HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 28231�(�N7� C� � � ��� '�I
C1TY Of� �O�T li�C�RTb, T��►� - r_.y.f
STAi��p►R� �1�����i1�NY �DR �NCIN��RING S�RI/IC�S
This AGREEMENT is between the Cfty of Fort Worth (the "CfTY"), and Trartsystems
Corporation Consultants, (the "ENGINEER"), for a PROJECT generally descri�ed as Design
Engineering Services for Intersection Impro�ements on Greenbelt Road at Triniiy Boule�ard.
ArYicle I
Scope of Serrrices
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A. The Scope of Services is set forth in Attachmenf A.
Ar#icle II
A. The ENGINEER's compensation is set forth in Attachment B.
A�#icle lli
iepms af Paym�n�
Payments to the ENGINEER will be made as follows:
�►, Invoice and f�aymenf
{1) The ENGINEER shall pro�ide the CITY sufficient documentation to
reasonably substantiate the invoices.
{2) Monthly invoices will be issued by the ENGINEER �or all work performed
untder this AGREEMENT. Invoices are due and payable within 30 days of
(3). Upon complefiion of services er�umerated in Article I, the final payment ofi
any balance will be due within 30 days of r�ceipt af the final invoice.
(4} ln the event of a disp�ted or contesied billing, only that portion so contested
will be withheld from payment, and the undisputed portion will be paid. The
CITY will exercise reasonableness in contesting any bill or partion thereof.
Na interest will accrue on any contested portion of the billing untif mutually
{5} if the CiTY fails to make payment in �ull to tF�e ENGINEER #ar billings
cantested in good faith within 60 days af the amount due, the ENG{NEER
may, after giving seven (7) days' written notice to CITY, suspend services
under this AGREEMENT untii paid in full, including interesfi. In the event of
suspensian of services, th� ENGINEER shall haue no liability io CITY for
delays or damages caused the CfTY becaus� of such suspension af
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A�icle 11�
�blfg�iions of ihe �N�tiV��R
Amendmerits to Ar�icle IV, if any, are included in Attachment C.
Agreement, providing
inc�dental thereio.
�fianda�d o� Gare
serve as the ClTY's inspection represer�tative �nder this
consultation and ad�ice and furnishing customary services
The standar� of care applicable #o the ENGiNEER's services will be the degree of
skill and diligence normally employed in the Stat� of Texas by prafessional
engineers or consultants pertorming the same or similar services at the time such
services are performed.
�ubsurr�ace Investigafiio�s
(1} The ENGINEER s�all advise the CITY with regard to the necessity for
subcontract woris such as special surveys, tests, test borings, or other
subsurtace investigations in connection with design and engineering work to
be perFormed f�ereunder. The ENGINE�R shall also advise the CITY
concerning the resuits vf same. Such surveys, tests, and investigations
shalE be furnished by the CITY, unless otherwise specified in Attachment A.
(2) In sails, faundation, groundwater, and ather subsurtace investigatinns, the
actual characteristics may vary significantly between successive test points
and sample intervats and at locations other than where abservatians,
exploratior�, and investigations have been made. Because of the ir�herent
unce�tainties in subsurFace evaluatior�s, changed or unanticipated
undergra�nd conditions may accur that could affect the #otal PROJEGT cost
andlor exeeutian. These conditions and costfexec�tion effects are not the
respansibility of the ENGINEER.
Pr�epa�afion of Enginee�ing �raaeings
The ENGINEER will provide to the CITY the ariginal drawings of al� plans in ink on
reproducible p�astic film sheets, if reqt�ired under the Scope of Services, or as
otherwise approved by CITY, which shall become the praperty of the CiTY. CITY
may use st�ch drawings in any manner it desires; provid�d, howe�er, tha# the
ENGINEER shaEl not be iiable for the use of s�ch drawings for any project other
than t�e PROJECT clescribecf herein.
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�. �ngineer�ing Pe�sonnel at ConsfiPucfiian Sifie
(1) The presence or duties of the ENGINEER's personnel at a constructior► site,
whether as on-site representatives or othe�uvise, da not make the
ENGfNEER or its personnel in any way responsifole for those d�t'res tf�at
belong to the CITY andlor the CITY's construction cantractars or a#her
entities, and da not relieve the cQns#ruction contractors or any ather entity o�
their ahliga#ions, duties, and responsibilities, 'rncluding, but not limited to, aH
construction methods, means, techniques, sequences, and pracedures
necessary for coardinating ar�d completing all portions of the construc�ion
wark in accordance with the Gontract Documents and any health or safety
precautions required by s�ch constructior� wark.
(2) Except to the extent of specific site �isits expressly detailed and set far#h in
Attachment A, the ENGINEER or i#s persann�l shall have no obligation or
responsib�lity to visi# the construction site to become famiiiar with the
progress or quafity of the completed work on th� PROJECT or to determine,
in general, if the work on the PROJECT is being performed in a manner
indicating that #he PRQJECT, whe� campleted, wi�l be in accordance with
the Contract Documents, nor shall anything in the Contract Documents or
the agreemer�t between CITY and ENGINEER be construed as requiring
ENGINEER ta make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspectior�s to
disco�er latent defects in ti�e work or atherwise check the quality or quantity
af the wor� on the PROJECT. If, for any reason, the ENGINEER should
ma4ce an on-site observation(s}, Qn the basis of such an-site observations, if
any, the ENGINEER shall endea�or to keep the CITY informed of any
deviation from the Contract Doeuments coming to the actual natice of
ENGINEER regarding the PRO.iECT.
(3) When professiona� certificafion or p�rformanc� or chara�teristics of
materiafs, systems or equipmeni is reasonabiy required to perform the
services set farth in the Scope o# Services, the ENGINEER shall be erttitled
to rely upon sue#� certi�cation to establish materiais, systems or equipment
and performance criteria to �e required in the Contract Documents.
�. apinions o� P�o[aable Cost, �inanci�l Gonside�aiions, �nd 5chedules
(1) The ENGINEER s#�alE pra�ide opinions of prabable costs based an tF�e
current available information at the time of preparation, in accordance with
Attachment A.
(2} In pro�iding apinions of eos#, #inancial analyses, economie feasibility
projections, and schedules for the PROJECT, the ENGINEER has no
contraf over cost or price of Eabor and materials, unkno►nm or latent
conditions of sxisting eq�ipment or struc�ures that may affect ope�-ation or
, maintenance costs; competitive bidding procedures and market conditions,
time or qua�ify or perForrnance by third parties; quality, type management,
or directiQn of operating personnel; and other econom�c and operational
factors ihat may materially affect the ultimate PROJECT cost or scheduEe.
Therefore, the ENGINEER makes no warranty that the ClTY's actual
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PR4J�CT costs, financia� aspects, ecanomic feasibility, or schedules will
not �ary from the ENGINEER's opinions, analyses, projections, or
t9. Con�firucfiion P�ogress Paymenfis
Recommendations by the ENGINEER �o the CITY for periodic canstruction
progress payments to #he construction cantractor will be based on the
ENGINEER's knovuledge, infnrmaiion, and belief from selective sampling and
obser�ation that the wor� has progressed to the point indicated. Such
recommendations do not represent �hat cantinuous or detailed examinations have
been made by the ENGfNEER to ascer�ain that the construction contractor has
completed the work in exact accordance with the Contract Documents; ihat the fina[
work will be acceptable in a11 respects that the ENGINEER has made an
�xaminatian ta ascertain how or for what purpose the canstructian cantractor has
used the ma�eys paid; tha# title #o any of the work, materials, or equipment has
passed to #hs CITY free and clear of liens, claims, security interests, or
encumbrances; or that #here are not other matters at issue between fih� CITY and
the cons#ruction contractor that affecf the amaunt that sho�tld be paid.
b. Record Drawings
Record drawings, �f required, will be prepared, in part, on the basis of information
compiled and fumished by ot#�ers, and may not always represent the exact location,
type of various components, or exact manner in which the PRDJECT was finally
constructed. The ENGINEER is not respansibl� �or any errors or omissions in the
infarmation from others that is incarporated into #he record drawings.
I. fiAinori�y and �doman �usiness �n��pp�ise (NYN�l��) Pariicipafiion
In accord witM tha City af Fort Worth �rdinance No. 11923, as amended by
Ordinance 13471, fihe C1TY has goals for the participation of minority business
enterprises and woman business enterprises in CITY contracts. ENGINEER
acknowtedges the MIWBE goa! �sta6lished far t�is contract and its commitment to
meet that goal. �1ny misrepresentation of facts (other than a negligent
misrepresentation) andlor the comm�ssion of fraud by the ENG�NEER may result in
the termination of this agreemer�t and debarment from participating in CITY
con#racts for a per�od of time of not less than three (3} years.
J. Righf �o Audii
(1) �NGINEER agrees that the CITY sha[I, until the �xpiration of three (3) years
afiter final payment under this contract, have access ta and the right to
examine and phatocopy any directly pertinen# baoks, documents, papers
and records of #he ENGINEER in�al�ing transactions relating to this
contract. ENGINEER agrees that the CITY shall ha�e access during normal
working hours to all necessary ENGINEER facili#ies and shall be provided
adequate and apprnpriate workspace En order to conduct audits in
cnmpliance with the pro�isions af this section. The CITY shall gi�e
ENGINEER reas�nabie ad�rance notace of intende� audits.
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(2) ENGINEER further agrees to include in all its subconsultant agreemenis
hereunder a prar►ision tv the effect that the subconsuitant agrees that the
CITY s�all, unfil the expiration af three {3} years after finaf payment under
the subcontract, have access to and the right to examine and photocopy
any directly pertinent books, documen�s, papers and recor�s of such
subcansultant, involving transactians ta the subcontract, and further, tf�at
the CITY shall have access during normal working hours ta all necessary
subconsultant facilities, and shal! be provided adequate and appropriate
wa�k space, in order to conduct audits in compliance with the provisians of
this article togeth�r with subsection {3) hereof. CITY sha11 give
subconsuitant reasana�le advance notice of �ntended audits.
(3) ENGINEER and subconsultant agree to photacopy such documents as may
be requested foy the GITY. The CITY agreas to reimburse ENG�NEER for
the cost of copies at the rate pub[ished in th� Texas Administrative Cade in
effect as of the time copying is performed.
kC. �NGIR���R'S Insu��nce
{1) lns�rance coverage and limits:
ENGINEER shall pro�ide ta the CfTY ce�tifica#e(s} of insurance documenting
poiicies of the folEowing coverage at minim�m limits which are to be in effect prior to
commencement of wor� on #he PROJECT:
Commercial General Liability
$1,OQ0,000 each occurrence
$1,Oa0,OQ0 aggregate
Automobile Liability
$1,00O,OOD each accident (or reas�onably ec�uivalent limits of co�erage if wriiten on
a split limits basis). Coverage shall be on any vehicle used in the course of the
UVorker's Compensation
Caverage A: statutory limits
Coverage B: $104,D00 each accident
$�00,�0� disease — policy limit
$100,000 disease — each employee
Professional Liabi�ity
$1,000,400 each claimlannual aggregate
{2) Certi�icates of insurance evidencing that the ENGINEER has ob#ained a!I
required insurance shall be deli�ered to the CITY priar to ENGINEER
proceeding with the PROJECT.
(a} A�plicable policies shaiE be enforced ta name the CITY an Additional
insured thereon, as its interests may appear. The term CITY shall
inclucle its employees, officers, officials, agents, and �olunteers as
respects the contracted services. _
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(b) Ceriifiicate(s} of insurance shall document that insurance coverages
s�ecified according ta Sect�tir� J.(1� and J.�2) o# this AGREEMENT
are pravided under applicab�e policies documented thereon.
(c) Any failure an
part af the C1TY to request required insurance
5hafl not constitute a waiver of fihe insurance
(d) A minimum af thirky (30) days notice of cancellation, non-renewal or
material change in coverage shaA be pro�ided to the CITY. A ten
(�0) days notice shall be acceptable in the event af non-paym�nt of
premium. Such terms shall be endors�d onto ENGINEER's
Insurance policies. Notice shaEl be sent �o the respectiv�
Department Directar (by name), City flf Fart Worth, 1000
Th�ockmorton, Fort Worth, Texas 76102.
(e) Insurer�s for all pa�icies must be authorized to da business in the
State of Texas or be otharwise approved by the CITY; and, such
insurers shall be acceptable io the CiTY in ierms of their financisl
strength and solvency.
(� Deductible fimits, or se[f ins�ared retentions, affecting insurance
required herein may be acceptable to the CITY at its sole discretion;
and, in lie� of traditianal insurance, any alternative coverage
maintair�ed thraugh ir�surance poals or risk retention groups must be
also appro�ed. �edicated financial resources or letters of credit may
also be accepfable ta t#�e CITY.
�g} Appficable policies sha11 each be endorsed with a waiver of
subrogation in favor af the CITY as respects the PRQJECT.
(h) The CITY s�all be entitled, upon its request and without incurring
expense, to review the ENGINEER's insurance policies incluc�ing
endorsements thereto and, at the CITY's discrefion, the ENGINEER
may be req�ired to pravide proof of insurance premium payments_
(i) The Commercial General Liability insurance policy sha11 have no
exclusions by endorsements unless such are appro�ed by the CITY.
{j) The Professional Liability insurance policy, if written on a claims
made basis shal! be maintained by the ENGINEER for a minimum
two (2) year period subsequent to th� term of the respecti�e
PROJECT cantract with the C[TY unless such coverage is provided
the ENGINEER on an occurrence basis.
(k) The CITY shall not �e responsible for the direct paymen# of aRy
insurance premiums requir�d by this agreement. It is understaod
that insurance cost is an al4owable component of ENGINEER's
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(I) All insurance require� in Seciior� .;., except for the Professional
Liability insurance policy, shall be written on an occurr8nce basis in
order to be appro��d by the CITY.
(m) Subconsultar�ts t� the ENGINEER shall be required by fhe
ENGINEER to maintain t�e same or reasonab�y equivalent
insurance cvverage as required for #f�e ENGINEER. Wher�
insurance coverage is ma9ntained by subconsultants, ENGINEER
shall provide CITY wiih documentation thereof on a ce�tificate of
insurance. Naiwikhstanding anything to the contrary contained
herein, in the eveni a subconsultant's insurance coverage is
canceled or iarminated, s�ch cartcellation or termi�ation shall not
canstitute a breach by ENGINEER of the Agreement.
L. Ir�dependenf Cor�sul4an4
The ENGINEER agrees to pertorm all services as an independent co�sultant and
nat as a subcontractor, agent, or employee of the CITY.
lVY. [?isclasure
The ENGINEER acknowledges to the CITY that it has made full disclosure in
writing of any existing conflicts of interest or potentia[ conflicts af interest, inc6uding
�ersonal financial interest, direct or indirect, in property ahutting the proposed
PROJECT and business relationships with abut#ing proper�y owners. The
ENGlNEER further ac�nowledges t�at it wiil make disciosure in writing of any
conflicts of interest w�ich de�elop subsequent to the signing of this contract and
prior to fiinal �aymen# �nder the contract.
IV. Asbesfios or Hazardous Subsfances
{1) If asbestos or hazardous substances in any form are e�cauntered ar
suspec#ed, the ENGINEER will s#op its own wor�C in the affected portions of
#he PROJECT to permit testing and e�aluation.
(2) If asbestos ar other nazardous substances are suspected, the ENGINEER
will, if requested, assEst the CITY in obtaining the services af a q�aalified
subcontractor to manage the remediation actiuities of the PROJECT.
O. Permi�ing �u4hori�ies — Design Changes
If permitting authorities require design changes so as to comply with pu�fished
design criteria ar�dlor current engineering practice standards which the ENGINEER
shoukd ha�e be�n aware of at the time this Agreement wa� exect�ted, the
ENGINEER shall re�ise plans and specifications, as required, at its own cost and
expense. Hawev�r, if design changes are required due to the changes in the
permitting autho�ities' published design criteria ar�dlor practice standards criteria
which are published after the date of this Agreement which the ENGINEER cauld
not ha�e been reasonable aware of, the ENGINEER shall �otify the CITY af such
char�ges and an adjustment in compensation wilf be made thraugh an amendme�t
ta this AGREEMENT.
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Obligations of ihe Gity
A. Gityd�urni�hed Dafi�
The CITY will ma�Ce available to the ENGINEER all technical data in the CITY's
passession relaiing to the ENGINE�R's seruices on the PROJECT. The
ENGINEER rr�ay rely upon the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness af the
informatian provided by the CITY.
�. Access to Facilities �nd P�ope�y
The CITY will make its facilities accessibfe to the ENGINEER as required for t�e
ENGINEER's performance of its services and will pravide labor and safety
equipment as required by the ENGINEER for such access. The CITY will perForm,
at no cast ta the ENGfNEER, such tests of equipm�nt, machinery, pipelines, and
other components of the CITY's facilities as may be required in connectian with the
ENGINEER's services. T�e CITY will be respansible for all acts of the CITY's
C. Ad�epi:isement�, Pe�mifis, �nd Access
Unless otherwise agreed to in the Scope of 5ef►rices, the CITY will obtain, arrange,
and pay for all advertisements for bids; permits and licenses required by local,
state, or federal authorities; and land, easemer�ts, rights-of-way, and access
n�cessary for the ENGINEER's services or PROJECT consfruction.
�. Yimely RevieF.e+
The CITY will examine the ENGINEER's studies, reports, sketches, drawings,
specfficatians, proposals, and other documents; obtain advice of an attorney,
insurance counselar, accountant, auditor, bond and financial ad�isors, and other
consultants as the CITY deems appropriate; and ret�der in writing decisions
required by the CITY in a timely manner.
�. ��omp4 P�o4ice
The CiTY will gi�e prompt notice ta the ENGINEER whenever CITY observes or
becomes aware of any �evelopment that affects the scope or timing of the
ENGINEER's services or of any defec# in the work af #he ENGINEER or
cortstruction contractors.
�. A�l�es�os or Ha�ar�dous Subsi:�nces and Indemnifica�ion
(1) To the maximum e�ctent permitted by law, the CITY wiil indemnify and
release ENGIN�ER and its officers, employees, and subcontractors from all
claims, damages, losses, and costs, including, bt�t r�ot lirriited to, attorney's
fees and litigation expenses arising out of or relatir�g to the presence,
d�scharge, release, or escape of hazardaus substances., conta�ai�nL�: or
-g- , �
asbestos on or from the PROJECT. Nothing coniained herein shall be
eonstrued ta require the C1TY to levy, assess or collect any tax to fund this
(2) The indemnification and release required above shall not apply in t�e event
the discharge, release or escape of hazardous substances, contaminants,
or asbestos is a resuit of ENGiNEER's negiigence or if such hazardous
substance, contaminant or asbestos is brought onto the PROJECT by
G. Co�tracio� Indemnific�fiion and Claims
The C�TY agr�es to include in all cor�structipn contracts t�e provisions of Article
IV.E. regarding the ENGINEER's Personnel at Construction Site, and provisions
pro�iding contracto� ind�mnification of the CITY ar►d the ENGINEER for
cantractor's negiigence.
a. Confieac�o� Claims and Thir�ddParty �ene�ci��ies
(1) The CITY agrees to include the follawing clause in all coniracts with
construction contractors and equipment or materia�s suppliers:
"Contractors, s�bcontractors and equipment and materials suppliers on the
PROJEGT, or ti�eir sureties, shall ma�n#ain no direct action against the
ENGINE�R, its officers, emplayees, and subcontrac#ors, for any claim
arising o�t of, in cannection with, or resulting from the engineering services
perFormeci. Only the CITY will be the benef�ciary of any undertaking by the
�2) This AGREEMENT gives no right or benefits ta arryone other than the CITY
and the �NGINEER and there are no third-party beneficiaries.
t3} The CITY wiil include in each agr�ement it enters into with any ather entity
or person regarding the PROJECT a pravision that such entity ar person
sha�l have no third-party beneficiary rights ur�der this AGREEMENT.
(4) Nothing contained in this section V.H. shal] be construed as a waiver of any
rig�t the CITY has to bring a claim againsi ENGINEER.
L Cl�l('s Insurance
(1 } The CITY may maintain property insurance on cer#ain pre-�xisting
siructur�s �ssaciated with the PR�JECT.
(2) The GITY wifl ensure tha� Buifders Ris�IinstallatFon ins�rance is maintained
at the replacement cost �alue of #he PROJECT. The CITY may pro�ide
ENGINEER a capy of the policy or documentation of such on a certificate ofi
(3) The CITY will specify t�tat the Builders Riskllnstallation insurance shall be
comprehensi�e in coverage appropriate to the PRO,�ECT ris�ts.
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J. �i�igafiion Assistance
The Scope of Services does not include costs af the ENGINEER for required or
rec�uested assistance to su�port, prepare, document, bring, defiend, or assasf in
litigation underta�er� or defended by ihe CITY. In the e�ent CITY requests such
services o# the ENGINEER, #his AGREE�IIENT shall be amended or a separate
agr�ement will be nego#iated between the parties.
I�, Ghanges
The CITY may make or approve changes within �he general 5cope of Services in
ihis AGREEMENT. lf such changes affect #he ENGINEER's cost af or time
required far performance �f the services, an e�uitable adjustmer�t w�ll be made
through an amendment #o this AGREEMENT with appropriate CITY a�proval.
A�icle VI
Gener�l Leg�l Pr�odisions
Amendments to Article VI, if any, are included in Attachment C.
A. Au4ho�i�ation �o �poce�ed
ENGINEER shall be authorized to �roceed with this AGREEMENT upon receipt of
a written Notice to Proceed fram the CITY.
�. Reuse of Pr°ojecfi �ocumenfis
A(I designs, drawings, specifications, docum�nts, and oth�r work products af the
ENGINEER, whether in hard copy or in electron�c form, are instruments of service
for this PROJECT, whether the PROJECT is comp[eted or not. Reuse, change, or
alteration i�y the CITY or by otf�ers acting through or on behalf of the CITY of any
such instruments of service wifhout the written permission of the EN�GINEER wifl be
at the CITY's sole risk. The final designs, drawings, specifica#ions and documents
shali be owned by the CITY.
C. �OPC� AI��J�lli@
The ENGINEER is not respansible for damages or delay in performance caused by
acts of God, strikes, loc�outs, accidents, or other e�enis �eyand the control of the
�. iepmir�a�ion
(1) This AGREEMENT may be terminated only by the City for canvenience on
30 days' written notice. This AGREEMENT may be terminated by either ihe
CITY or th� ENGINEER for caus� if �ither party fiails substantiaily to
perform through no fault of the other and does nat c�mmence correction af
such nonperformance within fi�e (5} days of written r�otice and diiigently
complete the correction thereafter.
.n �
(2) If this AGREEMENT is terminated for the canvenience of the CITY, the
ENGf NEER will be paid for termination expenses as follows:
(a) Cast of reproduc#ion of partial or complete studies, �lans,
specifications or other forms of ENGIN�ER's wor� product;
(b} Out-of-pocket expenses
microfi�m, electronic data
for purchasing storage containers,
files, and oti�er data storage supplies or
(c) The iime requirements for the ENGlNEER's personnel to document
the work unde�-way a# the time the CITY's termination for
con�enienc� so that the woric efFort is suitahle for long time sto�'age.
(3) Prior to proceeding with termination serviees, the ENGINEER will submit to
the CITY an itemized statement of all termination expenses. The CITY's
approval will be obtained in writing prior to proceeding with terminaiEon
Suspen�ion, �elay, or In�erruption to 1Nork
The CITY may suspend, delay, o�- interrupt the services of the ENGINEER fo� the
con�enience of the CITY. In the event of such suspension, delay, or interruption,
an equitable adjustment in the PROJECT's schedule, commitment and cost o� the
ENGINEER's personnel and subcon#ractors, and ENGINEER's compensation will
be made.
(1) The ENGlNEER agrees to indemn�fy ar�d defend the CITY from any lass,
cost, or expense claimecf by third parties for property damag� and bodily
injury, including dea#h, caused solely by the negligence or willful misconduct
a# the ENGINEER, its employees, officers, and subcc�n#ractors in cannectian
with the PROJECT.
(2) If #he negligence ar wiUful misconduct of bo#h the ENGINEER and the CITY
(or a persor� identified above for whom each is [iable) is a caus� af sucF�
damage or injury, the loss, cost, or expense shaii I�e shared between the
EIVGINEER and the CITY in �roportion to their relative degrees af
negligence or willful misconduct as determined pursuant #o T.C.P. & R.
Code, section 33.011(4} (Vernon Supplement 1996).
G. �ssignmenti
Neither party will assign all or any part af this AGREEMENT withaut the prior
written consent of the other party.
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H. In�e�p����tion
LimitatiQns on fEabifity and indemnities in this AGREEMENT are business
understandings between the parties and sha�l app�y to all the different theories of
recovery, including breach of cantract or warranty, tort including negligence, strict
or statutory liability, ar any other cause of actior�, except for willful misconduct ar
grass negliger�ce far limitations of liability and sole negligence for ir�demnification.
Parties means the CiTY and the ENGINEER, and their officers, employeas, agents,
and suBcontractors.
I, Ju�isdicfion
The law of the S#ate of Texas shalf govern the validity of this AGREEMENT, its
interpretation and perFormance, and any other claims related to it. T�e venue for
any litigation related to this AGREEMENT shall be Tarrant County, Texas.
J. Al�ernafie �ispufie �esolufiion
{1} Ail claims, disp�ates, and ather matters in question be#ween the CITY and
ENGINEER arising o�t of, vr in connection with this AGREEMENT or the
PROJECT, or any breach of any obliga�ion or duty of CITY or ENGINEER
hereunder, will be submitted to mediation. tf inediatiort is unsuccessful, the
claim, disPute or other matter in questions shall be submitted to �rbitratior� if
bath parties acting reasonably agree that t#�e amount of the dispute is likely
to be less than $50,000, exclusi�e of attorney`s fees, costs and expenses.
Arbitration shall be in accardance with the Construction lndustry Arbitration
Rules of the American Arbitratian Association or ather applicable rules of
the Association than in effect. Ar�y award rendered by the arbitrators fess
than $50,000, exclusive of attorney's fees, costs and expenses, will be final,
judgement may be entered thereon in any court ha�ing jurisdiction, and will
not be subject to appeal or modification except to the extent permitted by
Sectior�s 10 and 1� of the �ederal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C. 5ections 10 and
(2) Any award greater than $50,000, exclusi�e of attorney's fees, costs and
expenses, may be litigated by either party on a de nava basis. The award
shafl become fin�i ninety (90) days �rom the date same is issued. If
litigation is filed by either party within said ninety (9Q) day period, the award
shall become null and void and shall no# b� used by eitl�er party for any
purpose Fn the fitigation.
�. Se�e�abilify and Survir►al
ff any of the pro►►isions cor�tained in this AGREEMENT are held for any reason to
be in�alid, ilfegal, ar unenfiorceabie in any respect, such invalidity, ill�gality, or
unenforceability will not affect any other provision, and fhis AGREEMENT shalt be
eons�rued as if s�ch invalid, iElegal, or unenfarceable provision had never been
cantained herein. Articles V_F., VI.B, VI.�, VI.H, and VI.J shall su�vive termination
of this AGREEMENT for any cause.
-12- �
lE 'rAl�"
!a. 8bserve and Comply
ENGINEER shall at ali time observe and comply with al� federal and State laws and
reguiatians and with all CITY nrdinances and regulations which in any way affect
this AGREEMENT and fhe work hereunder, and shafl observe and comply with ail
orders, laws, ordinances and regulations which may exist or may be enacted later
by governing bodies having jurisdiction or authority for such enactment. No plea of
misunderstanding or ignorance thereof shall be considered. ENGINEER agrees to
defend, indemnify and hold harmless CITY and all of its officers, agents and
emplayees from and against all claims or liability arising out of the �ioiatian of any
such order, law, ordinance, or regulation, whether it be by itself or its employees.
A�ticle �Il
Attachmenfis, Schedule�, and Signa�ures
This AGRE�MENT, incEuding its attachments and schedules, constitutes the entire AGREEMENT,
supersedes all prior written or oral understandings, and may only be changed by a written
amendmeni executsd by both parties. The following attachm�nts and schedules are hereby made
a part of this AGREEMENT.
Attachment A- Scape of 5ervices
Attachment B - Compe�satiort
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G oria Pears�+
City Secret�ry
Gary Steinberger
Assistan# City Attorney
M rc . Ott
Assist r�t Ckty Man �ger
n--:.� � : «r.��� ►. .
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Robert D. Goode, P.E., Director
Transpartation and Pt�b{ic Works
Rau! P na III, .E.
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December Q2, 2002
Mr. Randy Burl�ett, P,E.
Transportation & Public Worlcs Dept.
Tra��ac Engineering
1000 Throcicrnorton Street
Ft. Worth, TX 76102
�e: In�ersec�ion %mprodements
Yrini�y Blr+d. & Creen �eit Rd., ��. l�orth, �'exas
Dear Mr. Burkett:
Tn accordance with your request we have pregared this proposal for engineering and surveying
services on the above referenced project far your consideration. Tn an effar� to defuae the sco�e of
seivices I have included our recommended improvements at this intersection. Our proposal is
based on innplementing all the b�low recnminendations.
�roposeci �ntersec'�ion improvements
Although the intersection has recently l�een reconstructed, there are a number of recomin�rtded
im�rovernents as the result of apparently unanticipated traffic patterns created by the Bell
helicopter traffic. There a�•e very heavy tra�fic mov�ments to and from the south onto Trinity
Blvd. via ihe two-lane Green Belt Rd. Extensive queues have been observed %r n.orthbaund
traf�c as we11 as eastbound left-turns and westbound right-tums. In addition, the iight corner
radii have further ditninis�ed the operation of the intersection. The City has recently made
temporary mndifications on the southwest corner to increase the radii. To better accomrmodate
the current traffic patterns, the following improveinents are recommended:
o Corzstruct a right-turn la�:e on Gt�eerxbelt. During all of the pealc periods the�-e are heavy
northbound left-tu� movements, nearing 400 vehicles per hour in the A.M. and P.M. peaks.
The lack of channelized iurn lanes for left a;�t1 right-turning traffic creates undue delays for
right turning traffic, which gets stuek in the queues for left-turnitag traffic. It is recominended
that a 400 foot right turn lane be constructed on the northbound approaeh. This propasal
includes the addition of this right turn lane to Greenbelt.
o I�ttprove car�ter �adii. The intersection was constructed with approximately 30-foot
corner radii. This, in conju�action wifh the narrow pavement on Green Belt Rd.
(approximately 24 feet}, required vehicles to make this turt�ing maneuver at very slow
speeds, reducing the efiiciency of the intersectioz�, particularly with the high turning
volumes. It is recommended that the corner radii be increase to at least 40 feet and the
south/east bound Iane on Green Beit Rd. be increased to 1G feet in width within 140 feet
or so of the intersection.
� E�te�xd tlze exrstirig deft-turn lc��xe lerxgth on Tri�aity Blvc�. The capacity analysis
indicates that this left-turn bay should provide at least 425 feet (approx 150' exists) of
queue storage based on curren.t trafiic volumes. WithaUt the extended turn lane, traffic
r�il1 frequently back out of the existing turn lane into the through trafFic lai�es. Tlus
proposal includes median modifications in Trinity Blvd. to lengthen this left turn lane.
500 W. 7th Sfreet, 5uite 600, Postal Unit #20 - Forf Worth, TX 761 02-4 7 73 • TeE: {817) 339-8950 • Fax: (817) 336-2247
� Co�avert tlze outside lane (Trinity Bdvc�) into an e.xcltcsive rigl�t-tu��x la�ae. With
peak hour right-turn movements ir� excess af 5�0 vehicles, there is a need for a separate
right-iuz-n Iaz�.e ai this intersection ta separate the slowing right-turning traffic from the
high-speed through frafiic. As through lrafiic volumes are currently fairly low at the
intersectian and the third eastbound through lane l�egins approximately 1,OQ0 feet west of
the intersection, it is recommended tha# starting at the west end of ths recent
improvements, the rightrnos� lane be marked out and that 6eginning at about 500 fee#
frona the intersection this lane be marked as a right tum anly lane. East of the
intersection the right most lane should also be marked out for approximately 100 feet to
reduce the lil�elihood of t��affie i.n. the right tzu•n lane travelir�g straight through the
intersection. Ulti.mately, if three tkn-ough lanes are found to be needed nn Trinity Blvd., a
separate right tu�n lane will need to be constructed. This proposal includes the
geornetrics, stripping a�d pave�nnent rraarkings for converting the existing outside lane into
a dedicated right.
� Insfall a large arraw (W1-?) sigr� orx tl�e nortlx side of tlie iritersectiorz. Motorists
n.orthbound on Green Belt Rd. cannot see the far side of the intersection and thus,
unfamiliar drivers may not realize it is a T inkersection. Placing fhis sign where it is
visible to drivers approaching the intersection should help irzxprove safety at the
� Grt�rli�zg. The interseciion is construcied on a fi11 section with side slopes beginning
iznn�ediately beyond the curbline. In order to pra�ide a level surface %r the placement of
signal poles, the controller and sidewalk ramps, ii is rccomrnended that a maximum 6: I
side slope be provided within 10 feet of the curb in the rli�inity of the intersection. This
proposal includes drainage and grading improvements to widen Greenbelt and reIated
intersection improvements at Txinity Blvd.
Propased �ngineering and Surdeying �ervices
1. Surveying
� Topographical ................................. $5,660.00
2. E�gineering
� Engineeri�ngPlans ........................... 13,140.00
� Specifications ................................ 2,700.00
� Bidding assistance.. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . .... 1,240.00
• Reimbursahles . . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . .. 1,37S.QQ
Subio�al $18,455.00
Total $ Z4,ll5.00
We ha�re also included a spreadsheet that shows a breakout of man-hours by phase and task, If
yau should have any questions please feel free to cantact me.
Intersection Improvemenis
Trin�ty Bl�d. & Green Belt Rd., Ft. Warth, Texas
Methad of Paym�nt for Lump Sum Compensation
The �NGINEER shall he paid in tl�ree partial payments as autlined below:
ParCial Payment Number 1, which shall be equivalent to 50% of the total lump sum %e, shall be
payabie after submittal oiPreliminary Construction Plans and Opinian of Probable Cost
Partial Payme�t Number 2, which shall 6e equivalent to 90% of the total lump s�rn fee, �ess
previous payrnents, shall be payable after submitta! oiFinal Construction Plans and Specifications.
Partial Payment Number 3, which shaI! be equivalent to 100% af the tatal lump sum fee, less
prev�ous paym�nts, shall be payable after approval by City of Final Plans and Speciflcations.
C:II?ocuments and 5ettingslrpena.A-EIMy DocumenfslMy Documentslproposals1greenbelk ATTACIiMENT B.doc