HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 56961-A1CSC No. 56961-Al
WHEREAS, the City of Fort Worth (CITY) and MV Engineering, Inc.,
(ENGINEER) made and entered into City Secretary Contract No. 56961, (the
CONTRACT) which was authorized by M&C 21-0872 on the 9 day of November,
2021 in the amount of$ 363,087.00; and
WHEREAS, the CONTRACT involves engineering services for the
following project:
Sanitary Sewer Rehabi1itation Contract 107, CPN 102782; and
WHEREAS, it has become necessary to execute Amendment No. 1 to the
CONTRACT to include an increased scope of work and revised fee.
NOW THEREFORE, CITY and ENGINEER, acting herein by and through their
duly authorized representatives, enter into the following agreement,
which amends the CONTRACT:
Article I of the CONTRACT
engineering services specified
incorporated herein. The cost to
to be performed by Engineer totals
is amended to include the additional
in proposal attached hereto and
City for the additional design services
Article II of the CONTRACT is amended to provide for an increase in
the fee to be paid to Engineer for all work and services performed under
the Contract, as amended, so that the total fee paid by the City for all
work and services shall be an amount of $441,215.00.
All other provisions of the Contract, which are not expressly
amended herein, shall remain in full force and effect.
EXECUTED and EFFECTIVE as of the date subscribed by the City's
designated Assistant City Manager.
City of Fort Worth, Texas Prof Services Agreement Amendment Template Revision Date: November 23, 2021 Page 1 of 2
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation, Contract 107 CPN 102782
David Hosseiny, PE
Vice President
September 20, 2023
Ms. Brenda Oropeza
City of Fot�t Worth
200 Teaas St, Fort Woi•th, TX 76102
Slibject: Water and Sanitaiy Sewer Rel�abilitation, Conh•act 107 Scope Adjl�stments
Dear Ms. Oropeza:
On Januaty 26, 2022. MVE was dii•ected by the city to change the scope and extend the limits of both the
Water and Sanitary Sewer Normandale Street.
On June 8, 2022, we inet witl� City staff in the field at Washington Teri•ace and determined that 12
easements wei•e needed to i•eplace the existing Sanitary Sewer lii�e. Then the city requested all twelve (12)
easements along the Washington Terrace Line-7806 be i•evised fi•om the standard fifteen (15) foot width to
teu (10) foot width to minimize the encroachment into pi•ivate properties.
During desigu it was determined that 11 additional easements would be needed in va1•ious locations.
Major changes to the scope include extending the limits ofNormandale Street Water and Sanitary Sewer
and preparing 23 for the project.
A full detailed description of each project inodification is described below:
1. Normandale Stceet includes: 577 LF additional Water and 352 LF additional Sanita�y Sewer design
with additional survey. $21,037
2. Additional easement documents and survey:
a. Prepare twelve (12) Easeinents documents at $1500.00 per easement
b. Revise twelve (24) easement documents at $500.00 per document
c. Prepare eleven (ll) easement document at $1,500 pei• document
d. Staking the proposed horizontal location and vertical depth (1409 Thomas Place)
e. Preparation of Right-of-Entry docuinents and updating plans to reflect locations,
£ Survey inarkup and coordination
A summary of the total project is as follows:
Total of $78,128
Contract Descri tion Fee
Ori inal Contract W/SS Im rov. $363,087
Amendment No. 1 Additional W/SS Desi n+ Easements $78,128
Total Pro'ect $441,215
George Behmanesh, PE
Project Manager
Vice President
14850 Quorum Drive, suite 120 Dallas Texas 75254
Phone: (972) 733-3618; Email: info@mv-engineering.com
Cit�� of Fort Wof�tlt, Texas
Mayor and Council Communication
DATE: Tuesday, November 14, �FERENCE NO.: **M&C 23-
2023 0976
(CD 3, CD 6, and CD 7) Adopt an Appropriation Ordinance in the Amount of $388,128.00 foi•
Increased Project Costs for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation, Contract 107 to Effect a Portion of
Water's Contribution to the Fiscal Years 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Program
It is recommended that the City Council adopt the attached appropriation ordinance increasing
estimated receipts and appropi•iations in the Water and Sewer Capital Projects Fund in the
amount of $388,128.00, transferred from available funds within the Water and Sewer Fund, for
the purpose of funding the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract 107 (City Project No,
102782) and effect a portion of Water's contribution to the Fiscal Years 2024-2028 Capital
Improvement Program.
On November 9, 2021, Mayor and Council Communication (M&C) 21-0872, the City Council
authorized an engineering agreement in the amount of $363,087.00 with MV Engineering, Inc.
(City Secretary Contract No. 56961).
The additional appropriations in this M&C will provide for funding costs associated with
proposed Amendment No. 1 to the engineering agreement in the amount of $78,128.00 for
additional water and sewer design along with revised easements exhibits and an additional
$310,000.00 for easement acquisition cost.
Additional water and sanitary sewer design will be provided for water and sewer replaceinents
on Normandale Street from Portales Sti•eet southerly 360 feet.
It is the practice of the Water Department to appropriate its CIP plan throughout the fiscal
year, instead of within the annual budget oi•dinance, as projects commence, additional funding
needs are identiiied, and to comply with bond covenants. The actions in the M&C wili
appropriate funds in support of the Water•'s portion of the City of Fort Worth's Fiscal Years
2024-2028 Capital Improvement Program, as follows:
_ _ . _ ___ - _ _ . _ _ ---
Capital Project FY2024 CIP Budget Change Revised
Fund Name Name Appropriations Authority �Increase/llecrease) FY2024
56002 — 102782 — SS
W&S Rehab
Capital �, .,�.. �
$0.00 �This M&C � $388,128.00 � $388,128.00
Funding is budgeted in the Transfer to Water/Sewer account of the Water and Sewer Fund for
the purpose of funding the SS Rehab Contract 107 project within the Water & Sewer Capital
Projects Fund.
Appropriations for Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Contract, 107 project are as depicted below:
Fund Existing
- ----- --- - -- ---
W&S Caprtal Pro�ects — $612,733.00
Fund 56002
Additional Project
Appropriations Tota1X
$388,128.00 � $1,000,861.00
�Project Total $612,733.00 � $388,128.00 � $1,000,861.00
xNumbers rounded for presentation purposes.
This pi•oject is located in COUNCIL DISTRICTS 3, 6 and 7.
The Director of Finance certifies that funds are currently available in the Water & Sewer Fund,
and upon approval of the above recommendation and adoption of the attached appropriation
ordinance, funds will be availabie in the W&S Capital Projects Fund for the SS Rehab Contract
107 proj ect to support the above i•ecommendation and execution of the amendment. Prior to any
expenditure being incurr•ed, the Water Department has the responsibility of ver•ifying the
a�ailability of funds.
Fund Department Account project ProgramActivity Budget
ID ID Year
Fund Department Account project ProgramActivity Budget
ID ID Year
Reference #
(Chartfield 2)
Reference #
(Chartfeld 2)
Submitted for City Mana�er's Ofiice by:
Originatin� Department Heaci:
Additional Information Contact:
Dana Burghdoff (8018)
Chris Harder (5020)
Brenda Oi•opeza (8271)
1. 60SSC107MVEAIFUNDING FID TABLE (WCF 09.26.23).XLSX (CFW Internal)
2. 60SSC107MVEAIFLJNDING funds availability.pdf (cFw Internal)
3. 60SSC107MVEFLTNDING Ma�pdf (Public)
4. EntitvInformation-MVE.pdf (cFW Internal)
5. ORD.APP 60SSC107MVEAIFUNDING 56002 A024(rl).docx (Public)
6. PBS CPN 102782.pdf (CFW Internal)