HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 28229I .' STATE OF TEXAS � � t�'� � t,�t COUNTY OF TARRAI�T § �IiY �€C��'T��� � ��N"i���T �. __ �`�� I1lTTERLOCAL AGREEIVIEI�TT This INT`ERLOCAL AGREEMENT is made and entered into this the f e� �day of _��,0��, , 2002, by and betwe�n the CITY OF FORT �]V,�RTH, a home rule mwucipa.l corporat�on of the State o� Texas, located within Tarrant and Denton Counties, Texas (Hereinaft�r referred to as the "CITY") and the B�ARD OF TRU�TEES of the FORT W�RTH INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DI�TRICT, �. poiitical subdivisian of the State of Texas and a legally constituted Independent School District located wi.�han Tarrant County, Texas. (Hereinafter referred to as the "FWISD"). R�CITALS This Agreement is made under the authori�y granted ta the CITY and the FWISD by and pursuant to the Texas Government Code, Chaptex 791, known as the INTERLOCAL COOPERATION ACT. WHEREAS, the majari.ty of criminal justice experts agree ihat tnzancy caz�.lead to victimizatian, criminal actrt, drug abuse, teen pregnaz�cy, and illiteracy; all which are deterrents ta studen� opportunit� and success; and WHEREAS, early intervention in �ruancy behavior and referral to �e court is necessary in order to encowage studenis to attend schaal on a regular basis; and VVHEREAS, the �'ort Worth Independent School District and th� City af Fort Worth, established. a Municipai Court entitled ii�choal Attendance Court," funded by the Fort Worth Tndependent School District to hear a11 FWISD truancy cases and batl� parties auihorize and agree to the execution of this Agreement; and WIIEREAS, the establishment of the School Attendance Court resulted ia o�fenses being i�eard quicl�ly and consistent punishment from case ta case; and WHEREAS, the City Cauncil of Fort Worth and the Fort Worth Independent School Dis�rict Board of Trustees determined that the cantinued need for expedient, consistent, and equitable sanctions far all truancy offenses is of pa�ramount imporiance to both government enti#ies. NOW THEREFORE, in consideraiion of the mutual cov�nants herein expressed, the parties agree as follows: ��'�:�" � �i' , "�.x�� � li',� ,. � �� ��� = -- ,, --�,� AGREE1�El�TT 1. ADMINISTRATION. CITY and FWISD covenant and agree to ful�y cooperate in the implementation of this pro�ect and both parties cansent, under the terms c�f this Agreement, to the following: A. Th� School At�endance Court shall be conduc#ed on a schedule and at a location agreed upon by f11e parties. �'WISD shall provide, at no cost to the CITY, a site reasonablq acceptable ta the CITY, for ihe School Attendance Court. B. A Municipal Court 7udge, who is a licensed a#torney in gaad standing in the State o£ Texas, shall b� selected by the Ciiy Council according to the Texas Government Code (Texas Governrnent Code §30.04381 et seq. {Vernon Supp 2000)), the City of Fort Worth Charter and Ordinances to preside ov�r all FWrSD tru�cy cases pxesented to School Attendance Cour�. C. The GITY shall be responsible �or the day-to-day adm3nistration of the Schaol Attendance Court and the selectian of all necessary personnel necessary, for #1�e srnooth operation of the Caurt. CITY agrees to provide to FWISD r�ports of court aciivity in a format and on a schedule as agreed upon between t�e pazties. D. FWISD and the CITY understand thaf the Municipal Court 7udge is duty- bound by the Cade o� Judicial Conduct and must perfc�rrn his/�ier judicial duties so that the integrity, impartiality and independence af the judiciary are preserved. E. The act of provid%x�g fi�nding �or the School Attendance Court wi11 not i�fluence the judicial eonduct or judgment of ihe appointed 7udge nor does it create, in any manner, a relationslup between FWISD and the rudge ar any other courtroam persannel. F. The City Council of Fart Worth and the F'ort Worth Independent Schaal District Board of Trustees or theix appropriate designees shall meet on an annual basis during the monf,h of August af each year, an a date and at a locaiion mutually agireeable to both parties, to review the success ar�d operation the School Aitendance Court Paragram. G. For thc purposes of �his Agreement, the City Ma.nager, ar designee, shall be the representati�e far the City Council of Fart Warth for administraiive or operative decision-making. For the purpases of this Agreemeni, th� Fort Worth Ind�pendent Schaol Dxstr�ct Superintendent, or his designee, shall be the representative for the FWISD for day-to-day administrative ar operative decisian- making. _..I_ � �[�ij � . ��„�� I �, , �r f 1�� �� � r �� • � � ����*�• . 2. GOALS AND MISSION STATEMENT. A. The mission of the Schaol Atiendance Court Progrram sha.11 be: To provide a court settang that will ensure students a timely referral to the court far the consistent and equitab�e disposition of tl�eir truancy cas�s. B. The goals of ihe School Attendance Court shall include, at a minimum: . Timely referral af siuc�ents �o the court far disposition o Competent jurisdic#ian based on lcnowledge of applicab�e laws � Co�sistent and equitable sanctions from ane court � Expedient resumption of regular school attendance � Early intervention in juvenile behavior that is a pr�cursor to other juvenile crime activities 3. FUNDING. It is agreed between FWISD a�d the CITY that the Fort Worth Independent School District shail pay all staffing and operariazu�.l costs associated with the implementation of the School Attendance Court as follaws: A. FWTSD agrees to pro�ide funding for aIi essential courtroom personnel as determined by the CITY, to i.nclude, at a minimum, a municipa.l cour� judge, senior customer service representative clexk, human services specialist, c�stom�r service representative clerk, senior human services speciaiist and four c�eputy city marshals. T`k�.e estimatet� salaries and benefits fox such personnel far the year 2002-2003 are attached and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A." Included in the funding amount shall be group health insurance, contributions to employee retirements and incentive pay. B. FWISD agre�s to reimburse the CITY for all costs associated with the use of an assistant cif.y attdrney to prosecute cases on an "as ne�ded basis". Tt is anticipated that an assistant city atiorney will be needed at the Attendance Court �our {4) days per week to cover bench and jury trials. The hours and amoun� of time x�eeded for the use of an assisiant city attorney shall be in the discre#ion of and determined by th� CTTY. The estimated salary a.nd benefits far such personnel for the year 20D2-2003 is attached and incarparated herain as Exhibit «A » C. rWISD agrees to reimburse the CITY for the use af a vehicle provided by the FWISD. FWISD agrees to pay all associated operational costs of said vehicle used by fhe City of Forth Wort;h personnel �or Attendance Court purposes. The estimafed salaries and laeneiits for such personnel and operational cast of the vehicle for the year 2Q02-2003 are attached and incorparated herein as Exhibit r�A » , ��, .,�;�� 1 � �, ,. �� � ,, , . , l�� , . .S�Y D. FWI�D shall provide supplies and other minor equipment as determined by mutual agreement betw�en fihe CTTY and FWISD. CITY and FWISD agree t�ai FWISD �ill not be respansible for any indirect costs. E. CITY agrees ta submit ar� invoice fo FWI�D on or before the l Ot�' business day of each month for services ren.dered by tlie CITY for the pre�ious month. FWISD agrees to submit full payment as indicated an each invaice wifliin 45 days of receipt of the invoice. FWISD and CITY agree thai all co�tractual payments provided herein fairiy corrzpensates the CITY for the services and functions performed under this Agreement. FWISD agrees and understands that under §791.D11 of the Local Governra:aen.t Code, payrnent for the performance of the governmental functions o� ser�ices u.nder tlus Agre�ment must be made from cu�rrenfi revenues available to the C7TY. 4. TERM. The tertn o£ �s agreement is for a period beguming on October 1, 2002 and ending on September 30, 2003. This contraCt may be renewed by agreement of both parties on an annual basis through ihe approval of an addendum settang the z�ew te�m of th� Agreement. S. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT. If the CITY or the FWISD fails, for any reason, to perfarm any provisio�l of �ii.s Agreement, this Agreement may be terminated i�'the default continues for a period of thirty (30} days after th� notifying party notifies the deiaulting party in writing of the default and its intentio� to declare this Agreement terminated. If the defaulting party does not cure or correct such breach within the thirty (30) day period, the notifying party shall have the righi �o declare this Agreement unmediateIy terminated, and neiihar paxty sha�I have fi�rther r�sponsibility ar liability hereunder. Ei.ther party rnay terrninate this agreement, in whole or in part, at any time and for an� reason, upon receipt of written notice to the ather party. Such written notice shall s}�ecify #o whai extent th� worlc under the contract is being terminaied and the affective dafe of termination. &. PREPARATTON OF CDURTRO�M. As fut�h�r consideration herein, FWISD will provide, afi tlie sole co�s�t� �n�d� e�xpense to FWISD, courtroom space and facilities located at �, a�r o� ��%'}�,�;L�, Fart Worth, Texas, which confoxm to accepted courtroom standards to canduct the School Attendance Court. FWISD will desigrn and construct a ne�v courtroom space and facilities, that conform to accepted courtraam standards, on �heir premises, which are muLuaIly agreed upon between FVJI�D and the CITY. The n�w courtroom space anc� facility is anticipated by FWISD to be ready for occupancy sn 2003. '�� Ju i"ul' :�} ...n, � �. •�i i_ ;r�. �* , 7. USE OF COURTROOM. The courtroom, offices, waiting areas, holding cells and other spaces related to School Attendance Court {which shall be Iocated on the first floor of the new building} s�all be used to conduct hearings and proceedings related io F�ISD truanoy cases. AIl proceedings and hearings sha11 be held in accordance with the esfablished praetices and procedures oi fihe City o� Fort Worth Municipal Courts. Use af the caurtroom, offices, waiting areas, holding ceils and other spaces related ta Attendance Court for any other juv�nile purpose other than School Attendance Court sha11 be mutually agreed upan befween FWI�D and the CITY prior to usage, In no event shall these areas he used for any purpose other than juvenile use nor interfere with the opexatian of the School Attendanee Court. FWISD and C�TY agree that Schaol Attendance Court will have prioriiy over any other use of the co�artroom, offices, waiting areas, holding eeIls and other spaces related to School Attendance Court. The CITY agrees and unders#and� that sc�.00l district emplayees will occupy the seeond floor of the new building and that these employees will need access on a daily basis to tha foyer and the elevatQr located on the first floor. 8. IMPRQVEMENTS. F'WISD shall ha�e exclu5ive right, title and 'znterest in all structures and ilnprovements relating to School Atiendance Court constructed by FV�ISD that are located on premises belonging to FWTSD. The CITY retains the right, at its discreiion and own cost, to add az�y fiirn�ture, equipment, supplies, ar other items necessary for the operation of the Attendance Court. FWISD agre�s that any �uch furniture, equipment, supplies, or other items shail remain the sole property of the CITY and may be added, chang�ed, removed, ar altered at the discretian of the CITY. The CTTY retains the righf, subject fio the written approval of �'WISD, to add any permanent i�provernents necessary for the aperatian o� the Atiendance Caurt. Such approval by FWISD shall nat be unreasonably withheld. 9. RULES, REGULATIONS AND OPERATION. The courtroorn and its prerriises shall be subject to th.e same rules, regulations and meihods of operation as other municipal eourtrooms op�rated by the City of Fort Worth. The CITY and FWISD shall comply wrth al� ordinances at�d regulat�ons of the CITY of Fort Worth, the laws of #he State of Texas and af the United States of America applicable to the use of said preza�uises. 10. ALLOCATION OF FINE�. Any fines collected as a result of truancy vialations will b� allocated between FWISD and the CITY according to state Iaw. Any allocation af fines not dictated by state law wi11 be according to the current established procedures o� the Municipal Caurt of the CITY. Paytnent of any fines eollect�d by the CITY that are due and owing FWTSD will be made by the CITY on a quarterly hasis. 11, RELEASE OF STUTaENT ED�TCATION RECORDS. To the extent permitted by law, FWISD agrees to release and make available any informatian from a student"s education record to the presiding judge aver the �chool Attendance Court. s� ' � . �. � 12. IlVDEPENDENT CONTR.ACTOR. CITY shall aper�te h.exe�der as an independent contractor and noi as an officer, agent, servant or exz�.ployee of the FWISD. FWISD shall operate hereunder as an independent contractor and riot as an afficer, agent, servant ar employee of the CITY. CITY shall have the exclusive control of, and the �xclusive right to control the wark designated to ihe CITY tQ be perforrned here�znder, and all persons �erforming the same, and shall be solely respo�sible %r the acfis and omissions of its officers, rnembers, agents, and employees. Neiiher City nor FWISD shall be responsible ua�der �he Doctrine of Respondeat Superior for the acts and omissions of its officers, rnembers, agents, eznployees, ar o��icers of the other. �t is understaod and agreed that the FWISD is not invalved as a party to any activities that may be carri�d on by CITY pursuant �o this agreement. No provision of this agreement s�all operate or be construed as a waiver by either party of any immunity from liability which i# has or could be asserted under the doc�rine of governmental imrn�nity or any ath�r immuniiy which it has under iaw. 13. INDEMNTTY. A. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, the FWISD covenants and agirees to and does hereby indemnify, hold harmless, and defend CITY, its officers, employees, agents ar servants acting in fihe course and scope of iheir employment, from any and all suits, claims or causes of action �or property lo�s or damage andlar persanal injury, including death, which may arise out of the negligence of FWI�D employees, officers, agents oar servants; provided, however, that this indemnifiy agreemeni does not cover or include: (1) any liability or abligation to third parties based an any contract to which the FW'ISD is nat a party; ar (2) any tort claim or liability arising out of the soIe negIigence af CITY; its afficers, employees, agents Qr servanis; or (3) any tor� claim or liability for which the FWISD would not be liabie if the same were asserted directly against the FWZ�D; or (4} any tort ciaim or liability arising out af the gross negligence, ma�iciaus intent, bad faith, or other intentional, deliberate, wilifu� or maliciaus act of CITY, its officexs, agents, employees or servants. B. FWISD �nd CITY agrees to notify the other promptly upon the receipt af any claim or lawsuit braught in connection with any injury, death or damages on ik�e premises. FWISD and the CITY agree fa make its offic�rs, agents, and employees available at all reasonable times for any statements and case preparation necessary for the de�ense of ar�y c�aims or litigation for which t�ie CITY or FWISD may be responsible hexeunder. C. Nothing herein shall be deemed to constatute a waiver of any imrnunity or affixmative defense, which m�y be asserted by FWISD or the CIT� �� t�� �l��r-� �y �n�� ��y. � ��� , � , u I r� S D. Nothing herein shall be construed in any manner, to create a cause of actio� fox the ben.efit of any person not a party to this Agreemen�, or to create any rights for the benef t of at�y person not a party to this Agreement not otherwise exis�ing at Iaw. 14. NONDI�CRIMINATION. Neither the City and FWISD, nor any of its officers, members, agents, emplayees, program participants, or subcontractors, while engaged in perfarming ihis contract, shall in connection wi�h the �mployment, advancemant, or dischaz�ge of employees, ar in connection with the ternas, conditians or privileges of their empioyment, discriminate against persons because of their age, except on #he �asis of a bona fide occupational qualification, retirement plan, ar statufory requirement. The CITY and FWISD a�ee that in the execution, performanc� or attempted parformance af this con�ract and a�reemen�, they wi11 not discri�minate against any person or persons because of se�, race, religion, color, national origin or sexual orientation nQr will CITY or FWI�D permit its agents, employees, subcontractars or program participants to �ngage in such discrimi�ation. 15. SEVERABILITY. The provisions of this agreement are se�erable and if for a�y reason a c�ause, s�ntence, paragraph or other pa�rt of this agreement shall b� determined to be in�alid by a court or federal or .state agency, board or cammissian having jurisdiction over the subj�ct maiter tl�ereof, such invalidi�y shall �at afFect ather pravisions vvhich can be given effect without the invalid provision. 16. WANER OF DEFAULT. No �vaiver by the parties hereto oi any default or breach or tha failure to insist upon the pexfoxz�.ance of any term, condition, pro�isions or cavenant o� this Agreement shall be deemed to bs a wa.iver or relinquishment ta any exient of any other breach af the same or any vther tex�an., condition, provision, or covenant contained herein or the right of ihe parties to assert or rely upon any such term. 17. APPLYCABLE LAW. (a) This ca�tract shall be consfirued in accordance with the laws of the State af Texas. (b) Should any aetion, whether real or asserted, at law or in equity, arise out of t13e execution, performance, attempted per�armance ar non-p�rforrnance of this contract and agreement, venue for said action shall lie in Tarrant County, Texas ar the Federal Court of the Northern District. 1 S. S4LE AGREEMENT. This written ins�niment constitutes th� entire agre�ment by the partzes hereta coneerning the work and services to be pe�Formed and any prior or contemporaneous, oral ar vvriiten agreement, which purports to va.ry from xhe terms hereof, shall be void. � � �� ° '� r. � � ,; �� � . . 19. AMENDMENT. No amendrnen�, rnodification or alteration af the terms hereoi shall be binding unl�s�s t�e same is in writing, dated sulasequent to the date hereof and duly executed by the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREO�', the part�es hexeio have e�ecuted this agreemen� in multi les in Fort Worth, Taxrant County, Texas, f.his ihe j��"h day of !� � ° Z��' ATT�ST: � CZTY O�`�'Q.ItT WOR�I . , � .� � �. ; r � ,�.- - City S reta�y APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: David Yett, City Attorney � s���G� �P-��{ �n- Assis�t Ci Attorne . _ _� � ... . :.�.� y.� •— Contract Authorizs�io� �: ����. By: , ;�ibby Wat�e�n Assistant City Manager _�� 0� Attorney for F rt orth Independent -- School Distric b���^ ATTEST !'�f %rGi� l� , � � .� / . , FORT WORTH INDEPENDEI�T SCHOOL DISTRICT �., � - - - ,— — - By: llI?���. Dr. T�omas Toc o, Su eri�i�efident � Fort V4�orth Independent School District � S ', � � � �� --� � ��..� � . � o �Q�� D �`f��10�-4,3 E�TI�IATED ATT�iV�AI��E ��URT D€'�F�A�'I�S� ���iS A.l� �LASS 1 AJ5 1 B33 1 K9Q 1 P14 '[ J32 4 W07 Judge Sr. Hurnan Ser�ice Specialist Human Service Specialist Sr. Customer Service Representafi�e Customer Service Representati�e I1 Deputy City Marshal Siaff Inierpreter Prosecutor Tofal S��ary l�e¢q�ire¢roer��s: Contribution to Employee Retirement Group Health Insurance $2,949 [�����X 1�TG $35.66 $18.83 $12.75 $13.40 $9.99 $17.09 $16.71 $24.59 ACC1C 522920 Uniform Allowar�ce: $25D annually � 4 A.P. 531�80 Training Interpreter Service-Cantractual Equipment Ma�ntenancelMotor Fuel ESD- Vehicle Maintenance Fee (annual ) Annual Vehicle Inspectian: �uellOil �X HDURS 2, 080 2, Q80 2,080 2,080 2, O80 2,080 180 1, 536 SALARY REi�!lIREf�IEP�� $74, 972.80 $39,'166.40 $26, 520.00 $27, 872. 00 $20, 779.20 $'! 42, 9 88.80 $3, Q07. SO $37,770.24 $ 379,477.24 $ 39,896.fi6 $ 28, 31 Q.40 $ 1, 000.00 $ 388.00 $ �,200.OQ $ 675.00 $ 54.OQ $ 3,214.00 $ 3,943.00 $ �46,29 �.3� ��I: . CONSENT AGENDA ITEM B4ARD MEETING November 19, 2002 0 TOPIC: INTERLQCAL CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FORT WORTH AND THE FORT WORTH INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT — Truancy Court BACKGROUND: The School Attendance Court is a special municipal court dedi.cated solely to hearing truaucy case�. The court is a u�tique collaboration b�tvc+'een the Fart Worth Independent Schoal Distuict and the City of Fort Warth. The court began hearing cases Apri1 16, 2d01. A11 truancy cases throughout �he distirict are heard at the Aitendance Court. Tbe cotu t provides consistency in h�a�ing these cases and ass'rsts par�nts and studen#s in resolving issues impact�ng student attendance. Failure to follow the instructions vf the judge could result in fines %r b�th the student and th� parent. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Approve the 2002-2003 inter�ocal agreement b�tween the District ar�d the City of Fort Worth. 2) Remand to staff for further study. SUPERINTENDENT' S RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 20Q2-2043 interlo�al agreement betwe�n the Distarict and the City of Fori Worth for the Attendance Court. COST: The tatal projected cost fax the 2UO2-2003 contraet term is $446,215. This eost si�ould be offset in whole or in part by additianal �tate aid �rough an increase in average daily attendance. If our average daily attendance increases bq 90 students or more the �rogram will ha�.ve more than paid for itself. R.ATTONALE: Habiival truancy and school drapouts affect the student, the school and the cornmunity. Chronicaily truat�t stude:nts are at risk of failing one or more portions of the TAAS andlor � becorning a dropout. The Attenda�ce Court directiy addresses the students' attendance thereby �increasing the pvtential for increased student achievement. INFORMATION SOURCES: Rralter Dansby Cecelia Speer Delena Dayie Ciiy of �.Fort i�'orth, �'e�as i�I�yar ��d� �our��i� ��mr�u��c��io� DATE REFERENCE NUMBER L�G NAM� PAGE 1018102 C_'i 92�� , 38CDURT � � 1 of 2 5ug��c� - A�OPTiON OF AN APPROPRIATI�N ORDINANCE AND AUTHORIZATION TD REN�W AN 1NTERL4CAL AGREEMENT WlTH THE F�RT V'VORTH INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT (FW�SD) FOR THE FUNDING OF A MUNIGIPAL ATTENDANCE C4URT TiJ ADJUDICATE FW1SD TRUANCY CASES RECOMMENDATI�N: it is recomm�nded that tne City Council: 1. Auth�rize the City IlRanager ta �xecute a rer�ewal of the lnterlacal Agreement with the �ort Wo�th�� Indep�ndent School District (FWfSD) fior the City �to pravide an Attend�nca Court to adjudicaf� �W1.SD truancy cases; and ' 2. A,utharize fhe City Nfanager fo acc�pt reimburs�ment from the FW15D in #he amount at $448,2i 5.30 for all persannel and ather casts associat�� v�ritl� implementation and o�eratiot� of �the �abo�e- mentianed Attendance Criurt in FY2QQ2-2043-; and � 3. Adopt fhe attached apprapria#ion ordinance increasing estimated r�ceipts an� apprapriations in the amaunt af $446,29 5.30 in the Gene�al Fund from available funds. � DISCLJSSI�N: The Compreherisive Trua�cy Interventian Program �GT�P) is a jainf �ffart of the FWISD, the Tarrant County District Attorney's Office, and the Fort Worth Poiice Department. Program objecti�es are designed to aggressively address tl�e #ruancy problem and inclucfe various effarts, by FWISD ta encaurage school attenc�ancs. Students who are truant are subjeci to fhe filing. of a Class C Misdemeanor offe�se aga�nst them and their parenfs. Effecii�e wi#h creation af the Attendance Court in April 20�1 {M&G G-18472}, ti�e tr�cancy cases are �filed in Fort Worth Municipal.Court�. Th�e �WISD requested that the City provide an Afitendance Caurt dedicated to hear truancy cases only. FW1SD agrees to reimburse t�e Ci�y for aIl personnel and ofher operatianal costs associated with iinplementation and operation of t�e Attendance Court, Addi#ionally, �WISD will provide, at its soie cos�, a site tor th� Attendance Court. TF�e estimated cost for FY2D02-2003 is ap�roxEmately $446,215.30. . � TY�� Inierlocal Agreement wiil pro�id� the folCowing: a) TF�e Attendar�ce Caurt established under the Fork Worth Municipa] Caurt wilE ha�e primary jurisdiction o�er a11 FW[S� truancy cases; and � � b) FWISU will func{ all costs associated with the esta6lishment and day-to-day �opeTation of the, Attendance �aurt fo include staff salaries an� other operational casts; and ` �'ity o�1�'ort �Vo�t�i, T'exas �l� or �r�d Cou�cil Co��u�«a�tio� � � . DATE REFERENCE I�UMSER LOG I�AM� 38COl�RT � FAGE , � Qfi 2 i oraro2 C-192�6 SUBJEG7 ADOPTiON �F AN APP OPRIATION �RDINANC� AND AUTHOR]ZAT[ON TO �� REN�W AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE FORT 11VORTH INDEPENDEfVT --. SCH��L DfSTRIGT (FWISD) FOR THE FUNDING 4� A MtJNlCIPAL ATTENDANCE COURT TO ADJUDiCATE FWISD TRUANCY GASES c) FWiSQ wi[l provide a site for the Aitendance Court that is acceptable to the City; a�d d} Any fines col[ected far these viafations wiii 6e allocated aetween t�e FWiSD and the City � according to state law; and � e) ExecufEon of th� Interiocal Agreement is contirigent upon receipt af approval and funding firom the FWISD 5chool Board. FISCAL INFORMATIONICERTlF1CATION: The Finance Director �certifiies that upon ado�tion a� tt�e attached appropriatian ordinance, funds will be avaiiable in the FY20D2-2Q03 operating hudget, as appropriaied, af the General F�nd. The Fork Worih Mi�nicipa) Court wili be responsible for the col�ection ot aIl funds due the City. LW:n u Submitted far City Manager's Office by: Libby Wafson ' • 6183 Originating Department Head: , E1sa Paniagua AdditionaJ Inform�iion Cantaet. � Eisa Paniagua ,� 6711 b711 k'UT'VD I ACCDUNT I (tQ) GG01 431120 GGQ1 Various {ftom} CENTER I AMOLFN7.' 438100Q $446�215.30 0381000 $44fi,2'15.3fl CITY S�CRETARY APPROVF.sD 1 �/[}8/02 (?RD.#� I52S2