HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 60524CITY SECRETARY CONTRACT NO. 6�524 SERVIC�S AGREEMENT SETWEEN THE CITY OF FORT WORTH AND FORT WORTH HISPANIC CHAMBER OF COMMERCE This Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the City of Fort Warth ("City"), a h.onc�e-rule mtmicipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Texas, acting by and through its duly authorized Assistant City [vlanager, and the Fart Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce ("Contractor"}, a Texas non-prafit corporation, each individually referred to as a"party" and co[lectively referred to as the "par�ies.". RECITALS WHEREAS, the Fort Worth Hispanic Ciiainber of Commerce pt�ovides capacity building professional services to Business Equity firms; and WHEREAS, the City of Foz� Worth desires to coiltract with Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce on a consuiting basis to pravide professianal se�-vices ta achieve clear outcomes, as outlined ic�. Exl�ibit "A", to smail Business Equity firzns and to Fort Worth residents who are owners of these small businesses; and WHEREAS, the Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has offerecl #o provide such prafessional services on a consulting basis with the Ciry to citizens of the City of Fort Vdorth; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual cavenants, pramise,s and agreements contained herein, tl�e parties hereby covenant and agree as folLows: AGREEMENT 1. Services. Contractor covenants and agrees to fully perform, or cause to be perfonned, with good faith and due diligence, all measurables ("Services") described in the attached Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein for a�l purposes incident to this Agreement. The Services shall be perfarmed �n accordance with these measurabfes, attac�ed hereto as Exhi�i# "A" arid with the budge#, attached 3�ereto as Exhibit "S" and incorporated l�erein for all putposes incident to this Agreetnent. 2. Term. 5uch Services are to be provided for a period beginning October 1, 2423, and ebd'sng September 30, 2024 (the "Tertn"). 3. Fee. �Il C�tlSldeiatlOii iif ��'i� .ciC1�71Ce5 �t'i t12 ��rf�rr��ed u�r0LlTl�e� b j% �vII�ia�tul� �i�7 �rGiil`€SCS and agrees ta pay Contractor one hundred twenty-six thousand five hundr�d four dollars and no Services Ageeement between City of Fort Worth and Fart Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Page 1 of 9 OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX cents (� 126,504.00) in four installinents of thirty-one thousand six hundred twenty-six dollars and no cents {$31,626.00} to 6e �aid upon st►bmissian and approval af q�larterLy re�orts. There wi�l be no payments remitted far this FY2023-24 contract term until all reparts and rec�uired documents defined herein have been submitted and approved for the previous contract year. Cantractor will submit an electronic quarterly report no later than the 10'h day of the month after the end of each quarter. The reports will include key perforrnance indicator metric progress as set forth in Exhibit "A". [i the inforrnation is not complete, pay�nent will not be rendered until such completed i�fannation is subr�itted in each measurable. 4. Ter�nination. Either paz�ky may, Wlillpllt pY W1tI1QLi$ C�.LlS�, canceE this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notiee to the other party of such intent ta term_inate. If the City exErcises its right to tE�-�nina#e this Agreement prior to its expiration, Contractor's obligations to the City ur�der tiais Agreement shall continue until t1�e date such termination actilally takes effect. In the event af such termination, on the date of termination Contractor shall reimburse to the City all fimds it has received, btrt not otherwise committed, earned by Services peaformed, ar encumbered by cont�-act, under this Agreement. If, on the date o#' terr�vnatian, Services have beer� performed by Contractor bu� Contractor has not been reimbursed for such Seivices, City shall reimburse Contractar for the Services perfoi7ned up ta the date of termitlation. 5. Monitorin�. Contractor covenants and agrees to fuliy cooperate with City in monitoring the effectiveness of the Services, and City shall have access at al� reasonable hours to offices and records of Contractor for the purpose af such monitoring. 6. Incienendent Contractor. Cantractor shail operate hereunder as an independeiit contractor and not as an of%cer, agent, servant, or employee of the City of Fort Wo��th. Contractor shall have exclusive controi of and ihe exclusive right to control the details of the services performed hereunder, and all persons pexforming sanne, and shall be solely responsi�le for the acts and o�nissions of its officers, agents, servants, employees, subcontractors and program participants. The doctrine of respondet�t superiar shall not apply as between the City and contractor, its ofiicers, agents, servants, einpioyees, s�ibcontractors, or program participants, and nothing herein shall be construed as creating a partnership flr joint enterprise between City and Conh�actor. It is expressly understood and agreed tha# no officer, agent, em�loyee, or subcontractor of Contractor is in the paid service of the City of Fort Worth. 7. Indemni�cation. CONTRACTOR AGREES TO AND SHAlL RELEASE CITY, ITS AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, OFF�CERS AND LEGAL RE'PRESENTATIVES FROM ALL LIABILITY FOR INJURY, DEATH, DAIVIAGE OR LOSS TO PERSONS OR PROPERTY SUSTAINED 5ervices Agreement between City of Fort Worth and Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Page 2 of 9 IN CONNEC�'IDN WITH OR INCIDENTAL TO PERFORMANCE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT CArISED EY THE GROSS NEGLI"GENCE OR INTLNTIOIVAL MISC0IVDUCT OF LESSOR, ITS OFFICEI�S, AGENTS, SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES CONTRACTOR COVENANTS AND AGREES �'�, AND DOES HEREBY, 1'NDEMNIFY, HOLD HARMLE.SS AND DEFEND AT ITS OWN EXPENSE, THE CITY, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS AND EMPLOYEES, FROM A1VD AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR LAWSUITS FOR EITHEI� PROPERTY DAMAGE OR LOSS (INC�.UDING ALLEGED DAMAGE Ol� LOSS TO CONTRACTOR'S BUSINESS AND ANY RESULTING LOST PROFITS) AND/DR PERSONAL INJURY, INCLUDING DEATH, TO ANY AND ALL PERSONS', OF ANY XIND OR CHARACTER, WHETHER REAL OR ASSERTED, ARISING �UT 4F OR IN COIVNECTI'ON 6VITH THE EXECUTION, PERFORMANCE, QR ATTEMPTED PERFORMANCE OF T�"IS CONTRACT AND AGREEMENT, AND/OR THE SERVICES PERFORMED HEREUNDER, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT CAUSED BY THE GROSS NEGLIGENC�' OR INTENTIONAL N1ISCDNDUCT OF THE CITY, ITS 4FFICERS AGENTS, SERVANTS OR EMPLOYEES. �N THE EVENT IT IS DETERMINED THAT CONTRACTOR HAS MISUSED, MISAPPLIED OR MISAPPROPRIATED ALL OR ANY PART OF THE FUNDS PROViTDED HEREUNDER, CONTRACTOR AGREES TO INDEMNIFY, HOLD f3[ARr1�LESS AND DL'�END THE CITY OF FOR7' WORTH, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, SERVANTS, AND EMPLOYEES, FROM AND AGAI�NST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS OR SUITS RESULTING FROM SUCH MISUSE, Ml'SAPPLICATI'ON OR MISAPPROPRIATION. Contractor shall require all of its subcontractors to include in their subcontracts a release and inderrsnity in favor of City in substantially tf�e same form as above. This Section 7 shall survive the expiration or termination of this A�reement. 8. Form 990; Non-Proiit. Within 30 cale�dar days foliowing the execution af this Agreement, Contractor must siipply the City with a capy af the complet�d Fonn 990 filed with the Intea�nal RevenuE Seivice for the full tax year iininediately preeeding the Effective Date. Tf Contractor, as a cha�-itabfe or nonprofit arganzzation, i�as or elaims an iuimunity or exemption (stahltoiy or otherwise} fro�n and against liability for damage or injury, including death, to persons or property, Contractor hereby expressly waives its rights to plead defensi�ely such immunity or exerr�ption as against the City. 9. Assi�nment. Coniz'actor shall not assign or subcontract a11 or any part of its rights, privileges or d�ties under tt�is Agreement without the prior written eansent o�' City, and any attempted assignment of subcontract or same without such prior writt�n approval shaLl be void and constitufie a breach of this ag� eement. Services Agreement between Ci�y of Fort W orth and Port Worth Hispanic Chamber of Cammerce Page 3 of 9 10. Co�zzpliance r�vith Lar�v. Contractor, its oificers, agents, employees and subcontxactors, shall abide by and coinply with all laws, fed�ral, state and local, including ali ordinances, rules and regulations of the City of Fort Worth. I# is agreed and understood that, if City calls to the attention of Contractor any such violation on the part oi Contractor or any of its officers, agents, employees or sul�contractors, then Contractar shall immediately desist from and correct such violation.. lI. Non-Discriminatian. Cantractor, in the execution, pez'foa-rz�.ance or attenr��ted performance of tl�is Agreement, wi�l not discriminate against any person or persans becatise of disabi�ity, age, fainilial status, sex, race, religion, co�or, national origin, transgender, gender identity or gender expression, nor will Contractor permit its officers, agents, employees, or subcontractors to engage in such discrirninatior�. Tl�i.s Agreemen# is made and entered into witl� reference specifically to Chapter 17, Ariicle III, Division 3, of the City Code oF the City of Fort Wortl� {"Discriirunation in Erriployment 1'ractices"), a��d Contractoa� hereby covenants and agrees that Contractor, its agents, employees and subcantraciaxs have fully complied with all provisions af saane and that iio �mployee, ar employee-applicant has been discri�x�inated against by the terms of such oi•�inance by either Contractar, its agents, employees or su�contractors. 12. insurance. a, Cont�•actor shall fi�rnish a certificate af insurance as proof that it has secured and paid for a policy of public liability insurance covering all public risks incident to ar in connection with the execution, performance, attempted performance or nonpes-fannance of this contract and agree�nent. Such amounts shall be as %llows: Bodily injury or death, per person �250,000 Bodily injury or death, per oecui7�ence $50fl,000 Property damage, per occurrence $ I00,000 Wiih tE�e understanding and agreement that such insusance amounts shall be revised upward at City's option and tl�e Contractor shail revise such amounts �vithin �hirty {30} days following notice to Contractors of such requirements. 1�h� City of Fort Worth, its' Officers, Ernp[oyees and Valunteers shali be named as an Additional Inst�red. T'his insurance shall not 6e canceled, limited in scope or coverage, or non-renewed, unless thirty (30) days prior written notiee has 6een given to �he City of �'ort Worth. b. Contractar further agrees tf�at it shali comply with the Worker's Cornpensation Act af '�'exas and shall pravide Workers' Compensation and Etnployers' Liability coverage with lrmits cansistent with statutory benefits autlined in the Texas Workers' Campensatio� Act (Ari. 8308 — 1.D1 et seq. Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat.} and minrmum policy limits for Emplayers' Liability of � 100,000 for each accident/accurrence, �500,000 bodily injury disease poEicy limit and $100,000 5ervices Aa eement between City af Fort Worih and Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Page 4 of 9 p�r disease per employee. The palicy shall be endorsed with a Waiver oi Subrogation ot� behalf of the City of Fort Worth. 13. Fiscal Func3in� Out. [n the event na funds or insufficient funds are appropriated by th� City in any itscal penoc� for any payments hereunder, City will notify Contractor of such occurrence and this Agree�nent shall terminate on the last day af the fiscal period for which appropriations were received witha�t penalty ar expense ta City of any kind whatsoever, except as to the portions of the payments h�rein agreed upon for whic4� funds shall have been appropriated. 14. Audit. Contractor agrees that the City shall, until the expiration of three {3) years a£�er final payment under this Contract, have access to and �lae right to examine any dzrectly pertinent books, doeuments, papers and recards of th� Cantractor involving transac#ions relatsng to t�is Contract. Contractor agrees that #he City shall have access during noi-mal warking hours to alI necessaiy Conn-actor f.acilities and shall be provided adequate and appropriate wor%space in order to conduct audits in comptsance with the provisians of this seetion. Tl�e City shall give Contractar reasonable advance natice af intended audits. Contractor fiirther agrees to include in all of its subcontractor agreements %eretinder a provisian to the ef£ect that the subcontractar agrees that the City shail, until the expiration of three (3) years after fznal payment under the subcontract, have access to and the right to exainine any directly pertinent books, dacuments, papers and records of such subcontractor involving t�-ansactions to the subcontract, and �urther that City shall have access during nor�nal worlcing hours to all subcontractor facilities and shall be �rovided adequate and appropriate warkspace in order to cond�ict audits in compliance with the provisions of this paragraph. City shall give subcont��actor reasonable advance notice of intended audits. 1.5. Venue. Should any action, whether real or asserted, at law or in equity, arise out of the exect�tion, perforinance, or attempted perfoinlance of this Agreement, venue for said action shall Lie in TaY-irant County, Texas or the United States District Court for the Northerr� District o� Texas, Fort Wort� Division. This Agreement shall ba construeci in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas. 16. Notices. Natices to be provided heretmder shal� be sufficien# if forwarded to ti�e other party by hand-delivery or vi� U.S. Postal Service certified i�ail, postage prepaid, to the addxess of t�e other party shown below: Services Agreement between City of Fort Worth and Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Corrimerce Page 5 of 9 Mrs. Christina Brooks CEOIDir�ctor Diversity anci Lnclusion Department City of Foct Worth 200 Texas St. �'ort Worth, Texas 76102 {8 i 7) 392-7525 With copy to City Attorney's Office at 200 Texas Street �ort W orth, Texas 7(1 tl2 ]7. Governmental Powers. Anette Landeros President/CE� Fort Woi�th Hispanic Chamber of Commerce 1327 N. Main Street Fort Worth, Texas 76164 (817) 625-5411 It is understoad a�d agreed that by execution of this Agreement, the City does not waive or sun�ender any of its governmental powers. 18. No Waiver. The failure of the City ar Contractor to insist upor� the performance of any ter�n ar provision of this Agreement ar to exereise a�ay a•ight granted herein shall not constinite a waiver of the City's or Conh•actor's respective right ta insist upon appropriate performanc� or to assert any such right on any future occasion. 19. Pro�xibition of Contractin� with Cbmpanies ihat Sovcatt Isreal. Cansultant acknowLedges that in accordance with Chapter 2270 of the Texas Gavernment Code, the City is prohibited from entering Ento a contract with a company for goods or services unless the contract cantains a written veri�cation from the company that it: (1) does not 6oycott israe]: and (2) will not boycatt Israel during the term of the contract. The terms "boycott Israel" and "cornpany" shall have ti�e meaning ascribed to those tern�s in Section $08.001 of the Texas Governrnent Code. By sig��ing this coiltract, Consultant certifies that Consultant's signature provides written verification ta the City that Cans�.lLtant: (1} does �ot bflycott Israel: and (2} will not boycott Israel during the tertn of tli� contract. 20. AmendmeutslModifications. No modi�ication or amendment of this Agreement shall be binding upon a party hereto unless such inodification, or amendinent is set %rth in a written instrument, which is executed by an authorized representative and delivered on i�ehalf of such party. 21. ,5eves-abiliiv. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, �he validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provasions shall not in any way be aifected or zmpaired. 22. FQrce Maieure. Services Agreemenc between City of Fort Worth and Fort Worth Hispaatic Cl�amber of Commerce Page b of 9 The City and Contractar shall exercise their best efforts ta meet their respective duties and obligations as set for�h in this Agreement, but shal[ not be l�e1d liable far any delay or amissian in performa�ce due to force majeure ar a#her causes beyond their reasonable control, including, but not limited to, compliance with any governmental taw, ardinance or reg�zlation, acts of God, acts of omission, fires, strikes, lockouts, national disasters, wars, riots, materia! or labar restrictions by any governmenial auti�ority, transpo�-�ation problems and/or any ather similar causes. 23. Con�ract Construetion. Tfie parties acknowledge that each party and, if it sa chooses, its counsel have reviewed and revised this Agreement and that the narmal rule of construction to the effect tllat any ambiguities are to be resol�ed against ti�e drafting party must nat be employed in the interpr•etation of this Agreement or any a�nendments ar exhibits hereto. 24. Headin�s not Cantrollin�. Headings and titles used in this Agreerr�ent are for reference purpases oniy and shall not be deemed a part of this Agreement. Z5. Counteraarts. This Agreeinent may be executed in ane or rnore counterparts, each of which when so executed and delivered shall be considered an original, but such counterparts shall together constitute one and the saine instrumeni and ag�-eement. Any signahtre delivered by a pariy by facsimile or other elcctron.ic ta•ansmission (includiug email transinission oF a p�rtable document iile (pd� or similar image} shall be deemed to be an original signature hereto. 26. En�ire Agreement. This written instrument constitutes t}�e entire agreement by the parties }�ereto concerning the work and seivices to be perforined hereunder', and any prior or contemporaneotis, oral or vvritten agreement, which purports to vary fiom the te�-�ns her�of shall be void. 27. Si�nature Au#hori�y. The person signing this agreement hereby warrants that �elshe has the legal authority to exec�te this agreemeiit an behalf of the respective party, and that such binding authority has been granted by proper arder, resolution, ordinance or other authorization of the entiry. The o#her party is fully entitled to rely on this warranty and representatian in entering into this Agreement. 28. Prohibitions 1. No Sovcott of Israel. If Vendor has fewer than 10 emplayees or this Agreement is for less than $lOQ,000, fl�is section does not apply, Vendor acknowledges that in accordance with Chapter 2270 of the Texas Government Code, the City is prohibited from entering inta a contract with a company for goods or services ualess the contract contains a written veriiication from the company thai it: ( I} does not boycoi# israel; and (2} wili not boycatt Israel during ihe term of the contract. The terms Services Agreement between City of Fort Worth and Fort Wortli Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Page 7 of 9 "boycott Israel" and "company" shall have the meanings ascribed to those terms in Section 8�8.001 of the Texas Government Code. By signing this contract, Vendor cer�ifies ihat Vendor's sigoature pravides written verification to the City that Vendar: (1} does nnt boycott Israel; and {2} �vi[l not boycott Israel during the te�•m of ti�e cantract. 2. Pro�ibition an Boycotting Energy Compa�ies. Vendor acic€iowledges that in accardance with Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code (as added by Acts 2021, $7th Leg., R.S., S.$. 13, § 2}, the City is prohibited from entering into a contract for goods or services that has a value of �] 00,000 or �nare, which will be paid wkaolly or partly from public fiinds of the City, with a company (with IO or more fiill-tune employees) unless the contract contains a �vritten veriiication fror� the company tE�at it: {1) does not boycott energy companies; and (2} will not boyco## energy companies during the term of the contract. �'he terms "boycott energy company" and "company" have the meaning ascribed to those ter�r�s by Chapter 2274 of the Texas Government Code (as added by Acts 2D21, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 13, § 2). To the extent that Chapter 2274 of ti�e Government Code is applicable to this Agreement, by signing this Agreement, Vendor certifies that Vendor's signature provides written verif'ication to the City �t�at Vendor: (1) does ❑ot boycott energy companies; and (2) �vil� �ot k�oycott eaergy cnmpanies dt�ring the term af this Agreenr�ent. 3. Prohibition on Discrinninatian Against Firearm and Ammunition Industries. Vendor ac[criowledges that except as ot4lerwise provided hy Chapter 2274 of the Texas Govemment Code (as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., 5.8. I9, § 1), �he City is prohibited fiom entering into a contract for goods ar services that has a value of $100,000 or more which will be paid wholly or partly from public fi�nds af the City, with a company (with l0 or more F��ll-time err��rloyees} unless t1�e contraci contains a written veriiication from the company that it: (1) does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or direetive that discriminates against a firearm entity or �irearm trade association; and (2) wilI not discriminate dt�ring the term of the coi�tract against a firearm entity ar firearm trade association. The tem7s "discriniinate," "iirearm entity" and "iueann trade association" have ihe meaning ascribed io those �err�ts by Chapter 2274 of the Texas Gove��meat Code (as added by Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., S.B. 19, § 1). Tn the extent that Chapter 2274 of the Govern�ent Code is applicable to tl�is Agreement, by s'rgning this Agreement, Vendor certif�es that Vendor's signature provides written veri�ication to the City that Vendor: (1) does not have s practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm eutity or iirearm trade associat�on; and {2) will uot discrirriinate against a t"irearm entity ar firearm trade associatian during the term of this Agree[nent. [SIGNATURE PAGE TO FOLLOW] Services Agreement between City of Fort Worth and Fort Worth Hispanic Charnber oFCommerce Page 8 of 9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement in multiples in Fart Worth, Tatrant County, Texas, ta be effective October l, 2023. ACCEPTED AND AGREED: City; �i.w�.�.�l�d.�—. By: Name: Femando Costa Title: Assistant City Manager Nov 27, 2023 Date: Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Com�ner.ee �. � Sy: '' � - � Nam • A�ett Lander Title: Presideni/CE0 c:,/� ��, � �_ �� Date: f� CITY OF FORT WORTH 1NTERNAL ROUTING PROCE55: Approval Recommended: G ► . $y• Chri�tina RrnnkS (Nrni 77 7N� OF,�14 CSTI Name: Clu�istina A. Brooks Title: Chief Equ'ttv OfficerlDirector — Diversitv and Inclusion Department Approved as to Form and Legality: By: �tier Name: Stron� Title: Assistant City Attai�tey Contract Authorization: M&C: 23-0910 Services Agreement between City of Fort Worth and Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Page 9 of 9 Contraet Co�np�iance Manager: By signing I acknowledge that I am the person responsible for the monitoring and administration of this contract, including ensuring ail performance and reporting require�nents. By. G��u-a.� Gl��ae� Name: wen Wilson Title: Assistant Director — $usiness Equity Diversitv and Ixzcfusion Depaz�t�nent City Secretary� ,�.�.. � �' I By: a44�oann Name: Ja tte Goodall �� F FORr�oa�d Title: City Secretary p�o 09.,0 PVo 0=4 O�p'� °oo oo�`vd aaa� nEXAso�p OFFICIAL RECORD CITY SECRETARY FT. WORTH, TX ATl'ACHM�NT A CiTY OF FORT WQRTH PARTNEI2SRTP ACREEI�IENT �bjective: Enhance the Fort Worth Metrapolitan Black Chamber of Commerce and Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce roles in assisting the Department af Diversity and Inclusion Business Ec�uity Di�ision's {DVIN-BE} efforts to build capacity of Business Equity Fir�ns, and meet its annual goal o£ 25% on all City cQntracts over $100,�OD.00. DVIN_BE will provide the Chambers a quarterly MIWBE listing report ta proactively communicate directly with Business Equity Firms from the certified Business Ec�uity Firm list provided 6y the DV1N- BE. EDUCATIONITRAINING Defiverables Annual Goal Host and include the COFW as a Partner on two Major events, trade fairs, or Business Eguity 2 Firm (BEF's) networking eve�its, at no additional cost to the City COFW to have Prime placeme�� in Chamber newsietters and websites to pramate the City`s 6 upcoming prajects/bids, workshops, and events. Business Start-Ups and existing BEFs located within the Marketplace 5 � IdenCify, vet, and support a minimum of 5 new Business Equicy Firms or existing Susiness Equity Firms expanding services or goods offered in areas af City contracting or procurement needs within the City of Port Worth. ■ Assistance with BEFs to obtain certification, tiocumenting and tracking the Firm tEiroughaut the process until corr�pletion. (SEFs must 6a certified witt� a city- recognized certifying agency). ■ BEF compliance, edUcat�onal, and practical knowledge of t�ie City's rnast current Business Equity Ordinatace. • Number of BEFs competitively respanding ta City procurement opportunities as Primes and S�bconiractors. • Proficiency ar�d strength of $EF's financial reporting, and capital access. ■ Assist (5) or more first-time BEFs bidding on City Contracts, or small BEFs, with how to read, and interpret bid specifications, or how to respond ta bid request Sectian 3, Retuming Resident, �Vorkforce & Business Development 2 ■ Identify a minimam of �ve {5) sma�l and very smaEl BEFs w4a qualify as Section 3 Businesses in Canstructiort or Construction-related services and City pracurement areas of need (note: many of thesa fums exist as smaTl neighborhood con�ractors working ot� non-commea'cial projects (i.e, plurnbers, painters, and vertical constn�ction-type work, etc.} for City projects and NIP, or Nr,Z projeets. ■ Access to a training program tlaat pro�ides education, support, and advice to en��a.nce the technical and administratave capabilities oFSection 3 workers Businesses, and Returning Residents. ■ Minimum of five (5) residents -Tncrease the rate of use of Section 3 and Returning Resident Workforce an City projects and or NIP*, or NEZ* projects. xNei f�6orhoad linp3•ovenient Pt•ajects or \'ei �hborhood Em ot��e�•ment Zanes Supply Chain Netwarking ■ Assist two (2) emergitig $EFs not eligible for Prune opportunities aver �500,000 to enter iiito a 7oint Vanture (JV), Private-Public Partnership, Mentor-Protege partzaership, or other collaborative agreement in compliance with the City's Business Equity Ordinance on City contracts with a sgecific focus on City Naighborhoad lmprovement Programs, Neighborhood Empowern�enE Zones and Revitalization Target Areas proj ects. Must track and report outcomes, economic impaet af the proj ect, BE�' growth, status, and lassons leamed from the relationships. ■ Assist, aud support BEF's ability to create, deveiop, and sustain stable access to supplies and materials for bid projects and procurement apportunities. PROCITR�MENT ASSISTANCE Deliverables Annaal Goal Match Business Equity Firms from the $usiness Equity Managament Database Report 5 provided by DVIN-BE to upcorrting bids and req�►ests, with a focus on bids and requescs over $100,Q00 for rnulti-year contracts, identified on the City's procurernent webpage at tiv�r�w.fo�-two��htexas. �ovl ua�cliasi�i . Track the outreach and outcomes for Business Equity Firms in a quarterly report. Match S�asiness E�uity �'irms from the Business Equity Management Database Report 5 provided by DVFN-BE to upcoming bids and requests, with a focus on bids and requasts under $140,OOQ for multi-year con�racts identified on the Ctty's procurement webpage at w�vw.fortwoithte�as.goti�/purchasin�. Track t�e outreach and autcames iar Business Equity Firms in a quarterly report. Provide quarterly reports for direct services provided ta Business Equity Firms for 5 procurement bid package submissions. The report s3lould include specific services provided, the procurement bid identification number, and outcomes af direct service assistance. C�RTIFICATION ASSISTANCE Deliverabies Support the transition of six non-certified Business Equity Firms to certiiied status with the North Cent��al Regional Certification Agency, or DFW-MSDC, Wornen's Business Council, or Texas Department of �zansportation. Track the names and number of firms assisted or referred and outcomes in tkie �uarterly repart. An�nual Goal COMMITTEES AND ADVISORY BOARDS Deliverables Serve and participat� in bi-monthly Business Equity Board Meetings INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Annual Goal Deliverables Annua� Goal Assist in the attraction of new Business Equity Finns to headquarters in the City's 2 marketplace, as well as retain existing Business �quity Firms in the City's marketplace through one one-on-one engagernent, and networking. Promote the Susiness Assistance Center (BAC) as a one-stop shap for econo€nic 12 developrnent for small business enterprises an the Chamber website monthly. Assist in initiat.ives that are outlined in the MOU between the three local Chambers 12 raf Commerce (Fort Worth, Black, & Hispanic) and the City of Fort Worth by promoting those events and initiatives on the Cha�nber websit� mottthly. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Create New From This M8�C DATE: CODE: 10/31/2023 REFERENCE NO.. C TYPE: **M&C 23- 0910 CONSENT LOG NAME: PUBLIC HEARING: F��T�'�o�rii -��- 08FY2024 FWHCC CONTRACT AGREEMENT NO SUBJECT: (ALL) Authorize Execution of Contract with the Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce to Assist Business Equity Firms - Minority and Women Business Enterprises in an Amount Not to Exceed $126,504.00 for the Period of October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024 RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council authorize the execution of a contract with the Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in an amount not to exceed $126,504.00 to assist Business Equity firms - minority and women business enterprise for the period of October 1, 2023, through September 30, 2024. DISCUSSION: During the Fiscal Year 2023-2024 budget process, the City Council approved financial support for the Chamber to continue providing business development assistance, construction assistance, and outreach programs to Business Equity Firms located in the City of Fort Worth's (City) six-county marketplace (Denton, Parker, Wise, Tarrant, Dallas, and Johnson counties). The City will pay the Chamber an amount not to exceed $126,504.00 to perform the services outlined under the contract. The annual renewal of the partnership agreement with the Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (FWHCC) is to enhance its role in assisting the DVIN-Business Equity Division's (DVIN- BE) efforts to build the capacity of Business Equity firms in Fort Worth and the City's six-county marketplace and help DVIN-BE meet its annual goal on all City contracts valued at $100,000.00 and above. The Chamber's contractual deliverables require them to proactively communicate directly with DVIN-BE and with Business Equity Firms (certified minority and women-owned businesses (M/WBEs)) as follows: Deliverables Host and include the City of Fort Worth (COFV� as a Partner on two Major events, trade fairs, or Business Equity Firm (BEF's) networking events, at no additional cost to the City. COFW to have Prime placement in Chamber newsletters and websites to promote the City's upcoming projects/bids, workshops, and events. Business Start-Ups and existing BEFs located within the Marketplace: Identify, vet, and support a minimum of 5 new Business Equity Firms or existing Business Equity Firms expanding services or goods offered in areas of City contracting or procurement needs within the City of Fort Worth. Assistance with BEFs to obtain certification, documenting and tracking the firm throughout the process until completion. (BEFs must be certified with a city-recognized certifying agency). BEF compliance, educational, and practical knowledge of the City's most current Business Equity Ordinance. Annual Goal 2 6 5 Number of BEFs competitively responding to City procurement opportunities as Primes and Subcontractors. Proficiency and strength of BEF's financial reporting, and capital access. Assist (5) or more first-time BEFs bidding on City Contracts, or small BEFs, with how to read, and interpret bid specifications, or how to respond to bid request Section 3, Returning Resident Workforce & Business Development Identify a minimum of five (5) small and very small BEFs who qualify as Section 3 Businesses in Construction or Construction- related services and City procurement areas of need (note: many of these firms exist as small neighborhood contractors working on non-commercial projects (i.e., plumbers, painters, and vertical construction-type work, etc.) for City projects and Neighborhood Improvement Projects (NIP), or Neighborhood 2 Empowerment Zones (NEZ) projects. Access to a training program that provides education, support, and advice to enhance the technical and administrative capabilities of Section 3 workers Businesses, and Returning Residents. Minimum of five (5) residents -Increase the rate of use of Section 3 and Returning Resident Workforce on City projects and/or NIP, or NEZ projects. Supply Chain Networking Assist two (2) emerging BEFs not eligible for Prime opportunities over $500,000.00 to enter into a Joint Venture (JV), Private-Public Partnership, Mentor-Protege partnership, or other collaborative agreement in compliance with the City's Business Equity Ordinance on City contracts with a specific focus 2 on City NIP, NEZ and Revitalization Target Areas projects. Must track and report outcomes, economic impact of the project, BEF growth, status, and lessons learned from the relationships. Assist, and support BEF's ability to create, develop, and sustain stable access to supplies and materials for bid projects and procurement opportunities. PROCUREMENT ASSISTANCE Deliverables Annual Goal Match Business Equity Firms from the Business Equity Management Database Report provided by DVIN-BE to upcoming bids and requests, with a focus on bids and requests over $100,000.00 for multi-year contracts, identified on the City's 5 procurement webpage at www.fortworthtexas.gov/purchasing. Track the outreach and outcomes for Business Equity Firms in a quarterly report. Match Business Equity Firms from the Business Equity Management Database Report provided by DVIN-BE to upcoming bids and requests, with a focus on bids and requests under $100,000.00 for multi-year contracts identified on the City's 5 procurement webpage at www.fortworthtexas.gov/purchasing. Track the outreach and outcomes for Business Equity Firms in a quarterly report. Provide quarterly reports for direct services provided to Business 5 Equity Firms for procurement bid package submissions. The report should include specific services provided, the procurement bid identification number, and outcomes of direct service assistance. CERTIFICATION ASSISTANCE Deliverables Annual Goal Support the transition of six non-certified Business Equity Firms to certified status with the North Central Regional Certification Agency, or DFW-MSDC, Women's Business Council, or Texas 5 Department of Transportation. Track the names and number of firms assisted or referred and outcomes in the quarterly report. COMMITTEES AND ADVISORY BOARDS Deliverables Annual Goal Serve and participate in bi-monthly Business Equity Board Meetings INCLUSIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Deliverables 5 Annual Goal Assist in the attraction of new Business Equity Firms to headquarters in the City's marketplace, as well as retain existing Business Equity Firms in the City's marketplace through one one- 2 on-one engagement, and networking. Promote the Business Assistance Center (BAC) as a one-stop shop for economic development for small business enterprises on � 2 the Chamber website monthly. Assist in initiatives that are outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the three local Chambers of Commerce (Fort Worth, Black, & Hispanic) and the City of Fort � 2 Worth by promoting those events and initiatives on the Chamber website monthly. The Chamber will continue to provide program services such as business development initiatives, outreach, and construction assistance that includes bid estimating and related access to construction estimating software, as well as one-on-one counseling and mentoring. The Chamber coordinates monthly business roundtables and other activities designed to help small business development and growth in conjunction with these programs. Funding is budgeted in the Consultant & Other Professional Service account of the Diversity and Inclusion Administration Department's General Fund, as appropriated. FISCAL INFORMATION/CERTIFICATION: The Director of Finance certifies that funds are available in the current operating budget, as previously appropriated, in the General Fund to support the approval of the above recommendation and execution of the contract. Prior to an expenditure being incurred, the Diversity and Inclusion Department has the responsibility to validate the availability of funds. Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference # Amount ID ID Year (Chartfield 2) FROM Fund Department Account Project Program Activity Budget Reference # Amount ID ID Year (Chartfield 2) Submitted for City Manager's Office by_ Originating Department Head: Additional Information Contact: ATTACHMENTS Fernando Costa (6122) Christina A. Brooks (8988) 08FY2024 FWHCC CONTRACT AGREEMENT funds availability,pdf (CFW Internal) FID_TABLE! FWHCC-$126504_5330500_.xlsx (CFW Internal) FWHCC Form 1295 08-09-2023.pdf (CFW Internal) FWHCC Form 8879-TE Form 990.pdf (CFW Internal)