HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 27112GON R C Np ��rf%/'�— _ _., a Ctiv o� ���� �o�Y�, ��x�S SiAN�AR� AGR��WiI�NT FA� �NCIIV���WC ���VIG�S This AGREEMENT is be�+veen the City af Fort Worth (the "CITY"), and Dun�wa� �ser�i �, ��, {the "ENGINEER"}, for a PROJECT ganerally described as: �p�,�n o►�r��eP and ��r�it�rr �,t I in _s fer �h� Creenwa�{ �d�ji i� �Aodpl �leek_ Ariiale I 5cope o� �e�vices A. The Scope of Services is set forth in Attachment A. A�icle II Gompensa%fon A. Th� ENGINEER's compensation is set forth in Attachmeni B. Article !ll �'er�ms og �ayment Payments to the ENGiNEER will be made as follows: A. fn��ice and Paym�n4 ('�) The Engineer shall pro�ide the City sufficien# documen#ation to reasonabiy substantiate the invaices. (2) Monthly invaices will be issued by the ENGINEER #or all work performed under this AGREEMENT. In�oices are due and payable within 3a days af receipt. (�) Upon campletion af services enumerated in Ar�icle I, the fir�al payment of any balance wil� be due within 30 days nf receipt of the final invaic�. {4} , In #he event of a disputed or contested biiling, only that portion so cantested will be withheld from payment, and the undispu€ted portior� will be paid. Ths CITY will exercise reasonableness in cnntesting any bill or portion th�r�of. No interest will accrue an any confi�sted portion of the billing until mutually resolved. (v} If the CITY fails to make payment in full tca ENGINEER for billings contested in good faith within 60 days of tFte amount due, th� ENGINEER ma�y, after givit�g se�en (7) days' written r�otice tv CIiY, suspend services under this /�GREEMENT until paid in full, including interest. In t�e even� of suspensian of services, the ENGfNEER �hall have no liability to CiTY for delays or dama�es caused the CITY -1- i ��f�4C�9�Q ��C�u�� �� ��� �������f�� i�1i �4i. , 1 ` ��/A\e , � because af such s�spension of services. Rr�icle iV Obligafions o� �he �nginee� Amendme�fs to Article IV, ifi any, are included in Attachme�t C. A. �eneral Th� ENGINEER wili serve as the CITY's prafessianal engingering represen#�tive urtder this Agreem�r�t, p�oviding professional engineering consultati�n and advice and furnishing customary services incidental thereto. �. �tandard of Care The standard o# care applicable to the ENGINEER's services will be �he degree of skill and diiigence normally emplayed in the State of Texas by professional engineers or consultants �erforming tF�e same or similar services at #he time s�ch services are performed. C. Subsur�ace In����igation� (1) The ENGINEER sh�ll advise the CITY with regard to the necessity for �ubcontract wvrk such as special surveys, tests, test borir�gs, ar other subsurface in�esiigations in connec#ion with design and enginee�ng work to �e pertormed hereunder. The ENGINEER shall also ad�ise the CITY conceming the results of same. Such surveys, tests, and ir�vestigatians shall be furnished by the CITY, unless otherwise specified in Attachm�nt A. {2) 1n soils, faur�daf�on, groundwater, and other subs�rtace in�estigations, the act�al characteristics may vary significan�ly between successive test points and sample intervals and at loca�ons other than where observations, exploration, and in�estigations have been made. B�cause of t�e inherent uncertainiies in subsurfar.e e�aluations, ch�nged or unanticipated undergrou�d conditions may accur tha# could affect the total PROJECT cost andlor execution. These condi#ions and castlexecution e#fects are not the responsibility af the ENGINEER. �. P�epa�ation o� �nginee�ing ��awir�g� The ENGINEER wi[I p�ovide ta the CITY the original drawings of all plans in ink an reproducible plastic film sheets, or as otherwise approued by CITY, which shall become the prope�ty of the CITY. CITY may use such drawings in any manner it desires; prnvided, however, that ih� ENGINEER shall not be fiable far the use of such drawings for any praject other t�an the PROJECT descri�ed her�in. -2- E. �ngine��'s ����o�n�l ai Con��ructi�r� Si�e (1) The pres�nc� ar duties of the ENGINEER's personnei at a construction site, wh�th�r as an-site representati��s or otherwise, do not mak� the EN�INEER ar its personne! in any w�y r�sponsible #a�' those duti�s tha� belan� to tl�e CITY andlo� the CITY'� cnnstructian cvntractofs or ofher entities, and do not relieve the cons#ructian contractors ar any other entity nf th�ir ob�igations, duti�s, and respansibiii#ies, including, but not limi#ed tn, ali cor�struction methods, means, techniques, sequenc�s, and �rncedures necessary fior coordinating �nd completing all portions of the constructian work in accordance w{th the Can#ract Documents and any health ar safe#y precautinr�s required by such constructian wo��. The ENG�N�ER and i#s personnel �ave no author�ty to exercise any control over ar�y construction cnntractor or oiher entity or their emplpyees in connection with their worl� or any �eaith or safety prec�utions. {2) Except to t�e extent of specific site vis�ts �xpressiy detailed and set fo�th in Attachmer�i A, the ENGINEE€i or its personnel shali have no obligatinn or responsibility to visit the consiruction site to become famil�ar rr�itF� the progress ar quality of the campieted wnrk on the PROJECT or to deterrnin�, in genera�, if fhe wark on the PROJECT is being pe�formed in � manner indicaf�ng tha� the �ROJECT, when aompleted, will be in accvrdance with fhe Car�tract Dacuments, nor shall anythi�g in the Cantract Documents ar the agreement between CIiY and ENGINEER be construed as r4quiring ENGINEER to m�ke exhaus#��� or continuous on-site inspections to discover (atent defec#s in #he work or otherwise checl� the quality ar �uantity of the war�C on #he PROJECT. If, far any reasan, the ENGINEE� shavld ma�e an on-site observ�tion(s), an the basis of such on-s�te observatians, if any, the ENGINEER shall enrl�avor to Ec�ep the CITY mfarmed a� any de�iation from tt�� Contrau�k Documen�s coming to the aci�aai notice af ENGIN�ER r�garding the PRDJEGT. {3) When professional certification of per�arm�nc� or characteristics of materials, systems or equipmer�t is reasonably requir�d to pertorm the servic�s set forth in the Scope af 5ervic�s, the ENGINEER shal� be entitled to rely upon such certificatior� tp estabfish materials, systems ar equipment �nd performance criteria to be required it� the Con#ract Doeuments. F. Opinivns �f ���bal�le �o��, �in�nci�l Cvn��de�ation�, ar�d S�hedul�� (1} The ENCINE�R sha�l pravide apinions of probabls afls#s based on the current availabfe infarma#ion at the #im� of �rep�ratian, in accardance with Attachment A. (2) In providing opinions of cost, �ina�cial analyses, ecanvmic feasi�ility projections, a�d schedules for the �ROJECT, the ENGINEER has no co�#rol over cost ar price of labar and materials; unknown or lat�nt cnnditions af ex�sting �quipment ar structures that may affect operation or maintenance costs; competi#ive �idding procedures and m�r�et -3- canditions; time or qualify of perFormance by third parti�s; quality, ty�e, mar�agement, ar direction of aper�tirtg persvnnel; �nd o#her �cnnomi� and operational factars th�t may mat�rially aff�ct the uitimate PR�JEGY cns# or schedule. Therefore, the ENGINEER maites no warranty #hat the CI7'Y's acfiva! PROJECi costs, �inancia! aspscts, economic feasibfiity, or schedules will nat vary fram #f�e ENGIN��R's opinions, analys�s, projectians, or estimaies. C. Cc�nstru�tion �r�gre�� ��ym�n4� Recommendations by t�e ENGiN�Ef� to t#�e CITY far periodic can�truction pragres� paymer�ts ta the canstruction confr�ctor wEll be bas�d on the ENGINEER's knr�wledge, infarmation, and beli�f from selective sampling and observation th�t the wo�lc h�s pragressed ta the point indic�ted, Such recammendations da not represent t�at coniinuaus ar det.�;led examinations have been made by the ENGINEER ic� asc�rtain that the construc#io�t cc�ntractor has comple�ed tl�� worE� in exact accordance with the Gontrac# Dacumer�tis; tha� the final work will be accepta�le in ali r�spects; that the ENGINLER has made ar� examination to ascertain how or for what purpase tlie constructivn corstractar has used the mor�eys paid; th�t �itle tr� any ofi the work, materials, or equipment h�s passed ta the GITY free and �fear af liens, claims, secur'tty infe�ests, or encumbr�nces; or t#�at there are not other m�tters �t issue betwe�n the CITY and the constn,ictian cnntractor th�i# aff�ct th� amaunt that shou�d be paid. H, R�c��d �rawings Record drawings, if requi�ed, will be prepared, in part, on the basis of information compiied and furnished �y athers, �nd may not always r�pr�sent the exact loc�tion, iype af ��r�ous campor�ents, ar exact rr�ar�r�er in wrhich the PI�OJE�T was finally c;onstructed. The ENGINEER ig rtot responsi�l� for any errors o� omiss'rons in the info�'m�tion from oth�rs that is incorporated inta the recc>rd drawir�gs. L ��no�ity �n� 1A6om�n ��sine�� �n�e�pri�� (MlI�BE) p�r�i�ip���on ir� accord with City of Fnrt Warth Ord�nance No. 1'1923, the City has goals for the pa�ticipation of minority busEness enterprise� �nd woman business enterprises in Ciiy contracis. Engineer acknowledges fihe M/WB� gaal �st�blished for this con#ract and its commitment to me�t that gaal. Any m�srepresentation o# facis (ath�r than a negligent misrepresentatio�) andlor the commissior� afi �raud by the Engir��er may r�sult i� the i�rminatton of this �greem�nt ar�d debarme�# frnm pa�r�ic�pating in Gity contr�cts fpr � p�:riod of time af �ot fess than th�ee {3) years. J. Right t� �ucii4 (1) ENGINEER agrses that #he CITY shail, unt�l th� �xpiratia� af th�ee (3) y�ars after fin�! payment under this contract, I�a�e acc�ss to and the right to examine and pF�atacopy any dir�ctly pertinent boo�s, documents, papers and rer.ards of the ENGINL�R involving tr�nsactians r�tating to -4- ihis contract. ENGINE�R agr��s that the C�TY sh�il hav� acc�ss during r�ormal warking �ours to ali necessary ENGINEER faciiities and shali be pravided adequate and appro�ariate wprk space in order to conduct audits in compliance wi#h #he pro�isions of #3�is section. The CIYY shafl giv� ENGINEER r�as�n�bl� advance no�ice of int�nded audits. (2} ENGINE�R fiurfher agr�es to i�clude in all 9ts subconsultan# �greemer�ts hereunder a pravision to the effect that #he subconsultant agrees th�t #he CI'CY st��il, until the �xpiration of three (3) years aft�r final paymsnt urtder the suhcantract, have access ta ar�d ihe r�ght #o examine �ind photocapy any dir�ctiy perkinent boaks, dacumer�ts, p�pers a�d records of such subconsultant, involving transactions to the subcontract, and further, that th� CITY shall have acGess during normal warking hours to all subcansultant facilities, and shal� be provided ad�quaie and apprapriate wark space, in ord�r to conduci audi#s in carr�plianc� wit� the provisions of this a�ticle togeth�r with s�absection (�}her�af_ CiTlf shail giv� subconsult�nt re�sor�able ad��nc� notice of ir�tended audits. (3) ENGIN�ER and subconsultant agree to phota copy such documents as may be requested by the CITY. The CliY agr�es to reimburs� �NGINEER for the cost of copies at the rat� p�blished in the Texas Administrative Code in efFect as of the time copying is pertorm�d. K, �IV{�ii���f�'s ln�urance {1) insurance cover�age and limits: ENGINEER shall provide fo the City certificate(s) o# insurance documenting policies of the followir�g caverage at minimum limits whseh are to be in effe� petar ta cammenc�ment of wark an the PROJECT: Commercial Ger�eral �iabElity $�,QQQ,A00 eacl� occ�rrence $1,�QO,ODO aggreg�te Automobils Liabili#y $1,0OO,Ot�O each accir�ent (or reasor�ab{y equivalent I�rrrits of ctiverage if written on a split limits basis), Cover�ge sh�ll b� on any ��hicl� used in the c,ourse �f the PROJECT. INarker's Campens�tion Coverage A; siatutory limits Coverag� B: �100,00t} each accid�ni $50QQQ0 dise�se � policy limit $10p,000 disease � e�ch employee Professional Liability $1,00O,OOD e�ch c�aimlannual aggrega�e {2) Certificates o# insur�nce evidencing that #F�e ENGINEER has obtained all -�- r�quired insurance sf�all be delivered to the CITY prior to ENGINEER proceeding with the PRQJECT. {a) Applicable policies shalf be endorsed to name the CITY an Additional Insured thereon, as its interests may appear. Th� t�rm CITY shall include its employess, officers, officials, agents, and vol�anteers as respects the contracted services. {b) Certificate(s} of insurance shall documenfi that insursnce coverages specified accarding to items section K.(1) and K.�2) af this agreement are provided under applicabie poficies docum�nted thereor�. (c} Any failure on par� a# the CITY to request required insurance documentation shall no# consiitute a waiver af the insurance requiremer�ts. �d) A minimum of tl�irty (30) days notice of cancellatior�, non-renewal or materiaf change in coverage shall be provi�ed ta the CITY. A ten ('10) days notice shall be acceptable in the e�ent of nor�- payment of prem�um. Such terms shall be endorsed anto ENGiNEER's insurance policies. Notice shall he sent to the respective Depart.�ten# Direc�or (by name), City of Fort worth, 1 Qd0 Throckmortan, Fort Worth, Texas 769 42. (e) Ins�re�s for all poiicies must be authorized to do bus�ness in the state of Texas ar be otherwise approved �y the CITY; and, such insurers shall be acceptable to the CITY En ierms of their financial strength and solvency. (� Deductible limits, or self insured ret�n#ions, affiecting insurance required herein may be acceptable to the GiTY at its sole d9scretivn; and, in lieu of traditional insurance, ar�y alterr�ative co��rage maintained through insurance pools ar risk retention groups must ba also approved. Dedicate� financ9a! resources or letters of credit may also be acceptable to the City. (g) Applicable policiss shal{ each be endorsed with a waiver of subrogation in favor of th� CITY a5 respects the PR4JECT. (h) The City shall �e entitled, u�on its request an� withoui incurring expense, to review the ENGINEER's insurance palicies including endorsements there#o and, at the C1TY's discretion, the ENGINEER may be r�quired to provide proof of insurance premium payments. (I� The Commercial General L.iab�lity insurance policy shafl have no gxclus�flns by er�c�orsements unless such are appro�ed by the CITY. � (j) The Prafessional Liability insurance policy, if written on a claims made basis shal[ be maintained by the ENGINEER for a minimum iwo (2) year periad subsequent to the term ofi the respectiv� PRO.IECT contract with the CITY unless such coverage rs provided the ENGINEER on an occurrence bas�s. (k) The CITY shall not be responsibfe far the direct payment o# any insurance premiums required by ti�is agr�ement. 1t is understood that insurance cost is �n allowable component of ENGINEER's overhead. (I) All Ensurance required in section K., except fo� the Professio�al Liability insurance policy, shall be written on an occurrence basis in order to be approved by the CITIf. (m) Subconsuftants to the ENGINEER shall be requir�d by the ENGINEER ta mainta�n the same or reasanably equi�aler�t insurance co�erage as required far the ENGINEER. Wh�n insurance coverage is maintained by subconsultants, ENGINEER sh�fl provide CITY wi#h documentation ther�of on a ce�ificate of insurance. Notwi#hstanding anything to the cnntrary cantained herein, in the event a subconsultant's insurance coverage is canc�led or term�nated, �uch cancellation or termina#ion sha[I not constitute a breach by ENGlNEER of the Agreern��t. �. Independ�r�4 Gonsulfiant The ENGINEER agrees to perfarm aEl services as an independent consultani and not as a subcontrac#or, age�fi, ar emplayee vf the CITY. M, i�isclosure The ENGfNEER acEcnowledges to the CITY that it has made full disclosure in writing of any existing conflicts of interest ar patential conflicts af interest, including persa�al finar�cial interest, direct or indirect, in property abutting the proposed PR�JECT and business relationships with abutting property cities. The ENGINEER furth�r ecknawledges that it wi�l make disclas�re in writing ofi any conflicts of interest which dev�lop subs�quent to the signing of this cantract and prior to firral payment under the contract. N. Asbesfios or� Ha�a�dous �ubsf�anc�s (1} If asbesfas or F�azardous substances in any form �re encountered or susp�cted, the ENGINEER will stop its awn work in the affected porfions of the PROJECT to permit testing and evaluatiQn. (Z) if asbestos vr other hazardous substances are suspected, fihe ENGINEER will, if requested, assist the CITY in obtaining the services of a qualified subcontractor to manage the remediation acti�ities of the PRO.�EGT. -�- �. Pe�m't�ing �u�horifiies - D�sigfl �hanges If permitting 2�uthorities require design chang�s so as to eomply with published design criteria and/or current engineering practics s#andards which the �NGINEER shvuld have been aware of at th� tim� this Agreement was �xecuted, th� ENGIN�ER s�t�il revise plar�s and specificafiior�s, as re�uired, at its own cost and �xpense. Hawe�er, if design changes are required due to the changes in fhe �ermitting authorities' publish�d c�esign criteria an�lor practic� stanc��rds criteria which are publish�d �fter ihe dat� of t#�is Agreement which the ENGINEER could not have b�en reasanably aware of, the �NGINEER shal! nat�fy the CITY of such changes and an �djustment in comp�nsa#ian wi�l be m�de thrdugh an am�r�dment to this AGREEMENT. �iel� V Obliga�ions �� �he City Am�ndm�nts to Article V, if a�y, are ir�cEuded in Attachment C. A. (�i�y-�urriished �a4a The CITY will mgke avatlable to the ENGlN�ER all technical data in #he CIT1'`s possessiort relating to the ENGIN�ER's services on t�e PR�JECT. Th� ENGINEER may rely upor� the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness af th� informafion provided by the CITY. �. l�cce�s 40 �actii�ies and Prap�rxy The CITY will make its facilities accessible to the �NGINEER as requir�d for the ENGINEER's p�rFarm�nce of its setvices and will pravide labor and safety �quipment as r�quired by #he �NG�NE�t� for such access. The ClTY wiN perform, at no cost #o the LNGINEER, such tests af equi�mer�t, machir�ery, pipelines, and o#her components afi the CITY`s f�c�lities �s may be required in cor�nectipn with the �NGIN�ER's servic�s. The C1TY will be responsible for all acts o# the GiTY's personnel. C. Adiv�rti��men�, ���m���, �nd Aaces� Unless �therwis� agreed fo in the Scope of �ervices, the CITY w�ll obtain, arrange, and pay finr a�l advertisements for bids; permits and Ricenses required by local, s#.�#e, or fiederal authorities; and land, easements, rights-of-way, and access neces5ary for the ENGINEER's services �r PROJECT construction. �. 7imely ��r►iew The CITY will examin� the ENGINEER's sfuc�ies, reports, s�etch�s, drawir��s, sp�cifiicatiar�s, praposafs, and oit��r dacuments; pbt�in advice of an �itarney, insurance caunselar, accountar�t, �udiior, bond and finar�ciaE �dvisors, and other consultants as the C!l`Y d�ems �pprop�iat�; and rertd�r in writing decisions � required by the CITY in a timely manner i� accarc�ance witn the proje�t schedule in Attachment D. �. Prompfi F�o�i�� The CITY will give prompt written nvtice ta the ENGINEER wher��ver CiTY observes or b�comes �ware of any d�velopment thaf affects the scope �r timing of the ENGEfVEER's services or �f any defect in th� work of th� ENGINEER ar construc#ion eonttactors. �. Asbes�os or baa�r�ous Sub�fiane�s a�d Ind�mni�i���ion {1) To the maximum �xtent permstt�d by law, the CITY wili indemnify and relea�se ENGiNEER and its officers, �mp�oye�s, and subcon#ractors fr�m all c�aims, damages, losses, and r,nsts, i�ncluding, but not Eimited io, attorney's fees and kiiigation expenses arising out of or rel�tir�g to the presence, discharg�, release, ar escape ofi hazardaus substances, contaminants, or �sbestos on ar from the �RQJ�GT. Nathing contained �erein shafl be aonstrued to r�quire the C1TY to 1evy, assess or collect any ta�c to fund this indemnifi�ation. {2) The ir�demni#icatian and re�ease rec�uired abar+e sha�l nof apply in the event the discharge, release or escape of haaardous subst�nces, cantaminants, or asbestas is a result of I�NGIN�ER'S neglig�nce csr if such hazardous substance, cnr�taminant or asbestns i� brought anta the PRO.fEGT by ENGINEER. C�. �on4�ac�o� Ind�mn�fc��i�n �nd Claims The CITY agrees tn include in all construction cor�tracts the provisipns o� Arkicl� IV.E, regarding the �NGINEER's Personnel at Constnaction �ite, snd provisions providing �ontractor indemnification of the CiTY and the ENGINE�R for con#r�c�or's r�egligence. b, Can��a�cior Ciaim� ar�d ihi�d��ark� ��nefiicia�ie� {1} The CiTY agrees ta include the �olSawing ciause in ail contracts wi#h construction contraciors and equipment ar mater�als s�appliers: "Contractars, subcontractors and ec{uipment and materi�ls supp�iers an the PROJECT, ar their sureties, sha�l m�intai� na direct ac#ian against the ENGINF�R, its officecs, employ�es, and subcontr�c#ars, far any claim arising out of, in car�nectior� with, or r�suiting from #he eng�neering �ervices performed. Only the CITY will be the beneficiary of any underkaking by the �NGiNE�R." (2) T�tis AGREEMENT gi�es no rights ar ben��its to anyone vther than th� GIiY and #h� ENGINEER and ihere are no tY�ird-pa�y benefici�ries. {3) Th� CiTY wil! include in each agr�emertt it enters into with ar�y other � entity ar �erspn regarding the PROJ�CT a provision that such sn#ity Qr persan sha�l ha�� na third-party beneficiary rights under this agreement. {4) Nothing cont�ined in this section V.H. shall be construed as a waiver of any right the CITY has to bring � claim �gainst ENGINEER. t. Ci7�`�''s Insurart�� (1) The Cli'Y may maintain property insuranc� on ceriain pre-existing str�ctu�es associated wi�h the PR4JECi. (2) The CITY will ensure that �uilders Risklkr�stallation insur�nce is maint�in�d at the r�pl�cement cost value of the PftO.�ECT, 'i�e CITY may p�ovide EIVGINEEFt a copy of the policy or documentation af such on a ce�ificate of insurance. (3) The CITY wil� speci€y that the Buifders Ris�/lr�stallsfion �nsur�nc� sh�ll be compreh�nsiue in cov�rage appropriate to the �RQ.lECT risks. J, �i�ig��ion Assi���nee The 5cope of Services does r�ot include costs o� the ENGI�]�ER for req�aired or requested assist�nc� to suppor#, pre�are, document, bring, d�fend, ar assist in litigation undertaf�en or defended by ih� CITY. In the event CITY req�ests such services of the �NGINEER, this AGR�EMENT sh�A be am�nded or a sep�rate agreemsnt will be negotiated �etwe�n the parties. F�, Char�g�s The CITY may m�ke or,approv� changes within the general Sco�e of Services in this ACREENf�NT. If such �h�nges a€�ect th� ENGlNEE�i's cost of or time required for performance af the s�rvices, an equit�ble adjustment wil! be mad� thrnugfi� an amendment tp this AC�R�EMENT w�th appropriate �IYY appro�al. Ar�icl� Vi ��n��al L�g�1 �r��isi�ns Amendmer�#s to Art�cfe VI, if any, are incEuded in Attachment C, A. Autha►�i�a�ion to �roc��d ENGINEER shall be authnrized #o proc�ed with this AGREEMENT upon receipt of a written No#�ce #o Proceed from the CITY. �. �euse og P�sj��� �ocumen�ss AI� designs, drawings, s}�ecifications, documents, ar�d other wr�rk products of the ENGINEER, whet�er in hard copy or in electronic form, are instrum�nis afi service for this PROJECT, whether the PROJECi is compfeted or not, Reuse, -io- change, or alter�tion by the C1TY or by pthers acting through or on behalf of tt�e CITY af a�y suct� instruments of service without the w�itten permission of the ENGiNEER will be at �he CkTY's sole risk. The final designs, drawings, speci#ications and documents shall be awned by the C�TY. C. F�o�ce Ma�eu� The ENGINEER is Ra# responsible for damages or delay in pertormance caused by acts of God, strikes, lockauts, accidents, or other er►ents beyond the cantrol of tl�e ENGINEER. �. ierminafiion (1) This AGREEMENT may be terminated or�ly by the City fnr convenience on 30 days' written notice. Th9s AGREEMENT may be terminated by either #he CrTY or the ENGINEER far cause if e�th�r party fails substantially to pertorm through no fault of the other and does not commence correction df such nonperformance wifh five (5) days of written r�otice a�d diligently complete the correction thereafter. (2) If this AGREEMENT is �erminated for the co�venience of the City, the ENGlNEER will be paid for terminativn expenses as follows: a} Cosi af reprod�ction of partial or complete studies, plans, specifica#ians ar other �orms of ENGINEER'S work product; b) 4�t-of-pocket expenses for purchasing storage containers, micra�lm, electronic data files, and other data storage supplies or services; c} The time requiremen#s fior the ENGINEER'S persannel to document the waric underway at the time the ClTY'S terminatian for canvenfence so that the work effort is suita�le for long time storage. {3) Prior to proceeding with termination servEces, the ENGINEER will submit to the GITY ar� itemized statement of all terminat�on expenses. TF�e CITY'S approual wil� be abtained in writing prinr to proceeding with termination services. �. ��spensi�n, ��lay, ar Interrup4ion to F�ork The CITY may suspend, delay, or irtterrupt the services of the ENGINEER for the canvenience of tne CITY. In the ��ent of such suspension, deiay, or ir�terruption, an e�uitable adjustment in th� PROJECT's sched�le, commitment and cost of the ENGINEER's personnel and subcontractars, and ENGINEER`s campensation will be made. --11- �, fndemnifiaatinn {'I) The ENGINEER agrees to indemnify and defend the CI7Y from any loss, cast, or expense elaimed by third parties for property damage and bodily injury, including death, caused solely by the negligence or willful miscnnduct of the ENGINEER, its emplayees, officers, and subcontractors in connection with the PROJECT. (2) ff the negligence or wHlful miscanduct of both the ENGINEER and the CITY (ar a person id�r�tified a�ov� for wham eaci� is iiable) is a cause of such damage or inju.ry, the ioss, cast, ar expense shall he shared between the ENGINEER and the CITY in proportian to their relative degrees of negligence or willful miscanduct as determined pursuant ta T.C.P. & R. Cade, sectian 33.0'i1{4) (Vemon Supplement 1998). G. Assignment Neither party will assign all or any part of this AGREEMENT without the priar written consent af the o#�er party. Fp. 1n�e�pr�efa�ion Limitations on liabiiity and i�demnities in this AGREEMENT are business understandings bet�n►een �h� parties and shall apply #o all the d9fferent theories of recovery, �nclUding breach af contract or u�arranty, tort including negiigence, strict or staiutory [iabifi#y, or any other cause of action, except fiar willf�l miscanduct or gross negligence �or limitations of I�abifity and sofe negligence for indemr�ification. Parties means the CI7Y and the ENGlNEER, and their o�f'tcers, employees, agents, and subcantractors. 1, Jurisdic�'rdn The law of the State of Texas shal! govem the �alidity af tFiis AGREEMENT, its interpre#ation and perFormance, and any o�her c�aims related to it. The �enue fo� any litigation related to this AGREEMENT shall be Tarrant Caunty, Texas. J. Alfiernafie �ispute Resolutior� (1) A!I claims, disputes, and other matters in ques#ion between the CITY and ENGINEER arising out of, or in connection with this Agreeme�t or the PROJECT, ar any breach of any obligation or duty of CITY or ENGINEER hereunder, will be submitted to mediation. If inediation is unsuccessfuf, the claim, dispute or other matter in question shall be submitted to arbitratian if both parties acting reasanably agree that the amount of the dispute is li�cely to be less than $50,000, excfusive of a#tomey's fees, costs and expenses. Arbitration s�all be in accordance with #he Construction Industry Arbitratian Rukes of the American Arbitra#ion Association or other ap�licable rule.s of the Assoc�aiion then in effect. Any award rendered by the arbitrators less than $50,000, exclusive of attorney's fees, costs and expenses, will be iinal, judgment -12- may be entered therean in ar�y court having jurisdictian, and will not be su�ject ta appeal ar madi�icatian except to the extent permitted by Sectians 10 and 1'� of the Federak Arbitration Act {9 U.S.C. Sections 10 and 11). (2) Any award greater than $50,OOD, exclusi�e af attorney's fees, costs and expenses, may be litigated by eit�er par#y an a dc novo basis. T�� award shafl �ecome finai ninaty (9t�) days fram the date sams is issued. If iitiga#iar� is filed by either par�y within s�id ninety (90) day peri�d, the award shall becom� nu11 and �oid and shall not be used by either parEy for any purpose in #h� litig�tion. K. ��H�P��III$j/ ��1CI �U�'i/iVcil If any of #he pro�fsions contained in this AGREEMENT �re held fnr �ny reasor� to b� invalid, iflegal, or unen#orceable in ar►y respect, s�ch 'tnvalidity, ili�gali#y, or unenforceabili#y will not affect any nih�r provision, and this AGREEMENT st�all be constnaed as if such invalid, illegal, or un�nforceable provi�io� had never been contained herein. Arkicles V.F., VI,B., VI.D., VI.H., VI.I., and VI.J. s#�all survi�e termin�tinn of this AGREEMENY for any cause. L. Obse�rre an� ��mply ENGWEER shall at a11 times observe and comply with all federal and State laws �nd regulatians �nd with all City ordinances and �egul�tions which in any way �ffect this AGREEMENT ar�d the work hereund�r, and shall abserve and com�ly with all ord�rs, laws ordinances �n� regufations whi�h may exist or may be enacted later by go�erning bodies having �u�fsdiction or aut�ority for such enactment. No piea of misunderstanding ar i�norance thereof shal[ be considered. ENGINEER agress to c��fend, ind�mnify anc� hold harmless CiTY and a!f of its oificers, agents and empinyees from and againsi all claims or liabilfty arising nut of th� �iolation of any such order, faw, nrdinance, or regulatian, whether it be by itseif or its emplaye�s. -13- R�i�l� lrll Af��chm�ni�, ��hed�le�, �n� �igna�ures This AGRE�MENT, includirrg its attachments and sch�du�es, canstituies the �ntire AGRE�MENT, supersedes all prior written at� ora� Understandi�gs, and may o�ly be ehanged by a writter� amendment execut�d by bnth parties. The following attachmen#s and schedufes are hereby mad� a part of �his AGRI�EMENT: �►ttachmen# A- Sr.ope of Services Atiachm�nt � - Compensation ATT�ST; r /I r ;�,% �� 8���*� x Gloria Pearson City Secretary CITY O� FURT WQRTH ��: � Mike Groamer Assistant City Manager Y � � � � � , Cants��t Authorix��ion „ ��.�� I�� —. Date —� APPROV�D AS TQ FORM AND L�GALIT`f � /�ssista�nt City Akiomey A: LEPA APP�ov�� A, C]��gi�a Rad2t�ak�_r,� Director, �ngir�eering Department —Z�� �I�I�VrG�G°s� �}C���G°?U �p'�r �������1�1� ,��� . ��� 5 j� �n� � Asso�[�ites In�. ENG[NEER �ii�,cbw�F�i ��A�� ' � " -�-'-' • " � - "Scope of Services set for�h her�in can only be modffied by addifions, clarifrcations, andfor delefions set forfh in fhe supplemental Scape of S�rvices. In cases af con�lict befween fhe Supplemental Scope af Seruices arid tlae Gene►aI Scr�pe of Servrces, ihe Suppiemenfal Scope of Services shall have pr�cedence over th� General Scope of S�rvices." �c�,1�:�.T, 1} P�elimin�ry Gonf�rer�c� wf�h Ci�y The Engineer shal� ��tend prel�minary conferences with autharized representatives of the City regarding the scape of project so that the �al�ns and �pecifications which are to be developed hereunder by the Engineer wifl result in �ara�iding facili#ies which are ecanomical in design and confiam� to the City's requirements and budgetary constraints. �) C�ordir��tion wE�h �ta�ide Ag�nci�a�l�ub�ic �r�iciti�� Th� �ngineer sh�ll conrdinate wit#� officiats of other outside agencies �s may b� nece5sary far the design o# the proposed str�et, and storm drain and/or wa#er ar�d wastewa#er faciiitieslim�ro�emen#s. It shall be the Ertginee�'s duty hereunder to secure n�cessary ir�farmat�on from such outsid� agencies, to meet their requirements. 3) G�ot�chnic�llnv��Cig�tio�� The Engineer shall ad�ise the City of test borir��s, and other subsurtace investigatians th�t may be needed. 1n the e�ent it is determined n�cessary to make borings ar excavat� iesi holes or pits, #he Engineer sha11 ir� caordination with the City and the City's geotechnical engin�ering consult�nt, draw up S}'��Ci�kC�tf0i15 for such testing program. Th� cost of the borfngs or excav�tions shall be paid ior by the Ciiy. 4l 14g���me�is ar�d f�ermi�s The Engineer sY�all compfete all formslapplications to allow the Ci#y of For� Worth to obtain any �nd all �greements �nd/Qr psrmits r�ormally required for a praject nf this size and type. The �ngin�er wili be responsibfe for negotiating and caardinatinr� to obtain approval of the agency issuing the agreement anc�/or permits and will m�ke any r�vision� necessary to bring #he plans inta compliance wfth the requirements c�f said agency, incluc4ing but not fimited to highways, railraads, water authorities, Carps of Engineers and afher utilities. 5) �esign Ch�r�g�s ��1�4ing fio �e�m�t�ing Au�hta�i$ies If p��rrti#tir�g authori#ies require design changes, ti�e Engin��r shall revise t�e plans and speci�cations as required at the Engine�rs owr� cost and �x�ense, uniess such changes are r�quired du� to changes in the design ofi th� facilities made by the _1.. permitting autfi�ority. If such changes are required, the Engineer shall no#ify the City an� an amendment to the contract shall b� made if the Engineer incurs additional cost. If there are unavoidable �e[ays, a mutually agreeable and reasanab{e time extensio�r shall be negotiated. 6) Plan Submi�al Capies af the original plans st�a�l be provided on re�radcacible mylar or appro�ed plastic film sheets, or as oth�rwise approved by the ❑epartment of Enginee�ing and shail become the property of the Ciiy. City may use such drawings in any manr�er it desires; provided, however that the Engineer shall nat be liahle for the �se of such drawings far any project other than the project described i�erein; and further provided, that the Engineer shaN not be liable for the consequences of any changes that are made to the drarrvings or changes that are made in the implementation of the drawings without the writte� approval of the Engineer. �bAs� 1 7) Righ4�o�-�ilay, �asement and �and Acquisi4ian Needs Th� Engineer shall detsrmine the rights-af-way, easement needs for the constructian of the project. Engineer shall determine ownership of such land and furnEsh the City with the necessary right-of-way ske#ches, pr�pare necessary easement descriptians for acqu�ring the rights-of-way and/ar eas�m�nts for the cons#ruction of this project. S�etches and easement descriptions are ta be presented in form suitabl� for direct use by the Departmeni� af Engineering in obtaining righfs-o#-way, easemen#s, permi#s and licensing agreements. Afl materials shall be fumished on the apprapriate City farms in a minimum of four (4} copies each. 8) �esign Survey The Engineer shall provide necessary fieid surrrey for use in the preparation af Pfans and Speeifications. The Eng9neer shall furnish the City certified copies of fhe field data. 9) Utiliiy Coordina4ion The Engin�er shall coardina#e with all utilities, includir�g utiRties awned by the Ci�y, as to any �raposed utility liens or adjustment ta Existing utility lines within the project limits, The information obtained shaN be shown on the conceptual plar�s. The Engineer shall show on the preliminary and final plans th� loca#9on af the propased utility lines, existing utility lines, based on the ir�formation provided �y the utility, ar�d any adjustments andlor relocation o� the �xistir�g lines within tf�e project limits. The Engineer shall also e�aluate the phasing of th� water, wastewater, street and drainage work, and shal! submit such er�aluation in writing to the City as part af this ph�se of the project. -2- 10) Concep�u�l �lans The Engineer shall fc�mish fbur (�} copies of the Phase 1 concept engineering plans which include layauts, preliminary rigi�i-of-way needs and preliminary estimates af probable cons�ruction costs for the Enginee�'s recommended plan. For all submittals, the Engineer shal� subm�t plans and documents for streetlstorm drain an� water/wasfewater facilities. The Engineer shall r�ceive written approval of the Phase 1 Plans from the City's praject manager befare proceeding with Phase 2. �bASE 2 � 1) ��sign �a�a The Ertgineer shall provide design �ata, reports, cross-sections, profiles, drainage cafc�alat�ons, and preliminary estimates of probabfe construction cost. 12) P�eliminary Consirt�aiion Plan� and Y'echnical Speci�ications The Engineer shall submit #wenty {20) copies of Phase 2 preliminary construction plans an� five (5} copies of the preliminary technical specifications for review by the City and for submission to utility campanies and other agencies for the purposes of coordinating work with exis#ing and proposed utilit9es. The preliminary construction plans shall indicate Ivcatian of existinglpropased �tilitEes and storm drain lines. The Engineer shail rec�ive written approval ofi #he Phase 2 plans fram th� City's project manager be#ore proceeding with Phase 3. �bR5� 3 'f3} �inal Cor�s��uc4ion �lans The Engineer shall furnish five (5} copies ofi the final construction plans and contract specifications for review by the City. 14) ���ailed Cost �stimate The Engineer shall fumish four (�} copies of detailed estimates of profoable construction costs for the authorized construction project, �rhich shafl inclu�e summaries o� bid items �nd quantities. 15} �lan� �nd �pecificafiion Rppro�al The Engineer shall furnish an original co�er mylar for the signatures of authorized City officials. The Gontract Documents shail comply with applicable Iocal, state and federal laws and wi�h applicable rules and regulations promulgated by Iocal, state and nationat boards, bureaus and agencies. The Engineer shall receive writ�en approval of #he Phase 3 plan� fram the C9ty's projec� manager before p�oceeding with Rhase 4. �� �F�l��� 4 '!6) Final Appro�ed �����ruc�ion �lans The Engineer shall furr�ish 45 bound copies nf Phase 4 finaf approved canstruction pians and cnntract specification�. The approved pians and contract specificatians shalt be used as �uifi�orized by the City fidr use in abtaining b�ds, awarding con#racts, ar�d constru�iing the project. 17) �icidin� A��is�ance The �ngine�r shal! issue adder�da as appropriate to interpret, clarify�, or expand ti�e bidding documents, and assist the �wner in det�rmining the qualifications and a�ceptabi�i�y of prospective constructors, subcantractors, and sup�liers. When substitu- tion prinr to t�se award of contracts is allorrved by the bidding cfocuments, the Engine�r will advise the owner as to the acceptabflity of altemate mat�rials and equipment proposed by t�te prospective canstruciars. 18) Re�ommenc�a4ion �� �4wa�rd The Engineer shall assist in the tabulation and review of all bids r�c�i�ed for the cnr�siruction of the project and shall make a r�comm�ndation of award to the City. 9 9) ��bid Conie�nc� Tt�e Engineer shafl a#tend th� prebid conference and the bid opening, prepare bid t�bulation sh�ets and provide assistance to the owr�er i� evaluating bids ar propo�als ar�d in assemb�irtg �nd awarding contracis for constructio�, mat�rials, equipm�nt, and S�NIC@5. ����� � 2Q) �re�an�trucfion Cen�err�nce The Engine�r s#�all att�nd t�e preconstruction conference. 2'1) C�nst�uction �urvey Th� Engineer s�all be a�ailabie to the Gity on matters conc�rning #he layout af �he pro�ect d�ring its cons#ruction and will set cantral poir�#s in the field to allow Gity survey cr�ws ta sta�e the projeci. The setting of line and grade stakes ar�d raute insp�ctian of construct�o� will be pertnrm�d by the City. 22) Si�e Vi�its The �ngineer shali visit the projec# site ai appraPriate intervals as construction proceeds to observe and re�ort an th� progress and the quali#y of the �xecuted warfc. �� 23) Shop ��awing Re�iew ihe Engineer shall revi�w �hop and erection drawi�gs submEtted by ihe contractor for compli�nce wi#h d�sign concep#s. The Engineer shall review fabaratory, shop, and mill test reports an mat�rials and equipment. 2�4} Insi�aiion� io �ont�ac4ar ihe Engineer shall provide necessary interpretations and clarificatior�s of car�tract documents, review ct��nge orders and mak� recommendations as fo the acceptability of the wor�, �t the request of th� City. 25} �i1��ring �i�e Condition� The Engineer s#�all prepare sketches r�quired to resolve prablems due ta actu�! field canditions sncountered. 26) �ecard Drawings The Engineer sha�l prepare record drawings from inf�rmation submitted by tf�e contraGtor. -5- FXH[�1T "p►=1" SUP���IVA�N�A� S�O�� OF� ��FiVICFS (SUF�f�L�{4AENi TO AT7ACIiIV��f�i `°/�") Water and �anitary �ewer imprarremer�ts ��r Gr��nway Additior� Wl�def �locf� �.�.�. �r�j�ct IVo. 30$� Wa�rer Prof �et Plo. PW �3�060�30i�6i 30 &�S ���Oi0�801754�Q b�Sl�I� ���ViCES; The following is a clariiication of the tasks ihat the ENGINEER will perfiarm under ATTACHMENT "A". Work under this attachment includes replacement o# approximately 1Q,200 fieet af sanitary sewers and � 2,285 feei of water fines 9n Greenway Addition. Upon receipt of Notice to Proceed, the ENGfNEER will perform the following tasks: PARi �4 - p�FcoFiVGIP,��l��1�l�i lnifiial �afa Cvllect9pn a. �re��esign Coerdination i�eetings ENGINEER will attend and �ncument meetings, as required, to discuss and caordinate various aspects of the project and to �nsure that the project stays on seh�d�le. For purposes of establ9shing a IeWe� of comfort, twa (2) meetings are anticipated. These include the following: Qne (i) pre-desigr� kick-off ineetir�g, [ncfuding �he CITY's Department af Engineering and other departments that are impacted by the project}. One (1) re�iew meeting at com�letion o# the City's review af the conc�ptual engineerir�g pfa�s. b, Research ofi Rehab Fiis�ory Th� ENGINEER will cond�ct a cursory review of complete� sanitary sewer replacement and rehabiiitation wark in the area. This wil! include discussions with Warious CITY departmenfis, and coordination with local consultants engaged in past and current sanitary sewer impro�emer�t projects. Interviews will also be conducted with staff in the Field Operations Divisian. The research �ata will be compiled and mappe� ta avoid potential duplication af work praposed under this contract. c. Coordination with 8ther Agencies During the concept p�ase the ENGiNE�R shal� coordinate with all uiilities, incl�ding utilities owned by the City, TxDOT and railroads. These erttities shall also be contacted if appficab[e, to determine ��ans for any propased facilities or 20p108900 CantractGulde 01-0�01 BSD,dpc T � EA1 - i adjustment to existing facili�ies within the project limits. The information ob�ain�d shall be shown on the concept plans. The ENGINEER shail show the location af the pro�osed utility lines, existing utility 19�es and any adjustments andlor relocation ofi the existing iines within the project limits. ENGINEER sF�all complete a!I forms necessary far City to obtain permit letters from TxDOT and railroads and submit sucf� forms to the City. City shall be responsible for farwarding the �orms to the affected agencies for execution. �A►RT � - C�f�S��U�iIB�I �LANS �.NQ S���f�i�ATI�NS 1. �an�eptual Engine�ring , a. Sur�eys for �esign 1) ENGIN�ER will perform field surveys #o collect horizontal and ver�ical elevations and other information whic� wili be needed for use by the ENGINEER in design and preparation af plans for the project. Informaiion gathered during the survey shall �ncfude topographic data, elevations o# all sanitary and adjacent storm sewers, rimlinvert elevations, locatian, and burisd util9ties, structures, and other features rele�ant to the final plan sheets. Far sewer li�es located in alleys ar backyards, ENGINEER will obtain the following: Obtain permission for surveying through private �raperty, Locate horizontal and vertical alignment of uiility lines. Tie improvemen#s, trees, fences, wal�s, etc., norizantally along rear lines in an approximately 20` wid� strip. In addition, locate all rear house carners and building corr�ers in backyarcfs. Profile existing water andlor sewer line centeriine. Campile base plan from field survey data at 1"-20' scale, Qbtain permission far surveying through pr�vate property, Locate harizontal and vertical aligr�ment of utiliiy iines. The improvements, trees, fences, walls, etc., horizontally along rear lot lines in an ap�roxim�tely 20' wide strip. ir� additian, iocate aIl rear house corners and building corners in �ackyards. Compile base plan from field survey data at 1" = 2�' horizontal and �" = 4' vertical scale. 2) Engineer Wil� Provide the Following Informaiion: 20010$900 CnntractGuide 01-080t BSD.doc ' � EA� - 2 All plans, field notes, plats, maps, legal descriptions, or other s}�ecified documents prepared in cor�junction with the requested services shaH be pro�ided in a digital format compatible with the electronic data collectio� and computer aided cf�sign and drafting saftware current�y in use by the CITY Department of Engineering. All te� data such as plan and profile, legal descriptions, coorciinate files, cut sheets, etc., shall be provided in the American Standard Cad� for Information Interchange (ASCII) farmat, all �rawing files shall be provEded in autocad {DWG or DXF) format (currently Release 14), or as otherwise approved in writing by the CITY, and ail data collected a�d generated during the course of the project shaff become the property of the CITY. The minimum information to be pravided in the plans shall include the fallowing: a) A Project Co�tral St�eet, showing ALL Control Points, used or set wl�ile gat�ering data. Gen�rally an a scale of not Isss than 1:400: b) The following information about eacl� Con#rol Point; (1} Identified (Exis#ing City MnnUment #890�, PK Najl, 5/8" Iron Rod) (2) X, Y and Z Coordinates, in an identified coardinata system, and a referred bearing base. Z coordinate on City Datum only. (3} DescriptiUe Location (Ex. Set in the cenfierline of the inlet in the South curb line of Nar�h Si�e Drive at the East end of radius at the Southeast corner of North Side Drive and North Main Street}. c) Coordinates on all P.C.`s, P.T.'s, P.I.'s, Manholes, Val�es, etc., in the same coordinate system, as the Contro�. d) No less tnan two horizontal control po�nts, per line or location, e} Bearings given on al! proposed centerlines, or baselines. �j Statior� equations relating utilities to paving, when ap�ropriate. 3) Public Natification Prior to conducting design sUr�ey, ENGlfVEER will notify affected residents of the pra�ect in writing. The notification letter shall b� on company let�erhead and shall include the fiollowing: project name, limits, DQE project no,, Consultant's project manager and phone r�a., scope of survey work and design survey schedule. The let#er will be revi�w�d and approveti by the City prior to distribution. 200108900 ContractCuide 01-0801 BSQ.doc � EA1 - 3 b. Conceptual �esign 5ummary Report a) Cor�ceptua� design s�al! be s�bmitted completed fi0 days after Notice to Proceed �etter is �ssued. b) The ENGINEER shall prepare a location map of all fine replaceme�ts and new construction and submit to the GITY. Four (4) copies shall be submitted. 2. Preliminary �ng�neering Upon approval af the conceptua! design, ENGINEER will prepare preliminary construction plans as #ollaws: a. Overall sanitary sewer layout sheets and an overali easement layout sheet(s). b. Preliminary project �lans and profile sheets wh�ch show the following; Proposed water and/ar sanitary sewer planlprof�le and r�cornmende� . pipe size, fire hydrants, r�ater service lines and meter boxes, gate va[�es, isofation valves and all pertinent information needed to construct the project. Legal descriptian (Lot Nos., Black Nos,, and Addition Names) alang with properry auvnership shall �e provided on the plan view. c. For sewer lines, pipelir�es schedule for paint repairs, rehab9litation and replacement will be located an the base sheets prepared fr�om survey infarmation gather�d under Part B, Sectian 2. CnnflEcts shal! be resolved where pi�elines are to be rehabilitated on the same line segment. Base sheets shall re#erence affecte� or adjacent stree�s. Where open-cut construction is anticipated, below ar�d abo�e c�rounc! utitities will be located anc� shown on the base sheets. d. Existing u#iEities a�td utility easements will be shown an the plan and profile sheets. ENGINEER wi11 coordinate with utiliry companies ant� the City of Fort Worth to determine if any future improveme�ts are planned that may impact the �roject. e. The ENGINEER shall make pra�isions for reconnecti�g a!I water and/or wastewater 591"VIC2 lines which connect directly to any main being replaced, including replacement of existing ser�ice lines withir� City right-of-way or utility easement. When t�e existing alignment of a wat�r and sanitary sewer main or [ateral is cha�nged, pravisions wi11 be made in the final �fans and/ar specifications by the ENGINEER to relocat� al! service lines which are cannected to the existing ma�n and connect said service lines to the relocated main. f. The ENGINEER will pr�pare sfiandard and special detail sheets for water li�e installation and sewer rehab9litation ar replacement that are not alrea�y included in the D-Section of the City's specifications. These may include connection details b�tween �arious parts of the project, tunn�ling detaiis, boring and jacking details, waterline relocations, details uniq�e to th� construction of the prnject, trenchless details, ar�d special service lateral reconnections. 2001089p� ContraciCuide 43•086i 85D.doc W �A1 - 4 g. Pri�ate 5ector Rehabilitation (Optional) E�aluate �rivate sector alternatives incfuding clear�out repairlre�lacement, lateral paint repairs, and lateral replacement. ENGINEER will provide copies of the field inspection forms in tY�e construction documents. ENGINEER shall not prepare detailed plans for repair of private sector defects. The ENGINEER also assumes no rEsponsibility for tfre accuracy of service cleanouts and lataral locations since the appearance of smoke does not pinpoint the exact location of service cleanouts and laterals. h. New Manhole Constructian Loca#ions {Not Applicable) Provide map showing loeation o� new manhole construction at the end of existing sewer segments, 90-degree bends, ar tee connections. Sufficient dafia i.e. coordinates shall be provided to alfow for co�struction and staki�g af th� manholes. Easerrment or right-of-entry agreements shall be prepared and deli�ered ta th� City. Th� contract documents shall specify that it is ths Cantractor's respansibility ta coordinate �tility lacation, �tc._ far manhole construction, A tfltaE af 0 new manhole constructior� is anticipated. � Right-of-Way Research The ENGtNEER wil� canduct pre[iminary research far availability of existing easements where open-cut construction or reiocation of existing alignments is probable. Temporary ar�d permanent easements wifl be appropriated based on available information and recommendations will be made for approval by #t�e �I�jl. j. Right-of-waylEasement Preparation and Su�miital Preparation and submitta) af right-ofi-way, easements and rights-af-entry will be in con�ormance with "5ubmiital o� Infarmation to Real Property for Acquisition of Property" k. Utility CEearance Phase The ENGINEER will consult with the City`s Wafer Department, Department of Engineering, and other CITY departrnents, public utilities, prEvate utilities, pri�ate utilities and government agencies to determine the appraximate locatian of abo�e and undergraund utilities, and other facilities that have an impact or influence on the project. ENG{NEER will design City facilities ta avoid or minimize conflicts w�th existi�g utiliiies. The ENG{NEER shall deliver 13 sets of a�proved preliminary construct9on plans to the City's Utiiity Coord�nator for farwarding ta alf utility companies, w�ich have facilities within tt�e limits of the �roject. Preliminary construction plan submittal 240148800 ContractGuide Uf-080i BS6.doo - - - EA1 - 5 1} Preliminary plans ar�d specifications sha[I be submitted to City 90 days after appro�ai af conceptual design. 2) The ENGIN�ER shali deliver two �2) sets of preliminary constructian plans and two (2) sets of specifications and contract documents to CITY for re�iew. Generally, plan she�ts shall be organized as fallows: Couer Sheet Easement layaut (if applicable) Plan & Profile Sheets Standard Construction Details 5pecial Details (If appaicabie) 3) The ENGINEER shall submit a preliminary estimate of probable construction cqst wit� the pr�liminary plans submit�ed. ENGINEER shall assist City in selecting the feasible and/ar economical solutions ta be pursued. m. ReWiew Meeting with City The ENG[NEER shall meet with CITY once to CEISCU55 review eomments for preliminary submittal. The CITY shall direct the ENGINEER in wri�ing to proceed with Final Design for Final Re�iew. 3. Final �ngin�ering P{an Submi�tal a. Final Construction Documents sha11 be submitted to C�TY 45 days after approval af Preliminary plans. Folfowing CITY approval of the recammended im�ro�ements, the ENGINEER shall prepar� final plans and specifications and contract documents to CITY {eacF� sheet s1�a11 be stamped, dated, and signed by the ENGINEER) and submit tvvo {2} sets of pians and construction contract doc�ments within 16 days of CITY's finaf appro�aL Plan sets shall be used for Part C activities. b. ENGINEER's Estimate of Probable Gons#ruction Cost The ENGINEER shail submit a final estimate of pro5able construction cost with the final plans submitted. c. Rev9ew Meeting with City The ENGINEER shall meet w9th CITY once ta d9scuss rev9aw comments for final submi�tal. The CITY shafl direct the �NGfNEER in writing to proceed with preParation af the plans anci specifications for bid advertis�ment. Addifiiona! review meetings with the CITY shall be cansi�ered additional services �eyond the scope of services for this e�gineering contract and biHed at an hourly rate. 200108900 ContractGuide Di-OB01 BSD.doo - - - �A1 - S ��►� f C � ����C�fdST�tUCiIOfV A,S51Sii4t��� 1. Administ�°ation a. Deliver Bid Documents The ENGINEER wiil make avaifabfe for bidding, upan re�uest by the CITY, up to thirty-five {35) sets of the final approved and dated ptans and sPecifiications and cantract documents for the prajects ta the CITY #or distribution to patential bidders. Proposa! will he delivered in elecirnnic format. b. Bidding Assisfanee The ENGINEER shal[ assist the CITY during phase including prepara�ion and delivery of addenda to plan holders and respanses to questions submitted to the DDE by prospecti�e bidders. 20tl108900 CnntractGuide U1•D801 BSb,doc ^ EA� - 7 A►iT�C H Ni � �li °` �„ ��i�[�EIV5I�TI�f� i4P�D �Cb��U�� Water and Sanitary Sewer Impro�ements For �reenway �,ddi#i�n i�odel �[�ck D.�.F. PpAject No. 3089 Water Project �do. PW 53�060530i i6130 & PS ���O�D�8d1 ��4�0 Compensaiior� A. T�e Engir�eer shall be compensated a totaf lump sum fe� afi $2a3,647,5Q as summarized in Exhibifi "B-A". Payment of the tota! I�mp sum fee sf�ail �� considered full compe�sation for the s�rv9ces described in Exhibit "A-1" for all labor materials, suppGes, and equipment necessary to compl�te the prajeet. B. The Engineer shall be paid in partial payments as described in Exhibit "B-1" upon receipt of individual invaices firom the Engineer. 1n this regard the Engine�r shaEl submit invoices for partiaf payments as described in Exhibit "B-1 ", Section 1- Method ofi Payment� !I. �chedule Design serv9ces for tE�is project shall be completed 210 days after the "Notice to Proceed" letter is issued. 200i08900 ConlractGulde Of-08D1 B5D.doe ~ � - AB-1 �XH1�17 "�01,° l4�EiHOD O� �i4Yf1A�Ni {s��������� �o �,T��c��n���r° �°�„� Water and �anitary Sewer Impr�v�ments ��r �reenway �ddition Modef �lock �.D.�. �reJe�t No. 30�9 Water �roject Na. �W.�3-060�3d116i 30 &�S 58��7Q��0� 7�4�D I. 14Aethod a4 payment Partial payment shall be made monthly upon City's aQproval ofi an invoice from the ENGINEER outlining ihe estimat�d curre�t percent completa o# the to�al project. The aggregat� of such monthly partial fee payments sha1� nat exceed the following: Until satisfactory completion of #he Concept Design, a sum not to exceed 50 percent o# the maxim�m fee. Until satisfactory completion of the Preliminary Plans, a sum not to exceed 80 percent of tF�e �naximum fee, less pervious payments. Unti1 satisfactory completior� af Phase 3, Final Design Plans and Specifications, a sum not to exceed 95 percent of the maximum f�e, less pre�ious payments. The balance of the earnings, less pr��ious payments, shall be payable a#�er Bid opening for the Project has been conducted. Il. Progress Reports If the ENGINEER determ�nes ir� the course of making design drawings and specifications that the construction cost esiimate af $2,719,321.22 (as estimated an Exhibit °B-4") will be exceeded, whether �y change in the scope of the project, 9ncreased costs or other conditions, the ENGINEER shall immediate[y report such fact to the CITY's Director af the Department of Engineering and, if so i�structed by Director of the Engineering Department shall suspend a1� work hereunder. 20010s900 CantractGulde 01-e801 6SD.dnc ~ � - EB-1 �XHl�li "�d�" b41J��Y RAi� �����}Ul�� (SUPPL�MFidi i� l�Tip,CFiMI�Ni "�„) Water and �aniiary Sewe� lmpro�emen#s �or Greenway �►dd�tlon Model �I�ci� D.O.F. Pro�ect Plo. 3089 W�fer �ro�ecf No. PW S3-Ofi053017fi13D & �S �SAOif1��0i��4�0 � Employee Gass�ficatian Rat�IHour (or Ra�ge) � Principa! $110 � � Praject ManagerlPlanner $65-$95 RPLS . $65-$100 Design Enginesr $50-$80 DesignerlCAD Operator $35-$60 � Survey Technician $40-$60 Draftsman $3p-$55 Clerical $40-$55 Survey Crew $70-$� 10 Reimbursables Cost + 10°/Q Mileage $0.31 Per Mile Reproduction work wilf be at current commercia! rate. Subcontractars will be paid for at actua[ in�oice cost plus ten �erce�t (10°/4). 20410890o OontradGulde 01-08U1 93D.dac — — J EB-2 �XHI�IT "�-3" SUiViiWARY �� iC��A� ��0.l��� F��S �su����n��N� �o �,��,�bn��r�T s� Water anc[ 5anitary Sew�r lmprA�ements �or �ar�enway Addition iV➢odel Bl�e� �.0.�. �rojecf ��. 30�9 Wa#er Project P�o. PW 53oa�0�301i6930 &�S 5��07���0'97�4�D �1�ase Design Ser�ices �roposed lV�1W�� 5ub���nsultants ANA Consultar�ts Huga Trevino & Associates, Inc. 5�ap� af Services Water & Sewer Des9gn Ser►►ices S�rvey Reproduction ��e $i 64,572.50 �'ee $31, 600.00 $7, 475.00 i�IW�� % $39,075.Ofl 19.2% % 15.5% 3.7% 2po1o89Ut3 CaniractGuide 01-tl801 6Sb.doc - - - EB-3 �}tbl�l� s��.3�„ F�� ���i ��I[VY[VYA�Y (SIiP���Ni�{VT iO ATiACi�fW�idT "g„) Water ancf Sani�ary Sew�r Improvemenis �'or �reenway Additi�n ��del �loci� �.0.�. �roj�ct �I�. 30�9 Wa#er I�rajec# R�o. �W �3da60�3097�130 & �S ���070�8017a4�0 D�SIGA! S��1IlC�5: �r4Ri i4 � �����hlGIN��RIWG � . Coordinat�an NYeetin�s (Two) �A�� � — ��R�STRUCiIOA! pl�iVS Ai�� SP�CI�'fCA�IOR! 1. �as1c �ngi�eering D�sign �er�ices ($2,719,321.22 x Cur�e A 6,7% x.85) 2. SurWey {�y Ana Consultants) {Sub-tota! ofi $31,6a0.a0 x 1,1) a. Topography (8,20Q LF @ $3.00) $ 24,600.OQ (6,�00 LF' by others — BHB contract) b. Perm. Esmt. (5 @ $300.00} $ 1,a0Q.00 c. Temp. E�rrtt, {5 @ %150.0�) $ 754.00 d. TROE (95 @ $50.Q0} $ 4,750.00 (172 TR�E's by others — BHB contract) 3. perm[ts (�/� � �xDOT) ���R��UC�ION — (�y ire��nA & Associates, irtc.) {Sub-total af $7,475.a0 x � .1 } C�O��INAiIC]P� � (With �aird, bampt�n & �rawn, Inc.) Administrative T�ip,� � soa,oa $ 154,865.0� $ 34, 760.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 8,222.50 $ 2,500.00 � zo�,s��.�� 200108900 CantractGuide 01-U8b1 BSp,doc EB-3A EXHI�fi °`�m3�" F�� FO� ���R��UC�I�fV ��RVI��� (SU�pL�{Ui�Pli TO ���'A�f�il��i�i "�") Wafer and �anitary �ew�r Impr��ements �o� �r�enway Addition AFiodel �I�ck d.O.�. �raje�t No. 3089 Vllater �roject hlo. FW �3-06��301�6130 � �S ��n�70��09754�p 1. PreEiminary �esign � 15 sefis of plans ($2.QOlsheet x 55 sheetslset) 2. �inal Design � 2 sets af specs {$0,2Qlpage x 200 pageslreport� 2 sets of plans ($2.fl01sheet x 55 sheetslset} 3. �id i�dvertis�mer�t — 35 sets o# specs ($0.201page x 200 pageslreport) 35 sets vf pCans ($2.00lsheet x 55 sheets�set) 4. �'�nal �lyl�rs 1 set of plans {$5,OO/sheet x 55 sheetslset) su���o�a� $ 1,650.OQ $ 80.00 � 22o.ao � �,�ao.oa $ 3,850.04 � ���.aa $ 7,475.00 2p0108900 ContractGuide 01-a801 BSb,doc � FJC1iIBf7 „g_4,� �PIN10N OF PROBABl�� CONSTR�1CT101� COSTS Water and Sanitary Sewer Impro�ements For Greenway Addition Mvdel Block �.O.E. A[0. 3D89 Water �roject Na. �W 53-060530176130 & p5 �S�fl705�0i75450 sewer Ff£M �E9�F�3i�T1�li 1 9-[n. sanitary sewer pipa (all depths} � 2 24-inch sanitary aewer pipe {all depths} 3 42-inch sanitary sswer p9pe (alt depthsj 4 4-in, sanitary sewer service ta�s 5 4-in. sanitary sewer service Ilnes 6 Trench safery systam fnr trencfies (depth > 5-ft.) 7 Remova existing s8nitary sewer manholes 8 Ahandon exisUng sanitary sewer manha]es 9 Stendard a-ft. diameter SSMH (to 8-ft. depth) iD 4-fi. diamater ex�ra depth for SSMH 11 7wa-way lateral cleanout 12 Bolted watertlght SSMH 1id 13 Concrete callars iar SSMH 1 h Vacuum tast SSMH f5 TemporarK HMAC Pavement Repair per F'igure A 16 B-in. topsoil 17 Sod [eplacement 79 Pre-consiructlon cleaning and N InspecGan of sanitarysewer line 19 Pas[-constructian N Inspection of saNtary sewer Water f 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1i 12 13 94 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 UNff � UNY7 �AIG� �:y 7ate1 folpl Rrlo■ N LF $ 46.00 8,110 $ 3Y3,46U.06 l.� s eo,av 1,DfiD $ 84,8Qa,0a LF $ 15D.00 t,U30 $ t5A,500.00 EA $ 260.00 267 $ 69,420.00 LF $ 24.50 6,fi75 $ 163,537.5fl LF $ 1.80 16,875 $ 32,062.50 EA $ 600.00 8 $ 4,800,00 EA $ 575.00 12 $ 8,900.00 EA $ 1,656.00 34 $ 56,100.00 V� $ i5D.00 13S $ 2Fi,k00.U0 EA $ 3D0.00 267 $ SO,100.Q0 EA $ 300.00 34 $ i0,20D.00 EA $ 35U.OQ 34 $ 11,90D.00 EA $ 140.60 34 $ 4,7fiU.00 LF $ 10.Q0 14,245 $ 142,OSfl.Da SY $ 10.04 1,189 $ 11,880.00 LF $ 7.50 2,670 $ 20,025.06 LF $ 2.T0 9;651 $ 26,057,70 LF $ 1.75 10,200 $ 17,850.00 SLIBTOTAL $ 1,290,412.70 � 10°,6 CONTINGENCY $ 129,041.27 70TAL �5 1,419,453.97� o€sCp�i�t'i�H Furnisn ana ms[all 2' pipa and fittings far temporary water servica cannecfion B-in. water pipe wlblocking {tnciuding removal oE existing waterlfnej 8-in. water pipe w1 blocScing (including removal of axisting waterline} 16-in. waler pipe w� blocking (incEuding removal of existing waterline} 6-in. gate valve with cast iron tax and iid 8-in. gate valve with cast iron box and lid 16-in. gate vaivs with �ault and appurtenances �" ServEce Tap to Main Class 'A' Mater Box 3f4-in. domesHc Type "K" eapper service replacement tor single services 1-in. wafar service replacement copper Rsmove and salv8ge existing fi�9 hydrant Siandard fire hydrant assembly {3'-8' bury) Barrel extenslonfor fire hydrant (o�er 3'-B" bury) 2-in, oomhinatinn alr refease and uacuum valve artd vault Standard tslow aff into q� diameter sump manhole per Fig. 18 Fittings watar pipe, furnish and install, complete in placs, with eocnrete blocking and sta�nless steel 6olts Trench safery system (>5-tt. dapth) Temporary HMAC pavement repalr per Fig. R 6-in. topsoil Snd replacsmenl Class B(2504# ) concrete tor tt�IscellanBous pfacement and 9ncasement, iUrnish and install complete ln placa Cfass E(1540#} concreta for misceilanenus placement and encasemenl, fumish and install complete In place ural7 l.5 � L.F LF EA EA EA EA EA LF Lf EA EA � EA EA 1�HI7 Pp��� $ 140,000.00 $ 24.00 I $ 28.50 $ fi&.OQ $ 500.d4 $ 660.UU $ 8,500.00 $ 376.00 $ 140.OD i $ 21.50 � taso $ 325,DD $ f,6D0.40 $ 460.00 $ 4,60Q.00 $ 3,3G0.00 pty rp�a1 1 $ 140 $ 11,21C $ 1,075 $ 14 $ 30 $ fi $ 26E� $ 268 $ 2,680 $ 8,700 $ 9 $ 15 $ 30 $ 1 $ 1 $ 15.00 $ i9,12E $ 16,455 $ 1,191 $ 2,680 $ sa $ 7ais1 �ri�e SOD,000.00 3,360.U0 319,985.90 7Q,950.U0 7,UOO.OU 19,800.00 S1,UOO.OU 99, 7 60,60 26,800.00 57,620.00 97,150.00 2,925.V0 2a,000.00 13,804,00 a,00a.aa 3,304.00 43,500.60 3fi,937,5U 184,550.40 i i,910.00 zo, � an.oa 2,560.U0 TN i $ 2,900.00 LF $ 1.90 LF $ 1 p.00 SY $ 10.00 LF $ 7,50 CY $ 50,D6 CY $ 49.00 SU9TOTAL 104.6 CpNTINGENCY 70TAL GF7AND 7�TAL SO � 2,45p.fl0 S i,t81,&97.50 $ 118,169.75 � S 1,299,867.25 � s z, 7is szi.a2 CdNTHP.CTGUIQE-EXHBITa-a aamoi,,ds E..:B - 4 F�! I /��f-{IVI�IY� iLJ911 b AA�I�NDii119�Ni� i0 5�/�[V��.�� C��iRACi APlD GI�R��RA� S�BP� �� SERVIC�S None 20o1089D0 ContractGulde 01-UB01 BSO.dac - - - C, 1 A���h��s�� ..�.. ����ule 1d�16ate� an� Sam6�a� Se�ise� IIm��v�m��r�t� F�r Creen�eay �e¢�aii�eon R���e� �I�k D.�.E, Pro��s# ��. 30�� 1Na�' Pr���t �1�. � ��-Ofs0�3�i.���.30 �, � �-�7�.����7�'�� 4��G ��SCd8I�1'T�PI I Award design contract Conceptual design and survey Conceptual review by City staff + Prelirr�inary plans and specs Iprelirninary pfans and spers re�iew Finai pfans and specs Final pfans and specs re�iew Prepare draft easements Obtain right-o� way Ad�ertise for construcfion Review and award construction contract CQnstruction + E�raluate after one year for performance warraRty 57'AR"P s/i�oX 10/f/01 io��s�oi 1/16/02 Z�i�oz ����az 2/ 1/D2 2/16/02 4/16/02 b/1/Oz 8/1/02 6/1/03 Pr�����,'�� I F,IMTSF� ��ii�4TI��Y � �'TAR4 7/31/01 9/30/01 14/15J01 1/�.5/02 1/31/02 3�3��az ���.s�az 2/15/02 4/i.5/02 5/31/02 7/31/02 5/31/03 6�1/04 60 Days + 15 Days I 90 Days I 15 Days 60 Rays 15 Days I 15 Days 60 flays � 45 Days 6Q days 27p pays 36� Days �,��. �II��i ������V zooiaes_senedwe nioso7.do� -- ���1� �' � � �GREENYYAY �LAC.� AD?'N� WATER & SS .RfAPS 2048-400 & 2D54-400 � TOPO MAPS � 048-40� & 0454-4Q0 � �MAPS�O 63P � � � LEGE,ND �— — — —� �crsnnrc u,vF ��� L1NE f7FPLALLFA1fHT i 4 ��� �� � ; � ,� _ , ,�.--� k ' '� � I �� I � � ' -i M _. �I' � �� �' b ti � n _. � �M � M� � �� � { � � ��� �� l a � �N I1 Ila�n �jy � Il�i { I � �� � � ` llm� - t l l lr� � 4 I 0� U � � �� .�4 1i € �� 11 � �.- � I � l 1 - � � k4 � �� '�' 1 l - �� � � -�-- �� � a�� �;�.Y` u � ,�� � � � �, % � �oo a 3oa aoo �_� �� sCAL6 s"-aoa• � bvAva,w.e,� as��so�:r,���:s nvc �amtu . �ona. naa .b�N�ala . Fi9nne.a � survavus I �50lC�°i�-���s�noRse'i°�u�a5�r°1k'�xig 3ae°o-a10u� I .� .� � � � o� ,, � � � � , � �� � i 1 \ \ 1 \ 13 � �r � � � � � � ,`� � � � �� �� � � �: ♦ r �' _' `\\ �� � � `� ` � �� k/fi1�__ _� _ l � � _ry 4l � �J � �� .�! l� #� s ,�� sf .�__ � �'�� � ` i � l ' �`, ;� { � �`\ �/ �^� � - , ���- ��'"r 1 4 \ 11 ` � �: i �� � ��� �-�C �� �r1 � �''� � 1 �': S � \ 1 1 _ :�= �i''f \ j � �.� � -''J , �`�ty o, f �'o�i �o�th, T'e.�as �y�� _ ��d �����;� ������;ca���� DA`f'E REFERENCE-NUMB�R L.�G NAME PAGE 1012109 **�o� �7�g � 30DUNAWAY ' 1 of 2 sua�EeT APPROPRIATION ORDiNANCE AND AWARD 4F ENGINEERING AGREEMENT TO DUNAWAY AS50CIATES, INC. T� DESIGN WATER AND� SANITARY SEWER LINES FOR GREENWAY ADD�TION MODEL BLOCK RECC}MMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council: �. Authorize the City Manager to #ransfer $207,647.50 from ihe Water and Sewer Opetating Fund to the IlVater Gapital Project Fund in tha amount of $99,751.00 and the 5ewer Capifal Project Fund in ths amoun# of $1Q7,896.5a; and 2. Adopt ihe a#tached appro�riation ordi�ance increasing estimated receipts and ap�ropriations in #he " Water Capital Project Fund in the amount of $99,7��.00 and the Sewer Gapita{ Project F�nd in the amount of $107,896.50 from available funds; and 3. Authorize the City Manager io execute an engineering agreement with Dunaway Associat�s, lnc. to desi�n water and sanitary sew�r lines for Greenway Addition Made) Block in the amount of $2�3,647.50. DISCUSSfON: On July 11, 2000 (M&C C-98120), the City CouncEl authorized reallocatian of $400,OD0.00 in F'Y2400 Hame lnvestm�nt Partnerships Program funds, and $800,OQ0.0� in Year XXVI Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) funds far a total af $1,20p,000.00 to the Greenway Model Blocks {GMB) program for reconstructio� of roadways, gutters, curbs and s9dewalks of t�te #ol[owing streets: Portla�d Avenue Delga 5treet Ma�l� Sireet Leota Street G[enmore Avenue Greenf9eld Ave�ue (Delga Street to L�o#a Street) (l.eota Street to Nixon Street) (Delga Strest to Greenfie�d 5tree#) (Defga Street to Glenmore A�enue) (North Freeway #o west dead end) {I-35W to west dead end) The Water Department has determi�ed that th� �xisting water and sanitary sewer lines in the above streets are in need af replacement prior to street reconstruction. Dunaway Associates, Inc., located at 150� Merrimac Circle, Suite 9 00, Fort Worth, p�-oposes to perform ihe engineering services for $203,647.50. Cify staff cansiders �this fee to be fair and reasana�le for th� scop�: of services proposed. Qunaway Associates, Ir�c. is in compfiance with the City's MIWBE Orciinance by committing to 19% M/INBE participation. The City's gaal on �his project is 'f 9%. Tl�is pro�ect �s focated in COUNCI�. D15TRICT S, Mapsco 63N and P. �C'ity o,�'�ori �o�h, T"�exas � �� ��� ��n��l ����r���c����� �i _ _ � � � DATE REFERENCE NUMBER LOG NAME PAGE 10l2f01 **�d� �`��� I 30DU�IAWAY I , ---2 of 2 s�B�Ecr APPROPRIATION ORDINAN�E AND AWARD O� ENGINEERING AGREEMENT TO DUNAWfiY ASSOCIATE�, iNC. T{� DESiGN WATER AND SANITARY SEINER LiNES FOR CREENWAY Ai�DITION M�D��. Bl.00K fn additian to the contract amount, $4,000.00 is required for a stud� review by ihe Engineering Department. FISCAL 1NFORMATION/C�RTfFICATION: The Finance Director certifies that upan approval and compfetian of recommendation No. 1 and ado}�tion of the attac#�ed appropriation ordinance, funds will be a�ailable in the current capital budgets, as aPprvpriated, of the Water Capital Pra�ect Fund and t�e Sewer Capital Praject Fund. MG:�c Submetted for City Manager's Ofiice by: Mike Graomer OrigFnating Department Head: CEIKTER �60530i761�D 070580'[ 75450 46Q530176'13Q 03�530176930 Q70580175450 03058�175450 � AMOi�NT CTTY SECRETARY $ 99,75'i .04 �,107,896.50 $ 97,751 Aa $ 2,OOOAO $'E 05,896.50 $ 2,000.00 I FUND � ACCOUI�ET� j (to) � 1 &2) PW 53 472045 G 140 � 9&2} PS58 � 472045 2) pW53 5312QQ � 2) PW53 531350 I 2) PS58 539 20D � 2} PS5$ 539 35D Douglas Rademaker G 157 (from) � APPROVED 10/021O1 1} p�45 538070 060902Q $ 99,751.00 � ORU#1�4800 Adclitional informafion Cantact: 1} PE45 538D70 Q709420 $107,896.50 � 3) PW53 5392D� U60530176130 $ 97,75�.00 � I Douglas Raderriaker 6i5'1 3) PS58 531200 07058017545Q $905,896.50 I � �'ity of ' Fo� Wortl�9 T'exas �r �� �n� ��r��l ���rt�n�c�t��� ,� � c . DATE REF'�RENC� NIJMBER LOG NAME PAGE 1 Q12101 ����� �7�9 30DUNAWAY . � of 2 suB.��cT APPR�PRIAT�ON ORDINANCE AND AWARD OF ENGINEERIN� AGR�EMENT TO DUNAWAY ASSOCIATES, INC. TO DESiGN WATER AND SANITARY SEW�R i.1NES F'OR GREENWAY ADDITION MODEL BLOCK REC�MMENDATION: It is recommended that the Cify Cauncil: 1. Authorize th� City Manager to tra�sf�r $207,647.5Q f�-om the Water and Sewer Operating Fund to the Water Capital Project Fu�d in the amounfi_,of $99,751.OQ and the Sewer Capital Rrojec# Fun� in the amount of $907,896.50; and 2. Adopt the atiached apprapriation ordinance increasing estimated receipts and appropriations in the Water Capital Projec# Fund in the amou�t af $99,751.�0 and the Sewer Capital Project Fund in tf�e amount of �107,896.50 from availabfe fun�s; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to execute an engineering agreement with Dunaway Associates, Inc.--.. �tr ta design water and sani�ary sewer lines for Greenway Addition Model Block in the amaunt of $203,647.5�. . DISCUS510N: 4n July 11; 20a0 (M&C C-18120}, th� City Council authorized reallocation of $400,000.00 in FY2000 Home ir��estment Partnershi�s Program fun�s, and $800,OD0.00 in Year XXVI Community Devefopment Block Grants (CDBG) funds for a tota! of $9,2a0,D00.00 to the Greenway Model Blocks (GMB} program for reconstruction of roadways, gutters, eurbs and s�dewalks af th� failowing streets: Portland Avenue Delga Streat . Maple Street Leota Street Glenmore Avenue Greenfiefd A�enue (De�ga Street to Leota S#reet) (�eota Street to Nixan 5treet) (Delga St�-eet to Greenfield 5treet) �Delga Street to Glenmore Avenue} {North Freeway to west dead end) (I-35W to west dead end) ' ` � � Th� Wa#Er Departm�nt has determined that the existing waker and sanitary sewer lines in the abo�e stree#s are in need of replacement prior #o street reconstruction. Dunaway Associates, Inc., located at 150� Merrimac Circle, Suite 100, Fort Worth, proposes to parform the engineering services for $2�3,64i.5Q. City s#aff considers this fee to be fair and reasonabie for the scope of services p�aposed: Dunaway Associates, ]nc, is in compliance with the City's MNVBE Ordinance by cammitting to 19% MIVIIBE participation. The City's goal on this pro�ect is 19°/Q. This project is io�ated in COUNCIL DISTRICT 8, Mapsco fi3N and P. �`iiy of �o�t Wo�h, 7'ex�s � �� A11d �I��1�'f � ����11[�f/���1�'I�i1 � � DA7E REFER�I'+tCE NUMBER LOG NAME PAG� �Q121Q1 ���n���'5� � 30DUNAWAY 1 2 of 2 SfJBJECT qpp�OPRIAi'ION ORDINANCE AIVD AWARD OF ENGIN�ERING AGREEMENT TO DUNAWAY ASSOCfATES, INC.,TU �ESIGN, WAT�R AND SANIYARY S�W�R L1N�5 , �'QR GR�ENWAY ADDITI(]N M�i]�L BLOCK In addition to th� eontrac# amount, $4,Q00.00 is re�uired #or a sfudy review by th� En�inee�ing Depa�tment. FISCA� II�FQRMATIONICERTIFICATION: The �inance Qirector certifies that upon approval ~and completion of recQmmet�da#ion Nv. 'l and adaptian of the attached appropriation ordinanc�, funds wifi be available in the current capital budgets, as appropriated, of the Wat�r Gapital Project Fund and tF�e Sewer Ga�i#a1 Project Fund. MC:k - -� � . .-; . 5. .. Submitted for C�ty Manager's ossCe �y: Mike Groamer Orlginating Departmgnt Head: Dauglas Rademaker FUND (to) �'! &2) PW53 6140 � 9 &2) PS58 � 2) PW53 � 2} PW53 � 2) PS58 � a� ps5s 6157 � (&om) I ACCOiTNT � C�NTER I AMOUNT 472Q45 464530176'130 472Q45 074580175450 531204 Q6Q53Q47813Q 531350 Q30530176734 53'i200 07p58p175450 53'f350 03Q580175450 $ 99,751.00 $T07,886.50 $ 97,751.D0 l � 2,aoo.oa 1 $105,89fi.50 � � z,000.00 � 1) PE45 I 536070 0609020 $ 99,751.OD Additionsl Tnform�tlan Gn�tact: 1) PE45 53807D o�a$azo $107,896.50 3) PW53 53'1200 06053Q17613D $ 97,754.04 Douglas Rademaker 5157 - 3} PS56 �3120U 070550175�150 $1D5,896.50 � ��ap�ec� �rd�ittat�� ������� Clx'Y SECR�TARY ��R0��4CIL CtTY C o CT � 2001 �'�'�x�, l�a.��•�.J �--- cS the City �$�� City trt Fari �o=?h, isxa.�