HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 282283 , '. � I i 0 R...�l\��1\ 1 �lYl�►��.LF'1�'.kQ JL r FOIZ T�MP�RA.RY' USE �� P�JBLI� PR�PERT�.' STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY �F TARRANT � 1�I rt,Y �r ���� f V �`�T ��t� �� �����. G�I"f � �����"A�'� � t;�`���a��►'�`����' �. �_ T�iZS AGREEMENT is made and eritered inta by and between the City of Fort� Worth, a municipal corporation of Tarrant County, Texas, acting herem by �and through its duly autharized Building Offi.czal, herinafter re�'erred to as 'the "City"' anr� �� � �. � ;L . '� c�.r �V�...�'r� _i— �' � �- - � ��tC_a S � k +rn � � cQ ►�� ��- C�� �� act�ng by and through its duly authorize� �`���a,��2 _ , , , hereinaftex referred to as "Crrantee". �I'�NES.�ET�I�o �� 1. For and in. considerat�on oithe payment by Gz�antee of the charges set out below and the 1ru� and faithful performance of the mutual covenants herein contained, City hereby grants to Grantee pernu�sion to �emporarily encroach upon, uses a-ad occupy portions of � the space under, on and/ax above f.he streets, alleys, sidewalks Qr other public ri hts-o� way as follows: � � � t r� „�� � i�s �. � ,���" �, V.� �° �� ' �2�+�Fi� 1 `� � 2� �n- S i � �-� �. �. ��� 0 GI/� �b �� . .� �--� � �] [ +�- ' � �.�r.��'r=��+r � -.�.- — � ���a��(°;1� '�,�i� � � . � ��`�� r�,�,; .. ' , i- , The locanon and description of said encroachment is m�ore paxticularly described xn ��bii "B" attached hereto, incorporated herein and made a part he�eof fox all purposes. 2. All use and occupancy of public str�ets, 'a,lleys, sidewalks or other public rights�of way under fhis agreement shall be in strict comp�ianee wi.th the Charter, �rdinances and Codes of City and in accordanc� with the clireciions of the Build.�ng O�fi,cial. and the -Director of Transportation and Public Works of City. 3. Upon expiration of thi� agreement and the privileges gran�ed hereunder, there sha11 �be no encraachment by Grantee in, un,der, on or above the surface of the public rights�of way involv�d, Q Grantee ag3rees to pay in advance an eneroachment fee for the . temporary privilege of exxcroaching upon a portion of the public rights� � of way as described in Exhibit "B", Said fee is ca.lculated in the manner and amounts prescrib�d by the Bu�cling Code o� the City of Fo�t Worth fox temporary use or occupancy of publi�c property, The estimated total amaunt of sa.id fee is ��� -� t� ;�' ���� _�, � ���- � �� = � Z�Z� � � , � �;. ��. � � Grantee, at no expense to City, sha11 ma�ke proper prpvision for the reloca#ion and/or installation pf ariy e�isting or future traff c contxol � devices or other improvements affected by such encroachment, use and occupancy, inc�ucling the securing af approval and consent from the appropriate agencies of the State and it� political subdzvisions. �n the event that any installati�on, rein�ialla�ian, relaca�ion or repair o� any existing or fixture tra�f`ic control �evice or improvement owned or �ons�.cted by or on behalf of the publ2c or at public expense is made more cps�.y by virtue of the existence af such encroachment and use, Crrantee sha].I pay io Cit� an addirional amount equal to sueh addi�.ona� cost as determin,ed by .Ciiy. +� The te�m of �us agreement sha�l be %r �� days, from �'�� '��--- to /�r' �' , rovided, however, should the nead for the encroachments gran�ed hereundex at any �ime c�ase, Grante� agrees �o immediate�y nofi,�fy City of such condition; and, upon receipt of such nQtice by the Build.ing Official of ihe City of For� Worth, thi.s agreem.ent shall tern�inate. �'Jh�����i���� � ,, a�� (r��r� � � 7. . �t is expressly understood and agreed that �hi.s Consen� Agreement zs for a tempoxary encxoachment in, under, over and upon ihe public property a�s located and describe� in Exhibi� `B", This �agreem�nt sha11 not be construed as the grant�ng of a pernlanenf easement, encaroachment . or Iicense upon City's public streets, alleys, sidewallcs or other righ�smof vcray. : Czty, through its duly authorized representatives, shall have the �ull and unrestricted righf to enter upan all public xightsdof-way for the purpose of making inspec#ions to detemune compliance with �he tern�s, . cvvenants and cond.��.ons herein. Tn ih� event that any inspection shou�d r�veal a bxeach af any tex�.ns, covenants or condi�ions herein, City shali gi.ve Grantee notice of such breach, Should such breach not be � corrected by Grantee within twenty four (24} houxs of zeceipt of the notice, or within. such shorter period o� time as deemed necessary by the Building Official far the protectio�. of public hea�th or sa.�'eiy, City may tem�inate and cancel this agreement. � Upon expiration or t�rnnin.ation of this agreement fox any xeasan wha�soever, C`rrautee sha11, at no expense to City, resfor� the public rights�of �ray and adjacent supporting structures to a condifion accepiable to the Director af Transporta�ion and Public �Vorks or �i� . U duly autharized� representa�iv� and in accordance wiih then e�st�g ��'� ,�� spec�fications, and Cxrantee shall xemove ax1 barricades, equipmerit, suppties, materials or other property �rom said loc�.tion. �ran�ee �urther covenants and agr�es that �or a period af one (1) year after �he ternvnation of t�u� Cansent Agreement, Grantee will repaix all condiiions ox damages too the streets an.d side�valks or other nights��f way that have resulted from Crrantee's use or accupancy of �he streets and sidewalks or other right�-of way, as determin.ed by tlle Direcior of Transportation and Fubli.c W orks or his designee. C'rrantee agrees ta begin such repairs w�.thin ihirty (30j days of rece7pt of notice from the Director of Transportation and Publ�c Wozks a� his designee. AI.I repairs sha11 be performed in an �xpedi.rivus and wvxlcmanlike manner and shall comply v+rith alI appli�abl� laws, codes, ardinances and City specifica�ions. Sn the ev�nf that Crrantee fa��s fo camply witb. the covenants herein. contaixied wi.th respec� to such xemoval or restoration, the City sha11 have f�he right to remove ar dispose af any ba�rricades, equipm�nt, supplies, materials or oth�r pxoperty and repair any conditions whi.ch in the opinion of tha City are necessaty to bring the public rights-of way to the condition prescribed herein, and City shal� not be responsible for irespass ar any otihe� damage or liabili�j in connection with such removal or restoration. Cxrantee shall reim�urse City for fhe cost and exp�nse of such removal andior repazxs immediaie�y following billing for same by �ity. � . Nothing herein sha11 be constr�.ed as a waiver by City to enfox��_ p.enal sanc�.ons prescribed by the Code of �he City of Foxt Wor�Yi an� the laws of the �tate of Texas for Gra.nte�'s continued encroachmen�' .� ,� :�-� �'�'`i�1 upon the publYc rights�of way fallowing �ernunation of this Con�ent Agreernent. I0. If is further understood an� agreed between the parties h�reto that City holds the city streets, a.Ileys, sidewaiks and other public n�ghtseof way, including xhe portions of such st�ee�s used and encroached upon as described herei.n, as �rustee for the public; thai Ci.ty exercises such powers over the streets as have been delegated io it by the Constitution of the State of Texas or by �ie Legislature; and that City cannot �contract away its dufy and it� Zegislative power to contral the s�ree�s fo� the use and benefit of the public. It is accaxding�y agreed �hat if the govarning body vf City, to wit, its City Council, should at any time during �ie ierm hereof determYne in its sole cliscxetion to use or cause or perrnit to be . used for any public purpose the said encroached portion of the, slxeets, f.hen tihi.s agreement �hall be automat�cally canceled and terniinaied. 1�. Grantee agrees to comply fully with a11 appIacable fed�ral, sta�e and �oca� �aws, .statutes, ordinances, codes or regulatians in connectian with the construction, opera�ion and maintenance of said enc�oachments and uses. � �2. Grantee agrees to pay promptly urhen due all fe�s, taxes or r�ntals pxovzded fox by this agreerne�� or by any federal, state ar local statu�e, 1aw or regulation. . � � � � 13. � 4t � � Grantee covenanfs and agrees that it sha11 exerczse �.11 rights and privxleges granted hereund�r as an independent cont�actor, and not as an- officer, agent, servant or emp�oyee of City; that Crrantee shall have exclusive control of and the exclusive right to conf�ol the details of its operations and activities on sai.d described public propeariy and all persons pexfornting same, and sha11 be solely respons2ble far the acts and omissions o�its officers, agen�s, servants, employees, contraciars, subcontractvxs, licerisees and invitee�; that the doc�rine oirespondeat superior sha11 �ot apply as batween City and C'rrantee, its officers, agents, servants, employees, contractors and subcontraciors, and nothing h�rein shall b� construed as cxeating a partriership or joint en�erprise between Ciiy and Crran�ee. 1�. Grantee covenants and agrees to indemnify, and does hereby indemnify, hold harn�less and de�end City, its officers, ag�nts, servants and em�loyees, fronn and against any and �.Il claims or suits for propexty darnage or �oss and/or pexsanal injury, including deaih, �o any and a11 persoris, of whatsoeve� kind or character, whethex real ar asserted, arising out of or in connectaon wzth, d.i�ect�y or indixectly, th� maintenance, occupancy, use, e�istence or location of said . encroachment and uses granted hereunder,,whether or not. caused, in. whole or �n part, by alleged negligence of officers, ag�nts, servar�+s� _ emp�oyees, cont�actors, subcontractors, licensees or invi�ees of �;i�; and grantee hereby assumes all Iiabiliiy and responsibility of Cit�', �� �� �� � o�ficers, agents, se�van�s and ernp�o�ees, i'or such c�aims or suits.. � Crrantee shall likev�ise assuxne a1� liability and re�pon�ibili�y and shall indemnify Cziy fox any and al� injury ar damag� �o Cz� propexty, anising out of or in cvnnectivn with any and all acts or omissions of Crantee, its officers, agents, servants, employees, con�actoxs; subcontractors, Iicensees, invitees or lrespassexs. Z5. G�ran�ee agrees to furnish City wit�i a Certi�icate of Irisurance, namin.g City a� cer�i.�.cate holder, as pxoof that it has secured and paid fox a policy of public liability 'insurance covering a11 public risks rela�ed to �he proposed use and occupancy a�public prop�rty as Ioca�ed and described i� Exhibit "B". The amount� of �uch ixissuranc� sha�.�. l�e not Zess than th� following: Property damag�, per occurrence $1 �0,400 Bodily in�ury, per person $��0,000 Sodil.y injury. ar death, per occunence ��504,000 �Vith th� understandirzg of and agreement by Grante� tbat such ir.�urance amounts shail be revised upward at City°s option and that +Grantee sha11 so ' revise su�h amounts immediately follawing notice to gra�iee of such requixernent. Such insuxance policy sha�l provide �ha.t it cannot be canceled or arnend�d vvithout af lea�t thirty (30) days' prior written no�ice to the Building Official of t11e City +of Fart Warth. A copy af such Certificate af Insuxance is a.ttached as Exhibrt "A". Grantee agrees to sub�nit a sixnilar Certificat� of I�surance annual�y to City on the anniversa�.y dat� �f fi:�,�. . . - �. execu�on of thi.s agxeement. Crraniee agr�es, binds and obligates xtsel�, its successors and as��igns, to maintain at�d keep in. force such public Iiahility insurance at aIl times . durirng �he ferm of this agreement and unf�l the removal of �.Il encraachments and the cleaning and �restarat�on of the city streets. A�1 insuranc� coverage requir�d herein shall include coverage of a�1 of Gran�ee's coniracfors. �6. . Crranxee eovenants and agreas tihat it will not assign a�l ar any af its rights, priv�leges or duties under this canlxact without the prior written approval of City, ax�d any atiempt�d assignment v�ithout such pr,ior written approval sha111�e void. 1 i. This agreement shall be bincling upon ihe partzes hereio, their successors and assigns. 18. Should any action, whef�a.er real ox asserted, at �aw or in �quii�, arise ou� of the� tenr�s and conditions of this agreement or out of �,h� use and occupancy of Ci�y property as pernutted hereunder, venue for said action shall be �n Tarxant Couniy, Texas. 19. � In any action brought by City for the enforcement of the oblzgations of Gxante�, City s� be entitled to recov�r intexe�t and reasonable attorneys' fees. �i 0 � � � i��� � � 1. � �, � �I �' , , �i, � �.,� �R�TTOR: CITY OF FO T WO ,� �, � � / . Bv��rG ��ic�az, � APPR ]) � �O1tM A�TD LEGALITX: ���'�'O - - DATE: � � 1' ,. � _ _ . ,' CI'�'I' SECRETAR� � ��� � DAT�� - � ' � _ � Cc��t���t :A,utho�iz�tion . GR�T'�E: �x- o ��e.: � �., P�i. r`�n �..r � � �— � �I, `� � �-� C.� Yvt b�� pt-�'i7r�{�a}'� � . B �: � �.�.��..�- - _.¢--..�__��_���..-�..--- • �a�e Y� � � � �a � ry. � • '� ��" � � m � 1 s�� �� o.� z�E�s eov�v�� o,� ����� . B.EFOI�E' d�E, fhe ulidersig�zed tttrfhoriiy; rr �lioiary Parblic in asid F�ilre Str#�e o,f'�ts, oiz tl1is dr�ypersonally' aPpercrer� . . t�'�- ��- �' ��'u-. ,knowfr �'a nie to be tlre person �vliase trrrnse is srcbscribed fo tlie fot��ittg i�tst�•�trrrertt, nr�d trcknofvledgefl tv rrre tJtat.lte/slte exec�rt�d flte srr�rte fo� tlr ztrpase ri orrsidercr#iojillre,�eiPt expresserl, rrs tlae trct ajrd rleeri of �� :�`�-' P�[.a� - arrtC iri �Ite crrprr�ity' fltPl'�I11 SIlIIL'!�. J �� � -�6+� '� � - -�r�y _ _ GI'YE11' o.f [��'b+c��+° Affirrnt r,�ER h.fx'�IA�'D AND SEAi OF OFFIC�' tlris �ti-' z0�: �� ��� _ •j � '� ' � � � � _� ,! �.tf"� �,� ' . ?lrottlr'j' PL1bflC llt Ctl2CT fQJ' � Tlie State of Textts ��-� � _ - -- - -- ., .�_..v,, ��pilY�� �R G . 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