HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 28227� --
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'I'E1�IPOR�iR�.' �[JSE ��' PUB]LI� PR�PERT�
� T�II� AGREEMENT is made an.d. eritered znto by and between
th� Ciiy of Fort�'L�ro� a municipa.I corporation of Tairan� County,
Texas, actin.� herein by �and thraugh its duly authorized Buildzng
Offic" , herina�er ferred ta as the "Cit,�„ an� �� .
acting by and thxough its duly authoriaz� '
, herein�fter referred to as
� 1. �
For and �n consideration ofthe payment b�► Grantee of the
charges set out below and tha tru,e and faithful perf'ormanc� of the
mutual covenants herein con�ained, City hereby gxants to Grantee �
pernus�ion to tempoxaril� encroac� upon, uses and accupy po�Q� o f
th� space under, on andlor abov� the siree�, alleys, sidew�ks Qr o�th.er
publzc righ�s-of-way as follows; -
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The location and description of said encroachment is xnpre par����,Zy
described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto, incorpoxated herein and made
a part hereof for aI2 purposes.
A.1I us� and occupancy of �ublic str�ets, al7eys, sidewalks or o�.i�r
publ�c rightsnof way under this agre�ment shall be in slri.ct compliance
with the Charter, Ordinances and Codes of City and in accordance w�i.�h
the d.irectivns of the Bui.�ding Of�cial and the .Director of Transportation
and Pubi�c Worlcs of Ciiy.
Upan expiration of thi� agreement and �the privileg�s granted
hereunder, there shall �be no encroachment by Crrantee in, under, on or
above �he surfac� of the public rights�oi way inyolved.
Grante� agrees to pay in advance an encroachment fee for the
temporary priyY,l�g� of encroaching upon a portion of the public rights=
' of way as describ�d in Exhibit "B". Saa,d fee is ea�culated in �i� m�nner
and amoun�s pre�cribed by the Building Code of the City af Fort Worth
fox f,emparary use or occupancy of public property. 'T�e estimated t
amount of said fee is �� �, ��'�� �
. � '
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� Crrantee, at no expense to City, sha.Z1 ma.ke proper provision for
�Iie relocation and/oar insta.�la�ion af a�riy existing ox futuze iraf�c con �
devices o�° other improvements affected by such encroachment, use and
occupancy, incluc�ix�.g t�,� seC�g Q� ap�xova.l and consent fram the
appropriate agenci�s of the State and its political subalivision.s, In �e
event that any ins�allation, reinstallation, relocation or repair of any
���s�xi.g or fu�e traffic conixol dev2ce or improvement owTtied or
�onstructed by or on behalf of �he public or at public expense is made
more cost�y by y�,� of .�.e exist�nce of such encroachm.ent and use,
Gxantee s�l pay to City an additiona� amount equa]. to such additi.onal
cost as det���d by.City, �
. b. � . �
The term af �us agreement sha1� he for �day�, frorn I 1 I5 �-� 1�-�� ��
tv � ������provided, however, should the need for th.e encroachment
granted hereun.der at any �ime c�ase, Cxrantee agr�es io immeclia�ely
notify City of such condition; and, upon re��Ipt of such nptice b�he
Buiidin.g �fficial of the City of Fort Worth, thi,5 agreement sha1�
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�t is expr�ssly understoad and agreed thai tlais Consent Agreem�ni
is %x a tempoxary encroachxnent in, under, over and upvn the public
property as Ioca�ed and described in E�aibit `B". Tlus �agreement shall
nat be constru.ed as th� graniing o� a permanent easement, encroachment .
or �icense upon �ity's public streets, alleys, szdewaTks or o�th�x rights�of
�ity, th�rQugh its duly aufhari�ed repxesez�.�a�ives, shall have the fizll
and unrestricfed right �a enter upon all public righis-af-way far the
purpase of making inspections to determine compliance wzth the ternzs, .
�vvenan.ts and conditions hex�in. rn the �vent �hat any inspection shou�d
r�veal a breach of any terrns, covenants ox condit�ans her�in, Ciiy shal].
give Grant�e nvtice of such breach, Shou�d such breach not be
carrected by C'x�rantee wi.th�n twentydfour (24} hours of receipt of the
notice, or wit�iin such shorier periad of tim� as deexn.ed necessary b� the
Bu�.ding Official for the pro�e�t�on of publi� healih or safety, City may
terrnin.at� and canc�l this agraement.
Upon expuati.on ox tezmzx�ation of �.ii.s agreemant for any xeason
wha�svever, Crrant�e shall, at no expense to City, restore the pu�lic �
rig�.ts�of way and adjacent suppariing stan�.ctur�s to a candit�on
acceptabl� to the Director af Transportatian �and Public Works a�' his -
duly au�.or�zed repres�ntative and i.n. accordance with then �xisting �i�y �°
specifications, and Crrantee shall remov� all barricades, equipment,
supplies, materi�Is or other pxoperty from said lacation. Grantee �urih�r
�'��ln�L ��e�..•u-� �
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covenants and agr�e� that fox a period of one (1) yea�r after the
termination of ihis Conseni Agreeanent, Crra,z�.tee wi�1 repair a1.� conditions
oz damages too the streets and sidewalks or other rightsdof way that
have resu�ted from Grantee's use ox occupancy of the streets and
side�va�ks ox other rights�of wa�r, a� d�tem�ined by the` D�rectar of
Transporta�ion and Pub�ic Wor�s ax his designee. Grantee agr�es to
begin such repairs within thirty (3Q} days of receipt of natice from the
Di�ector of Transportation and Public Works or his designee. AII �
repaizs sha1l be performed in an exped%tious and workmanli.ke manner
and sha�l.comply with all appli�cable Iaws, codes, ordivance� and CYty
In �ie ev.ent that �rran.tee fai7s to comply wifih the �ovenants hearein
cvniained v�ith r�spect to such �emoval or restaration, t�ie City shal� have
the right to remove or dispase of an.y barxicades, equipment, suppizes,
mat�ri.als or o�i.er prop�rty and repair any conditions whi.ch in the
apinion of the Caty are n�cessary to br�ir�g the public righis-of �ay to ihe
condition preseribed herein, and City shall not be respon.�ibZ� fox
trespass or any othex damage or liabili�y in conn�ction �vi.th such rerrzoval
ar restora�on. Grantee shall rezrnburse City for t�ie cost and expense of
suc�. rernoval and/ar repai.rs immediately followin.g bill�zg �'or same by
City. � �
Nothin.g herein sha11 be construed as a waiver by Ciiy to enfoxce
penal sanctions �rescribed by i�.e Code of the C�ty of Fort Worth and
the laws of th� State a�' Texas for Crantee's continued encroachxr�c�r . ,";��: :�.. '
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upon the publzc righ�s-of �ray followi.ng termination of �his Consent
�t is firrther understood and agre�d be�reen �he par�ies here�o t�hat
Ciiy holds th� city st�eets, all�ys, �idewall� and other public rights�of
way, inc�udang fihe pox-�ion� a f such si�eets used and encroached u: on as
described hereu�., a,s tna.stee for #h� pub��c, �hat CI� �xe���es _such
powers over the streets as have been delegaied to it by the Cons�.tution
of the State of Texas or by the Leg�s�ature; and that C�ty ca�.ot �contract
away its duty and its I�gislative power to conixol the streets for tha use
and bene�t of th� public. It is accordingly agreed thai if the govem�ng
bady of City, to vvit, zts City Coun.cil, should at any tun� durin.g �he te�m �
h�r�of detexmin� in. i� sole discre�.on to use or caus� ar pernut to be �
used fox any public purpose fhe s�id �ncroached partian of �h� 5�����
the�. �hi.s ag�'eement shall be automatically canceled and termii�,ated.
�'���� ag�'ees to campZy fu�y ys,i�h aII applicable federa.I, st,a.te
and Iocal laws, .staiu�es, ordznances, codes o� regulai�ons i.n connectian
with the construction, operation and maix�.tenan.ce of said enc.�aachments
and uses. �
� z�.
Grantee ag�ees to pay promptly when due aII fe�s, faaLes or rentals
provided for by ihis agreement orby any federal, sfa�e ox Iocal sta�xte,
la,w or regu�ation. . .
13. . �����_� �2,
i!7 ��'
Granfee covenants and agrees tha.t i� sha1T exercis� aII rights and "
privileges grant�d hereunder as an independent confractor, and not a� an �
afficer, agent, servant ar employee of City; that G�rant�e sha.I1 have
exclusive control of and the exclusive right to con�rol the details of iis
operari.ons and a�tiyiti�s on s�.d�described public propert�r and �IY
pez�ons performing same, and shall be sole�y responsib�e for �he acts
and onusszon,5 of its of.ficers, agents, servants, employees, conixac�ors,
subcoz�fractors,licensees and invitees; that the docir�ne af respondea.t
superior �ha11 �.ot app�y a.s b���� City and Grantee, its officers, agents,
servan�, employ�es, cor�iractors and subcantractors, and noihing herein
shall he constru.ed as creating apartnership or joint enterprise between
C.ity and Grantee. � �
�. �'�.t�e cavenanfis and ag�re�s to�indemnify, and does hereby
indemnify, ho�d ha,rmless an.d defend City, its officers, agents, servants
and employees, frorn an.d aga.ii�.st any a.nd a11 c�aims or suits far ro �
P p��Y
daanage or loss and/or persanal injurY, inclucling death, to any and aIl
persoris, of whafsoever kind ar character, whether real or asserted,
ari�ing out of ox in connection with, dir�ct�y or indirectly, the
ma�ntenance, occupancy, use, ex�,5���,ce ox locati.on of said �
encroachment and us�s granted he�reunder, whethex or noi. cau.sed, in
whole or in pari, by al�eged negligence of officer�, agent�, servants,
employees, contractors, subconlractvrs, Iicense�s or inviiees of Ci��•
and gxan�e� hereby assumes aII �iability and responsibi�ity of City, �s
J�� ��_I� ° � � _ �
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of�ic�rs, agents, serwantis and emplaye�s, for such claims or suits.. �
Grantee sha.l.l likewise assume a11 �iability and respansibility and �ha�.I
indemnify Cit�� for any and a�l injury or damage to City pr�operty, arising
outi of or in connection wzth any and all acts ox �nussions of Grantee, x�s
officers, agents, servants, employ�es, contractors; subcontractors,
licensees, inv�tees or ires�assers.
Grantiee agrees �o furn�sh City wit� a Certi�.cate of Tilsurance, naming
City as certi.fi.ca�e h�alder, as proof that it I�as secured and paid for a po�icy of
public I�ability insuranc�� cov�ring al1 publzc risks xelated �o th� prop�sed use
and occu�ancy af publi� propErEy as Iocated and desc�ibed in E�ubit `B".
The amounts of such insurari�ce sha11 be nat �ess than the follo�ving:
Property damag�, pe�r aecurrenc�
Bodily injury, per person
Sodily anjurx o� death, per oc�urxence
$1 �0,000
With the unders�ndiaig of and agreement by Grante� �laat such u�surance
amaunts �ha1� be re�ised upward at CitSr's a�tion and thai Gxan.tee sha�� so
r�vise such amounis immediately fallowing no�iae to gran�e� of such
requirement. Su�h insurar�ce policy shal� provide that it canna� be cance�ed
ar amended wz�haut at �east thi.rty (30j clays' prior written notice to �a.e
Buil�.ing Official vf the Czty of Fort Worth. A crapy of such Certificata of
Tnsurance is attach�d as Exhibit `°A". Grantee ag�rees to submit a similar
Cez�i�.ca�e o� �n.suxance annuaily ta City on the anniversaa� c�;� ��
ex�cution of �his ag"reement.
�f �
G�'antee agrees, binds and obligates 7tseIf, its successors and assi s
to maYnfiain and keep in. force such public liabili in�u�. � y
�Y ance at alI tim�s
during the term of t.his agreement and untzl th.e removal of all encroa
and the cleaning and �estoration of the city s�ree�s. A1I 2nsuran.ce cove
required herein shal� include coverage of a1I of Grantee's conirac�ors.
16. -
Grantee covenarlts and agrees tha.t it will not assign all or an of its
rights, prtvileges or duhes under this conixact with �
out t�ie pnor writt�n
approval of Ca.ty, and any attempfed assignment wi�hout such prior written
approval shali be void.
xi. .
Thi.s agreement shall be bzncling upon th.e pariies hereta the'
� z�
suceessors �nnd assigns, � .
. _ l.S. � .
Shou,l.d axiy actior�, wh�ther �eal or asserted, at Iaw or in equi arise
out �of the� tez�ns �,d condit�ons of thzs a ee �� .
�' men� or oui of the use and
occupancy of CitY proP�r�,Y as pernaitted hereunder, venue for said action
shall be in Tarrarit County, Texas.
In any action brought bY ��y f�9 the enforce
ment of the obliga�.ons of
Grantee, City shall be enti�led to recover intere� and reasorza.ble att
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.8'EFORE���E, fTre ulyde�sig�ie�'ttrttlzority�, �tNofcrryPirbl'ic �i a d
. For the Strrte o,f'T��rrs, oJi tltis daypersranally rrppearerf�� (41ri�•+� r� �
� ' ,klio�vli t� J�tie to be flze�ePsolt lvhpse
, �tan:e is sttbsc�iberi to tlte fo!'egai�tg insfr•rrnrent, and ackno3vlerlgerl ta nse
, tJrat he/she exertrt�d fl�e srrme for tlre.pirr�ases rrtrd cojrsirlera 'o�� tJt reiir
. e.rpresserl, trs tlre rcct ttrtrI rleetl af ` � r►c� ��ci �� ,.
rrtrrC in tlie caprrci�.f tlrereijt stat�rl.
GI�E �'T Ul�'D�.R 1YIx'HAi�fD AND SEAL O.F OF.�IC� tkis � i T� rlay
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(; � � No}ar'y. publlc
: i� State of TBxC�S
. � oF'�` Cdrr�m. �xpires Q6-28-2003
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hTo r,}� ubfic it: c d for•
T'! e Stnte af Texas
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For t�S'tate p, f'T�as�,�qn fhis daygersonullY apPear�el�r�il.�...r,�,,� �_.P_ .
�t�,c�-�1 ��rri.� � ,kraow� ta mE to he the persan whase
�arne is suhscribed to the f'aregaing i�tstrument, and acic�owledged to tns
t%at helshe executed tlae same for t urp,Qs�s u�xd c��ii'e�a :#here'
expre�serl, as �he act and deed Qf ° --
arxd in the capaeaty therein stater�
� G.lYE1V ER BAND SEAL OF O�'FICE this �` day
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f ;;{;��� JAiVUARY 19. zaas �
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lYotarry Puhlic tn and, f'�� �
The State of T�xas . .
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Contr�ctors Name: t� � A��1� (��p
Paint af Contacf: l:'► l� C.D�� 5
�hone Number. �4,� 2� '� � � " �#s t o �
Bnilding Pemut Numbez:
P�ase far Closure: l�� i.�� �C� /�.At • L�At�►�!�
Begin Datec End Date:
'I�►pe af Taper accarding to�postepl speed limit:
Tapers (c� 30 MPH 14ft �ffset 34ft mi�irnwan
Ta ers (cr� 35 MPH lOft Offset 35ft min�mu,m
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