HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013/07/23-Minutes-City Council CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, 2013 Present: Mayor Betsy Price Mayor Pro tem W.B. "Zim"Zimmerman, District 3 Council Member Salvador Espino, District 2 Council Member Daniel Scarth, District 4 Council Member Gyna M. Bivens, District 5 Council Member Jungus Jordan, District 6 Council Member Dennis Shingleton, District 7 Council Member Kelly Allen Gray, District 8 Council Member Joel Bums, District 9 Staff Present: Tom Higgins, City Manager Sarah Fullenwider, City Attorney Mary Kayser, City Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER With a quorum of the City Council Members present, Mayor Price called the regular session of the Fort Worth City Council to order at 10:09 a.m. on Tuesday, July 23, 2013, in the City Council Chamber of the Fort Worth City Hall, 1000 Ttuocicmorton Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. II. INVOCATION - Pastor Andrew Nunley, 111, Campus Drive United Methodist Church The invocation was provided by Pastor Andrew Nunley, 111, Campus Drive United Methodist Church, 111. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. IV. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 9 201 AND J ULY 16, 2013 Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Bums, that the minutes of the Regular meeting of July 9, 2013, as corrected, and the Regular meeting of July 16, 2013, as presented, be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL NIEETING JULY 23" 3013 Page 2wf23 V. ITEMS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA There were uo items withdrawn from the Consent Agenda. VI. ITEMS TO BE CONTINUED OR WITHDRAWN BY STAFF There were uo items continued or withdrawn hystaff. VII. CONSENT AGENDA Motion: Mayor Pro teou Zimmerman made u motion, seconded by Council Member Empbuo, that the Consent Agenda ho approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes (oU nays. A. General-Consent Items -^ M&C G-17940 - Ratify Grant Application to Keep America Beautiful for a 2013 KA.B/Waste Management THINK GREEN@ Grant in the Amount of $10,000.00, Authorize Use of Anticipated Interest in the Amount of $250.00 and Adop Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following re0000noududVn: DLudfv the application for and execution ofo grant contract, if awarded, from Keep America Ijcmubfu| for a20l] BAB/Waute Management 1[BrNI{ (]REflYVO Grant in the un0000t of $10`000.00 for the purpose of purchasing additional recycling hima for use at the Fort VVo,tb Zoo; authorize the use of anticipated 'interest in the amount of$250.00; and adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 20814-07- 2013 iuorouaiug the estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund in the amount of $|0,25O.00, subject Lo receipt o[the grant. 2, M&C G-17941 - Authorize Application for and Acceptance of, if Awarded, a Grant from the Texas Department of Transportation, Aviation Division in the Amount Up to $800,000.00 for the Acquisition of an Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fi2htina Vehicle at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport, Autborize Expenditure in the Amount Up to $80,000.00 for the City's Grant Match and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) The City Council approved the {bUuvviug cc00000euda1ioo: Authorize the application for, and 000sp1uuoe n[ if uvvuodod, u grant from the Texas Deyuriolout of Transportation, Aviation Division, for the acquisition of an &ircuxtt Iloauue and Fire Fighting vehicle at Fort 9Vudb Meu4buoo luLocuudouu1 Airport in the ucuouuL up to $800,000.00; uuLbodzo the use of revenue derived from gas well drilling mu City-owned airports iuihcomouuLuyLo $80,000.00ioyrovido for the City's too percent grunt match; adopt &nprmpduiiou ()rdiuu000 No. 20815-07-2013 increasing eadouo1od o:ueiyto and uypcoydahouo in the Airports Goa l.ouuo Project Fund in the CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23r20l3 Page 3wf23 amount of $80,000.00, from uvui1ub]o funds, for the purpose of transferring said funds 10 the Airports (}ruut Fund for the City's cuutcb of the grant; adopt 8Lcnoludou No. 4220-07-2013 authorizing the execution of a grant agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for acquisition of an /\brruft Rescue and Fire Fighting Vehicle at Pod Worth Mcoobucu lntoroudouu1 Airport and authorize the City Muuugcz or his designee to execute all necessary coobuuta associated with this project with the Texas Department of Transportation; authorize a ionoxfer in the amount of $80`000.00 from the Airport [;ou l.tuoe Project Fund to the Airport Gnuutx Fund for the City's ten percent cou\ob; and adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 20810-07- 2013 iuurcumiog estimated receipts and appropriations in the Airport Grants Fund in the amount of $880,000.00 8f which $800`O00.00 is subject to receipt Vfthe grant, and io the amount o[ $80`00O.O0 from available funds, for the same purpose as stated above. 3. IM&C G-17942 - Authorize Application for and Acceptance of, if Offered, a Grant from the Texas Department of Transportation Aviation Division in the Amount Up to $160,000.00 for Non-Destructive Pavement Testini! of Runway 16/34 at Fort Worth Meacham International Airport, Authorize Expenditure in the Amount Up to $16,000.00 for the City's Grant Match and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) The City Council approved the [bUowi roounnueudu1k>u: Authorize the application for, and ooccytoouo o[ if awarded, u grant from the Tczuu Department of Transportation, /\viudou Division, for non-destructive pavement testing of Runway 16/34 at Fort Worth Mcaobuoo International Airport iothe amount upW $l6U`000.00; authorize the use n[revenue derived from gum well drilling ou City-owned airports in the ucuouo1 up to $10,000.00 to provide for the City's huu percent grant oouiob; adopt Appropriation ()rdLua000 yJn. 20817-07-2013 increasing oxtionmtcd receipts and appropriations in the /\izpnd (}os Lcuoc Project Fund in the or000ut of $10,000.00, from available funds, for the purpose of transferring said funds to dbe /\izpodo Grant Fund for the City's ooutob of the grant; adopt Bcaoiuduu Nn. 4227-07-2013 authorizing execution of a grant agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation for non-destructive testing of Runway 10/34 at Fort VVndb &8eooburn IoLonzuboual Airport and ouibodzc the City Manager orhis designee to execute all necessary 000truoLo associated with this project vvitb the Texas Department ofTransportation; authorize u transfer io the amount n[$|0'00O.00 frnru the Airports (}om Lease Project Fund to the Airport {}rauLn Fund for the City's ten percent grant match; and adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 20810-07-2013 increasing estimated receipts and appropriations Lu the Airports (}ruot Fund io the amount nf$i76`000.00of which $ld0,00O.O0io subject to receipt of the grant, and in the ououu i of $16,000.00 from available funds, for the same purpose au stated above. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, %0l3 Page 4of23 4. M&C G-17943 - Adol2t Appropriation Ordinance Increasing Estimated Receipts and Appropriations in the Special Revenue Fund, Library Automation System Sharing Fund and Authorize Transfer in the Amount of $63,000.00 from the General Fund to Fund a Database Administrator Position in the Library IT Uni (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the transfer io the amount of$dS,000.00 from the Special Revenue Fund, Library Automation Systems Sharing Fund k) the (}nuera| Fund; and adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 20819-07-2013 iuco:oaiug estimated receipts and uyynophadouo io the Special Revenue Fund in the amount of $63,000.00, from available funds, for the purpose of funding u nine-month salary and benefits of one I]a(ubuoo Administrator inthe Library Information Technology Unit. 5' M&C G-17944 - Approve Findin2s of the Ground Transportation Coordinator Limousine Services, to Operate Four Limousines Within the City of Fort Worth and Adopt Ordinance Grantin2 Such Authority (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Consider and adopt the following findings of the (]round TcunoyndaLiou Coordinator: About IJFVV Co. d/b/u Ahou[PVV Car 8i l.booumiuc Services has yorfbonod nmdmtuotodly under the terms of its operating authority; the service provided continues to meet the public necessity and convenience os defined by Chapter 94 of the City Code; About [JFVV Co. c/b/u /\houtFUV Car 8i Limousine Services is qualified 10 conduct its business and continues to comply with the regubooueoim of Chapter 34 of the City Code; the general welfare of the citizens of the City will best be served by the continued operation of four limousines by About DFW Co. d/b/a AboutFW Car& Limousine Services; and adopt Ordinance No. 2O820-07-2Ul3granting the privilege ofoporoLiog authority k) About DFVV Co. d/h/o AboutFVV Car & Limousine Services for the use of the streets, oUoyo' and public |bVcnugbfhrom of the City in the conduct of its |booumioc business, vvbiob sboK consist of the operation of four limousines for a one year period beginning on the effective date; providing for written a000ptuuoe by About [>FVV Co. d/b/a /\houtFW Cur 8i Limousine Services, and conditioned in /\bnu| [}FVV Co. d/h/u About FVV Car & Limousine complying with all requirements of Chapter 34' Article \/I of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986)' as amended. CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, 2013 Page 5 of 23 6. M&C G-17945 - Approve Findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator Retarding Application of BLS Interstate, LLC, to Operate One Limousine Within the City of Fort Worth and Adopt Ordinance Granting Such Authority (AL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Consider and adopt the following findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator: The public necessity and convenience require the operation of one limousine upon the City streets, alleys and thoroughfares; BLS Interstate, LLC, is qualified financially able to conduct a limousine service within the City; BLS Interstate, LLC, has complied with the requirements of Chapter 34 of the City Code; BLS Interstate, LLC, presented facts in support of compelling demand and necessity for one limousine; the general welfare of the citizens of the City will best be served by the addition of one limousine upon City streets, alleys and thoroughfares; and adopt Ordinance No. 20821-07- 2013 granting the privilege of operating authority to BLS Interstate, LLC, for the use of the streets, alleys, and public thoroughfares of the City in the conduct of its limousine business, which shall consist of the operation of one limousine for a one year period beginning on the effective date; providing for written acceptance by BLS Interstate, LLC, and conditioned on BLS Interstate, LLC, complying with all requirements of Chapter 34, Article VI of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended. 7. M&C G-17946 - Approve Findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator Rewarding Renewal Application of Echo Transportation Solution, LLC, to Operate Seven Limousines Within the City of Fort Worth and Adopt Ordinance Granting Such Authority (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Consider and adopt the following findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator: Echo Transportation Solution, LLC, has performed satisfactorily under the terms of its operating authority; the service provided continues to meet the public necessity and convenience as defined by Chapter 34 of the City Code; Echo Transportation Solution, LLC, is qualified to conduct its business and continues to comply with the requirements of Chapter 34 of the City Code; the general welfare of the citizens of the City will best be served by the continued operation of seven limousines by Echo Transportation Solution, LLC; and adopt Ordinance No. 20822-07-2013 granting the privilege of operating authority to Echo Transportation Solution, LLC, for the use of the streets, alleys, and public thoroughfares of the City in the conduct of its limousine business, which shall consist of the operation of seven limousines for a one year period beginning on the effective date; providing for written acceptance by Echo Transportation Solution, LLC, and conditioned on Echo Transportation Solution, LLC, complying with all requirements of Chapter 34, Article VI of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, 2033 Page 6 o 23 @_ M&C G-17947 - Approve Findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator Re2ardin2 Application of Fluxtra, Inc., to Operate One Limousine Within the City of Fort Worth and Adopt Ordinance Grantin2 Such Authority (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS1 The City Council approved the following recoounoododou: Consider and adopt the fo)k/vviug findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator: The public 000caoiry and convenience require the operation of one 1irooumion upon the City streets, u11nyo and thoroughfares; Flux{ru, Ioo` im qualified fiooucio|iyable to conduct o limousine service within the City; Flurtru, loc., has complied with the requirements of Chapter 34 of the City Code; Fluxba, Inc., p000utod tbotw in support of compelling demand and necessity for one limousine; the general welfare of the citizens of the City will best bc served hv the addition nf one limousine upon City streets, alleys and and adopt Ordinance No. 20823-07-201.3 granting the privilege ofoperating authority to Fluxtra, Inc., for the use of the streets, aUcvn and public thoroughfares of the City in the conduct of its limousine business, which shall consist of the operation of one limousine for a one yourpofind beginning on the effective date; providing for written acceptance by F|oxbo, Inc., and conditioned on F)uxbu` Inc., o0oup)yiog with all requirements 0f Chapter 34' Article VI of the Code of the City of Fort Worth(l9Q0), uoamended. 9. M&C G-17948 - Approve Findin2s of the Ground Transportation Coordinator Two Limousines Within the City of Fort Worth and Adopt Ordinance Grantin Such Authority (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the 6»Unvviug nsc0000neododou: Consider and adopt the following Ondivao of the Ground Transportation Coordinator: Fcaokoiuuo Ruouuormbiuo, L[.C, has performed satisfactorily under the terms of its operating authority; the service provided continues to nouc( the public necessity and 000veoJouoo as defined by Chapter 34 of the City Code; Fnsokcisoo Hoouruermhiuo, LI.C, is qualified to conduct its business and continues to comply with the requirements of Chapter 34 of the City Code; the &000ra| welfare of the citizens of the City will boot be served by the continued operation of two |inoouaiooa by Foaukcioco Bunononmbioc, Ll.C; and adopt ()ndiuuuot No. 20024-07-2013 granting the ydvi)cgo of operating uutbodh/ to Fcankciuoo Bu00000rubiue, l.LC, for the use of the ubco{m` alleys, and public thoroughfares of the City in the conduct of its limousine business, vvbicb Shu|i consist of the operation of two ]boouuioom for u one year period begbmiog on the effective date; providing for vvdttoo uoonytuuoe by Fcoukciaoo Hununoornbine' LLC, and conditioned on Frozdkciaco }Iucoouembiuc` LLC, omnop\yiug with all requirements of Chapter 34, Article VI of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (198h)` uouonoudod. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY Z3~ %013 Page 7of 23 10. G-17949 - Approve Findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator Rep-ardin2 Renewal Application of Limo 10 Inc. d/b/a 360 Litno, Inc., to Operate Twelve Limousines Within the City of Fort Worth and Adopt Ordinance Grantin2 Such Authority (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following rnoouuucmdadmn: Consider and adopt the fb|invviug findings of the Ground Transportation Coordinator: Limo 10 d/b/a 360 I.i000' Inc., has performed satisfactorily under the terms of its operating authority; the service provided continues to cuecL the public necessity and oonvooi0000 as defined by Chapter 34 of the City Code; I.koo 10 d/h/e 360 Limo, Inc., is qualified to conduct its business and continues to comply with the requirements wf Chapter 34o[the City Code; the general welfare of the citizens o[the City will best bc served by the continued operation ofl2 limousines byLimo l0d/b/u3b0 Limo, luc.; and adopt Ordinance No. 20825'07-2013 granting the privilege ufoperating authority to [.boo 10 d/b/a 360 Limo, Inc., for the use of the streets, alleys, and public thoroughfares of the City in tile conduct of its limousine business, which shall consist of the operation of 12 limousines for a one year period beginning on the effective date; providing for written ococptuuoo by Limo 10 d/b/u 360 I.buo, Inc., and conditioned on Limo 10 d/h/a 380 Limo, Inc., nucoy1yiug with all requirements of Chapter 34, Article V7 of the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended. B. Purchase of Eciuipment, Materials, and Services-Consent Items '` M&C P-11558 - Authorize Purchase A2reement with Easy Switch Code Compliance Notices for the Code Compliance Department in the Amount Up to $66,555.00 for the First Year (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following reoouuoeododoo: Authorize u purchase agreement with Easy Switch C uou�uni cat/ooa, Inc. d/b/n Rxn c�am Printing, {�r the printing uod mailing of City Code CocoVliu000 notices for the Code Compliance [)oyurtoeo1 in the amount up to $hh,555.00 for the first year. 2^ M&C P-11559 - Authorize Purchase of Defibrillators and Supplies for the Fire Department from Philips Medical Systems in the Amount of$124,670.53, Using a General Services Administration Cooperative Contract (ALL COUNCIL The City Council approved the fbUuvvbug rcounuonndutinu: Authorize the purchase of defibrillators and supplies for the Fire Department from Philips Medical Systems in the amount of$|24,b70.53, using General Services Administration Cooperative Contract No. \/797p-2238D. CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23,2013 Page 8 of 23 C. Land- Consent Items 1. M&C L-15587 - Authorize Direct Sale of a Fee Simple Property Owned b the City of Fort Worth Located at 2305 Carleton Avenue to JC Real Estate Capital LLC, in the Amount of$180,100.00, in Accordance with Section 272.001(a) of the Texas Local Government Code(COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the direct sale of a fee simple property owned by the City of Fort Worth, described at Lot 24, Block 11, Hillcrest Addition, located at 2305 Carleton Avenue to JC Real Estate Capital, LLC, in the amount of $180,100.00, in accordance with Section 272.001(a) of the Texas Local Government Code; and authorize the execution and recording of the appropriate instruments conveying the property to complete the sale. 2. M&C L-15588 -Authorize Direct Sale of Four Tax-Foreclosed Properties Located at 2215, 2216 and 2217 Heathcote Street and 2216 East 4th Street to the Tarrant Regional Water District for a Sale Price in the Amount of$361.27, in Accordance with Section 34.05 of the Texas Tax Code (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) The City Council approved the following recormnendation: Authorize the direct sale of four tax- foreclosed properties described as Lots 8 and 9, Block 7, Shady Park Addition (2215 Heathcote Street), Lots 17 and 18, Block 7, Shady Park Addition (2216 Heathcote Street), Lots 8 and 9, Block 9, Shady Park Addition (2217 Heathcote Street), and Lots I through 19, Block 11, Shady Park Addition (2216 East 4th Street), to the Tarrant Regional Water District for a sale price in the amount of$361.27, in accordance with Section 34.05 of the Texas Tax Code; and authorize the execution and recording of the appropriate instruments conveying the property to complete the sale. D. Planning & Zonin2- Consent Items 1. M&C PZ-3027 - Adopt Ordinance Vacatint! a Portion of Excess Right-of-Way Along Tillar Street for Additional Head-in Parking (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) The City Council approved the following reconunendation: Adopt Ordinance No. 20826-07- 2013 vacating and extinguishing a portion of excess right-of-way along Tillar Street in Lots 10 through 13 of Block 18, Bailey's Industrial Addition, to the City of Fort Worth, Texas, containing approximately 9,460 square feet of land; providing for reversion of fee in said land; providing that the City shall retain all existing utilities easements; repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith; and waive any and all purchase fee value of the vacated land, in accordance with City Policy(Mayor and Council Communication G-15624). CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, Z023 Pa(ye 9 o 23 E. Award of Contract- Consent Items Southwest Company, First Southwest Asset Management, Inc., and Estrada Hino josa & Company, Inc., for the Provision of Financial Advisory, Arbitrap-e Rebate and Continuin2 Disclosure Services (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) _ M&C C-26350 - Authorize Necessary and Related A2reements with First The City Council approved the following Autbodzo the execution of ueocmaury and related agreements with First Southwest CumpouY` First Southwest Asset Inc., and Estrada }{ joaa 8i Company, Inc., for the provision of financial advisory, arbitrage rebate and continuing disclosure services; and authorize u con-inoucenzeut date of August 1, 2013, and expiration date of July 31, 2014, with two one-year renewal options for each agreement. -' 11509 to Change the Subro2ation and Recovery Services with Gulf South Risk Services, Inc., Contract Amount from $300,000.00 Total to the Amount of $300,000.00 Per Year (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Approve the amendment ofMayor and Council Conuouoioukoo P-|\509 to correct the uontcuoi amount for subrogation and recovery services with Gulf South Risk Services, Inc., from $300,000.00 total to the total amount of$300,000.00 per year, with payment coming from recoveries facilitated by the contractor. 3' M&C C-26352 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with Advanced Pavin Acquisition, Ltd., in the Amount of $754,602.35 for Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Surface Overlay 2013-8 at Multiple Locations (COUNCIL DISTRICT 6) The City Council approved the foUnvviuQ recommendation: Authorize the execution of u contract with Advanced Paving Acquisition, Lkt., iu the amount of$754'hO2.35 for ll0caieudur days for Hot Mix Asphaltic Concrete Sur-face Overlay 20l3-8uL multiple locations. `^ M&C C-26353 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with Humphrey & Morton Construction Company, Inc., in the Amount of$659,170.20 for Randol Mill Road Culvert Improvements and Provide for Contin2encies and Construction Services for a Total Proiect in the Amount of$774,170.20 (COUNCIL DISTRICT 5) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the cxeoodoo of a uouboot with Humphrey 8i Morton Cuoabucdoo Company, Inc., in the amount of$659,170.20 for the Randol Mill Road Culvert Improvements and provide for contingencies and construction services for total project in dbe amount u[$774`l70.20. � CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, Z0l3 Page l0of 23 5. M&C C-26354 - Authorize Execution of a Professional Services A2reeme"t with Multatech Enpineerinp,, Inc., in the Arnount of $400,000.00- for Miscellaneous Draina2e Studies (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of professional services agreement with Multatech Engineening, Inc., in the amount of$400,000.00 for miscellaneous drainage studies. ~` M&C C-26355 - Authorize Execution of a State Funded Grant Ap-reement with the Texas Commission on Environmental Ouality for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Compliance Monitoring for Air Ouality, Adopt Appropriation Ordinance in the Amount of $275,233.00, Authorize In-Kind Match in the Amount of $135,563.00 and Apply Indirect Costs at Approved Percentage Rate for the Total Pro*ect in the Amount of$410,796.00 (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following recommendation: /\udhonizo the City Muuugcx to execute a State Funded Grant Agreement with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for the City to provide air pollution control services within the City of Fort Worth and accept the grant funds in the n0000u< of$410,796.00; authorize the use of $135,563.00 from the (3euooa| Fund as an in-kind coo0ob for this agreement; apply indirect ooni at the rate of 21.48 percent in u000rduuoe with the (conx of the State Funded Grant /\go:c0000t; and adopt Appropriation ()n]ivauoo No. 20827-07'2013 increasing oatbnotcd receipts and appropriations in the Goxuto Fund in the amount of$410,796.00, subject to the receipt of the grant agreement, for the purpose of funding Fiscal Year 2Ol]-20)4 compliance monitoring for air quality. 7. M&C C-26356 - Ratify Application for the Fiscal Year 2013 DNA Backlo Reduction Grant Pro2rarn from the United States Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, in the Amount of $169,979.00, Authorize Acceptance of the Grant Funds, if Awarded, by Execution of a Contract and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Ratify the application for the Fiscal Year 2013 Z}N/\ Backlog 8oduuduu Grant Program from the United 3(utnm [)opadnoeo| of Justice, National Institute ofJustice, in the amount of$169,g79.00; authorize the acceptance of grant funds, if awarded, by execution of a contract with the United States Department of Justice, National Institute ofJustice; and adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 20828-07-2013 'increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund in the amount of$|0g`g79.O0, subject to receipt of the grant, for the purpose of reducing the number of forensic ON/\ and Z}Nf\ database samples uvvuidn� analysis. CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, 2013 Page I I of 23 8. M&C C-26357 - Authorize Execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Saginaw to Respond to Requests for Assistance with Fire Protection and First Responder Requests on Medical Incidents for the Protection of Life and Property (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of an interlocal agreement with the City of Saginaw for mutual and automatic fire protection, 9. M&C C-26358 - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement in the Amount of $422,850.00 with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., for Design and Engineering Services Durinf! Construction of the Caylor 5.0 Million Gallon Ground Storage Tank and Associated Site Piping (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) The City Council approved the following recommendation; Authorize the execution of an engineering agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the amount of$422,850.00 for design and engineering services during construction of the Caylor 5.0 million gallon ground storage tank and associated site piping. 10. M&C C-26359 - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement with Kleinfelder Central, Inc., in the Amount of $153,116.43 for the Lake Country Elevated Storage Tank Rehabilitation Proiect Located at 8510 Spring Street (COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of an engineering agreement with Kleinfelder Central, Inc., in the amount of$153,116.43 for the Lake Country Elevated Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project located at 8510 Spring Street. II. M&C C-26360 - Authorize Execution of an Engineering Agreement with Tank Industry Consultants, Inc., in the Amount of $104,300.00 for the Northwest Elevated Storage Tank Rehabilitation Project Located at 3213 NW 27th Street (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) The City Council approved the following recommendation: Authorize the execution of an engineering agreement with Tank Industry Consultants, Inc., in the amount of $104,300.00 for the Northwest Elevated Storage TarLk Rehabilitation Project located at 3213 Northwest 27th Street. 12. M&C C-26361 - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. I to City Secretary Contract No. 42858, an Engineering Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the Amount of$172,000.00 for a Total Contract in the Amount of $492,000.00 for Design Oversight and Project Management Services on North Tarrant Express Projects IH-820 from IH-35 to Southwestern Railroad and DART Railroad Crossing (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 2 and 4) CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23,2013 Page l% oK23 The City Council approved the foi|wvvbog r00000ucoduboo: /\udbodzt the execution of Anonudc000i No. \ to City Secretary Contract No. 42850, an engineering ugrteouno( with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in the amount of$172,000.00 for design oversight and project ruuuagenzcoi services on N0db Tanmu( Express Projects lfI-820 from If{-35 to Southwestern flaihnud and D/\TlT 8oibnod Crossing, thereby iooroumiog the contract in the onuouo( of $492,000.00. 13. M&C C-26362 - Authorize Execution of an A2reernent with the Fort Worth Independent School District in the Amount Up to $51,026.00 for Operation of the Fort Worth After School Pro2ram at Como Elementary School for the 2013-2014 School Year and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance(COUNCIL DISTRICT 3) The City Council approved the /h/iop/iog recommendation: Authorize the ezcuudoo of an agreement with the Fort Worth Independent School District iu the amount uy to $51`026.00 to provide the Fort Worth After School Program uiComo Elementary School for the 2013-2014 moboo| year; and adopt Appropriation Ordinance No. 20029-07'2013 increasing the co(inoutcd receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund in the amount of$5l'O26.00` subject to receipt of the grant, for the purpose of operating the Fort Worth After School Program at Como Elementary for the 20l3-2Ol4 school year. 14. M&C C-26363 - Authorize Execution of Amendment No. I to City Secretar Contract in the Amount Up to $163,000.00 for a Total Contract Amount Up to $516,200.00 for the First Year to Provide a Radio Frequency Identification Solution for Multiple Library Locations Thronhout the City (ALL COUNCIL The City Council approved the 6)Uovviug ccoonuocodaiion: /\uibodzc the ozeCudoo of /\mcudcuoot No. l to City Secretary Contract No. 43647 with f9ih|ioUhoca lTG, LLC, to increase the contract in the amount up to $103`000.00 for utotal contract uououuiuyto $51O,200.00 for the first year to provide o radio frequency identification solution for multiple Uhzory |000hooa throughout the City. VIII. PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY SECRETARY-CONSENT ITEMS -^ End of Consent Agenda. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, 2013 Page 13 of 23 Ix. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS, INTRODUCTIONS, ETC. 1. Presentation of Proclamation for Kids Who Care Dav Council Member Shingleton presented a proclamation for Kids Who Care Day to Ms. Deborah Jung, Founding Executive Director, Kids Who Care, Inc. He stated that since it was founded in 1989, Kids Who Care, a non-profit 'international theatre company based at the Scott Theatre in Fort Worth, sought to produce creative and confident kids through musical theatre education, performance and leadership opportunities by offering professional musical theatre classes, KidPower leadership training, summer musical theatre camps, international cultural exchanges, a touring resident company and public performances. He further stated that Kids Who Care had developed a culture of inclusivity which assured that kids of all ages, cultures, neighborhoods and socioeconomic statuses were well represented in their student body, staff and volunteers. He added that with 25 years in the Cultural District of Fort Worth, and hosting over 650 children from around the world and hundreds of thousands from the City of Fort Worth through the years, Kids Who Care embodied all that Fort Worth had to offer through its excellent creative arts programming, its innovative leadership model and its big heart; in addition, it created the next generation's initiators, producers and inventors who would design solutions for Fort Worth's future challenges with enthusiasm and confidence. He encouraged all residents to join Kids Who Care in celebrating 25 years of dedication which created arts opportunities for the youth in the community who had and continued to make a difference in every kind of profession both in Fort Worth and around the world. Delegates from Albania (provided a gift), Israel and Germany were present and all expressed appreciation for the opportunity to be a part of Kids Who Care. 2. Presentation of Proclamation for Jon Nelson Da Mayor Price recognized Representative Lon Burnam who was in the audience. Council Member Joel Bums presented a proclamation for Jon Nelson Day to Mr. Jon Nelson, President, Fairness Fort Worth. He stated that for more than 30 years, Jonathan D.F. (Jon) Nelson had served Fort Worth as an effective proponent of historic preservation, neighborhood revitalization, environmentally responsible transportation, economic development, health care and human fights. He further stated that in addition to serving as Co-Founder and President of Citizen Advocates for Responsible Expansion, Inc. (I-CARE) and as Co-Founder and President of Fairness Fort Worth, Jon Nelson had also served as Chair or Board Member for many other civic organizations in Fort Worth, including the Ryan Place Improvement Association, the James L. West Alzheimer's Center, Cook Children's Medical Center, the Women's Center, Samaritan House, Thistle Hill and the Public Library Foundation. He added that Jon Nelson had served with distinction on many City of Fort Worth boards, commissions and task forces, which included the City Plan Commission, the Housing Authority, the Parks and Community Services Advisory Board, the Lancaster Steering Corm-nittee, the Chisholm. Trail Parkway Citizens CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23,2013 Page 14 of 23 Advisory Committee, the Heritage Park Steering Committee, the Diversity Task Force, and the Health Benefits Advisory Committee, He stated that Jon Nelson's advocacy and conflict resolution skills had enabled the community to resolve many complex and controversial issues such as the redesign of Interstate Highway 30 and Lancaster Avenue through Downtown Fort Worth, as well as the protection of equal rights for Fort Worth's gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) citizens. He further stated that the Fort Worth City Council greatly appreciated Jon Nelson for his selfless volunteer service and commended him for his many positive and lasting contributions to the quality of life in the community. 3. Presentation of Proclamation for Baby Elephant Da Mayor Price presentation a proclamation for Baby Elephant Day to Mr. Michael Fouraker, Executive Director, Fort Worth Zoo. She stated that named the No. I attraction in the Metroplex and one of the top five zoos in the nation, the Fort Worth Zoo had a 104-year history of conservation, education and entertainment and had been a model of public-private partnerships locally and across the nation. She further stated that the Fort Worth Zoo, home to more than 7,000 animals, was a beloved city institution which hosted more than one million visitors annually and had an economic impact upon the City of Fort Worth of more than $124 million annually, and on July 7, 2013, celebrated the birth of the second elephant calf born at the Zoo and only the third calf born this year in the United States. She added that Asian elephants were an endangered species, with only 30,000 to 40,000 remaining in the wild and the elephant population faced so many risks, it was of great importance for zoos to breed Asian elephants for the future conservation of the species. Since establishing its elephant breeding program in 1986, the Fort Worth Zoo had become an international leader in elephant conservation, helping to establish the International Elephant Foundation, a conservation organization dedicated to save elephant species worldwide. She stated that the birth of this calf would help ensure the future of elephants not only in the wild, but also ensure they remained at the Fort Worth Zoo for generations to come, and the Fort Worth City Council asked all citizens to wear pink in celebration of the elephant's birth and to signify her importance to the city. City Secretary Kayser advised that Mayor and Council Communications G-17951 was a donation and would be moved up on the agenda. 2. M&C G-17951 - Authorize Acceptance of Donations for the Fort Worth Public Library in the Amount of $3,000.00 from the Fort Worth Genealogical Society, $1,000.00 from Woodhaven Community Development, Inc., $13,074.00 from Friends of the Fort Worth Public Library, Inc., and $20,000.00 from The Fort Worth Public Library Foundation and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) It was recommended that the City Council authorize the acceptance of monetary donations for the Fort Worth Public Library in the amount of$3,000.00 from the Fort Worth Genealogical Society, $1,000.00 from Woodhaven Community Development, Inc., $13,074.00 from Friends of CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, 2013 Page 15 of 23 the Fort Worth Public Library, Inc., and $20,000.00 from The Fort Worth Public Library Foundation; adopt an appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Special Gift Fund in the amount of$37,074.00, subject to receipt of the monetary donations, for the purpose of purchasing a scanner for the Central Library Genealogy, Archives and Local History Unit, purchasing minor equipment for East Regional Library, funding costs for the Worth Reading Program launch and funding costs associated with the 3rd Thursday Jazz Program held at the Central Library, respectively; transfer the amount of$37,074.00 from the Special Gift Fund to the General Fund; and adopt an appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the General Fund in the amount of $37,074.00, from available funds, for the same_purpose as stated above. Motion: Council Member Bums made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Zimmerman, that Mayor and Council Communication G-17951 be approved with appreciation and Appropriation Ordinance Nos. 20830-07-2013 and 20831-07-2013 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. Mayor Pro tem Zimmerman presented certificates to Mr. Doug Harman on behalf of Mr. Roy Combrink, President, Fort Worth Genealogical Society, and Rob Yoder, Vice President, Fort Worth Genealogical Society, Ms. Betsy Pepper, President and CEO, Fort Worth Public Library Foundation, Mr. Doug Hannon, Friends of the Fort Worth Library, Inc., and Mr. Joe Epps, President, Woodhaven Corm-nunity Development, Inc. X. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS AND STAFF 1. Upeominp,and Recent Events Council Member Allen Gray announced that the second public meeting for the 2014 Bond Prograrn would be held on Thursday, July 25, 2013, from 6:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. at the Meadowbrook United Methodist Church located at 3900 Meadowbrook Drive. Council Member Jordan announced that on Friday, July 26, 2013, he and Mayor Price would be at the Ryan Place YMCA located at 8250 McCart Avenue to have coffee and receive input from the citizens in southwest Fort Worth. Mayor Price expressed appreciation to all who had participated in the 'four de Fort Worth. She stated that the City logged 12,000 miles of bike riding in a three-week period. She also expressed appreciation to the Finance Department, RadioShack, Bicycles, Inc,, and Neuro who had sponsored the event. She also expressed appreciation to the Mayor and Council staff for the hard work put toward the event. 2. Recognition of Citizens There was no recognition of citizens. CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23,%U13 Page I6of23 3. Approval.of Ceremonial Travel There was no upycuvul necessary of ceo:nnouiu\ travel. ^~~^ PRESENTATIONS BY THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Chan2es in Membership on Boards and Commissions � Motion: Council Member Bivens made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that Mc John L. Turumiro be appointed to Place 5 on the Bound of Adjustment- Residential effective July 23, 2013` and with n term expiring ()obz6or l, 2013. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes tnOnays. Mayor Price advised that Council Member Oiveum would be appointed to the Housing and Eoumondo Devc1oyzoou{ Committee; I.e8ia1utivo and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee; and the Municipal Courts Advisory Couonitteo effective July 23, 2013. Mayor Pro {eou Zbuooeouuo would be appointed to the Audit and Finance Committee effective July 23, 2013. Council Member Eophno would be appointed as Chair of the Municipal Courts Advisory Committee effective July 23, 20l3. XII. PRESENTATIONS AND/OR COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND/OR CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEES I`boro were no presentations and/or 000noucicuhono from boards, oonominnioum and/or City Council committees. XIKD. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER B. General 1. M&C G-17950 - Approve Use of Contributions from the Special Gifts Fund in the Amount of $117,000.00 to Purchase Books and Materials for the Library and Adopt Appropriation Ordinances (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) _ It was recommended that the City Council approve the use ofcontributions in the Special Gifts Fund in the amount of$ll7,000.00 to purchase books and other library materials for the Library; adopt oo appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations iuthe Special Gifts Fund, from available funds, for the purpose of purchasing books and other library materials in the Library Department; approve the transfer io the amount of$117,000.00 from the Special Gifts Fund to the General Fund; and adopt a supplemental appropriation ordinance increasing the estimated receipts and appropriations io the General Fund, from available funds, for the aucuo purpose as stated above. Motion: Mayor Pro tcnu Zimuncomuo made nooduu` seconded by Council Member 8oudb` that Mayor and Council Communication {]-\7950 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No. 20832-07-2013 and Supplemental Appropriation (}rdioeooe No. 20Q33-07-20l3he adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes io0nays. CITY OF FORT WORTH,, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, 2013 Page 17 of 23 3. M&C G-17952 - Conduct a Public hearing, Adopt Resolution Supporting the Application of Keystone Eguity Partners, LLC, for a Municipal Setting Designation for the Property Located Alonp, the East Side of Old .Decatur Road at Northwest Loop 820, Fort Worth, Texas, to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality and Adopt Ordinance .Prohibiting the Potable Use of Designated Groundwater from Beneath the Site (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) (PUBLIC HEARING) Mayor Price opened the public hearing. It was recommended that the City Council conduct a public hearing on the application of Keystone Equity Partners, LLC, for approval of a Municipal Setting Designation for the property located along Old Decatur Road at Northwest Loop 820, a 519.13 acre site more fully described in the metes and bounds description included with the resolution, to allow the public the opportunity to give testimony; adopt a resolution in support of the application or Keystone Equity Partners, LLC, to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality for a Municipal Setting Designation for Quarry Falls Industrial Growth Center No. 1, Fort Worth, Texas; and adopt an ordinance amending the Code of the City of Fort Worth (1986), as amended, by the amendment of Chapter 12.5, "Environmental Protection and Compliance," Article IV "Groundwater and Surface Water Quality," by amending Appendix "A" "Municipal Setting Designation Sites in Fort Worth," by the addition of Section 23 designating CFW-MSD-0023, providing for the prohibition of the use of groundwater for potable and irrigation purposes in CFW-MSD-0023; providing a fine of up to $2,000.00 for each offense in violation of the ordinance; providing a savings clause; providing for publication in the official newspaper of the City. a. Report of City Staff Mr. Clarence Reed, Environmental Production Manager, Transportation and Public Works Department, appeared before Council and provided a staff report. b. Citizen Presentations The following individuals completed a speaker card in support of Mayor and Council Communication G-17952 but did not wish to address the Council: Mr. Ron Zurlinden, 1526 Cold Boulevard, Suite 150, Lakewood, Colorado 80401 ,Mr. Kyle Ballard, 750 North Saint Paul, Suite 200, Dallas, Texas 75201 Mr. Tom Blanton, 777 Main Street, Suite 3 100 C. Council Action Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Mayor Pro tem Zimmerman, that the public hearing be closed, Mayor and Council Communication G-17939 be approved and Resolution No. 4228-07-2013 and Ordinance No. 20834-07-2013 be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23,2013 Page 18 of 23 D. Land 1. M&C L-15589 - authorize Condemnation by Eminent Domain of 0.015 Acres of Land for a Permanent Drainage Easement to be Located at the Northeast Corner of Old Decatur Road and McLeroy Boulevard Owned by Old Decatur Road Joint Venture (ETJ NEAR COUNCIL DISTRICT 7) It was recommended that the City Council declare that negotiations were unsuccessful between the City and the landowner to acquire from Old Decatur Road Joint Venture 0.015 acres of land for a permanent drainage easement in a portion of vacant land located at the northeast corner of Old Decatur Road and McLeroy Boulevard for the Old Decatur Road Improvement Project No. 01749; declare the necessity to acquire the easement interest in the property for the Old Decatur Road Improvement Project; authorize the City Attorney to institute condemnation by eminent domain proceedings to acquire an easement interest in 0.015 acres for a permanent drainage easement in a portion of vacant land for road and drainage improvements; authorize the payment, Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that Mayor and Council Communication L-15589 be approved and that the Fort Worth City Council authorize for the Old Decatur Road Improvement Project the use of the power of eminent domain to acquire from the Old Decatur Road Joint Venture a 0.015 acre tract of land for a permanent drainage easement in a tract of vacant land in the Alexander F. Albright Survey, Abstract No. 1849, Tarrant County, Texas, located at the northeast corner of Old Decatur Road and McLeroy Boulevard, The City will use the acquired easement rights to improve Old Decatur Road from McLeroy Boulevard to W.J. Boaz Road. The permanent drainage easement is described by metes and bounds and depicted by survey plat attached to this Mayor and Council Communication. The motion carried unanunously 9 ayes to 0 nays. 2. M&C L-15590 - Authorize Condemnation by Eminent Domain of an Easement Interest in 1.425 Acres of Land for Three Permanent Drainage Facility Easements .Located at 6100 Bowman Roberts Road Owned by Hayco .Realty .Ltd, for the Lake Crest Drainage Improvement Project (COUNCIL DISTRICT 2) It was recommended that the City Council declare that negotiations between the City and the landowner to acquire an easement interest in 1.425 acres of land for three permanent drainage facility easements owned by Hayco Realty Ltd, and known as 6100 Bowman Roberts Road, Abstract No. 79, Joseph Bowman Survey, City of Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, were unsuccessful because of the inability to reach an agreement on the purchase price; declare the necessity to acquire an easement interest in 1.425 acres of land for three permanent drainage facility easements on the subject property for the Lake Crest Drainage Improvement Project; authorize the City Attorney to institute condemnation by eminent domain proceedings to acquire an easement interest in the property; authorize the payment pursuant to an award of commissioners and/or upon negotiated settlement in lieu of condemnation by eminent domain; and authorize the City Manager or his designee to accept and record the appropriate instruments. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JyJ8~Y 23, 20I3 Page 29w[%3 Motion: Council Member Bapiuomade a motion, seconded by Council Member Dbi /etou, that Mayor and Council Conoozuoiou(ioo I.-15590 be approved and that the Fort Worth City Council authorize the use of the puvvnz of eminent domain to acquire from }{uyoo Ileu)Ly Ltd., 1.425 aon:m of land for three permanent drainage Osoilih/ euseoucotm for the Lake Crest [>caiuogc |nupnovecuoot Project from u tract of land known as Abstract No. 70, Joseph Bowman Survey, Tarrant County, I`ezuo, also kunvvn as 6 10 Bowman Roberts Road. The permanent easements will be used to construct storm drain improvements which will alleviate flooding in the Lake Crest Addition. The ouoeuunoLm are described by metes and bounds and depicted by survey plats aUoobod to this Mayor and Council Communication. The motion carried unanimously g ayes toOnays. 3. M&C L-15591 - Authorize Conveyance of an Easement to Oncor Electric Deliver LLC, for the Up2rade of Electrical Equipment and Appurtenances oil 0.015 Acres of Land Located at 2509 Avenue B to Serve the Eastside Pump Station (COUNCIL DISTRICT 8) It was mncouoocndnd that the City Council autbVdze the conveyance ofuo eumcozmot to ()oonc Electric Delivery LLC, for the upgrade of electrical equipment and appurtenances on 0.0 15 acres of land in the John \/unriper Survey, Abstract No. 1590, Tract 43, bo0n/o as 2509 Avenue B, 0o serve the Eustsidc Pump Station; and authorize the execution and recording of necessary documents k) complete the conveyance. Council Member Suurth advised that be had filed a Conflict of Interest Affidavit with the City Secretary's()tfiosand would hnabstaining from voting oo this item. Motion: CmuuoU 84cnuber /\Uou [}ray made motion, seconded by Council Member Bums, that Mayor and Council Communication L-\559l bn approved. The motion carried 8 ayes to0 nays with l abstention hy Council Member Sourtb. F. Award of Contract .1. M&C C-26364 - Authorize Execution of a Five-Year Tax Abatement A2reemen with Modern Ground LLC, for Construction of a Sin2le-FamilV Dwelfin2 at 2812 Townsend Drive in the BerrV/UniversitV Nei_ehborhood Empowerment Zone (COUNCIL DISTRICT 9) _ lt was recommended that the City Council authorize the execution ofofivo-ycor Tax Abatement 6gruocVcot with Modem Ground LLC, for construction of single-family dwelling at 2012 Townsend Drive bz the Berry/University Neighborhood Empowerment Zone, iu accordance with the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone Tax Abatement Policy and Basic Incentives. Motion: Council Member Bums made motion, seconded by Council Member Eopioo, that Mayor and Council Couuouoiuub0o C-26364 he continued to the August 0, 2013` Council meeting. The motion carried unanimously g ayes io0nays. CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, 20l3 Page 20mY23 2. M&C C-26365 - Authorize Execution of a Five-Year Tax Abatement Agreemen with Monique Seiller for the Rehabilitation of a Triplex at 2823 Ave E in the Polytechnic/Wesleyan Neighborhood Empowerment Zone (COUNCIL DISTRICT It was rec0000euded by the City Council authorize the execution ofo five-year Tax Abni000eot Agreement with Monique 5ei\)er for the robuhditudou of triplex at 2823 Avenue B in the Po\y{eolimo/Wen)eyoo Neighborhood Empowerment Zone, io accordance with the Neighborhood Empowerment Zone Tax Abatement Policy and Basic Incentives. Motion: Council Member Allen Gray made a motion, m0000dcd by Mayor Poo (eoo Ziouoeouuu, that Mayor and Council Cocoouuoioahou C-26365 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to0nays. 3. M&C C-26366 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with McClendon Construction Co., hic., in the Amount of $1,380,164.00 for the Reconstruction of Alsbury Boulevard from Interstate 35W to Stone Road, Provide for Project Costs and Continencies for a Project Total in the Amount of$1,758,462.20 and Adopt Appropriation Ordinance (COUNCIL DISTRICT 6) It was recornmended that the City Council adopt an appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Tcaoapoduhou Impact Fund in the amount of$1,449,172.20, from available tbodu, for the purpose of the reconstruction of/\lohury Boulevard from Interstate 35Wk/ Stone Road; and authorize the execution oyu contract with McClendon Construction Co.' Inc., in the amount of$1,380,164.00 for the reconstruction of/\|ahury Boulevard from Interstate 35W to Stone Road. Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Bivens, that Mayor and Council Communication C-26360 be approved and Appropriation Ordinance No. 20835-07-2013 be adopted. The motion carried uoaoin0000iy 9 ayes Lm0nays. 4. M&C C-26367 - Adopt Appropriation Ordinance Increasinp, Estimated Receipts and Appropriations in the Amount of $600,000.00 for Payments to Linebar2er Goo.2an Blair & Sampson, LLP, Under City Secretary Contract No. 43450 for Collection of Delinquent Parkinp_ and Criminal Citations (ALL COUNCIL It was recommended that the City Council adopt an appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the General Fund for the Municipal Court Services Department in the amount of $600,000.00, from available funds, for the purpose of payment to Liucbarger Gogguu Blair & Simpson, I.I.P, under City Secretary Contract No. 43450, for collection of delinquent parking and criminal citations. CITY OF FORT WORTH, TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, 2013 Page 2Yof23 Motion: Council Member Shingleton made a motion, seconded by Council Member Espino, that Mayor and Council CoounuuiombooC-2h]h? beapproved and Appropriation Ordinance No. 208]6-07-20l3be adopted. The motion carried unanimously 9ayes LoOnays. 5. M&C C-26368 - Authorize Execution of a Contract with William J. Schultz, Inc. d/b/a Circle "C" Construction Company, in the Arnotint of $1,951,201.95 for Clear Fork Drainage Basin M-210 Sanitary Sewer Improvements, Part 3, on Colonial Parkway and Country Club Circle, Provide for Pro'ect Costs and Contingencies for a Pro'ect Total in the Amount of $2,063,201.95 (COUNCIL DISTRICTS 3 and 9) Is was c000ummeodnd that the City Council authorize the execution o[a contract with William J. Schultz, lou., d/b/m Circle ^^C`, Construction Company, io the amount ny$l,95),20\.95 for Clear Fork Drainage Basin M-210 Sanitary Sewer louprovccueoio, 9mrL ]` on Colonial puzkvvuy and Country Club Circle, provide for project oontu and oouLLugcooieo for project total in the amount of$2,063,201.95. Motion-, Mayor Pro tccu Zicuoneonmo cuodn o motion, seconded by Council MsooborBivcua` that Mayor and Council Communication C-26368 be approved. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to0nays. 6. IM&C C-26369 - Conduct Public Hearin2s and Approve the City's 2013-2018 Consolidated Plan and 2013-2014 Action Plan for the Use of Federal Grant Funds in the Arnotint of $9,413,143.00 from the United States Department of Housin2 and Urban Development for Prot!ram Year 2013-2014 from the Community Development Block Grant, ROME Investment Partnerships Pro2rarn, Emerp-ency Solutions Grant and Housin2 Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Grant Proj!rarns, Authorize Collection and Use of Program Income, Authorize Waiver of Application of Indirect Cost Rates, Authorize Execution of Related Contracts and Interdepartmental Letters of Apreernent and Adopt Appropriatio Ordinance (ALL COUNCIL DISTRICTS) (PUBLIC HEARING) Mayor Price opened the public hearing, CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, 2013 Page 22 of 23 L� It was recommended that the City Council conduct a public hearing to allow citizen input and consideration of the City's 2013-2018 Consolidated Plan; approve the City's 2013-2018 Consolidated Plan for submission to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development; conduct a public hearing to allow citizen input and consideration of the City's 2013-2014 Action Plan for use of federal grant funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the amount of$9,413,143.00 for Program Year 2013-2014 from the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships Program, Emergency Solutions Grant and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS grant programs and for the use of program income from activities using prior years' federal grant funds; approve the City's 2013-2014 Action Plan for submission to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development including allocations of grant funds to particular programs and activities; authorize the collection and use of an estimated amount of $50,000.00 of program income resulting from activities using prior years' Community Development Block Grant funds for the programs and activities; authorize the collection and use of an estimated amount of $250,000.00 of program income resulting from activities using prior years' HOME Investment Partnerships Program funds for the City's Homebuyer Assistance Program; authorize the City Manager or his designee to execute contracts and Interdepartmental Letters of Agreement for a one year term with various agencies for Program Year 2013-2014 for Community Development Block Grant, Emergency Solutions Grant and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS grant funds, contingent upon receipt of funding; authorize the City Manager or his designee to extend the contracts and Interdepartmental Letters of Agreement for up to one year if an agency or department requests an extension and such extension is necessary for completion of the program; authorize the City Manager or his designee to amend the contracts and Interdepartmental Letters of Agreement if necessary to achieve program goals, provided any amendment is within the scope of the program and in compliance with City policies and all applicable laws and regulations governing the use of federal grant funds; authorize a waiver for indirect cost rates as applicable for the Grants Fund, in accordance with the City Administrative Regulations; and adopt an appropriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Grants Fund in the amount of $9,413,143.00, subject to receipt of grants from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development and receipt of program income resulting from activities using prior years' grant funds, for the purpose of funding various programs within the City's 2013-2014 Action Plan. a. Report of City Staff Ms. Avis Chaisson, Community Development Coordinator, Housing and Economic Development Department, appeared before Council and provided a staff report. b. Citizen Presentations There were no citizen presentations. CITY OF FORT WORTH,TEXAS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JULY 23, 2013 Page 23 of 23 C. Council Action Motion: Council Member Espino made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that the public hearing be closed and Mayor and Council Communication C-26369 be continued to the August 6, 2013, Council meeting. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. XfV. PUBLIC HEARING 1. Second Public Hearin; for a Proposed City-Initiated Annexation of Approximately 94.5 Acres of Land in Tarrant County, Located South of Dirks Road and West of Summer Creek Drive (AX-13-003 Old Granbury Road) Mayor Price opened the public hearing. a. Report of City Staff Ms. Beth Knight, Senior Planner, Planning and Development Department, appeared before Council and provided a staff report. b. Citizen Comments There were no citizen comments, Motion: Council Member Jordan made a motion, seconded by Council Member Shingleton, that the public hearing be closed. The motion carried unanimously 9 ayes to 0 nays. XV. CITIZEN PRESENTATIONS Ms. Dianna Wilson, 5816 Village Course Circle, appeared before Council relative to the busline, mowing, mosquito spraying,elderly abuse and pets. XVI. EXECUTIVE SESSION (PRE-COUNCIL CHAMBER) - SEE ATTACHMENT B XNrfI. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Price adjourned the Regular Meeting at 11:04 a.m. These minutes approved by the Fort Worth City Council on the 6'h day of August, 2013. Attest: A ed: ed. Betsy A4a6 J."k4#r 7 e Betsy e City Secre M