HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 27111CiiY �ECREiRRY � r� ; O� a��tACs�'� f�EO . FORT WORTH 1VIEACHAIV� INTERNAT�4NAL A�RPORT T-HAI�TGAR LEASE AGREEMENT {TE�) This T-HANGAR LEASE AGREEMENT ("Lease") is made �.d entered into by and between the CITY OF F�RT WORTH ("L.essor"), a home rule municipal corporation si�uafed 'zn Tarrant County, Texas, acting by and through 1Viike Groamer, its duly authorized Assistant City Manager, and M.ARK HAMMOI�TDS ("LesSee"), an individual. In consideration of the mutual covenants, pramises and obligations contained herein, Lessor and Lesse� agree as follows: 1. PROPERTY LEAS�D. Le�sor demises and leases ta Lessee the following real property {hereinafter referred to as "Premises".) at Fart Worth Meacham Intemational Airport ("Auport"} in Fort Worth, Tarrant Caunty, Texas: f.1. T-Hangar 245�6, as shov�m in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and hereby rnade a part of this Lease far alI purposes. �. TER1V'I UF LEASE. �.1. Initial Term and Rene,uval Terms. The Initial Term of this Lease shall commence on the da�e of its execution ("Effective Date") and expire at 1.1.59 P.M. on September 30, 2001. Unless tezminated in accordance with the provisions of this Lease, this Lease automatieally shall renew for successive RenEwal Terms af one year each, commencing at 12:40 A.M. on �ctober lst of each year and expiring at 11:59 P.M. the following September 3Dth; provided, however, that the rental rates far each Renewal Term shall be adjusted to comply with the ra�es prescribed for the Prernises by Lessor's published Schedule of Rates and Charges in effect at the satne time. �.�. Holdaver. Tf Lessee hoids aver after the expiration of the term of this Lease, this action will create a month-to-month �enancy. In this event, Lessee agrees to pay the rental amount set �or the Premises by the Schedule of Rates and Charges in effect during the applicable holdover period. Any month-to-month tenancy sha11 be subject to all other terms an.d conditions of thi.s Lease. � t����C�Qd ������ �� � �� ����� l�o �'�G��, �, � 3. RE1�iT. 3.1. Rent Durin� Initial Term, Lessee hereby promises and agrees to pay Lessor as monthly rent far the Premises the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars {$250.Q0). The renial rates under this Lease are based on Lessor's Schedule of Rates and Charges in effect as o€ the Effective Date of this L.ease. On the Effective Date of this Lease, Lessee sha�l pay fhe �rst and last months' rent in advance, Tn the event thaf this Lease commences on a day other than the first (Ist) day of any given month, ihe first month's rental payment shall be prorated in accordance with the nurnber of days remaining ir; i1�at manth. 3.2 Rent Durin� Renewal Terms. Rental rates for each Renewal Term shall comply with the rates prescribed for the Premises by Lessor's published Schedul.e of Rates and Charges in ef%ct at the same time. 3.3. Pavment Dates and Late Fees, Monthly zental payments are due an or before the first {lst) day of each monih. Payments must be received during narmal wvrking hours by the due date at the locafion �`or Lessor set farth in Section 15. Rent shall be considered past due ii Lessor has not received fiill payment after the {l0ih} da.y of �he month far which payment is due, Lessor will assess a late penalty charge af ten percent (10%) per month on top Qf the entire month's rent for each rn.anth in which rent is past due. 4. MAINTENANCE AND REPA�RS. Lessee agrees to keep and maintain the Premises in a good, clean and sanitary condition at all times. Lessee, at its own expense, shall arrange for the sanitary transport and permanent disposal away from the Airport of all of Lessee's trash, garbage and refuse. Lessee covenax�ts arid agr�es that it wrll not make or suffer any was�e of th� Premises. Lessee will not pile or store boxes, cartons, barrels or other similar items in a manner that is unsafe or unsightly. I.ess�e shall be responsible far all damages caused by the negligence or misconduct of Lessee, its agents, servants, enr�ployees, cantractors, subcontractars, licensees or invitees, and Lessee agrees to fully repaiar or oiherwise cu�e all such damages at Lessee's sole cost and expense. �. CO�iSTRUCT�ON AND IMPROVEMEIVTS. L�;ssee shall not undertake or allow any party to undertake any kind of alteration, erectivn, improvemeni or other construction work on ar to the Premises unl�ss it first requests and receives in writing approval from the Director of Aiiport Systerris or anthorized representative. Ail such approved constxuction vcrork on and zmprnvements to the Pramises shall fu11y comply with the Americans with Disabilities Ac� of 1990, as amended. 2 6. INSPECTI01� AND ACCEPTAl�iCE OF PREMISES. b.l. Inspections. Lessor, through its officers, agents, servants or employees, reserves the right to enier the Premises ai any time in order to perform any and all duties or obligations which Lessor is authorized or required to do under the terms af this Lease or to perfarm i�s governrnental duti.es under federal; state ar 1oca1 rules, regulatio�s and laws (including, but not limzted to, inspections under applicable Health, Mcchanical, Building, Electrieal, Plumbing and Fire Codes or other health, safety and general weliare regulations). Lessee shall provid� L.essor's Directar of Airport Systems or authorized representative with a key or carzibination to any locking syst�ms that Lessee places on any doors on the Premises. Lessor sha11 provide Lessee with advance notice af inspec�ion wben reasanable under the circumstances. I,essee will permit the Fire Marshall of the City of Fort Worth or his agen�s to make inspection of the Premises at any time, and Lessee will camply with all recornmendations made to Lessee by the Fire Marshal or his agents to bring the Premises into compliance with the City of Fort Worth Fire Code and Building Cnde provisions regarding fire safety, as such provisions exist or may hereafter be amended. Lessee shali maintair� in a proper conditian accessible fire extinguishers af a�umber and type approved by fire underwriters fox the particular haza�rd inv�lved. 6.�. Enviroumental Remediation. To the best of Lessor's knowledge, the Premises comply with all applicable federal, state or local environm.ental regulations or standards. Lessee agrees that it has inspected the Premises and is fully ad�ised of its own rights without xeliance upon any repr�sentation made by Lessor concerning the envu'onmental condition of khe Premises. Lessee, at i�s sole cost and expense, agrees that it shall be fully responsible far the remediation of ar�y violation of any applicable federal, sta#e or local government en�ironmental regulations or s�andards that is caused by Lessee, its of£�cers, agents, servants, emplayees, contractars, subcontractors or invitees. 6.3. Acce�tance In addition to Sectian 6.2, Lessee represents ta Lessor that Lessee has inspected the Premises and is fully advised of its awn rights without reliance upon any representation made by Lessor co�cerning the condition of the Pr�rnises. Lessee accepts the Premises in their presenf condition as satis�actory for alI purpases set farth in this Lease. 7. PARKING. All motor vehicles at the Aizport must be parked in areas designa�ed as motor vehicle parking areas. � S. USE OF PREIVIISES. Lessee shall use the Premises exclusively for the storage of aircraft. Lessee's use of the Prernises for any other purpose shall canstitute a rnaterial breach of this Leas�. 9. RIGHTS AND RESERVATIOI�S UF LESSOR. Lessor hereby retains the following rights and reservatians: 9.1. All fixtures and items �ermanently attached ta any structure on the Premises beXong to Lessor, and any additions or alterat�ons made thereon shall immediately becotne the property of Lessor. 9.2. Lessar reserves the righ� to close ternporarily the Airport or any of i#s faciiities for maantenance, improvements, safety or securiiy of either the Airport ar the public, or for any other cause deerned necessary by Lessor. In this event, Lessor shall in no way be liable for any damages asserted by Lessee, including, but not limited to, damages frvm an alleged disrupti�n of Lessee's business operatioz�s. 4.3. This Lease shall be subordinate to the pro�isians af any existing or future agreement between Lessor and the United States Gavernment which relates to the operation or maintenance of the Airport and is required as a conditian for the expe�diture of federa3 funds for the deveXopment, maintenance or repair of Auport infrastructure. 9.4. During any war ar national emerg�ncy, Lessor shal� have the right to lease any part of the Airport, inciuding its landi.z�g area, to fhe United States Governrnent. In this event, any provisions of this instrumant which are inconsistent with the �rovisions of the lease ta the Gavernment shall be suspended. Lessar shall no� be liable for. any loss or daznages alleged by Lessee as a resuli of this actian. However, nothing in this Lease shall prevent Lessee from pursuing any rights it may k�ave for reimbursemeni from the Uni�ed States Govemrnent. 9.5 Lessee's rights hereunder shali be subject to a11 existing and future utility easements and rights-of-way granted by Lessor for the instal�ation, mainter�ance, inspection, repair or removal of facilities owrzed by operated by electric, gas, water, sewer, cvmmunication or ather utility companies. Lessee's rights shall addinanally be sublect to all righ,ts granted hy a�l ordinances ar statutes which allow su�h utility cdmpanies to use public�y-owned property for the provision o�' utility s�rvic�s. 9.G. Lessor covenants and agrees thai durin� the term of this Lease it will aperate and maintain the Arrport and its facilities as a public airport consistent with and pursuant to the Sponsor's Assu.rances given by Lessor to the United States Government throug� the Federal Airport Act; and Lessee agrees that tl�is Lease and Lessee's rights and p�ri.vi.leges hereunder shall be subordinate to the Sponsar's Asswrances. 4 10, INSURA,NCE. Lessee shall procure and maintain at a11 times, in fiill force and effect, a palicy or policies flf insurance as specified herein, naming ihe City af Fart Worth as an additional insured and cover�ng all publie risks related to the leasing, use, occupancy, maintenance, e�stence or location o� the Premises. Lessee shalI obtain an Aircraft Liability insurance policy with coverage at the following Limits: o Bodily Injury and Property Damage: $100,000 per person; $300,000 per occurrence. Insuranee coverage limits may be revised upward at Lessor's option, and Lessee will accordingly increase such amounts wiihin �thirty (30) days following natice to Lessee of such requirez�rxent. The pol�cy or policies of insurance shall be endorsed to provide that no material changes in coverage, including, but noi limited to, cancella�an, termination, no�.-renewal ar amendmeni, shall be rnade without thzrty (3�) days' prior written notice ta Lessar. Lessee shall maintain its insur�nce with underwriters authorized to do business in the State of Texas and which are satis�actory to Lessor. As a candition precedent to the eff'ectiveness o�' this Lease, Lessec shall £urnish Lessor with a certificate of insuranc� signed by the utiderwriter as proof that it has obtained the types and amounts af insurance coverage required herein. Tn additian at any time Lessee sha11, on demand, provide Lessor wifh evidence that it has maintainad such coverage in full iarce and effect. Il.. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. Ii is s;xpressly und�rstood and agreed that Le�see shall opera#e as an independent cantractor as to aIl rights and privileges granted herein, and nok as an agent, representative or employee of Lessor. Lessee shall have the exclusive right to con�rol the details of its operations and activifies on the Premises and shall b� solely responsible for the acts and omissions of its off'icers, agents, servants; employees, contractors, subcontractors, patrons, licensees and invi.tees. Lessee acknawledges that the dactrine of �espondeat superior shall not apply as between Lessor and Lessee, its officers, agents, employees, coniractors and subcantractors. Lessee �urther agrees �h.at nothing herein shall be constnzed as ihe creation of a partnership or joint enterprise between Lessor and Lessee. 1 �. INDENINYFICATION. LESSE� HEREBY ASSUMES ALL LIABI'LIT'Y AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR PROPERTY LOSS, PROPERTY DAMAGE AND/OR PERSONAL INJURY 4F ANY KIND, 1'�VCLUDING DEATH, TD ANY AND ALL P�RSONS, OF ANY X,IND OR CHARACTER, 5 WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, AR1'S.ING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITFI THE �ISE 4F THE AIRPORT UNDER THIS LEASE OR WITH THE LEASIIVG, MAINTENANCE, USE, QCCUPANCY, EXISTENCE 4R LOCATION OF THE PRE111iTSES, EXCEPT TO THE EXTEN?' CAUSED ,BY THE NEGLIGENT ACTS OR OMISSI'OIYS OR INTEIYTIONAL MISCOND UCT OF LESSOR. LESSEE COYENANTS AND AGREES TO, AND DOES HEREBY, 1NDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLESS AND DEFEND LESSOR, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMP�OYEES, FRQM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR LAWSUITS FOR EITHER PROP�RTY DAMAGE OR LOSS (INCLUDING ALLEGED DAMAGE OR LOSS TO LESSEE'S BUSINESS' AND ANY RESULTING LOST PIZOFITS) AND/4R PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS, OF A1VY KiND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTIQN WITH THE U'SE OF THE AIRPORT UNDER THIS iEASE OR WITH THE LEAS'ING, MAINTENANCE, USE, OCCUPANCY, EXISTENCE OR LOC'ATION OF THE PREMISES, EXCEPT T4 THE EXTENT CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGENT ACTS OR �MrSSlONS OR I1V7'EIVTIONAL MISCOND UCT OF LESSOR. LESSEE ASSUMES ALL RESP4NSIBIi�TYAND AGREES TO PAYLESSOR FOR ANY AND ALL INJURY OR DAMAGE TO LESS4R'S PROPERTY WHICH ARISES OUT OF OR .IN C4NNECTION WITH ANY AND ALL ACTS OR OMISSIDNS OF LESSEE, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, CDNT"RACTO.RS, SLIBCONTRACTORS', LICENS�ES, 1'1VVITEES, PATRONS UR TRESPASSERS, EXCEPT TD THE EXTENT CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGL�NT ACTS OR �MISSI011TS OR INTE�VTIO�VAL MISCOIVD UCT OF LESSOR. LESSOR DOES NOT GUARANTEE POLICE PROTECTION TO LESSEE 011 1"TS PROPERTY. LESSOR SHALL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INJURY TO ANY PERSON ON THE PREMISES OR FOR HARM TO AN'Y PROPERTY WHICH BELONGS TO LESSEE, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, EMPLOYEES, CONTRACTORS, SUBCONTRACTORS, L�'CENSEES, 1'NVITEES OR PA�'R�NS, AND WHICH MAY BE STOLEN, DESTR�YED 011 IN ANY WAY DAMA�ED; AND LESSEE HEREBY INDEMNIFIES AND HOLDS HARMLESS LE.SSOR, ITS OFFICERS, AGEN�'S, SERYANTS AND EMPLOYEES FR4M AND AGAINST ANY AND 14LL SUCH CLAIMS, EXCEPT TO TI�E EXTE�VT CAUSED BY THE NEGLIGEIVT ACTS OR OMISSIONS OR INTENTIONAL MIS`COND UCT OF LESSUR. 13. WAYVER OF CH.A,RITABLE IMMU1vITY OR EXElVIPTION. Ii Lessee, as a charitable associafion, corparation, partnership, individual enterprise or entity, claims immunity to ar an axemptian from Iiabxlity for any kind of proparty damage or personal damage, �njury or death, L.�ssee h�reby expressly waives its righ�s to plead defensively any such immunity or exernption as against Lessor. � 14. TERMINATION. in addition to any termination rights provided herein, this Lease may be �ernunated as follows: 14.1. Bv Either Partv. Lessor or Lessee may teraninate this Lease for a�ny reason, to be effectiv�e on the expzration date of the term in �ffect at the time, by providing the ather party with �vritten notice not less than thirty (3d) c�ays prior to the effective dat�; of such termination. 14.�. Failure to Pav Renf. If Lessee �ails to pay rent for the Fremises in accardance urith Section 3, Lessar shall provide Lessee witk� a writt�n staternent of th� amourit due. Lessee shall have ten (10) calendat' days following notice ta pay the laalance outstanding. If I,e�see fails to pay the full amoltnt within such tirne, Lessar shall have the right tn terminate this Lease imrnediately. 14.3. Breach or Default by Lessee. If Lessee commits any breach or d�fault under this Lease, other than a failure to pay rent, Lessee shall deliver to Lessee a written notice specifying the nature of such breaeh or d�fault. Lessee shail have thirty {30) calenda�r days fo�lowing notice ta cure, adjust ar correct the problern to the sakisfaction af Lessor. If Lessee �'ails to cure the breach, default or failure wi�n ihe time period prescribed, Lessor shall have the right to terminate this Lease immediately. � 4.4. Ri�hts oi Lessar Uuon Termination or Exniratiot�. Upon the terminatzon or expiration of this Lease, a11 rights, powears and privileges granted to Lessee hereunder shall crease and Lessee shall immediately vacate the Premises. Lessee agrees that it wi11 return khe Preznises and all appurtenances and improvements therean in �ood order and repair and in the same conditian as existed at the tirne this Y,ease was ent�red 'mto, subjec# to ordinary wear and tee.r. Lessor shall have the immediate right to talce full possession af the Premises, by force if necessary, a�ad to remove any and all partzes remaining on any part of th� Premises without further legal process at�d without being liable for trespass ur any other caaim. Lessar shall also I�ave the right to rexm.ove any and all fixtures or equipmeni tha� may be faund within or upon the Premises without being liable �herefor. Lessee agrees that it will assert na claim of any kind againsi Lessor, its age:ats, s�rvants, employees or representatives which may s�em from Lessor's termination of the Leas� or any act incidant to Lessor's assertion of its right to terminate. 7 l5. N4TICES. Notices required pursuant to the provisions of this Lease sha11 be conclusively determined ta have been delivered when (1) hand-delivared to the othex party, its agents, employees,. s�rvants ar represeniatives, or (2) deposited in the United States Mail, postage prepaid, addressed as fallar�s: Ta LESSOR: Far R�nt: CITY OF FORT WORTH REVENUE OFFICE 1000 THROCKMORTON STREET FORT WORTH TX 76102-6312 For All Other Matters: DEPARTMENT OF AV7ATION MEAC�IAM INTERNATIONAL ATRPORT 4201. NORTH MAIN STREET - SUITE 200 FORT WORTH TX 76106-2749 To LESSEE: MARK HANIlVIONDS 409 LAFAYETTE PARK SOUTHLAKE, TEXAS 76092 �6, ASSIGNMElVT. Lessee shall not assign, sell, canvey, sublet or txansfer any of its rights, privileges, duiies ar interests granted by this Lease wi�iiout the advance written consent af Lessor. Any attemptec� a�signment wiihout prior written consent by Lessor shall be null and void. If Lessor consents to any assignment, all te�rtis, covenar�ts and agreements set forth in this Lease shall apply to the assignee, and said assignee shaIl be bound by the terms and conditions o� this Lease the same as if it h.ad originally been a�arky to it. 17. LIE�IS SY LES5EE. Lessee acknowledges that it has no authority to engage in any ack or to make any contract which may create or be the founda�inn �or any Iien upon the pz'operty or interest in the property of Lessor. If any such putported Iien is created or fi�ed, Lessee, at its sole cost and expense, shall liquidate and dascharge the same within tl�irty (30) days of st�ch creation or filing. Lessee's failuz�e to discharge any such piu•parted lien shall constitute a breach of this Lease and Lessor may terminate tbis Leasa irnmediately. However, Lessee's financial obligation to Lessor to liquidate and discha�ge such lien shall continue in effect following termination of this Lease and until such a t�me as rb.e lien is discharged. �� 18. TAXES Ah'D ASSESSMENTS. Lessee agrees to pay any' and all %daral, state or local taxes or assessme�ts which may lawfully be levied against Lassee due to Lessee's use or occupancy of the Premises or any irnprovements or property placed on the Prernises by Lessee as a result of its occupancy. 19. COMPLIANCE WI.TH LAWS, ORDINAliTCES, RULES AND REGULATIONS. Lessee covenants and agrees that it shall not engage in any unlawfuI use of the Premises. Lessee further agrees that it shall not pern�it its officers, agents, servants, employees, contrac�ors, subcontractors, patrons, licensees or invitees to engage in any unlawful use of the Premises and Lessee ixnrnediately shall remove from the Premises any person en.gaging in such unlawfu] activiiies. Unlawful use of the Prernises by Lessee itself shall constitute an immediate breach of this Lease. Lessee agrees to comply with all federal, state and local laws; ali ordinances, rules and regulatians �i City of Fort Worth and the City of Fort Worth Police, Fire and Health Departments; all rules and regulatians establish�d by ihe Director of Airport Systems and authorized designee; and all rules and regulativns adopted by th� City Council pertai.ning ta the condu�t required at airports owned and op�rated by the City, as such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations exist or may hereafter be amended or adopied. Tf Lessor n�ta�'ies Lessee ar any of its officers, agents, emplayees, eonfractors, subcontractors, licansees or invitees of any violation of such Iaws, ordinances, rules or regulations, Lessee shall itnmediately desist from and correct the violation. �0. NONaD�SCRINIINATION COVEli1ANT. Lessee, for i�self, its personal representatives, successors in interest and assigns, as part of fhe consideration herein, agrees as a covenant running with the ian.d that no persan shall be excluded fram participation in or denied the benefits ofLessee's use of the premises on the basis of race, color, nat�onal origin, religion, handicap, sex, sexual orientation or familial status, Lessee further agrees for ifseLf, its personal representaiives, successors in interest and assigns that no persan sball be excluded from the pro�+ision of any services on or in the constntction af any improvements ar alterations to the premises on g�rounds of race, color, nationaf origin, religion, handicap, sex, sexual orientation or familial status. Lessee agrees to fizrnish its accomnaodatzot�s arid io price its gooc�s and services on a fair a�rid equal basis to all persons. In addition, Lessee covenants and agrees that it will at all times comply with any requirements impas�d by or pursuant to Title 49 of ihe Code of FederaI Regulatians, Part 21, Non-Discriminatian in Federally Assisted Programs of the Departrnent of Transportation and with any amend�nents to thzs regulation which may hereafter iae enacted. If any claim a�ises frarn an alleged violation of this non�discrimi�ation covenant by Lessee, its personal representatives, successors in rnie�est or assigns, Lessee agt�ees to indenanify Lessor and liold Lessor Itarmless. � 21. GOVERNIViENTAL POWERS. It is understood and agreed thai by execution of this Lease, City of Fort Worth does nat waivc or surrender any af its gavernrnen#al powers. , 22. Na WAIVER. The failure oi Lessor to insist upon the per�'ormance of any �erm or provisian of t�us Lease or fo exercise any right granted herein shall nat constitute a waivcr of Lessor's right to insist upon appropriate p�rformance or to assert any such right on any future occasion. 23. VENUE A�D �URISDIC'T�ON. Should any action, whether real or asserted, at law ar in equity, arise aut of the terms of this Lease or by Lessee's operations on the Premises, venue for s�ch action shall lie xn state courts lacated in Tarrant County, Texas, or the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, Fort Worth Division. This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws Qf the State o� Texas. 24. ATTORNEYS' FEES, , In any action brought b�' �.essar or L�ssee for the enfarcement o� the obligations of the other pariy to this Lease, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover in�erest and xeasonable attorneys' fees. �5. SEVERABILTI.'Y. If any provision of this L�ase shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability o� the remaining pr�visions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. �G. FORCE MAJEIIRE. Lessar and Lessee shal.l exercise every reasonable effort to meet their respective obligations as set forth in ihis Lease, but shall not he held liable for any delay �n or omission of performaz�.ce due to farce majeure or other causes beyond their reasonable control, including, but not limited to, cotnplianee v,+i�ta, any �overnment law, ardinance or regulation, acts of God, acts of omissian, fires, strikes, Iockouts, national. disasters, wars, riots, material or Iabor restrictioar� by any �overnmenfal autlaority, transportation problems and/ar any ofher caus� b�yond the reason.able control of the parties. FS�.' 2'�. E�TIRETY OF AGREEMENT. This written instrument, including any documents incorporated herein by reference, con.tai�ns the eniire understanding and agreement between Lessor and Lessee, its assigns and successors :i� interest. Any prior or contemporaneous oral ar written agreernent is hereby declared null and void. This Lease shall not be amended unless agreed to in writing by bot� Lessar and Lessee and approved in advance by Lessor's City Council. � �N W�TNESL�OF, �he parties hereto have executed this Lease in mulriples this ��,� day of . ,�• CITY OF FORT : P�GY'ike Groorner Assistant City Manager ATTE _ ' , ' B . � �� ,P���r--- ity Secretar�c `v APPROVED AS TO rORM AND LEGAL�TY: ��: � A551S�&TI� Cl� Att0 M & C: �"I �1� �'��/�f� I 11 �� xa�xm[olvns: ATTEST: : � ! `,� ��� '�ontrac� Ruthori���.ioan - --- �.,� jl��— ..,.� �f���C�ad ���u��� ��Y Y �Lwl7WY�5�r Ila �Uw��� �� I STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT § BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Texas, on this day personally appeared MARK HAI�MONDS, knornm io me to be the parsan whose name is subscribed to the foregaing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the same was his act and that he exacuted the same as his act for the puzpases and consicleration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. G1V�N UNDER MI' HAN17 AND SE�iI, OF OFFICE this 6� day of �l�.i ,� ���.v��,_� --��-;,�„�� ;�T-�-�, a .°"��U��. �[3�[J �11i�f��3A��1 � )'��'a g`:�'G Idogary ��bllC, St�tp of 7exas g'' 6�; My CAommisysion Expires '�4pJftliS•�S'~, dFa�� �7� �,�d� _ ,w=� � »le��_pfi yr.=s:��—_-__�� �.�.-_ � _.__�.y--_.�. _ !�.'' � �=-.�� No Public in and for the State af Te�as STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF TARRANT BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public in and for the State of Te�as, on this day pez'sonally appeared IVlik,e Groomer, known to Yrte to be the persan whose name is subscribed to the faregoing instniment, and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of �.e City of Fort Wor�h and #hat ha executed the same as th�e act of �iie Cit[y of Fort Wo�� for the purposes an.d consideration therein expressed and in the capacity therein stated. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this �.day of . . .. o�nA;� ROS�LLABAfl�iES _ . a � NOTARY PUBLIC ; ����� ���� S#ate of Texae ` �� C�rnnn. E�. 03 31-� y Natary Public in and for the Statc of Texas PK'.� e1�RJene 1A �2 s's'V�'4� YJ �N���G.� l�91i�� C:�WINpI?�C[nfilaB�laneh�Pee9onal�AVIATION�Lea9e xgr�mance�Mark Nemmonde, T-Hangar 2{g, UnR 6, 6-25-Ol.doc ��R� l�V�RTH ��E�CHA11d9 lNi�R[�P►i[Oh�A�, i41R��RT Y-�IANGd� 24S • Unit Dimensians: �4i' wide by 32'4" deep, 20'4" wide in the narrow area ������� � �OItT �OR�'k� NOT TO SCALE g 5 - a 3 I z � l L� g 8 7 � �.� UNIT NAM� 1 � Darren Rhea, President 2� Scott Tankersley 3 Jim Eberhardt 4 Jim Eberhardt 5 John Gaugh 6 Dr. Mark Hammonds 7 Fred Riggs 8 Randy Gillar 9 Ran Ro�ner 10 Jnhn 7. Hauston A Darren Rhea, President XXXSFx1.16 B John T. Hnuston XXX5Fx9.16 I 1 �6 � I µ MONTHLY 2�a.00 � 250,00 250.00 2�a.00 250.00 2�o.ao 250.00 ��a.aa 250.00 250,00 �?) (?} Hgr24s 6125101 1�ORi 1�lORTH l4III�ACHAM IN��RN/�iIQPlA�, �,l��O�ti ��iiAN�i4R �4S Unit Dimensions: 41' wid� by 32'4" deep, 20'4" wide in the narrow area. ��b��M� � �a�T �%�T� NOT Tu �CAL� � 5 � 4 3 � .� � � 10 4 $ T � � 6 A Lf UNIT � 2 3 I 4 b 6 7 $ 9 10 A B NA�i� Darren Rhea, President Scott Tankersley Dan Morton Terry Fr�cks Jo�n Gough Dr. Mark Hammonds Fr�d Riggs Randy Glllar Ran Roener Phillip Esparza Performance Magnetos, lnc. Phillip �sparca Performance Magnetos, [nc. 129 SF x 1.'f 6 fUlON7HLY 250,00 250.00 Z�a.00 25Q.a0 250.Q0 250.OQ 250.00 250.00 250,00 250.00 12.47 per rnonth HGR24S -�xhibit A for the Leases 7130I01 ����� Ci�y ��`.�'o�� �v����, �'e�as ���a�� a��l �o���I ������������n �1�7-E, i�`F�F� .F.hlGE #�Uh�'�r: � 1,.�� fV�N2E PA�� 9J�1Io1 w*L�1��1��' S5N11�RK 1 of 1 ��a�.��=#�r �.EI��E �1��EE���'E' INE'i'1-E N1�F�FC WA{�+111��ND� F�F� T-F�Ef1�1�AF� UE�31T 2���� �4T [�1�A�h�CA� ]IVT�f�iVATC�iVA��. f�fRP��T [� ��]yTiJ.�*�i� f��1��►A I l ks ro�ornrr�en��� tha� t�� �ily �a�.i�cil �uthorize #hc� �it�r N1ana��� �o exe��t� a�.r�ase l�gr�em�r�t wlt}� N1ar3s Hammond� for T-Hanga�• l�r�i[ �4�-� at ��a��am Int�rr��ttonal F�irpo��#. �76'i�l���`�C�] �F kV��rk Ham�n�nds, an lns�ivJd�al, r���ae��� to lease T�Han+�ar Unit ���w� at N�ea��a�n Ink�m�ti�n�l �i�part at a rate of ���� p�r m�nth, it� ac�ord���.e �vitM #h� �ched�le of ����� �r�d �har�es. R�nk w�Cl be a�just�d �nn�all�r an ��t�b�r 1st ir� a�corda�ce �vilh tt�e rate in effect a� that tim�. The t�rrn �f tl��s I�as� will beg�n �� kh� d�te �f �x�cu�lan anc� expire o� �eptern�ar �(}, 2��'� . Th�� f�ase wlll automalica€�y far�ew anr�uaEly unle�� ei#h�r p�rt�r nati�l�s tfn� ai�hsr �� �a�s in advance of t�e expir��l�n �f iks ir�ter�t ic� ���cel lhe leas�. �II terrra� �nd c�r�dil��r�s wilC f�€low standarc� �ity ar�d f1�i�tion Da�artrx�ent poli�ies. R�venue r�ceived fforn this lease wifl b� ��5Q �er r€�ran�h, v� $�.��b ��� ►�ear. Th�e p�ajactesJ rever��� f�r ��� fsrr��in��� �� �h� #i�cal �rear Is $7�4. 7his prop�rt� i� l�cat�rl ii� ��Uh��l� DC�1"F�I�T 2. �I��A� 1fV��1��+1A7k��l���i�7�FI�A�1�kV: ' The F��an�e Df�e�lc�r c�rtifies �h�t t�e F��v�r�u� Dlv�slar� �f �h� �'ir�ar��� E�epar�ment will b� respon�ib�� I for lh� cpllecka�n and c�����si! �f i�a��d� d�e �o t�� �i�y tancle� ii��s E��s�. M�:n �ubmfticd far Ci1q h7�EM��cr"s Oflice b��: � 1�4� {if4UffLCF OrjRinuiYn� Dcpprimcnf ]iend: [_ss, A. Fy1cs � �+�1� 5403 � ��•uru� � nc�}nur�r � c�ra��r� � �.�+�� - I��40 4� f 31 � Q552Ci01 (fr�m) � ,�n��o���fi $750_�0 C[i`Y ��CRETARY ������rr-_� �..;I�� �������i. Acl;ll�iunal fnfarrnntio� C'�Mnlucl; Luis Elgue7abol �a�rr AIJO �� ��f �,�oa. �7�'r��..,.x.� �il� $11�'rrlu'� o� l��o �it� oF �oxs lYorlL, �c+�as