-UPP Clean --up of surplus and/or waste materials accumulated -on the job site during the prosecution of the work under these Contract Documents shall be accomplished in keeping with a daily routine established to the the satisfaction of the Engineer. Twenty -fours fours after written notice is given to the Contractor that the clean-up on the job site is proceeding in a manner unsatisfactory to the Engineer, if the Contractor fails to correct the C5-5 (8) unsatisfactory procedure, the City may take such direct action as the Engineer deems appropriate to correct the clean-up deficiencies cited to the Contractor in the written notice, and the costs of such direct action, plus 251 of such costs, shall be deducted from Monies due or to become due to the Contractor. Upon the completion of the project ae a whole as covered by these Contract Documents, and before final acceptance and final payment will be made, the Contractor stall clean and remove from the site of the project all surplus and discarded materials, temporary structures, and debris of even, kind. He shall leave the site of all Work in a neat and orderly condition equal to that which originally existed. Surplus and waste -materials removed from the site of the work shall be disposed of at locations satisfactory to the Engineer. The Contractor shall thoroughly clean all equipment and materials installed by him and shall deliver over such materials and equipment in a bright, clean, polished and new appearing condition. No extra compensation will be made to the Contractor for any clean-up required on the project. CS-5.18 FINAL INSPECTION: Whenever the work provided for in and contemplated-enFe the contract Documents has been satisfactorily completed and final cleanup per£orme3, the Engineer will notify the proper officials of the owner and request that the Final inspection be made. Such inspection will be made within 10 days after such notification. After such final inspection, ,if the work and materials and equipment are found satisfactory, the Contractor will be notified in writing of the acceptance of the same after the proper resolution has been passed by the City Council. Ho time charge will be made against the Contractor between said date of notification of the Engineer and the date of final inspection of the work. C5 -5 (9 ) PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS C6-6 LEGAL RELATIONS AND PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITY SECTIDN C6-•6 LEGAL RELATIONS ,AND PUBLIC RESPONSIBILITY C6-5.1 LAVES T_OBE OBSERVED: The Contractor shall at all times observe and comgljy with all Federal and State Taws and City ordinances and regulations which in any way affect the conduct of the work or his operations, and shall observe and comply with all, orders, laws, ordinances and regulations which exist or which may be enacted later by bodies having �urisdictiaan or authority for such enactment. No plea of misunder etatnding or ignorance thereof will be considered. The Contractor and his Sureties shall indemnify and eave harmless the City and all of its officers, agents,, and employees aga►inat any and all claims or liability arising from or based on the violation of any such law, ordinance, regulation, or order, whether it be by himself or his employees. C6-6_.2 PERMITS AND LICENSES; The Contractor steall procure all permits an licenses, pay all charges, costs and fees, and give all notices necessary and, incident to the due and lawful prosecution of the work. C6-6.3 PATENTED DEVICESt MATERIALS AND PROCESSES# If the oontracttr is required or desires to use any design, device, material, or process covered by letter, patent, at copyright, he shall provide for such use by suitable Regal agreement with the patentee or owner of such patent, letter, or copyrighted design. -It is mutually agreed and understood that without exception the contract prices shall include all royalties or cost arising from patents, trade -marks, and copy rights in any way involved in the work. The Contractor and his sureties shall indemnify and save harmlens the owner from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented design, device, material or process, oZ any trade -mark or copy right in ccnnection with the work agreed to be performed under these Contract Documents, and shall indemnify the Owner fok any cost, expense, or damage which it may be obliged to pay by reason of such infringement at any time during the prosecution of the work or after completion of the work, provided, however, that the Droner will assume the responsibility to defend any and all suits brought for the infringement of any patent claimed to be infringed upon by the design, type of construction or material or equipment specified in the Contract Documents fuarni.ehed the Contractor by the Owner, and to !told the Contractor harmless on account of such suite. C --6 (1) C6-6.4 SANITARY PROVISIONS: The Contractor shall establish and -enforce among hip employees such regulations in regard to cleanliness and disposal of garbage and waste as will tend to prevent the inception and spread of. infectious or contagious diseases and to effectively prevent the creation of a nuisance about the work on any property either public or private, and such regulations as are repaired by Law shall be put into immediate force and effect, by the Contractor. The necessary sanitary conveniences for use of laborers on the work, properly* secluded from public observation, shall be constructed and maintained by the Contractor and their use shall be strictly enforced by the Contractor. All such facilities shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition, free from objectionable odors so as not to cause a nuisance. All sanitary laws and regulations of the State of Texan and the Casty shall be strictly complied with. C6-6 . S PUBLIC_ SAFETY AND CONVENIENCE: Materials or equipment itored about the -work shall be so placed and used, and the work shall at all times be so conducted, as to cause no greater obstruction or inconvenience to the public than is considered to be absolutely necessary by the Engineer. The Contractor is required to maintain at all times all phases of his work in such a manner as not to impair the safety or convenience of the public, including, but not limited to, safe and convenient ingress and egress to property contiguous to the work area. The Contractor shall matte adequate provisions to render reasonable ingress and egress for normal vehicular traffic, except during actual trenching or pipe installation operations, at all driveway crossings. Such provisions may include bridging, placement of crushed shone or gravel or such other means of providing proper ingress and egress for the property served by the driveway as the Engineer may approve as appropriate. Such other means may include the diversion of driveway traffic, with specific approval by the Engineer. If diversion of traffic is approved by the Engineer at any location, the Contractor shall make arrangements satisfactory to the Engineer at any location, the Contractor shall make arrangements satisfactory to the Engineer for the diversion of traffic, and shall, at bis own expense, provide all materials and perform all wont necessary for the construction and maintenance of roadways and bridges for much diversion of traffic. Sidewalks must not be obstructed except by special permission of the Engineer. The imaterials excavated and the construction materials such as pipe used in the construction of the work shall be placed so as not to endanger the work or prevent free access to all fire hydrants, fire alarm boxes, police call boxes, water valves, C6-6 () gas valves, or manholes in the vicinity. The Owner reserves the right to remedy any neglect on the part of the Contractor as regards to public convenience and safety which may come to its attention, after twenty-four hours notice in writing to the Contractor, save in cases of emergency when it shall have the right to remedy any. neglect -without noticey- and. in either case, the coat of such work done or materials furnished by the owner or by the City shall be deducted from monies due or to become due to the contractor. The Contractor, after approval, of the rara<gineer, shall, notify the Fire Department Headquarters, Traffic Engineer, and Police Department, when any street or alley is requested to be closed or obstructed or any firs hydrant is to be made inaccessible, and, when so directed by the Engineer, shall 1reep any street, streets, or highwraya in condition for unobstructed use by fire apparatus. The Contractor shall promptly notify the Fire Department Headquarters when all ouch obstructed streets, alleys, or hydrants are again placed back in service. - Where the Contractor is required to construct temporary bridges or make other arrangements for crossing over ditches or streams, his responsibility for accidents in connection with such crossings shall, include the roadway approaches as well as the structures of such crossings. The Contractor shall at all times conduct bias operation and the use of construction machinery so as not to damage or destroy trees and shrubs located in close proximity to or on the site of the work. Wherever any such damage may he done, the Contractor shall immediately satisfy all claims of property owners, and no payment will be made by the Owner in settlement of such claims. The Contractor shall file with the Engineer a #w�ri+tten4 statement t ohowing all su�cgy h �claim�s adjusted. y S. RIGHT-OF-WAY: For the periormance- of the contract, the Contractor will be permitted to use and occupy such portions of the pudic streets and alleys, or other public places or other rights -of -way ass provided for in the ordinances of the City, as shown in the Contract Documents, or as may be specifically authorized in writing by the Engineer. A reasonable amount of tools, Materiala, and equipment for constructions purposes may be stoked in such apace, but no more than is necessary to avoid delay in the construction operations. Excavated and waste materiels shall be piled or stacked Lan such a way as not to interfere with the use of spaces that may he designated to be left free and unobstructed and so as not to inconvenience occupants of adjacent property. If the street is occupied by railway tracks, the work shall be C6-6 (3) carried on in such manner as not to interfere with the operation of trains, loading or unloading of cars, etc. other contractors of the owner may, for all purposes required by the contract, enter upon the work and premises used by the Contractor and shall be_provided_all-reasonable facilities and assistance for the completion of adjoining work. Any additional grounds desired by the Contractor for his use shall be provided by him at his awn east snd expense. C6-6.7_'RAILWAY CROSSINGS: When the work encroaches upon any right -Of -way -Of any railway, the City will secure the necessary easement for the wank. Where the railway tracks are to be crossed, the Contractor shall observe all the regulations and instructions of the railway company as to the methods of performing the work and take all precautions for safety of property and the public. Negotiations with the railway companies for permits shall be done by and through the City. The Contractor shall give the City notice not less than five days prior to the time of his intentions to begin work on that portion of the project which is related to the railway properties. The Contractor will not be given extra or additional compensation for such railway crossings unless specilicaily set forth in the Contract Documents. C6-6. B BARRICAMS,VARVINGS AID WATCHMEN: Where the work is carried on in or adjacent to any street, alley, or public place, the Contractar shall at his own expense furnish, erect, and maintain such barricades, fences, lights and danger signals, shall provide such watchmen, &nd shall take all such other precautionary measures for the protection of persons or property and of the work as are necessary. Barricades and fences nhall be painted in a color that will be visible at night. From sunset to sunrise the Contractor shall furnish and maintain at least one easily visible burning light at each barricade. A sufficient number of barricades shall be erected and maintained to keep pedestrians away from, and vehicles from being driven on' or into, any work under construction or being maintained, The Contractor shall furniah watchmen and keep them at their respective assignments in sufficient numbers to protect the work and prevent accident or damage. All instal.lationa and procedures shall be consistent with the provisiona set forth in the "1980 Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways" issued trader the authority of the "State of Texas Uniform Act Regulating Traffic an Highways", codified as Article 6701d 'Veron's Civil Statutes, pertinent sections being Section Nos. 27, 29, 30 and 31y C 6 - 6 ( 4 ) The Contractor will not remove any regulatory sign, instructional sign, street name sign, or other sign which has been erected by the City. If it is determined that a sign must be removed to permit required construction, the Contractor shall contact the TraRsportation and Public Works department, Signs and Markings Division (phone number 8780-8075), to remove the sign. In the case of regulatory signs, the Contractor must replace the permanent sign with a temporary sign meeting the requirements of the above referenced manual and such temporary sign must be installed prior to the removal of the permanent sign. If the temporary sign is not installed correctly or if it does not meet the required specifications, the permanent sign shall be left in place until the temporary sign requirements are met. When construction work is completed to the extent that the permanent sign can be re -installed, the Contractor shall again contact the Signs and Markings Division to re -install the permanent sign and shall leave his temporary sign in place antil such re -installation is completed. The Contractor will be held responsible for all damage to the work or the public due to failure of barricades, signs, fences$ lights, or watchmen to protect them. whenever evidence is found of such damage to the work the Engineer may order the damaged portion immediately removed and rsplaxced by the Contractor at the Contractor's own expense. The Contractorts responsibility for the maintenance of barricades, signs, fences and lights, and for providing watchmen shall not cease until the project shall have been completed and accepted by the Owner. No compensation, except as specifically* provided in these Contract Documents, will he paid to the Contractor for the work and materials involved in the constructing, providing, and maintaining of barricades, signs, fences, and lights or for salaries of watchmen, for the subsequent removal and disposal of such barricades, signs, or for any other incidentals necessary for the proper protection, safety, and convenience of the public during the contract period, as this work is considered to be Bubsidiaary to the several, items for which unit or lump sum prices are requested in the Proposal. C6-6.9 USE OF EXPLOSIVES. DROP NZIGOT. ETC.; Should the Contractor elect to use explogives, drop weight, etc., in the prosecution of the work, the utmost care shall be exeroieed at all times so as not to endanger life or property. The Contractor stall notify the proper representative of any public service corporation, any company, individual, or utility, and the Owner, not leas than twenty-four hours in k C6-6 ( 5 ) advance of the use of any activity which might damage or endanger their or his property along or adjacent to the work. Where the use of explosives is to be permitted on the project, as specified in the Special Contract Documents, or the use of explosives ii3 requested, the Contractor shall submit notice to the Engineer in writing twenty-four hours prior to commencing and shall furnish evidence that he has insurance coverage to protect against any damages and/oar injuries arising out of such use of explosives. All claims arising out of the use of explosives shall be investigated and a written report made by the Contractor's insurers to the Engineer within ten (10) days after receipt of written notice of the clams to the Contractor from either the City or the claimant. The City shall proceed to give notice to the Contractor of any such claim. The use of explosives may he suspended by the Engineer if any complaint is received and such use shall not be resumed until the cause of the complaint has been addressed, whenever explosives are stored or kept, they stall be stored in a safe and secure manner and all storage places shall be plainly marked NDANGEROUS S`rCPLOSIVES" and shall be under the care of a competent watchman at all times. All vehicles in which explosives are being transported shall be plainly marked as mentioned above and shall, inrofa{r as possible, not use heavy traffic routes. CG-6{10 WORK WITHIN] EASEMENTS: Where the work passes over, through, or into private property, the Owner will provide such right-of-way or easement privileges as the City may deem necessary for the prosecution of the work. Any additional rights -of -way or work area considered necessary by the Contractor shall be provided by him at his own expense. Such additional rights -of -way or work area shall be acquired for the benefit of the City. The City shall be notified in writing as to the rights so acquirers before work begins in the affected area. The Contractor aball not enter upon private property for any purpose without having previously obtained parmission from - the owner of such property, The Contractor will not be allowed to store equipment or material an private property unless and until the specified approval of the property owner has been secured in writing by the Contractor and a copy furniabed to the Engineer. 'finless specifically provided otherwise, the Contractor shall clear all rights -of -way or easements of obstructions which must he removed to make possible proper prosecution of the work as a part of the project construction operations. The Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation of and shall use C6-6 (6) every precaution to prevent damage to all trees, shrubbery, plants, lawns, fences, culverts, curbing, and all other types of structures or improvements, to all water, sewer, and gas lines, to all conduits, overhead pole lines, or appurtenances thereof, including the construction of, temporary fences, and to all other public or private; property along adjacent to the work. The Contractor shall notify the groper representatives of owners or occupants of public or private lands or interest in lands which might be affected by the work. Such notice shall be made at least 48 hours in advance of the beginning of the work. Notices shall be applicable to both public and private utility companies or any corporation, company, individual, or other, either as owners or occupants, whose land or interest in land Haight affected by the work. The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage or injury to property of any character resulting from any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct in the manner or method or execution of the work, cr at any time due to defective work, material, or equipment. When and where any direct or indirect or injury is done to pubic or private property on account of any act, omission, neglect, or misconduct in the execution of the work, or in conBequence of the non --execution thereof on the part of the Contractor, he shall restore or have restored at his own cost and expense such property to a condition at lea et equal to that existing before such damage or injury was done, by repairing, rebuilding, or otherwise replacing and restoring an may be directed by the Owner, or he shall make goad such damages or injury in a manner acceptable to the owner of the property and the Engineer. All fences encountered and removed during construction of this project shall be restored to the original or a better than original condition upon completion of this project. when wire fencing, either wire mash or barbed wiry i,s to be crossed, the Contractor shall set caroas braced posts on either side of permanent easement before the fence is cut. Should additional fence cuts be necessary, the Contractor shall provide cross braced posts at point of the proposed cut in addition to the cross braced posts provided at the permanent easements limits, before the fence is cut. Temporary fencing shall be erected in place of the fencing removed whenever the work, is not in progress and when the site is vacated overnight, and/or at all times to prevent livestock from entering the construction area. The, coat for fence removal, temporary closures and replacement shall be subsidiary to the various items bid in the project C6- (7 ) proposal. Therefore, no separate payment shall he allowed for any service associated with this work. In case of failure on the part of the Contractor to restore such property to make good- such damage .or injury, the Owner may, upon 48 hour written notice under ordinary circumstances, and without notice when a nuisance or hazardous condition results, proceed to repair, rebuild, or otherwise restore such property as may be determined by the owner to be necessary, and the cost thereby will be deducted from any monies due or to become due to the Contractor under this Contract. C6-6.11 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: it is understood and agreed Fy—the parties hereto that contractor shall perform all work and services hereunder as an independent contractor, and not as an officer, agent, servant or employee of the Owner. Contractor shall have exclusive control of and the exclusive right to control the details of all the work and services performed hereunder, and all persons performing same, and shall be solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, subcontractors, licensees and invitees. The doctrine of respondeat superior shall not apply as between Owner and Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, contractors and subcontractors, and nothing herein shall be construed an creating a partneiship or joint enterprise between owner and Contractor. C6-6.12 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR DAMAGE CLAIMS: Contractor covenants an agrees to, and de hereby indemnity, hold harmless and defend Owner, its officers, agents, servants, and employees from and against any an all claims or suits for property damage or loss and/or personal injury, including death, to any and all persons, of whatsoever kind or character, whether real or asserted, arising out of or in connection with, directly or indirectly, the work and services to be performed hereunder by Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, contractors, subcontractors, licensees or invitees, whether or not caused, in whole or in part, by alleged negligence on the part of officers, agents, servants, employees, c ontractora, subcontractors, licensees and invitees of the Owned and said Contractor does hereby covenant and agree to assume all _liability,and responsibility of Owner, its officers agents, servants and e.mplayees for property damage or loss, and/or personal injuriee, including deatho to any and all persons of whatsoever kind or character, whether real or asserted, arising out of or in connection with, directly or indirectly, the work and services to he performed hereunder by Contractor, its officers, agents employees, contractors, subcontractors, licensees and invitees, whether or not caused, 6-6 (8) in whole or in part, by alleged negligence of officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, subcontractors, licensees or invitees of the Owner. Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to, and does hereby, indemnify and hold harmless Owner from and against any and all injuries,loss or damages to property of. the_ Owner during• the per formanca of arty of the terms and conditions of this Contracts whether arising out of or in connection with or resulting from, in whole or in part, any and all alleged acts or omissions of officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors, subcontractors, licenses, or invitees of the owner. in the event a written claim for damages against the contractor or its subcontractors remains unsettled at the time all work on the project has been completed to the satisfaction of the Director of the rater Department, ma evidenced by a final inspection, final payment to the Contractor shall not be recommended by the Director of the 'Water Department for a period of 30 days after the date of such final inspection, unless the Contractor shall submit written evidence satisfactory to the Director that the claim has been settled and a release has been obtained from the claimant, involved. If the claim concerned regains unsettled as of the expiration of the above 30#day period, the Contractor may be -deemed to be entitled -to ak semi-final payment for mark completed, -such semi-f inal payment to be in an amount equal to the total dollar amount then due Less the dollar value of any written claims pending against the Contractor arising out of the performance of such work, and such semi-final payment may then be recommended by the Director, The Director shall not recommend final payment to a Contractor against whom such a claim for damages is outstanding for a period of sip[ months following the date of the acceptance of the work performed- unless the Contractor submits evidence in writing satisfactgry to the Director that: 1. The claim has been settled and a release has been obtained from the claimant involved, or 2. Good -faith efforts have been made to settle such outstanding claims, and such good faith efforts have failed, if condition (1) above is met at any time within the six month period, the Director Shall recommend that the final payment to the Contractor be made. If condition () above is met at any time within the six month period, the Director may recommend that the final payment to the Contractor he made. At the CG_S (9) expiration of the six month period the Director may recommend that f inal payment be made if all other work has been performed and all other obligations of the Contractor have been met to the satisfaction of the Director. The director may, if he deems it appropriate, refuee to accept bids on other Water Department Contract work from a Contra,ctcr against, whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City contract. C6-6.13 CONTRACTOR'S CLAIM FOR DAMAGES3 Should the Contractor claim compensation for any alleged darna ge by reason of the acts or omissions of the Owner, he shall within three gays after the actual sustaining of such alleged damage, make a written statement to the Engineer, setting out in detail the nature of the alleged damage, and on or before the 25th day of the month succeeding that in which any siich damage is claimed tc have been sustained, the Contractor shall, file with the Engineer are itemized statement of the details and amount of such alleged damage and, upon request, shall give the Engineer access to all books of account, receipts, vouchers, bills of lading, and other books or papers containing any evidence as to the .amount of such alleged damage Unless such statements shall be filed as hereinabove required, the Cantractor's claim for compensation shall be waived, and he shall not be entitled to payment on .account of such damages. C.6 -6 . 14 ADJUSTMENT OR RELOCATION OF PUBLIC UTILITIES ETC,- in case �.t necessary to change, move, or alter n any manner the property of a public vtility or others., the said property shall not be moved or interfered with until orders thereupon have been issued by the Engineer. The right is reserved to the owners of public utilities to enter the geographical limits of the Contract for the purpose of making such changes or repairs to their property that may be necessary by the performance of this contract, C6-6.15 TEMPORARY SEWER AND DRAIN CONNECTIONS: When existing sewer lines have to be taken up or removed, the Contractor shall& at his own expense and cost, provide and maintain temporary outlets and connections for all private or public drains and sewers. The Contractor shall also take care of all sewage and drainage which will be received from these drains and sewers, and for thils purpose he shall provide and maintain, at his own cost and expense, adequate pumping facilities and temporary outlets or diversions. The Contractor, at his own cost and expense, shall construct such troughs, pipes, or other structures necessary, and be prepaared, at all times to dispose of drainage and sewage C6-b (10) received from these temporary connections until such times as the permanent connections are built and are in service. The existing sewers and connections shall be kept in service and maintained under the Contract, except when specified or ordered to be abandoned by the Engineer. All water, sewage, and other waste shall be disposed of in a satisfactory manner so that no nuisance is created and so that the work under construction will be adequately protected. C6-6.16 ARRANGEMENT AND CHANGES FOR WATER FURNISHED BY THE C TY: When the Contractor desires to use City grater connection with any construction work, he shall make complete and natisfactory arrangements with the Fort Worth City water Department for so doing. City water furnished to the Contractor shall be delivered to the Contractor from a connection on an existing City main. All piping required beyond the point of deliverer shall, be installed by the Contractor at his own expense. The Contractor's responsibility in the use of all existing fire hydrant and/or valves is detailed in Section E2-1.2 USE OF FIRE HYDRANTS AND VALVES in these General Contract Documents. When meters are used to measure the water, the charges, if any, for grater will be at the regular established rates. When meters are not used, the charges, if any, will he as prescribed by the City Ordinance, or where no ordinance applies, payment shall be Made on estimates and crates established by the Director of the Fort Worth rater Department. C6-6.17 USE OF A SECTrON OR PORTION OF THE WORKa Whenever, in the opinion of the Engineer, any section or portion of the work or any structure is in ouitable condition, it may be put into use upon the written order of the Engineer, and such usage shall not be Feld to be in any way an acceptance of said work or structure or any part thereof or as a waives; of any of the provisions of these Contract Documents. All necesaary repairs and removal& of any section of the work so put into use, due to defective materials or workmanship, equipment, or to deficient operations on the part of the Contractor, shall be performed by the Contractor at his own expense. C6-.16 COUTRACTO IJS_ RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE WORK: Until written aGccepCn es by the owner As provided for in these Contract Documents, the work shall be under the charge and care of the Contractor, and he shall take every necessary precaution to prevent injury or damage to the work or any part Cfi-6 K 11 thereof by action of the elements or from any cause whatsoever, whether arising from the execution or n onexecution bf the work. The Contractor shall rebuild, repair, restore, and make goad at his own expense all Injuries or damage to any portion of the work occasioned by any of the hereinabove causes. C6-6._19_ NC AIVER-OF LEGAL RIGHTS: Inspection by the Engineer or any order key the Owner by payment of money or any payment for or acceptance of any work, or any extension of time, or any possession taken by the City shall not operate as a waiver of any provision of the Contract Documents, Any waiver of any breach or Contract shall not be held to be m waiver of any other or subsequent breach. The Owner reserves the right to correct any error that may be discovered in any estimate that may have been paid ar,d to adjust the same to meet the requirements of the Contract Documents. C6-6 . 0 PERSONAL LIABILITY OF PUBLIC _OFF-XCIALSI: In carrying out the provisions of these Contract Documents or in exercising any power of authority granted thereunder, there shall be no liability upon the authorized representatives of the Owner, either personally or otherwise as they are agents and representatives of the City. C:b-& . 21 STATE SALES TAX: On a contract awarded by the City of Fart Worth, an organization which qualifies for exemption pursuant the provisions of Article 20.04 (M) of the Texas Limited sales, excise, and Use Tax Act, the Contractor may purchase, rent or lease all materials, supplies and equipment used or consumed in the performance of this contract by issuing to his supplier an exemption certificate in lieu of the tax, said exemption certificate to comply with State Comptroller's Ruling .007. Any such exemption certificate issued by the Contractor in lieu of the tax shall be subject to and shall comply with the provisions of State Comptroller's Ruling .011, and any other applicable State Comptroller ruling's pertaining to the Texas Limited Sales, Exc#ee, and use Tax Pict. On a contract awarded by a developer for the construction of a publicly -owned improvement in a street right-of-way or other easement which has been dedicated to the public and the City of Part Worth, an organization which qualifies for exemption pursuant to the provisions of Article 20.04 M of the 'texas limited sales, Excise, and Use Tax Act, the Contractor can probably be exempted in the same manner stated above, C6-6 (12) Limited Sale, Excise and Use Tait permits and information can be obtained from: Comptroller of Public Accounts Sale Tax Division Capitol Station Austin, TIC CG—S (13) PART C - GENEML CONDITIONS C7-7 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS SECTION C7-7 PROSECUTION AND PROGRESSf' . "' C;?-7,1 SUBLETTING: The Contractor shall perform with his own organ ization, and with the &asistance of warkman under bis immediate superiantendance, work of a value of not less than fifty ( p1) percent of the value embraced in the contract. if the Contractor sublets any part of the work to be done under these Contract Documents, he will not under any circumstances be relieved of the responsibility and obligation assumed under these Contract Documents. All transactions of the Engineer will be with the Contractor. Subcontractors will be considered only in the capacity of employees or workmen of the Contractor and shall be subject to the same requirements as to character and competency. The Owner will not recognize any subcontractor on the work. The Contractor shall at all times, when the work is in operation, be represented either in person or by a superintendent or other designated representatives. C7-7.2 ASSIGNMENT OF CONTRACTS .The Contractor .eball not assign, transfer, sublet, convey, or otherwise dispose of. -the contract or hie rights, title, or interest 16 or to the 'same or any part thereof without the previous consent of the Owner expressed by resolution of the City Council and concurred. in by the Sureties. If the Contractor does, without such previous consent, assign, transfer, sublet, convey, or otherwise dispose of the contract or his right, title, or interest therein or any part thereof, to any person or peareon e, partnership, company, firm, or corporation,, or doee by bankruptcy, voluntary or involuntary, or by assignment under the insolvency laws of any state, attempt to dispose of the contract may, at the option of the owner be revolted and annulled, unless the Sureties .stall successfully complete maid contract, and in the event of any such revocation or Annulment, any monies due or to become due under or by virtue of said contract sbail be retained by the owner as liquidated damages for the reason that it would be impracticable and extremely difficult to fix the actual. damages. C7-7._J PROSECUTIOK OF TEE WORK* Prior to beginning any construction operation, the Contractor shall submit to the Enginaer in five or more copies, if requested by the Engineer, a progress scheduie preferably in chart or diagram form, or a brief outlining in detail and atep by step the wanner of C7-7 (1) prosecuting the work and ordering materials and equipment which he expects to follow in order to complete the project in the scheduled time. There shall also be submitted a table of estimated armounts to be earned by the Contractor during each monthly estimate period. -.— The contractor shall commence the work to be performed under this contract within the time limit stated in these Contract Documents and shall conduct the work in a continuous manner and with sufficient equipment, materials, and labor as is necessary to insure its completion within the time limit. The sequence requested of all construction operations shall be at all times as specified in the Special Contract Documents. Any deviation from scuh sequencing shall be submitted to the Engineer for his approval. Contractor shall not proceed with any deviation until he has received written approval from the Engineer-. Such specification or approval by the Engineer small not relieve the Contractor from the full responsibility of the complete performance of the Contract. The contract time may -be charged only as set forth in Section C7-7.B "Extension of Time of Completion" of this Agreement, and a progress scbedule shall not constitute a change in the contract time, C7-7.4 LIMITATIONS OF OPERATIONS: The working operations shall at all ti mes ba conducted by the Contractor Aso as to create a minimum amount of inconvenience to the public. At any time when, in the Judgment of the Engineer, the Contractor has obstructed or closed or is carrying on operations in a portion of a street or public way greater than is necessary for the proper Execution of the work., the Engineer may require the Contractor to finish the section on which operations are in progress before the work is commenced on any additional section or street. 7-7.5 CHARACTER OF G?OR M N An EQUIPMENT: Local labor shall be used by the Contractor is available. The Contractor may bring in from outside the City of Fort, north his key men and his superintendent. All other workmen* including equipment operators, may be imported only after the local supply is exhausted. The Contractor shall employ only such superintendents, foremen, and workmen w'ha are careful, competent, and Bally qualified to perform the duties or tasks assigned to them, and the Engineer may demand and secure the summary dismissal of any person or persons employed by the Contractor in or about or on the work vita, in the opinion of the Owner, ahal1 misconduct himself: or be found to be incompetent, disrespectful, intemperate, dishonest, or C7-7 ( 2 ) otherwise objectionable or neglectful in the proper performance of his or their duties, or who neglects or refuses to comply with or carry out the directions of the Owner, and such person or persons shall not be employed again thereon without written consent of the Engineer. All workmen shall have sufficient skill, ability, and experience to properly perform the work assigned to then and operate any egiaipment necessary to properly carry out the performance of the assigned duties. The Contractor shall furnish and maintain on the work all such equipment as is considered to he necessary for prosecution of the work in an acceptable manner and at a satisfactory rate of progress. All equipment, tools, and machinery used for handling materials and executing any part of the Mork shell be suhlect to the approval of the Engineer and shall be maintained in a satisfactory, safe and efficient working condition. Equipment on any portion of the wont Bball be such that no injury to the work, workman or adjacent property will result from its use. C7-7.5 QRK SCHBOULB Elapsed working nays shall be computed starting with the first day of work completed as defined in C1-1.23 MWORKXIgG DABY' or the date stipulated in the "WORK ORDER" for beginning work, whicbev'er comes gixst. Nothing in these Contract Documents shall be construed as prohibiting the Contractor from working on Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holidays f providing that the following requirements are met: a. A request to work on a specific Saturday, Sunday or Leval Holiday must be made to the Engineer no later than the proceeding Thursday. b. Any wont 'to be done on the project on such a specific Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday must be, in the opinion of the Engineer, essential to the timely completion of the project. The Engineer'n decision shall be final in response to such a request for approval to work on a speci f is Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday, and no extra compensation shall be allowed to the Contractor for any work performed on such a specific Saturday, Sunday or Legal Holiday. Calendar Days skull be defined in C1-1. 4 and the Contractor may work as he so desires. C7-7 (3) 7-7.7 TIME OF COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION: The Contractor shall cammen a the working operations within the time -specified in the Contract Goc=ents and set forth in the Work Order. Failure to do so shall he considered by the Owner as abandonment of the Contract by the Contractor and the Owner may proceed as he sees fit. The contractor shall maintain a rate of progress such as will insure that the whole work will be performed and the premises cleaned up in accordance with the Contract Documents and within the time established in such documents and such extension of time as may be properly authorized by the owner. C7-7.9 EX -TENSION Off' NIM COMPLETION: The Contractor's request for an extension of time of completion shall, be considered only when the request for such extension is submitted in writing to the Engineer within seven days from and after the time alleged caxxee of delay skull have occurred. &hould are extension of the time of completion be requested such request will be forwarded to the City Council, for approval . In adjusting the contract time for completion of work, cons,idersti,on will be given to unforseeable causes beyond the control of and without the faalt or (negligence of the Contractor, including but limited to acts of the public enemy, acts of the Ovner, fire, flood, tornadoes, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, or delays of sub -contractors due to each causes. When the date of completion is Lased on a calendar day bid, a request for extension of time because of inclement weather will not be considered. A request for extension of time dice to inability to obtain supplies and materials will be considered only when a review of the Contractor's purchase order dates and other pertinent data as requested by the Engineer indicates that the Contractor has [Wade a bonafi.de attempt to secure deliver} on schedule. This shall include efforts to obtain the supplies and materials from alternate sources in case the first source cannot make delivery. If satisfactory euecution and completion of the contract should require work and materials in greater amounts or quantities than those set forth in the approved Contract Documents, then the contract time may be increa8ed by change Order. C7-7._9 DELAM The Contractor shall receive no compensation for delays or hindrances to the stork, except when direct and unavoidable extra cost to the Contractor is caused by the failure of the city to provide information or material, if C7-7 (4) - -4r any, which is to be furnished by the City. When such extra compensation is claimed a written statement thereof shall be presented by the Contractor to the Engineer and if by him found correct shall be approved and referred by him to the Council for final approval or disa4pproval$ and the action thereon by the Council shall .be-f inal.- and binding. 1f delay is caused by specific orders given by the Engineers to stop work, or by the performance of extra Mork, or by the failure of the City to provide material or necessary instructions for carrying are the work, then such delay will entitle the Contractor to an equivalent extension of time, his application for which shall, however, be subject to the approval of the City Council; and no such extension of time shall release the Contractor or the surety on his performance bond from all hia obligations hereunder which shall remain in full force until the discharge of the contract. 7 -7. 10 TIME OF COMPLETION: The time of completion is are essential element of -the contract. Each bidder shall indicate in the appropriate place an the last page of the Proposal the number of working days or calendar daya that he will require to fully complete this contract or the time of completion will be specified by the City in the Proposal section of the contract documents. The number of days indicated ahall be a realistic estimate of the time required to complete the work covered by the specific contract being bid upon. The amount of time so stated by the successful bidder or the City will become the time of completion specified in the Contract Documents. For each calendar day that any work shall remain uncompleted after the time specified its the contract Documents, or the increased time granted by the Owner, or as automatically increased by adaitiona►l work or materials ordered after the contract is signed, the sum per day given in the following schedule, unless otherwise specified in other parts of the Contract Documente, will be deducted from monies due the Contractor, not as a penaltye but as liquidated damages suffered by the Owner. AMOUNT OF CONTRACT Less than 50DOO inclusive 35.00 $ 5,001 to $ 15,000 inclusive 45,00 15,001 to 25,000 inclusive 63,00 $ 25oOD1 to S 50,000 inclusive 105.00 50, 001 to 100,000 inclusive 154.00 $ 100,ODI to $ 500,000 inclusive $ 210.00 C7"-7 (5) 50O,001 to $110001000 inclusive 315.00 $1,000,001 to $2,O00,000 in cluai,ve $ 420.D0 2,000,001 and over 630.00 The parties hereto understand and agree that any harm to the City caused by the Contractors delay in completing the work hereunder in the time apecified by the Contract Documents would be incapable or very difficult of accurate efitimation, and that the "Amount of Liquidated Damages Per Day', as set out above, is a Treasonable forecast of just compensation clue the City for harm caused by any delay. C7-7.11 SUSPENSION BY COURT ORDER: The Contractor ahall suspend_ operations on such part or parts of the work ordered by any court, and will not be entitled to additional compensation by virtue of such court order. Neither will he be liable to the City in the event the work is suspended by a Court Order. Neither will the prover be liable to the Contractor by virtue of any Court order or action for which the owner is riot solely responsible. C7-7.12 TEMPORARY SUSPENSION: The owner shall have the Height to suspend the work operation wholly* or in part for such period or periods of time as he may deem necessary due to unsuitable weather conditions or any other unfavorable conditions which in, the opinion of the Owner or Engineer cause further prosecution of the work to be unsatisfactory or detrimental to the interest of the project. During temporary suspension of work covered by this contract, for any reason, the owner will make no extra payment for stand-by time of construction equipment and/or construction crews. If it should become necessary to Auspend work for an indefinite period, the Contractor shall store all materials in such manner that they will not obstruct or impede the public unnecessarily nor become damaged in any way, and he ahall take every precaution to prevent damage or deterioration of the work performed; he shall provide suitable drainage about the work, and erect temporary structures where necessary. Should the Contractor not be able to complete a portion of the project clue to causes beyond the control of and without the fatllt or negligence of the Contractor as set forth in Paragraph C7-7.6 EXTEOSION OF THE TIME OF COMPLETION, and should it be determined by mutual consent of the Contractor and the Engineer that a solution to allow construction to proceed is not available within a reasonable period of time, then the Contractor may be reimbrlrsed for the cost of moving his equipment off the job and, returning the necessary equipment to the jab when it is determined by the Engineer C7-7 i f ) that construction may be resumed. Such reimbursement shall be based on actual cost to the Contractor of moving the equipment and no profit will he allowed. No reimbursement shall be allowed if the equipment is moved to another construct -ion project- for, the'. city of Fort Worth. The Contractor shall not suspend work without written notice from the Engineer and shall proceed with the work operations promptly when notified by the. Engineer to so resume operations. C7--7.13 TERMINATION OP CONTRACT DOS TO B'ATIONAL EMERGENCY: Whenever, because off Nat�a�-Emergat cy, so ea-l.ared b the President of the [united States or other lawful authority, it becomes impossible for the Contractor to obtain all of the necessary labor, materials, and equipment for the prosecution of the work with reasonable continuity for a period.of two months, the Contractor skull within seven days notify the City in writing, giving a detailed statement of the efforts which have been made and listing all necessary items of labor, materials, and equipment not obtainable. if, after investigations, the owner finds that such conditions existing and that the inability of the Contractor to proceed is not attributable in' whole or in part to the fault or neglect of the Contract, then if the owner cannot after reasonable effort assist the Contractor in procuring and making available the necessary labor, materials and equipment within thirty days, the Contractor may request the Dwner to terminate the contract and the Owner may comply with the requests and the termination shall be conditioned and based upon a final settlement mutually acceptable to both the Owner and the Contractor and final payment shall be mane in accordance with the terms of the agreed settlement, which shall include, but not be lfrnit.ed to, the payment for all work executed but no anticipated profits on work which has not been performed" C7-7.14 SUSPIMIGN OR ABANDONMENT OF TEE WORrt AND ANNULMENT OF CONTRA T: rThe work operaMons an all or .any portion or section of the work- under Contract shall be suspended immediately on written order of the Engineer or the Contract may be declared' cancelled by the City Council for any good and auMcient cause. The following, by way of example, 'but not of limitation, may be considered grounds for auspension or cancellation: a. Failure of the Contractor to commence work operations within the time specified in the Mark Order issued by the Owner. C7;7 "� 7 ) b. Substantial evidence that progress of the work operations by Contractor is insufficient to complete the work within the specified time. C. Failure of the Contractor to provide and maintain sufficient labor and equipment to properly execute the working operations. d. Substantial evidence that the Contractor has abandoned the work. e. Substantial evidence that the contractor has become insolvent or bankrupt, or otherwise financially unable to carry on the work satisfactorily. i. Failure on the part of the Contractor to observe any requirements of the Contract Documents or to comply with any orders given by the Engineer or Owner provided for in these Contract Documents. g. Failure of the Contractor promptly to make good any defect in materials or workmanship, or any defects of any nature the correction of which hda been directed in writing by the Engineer or the Owner. h. Substantial evidence of collusion for the purpose of illegally procuring a contract or perpetrating fraud on the City in the construction of warp under contract. i. A substantial indication that the Contractor has made are unauthorized assignment of the contract or any funds due therefrom for the benefit of any creditor or for any other purpose. j. If the Contractor shall for any cause whatsoever not carry on the working operation in an acceptable Manner e k. if the Contractor commences legal action against the Owner. A copy of the suspension order or action of the City Council shall be served on the Contractor's Sureties. When work in suspended for any cause or causes or when the contract is cancelled, the contractor shall discontinue the work cr such part thereof as the Owner shall designatef whereupon the Sureties may, at their option, assume the contract or that portion thereof which the owner has ordered the contractor to discontinue, and may perform the same ar may, with the written 7-7 (8) consent of the Owner, sublet the work or that portion of the work as taken over, provided however, that the Sureties shall exercise their option, if at all, within two Meeks after the written notice to discontinue the work has been served upon the Contractor and upon the Sureties or theme authorized agents. The Sureties, in such event shall assume the Contractor's place in all respects, and shall be paid by the Owner for all work performed by them in accordance with the terms of the Contract Documnta. All monies remaining due the Contractor at the time of this default shall thereupon became due and payable to the Sureties as the work progresses, subject to all of the terms of the Contract Documents. in case the Sureties do not, writhin, the hereinabove specified time, exercise their right and option to assume the contract responsibilities, or that portion thereof which the Owner has ordered by the Contractor to discontinue, then the owner shall have the power to complete, by contract or. otherwise, as it may determine, the work herein described or such part thereof as it may deem necessary, and the Contractor hereto agrees that the owner shall have the right to take possession of and use any materials, plants, tools, equipment, supplies, and property of any kind provided by the Contractor for the purpose of carrying on the wrork and to procure other tools, equipment, materials, labor and property for the completion of the work, and to charge to the account of the Contractor of said contract expense for labor# materials, tools, equipment, and all expenses incidental thereto. The expense so charged shall be deducted by the owner from such monies as may be due or may become due at any time thereafter to the Contractor under and by virtue of the Contract or any part thereof. The owner shall not be required to obtain the lowest bid for the warm completing the contract, but the expense to be deducted shall be the actual cost of the owner of such work. in case such expenses shall exceed the amount which would have been payable under the Contract if the same had been completed by the Contractor, then the Contractor and his Sureties shall pay the amount of axich excess to the City on notice from the Owner of the excess due. When any particular part of the work is being carried on by the Owner by contract or otherwise under'the provisions of this section, the Contractor Shall continue the remainder of they work its conformity with the terms of the Contract Documents and in such a manner as to not hinder or interfere with performance of the work by the Owner. C7-7.15 FULFILLMENT OF CONTRACT: The Contract will be corisidered as having been fulfilled, save as provided in any bond or bonds or by law, when all the work and all sections or parts of the project covered by the Contract Documents have 7-7 (9) been. finished and completea, the final inspection made by the Engineer, and the final acceptance and final payment mace by the Owner. C7-7,16 TERM I NAT-1 ON FOR CONVENIENCE OF ?RE O iER: A NOTICE OF TERMINATION: The performance of the work ux,i3'jr'-'-tW1a contract may be terminated by the owner in whole, or from time to time in part, in accordance with this section, whenever the Owner shall determine that such termination is in the best interest of the Owner. Any such termination shall be effected by mailing a notice of termination to the Contractor specifying the extent to which performance of work under the contractis terminated', and the date upon wbich such termination becomes effective. Receipt of the notice shall be deemed conclusively presumed and established when the letter is placed in the [united States Maid by the Owner. Furthere it shall be deemed conclusively presumed and established that such termination is made with just cause ae therein stated; and no proof in any claim, demand or suit shall be required of the Owner regarding such d cretiogary action. B. CONTRACTOR ACTION: After receipt of a notice of terming -+ion, and except as otherwise directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall 1. Stop work under the contract on the date and to the extent specified in the notice of termination; 2. place no further orders or subcontracts for materials, services or facilities except as may be aecessary for completion of such portion of the wurk under the contract as is not terminated; 3. terminate all orders and subcontracts to the extent that they relate to the performance of work terminated by the notice of termination; 4. transfer title to the Owner and deliver in the manner, at the times, and to the extent, if any, directed by the Engineer: C7-7 (10) a. the fabricated or unfabricated parts, work in process, completed work, supplies and other material produced as a part of# or acquired in connection with the performance of, the work terminated by the notice of termination; and b. the completed, or partially completed plans, drawings, information and other property which, if the contract had been completed, would have been required to be furnished to the Owner. 5. complete performance of such part of the work as shall not have been terminated by the notice of termination; and 6. take such action as may be necessary,, or as the Engineer may direct, for the protection and preaervatioan of the property related to its contract which. is in the possession of the Contractor and in which the Owner has or may acquire the rest. ht a t isee . riot later than 30 days after the termination date specified in the notice of termination, the Contractor may submit to the Engineer a list, certified as to quantity and guality►, of any or all items of termination inventory not previously disposed of, eXClusive of items the disposition of which has been directed or authorized by the Engineer. Not later than 15 days thereafter, the owner shall accept title to such Ltuns provided, that the list submitted shall be subject to verification by the Engineer upon removal of the items or, if the items are stored, within 455 days from the date of submission of the list, and any necessary adjustments to correct the list ae eubmitted, shall be made prior to final settlement. TERMINATION CLAIM: Within 60 days after notice of termination,, the Contractor shall submit his tern nation claim to the Engineer in the form and with the certification prescribed by the Engineer. Unless one or more extensions in writing are granted by the Owner upon requent of the Contractor, made in writing within such 60-day period or authorized extension thereof, any and all such claims shall be conclusively deemed waived. C7-7 (11) 7. AMOUNTS: Subject to the provisions of Item C7-7.16(C), the Contractor and owner may agree upon the whale or any part of the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor by -reason of the total or partial, termination of work pursuant hereto; provided, that such agreed amount or amounts shall never exceed the total contract price as reduced by the amount of payments otherwise made and as further reduced by the contract price of work not terminated. The contract shall be amended accordingly, and the Contractor shall be paid the agreed amount. No amount shall be due for lost or anticipated profits. Nothing in C7-7.16(E) hereafter, prescribing the amount to be paid to the Contractor in the event of failure of the Contractor by reason of the termination of work pursuant to this section, shall be deemed to limit, restrict or otherwise determine or affect the amount or amounts which may be agreed upon to be paid to the Contractor pursuant to this paragraph. FAILURB TO AGREE: In the event of the failure of the Contractor and the Owner to agree as provided in C7-7.16 (D) upon the whole amount to be paid to the Contractor by reason of the termination of work pursuant to this section the Owner shall determine, on the basis of information available to it, the amount, if any, due to the Contractor by ,reason of the termination and shall pay to the Contractor the amounts determined. Wo amount shall be due for lost or anticipated profits. DEDUCTIONS: In arriving at the ftmoilnt due the contractor under this section, there shall be deducted ( a ) all unliquidated advance or other payments on account theretofore made to the Contractor, applicable to the terminated portion of this contract; (b) any claim which the Owner may have against the Contractor in connection with this contract; and (c) the agreed price for, or the proceeds of pale of, any materials, supplies or other things kept by the Contractor or Bald, pursuant to the provisions of this clause, and not otherwise recovered by or credited to the Owner. G. ADJUSTMENT: If the termination hereunder be partial, prior to the settlement of the terminated portion of this contract, the Contractor may file with the Engineer a request in writing for an C7-7 �12) equitable adjustment of the prig or pries specified in the contract relating to the continued portion of the contract (the portion not terminated by the notice of termination) , such equitable adjustment as may be agreed upon shall be made in such price or prices-, Nothing contained herein, however, shall limit the right of the Owner and the Contractor to agree upon the amount or amounts to be paid to the Contractor for the completion of the continued portion of the contract when said contract does not contain an established contract price for such continued portion. H . NO LIMITATION OF RIGHTS: Vothi. rig contained in this section sh all lim- i t or alter the rights which the Owner may have for termination of this contract under C7-7.14 hereof entitled "Suspandion of Abandonment of the work and Amendment of Contract" or any other right which Owner may have for default or hreach of contract by Contractor. C7-7.17 SAFETY KETHODS AND PRACTICES: The Contractor shall. be Fes} onsibl,e for initiating, maintaining, and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection Faith the work at all times and shall assume all responsibilities fox their enforcement. The Contractor shall comply with federal, state, laws, ordinances, and regulations so as to protect property from injury, including death, or damage in with the work. and local person and connection C7W7 (13) PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS S-8 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT SECTION C8-9 MEAS[TRE=NT AND -PAYMENT 5- C B-8,1 MEASUREMENT OF 2VANTITIESt The determination of quantities of work per armed by the Contractor and authorized by the Contract Documents acceptably completed under the terms of the Contract Documents shall be made by the Engineer, based on measurements made by the Engineer. These measurements will be made according to the United States Standard Measurements used in common practice, and will be the actual length, area, solid contents, numbers, and weights of the materials and items installed. C8-8. UNIT PRICES: When in the Proposal a "Unit Price" is set forth, the said "Unit Price" shall include the furnishing by the Contractor of all labor, tools, materials, machinery, equipment, appliances and appurtenances necessary for the construction of and the completion in a Manner acceptable to the Engineer of all work to be done under these Contract Documents. The "Unit Pri.cew shall include all permanent and temporary protection of overhead, surface, and underground structures, cleanup, finished, overhead expense, bond, insurance, patent fees, royalties, risk due to the elements and other causes, delays, profits, ire juries, damages claims, truces, and all other items not specifically mentioned that may be required to fully construct each item of the work complete in place and in a satisfactory condition for operation, C8--9_.3 LU SC?M: When in the Proposal a 'Lump Sum" is set nth, the said_NLump Sum* sha11 represent the tot•a I cost for the Contractor to furnish all lshore tools, materials, machinery, equipment, appurtenances, and all subsi.dary work necessary for the construction and completion of all the work to provide a complete aad functional, item as detailed in the Special. Contract Documents and/or plans. CB-8.4 SCOPE OP PAYMENT: The Contractor shall receive and accept the compensation, as herein provided, in full payment for furnishing all labor, tools, materials, and incidentals for performing all work contemplated and embraced under these Contract Documents, for all loss and damage arising out of the nature of the work or from the action of the elements, for any unforeseen defects or obstructions which may arise or be encountered during the prosecution of the work at any time C8-8 {l� before its final acceptance by the Owner, (except as provided in paragraph C5-5.14) for all risks of whatever description -connected with the prosecution of the work, for all expense incurred by or in consequence of suspension or discontinuance of such prosecution of the working. operations as herein specified, or any and all infringements of patents,, trademarks, copyrights, or other legal reservations, and for completeing the work in an acceptable manner according to the terms of the Contract Documents. The payment of any current or partial estimate prior to final acceptance of the work by the Owner shall in no way constitute an acknowledgment of the acceptance of the work, materials, or equipmentp nor in any way prejudice or affect the obligations of the Contractor to 3repairp correct, renew, or replace at his own and proper expense any defects or imperfections in the construction or in the strength or quality of the material used or equipment or machinery furnished in or about the construction of the work under contract and its appurtenances, or any damage due or attributed to such defects, which defects, imperfection, or damage shall have been discovered on or before the final inspection and acceptance of work or during the one year guaranty period after final acceptance. The Owner shall be the sole j%adge of such defects, imperfections, or damage, and the Contractor shall be liable to the Owner for failure to correct the same as provided herein. C6-6.5 PARTIAL ESTIMATES AND RETAINACE: Between the 1st and 5th clay of each month the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a statement snowing an estimate of the value of the work done during the previous month, or estimate period under the Contract Documents. Not later than the 10th day of the month the Engineer shall verify such estimate, and if it is found to be acceptable and the value of work pe.rfoarined since the last partial payment was mane exceeds one hondredi dollars (100.00 ) in amount, 90% of such estimated sum will be paid to the Contractor if the total contract amount is less than 400,000, or 95% of such estimated sum will be paid to the Contractor if the total contract amount is $400,000 or greater within twenty-five (25) days after the regular estimate period. The City will have the option of preparing estimates on forms furnished by the City. The partial estimate may include acceptable nonperishable materials delivered to the work which are to be incorporated into the work as a permanent part thereof, but which at the the time of the estimate have not been installed. i such payment will be allowed on a basis of 65t of the net invoice value thereof.) The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer such information as he may request to aid C8-8 {2) ��"�ti �'y�i �'�',j .+.� � �*..�4y'S P'a7 F��s`��?r}'tiy}�� { � i .� n„ +• -. y ti - ` `'�F•.+S:i, �_ Sig., �"�i:7.� ��: i; - - - :�.� .��' r- ,�ti �.. ;..5:�L-_ �,,I J44.ti•d.iw:�l`�F�.iS �.\�„r„�4�«,.:. - .. him as a guide in the verification or the prepazation of partial estimates. It is understood that the partial estimate from month to month will be appropimate only, and all partial monthly eatifnates and payment will be subject,torcarrection in the estimate rendered following the discovery of an error in any previous estitoate,and such estimate shall not, in any respect, be taken as an admission, of the Dwner of the amount ' of work done or of its quality of sufficiencyw or as an acceptance of the work scone or the release of the Contractor of any of his responsibilities under the Contract Docaments. The City reserves the right to withhold the payment of any monthly estimate if the contractor falls to perform the work strictly in accordance with the specifications or provisions of this contract. CO-8.6 WITEEOLDING PAYMENT% Payment on any estiniate ar estimates may be held in abeyance If the performance of the construction operations is not in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. C B - B . 7 FIMAL ACCEPTANCE: , Whenever the improvements provided for by the Contract' DocU[ments ahall. haVa been completed and all requirements of the .Contract Documents shall, hAve been fulfilled can the part of the Contractor, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing that the improvements are ready for the final inspection. The Engineer shall notify the appropriate officials of the Owner, will within a reasonable time make such final inEpection, and if the work is satisfactory,, its an acceptable condition, and has been completed its accordance with the terms of the Contract Documents and all approved modifications thereof, the Engineer will initiate the processing of the final estimate and recommen3 final acceptance of the project and final payment therefor as outlined in CO- 8.& below. 8-8. 6 FINAL __P]� PAYMENT: Whenever all the improvements provided for by t�e'Co>ttractDocuments and all approved modifications thereof shall have been completed and all requirements of the Contract Documents have been fulfilled on the part of the Contractor, a final estimate showing the value of the work will be prepared by the Engineer as soon as the necessary measurements, computational and checks can be grade. All prior estimates upon which payment has been made are subject to necessary corrections or revisions In the final payment, CB-S (3) The amount of the final estimate, less previous payments and any. sum that have been deducted or retained under the provisions of the Contract Documents, will be paid to the Contractor within 64 days after final ae1ceptance by the Owner on a proper resolution of the' City Council, provided the Contractor has furnished to the Owner satisfactory evidence of payment as follows: Prior to submission of the final estimate for payment, the Contractor shall execute are affidavit, as furnished by the City, certifying that all persons, firms, associations, corporations, or other organizations furnishing labor and/oar faterials have been paid in full, that the wage scale established by the City Council in the City of Fort worth has been paid, and that there are no claims pending for ,personal injury and/or property damages. The acceptance by the Contractor of the last or final payment as afor8said shall operate as and shall release the Owner from all claims or liabilities under the Contract for anything done or furnishp-d or relating to the work under Contract Documents or any act or neglect, of said City relating to or connected with the Contract. The making of the final, payment by the Owner shall not relieve the Contractor of any guarantees or other requirements of the Contract Documents which specifically continue thereafter. C8-8.9 ADEQUACY OF DIES1GN: It is understood that the owner believes it has employed competent Engineers and designers to prepare the Contract Documents and all madifiefttions of the approved Contract Documents. It is, therefore, agreed that the owner shall be responsible for the adequacy of its own design: features, sufficiency of the Contract Documents, the safety of the structure, and the practicability of the operations of the completed project, provided the Contractor has complied with the requiremants of the said Contract Documents, all approved modifications thereof, and additions and alterations thereto approved in writing by the owner. The burden of proof of suuh complLance shall be upon the Contractor to show that he has complied with the said requirements of the Contract Documents, approved modifications thereof, and all -approved additions and alterations thereto. C8-8.10 GZNERAL GUARANTY: Neither the final certificate of payment nor any provision in the contract Documents nor partial or entire occupancy or use of the premises by the owner stall constitute an acceptance of work not done in accordance with the Contract Documents or relieve the Contractor of liability in respect to any express warranties cr responsibility for faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall remedy any defects or damages in the work and C8-8 (4) �+'"�• �K:` ���- aL. ". ti kY}-".��.,•--F+l�����'�{_�:Y .'A' '�r1' „'T,'?�_ r.. . + � �. � i � ..i �.. _ . " h pay for any damage to other work resulting therefrom which snail appear within a period of one year from the date of final acceptance of the work unless a longer period is specified andshall furniab a good and euff icient maintenance bond in the amount of 100 percent of the amount of the contract which shall assure the performance of the general guaranty as above outline. The owner will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. C9-8_.11 SUBSIDIARY W0RXr Any and all work specificnIly governed by documentary requirements for the project, such as conditions imposed by the plans,, the General Contract Documents or these Special Contract Documents, in which no specific item for bid has been provided for -in the Proposal,, shall tie considered as a aubsidi a ry item of work, the cost of which shall be included in the price bid in the Proposal, for each hid item. Surface restoration, rack excavation and cleanup are general items of work which fall in the category of subsidiary work. CB-8.12 MISCELLANEOUS PLACEMENV OF MATERIAL: Material may be allocated under varioUa bid items in the Proposal to establish unit prices for miscellaneous placement of material. These materials shall be used only when directed by the Engineer, depending on field conditions. Payment for miscellaneous placement of material will he made for only that amount of material used, measured to the nearest one --tenth unit. Payment for miscellaneous placement of material shall be in accordance with the General Contract Documents regardless of the actual amount used for the project. CB-8.13 RECORD DDCUMZNTS3 Contractor shall keep on record a copy of all speciions, plans, addenda, modifications, shop drawings and samples at: the site, in good order and annotated to show all changes made during the construction process. These shall be deLverea to Engineer upon completion of the work. B-B (5) as. PAIN Cl SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS TO PART SECTIONCl: SUPPLEMENTARY C NDMONS TO PART C - GENERAL CONDITIONS A. General These Supplementuy Conditions amid or supplement the General Conditions of the Contract and other provisions of the Contract Documents as indicated below. Provisions which arc not so amended or supplemented remain in full force and affect. B. C8-8.5 PARTIAL FS AND R ETAJNAGE. Page C8-8 2), should be deleted in . its entirety and replaced with the following: Partial pay estimates shall be submitted by the Contractor or prepared by the City on the 5th day and 20th day of each mom that the work is in, progmss, The esti a sm] be proceeded by the City on the 10th day and 25th day respectively, Estmmtes will be paid within 2.5 days following the end of the estimate period, less the appropriate retainage as set out below. Peal pay estimates may include acceptable nonperishable materla delivered to the work place which are to be incorporated into the work as a permanent part theft but which at the time of the pay estimate have not been so installed. If such materials are included within a pair wtimate, payment "I be based upon 5 of the net voice value Hereof- The Contractor vnll fiaumish the Exigineex such information as may be reasonably requested to aid in the verification or the preparation of the pay emote, For contracts of less than $400,000 at the time of execution, retainage shall be ten per cent (10° o). For contracts of $400,000 or more at the time of exec-ution, retainage shall be five percent (511/6. Contractor mall pay subcon=ctars in accord with the subcontract agreement within five (5) business days of r receipt by Contractor of the payment by City. Contractof's More to make the required payments to subcontractors will a nhorize the City to withhold future payments front the Contractor until compliance with this paragraph is accomplished, It is understood that the partial pay estimates will be approarinmte only, and all partial pay estimates and payment of swi,. will be subject to correctiam in the estimate rendered following the discovery of the mistake in any previous estiir'nate. Partial payment by Owner for the amount of work done or of its quality or sufficiency or acceptmee of the work done; shall not release the Contractor of any of its responsibilities under -the Contrast Documents. The City reserves the right to withhold the payment of any partial estimate if the ontm for fails to perform the work in strict accordance vAth the specifications or other pmvisions of this contract. C. Part C - General Conditions: Paragraph C3-3.11 oftlte General Conditions is deleted and rep1goed with D-3 of Part D - Special Conditions. D. C3-3.11 INSURANCE: Page 0-3 (): Delete subparagraph "g. LOCAL AGENT FOR jNSURANCE AND BONDING'° Devised pg. 1 10/24/02 E. 6- ,12 CONTRACTOT S ?MSPONSIBUlY FOP, DAMAGE CLAEAS. Page -6 (8), is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the following: Contractor covenants and agrees to indemnify Oity's engineer and arc%tect, and their personnel at t1w project site for tr'ontractox's sole negligence. In addition, Contractor covenants and agrees to indify, hold harmless €end defend, at its awn expense, the Owner, its officers, warts and employees, from and a,gailt any and all claims or suits for property loss, property damage, personal injury, including death, arising out of, or alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be perfomied hexemider by Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invitees, whether or not anv such Wary. dram ape or death Is eauved. in whole or in_ gZ1 by the nesll�ertce or abed nerflzmce of Owner, its offskers, servants, q4 emploveay. Contractor lik-Wise covenants and agrees to indemnify and held harmless the Owner from. and against any and all injuries to Owner's officers, servants and employees and any damage, loss or destruction to property of the Owner arising from the performance of any of the terms and conditions of this Contract, whether.or not anv such iniury or damage is caused in whole or in part hr then eglisor alle-ed neelk-erica of Owner, hs o zcers. servants or employees. In the event Owner reaeives: a written claim for damages against the Contractor or its subcontractors prior to final payment, foal paymwt shall not be made until Contr2actm either a) submits to Owner satisfactory evidence that the claim has been settled and/or a release from the claimmt involved, or b) provides Owner with a letter fromContractor's liability insurance Barrier that the claim has been referred to the -insurance earner. The Director may, if he deems it appropriate, refuse to accept bids on other City of Fort Worth public work from a Contractor against whom a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed under a City Contract, F. INCREASED R DECREASED OUA TI1IE: Part C - General Conditions, Section 44 SCOPE OF WOI5 Page C 4-4 (1), revise paragraph 4-4.3 INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTITIES to read as follows: The Owner reserves the right to alter the yuantides of the work to be performed or to Wend or shorten the improvements at any time when and as found to be necessary, and the Contractor shall perform the work as altered, increased or decreased at the unit prices as established in the contract documents, No allowance will be made for any changes in lost or anticipated profits nor shall such changes be considered as waiving or invalidating any conditions or provisions of the Contract Documents. ariadoris in quantities of sanitary sewer pipes its depth, categories shall be interpreted herein as applying to the overall quantities of sanitary sewer pipe in each pipe size but not to the various depth categories. Revised Pg. 101 4/0 G. C -3.11 INSURANCE: Page C3-3 (7): Add subparagraph "h. ADI)I' ONAL INSURANCE RFOUJR1RM aN' " a. The City, its offi=s, employees and servants shall be endorsed as as additional insured on Contrac's insurance policies excepting employer's liability insurance coverage under C:antract&s workers'compensation insurmice policy. b. C;ertMeates of insurance shall be delivered to the City of Fort Worth, contract admiistrator in the respective degartxnent as specified in the bid documents,. 1000 Tbrocdanorton Street, fort Worth, TX 76102, prior to commencement of work on the contracted project. c. Any fail= on part of the City to request required insumee documentation slxall not constitute a waiver ofthe insurance requirements specified herein. d. Each insuranm policy shall be endorsed to provide the City a minimum thirty days notice of cancellation, non-zenewal, and/or material change in policy terms or coverage. tea days notice shall be acceptable in the event of non-payment of prcamiun. e. Insurers must be suffiorized to do business in the State of Texas and have a cutrent A.M. Hest rating of A: PLC or equivalent measure of financial strength and solvency. f Deductible limits, or self funded retention limits, on mch policy must not exceed 1.0,000.00 per occurrence unless otherwise approved by the City. g, Other than workees compensation insurance, in lieu of traditional insixr , City may oormder alternative coverage or nsk treatment measures d=ugh insurance pools or risk retention groups. The City roust approve in writing any alternative coverage. h. Workers' compensation msu =ce policy(s) covering employees employed an the project shall be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation providing rights of recovery in favor of the City. i. City shall not be responsible for the direct payment of insurance premium costs for contractor`s insurance. j. Conr ctor's insurance policies shall each be endorsed to provide dW such insurance is pmnary pwtection and any selki nded or commercial coverage maintained by City shall not be called upon to contribute to loss recovery. k. In the course of the project, Ckmtmctx shall report, in a timely manner, to City's officially designated contra administrator any known loss occurrence which could give rise to a liability claim or lawsuit or which could result in a property loss. Revised Pg, 3 10/24/02 I. Contrac&s Inability shall not be limited to the specified amounts of insurance required herein. m. Upon the request of City, Contractor shall provide complete copies of all insurance policies required by these contract documents. H. 8.8.4 SCOPE OF PAYME T; Delete 8-8.4, Scope of Payment at pageCS-8(l) is deleted in its entiret , and replaced with the following: The Contractor shall receive and adept dw compensation as herein provided, in frill payment for furnishing all labor, tools, materials, and incidentals for performing all work r contemplated and embraced under these Contract Documents, for all loss and damage arising out of the nature of the work or from the action of the elements, for any unforeseen defects or ohstructions which naay arise or be encountered during the prosecution which may arise or be.encountered during the prosecution of the work at any time before its final acceptance by the Owner, (except as provided in paragraph 5-5,14) ,. for aII risks of whatever description connected with the prosecution of the work, for all expewes incurred by or in conscquencc of the suspemion or discontirnuance of such prosecution of the working opemtioins as herein specified, or any and all infringements of patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other legal reservations, axed for completing the work in an acceptable manner according to the terms of the Contrw Documents. The payment of any current or partial estimate prior to the fins, acceptw= of the work by the Owner shall in no way constitute an acknowledgment of the acceptance of the work, materials, or equipment, nar in any way prejudice or affect the oblig€ntiow of the Contractor to repair, correct, renew, or replaoe at his own and proper expense any defects or imperfections in the construction or in the strmgth or quality of the material used or equipment or machinery furnished m or about the construadon of the work under contract acid its appurtenances, or any damage due or attributed to such defects, which defects, imperfecti s, or damage shall have been discovered on or bef re the final inspection and acceptance of the work or during the two (2) year guaranty period after the final acceptance. The Owner shall be the sole judge of such defects, imperfections, or damage, and thr, Contractor shall be liable to the Owner for failure to correct the same as provided leered n. X. C8-8.10 GENERAL GUARANTY: Delete 8-8.10, General Guaranty at page 8-8(4) is deleted in its antirdy and replaced with the following: Neither the fmal certificate of payment nor any groviskon in the Contract Documents, nor partial or entire occupancy or use of the premises by the Owner shall c stitute an acceptance of work got done in accordance with the Contract Documents or relieve Me Contractor of liability in inspect to any express warranties or responsibility fibr faulty materials or workmanship. The Contractor shall remedy any defects, or damages in the work and pay for any damage to other work or property resulting therefrom which shall appear witMn a period of-hvo (2) years from the date of final acceptance of the work unless a longer period is specified and shall furnish a good and sufficient maiateamnoe bond in the amount of 100 percont of the amount of the contract Revised Pg. 4 1 0l24l02 which shall assure the performaace of the genemi gaarazity as above outlined. The Owner will give notice of observed defects with reasonable promptness. Any reference to any shorter period of time of warranty contained ewhere within the specifications shy be resolved in favor of this specifications, it being the Citf s intent that the Contractor guarantee its vmrk for a period of two (2) years following the dame of acceptance of the proj cet. In the Special Instructions to Bidders, 'W contracts place the following in lieu of the existing paragraph 2. J. Part C - Getxeral Conditions, Sec-tion C -2 INT t 'A'ITON AND PREPARA'I ION OF PROPOSAL. Page 2- (4) exchange paragraphs C2-2.7, C2,2.8 and C2-2.9 with the following: C2-2.7 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will be considered unless it is delivered, accompanied by its proper Bid Security, to the Purchasing Manager or his representative at the official location and stated time set forth in the ""Notice to Bidders." It is the Biddees sole responsibility to deliver the proposal at the proper time to the proper place. The n=e fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered. The Bidders must have the proposal actually delivered. Each proposal shall be in a sealed envelope plainly marked with the ward "PROPOSAL,' and the name or description of the project as designated in the "Notice to Bidders." The envelope shall be addressed to the Purchasing Manager, City of Fort North Purchasing Division, P.O. Boer 17027, Port Worth, Texas 76102. C2-2.8 WITHDRAWING PROPOSALS: Proposals actually filed with the Pumhasing Manager cannot be withdrawn prior to the time set for opming proposals. A request for non -considiaon of a proposal naust be made in writing, addressed to the City Manager, and filed with him prior to the time set for the opening of proposals. After all proposals. not roquested for non -consideration are opened and publicly read aloud, the proposals for which nor -consideration requests bave been, properly filed may, at the option of the Owner, he returned unopened, C -2.9 TELEGRAPHIC MODIFICATION OF PROPOSALS: Any bidder may modify his propoml by telegraphic communication at any time prior so the time set for opening proposals, provided such telegraphic comrxn=cation is received by the Purchasing Manager prior to the said proposal opexiing time, and provided fiufiher, that the City Manager is satisfied that a written and duly authenticated 'confizzution of such telegraphic commut imfion over the signature of the bidder was mailed prior to the proposal opening time. If such confirmation is not received within forty -fight (48) hours after the proposal opening fi=, no further consideration will be given to the proposal K C -3.7 BONDS (CITY LET PROJECTS): Rderence Part C, General Conditions, dated November l; 1987; (City let projects) make the following revisions: Revised Pg. S 10/24/02 1. Page 3-); the paragraph after paragraph C3.3.7d Other Bonds -should be revised to read: In order for a surety to be acceptable to the City, the surety must (1) hold a certificate of authority from the United States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a sumty on obligations permitted or required under federal law; or (2) have obtained reinsurance for any liability in excess of $100,000 from a rein surer that is authorPzed and admitted as a reinsurer in the state of Texas and is the holder of a certificate of authority from the United States secretary of the treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law. Satisfactory proof of any such reinsurance shall be provided to the City upon request. The City, in its sole discretion, will determhe the adequacy of the proof required herein, 2. Pg. C3.3(5) Paragraph C3-3.11 WSURAN E'delete subparagraph "a. COMPENSATION INSURANCE". 3. Pg. 3-3(6), Paragraph 3-3.11 INSURANCE deltte subparagraph "g. LOCAL AGENT FOR INSURANCE AND BONDING". L. 11GHT TO AUDIT- Part C - General. Conditions, Section S-$ EEAS T M13N ' AND P M'NT, PageCS-8 (), add the following- C8-8.14 RIGHT TO AUDIT; (a) Contractor agrees that th,e City shall, until the aM�dmtion of three (3) years after final payment under this contract, have access to and the Fight to examine and photocopy any directly pertinmt books, documents, papers and records of the Contractor involving transactions relating to this contract. Contractor ages that the City shall have access during normal worms hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adeqnatp, and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this section, The City shall 6iye contractor reasoriable advance notice of intended audits. (b) Contractor further agrees to include in all its subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agrees that the City shall, until the a*ration of three (3) years after final payment under the subcontract, have access to and the right to exatr ine and photocopy any din-.ctly pertinent books, documents, papers and records of such subcontraetor, involving transactions to the subcantract, and further, That City shall have access during normal working hours to all subcontractor facilities, and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space, in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this article. City shall give subcontractor reasomable advance mydct of intended audits. (c) Contractor and subcontractor agree to photocopy such documents as may be requested by the pity. The City agrees to reimburse the Contractor for the cost of copies as follows: Revised Pg, 10/24/02 1. 50 copies and under - 10 cents per page 2. Dare titan 50 copies - 85 cents for the first page phis fifteen cents for each gage therea#'ter M. SITE PREPARATION: The Conhmetor shall clear rights -of -way or easements of obstruction which must be removed to mare possible proper prosecut of die- work as a part of this project construction operations. The contractor's attention is directed to paragraph C6-6.10 work within easements, page C6-6(4), part C - General Conditions of the Water Depmtmetxt General Contract Documeat and. General Specifications. Clearing and restarat%nm shall be considered as incidental to construction and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the Linear Foot price of the pipe. I . Reference Part O - General Conditions, Section 6.8 BARRICADES. WARNf Cr AND WATCHMEN: - 1. Wherever the ward Wat Jm= appears in this paragraph, it shall be change to the ward flagmen, . In the first pamgraph, lines five 5) and six (6), change the phrase take all sine} other pmca ionary measures to take all reasanable necessary numsures. 0. 1INORH YfWOMEN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE COMPLIANCE: R `e-rence Part O (General Conditions), Section C3-3.2 Entitled "MINOMY BUSINESS EN "I - RI &WO E -OWNED 13USINESS ENTERPRISE GOhMIA CH' shall be deleted in its entirety and replaced'witlx tho following. Upon request, ontractor'agrees to provide to Owner complete and accurate information regarding actual work perkruied by a Minority Business EntMnise ( BE)and/or a Woman Business Enterprise (WBE) on the contract and payment therefore. Contractor further agues to permit an audit and/or examination of any books, records or files in its possession that will substantiate the actual work ped-ormed by an MBE and/or WBE. The xnisx'epresentadon of facts (other than a negligent =representation) and/or the commission of fraud by the Contractor will be grounds fox termination of the eorttraot and/or initiating ption under appropriate federal, state or local laws or ordinances relating to false statements; further, any such mismp =tffEon (other than negligerA misrepresentation,) and/or commission of fraud will result in the Contractor being detmmined to be irresponsible and' barred frmn pai&ipating in City work for a period of tune of not less than thee () yem, Revised Pg. 7 10/24/02 P. Revised Pg. 8 10/2402 PART D - $PEC UL C ONDMONS TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM TABLE OF CONTENTS D-1 General D-2 Project Designation D -3 Ri it To Audit D-4 Project Sigug D-5 Ptr&g and Steriliaatian of Water Lineg D-6 Wage Rates D-7 C'oanh ation vAtb Fort Worth Water Department D-8 Dewatering D-9 Crossing of Existing unlit es D-10 Existing U ilitim D-11 Exploratory Excavations D-12 Test Holes D-13 5absfitutiong D-14 Cfonavw Sidewalk and Driveway Replacement D-15 Cashed Lim Mne l acKill D-16 2: 7 Concrete D-17 Pavement Repair 2-19) D-18 Pavement repair in Parking Area D-191 Trench Safety system D-20 unitary Sewer Manholes D-21 unitary Sewer Services D-2-2 Water Services D-23 removal, salvage, and Abmdonment of Bxdstiug Fwigties D- 4 valve Bloch D-25 Ductile -Iron and Gray -Iron Fittings D-26 Detectable Warning Tapos D- 7 Concrete C,ylindw Pipe and Fittings D-28 Type of Casing Pipe D- 9 Mitedtyl omen Business Enterprise Compliance D-30 valve Gut -Ins D-31 Connection of Existing Mains D-32 e 2-Inch T=4=ary Service Line D-33 Easements and Perirdtg D-34 Higbway Requ manta D-35 Concrete Encasommit D- 6 C ian#imf on to Existing Shwtures D-37 laid Alternatives D-38 site Preparation D-39 Submission of Bids D-40 Concrete Riprap D-41 Temporary Pavement Repair D-42 Interpretation and Preparation ofPwposal PART D - SPECYAL CO EDITIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS I'TEi+c+I TABLE OF CONTENTS D-43 ids (City Let projects) D-44 Bonds (D�evolop er Let Pmj eats) D-45 Banicades, Wanungsand Flagmen D46 Turbo Meter With Vault and Bypass Installaticm D47 Disposal of Spoil/Fill Material D 48 TmVomry F siorr, Sediment, and Water Pallutim Control D49 open Fire Line Installations D-50 Hydro Mulch Seeding and Sodding D- 1 Television l Wection of Sanitary Sewer I,ines D-52 water Sample Station D-53 Additional Nuance R.equiron m% D-54 Workers' Compensation hw raaca D-55 operating and Maix to mce Manuals D-56 Trench,Excavatim Bar iU and Cornpaebon D-57 shop Drawings D-58 Post -Construction 'Television Inspection of Sanitary Sewer's D- 9 Speaffication Rdb=ces D-60 Vacuwn Testing of Sanitary Sews' Mmiholes D-61 Samples and Qualify Control Testing D-62 Protection ofTrces, Plants, and Sail D-63 Partial mates and R.etain.age D-64 Work Near Prmsura Place Boundmies D-65 Project Cleary -up D-66 Project Schedde D-67 1 2 " & 2" Copper rvices: D-68 Protevion of Existing Curb and Cutter D 9 Contrwo is Responsibility for Damage Claims D-70 hiblic Notification Nor r to Beghminrg Construction D-71 Traffic Cou"I D-72 HMAC Testing Procedure D-73 Pre-Consbxction Neighborhood Meeting D-74 lumused or Decrea sod Quantities D-76 Construction Stakes D-76 sanitary Sewer Service Cleanouis D-77 Pro-tectivo Manhole Coating For Corrosion Protection D-78 Mdcring Water During Cop straci on D-79 Pipe Installed By Other Than Open W PART D - SPECUL C ND11IONS D-I General: Subject to modifications as herein contained, the Fort Worth Rater Depmtdnenfa General Contrast Documents and Specifications, effective July 1,1978, with the Ivaest revisions are tnade a part of the Oantmat Documents for this project. The Plans, Special Conditions and Provisions Documents, and the rules, regulations, requimments, instructions, drawings or details referred to by maa> cturc rss name, number or identification included therein as specififiI& referring or irnplyhg product control, performance, quality, or oar &hall be binding upon the Contractor. The specifications and drawings shall be considemd cooperative; therefore, work or material called for by one and not shown or mentioned in, the other shall be awxcWhshcd m furnished in a faithful manner as though required by all. The order or prewdence in ease of conflicts or discrepancies between various parts of the Contract Documents subject to the ruling of the Engineer shall generally, but not nece-3wily, follow the guidelines listed below: 1. Plans . Contract Documents 3. General Co ntraet Documents and Specifications The following Special Conditions shall be applicable to this proi ect and shall govern over any conflicts with the Gmeral Couteact Documents under tyre provisions stated above. Dd2 PrvieetDesitagon: C:onstrucCon under these Special Mvuments shall be perfomied under the Fort Worth Water Department Project Designations: Water Project Number PW 16"601601 1850 , I Wt To Audit: RIGHT TO AUDT ; Par# C: - General Conditions, Section C8 ME ASURER= AND PAYMENT, Page C8-8 (5), add the following; "C8 ,14 IIGM TO AUDIT: (a) Contractor agrees that the .City shall, until the expiration of three (3) years after f tml payment under this contuse#, have; access W avid the right to examine and photocopy any direcllyr pertinenrt books, documents, papers and records of the Contractor involving transactions relating to this contract. Contractor agrees that the City shall have access during nontml worldtg hours to all necessary Contractor facilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate work space in order to conduct audits in conipl iance with the provisions of this section. The City shall give contractor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. (b) C tractor further agrees to include in all its subeontracts hereunder a provision to the effect that the subcontractor agree& that the City shall, mYdI the expiration of 6 ee (3) years after final payment under the subcontract, have access to and the right to exarrin.e and photocopy any directly pertinent books, documents, papers and records of such subcontractor, involving transactions to the subcontract, and further, that City shall I- X have access during normal working hours to all subcontractar facilities, and shall be pro- ridcd adequate and appropriate work space, in order to cmduct audits in compliance with the provisions of this whole. City shall give subcontractor roasorablc advance notice. of inten.decl audits. (c) Contractor and mbcmiti actor agree to photocopy such darmmmnts as may bo requested by the City. The City agrees to reirnb rse the ConbuQtor for the ocat of copies as follows: 1.50 copies and under -10 cents por page 2. More than 50 copies - 85 rents for the first page plus fifteen cents for each page theseat-. D4 Yroiect IMns: Project Signs are required at all locations which will be under constractiun. for more than thirty (30) calendar clays as indicated in Part B Proposal, Project ,signs sha11 be in wcccrdowe with Figure 30 (dated 8-28-89) of the General Cuntract t oMmern , The signs mq be mouthed on skids or on posts. 'l he exact locations vd =ffiods of mounting shall be aGppiuved by the engineer. Any aiad all ooats for tb a required materials, labor, and equipment necessary for the furnishing of Itoj ect Signs shall be ransideard as a subsidiary cost of the p roiect and no additional compensation will be allowed. D Pargfigg and Sterilization of Water Lines: Before being placed into s ricc all newly cm.%tr u;tod water lines shall be purged and stoviliaed in ap.cordance with E2- 4 of the Ctm=l Contract Documents and Specifications cxe.ept as -modified herein. The City will furnisli all wvaicr IT EQUAL cleanrng and sterilization of water Imes. All other materials for construction of the proiM, including appropriatoly sized "pipe clew ng pigs" and chlorimted limo M shall be furnished by the antractar. Chlorinated lime (HTT1) shall be used in sufficient quantities to provide a ohlarine residual of fifty (50) PPM. The residual of free chlorine shall be measured after 24 hours and shall not be less than 10 parts per million of free chloriae. Chlorinated eater shall be disposed of in the sanitary sewer system. Should a sanitary sower not be available, chlorinated water shall be "dc-chlorinated" prior to disposal. The line way not be placed in service until two successive sets of samples, taken 24 hours apart, have met the -established standards of purity. Purging and sterilization of the water lines sluall be considered as imidental to the project and all costs incurred will be comid,ered to be included in the linear foot bid price of thQ pipe. D-G Wave Rates: Section C3-3.13 of the General Conditions is doloted and replaced with the following: (a) The contrwtor shall comply with all mquhwnents of Chapter 225 8, Texas Government Code, including the paynmmt of -not less than the rates detemii-ned by the City Council of the City of Fort Worth to be the prevOing wage raws in accordance with Chapter 2258, Texae ,rov=ment Code. Suoh prevaili, wage rates are xmcluded iu these contract documents. (b) The contractor shall, for a period ofthoce (3) y+-,ws following the d,ato of acceptance of the work, maintain recards that show (i) the ire and occupation of each worker employed by the conh for in the, consliuction of the work provided for in this contract; and (u) the actual per D- diem wages paid to each worker. These records shall be open at all reasonable horns for i mpection by the City, The provisions of I 3 Right to Audit pertain tD this inspection. (c) The contractor shall include in its subcontracts andlor shall otherwise require all of its subcontractors to comply with paragraphs (a) and (b) above. (d) With each partial paymimt estimate or payroll period, whichever is less, an affidavit stating that the contractor has complied with the requimments of Chapter 2258, Texas Govm=ent fie. The contractor shall post the prevailing wage rates in a conspicuous place at the site of the p% ect at all titnes, D-7 Coordination with Fort Worth Water Deia mnf; Durb the conMi< Lion of this project, it will be necessary do deactivate, for a period of time, existing lines. The Contractor shall be zequired to coordinate with the Wirier I part m=t to determine the best times for deactivating and activating thw lines. D-0 Dewm*inW, The C'.onhary n i ball be responsible for detern�hig aw method of dewatering opermation for the water ar Sewage flows from the existing mates and ground water. The Contractor skull be responsible far &- magr, of any nature resulting f'rcm the dewatering operations. The DISCHARGE from any dewatering operation dull be miducted as approved by the Engiuees. Ground water shall not be discharged into sanitary sewers. Dewatering shall be considered as incidental to a emst uctian and all costs incurred will be considered to be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe. D-9 CroasiinuofExWnZUtilities: Where a proposed water lire crosses over a meni#tuy sewer or muitary sewer service line and/or a pmpoaed sewer luxe crosses over a water line and the clear vertical chance is less than 9 feet barrel to barrel, the sanitary sewer or sanitary severer service line sbaGll be made water tight or be constructed of ductile iron pipe. The required length of replacement shall be determined by the E eer. The rnatexial for sankuy wooer mains and umimy sewer laterals shall be Class 51 Ductile Eon Pipe with polyethylene wrapping as Specified its, Mamie] Standard B 1-6 ocnUa d in the Genaal Omtract Documents. The rnateriol for sanitary sewer smrvice lines shall be extra gmmgtb cast iron soil pipe with polyethylene wrapping as spc�fled in the General Contract Documents- Adapter fittings shall be a urethane or neoprene coupling A. .T.M. C.425 with series 300 Stainless Steel compression straps. Pa nvnt for work st h as backfill, fittings, tie-ins and all other associated appurtenants required, shall be included in the linear foot price of appropriate bid in. D-3 D-10 Exisdag Ufflitiew The plans show the lmatrans of all known su fhw and gubsurface struoturea. However, the OwneF assumes no responsibility for failure to show may or all of these stradot=8 on the Plaw, or to show them in their exact location. It is mutually agreed that such failure shall not be considered suffi6ent basis for claims for additional cornpmsation for extra work or for increasing the pay quantities in any mwnu whatsoever. The Contraotor shall be responsible for verifying the locations of and protecting all existing utilities, service Imes, or other property crossed ur exposed by his const«zction operations. Contractor gball make all necessary provisions for the support, pxoi=fb xx, relocation, and or temparary relocation of all utility pales, gag lines, telephone cables, utility services, water mains, sanitary sewer lines, electrical cables, drainage pipes, and all other utiliti� and structures both above and below ground during c,ona ruction. 'Me Contmctor is liable for all damages done to such existing facilities as a result of his operations and any and all cost incurred for the protc;:tion and or =4m wary tolocation of such facilities shall be included in the cost bid per linear foot of pipe installed, NO ADDMONAL CONTENSAMN WILL BE ALLOWED. Whore existing utilities err services linos are out, broken or damaged, the Contractor sliall replace ur repair the utilities or service luxes with the same type of (nij&al material and construct iun, or better, Unless otherwise shown w noted on the plans, at his own cost and expense. The Contractor shall irm Wiatel -notify the Owner of the damaged utility or service lime. He ohall cooperate with the owners of all utilities txa locate existing uxiderground faeilities arW notify the Engineer at orrce of aw cnnflich in gmdes and alignment. In case it is necessary to change or move the property of any (>w= of a public utility, such property shall uut be waved or hiterfered with until ordered to do w by the Engineer. The right is resuved to the owner of public utilities to enter upon the limits of the project fur the purpose ofxnaldng such changzr, or repairs, of their prvpe* that may be made necessary by performance, of this eontraot. D-11 16,xdoratory Excavatfons: In addition to those areas as may be designated on the Drawings, it shall be the Mtractor's responxsibility to excavate and locate existing xrtilities which may a ct construction of the water and/or server facilities. All c pioratGry excavations shali occur far enough in advance to permit any necessary relocation to be made wi Lh ri„n;rnixt7l delay. All costs incurred by the Contractor in making explanatory cxcavations shall be considered to be included in the unit price bid for constructing of water/sewer line or the,associated 5irudure5. D-12 Test Holes: The matter of subsurfae exploration to ascertain the nature of the soils, including the amount of rock, if any, through which Us pipeline installation is to be made is the respxrnsibility of any and aI1 prospective bidders, and any bidder on this project shall submit hig bid under #ttis condition. Whether prospective bidders perform this subsurface expkwatirni j oiutty or 6dopendenfily, and whether they make such dctermiruatiow by the use of test holes or other means, shall bo left to the discretion of such prospective bidders. The cost of the rock removal and other associated appurtenants, if required, shall be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe. D-4 D-13 S titutious: The apecificat ions for materials set out the minimum standard of quality which the City believes nocesoary to procure a satisfactory pwject. No substit>.rtions will be pem dUed until the Contractur leas eived written pmrds6on of the Engineer to make a substitution for the rnaterial which has been specified. Where the tam "or equal," or "or approved equal" is used, it is understood that if a makrial, product or piece of equipment bearing the name so used is furnisher/ it will be approvable, as the particular trade name was used for the purpose of establishitig a standard of quality acceptable to the City. X a product of any other name is proposed Ex use, the Engineef s approval thoreofmust be obtained bare the proposed substitute is procured by tare Qmtwor. Where the t= "or equal,, or "or approved equal' is not used in ft specifications, this does not necess$rily exclude alternative items or material or equipment which may accomplish the intended purpose. ldowevor, the Contactor shaII have the full ivq mtaibility of proving tit the proposed substitution is, in fact, equal, and the Engineer, as the rep=sentatxve of the City, shall be the sale judge of the acceptability of substitutiow. 'The provisions of this sub-soction as related to I Substitufions'r shall be applicable to all sedans ofthese specifications. 11-14 Concrete Sidewalk and Drivnwav Renlae mwk: At locations in the project where mains are required to be placed under existing sidewalks and/or driveways, such sidewalks and/or driveways shall bo completely replaced for the full existing width, between existing cmistruction or expansion joints with 3000# concreto with reft fnroing steel on a sand cushion in accordance with City of Fort Worth TransporiadwIFubiic Wurks Depm-hment Standard pecificat'l= for C:onstnxcUM Item 504. At locations where mains arc required to be placed under existing -,urb and gutter, such curb and gutter shall be replaced to match type and gearnetiy of the mmv3d aw b and gutter and shall be installed in accordance with City of Fart Worth Public Works Depmtrnent Standard Spe6fication for Construction, Rem 502. Payment for cutting, backf'ill, concrete, forn-Ang materials and all od= associated appurtenants required, shall be included in the price bid. D45 Crushed IAm£stono ftekffll: we specified m the plans or directed by the Engineer, crushed limesbune shall be used for treuch baclrfill on this project. The material shall conform to the appropriate atWchad figure wW l-item, Payment for crushed limestone backf ill in place shall be considered subsidiary to and shall be included in the linear foot price bid of the appropriate BTD ITEMS) unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. D-16 2:27 Concrete: Trmsportation and Pub/ is WodvC Department typical Sections for Pavement and. Trcnah Repair for Utility Cuts Figs I tln'ough 5 refer to using 2:7 Concrete as base repair. Since this call -out includes the word "concrete", the consistent interprets dcm of the Tn"ortation Public Works Depwtwnt is that this ratio specifies two (2) saclrs of cement per cubic ynrd ofvancrete. With the exception of the dement content, all other uire M-nt shall meet or exceed Transportation and Public Works Department standard specification Item 406 Class D Congest. D-S D-17 PavementRenairfE 42): (E2-19): The unit price bid under the appropriate bid item of the proposal shall cover all cast for providing pavement repair equal, to or superior in composition, thiclmess, etc., to existing pavement as detailed in the Public Worlm Department typical sections four Pavement and Trench Repair for Utility cuts, Figures 1 thraugh 5, All required pawing cuts &Ball be made with a concrete saw in a true and straight line on both sides of the trench, a minimum of twelve (12) inchcs outside Eie trench walla. The fivach shall be backf lied and the top nine (9) inches shall be filled with required rnaterialg as shown on paving detailfi, compacted and level with the finished street surface, This finished grade shall be maintained in a sengceahlc condition until the paving has been replaced. All rest dents' driveways shall be accessible at night and over weekends. It has bean determined by the Transportation and.Public Works Deparbu=t that the strip of existing HIv1AC pavement bcmreen the existing gutter and the edge of the trench pavm=t repair will riot hold up if such strip of existing pavement is two (2) feet or Iem in width, llemfure, at the locatiow in the project where the trench wall is three (3) foet or less from the lip of the existing gutter, the Contractor shall be required to remove the existing paving to such gtater. The paveuxuem repair shall then be ,made front a minimum distance of twelve (12) inches outside the trench wall nearost the center of the street to the gutter line. The, paycu=t shall be replaced within a nmxhnum of five (5) working days, providing job placd<nint conditions will permit repaving. If paving conditions are not suitable for repaving, in the opinion of the Owner, the repaving shall be done at the earliest possible date. A permit must be obtained from the Department of Engineering's Permit Desk by the Contractor in confamiatian with Ordinance No. 3449 and/or Ordinance No. 792 to make utility cut in the street. City Inspectors vs711 inspect the paving repair after const=tion of each water and/or sanitary sewer main replacement, D-18 Paverueant Repair in Parkin : The unit price bid under appropriate BID TT13I (S) of the Propa 90 shall cover all cost for providing pavement repair equal to or supdrior in composition, thickness, etc,, to existing paverno nt. All required paving cuts shall be made with a concrete saw in a true and straight line on both sides of the trench, a minimum of twelve (1 ) inches outside the trench wells. The trench shall be backfxlled and f-be top nine (9) inches shall be filled with Gushed hmeame base, material, compacted) and level with the finished adjacent surface. This frni�lzed grade shall be mflintain ed in a serviceable condition until the paving has been replaced. D-19 Trench Safety vstem: 1. GENERAL: AL: This specification covers the b=ch safety mquir=cnts far all trench excavations fia order to puroteet workers from cave-ins. The requirements of this itern govern all trenches for main% manholes, vaults, service lines, and all other appurtenances. D- 2. STANDARDS The latest version of the U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standards, 29 CFR Part 1926, Subpart P-Excavations, arc hereby rmWe a part of this specification and shall be the minimum governing requirements £rnr trench safety, 3. DEFINMON'S: A. TRENCHES: A trench is referred to as a narrow excavation made below the surface of the gm=d in which the depth is greater than the width, where the width measured at the bottora is not greater than £rfteen (15) feet. If formes or other structures are installed or constructed in an excavation so as to reduce the dirriensim measured from the forms or structure to the side of the excavation to fifteen (15) feet or less at the hoftm of the excavation, the expAwatiov is also considered to be a tr+eneb. B. BE CHNG SY Tl is Benching means excavating the sides of a treooh to farm one or a seriea of horizontal levels or steps, usually with vertical or new -vertical surfaces between levels. C. SLOPING SYSTEM- Sloping mma =8vutiag to form sides of a trench that axe inclined away fiom the excavation. D. 8MLD SYSTEM: Shields used in trenches are generally referred to as "trench boxes" or'"trench shields." Shield means a structure that is able to witlstand the forces imposed on it by a cave-in and protect workers within the wwture. Shields can be pwr=ent Muctures or coax be designed to be portable and move along as the work progresses. Shields mn be ei6a prernanufactured or job -built in accordance with OSHA standards. E SHORING SYSTEM: Shoring means a strclotuure such as a metal hydraulic, mechanical or timber sysk m that supports the sides of a trench and which is designed to pmvent cave-ins, Shorfng ayaterw are generally comgpdssed of crossbram, vertical rails (uprights), horizontal rails (wales) and/or sheeting. 4. MEAS[RBffiW: Trench depth is the verdea 1. measurement from the top of the existing ground to the bottom of the pipe or structures. The quantity of trench safety systems sisal] bs based on the linear Foot aanomt of trench depth greater than five 5) feet. 5. PAYMENT,. Separate payment will be made oily when trench excavations exceed a depth of five (5) Beet and shall be fufl compensation fir safety sys-Wm design, labor, tools, materials, equipmmt and incidentals rtmcessary for the installation and removal of trench safbly systems. D-20 Sanitary Sewer Manholes: The installation, replacement, and/or rehabilitation of"sanitary sewer manholes will be required as shown on the plam, and/or as deauribed in these Special Contract Documents in addition to those located in the field and identified by the Engineer. All manholes shall be in accordance with sections EI-14 Materials for Sanitary Sewer Manholes, Valve Vaults, Etc., and 1 14 "Vault and Manhole Coukmi-.tion of the Clowrzl Contract Documents and Specifications, unless atwnded or superseded by requiremmtq of this Special Canditiun. 1. Concrete Collars; Concrete collan w1um indicated on the plans will be required as per Fig. 121. 2. WattTfight Manhole Inserts: WabrTfight gadwted manhole inserts shalt be installed in sanitary sewer mmnhoks when indicated on the plans. Tmserts shall be c€mstructcd ini accordance with Fort WoKh Water D-7 ]department Standard E1004 and shall be fitted and installed according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 3. Lift -Holes: All lift holes shall be plugged with a precast concrete plug. The lift hole shall be sealed on thc: outside of the manhole with Ram-Nt-k or an approv{xi equal sealant. The lift hole shall be sealed on the inside of the imnhole with quick setting cement groat. 4. VirW Rim Blevations: A. Manhole rims in parkways, lawns, alleys, and other improved lands shall be at an elevation not more than one (1) nor leas than. one-half (112) inch above the surrounding grmind. Bac1df11 shall provide a uniform tdope from the top of manhole casting for not less than three (3) f�eteach direction to existing €`utish grade of the ground. The grade of all surfwes shall be checIced for proper slope and grade by siring living tht entire area regraded near the manhole. B. Manholes in open fields, unimproved land, or drainage cowses shall be at an elevation shown on the drawings or rniniva= of inches above gza& S. Manhole Covens: All lids shall have pick slats in lieu of pick holes. Manhole frames and covers shalf be McKinley, Typo X, with indented top design} or equal, with pick slots. Cov fz- 5 401 set flush with the firm of the frame and Shall have no larger than 1l8-inch gap between the AuTne and cover. ]fearing surfaces shall be machine finished. Locking manhole lids and f'r mcs will be restricted to lceations within the 100-year flood plain and areas specifically designated on the plane, Urtaiateed I =tile Iran Manhole TAds and Fraznes are acceptable for use where Coercing lids are specified. . Shallow Manholes: Shallow naarihole construction will be used when manhole depth is fora 4) feet or less. All shallow Manholes shall be built in accordance with Fig. 106 or per Fig, 103 but with a flat 51ab tap (no cones scc lions will be allowed). ,All shallow manholoR sha.11 have a 24" x 40" cast iron lid and frame with pick slots. NOTF?_ MAINTHOLF S PER FIG. 105 WILL N[YT BE ALLOWED. 7. Manhole Steps: No Manholo steps are to be installed on any Sanitary Sewer Manhole. 8. Exterior surfaces of all manholes shall be coated with two mop caats of coal tar epoxy paint, Mappers "Biturnastio SiTer Service Black", Tncmec, "46-450 Heavy Tnemecol", or equal to a minimum of 14 mils dry film thickness. 9. Manhole Joint Sealing A. G=erah All interior wuYor ctadar joints on concrete rnaxihoic sections constructed for the City of Fart Werth Water Mpartment, wccludmg only the joints using a trapped type preformed 0-ring rubbcT gwkzt shall rewire biturmstic joint sealants as per attached Figure M. B. atf rials: `Phis sealant shall be, preformed and troweluble biturnastic as tnanu ctured by ea-�-Seal, Ram NY k, E-Z Stick or equal. The joint wafer shall be, supplied in either extruded rope. -form of suitable cross -sectional area or flat -tape form and shall be sized as recommended by the nna:n tifacturer and approved by the Engineer. The joint sealer shall be protected by a suitable removable wrapper and shall not in any tray depend on oxidation, evaporation, or any other chemical action for either its adhesive px-operties or cohesive strength. The joint sealer shall ramain totally flexible without slminEng, hardening, or oxidizing regardless of the length of time it is exposed to the elements. The rrianufach rer shall famish an affidavit attest to tiro successful use of the product as n preformed flexible joint sealant on concrete pipe, and manhole sections far a period of at lout five years, D -8 .1'mmllation of Joint Sealant: Each grade adjustn=t ring and manhole frame shall be sealed with the above specified =terials. All surfaces to be in oantact with the joint walant shall be thoroughly clean of &A, smnd, mud or other farew matter. A primer shall be applied to all surfaces prior to installing the joint sealant its acoordan" with the reconm=dations by the manufacturer. The proteotive wrapper stroll r irr on the joint sealant until inmxt diawly prior to placement of the pipe in the ttencb, ARer reriwval of the protmtive wrapper, the joint sealant shall be kept clean. Install fi ines and cover over manhole opening with the bottom of the rings resting on bitumastic joint sealer. Fmme;s and grade rings shall resin an two (2) rows (inside and uutside) ofbitumasdc joint sealer. 10: Sealing and/or A,djusdn Existing Manholes: Excavate (reotangulu full depth saw cut if in pavement) adjacent to the manhole to expose the eatire MarAwleftame and a minimum of C inches of the manhole wall keeping the sides of the tr wh neady vertical. A. Remove manhole frame from the manhole structure and observe the condition of the frame and grade rings. Any frame or grade ring that is not suitable for use as determined by the Engiift= shall be replaced. (trade rings that arc constructed of brick, block, or materials other limn past conucte shall be mpla d with precast concrete rings, or wbue necessary and approved by the Engineer, a precast flattop section. Precast concrete rings, or precast concrete Flattop section will he the only adjushnents allawei B. In brick or black manholes replace the upper portion of the manhole to a point 24 inches below the frame. If the wa11Q or cone section below this level are structurally uns und, notify the Begin r prior to replacement of the grade rings and manhole frame. Exis ft brickwork, if dm=ged by the Contractor, shall be replaced at the Contractor's expense. C. Wire brash manhole frame and exposed manbale ffudwes to retwve dirt and loose debris. Coat exposed manhole surfaces with an approved boncb1ag agent followed with an application of a quick setting hydraulic comera.t to provide a snooth wwking gurface. D. If the inside diameter of the manhole is tan large to safely support new adjustment rings or frame, a flattop section shall be installed. E. loint aurfaces between the frame, adjustment rings, and cone section shall be free of dirt, stones, dobds, and voids to ensure a watertight seta]. Moe a flexible gasket joint material in two concentric rings along the inside and oul-side odge of each j oint, or use trowelable material in lieu of preformed gasket material. Position the butt joint for each length of joint material on opposite sides of the manhole. No stc;ol shims, wood, 4MON, or flay material not specifically accepted by the Engineer may be used to obtain feral surface elution of the manhole fi=e. F.1n paved areas or future paved areas, castings shall be installed by using a straight edge rwt less than Im (14) feet long so that the top ofQut[ng will confbrm to the slope and finish elevation of the paved surface. The top of the caning shall be 1/8 inch below the finished elution. Allowances for the GaiVression of the joint materW shall be made to assure a proper final grade elevation. G. All exposed exterior surfives.shall be coated with two mop coats of coal tar epoxy paint, Koppers `Bitumastic Super Service Black", Tnemee, "4 w454 Leavy Tneu=ol", or equal to a Minimum of 14 Mule dry film thickness.. D-9 11. Measurement and Payment: A. Th-e price bid far new/replaeerr=t manhole iwtallatiaas shall include all labor, equipr it, and materials neeei�swy for co>nstruction ofthc manhole including but not limited to joint sealing, lift hole sealing and exterior surf ice coating. B. The price bid for adjusting and/or sealing of existing manholes small include all labor, oquiprw mt, and materia.la neacaaary for adjusting anal/uT sealing the manhole including Vut not limited to joint scaling, hfthoxle sealing and exterior surface oaating. C. Paym mt fur conomete collars and wate*ht manlxole inserts, if required, will be male aeparately, based on the appropriate bid items. D-21 Sanitary Sewer arviees. Any recmmmtian, relocation, replacement, or new sanitary sewer service, sMl be required os shown on the plans, and/or as described in these Spcclal Conttact Documents in addition to those located in the field and identified by the Engineer as aGtivc sewer taps. The service GmineetiDns shall be constructed by the C=tractor utilizing standard factory manufactumd toes. Futo y manufactured saddle taps may be use.d, but only as directed by the Engineer. The decision to use saddle taps as opposed to tees shall be made on a case by case basis. The Contractor shall be reVoniAle for coordinating the scheduling of tapping crews with building owners aid the Engineer in order that the work be performed in an expeditious manner. A minimum of 24 hours advanne niat<ice mull bo given when taps will be required. Severed service caunections shall be maintained as specified in seuden 6-6.15 . 1, SEWER SERVICE RECONNECTION: TION: When sewer service revonnection is called for the Contractor shall vertically adjust the existing sewer service line as required for reconnection and furnish a new tap. The fittings used far vertical adjustment shall consist of a maxillr= bead of 45 degrees. The tap shall be located so as to line, up with the service line and avoid any horizontal adjustment. All sanitary sewer service lines shall. be replaced to the property line of eaaernent line in alleys or easements, to the back of curb in streets, or as directed by the Engineer. Procedures listed be] aw for Sewer Smvioe Replaco meat shall be adhered to for the ind2llation of any sewer service li= including the incidental four (4) Ibet of service line which is included in the price bid for sanitary Sewer Taps. Payment for work such as backfill, saddles, tees, fittings, incidental flour (4) feet of service lino and all other associated appurtenances required small be included in the price laid for 5anitajy ,Sewer Taps. 2. SEWER SERVICE REPLALCEMF-Nf. All building sewer services mcountered during =struatiorn shall be adjusted and/or replaced by the Contractor as directed by the Engineer as required for there eoianection of the newer service line. if the sewer service line is in such condition or adjustment necessitates the replacement of the sewer service line, all work shall be perfi)nned by a licensed pltumber. The length of the replacemmt shall be determined by the Engineer. All sewer services shall be installed at a minimum of two (2) percent Apo or as approved by the Engineer. Cmnection to the existing server service line $hall be made with appropriate adapter fitting. 11w fitting shall be a urethane or nonpro ne coupling A. S.T.M. C425 with series 300 staixiless steel compreasio>n straps. Payment for wmk and materials such as backfill, pipe, fittings, and all other associated work for service replacements in a uess of four (4)1 mcar feet shall be included in the linear foot Price bid for sanitary sewer =vivo line. Payment far all world and material involving the `Up" shall he included in the price bid for sanii w+ sewer servico taps. D-10 D- 2 Water Services: The relocation, repla merit, or reconnection of water services will be required as shown on the plane, andlor as described in theae Special Contract Documents in addition to those located in the field said identified by the l gin=. All service's shall be constructed by the contractor utilizing approved factory manufactured tap saddles (when rcquirw:d) and coq=tion slaps, type K capper water tubing, curb stops with lock win , metur boxes, and ifrequired approved manufactured service branches. All mak-Xials used shall be as specified in the Matedd Standards (E1-17 &. E1.18) contained in the GrenenJ Ountract DocumcTiM All water servicos to be replaced shall he installed at a minimum depth of 36 inches below final grade. All existing 3/4-inch watch service lines which are to be replaced shall be replaced with 1-inch. Tye K copper, I -inch diainetertap saddle when required, said 1 inch corpomtion- All services which are to be replaced or relocated. WWI be iixss mlled with the service main tap and service line being in line with the service a etcr unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. A minimum of 24 lours advance notice shall be given when servico interruption will be required as specified in Section C5-5.15 DZMRRUPDON OF SERVICE. All vvaW service metro shall be removed, tagged, and oallaGkd by the contractor far pickup by the Water Departmmt for reoonditioning or replucernentr After installation of the viraW service in the proposed location and receipt of a meter from the projeet inspector the contmctor shall install the meter. The meter box shall be reset as necessary to be flub with exist ng ground or as o6a wise dire eted by the Engineer. All such work on the outlet side of the service and a beyond five (5) feet shall be performed by a licensed plumber, 1. WATER SERVICE -REPLACEMEMS, Water service replace& or relocation is requked when the existing service is lead or is too shallow to avoid breakW during street reecina nwfion. The contractor shall replace the existing service lire with Type K copper from the main to the meter, curb atop with lock wings, and corporation stop. Payment for :ill work and material such ae backEll, fittings, type K camper tubing, curb stop with lack wings, seTyivo line adjusft=)t, and any mlocation of up to 12-inches Born tenter line existing'meter location to center line proposed meter locaticm shall be included in the Linear Foot price laid for Copper Service Line from, Main to five (5) feet behind Meter. Any vertical adj ustment of customer service line within the 5 hoot area shall be subsidiary to the service installation. Payment for all work End marterials such as tap saddle (if required), omporation sloops, and fittings shall be included in the price bid for Service Taps to Main- . WATER S VtCE RECONNECTION, ECTION, Water saMce recon=-fton is required when the existing service is copper and at adequate depth to awid bri,- [p during street reconstruction. 'nc- contractor shall adjust the existing water aerviee line as required for reconnection and furnish a new tap with corporation stop. 'the oontrutor will be paid for one (1) Smice Tap to Main fa(' each service recolnxedW plus for any copper service line used in excess of five (5) feet ftem Main to dive (5) feet behind the Deter. D-11 3. WATER SERVICE 119M AND METER BOX RELOCATIONS. When the replacement and relocation of a wafer service and meter box is required and the location of the meter and meter box is moved more than helve (12) inches, as meaw=d from the center line at the existing meter location to center line of the pwposed reeler location sepwa4te payment will be allowed for the relocation of service meter and meter box relocation Centerline is defined by a 1 ine exuded from the servo ce tap Ar gh the meter. Only relocations made pupmdicular to tW B centerline mill be paid for separately. Relocations made along the centerline will be paid for in feet of copper sc Mve, line. Whm relocation of service meter and meter box is iietluired payment for all w rk and materials such as backrill, fittings, five (5) feet of type K copper service and all materials, labor, and equipment need by and for the licensed plumber shall be included in the price bid for the service meter relocatb m, All other co;5� will be inclined i a other appropriate bid item(s)- This item will also be used to pay for all service meter and meter box relocations M required by the, rmgineer when the service line is not bring replaced. Adj ustnmt of only the meter box MW customer 8elvice Buie within 5 feet distance behind the meter will not justify sepwate payment at any time. Locations with multiple service branches will be paid for as one service meter and meter box relocation, 4. NEW SERVICE: When new services are required the contractor shall install tap saddle (when required), corporatism stop, type K supper service line, curb stop with lock wings, and meter box. Payment for all work and materials such as badUll, f ittinv, type K copper tubing, and ca.u'b stop with lock wiriV shall be included in the Linear` Foot price bid £ar Service Zane from Main to Miter five (5) feet behind the meter. Payment for all work and materials Butch as tap saddle, cor oration stops, and fittinga shall be included in the price bid far Service Taps to Mains. Payment for all work and rnataiala such as f=isMn and sating new Teeter box shall be included in the price bid for furnish azid set meter box. 5. MUTIPLE SERVICE 13RANC S: When multiple service bmchpa are, required the contractor shall furnish approved faa#ory manufactured branches. Payment for mutiple service branches will include furnishing and installing the: multiply service branch only and all other cost will be included in other appropriate bid item(s). 6. MUT.', TLE STREET SERVICE LINES TO SINGLE SERVICE NMTER: Any =Itiplc setvic:e I aes with taps ss-rvicing a single service meter e=uuntered during =struction shall be replaced with one service line that is applicable for the size of the existing service meter and approved by the Brgineer. Payment shall be mare at the unit bid price in the appropriate bid items). D- 3 RemaYRL Salvage, and Abandunwent ofXxigtfnifFacilities: Any removal, salvaging and/or abandonri=t of existing facilities will mcessarily be regWred as shown on the plans, and/or described in these Special Contract Docuurnertts in addition to those located in the field and identified by the Engineer. This work shall be done in accordance with Section E -1.5 D-1 Salvag* ofMaterial and E2-27 Removing Pipe, of the General Contract Documents and Spccifications unkss amended or supersede{ by req dmrnents of this Special Condition. 1. SALVAGE OF EXtSTrNG WATER MILITER AND METER BOX: Existing water meter and meter bore shall be removed and returned to the Water Depamumt warehouse by the contractor in accordance with Sc tion E -1-5 salvaging of materiaia. Backfi11 material for the void meter box shall be suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer. Surfwe restoration shell be compatible with existing surrounding surface and grade. Ifwatcr main is to retain active, the ooutractor will be acquired to plug water service line at main. 2. SALVAGE OF EXISTING WATER MRs l'ER AND CONCRETE VAULT LID: Eli ting water meter and concrete vault lid shall be mi7oved and returned to the Water Depa tw=t warehouse by the contractor in accordance with 5ecti<on E2-1.5 salvaging of materinls. Th' -, concrete vault shall be demolished in place to a point not less than 18-aches below filial grade. The oancrete vault shall then be backfilled and compacted in accordance with bill mothod as specified in.Section E2-2.9 Backfill. Backfill material shall be suitable excavated rnte;rial approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be compatible with exiting eu Tound ng surface and grade. 3. SALVAGE OF EXJSTlNG Fly HYDRANTS: Ebtistin Exe hydrants shall be rernaved and returned to the Water Department warehouse by the contractor in aw r&uice with Section I 1.5 .salvaging of Materials. The void shall be backfilled and ownpacted in awAwdance with backfill method as specif ed in Section E2-2.9 Backfill. Ba4f ll material shall be suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer, Surface restoration shall be compatible with existing surmunding surface and grade. 4. SALVAGE OF EXISTING GATE VALVE: £xistmg gate valve and valve box and lid shall be removed and returned to the Water Deparfn=t warehouse by the contractor in xccwdannee with Secton E -1.5 Salvaging of A ateaiaU. The void area caused by dm Valve removal shall be backfilled and rnpactcd in a000rd$nce with backfill method as specified in Section E2.2.9 Backfill. Backfill material shall ba suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be compatible with cxisfing surrounding surface and grade. If the valve is in a concrete vault the vault shall be deraoliisW in place to a paint no less than 18" below final grade. 5. ABAx DONMENT OF EXISTING GATE VALVE. Existing gate valve and box lid shell be abandoned by first closing the valve to the fully closed position and demolisbiag the valve box in place to a point not less than I S inches below final grade. Concrete shall th= be Used as bvQkfill material to match exiistino grade. 6. ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING [FAULTS: Vaults to be demolished in place shall have the top slab and lied removed and vault walls demoIished to a point not less than 18" below final grade. The void area caused shall tax be bacUlled and compacted in accordance with: backfill method as specified in Section E2-2.9 Backfill. Baekilli mtcrial shall be suitable excavated material approved by the Engineer. Surface restxation shall be omrgwt ble with the existing smyounding murface and grade. 7. ABANDONMENT OFMANHOLES: Manholes to be demali,a#red in place shall have all pipes entering or existing the structure plugged with lean cxmarvW. Manholes taps or come section ahall be removed to the tap of tle full barrel diarueter seetion or to point not less than 18-niches below final grade. Tho structure shall then be backfilled and compaded in accordance with backfilI mrtcthod as specified in Section E - .9 BadTill. Backfill material may be either clean washed sand of clean,, suitable excavated material approved by Engineer. Surface aresWration shall be compatible with surrounding ge.3 sux'face. ftyment for work involved in back filling, plugging of pipe and all other apWentnnt required, shall be included in the appropriate bid items). 8. RFMOVAL OF MANHOLES-. Manholes fie be xemovcd shall have all pipes entering or exiting the structure disconnected. Tho complete manhole including, tap ar Cone Section. all full barrel diameter section and base section shall be removed. The excavation shall then be backtilled and compacted in accordance with backfill method as specified in Section E2-2.9 BacUll. Back ill material may be with Type C Backirill or Type B BEtakfill as approved by the Engineer. Surface restoration shall be compatible with surrounding surface. 9. CUTTING AND PLU i CING OF EXIST N 11 AMS .At various locations on this prof eat it may be required to cut, plug and block existing water manna services or sanitary sewer mains/services in order to abandon these lines. Cutting and plugging existing mains and/or services shall be considered incidental and aI1 costs incurred will be considered to bo included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe, unless separate trenching is required. 10. lffiMOV'AT, OF EXISTING PIPE: Where removal of the existing pipe is required. It shall be the Coritmztoe" responsibility to properly dispose of all removed pipe. All removed valves, fire hydrants, and meter boxes shall be delivered to Water Department Field Operations, Storage Yard. 11. PAYMENT: Payment for all work and material involved in salvaging, abandoning Emd/ar removing of existing facilities shall be included in the linear foot bid price of the pipe except as follow8: Separate payment will be made for removal of all Fire HydranU, Gate Valves 16-trick said larger, and Sanitary Sewer Manholes regardless of lucatirm. Payment will be made for salvaging, abanddming and/or removing of all otmer existing facilities when said facility is not being replaced in the same trench, i.e., when removal requires a separate treuohing option, D-24 Valve Bloeklmg: All valves sliall have concrete blocking for support. Valves Shall have polyethylene wrapping per Material Specification E1-13 and Construction Specification E2-13 installed prier to concrete blocking. No separate payment will be madc for any of the work involved for #his item and all costa incurred will be considered to be included in the bid price of tht valve. D-25 Dufile-Irnn and Grav-1ron Fittings: Reference Part E2 CoriMmctian Specifications, Section E -7 Installing Cast lim Pipe, ntin&a, a Specials, Sub section E2-7.11 Cast Tron Fittings: the first Paragraph shall be revised to react as follows: 12-7.11 DUCTILE -IRON AND GMY-IRON FTT'TINGS: All ductile -iron and gmy-iron fittings shall be fwriighed with cement mormr lining m stated in S ection El-7. The price bid per ton of fittings shall be payment: in full for all fittings, joint amnsories, polyethylene wrapping, horizontal concrete blocking;, veztioal tie -dawn concrete blocking, and acancretc cradle necessary for construction as designed. All ductile -iron acid gray4ron fittings, valves and stoea%als shall be wrapped with polyd byleue wra*ng conforming to Material Specification E1-13 and Construction Specification F-2-13. Wrapping shall precede hGrizontal concrete blocking, vertical tie -own concrete blookirg, and concrete cradle. payment for the polyethylene wrapping, horizontal concrete blocking, vertical tie -dawn concrete blocking, and D-14 concretfe cradle shall be included in bid its for valves and fittings and no other payment will be allowed. D-26 Delectable Warnint Ta pea: Mtectable underground utility warning tapes which can be located from the surface -by a pipe detectur shall be installed directly above non metallic water or sanitary surer pipe. The detectable tape shall be „Detect Tape" menufwhred by Alien Syornu Inc, or approved equal, and oball cousist of a minimum thickness 0.35 mils solid alumitum foil erwa&ed in a protective inert plastic j acbet that is i nper dous to all ki owu allWis, acids, chemical reagents and solvents found in the soil. The minimum overall thiclneFis ofthe tape shall be 5.5 rails. and the width doll not be less than " inches with a minimium unit weight of -1/2 pounds/ V/1000'. The tape skull be color voded a nd imprinted with the menage as follows: Tvoe of Util4y Color Code Lennds Water Safety Blue Caution Buried Wager Line Below Sewer Safety Green Caution Buried Sever Line Below Installation of detectable tapes thrall be, per nwufacturer'a recommendations and shall be as close to the grade as is praoti=l for optimim protection and detectaWlity. Allow a minin= of 18 " inches between the tape and the pipe. Payment for work such as ba &IJ, beAMng, blod ang, detectable topes and all other associated appurtenances rtquired shall be included in the linear foot price bid of 6e appropriate RID ITEM(). D-27 Conexete Cv19ntler Pine and Fittlm;Ls: Concrete cylinder pipe on tbis project shall be Class 150 AWWA C,301 prestressed concrete cylinder pipe as specified on the plants and manufactured in accordance with Material St lard B 14 contained in the General Contract documents. Payment for work such as bac TflI, bedding, blocking, excavation and all other associated appurtenances; rcquired, shall be included its the Linear Feat price of the pipe and lump sure for tlta pipe fits in the appropriate BID TTE(S), 1D-28 =due of F ine ky. 1. WATER: The casingpipe for open cut and bored or Wmeled section shall be, AWWA C-200 Fabricatod Electrically Welded Steel Watox, Pipe, and shall confo mto the provisions of El-15, E1-5 and El -9 in Wterial Speoificatioms of G eml Coutmct Documents and Specifications for Water Department Proiwts. The steel casing pipe droll be suppliod as follows: A. For the inside and autside of casing pipe, coal -tear protective coating in accordance with the requiremimts of See. 2.2 and related setictiom in AWWA 203. B. Touch-up alter field welds shall provide coating equ$1 to those specified above. C. Minimum tl7icImess for casing pure used shall be 0.375 inch. Casing Spacers (centming style) such as manufactured by Cascade Watawoft Manufacturing Company, Advanced Products and Systems, Inc., or an approved equal shall, be used on all non - concrete pipes when installed in casing. Instailaticn shall be as rom=ended by the manufacture, D-1 W42 Iaiternretation AndPrenaxation ofPronos;d-. Part C - General Conditions, .cocoon 0-2 INT] 'RETATION AND PREPARATION OF PROPOSAL, Page C2-2 (4) exchange paragraphs C2-2.7, C2-2.8 and (' - .9 with the following: 02�2.7 DELIVERY OF PROPOSAL: No proposal will bqe considered unless it is delivered, aucomp4ni d by its proper Did Security, to the Purchasing Manager or his representative at the official location and acted time set forth in the "Notice to Bidders," R is the Bidder's sole responsibility to deliver 60 proposal at the proper ti= to the proper' place, The mere fact that a proposal was dispatched will not be considered. The Bidders must have the proposal actually delivmd. Each proposal shall be in a sealed envelope plainly narked with the word "PROPOSAL," and the namr, or desoripti.on of the project as designated in tl "Notice to Bidders." The envelope shall be addressed to the Purchasing .M auger, City of Fort Wwffi Purchasing Division, P.O. Box 17027, Fort Worth, '! ram 76102, C2- .8 l' VDRAWING PROPOSAL : Proposals actually filed with the Purchasing Manager cannot be, withdrawxi prior to the time set for opening proposals. A request for non -consideration of a proposal must be made in,owning, addressed to the City Manager, and filed with him prior to the time set for the opining of proposals. Aft, all proposals not requested for non -consideration are opened and publicly read aloud, the proposals four which non -consideration requests have been properly filed may, at the option of the Owner, be returned unopened. C -2.9 TELFZRAPMC MODInCATION OF PROPOSALPROPOSAL& Any bidder may modify his proposal by telegraphic communication at any ti= prior to the time set for op6ming proposals, provided such telegr aphi c cormnunication is received by the Vurchasing Manager prior to the said proposal opening time, and pro- -ided A rEhor, that the C; ity Manager is satisfied that a written and duly authenticated confirmation of such telegraphic Communication over the sigoatuirc of the bidder was mailed prior to the proposal opening time. If such confrrlatim is not roceived within forty-eight (48) hours after the proposal opening time, no further consideration will be given to the proposal. D43 Bondi CitvLet Prolectsj: Reference Part C, ChMeml Conditions, dated November 1, 1987; (City let pxojeots) make the following revisions: 1, Pg, C3-3 (3); the paragtalah after patagraph C3-3.7d--Otlier Bonds should be revised to read: No surety will be accepted by the Owner which are at the time in default or delinqueaxt on any bonds or which are interested in any litigation against the Owner. All bonds shall be made on the forms furnished by the Owner and the surety shall be acceptble to the Owner. In order for a surety to be acceptable to the City, (1) the name of the surety shall be included on the ctuTunt U.S. Treasmy List of Acceptable Sureties [Circular 870], oir 2) the surety Tnust have capital and surplus equal to tcu times the amount of the barld. The surety must be licensed to business in the state of Tww, The amount of the bond &ball xxot coed the amount shown on the Treasury list or one -tenth (1I10) oftlxe total capital and surplus. If reinaumnoa is required, tho company writing the rdmurance must be authorized, accredited, or trusted to do businen s in Texas. . Pg. C3-3(5) Paragraph C -3.11 INSURANCE delete subparagraph a, CONTEN ATION D-24 3. Pg, C3.3( , Paragraph C3-3.11 INSURANCE delete subparagraph g. LOCAL AGENT FOR INSURANCE AND BONDING. D-44 Bondy fDeveloner Let Pro! acts); Reference Part C, Geneml Conditions (Developer let Mjeets); make the following deletiome: Pg. C3-3 (2) paragraph C -3.5d Other Bori&, In the fift lino of the paragraph beginning No sureties will. .. delete the words the City of Fort Worth. Pg. C3-3(5), paragraph C3 .9g Local Agent In fasmmce and Bonding: Delete the entire Rub -paragraph, D-45 Barrieades. Waroinp and Flaonen: Reference Part C - Ge=al Conditions, Section 6-6.8 BARRICADES, WARNINGS AND WATCHMEN: : 1. Wherever the word Watchmen appears in this paragraph, it shall be changed to the word flagmen. 2. In the first paragraph, Ewes five () and six (6), charnge the phrase take all such other pre utiarary measures do take all reasonable necessary measures. D46 TnHrb-9 Meter With Vault omd BvDass jushallatiun: All oornbination turbo meter installations will be per attached Figure 33 unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The contractor shall use Bilco Type J-3 model 30" x 36' Steel Single Leaf Doors ur approved equal unless the vault door is s* ect to vehicular traffic i.e.: in a meet, parking lot, ur driveway. The appropriate lime turbo meter with strainer and chink valve if required will be furnished to the Contractor fine of charge; however, the Contractor will be required to pie* up these itom(s) at the Field Operations Warehouse. Payment for all work, materials, and all necessary apptutenancea from bypass tee to bypass tee which are required to provide a complete and Am Tonal ComYrination Turbo Meter Installatim complete with Bypass and Concrete VaWt shall be ianchxw in the price bid for each. 1347 Disnosal of Snoipfll Material: Friar to the disposing of my spoiFfill material, the =&actor shall advise the Director of the Department of Fx &eering, acting as the City of Effort War&s Flood Plain Administrator ("Administrator"}, of the location of all situ where tine contractor intends to dispose of such material. Contractor shall not dispose of such material until the proposed sites have been determined by the Administrator to mea the requirerrnents of #fie Flood Plain Drdin=oe of the City of Fort Worth (Ordinance No. 11517). All disposal sites roust be approved by the AdminisriaW to erasure that filling is not occurring within a flood plain without is pmrAt. A flood plain perm it can be issued upon approval ofneoessary engianeering st allies. No fill permit is required if disposal sites are not in a flood plain. Approval of the conntract= disposal sites shall be evidenoed by a letter signed by the Adrniuiatrator stating that the site is not in a ]mown flood plain or by a Flood E'laba Fill Permit authori2 b fill within the flood plain. Any expenses D-21 associated with obtaini�xg the fill permit, including any necessary engineering kLufies, shall be at contractors' expense. In the event that the con star disposes of spoilffill Mtetial at a site without a fill permit or a letter from the Administrator approving the disposal site, upon notification by the Director of the Deparlmcnt of Engineering, Contractar shall remove the spoil/fill material at its expense avd dispose of such materials in accordance with the Ordinances of the City and this section, D-48 'Temnorary Erosion. Sediment. and Water PollutionControl'. 1 DESCRIPTION: This item shall consist of temporary soil erosion sediment and winter pollution control manes clmnjDd necessary by the Engin= for the duration of the contract. These Control measures shall at no time be used as a subatitete fir tlYe permanent control measures unless otherwise dinxtud by the Bnginerr and they shall not include measures taken by the CONTRACTOR to control conditions created by his const action operations. The temporary =mtues shall include dikes, dams, beano, sediment basins, fiber mats, jute netting, temporary seeding, P&a ►mulch, asphalt mulch, plastic liners, rubble liners, baled -hay retards, dikes, slope drains and mixer devices. 2. CONSTRUC"TION RE UJRFsNMNT : The Engineer has the authority to define erodible earth and the authority to limit the surface area of. erodible -earth nrtatvxial exposed by preparing right -of -my, clearing and grabbing, the surface area of erodible -earth raateri al exposed by exmvati.on, barrow and to direct the CONTRACTOR to provide temporary pollution. -control m.f asures to prevent contamination of adjacent strums, other wala courses, Ialces, ponds or other areas of xater impoundment. Such work nmy involve the constmo-dcm of temporary berms, dikes, darns, sediment basins, slope drains and use of tennpnrary mulches, mats seeding or other control devices or methods directed by the E-a i er as necessary to control soil erosion. Temporary pollution -control measures shall be used to prevent or correct erosion that nmyf develop during construction prior to installatim of pemanent pollution -control features, but are not associated with permanent control features on the project. The Engineer wiII limit the area of preparing right of way, clearing and grubbing, exGmtFon and borrow to be proportional to the CONTRACTOR'S capability and progress in keeping the fitnish gradirig, in ulebing, seeding, and other such permanent pollution -control measure comet in accordance with the accepted schedule. Should seasonal conditions mace such limitations unrealistic, temporary wil-i=-rosion- confirol rneaaures Shall be performed as directed by the Engineer. The amount of surface area of ervdible- earth material exposed at one timjc shall not exceed 750,000 square feet for each excavation opemtien, 750,000 square feet for each rmtcnial Source operation (other than from commercially operated sources), 750,000 aqua feet for each preparing of right-of-way operation or 750,000 square feet for each clearing and grabbinng operation, unless otherwise shown on the plans nr with prior approval by the Engirkeer in writing. The CONTRACTOR shawl also conform to the following ponces and controls, All labor, tools, equipment and inoad mtals to complete the work will not be paid fox directly but shall be considered ag subsidiary work to the various items included in the contract. (a). Waste or disposal areas and constmation roads shall be loca d and constructed hn a manner that will rnini< dw the amount of mUnient entering streams. (b). Frequent fording of live streams will not be permitted; therefore, temVorary bridges or other structures shall be used wherever an appreciable comber of wxean a crossings are necessary. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer, rneohani=d ecluipxmnt shalt not be operated in live Streams. b-2. (c). When work areas or material sources arc located in or adjacent to live streams, such areas shall be separated from the stream by a dike or other barrier to keep sediment ftm entering a flawing stream. {mare shall be bd= during &l construatkm and removal of such barriers tea mini� the mmddying of a stream. (d). All waterways shall be cleat as soon as pra.c6nble of falseworkk piling, debris or other obstructions placed during cansk action operations that are not a part of the finished work. (e). The CONTRACTOR shall take sufficient precau o ns W prevent pollution of stnmms, lakr's and reservoirs with ftLalg, ails, bitmens, calcium chloride or other hwmfiiI materials. He shall annduat and schedule his op=6a ns ao as to avoid or minimize siita6m of streams, lakes and reservoirs and to avoid inrterfemnce with rnuvexmmt of miWatory fish, 3. S1:,1M7,Y1'AI,. Prior to & start ofthe applicable construction, the CONTRACTOR shall submit for approval his schedules for accomplishment of soil-e o on -control work and his plan to keep the area of erodibiu-eearth material to a mirtunum. He shall also submit far aoaoptance his proposed method of soil - erasion control an construction and haul roads and matearkl sour s and bis plan for disposal of waste umatmials. No work sihall be started until the soil usion control schedules and u ethods of operations have been reviewed and approved by the Engineer. 4. MEMUREMENT AND PA NMNT; All wc'kk materials and equipment necessary to provide temporary emsion control shall be considered subsidiary to the contract and no extra pay will be given for finis work. D-49 Open Fire Une Installations: All open fine line installations will be per attached Figure 32 unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The appropriate size detector check inter, 3/4-inch meter and class U meter box Will be furnished to the Contractor free of charge; however, the Omtractor will be required to pick up the items at the Field Operations Warehouse. Payment for all work, materials, and all necessary appurtemmes from the City aide flange onupling adapter to the mAonxT side gate valve and box; including incideatal 5 linear feet of pipe, which am required to provide a complete and functional apen fire line installation shall be, included in the price bid for each. Payment for the City aide gate value or tap valve depending on which is required will be paid for wider the approprint� bid ite s). 0 H dry Mulch Seeding and SoddinV: Any sodding ar hydro mulching required will be done in acw-rftnof, with Fort Worth Public Wow Dqpartineat Standard Specifications helm 118 and 120. If in the opinion of the Engineer, additiwal seeding and/or socl ft is YNuired due to the Contractor's construction, this will be seeded and sodded of the expense of the Contractor. D-23 Payment for wank sand all associated appurtu nts required, shall be included in the appiapriate bid ite(s). D- 1 Television Inageetion of Sanitary Sewer Lines,: 1. GENERAL: Prior to the reconstruction, some noted sections sanitary sewer lines shall be cleaned, and a Uievision irispectnom and dye tests perfartned to identify any activo severer wrviee taps, oilier sewer laturals and tWr location. Work shall consist of fiunishing all labor, rratsrial, and equiprnernt necessary for the cleaning and ingne, on of the sewer lines by meats of cloF M-circuit televisxo:n. Satitito bony precautions shall be taken to protect the sewer lines from damage that might be inflicted by the improper use of cleaning equipn=t, . HTGII VELOCTTV JET (=ROCLEANLXG) EQUIP BNT: The high -velocity sewer lino cleaning equipment shall be constructed for easy and safe operation. The cquipmcnt shall also have a w1oction of two or more high -velocity nozzles. The n les shall be capable of producing a scouring wtion &a m 15 to 45 degrees in all Size lines d"ignated tc be cleaned, Equipment shall aIso include a high -velocity gun for washing and scouring mmhole vmlls and floor. The gun shall be capable of producing flows from a fine spray to a solid stream. The equipment shall carry its own water tamk, auxiliary eaigines, plumps, and hydraulically driven hose reel. hydraulically Propelled Equipment shall be of a movable dam type and be constructed in such a way that a portion of the darn may bo oollapscd at any time dur* the cleaning operation to protect against €lauding of %-, sn ver, The movable darn shall be, equal in diameter to the pipe being cleaned and shall provide a :R=ibie scraper around Ow outer periphery to insure removal of Brea . If sewer cleaning balls or other equipment which cannot be collapsed i5 used, special preoai. 6 anil to prevent flooding of the severs and public or private property shall be taken. The flow of sewage present in the sewer 1 ines, aball be utilized to provide necessary fluid for hydraulic cleaning devices vtihc never possible, 3. MEANING PROCEDURES: The designated sewer manhole sections shall be cleaned using high- w1ocity jet equipment. The equipment shall be capable of removing dirt, grease, rwik , sand, and other materials and obstructions from the sewer lines and manholes. If cleaning of an mtire section o2Wnot be successfully performed frams ome manhole, the equipment shall be set up on the other manhole and cleaning again attempted. If, again, successful cleaning cannot be perfbTmc d or the, equipmezt fails to traverse the entire manhole section, it will bo assumed that a major bloclrago exists and thQ cleaming effort shall be aaban.doned. Where additional quantities of water fmm fire hydrants is necessary to avoid delay in normal working procedures, the wat r shall be conserved and not used -unnecessarily. No fire hydrant shall be obstructed in case of a fu c in the area served by the hydrant. Before use any water frmrn the City Writer Distribution System the Contractor shall apply for and receive perntissi,on from the Water Depatbrn ant. The Contractor shall be resp(ros7ble for the water meter and related charges for the set up, including the water us a bill. All expenses shall be considaed imidental to cleaning. 4. D)EMS REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL All sludge, dirt, sand, rock, green, and other solid or semisolid material resulting from the, cleaning operation shall be removed at the downstmem manhole of the section being cleaned. Passing material fi om manhole section to manhole section, which could cause line stoppages, acuumulations of sand in wet wells, mr damage pumping equipment, shall not he permitted. All solids or semisolids resulting f rn the cleaning operations. shall b e removed from the site and disposed of at a site designated -by the Engineer. All materials shall be removt�d from the site no less D-4 often than at the cnd of each workday and disposed of at no additional cost to the City. Under NO circtmrsiancea will the Unntractw be allowed to accumulate debris, etc., on the site of worlk beyoud the stated time, except in totally enclosed cmtaina,' and as approved by the Engineer, UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SH A,I.,L SEWAGE OR SOLMS kEMOVED THEREFROM BE I)UbRy D ONTO STR TS OR INTO DITCHES, CATCH BASINS, STORM DRAM OR WrARY SEAR MANHOLES. 5. 'FFs1 XVI ION INSPECTION EQUR WENT: The television camera used for the mspectim shall be ww spccificaHy designed amd constructed for such inspection. Fighting for the camera shall be suitable to allow a clear pint ue of the entire periphery of the pipe. The camera shall be operative in I GO% humidity conditiow. The camera, television moidtor, and other compoments of the vidso system shall be capable ofproduoing picture quality to the aatisfaction of tic Engineer, and if unsatisfactory, equipm=t shall be removed and no payment will be made for an unsatisfactory inspection. A. FMC O : A. TELEVISION INSPECTION: The camera shall be moved through the line in either direcctim at a moderate mats, stopping when neoessary to pmm it proper documentation of any sewer service OM In no case will be television careen be pulled at a speed greater fim 34 feet per minute, Manual winches, power winches, TV cable, and powered rewinds or other devices that do i;ot obstruct the camera view or interfere with proper douumeotation shall be used to move the camera through the sewer line. When mmually operated winches are used to pull the teler+imn mm= through the line, telephones or other suitable means of communications shall be set up between the two mmiholes of the suction being inspected to insure good communications between members of the crew. The irnpotranee of accurate distance measurements is emphasized. Measurement fbr locationx of sewer service taps shall be above ground by nxwa of a meter device. Marker on the oable, of the like, which would require mierpolation for depth of manhole, will not be allowed Accxmacy of the dxftance meter shall be checkd by use of a walking nr, roll -a -tape, or other suitable device, and the accuracy shall he satisfactory to the Engineer. The City makes no parantee that all of the sanitary sewers to be enured are clear for the passage of a camera4 The nxthoda used four scouring p, ssage of the camera are to be at the option of the Camtract:or and the cosh rmust be included in the bid prise for Television Inspection. 'I'lxe cost of ret<ieving the Television camera, under all cireumst=es, when it becomes lodged d tiring inspectiion, shall be incidental to Television tnspeetion. B. DOC`UMENTATION: 'Television bmpaction Logs: Printed location reccwds shall be kept by the Contractor and will cleatly show the location in relation to an adjacent manhole of each sewer service taps observed during inspection. In addition, other pointy of significance such as locations of, unusual oomdition% roots, starm mover connections, brokpm pipe, presence of scale and wnwion, and other discernible features will he recorded and a oopy of such records will be supplied to the City. B.1 Photng apbs: Instant developing, 35 rmm, or other ataudard-sire photographs of the television picture of problems shall be taken by the Cant mctor upon request of the Engineer, as long as sueb photographing does not interfere with the (contractor's operatiozj2. B.2 Videotape RecordiW: The purpose of tape reexthng skull be to supply a visual and audio re led of problem areas of the 5=3 that may be replayed. Videotape reoording playback shall be a the same D-25 speed that it was recorded. The televikon tapes shall be furnished to the City for review irr nediately upon completion of the television inspection and may be retained a maxim -am of 34 calondar days. Equipment shall be provided to the City by the Contractor far review of the twee. Tapes will be returned to the Contractor upoli completion of review by the Engineer. Tapes skull not be exasvd without the permission of the Engi_eer. If the tapes are of such poor q ity that the Engineer is enable to evaluate the condition of the sewer line or to locate service connections, t Coutmew shall be required to re -televise and proT, ide a good tape of the, line at no additional cost to the, City. If a good tape canrxot be provided of such quality that can be reviewed by the Engineer, no payment for television thin portion shall be made, Also, no payment shall be made for portions of linus not televised or portions wbere rnanboles cannot be negotiated with the television can -era, Capon completion of revim of the tapes by the 1 nghieer, the Contractor will be notified as to wl ch sections of the sanitary sewer are to be abmidoned. Tapes will be returned to the 0ontra kw upon completion of review by the Engineer. All coats arwciated with this work shall be incidental to unit prices bid for Items render Tclevision inspection of the proposal, C. PAYMENT OF CLEANING AND TELEVISION 1 SPECTION OF SANITARY EWERS.- The unit price for Cleaning and Television Inspection of sanitary sewers shall be full compematicm for all costs connected veith cleaning and providing the Engineer with tapea of a quality that the particular pie= of sewer can be readily evaluated as to existing sewer conditions, and for providing appropriate means for review of tho tapes by the Engineer including collection and removal, tramsportation and disposal of sand and debris fiom the sewers to a legal dump site, The primary purpose of cleaning is for television inspection and rehabilitatiom; when a portion of a line is not or cannot be televised or rehabilitated, the cleaning of that portion of line shall be incidental and no payment shall be made. Payment shall be made for all segments of good tapes accepted by the Engineer after the review, No additional payment will be made in the event the Contractor has to pull the television camera from two directions - to obtain and provide an acceptable tape for review by the Engineer. The city makes no guarantec that all of the sanitary se cars W be er�od are clear for the passage of a camera, 'Flie metbo& used for sesvrang passage of the camera are to be at the opt7on of Contractor and the costs must be included in the bid price for TV Inspections. The cast of retrieving the TV Ce►rriera, under all circumstances, when it becomes lodged during inspection, shall be incidental to 'T Inspection. The item dhnll also include all cost of installing and main taWng any bypass pumping required to pmrvide reliable, regular Sewer service to the area residents. All bypass pumping shall be incidental to the project. D-52 Water Sstmnle Station., GENERAL: All wa w sampling station installations will be per attached Figure 34 or as rewired in large Water riveter vaults as per Figure 33 unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The appropriate water sampling station will be famished to the Controotor free of charge; however, the Cointracticw will be required to pick up this it= at the Field Operations Warehouse. PAYMENT TOIL FIGURE 34 INSTALLATION'S: Payment for all work and materials necessary for the installation of the 3/4-inch *W K sapper service line will be shall be included in the price bid for i~epper umcr,- Lie from Main, to Meter. Paymen fur all work and materials necessary for the installation tap saddle (ifTequired), corporation stops, and fittings shall he included in the price bid for Service Taps to Alain. Payment for all work and nmtenials necessary for the inetallatiou of the sampling station, concrete support block, mob stop, fittings, and an inci.d W 5-feet of type K copper aervice line whU are required to provide a compleic and functional water sampling station shall be included in the price bid for Water Sample Stations. PAYMENT FOR FIGURE 33 INSTALLATIONS: Payment forall work mnd rmteriali; nwe�3sary for the instillation tap saddle, gate valve, and fittings shall the included in the price bid for Service Taps to Main. Payment for all work mid materials necessary for the installation of the satgphng ftiioin, modification to the vaultF fittings, and all type K copper aervke line which are required to provide a complete and f mictional water sampling ration shall be included in thic price bid for Water Sample Stations. D-53 Additional Iusaraonice /lie ntr a. The City, its officers, employees and sermts shall be midmed as an additional insured on Conxtractoes insurance policies excepting employees 3 liability insurancee coverage under Contracwr's workm'con4ienWion fiasurance policy. b. Certificates of in& ance shall be delivered to the City of € ort Wordi, contract administrator in the respective department as specified in the laid dommu nts, 1000 Thrml=mrton i Strout, Fort Wotth, T 76102, prism to com-menoement of work on the conlr�d project. e. Any failure ou part of the City to zequest roquired insurauiNe doou=tation shall not constitute a waiver of the inswance m uir+c ram specified herein. d. Each insurance policy shall be anduracd to provide the City a mi„inium thirty days notice ia£ cancellation, non -renewal, and/or material change in policy terms or ccrvemgve. A ten days noticr, shall be wceptahle in the event of non-payment of promi=. e. Insen=s must be authorized to do business in the State of Texas and have a cur rant A.M. Beat rating of A. YII or equivalent measure of f==ial strength and solvency. f. Deductible limits, or self-fimded retention limits, on each policy moult not exceed $10,000.00 per occnrrenoe unless otherwise approved by the City. D- 7 g. Other than wor er's eompensaticm insurance, in lieu of traditional insure, City may oorisider alternative coverage or risk treatment measures through insurance pools or risk retention groups. The City must approve in writing any aitmmtive coverage. h. Workers' compengation insuicmwe policy(a) covering t mployees employed on the project shall be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation providing rights of recovery in favor of the City. i. City shall not be xesponsiblc for the direct payment of insurance promiurn costs for oontractor's insurance. j. Contractors insurance policies shall each be endorsed to provide that such insurance is pninary protection and any self -funded or commercial coverage maintained by City shall not be called upon to contribute to loss recovery. k. In the course of the proj ect, Contractor shall report, in a timely manner, to Cit 's officially dosignated contract administrator any lmown loss occu n ence which could give rise to a liability claim or lawmit or which coidd result in a property loss. 1. Ccmtraot&g I ikility shall not he lirnited to the specified amounts of fngurancc required herein. M. Upon the request of City, Contractor shall provide complete copdeg of all insurance policies required by these contract docurnents. D-54 Worken' Comuensation Insurance: A: Contractor's Worker's Compensation Insurance. Contractor agzees to piocvide to the Owner (City) a certificate showing that it has obUEd a polky of worlaers compensation ins ur nce F,'overiq Ea.alz of its employees employed on the prc cot in compliance with state law. No Notice to Proceed will be issued until the Contractox has complied with this motion. 13: Subcontractor's Warkcr's Compensation fsuranee. O ntractm agrees to require each and eery subcontractor who will perfbnn work on the project to pmavide to it a certificate from such subcon#ractor stating that the subcontractor has a policy of %yorkers onmpensation insru�anc& covering earn employee employed on the project. Contrackw will not permit any m ontxaLta to perform work on the project until such cerbfflcate has been acquired. Contractor skull provide a copy of all such certificate too the 0,xner (City). C. Workm Compensation Insurance Coverage 1. Definitions: C:erd fiicate of onverage ('rcertiticate" . A copy of a certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self -insure issued by the Texas Workers' Compensation Commission, or a covemv agrcerr=t ('IWO -81, T CC-$2, TWCC-83, or '1'W C:-84), i5bowing atatutory worlaexs' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or eutitys employees providing services on a project, for the duration of the project. iratim of the Project, Includes the time fram the beginning of the work on the pro*t until the contract&R/person's work on tho project has been complettA and accepted by the tD City. persons providing sorvice* on the project C'subunnttx mn ' in section 406.096)-includes all persons or entities performing all or part ofIhe servic s the contractor has underWwn to perform on the project, regardless of whether that persm contracted directly with the contractor and regardless of whether thatper$max has employees. This includes,, without limitation, independent cont tors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner -operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furwshrz persons to provide services on the prof nett " ervioes„ include, without limitation, pmvidi rig, hauling, or delivering equipment or matmials, or providing labor, traWwation, or other services related to a project. `Services" does not include agfivities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply delivak3, and delivery of portable toilets. 2. The contractor shall provide coverage, based orp proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which onsets the statutory roquimmenU of Tee moor Code, Swdoa 401.011(44) for all employees of the contractor providing services of the project, for the, dutntion of the project. 3. The Contractor must provide a certificate of enverw to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. 4. If the coverage period shown on the contractor's current certificate of coverage ends dewing the duration of the project, the o ntractor must, prior to the end of the coverage period, File a new certificate of coverage with the City dmviing that coverage has been extended. 5. Thy contractor shall obtain from ekh person providing servicca on a prof ect, and provide to the City: (a) a certificate of oDmage, prior to ftt pe -&m beginning work on the pmj ect, so the governmental entity will have on file certiflcaWs of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (b) no later than seven days after roccipt by the contractor, a nfw mt0i,.ate ofcoverage showing extension of coverage, if the cov=ge period shown on the current oor ificate of coverage ends during the d=tion oftlxe project 6. The contractor sbnll retain all required =e ifjcates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year Uxereufter. 7. 'Xhe contractor shall notify the City in writing by Beatified mail or personal Mivery, within ten (10) days after the contractor knew or should have kaawn, of aaiy charge that materially a£f`ecta the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the prof ect. 8. The contractor shaU past on each project site a notice, in the text,. form and nxarmer prescribed by the Texas orlrer's Compensation Comrnission, informing all persons providing serxr m on the project that they are mequired to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of cuvraage. 9. The contactor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on it Project, to: D-9 (a) Provide coverage, based on proper reporting on the cla,ssifi miion codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, which meets the kalutory requiTen=ts of Texas labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all of its employees providing wrvices = the prvj eat, for the duration of the proj ect; (b) provide to the cozitractvr, prior to that persona beginning work on the proj cot a certificate of coverage sbowing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the prof ect; (c) provide the ccnxtractnr, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new ceriificate of coverage showing extmsion of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the ourpmt certificate of coverage ends during the duiation of the project; (d) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the contractor: (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and () anew certificate of coverage shoving extension of coverage, prior to tho and of the cove-,mp period, if the coverago period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the cburatiori of the prof oct; (e) retain all required certificates of coverage on file forthe duration of the project and for one year tbereafter. (0 notify the City in writing by certified mail or pursut l delivery, within ten (10) clays after the persm knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the pre cct; and ( contactually require each person with whom it Contractg, to perform as required by paragraphs (a) - (g), with the certificates of covcragi,- to be pmvIded to the person for wh= they are providing services. 10. By signing this contract or providing or causing to be provided a certif eau. of coverage, the contractor is ropresenting to the City tLat all employees of the contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by worker's componsata� coverage for the duration of the project, that the coveragu will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts, ts, and that all coverage agreements will be fled with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self -insured, with the'1'exas Wor'ku's Compensation, Commission's Division of Self -Insurance Regulation, Providing false or misleading information may subject the contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, uivil penalties or other civil actions. 11. The contractor's failure to comply with airy of these provisions is a breach of contract by the contractor which entitles flit City to declare the contract void if the conhmrt,or doe$ not remedy the breach within ten days dbErr receipt of notice of breach from the City. D. Posting of Required oik-.T's Compensation Covcrago. The contmotor shall post a notice on each project site informing all perscros providing services on the pr*ct that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify current coverage and report fail= to provide coverage. This notice does not satisfy other posting requirements irnpQscd by the Texas WorkizeConvensatiou fat or other I-30 Texas Wort s Compensation Commission. rules. This notice must be printed with a title in at least 30 point bold type and bext in at least 19 paint normal type, and shall be in both English and Spanish and any other language anrmnon to the worker poptdation. The text for the notices shall be the following text, without any additional woods or changes. - REQUIRED WORKER'S COhMNSATION COVERAGE "The law requires that each person working on this site or providing saviccs related to this construction 1 ect; must be covered by workuls compemation insurance. Tiais includes persons providing, bauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor or transportation or oiler wMee related tin the prof ect, regardless of the identity of their employer or status as an employee "Call the Texas Worimes Compemation Commission at 512-440-3789 to receive information on the legal requkenx nt for toyuage, to verily whether your employer has provided tho required coverage, or to report an employer's failure to provide covga. Dl 55 Onernfin d 11i !n nanee Manning: A. The Contractor shall provide five copies of c=pldz M & M Mam)r ds." All information should lac bound in five separate loose-leaf bindors and delivered to tl Owner at least two Weelo, prior to final ivaspCctinn of the project. B. For each product, oquipmcrut, or system the fallowing data shall be, provided (unWr, deemed inarppwiate by the Eng ncor): 1. A general description of the equipment or system listing the major components, intended service, and other general ta. 2, 'Technical data including nameplate data, design paranwters, ratings, rapacity, performance data, operations uuuves, charaawriWcs and the like, Clearly distinguish betvyeen information which does and does not apply. 3. List of waminp and cauudons to be observed during installation, operation, and maintenance, 4. FuIly dcWled installation and operating instruedons including special tools required, aligfinent instructicvis, Mart -up and &hurt -clown sequences. 5. Main e=ce, service, and w pair instructions including maintenance and service whedules, nvtaWg and metlunds for performing routine, special, and awrtual service. 6. Troubleshooting guide and cheep list indicating common failures, hest methods and procedures for detEtmining component fault or failure. 7. Spare parts list indicating part and order number with name and address of supplier. Include current prices of -replacement parts and supplies. S. T yperwetten test rgxuMg including =terial and syst ern tests performed, Including date of test, besting party,,aitnesses and record of teat conditions and results in test repoarN. 9. Diagrams to include controla, wiring, in allativn or operation of the aquuipxr =t or system. D-3 t 10. Copies of all "REVEEWED" shop drawings. 11. Copies of all manufa=Ter supplied arranti and guarantees. C. The contracWr should Wbinit two preliminary copies of the optzation and iva� manuals to the: Engineer at least aix weeks prior to final project inspection far reviv%,, Chie copy of the documents will be returns A to the Contractor narked "APPROVED" or "REVISE AND RESTJBNff1'." If it is nu*ed APPROVED, the contractor only needs ix) provide four additional copies. If it is marked "DEVISE AND R.ES[JMNM," repeat the "0 & M Manual" submittal in accordance with this item. I91-56 Trench Excavation, Backfill and Comoaction Trench excavation and backCill wider parking lots, drivovays, gavel surfaced roads, within easements, and within existing or future R.0,W. shall be in accordance with Sections E1-2 Backfill and E2-2 Excavation and Backfill of the Geneml Contract Documents and SpecMeatims except as specified herein. 1. TRENCH EXCAVATION: In accordance with Section. H2-2 Excavation and Back1i11, if the stated maximum trench widths are exceeded, other through accident or othem ise, and if the Engineer dfttunes that the design loadings of the pipe will be exceeded, the Contractor will be required to support the pipe with an improved trench bottom. The expense of such remedial measures shall be entirely the Contractor's own. All trenching operatic shall be confined to tiro width of permanent fights -of -way, permanent easements, and any 1�--mporauy construction easements. AR excavation shall be in strict compIi=e with the 'Drench Safety Systems Special Condition of this document. 2. TRENCH B FILL: Trendies which he outside of existing or future pavement shall be bacicfilled above the top of the ernbedrn,ent material with Type " ', backfill matmial. Excavated mate- ial used for Type "C" backfill roust be mechanically compacted unless the Contractor cast furnish the Engineer with satisfactory evidence that the P.I. of the excavated material is less than S. Such evidence shall be a test report from an independent testing laboratory and must include representative samples of sails in all involved areas, with a map showing the location and depth of the various test holes, Tf excavated material is obviously granular in nature, containing little or no plastic material, tho Engineer may waive the test report requirement. See E1- .3, Type'"C" or 'D" Backfill, and E2-2.11 T1 cnch Backfill for additional requirements. When l e "C" bade -fill mawial is not suitable, at the direction of the Engineer, Type ""B" backfiill material shall be used. In gciacral, all backfill material for trenches in existing paged streets shall be is accordance with Figure A, Sand material spcciified in Figure A shall be obtained from an approved source and shall consist of durable par6clos free of thin or elongated pieces, lumps of clay, soil, to am or vegetable =tter and shall meet the following gradation: ■ Less than 10% passing the #200 sieve ■ P.I. = 10 or less D-3 Additionally, the emshed limestone embedment grad4on specified in Section E1-3 Crusbed Ihnestone for Embedment of the C=eW Contract DocLmaet" and Specifications shall be replaced with the following: Sieve Size % Retained -- Vp 0-l0 y 40-75 3f 8" 55-90 94 90-100 98 95 -100 All other provisions of this section shall remain the same. 3. TRENCH CONTAC`1"IOK All trench backfill shall be placed in lifts per E2- .913arkfrlL TTenches which lie outside existing or future pavements shall be c=pacted to a minimum of 0° o Stamdard Proctor Density (A. S. T.M. D 98) by means of tamping only. Tenches which lie under exi ling or future pavement shall be backfilled per Figure A with 95% Standard Froctor Density by jetting, mechanical tamping, ox a combination of methods. BackfW rnateraal to be mcchanically tamped roust be wither +-4% of its optirir = moisture count. The top two 2) feet of sewer lino trenches and the top eighteen (1S) inches of water line maybe rolled in with heavy equipment tires, provided it is placed in lifts approbate to the material being used and the operation can be performed without damage to the installed pipe. The City, at its own expense, will perform trench compaction tests per AS-T-M. standards on all hww,h backfill. Any retesting required as a result of failure to compact the bad ill material to meet the standards will be at the expense of the Contractor and will be billed at the wn mere-ial rakes as determined by the City. These soil density Nests shall be performed at two () foot vertical intervals beginning at a level two () feet above the top of the installed p#e and i continuing to the top of the completed backilll at intervals along the trench not to exceed 300 linear feet. The Conbtor will be responsible for providing access and trench safety system to the level of trench backf n to be tested. No extra compansation will be allowed for exposing the backfill layer to be Nested or providing trench safety system for tests conducted by the City. 4. MEASURBNMNT AND PAYMENT - All material, ivaluding any and all Type "B" backfill, and labor costs of excavation and bactfill will be included in the price bid per linear Boot of wager and sewor pipe. D-57 Shon Drnwfnigs: 1. Submit seven (7) cagiiea of shop drawings, layouts, manufacturer's data and material schedules as may be required by the Engineer for his review. Subxxn tkals may be checked by and stampod with the approval of the Contractor and identified as the Engineer may requim. Such review by the Engineer shall include checking for general o=f oe with the design concept of the project and general =alliance with infurmadon given in the Chneral Contract Docinne *. hidica led actions by the Engineer, which may result from his review, shall xiat rormtitute oo mnTnce VAth any deviation from the plans and specifications unless such deviations are specifically identified by the method described below, and D-33 d. Not less them 24 hours notice shall be provided to the City by the Contractor for operations requiring testing. Tho Contractor shall provide access and trench safety sya b= (if required) for the site to be tested, and any work effort involved is deemed to be inelxeded in the unit pri ce for the item being tested. e. The Contactor shall provide a copy of the trip ticket fvr each lead of fill material delivcred to the job site. The ticket shall specify fhe name of the, pit supplying the fill maberW. D-62 Protection of Tree. Plants. and Sail. - All property along and adj scent to the Conix'a oWs operations including lawns, yards, shrubs, trees, etc, shall be preserved or restored, after completion of the work-, to a conditiun q ual to or better than existed Prim to the start oi`'u orIc. By ordinance:, the Contactor raoust obtain a permit from the City Fwc4iter before arry work tri=ning, removal, or root pruning) can be done on trees or shrubs gruwing an public property including street Rights-of=Ways and designated alleys. This permit cau be obWned by calling the Forestry Offlce at 871- 5738. All tree work ftIl be, in compliance with pnming:gtwidarda for Class UPruning as desc;ribc�d.by the National ArborWt Association, A copy of the standards can be provided by calling the abome number, Any damage to public trees due to negligence by the Contractor shalt be assessed using tho current famiala for Shade Tree Evaluation as defined by the International Society of Arboriculture. Paytuent for negligent damage to pub& trees shall be made to the City of Rat Worth and may be itlxheld frvrn funds due the Contractor by the City. To prevent the spread of the Oak Wilt f mgus, all wounds on Live Oak and Red Oak trees shall be xmmaately -sealed using a Commercial prunizig paint, This is the only instanoc when pruning paint is recomrneaxded. No separate payment will be made for any of the work involved for this item and all costs incurred will be considered a subsidiary cost of the project. J]-63 Partialstlmates ande#alnat'e: Roferexice Part C (General Conditions), Section C8-8,5 Entitled "PARTIAL ESTMATES AND RBTAINAGE" shall be deleted in its entirety and mTlaoed with the following; Partial pay e0mates shall be submitted by the Contractor or prepared by the City on the 5th day and 20th day of each month that the work is in progress. The esti=te shall be processed by the City on the 1M day and 25tb day respectively. Estimates will b�-, paid withirn 25 days following the end of the estimate period, Iva the appropriate re#ainage as set out below. kartial pap estimates may include acceptable ueanpedshable materials delivered to the: work place wbich are to be incorporated into the work as a permanent part thereof, but which at the time of the pay estimate have not been so installed. If ouch materials are included within a pay estimate, payment shall be based upon 85 % of the net invoice value thereof: The G=ftwtor will furnish the Bngineer such information as may be reasonably requested to aid in the verificaktiorx or the pmparation of the pay estimate. For contracts of less than $400,000 at the time of execution., retainage shall be ten percent (10%). For contracts of $400,000 or more at the 6= of execution, retainage shall be five peruent (5 %). Ww Contmet Dr shall pay subeorlLwtorg in accord with the Wb =t t agreement within five (5) business days after receipt by Contractur of the payment by City. Contractces failure to make the required payments to subcontractors will auffimize the City to withhold future payments from the Contractor until compliance with this paragraph is accomplished. It is understood that the partial pay estimates will be approximate only, and all pa tial pay estimates and payment of same will be subject to correction in the estimate rendered following the discovery of the mistake in any previous eatimate. Fayn=t of any partial pay estimatpe shall not be an admimion on the park of tht: Owner of the amount of work done crr of its duality or suiilaiency or as an acceptance of the womb dome; nor shall sarm release the Contractor of any of its reV=sihilities under tifte Contract Documents. The City reserves the right to withhold the payment of any partial estimate if the Contractor fails to perform the work in strict accordance with the specifications or other provisions of this CDntrdut. D-64 Work You Pressure Mane Boundaries: C'oiibutor shall Calve none that the water lino to be replaced under this contma grasses or is in ulow proximity to an existing pressure plane boundary. Care shall be takm to endue all °pregswe Mane" valves installed are installed closed and no crass connections are tuade betweea press= planea. A lon%Uon map has been included to help keep temporary services from crossing pr plane boundaries. D-65 Pro imt Clean -nu: The Contractor ahall be aware that "mg the project site in a neat and orderly condition i$ comsi&W an integral part of the contracted work and as such shall be considered subsi di ary to the appropriate b d items. Clean up work shall be done as directed by the Engineer u the work progrea.sea or as needed. If, in the opinion of the Engineer it is necessary, cic�n-up shall be done on a daily basis. Clean up work shall inclu&,but not be limited to: @ Sweeping the street clean of dirt or debris a Storing excess mlzrial in appropriate and organized manner a _ Keeping tm* of any kind off of residents' 1}ropy If the .Engineer does not feel that the j obsite has bey kept in an orderly condition, on the next a imate payment (and all subsequent payments until complc l) of the appropriate bid it s) v671 be reduced by 25%. D-66 Protect Schedule: onftaaW shall be mspunsible for producing a pM mt schedule at the pre-�onstruction conference. This schedule &hall dct~aiI all phaae8 of construction and allow the contractor to complete the work in the allotted time. Contractor will not move art to the j obsite nor will work begin until said schedule has been received and approval secured from the Construction Engineer. Ho over, Contract tine will start even if the project schedule has not been horned in. Proj ect schedule will he updated and rmubmitted at the end of every estimating period. All casts involved with producing and maintaining the proaect schedule shall be considered subsidiary to this contract. D-67 1':" & 211 Conner Semices: D-39 The following is an addmdum to E1-17, Comer Water Service Linos and Copper AIIovCouvlinvs: All fittings need for 1 z" and " water services lima shall be compression fittings of the type produced with an internal "gripperrimg" w; rnanufact=d by the )cord Meter Box Co., Inc,; Mueller Company, or approved equal. Approved equal products shall aubrrdt shop dmwings and inflnufaah rer's catalog information for approval. C=tractor shall make all cuts to the copper tubing with a oopper tubing cutter tool specifically designed for this purpose in order to provide a clean, square cut. The use of hacksaws or any other type of cutter will not be allow*d. Prior to installing the cornpres lion f tongs, the copper tubing will lee nia& round by the use of a "rounding tube" specifically made for that purpose, Payment far all work and mute,rial:� associated with I ' a " and 2" capper services shall be included in the price of the appropriate bid iterm D- 8 Protection of Mdsting Curb and Gutter: On prof ectr, where water services are to be replaced but the street is not scheduled for a frill reconstruction, the Contractor shall not disturb the cxiating curb and gutter. Water services shall be installed using a " gophe?' w similar means that will not disturb the existing curb and gutter. If the existing curb and gutter is dainaged, it shall be replaced at the Contra.otor°s expense to the nearest construction joint in either direction. No separabc payment will be made for work and inateriais necessary to protect the existing curb and ,utter and all costs ilicurred will be novsidored to be suWdiary to the contract, D49 -Contractor's Resuansibility for Damage Claims: Part C - General Conditions, Section C-6.1 shall be revised to read as follows: Contractor covenants and agrees to inde=ify City's euganeer and architect, and their personnel at the project site for Contractor's sole negligence. In additiorx, Contmotor covenants and a, es to inde mify, hold harmlc;ss and drfend, at its own expense, the Owner, its officers,, servants and employees, from and against auy and all claku or suits for property Inns, property damage, personal injury, including death, arising out of, w alleged to arise out of, the work and services to be performed hereunder by Contractor, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors, licensees or invites, Lvhether or not am such in urv, loupe or death is caused. In whole or in Dart. by the neviigenee or afleeed nc rence of Owner, io veers. serv=ly, or emnh ees. Contractor likewise covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold bar�ess the Owner from and against any and all injuries to Ownw's officers, swvants and enployees and any damage, loss or destruction to property of the Ownm awing Rum the performance of any of the terms and conditioms of this Contract, WAdher or nol an such iniarp or dawaqv is caused in whale or err Dart by the neaugence or alkeed negli" tce of Owner. iy afflcers. servarnIs or ematorees.. h dit event Owner receives a written claim for damages against the Cont mow w its subcomtraetot's prior to fmal payment, final payment shall not be made until Contractor either (a) submits to Owner satisfactory evidence that the claim has been settled and/or a release from the ctaimaut involved, or (b provides Owner with a letter fig C( rnV tor's liability i ia=ce carrier that the claim has bem referred to the insurance carx r. D-40 The Dirt c may, if he deems it appropriate, refuse t:o accept bids on other City of Pot Worth public work from a Contractor against wlwm a claim for damages is outstanding as a result of work performed unr a City Contract. D -10 Public Notlfwation Prior to Be&iaimg Construedon Prior to bcg&ming construction on any black in the project, the ooetraotw i9ball, on a block by block basis, prepne and deliver a notice or flyer of the pending construction to the front doom of each residence orbusineffia that will be impacted by constriction. The notice shall be prepared as follows: The notification notice or flyer dull be posted seven (7) days prior to begirming any construction activity On each block in the project area, The flyer shall be peed on the Contractor's Letterhead and shall include the following information: Name of Project, DOh No., Scope of Project (i.e. type of construction activity'), actual construction duration within the block, the name of the contractor's for== and has phmo number, the name of the City°s inspector and his phone number and the City's after-hoLus phone number. A, sample of the ' pre-;crosiruction notification' flyer is attached. The, oantraetor shall submit a schedule showing the construction start and finish tuna for each black of the project to the inVwtor. In addition, a copy of the flyer sWl be delivered to the City Inspector for his review prior to being distributed. The oontrad w will not be allowed to begin consttuctkm on any block T.atil the flyer is delivered to all residenu of the block. An electronic version of the sample flyer can be obtained from the conAmcdon offfee at $71-8306. All work involved with the pre�can,sUuction notiftaiicm flyer shall be considered subsidiary to the coMraot price and no additional compensation shall be made. D -71 Traffic Control; The coutraetor shall be responsible for Mvid n& following, and maintaining a tra€ft control plan during the construction of this project consistent with the provisions set forth in the "1 80 Texas Mammal on Uniform Tru is Control Devices for Streets and Highways'' issued under the wthority of the "State of Texas Unifb= Act Regulating Traffic on Highways," codified as Article 6701d Vernon's Civil Statues, pertinmt sections being Section Nos. 27, 29, 30 and 31. This huffic control plan shall be submitted for review and approval to Mr Omrles K Burkett, City Traffic Er necr @817-871-8774 at least 10 working days prior to tlxe pre-wmmuction conference. Although work rgill not begin until the traffle control plain has been revlesved and approved, the Contractor's time will begin in accordance with the time frame established in the Notite to Contractor. The Contractor will not remove any regulatory sign, instruction a1 sign, street name sign or other sign which leas been acted by the City. The Contractor skull not install any sign on a city post, pole, or structure without first obtaining written perm4iom from. the E* noer. If it is determined that a sign must Tie removed to permit required construction, the Contractor shall contact the Trmvartation and Public Works Department. Signs and Markings Division (phone number 871-8107), to remove the sign. In the case of regulatory signs, the Contractor roust re Lwx the po rmanent sign with a temporary sign meeting the requirements of the above D-41 referenced manual and such temporary sign must be installed prior to the removal of the permanent sign. If the temporary sign is not installed comotly or if it does not meet the required specifications, the permanent sign slWl be left in place until the temporary sign requirements are met. When construction work is completed to the extent that the permanent sign can be reinstalled the Contractor shall again contact the Signs and Markings Division to reinstall the pennanmt sign and shall leave his temporary sign in place until such reinstallation is completed. D -72 HIMAC Testing Procedure The contractor is required to submit a Mix Design for bothType "B" and "D" asphalt that will be used for each project. This should be submitted at the Pre-Oonstractim Cmfarmce. This design shall not b c mom than Wo (2) years old. Upon submittal of the design mix a Marshal (Proctor) will be calculated, if on a has not been previously calculated, for the use during density testa . For type "B" asphalt a maximum of 20% rap may b e us ed, No Rap may be used in tyke IYO Upon approval of an asphalt mix design and the calculation of the Marshal (praetor) the contractor is approved for placement of the asphalt. The contractor shall contact the City Laboratory, thr)ough the inspector, at least 24 hours in advance of the asphOt placement to schedule a tmhinician to assist in the monitoring of the number of passes by a roller to establish a rolling pattern that will provide the required densities. The required Density for Typo °B" and for Type "D" asphalt will be 91% of the calculated Marshal (proctor). A, Troxler Thin Layer Gauge will be used for all asphalt testing. Af w a rolling pattern is established, densities shoes be taken at locations net more than 300 feet apart. The above requirement applies to both T�pe "B" and "D„ asphalt. Densities on type "B" must be done before Type "D" asphalt is applied. mu to determiiie thickness of. Type "B„ asphalt must be taken before Type. °`D" asphalt is applied. 'Upon completion of the application of Type "D" asphalt additional cores must be taken to determine the applied thickness. D -73 Pre -Construction l ei horhoud Mee�ng: After the p -e-coast -action coaference has bem held bat before constrwtion is allowed to begin on this project a public. aneeting will be held at a location to be determined by the Engineer. The contractor, impcetor, and project manager shall meet with all affected residents and presmt the projected schedule, including construction start date, and answer any construction related questions. Every effort will be made to schedule the neighborhood meeting within the two weeks following the pre -construction conference but in no case wiB construction be Alowed to begin until this meeting is held. D-74 Increased or Decreased Quantities: Part O - Cleam-al Conditions, Section 4-4 SCOPE OF WORK, Page C 4-4 (1), revise paragraph C4-4,3 INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTRES to read as follows: D-4 T4-4.3 INCREASED OR DECREASED QUANTI : The Owner reserves the right to alter the quantities of the work to be performed or to extend or ahorten the improvements at any time when and as found to be necessary, and the Contractor sW1 perform the work as altered, in eased or decreased at the unit prices as established in the contract documents. No allowance will be made for any changes in anticipated profits nor shall such changes be oonsidered as waiving or invalidating any conditions or provisions of the Contract Do=nents. Variations in q=idties of sanitary sewer pipes in depth categories shall be interpreted berein as applying to fhe overall quamities of sanitary sewer pipe in each pipe sip but not to the various depth categories. D-75 Construction Stakes: The City, through its Surveyor or agent, will parovide to the Contractor construction stakes or other customnaryTnethods of markings as maybe found consistmt with professional pmatice to establish line and grade for roadway and utility construction and centerlines and benchmarks far bridgework. These stakes shall beset sufficiently in advance to avoid delay whenever practical. One set of stakes shalt be set far` RU utility construction (water, sanitary sewer, drainage, etc.), ono set of excavation/or stabbilizaon stakes, and one set of stakes for curb and gutter and/or paving. It shall be ft sole responsibility of &e Contractor to preserve, maintain, tr=fvt, etc., all stakes fiaunished until completion of the construction phase of the project for which they were Rumished. I& in the opinion of the Engineer, a sufficient number of stakes m nwxUVa provided by the City have been lost, desttvyed, or disturbed, flml the proper prosecution and omtrol of the work contracted !`or in the Confta Door mnts caumot take glace, then the Contractor shall replace such stake-s or markings as required, An individW registered by the Team Board of Pwfesaional Land Surveying as a Registered llro&ssional Laird Surveyor shall replace these stakes, at %e Contactor's expense. No claims for delay doe to a hole of replacement of construction stakes will be acpepted, and tune will continue to be charged in acoordanae with the Contraot Documents. D-76 Mary Sewer Service OXeamouts; Whenever a sanitary sewer service line is installed or Fep)wed, the Contractor shall install a two- way service cleanout as shown in the attached detail. Cleanouts are to be installed out of high tra.l c areas such as driveways, $#reels, sidewalks, etc. whenever possible. When it is not possible, the cleanout stuck and cap shall be cast iron. Payment for all work and nuaterials necessary for the installation of Ow two-way service cleanout which are rewired to provide a complete and £unctionall sanitary sourer oleauout shall be included in the price bid for Sanitary Sewer Service C.`lmnouts, D-43 D-77 Protective Manhole Coating For Corrosion Protection- DA-13 INTERIOR MANHOLE COATING - RAVEN LINING SYSTEM: A. GENERAL 1Scope This section governs all work, materials and testing required for the eppllcatfon of Interior manhole coating. Manholes designated for interior coating are listed of the Manhole RehabilWon Schedule, listed 1n Section I. Interior manhole coating shaII meet the requirements of this Section, or of Section DA-10, DA-11, DA-1 2, or DA- 14. . Dascription The Contractor shall be responsible for the furnishing of all labor, snpsrvlsion, materials, equipment, and tasting required for the oompletlon of interfor coating of manholes in accordance with the Contract Documents. 3. Manufacturer's Recommendations Materials, mixture raft s, and procedures utilized for the coating process shall be in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Manholes Manholes to be coated are of brick, block, or concrete construction. All manholes shall have a rnhimurn of one-half (1/2) specialty cement -based coating material (Cluadex QA .1 s or Renner M P) sprayed or trowelled on coating over the original inteFrf or surface, B. MATERIALS 1. Scrope This sectyon governs the meter€ols required for cornpletaon of Interior Coaling of manholes. . Interior Coating Raven Ultra High -Build epoxy Coating, a two-part epoxy resin system using 100% solids based epoxy binder with fibrous and flake Millers, Is manufactured by Raven Uning systems and designated as Raven 405. 3, Specialty Cement The specialty cement -based coating matedaf shall be either Quadex QM -is as manufactured by {wade , Inc. or Rellner €1+1 P as manufktured by Standard Cement Materials, D-44 C. 4. Material Identification Contractors will complateiy identify the types of grout, mortar, sealant and/or root conf i chemicals proposed and provide rise histories of successful use or defend the choice of grouting materials based on chemical and physical properties, ease of application, and expected perforrnance. These grouting materials shall be compatibia Wth Raven 405 interior coating. The contractor shall be responsible for getting approval from Raven Lining systems and/or the grout manufacturers for the use of these grouting materials. . Mixing and Handling Mixing and handling of interior coating, which may be t ac under certain editions shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer and in such a manner as to minimize hazard to personnel. It Is the responsibility of the Contrac r fo provide appropriate protective measures to ensure that materials are under control at all times and are nct available to unauthor¢ed personnel or animals. All equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. Coating shall be performed only by certified applicators approved by the manufacturers. 1. General Manhole coating shall not be performed unfiil sealing of manhole from frame and grade adjustments, partial manhole replacement, manhole grvuting or sewer replacementirepairs are complete. 2. Temperatures Nomml interior coating operation shall be perfom-ed at temperatures of 4CPF or greab3r, No application shall be made when freezing is expected within 24 hours. 3, Interior Manhole Coating a. Manhofes scheduled for Rehabilitation Schedule. manhole from the bottom including the benchftrough. Interior coating are shown on the Manhole The interior coating shall be applied to the of the manhole frame to the bench/trough. b. The interior coating shall be installed in accordance. with the manufaacturer's recommendations and the following procedure. 1) The surface prvepara#ion shall comply with the requirements of Section DA- 9. SURFACE PREPARATION FOR MANHOLE RESTORATION. 2) Apply a minimum of one-half {1)2) inch specialty cement -based product (Quade G ltirl-1s or Reliner M P) smooth surface for the urethane coating material. D-45 3) The surface prior tD appiicatlon may be damp but shall not have noticeable free water droplets seeping or running water. Material shall be spray applied per manufacturer's recommendations with a minimum thickness of 125 mils (0.125 inch). 4) After the walls are coated, the wooden beach covers shall be removed and the bend sprayed to the same average and minimum thickness as required for the walls. 5) The final applimition shall have a minimum of three (8) hours cure time or be set hard to f}7e touch, before being subjected to actW flow. 6) No applications shall be made to frozen surfaces or if freezing is expected to occur in side the manhole within 24 hours after application. 4. Testing of Rehabilitated Manholes a. Atar the epoxy liner has set (hard to touch), all visible pinholes shall be repaired. Repairs shall be made by lightly abrading the surface and brushing the lining material over the area. All bllaters and evidence of uneven cover shall be repaired according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Spot check of coating thickness may be made by Owner's Representative, and the contractor shall repair these areas ar, required, at no additional cost to the Owner. b. Testing of rehabi[Rated manholes for watertightness shall be performed by the Contractor after operations are complete in accordance with Section DA-18 - VACUUM TESTING OF REHABILITATED MANHOLES. ]lt�iLl:L �J:J ��if l►l :�l 1�7'J '1EiL�►ll Payment shall be based on the Contract Unit price per vertical foot, measured from the bottom of the frame to the tap of the bench. The Contract Unit Price shall be payment in full for performing the work and for furnishing all labor, aupervision, materiais, equipment all testing necessary to complete the work. Payment for grouting Of pipe seals, bench and trough and manhole walls shall be based on the iontract Unit Price for each manhole actually grouted. D-78 Metering Water During Construction. In ardor to accarately measure the amount of water used during conshuedon, the Contractor will install a fire hydrant meter for all temporary service lines. Water used during rAmstiuc on for flushing new mains that rnnnot be metered from a hydrant M11 be, i s!a umted as accurately as possible. At the pre- cowtitiiction conference tbe, cwtractor will advise the inspector of the number of meters that will be seeded along with the locations where they will be used. The inspector will deliver five hydrant meters to the locations. After installation, f17e contractor will take full responsibility for the metes until such time as tic contractor retuxas those meters to the irispectvr. My damage to the meters will be the gale respowibility of the contractor. 1"he Water Department Meter Shop mill evaluate the condition of the meters upon return and if repairs are needed the contractor will receive an invoice for those repairs. Tb e issued meter i$ for this specific project and location only. Any water that the contractor may need for D 46 perima1 use will require a separate hydrant meter obtained by the Contractur, at their cost, from the Tatter Dcpartmmt. D-79 Pipe Installed by Other lhan OiDt Cut: A. GENERAL: 1. Furnish materials and necessary accessories, with strengths, thickness, coatings, and fittings indicated, specified anti/or necessary to complete the work. . All excavation shall provide an open area cortfarming to the outside diameter of the casing and/or carrier conduit. The excavation shall be to an alignment and grade which wifl allow the carrier conduit to bs installed tD proper line and grade as shown on the Plans and as established In the Specdficafions. _ Work shall be perFormed in accordance with the requirements of the pity of Fart Worth Water Department, the Texas Department of Transportation, or railroad company, as applicable. 13. MATERIALS: 1. using Pipe: Casing pipe shall be steel conforming to ANSI B36.10 and the following: a. Field Strength: 35,00 psi minimum. b. Wall thickness: 0.312 in. minimum (0.5 for railroad crossings). c. Diameter: As sirs on the drawings (minimum size requirements). d. Joints: Continuous circumferential weld in accordance with A►WS D1.1. . Carrier Pipe in Casing: Carrier pipe shall be as sh wn on drawings and as specified in the General Contract Documents. , Sewer Pipe without using Pipe: Shall be minimum Class 51 ductfie iron pipe, or as designated on the plans. 4. Grout: Grout shall be Portland Cement grout of min, 20011 psi oampresslve strength at 28 clays. Proportioned not less than 1 cu. ft, of cernent to 3 cu. ft. of fine sand with sufficient water added to provide a free flowing thick slurry. [Mari C. EXECUTION 1. Where sewer pipe is required to be installed under railroad embankments or under highways, streets or other facilities in otter than open out, construction shall be performied in such a manner so as to not interfere with the operation of the railroad, street, highway, or other facility, and so as not to weaken or damage any embankment or structure. During construction operations, barricades and lights to safeguard traffic and pedostrians shall be furnished and maintained, until such time as the backflil has been completed and then shall be removed from the site. . Pits and Treraahes: a. If the grade of the pipe at the and 1s below the ground surface, suitable pits or trenches shall be excavated for the purpose of riductirig the jacking or tunneling operations and for placing end joints of the pipe. Wherever grid trenches are cut in the sides of the embankment or beyond A, such work shall be sheeted securely and braced in a manner to prevent earth from caving in. b. The location of the pit shall meet the approval of the Enginear. C. The pits of trenches excavated to facilitate these operations shall be backfilled Immedlateiy after the casing and carrier pipe installation has been completed, & Boring and ,Jacking Steel Casing Pipe, Steel casing pipe shall be installed by boring Bole with the earth auger and slmultaneously jacking pipe into place. a. 'The boring shell proceed from a pit provided for the boring equipment and workmen. The (toles are to be borers mechanically. The boring shah be done using a pilot hole. By this method an approximate -inch hole shall be bored the entire length of the crossing and shall be checked for Me and grade on the opposite end cf the bore from the work pit. This pilot hole shall serve as the centerline of the larger diameter hole to be bored. Other methods of maintaining line and grade on the casing may be approved it acceptable to the Engineer. Excavated materlal shall be placed near the top of the working pit and disposed of as required. The use of water or other fluids in connection with the boring operation will be permitted only to the extent required to lubricate cuttings, ,setting or sluicing Will not be permitted. b. In unconsolidated soil formatlons, a gel -forming colloidal drilling fluld consisting of at least 10 irerc:ent of high grade carefully processed bentortlte may be used to consolidate outtIngs of the bit, seal the walls of the Dole, and furnish lubrication for subsequent removal of cuttings and Install allan of the pipe iMMediateiy thereafter. D-4 C. Allowable variation from the line and grade shall be as specified under paragraph A- . All voids between bore and outside of casing shall be pressure grouted. 4. Installation of Carrier Pipe In Casing: a. Sanitary sewer pipe located within the encasernont pipe shall be supported by "skids" or °bands° to prevent the pipe and bells frbm snagging on the inside of the casing, and to keep the Installed line from resting on the balls. b. All skids shall be treated with a wood preservative. Skids should extend for the full length of the pipe with the exception of the Bell area and spigot area necessary for assembly unless otherwise specitled. c. The Contractor shall prevent over-belllng the pipe while Installing it through the using. A method of restricting the movement between the assembled ball and spigot whare applicable shall tie provided. d. At all bored, jacked, or tunneled installatlons, the annular space between the carrier pipe and casing shall be filled with grout. Cane must be taken that not too much water is forced into the casing so as not to float the pipe. The backfill material will not be required unless specified on the plans and specified by the Engineer. e. Closure of the casing atterthe pipe has been installed shall be plugged at the ends of the casing as shown, on the drawings or as required by the Engineer. 5. SorYng and Jacking Ductile Iron Pipe without Casing Pipe; a. As indicated on drawings and as required and directed by the Engineer sewer shall be constructed of bone and jacked ductile iron pipe. b. When a casing pipe is not designated on the drawings, the contractor shall provide a casing pipe if necessary to achieve line and grade. Casiq pipe shall be provided at no aciftonal cost and shall be subsidiary to the east bld for Installation By Other than Open Cut+ C. Bore and jack in accordance with paragraph C.. above. d, Short length of sewer consisting of a single pipe section may be installed by jacking without a bore hole if permitted by #ha Engineer and in soft soil layer. All voids outside of installed pipe shall be pressure grouted. 6. Tunneling: Where the charactedstics of the self, the size of the proposed pipe, or the use of monolithic sewer would make the use of tunneiing nmra sattlsfacbory than jacking or boring, or when shm m on the plans, a tunneling method may be used, with the approval of the Engineer or railroadfbighway officials. D-49 a. When tunreling is permitted, the lining of the tunnel shall be of sufflclent strength of support the overburden. The Contractor shall submit the proposed liner method to the Engineer for approval. The tunnel liner design shaII Bear th9 seal of a licensed professional engineer In the Stata of Texas. Approval by the Eng[neer shall not refieve the Contractor of the responsibility for the adaquscy of the finer method. b. the spare between the tunnel liner and the limits of excavatlon shall be pressure grouted or mud -jacked. C. Access holes for pladng ooncrete shell be space at maximum intervaIs_of 10 feet, MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: Installatfon of pipe by other than open cut will be measured by the linear foot of pipe, wmpfete ire place. Such measurement will be made between the ends of the pipe along the centrai axis as installed. The work performed and materials famished as prescribed by this item will be paid for at the Contract Unit Price bld per linear foot for Pipe fnstafled by Other Than Open Cut of the type, size, and class of pipe speclfled as shown on plans. The furnishing of all materials, pipe, liner material's required for installation, for all preparation, hauling and installing of same, and for all labor, tools, equIprnent and Incfdentals necessary to ccmplete the work, including excavation, backfifling and disposal of surplus material shall be included In the Contract Unit prioe as shown in the Sid Proposal. Payment shatl not Include pavement replacement, why if requRned, shalt be paid sepe tely, D-5 U Dake: (To be printed on Contractor's Letterhead) DOE No: 3638 aTE T NAME: 36" WATERLINE TO SERVE SFJNDERA RANCH MAPSCO LOCATION. <XU> LllffFS OF CONST.: <Alpha St. between Beta Street and Gamma Lyra Esamated Duration of Constmetlon on your Street : <XX> days TMS IS TO INFORM YOU THAT UNDER A COACT WITH THE CITY OF PORT WOR'YA OUR COWIPANY WELL CONSTRUCT A WATERLINE ON OR AROUND YOUR PROPERTY. CONSTRUCTION WILL BEGIN APPROXIMATELY SEVEN DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THIS NOTICE. IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT ACCESS, SECURITY, SAFETY OR ANY OTBER ISSUE, PLEASE CALL: Mr. <coNTPAcTows SUPF.mNTENDENT> AT <rFuunoNE No OR Wk. < rry mpwroli> AT <mupnom No.> AFTER 4: 0 PM OR ON WEEKENDS, PLEASE CALL 871-7970 PLEASE KEEP THIS FLYER HAND Y WHEN YOGI CALL. D-5 t arm IOU 7�ffv-cm Ip�avJoa�s 4�reirns Ob�ol�iaj . APP.ROVAL TO: City of Fort Wartb'W r Department 1000 7tiroftorton Sheet Fort Worth, Two 78102 c6'fdlr. Doo J.-Kt-, P.E. ParrM # 220-W-85-02-04 H". - o.. US 2B7 Maintenance Seaton hkK 04 bounty, Tarrant Dom: Apil 9, 2 R&Avmd & Iced By: O. Ro ftuez I"he Twm Depadr ntof TranspqUbn (fxiXM df m no objeotton to the location ari tkra roW M of yourpmpoaee W WA` M 6NE as Ohm by a=inpanying drams and m tic a dated APRIL 22, 2QO2, exceptas Hated below. Yaw atantton Is ducted to govemlrrg i9m,. espedWy-to Ada 8674w-4, WRV4 ArMDWW CH SWUtM.Of Toccoa, pedalrting to Control of Aaese. Arise for sanring,th`is installation shall -be ttmted th aooaaa via (a} fmnWp roads .Owe P=04 M pearby or adjaomnt public roads or ahsts, 81mb along or near tits highway NhtroftW lhres, conneoiing only to an Wrsecling mat,, froni any one or all V whIch envy may be made to the outer porton of lice highway fight y.for normal servW and malntarranaa operations. The Owners rights of x=w to tfie ttrrough-tnex roachNWs end ram shall be mblBat to the some rules and reguwbno as apply to the general publio awapl, however, it an a mir sika ion o=rs arrd mal moans of aecesi for normal servW operafts and vAl not perNt the hrtm dlefe =6m mplwl by the Utility CWner in making emerjgency raepafrs as mquked for fha safety and vAdere of fhe pLffi,the Wity Owners shall have a-te Morary right of aoom to and korn the ffvmgh- rafflo roadways.'and. ramp; as hmmsary to ao nViksh #hs mR emergemy rapafrs, prcMded TxDOT is Immediat* noted by the Ut9tty Owner when such repairs are lnK*d and adequote pr n.h.mada.by the Utility Ownerfor coinrerrienm.and safety of hbh+" tr la . It la eMvs* unclembW that the.TXOOT dcos not purport, hereby, t# grant any right, dint, W, at eamment. in or upon this highway: and It Is further underslaad M the IxI T may require the owner to relocate thba liars, subject to prouisbris of pmrnb g Iaws, by ghling fhkiy (raj dayswrxterk milts, You are requesiad tD no* this oboe .prior b oDmrn9w q.M of w y mWne or pmrladio main ante whinh rsgdm pruning of trees W1Wn the hig" refit-f-way, so that we may ptWde -spadMo4ons for ft merit and imel ods la ga m- in tdmming, tap+ft imee balance, Mx of mb, palrift cuts mid dean rsp, Mw= speaMcdons are baMM to pwame our wnsiderabte hmst wnt In highway pisrft and t au9k4 m, by mduoirug da iVa due to #dr wing. . The i ta.I aWn shd rot + rxarye any pad ct the highway and wrote prcnr bne mot be mWe to cause mirilrnum h=nvonI9h= to WED and adja mit properly ovum m. In the event the Ownar We to aamoy w1h any or all of the mcfulrements as set faath herein, the Stale may lace such action -as It deems approprWe to aomp01.00mpf`rarMa F See apedel provwons -tiled mSpedfic afts for Buried In"Wone or "ape "s for Aerial InstallaHone, as applicable, AddFanal Rea uir nmg ts: A readily identifiable and suitable marker shall be placed at each right-of-WW G'ne, where line crosses, -Ph-ase notify GLYNIS RODRl lJEZ AT {817j 37"8, "& (48). hauls prior tp starting oomstrLc on of the line In amlar that vw may We a represen t pn3aerrt Tirlc perrrrit arnd al atxao#arrrer a shall be [rapt on �b sire at all tunas. Tum 1]e*rnar t of Trwpoftlon-Fort WD Edlarfhai111re7, P. f}1 sneer r ' rry {a. Burnet DWrh ! lIght of Nay My uparuieor I TU AS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FORT WORTH DISTRICT -TzxAs pEPAFCrM6NTf0F Tr A1YSPORTATION . DISTRI i" NG. 2 .SPECIAL L OUIRr=MENTS PAGE S . ArlVSFE `MNDY TV ASDEPAP7 MMTOF 7 rA Nsp aRTA7.TomREPREs TA rx v, 6 Utility Owners shall inform .their. forces. or contrad)a�-s. th6t all utility-' -Installations authorized Icy .1ltility.Agreemerrt or permit shall be subject to such lnsp cUon and fists a may be deemed neoe'sary by the Texas Departimnt' of portatipn'to , irerify teat-. work Is 'being dome in accordance with the Texas Departrnent of Transportation requirements. Ai supervisory personnel shall be Instruct.ed to fuml h. such Information and cooperation as may required to perform such inspection. COPYOPPERWrON100SM A copy of the approved penult shall be kept on the site of the'work at all t1rhes when work is In progress. HILL I7MESUPER VZSMNA O TNSPE i.ION The Litility Owner sWl prov1de .comer full-time o -ttre to supOnrtsoMor Inspectors for all Xlity I nstallations either authorized by permit or covered be utifty agreement vti th the Texas Department of TrarysportaUon. INC ORMCTLOC 77ON OF TI=ES Any .pipe .Ir con e" located- during tonstruction to conflict with any1g4way. structure shall be removed"and laid In proper. -location -at entire expense'of Utiiit}r Ova ner: All construction operations relative to installation of the pipeline sMil' be nducted 'in such rwnner as to prated highway fadliide's from damage at all times. DISPOSAL OF EXCESS EXCA VA TX NAND 4EW UP Excess material from trench ewzvaUon shall be removed from highway right -of gray and job site deaned up and left in satlVactory condition. U.\Hwd 0ul1TXD[)T SpecW Rcquucmmts-duu or4 January 2k M2 ROW Utility Secticxt Rev. V20DO TEXAS DEPARTMENT of TRANSPORTMON DISTRICT NO.2 SPELL REOUIREMENTS PAGE 4 REPAIRAND REPLAC`EMENTCFRIPRAP AND EAR MSLOPES Any existing dprap cut by trenching operabons.shall be replaced and surface of rye rlprap finished to match that of existing riprap. Concrete riprap shall contain not less than three. (3) sacks of cement per cubic yard - of concrete: Reinforcing steel shall conform to that of e)cisting riprap: Slopes of highway cuts and embankmer'ts damaged b any operations relating to installation of utility shall be repiMred and restored to the exact contour existing prior to initiation of the Libiity project, All earth placed in the restoration of slopes, etc., shall be compacted to a density equal to 'or greater than that of the original slope as dined by Texas Department of Transportation representative. REPIA CEMEN T OFBASE AJVD PA VEMENTS Where removal of base and pavement has been ,authorized, all such base and pavement shall be replaced as directed by the Texas Department OFTranspditatlon representative. All esting pavement and relate flexible or concrete base, which is to rernaln In service elther permanently or temporarily, or to be incorporated as a part of the highway project, shall be replaced. REPAM AND RE57VIZ4T7+D IFS MM t Where excavation or backfilllhg operations disturb sodding, such areas shall be replaced b ,mulch Mdding-oR all slopes of two pgrcent ( %) or less... All slopes over two percent °lo) shall be re*ced by block sodding- rNSTA1 4 TzoN o.FimfsRFNEATH PA VEMEJ7SS o open cuts for pipe trendies shall be made across any pavemen.t beneath main I.igfrwa -traffic lanes or turning lanes, -accelarationr lanes, deceleration lanes and other sirnl.lar facilities unless speditcali authorized by the Texas Department of Transportaton. Pipe shall be installed by boring and tunneling and all such tunneling and boring' shall be cased and. pressure grouted to, seal voids between casing acid adjacent earth. U.d ou TMOT s,eali+ Requ ircments.doe orig,-1 Y 28, 1992 ROW Z,ltility section Rev. D2000 ' TEXAS DEPA IUMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPEC*L RI OIIREMEWS . - PAGE 5 Open cuts will he permitted across pwements ofe>(Isting street 00nnecdons, where pipe trench' Is. adjacent to: and parallel with . highway-rlghtwof :way lire arid . where pavement has not bbeen- recently' constructed, ..' No open. cuts will. be permit d. across such corn' ttons where new pavement has just'been constructed without.written perri ission of the Teas Department of Transportation. SCIVO OFUNES Utility lines- carrying .liquids.-or..gases - under pressure, my..:beJns0IIed 'uncased In accordance with the Texas Department of Transportadon Utility Aoco modabon Policy. Water lines r -ming beneath culverts shall be cased and using shall project.l'i a (5) feet beyond'outlde II.mits of culvert.' Volds around casing, placed b tunneiing or boring, shall be -pressure grouted. USA' CFfLOES- No explosives shall ' be used vw.ftln lkWAs of highway,- right-of-wiy without wetter Permisslon Of the Texas Department of Transportation. ; Request for. per ISSion. to use explosives shall Include the follow€ng information: A) Logan of highway where use of explosives is proposes. B) Type and amount of explosives W be used. If the use cf.arty explosives -is perm d,'all blasting. operations must -.be conducted In such- manner as to completely protect adjawnt property and the traveling public and not interfere with highway traffic.. NO blasting will 'be perrmUted in the' vicinity of any structures or beneath any pavements which. are to remain In use.' . PR0TiECTr N aFHrGhI'II+ A r T1 Z4FFrC. BARB rADMS A1MNG.96M., E No consftCtiDn. operations relative to installatioh of utilities will be permitted within the Arnits of B i ng pavements carrying traffic, or shoulders adjacent thereto, unless specifically authorized by the Texas. Department -of Transportation. Fnavated materials shall be kept off pavements at .all times. Barricades, warniq signs, flares, flashing devices, and Flagmen shall be provided by the Ublity (wrier or his Contractor when necessary. U.Uand OvATXDGT gpecW Racuirwamita dac OA& January 28, 1992 mow utiuty stwon ReIY xMP INCLIMATE WEATHER To assure the' safety of.the traveling public,- as well as the contractor and his crew while minimi ing on behaif of the state' its Ifability, . no work shall be .allowed during indimate weather. By definition indimate weather is defined .as leather that is hazardous to the safety and well being of one and/or one surroundings or belonging. Inclimate weather such as Lain, fog, snow and sleet -effects visibility and/or traction. The result of working. during inclimate weather could rtsuk in site shutdowns. In cases of emergencies, lights and traffic control devices shall always be used, while following the guidelines of the TMUTCD. NOTIFICA7TON shall be given within .twenty-four (24) hours via facsimile, telephone'and/or U.S. Mail as determined by district. SAFETY Appropriate measures shall be required in the interests of safety, traffic convenience and amass to adjacent property. Appropriates signs, markings and Barricades shall'be placed by the utility. prior to the. beg Inn! ng of construction 'and shall be maintained to properly wam motorists. All traffic control devices shall conform to the TMUTO). No traffic shall be blocked or stopped at, any time- with out the presenoe of a vested flag person ta. warn and control traffic. Where the cost of installation Is the responsibility of th.e utility firm, the department small require reimbursement for its cost 'of treasures that the department may take in the Interests of" traffic safety, or restoration and repairs to the highway, which are made necessary by the utility installation. All utility construction equipment shall be, parked thirty feet from pavement structure' hen equipment is not in use. SITE CLEAN UP Roadways adjacent to utility construction sites shall be Dept free from debris, .roadway construction material, and mud. At the end of even+ construction day,. construction equipment and. mateal's sUI be'removed as far froth the roadway as feasib1E-"If Mudding of the roadway occurs at any time, toad shaft be cleared at the end of each ..day, with each occurrence when traffic allows. When utility Installation is completa, the right-of-way shall. be reshaped bo its original condition or better and the area reseeded or resodded to reduce erosion. Should settlement or erosion octur within- six- () months after utility installation, the. utility shall reshape, reseed or resod the area. The depaftm'ent shell specify prompt' replacement of sod, removal of debris, and. any other restoration necessary to place the highway in.'aonditic' n equal .tD that prlor to tfie utility installation. TKDOT will restore sites that are left to an unsatisfactory standard (debris,'mud, etc.) after notification from the Texas Department, of. Transpo rta rion. These sites vvi11' be restored to an original or better grade. The permilne shall re(mburse the cost incurred for repairs b the State.' These .'costs include matters of traffic safety -or restoration and repair's to anything ithih the -State ri'ht^af-way; including, but not limited to,. reads, .ddves, terrain, landscaping-, fences, etc. STANDARR EXCEPTIONS FOR - _ REQUIREMENTS y IEMSn. NG LINES . LOCAITON Near -I OW ilrie."Cmssings (LOCATION -.Islay deviate from perpendic-hla should be perpendicular, 'requirerrient ...Urban Ion gittlnal lines may VENT T At Leask one required. remaln except ender roadways. . . MARKER — Required �DEP Minimum totaI d6 th of 21' if encased � DEPTH -18" usual 'aid " minimum, or 1fx or 30" if not encased may. permitted. Lu J dram. of casing under subgrader 30" ENCASE M ENT -May be omitted on lour Farm to total dear- depth at all points When Market Roads and low volume highways if 0. � 6ncased; 36" total dear depth where not protected by a reinforced concrete slab or.lF 6' encased. (Longitudinal) un der. pavem ent, surface and 4under ditch. . 9 EN Eh1T — Under roadways, dishes and structures: X. LOCATION - Bear ROAN line. Crossings LOCATION - May deviate from perpendicular should be perpendicular.. requirem ents.. Urban longltudinal lines may C' MARKERS - Required remain in outer separation. API.- Minimurrr I8" under subgrade IQLP-M -' No exceptions permitted. z or 60".under pavement surface; 4 " ENCASEMENT - Not required 1f welded steel minimum under ditches. Exceptions. construction of heavier wall thickness arid/or LU maybe albwed if protected by higherstrength steels, coated and wrapped, - relnforced cDncrete slab. cathodicaily protected acid other measures as. LU Ix ENCASEMENT — Not +required if welded : required. Limits of protecUorii are the same as :. t steel construction of heavier wall that for encasement. Such incmased measures thiddiess and/or higher strength steel, :. not required on tour volume Farm tD market a mted and wrapped, c'athodically Roads !3 l-and low volume highways If p�rote eci .01 x OLVrobacted and other measures as by a reinforced concrete slab or if by under. Ljj required. Limps of pirotection are the pavement surface and 4' under ditch{ l s Same as that for erKasement. - - - -- - LOCATION. - Neal ROW llne..Chnsings . 12CATION - May deviate from perpendicular should be perpendicular. requir&neni. Urban lohgitudinal lines.may -� IV usual and-1 " minimum or remain In place except under -except under airy dram: under subgrad 2 '� xatal clean' roadway+ ko i (re)constructed, pr+o�rlded there uj depth below surface. will be ncy future pavement guts other than ors � ENCASEMENT - Same as for encased low volume' roads. 4 high-pressure lines -or none if. . DES. �- Minimum total depth of 18" may be cathadically protected and agree to permitted. future pavement cuts.. EKCASEMENT- No a ption permitted. LOCATION - Near ROW line. 07ossingg LQ�ATIQN - May deviate from perpendicular. should be perpendicu. ar: - requirements. - Urban - longitudinal lines shay " DEEM - 1W usual and 1Z" minimum. or remain In place except ender any. roadways to diarn, under subgrade; 4" total clear be (re)oori.structed, provided measures are depth below surface. - taken to avoid future pavement cuts arc any. FNC'ASEMENT - Under roadways to High volume roadway. center of ditch and under medians: DES- Knimum total depth of 18" may be y Exception allowed forwide medians, far,permitted. s pipe at 30" or greater diam. under low ENCASEMENT— may be ornitted for'pipe of 4N volume roadways, and under side road or greater diam. Under low volume roads. entrances where jLmrified by traffic, road ll condition, and local pracdcee. NON -CONTROLLED ACCESS HIGHWAY (CONS STANDARD- ' EXCEPTIONS FOR REQUIREMENTS EXISTING LINES LOCATION - Near ROW line. Crossings should LOCATION - May deviate from perpendicular be perpendfWar. requirements. urban longitudinal lines of DEPTH - I$" usual arid 1 ". minlrnurn or . Z sati actory quality may.remain at any location u1 diam. under subgr4der .24v total clear depth - below provided manholes pan be satisfactorily adjusted suffice. and measures are taken to avoid future EUCASEM -Only if under pressure or does pavement cuts. not meet standards. if encased, requirements MATERIALS - Requirements for materials may be isame as water lines.. waived If line is of satisfactory quality. MATERIAL 4 Cast iron or equal'at crossings of DEPTH - M!nirnurn totaI depth of IV may be 'high volume roadways. Others perrrirlted for permtted, longitudinal lines artd crossings of low volume roadways.. WCATION - Longitudinai V to 3' from ROW or TION -stay deviate from perpendicular a bebirid outer curb. Short exceptions permitted. (requirements. Cross€ng'- NO pales in median. Poles V to 3' VERTICAL CLEARANCE -7 No exceptW permitted. from ROW or behind outer curb, with variation TYpE OF C-G STRUC ION - No e=ptfon - - - permitted only where ROW is aver 300'. permitted. CrbsslWs shall be perpendicular. Alt structure, reroute around a ppr6aches or sufficient. to LU IPMVIde 1 ' harizortita! or 30' vertical 0 ,clearance. z VERTICAL CLEARANCE -.18' for comrnunlcatian' < lines and 2' or greater as required by law for. rawer lines. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION - Longitudinal lines shall be single pore construction. L QN =dear RD line. 7iassing s#iould be L CAZPN flay deviate from perpendlcialar perp6ndicular.' Lbrigitudfnal lines may be r ulrements. Urban long€h4nal. lines may placed by plowing or open trench. remain Emept under roadways. MMKER- Required - ph i - Minimum total depth of 24" IF encased c. ua - OE 8" us0al.and 1 " minimLm of Va or 3W if not encased May be Yrermitited. diam. pf casing under subgrade, W' total clear 'depth:at ENCASEPiff -.May be omitted on low volume - all points where encased, 361r total Fartn to Market Roads and low volume highways dear depth (where not encased). if probed M by a reinforced cbncretee slab or if 6'. 0 0CASEMENT ^- Under roadways, ditches and. - under pavi2ment surface and 4 under ditch. structures. LOCATION - Near ROW. line. Crossing should be LOCATION - May deviate from perpendicular b rpendicular. requirements. Where encasement is riot z 18"' under pavernent, .24" outside Installed, ut�irdy should agree to no pavement � pavemer6 area, Including ditches, cuts. Longitudinal lines may remain except under Ce JENCA EMENT-�1one required unless directed center medians, through-traffi'roadways or z by 01strict Engineer far hai zardous locations connecting roadways (including shoulders). iu suer as near bridges, structures, etc. Where: Qfj�M- Where materials and other candillons nnr--sr rti =. rt !I :-F 4'I 4, . L, l,j # kl �.- �. �ry.`.{ tit iw.ta 04 hti.��t �s iiuL �n.}44��I Uf LiLI k�L 314L7411L1 iL4��, rG J1.L7411 '�'� eAlCe Ju4ul aS 11 Let bt: [7C[ii I iUtd fX a � 0 to no pavement cuts. redo on of 6"from standard requirements. x �x LU U U LLI .WJ FI J 0 0 U - - - . —: TANDARD EXCEPTIONS FOR. � ._,-REQUIREMENTS - E UIREMENT IN LINES Q1 CA71GN - Near ROW lire. CYossings a should be.perpe.ndicular. WCATION - May deviate from - 'Urban perpendicular requirements. c El�lfi.-- t least one required. l'ongitudinal lines may remain In outer ItNARIaRS -'Required separation. z DEPTH - 18" usual and 12" minimum or DEPTH �- Minimum. total depth bf 4" if 94 :Lu' V7 dlam.,of casing under subgrade; � " encased or 3G if Got encased may be .total clear depth -at all points where permitted. (Longitudinal) 36"'.total clear depth where riot. ENCASEMENT- Under roadways, ditties, .ZLencased; encased, (Longitudlnal)' structures and cuter rnedlam. 0 ENCASEMENT- Under roadways; dItches,� Exceptions allowed fer. ide medians X tLJres and center medians.. n Exceptions allowed far wide medians. LOCATMN - dear RCW line. Crossings - should be perpendicular. MARKS--- Required. t DEPTHS - Minimum 18." una.e'r subg rade or z &P. under pavernent surface; 4W minimum, under flitches. ExmptSors may z it be allowed. if protected by reinfora A concrete slab, EULASEMENT- Not required if welded in zi steel construcdon of heavier wall thiness and/or higher strength steels, lu coated and wrapped, cathodfcally = protected and other measures as required." Umb of protection are the same as that far encaserrnent thCAT1{SN - Way deviabe f m - - - perpendicular..reguirements.- Urban Idngitudinal tines may remain in outer suparaUon- ,. -K&?J= - Required DEPTH -No exceptions permitted. ENC F T, - Not required 1f welded Isteel mrtsbructlon of heavier wall thickn and/or higher strength steels, coabed and wrapped, cathadjcally proiaded and other measure, as - required. L1mRs of prat on are the same as that for encasett LOCATION -fear ROW line. Crossings LOCATIOIJ - May.deviziite from -- should be perpericil ' cular. p rpendicular requirement Urban DPI- 1W usual and 1 minimum or Iong1tudina1 lines may rerwin.except V2 diam, ender su.bgra ft-24" total clear under-center-medians,-roadways•1in the depth below surface. ICA EMENT - Same �S for erred controlled access area, or -any-other. (re)constructed, rpirided roadway to p . thigh -pressure limes or none if caftclically there vall. be no fixture pavement cuts protected and agtee to no future odwr t atr ors Jow volumi� roads. pavement cuts. NP"�iiMlnImum, total depth of IV may be permitted. ENCAS W - No exception permed. LQC "T1 N .- Near -ROW line. crossings LOCATION - May deviate from should be perpendicular. peep dicular requirements, Urban DEPTH - 1W usual and 1" rr inimurn or - long[Wdlnal lines may retain accept Y2 diam. ender subgrade; 24A tatal dear under center medians, roadways withiln depth below surface. the c ' strolled access area,' or any other �EMENT - Under'road ays to cuter roadways to be (re)vns6vded, provided of ditch and under medians. EXptxon there will be no future pavement cuts allowed for wide medians, for pipe of 30" other than on tow volume frontage roads. or greater diam: Under- low volume DEFTH-- Mlnfmurr total depth of f 8" .may frontage roacis, and under side road be permitted. eotrances where justified by tfaffic, road ENCASEMENT- May he omitted for pipe condition, and local practioe.- of 24" or greater criam_ Under low volume frontageroads. CONTROLLED ACCESS HIGHWAY (CON'T) STANDARD 1 EQUXRE SENT LOCATION — Nc#ar'ROW line. Crossings should be perpendicular. cc Q — 18" usual and 12" minimum or V, diarn, LLI Under subgmde, 24" total dear depth below m ENCASEMENT = Only it under pressure or does net meet standards. If encased, requirements same as water lines. 'MATERIALS r cast Iron or equal at crossings of high volume roadways. others permitted for langitud[nal lines and crossings of law va[ume roadways. EXCEPTIONS FOR E I STINCC LINES LOCA7I014 - May deviate tram perperidlcular requfrernents. Urban Jorigitudinal Ilres.may remain except under center medians and roadways in the c�strclled access area, provided the are or. - . satisfaftory quality and depth manhales' are adjusted, and future service fines W1.1 not violate access control or disturb any wadway. �MATERLALS -- Requirements for. materials may be waived If sine is of satisfactarl quality.. DEEM — Minimum total depth.of 18" may be permitted. Loc SON - Longltudbnal 1' to 3' from ROW or LOCATION - May deviate from perpendicular behind outer curb. Short exmptrans permitted: requirements. Crossing - NO poles in median. poles in outer IVERTICAL CLEARANCE - No exception perrrkllted, . sep-aratio n only when R V Is over 300', and mustp OF CONSTRUCTION - No exception permitted. be 30" from main lane and 20' from ramp shoulder edge. Crossings approx. perpendicular. At Structures, reroute around approaches or E ,V �, sufficient to provide 150' hor>2ontaI or 30' verd l of w clearance. 2: VE CAL CLEARANCE —18' for ownr.nunication 00 130 1Ines and 22' or greater as requlred by law for power lines. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION - Longitudinal 1(nes shall be single pole construction. LOCA7IC)N - Near ROW line. Crossing. shouid 1w LQ U0_N - May deviate from perpendicular Iperpendicular. Longitudinal Imes may be placed requirements. Urban longitudinal llnes may remain. ,bY plowing or open trench. - Minimum total depth or 24" if encased or 30" z M8RKE - Iqutred if trot encased -tray be pennited. " - 18" usual and i2' min3mum Cf Vft diem. �NCASFMEN'T ,-No exceptions permitted, of cas[n� under afb_grade; W total clear depth at 0 all points where encasW. ENCASEMENT— Under roadways, ditches, highway structures,' and center medians. Except[ons allowed fdr wide medians. L - Near ROW line. Crossing should. be :perpendicular.. DEPTIi - 18" under pavement; 24" outside a pavement area, Induding ditches, E SEm-ENT -None required unless directed by DistrJct- Engineer for hazardous lacations such as 0 z near bridges, structures, etc. Where encasement is not instalied, utility should agree to no 2: !pavement cuts. c� �C CATIOh! - May devlat� from perpendicular requirements. ' Where encasement is not Installed, ut[lity should agree to Ira pavement cuts. Longitudinal . lines may remain ex pt urider center medians, through -traffic roadways or connecting roadways (including shoulders). DE - Where matertais and.other conditions justify, exceptions may be permitted for a reduction of " from standard requirements. Width at To 1 of TrerKh Plus .2'.0' . 11P" Type D . H MA,(�k Mini V+ j. F ,�ppr x� hoot mix a alb6n H,MA1 CRase Saw top edge qF cut e. deep 7' A. { '. �II1i `� '.''`4 '`'-� �• 'fir. �� - 4' ]': c+ ki i TYPE A ;. .'AFi _} } I' - r I Bedding rnatedal to _ 'try 4 }... , r r..li-' � I'aj� +'wl .�5 f i' _kL �� ■ PE1� l LI S con s' llt QF glean sari+ { C44I1 Yi �� SFr'od'4� ��'GL'- 1 1 rXL •L1� R.1. r..y�5_ - Bedding I atmial . G° Max, r� Note: 2 Sacks OF Cement Per Cubic Yard to be used In Type 4 BAR Above , . U. ility Pia or Conduft' 11 8AC FILL AND P REPAIR B RIN AND TUNNELING IN GENERAL i E IRE ENT Pipelines crostlng'u hder surfaced maids aind.road 'carryiing traffic within-11mits of hiaghwa'y right of shall b� placed-. by. boing or' tunneling, 'unless .otherwise s.ped aIly. authored- by the Texas Department of Transportatlon'. firings. or tunnels' shalt be -placed at. such depths below bottom of Pavements as to provide suft1dent depth of soli .above. hole for supporting -superimposed We and dead ioads.and also prevent 0011apse of supporting soil between hole -and pavements. due to, an -boring, turinell rig, or casing jadding operaki hs. Boring and/or tunnelingI shall amend past roadway. crown- runes rand=oitslde,of any shoulders adjacent to pavements. Pits excavated for boring or tunneling operations shalI be located so that any possible slop hire cf sides of pit will not endanger shoulders or pavements'And so that barricades can be placed as specified herein. All operations and equipment relative to tunneling and boring shall be conflned to areas outside of roadway smoulders and away from edges of..pavemipntp--by..su ble =barricades. Barricades shall be braIntalned dear &,,shoulders et all tfms' -e aept.that In no case shall the dear distar between barricades -arid edge of pavement br face of curb be less that eight (8) ftlqL Where ' material beneath ' pavement is sandy or unstable arid. will subject to caving, hole .for, .-,casing shall be dared , and, cased: si multaneousiy and' bored material" removed, -through casing. - :-Cutting face, of.auger-or Adil:shall: not, project more than six (6) Inches ahead of casing -and nomater-shall-be used in oanniectfon with drilling. Where rnatedal beneath 'pavem.e nt is stable and no subject to caving, hole fot - ca ing may be bored first and casing Insetted in- hole.1mmediately after, rompletlon of boring if perafi ted .b the.T'e as Department of Transportation, Water shall not be used in cordunckion with drliling if it in any .way causes stable material to cave or become unstable. TMMINELTIN While 'hale is being tunneled{ rasing shall be lacked. taro place as opera#ons progress. expt as hereinafter specified. U:iHznd Oub oring end Timnelln0oc OA& JEL 28.1996 ROW Utility Sendon Rev. MOM (Borings and Tunneling Page 2). MUM coil It) Where necessary to use sectionalized sted lli-rer plates, each successive .ring of plates shall be placed in pos#fort and carnpletely bolted Into place as`soon as excavation is completed far enough ahead of completed casing to receive the next ring. Workibg fate of excavaUon shall not prude advancing end of casing by more . than ' two and one half 1 . feet unless ather ise permitted by Texas Department of Transportation. No - explosives , shall be used, within Iimits of high ay right-of-way In ccojunction with tunneling a cept'as specifled under "Use of Explosives" vexed elsewhere In accompanying specifications. hlissifllna and Toroadolinq NO misslles, or torpedoes- will be allawed within the. right of, way for any reason. tuna All voids around casing shall be pressure :grouted. with grout consisting of Portland Cement and washed sand and containing not less. that six 6 sacks or Pordand Cement per cubic'yrard' of grout, Additional cement shall be lidded if .workability and/or stabliltyr -cannot .be -o lned with propottlons Indicated, An 81r entralning agent may also' be added to the grout mbcburae to fallltate flow -if ne-pessaryr. G ut ng shall be done Immediately after casing has been -Installed In hole In order° to avold ar ' shearing of soil -and settlement of over burden above rasing. Means shall. be. provided 1b r pro ng that voids are filied around 4" dlameter and larger casings in the event there Is some dour by the Texas'. Department of Transportation that voids are being fill . On . relnfarced concrete ' -casing this -may - oonsist of. moles drilling around inside of pedmete .of cussing and fitted with removable plugs, . On sal casing, removable threaded .plugs may, be provided at Intervals around InsMe perimeter of casing. No holes shall' be drilled In pav6fnent or shoulders for grouti.ng operations. B,_ ire it Location, Bore plis should 'be io6ted 'at least thirty- feet 'from the edge of .the rarest through traffie lane and not less than twenty feet from the- edge of pavement on ramps. n lover traffic roadways and frontage roads, bore pits should not be less than tern feet from the edge of pavement or five feet from face of curb. REQUIRED UIRED PRACTICES + Locate utility Ilhes with the least possibio' interference with major plantings or specimen plants. +' (Maintain adequate clan 0nce for lutes NOT EXCESSIVE CLEARANCES' + ' BALL pruning shall conforrn to . recoEni ed tree surgery : practice. • Preserve nBtu raI chn ra cw. of tree. Remove 'minimum. number of brancches to provide adequate clearance. Amount of clearance should be determined by the rate of tree growth. * Removal of branches as II[ustrated prevents stripping of the bark. + In removi'rig branches the cut should be made at a fork with - the -remaining branch at .feast 'oft. third the diameter of the one removed + Na stub shal I be left. a A[I cuts two (2) inches or. over shall be. painted with on approved tree dressing or paint. 0 Trees, which ' must. renialn unsightly because of, repeated pruning for ir1earance should be removed. # All good shall be rem o d from the- right -of -waif and.. disposed of in accordance with the laws. and regulations of the, commun[ty, county,, and. sty. • FAILURE TO, COMPLY. WITH THESE RIEQ UIRE MENTS WHICH RESULTS IN DAMAGE 'OR LOSS OF THE TREE. (S) WILL l ESULT IN THE SAID UTILITY COMPANY BEING RESPONSIBLE F.011 COMPLETE REPLACEMENT 'OF. -A.. "Ei UrVALENT SIZED AND VARIETY OF TREE (S). PRUNING u ESTIOV % { ~r ii { �I XMI106%f TnEE 440001[.bT�h� f - -�•F PACSERv`-M6 �YuuETAX °' tep0E61A84k.L TREE µ401'M010NS BYLM1 r14■-nm4 r.wkwirkOn $L 111$$IF9144 F.1}lINIM 11141% ieGICING34f ao-Fq qnd NgXt•CI•rFT WA$11 duel- . bekLA.4M DESlq}RI:E 1JNIDEVRh9LE LIROE 6tRWAE DUIRM ' � 1b►IhGf4 t�Rb Wn��•sul i+3 +d� Ihr�a�M1 Ilap E • r Iroe 6o1e Uiw Ara"N flub {+` F.Olbaw .rlh qe • T flu Lh Sul, 0F Nil. . PPoF(R rj1j RKMOVAL EVAI4, R m1I `haplar S -- Avning & Brush Manag'enzem Where to Cut Se z'on 2 — Pruning Guideltnes In removing a limb, the cut shibuid be made at t fork thane tile,remaining brainch v4H be at least one third the d!ameter of the one- removed. How to Remove a Limb When removing a limb of two -inches or more hi diameter, fallow this .proc dare to ensure that bafk is not stripped from the remaining branob, fstvj .coon. IilUS.tM ion Underoat 1/3 of the war � �I tough the limb, S to 1 inuhm from the =Jn stern. Remove ]mob 4 to 6 inches out. from the first cut. 3. Remom stab with an evil cut so that a trace (called a "'wW) Still protrudw (about V2 inch). 4, Paint the cut with an app tree dressing or" collar pit Dispiosal, of Cuttings AN pruned. wood and .brush must be removed from the right-of-way'and disposed of is accordance with the laves nad regulations of the oommonity, comty, and state. Diseased bra,ocht� esp=aUy Lho4ie Lfected wWk Qak wilt) must b8 properly disposed of to prevent the further spread of the disease. (See the following section an oak Wfit for Mare informatxor Roadside Vq talon Management DD 0 T -= 11193 {a volume of the Inftas&ucture Malniewncc ManuaO rrpler 5 . P u dng & Brush.14 Management Sect on 3 Oak Wilt ha�und Section 3 -� Oak Witt Oak vvi is paused by' the fungus Cemfacysift fagaeearum. It is comparable to -Dutch c1m ciis=e.,.a fungal Wecdon•that has destr9y6d entire elm p6pulations in the midwest and'northcast Urdted Mates. Although all oak species car' contraet oak wilt, red or SpaWsh oak and live .oak aro the tm most =ceptible,` Oak wdl( should not be confused with oak decHne. Decline 1s .a teh_8 1 term .used wheri a tx .under stress falls prey to any- number of-disea_ses.or insects.... Oak wilt invades the water and food tissues of oak roots, trunks, arid' 11mbs. it is a true wilt -disease. AM-c€ed Ar r Oak wilt has been found in sevexal counties, mostly in central Tmas. C1ort yrmecl uses of the disease have also been found -in other parts of Tmw. How U. Spreads The oak wflt fungus most often spreads undergmiand from infeaed trees to adjar nt hcalthY trees through inte=nnecting roots. Sap beetles also carry fungal spores' from infected trees to open =is or wounds on healthy trees. Tbo fungus can also be spread by pruning tools. Also, it is beUeved that.a ,major cause of widespread infection infection has' been the tribution of-fiwgt s-iz& ed -1iremod. y=Pt+ortxs Spanish or Red Dabs infected 'with the na w:Rt fungus often die yr thin one to four weeld, whlic live oaks may dsc within: a pexiod ranging from one, month to two- years. W24ied-Eve oak:trees showb�rowr iuig of the Ieavm on individual )kmb3. .lsc f--aves' on infected limbs will show spediffc palt6rns of chlorosils ar yellowing. D.efoliatian .occurs .tluiddy after symptoms are observed. Roadside Yegaadon Manqgzmeni 5-7 RD0T —'311.3 (o voturnc of the Infras"cfure 11 ainli!aance Manual) ChapterS — FrunbW & Brash mana emenr Section 3 — Oak UrLit What Can h6 Done? "'here is no cure for oak wilt. A. fungicide has been developed that wlll- control the disease, {f It is. detected in the early stages. .'(Contact the Construction and MOn.enaum Division for information.) Therefore, the following preventive measures offer the aaly means of control: Perform tteaessar pruning and' eutti3ng of healthy tr= during the winter month of January and Februaxy when sap beetles are le st'active. V Treat w6und,s with pruning paint to dlscoumge insects, egpeculuy Bunn Warm weather. t rMte all pruning tools in a solution of bleach and water after each tree. DaMoy the tree cuttings by burning or burying the wood. Once a tree.'has been confirmed to have oak wilt, steps can be taken to prevent spread, including. + &enahing around and removal of infected trees + injection of appro £ungiclde; Be size to get .gash id t ficativn of the oak -wilt- fungus befaro taking these drastic actions. More InfornLation More. information na oak v& nnay he obtaffied. from either of the folIowing sources: the ODnstmetiari and Maintenance DMslnn thr, Tem Agricultural. Extension $ vice. 0 Roadszdf- Veeetation Canag'emeni _ 5-8- RDOT.'-- 11193- (a vohl a of the Inf =tmuturr Mezir tawnce manuatj AESTHETICS • To, preserve an'd -protect - test - sh rubbery, - arid- ather ..aesthetic .fe6tures on the - highway. rigs of -way the department -may specify the c-'.� kn-�q .'thods. of tree removal, : tree .trimming, or their Tepl.agement,'. and replacement of other aesthetic features, Including installation methods of the underground or'overhead utility. ' The dlstrict:engineer si ll- use -due consideration -,In establishing. the value of -trees and other aesthetic features In the p r ity of a proposed utility line and any special district requirements justified by the value of the trees and other aestheldc features. • The department shtall specify prompt replacement -of sodi-removaI ofidebr is, -and. any other restaratibh necessary try place the highway ay In condition equal to- that prior to the utility Installation: SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS.- FERO.SION CONTROL csal precauUons should- be taken 'during 014 Installatons to avoid disturbing existing drainage avprses. In addition, sal. erosloh should .be - .hreld - to - a - mini.rnum and sedlm'er ,.from tKe aonstrucdon site s1�mi.Id be kept away from th'e road a? -'and drairi inlets. During construction the roadbed and ditches shall be mairikalned in 'such condition as to insure proper -dralnage' at all times. - Dimes and'channels. shall be' maintained as to avoid damage to the roadway section, During cgnstruction, channels, shall be kept drained, Insofar as practicable, and the. work shall be prosecuted in a. neat and orkmanilke rnann' er. To avoid sail erosion It is suggested that based on 'circu stances silt aces and/or bails of fray be Wised detour soil frbm eroding Into roadways or ditches. SEEDING FOP, EROSION DESRIPTION. The item shall govern fbr preparing ground, gra ding for sowing of sods, mulcting vfith -straw, hay, _ar cellulose fiber and other management .practices on areas shown an the plans and In accordance with this ftem: it includes- seeding for permanent erosion control. and seeding, for temporary erosion carftrol during the initial winter season: MATERIALS SEED All seed must meet the mquirernents af. the Texas Seed La -including the- labeiing requirements far showing pure line. seed (PLS — purity ' germination }, name and type of seed: Seed fuminshed shall be of the pervious season's crop and the date of analysis shown on each hog shall be within rune monfs of the time of use on the project Each variety of seed shall be fumished for delivered in separate bags or Containers. A sample of each variety of seed shall be furnished fbr analysis and testing when directed b� the Engineer.. Sufialograss shall be treated With _ a - dormancy method approved by the Engineer. The species and varieties of sEed shall be from among the types specified In Tables 1A and 1B of 'ti-ie . 1993 'Texas Department of. Transportation . Standard' Specifications For Construction of Highways, StreeN and Brides;. FERTILIZER. r 1lizer shall conform to the requirements of Item 166, "Fertilizer". The fertilizer used'shall have the analysis as shown on the plans. WATER Water r steal I conform to the requirements of item 168, Nsgetab.ve Watering'� MULCH STRAWMil CH ORHAY MULCH Straw mulch shall be oat wheat or rice straw. -Hay mulch steal[ be 'prairie grass, bermudagrass or other stay ofJohn .mn grass or other noxious weeds and..�oreign materials.- It shall ire kept in a dry condition and shal I be molded or rotted. ELLULOSE17BER MIJ It shall 'me the requirements of and -be approved . by the Director of - Maintenance and operadans, ' A list of pretested and approved materials will be maintained and can ' be obtained -by writing the Director of Malnteoance and Operatidns, 125 East I strw� A+ in, Texas 78701-2483. . The rnu[ch- shah be deslgrned for use in conventional rn anical' planting, hydraulic planting of seed or hydraulic mulching of-'Wss seed, either erne or With re iLiers and other additives. The mulch sha[I'be'such tha�, when applied, the material shall form a strong, molsture-retain in g mat wlthout-the need cr an asphalt binder. it shall be kept Tn a dry condition until applled and shall riot be molded.or rotted.. SOIL. RE ENfTION B LA N KET soil mtenbon blanket shall meet the requirements of -Item 169, "" Sail Detention flaftkei °. TACiaNG AGENTS Taddag agents for straw or hay muldi shall be- SS-x, .unless otherwise show on the plans..' A biodegradable. taddng agent may be used In lieu of the SS-1 tacking agent .when approved ,be the Engineer. Asphaldc. mated@ I shall conform to the requirements of Itern 300, "`Asphalt, Oils and Emulsions. CONSTRUCTION METHODS After. designated areas haven been. oatnpleted to t>h;e- linen `grades and cross sections shown on the puns and as preVided for in other items of this contract, seeding shall . be - perk med accordance - with - the requirements berelnaf r described. - Unless otherMse approved by the Engineer, all areas ta. be seeded small be cultivated to a depth of at least four (4) incites, except where seeding is W-be rune using a seed drill suitable for seeding into untii led soil. The seedbeds shall be.cultfvated s n5dentl to reduce the soil to'a state of good UM when the sail particles on the swum are small enough -ind lie ciosdyr enough togeth& to prevent the seed from. being covered too- deeply far optimum, germination. Cultivation of the seedbed vAll not -be rvegired in loose sand -where depth of sand is four 4 iris or more. The cross sermon pWously establisiW shall be mafnWined throughout process of cultivation. Any necessary keshaping shall be done prior to any planting of. seed, PLANTING SEASON AN D. SEED K1XI M planUng shall tie" done between the dates spec ied for each h1gl!t ay WHO except as specifically authorized In.writing by the Engineer. The pure live seed planted per acm shall be. of the type spedfied in the Texas pepartrrnt of Transportation Standard - Specifications For. Construction of Highways, Streets and Bridges Fable 2 for rural areas (warm season),. Table 3 for urban areas (warm seasons), Tables 4A and- 4B' for tempgmry erosion control. (cool season) and Table S for temporary erasion control. (warm' season), With the mixtures,. rafies� and planting dates i ompt as shown on the plans. BROAD AST SEEM The seed or seed mixture, in the quantity specifiedi snail be uniforrrily distributed over the areas shown an the plans or where directed by the Engineer. If the sowing of seed is by hand, radw than by. met nicaI 'methods, the seed shalJ be sowvn in two directions' at right angles - to each other. If. -mechanical equipment is used, all varieties of each component is uniformly applied at the specified rate. When seed and familiar are to be distributed as a water slurry, the mI ture shall be applied to the area to be seeded within 30 minutes after components are placed in the equipment. After planting, the planted area shall be rolled with a light corrugated drum roller or another type of roller approved by the Englneer. All rolling of the sloped areas shall be along the ccntoUr of the slopes STRAW OR HAY MULCH SEEDING The seed or seed mixture, in the quantity specified, sha11 be un€form IV dirt ibuted :ever the' areas shown on the plans or where directed by the Engineer,_ If the sowing of seed Iss-by hand,'raLher than by mechanical methods, the seed shall be -sown. In .two different direcfions at right angles to each other. Ifi mechanical equipment is. used, all varieties of seed, as well as fert[lizer, may be distdbuted s€mw[taneously pro ided .that each component is uniformly - applied at- the specified rate. When seed and fertilizer are -to be distributed as a water slurry, the mWre shall applied to the arm within 30 minutes after- all cornponents are placed .in the equipment, Immediately.- upDn cam pledon of planting seed, straw or hay mulcah shall be spread uniformly over the -seeded area at the rate of approximately I-S to 2.0 tons of hay mulch or 2.0 to 2.5 tons of straw mulch per acre, When a mulching machine is .used it must- be approved by the. Engineer an may be equipped to inFea a tacking agent into the straw or hays mulch uniformly+ as it leaves. the equipment at a rate of 0.05 to 0.10 gal[ orr tacking agent per square yard of mulched area. When- the tacldng agent is placed by hand, then the rate of application for khe tacking agent shill be: approximately 0.15 gal[cr per square yard CELLULOSE FIBER MULCH SEEDING The seed or seed mixture, in the quantity specified, snail be uniformly distributed over the area shmgn on the plans or where d€rected by the Engineer. If the §owing of seed'ls by hand, rather than by mechanical meftels, the seed sha11 be sown in two cirecrion's at right angles to each ot]xer. if mechanical gquipment is used all varieties of seed, as well as &-Allzer, may be disWbuted simultaneously, provided that each component is uniformly applied .at the specified rate. When seed and ferdllizer are to be distributed as a water slurry, the mixture 'shall be applied to that area to be seeded withih 30. minutes after the components are placed In. the NL 1p mint_ . Immediately upon corripietlon of planting of the seed, ce[lu[osd -Hber mulch shall spread uniformly over the seeded area -at he follawing rates: Sandy sails with 3:1 Miry. 2000. lbs.Jacre slope or less Sandy soils with greater Min. 2300 lbs.Jacm than 3:1'slope Gay soils' M 3.1 Min. 2500 Ibs.Jacre 1 slope or less k Clay soils with greater Alin.. 3Q00 lbs.,acre than 3: 1 slope Cellulose fiber mulch rates are based on dry Yveight -of mulch per acre. When usedF a mulching machine, appr'oved by the Engincer,­shal[ be equipped to eject the # oroughly wet mulch mdterial at a unffbm' rate. to provide' the. muich coverage specIped. DRILL.SEEDING The: seed:or'seed mbdu , 'In - the -.VeOiled., shaII be'unifol'mly'Alstrfbuted over the areas shown on tale - plans or-whendlrecked'� the Engginder. All varieties of seed, as well as fe€Hilier, may be distributed simultaneously provided that each'cornponent is unifbrmly applied at the specifled rate. Seed shall be drilling shall be along the contour of the. slope. After. plar.tin j, the -area shall be'rolled'with-a roller Integral to -the seed drill, .or a light corrugated dram roller or with anothdr type of railer -approved by a Engineer. All rolling of sloped areas'sh.all be on the conbDur of the slopes. STRAW OR HAY MULCHING Mulch shall be spread unif mly over the area indicated- on Mans or designed. by the Engineer at he 'rare of approxlrf�ately 1.5 to .0. tans of hay ,mulch or 2_0 to, 2.5 Mons of stra -mulch per acre. When used,.a mulching machine approved -by the Engineer. shall be equipped to, inject a tacking agent Into the .straw or hay mulch uniformly as it leaves the equipment at a rate� 0.05 to 0.10 gallon of., tacking agent are place] by hand, then the rate of application for the Gaging agent shall be approy1mately 0.15 gallon per square yard. SOIL RETENTION BLANKET If specifiied on the plans, a soil retention blanket shall b� applied in.accordancc with Item 169, "Soli Retention Blanket'%., WATERING Wateting.of the seeded area shall be conducted when, In the Judgement of the Engineer, sifficient seeding survival Is -threatened by lnsrutf de€it natural predpltation znd. shall be -in aomrdahce with Item 168, "'Vegetative W6tertng".' FERTILIZER Fertilizer, when required, shall be applied in accordance with Item 166, "FertEzer�'. SEEDING. FOR COOL SEASON . TEMPORARY EROSIORCONTROL STANDARD SEEDING When speded on the plans or direcbed by the, Engineer, temporary erosion control measures shall be performed. These measures shall consist of the ;owing of seed mixtures appropriate for 'the season and the work and materials as required in Amide 164.3. These measures shall be performed over the areas shown on the plans, or whem directed by the Engineer. Temporary erosion control measures shall be pe ormed1n addition to other "Seeding for Erosion Control" as herein specified. The pure live seed, of the cool season plants, planted,per acre shall be of the type specified, in the Texas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications For .stru Conction of HighMys, Streets and Bridges in Tables 4A and 4B, with the mixture, rate and planting dates, except as shown -on the plans. SEEDIN 'FOR WARM SEASON TEMPORARYEROSION CONTROL STANDARD SEEDING When spedfi .ors the plans or direr by the Engineer, temporary erosion control measures shall be performed. 'The measure small consist of the sowing of seed appropriate fur the season and the work and materials as required in ' Artidja 1,643. 'these memr .s shall be performed over the areas. shown are the plans or where directed by the Engineer. Temporary erasion control tneasures shaiI be penned in addltlon to other 'Seeding for Etusion Control" as .herein specified. ' The pare live seed planted.per acre shall be of the type spec0ffed in the Texas Department of Transportation Standard Specification .of Consi�r c ion of Highway, Streets and BOdges Table 5, except: as shown on plans. MEASUREMENTS "Straw or Hay Mulch "'will be -measured by the square yard or by the acre, complete and in place, All '"Seeding", of the type speclfled; will be measured by the square yard or by the acre, ownplete and In place.. RU AL. AREA WARM -SEASON SEEDING DATE: -Tn__pound , .P-ure Live Seed (P ) Mi hire for Clay.or 71ght Soils. ' Mixture for Sandy Soils' . . . _ _ Dates _ Eas m o� Western Section 1�1I S ct��ns Feb i Green SpQar4etop Green Spranglelop Green Sprangletop, TO S,G. May I sKmats Grarna Sideoats Grania SkkKets Grp (m Reno) :1.8 (Hasher ar El moo) (Ham[) mudagrass 1.5 2. Q.8 . Uttle Bluestem Bennudagrass Me Western 1. . 0.9 1. Indier�gr UtHe Bheshem . K-t Mueskem ( ar Chew* 1.4 0.7 1.5 &nd DmpsWd S i rdss K-FL Blueslem 0.2 0.7 9rnA6digrass . {41ama ar oneilj . 1.7 Total 612 - - - - - Total 6.9 - Total S.h URBAN AREA WAP.M EASON SEEDING' RATE: in. Pounds; Pure Lire Seed (Pl Mixture for Clay or Fight Solis Mbdwa for Sandy oils Da Dates _ Eastam.Secbun Western SeWon All Sections 2 Feb 1 Green 5pranop Gruen spoil OreenSprangVwp To May I Serrnudagra K-R Muesbam . -R »faestem K -R-Sluestem SufNograz 8wrwogresf y%� LO 10./} 5 9.0 - :- Tani = Tot -at 3. m1 Tots! 135 TEMPORARY COOL -SEASON SEEDING RATE: n pounds d PE. re LiSeed P ) Dist AlI Sections _ 2 Feb1. Taal Fescue 4,9 To Western WhealprMs 5.0 1+'lny I Meat (Red, Winter) 30.0 Total TEMPORARY AF Y COOL, -SEASON[ LEGUME SEEDING FATE; An pounds,, Pure Live Seed (PL Dist bates All Secde.- - - 2 -- .Aug 1� Crimson hover _ ..-.. - 7.0 to Nov 30 Total TEMPORARY WARM -SEASON SEEDING RATE: In pounds, Pure Uve See (PLS Dist Dates All Smtlons. 2 May 1 Mxtall Millet — 30.0 - - to Nay 30 Total 30.0 Note: Names In parentheds () tepresenk lmpmved" vwetks of utie spwFes stwum. - r Fort -Worth DIgtrict lfxlxatc 30-Year 6card Mcan Precip (Ynchvz), Mean Temp (Degrees V) __.t20. 60 01 �. - - 0 10 Jan Fab Mar Apr May Jan Tul Aug Sop Oct Ntw Dec precipttation TC wMP SURATV&J Cl[=Mte 4Mr 7k)C.4 CQ*Utist �L W.Ildflower.-MIX I; Reference Item 19 0 Wildflower S ce4 ng (1993 Specs. Bo A) �w C Is KAI 4 .0 A The -following -Va' wildflower rnixtx�:,V hi�,,,, available ild wer A=S 113 Frediricksburg (806) $48-0078 Por: $Aj011b. (090 $riceq). T_' ture is asse�j6d�, to =bma area and is udled withstand the temperature and moisture chdilimis of 1&elexaa, 0 Yee L Texas/Oklahoiria Wald over Mix". mte-ja cirte, pound per 2000 squa &Obt for maximum cpld,� e' Spfing'agd$Pall sqying I,htes are as foll'11— ; ; Fier. Febrawy .15 April' S ber 15�dvedibeT 15 r �It ThQ mixture is con' ipow,"d Afi6t631, which will bloom at various times ftougjiout the growing season j 6 NaTne .54 TBreath 46,. -Baby's Breath - 1 .86 Affic an D 2.75 -X.00 nisy C C e 11 1? Plaim 2 4. .6.60 J T' OP 6.45 CIMPing Ct.0 ei, U.98 L Mdfi- 0 1 6.23 Blar,��uy LI-76 5.36 Mex@mt Ha" I. Pufpw, I 1.44 Drurntn6nc` I G'X 5-29 - - 1:­ 4 Cornflower Rocket Lark Baby Blue lf 5 Ox-Fycd Da 0- California P Yellow Cosmos!, Ifyou .want is $13-501[b be planted deterioranL The price mixt= W (011bi100 SPrice- AWukh' they could Is `10�.id surae normal �ie same'. The Ut' llity Lime on Controlled A e Highwajr F'aun1492 - �1�9r.�196j {f WcM Mlcvsnfan Q$bEP0 Ward V) P" 1 oft To the Texas Transportation Oamrntssioh . [date 4122#Q2 old Dilstric.# Engineer - - Texa6 Department c f TransporWion Fort Worth ; Texas Formal no#ioe is hereby ghlen thatthe Qft of Fort Worth Company proposes to place 6 6q steel casing pipe containTrig a 3$" watefto - line withln ttte right-af-way of 'US Hwy'287 In.Terrant COL111tv Texas as4bilows: (give location, length, general design, etc.) ' The proposed crossing starts approximately 85' south of the centerline of Willow Spdrtgs Rd:, west of US Hwy-287, and �osses perpendloular to CAS Hwy' 87. jbe proposed massing is appmxlrmately 360, The proposed crossing fs a 54' steel ceasing pipe (518' wall -thickness) contsinTng a 8" waterline, which is to'be metalled by other than open cut The casing pipe runs f m the West ROW of US Hwy 2$7 to the Fast ROW of US Hwy 287. The line wV be. constructed and rnaintained on the highway- right-of-way as shown an the attached drawing and in etooardanca wit the rules, regulations and pol lcias of the Texas -Department of Transportation (TxDOT), and at govern hg laws, Including but rot iitnitad. to the "Fedend. Own Water Act," the ON a#ional Endangered Species Act," and the " Federal llistorlc Preservation Act" Upon request by TOOT, proof of cvmplianca.kth all goveming lavers, rules and reguJations will be submitted to TxD OT before commencement encement of constrwUon. Our firm will use Bed Management Prectioss to minlrhlza erasion and sedlmenWa on resulting from " P' 0Vowd installation, acid we will revag4tate fhe project area as indicated under "Revegetatlon Special PrcvtsWs." fur firm. will ensure .that traffic carrtroi rhea " complying Vidh appti bie pai bons cf the Texas J ftwaf of Undbnn Traffic r ra! Devises will be tnstalled and mafntalned for the duratton of this installation. The location and description of the proposed line and appurtenances is more ful ly show_ n by Sheet 5 complete sets of drawings attached to this n ce. Oonstniction of this IJne w1l begin on or after the day of jXy=7- By signin j below, I oadify+ that I am authorized to -represent the Firm listed below, -and. that the J=irn, agrees to the u0ndition4ro►risiotis Included to this permit, Firm My of Fob Worth B (PrM)- Dao Kbh Signature TJtla (Engineering ManaWi Water DepafteN Address 1 ODD Throckmort Fort Worth, TX 76102 Phone No. 017-871-8252 1+40 2+00 l 0+00 HOTri THA MTftc?4A "RiL CtB &" Tx[ POGuWim6 kf LEAYF fa RMS PIRIDIR T# EMCAVATLUG I* TJCPV AMW .. . loaf YI Im 7uTER oEP&MENT alfj ifl�ae& elcrw= PIKtIHE M tF", 782-51" . TM ILK%RIC a 4e4 COWAM 111,' 7¢1-21U ATkT caL6 FAOTLLTtak corot 41IMP 3ST-1133 ' s[unx@STERn BELL YLLFPHMV C WANT 3A5�-fA40oVNUMM- 1(9641 le Zi h6ir2323 mfif M 0�'AkAMCAY112H.S t 1 FW w31n TRML/Wa416 WOM t117t 611-45di. 1 SLimr Am $1CUAI, OIVIISidnk 0 a 410 on M aRAMIC %&E IN FEET IaF40F LE: 5HORyr 1R � 4QF f�ii. I.. 4' WEST. e os aTY ov PoRT i omu Z87 i F99 36m WATERLINE 10 SEMS WNDERA Rye{ ODNTRACr 9 W-4 T85 M. ti+M TD UA-1U+ad CEiI�l01 ICLtliKl�ml T90 ,ate .�y o�ww owLlrgCa' egsrpr aax na.a4i � 3neeL 0mw a.. I 5 wxx i adI-�11�a1 � as�Lo� I as�I-rl++ SECTION El - MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION E - CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS JANUARY 1, 1978 (REVISED 1/ 0/88) kE OF CONTENTS E Section E SpadficaJons E(1) El-2 Backfill El-2(l) E -2.11 Trench BackfiII E2- (l ) [� i; i kqn. mi i bi.- [a m ECTION El - MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL STANDARD E1- JANUARY 1, 1978 (APRIL 20, 1981) E1..2 BAFILL EI-2.4 BA KFJLL: (Correct minimum compaction requirement to 95% Proctor density and correct F'.I. values as follows:) c. Additional backfW requlrements were approved for use in streets: (1) Trpe B BackfiN (a) Maximum plastic index (PI) shall be B. {} Type C E3ackliil (a) Material meeting requirements, and having a PI of 8 or less shaft be considerad as suitable for compaction by fetflng, (b) Material meeting requirements and having a PI of 9 or more shall he oansidered for use only with mocha nicaI compaction. &B No. 0 1188.010 SECTION E2 - CONSTRUCTION SPECIHCATIONS CONSTRUCTION UCTION TANDARD E -2.'11 JANUARY 1, 1978 (AML 20, 1981) r=2-.11 TF ENCH BA FILL, (Correct minimum compaction requirement wherever it appears in this section to 95% Proctor density except for Paragraph a.1. where the " 51/l x modified Proctor density" shall remain unchanged). &B No. 01'13 8.010 01/ 9/2003 WED 8:35 FAX 02/002 IMPORTANT If the certiflc9te holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(lu) rnuet be endorsed- A statement an this certificate does not confer rights W the oertillcato holder in lieu of such andorsement(s). If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the ter 6 and conditions of the poky, oerlain pdkkc s nay requite on endoMrnent- A staterrGen# on this cartMOSW does not Mnftr rights tu the certifficute holder in lieu of such endarsament(s), DISCLAIMER The Certificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this form does not consftlta a owAractt bAwean the iwdaxg insarer(s), a"thorized representatlre or producer, and the cerfrficata howw, nor does It aiyi or negatively amend, extend or alter the couerap afforded by the palllcoes listed thereon. IMPORTANT If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the paIicy(ias) must be endorsed, A statement on this certificate does net confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu cif such arndorsoment(s). If SUB RO ATJ0N IS WAIVE DI subject to tha terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require on endarseTnent, A stkoment on this cortificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(&)_ DISCLAIMER The Curtificate of Insurance on the reverse side of this farm dons not constitute a contract betmen the Issuing Jnsurer(s), authorized representative ar producer, and the certificaw holder, nor daas it affirmatively or negatively amend, extend or alter the coverage afforded by the policies listed thereon. ACORD 25 (W) CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE TO: CITY OF FORT WORTH Date: NAME OF f'FtpJF,C:T; 31i-INCIR WA'1`E11 TINE -F.-XTFN ION TO SURVC SENIDERA 1CANCIL CON'aRA.C'f Il PROIECl NU BLR: PW160-060160151950 IS TO CERTIFY THAT: CONA7 ER C ONSTRUMON. iNC- is, at the date ofthis certificate, insured by this Company with respect to the business operations herejaalter described, for the type of insurance and accordance with provisions of the standard policies used by this Company, and further hereiufter described. Exceptions to standard policy noted on ruvt'sc side hereof, TVPF OF 1N URANCE Policy Lffeative -- Expires Limits of Liability WarkEes ComTrensatinn Comprehensive Creneral Liability hisurance (Public Liability) Blasting Collapse. of Buildirig ar structures adj acent to excavations Damage to Underground Utilities Buildur's Risk Comprehensive Automobile Liability Contractual liability Bodily Injury: FR, DoGurrence: $ Property Damage. Ea.Occurrcricc: $ Ea.Ouourmnco, $ Ea_ Occurrence. S Ea.Occurrcncu. $ Bodily Tnjuly, Fz. Person, Ea. Occurrence. Prupaty Damage: _ Ea. Occurrmwe, 3 Bodily Injury: Ea.Owurrence: $ Property Damage: Ea. Occurrence, Lrcations covered; Ilescription of operations covered; The above policies Lithcr In the body thereof or by appropriate endorsement provided that they may not be changed or canoelcd by the insurer in less than five (5) days after the insured hae ruMved written notice of such chauge of canccllatinn_ Where applicable local laws ar regul ations require more than five (5) days actual notic o of ohangc or Cancellation to be assured, the abavc prjlir*,� watain such special requirements, either in thu. body thereof or by appropria0e endorsement thmt,o attached_ h nc lnsurarice Co" Fort Worth Anent _ By Address Title CONTRACTOR CON PLIANCE W1111 WOR ERS' {:OMPENSAT]ON LAW Pursuant h} V.T.C.A Labor Cade Section 406.096 (20GO), a,; amended, Contractor certifies that it provides workers' camp-unsa bon insurance coverage for al l its ernpinycL4 employed on city ofFort ;]North Department of Engineering No. U49 and City of Fort Worth Project N urnbcr PW 16(1-060160151&1% CONATSER CONSTRUCTION, INC. C.(}NTRAor 13y; err}r t`onafs�. Pre s fde 4 t Title Date STATE OF 'TEXAS COUNTY OF'TARRANT BEFORE M2, the undorsigned authority, on this day Personally appeared .Jer.rt Ca r►w�-ser , known to me be the person whose name is sub. rihed to the foregoing inArLunent, and acknowledged to me that he executcd this same as the act and deed of .n.s 4 .L„c- . for the pu pcAn and cansideration thmin exprussed and in the capacity therein si.a.tod_ GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SFA1, OF OFFICE this 14TH day ofJanuarv. 2003, r 5Y� �tkEY '. Notary Publlc. State of Texas f4 My CcnuniWkw Expires MoY 09. 2OG6 Plo�blic i d fn��� the State of'1'exus 5xid No: S285873 PEKrO1tMANCE BOND TEE STATE OF TEXAS KNOW ALL BY T14E5E PRFSENTS-, COUNTY C}P TAFaAN'r CPNA' SEE CONSTRUCTION, INC. as Principal herein, and (2) liners Mutua sure ty r . a:� LT I.0rl r n of Pi^mriflc,e*o, a corporation organivu l Under the laws of the State of (3)_ Iowa._. , and who is authorized to issue suret;r bonds in the State of Texas, Surr:ty Fmxein, are, hold and firnity bound unto the City of Fort Wc5rth, n municipal corporation located in'rarrart and L7entort Counties, Texas, Obligee herein, in the sum of. ONE MILLIONTAREE HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX T110USAND ONE HUNDREDSEVENTY-lF VE AND 20I1Q0.. ...... . ...................... ..............., ...................... .. Dollars ($1.326.175.201 for the payment of which sum we bind ourselacs, Uur heir-, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, ja intly and several ly, firmly by these present_ WHEREAS, Principal has entered into a Lenairl written contract with the Obliget dated thu 14n` of Januarv, 2003 a copy of which is hereto at[trchud and made a part hereof for all purposes, for the runstr„ction of 36r1N'C:H WATER LINE RXTFrNST N TO SIERVE SENDERA RANCH, CONTRACT II NOW THEREFORE, the c(rndition of this obligation is such, if the said Principal shall faithfuliy perform the work in accordance with the plans, specifications, and contract documuntx and shall icily indemnify and hold harmle-ss the Obligee From all costs and damages which Obligee may suffer by rcawn of Principal's default, and rcimburse and repay Obligee for all outlay and expense that Obligee may inctu' in making good such default, thell this obligation shalI be void; otherwise, to remain in full lbret: and effect. PROVIDED, 140)?VEVER, [hat this bond is executed pursuant to Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code, as amended, and all liabilities tin this bond shall be deterinim-d in aemrdarwo with the provisions of such statute, to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. TN WITNESS IMIEREOF. the duly rtuthorized representatives of the Principal and thr: Surety have executed this instrument. IGNLD ANJ) SF.ALF.D this 14Tn day of J'anuarv.2003. ATTEST. - (Principal) S-ecretary (SEAL) Witn,ss m to P ncipal ATTEST: Secretary (SL.AL) - 4.&—o Witness as to Surety NIKKI L. ALMS NOTE; CONATS$R CONSTRUC-TION. INC. PRINCIPAL � BY. _ T Couatser — T�tle;. PU BOX 15804 FORT WORTH, TX 76119 EM119S KTFUAL fhSUALTY CCDTANY iM Surety B Name; C bLk S. I)AVTS (Attorney-ln-fact) Address; F. O. Box 712 lira hfn! nr c _ Trmcm CA)V Tclepbone Number; W0-725-W2. ar-.252 t t) Correct name of Frim ipRl (Contractor). (2) Correct name of Surety. (3) State of incorporation ofSurety Telephone number of surety must be stated_ In addition, an original copy of Power or Attorfley shall by LLxched to Band by the Attorney- in -Fact_ Tlac date of the bond shall not be prior to date of Contract. Bond No: S285873 PAYMENT BOND THE STATE OF TFXAS KNOW ALL BY THL E PRLSENTS= COUNTY OF TARRA T T'I a we .NATSRR CONSTRUCTION, INC. as Principal heizin, and (2) �p1 � h4utua as� t -- ' Un ° j;; c,�nru f rr. nt VerPUMLIOn organized and existing under tho laws of thu SLato of(3) Iowa , as surety, are held and firmly unto Lhe City of Fort Worth, a municipal corporalion louated in Tarrant and Menton Counties, Texas, Obligee KL;rcin, in the amount of ONE MILLION THREE HUNDRED TWENTY T THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED STVENTV-FIVE, AND Dollars f$1,326.175,20] for the payment whemof, the said Principal and Surety hind thQiii"lves and their heirs, executors, administrators, suGcess01-5 and assigms, jointly and severally, firmly by truss: presents= WHRREAS, the Principal has entered inLo a uErtain written contract with the Obli goo dated the 14T1' day of January A-D., 20(13., which coritract is hereby referm i to and made a part hereof as if fully and to the wine extent as if copied aL length, 1-or the fiol lowing project: 36-IVCH WATEk LINE EXTENSION TO SERVE SEND ERA RANCH. CO 11 NO W, THERF.FORl~, TIIE CONDITION 0 F THIS 0R1,IGATiON IS SUCH, tliml if the said Principal shall faithfully rnakcc payment to each and every clainkanI (as dclincd in Chapter 2253, Texas Goveramcnt Qodc, as maended) supplying labor or ntatLrials in the prosecution of the wcxk under the contract, dien this obligaC1)n SNJI bL void; otherwise, to remain in full rureu and effect, PROVIDED, H0WRVF,R., that Chis bond is cxccuLLd pursuant to Chapter 2253 of Lhc TOX&L; Gnvernmffnt Code, as atnendc:d, and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of said stuntte, to tlrc same extent as if it were copied at longth hi.ro:in_ TN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized mpresentaLivc% of the Principal and the Surety have executed this instrument, KiNED AND SEALED this 14 H day OfLIanuary 2003, »11ES ƒrajce+» (SEAL) W Ues 4S to w=,NT: crut.R @E& Witness as to Surety Nikki L.Adams NO22 E Correct name ol';pal (Contractor). s Correct aarFLUc SurLty, I &a of incurperation G Surety. {ONE a£R COS STRUM. % rN« BY-, R� N � AIry ��_ Tits: prideut PO 15804 FORT WORTH. TX 76119 9ILYERS MMMG%SUALTY CCHFANYAM LEERINk :�, ��� 4 S1]Rr� B 11 . NkliEmpa6 Davis Aflarrip mE&t &ddregr.% Lkm712 Des11�ines.Iowa 50303 kgln Number, B00-72946E-4t/52 TeJ ephone numbere[-qur y mu# bt stated, a add an origirial copy of Powere[gmrney shall be attached to Bond meAttorney- in -Fact - The dakof n±,B_tbe 2mdateo[Epact Rrmd No: S285873 ;mxd 285874 MATNTENANCE BOND TILL STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OFTARRANT KNOW ALL hllN BY TFIESE PRESENTS: T� CO ATSER CONSTRUCTION, INC. (Contractor), as principal, and 1 rs Mutaja_L [3n�ior' °� I ,sur.n,r a - r� T, IYorporation orgaui zed undur the laws of the Suit; of J��� , (Surety), do hcrchy acknowledge theniselve,s to he held and bound to pay unto the City of Fort Worth, a Manicipal Corpuratiun chartei)-d by virtue of Constitution and Laws of the State, of Texas, ("City") in Tarrant County, Texas the Burn of ONE MILLION THREE CTUNDRED TW ENTV STX T110USA NDONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-FIVE AND20l1.00-...... Dollars ($1,326,175.20) law;ALI money of Lho tlnited States, for payment of which sum well and LTuiy be made unto said City and its suouc ors, said Contractor and Surety do hereby bind themaelves, their heirs, exec:uttITs, administrators, assigns and successors, jointty and severally - This obligation is conditinned, however, that, WHEREAS, said Contractor 11as entered into a written Contract with the City of Fort Wortti, dated the Ie' day 0fJan .uary 403� a copy of which is hereW attached and made a part hereof; tic pertbrmance of the following described public improvements: 3&INCH WATER LINE F, T>E KS10N TO 4ERVF SENDERA RANCH. CONTRACT 11 the sarou bei g referred la humin and in said Contract as the Work and being designated as project P IW D60160151M and said contract, including all of Lhe spacificatiotss, conditions, addenda, ciiango; ordcrs and wrifta ins Lrumcnu% referred to theNin as Contract Docu merits being incorporated heroin and made a pain hereof, and, HFRFAS, in said Contract, Curntractor binds itself to use, such materials and to so constivct the work that it will remain in good repair and o:onditi❑n For and during a period of after the date of Two M Years after the elate of the fiml acuLptariGe of the worts by the City, and WHEREA S, said Contractor binds itsudf to maintain said work in good repair and condition for said terra of Two (2) Yea vs. and, VaMREAS, said Contractor binds itself to r�.pair or reconstruct the work in whole or in part at any time within said period, if in the opinion or the Director of the, atxer DepartmLnt of the City of Fart Worth, it Lru aecessary;and, WHEREAS, said Cuntmctar binds it%lf, upou receiving notice of the need therinfore to repair or reconstruct said work as heroin provided, NOW THE: EFORE, if said Contractor shall keep and perform its said agreement to maintain, repair or reconstruct said work in acuordancoe with all the teuns and conditions ul-anid Contract, thctie_prc:sents shall be, null and void, and have no forca r}r effect. Otherwise this Band shall be and remain in full forum and ctfect, and the City shall have and recover from the Contractor and Surety damages in the premises prescribed by said Contract. This obligation shall he contitmin one and sueeesrlvc recoveries may be had hereon for sucomsive breaches until the tuil arnoutil hemef is exhausted- IN VJITNE S WHI REEF, this instrument is executed in !3 cuunterparts, each one of which shah be deemed an original, this O4 day Of .ianuarv. A.D. 2003. ATTEST: (SEAL) Secretary ATTF,ST, (SEAL) 5ecrc fx�ry. C NYATSER CONSTRUMON. INC. contrar,tcu- BY, N CaLotser itle' , Prosident WM,OYMS MIUAL FA=AY {)O VANY AND -WON MRART C AN=-jMjBF9QF Surety BY [Marne: G1Esurd S. Davin 'fide=L,zru: v-in-1 tact P. 0. BcrA 712 Dan A)ines, Iowa 50303 Address THE PAU OF si ■' EMC InsuranceCompanies_ pFo. 5 49 CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORITY IhiDIV]DUAL ATTO RN EY-1 N- FAC T KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that: 1. Empfayars MutuA Ca6uAtty Company. an Iowa Corporation 2, EMCASCCM Irrsur-once Compvq, an Iowa Corporation & Wilon lo6lurancr Cantl"ny of Provlda"e, an lorry Corparmtaan 4. Iflinods EWASCO lnzuranca Company, an dlli"S Co"iw laao 3. Dakota Film fnsurmcar Caaarpnny, a Kurth Dakota Carpfsssllnn B, EMC Properlyd Cssuafty Compaq, an liD*a Carp m26nn T TIbe Hamilton Wiltual lnsttrar+ce Company, ail OhlGa Corporat4srr h'_ w-'n.;H n r rq 1l ii ej ;o seveP rq ar ` -wrmnyp and axdrar.Mvedy as 'Gnrrrpanie's', camvh dcaa, by loess pres,�nts" make, eoii stnuta; aro appoint, LATHY VINSGN, VICKIE A. ROSS, MI HAEL A, DELAJ ANO, ACK I30NDURANT, GLEN NA - DAVIS. INDIVIDUALLY, FAITWORTH. TEXAS .................................,r...r..Y,........Y......r....Y.......YY....,.,.,.,.,..................,.,...,.,.,.,., ,..,...,...,......Y..Y,................................... Fls 1ru4 and fnWftrl Wxw%y,In,f�L wkh iufl paxwrar aftred zuthoMy confatTW Ic� gkp. sBaf, anti exB"Je I;%� l YrU bDrlds, urrdia rW"fw , arrd Lvihff Ol►11 Filo►V i,ngirklmgl-d14 of a niniitar tiatura ar, lollov; I AN AMOUNT NOT E CEEUIN 'I TEN MILLI N DOLLARS..,r.Y......r...Y...Y.Y.................................... . ...... . .......r,r..., arrd to hind eam ComM tllamhy es.tully said to Iha some ex"I ns ill sru:li Ir%twments wera3 s1piO by tha duly whorized Ofteis of nrh 6uch cpmQ irq end ail of 9*, acts of $raid alit,. rl$!y;mnw >,rt lt� the sa,9Wty herift 96un am Hereby rall%ed and �Vrinad. The authonly h"y grettlaad ahad axpl,e rll 1, 2005 .. -- _ _-- Mrndms sooner awaked AUTHORITY FOR POWER OF ATTORNEY Tlua Pu"r-f•Aftmrsy ls- moda:arW exbca,led pur.5want to and by Ihrr wilhanly of Ula folkrmrlg Fwkilimi cf dM RI ds of Dinest9+s oI cpd a1 iJiMar Cwmmnles at a reJufal Lj SCd11!4UW m6ating b! eoM C"Wny duly c 110d Ono hold ira 1%9: RESOLVED., Ttte Prfv6e"t any!'Chr&f Exaacc�Ylae OlTlcor, srlY Vle41 Pi%lrtemtj vio Ttezm ir�gr &wd LM Sep-re'ary of Employers Mulual Ceeu3ky Unripany II Faxo powret .and i Mftfity-10 111 appruinl SftM['rs;n-feral aryl awthr)rtw llwm fu exma% irn hofiia{f of erib ;ar"nyr and atla-rh 11rrR seV of the Cmmpariy.%or D, burmt ilpid unc arksklrkp. mcp Wances, conlrac s cl irrdernnily and olhaf wrkingss obligat3rq ,ri the nature tJ (ml. and (EJ to rernwe any surh ailamey-In'f t at any Ilrrte and re ce Leo power and atalla My Olveo to it m of 1w. Atfomlays-in-faa•.t 001 lrawr a Bnd rrlUmIly, subject to ttte wrfr`5 and Jimldatkmsrai The pa r of•oftrrey ISAue'd 10 Ahern, la exerule and derww an behalf cf Ilia- Company, and In atiech tl•te say] of fhe Camparry JhwebD, bonds and undeliakings, rerr pizgnws, convem of indeirrml1y and alher wrllOV anhpawry in the fnalum liMareaf, and arty such omfumenl e4acuied by anp &L' r attomary'inr'faot snli W fuNir urld ki OR Mspects IMrr�urp ulKm th9 t~ wpwly. Cart,F,cadan as 1a me validity d any paiva 4-allrxr*y authariaed hereln mach: by M affuar d Errkptu brs Wtual Casualty Company shall be Rdly and In a1l1 mspscts blr+,ng i ptirrt Us. Company. The fwslmile v rtxeftnic ft fepaac med slgrtmwe of uch olficer, whetht?r made haretnfon� or hergafler, +wlWr-,"f Rryp Log tapon'a cOMAW cwy of vI lhr- Corup8my. shrill tar* VaW and blradiflg upon thi3 Company wth the a vr* lores aid affet ,l as Ih4ugh mahualty aftBd. IN Wf l4US WHEREOF. t'rs C'lrrrpgmes Itavrr caused thrssa paesente la bus}gned far each by 1KaV4fkws as sfir n, azld 1heCopwWasegs la btt hereto sH%ed this 21st [Iyol ,fAt1a[V ¢ SasalE; _ t.gs-flrj'Fr *a5a4 •I�rry�+} �i,+"i+�,r:, lhucv- 13. X(Au I.-, "sif:li0i1 � 13Hdsisy i-0. r r :*r� ;;,„I f � ti. qjf Cov+tparlre5 , 3. , ;1 81 6_ ra ddl 1 Ais�aut Soc�aiy ilk 0l C*Mwy I; WeB {. witrnlart a ' CEO of umprmny 7 " rl 1r. I{{, YID „Yrti�+i. . iFFM 1,.11,rr ;.' SEMI_ -SEAL -i_ = SEAL +•,r,,,�{1 Fro' Irk "rrr.i + Y"{i�• +r!{L„NY',} rr{IYY r., Yi45..5* r ' *41 rAMM44eah Nuffo m 11055 UiCarryrl. L1xP PPP- L}2 on ffal St tby of 41'4nw-y AD _—' —�QI]� w*re m or Nalary Public m and far the Stahl of laws, penx�nallg eppearod gw 13- Key end ,deffrq S- DirrWrry, vAOr being by mo duly ,%worn. did thal they Drys, and are knaum to me 6 b'o tho Chaimwfi, Riesidant, Mo Chaftwi and CEO. arbdlar Wt Secretary, respWGmly, arf each of Thu Compmm ea 11kvaa; lhas the sails �Ifk-A" to tine inarlrarmM am ttMe i;.", -, ill salad ulalwro1bn% kilt sald In6trument was eagrsnd and soletad on behalf of ouuh of llle CamRanles by aulharily oI ltm-ir rUSperi+ire O M 48 oat UlreclMr aW 1hM Iho said Bruw G. NeVey and Jelftey S- B3 d*y m gmh otka s. ndnvwl0111C u+?i'hWn of w1d Insk wrwrit to tra [hat vAiArary W and voted of emlt aa!! the Cornpelr as. My Comm"mi ExpIngs Sept rater 313, 2130a. Notary p ubllo In arm! for GMa Slate of luwa CERTIFICATE 1, Oavxl L HWmbwAVb, Vka Pfftl6v of Me Curnoan,es, cio lreteby MW-V Thal the bregnlN r agmiaarr cd tho f#aaaafis al' Orrevom. by each of rho' Carnpanles, and thls Hower of At om-b %sLwd purrsuani ft*rto an ..--- •1st�1uM 21. 2002 art elf or4 ty V.Iai�ol'I, -Mckle Ross,- lchael A. DsEaisana,- N& i �an- lran#, .Moanna - Davis am tiL*arW conM and are i0'gt full tone and eitot fGx �'amaasy I�FMaf€+af ! I�we sl.Ghscnlaed my name and t3fnxed the faals�mlla: rleai of aae�l Cnrfsparsy rdur} i4tfrda� at �auuar�r.- -.. , - ZQ03. 'I flush Wil NEW w IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ORTAIN INFOR AWN OR MAKE A OMPLAMT: Ymi may contact Emp[aynrs Mutual Gai�ivalty Company, Union lrrsuramr-e of Providence, and/cf- EM C:ASCO Insuranr-e COMPt %ny far iriformaticr1 sir to Make a corripinint at: Employers Mutual Casualty Company Attn: Surety Claims P.0. Box 712 Des Moines, lA 50303 a(516j 280-2994 Fax YoiI may mntact the 'texas 1]at-pa rtment of lr3sui`anr-e to QbtajN information on compaNes, coverages. rights ar onmpiaints at - Texas Departmentof Insurance P.O. Box 149104 AmAln, TX 78714-9104 (300) 252-34 9 ATTACH THIS NOT1 GE TO YDUR 80ND. This notice is far information on?y - and does not become a part or a condition of theattached danrami�nt and is given to uompIy wifh Section 2253-048, G overnmiant Code, anti Ser-bun i.a7, Qf'I Arap�rty Codr7r �1'F@ JvB ep#.em er'i, C}I1t, ie IN PAID C - CONTRACT - t T E STATE OF TEXAS I i COT OF TARE -ANT P THIS CONTRAC_'T, madu and entered into the 14Tn day of JanunrY, 2003 by and between the City of Fort L Worth, a home -rule municipal cotpmtian lueatud in Tarrant County, Texas, acting through its City Ivl roger thereunto duly nuthi rized se to do, Party of the First Pail, hereinafter termed "OWNER!', and CONATSER CONSTRUCTION. INC. of the City of FORT WORTH Caanty of TA.RRANT and Mate of TEXAS. Party of the j Second Part, hereinafter termed `�C ONTRAC'TQFV', WITNESSETIL That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the Party of the first Part (Owner), said Party of the Second Part (Cantmctor) hereby agrees with the said party of the 4Irst kart (owner) it) commerce and complete cerWii improvements described as follows. 36-1NCH WATER LINE EXTENSION TO SERVE SENDERA RANCH. CONTRACT 11 And all extra work connected therewith, under the Wrms as stated in the Contract Documents, and at his (their) own proper oast and expense to furnish all the rnatcrials, supplies, machinery, equipmeK tools, superintendent, labor, bonds, insurance, and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with all the requirements of the Contract Doknimunts, which include all maps, plats, blueprints and other dmwings w d printed or writ#elt explanatory matter thereof, and the sPecil-ications thereof, as prepared by the Lnginecrs employed o ; by the Owner, each of which has been identifiod by the endorsement of the Contractor and the Ungineers thereon, together with the Contractor's Written Proposal and the other parts of the Contract Documents hereto altachcd, including the Fart Worai Water Department Gencral Contractor Documents and General SpecMeziom, all of which arc made a part hereof and collectively and censtitutc the enti re contract, ff W The Contractor hereby 4grevs im commence work within ten (10) days after the date written notice to do so shall have bean given to him, and i.0 substantialiy complete same within the tune stated in the proposal. The Owner agrees to pay the contractor in current funds for the performance of the contract in arcwrdance with the Proposal submitted therefore, subject to additions and deductions, as provided in the Contract Documents f and all approved modifications thereof, and to make payment on account thereof as provided therein. IN WITNESS WHEEL ,OF, the Parties to these presents have executed this Contract in 8 counterparts in the year and say first above written. Citv of Fort Worth. Texas (Ownerl ATTEST: any of the in(part BY: Marc A. O *AssiCity CW city Secret {Seal) Wfl'NESSE'S: r ONATSER CONSTRUCTION, INC. Il PO BOX 15804 FORT WORTH. TX 76119 I' Co traour BY. rrr L, S err I S� Re(owwr'"40A, pprov as to Form and Leaaiity: A- Douglas RademBakcr, P.E. Direcwr A t, City ey Daparhnent of Engineering . l C f-,'ut-traat Authorization OKIA-111: R Ell Co V. a ''lipya APPENDIX A CATHODIC PROTECTION REPORT CORRPRO s CO PANI.ES III For Every Carnet of Your World 7000E HoMster CORROSION PROTECTION DE 1Q%40 � • Fax.7,3r4WFa h#�S:1AIw4xaorrpro,Com . "? WATER TRA SAIISSIO PIPELM TO'S ND RA RANCH CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS PREPARED FOR CARTER & BURGESS' FORT WORTH, TEXAS PREPARED B CORRPRO COMPANIES, INCORPORATED. HOU T ON. TEXAS Car- r R; iadp%lase,.�'� e tieeffa r•Afd'jm*# i • • ai e4 ••�+-� i+ Glow L,* MA'�' TABLE, OF CONTENTS 1.0 IntrDductlon .0 Carrosinn Evaluation 2.1 Summary 2.2 Results and Analysis 2.3 Cnrrosiou Protection Requirements 3.0 Design Report 3.1 Summary 3.2 Protectirrc Coating 3.3 Pipe Bedding and I3acldill 3.4 Cathodic Protection 3.5 Joint Bonding and Electrical Isolation 3.6 AC Mitigation 3.7- Test'Stations 3.8 Concludons and Recommendations Appendices Appendix A Te%t Procedures Appendix B Field Data Appendix C Laboratory Data Appendix D Test Station Schedule TABLE OF CONUNTS ( ont'd Appendix E Specification Section 15640 —,Joint Bonding and Mectrical Isolation Appendix F Specification Section 15641— Corrosion Corktrdl Test Stations. Appendix G Specification Section 15642 - Specification for Magnesium Anode C2thadic Protection System Appendix R drawings Appendix Y .electronic FUes 1.0 INTRODUCTION Corrpro Companies was retained by Carter do Burgess to perform corrosion protection design services along the proposed. -route of the 3 -inch diameter Water Tranwmission Pipeline to serve Sendera'Ranch. The approximate length of the right-of-way is 22,5 0,feet (4.3 miles). TIm proposed pipeline will be. offered for bid with the followin* alteipates: • Prestressed concrete_. cylinder pipe {AWW — -301L) with electrically bonded joints and cathodic protection. • Polyethylene wrapped ductile iron pipe with electrically boned joints and cathudic protection. Upon completion of the corrosion evaluatiaa, a corrosion protection design was prepared including the requirements for joint bonding, electrical isolation, stray ci=nt control, corrosion control test stations and cathodic protection. This report presents the results of the corrosion evaluation and corrosion protection design. IQ OORRO IVITY EVALUATION The purpose of the study is -to evaluate the soil conditions,'tie DC earl curxent activity, the foreign line crossings, and the availability or AC power ,along the proposed pipeline route. 'rhe _evaluation is the basis for determining the corrosion protection requirements for'the pres4 sed concrete cylinder pipe (PC CP) and the polyethylene wrapped ductile irotx pipe material alternates. The soil is corrosive with respect to PCP and ductile. iron. The soil resistiviti at %c elevation where the pipe is to be installed for both Contract I and Contract II are indicative of corrosive conditions with 70.8 a of the measurements lass than 3,000 ohm -cm, 62..511/o of the measurements less than 2,000 ohm -cm, and 33.3% of the measurements less than 1,000 ohm-= in the 5 to 10 fbot layer. Two out of five sail samples tested present a signitict chloride -ion content in the soil (i.e., higher than 50 gpm). Chloride ions act as cathode depolarizers and contribute to high corrosion stew of FCCP and ductile iron. The pipe materials. tc be considered for this water line are PCCP and ductile iron. These materials are subject to corrosion in the soil and 1 ground water environments enwuntered atop- the. pipeline'alignm nt and should he catliodicE ly protected to provide the requishe design life. 2.2 RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Field and laboratory testing were performed to collect chemical and electrical data to evaluate the effect of spit wrrosivity on PCCP and ductile iron, along the proposed pipeline alignment. The test procedures employed are described in Appxdix A, Soil resisiivity measurements were recorded from grade to depths of Eve, ten and fifteen feet at tw=ty-foie locations alang the pipeline route. ix en measurements were collected along the pipeline right-of-way, south o C - Highway 287, corresponding to Contract 1. The remaining eight soil resistivity measurements were collected along the pipeline right-of- wy, nwth of Mghway 2-87, corresponding to CGntrauf II. This data is presented in Appendix B . , trucr=-to-soil potential measurements were obtained on a foreign pipeline crossing to determine if this structure is associated with an existing cathodic protection system that might cause • stray current interference problems on the water pipeline. it was also noted that an additioul gas pipeline is being installed parallel to the water lime-rightwof= vvay. Measured stmoture-to-soil potential data is also included -ire Appendix 8. Intcrfcxence from overhead AC distribution power lines is not ekpeot�ed to be a problem for this. pipeline alignment+ Provisions for interference testing and bonding at foreign pipeline crossings are included in the design. oiI samples collected by Corrpro personnel at five locations were tested in the laboratory for pH, chloride ion concentration, sulfide ion concentration and conductivity. Laboratory test results are tabulated in Appendix C. Considering each of the chemical and electrical soil pmpeilios that are tested in the field and the laboratory, general guidelines for interpreting the results are as follows: ■ Soil Moisture - The higher the soil moisture content, the greater the anticipated rate of corrosion. Mais=6 contents can range frrom 'I% (very dry sands) to 40% (clays holding a great deal of moisture). Typical values are 10 to 15 % with over 20% moisture considered high, pH - Acid soils and groundwater are more conducive to galvanic corrosion offerxom materials than alkaline soils and groundwater, 2 • -Conductivity - For a given corrosion cell with a fixed potential difference between the anode and cathode, the higher the conductivity, the greater the metal loss. Conductivities over 350 micromhoslcm (equivalent to a resistivity of 2850 ohm -cm) are considered high, • Sulfide Conic;etktration - Any detectable concentrations -of sulfide ions are indicative of anaerobic conditions that may support high rates of metal dissolution due to microbiologically influenced corrosion. • Chloride Concentrations - Chloride ions are cathode &poiIarizera which enhance the into of corrosion. The higher the concentration, the greater the rate of corrosion. Many soils have chloride conemtrationg less than 10 ppm. Concentrations over 50 ppm are significant. + Soil Resistivity - Resistivity is a common parameter for evaluating the corrosiveness of the soil. Resistivity is the inverse of conductivity and is measured in units of ohm -centimeters. Corrosivity is often an inverse function of resistivity with low resistivity soils -usually more corrosive than high resistivity soils. resistivity is also related to the concentration of salts with a low resistivity indicating- high levels of salt. It should be stres&)d that there is na single c mical or electrical property of the sail that determines the rate of corrosion. Consideration of the interrelationsbip of all of the above factors is important to an accurate assessment of the potential rates of corrosion and the design of corrosion protection systems. Using* the Barnes Layer procedure, soil resistivities were calculated for the 5 to 10 feat and 10 to 15. feet layers. This data .is tabulated in Appendix B. Statistical distribution of the soil resistivity for the layers of interest, here the water pipe is to be installed, are su,mnuulzed as follows: 36 Inch Diameter Water Pipeline to Sendera Ranch Soil Resistivity (ohra-cm) Minimum Maximum Percent < 13000 Percent < 2,000 Percent < 3,000 Percent 3,000 Percent > 5,000 -10 Feet 278 ohm -cm 8,6 18 ohm -cm 33.3% .5% 70.8% -25.0°o 20.8% 10-15 Feet 627 ohm -cm 5,901 ohm -cm 12.% 41,7% 58.3% 33.3% 12,.5% 3 With respect to the cheraicO propeilies of the soil, the test results of the samples indicate; + A pki range from a minimum of 7.9 to a maximum of 8.2. + Chloride ion concentrations from 6 to 130 ppm. * No detectable sulfide ions. a Conductivities from 506 to 1,588 micromhos, In addition, the proposed pipeline alignments were_ surveyed for the location of Boreign line crossings and the location of AC power suitable for inrstallatian of impressed current cathodic protection syst=s. 2.3 - CORROSION PROTECT) ON RE Q:MREMENTS n analysis of the field data obtained during the. survey and of the types of proposed pipe nmterials was made too determine the requirements for and types of cathodic protection that could be considered for the water pipeline to serve Send.era R=h. The soil clwmistry{ and low resistivity ind€cat., that ferrous matQn.ai is will be subject to electrochemical corrosion. The PC:CP pipe is electxicaily discontinnous along its length because of the dielectric sealing materials used at each pipe ,point, Joisnt banding will therefore be required to maintain electri,: continuity. The same requirement applies to the ductile iron pipe option at joint locations, The lugh pH of the mortar coating on tht PC:CP provides corrosion, protection for the embedded steel components. However, high concentrations of chloride ions and low soil resisEvities will compromise the level of corrosion protection, raking the steel susceptible to corrosion. The polyethylene wrap planned for the ductile iron pipe is in effect a non - bonded dielectric coating arnd is considered the primary corrosion control mcchanism for this pipe configuration. Nevcrfficle,%s, corrosion wilt occur at those areas where there are breaks to the coating; therefore, thp, coating must be - supplemented with cathodic protection. It raust be noted, however, that in some cases the polyethylene bag wrap may preclude the cathodic protection current from reaching the pipe surface. As a result, oormsion may still occur ifmoi"e is pro sent between the plastic and the metal. In surnmar'y, it is recommended that cathodic protection be installed for both pipe materials. In addition to the installation of cathodic protection, 51 electrical continuity bonds must be installed on all buried rnechaniick[ ,points. It is necessary to electrically isolate the pipeline at all tie -iris to other pipelines. In additior4 where the pipe gasses through. casings, the carrier pipe in the casings must be electrically isolated from the steel casing. Monitoring test stgions should be installed for. the pipeline and at each end of all . pipeline casings. Monitoring test stations should also be installed at each road crossing and at the location of all in -line isolators. iD C ORRO 81ON PROTECTION DFMGN REPORT 3.1 SUND4ARY The proposed pipeline construction will be offered for competitive bidding based on the following alternate pipe configurations: • 36 Inch Diameter Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe; A corrosion control system consisting of galvanic anode cathodic proteWcn, joint continuity_ bonds, monitoring teat stations and joint isolation at. connections to existing pipelines is re mm xded for this pipeline configuration. 6 Inch Diameter Polyethylene Wrap Coated Ductile Iron Pipe: A corrosion control system consisting of galvanic anode caftdic p to on, joint continuity bonds, monitoring test stations, joint isolation at connections to existing pipelines and electrical isolation at cased crossings is recommended mended for this pipeline configuration. .2 PROTECTIVE COATING The mortar coating on the PCCP provides a high pH environment, which is protective. of the steel - embefinemts. The mortar coating should be applied in accordar= with AWWA Standards to make certain that it is of low porosity and low permeability. The pipe should be handled without cracking the mortar and the joints iciest be properly diapered. The polyethylene encasement for the external suffices of the ductile iron pipe maCerial should be in accordance with A WWAStandards. 5 3.3 PIPE BEDDING & BACKFILL There may be plates along the pipeline right -of- ay where the- pipe will be installed in rocky areas. It is essential that the pipe be provided with proper bedding to prevent physical damage to the pipe, mortar and/'o r polyethylene encasement. It is recommended that bedding materials such as crushed rock and/or Olean river sand be used for this'purpose. BackfiLl material should also be finely graded to prevent damage to either the polyethylene encasement or mortal coating, 3.4 CATHODIC PROTECTION The recommended sacrificial anode cathod-lu protection. systems for the different pipe configurations acre 'as follows: The PCCP pipeline configuration will require twenty (2D) a-a0de groundbeds each consisting of ten, 48 pound prepackaged magnesium anodes. The groundbeds will be distributed as follows: - Contwt I: Thirteen anode groundbeds shall be installed on the pipe section installed south of Highway 287. The approximate spacing required between groundbeds is 1200 f t. fax t1-iis pipe section. Contract 11: Seven mode grouudbeds shall be installed an the pipe section installed north of Highway 287, The approximate spacing required between groundbeda is 1,340 feet for this pipe section. In addition, the P CP option will require three bonding clips welded across each joint to erx ure electrical continuity of the pipeline. Cathodic protection for the' 3 -inch diameter with poly&hylene encasement ductile u-an pipeline will require seem' (7) anode grotuidbeds each cornsisting of a group of ten, 48 pound prepackaged, =gnesitm anodes. The groundbeds will be distributed as follows-, - Contract 1: Four mode groundbeds shall be installed on the pipe section installed south of Highway 287. The approximate spacing required between groundbeds is 4,000 feet for this pipe section, Contract 11: Three anode groundbeds shall be installed on the pipe section installed north of Righ ay 287. The approximate spacing required between groundbeds is 2,500 feet for this pipe section, In addition, the ductile iron pipe option will require two bonds th'erxnite welded across each joint to ensure electrical continuity of the pipeline. Refer to Appondix Car, Specification for Magnesium Anode Cathodic protection system; Appendix H, Dmwin,gs; and Appendix L Z .5 3. 3.'7 JOINT 13DNDI G & ELECTRICAL ISOLATION For all pipe materials, bonding of mechanical joints is required. Bond cables should be thz= to welded across ductile iron pipe joints. On the other hand, steel clips should be welded across PC P joints except -when the joints are restrained by welding. The new 3 -inch pipeline should be electrically isolated from the existing transmission mains -and the laterals. Refer to Appendix E, Joint Bonding and Electrical Isolation; Appendix H., Drawings; and Appendix I. AC PMU ATI N `I'bcre Ill not be any exposure of the buried pipeline to paralleling high voltage overhemd power lines an therefore AC mitigation procedures are not anticipated. TEST STATIONS Test stations are required for both pipe materials at groundbed locations, cased crossings, foreign line crossings, major highway crossing, Fal tie -Ins . with laterals and spur lines, and isolation joints. Cathodic protection monitoring test stations should also be iusuMed at locations so as to limit the maxirnrun d!Muce between the two tm-t statiow to one mile.- Test station schedules for both pipe materials are presented in Appendix D. Test Station types are as follows: 1. T - Standard pipe -to -soil' potential tneasurernent test station (see Drawing TS type test station in Appendix H of this specification), . CP - Test station installed at the ends of metallic pipeline casings with lead wires to the pipeline and mead wires to the casing (see Drawing CP type test station in Appendix H of this- specification). CP test stations shall be installed at both ends of all metallic casings. 3. FL - Vest station installed at crossing of underground, steel Piping systems owned by others (foreign pipellnes (sae Drawing FL type test station in Appendix H -off this specification). In addition to the test lead wires to be installed for the pipeline and tfie fixvip pipelines, bond wires shall also be installed, one to the 36" diameter water 7 line and one tea the foreign pipeline. The bond wires shall be No. 6 A G, single conductor, str=dcd, copper wire with THW or THHN insulation. The insulation shall be white in color for bond wires installed on the 36" diameter water line and . red in color for bond wires installed on foreign pipelines, 4. IF - Test station installed across insulating joints. (see Drawing IF type test station in' Appendix lI - of . this specification). Note. Lead wires and bond wires are to be installed on the; foreign pipelines by the foreign pipeline owners. Carter & . IRu,rges,s will make arrangements with the foreign pipeline owners for installation of lead wires and bond wins on the foreign pipelines. Contractor SHALL NOT install lead wires or band wires on foreign Pipelines. 3.8 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The use of sacrificial galvanic anode type cathodic pro wrdon systems for berth pipeline schemes will provide the means for adjusting the cathodic protection current output to accommodate changes iti pipeline coax ngs arndior soil conditions. The naonitoring- stations and pcnnanent reference electrodes inswled at gxoundbed lecatioas, foreign. pipeline crossings, eased crossings and braried isoladon fittings Aill allow for proper system monitoring and interference testing. 8 APPENDIX DIX . TEST PROCEDURI APPENDIX $ FIELD DATA. OORRPRO COMPANIES, INC. - HOUSTON, TF--XAS 01L RESISTIVITY WA UREMENT INFORMATION CLIENT: Carter & Burgess JOB NO.: LOCATION: Contract I. Locattioon it 6 (0+00) 303447 INSTRUMENT USED: NILSSON SOIL RESIST(111TY METER, M400 DATA BY: RR(VR DATE: APRIL, 20C2 4-PIN SOIL RESESTIVITY DATA RARNES PROCEDURE FOR SOIL RESISTIVITIES 13Y CAPERS SOIL LAYER DEPTH MEASURED TOTAL DEPTH CALCULAT211) CONDUCTIVITY RESISTANCE LAYERTHIGIWESS LAYER FROM SURFACE (FT) OR RESISTANCE FACTOR RiEsaI "T`f CONpUCTMTY CHANGE CHARGE FACTOR- RESISTIVITY SOIL LAYER RMCN E ACTUAL Pill SPACING ( (OHMS} (191-5 X. DEPTH) (OKM-CM) {MHOS) (MHOS) .(OKMS) � (121,5 X FEET) (OHM -CM) FROM WRFAGE (FT) 5.0 0,29 957.5 278 3.446 3,448 0290 957-5 278 0-8 TO 8 10-9 0.21 1.91510 402 4.752. 1-314 0-751 957.5 729 5 TO 10 15-0 0.28 872-5 747 3,848 -0,910 j {1Z92) 957.5 01 0451 10 TO 5 GORRPRO COMPANIES, INC. - HOLISTON, TEXAS.ry SOIL RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION LIENP. Ceder & Burge.- s LOCATION: � tract L Location #13 (2sf50) INSTRUMENT USED: NILSSON SQL RESTS TIVIIY METER. M400 . DATA Sly JOB NO.: 303447 RR1VR DATE: APRIL, 2002 r� 44YiN SCaL RESESTWrY DATA BARNES PROCEDURE FOR SOIL a2ESISTIVITiES BY LAYERS SOIL LAYER aEPTH MEASURED TOTAL DEPTH CALCULATED COtti MICT[VITY RESISTANCE IAYER THICKNESS' LAYER FROM SURFACE {FQ OR RESISTANCE FACTOR RESISTIVSTY CDNIIUCTIVCTY CJ-"GE G Wh'GE FACTOR I+E;SISTIVJTY SOIL LAYER RANGE ACTUAL PIN SPACING ( (OHMS) (191.5 DEPTH) (DIEM -CPA) (WOS) � [MHOS) (OHMS) 0 91 -5 X FEEQ (OHM -cm) FROM SURFACE'{FT, . a.0 5.3H] $57. 5,07-19 0.i89 5z3HJ0 957-5 '5.07 0-0 TO b 10.0 1-30 1.915-0 2.490 4.769 0.581 1-723 357.5 1,649 - 5 TO 10 1 Q 0-69 2.877 5 1.982 1- 449 - 0.680 1.470 967-5 1,408 10 TO 1 5 CORRPRO COMPANIES, INC. - HOUSTON, TEXAS SOIL RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION C LIE , I tarter & 13urg9sz LOCATION: � Contract L Lowbon #1 (3640D) JOB NO.: 30MA7 INSTRUMENT USED: NIJL SON SOIL RESISTIVITY METER. M400 AAT,4 By � RRfVR DATE, APRIL, 2002 4-PIN SOIL. RESISTIVITY DATA BARNES PROCEDURE -FOR SOIL RE ISTIV TIES -BY LAYERS SiDl L LAYER DEPTH MEASURED TOTAL DEPTH CALCULATED OONIDUCTIVJTY� RESISTANCE ! LAYER T810KNESS LAYER FROM SURFACE (F7) OR RESISTANCE FACTOR RESISTELrITY CONnUCTiviTv 'CHANGE CHANrm FAGToR MSISTAnTY SOIL LAYER RANGE ACTUAL PIN SPACING (rP, (OHMS) (191.5 DFPTH) (OHM -CM) � {MHDS) (Wos) (OHMS) (1431.5 X FEET) (OHM-cnn) FROM SURFACE (Fr 5.0 i.oa $57-5 W 958 1.0m 1_aaa 1.000. 957.5 058 O.DTO 5 10.0 0.61 1,915.0 1.168 1.839 0- 39 1.aE3t 957.5 1,408 5 To. 10 .15A 0.59 2,87.2.5 1.695. 1.695 0.05Z 17.995 857.E 1T '3d 10 TO 1 5 I _ . OOIRRPRO COMPANIES, INC. - HOUSTON. TEXAS SOIL. RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INF RMk lON CLIENT: Caner & Buzg$ss LOCATION: Contract L Location 911 (47+50) INSTRUMENT ur-En: NILSSON SOIL RESISTIVITY METER. M400 DATA gar; JOB NO.: 303447 RR/VR DATE: APRIL.2002 4-PIN SOIL RESISTIVITY DA7A BARNES PROCIEDURE FOR SOIL. RESISTWIES BY LAYERS SOIL LAYER DEPTH MEASURED TOTAL DEPTH CALCULATED CDND€ GnvrrY RESISTANCE LAYERTIilC!{NES$ LAYER FROM SURFACE (FT} DR RESISTANT-E FACTOR RES1STivrry CONDUC711lrrY CHMGE CHANGE FACTOR RESISTIVITY SOIL LAYER RANGE ACTUAL PIN UPACING ( (OHMS) (19l-5 DEPTI-3) (01im GM) (MHOS} (MHOS) (OHMS) (191.5 X FEET) (OHM -CM) MOM SURFACE {FT; 5.0 9.00 957.5 8.613 0.111 0.111 9.000 957.5 8,618 0.0 TO 5 10A 1.00 '1,915.0 1,915 1.000 0.889 1.125 957.5 1,077 5 TO 'ic — 15.0 0.14 Z87;-15 4m 7-10 8_14� 4,163 957,fi 156 id TO 0 — DORRPRO COMPANIES, INC. - HOUSTON, TEXAS SOIL F I TIVITY MEA UREIVE T INFORMATION CLIENT. Carder & Rurgaes JbB NO.: 303447 LOCATION: Oontua I. Locaiioh #10 (58+00) INSTRUMENT USED: NILS,SON SOIL RESI TIVITY METER M400 DATA 8Y: RRlVR DATE: APRIL, 2002 4-PIN SOIL RESIST.l TY OATA HARNES PROOEDU RE POR SOIL RESISTIVITIES SY LAYERS SOIL LAYER DEPTH MEASURED 1 TGTAL DEPTH CALCULATED CONDLICTrVITY RESISTANCE LAVER TH3CT MESS LAYER FROM SURFACE (FT)OR RESISTANCE kCTGR RESTSTIVITY CONDUCTIvrrY CHANGE CHANGrzi FACTOR RESiSTMTY SOIL LAYER RANGE A CTUAL PIN SPAMNG (OHMS) (191.5 DEPTH) (OHM -CM) @' hos) (MHOS) (OHMS) (191.5 X FEET) (OHM -cm) FROM SURFACE (FT,. 6.0 9,3a 957.5 5,941 0.164 0,164 BAG0 057.5 4A41 E].0 TO 5 10.0 1_60 1,9154 3,064 0.625 0_461 2,469 957.5 2.077 5 TO 10 15.0 0.90 Z872.5 2,585 1.111 0_488 7.057 _ 957,5 1.D70 10 T4 4 5 Y CORRPRO COMPANIES, INC. - HOUSTON, TEES SOIL RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INF R ATION CLJEHT: Cartar & Burgas JOB NO.: 3133447 LOCATION, Contral i. Location #9 (68+60) INSTRUMENT USED: NILSSON S01L RESISTIVITY METE€, M400 DATA BY: R1 JVR DATE: APRIL, 200 4-PIiN SOIL RESISTIVITY DATA BARNES PROCEDURE FOR SOIL RESISTIVIT'IES 13Y LAYERS SOIL LAYER DEPTH MEASURED � TOTAL DEPTH CALGULA-rED CONDUCTIVITY-REStSTANGE LAYER THICKNESS LAYER � FROM SURFACE (FT) OR RESISTANCE FAJ: R RIMISTIVITY CONDUCTIVFTY CHANGE CHANGE FACTOR RE5J5TIV[TY SOIL LAYER RANGJ< ACTUAL FIN SPACING (Fr, (OHMS) (191-5 X DEPTH) (OHM-CR (mmo (MHGS) (OHMS) (191,5 X FEET} (UiUCM) FROM SURFACE (FE 5.0 7,211 957-5 9,149 0.833 0.833 1-200 957.5 1.149 0.0 TO 5 10-0 0.513 1,915,0 1,072 1.7813 — G.952 1,0501 957,5 1,00u 5 TO 10 15'a 0.50 2,672,5 1.436 2.000 0.214 4. 7 957.5 4AW 10 TO 5 + CLIENT: LOCATION: OORRPRO COMPANIES, INC. - HOUSTON, TEXAS SOIL. RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Carter & Bcrgems Ooribact I. Location 98 (77+00) - 1NSTRUIZENT USED: NiLESON SOIL. IJESISTIVITY METER. M400 DATA EY: 4-PIN SOIL RESISTIVITY 13ATA SOIL LAYER D5PTri MEASURED TCTAI_ DEPTH CALCULATED FROM SURFACE (FT) OR RESISTANCE FACTOR RLMSTIVITY CONDUCTMTY ACTUAL PIN SPACING (FT) (cw- u1S) (191.6 X DFP7H) (OHM -CA (MI-10$) 5.0 5.80 957.6 5,554 0.172 to,8 1.90 1,915,E 3,639 O.a26 15.4 0,85 2,87Z5 2,442 1_176 JOB NO.- 303447 RPJVR DATE; APRIL, 2002 BARNES PROCEDURE FOR SOIL RESISTIVITIES BY LAYERS OONPUCTRM-il RESISTANCE LAYERTHICKNESS i LAYER CHAN13E C]AANGE_ FACTOR RFZI8TWTY =LIAYERRANCE WHOS) (DEEMS) (19'J .5 X FEM (OHM -CM) FROM SURFACE (FT)I 0.172 5.800 957.5 5,554 0,0 TO 5 D,354 2,826 057,5 Z706 S TO 10 i}_65I3 -1.538 557.8 1,473 I G TO 1 5 CORRPRO COMPANIES, INC. - HOUSTON, TF-XAS SOIL. RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION r-WE 1T: Garber & Burgess LOCATION: Contaut f. Lockon #7 (88+00) JOB NO 303447 INSTRUNIEW USED: Nft SSON SO[L RESISTIVITY METER, M400 f)ATA BY: RFUVR DATA: APRIL, 2002 4-PIN SDIL RESISTIVITY DATA 13ARNES PROCEDURE FOR SOIL RESISTWITIES BY LAYERS SOIL LAYER DEPTH UEASURED TOTAL DEFTH CAi.L'l1LATED J CONDUCTIVITY RESISTAIdOF- LAYER THICKNESS LAYER FROM SURFACE (F7) OR RESJ5TANCE FACTOR RESISTIVITY GONDUCTIYJTY I CHANCE C7-"C;E FACTOR RESISTIVITY SOIL LAYER RANGE ACTUAL PIN SPACING* ( {OHI`AS) (191.5X DEPTH) (OHM-G-M) (hIHOS) {MJ-fOS) (OHMS) 0q'I'*v X MET) (OHM -CM) FROM SURFACE (FT] 5.0 1.80, 957.6 1.724 0.556 0-556 1-&DG W-5 1,724 0-0 TO 5 -- 14-0 1-00 1.915L 1-060 0-444 Z250 95574* 2,154 - 5 TO 10 15-0 0.74 --h,915-0 2AT2-5- _ 2.1261-351 0.351 2.84E 057.5 2,725 10 T01 5 CORRPRO COMPANIES, INC. - HOUSTON, TEXAS blL RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION CLIENT: Carbw & Burgess LOOA-I'ION.- Contract I. Location * {96+04} JOB NO.: 30W7 INSTRUMENT USED: N ILSSON SOIL RI=$I8 nMTY METER, W013 DATA aY: RRIVR DA7E: APRIL, 2002 4-PIN SOIL RESISTIVITY DATA BARNES PROCEDURE FOR SOIL RESISTIVITIES BY LAYERS SOILLAYEROFPTM MEASURED TOTAL DEPTH 'CALCULATED CONDUCTIVITY RESISTANCE LAIYERTHIOKNESS LAYER FROM SURFACE (M OR RESISTANCE FACTOR RESIVMrTY CONDUCTIVITY CHANGE CHANGE FACTOR PJ�SIS7IVITY SOIL t AYER RANGE ACTUAL. PIN SPACING (Fr (OHMS) (191.5 DEPTH) (OHM -CM) (MHOS) (MHOS) (OHMS) (191.5 x FEET) (CA-M-CM) FROM SURFACE (Fr 5.1} SAU 957.5 7,756. 0.123 0.123 8,100 957,5 7.756 0.0 TO 5 10.0 3.50 1,915,0 9,703 0,2m 0,162 6.163 957,5 5.901 5 TO 10 15.0 2.00 2.872_5 5,74s 0"500 -- - D214 4-667 957"5 4.486 10 TO 1 5 OORRPRQ COMPANIES, INC, - HOUSTON, TEXAS SOIL RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION CLIENT: Oar€af & Burgess JOB NO.: 303447 LOCATION: Contract I- Lo=thn #5 (106+013) INSTRUMENT USED: NILS ON SOIL RESISTIVITY METER. M400 DATA BY: RRNR DATE- APRIL, 2002 F 4-PIN SOIL RESISTIVITY DATA BARNES PROCEDURE FOR SOIL RESISTIVITIES By LAYERS SUL !AVER DEPTH MEASURED TOTAL DEPTH CA€,CULATEJ 00NDUGT3VITY F3ESISTAPICE< LAYER Tr-13CKNk55 LAYLF2 FROM SURFACE (FT) OR RESISTANCE FACTOR RESISTIVITY CONDUCTIVITY CHANGE CHAIN FACTOR RESISTIIVJTY SOIL LAYER RWGE ACTUAL PIN SPACING ( (O S) (i91.5 CEPTH) (oH161-GM) HOS) WDS) (OHMS) {191-5X FEET) (OHM -CM) FROM SURFACE (FT, o - - 0.79 95715 758 1.266 7- F 0.790 5 756 4-o To 5 70 0 0.63 1.915.0 1,206 1.587 fl-321 3-] 11 - 957,5 2,978 b TO 10 Y � .0 0-7Z 2,87 .b 68 i-389 -0.198 {5-040} - 987-8 (d,8M - 14 TO i CLllNrt: LOCATION: CORRPRO COMPANLES, IMD. - I40USTOH, TEXAS SOIL RESISTIVITY MEA UREMEN r INFORMATION Carter & Burgess Contract I. Location 94 (1 f4+00) JOB NO.. 303447 1NSTRumr=I IT USED: N11LSSON SOIL R.ESISTIMTY METER, M400 DATA BY: RR1VR DATE: APRIL. 2002 4-PIN SOIL RESIST" ITY DATA BARNES PRDCEDURE FOR SDIL RESISTIViTiES BY LAYERS SOIL LAYER CEPTH MEASURED TOTAL DEPTH CALCULATED coNOLICTivrry RrmsTAwE LAYER 7WCKNES8 I LAYER FROM SURFACE {FT} OR RESISTANCE FACTOR RPSISTNITY 0Qf4DUCT1VITY CHANGE CHANGE FACTOR RESISTM7Y SOIL LAYER RANGE ACTUAL PIN SPACING ( (OHMS) (191.5 OO=PTH) {OHPA-CM} (MHOS) (mH03) (OHMS) (191-5 X FED � (CHM-CM) FROM SURFACE (FT: 5.0 2.&U 957.5 Z681 0.357 0.367 2.800 9E7� 5 2,681 0.0 TO 5 � 0.0 1, 90 1,91 bA 3,639 0, 526 0,169 E-911 957-5 5,660 5 TO 10 15.0 1.60 2.8T25 4,S96 0,825 0.099 1U.133 .9674 � 9.703 1fl To 5 CORRPRO COMPANIES, IRC. - HOLISTON, TEXAS - Oil.. RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION CLIENT: Carter & Burgess' LOCATION: Contract i. Location 93 (124+00) INSTRUMENT USED: NILSSON SOIL RES I T ITY METER. M400 ' DATA Eff- JOB NO.: 303447 RRIVR DATE: APRIL, 200 4-PIH SOIL RESiSTLVITY DATA BARNES PROCEDURE FOR SOIL RMSTIvMES BY I-AYERS SOIL LAYER DEPTH MEASURED TOTAL DEPTH CALCULATED CONDUCTIVITY RESISTANCE LAYER THICKNESS LAYJ;R FROM SURFACE (FT) OR RESWANCE FACTOR RESIS'rfVJTY CONDUCTMTY CHANGE CHANGE FACTOR R>=5J5nmy SOIL LAYER P.ANGE ACTUAL PJN SPACING ( (OHMS) (191.5 X DEPTH) (OHM4 @M) (MHOS) WHOM (OHMS) (191.5 X FEET) {OHU-M MOM SURFACE 5.0 1-SO W-5 1,245 A.me 0.769 1.304 957.E 1,245 Y 4,OTO 5 10.0 0.73 1,9'15_Q 1,398 _ 1.376 .501 1.66 957.E 1,594 5 TO 10 15.0 0.65 2.872.5 1,867 1.538 0.169 I 5.�31 957.5 5,679 10 TO 1 5 I OORRPRO COMPANIES, INC. - HOUSTON. TEXAS SOIL RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION N CLIEI4T: Carter & Burgess LOCATION., Contmot 1. Loc4on #2 {133+00) ,I0JE1 NO.: 303447 INSTRUMENT USED: NILSSON SOIL RESISTIVITY DETER, M400 DATA BY: RRIVR 4-PIN SOIL RESISTEIfI Y DATA SOIL LAYER DEPTH WASURED TOTAL DEPTH CALCULATED FROM SURFAGE (FT) OR RESISTANCE; !`ACTOR . RESISTIVITY ACTUAL PIN SPAGJNG (OHMS) (191.5 X DE (o M) .o 0.82 957.5 785 0.72 y,S15_a 1,3m 1 ,0 0,70 2.M,5 2,011 DATE:' APRIL, 2002 13ARNES PROCEDURE FOR SOIL RESISTIVITEES BY LAYERS G0NDt1rTIVJTY RESISTANCE LAYER THJCKNESS LAYER CONDUCTIVCIY CHANGE ORANGE FACTOR RES1S nVJ7'Y SOIL LAYER RANGE RHOS) WHOS) (OHMS) (191.6 X FEET-) (OH M) FROM SURFACE {F ,' 1.22D 1.220 0,820 957_5 785 o.OTO 5 1,359 - (4leg 5.04 957.5 S,E53 5 TO 10 1,429 0.040 25.200 957.5 24,12.9 18 TO Is I CORRPRO COMPANIES, INC. - HOUSTOH, TEXAS SOIL RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION . CLIENT: Cartier & Burgess LOCATION: Contract 1. Location 41 (144*50L. INsTJRumr-- T USED. NILSSON SOIL RESISTIVITY MEvTER, M400 DATA SY: 4-PIN SOIL RESISTIVITY DATA SOIL LAYER DEPTH MEASURED TOTAL DEPTH CAL.MLATED rRom SURFACA-m (FT) OR RESISTANCE FACTOR RESISTIVITY CONDLJCTIVJTY ACTUAL PIN SPACING 9 Tj, (aflus) (193,5 X 0EPTH) (OHAR-CM) {MHOS} 5-0 1.4Q .957.5 1.341 U.714 10-0 1"00 1,915.0 1,915 � 1-ODD 15"0 4"73- 2.872.5 .2,241 1.282 JOH woR -, 303447 DATE: APRIL.2002 - BARNES PROCEDURE FOR SOIL RESISTFMIES 13Y LAYERS CrOND CTIVITY RESISTANCE LAYER THICKNESS LAYER CHMGE CHANGE rA=R RESISTIVITY SOIL LAYER RANGE (MHOS) (OHMS) (191.5 X-FEET) FROM SURFACE (FT 0.714 .1,400 957.5 1,341 0.0 To 5 - 0,286 a,560 RW.5 3,351 5 TO 13 0-282 a-�45 957.5 3,395 10 TO 1 5 CORRPRO COMPANIES, INC. - HOUSTON; TEXAS SOIL RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION. CUENT: Carter & Burgess JOB NO.: 3Q3447 L.00ATiON: CQn rack I I. Lo=Uort #1 (9+00) INSTRUMENT USED: NILSSON SOIL RESISTIVITY METER, U400 13ATA BY: RR+ R DATE: APRIL. 2002 4-PIN SOIL RESISTIVITY DATA BARNS PROCEDURE FOR SOIL RESISTIVI-nFS BY LAYERS SOIL LAYER DEPTH ME1AMRED TOTAL DEPTH CALCULATED C:ONDUCT1VffY 1 RESISTANCE LAYER THICKNESS LAYER � FROM SURFACE TT) OR RESISTANCE VAMP. RESISTIVITY ODNDUlCTM#TY CHANCE GPimG1= � FACTOR RESISTIVITY SOIL LAYER MANGE ACTUAL PIN SPACING ( (OHMS) (1 g 1.5 X DFFTFI) (OHWCIAf (MHOS) WHOS) (OHMS) (191 _S X FED (CIHM-CM) FROM SURFACE (FT. 5.6 1.10 957.5 9,053 0,W9 0_909 1.100 96T5 .1,453 o.) TO 5 fi0.0 0.75 1,1916.0 1.435 1,333 0-424 2.357 957.5 2,257' 570 10 15_0+ 0.77 - 2,872.5 2,21 1 99 - 4036 j28.675) 957,5 (27,646) 107015 - CfORRPRO COMPANIES, INC. - I-3OUSTON, TEXAS SOIL RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION CLIENT: cafb r & Burgess JOB NO.: 303447 LOCATION: Contract II. Lac-ation #2 (20+00) INSTRUMENT USED: NILSSON SOIL RESISTIVITY METER. M400 DATA BY- RRIVR DATE- APRIL, 2002 4-PIN SOIL RESISTIVITY DATA RARNES PROCEDURE FOR SOIL. RESISTiVMES HY L+ yERS SOIL LAYER DEPTH MEASURED TOTAL DEPTH J CALCULATF-D CONDUCTIVITY RESISTANCE LAYER THICKNESS LAYER FROM SURFACE (FT) OR RESI TANCI= ' FACTOR RESISTIVITY CONDUC wiTY CHANGE C 4ANGE FACTOR RF_ I i[VITY SCxIL iAYEF FLANGE ACTUAL Pik! SPArANG (FT) (OHMS) (191-5 DEPTFI? (OHM-f- ) WOS) (14 HM) (OHMS) 091.5 X FEETO (OHM -CM] !FROM SURFACE (FP, 5-0 3.OR E67 5 2,a73 0-333 0,333 low 957.5 2.873 0.a TO 5 10.0 4-99 1,J15-0 3,639 0.52fi --- O:i93 -5-182 957.5 4RU a TO 10. 15.0 1-30 Z872.5 3,734 0.769 0243 4.117 9a7,5 3,942 10 TO 1 5 it ICE NT: LOCATION. CORRPRO COMPANIES, INC. - HOUSTON, TEXAS SOIL. RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Carter & Burgess Contract €L Lincaticn #3 (31+00) JOE NO.: 303447 INSTRUMENT USED: NILSSON SOIL RESISTIVITY METER. M40C DATA 13Y: RRfVR DATE: APR]L, 2002 4-PIN SOIL RESISTIVITY 13ATA BARNES PRO EDURJE FOR SOIL RESISTFViT1ES BY LAYERS SOIL LAYER DEPTH MEASURED TOTAL oEPT" CALCULATED CONDUCTIVITY' RESISTANCE i,AYER TH16KNESS LAYER FROM SURFACE (FT) OR RESISTANCE FACTOR RESISTIVITY CONDUCTIVITY CKANGE CHANGE FACTOR - RESISTIVITY S LAYER MANGE ACTUAL FIN SPACING { (OHMS) (191.5 X DEPTH€) (OHM -CM) [MHOS} (MHOS) (OHMS) (191-5 K FEET) PHU-CM) FROM SURrACE 5,0 3-20 9W.5 3,454 0-313 0.313 3-20d 95T5 304 4.0 TO 5 101D - I.TO 1,915.0 V556 i3.5m 0.276 3.637 957.5 3,473 5 TO iQ 15,0 IAG Z872.5 4,022- 0.714 CO25 . 7.933 -957.5 7,596 t0 TO 1 5 �. CORRPRO COMPANIES. JNO. - HOUSTON, TEXAS OII-.. RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION I:.UENT: Carter & Burgess JOB No.: LOCATION: Contract II. Lacatian *4 (40+50) INSTRUMENT USED: NILSSON SOIL RESISTIVITY METER. M400 DATA BY: RFWk 4-PIN SOIL RESISTIVITY 13ATA SOIL LAYER DEPTH MEASURED TOTAL DEPTH ' t :ALCULATED - FROM SURFACE (F Q OR RESISTANCE FACTOR RESISTIVITY GUNDUCTIVITY ACTUAL PIN SPACING Fn (01-M) (191-5 X DEPT3-), - (OHM -CM) WHOS} 5.0 0-80 957-5 766 1.250 10-0 Q-36 1.915-0 669 2.778 1b.0 i a-40 2.972,5 1.149 . 2X00 I 303"7 DATE: APRIL.2Q02 BARNES PROCEDURE FOR SOIL III=MSTRWIES BY LAYERS CONDUCTIVITY' FRF;SISTANC=- ' LAYER THICKNESS LAYER � (MANGE CsHMGE FACTOk Ri=-SlSTI1lt'TY SOIL LAYER RANGE (MHQS) (OHMS) (191-5 X FEET) (OHM -CM) FROM SURFACE (F= F, 1-256 0-600 957-5 766 0-0 TO 5 1.528 0-655 957-5 07 5 TO 10 -4.278 (3.00) 957-5 (3.447} 10 Y01 5 ORRPRO COMPANIES, INN. - HOUSTON, TEXAS SOIL RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION CLIENT: Garter & Burgess LOCATION: Contract [I. LacaWn #5 (51+513) ,SOB NO.. 30347 INSTRUMENT USED- NILSSON SOIL RESISTIVITY METER, M400 DATA BY' RRlVR DATE: APRIL, 2002 4-PIN SO!L. RESISTWITY DATA BARNES PROCEDURE FOR SOIL RESISTMT1ES 13Y LAVERS SOIL PAYER DEPTH. MEASURED TQTAL DEPTH DALCULATM CONOUCT-MTY RESISTANCJ-= LAYER THICKNESS IAYER FROM SURFACE OR RESI:STANGE FACTQR RESIETNITY CONDUCTIVITY' M-MGE CHANGE FACTOR RESISTRfITY SOIL LAYER RANGE ACTUAL PIN SPADING ( (OHMS) (191 +5 X DEPi H) (OHM mos) (MHOS) (OHMS) (iol .5 x FEET) (OHM -CM) FRGM SURFACE (FT SL0 0.70 957.5 670 1 A29 l A29 0.700 9 .6 an OLD TO 5 10,0 GM 1,915.0 1,149 1,867 0.236 4.2W 957,5 4,022 5 TO 10 _ i _4 0_60 2,872,5 1,992 1 A49- -0.217 (4,QM 957,E (4} 405) 10 TO 1 5 I. CLIENT: LOCATION: ORRPRO COMPANtESr INC. - HOUSTON, TEXAS SOIL RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Carper & Burgess Contract I I. Location #9 (60+50) ENSTRUMENT USEE): NLL SON SOIL RESIS71VF Y METER, M400 DATA BY: JOE ND.: NJ, 3D344i DATE: APRIL, 2002 4-PIN SOIL RE 1STI Y DATA 13ARNES PROCEDURE FOR SDIL RESISTIVITiES BY LAYERS SOIL LAYER DEPTH MEASURED 70TAL DEPTH CALCULATED romuGTivrry �rmCkiANGE fiaAt4cE LAYER THICKNESS I A`�ER FROM SURFACE FO OR EESJSTANCE FACTOR RESISTIVITY .CONDUCTWFTY CHANCE I`A=R RESISTMTY SOIL LAYER AGE ACTUAL PiN SPACING ( (0"w) (191.5 x J]EP-rH) pm -cm) -cm) (MHOS) (MHOS) (OHKAS) (191.5 X FEET) (OHM�CM) FROM SURrACE (FT)II 5.0 O Bi3 957_5 765 12m 057.5 756 0.4 TO 5 10.0 0.4E 1,915.0 891 2.174 0.924 t.062 957.5 1 1 L036 5 TO 10 15.0 - - 0 42 2,J372.5 1,2013 Z3 B fi 0.207 4.M 957.5 4A25 in TO 1 5 C UENT: LOCATION, DORRPRD COMPANIES, IPIC. - HOUSTON, TEXAS SOIL PESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION Caner & Burgess orltraa II. LocOon 07 MS+50} INSTRUMENT USED: NILSSON SOIL RE* I TIVITY METER i41400 DATA BY: J013 NO.: IAz4vi.# 3037 DATE. APRIL.2002 4-PIN SOIL RESISTIVITY DATA BARNES PROCEI3URE FOR SOIL RESISTIVITI£S BY LAYERS SOIL LAYER DEPTH MEASURED TOTAL DEPTH CALCULATED OONDLIOTRATY RESISTANCE ' LAYER THICKNESS LAYER FROM SURFACE (FT) OR RE5IS7ANCE FACTOR RESISTIVITY CONDUG-TNiTY CHANGE CHANGE FACTOR RESISTIVITY SOIL LAYER MANGE ACTUAL PIN SPACING (OHMS) (191.6 K DEP711) (OHM -CM) pl-ios) {MHOS) (bHdAS) 091.5 X FEFM (O-IM-CM) FROM SURFACE (FT9 6,0 2m 957.5 2.651 0.357 0,357 2,8W 957.6 2,681 O.O TO 5. 1.016 d 3.064 0.625 0.268 3,733 W.55 3,675 5 TO 10 15.0 I-K 2,972.5 3,734 0.769 0,144' 6.933 __95T,5 - 6.539 10 TOI 5 CLIENT: LOCATION: ORRPRO COMPANJW. INC. - HOUSTON, TEXAS SOIL RESISTIVITY MEASUREMENT INFORMATION cam & Burgess Carhracf EI- LccMiart 98 {78+51D) IUStRUMENY USED: NILSSON SOIL RESJSTIIVITY METE R. M400 DATA k3Y- ;JOB NO.: r }9. 303447 DATE-, AFRIL, 2002 4-PIN SOIL RESISTIVITY DATA - - I - BARNES PROCEDURE FOR SOIL RESISTWIES, BY LAYERS SOIL LAYER DJ=PTH MEASURED TOTAL DEPTH CALCLIIATE❑# CONDUCTIVITY RESISTANCE LAYERTHICKNESS LAYER FROM SURFACE (FT) OIL RESISTANCE FACTOR I IsTtvlTY CONDUCTPATY CHANDE= CHANGE FACTOR RESISTIVJTY SOIL LAYER RANGE ACTUAL PIN SPACING (R) (OHMS) (191,8 X DEPTH) (OHW-_M) (MFIOS) WHO) MOM (1015 X FEEF) (OHM -CM) FROM -SURFACE (FT} 5-0 O.7$ 957-5 747 1282 1-282 0,790 957,5 747 ao TD 5 10.0 D150 1,915-D 958 -I](ib- 13,718 1 393 957.5 - 1.334 5 TO try 15.0 0-45 . 2,872-5 1,293 2-292 D-222 4-500 4,309 10 TOI 5 36" Water Line to Sendera Ranch Yoreign Line Crossing Potential Survey Y hainage Foreign Pipeline ID I Potential Remnarlcs — —� 22+1 Q TXU Lone Sfax Gas Pipe: -1215 East of Willow Springs — Pipeline Pipeline Rd. Contract 11. 2+00 TAT Lone Sfax Gras Pipe: -1 1'7'' Nest f Wiliow Springs Ripe r c using; -73 8 R.X. Contraut II. APPENDIX C. LABORATORY DATA LABORATORY SOIL ANALYSIS CLIENT. Carter & Burgess JOB NUMBER: 303447 __ l ' TWRafael Rodriguez PRO C'I': Water Line to Sendera Ranch OFFICE,: Houston - DATE RECRrWD. 04108/02 DATE OUT: 04110102 TEU ICLA: Nancy Jacob SAAIPLE MOISTURE PH CHLORIDE SULFIDE CONDUCTWITY SOIL SOIEL Ppm Ppm hos � 7ID* rypp% _ 28.98 8.0 -- -- 94 0 y 1,442 Clay Clair Loam {�COLp�O+� Gray & t �(}�1-yA (0+00) - - - - - ' f-B 22.58 - --- 8.2 12 50 ]sty Clay Loam T'an . ��yy�� (29+00 I-C 27.96 7.9 10 0 508 Clay Loam Dark Gray �y C77+00) H-A 31.93 8.2 130 0 1,588 Clay Loam Daxk gray (9+00) U-B 25.04 9.1 6 0 535 Clay loam Daik Gray (55+50j APPENDIX TEST STATION SCHEDUILE Contract I 36" Water Line to Service 8 enders Retch Prestressed Catterete OyUnder Pipe Option Test Station Schedule Station NO. Description Tie 0+50 . 13onds'Ranch Rd. Crossing CP 1+00 Anode Groundbed Location T 12+00 Anode Gmundbed Lactation TS 24+00 Anode Groundbed Location T 25+50 18" RCP Crossing FL 29+00 Van Zmndt Crate Ln. Crossing CP 29+50 615 Crossing FL 3 +00 Anode Cffoundbed Location T 48+00 Anode Groundbed Location TS 3+50 Willow Springs Rd. Crossing CP 0+00 Anode Groundbed Vacation T 72+00 Anode Groundbed Location T 84+00 Anode Groundbed Location T +40 Anode Groundbed Location T 10 +00 Anode Groundbed Location T 120+00 Anode Groundbed Location T 132+00 Anode Groundbed Location T 134+0 Blue Mound Rd. Crossing CP 145+00 Anode Groundbed Location T 145+36 US HI .287 Crossing CP Contract 1Y 3 " Water Line to Service Smdem Ranch Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe Option Test Station Schedule Station No. D criptioui TyRe- 3+63 .US HWY. 287 Crassi P , 9+00 Anode ClrounAed Location T 0+00 Anode Oroundbed Lncaftn T .. 22+1 0 R" 'l: U Chas Pip efine Crossing FL 33+00 Anode Groundbed.Locatlon T 45+00 Anode xroundbed Location TS 57+00 Made rrvun.dbed Location T 1+10 Boaz Rd. Crossing CP 8+00 Anode L)Lmdbed Location T 79' 0 Anoda Groundbed Location T$ 80+20 Avondale —Haslet Rd. Crossing CP Contract I . 3 " Water Line 6 8e ice Sendera Ranch Coated Duce Iron Pipe Option Test Station Schedule . Station No. Description 0+50 Bonds Ranch Rd, Cmssing CP 21+00 Am& Groundbed Location TS 5+50 I3" RCP Crossing FL 29+00 Vary Zandt Gate L n. Crossing CP 2 50 C" W CrossingFL 53+50 Willow Springs Rd,. Crossing CP 62+00 ,Anode Groundbed Vocation T WOO Anode Groundbed Location TS 13 X +00 Anode Ciroundbcd Location T 134+50 Blua Mound Rid. Crossing CP 145+36 US HWY. 287 Crossing CP Contract H 3 "Water Line to Service Sendern Ranch Coated Ductile Iron Pipe Option Test Station Schedule Station No. Description nm 3+ 3 US ITWY. 287 Crossing CP 1 +00 Anode Groundbed Location T +10 8" TXU Gas Pipeline- Ciossing FL 43+00 Anode Groundbed Location T 61+10 Boaz Rd. Crossing CP 68+00 Anode Oroandbed Location T 80+20 Avondale — Haslot Rd. Crossing CP APPENDIX E SPECIFICATION SECTION 15640 JOINT BONDING AND ELECTMCAL ISOLATION 36" WATER 1L NE TO SENDERA R.AINCH JOINT BONDING AND li`IJRri' WORTH, TEXAS ELECTRICAL I OLAT(ON B. Provide manufactur s certifica�on that all isolation devices meat the published rnaterial specifications. C. All materials, fabrication, and instalhitions subj to to inspeetion. and testing by the owner or its designated representative. PART 2 PRODUCTS UCTS 2.01 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS A. Joint bonding and electrical isolation materials'to be incoxporated into the project include, but are not limited to, the following: 1, Electrical, continuity bonds. Flange isolation assemblies. 3. Casing sp=ers, 4. End seals. .02 ELECTRICAL CONTINMT BONDS Ar Applications; Required appheaticas for eloctric zl c'un.tinuity bonding iicludas the following: 1. Boxxding .cross bolted joint assemblies, 2. Bonding across gaseted joint assemblies. B , Preparation of Prestressed Concrete Pipe for bidirsg: 1 General: Z. Fabrication: I. w prestressed concrete pipe for this project that has been - fabricated in such a manner• as to establish electrical continuity between metallic components of pipe and joints. b. Acceptable Methods: Establish electrical continuity as indicated in drawings and specil:ications. Criteria for Eleebic oatiuuity; a, Tensile Wire: Pipe mmufactmrr shall obtain a 'resistance no greater than 0,03 ohms between any wire and steel joint ring at end of pipe. farthest fcom that wire. Manufacturer shall state values obtained and method measur=ent. b, Internal Pipe Joint components: Pipe manufacturer shall obtain resistance of less than 0.03 ohms between any component and steel pipe cylinder. April, 200 15640 Page 2 of 9 " WATER LINE TO ENDERA B.A1 C-H JOINT BONDING AND FORT WORTH, TEXAS ELECTRICAL ISOLATION 3. Steel Cylinder Continuity: a. Establish continuity of all joint components and steel cylinnder. Th,&se components include the following; 1) Anchor socket bmokets. ) Aachor socket, 3) ' p€gat ring. 4) Bell zing, b. Lf mechanical con= does not provide a msistauce of less than 0.03 ohms between components, task weld coMponent to provide electrical continuity. 4. Electrical 13ond 'Clip: T rm ASTM 366 steel bonding clips, each approx naately 0.19 inclies ,bleb, 2.5 inches long, and 1.0 inches wide, shall be welded with V -inch fillet welds to the bell and spigot of adjnent non -welded. bar -wrapped concrete cylinder pipe or ,mortar coated steel pipe with rubber gasketed joints. Manufacture clips to makdain con-�nuity regardless of small deflections of finished (mortared). joints. C. Preparation of Ductile Iron Pipe for Bonding: Install insulaied band wim as shown on drawings. D. Electrical Borad 'Mixes: Flearical bond wires shall be a minimurn No. 2 AWG, seven strand, copper gable, finished with THHN insulation. One inch of TET ins4alalion shall be removed from each 'end of -the bone wire. The minimum number of bond wires shall be provided as shown on drawings. .03 FLANGE IS LAnON A. applications: Required application of r dielectric flange isolation assemblies include but are not limited to the following: 1. At selected locations 'here new piping is mechanically comceted to existing Piping, . At selected below -grade to aboveground piping transitiow. B. For bar-wrad concrete pipe or mortar coated steel pipe, provide electrical isolation by installing insulating kits, composed of: 1. Insulating Gasket: a. For piping sized 30 inches in dian v,0 and greater, provide Pyrox C-10 with nitrile seal, Type 'V UneBacker gasket as manufactured by Pipeline Seal and Insulator, Inc., or approved eguttl. 15640 April, 2Ci12 Page 3 of 9 36" WATER LINY, TO S11USMERA RANCH JOINT BOND14NG AND FORT NORTH, TEXAS ELECTRICAL ISOLATION b. For piping sized between 12 inches and 24 inches in diameter, provi& Phonetic PSI with nitrile seal, Type "E" LineBacker gasket as manufactuTed by PipeUno Seal and Insulator, Inc., or approved equal. C. Alternately, provide - plain -faced phenolic gasket, as manufactured 'by PipeUne Seal and Insulator, Inc., or approved equal. Place phenolic gasket l7etween two full-faced gaskets. Provide cloth- insarted rubber gaskot material, 1/8 inch thick in a,ccordar ce with AWW.A 207. Use factory cut gaskets of proper dirx nsions. 2.. Sleeves and Washm: a. For piping sized 30 inches in diameter and greater, provide, full length m lar sleeves with Pyxnx -1.0 washers, double washer -sets as manufactured by Pipeline Seal aad Insulator, Inc., or approved equal. b. For piping sized between 12 inches and 24 inches in dimneter, provido full length mylar sleeves with Phenolic washers, double washer sets as manufactured by Pipeline SeaI and Insulator, Inc., or approved equal. C. For ductile iron piping, electrical isolation shall be provided through the ingallatiau oftU following m,aterxals: 1, Flange connection to Lock ,faint bell adapter. 2. Flame connection to I rock Joint spigot adapter. 3. Insulating asket: a. For piping sized between 12 inches and - 49 inches iu die eter, provide phenolic PSI with nitrrile .seal, Type "E" LineBacker gasket as manufactured by Pipeline Scat' and Insulator, Inc., or approved equal, b. The Contractor may provide, at his option, a plain -faced phenolic gasket (as manufactured by Pipeline eel and Insulator, Inc., or- approved equal). The phenolic gasket slxall be placed bet een two fulI-faced gaskets. Provide oloth-inserted rubber gasket material, 1/8 inch thick in accordance with AWWA C207. Gaskets shall be factory out tD proper dimensions. 4. Sleeves and Washers: a For piping sized between I .inches and 48 inches in diameter, provide full length m lar sleeves with phenolic washm, double washer sets Ds manufactmd by Pipeline Seal and Insulator, Inc., or approved equal. D. Coatings for buried isolation flanges shall be the Densyl Tape system manufactured by Carboline and consisting of Densyl Mastic, Deasyl Paste and Densyl Tape. E. The inside of isolation joints small be coawd with epoxy for a distance of di=eters in each direction from the joint. 15640 April, 2002 -Page 4 of 9 3 " WATER LINE TO SENDERA RANCH JOINT BONDING DING AND FORT WORTH, TEXAS ELECTRICAL- ISOLATION 2.04 CASING SPACERS A. For 42-inch and smaller water or wastewater piping installed in tunnels m eased crossings, install casing spacers between the piping. and the casing or turmel liner to prmide electrical isolation. B. inside diameter of casing or tunnel liner must be 4 inches greater in diameter than .the outside diameter of the piping. In the case of mechanically coupled piping, the casing must be a minimum of 4 inches greater in diameter than the outside diameter of the coupling at its largest poU. C. For welded steel pipe 12-irtch- diameter and smaller,use injecdon =lded _ polyethylene insulators, Model PE as manufactured by Pipeline Seal and Insulator, Inc. or approved equal. D. For all other pipe materials 12 inch diameter and smaller, use 8 inch wide steel insulators with 2 inch wide glass reinforced runners, Model C8&2- as manufactured by .Pipeline Seal and Insulator, Inc. or approved equal. E. For all piping sites between 12-inch and 42-inch diameter, use 12 inch wide steel insulators with 2 inch wide glass reinforced runners, Model C 12 -2 - as manufactured by Pipe]ine Seal and Insulator, Inc. or approved equal. F. The casing spacer manufacturer shall design and certify the casing spacers for the intended pipeline loads. 2.05 CASING END SEALS A. For all piping less than 24 inch diameter, use hard rubber seals, Model PL Link Seal as manufactured by the Thunderline Corporation or approved equal B.' For all piping; 24 lzich diameter and greater, use pull -on, 118 inch thick, synthetic rubber end seals, Model C, as manufactured by Pipeline Seal and Insulator, Inc. or approved equal, C. Casing End Seals shall be -as shown on the pl= for the 54-inch pipeline. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION OF EtECTRJCAt CONTUVRTY BONDS A. Inspection: Use continuous bond wires with no cuts or tears in the insulation covering the conductor. B. General. Attach bored wires at required locations by thertnite welding process. Attach band clips by arc -weld process. C. Thermite Welding Methods: Perform thertnite welding of band wires to piping in the following manmr: .15640 April, 2602 Page 5 of 9 3 " WATER LINE TO SENDERA RANCH JOINT 13ONDING AND FORT WORTH,- ELECTRICAL ISOLATION 1, Clean and dry pipe to which wires are to be aLtarhed. 2, Use grinding wheel to remove, all coating, mill scale, oxide, grease, and dirt from an area approximately 3 inches square. Grind surface to Night metal. 3. Remove approximately 1 inch of insulation from each end of wire to. be tharmite welded to pipe, exposing clean, oxide -free copper for welding. 4, elect -proper size thermite weld mold as recommended by ufacturer, Place wire between graphite mold and the prepared metal surface. 5. Place metal disk in bottom of mold. 6. Poar thermite weld charge iata the mold. Squeeze bottom of cartridge tQ spread ipi#ion pawdez over charge. 7. Close mold cover aad ignite .4arting powder with flint gun. a. After exothermic reaction, remove thernx to weld mold and gently strike weld with a hammer to remove weld slag.' Putt an wire to assure a secure connection. Lf weld is not secure or the bond br(-.�s, repeat procedure with new wire or strap, 9. If weld is secure, coat all bare metal and weld metal with Kop-Coat, Coaxer coated weld with a plastic weld cap, D. Post -Installation Inspection: Post -installation inspection of all electrical continuity bonds shall be made through a visual exatninWon of each thermite weld conmection for strength aad suitable coating prior to backfiiling. In addition, perform one or mom of the following tests: 1. Circulate coact through pipe using . DC power - supply. Calculate resistamc4e through known length of pipe. Resistance must not exceed 150% of theoretical resistance for pipe and bonds. 2. -Measure m sistance through select bonded joints with a digital low resistance ohmmetcr. L1 O), . Resistance. of 0.001 ohms or less is acceptable. 3. Position a. CSE at a stationary location adjacent to banded pipelina. Impress a temporary current on pipe. Record static, current -applied, aad instapt "afF' pipe -to -soil potential teadings along the pipe relative to the stutiona cy CSE. a. Static potential measurements referenced to stationary CSE roust be nearly identical along -die pipe to indicate electrical continuity. b. Instant "off' potentials referenced to stationary CSE must be nearly identical along pipe to indicate electrical continuity. 15640 AFrL, 2002 Page 6 of 9 36" WATERLINE TO SENDERA RANCH JOINT BONDING AND FORT WORTH, TEXAS ELECTRICAL ISOLATION C. ne difference between the instant "off" and the static potential referenced to stationary CSH must be equal at each point of contact to pipe to indicatt electrical continuity. 4. If any of the above procedures indicates a poor quality bond connection, rebond the joint. . record results and submit to the owner or its designated representative for approval prior to backfilling. E. BackfiflingofBonded laints: ] . Perform backfilling of bonded piping in manner that prevents damage to the bonds and all connections to the metallic structures. a, Use appropriate backfill material to completely cover the electrical bond. b. Provide probwtion so that future eonst=tion activities in the area will not destroy the bonded connections. . If constructioa activity damages a bonded connection, install new bond wire. .02 WSTALLATION OF FLANGE ISOLATION DEVICES A. Placement, Install isolation joints at the locations shown on the dravdngs. B,- Assernb y. Place gasket, sleeves, and washer's as recommwded by the manufacturer. Follow manufacturer's recommendations £or even tightening to proper torque. C. Testing: Immediately after an insulating fitting has been installed, thst electrical isolation with a Gas Electronics model, 601 meter. Fully document test results. D. Painting: Du not use metal base paints on insulating fittings. E. Encapsula&n: Encapsulate below-ggrade isolation joints with the.' arboline Densyl tape system, or approved equal, after the isolatioti*nt has been tested for e�fectivexxess. 3.03 INSTALLATION OF CASING SPACERS Assemble and securely fasten casing spacers to the plpcli= to be installed in - casings or tunnels. 13. Thmre must be no inadvertent meta.l.lic coniact between casing and carrier pipe. The distance between spacers shall ensure that the pipe is adequately supported throughout its length, particularly at the ends, to offset settling and possible electrical shorting. The end spacer must be within 6 inches of the end of the casing pipe, regardless of sire of casing and pipe or type of spacer used. Install 15640 Apr!I, 2002 Page 7 of 9 '3 " WATE R LINE TO SENIIEI A RANCH JOINT BONDING AND FORT WORTH, TEXAS ]ELECTRICAL ISOLATION spacers on PVC pipe at the insertion line to prevent. over -insertion of the spigot into the bell. . C. Grade the bottom of the trench adjacent to each end of the casing to provide a Errn, uniform and continuous support for the pipe. If the trench requires sonie baclfill to establish the fiiial tre ch bottom grade, place the back lI matedal in 6- inch lifts And each layer compacted. D. After the casing or tunnel liner hmn been placed, it shall be Pvmpod dry and shall remain sa until the casing s'paoers and end seals are instalIed. E. Install casing spacers in accordance with the manufacturer's ir►structions. All subcomponems shall be correctly assembled, evenly tightened, and - remain free :Cro damage during tightening of the insulators and pipe insertion. F. Insulator Spacing: Maximum distance between spacers to be 10 feet for pipe sip 6 inches and smaller, and 6 feet for pipe sizes greater than 6 inches. 2. If the casing or pipe is angled or bent, -the spacing; should be reduced. 3.D4 INSTAX LAIRON OF END SEALS A. Assemble hard rubber Link -Seals wound the pipe and slide into tho annular, space between the pipe and casing. Evenly tighten the bolts to provide a positive seal. 13. Place pull -on synthetic rubber end seals on the pipe and pull over the end'ofthe : casing. Securely fasten stainless steel bands. 3.05 TESTING OF JOINT ONTINUITY BONDS AND INSULAT1ED JOINTS A. GerLeral: After the completion of the continuity bonding of individual joints but before the pipe is. backfilled, each bonded joint shall be tested for eleetricaJ continuity. E. A DC current shall be impressed on the pipe on one Bide of t1W joint under test using a portable 1-volt battery and a driven ground rod. The. battery shall be connected such that the positive terminal is conncctad to the ground rod and the negative terminal is connected to the pipe section under test. The magnitude of test cmreat- is not important as long as it causes a change in pipe -to -soil potential on the section of pipe that is hi the test curremt circuit. C. The pipe -to soil potential shall be measured on each side of the insulated joint usng a high impedance voltmeter and portable copper/copM sulfate reference eloetrode with the test currant "❑'n" and "off'. D. A. joint is considered electrically continuous if the `;on" and "offs potentials are the same on either side of the joint binder test. 15640 April, 2002 Pago 8 of 36" WATER LINE 'TOSEI ERA RANCH JOINT BONDING AND FORT WORTIL TFXAS ELE CMCAL ISOLATION E. This same, procedure shall be used to test individual insulated joluts except that the joilak is considered insulated if the pipe -to -soil potential is not the same when measured on each side of the joint when the test current is "on° 3.06 CASRD CAOSSING XSOLATION TESTS A. Immediately+ after the,pipe has been installed in the using,'but prior to cormecting the line or grouting the at Ldus, perform an eleouical continuity test to detenaine whether the casing is in fact insulated from the pipe. The contintuty check shall be fully documented and approved by the awmer or its designated representative prior to backfillinig. B. If tlxe electrical isolation between pipe and casing is not effective, the cause shall be immediately investigated, and the situation remedied. Under no circumstances shall a shorted casing be back filled. END OF SECTION 15640 April, 2002 Page 9 of 9 APPEND F SPECIFICATION SECTION 15641 CORROSION CONTROL TEST STATIONS 36" WATER LINE TO SIENDERA RANCH CORROSION CONTROL FORT WORTH, TEXAS T + T"i' ," ION . SECTION 15641 CORROSION CONTROL TEST STATIONS PART I GIa'14ERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Test station materials and installation requirements. B. Locations requiring test stations aro adjacent to anode groundbeds, major pipeline crossings, cased crossings and tunwls,' nd below -grade isolation joints. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 15 640 - Joint Bonding. and Electrical Isolation. B . Section 15642 — Specification for Magnesium Anode Cathodic Protection Systems. 1.03 REFERENCES A. AS'iM- D 1248 - Polyethylene Plastic Molding and Extrusion Material. B. .DACE ' 1 -01b9 - Rewmmended practice, Control of External Corrosion on Underground or -Submerged Metallic Piping Systems. C. AW A M9 Manual Pm -tens oned Concrete Pressure Pipe.. D. - UL 83 -Thermoplastic Insul€ited Wires. E. UL 486A - Wire Connectors far Use with Copper Conductars. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Catalogue Cuts: Manufairer's catalog cuts shall be •submitted for each item. 'I'ixe catalog cuts shall include the manui*actumes name and shall provide suffici information to slow that the materials meet the requirements of the drawings and s ecif cations. Where more than one iten or catalog number appears- on a catalog cut; c early idelntilt the item Proposed. B. Drawings, As -built drawings of the corrosion control test stations shall be maintained by the Contractor during installation and construction. Drawings shall be revised to show exact locations of all wiring, connections, and terminal bones. All items of equipment and material &W1 be properly identified. The original es -built drawings shall be submuiited to the owmex or its designated representative. 15641 April, 2002 Page f of 6 6" WATER LJNE TO SENDE RANCH CORROSION CONTROL FORT 'WORTH, TEXAS TEST STATIONS 1.05 QUALITY CONTROL A. Provide manufacturer's certifications that all components of the corrosion control test stations meet the requirements of the drawings and specifications. The. -certif cation shall mfereace the applicable section of the specifications and the appH.pable standard details. B. The ,drawings for the corrosion control test stations are diagrammatic and shall not be scaled for exact locations, unless scales are explicitly stated on- the specific drawing. Field conditions, non-interference vAth other utilities or mechanical and structural features shall determine exact locations. Coutructur shall note other existing utilities in the area and during excavation, shall not damage these utiIities.- Any d€4magad utilities shall be repaired to the satisf€tction of the owner at the Contractor's expense. C. All materials, fabrication, and inst€1laations are sltbfect to Inspection and testing by the owner or its designated a roprespmtative. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 FLUSH MOUNT TEST STATIONS A. Test stations shall consist of test wires, a terminal box and a traffic box as shown on the drawings. B. The terminal box shall be a five terminal Big Fink as m=ufactured by Cot Manufacturing Company or approved equal. C. The Precast Concrete traffic boy shall be an 8.75-inch diameter I-RT with a cast iron cover marked "CP Test" as manufactured by Brooks Products, me or approved equal. X Tustall a marker sign adjacent to all flush -mounted test stations, .02 ABOVE -GRADE .TEST STATIONS A. At test station locations ;where flush mounted structures cannot ire installed, are above - grade test station shall be used, and pIaeod such that possiblo damage from vandalism, traffic, etc. is minimized. B. The test station shall be a five terminal Big Fink as manufactured by Cott ilrlanufactarimg or approved equal. C. Terminal boxes shall have a lockable, corrosion -proof plastic cover and shall be mounted on a -foot length of 3-inch diameter galvanized steel conduit, D. The test .sitatiran shall be installed adjacent. to a permanent structure, if .available, for physical protection, 2.03 REFERENCE EL CTRODF A. The reference electrode shall be a copper/copper sulfate Pmmac,ell Plus, double membrane, cermnic celI in a geomembrane package as manufactured by Carrpro Companies, Inc. or approved equal. 15641 April, 2002 Page 2 of 6 36"WATER UNIi; TO SENDERA RANCH MkROSION CONTROL FORT '4 ORTI3 TEXAS TEST STATIONS B. The electrode shall be equipped with No..14 A.WG stranded copper wire with blue HATWPE insulation of suitable length -to attach to the terminal board of the test station. 2.04 TEST STATION LEAD WIRES A.. Test station lead wires of all sizes skull have TW, THW or TIHI- N insulation. B. Type insulation shall be color coded bred upon connection to undergroLmd structums: Water piping: white. 2. Foreign structures: red. 3. Steel =iags: yellow. C. All tenninal boards shall be wired by the installer as shown on the' drawings. 2.DS TUERAUTE WELD E UIPIVIENT A. Charges and Molds: Weld charges and mold size shall be specified by the manufacturer for the specific surface configuration. Use only the correct charges for the specific application. Welding charges and molds shall be Erico, Cadweld or ontinental dustries, T hermoweld. B. Weld Coating: Coating for all welds s 11 be op -Coat as manufactured by Carboli-Re or approved equal. Cover coated weld with a plastic weld cap. PART 3 . EXECUTION 3.01 APPLICATIONS A. Required applications of corrosion control test stations include locations where fitttire testing is anticipated for the following reasons: 1. 'Testing to determine the effectiveness of the installed cathodic protectiori systems and to allow for startup adjustments. 2. Testing to deter -tine interfermee effects from and on adjacent or crossing foreign uxWerground sinwtwes. 3. Testing to-debumine sourrces and magnitu of stray d-c c=eats and required mitigative measures. 4. Periodic monitoring to determine status of existing cathodic protection syn#ems, stray current, and foreign line influence, B. Install test stations at each of the locations scheduled on Appendix D. As a minimum, test stations are required at each of the following locations: 15641 April, 2002 gage 3 of 6 3 " WATERLINE TO SENDERA RANCH CORROSION CONTROL FORT WORTH, TEXAS TEST STATIONS I At all major underground metallic pipeline crossings. 2. At all cased crossings and tunnels (both ends), t all underground isolation flanges. 4. At all anode grouadbed locations. 3.02 GENERAL A. Locate test stations adjacent to manholes where possible. If a flush, mounted test statioti is not feasible in a particular loca&ia, then an above -grade test station may be used, subject to approval by the owner or its designated representative. B. Use continuous test station lead wires without carts or tears in the insuIation. C. I}ocate. test stations as close to dire tly over the pipe as possible. If the pipe.is installed under a road, place the test station at the curb for easy access, D: Attach test lead ' ires to the pipe by thermite welding. B. Attach test 'wires to the pipe prior to backfOling. F. Use color coded test wires as indicated on the drawings. 0. Wire test station terminal board configurations as shown on tl drawings. H. At foreign pipeline ermsing test stations, the owners of the pipeline must be notified and roust give permission before the test leads are connected to their pipeline. The owner ,should have a representative present. 3.03 FLUSH -MOUNT TEST STATIONS A. install flush -mount test stations as shown.on the drawings. B. Su'1~ficient'slack shall be coiled beneath the test station to allow fbT soil settlement and to prevent damage to the leads during backfilling. Additional slack shall be left to allow for withdrawal of the terminal board a minimum of 18 inches above the top of the precut concrete traffic box for test purposes. C. Install .flush -mount test . stations with permavent copper/copper sulfate reference electrodes where indicated on the drawings. 1. . Install reference electrode approximatgly 12.-inches from the pipe, . Compact native soil by hand around the electrode. The balance of the backfill shall be, select granular bacicf`ill material, ativate the backfllled reference electrode with 5 gailom of water. 15641. A.pri1, 2002 Page 4 of 6 6" WATER LINE TO SK NDERA RANCH CORROSION COMROL FORT WORTH, T A TEST STATIONS D, Set test stations installed outside areas' of permanent paving materials hi a Portland cffinent concrete pad. The concrete pad shall be a minimum of 24 inches square and no less than 4 inches thick. 3,04 ABOVE -GRADE TEST STATIONS A. Install above -grade test stations where a flush moutnted test station cannot be located. Use and location of above -grade test stations shall be approved _by the owucx or its designated representative. l3, Locate nest .station adjacent to a permaneat structure (e.g. a power pole), if available, for physical protection, C. Coil suf eient. slack beneath the test station to allow for soil se#tlement artd to prevent damage to the leads during backfilling. D. Set test stations in a Portland cement concrete anchor, The concrete anchor. shall be a minlnium of 12 inches in diameter and ho less -than 2 feet thick. .05 TUT LEAD WIB.I+ ATTACHMENT , Attach test leads to the pipe by thermite welding directly to the pipe for ductile iron rrr to an "'V' bracket for CCP. See &awi,ngs.- B. The pipe to which the wires are to be attached shnK be clean and dry. C. When connecting; directly to the pipe, use a grinding wheel to remove all wating, mill scale, oxide, gn-asc, and dirt from an area approximatEAy 3 hiclies square. Grind the surface to bright metal. D, The wires to be thenuiw welded to the pipe shall havo approximately I inch of insulation removed fi-om each end, exposing clean, oxide -free copper for welding. . M Using the proper size them-dte weld mold as recommended by the rranirfaoturer, place the_ wire between the graphite mold and the prepared metal surface. Use a copper sleeve crimped over the wire for all No. 12 AWGwires. F. Place the metal disk in the bottom of the mold. G. Pour the therrnite weld chime into the mold. Squeeze the bottom of the cartridge to spread lotion powder'over the charge- H. dose the mold cover and ignite the starting powder with a flint gun. 1. 'After the exothermic reaction, remove, the thermite weld mold and gently strike the weld with a finer to remove the weld slag. lull on the wiro. to assure a se=e connection. If the weld is not secure or the wire breaks, repeat the procedme. J. If the weld is secure, coat all bare metal and weld metal with op -Coat. Cover the coated geld with a plastic weld cap. 1SG41 April, 2002 Page 5 of 3 " WATE, RLINE TO SENDERA RANCH CORROSION CONTROL FORT WORTH, TEXAS I'tST STATIONS 3.06 POST INSTALLATION BACKFILLING OF TEST STATION - LEAD WIRES. A. Protect test station wires to prevent damage to the wire insulation and conductor integrity during ba&f'dling. B. After completion of the back -filling of the test 'wires to the pipe, verify the connection by recording a pip e,to-sail. potential. C. Replace any test wife found to have a high resist€tnce connection. ,AND OF SECTION 15641 April, 20M gaga 6 of 6 APPENDIX SPECIFICATION EC 1 1564 MAGNESIUM ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM CATHODIC PROTECTION FORT WORTH, TEXAS FOR PIPE LINES SECTION 15642 MAGNESIUM ANODE CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTM PART 1 GME AL 1.01. SECTION IMMI DES Requirements for magnesium anodes to cathodically protect prostrf,-ssfA concmte cylinder pipe ( WWA C- 301), or polyethylene encased ductile iron. pipe. A. Work performed under this specification shall consist of providing all supervision, labor, equipment and materials as well as providing all operations necessary to install and test the required cathodic protection system components for the exierior surfaces of the 36" Water Line to serve S endera Ranch in Fort Worth, 'Tee. The work shall be performed in accordance- with the provisions -of the specifications, applicable glans, codes and standards, and subject to other tuns and conditions for the project.. B. Cathodic protection components shall be as shown on the project drawiqs fort 36" Water Line to serve Sendefa R€hn& The cathodic protection system shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. Mafia and installation. 2. f'ost-installation survey. 3. Final Report C. A lications: Re - Required appii &ns of cathodic protection include buried water piping ar appurtenances. References to conereta cylinder pipe .shall be interpreted as AWWA Type C30.1 prestteswd con=te cylinder pipe. 1.02 REFEREK . A. NEC70 - National Electrical Code .P. SPACE 1-0169-96 - Recommended Practice, Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged Metallic Piping System& C. UL 83 -- Thetnopl.astic-ln,sulated Wires. D, UL 486 Wire Connectors and Soldering Lugs for Use With Capper Conduct, 1.03 QUALM CONTROL A. Installer vilifications: Cathodic protection installer shall have a minimum of 5 years of documented experience in the type of cathodic protection work requixed for the project. April, 2002 15642 Page I of 8 36" 'WATER DINE TO SENDERA RANCH FORT WORT 1, Tl' S CATS ODIC PROTECTION FOR PIPELXNES B. Cathodic Protection Tester; Cathodic protection tester shall -be present during the installation of all anodes, field splices, and thermite welding. All testing shall be, completed by a NA E International certified corrosion technologist, C. All materials, fabrication and installations are subject to inspection and testing by the owner or its designated representative. E. The drawings for the cathodic protection System are diagrammatic and shall not be scaled for exact locations unless scales are explicitly stated on the specific drawing. Field conditions, non-interference with other utilities or mechanical, and structural features shall determine exact locations, Contractor shall note other existing utilities in the area. Gyre sW1 be taken dwing excavation not to damage these utilities. Any daarn.aged utiffiks shall be repaired to the satisfaction of Carter & Burgess and the City of Fort Worth at the Contractor's expense. FART 2 ANODES 2.01 SACRIFICIAL -ANODES - MAGNESIUM A. Magnesium Anodes: 48-pound, prepackaged, high potential magnesium modes shall be used. The metallurgical composition of the magnesium a maes shall be as follows: Element Percent am�osltlo_n_ AFumi aum 0.01 mammum- Mar arlcse 0,50 to 1.3 Copper 0.02. Maximum Nickel 0.001 Maximum Iron 0.03 Maximum Other - (each) 0.05 Maximum Other - (total) 0.30 Maximum Magnesium Balance B.. Magnesitun Anode Current Capacity, Magnesium anodes shatlI have a current capacity of no less than 500 amp -hours per pound of magnesium. . Anode BaWill Material: Chemical 'backfill material shall be used. around 'all gaXvanie anodes installed. 13ackfill shall provide for a reduced contact resistance to earth, provide for a uniform environment surrounding the anode, retain moisture around the anode, and prevent pa si.vativn of the anode, 1, ,All galvanic anodes shall come pzepackaged iu a backfill material confortning to the following composition: at. [around hydrated gypsum. 75 poicent b. Powdered bentonite: 20 percent c, Anhydrous sodium sulfate: 5 prrsent. . The bac fill shall have a grain size -Lich . that 100 pert eat is capable of pas ag through a 20-mesh screen and 50 percent is retained by a 100-mesh screen. 3. The back -rill mixture shall completely surround the anode within a cotton bag. April, 2002 15641 Page 2 of 9 6" WATER LEU TO SENDE A RANCH CATHODIC PROTECTION FORT WORTH TH TEXAS FOR PfPELrNFS 4. For standard cast rnagnesium, ingots, the weight of backfill required shall be as follows: Anode Weight Baclfill Weight Total Weight (Founds) (Pounds) (Pounds) 48 . 4 - 96 - D. Anode Lead Mires: 1. The standard lead wire for a mapesium anode shall be a 20-foot length of No. 1 AWG solid copper wine with type TW insulation. F. Lead Wire Connection to Magnesium Anode: 1. Maguesium anodes shall be cast with a galvanized steel core with the weight of the core not to exceed 0.10 pours per linear foot. . One end of the awde shall be reussed to expose the core for the 146ad- vare connection. 3. The lead wire skull be silver-solderod to dw core and the connection Uly insulated by filling the recess with an electrical potting compound. 2.02 SPLICING TAPE 'Tape used for taping anode lead wire to anode header cable connections sMI be Scotch 33 vinyl electrical tape and Scotch 13 OC rabber splicing tape, as manufactured by Scotch, 3 ' or approved equal. Taped splices shall be covered with a coating of Scotchk6te electrical coating. 2.03 CRIMPING LUGS Crimping lugs used to connect the anode lead wire to anode header cable shah bc- copper compression crimpit Catalog No. YC10C10 as manufactured by Bumdy or approved eck�kal. 2.04 ANODE HEADER CABLE Anode header cables routed between the anode gmundbed and the test stations shall be #10 AWO stranded capper conductors with type I MWE insulation (Black). 2.05 TEST STATIONS A. The test statimis shall be seven terminal, flush -to -grade, five tmmiffial Big Fink as manufactured by Cott Manufacturing Company or approved equal. B. The Frecast Concrete traffic box shall be an 8.75-1neh diem, r I-RT with a cast iron cover marked "CP Testa as manufactured by Brooks Products, Inc or approved equal. April, 2002 15642 Page 3 �f 8 36" WATER LINE TO SENDERA RANCH FORT WORTH, TEXAS 2.06 SHUNT CATHODIC. PROTECTION FOR PIPELINES A. Monitoring shunt shall be 'a 0.01-alum Type RS shunt as rnanufact=d by Holloway or approved equal. B , ' Two shunts are required in each test station. .07 TEST LEAD WIRE A.. Test station lead wims shall be 412 AWG stranded copper cmble with type TH insuNtion �wlliie). .08 PERMANENT REFERENCE ELECTRODE A. The permanent reference electrode shall be a copper{copper sulfate Pen acell, Motel TI P-802 as m=ufactured by Harco Technologies or approved equal. B. The permanent referenca electrode sluill be equipped with No. 14 AWG stranded copper wire with blue 1IIVIWPE insulation of suitable length to attach to the terminal board of the test station. , The errnanent reference electrode shall have a minimum design life of 1 years and a ' stability of 5 milhvolts under a 3.0 microamp load. 2.09 . THERMITE, WELD EQUIPMENT Materials required for #he=ite welding and coating of the welds are described in the following sections. A. Charges and Molds: Weld charges and mold size shall be as specified by the manufacturer for the specific- surface cGeguration. Care skull be taken dining installation to be sure correct charges are used. Welding charges and molds shall be the product of a cmnufacturev regularly engaged in -the production of such materials, B. Weld Coating: Coating for all welds shall be Kop-Coat as manufactured by Carbaline or approved egnal. The coated weld shall be covered with a plastic vcwold cap. PARS' 3 CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM INSTALLATION 3.01 INSTALLATION OF SACRIFICIAL ANODES A. The 36" dlarn t-r prestressed concrete cylinder pipe configuration will require twenty (20) anode groundbeds each consisting of ten, 48 pound prepackaged magaesium anodes. The groundbeds will be distributed as follows- - Contract I, Thirteen anode groundbeds shall be installed on the pipe section installed south of Highway 287. The approximate spacing required between groundbeds is 1,00 feet for this pipe section. April, 2002 15642 Page 4 of 8 36" WATER LINE TO SENDERA RANCH CATHODIC PROTECTION FORT WORTH, TEXAS FOR FfPELINI; Contract IL Seven anode g undbeds shall be installed on the pipe section installed north of Highway 287. The approximate spacing required between gmundbeds is 1,340 feet for this pipe section. B. Cathodic protection for the -inch diameter polyethylene coated ductile iron pipeline will require seven (' anode groundbeds each consisting of a groupof ten, 48 pound prepackaged, magnesimn anodes. The groundbeds will be distributed as follows: - Contract I: Four anode groundbeds shall be installed on the pipe section installed south of Highway 287. The approximate spacing required between groundbeds is 4,000 feet for this pipe section. - Contract U: Three anode groundbeds shall be installed on the pipe section installed north of Highway 287. The approximate spacing required between groundbeds is 2,500 feet for this pipe section. C. Placement, Each anode shall be installed vorticallp in an 8 inch diameter by 10 foot deep, hole as shown on the project drawings: enterliae of the anode shall be a minirnum of 10 feet from the centerline of the pipe. Anodes shall be installed within the pipeline right - of wzy as far away from the waterline as possible.. .- Anodes shall be installed on 10-foot centers. R Augured Hole: The hole diameter shall easily accommodate the anode. F. Bac filling: After the hole is augured, the packaged anode sball'be lowered into the hole and the soil shall be firmly tamped around the package so that it is in intonate contact with the package. 0. Anode Uad Wire: Lead wires from the anodes shall be run Ll-ndcrground at a minimum depth of 24 inches. Each made lead wits shall be connected to an anode header cable as indicated on the project drawings. K Handling: Anodes shall be Dandled in a manner that will avoid darnaging anode materials and wire connections. 3.02 INSTALLATION OF PERMANENT REFERENCE E ELECTRODE (AT EACH TEST STATION) A. Location: One pmmmont copper/copper sulfate refemace electrode shall be installed at each test station location and shall be within ' of the pipe at pipe depth, -The reference electrode shall be prepared and installed in stria a.ccord.auce witb the manufacturers recommendations B. Placement: The pei nent reference electrode may be placed in the same ditch with the water line and carefully covered with the same sail as the pipeline back ill. , Lead Wire: The permanent reference aiectrode' lead wire shall be protected dming backfdl operations and routed to the test station along with the waterline test leads a:a-d anode groland bed cables. April, 2002 15642 Page 5 of 8 36" WATIER LINE TO SENDE.RA RANCH CATHODIC PR TECTION FORT WORTH, TEXAS FOR PIPELINES 3.03 III TALLA"i` N OF WIRE AND CABLE A. Depth: AEI underground wire and cable skull be' installed at a minimum of 24 incites below find grade with a minimum separation of 6 inches fmm othtr underground structures. . B. Anode leader Cable: Each anode lead wire shall be connected to a 010 IHi NPE header cable which shall be routed into a flush -to -grade test station. C. Anode Lead Wire To. Header Cable Connection: Each anode lead wire to leader cable connectiort shall be made using a popper compression connector. Each connection shall be taped using rubber tape, vinyl tape atxd coattd with Scotchkote electrical coating as shown on the project drawings. D. Anode Connection-To-PipeUae: leach group of tan (10) anodes shall be comeded to the pipeline through a test station. Each group of ten anodes will be divided into two groups of five (5) anodes. Each group having it's own'header cable routed to the test station. 'A 0.01 ol= shunt shall be used to connect each anode lieadcr cable to the pipeline as shown on the project drawings. E A 3" wide, yellow, non -detectable wmuing tape laboled "Cathodic Protection Cable Buried Belo shall be buried at a depth of 1 " below the surface and along the kngt� of all cp cable trenches. 3.04 TEST LEAD WIRE ATTACHMENT A. Test lead cables shall bt attached to the pipe by thermite welding. B. The pipe to which the wires are to be attached shall be -clean and dry. , A grinding wheel shall be used to remove all coating, mill soale, oxide, grease and dirt from the tank over are arose approxii mtely 3 i=hes square. The surface shall be cleaned to bright metal. D. The wires to he thermite welded to the pipe shall have approximatcly 1 inch of it ulatiott removed from each end, exposing clean, oxide -free copper for welding. F. Using the proper size th=dte weld mold as recommended by #.he manufacturer, the wire shall be placed between the graphite mold and the prepared metal surface. All tires No. 12 AWGi size shall use a copper sleeve crimped over the wire. F- The metal di8k shall be placed in the bottom of the mold. G. The cap from the weld charge container shall be removed and the contents poured into the mold. Squeeze the bottom of ffie weld charge container to spread ignition powder over th.c charge, April, 2002 15642 Page 6 of 8 6" WATER LINE -TO SE INE+ Rai RANCH FORT WORTH, TFXAS CATHODIC PROTECTION FOR PIPELINES H. Close the mold cover and ignite the starting powder with a Bird gran. 'The mold should be held firmly in place until all of the charge has burned and the weld has cooled slightly. I. remove the thermite weld mold and -gently strike the weld with a hainmer to remove the weld slag. hull on the wire to assure a secure connection. 1f the weld is not secure or the wire breaks, repeat the procedure, J. If the weld is secure, coat ail bare metal and weld metal with Kop-Coat. The carted weld shall be covered with a plastic weld cap, 3.05 FLUSH -TO -GRADE TEST STATIONS A. Flush -to -grade test stations shall be installed as shown on the drawings. Test stations shall be installed in a 6" x 12" x 12" square concrete -pad. & Sufficient slack shall be coiled beneath the test station to allow for soil settlement and to prevent damage to the leans during backfiging. Additional slack shall be left tc allow for with&avwal of the terminal board a minimum of 12" above the top of the concrete pad for test ptuposes. 3.06 . POST INSTALLATION BAMILLING OF CABLES A. GenerakDuring the backfilling operation, cables shall be protected to prevent damage to the wire insulation and conductor integrity. 3,07 POST INSTALLATION TESTING OF T11E CATHODIC P.ROTIECTION SYSTEMS A. {'reu.eral: As soon as possible afL-r the calhodic protection equipment has been installed, the system shall be inspected, energized and adjusted, B. Energization: The energizing of the cathodic protection system shall be -performed by a corrosion engineer hired by the contractor to achieve compliance with the ref=n,ced corrosion control standards set forth by NA L International an&or A WA'. Method. The Corrosion Englneer shall: 1. Measure naive state structure -to -soil potentials along the waterline using the perm► nt reference electrodes at each anode test station prior to .energizing_ the cathodic protection. system. 2. Euergize the cathodic protection system by connecting aach. magnesium anode groundbed to the pipeline leads in the test station junction box. Record each anode groundbed current using the 0,01-obm shunt. 3. Allow 3 weeks for the pipeline to polarize. April, 2002 15642 Page 7 of 8 36" WATER LEST TO SENDERA RANCH FO RTWORTH, TEXAS CATHODIC }P� PROTECTION dillPIPEL l�l S 4. Adjust, if necessary, the cathodic protection cent output in each anode test station to satisfy the criteria of a minimum of 100 ,miLivoIts of polarization or an "Instant, Of#" potQ.adal at least as negative as -550 millivolts SF-. 6. Record all final current outputs measured at each test station. 7. Verify that all electrical isolation devices ara operating properly including Mange isolators, and coring spacers. S. Verify that interference does not exist with foreign structures.. perform joint tests with owners of the foreign stricture and mitigate my interference detected. Foreign line test stations have been provided to facilitate the interference testing and installation of any necessary resistance bonds, It is the corrosion engimers responsibility to coordinate the interference testing with the owners of foreign structures. D. Verification and Responsibilities 1, Contractor shall correct, at his expense, any deficiencies in materials or installation procodures discovered during the post -installation inspeCdDn. 2. Cmosion Engineer shall provide written documentation of any deficiencies discovered during the post Wtailation inspection. E. Equipment: All cathodic protection testing instruments shall be in proper working order and calibrated accorditig to factory specifications. F. - Report: The results of alt commissioning pmoedurw along with documentation of anode groundbed cut nt outputs, pipe-tc-soil potentials, results of interference testing, re ults of insulated joint tests and as built drawings shall be compiled in a fiiml report and furnished to the owner along with operating and maintenance inst Lwtiorts, END OF SECTION April, 2002 15642 Page 8 of 8 APPENDIX .H DRAWINGS S +,r:rlJr,;"j IILY:'A:t7 Ojai om SHu f TYK M-7 TM Mnw TRWBOIIRL� 0.01 OHlJ SFRlWT 9NM 1-REli E JUMPER WARES OR SHM1M BARS AM 1 EZU RESISTANCE VARE TD LIWT CURRM OIiW OF AHOA)E5. If REWIRED 2-INE-ALL ANODES A5 F'AR MAY FMM PIPE to , sAlMDM OWS 110 Mr, SMk4)M ONIFER AS POSS81.1 IMnM THE RIGHT-OFYWAY. C149LE YIFfF{ HMWPE RJLATG4F#. G4BLE 411TH HLi41PE MUL}s1IM, MINWUM L431 HCE FRW F EURE 5t U .... F..i., N. av 1.1rfuhC NOT BE L415 II PYt 1V,, wqw� ;nw.M1 112 ANG SfRIi MM COPPER 114 AWG 5l"fWM COVER CABLES WV ZiiYf Jf151 I-AMON. ��` � ; �' � CABLE WgH Hh1'ItPE InULAWN1. WHITE (M WATER LW BLUE (W PERIMEJ'+T FVVZM 2-E)7ROOE) 112 AWG M 90LID VaZ WFFH TW 16WTKN- BLACK10` 1 O' 48 iE. PREMK uGEO (AHflQE LEADI L f fPBCiL '� LJNGMES1l11� tJMJIODE. I to Jk GL) --JL-. ''o 01 j T T I WEAR 51cm TYPJCpL MOM LEAD SEE MAIL TO HEAM CABLE sow J14 M SlITMIC D COPPM GME FLUSH-T4 CIiADE TESE STA110M- wrm 111i!(tPE WaULATM BLACK it N it x r T?E NFL-7. SEE INSIULATM. -' im (1+WUE REAM CJy w GNM= p a #14 AWC STWOFDM • CAELE WITH RIME z s CCP?a A QIrBIES ti BLUE �F CJCuS>74 RFFIREH ELECTRON rna 5 m �k SArWE DEPTH A5 3MTICU OF PIPE (C MM PIPE) CAJ[WaD CgNM19M'ON% _ — — �E Q�JUL. �Titi ShJttl — Wil MMMEM CI"CER PIPE 3E CONCdiEIE C"UM PIPE CONCRETE MWBER PME FITH MAC E,SIUM ANOM AND TEST STATION INSTA J-ATIDN RO.11E. TYPICAL ANODE LEAD TO HWER GABLE 5PL10E, 5EE WMM S THts SHEEP #10 AM 57RWDED COPPER CABLE WgH affia INSEIIr Um. PLAM yvionE HEAAER ak" JLWPER W ES OR 9HQnr C Wl 0-01 OHM SHUN[ T1PE rya-7 TEST STMOM TERW 0.01 OM SRNT E: 1--RBW< JLIDPER WE5 OR SHOE INIG WS AND INSTALL WIR MCE E TO U T CUW WT OUTPUT Of ANODES, MIME D. IMED. O PM sgw�WPCOPPER J10 A G 51RVJdED OOPPER CABLE yiR7I{ HE 1NSULAMK fiE p115F{ Hk1W UACK (MME REAM 05BLE) 112 AWC SlR ED COPPER 114 A1kG ST�J§PED car-pa-pa08ELI x,WITH THW k{Si�1.4T1 a, WHITE (To WATER LIHE) RUff tS'2 AWG COOPER SMID 1101; o WdilkEli sm SEE OETAEL smmm 112 me xVWFMVaLe mw THE TO M mew WHM CA911ELD COM�CIIOW. = &3ML 1116 5t9tTY T2` x If x � c Prn AE !M#SIJL4T3 0H, BLACK (Ad1O0E HIJ40a:R CpEL Q �,aHLE 411iH I1W'8PE IMiSULATILVI, 13l.ldE �€4 PfRIN�h1IJdi 4CF ELECTR�E� RO.1H. #S ES. PREPACKAGM LLIt6Hgm AHOOE, u FA. FLUSH TO-�E TEST SfATM IYPE HMi-7, SEE INSERT A' TM 4RWIM 114 AM ST�ET1 COPPER . (� 'KITH HMiWAE IRSULAT➢0lfl, MTLUE POWNEW CuSC4 RIYROrE ELEGFROdE SAMlE-4EM AS DUMM1 OF PIPE (T FROM PIPE) 3k 9 MATED 5M WATERIJNE pDjyETHyLENE 3Y] PPLD DUcTjLjy jRoN ME W= HAVNESIUM ANOR ' AND TEST .STATION INSTALLMON pif OONGiETE 8U7� Pm R"MI l]D 6IkRFI» 1 zy x le x 6" TEST" ICRETE PAD FNISHM GRADE-- j4 (i1P. 4 EACH WAY) T i'�13ARS ++i 3� - BOX 'FBY TER IML BOX 12,Eolyp # MIDE Sj YO SM- 46 I fay Pvc PIPE ., � DRAIN ROCK PROVIDE SUIFFIaIW SLACK IN CABLES T4 ALLOW REMOVAL K FIRM VALVEBOX US S A—KON TEf r" ommm -tc-10-14 ow, 2 pis.) RACK 114 AWEULNWWEATION �— PARAWN =UIREAWG LEAD DR� Ir,sur�anor� THERMITE RAZED OONr rioH I� (-YP- 2 kS, SEE DETAIL PIPELINE PERhd4N�Ff Eufc�O� - WFERMCE VLECTRMENI MACHINE SCREWS. WASHERS, HEX NUTS LEVN TERMINAL BOARD WFM LEAD WFU LEAD TO. PIPEUKE TO PIPS -NE i INSERT — FLUSH MOUNTED POTENTIAL TEST STATION � 110 AWG SMWm COPPER CAME WtM HAR LMLAT.BLACK (ANODE HMER CMILE) 2 \ � J12Aa 2UD Q+m M3 ^ mm TOISNU ON, BACK (WQELEAD WIRE) _ m M. mmhWlZM MAGNESIUM AMBE �. . �■ . - ANODE 12T LLAYTO7 ELMICAL PUTTY COAT DMRE SPLCE WITH 8mranTE EL.ECZl1Ax COATING . TWO HALF LAPPED LAYERS OF ARYL TAPE, SCDMK 88 TWO HALF LAPPED LAYERS V SCOTQH 130C RU3BM TAPE COPPER OMPRESSM CONNE 7M. CRikg;lrC OUR14DY MOM #10 A" STR41(]ED WPPER CABLE yltllT{ HW PE INSULATION, BLACK - - {ANODE HEADER UBW I I I 111111 112 AVM MUD COPPER Cp81.E WffK niw IHSULAMN, BLACK (ANODE = WJRE) T ANODE L TO HEADER C IE SPLICR 'f84TERl.ENE J14 A4WG STRANDED OOPPER Cb9LE GYM HVWPE MULA TON. iBLV PERIdMNT Clif0uSO4 ROERME ELMTRODE 5' FMW WAIERUNE AND SAME DEPTH AS PJPE 'FERUCY FLECTRODE INSTALLATION BONDING CUPS, 3 PER JOINT -41/2- -DELL END s OF PIPE .3 C �I 1/8` }Z'U END OF PIPE INSIDE OF PIPE PLANT OT CHIP CUT MORTAR LIMING 140TE COATING NOT SHOWN LINING CHIPPED rNS11 E OFS IN PT PIPE TELL r - •ri.�' t i MINDER RUSBER F k• . r - ASXET ■ � r ' = . 2-4 GA, MIN. k „ �- •' SHORTING STRAP, EK€p2IOR 2- REQUIRED FOR OF PIPEEACH PIPE (SEE VAEW A —A} NON --SHRINK GROUT PLACED ArTER INSTALLATIBN MAKE GROOV5 FOR SHOR71NG STW AND REPLACE WITH MORTAR IN PLANT SPIGOT E WIRE WRAPPED OVER "dFIOF7nNG STRAP COATING GORE CORE b.D- SHCRnNG STRAF (SEE Vlaq A —A) O WERE WRAP HEM END END OF PIPE —.4 - A=A I vopE W PF-D OVER SHORTING STRAP @QNoiNc CLIPS NOTE: CyL1NDER AND +MRE WRAP NOT SHOWN FlU%ff MRSM CI.W'3 N FAR jfi-' as AS 5HMN, YNW OJPs m RUJ, AMC SPSW UWr n *� A--. C �w� arm 3-BONDING CLIPS NON-SIARINK GROUT PLAC£0 RE7Q4rrF PER .lOi�dT IN FIELD AFTER INSTALLAUON SCREENED COAMNG OF CUPS IN PLANT SCREENED COATING RUDE GASKET I f 8" ZYP. v FULL FILL!- WELDS AT PLANT IN PLMfF 'd s e 42 d FULL FILLI=f W -LDS AT PJ W c' 41 ED SPIGOT RING CARNEGIE SWeED *LIHM CHIPPED EN PLANT FOR DAMETERS LARGER THAN wo NON —SHRINK GROUT PLACED IN RELD M PLACE! BONDING .CUPS IN INMRIOR OF PIPE FOR DIAMETERS LARGER THAN 3W 0 BONDED JOINT -LIMED CYLJNDER. PIPE -MERIM BRAZED ODMECT -of PJpE CHIP COHCREIE AS � RE1QUp2E,b FOR WIDLOING - ir qr -. 4 4 7S� 012 A3WG SM NaED DaPP€R C&EF F WITH T14W INsu€MN, WHITE, TO M WTION NON-%SHFMK GROUT PLACED — IN FIELD AFTER OONHI 1IpM Ids eEErI uw_ TYP. PPE WERAOR CERMT MORTAR SfEEE CwpER/ma PIPE CEIiEhll' hIQRrAK UNIHG I to GAL K 1--1/4' WIDE x 2-1/0 LONG U.ONCING CLP (3 REQUIRED PER JOINT) AREiht6 M 3' APART JAI] ON TOP OF PIPE '*L" BRACKET BONDING- REUViff PIPa NE COATING, FAE PIPE TO BFUCKT MErX AND MY ANY WOlST M WITH A TcwEL S7FJ} i HOLO WELDER FIRMLY IH .PLACE M FROMr_� M STEP 3 LL MAbUK COFIHECiION APPLY SPARK GlM AWAY COAT GOMI=CTION WITH O FUMIHOIIS COMFO(V Fa. = 5 STRIP WSULAit M FROU YMRE (SEE HOTS NO. 1) STEP WITH HAMMER S1F-P 4 r, HANDLE } ,/— (WFITE iCLD au,� +3J+,?: YAELD NE�i4L MEr& DISK OUPPER HIRE PIPE SURFACE INSERT GENERAL PRQEOIJ_RE 1_ MIEN USIXG Nd_ 10 TO ND. 14 AWG SDIJO MIRE. IF WILL BE NECESSARY TO INSTALL A COPPER SLEEVE OF ADEWATE SJZE OVER THE BARE EIKQ (IF THE SPIRE AND CFRLMF' IN PLACE BEFORE ATTEWTM TO MAKE THE CONKCTICN_ TILE WIRE S14GUI_D PROTRUDE AT LEAST 1 f8' FROM THE ENO OE THE. SLEEVE I INSERT THE COkIDUC-M IKW T& WOW 1113TIfkl3 ANY S 3132M 1WORMA11M k1HQER 'ECG OHM' MR APPLICAnON! TYPE 91 THE M1,HIJFACTURERS INOMIt7bS PACKAWIM THE Wad_ 3. INSERT STEEL DISK IN EIOTI-OM OF CAVWY WSIDE UOL€1. POUR THE WELD METAL JW5 M= BEJkr3 CMEOk NOT TO UPSET' THE STEEL DU( SAUEEZIE THE 80TRW -OF THE TUBE TO UDOSEN ALL THE 5TARTiNG PMDER AND SPFM R EVIXY O ER THE WELD RUAL PLACE A SMALL AMOLW OF VARTING POVW ON 7HE nP EDGE CIF' THE kOL1] UNDER IHE COVER OPOOG FOR EASY IGNITION. 4. CLOSE W&R AND IGNITE 'MTH THIS FLINT GM_ MU E THE I Ugr = AWAY MICKLY TO PRMT FOULING. IF FLINT GUN SHOULD BECOME FOULED, SOAK IF N NGM- }TOLD AWONIA 5. AFTER JGNWN HOLD TIC WELDER IN PLACE FOR A NOIEHT TO AM THE WELD TO SOLM-Y. AFTER THE WELT) HAS GDOLEU, RE WOVE THE SLAG WM A CHIF`MG Eta wEg OR WIRE BRUSH. 6. COAT CONNffMN AUD THE E]KARE PREPARED SIRFACIE 7_ MEAN THE COVER EWW E TO 16 WE1OB. S. 'NET OR D,IP MOLDS WILL PRODUCE POROUS WELD$. BOLDS MUST ESE DRIED OVr DEFORE ATTFMPT+NG TO WELD. 9. OONPiECT1O s AT?E Y4 BE PLCEO A kMIMUM OF 3' !PART. UITWXESSFUL WELDS ARE TO BE .aWDMED AND U99ED TO PHDTHER PREPARED 3AWQE KOT LESS THAN 3' AWAY. City of Fort Worth, Texas _ mayorand Oohmd 0����OR DATF REFERE NC E NUMDER I LOG NAM E ���� �"� � of FACE 1l14103 **-19418 I` SUBJE �r AWARD OF CONTRACT TO CONATBER CON TRUC ION, INC. FOR A 36-INCH WATER LINE EXTENSION TO SERVE SENDERA RANCH, CONTRACT II RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute a contract with Conatser Construction, Inc. in the amount of $1,326,175. 0 for a 36-inch water line extension to serve Sendera Ranch, Contract II. DISCUSSION: enders Ranch, Ltd. owns approximately 1,900 acres located north of Avondale Haslet Road and east of Willow Springs Road, The City annexed this property on December 11, 2001 (Ordinance No. 14888). The property is zoned for single-family, mufti -family, community facilities and neighborhood commeroial uses. On December 11, 2001 (M &C C-18878), the City Council approved a development agreement between the City and Sendera Ranch, Ltd. The development agreement stipulated that the City would design and construct a sanitary sewer lift station at the southeast corner of the development. on Deoernber 18, 2001 (M&O C-18895), the City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a contract with Carter & Burgess, Inc. for water and wastewater master planning for Sendera Ranch, which included the preparation of plans and specifications for water and sanitary sewer extensions. Contract II consists of the installation of approximately 8r100 linear feet of 36-inch water line. The project was advertised for bid on May 30 and June 6, 2002. On June 27, 2002, the following kids were received: FP.ff010111 *Site Concrete, Inc. *BR13 Contractor's, Inc. *Jackson Construction, Ltd. *Oscar Ronda Contracting, Inc. *Boyer, Inc. Conatser Construction, Inc. 1 illiam J. Schultz, Inc. dlbla Circle "C" Construction Company H & W Utility Contractors Pate and Pate L.L.G. B. J. Louis Construction of Texas, Ltd., LLP Jordan Paving Corporation AMOUNT $1,24' r621.00 $1,272,990.40 $1,282,78.00 $1,286,725.00 $1,319,428.00 $1,337,884.00 $1,418,616,8I) 1,426,303,20 1,447,996.00 $1,567,784.00 TIME OF COMPLETION 120 Calendar Days *The indicated bidders were determined to be non -responsive to the contract specifications by failing to comply with the MIBE requirements. - - - City of Font Worth, Texm MAyor wid Oommildd 0oxinwmim DATE IErf lvr. r�lrlrrt l.O NAME PACE 1/14103 ** _1 4'18 30RANCH 2 of 2 SUBJECT AWARD OF CONTRACT TO CONATSER CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR A 36-INCH WATER LINE EXTENSION TO SERVE SENDERA RANCH, CONTRACT II The non -availability of funds with which to construct this project until recently, caused this Mayor and Council Communication to be delayed. In addition to the contract cost, $93,000.00 is required for inspection and survey, and $40,000,00 is required for project contingencies. Conat er Construction, Inc. is in compliance with the City's N11WBE Ordinance by committing to % MANBE participation and documenting good faith effort. Ccriatser Construction, Inc, identified several subcontracting and supplier opportunities. However, the f1 NVBEs contacted in the areas identified did not submit the lowest bids. The Citys goal on this project is 18%. The project is located in COUNCIL D1 TRICT 2, Maps o 5T and X, and 19B. FISCAL INFOF M TIONICERTIFICA'T'ION, The Finance Director certifies that funds are available in the currant capital budget, as appropriated, of the Water Capital Projects Fund. MO:k Submitted for City Manager's Office hy: MEWU ou €)rigi eating Department head: Douglas iWcmakcr Additional Liformatiun Contaet: FUND I ACCOUNT CENTER AMOUNT (0) 6122 6157 (rr(nn) 113160 Douglas Ra&makcr 6157 541200 060160151850 CITY SECRETARY APPROVED 1114M3 $1, am,175.00