HomeMy WebLinkAboutContract 282321 /'3 I. LEA�E AGREEI�ENT (;��'� �����'��� � - .� V \✓��3��\d� �� m c-'_' _ _ ...y SECTTON 1. PAR.TZES THIS LEASE is entered into by and between the City ofFort Worth, Texas, a home-rule municipal corporatian situated in Tarran# and Denton Counties, Texas, hereinafter called "Lessor," ac�ing herein by and t.hrough , its duly authorized Assistant City Maiaager, and �HAlV'li��liT FAIIVER, �TAC�Y �AI+TDS &i ROB�RT D�TY hereiwafter referred to as "Lessee". � SECTION 2. � LEASED PRE�II�ES For a.nd in consideration af the re�tal payments to be paid hereunder and the agre�ments a£the parties expressed h�rein, Lessar does hereby Iease, Iet and demise the property described as fallows: 89� HARNiO1�T ROAD more specifically described as: An 8.99 acre ixact of l�nd situated in the iames A Ash€ord Survey, Abstract No. 177b Tarrant County, Texas, as recorded in Volume 7776, Page 1132 af Deed Records af Tarrant County, T�xas and the improvements located thereon, cammaniy knowr� as 895 Harmon Road, Fort Worth, Texas 76177, and more specially described in Ez�ki�it "A", attached h�reto and incorporated herein. The properry described together with any and all stxuctures, improvements, fixtures and appurtenances an, over and under said property shall be referred to herein as the "L�ased Premises". SEC'T�O1�T 3. LEASE TER11�I This lease sha�l be %r a period af one (1) yea.r commencing DECE�I '�BER 1. 2009�F and terminating on 1�QVEMBER 30, 2003. unless a prio� termination is effected by either party b.exeto pursuant to the termination prov,isions expressed hereiva. This lease may be renewed for a ma�naum of two (2) successive periads of one (1j y�ar each, provided that Lessee provides L�ssor with written natice of its intent to renew on ar before thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of #he term af the lease or any successi�e renewal thereof. The specifi�d written natice shall b� ef�ective upon receipt by Lessar. The terms set fort� herein shall gavam and cantrol th� relatianship o€ the parties hereta during a.ny renewa� p�riod, e�cept the rentai amount, which may he adjusted to iair mar�et val�e. LESSOR RE�ERV�S THE R�GHT TO T�RIVIII�ATE THE LEA�E AT THE E�TD OF THE TER�VI QR ANY S�CCES�ZVE, REl?�E4�A�,L THEREOF REGARDLE�S OF,� �EE'� Il�TEl�T TU �iE1�TE�., �ECTIO�T 4. REIiT'�'AL ]PAY11�E1lTTS As consideration for this lease, Lessee agrees ta pay Lessor mont�ly rental payments in the sum o�r 1�TIrTE HUI�TDI�D Dollars ($900.001 said rent payabl� montl�.ly and due in advance of the first day oi each month, Payments must be received at th� Avia�ion Department, 4201 N. Maiz�, S�ite 200, Fort Wort�, Texas 76106 during normal working �vu��-�� �� du� d�te. Rent .. � ' _, shall be considered past due if Lessor has not received full� payment liy the tenth (10�') day of �ach manth for which payment is due. Lessar wi�l assess a late p�nalty charge of ten percent (10%) of the rental payments due per manth in addition #� the entire month's rent for �ach mon#h %r which rent is past due. SECT�OI� �. DEPO�IT (A}Lessee has deposited with Lessor, the sum of �4�0.00 receipt of which is acknowledged by Lessor, as security far the full and faiti�ful perfo:rmance by Lessee af the terms, conditions, and covenants of this l�ase on Lessee'� part to be performed and k�pt. This de�osit does not constitute advance payment o� the final rental payment due under this lease, unl�ss the express conditions specified in Subsectinn (� are met. (B} Les�or agrees to hold such deposits £or Lessee, and it is understaod that Lessor's clairr� to such depasits shall be prior to any cr�ditor of Lessee, excluding a�-u�tee in bankruptcy. (C) E�cluding the final rental paym�nt to be made under this lease, if at an,y time during the lease term, Lessee defaults in the payment of rent or any partion of rent reserved in thi�s lease, or of any other sums expressly canstituting rent, other th�n advance r�ntal �ayments, Lessar may appropriate and apply any portian of the security deposit as may be necessary to the paynnent af the overdue rent ar ather sums expres�ly constitu�in� rent under this lease. (D)If at any time during the lease terno, Lessee should fail to repa.ir any damage ta the leased premises that Lessee is requir�d to r�pair under the terms of this lease fo:r a period grea�er tl�a.n thirty (30) days after Lessor serves on Lassee written demand ta make suc� repair, then L�ssor ma.y appropriate and apply any portion of the s�curity deposit as may be reasanabiy necessary to make such repairs. � (E) If o� termination of this #e�ancy for any reason, Lessee does not leave the leased premises in a reasonably clean conditio� and in good r�pair, excludin� normal wear at�d tear, then Lessor �nay apprapriate and apply any portion of th� security �eposit as may be reasonably necessary to put the prernises in ciean condition and goad repair. As used in this lease "normal wear aud teax" means deteriorataon that results £rom the intended use o£ dwelling, and does nat include deterioratio:n t�at results from negligence, carelessness, accident, or abuse af the premises by Lessee, by a member of Lessee's household, or by a requ�st of Lessee. - (F) In th� �vent actual cause �xists for retaining a11 or a.riy portion of the security deposit, Lessor shall return the balance of the security deposit, if any, together v�rith a written description and itemized list of all deductions. Such d�ductions shall be [imited to damages and charges for which Lessee is Legally liable under tiiis agreement or as a result o£ breacliing th.is agreement. Lessor s�all not be required to furnish a description and itemized list oi deductions if there are any rentals due and unpaid at the time Lessee surrenders possessio�n o£the premises and t�ere is no controversy over the amouz�t o£rentals due and unpaid. , �' � .�. 2 _... - . .� � � (G)VVithin thirly (30) days o£when Lessee surrenders the premises, any xemaining partion oithe security, after any lavv£ul deductians as aba�e, shaIl be returned to Lessee directed ta the addr�ss l�ft by Lessee specifically far such purposes. HOWEVER, LESSEE SHALL NOT BE ENTITLED TO A1�TY PORTIOI�T OF THI� SECiTRI'1`Y DEP05IT �i� A RErU�TD iJ1�TLE�S LESSEE GIVES LES�OR THIRTY (30} 1?AY� V�RITTEPI 1�OTTCE OF INTEl�TT T4 SURRE�TDER T`HE PREI�ISES. (H) Should Lessor trans%r Lessor's inter�st under this lease in any rr�anner, Legsor must do one of the following acts, either of �rhich will relieve Lessor of further liability with respect to such deposits: (1) Transfer the portian af such depasit remaining after any lawFul deductions, as a}�ove, to the�successor in�interest, and thereafter notify Lessee by registered rnail af the transfer and the transferee's name and address. On receipi of Lessee of a statement signed by the successor in interest acknowiedging areceipt of and responsibility £or the deposits, Lessor's successor in interest shall have all of the obligations of Lessor vvith respect to such deposits; or (2) Return to Lessee the portion of such deposits remaining after any lawful deductions have been made. (I) If Lessee ha� provided notice o� surrender oi the Leased Premis�s in accordance with Subsection (G) het-ein, and Lessor, in its sale discretion, determines that the leased pre�nises are in satisfactory condition and ha.ve been maintained in goad repair, Lessee may el�ct to ha.ve the balance vf the security deposit applied to Lessee's final payment due under this lease agreement. �EC1'�Uli� 6. . PAYli�IEI'�T �F UTII.ITIES Le,�see shall be responsible for the payment of all utilitfes. Lessee must pay promp#ly, a� they b�came due, all charges far the fiirnishing of water, sewer, gas, electrieity, garbage service, and other public utilities to the leas�d premises duri�.g the term of this lease. SECTI41�i �. Tt�XES Lessee shall pay pramptly all taxes, monthly charges, assessments anc�lar le�ies of an� nature or character whatsoever which may be Iawfully assessed, taxed, levied or made against t�e leasehold estate hereby crea#ed and/or any improvernents or personal pxoperty located an the Leased Premises. SECTIOI� �. , RE�IDEI'�TIAL The Leased Premises shall be used solely and excl�tsively for private residential purpvses far Lessee and tl�eir immediate £amily. Lessee fur�her agree� t�at Lessee shall not canduct any commercial use at ��e Leased Premises without prior written approval o£ Lessor and any unauthorized comme�cial use shall constitute a breach of this lease. 3 ��. _ � SECTIOI�T 9. E�CTIOl\T AI�TD ABAIlTDOl�T1�iEll�T A. Lessor shall be entitled to instiiute proceedings to evict Lessee from the premis�s, at any time that Lessee is in default under this lease or hotds over after t�e expiration of the lease term or any successive renewal terms, and Lessee hereby specifically waives any righ�s it may have to the follo�ring: 1. Notice by Lessor of termination vithe tenancy; 2. Any notice to vacate ar quit �he p:remises �.s specified in the Texas Property Code, �ectian ��4.oas (a); a.nd 3. Any other natic�s r�quired by law. B. In th� ev�nt the Leas� is t�rmi.nated for any reasan or Lessee abandons or is evicted from the . premis�s, Lessar shall not be responsible far any real or persona.l property of Lessee rernaining on the premises at the time of said e�viction, abandonment ar temunatian, a.nd said persanal property shall be deemed aba,ndoned by Lessee if it :remains on the premise� at any time subsequent to tha termit�ation of Lessee's iawFul possessinn of the pr�mises. SECTI�I�T 10. � C011�IPLIAI�TCE WITH LAWS A�iTD REGULATION� Lessee shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances and r�gulations prevailing in the jurisc�iction in wluch the Leased P:remises are located, including but not limited to federal, state, local �aws and the City ordinances, rules, regu,latians and specif cations. SECTIOI*T 11. REPAIRS A. Lessee agrees that Lessee shall maintaiu the Leased Pr���es and keep same in good repair at Lessee's sole cosi and expense. All maintenance, minor repairs and upkeep oi the Leased Premises shall b� in accordance witl� a.11 applicable Iaws i�cluding City ordinances, rules, regulations, and specificat'rons. B. Lessor and Lessee agree that Lessee �vill repair or remedy aray of the following conditions that occur during the lease term or a renewal or egtension of the terrn provid�d the condition is not caused by the Lessor's negligence, such repairs and re�nedies �o be made at the Lessee's eapense; � 1} damage from wastewater sto�pages caused by fareign vr improper objects in lines that egclusively serve the Lessee's dwell�ng; 2} dam�ge to doors, windows, or screens; and 3) damage from windows or doors lcft ope�. This provision co�sti#utes a waiver of the Lessor's statutary duty to repair or re�edy such conditions under �ubchupter B, Chapter 9� of the Tegas Property Code. This wafwer is rnade knowiun�giy, vol�ntarily�, and for cou�sideration, receipt of which is acknowledged. This Provisian dacs not relieve tt�e Lessor of ti�c statutvey duEq under �ubcltapter B, Chapter 9�, af tl�e Te�as Property Code #o repair or remedy, at the Lessor's egpense, wastewater �toppages or baekups caused �y � � ,� 4 � � ,„ „ cieterioration, breakage, raots, ground conditions, faulty con:struction, or malfunctioming equxpment. C. L�ssor hereby agre�s to make any majar repairs to the premises up ta ihe amount of $1,500 per year upon written request of Lessee, however, if th� cost of the major repairs is more than $1,500, Lessar will determine, at its sole discr�tion, wheth�r ta repair the premises or natify the Lessee that the lease will tie terminated according to Section 16. SECTIOI�T �� Ho�.novEx If the Lessee holdsover after the lease ar rene�val periods expire, a month-to-month tenancy shall be cr�ated with all ather terms in this agreement remauung in effect, axcept that Lessor may give Lessee 5� days notice to terminate. �ECTIOl� 13. IlVIPRO VE�EI�T� Lesaee shall not construct any �m�rovements or structures. on the premises without the prior writien consent af Lessor, and all improvements constructed an the pren�uses sha.� be constr�,�cted at Lessee'� soie expense. Lessee must rnaintain and pratect alI impravements, st�uctures, fences or appurtenances existing on the Leased Premises. Lessee cav�r�ants and a.grees xhat Lessee shall rnot be entitled to anq reimhursement for the cost or value of said improvements, structures, fenees or appurtenances. Tt� addition, on or before il�e termination da.te of this lea,se, L�sse,� �hall be r�sponsible for re�noving any rea.� or persanal properiy owned or otherwise belonging to Lessee and nat deem.ed to be t�e property of Lessor. The re�noval of all real and personal prop�rty of Lessee shall be accomp�ished solely through Lessee's �fforts and in remaving any of Lessee's real or personal property fram the L�ased Prernises subsequent to the termination of t�us lease. The Lea.sed Presnises sha.11 be deemed to k�a.ve heen. abandoned by Lessee if Lessee does not us� and accupy said premises in accordance with the p�rposes oi this lease term or any successive renewal period. This lease' shall be terrninated upon the abandonment of the Leased Premises without notice to Lessee. SECTIOl�T 14. �1VIOI�E DETECTOR A. Lessor must install at Ieast one smoke detector in the Leased Premises in accordance with Sectians 92,255 and 92.ZS? o£the Texas Property Code. B. LESSEE �JAIVES THE RIGHTS AI�TD REI�IEDl�� SET FORTH Ili� SEC'TION 92.25� OF TBE PROPERTY CODE REGAItDIl�G LESSOR'S STATUTURY DUTY TO Il�T�PECT Al�'D REP�IR THE S1VIO�E DETECTOR IN�TALLED Il�i THE DWELLIl�TG. C. Lessee agrees to inspect the smoke detecto;r installed in the premises at the beginning of Lessee's possessio�. and a# regular intervals aithree (3) mont�s t�ereafter to deternune that it is in good working ord�r. Lessee rnust bear t�e cost of repairing the smake detector. 1 ",' �ECTIOiiT 15. A�SYG1�li�IEI'�T OR 3UBLEA�E� Lessee shall not assign or sublet this lease withrrut the prior written approval of Lessor, and any such unauthorized assignment or sublease shall constitute a breach of this lease. �ECTIOI�T 16. TERNIII�ATYONf Lessar shall ha�e the rigk�t to terminate this iease at any time for any reasan unrelated to Lessee's de�ault or breach of any of the terms expressed herein b� �iving Less�e thirty (30) days vy+ritten notice prior to the intended termination dat�. Lessor may terminate the lease immediateiy upon any de�ault or breach of any of the provisions hereunder without any prior notice to Lessee. Said notices shall be d�emed effective as of the date they are mailed. If Lessee elects to ternunate the lease because af any alleged defau�Y or breach by Lessor or any l�ase pravisions, Lessee shall be required to gi�e Lessor immediat� notice oi said intention in writing stating specifica�ly the reasons therefor and allawing Lessor thirty (3fl) days after the date oi Lessor's receipt o� such nQtice ta cure any or all defauii(s) or breach(es) sp�cified in saad natice. If the specified default(s} or hreach{es} of Lessor are cured �vvithin said thirty (30) day period, Less�e sha11 be deemed to have waived said specified default(sj or breach(es), �nd this lease shall continue to be effective unless terminated pursuant to some o�her provisians specified herein or by virtue of some subsequent uncured default or breach ofLessor, in which case Lessor shall be entitled ta any additaonal notice period requued by the terms of thzs lease. If this lease is termuinated under this Section, or as a result of the expiration of the lease term ar any renewal period, neither party shall have any fitrther obligation or liability to the other u�der this lease, except that Lessee s�a11 be liable for the breac� o£ any term, cavenant or condition coniained in this lease accurring prior to the date o� the surr�nder o£ �he �remises hy Lessee pursuant to the �ermination, Lessee shall be bound by the terms, covenants and candi�ions �xpressed herein until Lessee surrenders the premises rega�rdless oi whether the �ate of sunender coincides with the date of ternunatzon o£ the lease. The waiver �y Lessor of any default ar breach of a terrn, covenant or conditivn of tlus lease shall not be dsemed to be a waiver of any ather breach of that term, covenant or condition or of any other term, covenant or condition o£ this lease, regardles5 of when the breach occurred. Furth�r waiver by Lessor of any default ar breach of a term, covenant or conciition of this lease shall in no way impair the right of the Lesso:r to a�ail itself of any remedy for any s�bsequent breach thereo� SECTIOleT 17. Il�TDEM�IF�CATIOIeT LES�EE COVEI�TAI�TS AI�TD AGREES TO RELEASE, II�TDEIV�I�TIFY, HOLD HARN�T[,ESS A1�TD DEFEli�D LESSOR, iT� O�'F�CER�, AGENT�, SERVAI�TTS A1�TD EIVIPLOYEES, FRO1�I A1�dD AGA1Pi�T APTY A�TD ALL CLA�I� �R SUiTS F�R PROPERTY DA�iGE, PERSOI�'AL IATJURY, mR A1�IY OTHER TYPE �F L05� OR ADVER�E C01�1SEQUEI�CE RELATED ]N �iI�Y �JAY TO T� :��Ci[��I�� +' �F TffiS LEA�E OR THE U�E OR OCCUPAI�TCY UF THE LEASED P�1���s R'���:GESS C� + i � QF WHETHER TH� ACT OF 01VIIS�IQ�T COINIPLAII�ED OF RESIILTS FRO� THE ALLEGED 1�TEGLIGEl�TCE OR A1�TY OTHER ACT UR ONIISSIUN OF LE�SOR, LE��EE OR A1�TY THIIZD PARTY. �ECT�Oi�T 1�. Il�T�URAI�TCE It is l�ereby agr�ed that Lessee will provide Lessor with a certificat� of insurance documenting liability insurance at a minimum lzmit of $300,00� each occunence as respects the prQperty and premises addressed herein. The effective date of insurance caverage shall be comrnensurate with the term of the lease. Lessor shall be endorsed as an additiona.l insured in the certificate. The insurer of Lessee'� liability insurance shall be acceptable to the Lessor insofax as the company's financial strength and solvency. The policy providing liability insurance shall be endorsed to provide Lessor with a minimum thirty (30) day notice of cancellation, nan renewal or material change in coverage. Lessor's insurance requirements may be re�ised at Lessor's opt�on, and Lessee shall respond accordingly w�ithin thirty (30} days of Lessee's receipt of a writter� natice of such requiremen#. Any f�ilure on part of Lessor to request certifica�ion af insurance requued herein shall not be construed as a wa.iver of such requi�ement. �ECTIUN 19. I�OTICES All notices required �ereunder sha11 be sent ta Lessor at the following address certified mail, return receipt requested: Real Praperty Management Cit� of Fo�t Warth 927 Taylor Fort Worth, Texas 7b 1 Q2 All notices of Lesse� shall be sent to the following address certified mail, retum receipt requested: 895 Harmon Raad Fort Worth, Texas 76177 Mailing Qf all natices pursuant to this Section shall be d�emed sufficient ii mailed postage prepaid and addressed as specified above, unl�ss either party has �een notified in writi:�g of any change in the oth�r pariy's address. All time periods relatsd to any natice requirements specified in this lease shall commence either �n. the date notice is mailed or on the date notice is received by the party to whorn it is sent, depending on the terms speciiied in the Section requiring notic�. �;�� � �. 7 �' , _ � sEczzo� �o. , E1vTIRE AGREE1VIEli�T This lease sb�a�l constitute the �ntire agreement of the parties of this lease and shall supersede any priar agireements of said parties, either oral or writien, pertaining to the subject matter specified herein. SECTIOI�T �1. GOVERI'�Il�TG LAW A1�TD VE1�UE This lease and ihe :r�lationship created hereby shall be govarn�d by the laws of ihe State of Texas. Venue for any action brought to intetpret ar enfarca the terms o£ tlus lease or for a.ny breach of this lease shall b� in Tarrant County, Texas. SECT�41� ��, 1VIISCELLAli�EOU� PROVISIOI�S A. Ttus lease does nat give Lessee any right to use, mine, lease or otherwi�� d�rive any ben�fit from any oil, gas, coa1, gravel, minerals, trees or deposits of any type or nature, and title to a11 oi said substances shall remain in Lessoe. Tn addition, Lessee shall not have any right or claim to any damages ar �tber monetary compensatian for or related ta anp surface damage resulting from mining, drilling or other operations related to the remo�al of utilization of any such substances. B. Lessee shall not cammait z�or allow any waste to be committed.on the Lea.sed P:remises, nar shall Lessee maintain, cornmit or permi# �he maintena.nce or commissian of any nuisance on . the Leased Premises nor use the Leased Premises %r any un�awful purpo�e. C. Lessee hereby represents that Lessee takes the Leased Premises in good condition and the Leased Pr�mises are suitable for the purposes specified herein. Lessee hereby wa.ives the right to terminate this lea.se or sue %r dama.ges ar pnrsue any o�her remedy against Lessar based on any patent ar lat�nt defects in, to or Qn the premises. D. With respect to conditions that mater�ally affect the pbysical health o�- safety af an ardinary tenant, Lessor must malce a diligeni effort to repair or remedy the condition ff Lessee speci#ies the conditian in a nqtiee to the Real Property Management office, City o£ Fort Worth, 927 Taylor Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. Lessor is not required to repair or remedy such conditian if Lessee is delinquent in the payment af rent at tk�e tirne of giving n.o#ice a� the condiiion, other than normal wea�r az�d tear, was caused during tk�e lease term by Lessee or Lessee's family or guest. D. Lessar reserves the right to enter upnn the Leased Premises at alI reasonable times for �he purpose of inspecting the premises ar otherwi�se using t�e �remises, provided that any such entry does not canflict witk� Lessee's rights hereunder. This lease shall be binding on the heirs, successors a,nd lavvful assignees or �ut�lessees of Lessee and the successars or Lessor. Any person or enti�y usin� �r. o��u��+ing v�� Leased Premises wi�haut a lawFul assignment or subleasa shall be subject tc� a�J `tk�e�°re�p�ri�i'h�'s-i�iye� and �' liabilities a£ Lessee set forth hereunder and sha�l be subject to ail the provisions regarding tarmination and e�+iciion set forth herein. Any such person ar entity shalt �e deemed to be au ag�nt or representative of Lessee and shall be deemed #a have notice af the terms, co�en.ants, and canditions af this lease. SEC'TIOl�T �3. The term "Lessee" as used herein shall also includ� the agents, representa�iva, employees, in�itees and licensees af Lessee. �_ � STGNED this �'�ay of ATT`EST: 'r-+ l �Y� ���y.� _ �ity Secr ary � �¢�� . APPRO AS T F�R1V�[ AllTD LEGALITY; � Assist City Attorney Cont��ct A�utho�iz��ior� na�e -..- .�__,..��_., _�_ _.--_. , 2002. C�TY OF FORT WU Le�see: By: � SHANN�N FAUVE . By: . ��,1,�,r�,� �iI�1C"�J �- TACEY S �4 .,� �.,.. ........ B�: � ...� .��. � �i�=-� ROBERT DOTY � � '' ���.'+s � � �� I � � '; f � � �� y ?. , � °- , ' he ][ � I x Si�• / ' le �[ �6 ac � is ►c - - � ' .-, . 1 . � f ti� 1 • �a ie � . � ' (�r r`"� � �.s� � . � ,� �K �. ��,s� �J , a I � . � � �. . .r � � �°� - � , � �, � � ��� � � � �. �� �� - �� ��; �.�i� • . o� rR tx � • ,T��i"►c / .�,� I �R� , r� � ec r_ 1 ���F` , ,' I l- �+ --- -- . � � A'�l�b ' • \ � ' I= pPKlHS R�. C0. R0. �i05 . , Ill ao • ��_ �� � I r � � 10 • ' F9 �.� . ' I • ' I � , ' y I 111 7Y . /^ ' �..J I`. � acx � ¢ rr z / I� ? I ' a --� . ' . 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IS.f)� AC � � �� . \ . ,� :A �. _ _ / — — — -- - , `�. � I � � � � � . 1 .o �� 1 , . � v �� �`� N S�RA3, . . � P' O �p �'7 . A� '� . , N SA a3� . • . 1 �rw:.�c+��n..OcurtnWnrqra • ��� 1Td16�� Page I8 C'ity of .Fo�i Worth, T'exas f��yor ��d� �ou�n�i[ Gam�u�i�a�tio� DATE REFERENC� NUMBER LQG NAM� PAG� �����fl2 �`*L-1344'I ` 3dHARMON , 1 of 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE LEASE AGREEMENT FOR CITY-OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 895 HARMON ROAD WITH SHANNON FALJVER, STACEY SANDS AND ROBERT DOTY (DOE 0668) REC4MMENDATI4N: It is recommended that the City Council: �. Authorize #he Cifiy Manager to execute a lease agreement wifih Shannon Fauver, Stacey Sands and Robert Doty for the praperty located af 895 Harmon Raad for a cost �f $9Q0 per month, and 2. Authorize this agreement to begin December 1, 2002, and expire No�ember 30, 2003, with options to renew the lease for two one-year periods wi�h the prqvisian that the City may t�rmina#e this lease af the cortclusion of each term. DISCUSSlON: This proper#y, which is located within the 65 decibels LDN (day-night sound levefj, was purchased by the City to facilitate noise mitigation at Alliance Airport. The Engineering Department, Real Property 5ervices Division, at the request of fhe Aviation �eparfinent, marketed the property for lease. The monthly lease amount of $9Q� was established based upon the condition of the existing improvements, exposure fo the market, a�td location. After surveying fhe rental market, staff determi�ed that the fair marke# mo�tF�ly rental for the su�ject praperty is $9a0.OD. Revenue far the remainder of this fiscal year will be $9,000. Revenue through the end of the lease in FY2002-20Q3 will be $10,800. This property is locaied in Tarrant County, Mapsco 7X. FISCAL INFORMATIONICERTIFICATION: The Finance Director cer#ifies that the Engineering Department, Real Praper�y Services Dir��sion is responsible for the collection of funds due to the City under this agreement. MO:k Submitted #ar City Manager's Of�ce by: I FUND I ACCOUNT I CENTER � (to} I PE40 24QDQ7 DD00040 847G I � �157 � {from) � 5403 I AM�OUNT CITY SECRETAAY Ma�c Ott Qriginating Department Head: Dougias Raciemaleer Adtiitional Informa#ion Contact: Bridgette Garrett (Acting) $9,p00.4Q I APPROVLD l I/05/02 � � � �